Amreen Munawar CV

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Fathima Amreen

Widad, Vaslane, Balmatta, Mangalore-575002

: 6676061686 amreenmA0Cgmail&com

Objective: To seek a challenging career in your com any and to !e a!le to utili"e my kno#ledge and skills $or the de%elo ment o$ the com any& Professional Development Sep 2012 Feb 2012 6 Months 'm loyer( nfosoft!"# Man$alore# %arnaat&a )osition( 'eb Developer *es onsi!ilities( +e%elo ed #e!site ro,ects on *eal 'state, -ocial net#orking site and a Builder.s #e!site& Well trained in )/) and 0102&

Aca(emic )*alification: -.A+ OF PASS /0 2092 De$ree 4. :n$ormation -cience ; 'ngineering 200? 200= S,D 10 S,D 12 /S, ,1, O/ )&0& 3ollege o$ 'ngineering, Mangalore 1/ 2.+S ,-34OA+D Vis%es%araya Technological <ni%ersity, Belgaum 5 ==&9>

-t Mary.s )< 3ollege, Mangalore :ndian -chool 0l Bhu!ra, -ultanate 5$ 5man

@arnataka )re <ni%ersity 'ducation Board 3B-'

7A ?=

+elevant Mo(*les 3 )rogramming, +ata -tructure, 0+0, 344, +BM-, -o$t#are 'ngineering, 5-, 3om uter 6et#orks, 7ile -tructures, 1a%a, 38 and &6'T, We! )rogramming, -o$t#are Testing, 6et#ork -ecurity

%e! ,echnical S&ills:

Pro$rammin$: 3, 344, 1a%a 'eb: )/), 0102, 2/TMD, 2MD, 1a%a-cri t, 3--& Project Details: 9& *7:+ Based 'm loyee 0ttendance Tracking -ystemde%elo ed on 9ava Platform :4.; +e%elo ed system to collect and manage sta$$ attendance records $rom *7:+ de%ices installed in an enter rise en%ironment& Based on the %eri$ication o$ sta$$ identi$ication at the entrances, the system could generate so histicated sta$$ attendance data $or analysis ur oses& +ata generated included %isitor ro$iles, attendance records, records, organi"ation details and salary details ersonal

0dditional $eatures such as registering a ne# em loyee, editing an eEisting em loyee and deleting an em loyee #ere ro%ided to the admin& Stren$ths: Very good leadershi skills& 3a a!le o$ #orking inde endently and as art o$ a team& 6e%er Bi%e < attitude& Well organi"ed& Will rioriti"e #ork to meet deadlines& 'nthusiastic, kno#ledge-hungry learner, eager to meet challenges& '$$ecti%e communicator, $riendly and co-o erati%e& ."tra an( <o=<*rric*lar Activities3Achievements: :BM 3erti$ied 0ssociate +e%elo er #ith *ational 0 lication +e%elo er $or We!- here -o$t#are V=&0& Microso$t 3erti$ied as Microso$t - ecialist in /TMD5, 1a%ascri t and 3-->& 0ttended :BM +B2 Worksho and thus #ell %ersed #ith its #orking& 0ns#ered the )B3'T 2092 'ntrance 'Eam and scored a rank o$ ?== out o$ a total o$ 20,000& 0ttended the :n$osys training rogram conducted !y :nno%ations <nlimited, Bangalore& 0ttended the -o$t -kills training rogram conducted !y 3am us 3onnect, :n$osys& Various a#ards and a reciations $or organi"ing and moderating Technical and 6on-Technical e%ents& nterests( Writing, 3ooking )hotogra hy +eference: 5n *eFuest

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