SMU BCA 5th Sem 2011 VB Net and XML

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February 2011

Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA) Semester 5

BC0053 B! "et # $%& ' Cre(its
Assi)nment Set 1 ('0 %ar*s)
Ques1. Describe the following:
i) Code Editor Window
ii) Solution Explorer
Ans. (i) Code Editor Window: The Code Editor Window, Shown in Figure create and edit visual
Basic source code. After you have designed the user interface for your proect !y placing controls
on the for", you#ll turn to the Code Editor to develop the $isual Basic state"ents that "a%e the
controls functional. The easiest way to call up the Code Editor is to dou!le&clic% a control. Then,
you can !egin typing the $isual Basic state"ents that will !e e'ecuted when the user perfor"s the
"ost co""on action on that control. (f you dou!le&clic% on a !utton, for e'a"ple, you can enter the
state"ents that will !e e'ecuted when the user clic%s on that !utton.
The Code Editor wor%s "uch li%e other te't editors you#ve wor%ed with. )owever, the Code
Editor has a nu"!er of special features that si"plify the tas% of editing $isual Basic code. For
e'a"ple, color is used to distinguish $isual Basic *eywords fro" varia!les, co""ents, and other
language ele"ents. And "any types of coding errors are auto"atically highlighted as you type so
you can correct the".
+ The Code Editor window is where you create and edit the $isual Basic code that your
application re,uires. The Code Editor wor%s "uch li%e any other te't editor you have
used, so you shouldn#t have "uch trou!le learning how to use it.
+ -ou can display the Code Editor !y dou!le&clic%ing the for" or one of the controls in the
For" .esigner window. /r, you can clic% the view Code Button in the Solution E'plorer.
+ /nce you#ve opened the Code Editor, you can return to the For" .esigner !y clic%ing the
0.esign) ta! at the top of the Code Editor or the $iew .esigner !utton in the solution
E'plorer 0to the right of the $iew Code !utton).
-ou can also "ove a"ong these windows !y
pressing Ctrl1Ta! or Shift1Ctrl1Ta!.
+ (t#s i"portant to reali2e that the For" .esigner
and the Code Editor do not represent two
different files, instead they provide you with two
views of the sa"e $isual Basic source file. The
For" .esigner gives you a visual representation
of the for" that is i"ple"ented !y your $isual
Basic code. The Code Editor lets you edit the
code for the for".
Ques. Describe the oper!tors !nd const!nts" s#$bols in
%isu!l &!sic.'et
Ans. There are various types of operators in $isual Basic, and (3ll go over the" all here. )ere are
the Arith"etic operators 0for e'a"ple, the e'pression 4 1 5 yields a value of ()6
+ ) E'ponentiation
+ 7ultiplication
8 * .ivision
+ + (nteger division
+ ,od 7odulus
+ - Addition
+ &Su!traction
These are the Assign"ent operators 0for e'a"ple, te$per!ture . / stores the value / in the
varia!le te$per!ture)6
+ . Assign"ent
+ ). E'ponentiation followed !y assign"ent
+ 0. 7ultiplication followed !y assign"ent
+ *. .ivision followed !y assign"ent
+ +. (nteger division followed !y assign"ent
+ -. Addition followed !y assign"ent
+ 1. Su!traction followed !y assign"ent
+ 2. Concatenation followed !y assign"ent
)ere are the Co"parison operators 0these values yield true or false values9for e'a"ple, 3 4 5
yields a value of 6rue)6
+ 7 0:ess than)96rue if operand1 is less than operand2
+ 7. 0:ess than or e,ual to)96rue if operand1 is less than or e,ual to operand2
+ ; 0<reater than)96rue if operand1 is greater than operand2
+ 4. 0<reater than or e,ual to)96rue if operand1 is greater than or e,ual to operand2
+ . 0E,ual to)96rue if operand1 e,uals operand2
+ 7 4 0=ot e,ual to)96rue if operand1 is not e,ual to operand2
+ 8s96rue if two o!ect references refer to the sa"e o!ect
+ 9i:e9>erfor"s string pattern "atching
These are the String Concatenation operators 0for e'a"ple, ?;i ?2 ? there ? yields the string
?)i there?.)6
+ 2 String concatenation
+ - String concatenation
These are the :ogical@Bitwise operators, where bitwise "eans wor%ing !it !y !it with nu"erical
values. These types of operators can wor% on logical values 0for e'a"ple, if bln%!lue1 is set to
6rue and bln%!lue is set to <!lse, then bln%!lue1 =r bln%!lue returns a value of 6rue) or
nu"!ers for !itwise operations, which wor% on their operands !it !y !it 0for e'a"ple, if
int%!lue1 is set to A and int%!lue is set to B, then int%!lue1 =r int%!lue yields C)6
+ And> >erfor"s an And operation 0for logical operations6 6rue if !oth operands are
6rue, <!lse otherwiseD the sa"e for !it&!y&!it operations where you treat ? as <!lse and 1
as 6rue).
+ 'ot> Eeverses the logical value of its operand, fro" 6rue to <!lse and <!lse to 6rue,
for !itwise operations, turns ? into 1 and 1 into ?.
+ =r> /perator perfor"s an =r operation 0for logical operations6 6rue if either operand
is 6rue, <!lse otherwiseD the sa"e for !it&!y&!it operations where you treat ? as <!lse
and 1 as 6rue).
+ @or> /perator perfor"s an exclusiAe1=r operation 0for logical operations6 6rue if either
operand, !ut not !oth, is 6rue, and <!lse otherwiseD the sa"e for !it&!y&!it operations
where you treat ? as <!lse and 1 as 6rue).
+ AndAlso> /perator A ?short circuited? And operatorD if the first operand is <!lse, the
second operand is not tested.
+ =rElse> /perator A ?short circuited? =r operator, if the first operand is 6rue, the
second is not tested.
Const!nt or S#$bols: Constants values once defined cannot !e changed in the progra".
Constants are declared using Const %eyword, li%e6
.i" Const >( As .ou!le F C.B5A
Constants "ust !e initiali2ed as they are declared.
.i"$onst 7AE*S As (nteger
(t is a notation convention to use capital letters while na"ing constants.
QuesB. Write ! progr!$ to print the d!# of the wee: t!:ing the input of nu$bers 1 to / !s
input using Select... C!se st!te$ent.
Ans. Su! 7ain0)
di" n as integer F
Syste".console.readline0) select case n
case B
case A
case C6 Console.writeline0?Tuesday?)
case 56
console.writeline0?Wednesday?) case
46 console.writeline0?Thursday?) case
G6 console.writeline0?Friday?)
case H6
console.writeline0?Saturday?) case
Console.writeline0?Wee% has only H
days?) end select
end su!
Ques5. Design ! for$ b!sed !pplic!tions using l!bels" text boxes" !nd buttons to perfor$
b!sic !rith$etic oper!tions on integers.
Set 6he Croperties:
Control Cropert#
:a!el B Caption6 First =o.
:a!elA Caption6 Second =o.
Te't6 0e"pty)
Te't!o'A Te't6 0e"pty)
=a"e6 C"dadd
Co""andA Caption6 SIB
=a"e6 C"dsu!
Co""andC Caption6 7I:
=a"e6 C"d"ul
Co""and5 Caption6 .($
=a"e6 C"ddiv
Co""and4 Caption6 EJ(T
=a"e6 C"dEJ
>rivate Su! For"B K:oad0By$al sender As Syste"./!ect, By$al e As Syste".EventArgs) )andles
End Su!
>rivate Su! C"dadd KClic%0By$al sender As Syste"./!ect, By$al e As Syste".EventArgs)
)andles C"dadd.Clic%
Te'tBo'C.Te't F $al0Te'tBo'B.Te't) 1 $al0Te'tBo'A.Te't)
End Su!
>rivate Su! C"dsu! KClic%0By$al sender As Syste"./!ect, By$al e As Syste".EventArgs)
)andles C"dsu!.Clic%
Te'tBo'C .Te't F $al0Te'tBo'B .Te't) & $al0Te'tBo'A.Te't)
End Su!
>rivate Su! C"d"ul KClic%0By$al sender As Syste"./!ect, By$al e As Syste".EventArgs)
)andles C"d"ul.Clic%
Te'tBo'C.Te't F $al0Te'tBo'B.Te't) L $al0Te'tBo'A.Te't)
End Su!
>rivate Su! C"ddiv KClic%0By$al sender As Syste"./!ect, By$al e As Syste".EventArgs)
)andles C"ddiv.Clic%
Te'tBo'C.Te't F $al0Te'tBo'B.Te't) @ $al0Te'tBo'A.Te't)
End Su!
>rivate Su! C"de' KClic%0By$al sender As Syste"./!ect, By$al e As Syste".EventArgs)
)andles C"de'.Clic%
End Su!
End Class
Ques3. Describe the concept of Exceptions in .'et enAiron$ent
Ans. .=ET i"ple"ents a syste"wide, co"prehensive approach to e'ception handling. As noted in
the chapter introduction, instead of an error number, there is an exception object. This o!ect
contains infor"ation relevant to the error, e'posed as properties of the o!ect. :ater you#ll see a
su""ary of the properties and the infor"ation they e'pose in a ta!le.
Such an o!ect is an instance of a class that derives fro" a class na"ed Syste".E'ception. As
shown later, a variety of su!classes of Syste".E'ception are used for different circu"stances.
("portant >roperties and 7ethods of an E'ception
The E'ception class has properties that contain useful infor"ation a!out the e'ception, as shown
in the following ta!le6
Cropert# Description
)elp:in% A string indicating the lin% to help for this e'ception
(nnerE'ception Eeturns the e'ception o!ect reference to an
inner 0nested) e'ception
7essage A string that contains a description of the error,
suita!le for displaying to users
Source A string containing the na"e of an o!ect that
generated the error
Stac%Trace A read&only property that holds the stac% trace as a
te't string. The stac% trace is a list of the pending
"ethod calls at the point at which the e'ception was
detected. That is, if 7ethodA called 7ethodB, and
an e'ception occurred in 7ethodB, the stac% trace
would contain !oth 7ethodA and 7ethodB.
TargetS ite A read&only string property that holds the
"ethod that threw the e'ception
The two "ost i"portant "ethods of the E'ception class are as follows6
,ethod Description
<etBaseE'ception Eeturns the first e'ception in the chain
Eeturns the error string, which "ight include as
"uch infor"ation as the error "essage, the inner
e'ceptions, and the stac% trace, depending on the
February 2011
Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA) Semester 5
BC0053 B ! "et # $%& ' Cre(its
Assi)nment Set 2 ('0 %ar*s)
Ques1. Describe the process of !dding !nd upd!ting records with !n ex!$ple in %& .net D
Ans. (n the last section, you learned how to "ove through the records in your .ataSet, and how to
display the records in Te't!o'es on your for". (n this lesson, we#ll see how to add new records,
how to delete the" and how to Ipdate a records.
Before we start the coding for these new !uttons, it#s i"portant to understand that the .ataSet is
disconnected fro" the data!ase. What this "eans is that if you#re adding a new record, you#re not
adding it to the data!ase6 you#re adding it to the D!t!SetM Si"ilarly, if you#re updating or .eleting,
you are doing it to the .ataSet, and '=6 to the data!ase. After you have "ade all of your changes,
you T)E= co""it these changes to the data!ase. -ou do this !y issuing a separate co""and. But
we#ll see how it all wor%s.
-ou#ll need to add a few "ore !uttons to your for" & five of the". Change the '!$e properties of
the new Buttons to the following6
N btnAddNew
N btnCommit
N btn Update
N btnDelete
N btnClear
Change the 6ext properties of the !uttons to ?Add 'ew Eecord ?, ?Co$$it Ch!nges?, ?Fpd!te
Eecord ?, ?Delete Eecord?, and ?Cle!r*C!ncel?. -our for" "ight loo% so"ething li%e this6
0i) Fpd!ting ! Eecord
To reference a particular colu"n 0ite") in a row of the .ataSet, the code is
this6 ds.6!bles(GAddress&oo:G).Eows().8te$(1)
That will return whatever is at (te" B on Eow A.
As well as returning a value, you can also set a value. -ou do it li%e this6
ds. Tables("AddressBoo"!."ows(2!.#tem(1! $ "%ane"
=ow (te" B Eow A will contain the te't ?Oane?. This won#t, however, affect the data!aseM The
changes will ust get "ade to the D!t!Set. To illustrate this, add the following code to your
ds. Tables("AddressBoo"!."ows(inc!.#tem(1! $ txt&irstName.
Text ds. Tables("AddressBoo"!."ows(inc!.#tem(2! $
txt'urname. Text (s)Box("Data updated"!
Eun your progra", and clic% the 'ext Eecord !utton to "ove to the first record. ?Oohn? should !e
displayed in your first te't!o', and ?S"ith? in the second te't!o'. Clic% inside the te't!o'es and
change ?Oohn? to ?Ooan? and ?S"ith? to ?S"ithy?. 0Without the ,uotes). =ow clic% your Fpd!te
Eecord !utton. 7ove to the ne't record !y clic%ing your 'ext Eecord !utton, and then "ove !ac%
to the first record. -ou should see that the first record is now ?Ooan S"ithy?.
Close down your progra", then run it again. Clic% the 'ext Eecord !utton to "ove to the first
record. (t will still !e ?Oohn S"ith?. The data you updated has !een lostM So here, again, is why6
GCh!nges !re $!de to the D!t!Set" !nd '=6 to the D!t!b!seG
Try it out. Eun your progra", and change one of the records. Clic% the Fpd!te !utton. Then
close the progra" down, and load it up again. -ou should see your new changes displayed in the
0ii) Add ! 'ew Eecord
Adding a new record is slightly "ore co"ple'. First, you have to add a new Eow to the .ataSet,
then co""it the new Eow to the .ata!ase.
But the Add 'ew Eecord !utton on our for" is ,uite si"ple. The only thing it does is to switch off
other !uttons, and clear the te't!o'es, ready for a new entry. )ere#s the code for your Add 'ew
Eecord !utton6
btnCommit.*nabled $ True
btnAddNew.*nabled $
&alse btnUpdate.*nabled $
&alse btnDelete.*nabled $
&alse txt&irstName. Clear(!
txt'urname. Clear(!
So three !uttons are switched off when the Add 'ew Eecord !utton is clic%ed, and one is
switched on. The !utton that gets switched on is the Co""it Changes !utton. The Ena!led
property of btnCo$$it gets set to 6rue. But, for this to wor%, you need to set it to <!lse when the
for" loads. So return to your For". Clic% btnCo$$it to select it. Then locate the En!bled
>roperty in the >roperties !o'. Set it to <!lse. When the For" starts up, the !utton will !e switched
The Clear@Cancel !utton can !e used to switch it !ac% on again. So add this code to your !tnClear6
btnCommit.*nabled $
&alse btnAddNew.*nabled
$ True btnUpdate.*nabled
$ True btnDelete.*nabled
$ True
inc $ +
We#re switching the Co$$it Ch!nges !utton off, and the other three !ac% on. The other two lines ust
"a%e sure that we display the first record again, after the Cancel !utton is clic%ed. /therwise the
te't!o'es will all !e !lan%.
To add a new record to the data!ase, we#ll use the Co$$it Ch!nges !utton. So dou!le clic%
your btnCo$$it to access its code. Add the following6
#- inc ./ 01 T1en
Dim cb As New
2leDb.2leDbCommandBuilder(da! Dim
dsNew"ow As Data"ow
dsNew"ow $ ds.
dsNew"ow.#tem("&irstName "! $ txt&irstName.
Text dsNew"ow.#tem("'urname "! $ txt'urname.
da. Update(ds3 "AddressBoo"!
(s)Box("New "ecord added to t1e
Database"! btnCommit.*nabled $ &alse
btnAddNew.*nabled $ True
btnUpdate.*nabled $ True
btnDelete.*nabled $ True
*nd #-
The code is so"ewhat longer than usual, !ut we#ll go through it.
The first line is an (f State"ent. We#re ust chec%ing that there is a valid record to add. (f there#s not,
the inc varia!le will !e on "inus B. (nside of the (f State"ent, we first set up a Co$$!nd &uilder,
as !efore. The ne't line is this6
Dim dsNew"ow As Data"ow
(f you want to add a new row to your .ataSet, you need a D!t!Eow o!ect. This line ust sets
up a varia!le called ds'ewEow. The type of varia!le is a .ataEow.
To create the new .ataEow o!ect, this line co"es ne't6
dsNew"ow $ ds. Tables("AddressBoo"!.New"ow(!
We#re ust saying, ?Create a =ew Eow o!ect in the AddressBoo% .ataSet, and store this in the
varia!le called ds=ewEow.? As you can see, 'ewEow() is a "ethod of ds.6!bles. Ise this "ethod
to add rows to your .ataSet.
The actual values we want to store in the rows are co"ing fro" the te't!o'es. So we have these
two lines6
dsNew"ow.#tem("&irstName "! $ txt&irstName.
Text dsNew"ow.#tem("'urname "! $ txt'urname.
The ds'ewEow o!ect we created has a >roperty called 8te$. This is li%e the (te" property you
used earlier. (t represents a colu"n in your .ataSet. We could have said this instead6
dsNew"ow.#tem(1! $ txt&irstName. Text
dsNew"ow.#tem(2! $ txt'urname. Text
The 8te$ property is now using the inde' nu"!er of the .ataSet colu"ns, rather than the na"es. The
result is the sa"e, though6 to store new values in these properties. We#re storing the te't fro" the
te't!o'es to our new Eow.
We now only need to call the 7ethod that actually adds the Eow to the .ataSet6
ds. Ta bles("A ddressBoo"!." ows .A dd(dsNew" ow!
To add the Eow, you use the Add "ethod of the Eows property of the .ataSet. (n !etween the
round !rac%ets, you need the na"e of your .ataEow 0the varia!le ds'ewEow, in our case).
-ou should %now what the rest of the code does. )ere#s the ne't line6
da. Update(ds3 "AddressBoo"!
Ques. Write ! si$ple @,9 file for student det!ils (sn!$e" sno" sbr!nch" s!ddr) D
Pstudent !ranchFQCSEQ;
Psna"e firstna"eFQhQ;Ea"aP@sna"e;
Psno; BP@sno;
Pstudent !ranchFQECEQ;
Psna"e firstna"eFQrQ;sitaP@sna"e;
Psno; BP@sno;
Pstudent !ranchFQEEEQ;
Psna"e firstna"eFQpQ;EaniP@sna"e;
Psno; BP@sno;
The root ele"ent in the e'a"ple is Pcollege;. All Pstudent; ele"ents in the docu"ent are
contained within Pcollege;.
The Pstudent; ele"ent has 5 children6 Psna"e;, P sno;, Ps!ranch;, Psaddr;.
QuesB. Wh!t is $e!nt b# D6DD Wh!t !re the building bloc:s of D6D D
Ans. .T. is one of the specifications included in to J7:. .T. has its own s"all set of constructs
and gra""ar rules that helps us to prepare our "ar%up language specifications. That is the
constructs of .T. are understood !y the J7: parsers that can help our "ar%up language
i"ple"entation application.
.T. file contains the building bloc:s 0i.e. tags) of an J7: file. The !uilding !loc%s of J7:
docu"ent are6
B. Ele"ents 0Tags)
A. Attri!utes
C. Entities
5. >C.ATA
4. C.ATA
Ques5. Expl!in @,9 '!$esp!ces with !n ex!$ple.
Ans. =a"espace allows us to define the ele"ents and attri!utes with a uni,ue identification.
This is si"ilar to pac%ages concept we have in ava This allows defining the ele"ents in different
JS. docu"ents and references the" uni,uely.
Ex!$ple 1:
Proo";C4 4C GP@roo";
(n this e'a"ple we have two ele"ents called n!$e !ut they each represent different things and
have different "eanings. Applications confuse these two ite"s, thus rendering the whole J7:
docu"ent useless. (n a s"all docu"ent that is not a pro!le" as you can si"ply invent a new na"e
for one of the ele"ents. For large organi2ations there are "ore nu"!er of J7: Sche"as, for this
purpose we use the concept called n!$esp!ces.
'!$e Conflicts
(n J7:, ele"ent na"es are defined !y the developer. This often results in a conflict when trying to
"i' J7: docu"ents fro" different J7: applications.
This J7: carries infor"ation a!out a co"pany 0e"p details)6
This J7: carries infor"ation a!out a co"pany 0dept details)6
Pdno; B AC54P@dno;
(f these J7: frag"ents were added together, there would !e a na"e conflict. Both
contain a Pco"pany; ele"ent, !ut the ele"ents have different content and "eaning.
Solving the =a"e Conflict Ising a >refi'
=a"e conflicts in J7: can easily !e avoided using a na"e prefi'.
This J7: carries infor"ation a!out an e"p and dept6
Pd6co"pany; Pd6dno;
B AC54P@d6dno;
P@d6 co"pany;
(n the e'a"ple a!ove, there will !e no conflict !ecause the two Pco"pany; ele"ents have
different na"es.
J7: =a"espaces & The '"lns Attri!ute
When using prefi'es in J7:, a so&called na"espace for the prefi' "ust !e
defined. The na"espace is defined !y the '"lns attri!ute in the start tag of an
Ques3. Write ! progr!$ th!t uses the node%!lue propert# to ch!nge the text node of the
first 7sn!$e4 ele$ent in Gcollege.x$lH.
Ans. Pht"l;
Pscript typeF?te't@avascript? srcF?load'"ldoc. s?;
P@script; P@head; P!ody;
docu"ent. write 0'"l.oc.docu"entEle"ent.node=a"e)D
docu"ent. write 0?P!r @;?)D
=utput :

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