LoadUI Concept

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i. Load UI is buili foi developeis io conduci load iesi so ilai iley
can deieci peifoimance issue eailiei in ile developmeni cycle.
:. Load UI comes in iwo ediiions, load UI and load UI Pio. Load UI
is a fiee and cioss-plaifoim easy io use Open Souice Load
Tesiing iool. Load UI Pio is licensed veision Load UI.
. Visual, diag-and-diop inieiface males load iesi easy foi non-
piofessional peifoimance iesieis. Ii allows useis io cieaie,
confguie and iedisiiibuie Load Tesis inieiaciively and in ieal-
(. Load UI piovides compleie iesi coveiage and suppoiis all ile
siandaid pioiocols and ieclnologies.
. Ii geneiaies scalable, ligl-volume and ieal-woild load fiom any
numbei of local and iemoie compuieis.
6. Load UI can be used foi Ad-loc Tesiing, Secuiiiy Tesiing,
Baseline Tesiing, Load Tesiing, Siiess Tesiing, Soal Tesiing, SLA
Veiifcaiion, Scalabiliiy Tesiing, Recoveiy Tesiing, Compliance
Tesiing, Asynclionous Tesiing.
Wlen fisi siaiiing Load UI you aie ilus piesenied wiil ile following:

i. A ioolbai fiom wlicl you can diag ielevani iiems.
:. Tle window buiion foi global ilings lile ioggling !"#$%& () *(+ and ,-./)&/
. A menu bai coniaining buiions foi seiiings, lelp, eic. ielevani io ile cuiieni view.
(. A panel bai ai ile boiiom giving you access io Agenis, Asseiiions, Seivei Moniiois
eic. Load UI piovides iliee views io woil wiil:
i. Woilspace view :. Piojeci View . Scenaiio View
>+0() !""?
Tlis is ile place wleie useis siaii and manage piojecis, agenis eic. Wlen you open
Load UI, ai fisi ii will iale you io ile Woilspace view.

34 @'1A B#02 Buiions foi Woilspace Seiiings and Help.
94 &""CD#02 Diag piojecis oi agenis fiom leie io cieaie a new one.
E4 F0"G'H) I'C'H)"02 Leis you add and manage piojecis.
J4 KL'1) I'C'H)"02 Leis you add and manage agenis.
:4 I)#0)'0 F#L'2 Piovides you wiil ile laiesi news, as well as linls io documeniaiion, videos and
M4 B"))"N F#1'C(2 Gives quicl access io Agenis, Asseiiions and ile Sysiem Log.
*"0?(6#H' /+'=
Piojeci View can be ieacled by opening a piojeci oi an exisiing scenaiio wleie
useis can cieaie and iun componenis fiom ile local macline and manage
coniained VU scenaiios. Piojeci View is layeied on iop of ile Woilspace view.
34 @#+1 &""CD#0
94 O#1<#(
E4 O"N6"1'1)
J4 O"11'H)"0
:4 O"N6"1'1)
M4 B"))"N
P4 Q#<+L#)+"1
F0"G'H) /+'=
Scenaiio View (Someiimes ii called as Tesi Case View) is veiy
similai io ile Piojeci View. Tlis view can be ieacled by opening a
VU (Viiiual Usei) Scenaiio fiom ile Piojeci level, wleie you cieaie
and iun componenis ilai can be disiiibuied io load UI Agenis foi
disiiibuied iesiing.
IH'1#0+" /+'=
IH'1#0+" @'1A B#0

34 F0"G'H) RA1 O"1)0"C2 Used io Coniiol ile piojeci ilai ilis
Scenaiio is a paii of
94!+1? BA))"12 Used io linl ile Scenaiio io ile piojeci ii is in, so
ilai ii siaiis and siops wiil ile piojeci.
Main Menu Bai locaied on iop of ile woilspace aiea in ile main
window. Below is ile scieensloi of ile Main Menu Bai. Main Menu
Bai opiions can diei depends on ile lind of view aie ile usei
woiling on.

@#+1 @'1A B#0
34 I"#6 -. BA))"12 Opens soap UI, oi swiicl io ii if ii is alieady
94 *+1$"= BA))"12 Opens ile global window menu, coniaining
ilings lile License Managemeni and Always on Top seiiings.
E4 *"0?(6#H' @'1A2 Opens ile Woilspace Menu.
J4 S+()0+DA)+"1 @"$' I=+)H,2 Gives quicl access io swiicl
beiween Local execuiion of iesis, and Disiiibuied (iesi on iemoie
agenis) execuiion.
:4 I'))+1L( BA))"12 Opens ile Seiiings Dialog.
M4 T'C6 BA))"12 Opens ile page ilai you aie cuiienily ieading.
@#+1 @'1A B#0
Woilspace Toolbai locaied on le lefi side of
ile woilspace aiea in ile main window.

*"0?(6#H' &""CD#0
34 O"CC#6(' BA))"12 Used io Hide]Slow
ile Toolbai.
94 F0"G'H)(2 Diag ilis io ile Piojeci
Selecioi io cieaie a new piojeci.
E4 KL'1)(2 Diag ilis io ile Ageni Selecioi
io conneci io a new ageni.
*"0?(6#H' &""CD#0
F0"G'H) I'C'H)"0
34 F0"G'H)2 Double clicl io open ile piojeci.
94 F0"G'H) @'1A2 Leis you Open, Clone and Deleie a piojeci.
E4 Q'U) K00"=2 Clicl io display ile nexi piojeci (oi jusi scioll ile mouse
F0"G'H) I'C'H)"0
Wlen usei open Load UI iley can see ile Piojeci selecioi componeni in
ile iop lefi side of ile main woil aiea.
KL'1) I'C'H)"0
34 KL'1)
94 Q'U) K00"=2 Clicl io Display ile nexi ageni (oi jusi scioll ile mouse wleel).
KL'1) I'C'H)"0
Wlen usei open Load UI iley can see ile Ageni selecioi componeni in ile
middle lefi side of ile main woil aiea.
1 2
B"))"N F#1'C

34 F#1'C B#02 Clicl and diag io coniiol ile size of ile displayed panel.
94 F#1'C &#D(2 Used io seleci ile panel io display.
E4 F#1'C H"1)'1)2 Slows ile conieni of ile cuiienily selecied panel.
B"))"N F#1'C
Boiiom Panel locaied on boiiom of ile woilspace aiea in ile main
window. Boiiom Panel coniain Agenis, Asseiiions, and Sysiem Log iab.
Usei can expand oi collapse ile panel using ile aiiow locaied on ile iop
lefi of ile panel.
2 1

Piojeci Toolbai locaied on iop of ile woilspace aiea in ile main window.
Tlis ioolbai coniain seveial buiions and Playbacl Panel in ile middle of ile

F0"G'H) &""CD#0
34 !"#$ -. BA))"1
94 F0"G'H) @'1A
E4 FC#V8I)"62 Used io Siaii and Pause ile Load Tesi
J4 &+N' S+(6C#V
:4 R'WA'() O"A1)'0
M4 >#+CA0' O"A1)'02 Tle numbei of failed asseiiions
P4 R'(') BA))"12 Reseis ile iimei and all ile counieis
74 !+N+) BA))"12 Use ilis io sei ile limiis foi ile counieis and iimei
X4 I)#)+()+H( BA))"12 Used io display summaiies once a LoadTesi las
fnisled iunning
354 &"LLC' Q")' /+(+D+C+)V BA))"1
334 I'))+1L( BA))"12 Opens ile seiiings dialog foi ilis piojeci
394 T'C6 BA))"1
3E4 OC"(' BA))"12 Closes ile cuiieni piojeci and ieiuins io ile Woilspace View
3 4 5 6
7 8
F0"G'H) &""CD#0
Piojeci Componeni Bai locaied on lefi side of
ile woilspace aiea in ile main window.

F0"G'H) O"N6"1'1) B#0
34 YU6#1$ BA))"12 Used io expand a
gioup coniaining muliiple componenis
94 O"N6"1'1)(2 Diag and diop ile
componeni on ile canvas io cieaie ii
E4 YU6#1$'$ Z0"A6
J4 OC"(' BA))"12 Used io close ile
expanded gioup
:4 K00"=(2 Used io scioll iliougl gioups
M4 IH'1#0+" O"N6"1'1)2 Diag onio ile
canvas io cieaie a Tesi Case
O"N6"1'1) B#0
VU Scenaiio is locaied on Componeni Bai. Fiisi node of ile ile
Piojeci Componeni Bai is VU Scenaiio. To open ile VU Scenaiio,
double clicl on ile VU Scenaiio node fiom ile Componeni Bai.
@#+1 @'1A B#0
34 .16A)2 Used io coniiol ile siaii and
siop of ile Tesi Case fiom anoilei
94 &'() O#(' @'1A
E4 I'))+1L( BA))"1
J4 T'C6 BA))"1
:4 FC#V8I)"6 BA))"12 Used io Siaii and
Pause ile Tesi Case
M4 !+1? BA))"12 Used io linl ile
TesiCase io ile piojeci ii is in, so
ilai ii siaiis and siops wiil ile
P4 &+N' S+(6C#V
74 R'WA'() O"A1)'0
X4 >#+CA0' O"A1)'0
7 8
/- IH'1#0+" O"N6"1'1)
Ageni Inspecioi is locaied in ile boiiom panel of ile woilspace.

34 !"H#C BA))"12 Used io place Load UI inio Local Mode
94 ;1 KL'1)( BA))"12 Used io place Load UI inio ile Ageni Mode
E4 KL'1)2 An exieinal Ageni
J4 Z,"() KL'1)2 Holds all ile Tesi Cases defned in ile cuiieni piojeci
:4 Y1#DC'8S+(#DC' BA))"12 Used io enable and disable ile ageni
M4 I'))+1L( BA))"12 Opens ile seiiings dialog foi ile ageni
P4 &'() O#(' "1 Z,"()2 A Tesi Case in ile cuiieni piojeci, diag ii io an
ageni io deploy ii.
74 &'() O#(' "1 KL'1)2 A Tesi Case deployed io ile ageni
KL'1) .1(6'H)"0
4 5
1 2 3
7 8
VU Geneiaiois aie locaied in ile Componeni Bai. Geneiaiois aie
componenis ilai geneiaie messages used io iiiggei iunneis; you usually
conneci ile ouipui of a Geneiaioi io ile inpui of one (oi seveial) iunneis.
Tle following geneiaiois aie cuiienily available:

34 >+U'$ R#)'2 Geneiaies a sieady ow of iiiggei messages as confguied.
94/#0+#1H'2 Vaiies ile geneiaied load ovei iime as confguied.
E4 R#1$"N2 Randomly vaiies a specifed base iaie as confguied, use ilis foi
moie iealisiic vaiiaiions in base load wlen iesiing web pages.
J4 R#N62 Incieases ile iaie of geneiaied iiiggei messages as confguied ovei iime.
:4-(#L'2 Basically ile same as Fixed Raie bui wiil a dieieni algoiiilm.
Specify ile numbei of useis you wani io simulaie and ile duiaiion beiween
eacl iequesi iley male. Foi example if you sei ilis io simulaie iooo useis
wiil a page inieival of o seconds ilis geneiaioi will ouipui (iooo]o)
iiiggei messages pei second.
M4 >+U'$ !"#$2 Geneiaies a fxed concuiieni load of samples fiom ile
connecied iunnei.
/- Z'1'0#)"0(
Runneis aie ile componenis aciually peifoiming some lind of aciion againsi
youi iaigei sysiem and ouipuiiing ile iesulis, foi example sending a Web
Page iequesi oi execuiing a soap UI Tesi Case.
Runneis will landle any incoming message as a iiiggei and use any
paiameieis in ile incoming message as applicable.

34 *'D F#L' RA11'02 Sends a web (liip) iequesi io ile specifed URL and
measuies ile iesponse iime.
94 I"#6 -. RA11'02 Execuies a specifed soap UI Tesi Case, wlicl in iuin
can do any lind of complex iesis. Tlis iunnei males ii possible io load
iesi almosi any lind of sysiem.
E4 IH0+6) RA11'02 Runs a Gioovy sciipi.
J4 F0"H'(( RA11'02 Runs an OS piocess]execuiable io gei ile sysiem
Flow componenis aie used io coniiol ile ow of ile iesi execuiion, foi
example io divide load beiween dieieni componenis, fliei messages, eic.
Available iouiei componenis aie:
34 I6C+))'02 Divides incoming messages evenly oi iandomly beiween ile
confguied ouipui ieiminals, allowing you io foi example splii ile iiiggei
messages fiom a VU Geneiaioi io go io dieieni iunneis.
94 S'C#V2 Pauses ile incoming messages foi ile confguied iime, foi example
you could pui ilis beiween iwo web-page iunneis wlicl would delay ile
sequeniial execuiion beiween ilem.
E4 O"1$+)+"12 Rouies incoming messages io eiilei ile lefi oi ile iigli
ouipui, depending on if a condiiion is iiue oi false.
J4 !""62 Keeps passing eacl incoming viiiual usei io ile lefi ouipui, uniil
iley lave been passed ileie X iimes.
Scledulei componenis aie used io coniiol VU Geneiaiois and VU Scenaiios,
allowing you io scledule wlen a componeni of sucl lind slould be 3) and
345 Tlis males ii possible io combine Geneiaiois, e.g. siaii wiil Ramping up,
ilen Random Geneiaioi, and fnally Ramping down wiil anoilei Ramp
Geneiaioi. Locaied in ile Componeni Bai.
34 .1)'0<#C2 Scleduling based on iime inieivals, foi example: !" 6(7 8
2-)9*/& $): *;/) !# 6(7 <= &/.():&> 7/+/$*.
94 IH,'$AC'02 Scleduling based on a calendai, foi example: !" ?/*#//)
0():$% @AB== *( C9/&:$% =DB<8.
Ouipui componenis aie foi ouipui messages fiom any oilei componeni io
some desiinaiion. Tleie's jusi one componeni bundled wiil load UI in ilis
caiegoiy wlicl is &#DC' !"L.
Tle &#DC' !"L is useful foi visualizing individual iesulis, messages, eic. Ii las
seiiings allowing you io wiiie iis conienis io a piopeiiies fle, maling ii a
good opiion foi logging iesponses, VUs ilai failed a ceiiain condiiion, eic.

Misc is a caicl all caiegoiy foi componenis ilai do noi fi anywleie else.

34 Q")'2 Used io add noies io ile woilspace, wlicl you can use io add iexi
io ile woilspace
94 I"#6-. @"H?I'0<+H'2 Tlis will allow you io add a soapUI MoclSeivice io
youi piojeci, in oidei io simulaie a Web Seivice.
;A)6A) K1$ @+(H
&,#1? ["A

;A0 1'U) FF& +( D#('$ "1 # H"N6C')' )A)"0+#C =,+H, =+CC
=#C? V"A ),0"AL, ),' '1)+0' 60"H'(( "\ H0'#)+1L # C"#$ )'()
+1 !"#$-.4 &,+( +( # ,#1$( "1 60"G'H) )A)"0+#C4

&,+( ('0+'( "\ (C+$'( #1$ )A)"0+#C( #0' =0+))'1 D#('$ "1 !"#$-.4"0L "1C+1' ,'C64

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