Project Profile For Tea Processing Unit: Genarator Room & Workshop

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(Capacity For Processing 30 La ! "gs# Green Tea Lea$es Per Ann%&' (#0 SCOPE OF T)E PROJECT IN T)E AREA OF OPERATION Sufficient information needs to be collected about the availability of raw material in the area, no of existing tea factories with their processing capacity and arrangement of marketing of tea. The proposed capacity of the tea manufacturing unit for processing of 30 lakh kgs. of green tea leaves for production of 6 lakh kgs. of made tea !T!" per annum at a recovery rate of #0$. *#0 3#0 FOR I+PLE+ENTATION OF T)E PROJECT% The society has to raise the re&uisite share capital' (and )urchase*(eased by the society' +btained assurance from State ,lectricity -oard for providing re&uired electricity connection' .+! from )ollution control board' )repared plan and estimates for civil work of main plant and other ancillary buildings' +btained &uotations from suppliers of plant / machinery and other e&uipments'

PROJECT CO+PONENTS AN, T)EIR TENTATI-E COST (Rs# in .a !s' 3#( Lan/ an/ Lan/ ,e$e.op&ent !ost of (and 01,000 s&. metres" 2.00 !ost of (eveling*3evelopment 1.00 !ost of 4pproach 5oad 6.00 !ost of -oundary 6all / 7encing 2.00 TOTAL 0 *0#00 3#* Ci$i. 1or s 8ain 7actory -uilding 0200 S&.8" Trough :ouse ;00 S&.8" Trough :ouse 0000 S&.8" 6ater Tank +verhead" 6ater Tank =nderground" >,.454T+5 5++8 / 6+5?S:+) !ivil 6ork for 6eight -ridge TOTAL 90.00 <2.00 32.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 #.00 *(*#00


P.ant 2 +ac!inery )rocessing !apacity 30 lakh kgs. of green tea leaves" 060.00 ,xcise 3uty / other Taxes #2.00 TOTAL 0 (34#00

3#5 3#4 3#7

+isce..aneo%s Fi6e/ Assets +77@!, 7=5.@T=5,S / 7@AT=5,S !+8)=T,5 ,(,!T5@7@!4T@+. 7+5 T:, 74!T+5B / 64T,5 3@ST. 7@5, 7@>:T@.> ,C=@)8,.TS S.,.-. 3,)+S@T, T54.S7+58,5 ,T!. 3.>. S,T 4@5 !+8)5,SS+5 D,:@!4( T5=!?" +T:,5 84!:@.,5@,S T++(S / T4!?(S TOTAL Pre0operati$e E6penses #.20 0.20 03.00 0.00 <.20 00.20 0.20 00.20 3.00 (*0#00 53#00

0 0

+argin +oney 8or 1or ing Capita. re9%ire&ent 8or one &ont!# 546 84T,5@4( ,(,!T5@!@TB !:45>,S S4(45B/ 64>,S ST+5,S / S)45,S +D,5:,43 / )4!?@.> ST+!? +7 7@.@S:,3 >++3S ST+!? +7 >++3S @. )5+!,SS TOTAL TOTAL PROJECT COST 2.00 2.00 1.00 0.#0 0.;0 0;.00 #.00 34#00 7*0#00

0 0


PROJECT I+PL+ENTATION SC)E,ULE @t is expected that the proEect is completed within one / :alf year after sanction of financial assistance.


RE:UIRE+ENT OF STAFF The mill will re&uire approximately 10 workers and #2 staff.


PATTERN OF FUN,ING 4s per .!3!Fs pattern of funding for !ooperatively 3eveloped States 90$ of loan is sanctioned to the State >ovt. for passing on to the beneficiary societies as 20$ loan and 10$ share capital contribution. :owever, the debt e&uity ratio may vary depending on viability of the proposed proEect. @n case of =nderGdeveloped / (eastGdeveloped States subsidy is available #0$ / #2$ respectively of the proEect cost. Loan app.ication 8or&s are a$ai.a;.e <it! t!e o88ices o8 Registrars o8 Cooperati$e Societies=Regiona. ,irectorates o8 t!e NC,C ;esi/es )ea/ O88ice at Ne< ,e.!i# App.ication 8or&s can ;e /o<n.oa/e/ 8ro& NC,C 1e;0site (!ttp>==nc/c#in'#

0. 3etails about the proposal #. 3etails about the society 3. +bEectives of the society% To promote !ooperation among members. To process paddy purchased from grower members as well as nonG grower members and add value to benefit the members. To create suitable market for the finished products of grower members and to ensure remunerative prices to improve their financial position. To help and guide the grower members by providing them technical guidance by agricultural officers and providing seeds, organic fertiliHers, pesticide etc. 1. 8embership and share capital 2. -oard of 3irectors*3ate of (ast election of the society. 6. (ast three year 4udit )osition certified of !4. Ra< +ateria. A$ai.a;i.ity in t!e state certi8ie/ ;y ,istrict Agric%.t%ra. O88icer o8 t!e state# Pa//y Processing scenario in t!e State=,istrict# +ther by products

Scope o8 +ar eting o8 Finis!e/ pro/%ce in t!e State !hannel of 8arketing of these produce

)addy )rocessing 7low !hart

5aw 8aterial )re cleaning Steaming 3rying 7ine !leaning
5emoving :usk"




Pro?ect Co&ponents an/ t!eir tentati$e cost Lan/ an/ Lan/ ,e$e.op&ent#

!ost of (and !ost of (eveling*3evelopment !ost of 4pproach 5oad !ost of !ompound 6all

@%i./ing 2 Ci$i. 1or

<. 8ain 7actory -uilding ;. 5aw 8aterial >odown 9. 7inished >oods >odown / )acking 00. 4dministrative -uilding
00. !+.7,5,.!, :4(( 0#. >,.454T+5 5++8 / 6+5?S:+)

03. Sanitary / )lumbing 01. 6atchmen !abin 02. ,lectricity !hamber

P.ant 2 +ac!inery
8@((@.> S,!T@+. )433B -45-+@(@.>*ST,48@.> )(4.T T:,584A G ST,48 -+@(,5 ,A!@S, 3=TB / other Taxes

+isce..aneo%s Fi6e/ Assets

The provision has to be made for electrification, 8.S.,.- 3eposit, Transformer, one 3.>. Set, computers, and furniture / fixture as per re&uirement of the proEect.

+argin +oney 8or 1or ing Capita.

546 84T,5@4( ,(,!T5@!@TB !:45>,S S4(45B/ 64>,S ST+5,S / S)45,S

Pro?ect I&p.e&entation Sc!e/%.e A It is e6pecte/ t!at t!e

pro?ect is completed within one year after sanction of financial assistance.

Pro?ect cost
(and / Site 3evelopment !ivil 6ork )lant / 8achinery 8iscellaneous 7ixed 4ssets !ontingencyG 2$ of the on cost of plant / 8achinery )reGoperative ,xpenses 8argin 8oney for 6orking !apital

Pattern o8 F%n/ing 8or Pa//y Processing>

4s per .!3!Fs pattern of funding for !ooperatively 3eveloped States 90$ of loan is sanctioned to the State >ovt. for passing on to the beneficiary societies as 20$ loan and 10$ share capital contribution. :owever, the debt e&uity ratio may vary depending on viability of the proposed proEect. @n the present case, State >ovt. of 8aharashtra has recommended to provide 60$ term loan and 36$ share capital to the beneficiary society with a view to help the farmer members.

Financia. -ia;i.ity
The assumptions and proEected and breakGeven analysis shall be calculation.

J%sti8ication 8or>
)roEect is technically feasible and financially viable )roEect would help the farmer members by providing value addition to their produce. )roEect would provide direct employment to how many persons. 7inancial assistance will be routed through the State >ovt. and therefore, its repayment is assured

<. 3etails about the proposal ;. 3etails about the society 9. +bEectives of the society% To promote !ooperation among members. To process paddy purchased from grower members as well as nonG grower members and add value to benefit the members. To create suitable market for the finished products of grower members and to ensure remunerative prices to improve their financial position. To help and guide the grower members by providing them technical guidance by agricultural officers and providing seeds, organic fertiliHers, pesticide etc. 00. 8embership and share capital 00. -oard of 3irectors*3ate of (ast election of the society. 0#. (ast three year 4udit )osition certified of !4. Ra< +ateria. A$ai.a;i.ity in t!e state certi8ie/ ;y ,istrict Agric%.t%ra. O88icer o8 t!e state# Pa//y Processing scenario in t!e State=,istrict# +ther by products

Scope o8 +ar eting o8 Finis!e/ pro/%ce in t!e State !hannel of 8arketing of these produce

Pro?ect cost
(and / Site 3evelopment !ivil 6ork )lant / 8achinery 8iscellaneous 7ixed 4ssets !ontingencyG 2$ of the on cost of plant / 8achinery )reGoperative ,xpenses 8argin 8oney for 6orking !apital

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