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Lemon Meringue Pie Recipes

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Lemon Meringue Pie Recipe Ingredients: 1 9 Pie Crust, store bought or homemade For the lemon curd: 1 Cups

s o !ater 1 Cup o "ugar # Cup o Corn "tarch # tsp o salt $est o % large Lemons &uice o % Large Lemons % 'bsp o (nsalted )utter * egg +ol,s, beaten For the meringue: * -gg !hites . 'bsp o Con ectioner "ugar # tsp o Cream o 'atar

Serves 8

1/ Preheat 0our o1en to 234 degrees, spra0 a 9 tart pan 5ith nonstic, coo,ing spra0 and la0 in the pie crust6 Line the inside o the crust 5ith aluminum oil and ill it 5ith pie 5eights or beans6 )a,e or 14 minutes and remo1e the oil and beans and continue coo,ing or 13 minutes6 !hile the crust ba,es ma,e the lemon curd6 %/ 7n a medium saucepan, o1er medium heat, combine together the irst . ingredients and bring to a gentle boil ma,ing sure to 5his, the entire time so no lumps orm6 2/ 8dd the butter and 5his, until it melts, add hal a cup o the hot sugar mi9ture to the egg 0ol,s and 5his, t get them up to temperature6 8dd the egg 0ol, mi9ture to the pot 5ith the remaining sugar mi9ture and coo, or about 1 more minute constantl0 5his,ing6 'urn o the heat and set aside6

*/ 'o ma,e the meringue, in a large metal bo5l 5his, the egg 5hites and once the0 are roth0 slo5l0 add the sugar and cream o tartar and continue to 5his, until the0 orm still pea,s6 3/ 'o assemble, pour the lemon curd into the pre ba,ed pie crust and top that 5ith the meringue ma,ing sure to orm little pea,s on the top6 Put it bac, in the o1en and ba,e or 13 minutes or until golden and bro5n all o1er the top6 Let cool 2 hours be ore slicing6 Recipe )0: Laura :itale

LEMON MERINGUE PIE: EYECANDY INGREDIENTS For the pastry plain flour (250g)

cold butter (125g) caster sugar (90g) 1 large egg

For the curd 4 large lemons

4 large eggs castor sugar (300g) cold butter, cubed (200g) 2 heaped tsp of corn flour

For the meringue 4 egg whites

a handful of caster sugar (200g) water (200ml) RECIPE rub the cubed butter into the flour until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs stir through the sugar, !est and beaten egg knead gentl" until the whole thing forms a soft dough ball # don$t o%erwor& or else the pastr" will be tough when coo&ed wrap the dough in 'lingfilm and chill in the fridge for at least an hour to relax ro the dough on a lightl" floured surface to the thic&ness of a pound coin ay o%er a tart case and gentl" press into the edges, trim off an" excessi%e pastr" ine the inside of the tart case with ba&ing parchment and fill with dried beans chi again for 15 mins preheat the o%en to 200(' and ba&e the case for 15 mins, then remo%e the beans and coo& for another 5 mins before allowing to cool trim the edges of the tart case to ensure it is perfect !est and )uice the lemons into a large saucepan and then whis& in the eggs add the cubed butter, sugar and the corn flour before heating o%er a medium heat, gentl" whis&ing throughout ower the heat when the mixture thic&ens then allow to simmer for a minute

pour the curd into the pastr" case and place the tin into the fridge to set heat the sugar and the water in a small pan until it reaches 120*' whisk the meringue egg whites to soft pea&s in a mixer, then slowl" pour the sugar s"rup into the mixer continue to whis& for 5#10 minutes until the meringue mixture is cool, stiff and gloss" remo"e the tart from the tin, placing onto "our ser%ing plate scoop the meringue o%er the curd, not being too neat use a spoon to create rough pea&s and patterns carame ise the sugars in the meringue under a reall" hot grill or with a &itchen blow torch ser"es +

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