Instructional technology refers to a teacher's use of electronic tools like computers, tablets and cameras to enhance the education process. These tools allow students to discover and locate information online from many sources. Instructional design aims to maximize the effectiveness, efficiency and appeal of instruction by focusing on learners' needs and goals. Cognitive load theory encourages using instructional materials in a way that doesn't negatively impact learners' performance, as processing new language information places a higher cognitive load. Effective learning design is flexible for both teachers and students and suits different learning styles while enhancing the teaching and learning process with technology.
Instructional technology refers to a teacher's use of electronic tools like computers, tablets and cameras to enhance the education process. These tools allow students to discover and locate information online from many sources. Instructional design aims to maximize the effectiveness, efficiency and appeal of instruction by focusing on learners' needs and goals. Cognitive load theory encourages using instructional materials in a way that doesn't negatively impact learners' performance, as processing new language information places a higher cognitive load. Effective learning design is flexible for both teachers and students and suits different learning styles while enhancing the teaching and learning process with technology.
Original Description:
The way in which technology can our way of teaching
Instructional technology refers to a teacher's use of electronic tools like computers, tablets and cameras to enhance the education process. These tools allow students to discover and locate information online from many sources. Instructional design aims to maximize the effectiveness, efficiency and appeal of instruction by focusing on learners' needs and goals. Cognitive load theory encourages using instructional materials in a way that doesn't negatively impact learners' performance, as processing new language information places a higher cognitive load. Effective learning design is flexible for both teachers and students and suits different learning styles while enhancing the teaching and learning process with technology.
Instructional technology refers to a teacher's use of electronic tools like computers, tablets and cameras to enhance the education process. These tools allow students to discover and locate information online from many sources. Instructional design aims to maximize the effectiveness, efficiency and appeal of instruction by focusing on learners' needs and goals. Cognitive load theory encourages using instructional materials in a way that doesn't negatively impact learners' performance, as processing new language information places a higher cognitive load. Effective learning design is flexible for both teachers and students and suits different learning styles while enhancing the teaching and learning process with technology.
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Instructional Technology
Instructional Technology is the approach in which the teacher uses a variety of
electronic tools or devices in order to include them in the education process. Computers, laptops, tablets, cameras, and so on are good examples of these electronic tools.
Using these electronic tools students are able to discover and locate information from millions of sources on the web, using online encyclopedias educated web page and many more.
Instructional Design
Also called Instructional System Design (ISD); is just the practice and approach of maximizing and at the same time improving the effectiveness, efficiency and appeal of instruction. this practice focuses on the learners needs and his/her correct achievement of the goals for each individual in the educative environment.
Cognitive load Theory and the design of Instruction
This theory encourages students to use instructional materials and tools, in order to know how this can affect negative or positivethe performance of this can learners using instructional materials.
The cognitive load is much higher in second language development, because the brain must work harder and process language while simultaneously trying to integrate new information in order to be internalized by learners.
Cognitive load theory in the learning process provided some basic for the use of instructional strategies all this is for the learning process. With that in mind Richard Mayer related the learning effects to cognitive load . he formulated the theory of multimedia learning.
Learning Design
According to experts it should be based in teaching methods, it also should be flexible for both teachers and learners. Furthermore a particular learning design must be suitable for all students learning styles and enhance the teaching-learning process using E-tools.
Even though this approach can lead to many different results; teachers design the whole learning instruction with the goals that students should be able to reach at the end, but, the reality is that outcomes probably variety according to the performance of learners follow the guidelines in the learning design. a good example for this is Facebook privacy Polices that were established for uses but there is no guarantee that facebooker use then or apply then in the correct way.
ADDIE Process
Perhaps the most common model used for creating instructional materials is the ADDIE Process. This acronym stands for the 5 phases contained in the model:
Analyze: Analyze learner characteristics, task to be learned, and so on. educators must be aware of all their students learning styles, making an analysis of learners strengths and weaknesses.
Design: Develop learning objectives, choose an instructional approach. that means plan the entire goal for both students and teachers as well.
Develop: Create instructional or training materials. all the resources needed for the accurate development of a particular content.
Implement: Deliver or distribute the instructional materials. lead the students through the tasks with the correct materials, tools, or resources; in that way learners are able to perform all the activities with accuracy. Evaluate: Make sure the materials achieved the desired goals. in this phase teachers should be able to see the results of the whole education process. And if there is something should be fixed teacher can correct it.
Rapid Prototyping
Is a design model in which educators look for solve learners problems as soon as they arise and still are easy to fix. Problems related with education, learning and performance should be aborted right away, if a solution is not working, teachers must find out another one and keep going until the issue is completely solved or at least improved. Them experience is useful because educator can face similarities different language problems
Rapid Prototyping is seeing as naive and sometimes useless, but, the approach of this method is primarily to come up with a practical solution before the problems gets bigger or more difficult.
Dick and Carey. It is known as the systematic Design because it focuses in context (in which is taught) and content (what is taught) also the learning and the instructional. For Dick and Carey all these components such as materials, teachers and learners interact together with the content, with the purpose of reaching learners outcome.
Dick and Carey Model
Identify Instructional Goals. What are the objectives of the teaching.
Conduct Instructional Analysis. Evaluate if the instruction is adequate for the teaching.
Analyze Learners and Contexts. What type of learners are going to perform the task; and in which context they have to do it. (School, home, park etc.)
Write Performance Objectives. A structured guideline to measure the accuracy of students during the performance of the task.
Develop Assessment Instruments. Keep records of students development during tasks; some educators use rubrics to do do that.
Develop Instructional Strategy. Is the approach that both, teachers and students have to follow.
Develop and Select Instructional Materials. All the tools and resources needed for the task, or useful in order to finish the assignment.
Design and Conduct Formative Evaluation of Instruction. teacher should be able to notice if the learner as individual reach the goals set at the beginning of the task.
Revise Instruction. take some time and revise the whole process in order to fix something that is not working during the assignment. Design and Conduct Summative Evaluation. the final step in which teacher gives a score to each student based on the performance and development of the task, and the achievement of the goals establish at the beginning.
Instructional Development Learning System (IDLS)
Peter J. Esseff, PhD and Mary Sullivan Esseff.
The components of the IDLS Model are:
Design a Task Analysis: for the students right performance and development of tasks.
Develop Criterion Tests and Performance Measures: such as features, that students can achieve or must achieve in order to develop the abilities needed. Develop Interactive Instructional Materials: teachers use those materials that allow their students to interact with the information.
Validate the Interactive Instructional Materials: if the students made a correct use of those materials teacher should score them high because the domain of the materials.
Other Models
Some other useful models of instructional design include: the Smith/Ragan Model, the Morrison/Ross/Kemp Model and the OAR model, as well as, Wiggins theory of backward design.
Learning theories also play an important role in the design of instructional materials. Theories such as behaviorism, constructivism, social learning and cognitivist help shape and define the outcome of instructional materials.