Ajit Dhaigude - Exp - 1+year

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Curriculum Vitae


Sr.No 38,Kaleborate Nagar,
Contact No. : +91-9!!"!"##3
$%a&l '( : d)a&gude.a*&t+g%a&l.co%

,oo-&ng .or a career &n e/er .lour&s)&ng .&eld o. So.t0are de/eloper g&/&ng %e t)e
opportun&t1 to ac)&e/e ne0 )e&g)ts o. %1 career, and can contr&bute &n do&ng /alue added
to %1 $%plo1er 0&t) 0ell %anaged and organ&2ed 0or- b1 appl1&ng %1 s-&lls 0&t)
e/entual ad/ance%ent.

Career Summary:
1+ years of experience in .NET development.
Created .NET applications and websites in conjunction with other various
web development technologies lie web services! ajax.
"ood experience with C#! $%C &.'! ()*.NET! )+, )erver! -T$,! ./uery!
.avascript! C)).
"ood experience of developing mobile friendly websites using bootstrap.

Current Employer:

Company Name0 )hri (meya )oft *vt. ,td.
*osition0 .NET $%C 1eveloper.
.anuary 2'13 To *resent.
Qualification Universit !ear

"ercenta#e $lass
3.C.4 Pune
2"13 !!.2 6 7&rst Class
8.C.4 Pune
2""9 !1.3" 6 7&rst Class
H.S.C. Kol)apur
2""! !8.""6 7&rst Class
S.S.C. Kol)apur
2""# 9!.936 H&g)er Second
Professional Skills :
Programming Languages/Technologies :
o C#! $%C &.'! ()*.NET! -T$,! C)).
o .ava)cript! (jax! 4eb )ervices! Enterprise ,ibrary! .+uery.
Frameworks :
o $icrosoft %isual )tudio &.5
Dataase :
o $icrosoft )+, )erver 2'12
Pro!ect Summary :
Pro!ect "#: www$smartrecharges$com
Technology 6sed0 ()*.NET!C#! .avascript! -T$,! C)).
1atabase0 $icrosoft )+, )erver.
7ole0 .NET 1eveloper
1escription0 The www. smartrecharges.com is a $,$ website with 101
binary plan which includes 8inary *ayout! $agic *lan! 1irect or Refferral
9ncome. This website also allows members to recharge their mobiles as
well as to recharge their dish tv.
$ultilevel $areting0 $ultilevel $areting is a mareting activity in
which multiple levels of people are enganged in the selling the products
and services to the customers! for which these people getting the
binary and refferral income. 9n todays compititive world! many companies
using the multilevel mareting websites in order to sell their products
and services to the customers.
:ey 7ole0 4hile designing and creating databases. (nd designing "69
and developing this project within timeline. $y main role in this website
is in coding the webpage. (nd also unit testing and solving the bugs
detected by the testers.
Pro!ect "%: www$samarthaproperties$com
Technology 6sed 0 $%C &.'!./uery! .avascript! -T$,! C))
1atabase0 $icrosoft )+, )erver2'12.
7ole0 .NET $%C &.' 1eveloper
1escription0 www. )amarthaproperties.com is a user friendly "69
website. 9n this website all the information about the properties in many
cities lie pune! mumbai! delhi etc is stored and is shown with the user
friendly "69. -ere users can search the properties according to their
criteria including city! builder! locality! property type lie 18-:! 28-:!
38-:! or by possession dates. -ere users can register themselves for
getting the sms alerts! emails and also they can lie any property and
that property is saved in that users favourite properties and also may
compare properties. (ll the property information including the location
maps! price trends within that area for last 3 months is also shown in
this website. (ny user can use this website to search the properties of
their interest. 9t is not compulsory for them to register! in order to search
the properties! and compare the properties with the other properties.
7egistered users can put their comment on the properties and lie the
properties and can ;nd these properties easily and /uicly next time.
We are going to launch this website soon.
:ey 7ole0 4hile designing and creating databases. (nd designing "69
and developing this project within timeline. $y main role in this website
is in coding the webpage. (nd also unit testing and solving the bugs
detected by the testers.
"ersonal Details:
%a&e : 4*&t 8)&/a*& ()a&gude
Date of Birt' : 19 :ct 1988
Gender : 3ale
(arital )tatus : S&ngle
*an#ua#es +no,n : 3arat)&, H&nd&, $ngl&s)
"er&anent Add- : 4;p P&%pare<8K= ()a&gude
$ontact no- : 9!!"!"##3
Hobbies : Swimming, Watching movies, Reading books,
' cons&der %1sel. .a%&l&ar 0&t) Co%puter $ng&neer&ng 4spects. ' a% also
con.&dent o. %1 ab&l&t1 to 0or- &n a tea%. ' )ereb1 declare t)at t)e &n.or%at&on
.urn&s)ed abo/e &s true to t)e 8est o. %1 -no0ledge.
Date :
"lace : Pune Ajit B. Dhaigude

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