Kasus Tutorial Blok 2

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Tenar, MD
Tenar who opens up a private e!i"a# !o"tor pra"ti"e on Raai Street sin"e 2
$ears a%o is a %enera# pra"titioner whose enou%h an$ patients& espe"ia##$ on ever$
Satur!a$ an! Sun!a$.
'avin% enou%h #ar%e e!i"a# pra"ti"e roo& Tenar p#a"es 2 patient (e!s in
his e!i"a# pra"ti"e roo whi"h are !ivi!e! ($ a "urtain so that he "an e)aine easi#$
his patients *ro one p#a"e to another one. Neverthe#ess& on the other han!& there is a
!i**i"u#t$ i* there is a patient with !erato#o%i"a# !isor!er& in whi"h he has to e)aine
the patient who is in ha#* na+e! "on!ition.
On the #ast Satur!a$ an! Sun!a$& there ha! (een ,- patients .ueuin% when he
"ae. To esta(#ish .ueuin% ha(it& Tenar e)aine! his patients "onse"utive#$ a""or!in% to
the patient/s #ist enro##e!. As estiate!& the *irst 0 patients "ae with "oon "o#!. Then
Tenar %ave three o* the their e!i"ine& with a!vi"e1 havin% enou%h rest& !rin+in% p#ain
water an! "onsuin% *ruits.
The *ourth patient at that a*ternoon was a 2- $ears o#! woan& a""opanie!
($ his son& with "hie* "op#aint o* heart (urn sprea!in% to her (a"+. Fee#in% !ou(t*u#
with the !ia%nosis o* %astritis& Tenar per*ore! e#e"tro "ar!io%raph e)aination on
in!i"ation o* suspe"te! o(stru"te! "ar!ia" (#oo! pressure. The resu#t was nora#.
Consi!erin% the a%e& *at woan& an! the (#oo! pressure o* ,3-45- '%& Tenar %ave a
presentin% #etter to her *or the #a(orator$ e)aination. Tenar re*erre! her to a #a(orator$
nae#$1 6Titrasi Cepat6 C#ini"a# La(orator$& where he usua##$ !i!& not *ar awa$ *ro his
pra"ti"a# p#a"e. Fro this "#ini"a# #a(orator$ he re"eive! 7"a+e present8& in whi"h i* he
eva#uate!& the aount was e.ua# with the nu(er o* patients he has sent there. Su"h as
2onths a%o& with 2- patients he ha! sent& he %ot a shoppin% vou"her in a *aous
superar+et in his "it$ whi"h has the va#ue as u"h as Rp.0--.---&9.
The patient went hoe ($ (rin%in% the tran.ui#i:er& %astritis e!i"ine&
re*erra# #a(orator$ e)aination #etter an! a!vise! to return ri%ht a*ter %ettin% the
#a(orator$ resu#ts. 'avin% "op#ete! the a!inistration& the o#! woan returne! to the
!o"tor/s e)aination roo (e"ause she *e#t that there was soethin% *or%otten& nae#$
(ein% in;e"te! <as usua# i* she "ae to a !o"tor=. Ri%ht (e*ore she %ot into the !o"tor/s
e)aination roo& unpurpose#$& she saw a $oun% an patient whose tattoo un!erneath
his a(!oen was re9wearin% his un!erwear. The $oun% an !i!n/t *o##ow the .ueuin%
nu(er (e"ause he "on*esse! that he was Tenar/s ;unior hi%h s"hoo#/s *rien!& so that
Tenar/s assistant too+ hi to the #e*t roo& the roo *or the spe"ia# patients. The o#!
woan saw white9$e##owish !is"har%e in the $oun% an/s un!erwear. The $oun% an
was starrin% at the o#! woan& then Tenar as+e! the o#! woan to wait outsi!e *or a
oent an! return in a*ter the $oun% an wou#! have *inishe!. The ta#+ative o#! woan
apo#o%i:e!& (ut inno"ent#$ she as+e! what the !ia%nosis o* the $oun% an was. Tenar
was rather stunne! to answer the inno"ent .uestion o* her& 6Oh& ;ust a(!oina#
!is"o*ort6& answere! ($ Tenar& %ent#$. 6I want to (e in;e"te! ($ stan!in%& >o"& (e"ause
I a a*rai! o* (ein% transitte! ($ the $oun% an/s venerea# !isease i* I wou#! (e
in;e"te! ($ #$in% on the (e!6& the o#! woan sai!.
The *i*th an! the si)th patient were a $oun% #a!$ an! a i!!#e a%e! woan?
#et@s sa$ that their naes were Miss Mo!is an! Mrs. Menor. Miss Mo!is ha! the "hie*
"op#aints o* *ever& nausea& an! voitin% an$ ties& in the #ast "oup#e o* !a$s.
Meanwhi#e Mrs. Menor ha! the s$pto o* hea!a"he *re.uent#$. She ha! et an$
!i**erent !o"tors an! the$ sai! that it wasn/t a serious !isease ;ust a "oon hea!a"he.
The #ast !o"tor who she et& as+e! her to *o##ow the hea! s"annin% pro"e!ure. Then
she et Tenar ($ (rin%in% her hea! s"annin% resu#t. The !ia%nosis o* suspe"te! spa"e
o""up$in% #esion was written on the resu#t paper. Aithout te##in% her what the "ontent o*
her hea! s"annin% resu#t& Tenar %ave her a re*erra# #etter to the neuro#o%i"a# !epartent
o* a hospita#. Meanwhi#e Mrs.Menor& without re"eivin% (#oo! pressure easureent& %ot
a pres"ription #etter *or her urinar$ tra"t in*e"tion that she has su**ere! *or the #ast B
$ears. Tenar e)aine! her short#$ an! ;ust "opie! pres"ription *ro her e!i"a# re"or!
that was %iven ($ his assistant.
Tenar/s assistant ha! rein!e! the ne)t two patients nae#$1 Mr. Garputa#a& a
32 $ears o#! an with the s$ptos o* voitin% an! !iarrhea ore than ten ties a !a$
an! Miss Rana Onivora& a ,B $ears o#! *ea#e stu!ent& who was +nown as the !au%hter
o* a new#$ ri"h an& Tenar/s nei%h(or& who was the #e%is#ative e(er *ro one o* the
(i% po#iti"a# parties. Tenar ha! re"eive! a phone "a## whi"h in*ore! hi that one o* his
previous patient wou#! "oe in eer%en"$ "on!ition.
Garputa#a is a re%iona# se"urit$ who *e#t unse"ure! i* he ha! not (een
e)aine! ($ Tenar. Then Tenar #oo+e! at hi& e)ainin% his pu#se whi"h *e#t so wea+
an! ina!e.uate& pin"hin% his a(!oina# s+in whi"h was a#rea!$ too *#a(($. 6Nurse& *in! a
(a;a;C6 he or!ere! his assistant a*ter havin% "onvin"in% the se"urit$ an *or (ein%
hospita#i:e! soon#$. 'e !i!/nt *or%et to %ive an enve#ope "ontainin% Rp.2B.---&9 one$
*or the se"urit$. 6For $our transport& Mr. Ta#a. Re"over soon#$ C7B$ %ivin% hi a sa"het
o* ora#it an! then re*erin% hi to the nearest hospita#.
Ahen as+in% Miss. Rana to %et in to the roo on the ri%ht si!e& Tenar was
start#e! (e"ause soe en %ot in throu%h ($ "arr$in% a (#ee!in% patient. 'e he#pe! Mr.
Ma#thus *irst *or a(out 3B inutes& eanwhi#e Rana was a#one (e"ause Tenar/s assistant
was a#so (us$ assistin% Tenar to "ope with the (#ee!in% pro(#e o* Mr. Ma#thus in the
#e*t si!e roo. Tenar !i!n@t have an$ "han"e to ta#+ with Miss. Rana. The peop#e who
a""opanie! Mr. Ma#thus su%%este! Miss. Rana in or!er to (e patient& o* "ourse ($
viewin% her& a#thou%h her nae was not %au!$& Miss. Rana rea##$ #oo+e! %au!$ at that
B$ sweatin%& Tenar at #ast #istene! to Miss. Rana/s s$ptos. She was
stresse! (e"ause she ;ust have ta+en her *ather/s one$ without an$ perission *or the
sa+e o* he#pin% her peer *rien! to %et a(ortion at Antah9Berantah "#ini". Tenar o**ere!
hise#* as a e!iator to te## her *ather honest#$. B$ the wa$& a""or!in% to Miss. Rana an!
hi& the #e%is#ative e(er was ri"h enou%h to he#p Miss. Rana/s peer *rien!. 6Let $
!ai#$ one$ *ro *ather wou#! (e "ut ($ hi as #on% as he wou#!n/t (e an%r$ with e6&
sai! the sweet Rana.
That/s a## the !ai#$ a"tivities o* Tenar in he#pin% to so#ve his patient/s
pro(#es& even thou%h soeties he ha! to "oe hoe ver$ #ate in a#ost ever$ ni%ht.

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