The document describes a typical day in the medical practice of Dr. Tenar, a general practitioner who sees many patients on Saturdays and Sundays, detailing several patient cases he treats and the ethical issues that arise, including offering money or gifts in exchange for patient referrals to certain laboratories.
The document describes a typical day in the medical practice of Dr. Tenar, a general practitioner who sees many patients on Saturdays and Sundays, detailing several patient cases he treats and the ethical issues that arise, including offering money or gifts in exchange for patient referrals to certain laboratories.
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untuk mahasiswa FK blok 2 sndabbhjudfsbhjadsajkf gtr hy thhh hyhy nhg
The document describes a typical day in the medical practice of Dr. Tenar, a general practitioner who sees many patients on Saturdays and Sundays, detailing several patient cases he treats and the ethical issues that arise, including offering money or gifts in exchange for patient referrals to certain laboratories.
The document describes a typical day in the medical practice of Dr. Tenar, a general practitioner who sees many patients on Saturdays and Sundays, detailing several patient cases he treats and the ethical issues that arise, including offering money or gifts in exchange for patient referrals to certain laboratories.
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HYPOTHETICAL CASE BY USING INDIVIDUAL PRACTICAL APPROACH Tenar, MD Tenar who opens up a private e!i"a# !o"tor pra"ti"e on Raai Street sin"e 2 $ears a%o is a %enera# pra"titioner whose enou%h an$ patients& espe"ia##$ on ever$ Satur!a$ an! Sun!a$. 'avin% enou%h #ar%e e!i"a# pra"ti"e roo& Tenar p#a"es 2 patient (e!s in his e!i"a# pra"ti"e roo whi"h are !ivi!e! ($ a "urtain so that he "an e)aine easi#$ his patients *ro one p#a"e to another one. Neverthe#ess& on the other han!& there is a !i**i"u#t$ i* there is a patient with !erato#o%i"a# !isor!er& in whi"h he has to e)aine the patient who is in ha#* na+e! "on!ition. On the #ast Satur!a$ an! Sun!a$& there ha! (een ,- patients .ueuin% when he "ae. To esta(#ish .ueuin% ha(it& Tenar e)aine! his patients "onse"utive#$ a""or!in% to the patient/s #ist enro##e!. As estiate!& the *irst 0 patients "ae with "oon "o#!. Then Tenar %ave three o* the their e!i"ine& with a!vi"e1 havin% enou%h rest& !rin+in% p#ain water an! "onsuin% *ruits. The *ourth patient at that a*ternoon was a 2- $ears o#! woan& a""opanie! ($ his son& with "hie* "op#aint o* heart (urn sprea!in% to her (a"+. Fee#in% !ou(t*u# with the !ia%nosis o* %astritis& Tenar per*ore! e#e"tro "ar!io%raph e)aination on in!i"ation o* suspe"te! o(stru"te! "ar!ia" (#oo! pressure. The resu#t was nora#. Consi!erin% the a%e& *at woan& an! the (#oo! pressure o* ,3-45- '%& Tenar %ave a presentin% #etter to her *or the #a(orator$ e)aination. Tenar re*erre! her to a #a(orator$ nae#$1 6Titrasi Cepat6 C#ini"a# La(orator$& where he usua##$ !i!& not *ar awa$ *ro his pra"ti"a# p#a"e. Fro this "#ini"a# #a(orator$ he re"eive! 7"a+e present8& in whi"h i* he eva#uate!& the aount was with the nu(er o* patients he has sent there. Su"h as 2onths a%o& with 2- patients he ha! sent& he %ot a shoppin% vou"her in a *aous superar+et in his "it$ whi"h has the va#ue as u"h as Rp.0--.---&9. , The patient went hoe ($ (rin%in% the tran.ui#i:er& %astritis e!i"ine& re*erra# #a(orator$ e)aination #etter an! a!vise! to return ri%ht a*ter %ettin% the #a(orator$ resu#ts. 'avin% "op#ete! the a!inistration& the o#! woan returne! to the !o"tor/s e)aination roo (e"ause she *e#t that there was soethin% *or%otten& nae#$ (ein% in;e"te! <as usua# i* she "ae to a !o"tor=. Ri%ht (e*ore she %ot into the !o"tor/s e)aination roo& unpurpose#$& she saw a $oun% an patient whose tattoo un!erneath his a(!oen was re9wearin% his un!erwear. The $oun% an !i!n/t *o##ow the .ueuin% nu(er (e"ause he "on*esse! that he was Tenar/s ;unior hi%h s"hoo#/s *rien!& so that Tenar/s assistant too+ hi to the #e*t roo& the roo *or the spe"ia# patients. The o#! woan saw white9$e##owish !is"har%e in the $oun% an/s un!erwear. The $oun% an was starrin% at the o#! woan& then Tenar as+e! the o#! woan to wait outsi!e *or a oent an! return in a*ter the $oun% an wou#! have *inishe!. The ta#+ative o#! woan apo#o%i:e!& (ut inno"ent#$ she as+e! what the !ia%nosis o* the $oun% an was. Tenar was rather stunne! to answer the inno"ent .uestion o* her& 6Oh& ;ust a(!oina# !is"o*ort6& answere! ($ Tenar& %ent#$. 6I want to (e in;e"te! ($ stan!in%& >o"& (e"ause I a a*rai! o* (ein% transitte! ($ the $oun% an/s venerea# !isease i* I wou#! (e in;e"te! ($ #$in% on the (e!6& the o#! woan sai!. The *i*th an! the si)th patient were a $oun% #a!$ an! a i!!#e a%e! woan? #et@s sa$ that their naes were Miss Mo!is an! Mrs. Menor. Miss Mo!is ha! the "hie* "op#aints o* *ever& nausea& an! voitin% an$ ties& in the #ast "oup#e o* !a$s. Meanwhi#e Mrs. Menor ha! the s$pto o* hea!a"he *re.uent#$. She ha! et an$ !i**erent !o"tors an! the$ sai! that it wasn/t a serious !isease ;ust a "oon hea!a"he. The #ast !o"tor who she et& as+e! her to *o##ow the hea! s"annin% pro"e!ure. Then she et Tenar ($ (rin%in% her hea! s"annin% resu#t. The !ia%nosis o* suspe"te! spa"e o""up$in% #esion was written on the resu#t paper. Aithout te##in% her what the "ontent o* her hea! s"annin% resu#t& Tenar %ave her a re*erra# #etter to the neuro#o%i"a# !epartent o* a hospita#. Meanwhi#e Mrs.Menor& without re"eivin% (#oo! pressure easureent& %ot a pres"ription #etter *or her urinar$ tra"t in*e"tion that she has su**ere! *or the #ast B $ears. Tenar e)aine! her short#$ an! ;ust "opie! pres"ription *ro her e!i"a# re"or! that was %iven ($ his assistant. 2 Tenar/s assistant ha! rein!e! the ne)t two patients nae#$1 Mr. Garputa#a& a 32 $ears o#! an with the s$ptos o* voitin% an! !iarrhea ore than ten ties a !a$ an! Miss Rana Onivora& a ,B $ears o#! *ea#e stu!ent& who was +nown as the !au%hter o* a new#$ ri"h an& Tenar/s nei%h(or& who was the #e%is#ative e(er *ro one o* the (i% po#iti"a# parties. Tenar ha! re"eive! a phone "a## whi"h in*ore! hi that one o* his previous patient wou#! "oe in eer%en"$ "on!ition. Garputa#a is a re%iona# se"urit$ who *e#t unse"ure! i* he ha! not (een e)aine! ($ Tenar. Then Tenar #oo+e! at hi& e)ainin% his pu#se whi"h *e#t so wea+ an! ina!e.uate& pin"hin% his a(!oina# s+in whi"h was a#rea!$ too *#a(($. 6Nurse& *in! a (a;a;C6 he or!ere! his assistant a*ter havin% "onvin"in% the se"urit$ an *or (ein% hospita#i:e! soon#$. 'e !i!/nt *or%et to %ive an enve#ope "ontainin% Rp.2B.---&9 one$ *or the se"urit$. 6For $our transport& Mr. Ta#a. Re"over soon#$ C7B$ %ivin% hi a sa"het o* ora#it an! then re*erin% hi to the nearest hospita#. Ahen as+in% Miss. Rana to %et in to the roo on the ri%ht si!e& Tenar was start#e! (e"ause soe en %ot in throu%h ($ "arr$in% a (#ee!in% patient. 'e he#pe! Mr. Ma#thus *irst *or a(out 3B inutes& eanwhi#e Rana was a#one (e"ause Tenar/s assistant was a#so (us$ assistin% Tenar to "ope with the (#ee!in% pro(#e o* Mr. Ma#thus in the #e*t si!e roo. Tenar !i!n@t have an$ "han"e to ta#+ with Miss. Rana. The peop#e who a""opanie! Mr. Ma#thus su%%este! Miss. Rana in or!er to (e patient& o* "ourse ($ viewin% her& a#thou%h her nae was not %au!$& Miss. Rana rea##$ #oo+e! %au!$ at that ni%ht. B$ sweatin%& Tenar at #ast #istene! to Miss. Rana/s s$ptos. She was stresse! (e"ause she ;ust have ta+en her *ather/s one$ without an$ perission *or the sa+e o* he#pin% her peer *rien! to %et a(ortion at Antah9Berantah "#ini". Tenar o**ere! hise#* as a e!iator to te## her *ather honest#$. B$ the wa$& a""or!in% to Miss. Rana an! hi& the #e%is#ative e(er was ri"h enou%h to he#p Miss. Rana/s peer *rien!. 6Let $ !ai#$ one$ *ro *ather wou#! (e "ut ($ hi as #on% as he wou#!n/t (e an%r$ with e6& sai! the sweet Rana. That/s a## the !ai#$ a"tivities o* Tenar in he#pin% to so#ve his patient/s pro(#es& even thou%h soeties he ha! to "oe hoe ver$ #ate in a#ost ever$ ni%ht. 0