Apple Crumble Tart

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Apple Crumble Tart
After staying at home to be a homemaker for the past 6
years, one thing that I missed most from work life is the
social interactions with my e-colleagues. !o I was "ery
ecited when there was a gathering cum a house-warming
party on the last !unday of #$%&. I baked this Apple
'rumble (art and a )andan *aya 'ake for the pot-luck
+for one ,- tart.
+A.: !hortcrust pastry base
%/$g plain flour
&$g icing sugar
,$g salted butter (or use unsalted butter and add 1/4 tsp
% egg yolk 0 # tbsp milk 0 %/# tsp "anilla essence +egg miture.
A little egg white for brushing the partial-baked tart
[Note: Original recipe calls for 160g plain flour and 80g butter. But !ant to be safe and add a little
"ore flour and butter# to ensure t$at t$e doug$ is enoug$ to fit t$e pan. t can be %er& frustrating to
be tri""ing doug$ 'ust to fit t$e pan. (t t$e end# 'ust $a%e a tin& ball of e)tra doug$ lefto%er# !$ic$
can 'ust add o%er for t$e cru"ble toppings*.
+1.: Apple 2illings
3reen apples (peeled# cored and cut into cubes) - weighs about 4$$g after cutting
/$g fine sugar
% tbsp lemon juice
%/# tsp ground cinnamon
% tsp grated lemon 5est
&4g raisins +soa+ed !it$ , tbsp orange/apple 'uice or li-uor) - discard juice after soaking
% tbsp butter
A little cornstarch solution +to thicken the fillings. - mi about % tbsp cornstarch to # tbsp water
+'.: Almond cream
6$g unsalted butter
&$g fine sugar
% egg, lig$tl& beaten
%4g plain flour
6$g ground almond meals
% tsp "anilla or rum essence
+7.: 'rumble (oppings:
64g unsalted butter, cut into small cubes
64g plain flour
&$g icing sugar
64g ground almond meal
Additional % to # tbsp fine sugar for dusting on top just before baking - optional
%. 2or the crust base: !ift flour and icing sugar together. 'ut the butter into small cubes and mi with
flour miture. 8se finger tips to rub the butter into the flour till the miture resembles fine
breadcrumbs. 9i in the egg miture to form into a dough. If the dough is too dry, add another
tablespoon of milk. 7o not knead the dough. :rap in clingwrap and store in fridge for at least &$
#. ;oll out the dough to fit the tart pan +with remo"able base.. (rim and chill the tart shell for another
%4 minutes. <ust before baking, lightly prick the base with a fork.
&. 1lind bake in preheated o"en at %,$' for about %$ minutes. ;emo"e baking paper/beans and bake
for another %$ minutes. 1rush the tart shell with some beaten egg whites and bake for a further &
minutes. 'ool the tart shell briefly before adding the fillings.
6. )repare apple fillings +do this while waiting for dough to be ready for rolling, i.e. after step %.:
In a pot, mi apple, sugar and lemon juice together. 'ook apple on low heat +the miture will release
some li=uid. till apple softens. Add in ground cinnamon, lemon 5est and soaked raisins. !tir in the
butter. (hicken the apple fillings with a little cornstarch solution ;emo"e from heat and let it cool
before filling into tart shell.
4. )repare almond cream: 'ream butter and sugar together till creamy. 3radually add in the beaten
egg and cream well. 9i in the plain flour, followed with the ground almond and "anilla essence. 9i
well. *eep chill in fridge till ready to use.
6. 9i crumble toppings ingredients together and rub using finger tips to combine butter and miture
till it resembles coarse breadcrumbs.
>. (o assemble for final baking:
a. !pread prepared almond cream e"enly into partial baked tart shell +make sure tart shell has cooled
down briefly, else the almond cream will melt..
b. )our apple fillings o"er almond cream and topped with crumble. 7ust with additional fine sugar
o"er the crumble +optional..
c. 1ake in preheated o"en at %,$' for about &$ minutes.
'ool the tart before remo"ing from the tart pan. If you like, dust the top with snow powder before

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