Ankita V. Rathod: Career Objective
Ankita V. Rathod: Career Objective
Ankita V. Rathod: Career Objective
Mobile No: +91 9687614497 Email: [email protected] CAREER OBJECTIVE A challenging position he!e " can #tili$e my skills an% kno le%ge an% play an impo!tant !ole in achie&ing goals an% %e&elop mysel' along ith the o!gani$ation. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS Na!" of Uni#"$ it%& Coll"'"& Qualification In titut"& Boa$d M(A)*inance + "n%#kaka "pco ala "nstit#te o' ,#man -eso#!ce. Management/ 0,A-12A3 ((A Anan% "nstit#te o' (#siness 2t#%ies/ 2.7. 1ni&e!sity ,20 )0omme!ce. 9,2E( 220 92,2E( ("a$ of )a in' 4516 4511 4556 4554 )"$c"nta'"& C*)A 7.51 66.78 8 74.:7 8 66.71 8
OT+ER QUALIFICATIONS 0omplete% the si; month co#!se on <0A at =,a!ek!ishna 0omp#te! E%#cation>/ Nana (a$aa!/ ?i%hyanaga!/ in the yea! 4515. 0omplete% the si; month co#!se on ,+R Audit - Accountin'> o''e!e% by "n%#kaka "pco ala "nstit#te o' Management in the 'o#!th semeste! o' M(A p!og!amme %#!ing aca%emic yea! 4514@16. )ROJECT E.)ERIENCE Completed Comprehensive Project on To Study the Usage Behavior of Knowledge Management System in Hospital in semester four, MBA Programme. 0omplete% Comprehensive Project on =The comparative study of Non Performing ssets in pu!lic and private sector !an"s #$ndian Ban"ing $ndustry% in semeste! th!ee/ M(A 7!og!amme. 0omplete% 2#mme! "nte!nship 7!oAect on =To study the employee welfare measures and motivation> at =&il and Natural 'as (orporation #&N'(%) *adodara> %#!ing May 14@ B#ly14/ 4514. 0omplete% ?ocational 3!aining 7!oAect on =$nventory Management at $ndian &il (orporation +imited) "oyali) *adodara in thi!% yea! ((A p!og!amme CONFERENCE & /OR0S+O) &SE1INAR &TRAININ* 7a!ticipate% in state le&el one %ay o!kshop on Career Opportunities in Quality Management o!gani$e% by =<epa!tment o' 2tatistic> 2a!%a! 7atel 1ni&e!sity/ ?allabh ?i%hyanaga! hel% on B#n#a!y 45/ 4511. 1
)ARTICI)ATIONS Acti&e pa!ticipant in the !ssay Competition on ,R"l"#anc" of S2a!i Vi#"kananda3 Vi ion& Vi"2 on Education in 45 t C"ntu$%67 o!gani$e% by ="ndu#a#a "pco$ala "nstitutes of Management / 0,A-12A3/ 0hanga hel% on *eb!#a!y 4/ 4516. Acti&e 7a!ticipation as an E&ent ?ol#ntee! in the E&ent = %oining the Parts o!ganise% by ="ndu#a#a "pco$ala "nstitutes of Management / 0,A-12A3/ 0hanga hel% on Ma!ch 1:@ 17/ 4514. 7a!ticipate in the =-angoli> an% =Mehn%i> competition in 27C1-AD e&ents o!gani$e% by 0ha!ota! 1ni&e!sity o' 2cience an% 3echnology/ 0,AN9A hel% on 45@46 *eb!#a!y 4514 AC+IEVE1ENTS 2too% 4n% in secon% yea! o' ((A at Anan% "nstit#te o' (#siness 2t#%ies in 4515. )ERSONALIT( TRAITS &S0ILLS ,a!%@ o!king 2t!aight 'o! a!% an% honest 9oo% o!gani$ational abilities ,a&e a clea! set o' stan%a!% an% belie' 9oo% Analytical skill )ERSONAL DETAILS <ate o' (i!th 9en%e! (loo% 9!o#p Ma!ital 2tat#s Nationality Dang#ages kno n A%%!ess 'o! comm#nication 8th May/ 1989 *emale A+?e Ma!!ie% "n%ian 0an -ea%/ E!ite an% 2peak English/ ,in%i an% 9#Aa!ati *F8 2hantik#nA 2ociety/ (F,. 2angam 2ociety/ N!. ,a!ni -oa%/ ?a%o%a!a REFERENCES 1$. )$aka 8hai N. +in'oo 2enio! "n%#st!ial "nspecto! <ist!ict "n%#st!ial 0ent!e Na!ma%a (h#&an ?a%o%a!a@ 695551 Mobile. No: +91 9447867:57 Email: %ic.&a%@g#Aa!at.go&.in 1 . Sh""tal Tho!a Assistance 7!o'esso! *ac#lty o' Management 2t#%ies "n%#kaka "pco ala "nstit#te o' Management 0ha!ota! 1ni&e!sity o' 2cience an% 3echnology/0,AN9A @ 688 441 E mail:!