Summer Drinks
Summer Drinks
Summer Drinks
Tulsi leaves mixed with jaggery and lemon makes a soothing and tasty drink widely known as
Tulsi Sudha This drink is not only tasty !ut has medi"inal #ualities as well It "ures "old$ "ough$
heada"he$ gastri" and other a"idity related %ro!lems Tulsi Sudha is good &or digestion and
in"reases the !ody's immunity level
(Tulsi Sudha Recipe in Hindi
Ingredients re#uired &or Tulsi Sudha
Tulsi )eaves ( * "u%+,-- leaves.
/ur+jaggery. ( 0 "u%
)emon ( 1+medium si2ed.
Elai"hi+"ardamom. ( ,-
3ater ( ,- "u%s
4ow to make Tulsi Sudha at home
S#uee2e jui"e &rom the lemons /rind tulsi leaves and elai"hi along with lemon jui"e to make a
&ine %aste
5oil water with jaggery in it 6n"e the water "omes to !oil and the jaggery starts to dissolve turn
o&& the gas 3hen the water turns lukewarm$ then add the %aste to the jaggery dissolved water
Stir well so that the %aste and water are inse%ara!le then "over it and leave aside &or 7 hours
8&ter %ro%er "ooling strain Tulsi Sudha Tasty Tulsi Sudha is now ready During summers drink
Tulsi Sudha at a low or normal tem%erature and drink it as tea during winters 6ne "an enjoy Tulsi
Sudha drink u%to ,1 days i& stored in the &ridge
In this extreme season o& heat$ a glass o& Rose 9ui"e+Shar!at. "an hel% "ool down your !ody and
mind In this time o& the year$ Rose &lower is availa!le in a!undan"e and this is the !est time to
make Rose shar!at drink
3ild Rose &lowers are "onsidered !etter to %re%are Rose shar!at Moreover they are "hea% in
%ri"e In Delhi$ you "an !uy "hea% roses in :annaught ;la"e at 5a!a Khadak Singh Marg
!etween <am to =am >ou will easily get a !un"h o& ?- &lowers &or just Rs@-
Ingredients &or Rose Shar!at
Rose ;etals ( around A- roses
5eetroot ( ,
Tulsi )eaves( (7-(71 leaves
Mint )eaves( (7(71 leaves
:oriander )eaves ( , ta!le s%oon +"ho%%ed.
Small :ardamom ( 1(@
Sugar ( , kg +1 "u%.
)emon ( <
Method ( 4ow to make Rose Shar!at
3ash the rose %etals two times with water and "lean them Bilter the le&t over water with a &ilterer
and %la"e the %etals on a "lean "loth
5oil , "u% water$ add %ut rose %etals and the !oiled water in the mixer and !lend it
Now sieve this %aste and "olle"t the rose water in a se%arate "ontainer
3ash$ %eel and "ut the !eetroot$ tulsi leaves$ mint leaves$ "oriander leaves Mix and !lend them
well Now add this mixture in a !owl &illed with , "u% water and !oil it )et it !oil &or A(< minutes on
medium &lame Turn o&& the &lame and let it "ool Now again sieve the mixture and take out the
jui"e &rom it in a se%arate "ontainer
Now !oil , "u% water and @-- gms sugar and kee% &or ,(7 minutes on"e the sugar gets dissolve
Turn o&& the &lame and let the syru% "ool down
Now add "ardamom to the le&t over sugar and make a %aste o& it
Take out )ime 9ui"e in a se%arate !owl
Now add rose %etal %aste$ !eetroot %aste$ lime jui"e$ sugar %aste into the syru% Now "over and
leave the syru% &or <(1 hours$ so that all the &lavors gets mix into ea"h other
:on"entrated Rose Shar!at is ready Now %ut this shar!at in a glass !ottle and store it in the
re&rigerator 3henever you wish to drink this shar!at$ just take a glass and %ut 7 ta!le s%oon o&
shar!at and "old water into it Mix it well and add i"e "u!es into it
This /ula! Shar!at "an !e stored &or a month in the re&rigerator
>ou "an add other &lavours like 8nar+;omegranate. 9ui"e et" as %er your taste and %re&eren"e or
"an even remove "oriander$ mint leaves$ or tulsi leaves
8lmonds are good &or health as well as mind :hildren will like "old Sa&&ron &lavored milk in the
summer season i& they will get it in the morning Make it &or the good health and shar% mind o&
your "hildren
Ingredients for Saffron Flavored Almond Milk
Milk ( <--gm +7 "u%.
8lmonds ( 7-
Sa&&ron ( ,1(7- threads
:ardamom ( <
Sugar ( A(< small ta!le s%oon
I"e "u!es ( , "u%
How to make Saffron Flavored Almond Milk
3ash almonds and soak them &or 7 hours in the hot water 8&ter 7 hours$ %eel and mix almonds$
sugar$ sa&&ron and "ardamom and grind them Mix this mixture in the "old water and sieve it ;ut
i"e "u!es in it to make it more "ool
The sa&&ron &lavored almond milk is ready to drink in the summer season ;ut this milk in the
glass and %ut "ho%%ed almonds and %ista"hios on it and serve it
Hot Saffron Flavored Almond Milk Hot !esar "adam Milk#
>ou "an drink sa&&ron &lavored almond milk in the winters too Maker it hot instead o& "old to get
some warmness in the !ody
Ingredients for Hot Saffron Flavored Almond Milk
Milk ( <-- gm +7 "u%.
8lmonds ( ,-(,7
Sa&&ron ( ,1(7- threads
:ashew nuts ( 1(@
:ardamom ( 7
Sugar ( 7(< small ta!le s%oon
How to make Hot Saffron Flavored Almond Milk
:ut almonds and "ashews &inely ;eel "ardamoms and grind them
;ut milk in the heavy !ottomed utensil and %ut on &ire &or !oiling 8&ter a !oil$ add "ho%%ed
almonds$ "ashews and sa&&ron in it Kee% !oiling it &or <(1 minutes on the low &lame ;ut o&& &ire
and mix sugar and "ardamom %owder in it
4ot sa&&ron &lavored almond milk is ready to drink
Read this Re"i%e in 4indi
Sa&&ron Blavored 8lmond Milk Re"i%e in 4indi
The re#uirement o& lemon are in"reased in the summer season !e"ause lemon gives energy to
the !ody I& you will drink lemon$ mint and ginger jui"e then it will give &reshness to your mind It
re#uires less time and less e&&orts &or %re%aration >ou "an make it in the "on"entrate &orm and
"an use it &or many days >ou "an mix honey instead o& water in the "on"entrate o& lemon and
Ingredient &or )emon and Mint 9ui"e
)emonC ,<(,1 lemon +,D7 kg.
SugarC 1 "u%s + i kg.
Mint leavesC , !un"h +i "u%.
/ingerC , in"h %ie"e
5la"k saltC i small ta!le s%oon
How to make $emon and Mint %uice
;ut sugar in a vessel and mix it in the third %art o& water + , kg sugar in the A-- gm water means
hal& "u% water. ;ut this mixture on the &ire and !oil it 8&ter a !oil$ kee% it !oiling &or 1(@ minutes
Take a %in"h o& this mixture on your hand and ru! it on your thum! I& it is sti"ky then the sugar
mixture is %re%ared ;ut o&& the &ire and kee% this mixture &or "ooling
3ash lemons and s#uee2e them 3ash mint leaves with water &or two times ;eel ginger and
wash it
Make a %aste o& mint leaves and ginger in the mixer Use sugar mixture instead o& normal water
in the grinding Mix this %aste in the sugar mixture$ %ut !la"k salt in it and sieve it >our lemon and
mint "on"entrate is ready >ou "an kee% it in any %lasti" !ottle and "an %la"e it in your &ridge >ou
"an use it &or a month
Read this Re"i%e in 4indi
)emon and Mint 9ui"e Re"i%e in 4indi
"old drink
Shar!at Re"i%e
There are di&&erent mo"k tails are %resent in India to !ring "oolness in he !ody The raw mango
%anna is one o& an indian mo"k tail 6thers are water melon jui"e$ wood a%%le s#uash$ lemon
s#uash et" They are availa!le in the market !ut you should %re&er home(made jui"es )etEs make
raw mango %anna to maintain the !ody tem%erature in summers
Ingredients &or Raw Mango ;anna
Raw mangoes ( 7(A +medium si2ed.
:umin %owder +!huna jeera %owder.
5la"k salt ( , ta!le s%oon +as %er your taste.
5la"k %e%%er ( ,D< small ta!le s%oon
sugar ( ,-- gm +,D7 "u%.
Mint leaves ( ,- leaves
How to make Raw Mango Panna
There was a time when %eo%le "ooked their &ood on the stove 8t that time$ they %ut raw
mangoes in the ash o& stove to grill them &or its %anna Today$ they !oil them and grind them >ou
should %eel them !e&ore to !oil instead to %ut out its %ul% a&ter !oiling
3ash raw mangoes and %eel them :ut them and throw their kernels away ;ut this mango
%ie"es in a "u% o& water and !oil it Then$ %ut this !oiled %ul% in the mixer and add sugar and
!la"k salt in it
Mix one litre water in it and sieve it Mix !la"k %e%%er and jeera %owder in it >our raw mango
;anna is ready De"orate it with mint leaves and %ut i"e "u!es at the time o& serving
Read this Re"i%e in 4indi
Raw Mango ;anna Re"i%e in 4indi
Thandai is one o& a very energeti" drink &or the summer season 6ne glass Thandai "an %rote"t
you &rom Sunstroke and nose !leeding in a day
>ou "an !uy dry thandai %owder &rom the market !ut it "ontains %reservatives$ there&ore$ you
should make it at home to get good health )etEs see how to make Thandai at home
Ingredients for Thandai Recipe
Sugar ( , kg
3ater ( 1-- gm
8lmonds ( 1- gm
8niseeds +Saun&. ( 1- gm
5la"k %e%%er ( 7 ta!le s%oon
Khaskhas ( hal& !owl
Muskmelon seeds ( hal& !owl
:ardamom ( A-(A1 +%eeled.
Rose water ( , small ta!le s%oon
How to make Thandai Recipe
Mix sugar and water in a utensil and kee% it on !oiling &or 1 minutes a&ter a !oil and make it "ool
The sugar syru% is ready &or Thandai
:lean aniseed$ !la"k %e%%er$ almonds$ muskmelon seeds$ "ardamoms and Khaskhas 3ash
them and soak them individually &or < hours
8&ter < hours$ make them se%arate &rom water ;eel almonds 5eat them &inely and use sugar
syru% instead o& water at the time o& !eating
Mix this mixture in the sugar syru% and sieve it Mix the remaining mixture in the syru% and sieve
it again
Thandai is ready
Bill it in the air(tight "ontainer and kee% it in the &ridge >ou "an use it more than a month
3henever you want to drink Thandai$ mix milk and i"e "u!es a""ording to your taste and enjoy
the real taste o& Thandai
Read this Re"i%e in 4indi
T48ND8I Re"i%e in 4indi
/ajar Kanji is a re&reshing drink It is very %o%ular in Northern India The drink is very tasty and
aids digestion Try this re"i%e and tell me$ how it was
Ingredients for &a'ar !an'i
:arrot +gajar. ( 71- grams
Salt ( 7 tea s%oons
Turmeri" %owder (AD< tea s%oon
Red "hilli %owder ( AD< tea s%oon
Mustard %owder ( A tea s%oons
Mustard oil ( , ta!le s%oon
3ater ( 7 litres
8sa&oetida+4IN/. ( 7 %in"hes
How to make &a'ar !an'i
;eel and wash the "arrots :ut the "arrots into small +, in"h long. %ie"es 5oil the "arrot %ie"es$
"ool and drain the water
;ut the !oiled "arrot %ie"es into a jar$ mix salt$ turmeri" %owder$ "hilli %owder$ mustard %owder
and mustard oil
5oil the water$ and leave it &or "ooling ;ut the water in the jar
4eat the griddle$ %ut asa&oetida on the hot griddle$ roast and %owder it
;ut the roasted asa&oetida %oweder in the jar$ and shake well :over the jar and kee% the jar in
the sun &or A(< days Shake the kanji on"e in a day$ and in the night kee% the jar indoors
The kanji is ready >ou "an %ut the jar in a re&rigerator now Serve "hilled
The kanji doesnEt have a very long shel& li&e$ so "onsume it within ,-(,7 days
Chatpatta nimboo pani
Cool down on a hot summer day with this very refreshing drink. It's lemonade with an Indian
Juice of 4 lemons
Sugar/honey to taste
2 tbsps Jaljira powder (available at most Indian groceries)
hilled water
rushed ice
!emon slices to garnish
S"uee#e all lemons to remove juice and strain the juice to remove seeds$ %our into a
large jug$
&dd all the remaining ingredients to get desired strength and sweetness and mi' well$
Serve in chilled glasses garnished with lemon slices$
1 cup crushed ice
8 tsp ginger (adrak) (adrak) uice
! t"sp lemon juice
# t"sp sugar syrup
$ "ottles chilled car"onated soft drink (lemon flavour)
For The Garnish
! slices of sweetlime
1. In a pilsner glass& place ' cup of crushed ice.
$. (dd $ tsp ginger uice& 1 t"sp lemon uice and ) t"sp sugar syrup to it and stir using a
#. *epeat the steps 1 and $ to make # more glasses.
!. +op each glass with , "ottle of car"onated lemon drink and serve immediately
garnished with a slice of sweetlime.
()I%) S*+() , ;arty Drinks
al eera or aleera recipe
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Prep time
$- mins
Total time
$- mins
al eera . spiced indian cooling drink also used as an appeti/er.
(uthor0 dassana
*ecipe type0 "everages
Cuisine0 indian
1erves0 $.#
Ingredients (american measuring cup used, 1 cup =
250 ml)
1 t"sp seedless tamarind . for a pronounced more sourness& you can add ,
t"sp of more tamarind.
) cup mint leaves
1 or 1.2 tsp cumin seeds
1 tsp fennel seeds
, tsp "lack pepper
, or 1 tsp amchur3dry mango powder
seeds removed from 1 "lack cardamom (optional)
a pinch of asafoetida (optional)
1 t"sp "oondi
, or 1 tsp chaat masala powder (optional)
"lack salt or rock salt as re4uired
1. rinse the mint leaves.
$. also rinse the tamarind "all.
#. first "lend all the ingredients e5cept "oondi and chaat masala in , or ) cup
water till smooth.
!. then strain through a strainer
2. add #.! cups of chilled water to the strained mi5ture or as re4uired
6. keep in the fridge or serve chilled aleera.
7. add "oondi and a pinch of chaat masala to aleera while serving.
Cold coffee
+o help "eat the heat on a hot summer day& there8s nothing like a tall glass of cold
1erves $
8 o/ milk
1 ta"lespoon dark roasted instant coffee
# ta"lespoons sugar
$ cups of ice
1. 9lend the coffee& sugar and milk #- seconds until the sugar and coffee are
mi5ed well with milk. (dd ice and "lend at a high speed for a minute& until frothy.
$. 1erve in tall glasses and sprinkle with dry coffee powder.
+o turn the cold coffee into the dessert& serve it with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and
shaved chocolate.
I!T "#$!%&#
%int lemonade is a refreshing drink for hot summer days and a :must; for picnics.
1erves !.
6 ta"lespoons of freshly s4uee/ed lemon uice
8 ta"lespoons sugar
13! cup fresh mint leaves
13$ teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon "lack salt (optional)
13$ teaspoon grounded "lack pepper (<(%==> ?(@I %I*CA)
#$ o/ cold water
138 teaspoon roasted ground cumin powder(B==*( CDEF=*) to garnish
%int leaves to garnish
Ice cu"es
9lend the mint leaves and lemon uice into paste. (dd sugar& salt& "lack salt&
and "lack pepper. 9lend together.
%i5 the lemonade solution with water and pour over ice. Garnish with mint
leaves and cumin
=very ingredient in this recipe can "e adusted to your taste.
*eplace water with soda water.
(dd 1 ta"lespoon of fresh ginger uice.
Cucum"er cooler with mint makes a very refreshing drink. +his has a nice and
soothing taste. +his drink can "e prepared up to a day in advance and it is great for
outdoor parties and picnics.
1 cucum"er peeled and cut in small cu"es to make a"out $ cups (I like to use
=nglish cucum"er)
("out 8 mint leaves
# cups water
1 ta"lespoon lime uice adust to taste
# ta"lespoons sugar adust to taste
13! teaspoon salt adust to taste
13! teaspoon of "lack pepper adust to taste
Ice cu"es to serve
1. In a "lender& puree the cucum"er& mint& salt& pepper and sugar. Cour the
puree through a fine mesh strainer into a "owl. Hse the spoon to press the solids to
take out all the uice. +here will "e a"out 1.13! cups of cucum"er uice.
$. (dd the lime uice mi5 it well.
#. Iill the glasses with ice cu"es and pour the cucum"er drink.
!. Cucum"er cooler is ready to "e served. =noy!
# cup Curd (Fahi& Clain Jogurt)
$ t"lsp Cream (%alai) (optional)
$ t"lsp @emon Buice (>im"u ?a *aas) (optional)
13#rd cup Ice.Eater
+o taste 1alt (>amak)
13$ t"lsp dry.roasted Cumin 1eed Cowder (Beera Cowder)
(o) to ma*e +eera lassi:
Clace the curd& cream& lemon uice& ice water and salt in a "lender.
Crocess for $ minutes.
(dd ice cu"es and "lend for another minute.
(dd all "ut few pinches of cumin powder and process for 2 seconds.
Cour into chilled glasses& sprinkle remaining cumin& serve immediately.