Lab 7 Worksheet: Using High-Availability Features
Lab 7 Worksheet: Using High-Availability Features
Lab 7 Worksheet: Using High-Availability Features
This lab contains the following exercises and activities
Exercise 7!"
Exercise 7!#
Exercise 7!$
Exercise 7!%
Exercise 7!&
Exercise 7!'
Exercise 7!7
Exercise 7!(
Lab Review
Creating a Volume
Configuring Shadow Copies
Deploying the Web Server (IIS) Role
Installing Networ !oad "alan#ing
Creating an N!" Cluster
$dding an N!" Cluster %ost
&esting an N!" Cluster
Removing an N!" Cluster
!ab () *sing %igh+$vailability ,eatures #
Lab )hallenge
Wor*station Reset
Creating a ,ailover Cluster
Returning to "aseline
!ab () *sing %igh+$vailability ,eatures $
Exercise 7!" )reating a +ol,-e
Overview Shadow Copies is a Windows Server 2008 feature that enables end-users to
access previous versions of their documents without IT intervention. To test
Shadow Copies !ou must first create a volume on !our lab server and
populate it with files.
Completion time "0 minutes
Exercise 7!# )onfig,ring Shadow )o.ies
Overview To use Shadow Copies !ou must confi#ure the feature on each server volume
!ou want to protect.
Completion time "$ minutes
% -.$C Windows Server /001 $dministrator2 34am (0+565
"8. %ress Ctrl&%rt Scr to ta'e a screen shot of the Shadow Copies dialo# bo( showin# the
three shadow copies of the )*+ volume !ou created and then press Ctrl&, to paste the resultin#
ima#e into the lab0-.wor'sheet file in the pa#e provided.
!ab () *sing %igh+$vailability ,eatures &
/,estion "
Why are there only two previous versions listed when you
created three shadow copies with three distinct versions of the
vofflps file?
' -.$C Windows Server /001 $dministrator2 34am (0+565
22. %ress Ctrl&%rt Scr to ta'e a screen shot of the vofflps %roperties sheet showin# the
%revious ,ersions tab and then press Ctrl&, to paste the resultin# ima#e into the
lab0-.wor'sheet file in the pa#e provided.
!ab () *sing %igh+$vailability ,eatures 7
( -.$C Windows Server /001 $dministrator2 34am (0+565
/,estion #
Which version of the file have you just opened?
Exercise 7!$ 0e.lo1ing the Web Server 233S4 Role
Overview / 0etwor' 1oad 2alancin# 30124 cluster enables multiple servers to wor'
to#ether b! runnin# the same application and sharin# the client load between
them. To test 012 !ou must first install and confi#ure an application on
!our server such as Internet Information Services.
Completion time "$ minutes
/,estion $
What happens?
/,estion %
What happens?
!ab () *sing %igh+$vailability ,eatures 5
55. %ress Ctrl&%rt Scr to ta'e a screen shot of the Internet 6(plorer window and then press
Ctrl&, to paste the resultin# ima#e into the lab0-.wor'sheet file in the pa#e provided.
"6 -.$C Windows Server /001 $dministrator2 34am (0+565
Exercise 7!% 3nstalling 7etwor* Load Balancing
Overview To create an 012 cluster !ou must install the 0etwor' 1oad 2alancin#
feature usin# Server 7ana#er.
Completion time "$ minutes
Table 78"
St,dent Server )onfig,ration 9ara-eters
IP address
Subnet mask
Default gateway
Preferred DNS Server
Exercise 7!& )reating an 7LB )l,ster
Overview Creatin# an 012 cluster enables !ou to distribute incomin# client traffic
amon# multiple servers runnin# an identical application. In this e(ercise !ou
create an 012 cluster on !our computer to balance traffic for the Web site
!ou created in 6(ercise -.8.
Completion time "$ minutes
/,estion &
What effect will changing this rule have on the cluster you are
!ab () *sing %igh+$vailability ,eatures ""
"8. %ress Ctrl&%rt Scr to ta'e a screen shot of the 0etwor' 1oad 2alancin# 7ana#er console
showin# the cluster !ou 9ust created and then press Ctrl&, to paste the resultin# ima#e into the
lab0-.wor'sheet file in the pa#e provided.
"# -.$C Windows Server /001 $dministrator2 34am (0+565
!ab () *sing %igh+$vailability ,eatures "$
Exercise 7!' Adding an 7LB )l,ster Host
Overview Once !ou have created an 012 cluster !ou can add and remove hosts at will.
Completion time "0 minutes
:. %ress Ctrl&%rt Scr to ta'e a screen shot of the 0etwor' 1oad 2alancin# 7ana#er console
showin# the cluster with two hosts and then press Ctrl&, to paste the resultin# ima#e
into the lab0-.wor'sheet file in the pa#e provided.
"% -.$C Windows Server /001 $dministrator2 34am (0+565
!ab () *sing %igh+$vailability ,eatures "&
Exercise 7!7 Testing an 7LB )l,ster
Overview In this e(ercise !ou confirm that !ou are able to connect the cluster and test
its fault tolerance.
Completion time "0 minutes
/,estion '
What happens?
/,estion 7
How do you know that you have connected to the cluster?
/,estion (
What is the result?
/,estion 5
What happens?
/,estion "6
How many hosts are listed in the cluster?
/,estion ""
What happens?
"' -.$C Windows Server /001 $dministrator2 34am (0+565
Exercise 7!( Re-oving an 7LB )l,ster
Overview In this e(ercise !ou remove the cluster !ou created.
Completion time "0 minutes
Completion time "0 minutes
". In 6(ercise -.$ wh! is it necessar! to suppl! a new I% address for the cluster;
2. In 6(ercise -.- !ou were able to connect to !our 012 cluster usin# its I% address
3"0.".".2<<4 but an attemp to connect usin# its name 3www<<.contoso.com4 failed. Wh!
was this the case;
5. In 6(ercise -.- wh! was it still possible to connect to the cluster even thou#h the
computer on which !ou created the cluster was turned off;
!ab () *sing %igh+$vailability ,eatures "7
Lab Challenge: Creating a Failover Cluster
Completion time 20 minutes
=nli'e 0etwor' 1oad 2alancin# clusters which are desi#ned to support lar#e amounts of
client traffic volume failover clusters operate as more of a fault tolerance mechanism. To
complete this e(ercise !ou must validate and create a two-node failover cluster usin# !our
server and !our partner server. >ive the cluster the name failover## where << is the number
assi#ned to !our computer. 1ist the steps !ou performed in the process and save copies of the
?ailover Cluster ,alidation report and the Create Cluster report to !our Student<<+@ocuments
folder on Server@C. %ress Ctrl&%rt Scr to ta'e a screen shot of the ?ailover Cluster
7ana#ement console and then press Ctrl&, to paste the resultin# ima#e into the
lab0-.wor'sheet file in the pa#e provided.
"( -.$C Windows Server /001 $dministrator2 34am (0+565
Workstation Reset: Returning to Baseline
Completion time "0 minutes
To return the computer to its baseline state complete the followin# procedures.
". Open the 0etwor' and Sharin# Center control panel.
2. Clic' 7ana#e 0etwor' Connections. The 0etwor' Connections window appears.
5. Ai#ht-clic' the 1ocal /rea Connection icon and from the conte(t menu select
%roperties. Clic' Continue in the =ser /ccount Control messa#e bo( and the 1ocal /rea
Connection %roperties sheet appears.
8. Select Internet %rotocol ,ersion 8 3TC%BI%v84 and clic' %roperties. The Internet %rotocol
,ersion 8 3TC%BI%v84 %roperties sheet appears.
$. Select the Obtain /n I% /ddress /utomaticall! option and the Obtain @0S Server
/ddress /utomaticall! option. Clic' OC and then clic' Close.
:. Open Server 7ana#er and delete the ?ailover Clusterin# and 0etwor' 1oad 2alancin#
-. @elete the Web Server 3IIS4 role.
8. Close all open windows and lo# off of the computer.