Purposes of Art
Purposes of Art
Purposes of Art
Came from the Latin or! HUMANUS meaning human, cu"ture!, refne!
Has #arious connotation !epen!ing on the po"itica", economic, socia", artistic
an! cu"tura" forces that surroun! the !i$erent historica" eras
To!a%, humanities refer to a "oose"% !efne! group of cu"tura" su&'ect area
o Arts (
#isua" arts ) painting, scu"pture, architecture,
*erforming arts ( music, !ance, !rama, theater art
Purposes of art:
To Create +eaut%
To *ro#i!e ,ecorations
To -e#ea" Truth
To immorta"i.e
Some of the purposes of art:
To e/press re"igious #a"ues
To recor! an! commemorate e/perience
To create or!er an! harmon%
The elements of art:
Line : An e"ement of art that is use! to !efne shape,
contours, an! out"ines, a"so to suggest mass an! #o"ume0
It ma% &e a continuous mar1 ma!e on a surface ith a
pointe! too" or imp"ie! &% the e!ges of shapes an! forms0
o Characteristics of Line are:
2i!th ) thic1, thin, tapering, une#en
Length ) "ong, short, continuous, &ro1en
,irection ) hori.onta", #ertica", !iagona",
cur#ing, perpen!icu"ar, o&"i3ue, para""e",
ra!ia", .ig.ag
4ocus ) sharp, &"urr%, fu..%, chopp%
4ee"ing ) sharp, 'agge!, gracefu", smooth
Color: comes from "ight5 if it eren6t for "ight e ou"!
ha#e no co"or0 Light ra%s mo#e in a straight path from a
"ight source0 2ithin this "ight ra%s are a"" the ra%s of
co"ors in the spectrum or rain&o0 Shining a "ight into a
prism i"" create a rain&o of co"ors &ecause it separates
the co"or of the spectrum0 2hen the "ight ra%s hits an
o&'ect our e%es respon!s to the "ight that is &ounce! &ac1
an! e see that co"or0 4or e/amp"e a re! &a"" re7ects a""
the re! "ight ra%s0 As artist e use pigments in the form
of po!er or "i3ui! paints to create co"or0
o Categories of Co"or
*rimar% Co"ors )-e!, 8e""o, +"ue these co"or
cannot &e mi/e!, the% must &e &ought in
some form0
Secon!ar% Co"or )9range, :io"et, ;reen,
these co"ors are create! &% mi/ing to
Interme!iate Co"ors ) -e! 9range, 8e""o
;reen, +"ue :io"et, etc05 mi/ing a primar%
ith a secon!ar% creates these co"ors0
Comp"ementar% Co"ors )are co"ors that are
opposite each other on the co"or hee"0
2hen p"ace! ne/t to each other the% "oo1
&right an! hen mi/e! together the%
neutra"i.e each other0
o Co"or Harmonies0 is hen an artist uses certain
com&inations of co"ors that create !i$erent "oo1s or
Ana"ogous Co"ors are co"ors that are ne/t to
each other on the co"or hee" for e/amp"e
re!, re! orange, an! orange are ana"ogous
Tria!ic Harmon% is here three e3ua""%
space! co"ors on the co"or hee" are use! for
e/amp"e, %e""o, -e!, +"ue is a tria!ic
harmon% co"or scheme0
Monochromatic is here one co"or is use!
&ut in !i$erent #a"ues an! intensit%0
2arm co"ors are on one si!e of the co"or
hee" an! the% gi#e the fe""ing of armth for
e/amp"e re!, orange an! %e""o are the co"or
of fre an! fee" arm0
Coo" co"ors are on the other si!e of the co"or
hee" an! the% gi#e the fee"ing of coo"ness
for e/amp"e &"ue, #io"et, are the co"or of
ater, an! green are the co"or of coo" grass0
Shape: 2hen a "ine crosses itse"f or intersects ith
other "ines to enc"ose a space it creates a shape 0 Shape
is to)!imensiona" it has heights an! i!th &ut no !epth0
o Categories of Shapes:
;eometric Shapes )Circ"es, S3uares,
rectang"es an! triang"es0 2e see them in
architecture an! manufacture! items0
9rganic Shapes )Leaf, seashe""s, 7oers0 2e
see them in nature an! ith characteristics
that are free 7oing, informa" an! irregu"ar0
*ositi#e Shapes )In a !raing or painting
positi#e shapes are the so"i! forms in a
!esign such as a &o" of fruit0 In a scu"pture
it is the so"i! form of the scu"pture0
Negati#e Shapes )In a !raing it is the space
aroun! the positi#e shape or the shape
aroun! the &o" of fruit0 In scu"pture it is the
empt% shape aroun! an! &eteen the
Static Shape )Shapes that appears sta&"e
an! resting0
,%namic Shape )Shapes that appears
mo#ing an! acti#e0
Space in a to)!imensiona" !raing or painting refers to
the arrangement of o&'ects on the picture p"ane 0 The
picture p"ane is the surface of %our !raing paper or
can#as0 8ou can ha#e a picture p"ane that is a cro!e!
space ith "ots of o&'ects or an empt% space ith #er%
fe o&'ects in the picture p"ane0 A to)!imensiona" piece
of art has heights an! i!th &ut no !epth0 The i""usion of
!epth can &e achie#e! &% using perspecti#e 0 This is the
techni3ue use! to ha#e %our picture "oo1 "i1es it is mo#ing
to the !istance "i1e a "an!scape or cit%scape0
o Categories of Space
*ositi#e space )Li1e in positi#e shape it is the
actua" scu"pture or &ui"!ing0
Negati#e space )A"so "i1e negati#e shape it is
the space aroun! the scu"pture or &ui"!ing0
*icture *"ane)is the 7at surface of %our
!raing paper or can#as0
Composition )is the organi.ation an!
p"acement of the e"ements on %our picture
4oca" *oint) is the o&'ect or area %ou ant
the #ieer to "oo1 at frst0
Texture is the surface 3ua"it% of an o&'ect0 A roc1 ma% &e rough
an! 'agge!0 A piece of si"1 ma% &e soft an! smooth an! %our
!es1 ma% fee" har! an! smooth0 Te/ture a"so refers to the a% a
picture is ma!e to "oo1 rough or smooth0
Categories of Te/ture
o -ea" Te/ture) is the actua" te/ture of an o&'ect0
Artist ma% create rea" te/ture in art to gi#e it #isua"
interest or e#o1e a fee"ing0 A piece of potter% ma%
ha#e a rough te/ture so that it i"" "oo1 "i1e it came
from nature or a smooth te/ture to ma1e it "oo1 "i1e
it is machine ma!e0
o Imp"ie! Te/ture) is the here a to)!imensiona"
piece of art is ma!e to "oo1 "i1e a certain te/ture
&ut in fact is 'ust a smooth piece of paper0 Li1e a
!raing of a tree trun1 ma% "oo1 rough &ut in fact it
is 'ust a smooth piece of paper
Value is the range of "ightness an! !ar1ness ithin a picture0
:a"ue is create! &% a "ight source that shines on an o&'ect
creating high"ights an! sha!os0 It a"so i""uminates the "oca" or
actua" co"or of the su&'ect0 :a"ue creates !epth ithin a picture
ma1ing an o&'ect "oo1 three !imensiona" ith high"ights an! cast
sha!os, or in a "an!scape here it gets "ighter in #a"ue as it
rece!es to the &ac1groun! gi#ing the i""usion of !epth0
Categories of :a"ues
o Tint is a!!ing hite to co"or paint to create "ighter
#a"ues such as "ight &"ue or pin10
o Sha!e is a!!ing &"ac1 to paint to create !ar1 #a"ues
such as !ar1 &"ue or !ar1 re!0
o High)<e% is here the picture is a"" "ight #a"ues0
o Lo)<e% is here the picture is a"" !ar1 #a"ues0
o :a"ue Contrast is here "ight #a"ues are p"ace! ne/t
to !ar1 #a"ues to create contrast or strong
Principles of Artistic Composition
Composition ( is a process= act of composing or organi.ing the e"ements of arts
Proportion ( is the comparati#e re"ationship of the parts of or composition to
each other an! to the ho"e
o i0e0 ;ree1 *arthenon create! accor!ing to the *rincip"e of ;o"!en
section >sma"" part must re"ate to the "arger part?
o i0e0 Henri Matisse6s Large -ec"ining Nu!e
Unity/Harmony ( is oneness or ho"eness0 It is achie#e! &% esta&"ishing a
p"easing re"ationship &eteen the !i$erent e"ements0 The #arious parts of a
!esign i"" gi#e an appearance of &e"onging together0
o +a"ance ( hen the #isua" or actua" eights or masses of the art are
!istri&ute! in such a a% that the% achie#e harmon%0
+a"ance gi#es a fee"ing of sta&i"it% an! rest0
The human &o!% is e"" &a"ance! that is h% a person can stan!
+a"ance can either &e:
o 4orma" ( ca""e! s%mmetrica" &a"ance0 This achie#e!
&% ma1ing &oth si!es e/act"% a"i1e0
o Informa" or as%mmetrica" ( a"so ca""e! as occu"t0 It
is more !i@cu"t to achie#e, hoe#er the resu"t is
more interesting0
Rhythm ( is the regu"ar repetition of the sensor% impressions0 A series of
units repeate! one another pro!uces rh%thmic mo#ement0
o Co"ors an! "ines he"p to pro!uce a rh%thmic mo#ement
o Emphasis ( gi#ing the proper importance to the parts or to the ho"e0
Can &e secure! through si.e an! position
Co"ors create emphasis