Ladawan Rattanathibet: Type Space Bedroom Bathroom Guest Reception Area Living Room Maid's Room Parking Space

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Location : Rattanathibet Rd, 88 Moo. 3, Bangrak Noi,

Muang Nonthaburi, Nonthaburi
Land Area : 41 Rai
No. of Units : 4
!ota" #$ace : 1%&444 #'uare (ah
Unit !)$e : Modern Lu*ur) +etached ,o-e
Maintenance .ee : %/ Baht 0 1 #'uare (ah





Li2ing Roo-

Maid3s Roo-

4arking #$ace
4"ener) 358 4 4 1 % 1 3
4restige 43/ 4 6 1 % 1 3
4recious 631 6 1 % 1 3
4ri-e 8 6 1 % % 4

Project Concept :
!he u"ti-ate in aesthetics and "u*ur). !his u$sca"e $ro$ert) $ro7ect is created to $a-$er the desires of en7o)ing a
$restigious "ifest)"e of $ri2i"eged residents 8ho ha2e achie2ed success. 9t is a 8ondrous co-bination of refined
e"egance and e*ce$tiona" co-fort that tru") takes -odern, "u*urious "i2ing to a 8ho"e ne8 "e2e".
!he 1rand :ntrance adds a touch of e"egance
As the s)-bo" of the $ro7ect, the statue of the eight horses running s8ift") through the fountain and $o8erfu"")
thrusting for8ard re$resents 8ea"th and abundance, as 8e"" as, strength. !ogether, the) signif) re-arkab"e
$o8er and success. !he fountain a"so ref"ects the $ros$erit) of the residents.
+istincti2e") designed ;"ubhouse offers a co-$rehensi2e range of first&c"ass faci"ities.
+oub"e 4ri2ate 1ates ensure -a*i-u- securit). !he ;"ubhouse is "ocated se$arate") fro- the residentia" area to
$reser2er the $ri2ac) of the residents.

Project Facilities and Services
A co--unit) garden, a c"ubhouse, and adu"t s8i--ing $oo" <si=e: 8*18*1.3 -.>, a chi"dren3s s8i--ing $oo", a
?acu==i, a fitness roo- and a sauna
1reen areas inc"ude a co--unit) garden<64@ #'. 8ah in si=e> and the $ro7ect3s front garden
+oub"e #ecurit) entr) s)ste-
%4&hour -anned securit) 8ith ;;!A
A $ub"ic garden s$rink"er s)ste-
A 6&-etre&ta"" securit) fence <3.6 B 1.6 -.>

Eas Access
Right in front of the $ro7ect is the !ha&9t MR! #tation of the 4ur$"e&"ine Bang)ai&Bang #ue Route, 8hich is being
constructed and is e*$ected to o$en in %@14
Another 8a) to reach the $ro7ect is to take the Nga-8ong8an :*$ress8a). +ri2ing distance is 5 ki"o-eters fro-
the outbound sidd of Rattanathibet Road. ;o-e do8n 4hra Nang C"ao Bridge for % k-. and )ou 8i"" see the
$ro7ect on the "eft.
9f )ou co-e fro- the inbound side of Rattanathibet Road, )ou need to -ake a u&turn under the 4hra Nang C"ao
Bridge and dri2e further about % ki"o-eters.
.ro- th inbound side of the Ratcha$ruek Road, )ou can turn "eft to Rattanathibet road. !hen -ake a u&turn under
the 4hra Nang C"ao Bridge and dri2e a"ong the road for % ki"o-eters.
!he $ro7ect site is 2er) c"ose to the Canchana$isek Duter Ring road.

EEE Note: (hen !ha&9t Bridge o$ens, the U&!urn 8i"" be c"oser, as )ou can -ake a u&turn under the bridge at !ha&9t ?unction.
<!he !ha&9t Bridge is being constructed and is e*$ected to be finished in August %@14.>
!en"es in t#e vicinit
Hospitals$ %overn&ent '((ices$ and Sc#ools
Nontha2e7 ,os$ita"
4hra Nang C"ao ,os$ita"
Case-rad ,os$ita"
Nonthaburi ;i2ic ;enter
!he +e$art-ent of Medica" #er2ices
!he Ministr) of 4ub"ic ,ea"th
!he Ministr) of ;o--erce
+en"a #choo" Ra-a 6
Casetsart Uni2ersit) Laborator) #choo"
!he 9nternationa" #choo" Bangkok
#aint ?ohn3s 9nternationa" #choo"
Casetsart Uni2ersit)
+hurakit Bundit Uni2ersit)

S#oppin) *alls
Big ; Rattanathibet
!he Ma"" Nga-8ong8an
Lotus Chae Rai
4unti$ Nga-8ong8an
Big ; Rattanathibet %
:s$"anade Rattanathibet
;entra" Rattanathibet
,o-e 4ro Ratcha$ruek

#hort distances to satisf) 2irtua"") a"" "ife de-ands

+en"a #choo" Ra-a 6 5.1 k-.
Casetsart Uni2ersit) Laborator) #choo" 16 k-.
!he 9nternationa" #choo" Bangkok 1 k-.

Casetsart Uni2ersit) 13.3 k-.
+hurakit Bundit Uni2ersit) [email protected] k-.
#ri$atu- Uni2ersit) 14 k-.

Nontha2e7 ,os$ita" 5.8 k-.
4hra Nang C"ao ,os$ita" 3 k-.
Case-rad ,os$ita" 5.1 k-.

S#oppin) *alls
!he Ma"" Nga-8ong8an 5.8 k-.
;entra" Rattanathibet 4. k-.
:s$"anade Rattanathibet /.1 k-.
4unti$ Nga-8ong8an 5.% k-.
!esco Lotus Rattanathibet /.1 k-.
Big ; Rattanathibet 4./ k-.
,o-e 4ro Ratcha$ruek .% k-.


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