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Summer Training Research Project Report


For the partial fulfillment of the requirement of
Affiliated to Mahamaya Technical University !oida "U#P#$
Under The Guidance of Under the Supervision of:
!ASST" #ROFESSOR$ !Fie%d E&ecu'i(e$

Su+,i''ed +-.
Ro%% No"0123456621
*!+T Management School
,(- .no/ledge Par0(++ *reater !oida " *# 1# !agar$
*!+T Management School
,(- .no/ledge Par0(++ *reater !oida "*# 1# !agar
To /ho, I' Ma- Concern
This is to certify that Mr# 4Ms#NUSRAT #RA/EEN student of M#1#A# course "%&'&('%$ at
Mana7e,en' Schoo% /ith dual speciali5ation in MARKETING 8 )UMAN RESOURCE
satisfactorily completed the summer "!-R$
This study is done under the guidance of the undersigned 6y partial fulfillment for the a/ard of
M#1#A# + /ish him4her all the 6est for 6right future ahead#
Facu%'- Su:er(i;or Direc'or
From company
+ /ould li0e to record our than0s to Mr;" Dr" Sa(i'a Mohan> !Direc'or$> GNIOT?
Mana7e,en' Schoo% Mahamaya technical University for encouraging and supporting me in
doing this project successfully#
+ o/e my personal de6t of gratitude to our guide MR" #an<a@ Ku,ar for his valua6le ideas
creative support timely advice 0een interest and the encouragement sho/n in successful
completion of this project#
+ am deeply inde6ted to Mr" #an<a@ Chaudhar- "Field 78ecutive$ under /hose guidance the
project /as carried out and for valua6le support motivation and assistance /hich served as
the forces that helped me to 6ring this project to its present shapes#
And all other faculty mem6ers students friends and all those /ho are directly and indirectly
involved in this endeavour
P:A-7 '%,;)<&&,%
M1A =
>:earning categori5es you and practicing on that learning speciali5es you?# Theoretical concepts
taught and discussed in the classroom prove useful if they have to remain relevant# Practice orientation
of management student is must generating competence to deal /ith issues at grass root level it is for
this reason that t/o month training project study is prescri6ed as a part of sylla6us for M1A 2egree#
This training is the mode of imparting practical training to the student# The o6jective is to provide
a deep insight into practical aspects of the functioning
of the organi5ation# Thetrain apprises the student to the actual function responsi6ility and pro6lem
faced 6y an organi5ation# +t provides him /ith the 0no/ledge of the various 0ind of pro6lem that crop
up in the day to day functioning of the organi5ation #The /ay they are solved 6y the departments and
appraisal of the crucial decision ta0en 6y the manager at the crucial time#
+ got the opportunity to join +MR1 as a summer trainee#
+ /as fortunate enough to complete my mar0eting training at +MR1 27:@+#
The e8perience that + have gathered during the period of training has certainly give me a lot of courage
to face the challenges in future#
+ here6y that the summer Training project titled >CONSUMER SATISFACTION
training in IMRB is an original and authentic /or0 done 6y me and is 6ased upon the study
conducted 6y me#
The project /as underta0en as a part of the M1A programme of *reater !oida +nstitute of
Technology and Management school *reater !oida#
P:A-7 '%,;)<&&,%
M1A =
S#!o# TOP+- PA*7 !O#
'# -@# + +ntroduction '& ( %&
'#' A6out The Topic '' ( 'A
'#% O6jective Of The Study ',
'#= Method 7mployed '< ( 'B
'#) Significance Of The Study %&
%# +ndustry Profile %' ( %<
=# -ompany Profile %; ( ),
)# S/ot Analysis )< ( A&
A# 2ata Analysis And +nterpretation A' ( AA
,# Findings A, ( <)
<# -onclusion <A ( <,
;# Recommendation << ( <;
B# Sugesstion <B ( ;&
'&# :imitations ;' ( ;%
''# References ;= ( ;A
'%# Anne8ure ;, ( ;<
'%#' Cuestonnaire ;< ( B'
+n this final report of Research Methods and technology this project report 6egins /ith and
introduction# Then a 6rief introduction of the fast food industry# Statistical analysis of the
gathered data and finish of this project is also part of this report# +n the end team mem6er tried
to ma0e some recommendation regarding .F- customer#
+n order to accomplish this tas0 initially research proposal report had generated# + applied the
/hole research process on to it starting from the very first step of setting the o6jective for my
research to the result o6tained# 9e /ant through a lot of step# After setting the o6jective /e
have selected a sample# After selecting a sample from /hich primary data D the require
information /as to 6e e8tracted# The research instrument used for this purpose /as
questionnaires remained the main focus of this research# 9hole data /as then analy5ed
statistically# 9e conducted a total survey of '%A questionnaires and put the primary data into
SPSS# Then the end the result in the from conclusion /ere dra/n and finally recommendation
/ere made according to the analysis#
In IMRB I work in many projects like:
Customer behavior of purchase
Customer perception on modern devices
Customer satisfaction in AN! " #$%BA$ &!I
+ am doing my summer internship project 6y +MR1(+nternational and that company permit me
to do survey on this particular project >To determine the customer satisfaction of 11C 1urger
on .F-?
AB#U" "HE "#P0C
Cu;'o,er ;a'i;fac'ion
A term frequently used in mar0eting is a measure of ho/ products and services supplied 6y a
company meets or surpass customer e8pectation# -ustomer satisfaction is defined as Ethe
num6er of customers or percentage of total customers /hose reported e8perience /ith a firm
its products or its services "ratings$ e8ceeds specified satisfaction goals#E +n a survey of nearly
%&& senior mar0eting managers <' percent responded that they found a customer satisfaction
metric very useful in managing and monitoring their 6usinesses#
+t is seen as a 0ey performance indicator /ithin 6usiness and is often part of a 1alanced
Scorecard# +n a competitive mar0etplace /here 6usinesses compete for customers customer
satisfaction is seen as a 0ey differentiator and increasingly
has 6ecome
a 0ey element of 6usiness strategy#
E9ithin organi5ations customer satisfaction ratings can have po/erful effects# They focus
employees on the importance of fulfilling customersF e8pectations# Furthermore /hen these
ratings dip they /arn of pro6lems that can affect sales and profita6ility# These metrics
quantify an important dynamic# 9hen a 6rand has loyal customers it gains positive /ord(of(
mouth mar0eting /hich is 6oth free and highly effective#E
Therefore it is essential for 6usinesses to effectively manage customer satisfaction# To 6e a6le
do this firms need relia6le and representative measures of satisfaction#
E+n researching satisfaction firms generally as0 customers /hether their product or service has
met or e8ceeded e8pectations# Thus e8pectations are a 0ey factor 6ehind satisfaction# 9hen
customers have high e8pectations and the reality falls short they /ill 6e disappointed and /ill
li0ely rate their e8perience as less than satisfying# For this reason a lu8ury resort for e8ample
might receive a lo/er satisfaction rating than a 6udget motelGeven though its facilities and
service /ould 6e deemed superior in Ha6soluteH terms#E
The importance of customer satisfaction diminishes /hen a firm has increased 6argaining
po/er# For e8ample cell phone plan providers such as ATDT and Ieri5on participate in an
industry that is an oligopoly /here only a fe/ suppliers of a certain product or service e8ist#
As such many cell phone plan contracts have a lot of fine print /ith provisions that they
/ould never get a/ay if there /ere say a hundred cell phone plan providers 6ecause
customer satisfaction /ould 6e far too lo/ and customers /ould easily have the option of
leaving for a 6etter contract offer#
There is a su6stantial 6ody of empirical literature that esta6lishes the 6enefits of customer
satisfaction for firms#
Customer satisfaction of '(C shows the how much is the customer is satisfied with
the products of '(C )In the research report it focus on the customer satisfaction of
'(C re*ardin* its BB+ bur*er) '(C always *ives preference on the needs and wants
of the customer "which type of product they like at the level of taste and an allowance
of their pockets) In the survey focus was on the taste " te,ture" price" of the BB+
bur*er and all this direct related to the customer satisfaction) And the result was
successful in the customer satisfaction of BB+ bur*er of '(C) '(C always use to
make a survey for knowin* the e,pectation of customer from their product)
Mee'in7 'he need; of Ke- audience
There are a limited num6er of customers in the mar0et# To 6uild long(term 6usiness it is
essential to retain people once they have 6ecome customers# For e8ample a parent /ith t/o
children might visit and visits .F- to give the children a treat# -hildren /ant to visits as it is
fun place to eat# A 6usiness customer visits .F- during the /or0 day as service is quic0 the
food taste is great and can 6e eaten in the car /ithout affecting a 6usy /or0 schedule# These
e8amples represent just a fe/ of .F-Hs possi6le customerFs profile# 7ach has different reasons
to come .F-#
Using this type of information .F- can tailor communication to the needs of specific groups#
is to the needs of specific group# +t is their needs that determine the type of products and
offered prices charged promotions
-reated and /here restaurants are located# To meet the needs of the 0ey mar0et it is important
analyses the internal mar0eting strengths the organi5ation#
Strengths and /ea0nesses must 6e identified so that a mar0eting strategy /hich is right for the
6usiness can 6e decided upon#
The analysis /ill include the3
J -ompanyFs products and ho/ appropriate they are for the future #
J Cuality of employees and ho/ /ell trained they are to these additional psychological factors
are significantly offer the 6est service to important to the customer# They can 6e even more
customers important than the productsF physical 6enefits#
J Systems and ho/ /ell they function in providing customer satisfaction e#g# mar0eting
data6ases and restaurant systems#
J Financial resources availa6le for mar0eting#
The +u;ine;; can 'hen de'er,ine =ha' i' need; 'o do in iden'if- differen' '-:e; of
cu;'o,er;" For e&a,:%e 3
A parent /ith t/o children might visit Iisits .F- to give the children treat#
A children /ants to visit .F- As it is a fun place to eat
A 6usiness customer
Iisits .F- during the /or0 day as service is quic0the food taste is great can 6e eaten in the
/ithout affecting 6usy /or0 schedule#
Teenager visits .F-
The Rupee saver menu is afforda6le and there is +nternet access in some restaurant#
These e8amples represent just a fe/ of .F- possi6le customer profiles each has different
reasons to come .F-# Using this type of information .F- can tailor communication to the
needs of specific groups# +t is their needs that determine the type of products and services
offered prices charged promotions created and /here restaurants are located# To meet the
of the 0ey mar0et it is important to analy5e the internal mar0eting strengths and /ea0nesses
must 6e identified so that a mar0eting strategy /hich is right for the 6usiness can 6e decided
The analysis /ill include the3
J -ompanyFs products and ho/ appropriate they are for the future
J Cuality of employees and ho/ /ell trained they are to these additional psychological factors
are significantly offer the 6est service to important to the customer# They can 6e even more
customers important than the productsF physical 6enefits#
J Systems and ho/ /ell they function in providing customer satisfaction e8ample mare0ting
J Financial resources availa6le for mar0eting
Once the strengths and /ea0nesses are determined they are com6ined /ith the opportunities
and threats in the mar0et place# This is 0no/n as S9OT analysis "Strengths 9ea0nesses
Opportunities and Threats$# The 6usiness can then determine /hat it needs to do in order to
increase its chances of mar0eting successfully#
9ill the customers 6e loyal to the specified product of .F-K
9hat do the customers li0e or disli0e a6out the .F- productK
9hat change they /ant to do in the .F-K
@o/ much the customer is satisfied from .F- productK
+s cutomer satisfied from the price and taste of .F- productK
9hat are the customer e8pectation from .F-K
The research methodology is an approach /hich encompasses of several issues including
pro6lems constrictions and ethical preferences /ithin the research# The methodology is the
speculative e8amination of the methods that are appropriate to a specific field of study# To
achieve the o6jectives and goals of the research selection of methodology is essential and is
indispensa6le for investigation and analysis# .eeping in consideration the quality of services
provided 6y the organi5ation "Ialarie et al# 'B;A$ the >onion theory? plays an important role
in determining the philosophy approaches strategies time hori5on and the data collection
1efore e8amining types of research designs it is important to 6e clear a6out the role and
purpose of research design# 9e need to understand /hat research design is and /hat it is not#
9e need to 0no/ /here design fits into the /hole research process from framing a question to
finally analy5ing and reporting data#
+n order to achieve the o6jective it /as necessary to tal0 to the customers and pu6lic to dra/s
the conclusions regarding the o6jective# For collecting the relevant informationL a
questionnaire /ill 6e design# The questionnaire /ill design in such a manner to achieve the
o6jective of the research# The sample /as appro8imately '%A#
DESCRI#TIVE RESEARC) 2escriptive research does not fit neatly into the definition of
either quantitative or qualitative research methodologies 6ut instead it can utili5e elements of
6oth often /ithin the same study# The term descriptive research refers to the type of research
question design and data analysis that /ill 6e applied to a given topic# 2escriptive statistics
tell /hat is /hile inferential statistics try to determine cause and effect#
2escriptive research is the e8ploration of the e8isting certain phenomena# The details of the
facts /onFt 6e 0no/n# The e8isting phenomenaFs facts are not 0no/n to the persons#
#RIMARY DATA Primary data is data /hich has 6een collected 6y ourselves /hich is
more relia6le and up to date# EPrimaryE are terms used to define data relative to the purpose 6y
/hich the data /ere collected originally# EPrimary dataE are data collected for the need at
hand# Primary data analytics involves the a6ility to analy5e data for the purpose 6y /hich it
has 6een collected# Primary data is a data /hich is created for the first time and there is no
previous source availa6le#
SECONDARY DATA Secondary data has 6een collected from a secondary source
"Other people 6usiness etc#$ so it may not 6e valid or up to date# ESecondaryE are terms used
to define data relative to the purpose 6y /hich the data /ere collected originally# ESecondary
dataE are data that /ere collected for another reason 6ut is 6eing re(purposed to address the
need at hand# Secondary data analytics involves identifying Esecondary data sourcesE to solve
a ne/ pro6lem and then the a6ility to re(purpose that data#
SAM#*E SICE AND SAM#*E UNIT ')& respondents from .F- outlet /ho purchase
11C 6urger from outlet in 2elhi ":ajpat nagar and -P%$# As /e have ta0en '%A respondents
sample to 0no/ the appro8imately figures of customers and consumers perception and
satisfaction to/ards 11C 6urger /hat they li0e and disli0e /ith respect to 11C 6urger#
SAM#*E SE*ECTION #ROCEDURE 9e used multistage sample selection
technique# At first stage /e used random sampling technique to select .F- outlets in 2elhi
city 6ecause it /as not possi6le to select all the outlet in the city due to shortage of time#
At second stage /e used convenience sampling technique to ta0e responses from the
respondent 6ecause respondents are not easily availa6le and it /as not possi6le to sort out
respondent on the 6asis of their visiting in outlet# +t too0 = /ee0s time to collect responses
from the respondents#
The target respondent /ould 6e the male and female#
The age group /ould 6e in(6et/een ';( )B#
Respondent /ill 6e ta0en from .F- outlet in 2elhi /hose have consumed 11C 1urger#
+n this research total '%A respondents are participated fairly /ith the age group of ';(
),# Participants are varying from student to professionals or 6usiness man or self
employed person highlight the diversity of the survey# The sampling technique use for
the research paper is simple random sampling 6y age# -ustomer /ith different
demographic character has different 6uying 6ehavior#
The data has 6een collected through primary data as /ell as secondary data#
9e are using SPSS /hich is a latest tool for easily analy5e the data and /e entered data in
78cel sheet and then prepared chart and graphs on the 6asis of the data# To calculate the
@ypothesis /e used A!OIA test#
Selling of any product there is needed to 6uild relationship /ith customer# For 6uilding a
relationship there is need for 0no/ing the customer 6ehavior and ho/ /ill 6e they satisfiedK
This project is underta0en to 0no/ the customer satisfaction for the 11C 6urger of .F- "at
2elhi$# The mar0et survey has done in .F- outlets# The project is useful for the 6etter
understanding of the customer satisfaction# The project encompasses the various satisfaction of
customer# Their pre and post satisfaction /hen they are eat# There is also overvie/ of the
customerFs attraction to/ards .F-# This study /ill help .F- to 0no/ the most popular /ay
6y /hich they are providing services and quality to the customers and to 0no/ various
customers Perceptions# From the study /e found that the customers /ere highly satisfied
/ith the products and service of .F-L it also found that .F- is having a good 6rand image in
the mar0et# The present is the era of customers# -ustomers are more 0no/ledgea6le than ever
6efore and 6ecause the customer is more 0no/ledgea6le companies must 6e faster more agile
and more creative than fe/ years ago# So .F- should strive to enhance customer satisfaction
through 0no/ing their e8pectations regarding products#
Many companies in the domestic food and bevera*e industry were established durin*
the post -./0s" as part of the #overnment1s import substitution re*ime) 2he I!I or
Import !ubstitution Industry model as it came to be known" focused on substitutin*
forei*n products with locally manufactured items)
3owever by -..4" after the liberali5ation of the 2rinidad and 2oba*o forei*n
e,chan*e system" the ran*e of products produced by the local industry e,panded
considerably" in
response to *reater competition)
2he (ood and Bevera*e sector today boasts of *lobal players with internationally
reco*ni5ed brands" e)*) An*ostura $imited" 'iss Bakin* Industries" 'C Confectionery"
!M 6aleel" Chief Brand 7roducts" and a lar*e cadre of smaller companies speciali5in*
in Caribbean niche products) 8ith appro,imately 9:0 re*istered firms" the industry is
firmly established in the CARIC%M and re*ional markets)
Apart from its direct dependence on primary a*riculture" the food and bevera*e
industry is part of an established value chain" maintainin* linka*es with such areas as
printin* and packa*in*" research and development" and trainin*; which all to*ether
support *rowth of the industry)
2he food and bevera*e sector continues to e,perience relatively hi*h levels of
e,pansion" with real #7 *rowth avera*in* . percent between :004 and :00/ alone"
e,ports of over 22<.00 million" and employin* appro,imately ."000 persons) In terms
of the future outlook for the industry" with the continued e,pansion of the local
economy" the domestic food and bevera*e sector is e,pected to continue alon* its
pro*ressive track)
In addition" e,pansion of the re*ional economy" renewed efforts for research and
further product development" and strate*ic niche marketin* will also support
sustained *rowth over the lon*er term) 2he (ood and Bevera*e Industry
evelopment Committee =(BIC> comprisin* Ministry of 2rade and Industry technical
officers" industry operators and stakeholders has been mandated to drive the
development of the industry" in particular throu*h implementation of the strate*ic plan)
The food and beverages industry is all companies involved in processing raw food
materials, packaging, and distributing them. This includes fresh, prepared foods as
as packaged foods, and alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages. Any product meant for
human consumption, aside from pharmaceuticals, passes through this industry.
Highly FragmentedHighly Concentrated
The Food and everage industry is Fragmented. The production in this industry is
divided among a few different companies, however, no single firm has large enough
share of the market to be able to influence the industry!s direction or price levels.
Primary Demand Drivers
"emographic shift #particularly trends in population and age, household si$e,
and dispoable income%
Consumer tastes
Profitability Drivers
&ood product mi'
(fficient operations
)uperior service
(ffective marketing
the past half*century, the food and beverage industry has blossomed from a
of mom*and*pop operations to a trillion*dollar powerhouse led by huge international
corporations. Familiar names like Coca*Cola, )tarbucks and +c"onald!s can be
in every corner of the globe. The overarching theme dominating the food and
industry is e'ploding global demand and rapidly rising food prices. The breakneck
economic growth of countries such as China, ,ndia, ra$il and -ietnam gives billions
people the ability indulge in ways previously en.oyed only by those in developed
nations. A massive influ' of consumers onto the global food market has resulted in a
rapid and sustained increase in food prices, stoking global inflation.
The related shift to ethanol and other bio*diesels in the face of rapidly rising energy
prices has only e'acerbated the world!s food inflation headache. Although some
members of the food and beverage industry #primarily farmers and agribusinesses%
benefit from higher prices, most corporations in the industry have seen their cost of
doing business increase, biting into profit margins. These higher costs are passed, in
part, onto consumers, who find their discretionary spending restricted when they must
spend a larger chunk of their paycheck at restaurants and grocery stores.
)o, .ust asoil prices are a key economic indicator, so too are the prices of key
agricultural commodities such as corn, wheat, andsoybeans.
+ndia is the /orldHs second largest producer of food ne8t to -hina and has the potential of
the 6iggest /ith the food and agricultural sector# The total food production in +ndia is li0ely to
dou6le in the ne8t ten years and there is an opportunity for large investments in food and food
processing technologies s0ills and equipment especially in areas of -anning 2airy and Food
Processing Specialty Processing Pac0aging Fro5en Food4Refrigeration and Thermo
Processing# Fruits D Iegeta6les Fisheries Mil0 D Mil0 Products Meat D Poultry
Pac0aged4-onvenience Foods Alcoholic 1everages D Soft 2rin0s and *rains are important
su6(sectors of the food processing industry# @ealth food and health food supplements is
rapidly rising segment of this industry /hich is gaining vast popularity amongst the health
+ndia is one of the /orlds major food producers 6ut accounts for less than '#A per cent of
international food trade# This indicates vast scope for 6oth investors and e8porters# Food
in 'BB; stood at US MA#; 6illion /hereas the /orld total /as US M)=; 6illion# The +ndian food
industries sales turnover is Rs ')&&&& crore "' crore N '& million$ annually as at the start of
year %&&&# The industry has the highest num6er of plants approved 6y the US Food and 2rug
Administration "F2A$ outside the USA#
+ndiaHs food processing sector covers fruit and vegeta6lesL meat and poultryL mil0 and mil0
products alcoholic 6everages fisheries plantation grain processing and other consumer
groups li0e confectionery chocolates and cocoa products Soya(6ased products mineral /ater
high protein foods etc# 9e cover an e8haustive data6ase of an array of suppliers
e8porters and importers /idely dealing in sectors li0e the (Food +ndustry 2airy processing
+ndian 6everage industry etc# 9e also cover sectors li0e dairy plants canning 6ottling plants
pac0aging industries process machinery etc#
The most promising su6(sectors includes (Soft(drin0 6ottling -onfectionery manufacture
Fishing aquaculture *rain(milling and grain(6ased products Meat and poultry processing
Alcoholic 6everages Mil0 processing Tomato paste Fast(food Ready(to(eat 6rea0fast
Food additives flavors etc#
There are a6out ; million restaurants in the /orld and some =&&&&& restaurant companies#
restaurant industry divides itself into full(service and fast(food restaurants# Full(service
restaurants include family restaurants "such as 2ennyHs$ dinner houses "2arden RestaurantsH
Red :o6ster$ and grill46uffet type eateries "MetromediaHs Ponderosa$# The fast(food sector
includes sand/ich shops /hich means ham6urgers and Me8ican food as /ell as pi55a and
chic0en joints# -ompanies in this sector include giants such as .ahala "*reat Stea0 D Potato
Frullati -afe$ Te8as Pacific *roup "1urger .ing$ OUMP 1rands "Taco 1ell .F- Pi55a
and of course Mc2onaldHs# +n a /ea0 economy the former categoryHs stoc0 suffers as people
/ith less disposa6le income settle for cheaper fare#
Overall restaurant sales have 6een rising just over AQ annually# @o/ever the supply of
age ', to %) the primary pool for restaurant employees has 6een declining# To solve the
pro6lem companies are hiring more retirees and immigrants and are increasingly ma0ing use
automation# A slo/ing economy should help offset a shrin0ing la6or force 6y 0eeping /ages
"often minimum$ sta6le thus posing less threat to profits#
The restaurant industry is a classic mature mar0et# -ompanies face stiff competition and lo/
profit margins# *iven the latter e8pect companies to continue gro/ing through acquisition
rather than through 6uilding ne/ units /hich cost up/ards of M' million even for a fast(food
unit# Ma0ing acquisitions gives companies a larger revenue 6ase over /hich to spread costs
it also gives them more leverage /ith suppliers to 0eep costs do/n# 2emand should stay
9ith the rise of t/o(/or0ing adult families since the 'B;&s Americans have less time and
energy to prepare their o/n meals and have 6een eating out more frequently#
.F- 0no/n as .entuc0y Fried -hic0en is a chain of fast food restaurants 6ased in
:ouisville .entuc0y# +n the midst of the depression @arland Sanders /ho /as 6orn just
outside @enryville "+ndiana$ opens his first restaurant in the small front room of a gas station
in -or6in .entuc0y#
Sanders serve as station operator chief coo0 and cashier and name the dining area ESanders
-ourt D-afR#E+n 'B=, .entuc0y *overnor Ru6y :affoon ma0es @arland Sanders an honorary
.entuc0y -olonel in recognition of his contri6utions to the stateHs cuisine# The Sanders -ourt
D -afR adds a motel and e8pands the restaurant to ')% seats# +n 'BA%the -olonel 6egan
actively franchising his chic0en 6usiness 6y traveling from to/n to to/n and coo0ing 6atches
of chic0en for restaurant o/ners and employees and a/arded Pete @arman of Salt :a0e -ity
/ith the first .F- franchise# +n 'BA< .entuc0y Fried -hic0en first sold in 6uc0ets#
.F- ".entuc0y Fried -hic0en$ /hich /as founded 6y -olonel @arland Sanders in 'BA% is
/idely 0no/n as the /orld famous fast food and the face of -olonel Sanders# 1ut .F-
rudiment should 6ac0/ard to 'B=&# At that time -olonel Sanders(( the founder of .F- run a
restaurant at his hometo/n .entuc0y# @e study hard on fried chic0en technologies finally
invented the eleven spices and unique coo0ing technologies synthetic secret recipe
successfully and /as favored 6y the customers# The 6usiness of the restaurant 6oom gradually
and the secret recipe /as continue to use until no/# -olonel SandersFs success starts /hen he
operates -or6in gas station in .entuc0y at )&# +n order to increase income he 6egan to ma0e
all 0inds of snac0s supply to the travelers# @is fame attracts many customers and the 6usiness
of restaurant increased gradually# +n 'B=A :affon Ru6y the governor of .entuc0y granted him
as .F- colonel for his great contri6ution to .entuc0y catering industry# Fired chic0en is
-olonelFs most famous specialty /hich is .F- todayFs most popular products# Although
delicious chic0en attracted numerous customers the traditional method have ma0e people to
/ait for =& minutes to eat# +n 'B=B the pro6lem has 6een solved /hen -olonel visit a pressure
coo0er sho/# -olonel 6uy a pressure coo0er home do all relevant coo0ing time pressure and
gas test finally found a unique method of Fried chic0en# The fried chic0en /hich /as fired
under pressure is the most delicious chic0en he tasted and the .F- still maintained using
pressure coo0er# -olonel career faced a crisis in the 'BA&s# @e had to sell his Sanders -afR as
location has 6een crossed 6y the ne/ e8press/ay# 1ut the ,, years old -olonel feels he is still
young and need not to live on social /elfare /hich ma0e his career turn for the 6etter#
-olonel used his ford cars carrying his '' her6s formula and his assistant ( pressure coo0er
6egan on the road# @e sells the formula and the method to the interested restaurants in +ndiana
Ohio and .entuc0y around of sell interested# +n 'BA% the first authori5ed .F- restaurants
esta6lished in Salt :a0e -ity# Surprisingly /ithin five years the chain stores have developed
to )&& in the United States and -anada /hich is the 6eginning of the franchise operation in
catering industry in the /orld# !o/adays the image of -olonel Sanders /ith a 6usiness suit
/hite(haired and goatee has 6ecome the 6est sym6ol of international .F- 6rand# .F- has
6een the /orld 6iggest Fried chic0en fast(food chain enterprise /hich has o/n more than
''&&& restaurants# These restaurants are over more than ;& countries# From the *reat 9all of
-hina to the 6ustling do/nto/n of Paris until the picturesque Sofia central city and sunny
Puerto Rico /e can found the .F- fast food restaurant#
+ have 6een to .F- many times in recent years despite there not 6eing many .F- restaurants
near /here + live# 7very time + have loved the food ho/ever until no/ + never felt the urge to
/rite an opinion a6out .F- 6ut no/ have to do it 6ecause management assignment is
compulsory to pass up#
+n our 6usiness /orld /e have to provide quality atmosphere service to our customers# The
purpose for this introduction is to e8plain ho/ /e treat our internal and e8ternal customers in
order to provide satisfaction# The 6ase of this e8ecutive summary /ill 6e on /here /e /or0 at
/ith our current employer or former#The information collected for this e8ecutive summary
/ill 6e on my last employer# My former employer /as 7ppies Restaurant# Mainly this small
6usiness /as in Madera -alifornia# !o/ that /e addressed the company /e no/ can adopt
quality principles in theory for my former employer 7ppies Restaurant# As + stated in the past
7ppies Restaurant has 6een open for several years until they closed recently# Since 7ppies
Restaurant is a food service industry + can tell you from e8perience that it can 6e very
stressful for employees#
9e as managers must understand that not just people from the community are our
customers6utalso our employees are too and 6usiness partners suppliers etc# For e8ample
/e have o/ners "managers$ /aitress 6us6oys dish/ashers coo0sL these /ere the employees
/ho /or0ed at 7ppies Restaurant# 7mployers have al/ays have choices a6out ho/ they /ant
their 6usiness run 6ut today managers must 6e more user friendly# Since 6usiness runs a
cycle one company relieves on other companies services this /ould 6e an e8ternal customer#
7ppies Restaurant had many e8ternal customers# For e8ample /e had MD 2 services they
deliver meat and other products# Then /e had Rain6o/ and they deliver 6read# 9e also had a
To/el Service they /ould /ash our to/els that /e use to clean the restaurant# And finally the
soda industry and dish/asher industry that supplies their product to any fast food companies#
They all provide a service# 7ppies Restaurant /ould 6uy an e8tra order for their product and in
return they /ould get a discount# Finally /e have our customers /ho 6uy our foods#
+MR1 +nternational is one of the premier sources for mar0et research and consultancy services
throughout south Asia the middle 7ast and !orth Africa# 9ith close to )& yearsF e8perience
+MR1 international operational through its o/n offices joint ventures and associates in over
=% cities across ') countries# +MR1 +nternational has eight specialist units qualitative research
social and rural research media continuous trac0ing through household panels customer and
sta0eholder relationships 6usiness to 6usiness soft/are development and processing#
+MR1 +nternational :td# through its su6sidiaries provides mar0et research and consultancy
services in +ndia and internationally# +t offers data processing charting statistical analysis and
soft/are development and testing servicesL data6ase creation and management data mining
scripting and data interpretation and reporting servicesL 6rand4product positioning customer
segmentation channel perception mar0et si5ing distri6ution strategy and product
development assistance servicesL and product4concept testing pac0aging studies and the 6rand
and communication 0no/ledge services# The company also provides customer relationship
assessment customer transaction assessment channel loyalty supplier relationship report
internal customer satisfaction lost customers assessment reputation and sta0eholder
assessment and mystery shopping services# +n addition it offers customi5ed and syndicated
studies across print television radio and out of home categoriesL qualitative research servicesL
and develops 9e6 6ased4des0top application systems media planning systems survey
programming insight delivery systems and media planning and evaluation tools# +MR1
+nternational :td# serves technology automotive financial service consumer dura6le personal
care confectionary pharmaceutical fa6ric care snac0 food media insurance 6everage
airlines engineering4infrastructure hospitality logistics mutual funds paints petroleum
po/er real estate retail telecommunications trade4channel satisfaction agriculture4agro(
product and travel and tourism mar0ets# The company /as founded in 'B<& and is 6ased in
Mum6ai +ndia /ith additional offices in Mum6ai .ol0ata -hennai 1engaluru !e/ 2elhi
@ydera6ad -ochin Pune Patna Ahmeda6ad *u/ahati 1hu6anes/ar :uc0no/ :udhiana
and +ndore +ndiaL :ahore and .arachi Pa0istanL .athmandu !epalL 2ha0a 1angladeshL and
Oangon 1urma# +MR1 +nternational :td# operates as a su6sidiary of 9PP plc#
A6acus Mar0et Analytics is a division of +MR1 +nternational S >+ndiaFs leading mar0et
research agency?# +MR1 +nternational are in the mar0et research industry since 'B<' and
today it footprints spans across '' countries ( +ndia Pa0istan 1angladesh Sri :an0a
2u6ai Saudi Ara6ia 7gypt Singapore Malaysia .orea and U.#
A6acus Mar0et Analytics is a one stop shop mar0et research outsourcing firm speciali5ing
in *lo6al Primary Research 2ata Processing Advanced Mar0et Analytics -RM and
Survey Analytics Solutions#
A6acus is pride ourselves for providing innovative superior services and solutions that
are fle8i6le ro6ust dependa6le D scala6le to support our clientsF constantly evolving
needs in the dynamic arena of mar0et research# +t is committed to understand and meet the
needs of our national4international clients# A6acus is to constantly strive to/ards 6uilding
trust and client delight#
The main advantage of /or0ing /ith A6acus is that it origins are those of a full service
agency having moved into providing outsourcing for glo6al clients# Therefore it has a
strong domain understanding of mar0et research that ena6les to add su6stantial value to it
outsourcing engagements#
A6acus operations centres are located across +ndia covering five major cities "2elhi
Mum6ai Pune .ol0ataD 1angalore$# This pan +ndia presence helps us to manage end(end
research operations including survey programming multi country online D -AT+ data
collection data processing reporting D advance analytics#
Pioneers of Mar0et Research in +ndia
Rich heritage of =; years in Mar0et Research industry
-ore footprint of +MR1 spanning '' countries
A .7MA Cuality 1#I# certified +SO B&&'3%&&; company
Proud mem6er of 7SOMAR D MRA
The fast(food chain 0no/n today as E.F-E 6egan 6ac0 in the T=&s /hen @arland Sanders
"6orn Septem6er B ';B&$ 6egan serving chic0en to the patrons of his service station in -or6in
.O# @e didnFt have a restaurant then 6ut served people on his o/n dining ta6le in the living
quarters of his service station# 7ventually the operation gre/ and moved across the street to a
motel and restaurant# +n 'B=A in recognition of his contri6utions to the stateFs cuisine
*overnor Ru6y :affoon made him a .entuc0y -olonel#
+n 'BA% Pete @arman 6ecame the first .entuc0y Fried -hic0en franchisee /ith a store in Salt
:a0e -ity# +n 'BA, at the ripe young age of ,A the -olonel sold the -or6in .O location and
/ent on the road to enlist ne/ franchises# +n 'B,) he sold the chain to a group of investors
including Uohn O# 1ro/n Ur# and Uac0 Massey for M% million# The -olonel continued on as
spo0esman for the company /hich /ent pu6lic in T,B and then /as sold to @eu6lein +nc# in
T<' until his death 'B;&#
Pepsi-o +nc# acquired the chain in T;, eventually changing its name and logo to .F- in TB'#
Today .F- has /ell over B&&& locations /orld/ide including -hina Russia and Australia#
+t has only 6een over the past fe/ years that the company has had a 0id meal program that
offered premiums# Iirtually all of these have had 6een licensed products loo0ing to Sony
"1ea0manFs 9orld *host6usters$L Marvel -omics "Spider(Man @ul0 Fantastic Four
9olverine$L 2isney "TimonDPum6aa$L Sa6an "Mas0ed Rider$L and others "Scholastic4
AnimorphsL United Media(11- 9orld/ide49allace D*romit$#
Unli0e many of the other fast food operations .F- tends to 0eep their promotions running for
longer periods of time having only four to si8 promotions throughout the course of the year#
The advantage to this approach to meal premiums is t/ofold /ith pluses for 6oth .F- and
collectors# On .F-Fs side the company incurs less traffic mar0eting and operational
e8penses that are associated /ith acquiring and scheduling promotions# 9hile for collectors
the advantage is that there is more time to acquire preferred toys#
.F- "*1$ :td forms a part of Oum 1rands# Oum 1rands consist of A core Cuality service
Restaurant "CSR$ .F- Pi55a @ut Taco 1ell AD9 and :ong Uohn Silver# .F- ".entuc0y
Fried -hic0en$ operates in <) countries and territories throughout the /orld# The .F- concept
/as introduced to 1ritain in 'B,A# Follo/ing 6y /orld/ide acquisition of .F- 6y Pepsi-o it
/as announced that the 1ritish operations .F- *1 :td has 6ecome a joint venture a company
o/ned 6y >Trust @ouse Forte? and >Pepsi-o? ".F- %&&&$#
.F- Store 1elle vale is one of the ne/ store it just 6eing %&months# As itFs a ne/ store this
report /ould suggest some of the plans that are important for the store to increase their level of
customer satisfaction among its customers#
-olonel @arland Sanders is 0no/n around the /orld for his famous Efinger lic0ingoodE
.entuc0y Fried -hic0en# @is chic0en made from a special recipe that includes eleven her6s
and spices is served every day in restaurants that 6ear his li0eness on the 6uildings# These
esta6lishments span the United States# Oou can even find his chic0en in more than eighty other
countries# .entuc0y Fried -hic0en is one of the largest fast food corporations in the /orld#
+f you had ever seen the -olonel once you /ould have 0no/n /hat he al/ays loo0ed li0e#
9ith a pair of glasses perched on his nose he could easily 6e identified 6y his clean /hite
attire# Sanders al/ays /ore a suit a 6lac0 string tie and he /al0ed /ith a cane#
9hile most successful men start their careers at an early age @arland SandersH story actually
6egins /hen he /as si8ty(five years old# @e had spent many years of his life operating a
restaurant# @o/ever once he quit the food 6usiness and sat 6ac0 to rela8 in retirement he
found himself penniless# 9hen the -olonel received his first Social Security chec0 in the
amount of M'&A#&& he 0ne/ he had to get out of his roc0ing chair and do something to earn
some real money#
@arland SandersH life 6egan in Septem6er of ';B&# @e /as the oldest child in a family of five#
@is father la6ored in the coal mines of .entuc0y in order to support his family# Unfortunately
the mining /or0 too0 a toll on the elder Sanders and he passed a/ay at an early age# Ooung
@arland /as just si8 years old at the time#
@is fatherHs death left the responsi6ility of supporting the family to Mrs# Sanders# So she too0
a jo6 in a shirt factory# That left young @arland at home to ta0e care of his younger 6rother
and sister# @is mother taught him ho/ to coo0 the familyHs meals# One of the meals she taught
him to ma0e /as her incredi6ly delicious fried chic0en#
9hen Sanders 6ecame old enough he helped support his family 6y /or0ing as a farm hand#
Then he moved on to 6ecome a streetcar conductor /hile he /as still a teenager# From there
Sanders too0 a jo6 as a fireman on the railroad# @e finally ended up operating a restaurant#
Sanders utili5ed the recipes and the coo0ing s0ills his mother had taught him to feed hungry
travelers# @is special meal /as of course fried chic0en# @e seasoned the poultry /ith his
original 6lend of eleven her6s and spices#
@arland SandersH coo0ing /as a hit and /ord of his success made its /ay around the state of
.entuc0y# @is recipes 6ecame so famous in fact that in the year of 'B=A /hen Sanders /as
just forty(five years old then *overnor Ru6y :affoon named him a .entuc0y -olonel#
!o/ 0no/n as E-olonel @arland SandersE the middle(aged coo0 continued to run his
restaurant for many more years# @o/ever /hen the 'BA&Hs came 6ad ne/s in the form of
EprogressE also came his /ay# Sanders got /ord that a ne/ high/ay /as going to 6e
constructed# The high/ay /ould surely divert the majority of the traffic a/ay from
to/n###a/ay from the to/n /here SandersH restaurant /as located# Sanders sa/ the E/riting on
the /allE# So he closed his restaurant and he retired#
Upon receiving his first Social Security chec0 in the amount of M'&A#&& -olonel @arland
Sanders decided to chuc0 his roc0ing chair and get 6ac0 to /or0 instead# @e rounded up some
investors and the .entuc0y Fried -hic0en industry /as 6orn#
Sanders ran his successful 6usiness for several years until /hen he reached eighty years old
he /as forced to finally retire 6ecause of ill health#
)ar%and Sander; /as 6orn in ';B& in +ndiana U#S and opened his first restaurant in 'B=&
called Sander; Cour' 8 CafG at a gas station in .entuc0y#
+n 'B=, the .entuc0y *overnor named )ar%and Sander; as honorary Ken'uc<- Co%one% in
recognition of his contri6utions to the stateFs cuisine# @e later added a Motel to Sander;
Cour' 8 CafG and also e8panded the restaurant to ')% seats 6ut in 'B=B a fire destroyed the
restaurant only to 6e re6uilt and reopened# Co%one% Sander; started using pressure coo0ers to
fry his chic0en and in 'B)& the Ori7ina% Reci:e /as 6orn# +n 'BA% Co%one%
Sander; 6egan franchi;in7 his chic0en 6usiness# The -olonel granted Salt :a0e -ity /ith
the fir;' KFC franchi;e# The franchi;e a7ree,en' stipulated a ' nic0el payment to Sanders
for every chic0en sold# +n 'BAA Co%one% Sander; /as virtually 6ro0e and decided to go on the
road to sell his Ori7ina% Reci:e to restaurants and tin 'B,& there /ere 'B& KFC
franchi;ee; and )&& franchi;e uni'; in the U#S# and -anada# Co%one% Sander; eventually sold
his interest in the company for M% million 6ut remained a pu6lic spo0esman for the company#
+n 'B,, the Ken'uc<- Fried Chic<en -orporation /ent pu6lic and in 'B,B it /as listed on
the !e/ Oor0 Stoc0 78change# +n 'B;& Co%one% )ar%and Sander; died after 6eing diagnosed
/ith leu0emia# +n %&&, more than a 6illion of the KFC chic0en meals /ere served annually in
more than ;& countries and territories around the /orld#KFC proudly introduced a ne/ recipe
in %&&< that 0ept the original flavor 6ut contained Vero *rams of Trans Fat per serving than0s
to ne/ coo0ing oil#KFC updated one of the most recogni5ed respected and
6eloved +rand icons /ith a ne/ %o7o in %&&; replacing his classic /hite dou6le(6reasted suit
/ith a red apron# The apron sym6oli5e a home(style culinary heritage to remind customers
that KFC is al/ays in the 0itchen coo0ing delicious freshly prepared chic0en 6y hand just the
/ay Co%one% Sander; did A& years ago#KFC introduced Ken'uc<- Gri%%ed Chic<enW in
%&&B# Gri%%ed Chic<en is a 6etter(for(you option for health conscious consumers /ho love the
flavor of KFC# Ken'uc<- Gri%%ed Chic<en has less calories fat and sodium /ithout
sacrificing the great taste of .F-#
.F- is one of the /orldHs most popular fast food restaurant chains in the /orld
founded 6y -olonel @arland Sanders in 'B=&#
7very day more than '% million customers are served at .F- restaurants in '&B
countries and territories around the /orld#
.F- operates more than 'A&&& restaurants around the /orld today#
KFC's Mission Statement
The Association of Kentucky Fried Chicken Franchisees, Inc. is united to protect,
promote and advance the mutual interests of all member franchisees and the
Kentucky Fried Chicken system."
-hic0en /as 6orn# Over the ne8t nine years he perfected his secret 6lend of '' her6s
and spices and the 6asic coo0ing technique of chic0en# SandersH restaurant 6usiness
/itnessed an une8pected halt in the early 'BA&s /hen a ne/ interstate high/ay /as
planned 6ypassing the to/n of -or6in# @is restaurant flourished mainly due to the
patronage of high/ay travellers# The ne/ development meant the end of this# Sanders
sold his restaurant operations# After settling all his 6ills he /as reduced to living on a
meagre M'&A social security cheque# 1ut Sanders did not lose hope# 1an0ing on the
popularity of his product and confident of his unique recipe for fried chic0en Sanders
started franchising his chic0en 6usiness in 'BA%# @e called it .entuc0y Fried -hic0en#
@e travelled the length and 6readth of the country 6y car visiting as many restaurants
as possi6le and coo0ing 6atches of chic0en# +f the restaurant o/ners li0ed his chic0en
he entered into a handsha0e agreement that stipulated payment for each plate of chic0en
sold 6y the restaurant# 1y 'B,) Sanders franchised more than ,&& chic0en outlets in
the US and -anada#
Mar<e' Ana%-;i;
A mar0et in this conte8t refers to a num6er of all actual and potential 6uyers of a
product ".otler et al %&&=$# These
6uyers have a need to satisfy their
needs through e8change "*raphic '$#
These needs ma0e up the demand for
particular products and services#
Several components must 6e considered as all these components have a direct or
indirect impact on .F-Fs success#
-hanges in the 6elo/ descri6ed components over the last couple of years have led to
6ig changes in peopleFs attitudes to/ards healthy food# +t e8plains /hy Australians
today /ant to eat healthy and nutritious(rich food in order to 0eep themselves healthy
and that .F- must adjust their range of product and their company image to appeal to
these ne/ e8pectations people have# "http344///#mar0etresearch#com$#
Foreign fast food companies /ere allo/ed to enter +ndia during the early 'BB&s than0s
to the economic li6erali5ation policy of the *overnment of +ndia "*o+$# One of the first
fast food multinationals to set foot in +ndia /as .entuc0y Fried -hic0en ".F-$ o/ned
6y Pepsi-o#
#a collection
of seller%
#a collection
of buyers
/roduct 0 service
&raphic 1
.F- received permission to open =& ne/ outlets across the country# +t chose 1angalore
as its launch pad 6ecause the city had a su6stantial upper middle class population /ith
a trend of families eating out# Also it /as considered +ndiaFs fast gro/ing metropolis in
the 'BB&#
The 1angalore outlet /as opened in Uune 'BBA# Apart from 1angalore Pepsi-o
planned to open ,& .F- outlets in the country over the ne8t seven years# @o/ever
.F- 6ecame em6roiled in various controversies even 6efore it started full(fledged
6usiness in +ndia#.F- has total A& outlets in +ndia
Kfc>India Menu
!on S Iegetarian


.F- is the /orldFs !o#' -hic0en CSR and has industry leading stature across many
countries li0e U. Australia South Africa -hina USA Malaysia and many more# .F- is
the largest 6rand of Oum Restaurants a company that o/ns other leading 6rands li0e
Pi55a @ut Taco 1ell AD9 and :ong Uohn Silver# Reno/ned /orld/ide for itFs finger
lic0ing good food .F- offers its signature products in +ndia tooP .F- has introduced
many offerings for its gro/ing customer 6ase in +ndia /hile staying rooted in the taste
legacy of -olonel @arland SanderFs secret recipe# +ts signature dishes include the >crispy
outside juicy inside? @ot and -rispy -hic0en flavorful and juicy Original Recipe
chic0en the spicy juicy D crunchy Vinger 1urger Toasted T/ister -hic0en 1uc0et and
a host of 6everages and desserts# For the vegetarians in +ndia .F- also has great tasting
vegetarian offerings that include the Ieggie 1urger Ieggie Snac0er and Ieg Rice meals#
+n +ndia .F- is gro/ing rapidly and today has presence in '' cities /ith close to A&
This is 6asically a comparative study /hich also should 6e ta0e into consideration the
strategies of similar restaurants li0e .F-# So similar type restaurants li0e Mc2onalds Te8as
chic0en 1urger 0ing Su6/ay /hich are into similar format as .F- intro the quic0 serving
restaurants 6ut still these form different menu items in each of them#
Mc2onalds sell 6urgers as its main item 6ut at the same this is ta0en as one of the referral
6ecause it is the first restaurant /hich 6ro0e its conventional standard item concept and
introduced the local menu item in +ndia /hich is named as EAlooTi00iE this item is very much
popular in the outlets of Mc2onalds +ndia 0no/ledge%&&B# Te8as chic0en is one such
restaurant /hich deals /ith only chic0en snac0 items e8actly similar to the .F- hence if the
items from this restaurant is also studied /hich one is 6eing li0ed most 6y the people from this
1urger 0ing is also one of the famous quic0 serving restaurants in +ndia /hich totally relies on
the 6urger menu items only# -oming to the su6/ay the food sold here is full of green in nature
they serve for the gourmets /ho are calorie conscious also# .no/ing the tastes of the people
visiting such varied restaurants can enhance the 0no/ledge of the taste of the people# Along
/ith the consensus of /hich famous item is li0ed 6y them it should also 6e 0no/n /hether
they li0e the menu items /hich are local 6eing offered 6y them# This /ill once again
reconfirms the decision of introductions of the local menu item into a target mar0et 6y .F-#
Marie(-Rcile -ervellon and :aurette2u6e %&&A made a research on ho/ different cultures
influenced the li0es and disli0es in consuming a particular food# They discussed in detail the
theoretical and practical results on the dominance of the culture# This study /as done in
6asically to study the inter(influence of cultures on food 6et/een the French and the -hinese
American @eart Association%&'& in their curriculum to teach their nutritional e8perts 6riefly
e8plain its ho/ the differences in the cultures differences in the ethnicity they 6elong to
differences in the family 6ac0grounds depend upon the choice of food inta0e 6y their patients#
This /ill really help them in formulating the complete diet chart#
1ut there are very fe/ studies /hich discuss on the influence of cultures for the success of
multinational fast referred retailing giants# Though Mc2onaldHs is already serving /ith
different menu items in different countries# +nitially it got its lessons from its failure in the
-hinese countries /here the eight initial intervals and its standard menu /hich /as not
eventually accepted /ell 6y the -hinese people# Then it came out /ith a principle to introduce
the com6ination menu /ith 6oth the local and standard menu variants#
>The :iterature revie/ is the /or0 of syntheses?# The literature revie/ is an attempt to
summari5e the e8isting state of 0no/ledge a6out a su6ject and in research proposals to frame
the proposed researchFs e8pected involvement to 0no/ledge "Ueffrey %&&,$# :iterature revie/
ena6les the researcher to position research in a large conte8t 6y determining on overall revie/
of the 6ody of research and revealing the /or0 that already 6eing done and reported# The
fundamental varia6les contri6ution to customer satisfaction in store a6out The Cuality and
7nvironment can 6e ultimately enhanced 6ut the service offered eventually provide 6usiness a
competitive advantage "7vert 'BB'$
The predominance of evidence in the accessi6le literature on the mar0eting of services has
identified the critical role of service quality and satisfaction in the formation of customer
purchase retention "Steven D Thomas 'BB)$# Understanding the relationship 6et/een the
customer satisfaction and service quality is crucial for the effective management of any
6usiness institution "Rust DOilver 'BB)$# @o/ever drive for the product and service apparent
/orld/ide 6ut the increasing customer satisfaction has 6ecome corporate goal for the 6usiness
"1itnerD@u6lert 'BB)$# The development of 6etter understanding of ho/ service quality
perception and consumer satisfaction judgment interacts and influence each other on consumer
purchase intention is a 0ey challenge face 6y current services in mar0eting discipline "1olton
D 2re/ 'BB)$
S/OT Ana%-;i;
The 6rand detailed mar0et research to create the right mar0eting mi8#
Good=i%% and re:u'a'ion3 The company certainly has earned a good name and
reputation 6y its previous products and services in the mar0et# +t is even more
in other mar0ets outside +ndia /here the company is among the leading fast food
The 6rand is recognised and trusted in +ndia for its quality products price and customer
service# +t therefore has a good head start and enjoys a good chance of 6ecoming a
in +ndian fast food industry#
E,:%o-ee *o-a%'-3 7mployee :oyalty is one of the major strengths of .F-# The
turnover rate in the company is amongst the lo/est in the industry#
Cu;'o,er *o-a%'-3 2espite gain 6y 1oston Mar0et and -hic0(fill A .F-
6ase remained loyal to the .F- 6rand 6ecause of its unique taste# .F- has
to dominate the dinner and ta0e out segment of the +ndustry#
Ran<; hi7he;' a,on7 a%% chic<en re;'auran' chain; for its convenience and
variety# +t generates M'1 revenue each year#
/ea<ne;;e; !In'erna%$
.F- has 6een for around long time therefore they have to 0eep innovating#
.F- /as losing mar0et share as other -hic0en chain increased sales at a faster
.F- share of -hic0en Segment sales fell from <' percent 'BBB to less than A,
percent in %&&B a '& (years drop of 'A percent#
@uge competition in this segment#
+ndia is still mostly a vegetarian dominated cultured society# South +ndia is
very much so# This may reduce the mar0et share of the company#
.F- has not yet invested much on RD2 and innovating ne/ products for +ndian
Mar0ets# This may lead to failure of their products as they are not in line /ith the
+ndian mind set people taste and preferences and their li0es and disli0es# This may
prove fatal for the company#
Ne= Mar<e';3 *lo6alisation has opened doors for ne/ mar0ets for the company# As
developed mar0ets are mostly saturated the developing countries li0e +ndia and -hina
promises a good mar0et and generation of demand in the future# 9ith more than <&Q
the mar0ets in india 6eing une8plored and un organised .F- has a good scope of
e8panding its operations in the country#
Cro;; Cu%'ure3 *enerally there is a good acceptance of American culture of fast food
+ndia# People are opening up to fast foods more regularly in their daily lives and not just
0eeping it a once in a month affair# Thus +ndian mindset is fast changing#
*ar7e You'h :o:u%a'ion3 +ndia has a very large share of youth population a compared
other countries# More than ,&Q of the population is under the age of =&yrs# As the
generation are more open to fast foods and demand it more this is a good ne/s for the

Threa'; !E&'erna%$
Co,:e'i'ion -ompetitor companies li0e Mc2onalds are fast catching up /ith the
mar0et# Mc2onaldFs /ith sales of more than 'B 6illion in 'BBB accounted for 'A
percent of the sales of the nationFs top '&& restaurant chains#
Organisations li0e P7TA People for 7thnic Treatment for Animals have given a
name to the company /hich may prove disastrous to the image of the firm#
.F- is under massive attac0s from animal organisations questioning the /ay
suppliers are threatening the chic0en 6efore they got slaughtered# Anti(.F-
campaigns such as the one from P7TA are affecting .F-Fs 6rand image in a
negative /ay and result in direct dollar losses as less people are consuming .F-
Sa'ura'ed US Mar<e'3 !o/ .F- cannot rely on just its home mar0et to generate
sales# As the US mar0ets are already saturated and leave no or little scope for
company necessarily needs to loo0 at offshore foreign mar0ets to generate sales and
0eep up the profits#
A hypothesis is an educated guess or proposition that attempts to e8plain a set of facts or
natural phenomenon# +t is used mostly in the field of science /here the scientific method is
used to test it#
+n this research report /e are finding some of the outcomes on the 6asis of prediction and
assumptions# For this purpose /e formed some hypothesis3
@'3 There is a significant difference in overall satisfaction /ith 6un of the product on the 6asis
of income group#
@%3 There is a significant difference in overall satisfaction /ith chic0en of the product on the
6asis of age group#
@=3 There is a significant difference in overall satisfaction /ith sauce of the product on the
6asis of income group#
@)3 There is a significant difference in overall satisfaction /ith lettuce of the product on the
6asis of age group#
@A3 There is a significant difference in overall satisfaction /ith onion of the product on the
6asis of income group#
@,3 There is a significant difference in overall satisfaction /ith mayonnaise of the product on
the 6asis of age group#
The research methodology is an approach /hich encompasses of several issues including
pro6lems constrictions and ethical preferences /ithin the research# The methodology is the
speculative e8amination of the methods that are appropriate to a specific field of study# To
achieve the o6jectives and goals of the research selection of methodology is essential and is
indispensa6le for investigation and analysis# .eeping in consideration the quality of services
provided 6y the organi5ation "Ialarie et al# 'B;A$ the >onion theory? plays an important role
in determining the philosophy approaches strategies time hori5on and the data collection
1efore e8amining types of research designs it is important to 6e clear a6out the role and
purpose of research design# 9e need to understand /hat research design is and /hat it is not#
9e need to 0no/ /here design fits into the /hole research process from framing a question to
finally analy5ing and reporting data#
+n order to achieve the o6jective it /as necessary to tal0 to the customers and pu6lic to dra/s
the conclusions regarding the o6jective# For collecting the relevant informationL a
questionnaire /ill 6e design# The questionnaire /ill design in such a manner to achieve the
o6jective of the research# The sample /as appro8imately '%A#
DESCRI#TIVE RESEARC) 2escriptive research does not fit neatly into the definition of
either quantitative or qualitative research methodologies 6ut instead it can utili5e elements of
6oth often /ithin the same study# The term descriptive research refers to the type of research
question design and data analysis that /ill 6e applied to a given topic# 2escriptive statistics
tell /hat is /hile inferential statistics try to determine cause and effect#
2escriptive research is the e8ploration of the e8isting certain phenomena# The details of the
facts /onFt 6e 0no/n# The e8isting phenomenaFs facts are not 0no/n to the persons#
#RIMARY DATA Primary data is data /hich has 6een collected 6y ourselves /hich is
more relia6le and up to date# EPrimaryE are terms used to define data relative to the purpose 6y
/hich the data /ere collected originally# EPrimary dataE are data collected for the need at
hand# Primary data analytics involves the a6ility to analy5e data for the purpose 6y /hich it
has 6een collected# Primary data is a data /hich is created for the first time and there is no
previous source availa6le#
SECONDARY DATA Secondary data has 6een collected from a secondary source
"Other people 6usiness etc#$ so it may not 6e valid or up to date# ESecondaryE are terms used
to define data relative to the purpose 6y /hich the data /ere collected originally# ESecondary
dataE are data that /ere collected for another reason 6ut is 6eing re(purposed to address the
need at hand# Secondary data analytics involves identifying Esecondary data sourcesE to solve
a ne/ pro6lem and then the a6ility to re(purpose that data#
SAM#*E SICE AND SAM#*E UNIT ')& respondents from .F- outlet /ho purchase
11C 6urger from outlet in 2elhi ":ajpat nagar and -P%$# As /e have ta0en '%A respondents
sample to 0no/ the appro8imately figures of customers and consumers perception and
satisfaction to/ards 11C 6urger /hat they li0e and disli0e /ith respect to 11C 6urger#
SAM#*E SE*ECTION #ROCEDURE 9e used multistage sample selection
technique# At first stage /e used random sampling technique to select .F- outlets in 2elhi
city 6ecause it /as not possi6le to select all the outlet in the city due to shortage of time#
At second stage /e used convenience sampling technique to ta0e responses from the
respondent 6ecause respondents are not easily availa6le and it /as not possi6le to sort out
respondent on the 6asis of their visiting in outlet# +t too0 = /ee0s time to collect responses
from the respondents#
The target respondent /ould 6e the male and female#
The age group /ould 6e in(6et/een ';( )B#
Respondent /ill 6e ta0en from .F- outlet in 2elhi /hose have consumed 11C 1urger#
+n this research total '%A respondents are participated fairly /ith the age group of ';(
),# Participants are varying from student to professionals or 6usiness man or self
employed person highlight the diversity of the survey# The sampling technique use for
the research paper is simple random sampling 6y age# -ustomer /ith different
demographic character has different 6uying 6ehavior#
The data has 6een collected through primary data as /ell as secondary data#
9e are using SPSS /hich is a latest tool for easily analy5e the data and /e entered data in
78cel sheet and then prepared chart and graphs on the 6asis of the data# To calculate the
@ypothesis /e used A!OIA test#
C)A#TER ?2
2"0 Sa,:%e #rofi%e A7e +a;i;
Ta+%e 0 A7e Grou: /i;e Sa,:%e #rofi%e
Age *roup"in years$ !um6er of Respondents Q of respondents
'A(%&years =B ='#%
%'(%Byears %, %&#;
=&(=Byears =) %<#%
)&()Byears %, %&#;
Total '%A '&&
Fi7ure A Sa,:%e :rofi%e +- a7e Grou:
In'er:re'a'ion Among all respondents =B respondents that ='Q are fall under the age group
'A years to %& years %, respondents that is %'Q are fall under the age group %' to %B years =)
respondents that is %<Q are fall under the age group =& to =B years and %, respondents that is
%'Q are fall Under the age group )& to )B years# So it is clear that the majority of respondents
6elong to O generation "='Q respondents$
2"1 Sa,:%e #rofi%e Qua%ifica'ion Ba;i;
Ta+%e 1 Sa,:%e :rofi%e +- educa'ion *e(e%
Qua%ifica'ion No" re;:onden'; !H$ re;:onden'
'&Y% %& ',
*raduate42iploma %A %&
Post *raduate or a6ove ;& ,)
Total '%A '&&
Fi7ure B Sa,:%e :rofi%e +- educa'ion *e(e%
In'er:re'a'ion Among '%A respondents %& respondents that is ',Q are '&Y% passed %A
respondents that is %&Q are graduate and ;& respondents are post graduate or have more
@igher degree# So it is clear that the major part "that is ,) Q$ of the respondents are highly
2"F Sa,:%e #rofi%e Occu:a'ion Ba;i;
Ta+%e F Sa,:%e :rofi%e +- occu:a'ion
Occu:a'ion No" of Re;:onden'; H of Re;:onden';
Service =& %)
1usiness =) %<#%
Self 7mployed professional =B ='#%
Student %% '<#,
Others & &
Total '%A '&&
Fi7ure C Sa,:%e :rofi%e +- occu:a'ion
In'er:re'a'ion3 Among '%A respondents =& respondents that is %)Q are service man =)
respondents that is %<Q have their o/n 6usiness =B respondents that is ='Q are self
employed%% respondents that is ';Q are students and & respondents that is &Q are fall under
others category# So it implies that majority of the respondents are either 6usiness man or
professional self employed#
2"4 Sa,:%e #rofi%e Annua% hou;eho%d inco,e Ba;i;
Ta+%e 4 Sa,:%e :rofi%e +- annua% hou;eho%d inco,e
Annua% hou;eho%d inco,e No" of re;:onden'; !H$ Re;:onden'
:ess than % lacs %A %&
% (A lacs == %,#)
A ('& lacs =B ='#%
More than '& lacs %; %%#)
Total '%A '&&
Fi7ure D Sa,:%e :rofi%e +- annua% hou;eho%d inco,e
In'er:re'a'ion3 Among '%A respondents %A respondents "that is %&Q$ annual household
income is less than % lacs == respondents "that is %<Q$ annual household income is % to A
lacs =B respondents "that is ='Q$ annual household income is A to '& lacs and %;
respondents "that is %%Q$ annual household income is more than '& lacs# So from these
data /e can interpret that the majority of the respondents are 6elong in middle class and
upper middle class family#
2"D ;a,:%e #rofi%e Gender Ba;i;
Ta+%e D Sa,:%e :rofi%e +- 7ender
Gender No" of re;:onden'; !H$ Re;:onden'
,= A&#)
,% )B#,
'B< '&&
Fi7ure E Sa,:%e :rofi%e +- 7ender
In'er:re'a'ion Among '%A respondents ,= respondents "that is A&Q$ gender are male ,%
respondents "that is A&Q$ gender are female# So from these data /e can interpret that the 6oth
are same interested to having to taste the product#
2"2 #%ea;e 'e%% ,e 'he rea;on 'ha' ,ade -ou 'r- S#ICY BBQ BURGER
Ta+%e 2 Rea;on 'o 'r- BBQ Bur7er
Rea;on No" of re;:onden'; !H$ Re;:onden'
!ame enthused interest ;' ,)#;
Sa/ some6ody eating it D the
appearance loo0ed tempting
'; ')#)
:oo0ed more felling to eat %& ',
My friends4 colleague had
recommended it to me
, )#;
Total '%A '&&
Fi7ure F Rea;on 'o 'r- BBQ Bur7er
In'er:re'a'ion Among '%A respondents ;' respondents "that is ,)#;Q$ try 11C 1urger
6ecause name enthused interested '; respondents "that is ')#)Q$ annual try 11C 1urger
6ecause sa/ some6ody eating it D the appearance loo0ed tempting %& respondents "that is
',Q$ try 11C 1urger 6ecause it loo0ed feeling to eat and , respondents "that is )#;&Q$ try
11C 1urger 6ecause their friends4colleague had recommended it to them So from these
data /e can interpret that the majority of the respondents are try to 11C 1urger 6ecause
name enthused interest#
2"5 ho= ,uch did -ou %i<e 'hi; :roduc'I
Ta+%e 5 %i<in7 of :roduc'
No" of re;:onden'; !H$ Re;:onden'
#oor < A#,
Fair %< %'#,
Good ,' );#;
Ver- 7ood %' ',#;
E&ce%%en' B <#%
To'a% '%A '&&
Gra:h G %i<in7 of :roduc'
In'er:re'a'ion Among '%A respondents < respondents "that is A#,Q$ says taste of 11C
1urger is poor %< respondents "that is %'#,Q$ says taste of 11C 1urger is fair,'
respondents "that is );#;Q$ says taste of 11C 1urger is good%' respondents "that is
',#;&Q$ says taste of 11C 1urger is very good and B respondents "that is <#%Q$ says taste
of 11C 1urger is e8cellent# So from these data /e can interpret that the majority of the
respondents says that taste of 11C 1urger is good#
2"3 Ra'in7 +- a''ri+u'e; of 'he :roduc'
Ta+%e 3 Ra''in7 +- a''ri+u'e; of 'he :roduc'
No" of re;:onden';!H of Re;:onden'$
#oor Fair Good Ver- 7ood E&ce%%en'
Taste of 1un .=/):> -.=-?):> @.=??):> :9=-.):> 9=4):>
Taste of -hic0en :=-)@> --=A)A> @A=?9)9> 9:=44)@> :=-)@>
Taste of Sauce @=9)A> 9/=4@)/> @9=?-):> A=@)9> 0
Taste of :ettuce ?=9> 9@=4@)A> @@=?:)A> A=@)9> 0
Taste of Onion ?=9> 4.=4-):> /:=?/)@> .=/):> 0
Taste of Mayonnaise @=9)A> @A=?9)9> 4/=:.)@> -9=--):> 0
) Ra''in7 +- a''ri+u'e; of 'he :roduc'
In'er:re'a'ion Among '%A respondents <#%Q poor 'A#%Q fair AA#%Q good 'B#%Q very good
and =#%A e8cellent says for the taste of 1un '#,Q poor ;#;Q fair A)#)Q good ==#,Q very
good '#,Q e8cellent says for taste of chic0en )#;Q poor =<#,Q fair A'#%Q good ,#)Q very
good &Q e8cellent says for taste of sauce)Q poor=,#;Q fairA%#;Q good ,#)Q very good
&Q e8cellent says for taste of lettuce )Q poor ='#%Q fair A<#,Q good <#%Q very good &Q
e8cellent says for taste of onion and )#;Q poorA)#)Q fair %B#,Q good ''#%Q very good&Q
e8cellent says for taste of mayonnaise# So from these data /e can interpret that the majority of
the respondents says that taste of all ingrediance of 11C 1urger is good#
2"J )o= =ou%d -ou ra'e 'he :roduc'I
Ta+%e J Ra'e 'he BBQ Bur7er
No" of re;:onden';!H of Re;:onden'$
,uch %e;;
'han =ha' i'
;hou%d +e
%e;; 'han
=ha' i'
;hou%d +e
@u;' a+ou'
,ore 'han
=ha' i'
;hou%d +e
,uch ,ore
'han =ha' i'
;hou%d +e
Te&'ure of
Bun & %'#, ,; '&#) &
'e&'ure of
chic<en & %) <, & &
+ar+ecued & AB#% %;#; '% &
Chic<en '=#, );#; %A#, '% &
;auce <#% %) ))#; %) &
'e,:era'ure =, %; %)#; ''#% &
Gra:h I Ra'e 'he BBQ Bur7er
In'er:re'a'ion Among '%A respondents for the te8ture of chic0en <,Q respondents says that
the si5e of chic0en is just a6out right and %)Q respondents says that the si5e of chic0en is less
than /hat it should 6e#
*rilled4 6ar6ecued of chic0en %;#;Q respondents says that the taste of grilled4 6ar6ecued of
chic0en is just a6out rightAB#%Q respondents says that the taste of grilled4 6ar6ecued of
chic0en is less than /hat it should 6e '%Q respondents says that the taste of grilled4 6ar6ecued
of chic0en is more than /hat it should 6e#
%A#,Q respondents says that the juiciness of chic0en is just a6out right );#;Q respondents
says that the juiciness of chic0en is less than /hat it should 6e '%Q respondents says that the
juiciness of chic0en is more than /hat it should 6e#'=#,Q respondents says that the juiciness
of chic0en is much less than /hat it should 6e#
))#;Q respondents says that the chilliness of sauce is just a6out right %)Q respondents says
that the chilliness of sauce is less than /hat it should 6e %)Q respondents says that the
chilliness of sauce is more than /hat it should 6e#<#%Q respondents says that the chilliness of
sauce is much less than /hat it should 6e#
%)#;Qrespondents says that the temperature of chic0en is just a6out right%;Q respondents
says that the temperature of chic0en is less than /hat it should 6e ''#%Q respondents says that
the temperature of chic0en is more than /hat it should 6e#=,Q respondents says that the
temperature of chic0en is much less than /hat it should 6e#
2"06 )o= =e%% 'hi; :roduc' fi'; =i'h KFCL; i,a7eI
Ta+%e 06 KFCL; I,a7e
I,a7e No" of re;:onden'; !H$ Re;:onden'
Doe; no' fi' a' a%% '< '=#,
Doe; no' Mui'e fi' %, %&#;
Fi'; 'o ;o,e e&'en' =, %;#;
Fi'; Mui'e =e%% =< %B#,
Fi'; e&'re,e%- =e%% B <#%
To'a% '%A '&&
Fi7ure B KFCL; I,a7e
In'er:re'a'ion Among '%A respondents '=#,Q respondents says that the 11C 1urger does not
fit at all %&#;Q says that the it does not quite fit %;#;Q says that the it fit to some e8tent
%B#,Q says that the it fit quite /ell <#%Q says that the it fit e8tremely /ell for the image of
.F-# So from these data /e can interpret that the majority of the respondents says that 11C
1urger fits quite /ell /ith the image of .F-#
2"00 /ou%d -ou re?ordered BBQ Bur7er ne&' 'i,e =hen -ou (i;i' KFC in fu'ureI
Ta+%e 00 Vi;i' KFC
Vi;i' KFC No" of re;:onden'; !H$ Re;:onden'
/i%% defini'e%- no' re?order %= ';#)
/i%% :ro+a+%- no' re?order %A %&
Ma- or ,a- no' re?order )< =<#,
/i%% :ro+a+%- re?order '; ')#)
/i%% defini'e%- re?order '% B#,
To'a% '%A '&&
Fi7ure K Vi;i' KFC
In'er:re'a'ion Among '%A respondents ';#)Q says that they /ill definitely not re(order
%&Q /ill pro6a6ly not re(order=<#,Q may or may not 6e re(order ')#)Q /ill pro6a6ly re(
order and B#,Q /ill definitely re(order to 11C 1urger# So from these data /e can interpret
that the majority of the respondents says that may or may not 6e re(order /hen their visit in
.F- in future#
2"01 /here -ou 7o' <no= a+ou' 'he BBQ +ur7er +- KFCI
Ta+%e 0F <no= a+ou' 'he BBQ +ur7er
No" of re;:onden'; !H$ Re;:onden'
Menu card in 'he ;'ore A' )&#;
Reco,,ended +- fa,i%-> friend; =& %)
Reco,,ended +- S'aff =& %)
Seen in Ne=;:a:er;K,a7aNine; ') ''#%
To'a% '%A '&&
Fi7ure * <no= a+ou' 'he BBQ +ur7er
In'er:re'a'ion Among '%A respondents )'Q responds 0no/ a6out the product from the
menu card %)Q 0no/ from family D friends %)Q 0no/ from the staff of .F- ''Q 0no/
from the ne/spaper D maga5ines# So from these data /e can interpret that the majority of the
respondents 0no/ a6out the product from menu card in .F-#
From the 6elo/ ta6le /e found that F value is not significant "%#BB=$ at pZ&#&A so the
hypothesis @' /ould 6e rejected at A percent significant level# @ence /e can say
Taste of un
)um of
)2uares df +ean )2uare F )ig.
etween &roups 3.456 7 8.167 8.997 .:75
;ithin &roups 66.848 181 .<89
2 95.6:: 185
there is a significant difference in overall satisfaction /ith 6un of the product on the 6asis of
income group#
From the 6elo/ ta6le /e found that F value is not significant "<#=%B$ at pZ&#&A so the
hypothesis @% /ould 6e rejected at A percent significant level# @ence /e can say
)um of
)2uares df +ean )2uare F )ig.
etween &roups 9.58< 7 7.158 <.789 .:::
;ithin &roups 41.664 181 .589
Total 31.718 185
there is a significant difference in overall satisfaction /ith chic0en of the product on the 6asis
of age group#
From the 6elo/ ta6le /e found that F value is not significant "')#<;&$ at pZ&#&A so the
hypothesis @= /ould 6e rejected at A percent significant level# @ence /e can say
)um of )2uares df +ean )2uare F )ig.
etween &roups 14.3:3 7 4.8:8 15.<6: .:::
;ithin &roups 58.463 181 .748
Total 46.198 185
there is a significant difference in overall satisfaction /ith sauce of the product on the 6asis of
income group#
From the 6elo/ ta6le /e found that F value is not significant "B#'<=$ at pZ&#&A so the
hypothesis @) /ould 6e rejected at A percent significant level# @ence /e can say
)um of )2uares df +ean )2uare F )ig.
etween &roups 1:.89< 7 7.578 9.1<7 .:::
;ithin &roups 54.8<1 181 .7<5
Total 44.436 185
there is a significant difference in overall satisfaction /ith lettuce of the product on the 6asis
of age group#
From the 6elo/ ta6le /e found that F value is not significant "''#A='$ at pZ&#&A so the
hypothesis @A /ould 6e rejected at A percent significant level# @ence /e can say
)um of )2uares df +ean )2uare F )ig.
etween &roups 18.8<7 7 5.:91 11.471 .:::
;ithin &roups 58.98< 181 .744
Total 44.8:: 185
there is a significant difference in overall satisfaction /ith onion of the product on the 6asis of
income group
From the 6elo/ ta6le /e found that F value is not significant "%;#))&$ at pZ&#&A so the
hypothesis @, /ould 6e rejected at A percent significant level# @ence /e can say
)um of )2uares df +ean )2uare F )ig.
etween &roups 89.587 7 9.6:6 86.55: .:::
;ithin &roups 51.<89 181 .754
Total <1.148 185
there is a significant difference in overall satisfaction /ith mayonnaise of the product on the
6asis of age group#
C)A#TER? 5
From the /hole research + have got follo/ing major findings
First + conclude that teen ager4youngsters are more interested to visit .F-#
According to survey the people /ho are having %('& lacs household income are visiting
.F-# So /e can interpret that the price of .F- is economical#
Most of the people firstly tried 11C 1urger 6ecause the name enthuse interest#
According to the survey most of the people rate this 6urger 6et/een= to ) upon A#
As per findings people li0e the ingredient of the 11C 1urger#
As per findings most people say that 11C 1urger fits quite /ell /ith the image of
As per findings + also conclude people agree .F- is hygienic and the am6ience is quite
praise /orthy and customer oriented#

.F- is a multinational fast food chain company that has successfully esta6lished itself
in the +ndian mar0et# +nitially it faced fe/ 7thical pro6lems in +ndia 6ut after re entry
.F- suited very /ell in +ndia mar0et#
The revival strategies li0e A6le to adapt to cultural differences tastes and preferences
Price sensitivity helped .F- to grasp its feet in +ndia#
.F- is slo/ly and steadily moving up the ladder of preference 6y +ndia customers #
The survey done sho/s that .F- is among the t/o most preferred place to have food in
The pricing strategy follo/ed 6y .F- is little e8pensive as compared to its nearest
competitor Mac 2onaldFs 6ut customers are /illing to give that money 6ecause of
Cuality and am6ience offered 6y .F-#
.F- is also offering Iegetarian food in there menu of /hich Ieg Feast is most
preferred 6y -ustomers#
The Par0ing facility provided 6y .F- "!oida$ is 0eeping its customer happy and
To summari5e this up .F- is adapting 6eautifully and effectively in +ndian mar0et
/hich is supported 6y their customer understanding and emotional rational shared
6et/een .F- and there customers# The only phase4 area they are lac0ing is that they
are living /ith a perception of 6eing one of the 6est !on(Iegetarian outlet so +ndian
customer prefer least to visit .F- for having Iegetarian food +tem#

11C 1urger is good 6ut not e8cellent as compare to other 6urgers of .F-#
11C 1urger is not that much grilled46ar6ecued /hat it should 6e#
Cuality of 6un is not good of 11C 1urger#
.F- provide lo/ fat menu#
Price of 11C 1urger is high#

C)A#TER? 06
Al/ays serve 11C 1urger immediate after its preparation# Other/ise flavor of
grilled46ar6ecued is lost
1un has to 6e al/ays freshL other/ise overall taste is not that delicious#
-ost of product should 6e lo/ as comparison to other 6urger of .F-
Advertising should 6e strong so that the customers are attracted to/ards the product#
-oupon system can 6e arranged for the customers so that they can taste 11C 6urger
/ithout any delay#

C)A#TER E 00
Though all the efforts have 6een made for an in(depth study and delineating the correct
picture 6ut in course of doing so there /ere some limitations involved /ith the methodology
'# Survey is conducted in some areas of 2elhi region /hich may not 6e large enough to
generali5e on a nation/ide scale#
%# A sample si5e of ,& /as ta0en to fill the questionnaire /hich again might not 6e sufficient
to represent the true picture of perception D attitude#
=# Findings are restricted to geographical 6oundaries of 2elhi state#
)# The time constraint did not allo/ed interaction /ith each individual#
A# Respondents can 6e 6ias to/ards some personal li0ing or disli0ing /hich restricts them
giving their fran0 and fair opinion#
,# Since the perception and attitudes varies /ith each individual so this effect has 6een
reflected in the study
78perience ma0e life enjoya6le and enriching just as my summer training in
>+MR1 +!T7R!AT+O!A:? proved to 6e an asset for me# + got practical e8posure in various
aspects of mar0eting and + also learnt the dynamics of /or0 related 6ehavior of the people
/or0ing in the organi5ation#
+n the >+MR1 +!T7R!AT+O!A:? the employee have same canteen and same
convenes from this + am very impress and the employee of the +MR1 international is very
helpful for every one# + never face the any type of pro6lem during my training period#
The company provides me all type of facility that + /ant in my training period# + 0no/
that all research /ho are the cliente of company and the all type of research /hich company
do# + sa/ that ho/ analysis and research are done at every point in the company#
Cuality of every research here chec0 at every step and from here + have learnt those
things /hich /ill help me in near future#
C)A#TER? 01
0" P@+::+P .OT:7R Principles of Mar0eting ''
7dition Prentice @all +ndia#
1" P@+::+P .OT:AR Mar0eting ManagementS
Millennium 7dition#
F" I#S#RAMAS9AMO D Mar0eting Management(<
!AMA.UMAR+ Millennium +ndia
FOO2+!2+A #+!
C)A#TER ? 0F
'# @ave you consumed today the 11C 6urger in .F-K
%# Please tell me the reason that made you try SP+-O 11C 1UR*7R
!ame enthused interest
Sa/ some6ody eating it D the appearance loo0ed tempting
:oo0ed more felling to eat
My friends4 colleague had recommended it to me
=# Please tell me on an overall level ho/ much did you li0e this productK
"'Npoor%Nfair=Ngood)Nvery goodANe8cellent$
)# -an you please tell me /hat e8actly you li0ed the productK
A# 2id you disli0e in the productK"if anything please specify$
,# Please rate the follo/ing attri6utes of the product
Poor Fair good Iery good 78cellent
Taste of 1un
Taste of -hic0en
Taste of Sauce
Taste of :ettuce
Taste of Onion
Taste of Mayonnaise
<# Please tell me ho/ /ould you rate the product according the follo/ing statement
"'Nmuch less than /hat it should 6e %N less than /hat it should 6e =Njust a6out right
)Nmore than /hat it should 6e AN much more than /hat it should 6e$
Te8ture of 1un [[[[[[[[[[[
Te8ture of -hic0en [[[[[[[[[[[
-hic0en /as grilled4 6ar6ecued [[[[[[[[[[[
Uuiciness of the -hic0en [[[[[[[[[[[
-hilliness of sauce [[[[[[[[[[[
Serving temperature [[[[[[[[[[[
;# 2o you thin0 that ho/ /ell this product fits /ith .F-Fs imageK
"'Ndoes not fit at all %Ndoes not quite fit =Nfits to some e8tent )Nfits quite /ellANfits
e8tremely /ell$
B# 9ould you re(ordered 11C 1urger ne8t time /hen you visit .F- in futureK
"'N/ill definitely not re(order %N/ill pro6a6ly not re(order =Nmay or may not re(
order )N/ill pro6a6ly re(order AN/ill definitely re(order$
'&# 9here you got 0no/ a6out the 11C 6urger 6y .F-K
Menu card in the store
Recommended 6y family friends
Recommended 6y Staff
Seen in !e/spapers4maga5ines
''# *ender3
'%# Oour age group3
%'(%B years
)&()B years
'=# Occupation of respondents3
Private service
*overnment service
Self employed
Others "Please specify$\\\\\\##
')# Oour average annual household income3
:ess than % lacs
% to A lacs
A to '& lacs
A6ove '& lacs
'A# Oour education level3
Up to '&Y%
Post *raduate and a6ove

Than< -ou for :ar'ici:a'in7 in 'hi; ;ur(e-"

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