The document discusses different sources of energy and their carbon dioxide emissions. It provides information on converting between energy sources to reduce CO2 emissions, including examples of switching from oil or electricity to gas. Tables show carbon emission factors for various fuels and conversions between energy units.
The document discusses different sources of energy and their carbon dioxide emissions. It provides information on converting between energy sources to reduce CO2 emissions, including examples of switching from oil or electricity to gas. Tables show carbon emission factors for various fuels and conversions between energy units.
The document discusses different sources of energy and their carbon dioxide emissions. It provides information on converting between energy sources to reduce CO2 emissions, including examples of switching from oil or electricity to gas. Tables show carbon emission factors for various fuels and conversions between energy units.
The document discusses different sources of energy and their carbon dioxide emissions. It provides information on converting between energy sources to reduce CO2 emissions, including examples of switching from oil or electricity to gas. Tables show carbon emission factors for various fuels and conversions between energy units.
INFORMATION SHEET 12 SOURCES OF ENERGY As described in Information Sheet 3 you can choose between energy based targets or CO 2 based targets. One of the advantages of CO 2 based targets is that it gives you additional flexibility. This is because different fuels have different carbon contents and by switching to one with a lower carbon content you will contribute towards a CO 2 based target without changing the energy intensity of your process. For example, by simply substituting electrical heating with gas you would reduce carbon dioxide emissions by around 50% per unit of energy used. Similarly, conversion from heavy fuel oil to gas reduces CO 2 emissions by about 25% per unit of energy. Another example is replacing electrical power from the grid with electricity sourced from renewables. Renewable power could either be provided through the grid or via local generation. In this case using renewables would provide two benefits: a) a 100% reduction in CO 2 emissions in proportion to the amount of renewable energy used, and b) a reduction in the amount of Levy paid, again in proportion to the amount of renewable energy used. Calculating CO 2 Emissions When any fuel is burnt, energy is produced and carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) and other chemicals, mostly water, are produced. The ratio of energy produced to CO 2 differs according to the type of fuel used. Table 5.1 shows the carbon emission factor of different fuels, expressed as kg Carbon/kWh. Table 5.1 Carbon Intensity of Different Fuels
Type of fuel kgC/kWh primary Electricity (from grid) 0.0453 Natural Gas 0.0518 Gas Oil / Diesel Oil 0.0680 Heavy Fuel Oil 0.0709 Coal 0.0817 Liquid Petroleum Gas 0.0627 New Renewables 0 It may be seen for example that the carbon emissions per unit of energy from burning natural gas are much less than those from the high carbon- content fuels such as coal and oil. Version 2.00 FDF February 2008 IS12 Page 2 of 3 Electricity is generated from a range of fuels including nuclear, gas, oil and coal. The figure for grid electricity in Table 5.1 reflects the current mix of fuel sources used in UK electricity generation. The carbon figure stated is per kWh of primary energy for electricity primary energy is 2.6 times the delivered energy. Some power is generated from new renewable sources such as wind or landfill gas. New renewables have a zero CO 2 emission. To calculate the carbon dioxide emissions associated with your energy use, simply multiply your primary energy use by fuel type by the appropriate factor from Table 5.1. If you measure your energy used by weight or volume rather than directly in energy terms, then you should first convert your fuel use to energy units using the conversion factors shown in Table 5.2. Table 5.2 Fuel Conversion Factors Fuel Usual Units Conversion Factor Conversion Factor units Natural gas 00 ft 3 Depends on local conditions. See bill. Electricity kWh 1.00 kWh/kWh Gas Oil litres 10.6 kWh/litre Light Fuel Oil litres 11.2 kWh/litre Medium Fuel Oil litres 11.3 kWh/litre Heavy Fuel Oil litres 11.4 kWh/litre Propane kg 13.89 kWh/kg Butane kg 13.69 kWh/kg Dry steam coal tonnes 8,500 kWh/tonne Anthracite tonnes 8,236 kWh/tonne Coke tonnes 7,750 kWh/tonne Nitrogen hcum kWh/hcum Carbon dioxide hcum kWh/hcum Steam kg Depends on conditions. Check with supplier. Hot water kg Depends on conditions. Check with supplier. Condensate kg Depends on conditions. The following table of unit conversions may be useful.
To convert Operation Constant From To ft 3 m 3 multiply by 0.02832 therms kWh multiply by 29.31 MJ kWh divide by 3.6 Version 2.00 FDF February 2008 IS12 Page 3 of 3
Example: Lovely Lollies Ltd annually uses 1 million litres of heavy fuel oil in its boiler house. What are the annual carbon emissions associated with this oil use? By how much would the emissions be reduced by converting the boiler house to natural gas firing? Step 1. Refer to Table 5.2. The calorific value of heavy fuel oil is 11.4 kWh/litre. Therefore the energy used in Lovely Lollies boiler house is given by: 1,000,000 litres x 11.4 kWh/litre = 11,400,000 kWh. Step 2. Table 5.1 shows that 0.0709 kg of carbon are emitted per kWh of energy derived from heavy fuel oil. The annual carbon emissions associated with this energy use is: 11,400,000 kWh x 0.0709 kg/kWh = 808,260 kg of carbon. Step 3. Refer again to Table 5.1. The carbon emissions per kWh of energy from natural gas burning are 0.0518 kg/kWh. Hence if the same amount of energy were to be derived from natural gas rather than heavy fuel oil, the carbon emissions would be: 11,400,000 kWh x 0.0518 kg/kWh = 590,520 kg of carbon. Step 4. The emissions saving is (808 590) or 218 tonnes. This is 26.9% of current emissions from combustion of boiler fuel. Note that this calculation assumes unchanged combustion efficiency, which might not be the case in practice.
Renewable Energy Energy derived from new renewable sources are defined, for the purposes of the Climate Change Levy and energy reporting to have zero carbon dioxide emissions. New renewable sources are listed below:
Wind Energy Geothermal hot dry rocks Hydro power up to 10 MW Geothermal aquifers Tidal power Municipal and industrial wastes Wave energy Landfill gas Photovoltaics Agricultural and forestry wastes Photoconversion Energy crops Renewable electricity is available from many electricity supply companies and can be bought in the same way as conventional electricity.