Simapro Database Manual: Methods Library
Simapro Database Manual: Methods Library
Simapro Database Manual: Methods Library
Methods Library
SimaPro Database Manual - Methods
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1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... 1
1.1 STRUCTURE OF METHODS IN SIMAPRO ................................................................................. 1
3 GLOBAL ................................................................................................................. 22
3.1 RECIPE 2016 ................................................................................................................ 22
7 SUPERSEDED........................................................................................................... 44
7.1 CML 1992 .................................................................................................................... 44
If you want to change methods in SimaPro, it is strongly advised to copy the original method to your project first.
By copying, you make sure you always have the original method intact in your database. Please note that once
changes are saved, they cannot be undone!
The last four steps are optional according to the ISO standards. This means they are not always available in all methods.
In SimaPro you can switch the optional steps on or off when you edit a method.
1.1.1 Characterization
The substances that contribute to an impact category are multiplied by a characterization factor that expresses the
relative contribution of the substance. For example, the characterization factor for CO2 in the Climate change impact
category can be equal to 1, while the characterization factor of methane can be 25. This means the release of 1 kg
methane causes the same amount of climate change as 25 kg CO2. The total result is expressed as impact category
indicators (formerly characterization results).
A new substance flow introduced in ecoinvent 2.0 called ‘carbon dioxide, land transformation’ is included in all the
methods available in SimaPro 8. This substance flow represents the CO2 emissions from clear cutting and land
CO2 uptake and emissions of CO2 and CO from biogenic sources were removed from every method with effects on
climate change. The characterization factors for methane from biogenic sources were corrected for the CO2
In SimaPro, sub-compartments can be specified for each substance. For example, you can define an emission to water
with a sub-compartment of ocean. This allows you to create detailed impact assessment methods, with specific
characterization factors for each sub-compartment.
SimaPro Database Manual - Methods
Some impact assessment methods are not as detailed as the inventory in terms of specification of sub-compartments. In
this case SimaPro will choose the “unspecified” characterization factor as the default factor for a substance that has a
sub-compartment specified in the inventory but has no specific characterization factor in the chosen impact assessment
1.1.3 Normalization
Many methods allow the impact category indicator results to be compared by a reference (or normal) value. This mean
that the impact category is divided by the reference. A commonly used reference is the average yearly environmental
load in a country or continent, divided by the number of inhabitants. However, the reference may be chosen freely. You
could also choose the environmental load of lighting a 60W bulb for one hour, 100 km of transport by car or 1 liter of
milk. This can be useful to communicate the results to non LCA experts, as you benchmark your own LCA against
something everybody can imagine. In SimaPro, there are often alternative normalization sets available.
After normalization the impact category indicators all have the same unit, which makes it easier to compare them.
Normalization can be applied on both characterization and damage assessment results.
PLEASE NOTE: SimaPro does not divide by the reference value (N), but multiplies by the inverse. If you edit or add a
normalization value in a method, you must therefore enter the inverted value (1/N).
1.1.4 Weighting
Some methods allow weighting across impact categories. This means the impact (or damage) category indicator results
are multiplied by weighting factors, and are added to create a total or single score. Weighting can be applied on
normalized or non-normalized scores, as some methods like EPS do not have a normalization step. In SimaPro, there are
often alternative weighting sets available, always in combination with a normalization set.
SimaPro has a built-in check to show you which substances are not included in the selected impact assessment method.
For each result, the substances and their amounts not included in the method are shown under ‘Checks’ in the result
Further, under ‘Inventory results’ you can see the impact assessment results per substance. If a substance is not defined
in the method, a pop-up hint will tell you this.
On a method level, you can run a check which will show you which of all substances, available in the SimaPro database,
are included in the method on impact category level. To run this check, select a method and click the ‘Check’ button in
the right hand side of the methods window.
2 European methods
2.1 CML-IA
In 2001, a group of scientists under the lead of CML (Center of Environmental Science of Leiden University) proposed a
set of impact categories and characterization methods for the impact assessment step. The impact assessment method
implemented as CML-IA methodology is defined for the midpoint approach. Normalization is provided but there is
neither weighting nor addition.
There are two version of this method available in SimaPro 8: a ‘baseline’ version with 10 impact categories; and an
extended version with ‘all impact categories’ including other impact categories as well as variations of existing impact
categories, e.g. for different time frames.
The current version of CML-IA implemented in SimaPro has been updated using a version of the method uploaded in
August 2016 from the website
SimaPro Database Manual - Methods Acidification
Acidifying substances cause a wide range of impacts on soil, groundwater, surface water, organisms, ecosystems and
materials (buildings). Acidification Potential (AP) for emissions to air is calculated with the adapted RAINS 10 model,
describing the fate and deposition of acidifying substances. AP is expressed as kg SO2 equivalents/ kg emission. The time
span is eternity and the geographical scale varies between local scale and continental scale.
Characterization factors including fate were used when available. When not available, the factors excluding fate were
used (In the CML baseline version only factors including fate were used). The method was extended for Nitric Acid, soil,
water and air; Sulphuric acid, water; Sulphur trioxide, air; Hydrogen chloride, water, soil; Hydrogen fluoride, water, soil;
Phosphoric acid, water, soil; Hydrogen sulfide, soil, all not including fate. Nitric oxide, air (is nitrogen monoxide) was
added including fate. Eutrophication
Eutrophication (also known as nutrification) includes all impacts due to excessive levels of macro-nutrients in the
environment caused by emissions of nutrients to air, water and soil. Nutrification potential (NP) is based on the
stoichiometric procedure of Heijungs (1992), and expressed as kg PO4 equivalents per kg emission. Fate and exposure is
not included, time span is eternity, and the geographical scale varies between local and continental scale.
The method available with all impact categories has, comparing with the baseline version, the following impact categories
2.1.2 Normalization
Normalization is regarded as optional for simplified LCA, but mandatory for detailed LCA. For each baseline indicator,
normalization scores are calculated for the reference situations: the world in 1990, Europe in 1995 and the Netherlands
in 1997. Normalization data are available for the Netherlands (1997/1998), Western Europe (1995) and the World (1990
and 1995) (Huijbregts et al. 2003).
Guinée, J.B.; Gorrée, M.; Heijungs, R.; Huppes, G.; Kleijn, R.; Koning, A. de; Oers, L. van; Wegener Sleeswijk, A.; Suh, S.; Udo de Haes,
H.A.; Bruijn, H. de; Duin, R. van; Huijbregts, M.A.J. 2002. Handbook on life cycle assessment. Operational guide to the ISO
standards. Part III: Scientific background. Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN 1-4020-0228-9, Dordrecht, 692 pp.
Huijbregts, M.A.J.; Breedveld L.; Huppes, G.; De Koning, A.; Van Oers, L.; Suh, S. 2003. Normalisation figures for environmental life-
cycle assessment: The Netherlands (1997/1998), Western Europe (1995) and the World (1990 and 1995). Journal of Cleaner
Production 11 (7): 737-748.
In LCA context environmental prices are used as weighting sets, which allows calculation of single score results.
SimaPro Database Manual - Methods
Figure 1. The relationships mapped in the Environmental Prices Handbook (de Bruyn, et al. 2017)
2.2.1 Characterization
The characterization step is a copy of ReCiPe (2008) Midpoint, hierarchist perspective with an exception for Climate
change based on IPCC (2013), as prescribed by the developers. An overview is provided in section 7.13.
The Environmental Prices in SimaPro use the midpoint-level prices (pollutant- and endpoint-level were also developed).
In practical terms, it means that the prices of environmental themes are combined in a weighting set. CE Delft
developed two weightings sets:
Dutch Environmental Prices (2015) – based on average emissions in the Netherlands in 2015,
European Environmental Prices (2015) – based on average emissions in the EU28 in 2015.
The environmental prices are not available for the following impact categories: Natural land transformation, Water,
Metal and Fossil depletion.
S.M. de Bruyn, S. Ahdour, M, Bijleveld, L. de Graaff, A. Schroten, Handboek Milieuprijzen 2017, Methodische
onderbouwing van kengetallen gebruikt voor waardering van emissies en milieu-impacts, CE Delft, 2017.
S.M. de Bruyn, M, Bijleveld, L. de Graaff, E. Schep, A. Schroten, R. Vergeer, S. Ahdour Environmental Prices Handbook,
EU28 version, CE Delft, 2018.
2.3 Ecological scarcity 2013
The “ecological scarcity” method (also called Ecopoints or Umweltbelastungspunkte method) is a follow up of the
Ecological scarcity 2006 (see section 6.9) and the Ecological scarcity 1997 method (see section 7.4) which was named
Ecopoints 97 (CH) in the SimaPro method library.
The ecological scarcity method weights environmental impacts - pollutant emissions and resource consumption - by
applying "eco-factors". The distance to target principle is applied in the Ecological scarcity method. The eco-factor of a
substance is derived from environmental law or corresponding political targets. The more the current level of emissions
or consumption of resources exceeds the environmental protection target set, the greater the eco-factor becomes,
expressed in eco-points (EP = UBP). An eco-factor is essentially derived from three elements (in accordance with ISO
Standard 14044): characterization, normalization and weighting.
The ecoinvent implementation contains nineteen specific impact categories, with for each substance a final UBP
(environmental loading points) score as characterization factor which compile the characterization, normalization and
distance-to-target weighting. The impact categories considered by this method are not defined as an impact indicator
but rather as type of emission or resource:
SimaPro Database Manual - Methods
1. Water sources
2. Energy sources
3. Mineral sources
4. Land use
5. Global warming
6. Ozone layer depletion
7. Main air pollutants and PM
8. Carcinogenic substances into air
9. Heavy metals into air
10. Water pollutants
11. POP into water
12. Heavy metals into water
13. Pesticides into soil
14. Heavy metals into soil
15. Radioactive substances into air
16. Radioactive substances into water
17. Noise
18. Non radioactive waste to deposit
19. Radioactive waste to deposit
20. Deposited waste
Weighting is conducted on the basis of goals set by Swiss environmental policy. In specific cases, global, international or
regional goals are used and converted to the Swiss level. The method can also be applied to other countries and regions.
To do so, information about the current environmental situation and the official environmental targets is required.
Frischknecht Rolf, Büsser Knöpfel Sybille, 2013: Swiss Eco-Factors 2013 according to the Ecological Scarcity Method. Methodological
fundamentals and their application in Switzerland. Environmental studies no. 1330. Federal Office for the Environment, Bern:
254 pp.Bern 2013.
2.4 EDIP 2003
EDIP 2003 is a Danish LCA methodology that is presented as an update of the EDIP 97 methodology. The main innovation
of EDIP2003 lies in the consistent attempt to include exposure in the characterization modelling of the main non-global
impact categories. EDIP2003 can originally be used both with and without spatial differentiation. Only characterization
factors for site-generic effects, which does not take spatial variation into account, are implemented in SimaPro 8.
2.4.1 Characterization
The EDIP 2003 methodology represents 19 different impact categories. Some of them are updated versions of EDIP 97,
whereas others are modelled totally differently. Table 1 gives an overview of the EDIP 2003 impact categories. The choices
made for implementing the methodology into SimaPro 8, are summed up for each impact category.
In the EDIP 2003 method, characterization factors for aquatic eutrophication are developed for two impact categories:
aquatic eutrophication (N-eq) and aquatic eutrophication (P-eq). In each impact category, characterization factors for
emissions effecting inland waters and emissions effecting marine waters are developed. This double set of
characterization factors reflects the fact that, in general, eutrophication is limited by nitrate in fresh waters, and
phosphate in marine waters.
In order to avoid double counting, that would occur if both emission types are implemented simultaneously, only the
characterization factors for inland water are implemented in SimaPro. When characterization factors for marine water
are needed, the following list can be used and implemented in the EDIP 2003 method:
SimaPro Database Manual - Methods
The emission to soil only takes into account the effects after plant uptake. For this impact category the topsoil is part of
the technosphere. Emissions to air are also included in the model. The data needed for this compartment is not present
in the guideline, but is received from Michael Hauschild.
The EDIP2003 characterization factors for human toxicity, exposure route via air, are enhanced. The new exposure factors
are established for:
Two different kinds of substances: short-living (hydrogen chloride) and long-living (benzene)
Actual variation in regional and local population densities: added for each substance
Different release heights: 1m, 25m and 100m.
The release height of 25m is presented as default in EDIP2003 and is used in SimaPro.
2.4.2 Normalization
There are normalization factors provided for Europe in the reference year 2004 (Laurent et al. 2011).
2.4.3 Weighting
Until the EDIP weighting factors have been updated to an EDIP2003 version, the weighting factors of EDIP97 (according
to the update issued in 2004), are also used in EDIP2003. Because ecotoxicity has no normalization factors, also for
weighting the value is set at zero. For resources, normalization and weighing are already included in the characterization
factor and therefore set at zero.
Frischknecht, R.; Jungbluth, N.; Althaus, H.J.; Doka, G.; Dones, R.; Hischier, R.; Hellweg, S.; Humbert, S.; Margni, M.; Nemecek, T.;
Spielmann, M. 2007. Implementation of Life Cycle Impact Assessment Methods: Data v2.0. ecoinvent report No. 3, Swiss centre
for Life Cycle Inventories, Dübendorf, Switzerland.
Hauschild, M.; Potting, J. 2003. Spatial differentiation in Life Cycle impact assessment - The EDIP2003 methodology. Institute for Product
Development Technical University of Denmark.
Laurent, A.; Lautier, A.; Rosenbaum, R.K.; Olsen, S.I.; Hauschild, M.Z. 2011. Normalization in EDIP97 and EDIP2003: updated European
inventory for 2004 and guidance towards a consistent use in practice. Int J LCA 16 (8): 728-738.
2.5 EF method (adapted)
EF method is the impact assessment method of Environmental Footprint (EF), initiative introduced by the European
Commission. The method included in the SimaPro Professional database includes a number of adaptations, which make
the EF method compatible with the data libraries provided in SimaPro.
Since the method was modified, it is not suitable for conducting the EF-compliant studies but can be used for other
assessments. The original version of the method will be distributed in the dedicated SimaPro EF database.
As some projects still demand the use of the EF method version 2.0, two versions are available:
2.5.1 Characterization
McKone, T.E., Payet, J., Schuhmacher, M., Van de Meent, D., morbidity in the total human
Hauschild, M.Z., 2008, USEtox™, the UNEP-SETAC toxicity model: population per unit mass of a
recommended characterization factors for human toxicity and chemical emitted (cases per
freshwater ecotoxicity in life cycle impact assessment. Int J Life Cycle kilogram).
Assess 13 (7): 532-546
PM method recommendaed by UNEP Disease incidence due to kg of
Fantke, P., Evans, J., Hodas, N., Apte, J., Jantunen, M., Jolliet, O., PM2.5 emitted
McKone, T.E. (2016). Health impacts of fine particulate matter. In:
Respiratory inorganics
Frischknecht, R., Jolliet, O. (Eds.), Global Guidance for Life Cycle
Impact Assessment Indicators: Volume 1. UNEP/SETAC Life Cycle
Initiative, Paris, pp. 76-99
Human health effect model as developed by Dreicer et al. 1995 Ionizing Radiation Potentials:
Frischknecht, R., Braunschweig, A., Hofstetter P., Suter P. (2000), Quantification of the impact of
Ionising radiation,
Modelling human health effects of radioactive releases in Life Cycle ionizing radiation on the
human health
Impact Assessment. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, population, in comparison to
Volume 20, Number 2, April 2000, pp. 159-189 Uranium 235
LOTOS-EUROS model Photochemical ozone creation
Van Zelm, R., Huijbregts, M.A.J., Den Hollander, H.A., Van Jaarsveld, potential (POCP): Expression of
Photochemical ozone
H.A., Sauter, F.J., Struijs, J., Van Wijnen, H.J., Van de Meent, D. the potential contribution to
formation, human
(2008). European characterization factors for human health damage photochemical ozone
of PM10 and ozone in life cycle impact assessment. Atmospheric formation
Environment 42, 441-453
Accumulated Exceedance Accumulated Exceedance (AE)
Seppälä, J., M. Posch, M. Johansson and J. P. Hettelingh (2006). characterizing the change in
Country-dependent Characterisation Factors for Acidification and critical load exceedance of the
Terrestrial Eutrophication Based on Accumulated Exceedance as an sensitive area in terrestrial and
Impact Category Indicator. International Journal of Life Cycle main freshwater ecosystems,
Acidification Assessment 11(6): 403-416 to which acidifying substances
Posch, M., J. Seppälä, J. P. Hettelingh, M. Johansson, M. Margni and deposit.
O. Jolliet (2008). The role of atmospheric dispersion models and
ecosystem sensitivity in the determination of characterization factors
for acidifying and eutrophying emissions in LCIA. International
Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 13(6): 477-486
Accumulated Exceedance Accumulated Exceedance (AE)
Seppälä, J., M. Posch, M. Johansson and J. P. Hettelingh (2006). characterizing the change in
Country-dependent Characterisation Factors for Acidification and critical load exceedance of the
Terrestrial Eutrophication Based on Accumulated Exceedance as an sensitive area, to which
Impact Category Indicator. International Journal of Life Cycle eutrophying substances
Assessment 11(6): 403-416 deposit
Posch, M., J. Seppälä, J. P. Hettelingh, M. Johansson, M. Margni and
O. Jolliet (2008). The role of atmospheric dispersion models and
ecosystem sensitivity in the determination of characterization factors
for acidifying and eutrophying emissions in LCIA. International
Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 13(6): 477-486
EUTREND model Phosphorus equivalents:
Struijs, J., Beusen, A., van Jaarsveld, H. and Huijbregts, M.A.J. Expression of the degree to
(2008b). Aquatic Eutrophication. Chapter 6 in: Goedkoop, M., which the emitted nutrients
Heijungs, R., Huijbregts, M.A.J., De Schryver, A., Struijs, J., Van Zelm, reaches the freshwater end
R. (2008). ReCiPe 2008 A life cycle impact assessment method which compartment (phosphorus
comprises harmonised category indicators at the midpoint and the considered as limiting factor in
endpoint level. Report I: Characterisation factors, first edition. freshwater).
Chapter in anthology Chapter on aquatic eutrophication in the ReCiPe
report (report I: characterization factors, 2008).
EUTREND model Nitrogen equivalents:
Struijs, J., Beusen, A., van Jaarsveld, H. and Huijbregts, M.A.J. Expression of the degree to
(2008b). Aquatic Eutrophication. Chapter 6 in: Goedkoop, M., which the emitted nutrients
Marine eutrophication
Heijungs, R., Huijbregts, M.A.J., De Schryver, A., Struijs, J., Van Zelm, reaches the marine end
R. (2008). ReCiPe 2008 A life cycle impact assessment method which compartment (nitrogen
comprises harmonised category indicators at the midpoint and the
endpoint level. Report I: Characterisation factors, first edition. In considered as limiting factor in
press. Chapter in anthology Chapter on aquatic eutrophication in the marine water)
ReCiPe report (report I: characterization factors, 2008)
CFs set re-calculated by JRC starting from LANCA® v 2.2 as baseline Soil quality index
Bos U., Horn R., Beck T., Lindner J.P., Fischer M. (2016). LANCA®
Land use Characterization Factors for Life Cycle Impact Assessment. Version 2.
Franhofer Verlag, Stuttgart, DE.
USEtox consensus model Comparative Toxic Unit for
Rosenbaum, R.K., Bachmann, T.M., Gold, L.S., Huijbregts, A.J., Jolliet, ecosystems (CTUe) expressing
O., Juraske, R., Koehler, A., Larsen, H.F., MacLeod, M., Margni, M., an estimate of the potentially
McKone, T.E., Payet, J., Schuhmacher, M., Van de Meent, D., affected fraction of species
Ecotoxicity freshwater
Hauschild, M.Z., 2008, USEtox™, the UNEP-SETAC toxicity model: (PAF) integrated over time and
recommended characterization factors for human toxicity and volume per unit mass of a
freshwater ecotoxicity in life cycle impact assessment. Int J Life Cycle chemical emitted (PAF m3
Assess 13 (7): 532-546 year/kg)
Available WAter REmaining (AWARE) as recommended by UNEP m3 water eq. deprived
Boulay A.M., Bare J., Benini L., Berger M., Lathuillière M.J., Manzardo
A., Margni M., Motoshita M., Núñez M., Pastor A.V., Ridoutt B., Oki
Water scarcity T., Worbe S., Pfister S. (2016). The WULCA consensus
characterization model for water scarcity footprints: Assessing
impacts of water consumption based on available water remaining
ADP for energy carriers, based on van Oers et al. 2002 as Abiotic resource depletion
implemented in CML, v. 4.8 (2016). fossil fuels (ADP-fossil); based
van Oers, L, Koning, A, Guinée, JB, Huppes, G (2002) Abiotic resource on lower heating value
Resource use, energy
depletion in LCA. Road and Hydraulic Engineering Institute, Ministry
of Transport and Water, Amsterdam
ADP for mineral and metal resources, based on van Oers et al. 2002 Abiotic resource depletion
as implemented in CML, v. 4.8 (2016). (ADP ultimate reserve)
van Oers, L, Koning, A, Guinée, JB, Huppes, G (2002) Abiotic resource
Resource use, mineral
depletion in LCA. Road and Hydraulic Engineering Institute, Ministry
and metals
of Transport and Water, Amsterdam
SimaPro Database Manual - Methods
2.5.2 Normalization
Global normalization set for a reference year 2010 is part of the EF method. These normalization values were
updated for the EF 3.0 method in November 2019.
2.5.3 Weighting
The EF 2.0 method includes two versions of the weighting factors – including and excluding three toxicity-
related impact categories. Currently, those impact categories are “not seen as sufficiently robust to be
included in external communications or in a weighted result”. The EF 3.0 method only has a single weighting
set, which includes toxicity.
After an evaluation of existing weighting methods, three weighting sets were developed: i) panel based
approach - general public survey; ii) panel based approach - LCA experts’ survey; iii) hybrid evidence-and
judgement-based approach. Those three weighting sets were then aggregated by first averaging the sets
based on panel based approach.
Fazio, S. Castellani, V. Sala, S., Schau, EM. Secchi, M. Zampori, L., Supporting information to the characterization factors
of recommended EF Life Cycle Impact Assessment methods, EUR 28888 EN, European Commission, Ispra, 2018,
ISBN 978-92-79-76742-5, doi:10.2760/671368, JRC109369.
Normalization and weighting factors: Annex A of the Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules Guidance v6.3,
May 2018.
Sala S., Cerutti A.K., Pant R., Development of a weighting approach for the Environmental Footprint, Publications Office
of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2018, ISBN 978-92-79-68042-7, EUR 28562, doi 10.2760/945290.
The EN 15804 standard covers Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) of Construction Products. The
2019 A2 revision of this standard has aligned their methodology with the EF 3.0 method, except for their
approach on biogenic carbon. According to the EN 15804, biogenic carbon emissions cause the same amount
of Climate Change as fossil carbon, but can be neutralized by removing this carbon from the atmosphere.
Thus, this method is identical to the EF 3.0 method above, except for a few characterization factors (CF) in
both the Climate Change and Climate Change – Biogenic impact categories:
EF 3.0 normalization values, published November 2019, were used, as older normalization factors, incompatible with
methodology changes, were withdrawn.
2.7 EPD (2018)
This method is the successor of EPD (2013) and is to be used for the creation of Environmental Product Declarations
(EPDs), as published on the website of the Swedish Environmental Management Council (SEMC). An EPD is always created
according to a Product Category Rule. This method is especially important for everybody who is reporting a Product
Category Rule (PCR) published by Environdec.
2.7.1 Characterization
In the standard EPDs one only has to report on the following impact categories:
Original names Names in SimaPro
Acidification potential Acidification (fate not incl.)
Eutrophication potential Eutrophication
Global warming potential Global warming (GWP100a)
Photochemical oxidant creation potential Photochemical oxidation
Abiotic depletion potential - elements Abiotic depletion, elements
Abiotic depletion potential - fossil fuels Abiotic depletion, fossil fuels
Water Scarcity Footprint (WSF) Water scarcity
Additional indicators:
The following impact categories are optional indicators and the inclusion of them should be specified in the PCR.
Original names Names in SimaPro
Ozone-depleting gases (expressed as the sum of Ozone layer depletion (ODP) (optional)
ozone-depleting potential in mass of CFC 11-
equivalents, 20 years)
Most impact categories are taken directly from the CML-IA baseline method (eutrophication, global warming, ozone
depletion and abiotic resource depletion) and CML-IA non baseline method (acidification). Water scarcity category is
based on AWARE method and Photochemical oxidation is based on ReCiPe 2008. All those individual methods can be
found in SimaPro.
General programme instructions for the international EPD® system, 3.0. 11 December 2017. Download at
SimaPro Database Manual - Methods
The reason for developing two versions is the uncertain but important valuations of near-term climate forcers (NTCF)
such as Nitrogen oxides (NOx) and Sulphur dioxide (SO2) emissions. Based on the recommendation from UNEP-SETAC
Life Cycle Initiative, method developer suggests that the version including the secondary impacts (2015d) is used with
care (e.g. in sensitivity analysis) and by LCA practitioners and experts understanding the underlying concept. For more
details explanation, you can check the website dedicated to EPS system:
The top-down development of the EPS system has led to an outspoken hierarchy among its principles and rules. The
general principles remain unchanged since previous version:
The top-down principle (highest priority is given to the usefulness of the system);
The index principle (ready-made indices represent weighted and aggregated impacts);
The default principle (an operative method as default is required);
The uncertainty principle (uncertainty of input data has to be estimated);
Choice of default data and models to determine them.
The EPS system is mainly aimed to be a tool for a company's internal product development process. The system is
developed to assist designers and product developers in finding which one of two product concepts has the least impact
on the environment. The models and data in EPS are intended to improve environmental performance of products. The
choice and design of the models and data are made from an anticipated utility perspective of a product developer. They
are, for instance not intended to be used as a basis for environmental protection strategies for single substances, or as a
sole basis for environmental product declarations. In most of those cases additional site-specific information and
modelling is necessary. Biodiversity
Default impact category for biodiversity is extinction of species, expressed in Normalized Extinction of species (NEX).
2.8.2 Normalization/Weighting
In the EPS default method, normalization/weighting is made through valuation. Normalization/weighting factors
represent the willingness to pay to avoid changes. The environmental reference is the present state of the environment.
The indicator unit is ELU (Environmental Load Unit).
Steen B. 2015. The EPS 2015 impact assessment method – An overview. Swedish Life Cycle Center, Report number 2015:5.
Steen B. 1999. A systematic approach to environmental strategies in product development (EPS). Version 2000 - General system
characteristics. Centre for Environmental Assessment of Products and Material Systems. Chalmers University of Technology,
Technical Environmental Planning. CPM report 1999:4.
SimaPro Database Manual - Methods
Characterization factors for long term emissions are set to zero, because this was an implicit requirement from the
European Commission. Weighting factors were added with equal weights for each of the recommended categories as
indicated by the guidance document.
The full title of this method is: ILCD recommendations for LCIA in the European context. The European Commission (EC-
JRC–IES, 2011) analyzed several methodologies for LCIA and made some effort towards harmonization. Starting from
the first pre-selection of existing methods and the definition of criteria, a list of recommended methods for each impact
category at both midpoint and endpoint was produced.
The endpoint methods, however, are not included here, because the list is far from complete. Recommendations are
given for the impact categories of climate change, ozone depletion, human toxicity, particulate matter/respiratory
inorganics, photochemical ozone formation, ionizing radiation impacts, acidification, eutrophication, ecotoxicity, land
use and resource depletion (Table 3).
Research needs are identified for each impact category and differentiated according to their priority. No method
development took place in the development of the ILCD recommendations. The intention was to identify and promote
current best practice. These recommendations do not provide recommendations for weighting across impact
categories, nor for normalization within a given category relative to impacts in a given region.
Impact category Recommended default LCIA method Indicator Classification*
Climate change Baseline model of 100 years of the IPCC Radiative forcing as Global Warming Potential I
Ozone depletion Steady-state ODPs 1999 as in WMO Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) I
Human toxicity, cancer USEtox model (Rosenbaum et al, 2008) Comparative Toxic Unit for humans (CTUh) II/III
Human toxicity, non- cancer USEtox model (Rosenbaum et al, 2008) Comparative Toxic Unit for humans (CTUh) II/III
Particulate RiskPoll model (Rabl and Spadaro, 2004) Intake fraction for fine particles (kg PM2.5- I
matter/Respiratory and Greco et al 2007 eq/kg)
Ionising radiation, human Human health effect model as developed Human exposure efficiency relative to U235 II
health by Dreicer et al. 1995 (Frischknecht et al,
Ionising radiation, No methods recommended
Photochemical ozone LOTOS-EUROS (Van Zelm et al, 2008) as Tropospheric ozone concentration increase II
formation applied in ReCiPe
Acidification Accumulated Exceedance (Seppälä et al. Accumulated Exceedance (AE) II
2006, Posch et al, 2008)
Eutrophication, terrestrial Accumulated Exceedance (Seppälä et al. Accumulated Exceedance (AE) II
2006, Posch et al, 2008)
Eutrophication, aquatic EUTREND model (Struijs et al, 2009b) as Fraction of nutrients reaching freshwater end II
implemented in ReCiPe compartment (P)/ marine end compartment (N)
Ecotoxicity (freshwater) USEtox model, (Rosenbaum et al, 2008) Comparative Toxic Unit for ecosystems (CTUe) II/III
Ecotoxicity (terrestrial and No methods recommended
Land use Model based on Soil Organic Matter Soil Organic Matter III
(SOM) (Milà i Canals et al, 2007b)
Resource depletion, water Model for water consumption as in Swiss Water use related to local scarcity of water III
Ecoscarcity (Frischknecht et al, 2008)
Resource depletion, CML 2002 (Guinée et al., 2002) Scarcity II
mineral, fossil and
Table 3: Recommended methods and their classification at midpoint (ILCD 2011).
* Levels: “I” (recommended and satisfactory), level “II” (recommended but in need of some improvements) or level “III” (recommended, but
to be applied with caution); “interim” indicates that a method was considered the best among the analyzed methods for the impact
category, but still immature to be recommended.
** Depletion of renewable resources is included in the analysis but none of the analyzed methods is mature for recommendation
European Commission - Joint Research Centre. 2011. International Reference Life Cycle Data System (ILCD) Handbook-
Recommendations for Life Cycle Impact Assessment in the European context. First edition November 2011. EUR 24571 EN.
Luxemburg. Publications Office of the European Union; 2011
LCIA characterization factors release in February 2012 with errata from March 2012 can be downloaded from
SimaPro Database Manual - Methods
Figure 2 Overall scheme of the IMPACT 2002+ framework, linking LCI results via the midpoint categories to damage categories.
Based on Jolliet et al. (2003a)
2.7.1 Characterization
The characterization factors for human toxicity and aquatic and terrestrial ecotoxicity are taken from the methodology
IMPACT 2002+. The characterization factors for other categories are adapted from existing characterizing methods, i.e.
Eco-indicator 99, CML 2001, IPCC and the Cumulative Energy Demand.
The IMPACT 2002+ method (version 2.1) presently provides characterization factors for almost 1500 different LCI-results.
In SimaPro, 15 different impact categories are presented, as human toxicity is split up in ‘Carcinogens’ and ‘Non-
2.7.2 Normalization
The damage factor reported in ecoinvent are normalized by dividing the impact per unit of emission by the total impact
of all substances of the specific category for which characterization factors exist, per person per year (for Europe). The
unit of all normalized midpoint/damage factors is therefore [pers*year/unitemission], i.e. the number of equivalent
persons affected during one year per unit of emission.
2.7.3 Weighting
The authors of IMPACT2002+ suggest to analyze normalized scores at damage level considering the four-damage
oriented impact categories human health, ecosystem quality, climate change, and resources or, alternatively, the 14
midpoint indicators separately for the interpretation phase of LCA. However, if aggregation is needed, one could use
self-determined weighting factors or a default weighting factor of one, unless other social weighting values are
PRé added an extra weighting step. Each damage category is given the weighting factor 1.
Frischknecht, R.; Jungbluth, N.; Althaus, H.J.; Doka, G.; Dones, R.; Hischier, R.; Hellweg, S.; Humbert, S.; Margni, M.; Nemecek, T.;
Spielmann, M. 2007. Implementation of Life Cycle Impact Assessment Methods: Data v2.0. ecoinvent report No. 3, Swiss centre
for Life Cycle Inventories, Dübendorf, Switzerland.
Jolliet, O.; Margni, M.; Charles, R.; Humbert, S.; Payet, J.; Rebitzer, G.; Rosenbaum, R. 2003. IMPACT 2002+: A New Life Cycle Impact
Assessment Methodology. Int J LCA 8 (6): 324 – 330.
SimaPro Database Manual - Methods
3 Global
3.1 ReCiPe 2016
ReCiPe 2016 is an updated and extended version of ReCiPe 2008. Like the precessor, ReCiPe 2016 includes both midpoint
(problem oriented) and endpoint (damage oriented) impact categories, available for three different perspectives
(individualist (I), hierarchist (H), and egalitarian (E)). The characterization factors are representative for the global scale,
instead of the European scale as it was done in ReCiPe 2008. Because of that the method was moved from the European
category to Global.
ReCiPe comprises two sets of impact categories with associated sets of characterization factors. At the midpoint level, 18
impact categories are addressed:
1. Climate change
2. Stratospheric ozone depletion
3. Ionizing radiation
4. Ozone formation, human health
5. Fine particulate matter formation
6. Ozone formation, terrestrial ecosystems
7. Terrestrial acidification
8. Freshwater eutrophication
9. Marine eutrophication
10. Terrestrial ecotoxicity
11. Freshwater ecotoxicity
12. Marine ecotoxicity
13. Human carcinogenic toxicity
14. Human non-carcinogenic toxicity
15. Land use
16. Mineral resource scarcity
17. Fossil resource scarcity
18. Water use
At the endpoint level, most of these midpoint impact categories are multiplied by damage factors and aggregated into
three endpoint categories:
Human health
Resource scarcity
The Figure 2 sketches the relations between the 18 midpoint impact categories and the 3 endpoint categories.
Figure 3: Representation of the relations between the impact categories midpoint and the areas of production (endpoint) Source:
Huijbregts MAJ et al.(2017) Department of Environmental Science, Radbound University Nijmegen.
SimaPro Database Manual - Methods
24 Fossil resource scarcity
The characterization factor of fossil resource scarcity is the fossil fuel potential, based on the higher heating value. The
unit is kg oil equivalents.
3.1.4 Normalization
Global normalization factors for reference year 2010 are included since version 1.03 of ReCiPe 2016. However, the
reference report has not been published yet and the global reference inventory is still to be implemented in SimaPro.
3.1.5 Weighting
Development of weighting factors was not part of ReCiPe 2016 project. Therefore, weighting sets from the previous
version of ReCiPe are reused here. Those are based on panel weighting performed at damage category (endpoint) level.
A specific weighting set is available for each perspective. Additionally, the average result of the panel assessment is
available as weighting set.
The hierarchist version of ReCiPe with average weighting is chosen as default. In general, value choices made in the
hierarchist version are scientifically and politically accepted.
SimaPro Database Manual - Methods
Huijbregts MAJ, Steinmann ZJN, Elshout PMF, Stam G, Verones F, Vieira MDM, Van Zelm R, 2017. ReCiPe2016 v1.1. A harmonized life
cycle impact assessment method at midpoint and endpoint level. Report I: Characterization. Department of Environmental
Science, Radbound University Nijmegen.
Huijbregts, M.A.J., Steinmann, Z.J.N., Elshout, P.M.F. et al. Int J Life Cycle Assess (2017) 22: 138. doi:10.1007/s11367-016-1246-y
4 North American
4.1 BEES
BEES is the acronym for Building for Environmental and Economic Sustainability, a software tool developed by the
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). BEES combines a partial life cycle assessment and life cycle cost
for building and construction materials into one tool. Results are presented in terms of life cycle assessment impacts,
costs, or a combination of both as it can be seen in Figure 3. BEES strives to assist the architect, engineer, or purchaser
choose a product that balances environmental and economic performance, thus finding cost-effective solutions for
protecting the environment.
4.1.1 Characterization
BEES uses the SETAC method of classification and characterization. The following six life cycle assessment impact
categories are used by BEES:
1. global warming potential
2. acidification
3. eutrophication potential
4. natural resource depletion
5. solid waste
6. indoor air quality
Smog Characterization factors for two substances from equiv12.xls, biphenyl and diphenyl (both to air) have been
averaged and assigned to biphenyl (air). Smog Characterization factors for Butane (C4H10) and Butane-n (n-C4H10) (both
to air) have been averaged and assigned to Butane (air).
SimaPro Database Manual - Methods
Gloria, T.P.; Lippiatt, B.C.; Cooper, J. 2007. Life Cycle Impact Assessment Weights to Support Environmentally Preferable Purchasing in
the United States. Environ Sci Technol 41 (21): 7551-7557.
Lippiatt, B.C. 2007. BEES 4.0: Building for Environmental and Economic Sustainability. Technical Manual and User Guide. NISTIR 7423.
National Institute of Standards and Technology.
TRACI facilitates the characterization of environmental stressors that have potential effects, including ozone depletion,
global warming, acidification, eutrophication, tropospheric ozone (smog) formation, ecotoxicity, human health criteria–
related effects, human health cancer effects, human health non-cancer effects, fossil fuel depletion, and land-use effects.
TRACI was originally designed for use with life-cycle assessment (LCA), but it is expected to find wider application in the
TRACI is a midpoint oriented life cycle impact assessment methodology, consistently with EPA’s decision not to aggregate
between environmental impact categories. It includes classification, characterization and normalization.
4.2.1 Characterization
Impact categories were characterized at the midpoint level for reasons including a higher level of societal consensus
concerning the certainties of modelling at this point in the cause-effect chain. Research in the impact categories was
conducted to construct methodologies for representing potential effects in the United States.
TRACI is a midpoint oriented LCIA method including the following impact categories:
Ozone depletion
Global warming
Non carcinogenics
Respiratory effects
Fossil fuel depletion
4.2.2 Normalization
Morten Rybert from the Technical University of Denmark calculated normalization factors for the US and US + Canada.
Data from 2008 and 2005 combined with 2008 was used for these reference geographies, respectively. A manuscript is
now being prepared for publication at the International Journal of LCA.
Bare, J.; Gloria, T.; Norris, G. 2006. Development of the Method and U.S. Normalization Database for Life Cycle Impact Assessment and
Sustainability Metrics. Environ Sci Techol 40 (16): 5108-5115.
Bare, J.C.; Norris, G.A.; Pennington, D.W.; McKone, T. 2003. TRACI: The Tool for the Reduction and Assessment of Chemical and Other
Environmental Impacts. Journal of Industrial Ecology.
Frischknecht, R.; Jungbluth, N.; Althaus, H.J.; Doka, G.; Dones, R.; Hischier, R.; Hellweg, S.; Humbert, S.; Margni, M.; Nemecek, T.;
Spielmann, M. 2007. Implementation of Life Cycle Impact Assessment Methods: Data v2.0. ecoinvent report No. 3, Swiss centre
for Life Cycle Inventories, Dübendorf, Switzerland.
5 Single issue
5.1 Cumulative Energy Demand
The method to calculate Cumulative Energy Demand (CED) is based on the method published by Ecoinvent version 1.01
and expanded by PRé for energy resources available in the SimaPro database. Extra substances, according to the
Ecoinvent database version 2.0, are implemented. This default version of CED is based on the fuels’ higher heating values.
5.1.1 Characterization
Characterization factors are given for the energy resources divided in 5 impact categories:
1. Non renewable, fossil
2. Non renewable, nuclear
3. Renewable, biomass
4. Renewable, wind, solar, geothermal
5. Renewable, water
Normalization is not a part of this method. In order to get a total (“cumulative”) energy demand, each impact category is
given the weighting factor 1.
Frischknecht, R.; Jungbluth, N.; Althaus, H.J.; Doka, G.; Dones, R.; Hischier, R.; Hellweg, S.; Humbert, S.; Margni, M.; Nemecek, T.;
Spielmann, M. 2007. Implementation of Life Cycle Impact Assessment Methods: Data v2.0. ecoinvent report No. 3, Swiss centre
for Life Cycle Inventories, Dübendorf, Switzerland.
Ratio between lower and higher heating value for each fuel type was derived from Table 5.1 of Overview and
methodology - Data quality guideline for the ecoinvent database version 3. It was then used to convert the higher heating
values from the default Cumulative Energy Demand method into lower heating values. For peat this ratio was not
SimaPro Database Manual - Methods
available in the Data quality guideline, therefore we assume a slightly lower ratio than what was calculated for lignite
5.2.1 Characterization
Characterization factors are given for the energy resources divided in 5 impact categories:
1. Non renewable, fossil
2. Non renewable, nuclear
3. Renewable, biomass
4. Renewable, wind, solar, geothermal
5. Renewable, water
Normalization is not a part of this method. In order to get a total (“cumulative”) energy demand, each impact category is
given the weighting factor 1.
Frischknecht, R.; Jungbluth, N.; Althaus, H.J.; Doka, G.; Dones, R.; Hischier, R.; Hellweg, S.; Humbert, S.; Margni, M.; Nemecek, T.;
Spielmann, M. 2007. Implementation of Life Cycle Impact Assessment Methods: Data v2.0. ecoinvent report No. 3, Swiss centre
for Life Cycle Inventories, Dübendorf, Switzerland.
Weidema B P, Bauer C, Hischier R, Mutel C, Nemecek T, Reinhard J, Vadenbo C O, Wernet G. (2013). Overview and methodology.
Data quality guideline for the ecoinvent database version 3. Ecoinvent Report 1 (v3). St. Gallen: The ecoinvent Centre.
In order to quantify the life cycle exergy demand of a product, the indicator Cumulative Exergy Demand (CExD) is defined
as the sum of exergy of all resources required to provide a process or product.
Exergy is another way to express quality of energy rather than energy content. Both are expressed in MJ. Exergy is a
measure for the useful “work” a certain energy carrier can offer. For instance, natural gas has a high exergy value, as it
can be used to create high temperatures and high pressured steam. If natural gas is used to heat a house in a highly
efficient boiler, very little energy content is lost, but the exergy content is almost entirely lost (there is very little one can
do with water between 50 and 80 degrees).
In this method exergy is used as a measure of the potential loss of “useful” energy resources.
This method has been directly taken from Ecoinvent 2.0. The amount of substances present is compatible with the EI 2.0
database and extended for other databases.
5.3.1 Characterization
The impact category indicator is grouped into the eight resource categories fossil, nuclear, hydropower, biomass, other
renewables, water, minerals, and metals. However, in SimaPro, 10 different impact categories are presented:
- Non renewable, fossil
- Non renewable, nuclear
- Renewable, kinetic
- Renewable, solar
- Renewable, potential
- Non renewable, primary
- Renewable, biomass
- Renewable, water
- Non renewable, metals
- Non renewable, minerals
Exergy characterization factors for 112 different resources were included in the calculations.
CExD mi * Ex( ch ),i n j * rex e ( k , p ,n ,r ,t ), j
i j
Bösch, M.E.; Hellweg, S.; Huijbregts, M.A.J.; Frischknecht, R. 2007. Applying Cumulative Energy Demand (CExD) Indicators to the
ecoinvent Database. In: Int J LCA 12 (3): 181–190.
Frischknecht, R.; Jungbluth, N.; Althaus, H.J.; Doka, G.; Dones, R.; Hischier, R.; Hellweg, S.; Humbert, S.; Margni, M.; Nemecek, T.;
Spielmann, M. 2007. Implementation of Life Cycle Impact Assessment Methods: Data v2.0. ecoinvent report No. 3, Swiss centre
for Life Cycle Inventories, Dübendorf, Switzerland.
SimaPro Database Manual - Methods
5.4.1 Characterization
This method was created using empirical information on species diversity from Central Europe. With information about
species diversity on 5581 sample plots, Characterization factors for 53 land use types and six intensity classes were
calculated. The typology is based on the CORINE Plus classification.
Linear transformations of the relative species numbers are linearly transformed into ecosystem damage potentials. The
damage potential calculated is endpoint oriented.
The impact factor for the unknown reference land use type (ref) before or after the land transformation is chosen as
EDP(ref) = 0.80. This represents the maximum EDP, i.e. the land use type with the most negative impact.
The different impact categories implemented in SimaPro are:
“land transformation” as a result of the addition of “transformation, from land use type I” and “transformation,
to land use type I”
“land occupation”
Koellner, T.; Scholz, R. 2007. Assessment of land use impact on the natural environment: Part 1: An Analytical Framework for Pure Land
Occupation and Land Use Change. Int J LCA 12 (1): 16-23.
5.5 Greenhouse Gas Protocol
The Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol), developed by the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Business
Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), is an accounting standard of greenhouse gas emissions. This method is
based on the draft report on Product Life Cycle Accounting and Reporting Standard.
5.5.1 Characterization
To calculate carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2eq) of all non-CO2 gases (CH4, N2O, SF6, HFCs, CFCs) the company shall use
and report the most recent 100-year IPCC global warming potentials (GWP). The 100–year GWP is a metric used to
describe the time-integrated radiative characteristics of well mixed greenhouse gases over a 100-year time horizon.
The total GHG emissions for a product inventory shall be calculated as the sum of GHG emissions, in CO2eq, of all
foreground processes and significant background processes within the system boundary. A distinction is made
GHG emissions from fossil sources
Biogenic carbon emissions
Carbon storage
Emissions from land transformation
According to the draft standard on product accounting, fossil and biogenic emissions must be reported independently.
The reporting of the emissions from carbon storage and land transformation is optional.
WBCSD & WRI. 2009. Product Life Cycle Accounting and Reporting Standard. Review Draft for Stakeholder Advisory Group. The
Greenhouse Gas Protocol Initiative. November 2009.
5.6.1 Characterization
IPCC characterization factors for the direct (except CH4) global warming potential of air emissions. They are:
not including indirect formation of dinitrogen monoxide from nitrogen emissions.
not accounting for radiative forcing due to emissions of NOx, water, sulphate, etc. in the lower stratosphere +
upper troposphere.
not considering the range of indirect effects given by IPCC.
not including CO2 formation from CO emissions.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. 2013. IPCC Fifth Assessment Report. The Physical Science Basis.
SimaPro Database Manual - Methods
5.7.1 Classification
The list of selected LCI indicators is divided in two. The first list contains the common set of elementary flows shown in
the results discussion of the ecoinvent reports. One example is "fossil CO2 emissions to air". The second list contains
additional elementary flows used in at least one of the ecoinvent reports (Table 4). One example of this extended list is
"actinides emitted to water". These two lists are implemented as two different methods into SimaPro: Selected LCI results
and Selected LCI results, additional.
The selection does not necessarily reflect the environmental importance of the listed pollutants and resources. The
pollutants and resources are selected in view of a better characterization of the analyzed products and services.
The selection helps practitioners to get a more convenient access to a selection of LCI results of products and services. It
does not replace the use of the complete set of LCI results and the application of LCIA methods.
Frischknecht, R.; Jungbluth, N.; Althaus, H.J.; Doka, G.; Dones, R.; Hischier, R.; Hellweg, S.; Humbert, S.; Margni, M.; Nemecek, T.;
Spielmann, M. 2007. Implementation of Life Cycle Impact Assessment Methods: Data v2.0. ecoinvent report No. 3, Swiss centre
for Life Cycle Inventories, Dübendorf, Switzerland.
5.8 USEtox 2
The USEtox 2 is a successor of USEtox - an environmental model for characterization of human and eco-toxicological
impacts in Life Cycle Impact Assessment and Comparative Risk Assessment. It has been developed by a team of
researchers from the Task Force on Toxic Impacts (TF LCIA 2) under the UNEP-SETAC Life Cycle Initiative (see USEtox 2 is designed to describe the fate, exposure, effects of chemicals and includes both midpoint
and endpoint factors. The model was peer-reviewed and USEtox team continuously maintains and updates the method.
USEtox is officially endorsed by the UNEP/SETAC Life Cycle Initiative and officially recommended as assessment method
by the European Commission, the European Commission's Joint Research Centre, the World Business Council for
Sustainable Development, and by the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
5.8.1 Characterization
The USEtox model calculates characterization factors for carcinogenic impacts, non-carcinogenic impacts, and total
impacts (Carc + non-carc) for chemical emissions to household indoor air, industrial indoor air, urban air, rural air,
freshwater, sea water, agricultural soil, natural soil and from human exposure to pesticide residues in food crop
consumption. At midpoint level the unit of the characterization factor for freshwater aquatic ecotoxicity is and for human toxicity cases/kgemission. Both are summarized as Comparative Toxic Unit (CTU) to
stress the comparative nature of the characterization factors. Equal weighting between cancer and non-cancer effects is
Recommended factors are given for substances where the USEtox™ model is considered fully appropriate and the
underlying substance data is of sufficient quality to support a recommendation. In cases where relatively high uncertainty
in addressing fate, exposure and/or effects of a chemical is expected, the characterization factor is labelled as interim.
This recommendation is given in cases where the substance is a metal or an inorganic chemical, an organometallic
chemical, an amphiphilic chemical (e.g. detergents) or dissociating under environmental conditions. It is also
recommended that aquatic eco-toxicological characterization factors are specified as interim, if effect factors are based
on species toxicity data covering less than three different trophic levels. This is to ensure a minimum variability of
biological responses.
SimaPro Database Manual - Methods
Following recommendations of the USEtox developers, the following rules have been followed for the characterization
factors for inorganic emissions:
i. Antimony: average of factors for Antimony (III) and (V);
ii. Arsenic: average of factors for Arsenic (III) and (V);
iii. Chromium: equals factor for Chromium (III), because Cr (IV) is emitted only in very specific processes, while for
others Cr (III) is a predominant fraction;
iv. Iron: equals factor for Iron (III) as this is the oxidation state that usually occurs in the environment.
USEtox 2.02TM. 2016. Retrieved from
6 Water Footprint
AWARE is a regionalized, water use midpoint indicator representing the relative Available WAter REmaining per area in
a watershed after the demand of humans and aquatic ecosystems has been met. It assesses the potential of water
deprivation, to either humans or ecosystems, building on the assumption that the less water remaining available per
area, the more likely another user will be deprived. AWARE is the recommended method from WULCA (working group
under the umbrella of UNEP-SETAC Life Cycle Initiative) to assess water consumption impact assessment in LCA.
It is first calculated as the water Availability Minus the Demand (AMD) of humans and aquatic ecosystems and is
relative to the area (m3 m-2 month-1). In a second step, the value is normalized with the world average result (AMD =
0.0136m3 m-2 month-1) and inverted. The result represents the relative value in comparison with the average m3
consumed in the world (the world average is calculated as a consumption-weighted average). The indicator is limited to
a range from 0.1 to 100, with a value of 1 corresponding to the world average, and a value of 10, for example,
representing a region where there is 10 times less available water remaining per area than the world average.
Implementation of AWARE in SimaPro includes only the generic factors for unknown water usage and not the factors
specific for agricultural and non-agricultural use of water (irrigation/non-irrigation, these are currently not supported in
SimaPro and its inventory data).
Boulay A.M., Bare J., Benini L., Berger M., Lathuilliere M.J., Manzardo A., Margni M., Motoshita M., Núnez M., Pastor A.V., Ridoutt B.,
Oki T., Worbe S., Pfister S. (2016). The WULCA consensus characterization model for 108 water scarcity footprints: Assessing
impacts of water consumption based on available water remaining (AWARE). Submitted
The method analyzes the vulnerability of basins to freshwater depletion. Based on local blue water scarcity, the water
depletion index (WDI) denotes the risk that water consumption can lead to depletion of freshwater resources. Water
scarcity is determined by relating annual water consumption to availability in more than 11 000 basins. Additionally,
WDI accounts for the presence of lakes and aquifers which have been neglected in water scarcity assessments so far. By
setting WDI to the highest value in (semi)arid basins, absolute freshwater shortage is taken into account in addition to
relative scarcity. This avoids mathematical artifacts of previous indicators which turn zero in deserts if consumption is
The regional factors are weighted averages based on the freshwater withdrawal by country data from the Pacific
Institute (
After calculating your results, we recommend you view the 'Checks' tab to see if there are any significant flows omitted
due to the incomplete list of characterization factors for some countries.
SimaPro Database Manual - Methods
Markus Berger, Ruud van der Ent, Stephanie Eisner, Vanessa Bach, and Matthias Finkbeiner. 2014. Water Accounting and
Vulnerability Evaluation (WAVE): Considering Atmospheric Evaporation Recycling and the Risk of Freshwater Depletion in
Water Footprinting. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2014, 48 (8), pp 4521–4528.
The cause-effect chain modelling is based on hydrological and socio-economic data. The water scarcity index is used at
the midpoint level [Boulay et al 2011 (Water Scarcity)]. The level of economic development is considered through the
adaptation capacity based on gross national income.
The method contains two different types of human health categories: distribution and marginal.
Distribution effects apply to all types of water consumption. Distribution refers to the impact assessment in which all
users are competing and proportionally affected according to their distributional share of water use for off-stream
users (here, agriculture, fisheries and domestic).
Marginal effects apply to agricultural water consumption. Marginal refers to a modelling choice in which any additional
water use will deprive only one off-stream user (agricultural).
The "HH, marginal" category is comparable with the "HH, agricultural water scarcity" category in the Motoshita et al
2010 (Human Health) method and the "Human Health" category of the Pfister et al 2009 (Eco-indicator 99) and Pfister
et al 2010 (ReCiPe) methods. Note that the "HH, distribution" category includes more effects and is NOT
complementary to the "HH, marginal" category.
The regional factors are weighted averages based on the freshwater withdrawal by country data from the Pacific
Institute (
After calculating your results we recommend you view the 'Checks' tab to see if there are any significant flows omitted
due to the incomplete list of characterization factors for some countries.
Boulay, A.M., Bulle, C., Bayart, J.B., Deschenes, L., Margni, M. (2011). Regional Characterization of Freshwater Use in LCA: Modeling
Direct Impacts on Human Health. Environmental Science & Technology 45: 8948-8957.
6.4 Boulay et al 2011 (Water Scarcity)
This method is based on the publication Boulay et al (2011). This water scarcity indicator (WSI) method is based on a
consumption to availability (CTA) ratio and modelled using a logistic function (S-curve) in order to fit the resulting
indicator to values between 0 and 1 m3 deprived/m3 consumed. The curve is tuned using OECD water stress thresholds,
which define moderate and severe water stress as 20% and 40% of withdrawals, respectively and converted with an
empirical correlation between withdrawal to availability (WTA) and CTA. The scarcity indicators are also available for
surface and groundwater. Water consumption and availability data are taken from the WaterGap model. The indicator
is applied to the consumed water volume and assesses consumptive water use only.
The regional factors are weighted averages based on the freshwater withdrawal by country data from the Pacific
Institute (
After calculating your results we recommend you view the 'Checks' tab to see if there are any significant flows omitted
due to the incomplete list of characterization factors for some countries.
Boulay, A.M., Bulle, C., Bayart, J.B., Deschenes, L., Margni, M. (2011). Regional Characterization of Freshwater Use in LCA: Modeling
Direct Impacts on Human Health. Environmental Science & Technology 45: 8948-8957.
Ecological Scarcity 2006 is a follow up of the Ecological scarcity 1997 method, which is called Ecopoints 97 (CH) in the
SimaPro method library (superseded). The ecoinvent implementation contains seven specific impact categories, with
for each substance a final UBP (environmental loading points) score as characterization factor. This method only
contains the impact category Natural resources containing only water resources. The complete method can be found in
the European methods category.
The regional factors are weighted averages based on the freshwater withdrawal by country data from the Pacific
Institute (
After calculating your results we recommend you view the 'Checks' tab to see if there are any significant flows omitted
due to the incomplete list of characterization factors for some countries.
SimaPro Database Manual - Methods
Hoekstra AY, Mekonnen MM, Chapagain AK, Mathews RE, Richter BD (2012) Global Monthly Water Scarcity: Blue Water Footprints
versus Blue Water Availability. PLoS ONE 7(2): e32688. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0032688
For domestic water scarcity, the method assumes that water resource scarcity caused by water consumption will lead
to a loss of access to safe water. The cause-effect chain modelling is based on hydrological and socio-economic data.
The water scarcity index used at the midpoint is Pfister et al 2009 (Water Scarcity). The level of economic development
is considered through the parameter house connection to water supply.
The impacts of malnutrition caused by agricultural water deficit are modelled using the same data source for scarcity
and distribution as above, multiplied by a socio-economic parameter describing the trade effect. This illustrates how
food supply shortage in a country will spread to other countries through international food trade. Countries with low
and middle incomes will be affected by the food shortage. This effect is quantified in DALY by using malnutrition-related
DALYs in the importing countries (DALYs/kcal malnutrition).
The "HH, agricultural water scarcity" category is comparable with the "HH, marginal" category of Boulay et al 2011
(Human Health) and the "Human Health" category of the Pfister et al 2009 (Eco-indicator 99) and Pfister et al 2010
(ReCiPe) methods. The "HH, domestic water scarcity" category is complementary to the "HH, agricultural water
scarcity" category.
The method provides country-based characterization factors in the context of both domestic and agricultural water
scarcity, expressed in DALY per m3 of water consumed.
The regional factors are weighted averages based on the freshwater withdrawal by country data from the Pacific
Institute (
After calculating your results we recommend you view the 'Checks' tab to see if there are any significant flows omitted
due to the incomplete list of characterization factors for some countries.
Motoshita, M., Itsubo, N., Inaba, A. (2011). Development of impact factors on damage to health by infectious diseases caused by
domestic water scarcity. Int J LCA 16, 65-73.
6.8 Pfister et al 2009 (Eco-indicator 99)
This method is based on the publication Pfister et al (2009). The method is based on the same endpoint categories as in
the Eco-indicator 99 method.
Human health is obtained by modelling the cause-effect chain of water deprivation for agricultural users (lack of
irrigation water) leading to malnutrition. It builds on the midpoint scarcity indicator [Pfister et al 2009 (Water Scarcity)]
and models the cause-effect chain by multiplying it by:
the agricultural users’ share of water use from Vorosmarty,
a socio-economic parameter defined as a human development factor for malnutrition, which relates the
Human Development Index and
two values independent of location combined in an effect factor that describes the DALY/m3 of water deprived
for agriculture: the per-capita water requirements to prevent malnutrition (in m3/(yr•capita)) and the damage
factor denoting the damage caused by malnutrition (DALY/(yr•capita)).
Ecosystem quality is obtained by modelling the cause-effect chain of freshwater consumption on terrestrial ecosystem
quality and assessed following the Eco-indicator 99 method, with units of potentially disappeared fraction of species
(PDF). The fraction of net primary productivity (NPP) which is limited by water availability represents the water-
shortage vulnerability of an ecosystem, and is used as a proxy for PDF.
Resources is obtained by modelling the cause -effect chain of freshwater consumption on water resource depletion.
The back-up technology concept is used following the Eco-indicator 99 method. The damage to resources resulting
from water consumption is calculated by multiplying the energy demand for desalination by the fraction of water
consumption contributing to freshwater depletion, which is dependent on the withdrawal to availability (WTA) ratio.
The unit is expressed in surplus energy (MJ).
The "Human Health" category is comparable with the "HH, marginal" category in the Boulay et al 2011 (Human Health)
method the "HH, agricultural water scarcity" category in the Motoshita et al 2010 (Human Health) method.
The regional factors are weighted averages based on the freshwater withdrawal by country data from the Pacific
Institute (
After calculating your results we recommend you view the 'Checks' tab to see if there are any significant flows omitted
due to the incomplete list of characterization factors for some countries.
Pfister, S.; Koehler, A.; Hellweg, S. (2009). Assessing the environmental impacts of freshwater consumption in LCA. Environmental
Science and Technology, 43(11), 4098–4104; DOI: 10.1021/es802423e (download:
SimaPro Database Manual - Methods
The regional factors are weighted averages based on the freshwater withdrawal by country data from the Pacific
Institute (
After calculating your results we recommend you view the 'Checks' tab to see if there are any significant flows omitted
due to the incomplete list of characterization factors for some countries.
Pfister, S.; Koehler, A.; Hellweg, S. (2009). Assessing the environmental impacts of freshwater consumption in LCA. Environmental
Science and Technology, 43(11), 4098–4104; DOI: 10.1021/es802423e (download:
6.10 Pfister et al 2010 (ReCiPe)
This method is based on the publication Pfister et al (2010). The method is based on the same endpoint categories as in
the ReCiPe method.
Human health is expressed in DALY and is obtained by modelling the cause-effect chain of water deprivation for
agricultural users (lack of irrigation water) leading to malnutrition. The cause-effect chain modelling is based on
hydrological and socioeconomic data. The water scarcity index is used at the midpoint [Pfister et al 2009 (Water
Scarcity)]. The level of economic development is considered though the parameter Human Development Index.
Ecosystem quality is obtained by modelling the cause-effect chain of freshwater consumption on terrestrial ecosystem
quality and assessed following ReCiPe, with units of disappeared species per year.
Resources is obtained by modelling the cause-effect chain of freshwater consumption on water resource depletion
following ReCiPe, with units of surplus cost to extract an additional cubic meter of water.
The "Human Health" category is comparable with the "HH, marginal" category in the Boulay et al 2011 (Human Health)
method the "HH, agricultural water scarcity" category in the Motoshita et al 2010 (Human Health) method.
The regional factors are weighted averages based on the freshwater withdrawal by country data from the Pacific
Institute (
After calculating your results we recommend you view the 'Checks' tab to see if there are any significant flows omitted
due to the incomplete list of characterization factors for some countries.
Pfister, Stephan; Saner, Dominik; Koehler, Annette (2010). The environmental relevance of freshwater consumption in global power
production. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 2011, 16, 580-591.
SimaPro Database Manual - Methods
7 Superseded
Superseded methods
This section includes methods which have been updated or replaced by a newer version. We recommend therefore
not using these but instead the methods presented in previous sections.
This v2 version is adapted for SimaPro 8. All characterization factors in this method are entered for the 'unspecified'
sub-compartment of each compartment (Raw materials, air, water, soil) and thus applicable on all sub-compartments.
This method is NOT fully adapted for inventory data from the Ecoinvent library and the USA Input Output Database 98,
and therefore omits emissions that could have been included in impact assessment.
7.1.1 Characterization
Grouped substances or sum parameters have been defined in a number of classes. This has been done because the
emissions are not always specified separately in the data sources for the processes concerned. Emissions are often
specified under a collective name, e.g. aromatic hydrocarbons. Since the different substances within such a group can
have considerable variation in their environmental impact, the resulting effect score may not be completely reliable.
The main classes are: 1. Exhaustion of raw materials and energy, and 2. Pollution.
This term refers to energy sources and a number of scarce metals. In the CML 92 method, all the energy sources were
grouped into a separate class called Energy.
The effect score for exhaustion is calculated on the following basis:
Exhaustion = (amount consumed (kg) x {1/resources (kg)})2
This category is intended for rare animals and plants. This score is as yet very rudimentary and has therefore not been
2. Pollution
R. Heijungs et al, Environmental life cycle assessment of products, Guide, October 1992 CML, Leiden, The Netherlands, NOH report 9266.
World Institute, World Resources 1990-1991, Oxford University Press, New York/Oxford.
substances gradually decompose and will become inactive in the long run. For the CML 92 method, we have taken the
GWP over a 100-year period because this is the most common choice.
We have added values for CFC (hard) and for CFC (soft) to the CML (1992) method, since it is not always known which
CFC is released. The GWP for this category of substances has been equated to that of CFCs frequently used in industrial
mass and series production; for CFC (hard) this is the value for CFC-12, and for CFC (soft) it is the value for HCFC-22.
The effect score for the greenhouse effect is calculated per substance as follows:
Greenhouse effect (kg) = (GWP 100 x airborne emission (kg))3
We have not included soil emissions in this because the program does not have an impact category for substances emitted
to soil. The number of characterization factors from soil is very limited. Moreover, it may be assumed that emissions that
initially enter the soil will ultimately appear in the groundwater and hence can be dealt with as emissions to water.
We have added a number of values for groups to this class: metallic ions and various groups of hydrocarbons. Metallic
ions have been given a value equal to that of iron. The values of the hydrocarbons are given in Table 6. An equivalent
has also been selected for most other values that were not defined; e.g. for chlorine, the equivalent value of bromine has
been used.
Substances human toxicity human toxicity
ecotoxicity smog
air water water air
CxHy isopropanol isopropanol crude oil aliphatics average
CxHy aliphatic isopropanol isopropanol crude oil aliphatics average
CxHy aromatic benzene benzene benzene aromatics average
CxHy chloro 1,2, dichloroethane 1,2, dichloroethane
1,2, average chlorinated
dichloroethane org. compounds
PAH benzo(a)pyrene benzo(a)pyrene benzo(a)pyrene aromatics average
Table 6: Substances from which HCA/HCW, ECA and POCP values for hydrocarbons are taken.
Houghton, Callender & Varney, Climate Change 1992. The supplementary report to the IPCC scientific assessment, Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, UK, 1992.
World Meteorological Organization, Scientific assessment of ozone depletion 1991, Global Ozone Research and Monitoring Project - Report no. 25,
SimaPro Database Manual - Methods Ecotoxicity
Substances in this class are given values for toxicity to flora and fauna. The main substances are heavy metals. Values
have been established for emissions to water and to soil, i.e.:
Aquatic ecotoxicity (ECA)
Terrestrial ecotoxicity (ECT)
Only the ECA values have been included in the CML 92 method because emissions to soil eventually appear in the
groundwater and are thus already covered.
We have added a number of values for groups of hydrocarbons to this class. Values for the hydrocarbons are shown in
Table 6. An equivalent has been selected for most other values that were not defined. The effect score for
ecotoxicity is calculated as follows:
Ecotoxicity (m³) = (ECA (m³. kg-1) x waterborne emission (kg))6 Smog
The photochemical ozone creation potential (POCP) indicates the potential capacity of a volatile organic substance to
produce ozone. Values have been published for a wide range of volatile organic substances. The value for ethene has
been set at 1. The values for most other substances are less than this. The POCP of these sum-parameters such as alcohols,
ketones, aldehydes and various groups of hydrocarbons groups is the average of all the relevant substances in the CML
(1992) list. The values for the hydrocarbon groups are given in Table 6. NOx is omitted in the CML 92 methodThe
effect score for smog is calculated as follows:
Smog (kg) = (POCP x airborne emission (kg))7 Acidification
The Acidification Potential (AP) is expressed relative to the acidifying effect of SO2. Other known acidifying substances
are nitrogen oxides and ammonia. SOx has been added, with the same value as SO2.
Acidification effect scores are calculated as follows:
Acidification (kg) = (AP x airborne emission (kg))
Note that the results of the acidification classes from CML (1990) and CML (1992) are not calculated in the same way. Eutrophication
The Nutrification Potential (NP) is set at 1 for phosphate (PO4). Other emissions also influence eutrophication, notably
nitrogen oxides and ammonium.
The eutrophication effect score is calculated as follows:
Eutrophication (kg) = (NP x airborne emission (kg))
Vermeire, T.G et al., Voorstel voor de humaan-toxicologische onderbouwing van C - (toetsings)waarden [Proposal for the human-toxicological basis
of test values], RIVM, Bilthoven, The Netherlands, 1991.
Slooff, W., Maximum tolerable concentrations, eco-toxicological effect assessment, RIVM no. 719102018, Bilthoven, The Netherlands.
Protocol to the convention on long-range transboundary air pollution concerning the control of emissions of volatile organic compounds or their
transboundary fluxes, United Nations - Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Geneva, Switzerland, 1991.
46 Odour
Weighting factors for stench have been developed, although their use is unusual in LCAs. In these, ammonia is given the
value 1.
This class is not included in the CML 92 method because it is a highly localized environmental effect, and the degree of
stench nuisance depends largely on local circumstances. Solids
This class is not included in the original CML 1992 classification. We have added the solids class to the method because
solid emissions form an important environmental problem in their own right. The weight of the waste emission is used
for calculation, and no weighting factors are involved.
Solids (kg) = (solid emission output (kg))
7.1.2 Normalization
The first and probably most widely used normalization set was published in 1993 by Guinée from the CML. This set was
compiled by extrapolating 1988 data from the Dutch Emission Registration. Most of the data was simply multiplied by a
factor 100, to extrapolate them to the world level, as The Netherlands contribute about 1% to the Gross National Product
figures in the World. An exception was made for greenhouse and ozone depleting emissions. These were taken directly
from IPCC. The figures are supposed to reflect the world emissions. In order to make the figures more manageable, we
have divided them by the world population of A very recent project executed by IVAM-ER, NWS
(University of Utrecht) and PRé, under commission from VROM and RIZA, in the Netherlands has resulted in three new
sets of normalization figures. They are for a large part based on the Emission registration (base year 1994), and several
other sources. The results of this project have been peer reviewed by Guinée. The normalization levels are:
Dutch territory. All emissions registered emitted within the Netherlands and all raw materials consumed by the
Dutch economy.
Dutch consumer. The effect of imports have been added, the effects of exports have been subtracted. The
calculation was performed using the Dutch input-output matrix.
European territory (EC, Switzerland, Austria and Norway). Most data are from original European data. In some
cases data was extrapolated from Dutch and Swiss data. The energy consumption within a region was taken as
a basis for extrapolation.
7.1.3 Evaluation
Although several organizations have developed evaluation factors using panel methods, there is no generally recognized
method to evaluate the results obtained with the CML method.
7.2 Eco-indicator 95
Eco-indicator 95 is adapted for SimaPro 8. All characterization factors in this method are entered for the 'unspecified'
sub-compartment of each compartment (Raw materials, air, water, soil) and thus applicable on all sub-compartments.
This method is NOT fully adapted for inventory data from the Ecoinvent library and the USA Input Output Database 98,
and therefore omits emissions that could have been included in impact assessment.
Due to continual adjustments of the method and/or inventory data sets the Eco-indicator 95 in SimaPro 8 will not give
the same result as the original printed version.
7.2.1 Characterization
The only difference between the characterizations in the SimaPro 2 CML and SimaPro 3 Eco-indicator 95 methods is in
the ecotoxicity and human toxicity effect definition. Both toxicity scores have been replaced by:
Summer smog (already available in the SimaPro 2 CML method)
SimaPro Database Manual - Methods
Winter smog
Heavy metals to air and water
Chromium and nickel are regarded as carcinogens because the risk of cancer is greater than the toxicological effect. Based
on this concentration a weighting factor can be determined which is equal to the inverse of the admissible concentration.
This agrees with the critical volume approximation that used to be applied with the MAC value. We have expressed the
effect score as a lead equivalent.
The WHO 'Quality guidelines for drinking water' specify a number of values for persistent substances based on long-term,
low-level exposure. These criteria have been drawn up to evaluate drinking water, based on established health effects.
In table 8, a selection of substances that are persistent to a greater or lesser extent and that therefore accumulate in the
With this effect score the weighting factor is determined in order to be able to calculate the lead equivalent. SimaPro
merges the scores for water and air. This is possible because they are both expressed as a lead equivalent and because
the target reductions for air and water are the same. We have combined the two scores for heavy metals. This was
possible since they are both expressed as a lead equivalent and since the weighting factors are identical.
Heavy metal to air (kg lead eq.) = (AQG (lead)/AQG (substance) * emission)
Heavy metal to water (kg lead eq.) = (GDWQ (lead)/GDWQ (substance)* emission)
It is worth considering whether to include asbestos in this list. The difficulty with this is that asbestos emissions cannot
be expressed meaningfully in a unit of weight. The number and type of fibers is the determining factor.
It is not entirely clear whether these numbers can be used directly as a weighting factor in order to calculate, for example,
a PAH equivalent. This is because it is not known exactly whether a linear correlation may be assumed between
probability and exposure. At present we assume that this is so.
Heavy metal to air (kg lead eq.) = (AQG (lead)/AQG (substance)) Pesticides
The Globe report describes pesticides as a problem for two reasons:
Groundwater becomes too toxic for human consumption.
Biological activity in the soil is impaired, as a result of which vegetation is damaged.
This means that account must be taken in the effect score weighting of both ecotoxicity (soil) and human toxicity (water).
The target reduction is based on human toxicity. Globe distinguishes between
Within these groups all the different sorts are listed, based on their active ingredient content. We propose also doing this
for this effect score and shall also list the various mutual categories.
Pesticides (kg) = (active ingredients)
SimaPro Database Manual - Methods
7.2.2 Normalization
The normalization values are based on average European (excluding the former USSR) data from different sources. The
reference year is 1990. In many cases we had to extrapolate data from one or more individual countries to the European
level. As an extrapolation basis we used the energy consumption of the countries. In order to make the figures more
manageable we divided the figures by the population of Europe: 497,000,000.
7.2.3 Evaluation
In the SimaPro 3 and the ecopoints methods the distance-to-target principle is used to calculate evaluation values. The
basic assumption is that the seriousness of an impact can be judged by the difference between the current and a target
In the SimaPro 3 method the target is derived from real environmental data for Europe (excluding the former USSR),
compiled by the RIVM. In the text below this report is referred to as Globe (The Environment in Europe: A Global
The targets are set according to the following criteria:
At target level the effect will cause 1 excess death per million per year
At target level the effect will disrupt fewer than 5% of the ecosystems in Europe
At target level the occurrence of smog periods is extremely unlikely
The Globe report indicates that fewer than 5% of the ecosystems will be impaired if the greenhouse effect is reduced
by a factor of 2.5.
Based on this reduction for greenhouse gases, we therefore assume, for the moment, that the target reduction for HCFCs
is of the order of 60%. Based on the premise that the HCFCs presently cause 2.6% of ozone layer depletion it can be
estimated that this reduction will cause ozone layer depletion to fall to 1% of its present level. The reduction factor is
thus 100. There is a great deal of uncertainty about this figure.
By contrast, the elimination of CFCs will also result in a significant reduction in the greenhouse effect. CFCs are responsible for 24% of this effect.
Eliminating the CFCs will therefore yield a 24% reduction in the greenhouse effect.
50 Acidification
There is a great variety in Europe in the ability of ecosystems to withstand acidification. In Scandinavia, for example,
problems can occur with deposits of 100 eq/ha.yr, while in some places in the Netherlands and Germany the soil can
withstand a deposit of more than 2000 eq/ha.yr.
Actual deposition appears to reach its highest level in Central Europe, particularly as a result of the use of lignite.
If the deposition and ability to withstand acidification are combined with each other, it seems that major problems are
occurring particularly in England, the Benelux countries, Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
A provisional estimate based on the RAINS computer model shows that the reduction must be of the order of a factor of
10 to 20 to keep damage to the ecosystem below 5%. Eutrophication
Eutrophication is seen in the Globe report particularly as the problem of excessive use of fertilizers by agriculture, as a
result of which nitrates leach out and poison groundwater supplies. The problem is at its greatest in the Benelux countries,
North-Rhine Westphalia (Germany) and Italy's Po valley plain (approx. 200 kg/ha).
In the CML classification Eutrophication refers mainly to air and water emissions. These rarely contribute more than 10%
of the amount of fertilizer applied by farmers. In uncultivated biotopes, however, that are low in nutrients this
eutrophication can have a serious adverse effect on biodiversity.
In describing the level of eutrophication in rivers and lakes it is estimated that the critical value for phosphates is 0.15 mg/l
and for nitrates 2.2 mg/l. At these levels there are no problems with eutrophication. In the rivers Rhine, Schelde, Elbe,
Mersey and Ebro, however, these figures have been exceeded more than 5 times. This means that the emissions must
be reduced by a factor 5.
The major problem is not determined by the average figures but by the summer peaks which can reach more than 300
ppb. To reduce this type of dangerous peak by 90% it is necessary to reduce VOCs and NOx by 60 to 70%.
Eating locally grown vegetables would result in a blood lead level that is ten times too high. Lead levels in children’s blood
of 150 to 400 µg/l have been found. Such readings also occurred in the West 30 years ago, but not anymore. The figures
are five to ten times lower now. There is thought not to be a no-effect-level for exposure for children. Above 100 µg/l
clear reductions in learning ability can be measured.
Thus although it is plausible that this pollution has a clearly measurable effect on human health, it is not easy to calculate
a general reduction percentage for lead. The best estimate is a reduction by a factor of 5 to 10. We have taken a figure
of 5 for heavy metal emissions to air.
Agriculture (fertilizer) is the major source of cadmium deposition. The average deposition rate is 0.6 to 0.67 g/ha on
grassland and 3.4 to 6.8 g/ha for arable land. The Southern Netherlands holds the record with a deposition rate of 7.5 to
8.5 g/ha. Furthermore, approximately 14% is distributed via the air (see winter smog).
SimaPro Database Manual - Methods
This leaching is calculated in the Globe report for the Rhine. A detailed calculation makes a convincing case for the
necessity to reduce cadmium emissions by 80 to 85%. In some other rivers such as the Elbe cadmium contamination is
substantially greater, and the required target will perhaps have to be set even higher. For the moment we are continuing
with a target reduction of a factor of 5 for heavy metals in water.
This form of smog achieved notoriety in 1952 when it caused an estimated 4000 deaths in London. The SO 2 and SPM
concentrations reached values of 5000 micrograms per cubic meter. In Southern Poland and Eastern Germany average
readings of 200µg/m³ still occur repeatedly. The Air Quality Guidelines specify a limit of 50µg/m³ for long-term exposure
to both SPM and SO2. Based on this, a reduction of 75% would be necessary.
Globe estimates that a reduction in SO2 emissions of more than 80% is necessary to eliminate by and large the occurrence
of occasional smog periods. No target is proposed for SPM because it is not well a defined or well measured9 pollutant.
The Air Quality Guideline specifies a threshold concentration of 0.01 ng/m³ at which 1 cancer case per million inhabitants
per year will still occur. This criterion cannot be compared straightforwardly with the criterion for ozone layer depletion
because not all the cancer cases are terminal. In addition, only about 1/3 of the population of Europe lives in towns or
cities10. If we assume that one in every three cancer cases is terminal and if we only take the urban population the risk of
death is about ten times lower. Based on this, there would be one death per million inhabitants per year at a
concentration of 0.1 ng/m³.
Based on a background concentration of 1 ng/m³ in towns and cities without coke furnaces (West European towns and
cities in particular) a reduction by a factor of 10 could be estimated. Pesticides
Leaching of pesticides threatens groundwater sources throughout the EU. The groundwater is contaminated in 65% of
the EU above the EU norm (0.5 µg/liter). The norm is exceeded tenfold in 25% of the EU. This occurs in 20% of the land
area of Eastern Europe. A reduction by a factor of 25 is necessary to ensure that the norm is exceeded in less than 10%
of Europe.
A major shortcoming of the CML classification system is the lack of a weighting factor for particulate matter in calculating human toxicity. According
to the Globe report, SPM is one of the most injurious substances to health.
Eurostat, estimate based on data for 6 EU member states
52 Exhaustion of raw materials and solid waste
We have not defined any percentage reductions for exhaust of raw materials. There are two reasons for this:
No people die and no ecosystems are impaired as a result of the depletion of raw materials. It mainly causes economic
and social problems.
Exhaustion is difficult to quantify because there are alternatives for most materials. For example, copper has already
been replaced on a very wide scale by glass-fiber (communications) and aluminum (electricity-conducting medium).
There are also good prospects for substituting materials in energy generation if the market is prepared to pay more for
energy. In fact, the problem with energy is not the depletion of fossil fuels but the environmental impacts of combustion.
Explicit account is taken of these in the indicator. In other words, you need not think that all the oil reserves that are
presently known have actually been used. That would be an environmental disaster.
We have not defined any percentage reduction for waste. A similar reason applies to waste as to energy. No people die
and only very small sections of ecosystems are threatened by the use of space for waste (apart from litter or fly-tipped
waste). Emissions from incineration, the decomposition of waste and the leaching of, for example, heavy metals are
major problems. These emissions are properly specified in a good LCA. Waste is thus included in similar fashion, but it is
assessed in terms of its emissions.
We do not have any score for ecotoxicity and human toxicity, as is usually the case. Instead we have a score for
carcinogenic substances, heavy metals, winter smog and pesticides. The reason for this is that we could not find any
reduction target for such a vague concept. We therefore opted to specify the term "toxicity" in individual problems.
As a result of these changes, the Eco-indicator can be viewed as an indicator for emissions, and raw materials exhaustion
and the use of space for waste must be assessed individually for the moment. Despite this limitation we feel that the
indicator is a powerful tool. Emissions will be our greatest concern if we wish to protect health and ecosystems.
Table 10 gives you an opportunity to calculate other weightings for yourself if you wish to use different criteria.
SimaPro Database Manual - Methods
7.3 Eco-indicator 99
Eco-indicator 99 is the successor of Eco-indicator 95. Both methods use the damage-oriented approach. The development
of the Eco-indicator 99 methodology started with the design of the weighting procedure. Traditionally in LCA the
emissions and resource extractions are expressed as 10 or more different impact categories, like acidification, ozone layer
depletion, ecotoxicity and resource extraction. For a panel of experts or non-experts it is very difficult to give meaningful
weighting factors for such a large number and rather abstract impact categories. It was concluded that the panel should
not be asked to weight the impact categories but the different types of damage that are caused by these impact
categories. The other improvement was to limit the number of items that are to be assessed. As a result the panel,
consisting of 365 persons from a Swiss LCA interest group, was asked to assess the seriousness of three damage
1. Damage to Human Health, expressed as the number of year life lost and the number of years lived disabled. These
are combined as Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs), an index that is also used by the World bank and WHO.
2. Damage to Ecosystem Quality, express as the loss of species over an certain area, during a certain time
3. Damage to Resources, expressed as the surplus energy needed for future extractions of minerals and fossil fuels.
In order to be able to use the weights for the three damage categories a series of complex damage models had to be
developed. In Figure 4 these models are represented in a schematic way.
Extraction of Damage to
minerals and Concentration of ores Surplus energy at future extraction
resources [MJ
Mining fossil fuels Availability of fossil fuels surplus energy]
Surplus energy at future extraction
NOx Altered pH.+nutrient Effect on Target species plant species
SOx availability. *m2 *yr]
Pressing NH3 Concentration in soil Ecotoxicity: toxic stress (PAF)
Heavy metals Concentration of greenhouse gas Climate change (disease + displacement)
Transport CO2
Concentration ozone depl. Damage to
HCFC Ozonlayer depletion (cancer + cataract)
subst. Human health
Nuclides (Bq) [disability
Disposal Concentration radionuclides Radiation effects (cancer)
SPM adjusted life
VOC’s Concentration fine dust, VOC . Respiratory effects years (DALY)]
Concentr. air, water and food Cancer
In general, the factors used in SimaPro do not deviate from the ones in the (updated) report. In case the report contained
synonyms of substance names already available in the substance list of the SimaPro database, the existing names in the
database are used. A distinction is made for emissions to agricultural soil and industrial soil, indicated with respectively
(agr.) or (ind.) behind substance names emitted to soil.
7.3.1 Characterization Emissions
Characterization is factors are calculated at end-point level (damage). The damage model for emissions includes fate
analysis, exposure, effects analysis and damage analysis.
This model is applied for the following impact categories:
Carcinogenic affects due to emissions of carcinogenic substances to air, water and soil. Damage is expressed in Disability
adjusted Life Years (DALY) / kg emission.
Respiratory organics
Respiratory effects resulting from summer smog, due to emissions of organic substances to air, causing respiratory
effects. Damage is expressed in Disability adjusted Life Years (DALY) / kg emission.
Respiratory inorganics
Respiratory effects resulting from winter smog caused by emissions of dust, sulphur and nitrogen oxides to air. Damage
is expressed in Disability adjusted Life Years (DALY) / kg emission.
Climate change
Damage, expressed in DALY/kg emission, resulting from an increase of diseases and death caused by climate change.
Damage, expressed in DALY/kg emission, resulting from radioactive radiation
SimaPro Database Manual - Methods
Ozone layer
Damage, expressed in DALY/kg emission, due to increased UV radiation as a result of emission of ozone depleting
substances to air.
Damage to ecosystem quality, as a result of emission of ecotoxic substances to air, water and soil. Damage is expressed
in Potentially Affected Fraction (PAF)*m2*year/kg emission.
Acidification/ Eutrophication
Damage to ecosystem quality, as a result of emission of acidifying substances to air. Damage is expressed in Potentially
Disappeared Fraction (PDF)* m2*year/kg emission.
Damage as a result of either conversion of land or occupation of land. Damage is expressed in Potentially Disappeared
Fraction (PDF)* m2*year/ m2 or m2a.
7.3.2 Uncertainties
Of course it is very important to pay attention to the uncertainties in the methodology that is used to calculate the
indicators. Two types are distinguished:
1. Uncertainties about the correctness of the models used
2. Data uncertainties
Data uncertainties are specified for most damage factors as squared geometric standard deviation in the original reports,
but not in the method in SimaPro. It is not useful to express the uncertainties of the model as a distribution. Uncertainties
about the model are related to subjective choices in the model. In order to deal with them we developed three different
versions of the methodology, using the archetypes specified in Cultural Theory. The three versions of Eco-indicator 99
1. the egalitarian perspective
2. the hierarchist perspective
3. the individualist perspective
assumption is made that fossil fuels cannot easily be substituted. Oil and gas are to be replaced by shale, while coal is
replaced by brown coal. In the DALY calculations age weighting is not included.
7.3.4 Normalization
Normalization is performed on damage category level. Normalization data is calculated on European level, mostly based
on 1993 as base years, with some updates for the most important emissions.
7.3.5 Weighting
In this method weighting is performed at damage category level (endpoint level in ISO). A panel performed weighting of
the three damage categories. For each perspective, a specific weighting set is available. The average result of the panel
assessment is available as weighting set.
The hierarchist version of Eco-indicator 99 with average weighting is chosen as default. In general, value choices made in
the hierarchist version are scientifically and politically accepted.
7.4.1 Characterization
In the context of LCA, the ecological footprint of a product is defined as the sum of time integrated direct and indirect
land occupation, related to nuclear energy use and to CO2 emissions from fossil energy use:
EF EFdirect EFCO 2 EFnuclear
SimaPro Database Manual - Methods
Frischknecht, R.; Jungbluth, N.; Althaus. H.J.; Doka, G.; Dones, R.; Hischier, R.; Hellweg, S.; Humbert, S.; Margni, M.; Nemecek, T.;
Spielmann, M. 2007. Implementation of Life Cycle Impact Assessment Methods: Data v2.0. ecoinvent report No. 3, Swiss centre
for Life Cycle Inventories, Dübendorf, Switzerland.
Wackernagel, M. 1994. Ecological Footprint and Appropriated Carrying Capacity: A Tool for Planning Toward Sustainability (PhD thesis).
Vancouver, Canada: School of Community and Regional Planning. The University of British Columbia.
Frischknecht, R.; Steiner, R.; Jungbluth, N. 2008. Methode der ökologischen Knappheit - Ökofaktoren 2006. Öbu SR No. 28/2008,
Bundesamt für Umwelt (BAFU), ÖBU Schweizerische Vereinigung für ökologisch bewusste Unternehmungsführung, Zürich
und Bern.
Frischknecht, R.; Jungbluth, N.; Althaus, H.J.; Doka, G.; Dones, R.; Hischier, R.; Hellweg, S.; Humbert, S.; Margni, M.; Nemecek, T.;
Spielmann, M. 2007. Implementation of Life Cycle Impact Assessment Methods: Data v2.0. ecoinvent report No. 3, Swiss centre
for Life Cycle Inventories, Dübendorf, Switzerland.
Frischknecht, R.; Steiner, R.; Braunschweig, A.; Egli, N.; Hildesheimer, G. 2006. Swiss Ecological Scarcity Method: The New Version
2006. Available at
7.6 Ecopoints 97
The Swiss Ministry of the Environment (BUWAL) has developed the Ecopoint system, based on actual pollution and on
critical targets that are derived from Swiss policy. It is one of the earliest systems for impact assessment with a single
score. Like the Eco-indicator 95 method, described above, it is based on the distance-to-target method. The Swiss
Ecopoints 1997 (also called Swiss ecoscarcity) is an update of the 1990 method.
There are three important differences:
1. The Ecopoint system does not use a classification. It assesses impacts individually. Although this allows for a
detailed and very substance-specific method, it has the disadvantage that only a few impacts are assessed.
2. The Ecopoint system uses a different normalization principle. It uses target values rather than current values.
3. The Ecopoint system is based on Swiss policy levels instead of sustainability levels. Policy levels are usually a
compromise between political and environmental considerations.
The following data are necessary in calculating a score in ecopoints for a given product:
4. quantified impacts of a product;
5. total environmental load for each impact type in a particular geographical area;
6. maximum acceptable environmental load for each impact type in that particular geographical area.
7.6.1 Normalization
In SimaPro you will find 3 normalization sets: Target; Actual; and Ecopoints.
1. Normalization on Target Value or Critical Emission (N=Target)
The original formula is used to calculate the Ecopoints:
1 F
Ecofactor= Const
Fk Fk
=normalization factor
Const =evaluation factor
Const =evaluation factor
Fk Fk
7.6.2 Weighting
Ecopoints (weighting factors) are calculated using the following formula:
1 F F
f 1012 2
Fk Fk Fk
The first term (1/Fk) expresses the relative contribution of the load to the exceeding of the target norm. It is the
normalization step. The second term (F/Fk) expresses the extent to which the target norm is already being exceeded.
Please note that not all sum parameters such as (heavy) metals, AOX contributants, are included in the method.
Braunschweig A. et al. 1998. Bewertung in Ökobilanzen mit der Methode der ökologischen Knappheit. Ökofaktoren, Methodik Für
Oekobilanzen, Buwal Schriftenreihe Umwelt Nr 297.
7.7 EDIP/UMIP 97
The EDIP method (Environmental Design of Industrial Products, in Danish UMIP) was developed in 1996.
In 2004 the characterization factors for resources, the normalization and weighting factors for all impact categories were
updated. Excluded in this version of the method in SimaPro are working environment and emissions to waste water
treatment plants (WWTP).
The method is adapted for SimaPro. All characterization factors in this method are entered for the 'unspecified' sub-
compartment of each compartment (raw, air, water, soil) and thus applicable on all sub-compartments, where no specific
characterization value is specified.
7.7.1 Characterization
Global warming is based on the IPCC 1994 Status report. Is SimaPro GWP 100 is used. Stratospheric ozone depletion
potentials are based on the status reports (1992/1995) of the Global Ozone Research Project (infinite time period used
in SimaPro). Photochemical ozone creation potentials (POCP) were taken from UNECE reports (1990/1992). POCP values
depend on the background concentration of NOx, in SimaPro we have chosen to use the POCPs for high background
concentrations. Acidification is based on the number of hydrogen ions (H+) that can be released. Eutrophication potential
is based on N and P content in organisms. Waste streams are divided in 4 categories, bulk waste (not hazardous),
hazardous waste, radioactive waste and slags and ashes. All wastes are reported on a mass basis.
Ecotoxicity is based on a chemical hazard screening method, which looks at toxicity, persistency and bio-concentration.
Fate or the distribution of substances into various environmental compartments is also taken account. Ecotoxicity
potentials are calculated for acute and chronic ecotoxicity to water and chronic ecotoxicity for soil. As fate is included,
an emission to water may lead not only to chronic and acute ecotoxicity for water, but also to soil. Similarly an emission
to air gives ecotoxicity for water and soil. This is the reason you will find emissions to various compartments in each
ecotoxicity category.
Human toxicity is based on a chemical hazard screening method, which looks at toxicity, persistency and bio-
concentration. Fate or the distribution of substances into various environmental compartments is also taken account.
Human toxicity potentials are calculated for exposure via air, soil, and surface water. As fate is included, an emission to
water may lead not only to toxicity via water, but also via soil. Similarly an emission to air gives human toxicity via water
and soil. This is the reason you will find emissions to various compartments in each human toxicity category.
As resources use a different method of weighting, it cannot be compared with the other impact categories, for which
reason the weighting factor is set at zero. Resources should be handled with great care when analyzing results, the
characterization and normalization results cannot be compared with the other impact categories.
To give the user some information in a useful way all resources have been added into one impact category. As equivalency
factor the result of the individual normalization and weighting scores have been used, i.e. the resulting score per kg if
they would have been calculated individually.
For detailed information on resources, including normalization and weighting, choose the "EDIP/UMIP resources only"
7.7.2 Normalization
The normalization value is based on person equivalents for 1994 (according to the update issued in 2004). For resources,
normalization and weighing are already included in the characterization factor and therefore set at zero.
7.7.3 Weighting
The weighting factors are set to the politically set target emissions per person in the year 2004 (according to the update
issued in 2004), the weighted result are expressed except for resources which is based on the proven reserves per person
in 1994. For resources, normalization and weighing are already included in the characterization factor and therefore set
at zero.
Presenting the EDIP method as a single score (addition) is allowed, however it is not recommended by the authors. Note
that due to a different weighting method for resources (based on reserves rather than political targets), resources may
never be included in a single score. This is the reason that the weighting factor for resources is set at zero.
Hauschild, M.; Wenzel, H. 1998. Environmental Assessment of Products. Volume 2: Scientific background. Chapman and Hall. See
Wenzel, H.; Hauschild, M.; Alting, L. 1997. Environmental Assessment of Products. Volume 1: Methodology, tools and case studies in
product development. Chapman and Hall. See
SimaPro Database Manual - Methods
7.8.1 Characterization
In the standard EPDs one only has to report on the following impact categories:
7.8.3 Ozone layer depletion (ODP), Photochemical oxidation, Acidification and Eutrophication
The values as used by the EPD document are used.
"Revision of the EPD® system into an International EPD®":
We thank Leo Breedveld from 2B ( for his advice and support.
7.9 EPD (2013)
This method is the successor of EPD (2008) and is to be used for the creation of Environmental Product Declarations
(EPDs), as published on the website of the Swedish Environmental Management Council (SEMC). An EPD is always created
according to a Product Category Rule. This method is especially important for everybody who is reporting a Product
Category Rule (PCR) published by Environdec.
7.9.1 Characterization
In the standard EPDs one only has to report on the following impact categories:
Original names Names in SimaPro
Acidification potential acidification (fate not included)
Eutrophication potential eutrophication
Global warming potential global warming’
Photochemical oxidant creation potential photochemical oxidation’
Additional indicators:
The following impact categories are optional indicators and the inclusion of them should be specified in the PCR.
Original names Names in SimaPro
Ozone-depleting gases (expressed as the sum of ozone layer depletion (ODP) (optional)
ozone-depleting potential in mass of CFC 11-
equivalents, 20 years)
Abiotic resource depletion Abiotic depletion (optional)
Abiotic depletion (fossil fuels) Abiotic depletion, fossil fuels (opt.)
All impact categories are taken directly from the CML-IA baseline method (eutrophication, global warming and
photochemical oxidation) and CML-IA non baseline method (acification). These two methods can be found in SimaPro
as well.
General programme instructions for the international EPD® system, 2.01. 18 September 2013. Download at
The top-down development of the EPS system has led to an outspoken hierarchy among its principles and rules. The
general principles of its development are:
The top-down principle (highest priority is given to the usefulness of the system);
The index principle (ready-made indices represent weighted and aggregated impacts)
The default principle (an operative method as default is required)
The uncertainty principle (uncertainty of input data has to be estimated)
SimaPro Database Manual - Methods
The EPS system is mainly aimed to be a tool for a company's internal product development process. The system is
developed to assist designers and product developers in finding which one of two product concepts has the least impact
on the environment. The models and data in EPS are intended to improve environmental performance of products. The
choice and design of the models and data are made from an anticipated utility perspective of a product developer. They
are, for instance not intended to be used as a basis for environmental protection strategies for single substances, or as a
sole basis for environmental product declarations. In most of those cases additional site-specific information and
modelling is necessary.
The EPS 2000 default method is an update of the 1996 version. The impact categories are identified from five safe guard
subjects: human health, ecosystem production capacity, abiotic stock resource, biodiversity and cultural and recreational
This V2 version is adapted for SimaPro. All characterization factors in this method are entered for the 'unspecified' sub-
compartment of each compartment (Raw materials, air, water, soil) and thus applicable on all sub-compartments, where
no specific characterization value is specified.
This method is NOT fully adapted for inventory data from the Ecoinvent library and the USA Input Output Database 98,
and therefore omits emissions that could have been included in impact assessment.
64 Biodiversity
Default impact category for biodiversity is extinction of species, expressed in Normalized Extinction of species (NEX).
7.10.2 Normalization/Weighting
In the EPS default method, normalization/weighting is made through valuation. Normalization/weighting factors
represent the willingness to pay to avoid changes. The environmental reference is the present state of the environment.
The indicator unit is ELU (Environmental Load Unit).
Steen B. 1999. A systematic approach to environmental strategies in product development (EPS). Version 2000 - General system
characteristics. Centre for Environmental Assessment of Products and Material Systems. Chalmers University of Technology,
Technical Environmental Planning. CPM report 1999:4.
7.11.1 Characterization
The IPCC characterization factors for the direct global warming potential of air emissions. They are:
not including indirect formation of dinitrogen monoxide from nitrogen emissions.
not accounting for radiative forcing due to emissions of NOx, water, sulphate, etc. in the lower stratosphere +
upper troposphere.
not considering the range of indirect effects given by IPCC.
including CO2 formation from CO emissions.
considering biogenic CO2 uptake as negative impact.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). 2001. IPCC Third Assessment Report. The Scientific Basis.
SimaPro Database Manual - Methods
7.12.1 Characterization
IPCC characterization factors for the direct (except CH4) global warming potential of air emissions. They are:
not including indirect formation of dinitrogen monoxide from nitrogen emissions.
not accounting for radiative forcing due to emissions of NOx, water, sulphate, etc. in the lower stratosphere +
upper troposphere.
not considering the range of indirect effects given by IPCC.
not including CO2 formation from CO emissions.
If only a minimum or maximum value of a substance is reported this minimum or maximum value is used.
The substances that do not have a common name but only a formula are not included in the method.
NOT considering biogenic CO2 uptake and emission, but only considering the biogenic methane release.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. 2007. IPCC Fourth Assessment Report. The Physical Science Basis.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. 2007. IPCC Fourth Assessment Report. The Physical Science Basis. Errata. http://ipcc-
7.13 ReCiPe
ReCiPe is the successor of the methods Eco-indicator 99 and CML-IA. The purpose at the start of the development was to
integrate the ‘problem oriented approach’ of CML-IA and the ‘damage oriented approach’ of Eco-indicator 99. The
‘problem oriented approach’ defines the impact categories at a midpoint level. The uncertainty of the results at this point
is relatively low. The drawback of this solution is that it leads to many different impact categories which makes the
drawing of conclusions with the obtained results complex. The damage oriented approach of Eco-indicator 99 results in
only three impact categories, which makes the interpretation of the results easier. However, the uncertainty in the results
is higher. ReCiPe implements both strategies and has both midpoint (problem oriented) and endpoint (damage oriented)
impact categories. The midpoint characterization factors are multiplied by damage factors, to obtain the endpoint
characterization values.
ReCiPe comprises two sets of impact categories with associated sets of characterization factors. At the midpoint level, 18
impact categories are addressed:
1. Ozone depletion
2. Human toxicity
3. Ionizing radiation
4. Photochemical oxidant formation
5. Particulate matter formation
6. Terrestrial acidification
7. Climate change
8. Terrestrial ecotoxicity
9. Agricultural land occupation
10. Urban land occupation
11. Natural land transformation
12. Marine ecotoxicity
13. Marine eutrophication
14. Fresh water eutrophication
15. Fresh water ecotoxicity
16. Fossil fuel depletion
17. Minerals depletion
18. Fresh water depletion
At the endpoint level, most of these midpoint impact categories are multiplied by damage factors and aggregated into
three endpoint categories:
Human health
Resource surplus costs
The three endpoint categories are normalized, weighted, and aggregated into a single score. Figure 2 sketches the
relations between lifecycle inventory (LCI) parameters (left side), the 18 midpoint categories (middle), and the 3 endpoint
categories, including the single score (right side).
SimaPro Database Manual - Methods
Figure 6: Representation of the relations between the inventory and the midpoint categories (environmental mechanisms) and the
endpoint categories, including the single score (damage model).
68 Human toxicity and ecotoxicity
The characterization factor of human toxicity and ecotoxicity accounts for the environmental persistence (fate) and
accumulation in the human food chain (exposure), and toxicity (effect) of a chemical. The unit is yr/kg 1,4-
dichlorobenzeen (14DCB). Radiation
The characterization factor of ionizing radiation accounts for the level of exposure. The unit is yr/kg Uranium 235
SimaPro Database Manual - Methods
7.13.4 Normalization
The normalization is based on the report of Sleeswijk et al. (2007). The normalization figures used in SimaPro are
recalculated per citizen. The used population of EU25+3 is 464,036,294 citizens and the world has 6,055,000,000 citizens.
Mineral use and the natural land transformation were not part of this project. Mineral use is based on data from USGS
(2000). The source of the land transformation was FAO using the changes between 2000 and 2005.
7.13.5 Weighting
In this method, weighting is performed at damage category level (endpoint level in ISO terms). A panel performed
weighting of the three damage categories. For each perspective, a specific weighting set is available. The average result
of the panel assessment is available as weighting set.
The hierarchist version of ReCiPe with average weighting is chosen as default. In general, value choices made in the
hierarchist version are scientifically and politically accepted.
Goedkoop, M.J.; Heijungs, R.; Huijbregts, M.A.J.; De Schryver, A.M.; Struijs, J.; Van Zelm, R. 2009. ReCiPe 2008: A life cycle impact
assessment method which comprises harmonised category indicators at the midpoint and the endpoint level; First edition Report
I: Characterisation. 6 January 2009,
Sleeswijk, A.W.; van Oers, L.F.; Guinée, J.B.; Huijbregts, M.A.J. 2007. Normalization in product life cycle assessment: An LCA of the
global and European economic systems in the year 2000. Sci Total Environ 390 (1):227-240.