PGDM 2013-15 Age: 26 Yrs Specialization: Bangalore Campus: Neha Goyal
PGDM 2013-15 Age: 26 Yrs Specialization: Bangalore Campus: Neha Goyal
PGDM 2013-15 Age: 26 Yrs Specialization: Bangalore Campus: Neha Goyal
PGDM 2013-15
Age: 26 yrs
Bangalore Cap!s
"arsee Mon#ee $nstit!te o%
Manageent St!&ies' Bangalore
"M$MS 2015 2()0* +(00
0aip!r 1ngineering College' 2!3as
5ni6ersity' 2ota
2010 76(1+8
Maa B-arti :i&-ya B-a6an Sr( Sec(
4a#ast-an Boar& 2006 ;+(+68
9 1ternal <i%e Sc-ool 4a#ast-an Boar& 200+ ;2(338
u!!er Internshi" Pro#ect
$%FC Ban& 'td ( !onths
.April 2013 = 0!ne 2013/
)itle o* the Pro#ect+ Basel III Co!"liance and its I!"act on Ca"ital Ade,uacy and Gro-th
Pros"ects o* $%FC Ban&
St!&y o% Basel $$$' its nee& an& c-anges incorporate& in it o6er Basel $$
Analyze& t-e ipact o% Basel $$$ on $n&ian Ban3ing $n&!stry
Classi>e& Ban3?s capital as per Basel $$$ nors %or calc!lation o% Capital to 4is3 @eig-te&
Assets 4atio
5n&erstoo& t-e cop!tation o% 4is3 @eig-te& Assets %or eac- o% Cre&it' Mar3et an&
Aperational 4is3s
$&enti>e& t-e a&&itional capital reB!ire& Cy DDEC Ban3 to aintain its copetiti6e position
F-ile coplying Fit- Basel $$$ nors
.or& E/"erience 0 (1 !onths
enior o*t-are Engineer2 Ca"ge!ini India (1
!onths .0an 2011 = 0!ne 2013/
@or3e& %or G!ality Ass!rance Pro#ect in Capital Mar3et Doain
@or3e& as a senior eCer %or a 4eCalancing an& Ar&er Generation application !se& Cy
$n6estent Managers
$n6ol6e& in client co!nication an& li6e eetings %or %etc-ing neF reB!ireents on
Designe& an& eHec!te& test cases %or neF pro#ects an& ipleente& testing an& &e%ect li%e
cycle %or t-e
Mentore& #!nior eCers in t-e pro#ect an& con&!cte& 3noFle&ge trans%er sessions %or
Create& 3noFle&ge caps!le .2C/ &oc!ents relate& to tas3*process*%!nctionality %or %!t!re
"arsee Mon#ee $nstit!te o% Manageent St!&ies
Contact "o(:- 0;0-+0;55530 1ail:- placeent(ClrInis(e&!
Neha Goyal
PGDM 2013-15
Age: 26 yrs
Bangalore Cap!s
Acade!ic/ 'ive Pro#ects
@or3e& Fit- Pra3as 'earning India Pvt4 'td %or a %o!r ont- li6e pro#ect F-ic- in6ol6e&
selling o% t-e pro&!ct J,aCtor?' a Mat- t!toring progra on $-pa&' t-ro!g- &iKerent c-annels(
$t also in6ol6e& in&epen&ent pro&!ct &eonstration an& client anageent
Acade!ic Achieve!ents 5 A-ards
A&#!&ge& as JBest 'earner? Cy t-e <earning an& C!lt!re ,ea o% Capgeini
Sec!re& NE Certifed 6ar&et Pro*essional 7NC6P8 'evel09 title in 0!ne'2013
E/tra0Curricular Activities 7Achieve!ents 5 A-ards8
Certifcations +
MeCer o% JM!&ra?- t-e Finance Clu: o% "M$MS Bangalore
MeCer o% t-e Place!ent Co!!ittee o% "M$MS Bangalore' 2013-1+
G!ali>e& %or t-e >nal ro!n& o% Einezza' t-e intercollege Finance Case tudy co!"etition
at "itya3s-?1+ organize& Cy "M$MS Bangalore
De6elope& a S!stainaCility plan %or Unnati Bangalore0 An NG; e!"o-ering youth
&!ring a t-ree Fee3 social interns-ip prograe
<unner U" in ,-roF Call e6ent organize& Cy Sports Coittee at "M$MS Bangalore
econd <unner U" in Girls? At-letics -4elay 4ace organize& Cy Sports Coittee at "M$MS
Participate& in JCo!nion? Gro!p Disc!ssion at BM$, Eiesta at Bal&e6 4a Mir&-a $nstit!te
o% ,ec-nology 200)
Participate& in JA>ciona&o?' a national le6el J9tree <A" Gaing? at 0aip!r 1ngineering
College' 200;
:ol!nteere& at national con%erence on L1nergy an& 1n6ironentM at 0aip!r 1ngineering
College' 2006
"arsee Mon#ee $nstit!te o% Manageent St!&ies
Contact "o(:- 0;0-+0;55530 1ail:- placeent(ClrInis(e&!
Authority 6odule
E<$P Einance an& Ban3ing E!n&aentals .$n&ia/
"S1-"CEM Macroeconoics %or Einancial Mar3ets Mo&!le
"S1-"CEM Deri6ati6es Mar3et .Dealers/ Mo&!le
"S1-"CEM 1B!ity Deri6ati6es: A Beginner?s Mo&!le
"S1-"CEM Einancial Mar3ets: A Beginners? Mo&!le
52 ,esting Boar& $S,GB - $S1B .Eo!n&ation <e6el/