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A Down And Dirty Guide To Dating And Seduction For The Man Who's Fed Up With Being Mr. Nice Guy. by oss !e""ries #ub$ished in the USA. For %ore in"or%ation or "ree cata$og& contact' oss !e""ries ()*+ Bristo$ #ar,way& Suite )-+ .u$/er .ity& .A 01)21 DISCLAIMER Neither the author nor the pub$isher assu%es any responsibi$ity "or the use or %isuse o" in"or%ation contained in this boo,. The reader is warned that the use o" so%e or a$$ o" the techni3ues in this boo, %ay resu$t in $ega$ conse3uences& ci/i$ and4or cri%ina$.
USE OF THIS BOOK IS DONE AT YOUR OWN RISK. 56e who wi$$ not ta,e the hint& %ust ta,e the conse3uences.5 77 G$enn /. .o/ey )8) #A 2(- 9:8+*; TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION PART ONE: how to ha/e power and con"idence with wo%en Chapter !e: the one attitude that is the ,ey to ha/ing irresistib$e appea$ to wo%en and getting $aid with the wo%en o" your drea%s Chapter t": how to insta$$ the super7get $aid attitudes in your se$" so you use the% auto%atica$$y Chapter three: be$ie/e it or not& how to ha/e e/en %ore con"idence with wo%en Chapter #$r: sti$$ %ore con"idence and power with wo%en< Chapter #%&e: yet %ore con"idence and power with wo%en PART TWO: how to %eet wo%en& anyti%e& anywhere 9in which we $oo, at the "our steps to any pic,7up; getting attention& %a,ing your introduction& creating rapport& %a,ing your pitch Chapter '%(: how to "a,e $i,e you are war% and "riend$y Chapter 'e&e!: getting her attention7the ,ey to pic, ups where/er you are Chapter e%)ht: how to %a,e a wo%an you'/e =ust %et "ee$ $i,e she's %et the %an o" her drea%s Chapter !%!e: so%e great %ethods and great p$aces to pic, up %ore wo%en than you and a "riend cou$d possib$y hope to hand$e inc$uding the on$y two pic,7up $ines in the wor$d that wor, so we$$ that they can get you $aid auto%atica$$y Chapter te!: s$ashing co%ebac,s "or s$ea>oid s$uts< Chapter e*e&e!: how to use the persona$s to get hundreds and hundreds o" wo%en to date< Chapter t"e*&e: +%r,))%!): how to get a gir$ when she's with another guy 9or when you're with another gir$; Chapter th%rtee!: getting the date Chapter #$rtee!: getting the phone nu%ber route Chapter #%#tee!: %a,ing the date on the spot Chapter '%(tee!: how to hand$e bitches who try to cance$ dates PART THREE: how to get the wo%en you date into bed Chapter 'e&e!tee!: deciding your approach Chapter e%)htee!: how to use hypnosis to get your date into the sac, Chapter !%!etee!: how to tota$$y brea, a wo%an's resistance to s$eeping with you Chapter t"e!t-: a "ina$ word APPENDICES Appe!,%( !e: the u$ti%ate ru$es and attitudes "or success with wo%en Appe!,%( t": representationa$ syste%s Appe!,%( three: inducing trance states in your date using the story te$$ing %ethod Appe!,%( #$r: the right way to use /isua$i>ation to bui$d irresistib$e con"idence Appe!,%( #%&e: anchoring to bui$d con"idence Appe!,%( '%(: how to swi"t$y detect and e$i%inate wo%en who are wac,os& $ow7$i"es& cra>ies and scu% 2 INTRODUCTION UNFAIR SEDUCTIONS IN AN UNFAIR WORLD
Many people who read the rough drat o th!" #oo$ were up"et #y part" o !t% In&ar!a#ly' I(d hear the "a)e *o)pla!nt% +The"e ta*t!*" you(re tea*h!ng pro#a#ly wor$ really well% We thought the part" on power and *on!den*e and on )eet!ng wo)en were great% But "o)e o the a*tual "edu*t!on te*hn!,ue" are down r!ght d!"hone"t and una!r% They really don(t g!&e the wo)an any *ho!*e% Why don(t you -u"t lea&e the) out o the #oo$. Then no one *ould po""!#ly ha&e any o#-e*t!on"% +O$% Let(" get the +una!r+ *harge out o the way% /e"' "o)e' and I )ean SOME o the "edu*t!on ta*t!*" !n th!" #oo$ *ould ea"!ly #e *la""!!ed a" +una!r%+ And' truth to tell' I had "o)e "er!ou" )oral re"er&at!on" a#out putt!ng the) !n the #oo$% 0owe&er' +una!r+ and +a!r+ are relat!&e ter)"% I you and I are !n a #o1!ng )at*h' and we are #oth !ght!ng #y the rule"' then !t !" totally una!r or )e to $!*$ you !n the nut" and po$e you !n the eye"% /ou are !ght!ng #y the rule"' and "o "hould I%
But' ! /OU "tart !ght!ng d!rty' I w!ll eel under no )oral o#l!gat!on what"oe&er to *ont!nue to "tand there l!$e a ool and ta$e !t% I() go!ng to to"" out all the rule" and !ght to w!n' no )atter what !t ta$e"% Unortunately' when you deal w!th wo)en' you )ay oten !nd your"el !n that type o "!tuat!on% They e1pe*t you to play #y the rule"' #ut they eel pere*tly ree to do whate&er T0E/ want% For e1a)ple' lot" o wo)en are )ore than happy to "pend your )oney and t!)e' and generally lead you on' lett!ng you th!n$ you ha&e a reward 2"e1ual3 *o)!ng% They tal$ a#out "e1 on the date' tou*h you a lot' and ACT &ery "edu*t!&e% Then when you )a$e a pa""' they rea$ out and "*rea) a#out what an!)al" )en are' how we(re only ater one th!ng% Or they let you ha&e !t w!th that a)ou" l!ne +I() -u"t not attra*ted to you%+ May#e you !nd out that "he wa" -u"t u"!ng you a" a "o*!al +"pare t!re+ #e*au"e her #oyr!end wa" out o town or a ew wee$" and "he d!dn(t want to "!t at ho)e alone and loo$ at the our wall"% O *our"e' ! you really want to #e a +gentle)an+ you )ay not !nd any o th!" out unt!l the th!rd or ourth date% /ou don(t want to #eha&e l!$e an an!)al and )a$e a pa"" on the !r"t date' do you. So you hold o awh!le' and then the "lap !n the a*e hurt" e&en )ore% Now' any *h!*$ who pull" th!" o DESER4ES to #e on the re*e!&!ng end o the )o"t una!r ta*t!*" you *an u"e% /ou are under no )oral o#l!gat!on to #e her &!*t!)' and you are a ool ! you per)!t !t% So' #y all )ean"' play a!r w!th a wo)an unt!l "he "how" you that "he !" play!ng una!r w!th you% A" "oon a" "he "tart" to pull "h!t' then e!ther wal$ away *o)pletely or let her ha&e !t w!th e&eryth!ng you ha&e !n your ar"enal% And wh!le we(re on the "u#-e*t o a!r' !" !t +a!r+ that the good5loo$!ng and r!*h guy" "hould get all the #eaut!ul wo)en wh!le you and I ha&e to "ettle or the dog". Are you any le"" de"er&!ng o *o)plete "e1ual "at!"a*t!on than "o)e pretty #oy who wa" #le""ed #y genet!*" and Daddy(" #an$ a**ount. Why "hould you -u"t )ee$ly roll o&er' and a**ept a "!tuat!on that SUC6S' good #uddy' when you *an #e gett!ng your "hare' and then "o)e7 So)eth!ng el"e to *on"!der8 When !t *o)e" to "e1' wo)en ha&e a )a""!&e power ad&antage% It(" relat!&ely ea"y or e&en a at' ugly troll to o#ta!n "e1ual "at!"a*t!on% All "he ha" to do !" go to any #ar or *lu#' a*t e&en )!ldly l!rtat!ou"' and #e w!ll!ng to put out% She(" "ure to get la!d' ! not #y the #e"t loo$!ng guy' then at lea"t #y "o)eone% It(" )u*h harder or e&en a de*ent loo$!ng guy to get "at!"a*t!on' "e1ually% FOR 9U/S' 9ETTIN9 LAID IS A C0ORE% FOR WOMEN' 9ETTIN9 LAID IS A C0OICE% Ne&er orget th!" d!eren*e !n the #alan*e o power #etween the "e1e"% The tr!*$" and ta*t!*" you(ll learn !n th!" #oo$ w!ll )a$e you one o tho"e rare guy" who !" on the *ho!*e "!de o that power e,uat!on% Wh!le we are here I #etter )a$e "o)eth!ng el"e *lear% I do NOT #el!e&e that "e1 !" the #e all and end all o relat!ng to wo)en% Nor do I #el!e&e that !t !" alway" ne*e""ary or e&en DESIRABLE to u"e the ta*t!*" outl!ned !n th!" #oo$' 2whether a!r or una!r3 to get a wo)an to "leep w!th you% It !" *erta!nly po""!#le that the part!*ular wo)an you an*y )ay #e ")art enough and ha&e enough good "en"e to want you -u"t a" you are' w!thout any ga)e" or #ull"h!t on her part% She )ay al"o #e "ane and p"y*holog!*ally healthy enough to e1pre"" that de"!re naturally' w!thout any hang5up" or gu!lt ga)e"% /ou )!ght e&en !nd 5 ga"p 5 that the r!end"h!p and !nt!)a*y you "hare w!th a lady are )ore !)portant to you than "e1% When you !nd a lady l!$e th!"' *her!"h her a" the rare trea"ure "he !"% 0ang on t!ght' and don(t let go7 Unortunately' #a"ed on )y own e1per!en*e' and the e1per!en*e o hundred" o )en I(&e !nter&!ewed' )o"t wo)en do not !t !nto th!" *ategory% I w!"h they d!d 5 the REALIT/ !" that they do NOT7 The real!ty !" that you' a" a )an' are go!ng to #e "e1ually attra*ted to )any' )any wo)en' &ery ew o who) are go!ng to naturally de"!re you' and who you *an al"o re"pe*t' lo&e and ad)!re% Many o the"e wo)en are go!ng to #e hung5up "e1ually' depre""ed' "uer ro) low "el5e"tee)' eat!ng d!"order"' al*ohol!")' et*% 0e*$' I e&en #r!ely dated a wo)an who turned out to #e #ul!)!*' al*ohol!*' and wa" al"o "e*retly a hoo$er7 Top that or a dat!ng d!"a"ter "tory7 Now' you )ay de*!de' the he*$ w!th !t% I you *an(t at lea"t l!$e and re"pe*t a lady' and ! you ha&e to re"ort to ta*t!*" you learned !n a #oo$' then !t -u"t !"n(t worth !t' and you w!ll "$!p deal!ng w!th "u*h lo"er e)ale" altogether% I *erta!nly *an re"pe*t that *ho!*e: !t(" the *ho!*e I e&entually )ade )y"el% But only /OU *an )a$e that *ho!*e% E&en ! you do' th!" #oo$ w!ll "t!ll #e o great &alue to you' #e*au"e you w!ll learn anta"t!* te*hn!,ue" or !)pro&!ng your *on!den*e' )eet!ng and p!*$!ng up wo)en anywhere' any t!)e' and how to ,u!*$ly re*ogn!;e and "w!tly el!)!nate all the nutty5lo"er" BEFORE they get to e)pty your wallet' #end your #ra!n' and $!*$ your heart !n% /ou(ll #e a#le to get r!d o the d!rt' "o you *an en-oy the d!a)ond"% 3 A FEW MORE WORDS BEFORE WE 9ET ON WIT0 T0IS BOO6 There(" one #!g )!"ta$e that all the "o *alled +<!*$5up Ch!*$"+ #oo$" "ee) to )a$e% That !"' T0E/ DON(T TELL /OU 0OW TO 0A4E T0E CONFIDENCE AND <OWER TO ACTUALL/ 9O OUT AND USE ALL T0EIR 9REAT +SEDUCTION+ SU99ESTIONS% Th!" !" a CRITICAL )!"ta$e% 9reat ad&!*e doe" you no good at all ! you *an(t a*tually go out and A<<L/ !t% All !t really doe" !" )a$e you eel wor"e' #e*au"e now you $now what to do #ut you STILL *an(t do !t% At lea"t when you were !gnorant you had an e1*u"e% Th!" #oo$ w!ll NOT )a$e that )!"ta$e: !n a*t the whole !r"t "e*t!on !" ded!*ated to "how!ng you how to ha&e the *on!den*e and power to #e a#le to ea"!ly u"e and apply the ta*t!*" !n the other two "e*t!on" o the #oo$% We(ll al"o "how you how to u"e your own *reat!&!ty "o you *an de&elop your own "edu*t!on ta*t!*" that pere*tly !t your un!,ue per"onal!ty and *!r*u)"tan*e"% Not #ad or one l!ttle #oo$' huh. A FINAL WORD Throughout th!" #oo$' I w!ll #e lay!ng down *erta!n !dea" that you would do well to )e)or!;e and u"e% I "ugge"t you get "o)e = 1 > !nde1 *ard" to wr!te the"e !dea" down "o you *an go o&er the) a" you need to% There w!ll al"o #e e1er*!"e" to do% It !" ESSENTIAL that you DO T0E E?ERCISES% @u"t read!ng the) w!ll get you nowhere% Enough *h!t *hat% Let(" go to #attle )en% CHAPTER ONE
On*e' one o )y "uper5"*or!ng #udd!e" !n&!ted )e to go to a party w!th h!)% Not ha&!ng )u*h o a "o*!al l!e anyway' I a**epted the !n&!tat!on' and #e"!de"' th!" guy REALL/ $new how to get la!d% I "ort o loo$ed at )y"el a" #e!ng one o tho"e ")all "u*$er !"h that atta*h the)"el&e" underneath a "har$(" )outh and l!&e o the #!t" the "har$ "p!t" out% Anyway' we were wander!ng around th!" huge apart)ent *o)ple1' loo$!ng or the party% We were wal$!ng down a hallway when we pa""ed an open door' and there wa" a party go!ng on' #ut !t wa" de!n!tely NOT the party we had #een !n&!ted to% Th!" wa" a or)al aa!r: e&eryone wa" &ery well dre""ed' and )y #uddy and I were #oth wear!ng -ean" and "*ruy tenn!" "hoe"% Through the doorway I "aw a "tunn!ng #londe !n low *ut dre""' "urrounded #y guy" try!ng to h!t on her% My #uddy "aw her too' loo$ed at )e' and went r!ght !nto a*t!on% I "aw h!) wal$ !n the door' *ut through the *rowd o guy"' "ay "o)eth!ng to her that I *ouldn(t hear' and hand her a *ard and a pen% She wrote "o)eth!ng down' and out *a)e )y #uddy' ")!l!ng ear to ear% 0e had gotten her phone nu)#er7 I a"$ed h!) what he "a!d' and he told )e' +I -u"t wal$ed !n there' loo$ed at her' and "a!d' AE1*u"e )e% I "aw you through the doorway' and unl!$e the"e gentle)en here' I don(t ha&e t!)e or ")all tal$% I(d l!$e to ta$e you out% Can I ha&e your ho)e phone nu)#er.( Now' !t(" not alway" ne*e""ary to #e that d!re*t% But !t !" ne*e""ary to gra"p and u"e the att!tude )y #uddy had' the "uper5att!tude wh!*h w!ll get you la!d )ore than any l!ne' tr!*$' good loo$"' an*y *ar or ortune% The att!tude !"8
I MA6E NO E?CUSES FOR M/ DESIRES AS A MAN% I MA6E NO E?CUSES FOR M/SELF% I MO4E T0ROU90 T0E WORLD WIT0OUT A<OLO9/% Do you really want to get la!d w!th all the wo)en you *ould e&er po""!#ly want. Then STO< MA6IN9 E?CUSES FOR /OURSELF7 Don(t )a$e e1*u"e" or want!ng to loo$ at a #eaut!ul wo)an% I you(re *aught loo$!ng' and "he a"$" what you(re do!ng' tell her77 Tell her you(re en-oy!ng "tudy!ng -u"t what a pere*tly #eaut!ul #ody "he ha"' and to he*$ w!th her ! "he(" too upt!ght to appre*!ate a real )an who doe"n(t apolog!;e or $now!ng what he want"7 Stop )a$!ng e1*u"e" or want!ng to )eet a wo)an7 Stop )a$!ng e1*u"e" or want!ng to a"$ a wo)an out' and )o"t o all "top )a$!ng e1*u"e" or want!ng to FUC6 the l!&!ng "h!t out o a wo)an you want7 Th!" $!nd o d!re*t' powerul' go5or5!t5att!tude !" an !n*red!#le turn on or wo)en that *an(t #e #eaten7 L!"ten7 It !"n(t e&en the word" you u"e that *on&ey th!" att!tude7 It(" your tone o &o!*e' your a*!al e1pre""!on"' your po"ture' the "peed at wh!*h you "pea$' e&eryth!ng non5&er#al a#out you w!ll "how th!" att!tude ar )ore than word"% Th!" doe"n(t )ean you ha&e to #e arrogant' or la*$ a "en"e o hu)or% /ou *an #e war) and r!endly at the "a)e t!)e you are #e!ng d!re*t and powerul% The $ey !" !nd!ng the #alan*e% On*e you do you w!ll not #e a#le to $eep wo)en away ro) you% 4 Now' !t(" ea"y to tal$ and tell you that you "hould ha&e th!" att!tude' #ut that won(t help you to a*tually get !t% That(" why the ne1t *ouple o *hapter" are "o !)portant% They w!ll "how you how to !n"tall th!" att!tude !n your"el "o that you auto)at!*ally !nd your"el l!&!ng #y !t !n your approa*h to wo)en% /ou won(t e&en ha&e to try or to +th!n$ a#out !t%+ It w!ll -u"t happen% 0ere(" the other att!tudeB#el!e you(ll want to )a"ter ! you really want to #e a "u**e"" at "*or!ng w!th wo)en l!$e a )ad)an% I DON(T 9ET RATTLED B/ SETBAC6S BECAUSE I LEARN FROM M/ MISTA6ES% I re)e)#er wat*h!ng a T4 "how where the ho"t wa" !nter&!ew!ng a )o&!e "tarB$arate *ha)p who "hall go na)ele""% The ho"t a"$ed h!) what the "e*ret o h!" "u**e"" wa"' and the $arate guy loo$ed at h!) !n that wooden way o h!" and "a!d8 +When I !r"t "tarted out *o)pet!ng !n 6arate Tourna)ent"' I wa"n(t that good% I got #eat a lot' #ut I alway" learned ro) )y )!"ta$e"% In"tead o *ry!ng o&er )y lo"!ng' I -u"t "tud!ed what I would ha&e to do d!erently the ne1t t!)e' and whene&er I )et the "a)e guy aga!n or a d!erent guy !n the "a)e "!tuat!on' I ALWA/S *rea)ed (e)%+ Loo$ 5 unle"" you are unu"ually lu*$y' *han*e" are you are go!ng to )a$e a ew )!"ta$e" a" you pra*t!*e the !dea" !n th!" #oo$% And' a" great a" the"e tr!*$" are' they won(t wor$ e&ery "!ngle t!)e% Unle"" you $now how to learn ro) your )!"ta$e" and a**ept and o**a"!onal lo""' you w!ll get nowhere% The )o"t "u**e""ul guy" I $now at "*or!ng all ha&e two great "trength"8 They ha&e the !r"t power att!tude we(&e -u"t loo$ed at' and they al"o $now how to a**ept gett!ng re-e*ted w!thout !t #other!ng the) and they learn ro) the!r )!"ta$e"% O$% A" I pro)!"ed' let(" get on to the ne1t *ouple o *hapter" wh!*h w!ll "how you how to a*tually l!&e the"e att!tude" !n"tead o -u"t read!ng a#out the)% CHAPTER TWO 0OW TO INSTALL T0E SU<ER 9ET LAID ATTITUDES IN /OURSELF SO /OU USE T0EM AUTOMATICALL/ There !" one ")all po!nt you ha&e to get #eore you *an u"e th!" e1er*!"e% Ta$e a )!nute to !)ag!ne your"el r!d!ng !n a roller *oa"ter% See your"el "!tt!ng !n the ront *ar' r!d!ng up and down% Now' )a$e another p!*ture o a roller *oa"ter' #ut th!" t!)e' do NOT "ee your"el !n the p!*ture% See !t a" ! you were a*tually loo$!ng out o your own eye"' "!tt!ng !n the roller *oa"ter% R!de or a ew )o)ent"% Now' wh!*h one o tho"e elt )ore real !n your #ody. I(ll #et anyth!ng !t wa" the "e*ond $!nd% An !)age or goal only appear" real to your )!nd ! !t *o)e" !n the "e*ond or)' a" ! you were "ee!ng !t through your own eye"% T0E FAILURE TO UNDERSTAND T0IS SIM<LE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN T0E TWO 6INDS OF MENTAL <ICTURES <EO<LE MA6E IS T0E SIN9LE BI99EST REASON W0/ MOST <EO<LE NE4ER REAC0 T0EIR 9OALS% /ou *ould !)ag!ne your"el a*t!ng *on!dent and powerul unt!l you are #lue !n the a*e' #ut unle"" you g!&e your )!nd "o)e *ue" a" to when !t !" go!ng to tap !nto tho"e p!*ture" you w!ll get NOW0ERE% /ou w!ll ne&er tap !nto all tho"e great re"our*e" you(&e #een !)ag!n!ng% For ea"e we are go!ng to *all the !r"t $!nd o p!*ture' where you do "ee your"el' p!*ture type C' and the "e*ond $!nd o p!*ture where you do not "ee your"el' p!*ture type D% O$% Now that we ha&e )ade that *lear' let(" get on to the e1er*!"e% Step One8 Re*all a t!)e !n your pa"t when you elt *on!dent and powerul% A t!)e where you ully elt the way you(d l!$e to eel around wo)en% Th!" *an #e anywhere and a#out anyth!ng 5 a great gol "hot you )ade' or an +A+ #oo$ report you d!d !n "*hool% Step Two8 Clo"e your eye"' and "ee your"el !n the !r"t $!nd o p!*ture' go!ng through that e1per!en*e aga!n% Step Three8 5 Now' "tep !nto the p!*ture' and "ee the e&ent" a" ! you were a*tually loo$!ng out ro) your own eye"% See what you "aw' hear what you heard' and eel how good !t elt !n your #ody% When tho"e eel!ng" o *on!den*e and power rea*h the!r pea$ !n your #ody' rea*h o&er w!th your r!ght hand' and g!&e your let wr!"t a ",uee;e% Run through th!" tw!*e )ore' g!&!ng the "a)e ",uee;e !n the "a)e pla*e% Th!" w!ll tra!n your )!nd to re*all tho"e eel!ng" o power and *on!den*e whene&er you ",uee;e your wr!"t the way you are do!ng now%
Step Four8 Th!n$ o a "!tuat!on or *!r*u)"tan*e where you would l!$e to #e )ore powerul w!th wo)en or )ore po!"ed or whate&er !t !" you(d l!$e% Step F!&e8 <!*ture !t the "e*ond way' a" ! !t were go!ng on and you were "ee!ng !t through your own eye"% Step S!18
A" you do "o' rea*h o&er w!th your r!ght hand and ",uee;e your let wr!"t' tr!gger!ng your *on!den*e an*hor% Th!" w!ll tra!n your )!nd to auto)at!*ally *all up the eel!ng" o *on!den*e and power when you are !n a "!tuat!on l!$e the one you are "ee!ng through your own eye"% /ou won(t e&en ha&e to th!n$ a#out do!ng !t' wh!*h !" the ad&antage% 2And that(" why an*hor!ng wor$" where +po"!t!&e th!n$!ng+ won(t' #e*au"e oten #y the t!)e you get your"el th!n$!ng po"!t!&ely' !t(" already too late%3 Now' on*e you(&e done th!"' I want you to do !t aga!n' #ut th!" t!)e I want you to p!*$ d!erent *!r*u)"tan*e" where you(d l!$e to u"e your +power att!tude+ that we tal$ed a#out !n the !r"t *hapter% Ma$e one a "!tuat!on where you "ee a #eaut!ul wo)an you(d l!$e to tal$ to% Another *ould #e )a$!ng a pa"" at a wo)an #a*$ at your pla*e% 9o through the "!tuat!on w!th the !r"t $!nd o p!*ture' "ee!ng your"el !n the p!*ture% Then "tep !nto the p!*ture' and go through !t' eel!ng what !t would eel l!$e' loo$!ng through your own eye"% Do the "a)e th!ng or the "e*ond +learn!ng ro) your )!"ta$e"+ att!tude% See your"el )a$!ng a )!"ta$e' eel!ng o$ a#out !t' and learn!ng whate&er le""on you need "o you *an do !t d!erently ne1t t!)e% Then "tep !nto the p!*ture and "ee !t through your own eye"% CHAPTER THREE BELIE4E IT OR NOT' 0OW TO 0A4E E4EN MORE CONFIDENCE WIT0 WOMEN A great deal o "u**e"" and power w!th wo)en ha" noth!ng to do w!th how you a*t and eel a#out the)' #ut a lot to do w!th how you a*t and eel a#out your"el% What we(re really tal$!ng a#out here !" SELF5RES<ECT% <lenty o )en who wouldn(t ta$e a #!t o *rap ro) another guy turn !nto down r!ght "p!nele"" w!)p" when !t *o)e" to wo)en% Whether they are rel!&!ng old dra)a" w!th a )o))y they *ouldn(t plea"e a" *h!ldren' or are "*ared or "o)e other rea"on' they put the wo)an !r"t% Other guy" ha&e a "l!ghtly d!erent pro#le)% They )ay not ta$e any *rap ro) a wo)an' #ut gett!ng la!d !" SO da)n !)portant to the) that they lo"e "!ght o other pr!or!t!e"% In a "en"e !n lo"e" all the un a"pe*t"' and get" to #e a *o)pul"!on% 9uy" l!$e th!" )ay w!n the #attle"' #ut they are de!n!tely lo"!ng the war% Wo)en )ay #e n!*e add!t!on" to your l!e' and ! you !nd the r!ght one' you )!ght e&en *ho"e to )a$e her part o the *enter o your"% But a l!e "pent do!ng noth!ng #ut *ha"!ng wo)en !" a pretty "tup!d one% I that !" your pro#le)' then pull your"el up "hort or a )!nute' and a"$ your"el ! you )!ght #e )!""!ng "o)e o the other plea"ure" l!e ha" to oer% /ou )!ght #e "ho*$ed to learn that a ,u!et e&en!ng at ho)e w!th a good #oo$ *an a*tually #e )ore "t!)ulat!ng than a #or!ng date w!th a huge #rea"ted #!)#o w!th a roo) te)perature I%E% So here(" a h!nt or !n*rea"!ng your *on!den*e w!th wo)en8 STO< NEEDIN9 T0EM SO MUC07 And a good way to do that !" go!ng out and !nd!ng a ho##y that you *an really en-oy% So)eth!ng that get" you AWA/ ro) wo)en% Not only w!ll th!" !n*rea"e your *on!den*e a" you are on the prowl' !t pro&!de" a great e"*ape or when that "pe*!al lady you are w!th put" a #!t o "tre"" and "tra!n on your #ra!n' a" they "o oten w!ll% <er"onally' I preer B!g Mouth Ba"" F!"h!ng% Mo"t wo)en hate e&en the thought o "o)e !*$y' "l!)y !"h lopp!ng all o&er the)' and wouldn(t e&en *on"!der a"$!ng to go along w!th you% And #e"!de"' I en-oy *at*h!ng "o)eth!ng w!th a #!g )outh' and #e!ng a#le to !n"tantly throw !t away ! I eel l!$e !t% Wo)en are not "o ea"y% 6 CHAPTER FOUR STILL MORE CONFIDENCE AND <OWER WIT0 WOMEN7 0ere !" a )ag!* word that w!ll #r!ng you load" o "u**e"" w!th wo)en' and get you la!d l!$e *ra;y% It wor$" w!th all wo)en' #ut the )ore #eaut!ul the wo)an' the #etter !t wor$"% The word !"8 NO7 That(" r!ght% No7 The "a)e word that w!ll $eep a puppy ro) wett!ng the *arpet w!ll al"o $eep a wo)an ro) "h!tt!ng on you7 /ou )u"t "ay no to a wo)an on*e !n a wh!le' when !t !" o&er an !""ue o !)portan*e' and when you )ean !t% No )atter how gorgeou"' or great !n the "a*$ or how otherw!"e wonderul "he )ay #e 2and who el"e #ut "u*h a godde"" *ould po""!#ly #eg!n to de"er&e to #e !n /OUR *o)pany.3 you )u"t #e w!ll!ng to wal$ away ro) her ! you *an(t deal w!th her ro) a po"!t!on o "el5 re"pe*t% And "el5re"pe*t' )y r!end' !" )o"tly a )atter o what you "ay no to% It(" a #oundary "et #y what !" not per)!tted' tolerated or allowed% And wh!le !t )ay #e negat!&e ro) th!" "e)ant!* "en"e' !n real!ty !t !" the )o"t power and po"!t!&e or*e you ha&e go!ng or you% When a wo)an "en"e" !t !n you' "he $now" "he(" ound "o)eth!ng "he(" !n"t!n*t!&ely wanted "!n*e "he real!;ed "he(" e)ale8 A MAN S0E COULD NE4ER 0O<E TO CONTROL% I $now th!" !"n(t ea"y% It hurt"' really hurt" to ha&e to wal$ away ro) "o)eone you really d!g #e*au"e "he !"n(t treat!ng you r!ght% But lo&e *an oten #e l!$e a "treet !ght' and re)e)#er the "treet !ghter(" nu)#er one rule8 Ignore the pa!n and *arry out your oen"!&e w!th e&eryth!ng you(&e got% I you *an pull th!" o' you w!ll wal$ w!th a *on!den*e and power that wo)en o all age" w!ll #e a#le to "en"e% And )ore !)portantly' you(ll l!$e the guy who l!&e" !n"!de your "$!n% CHAPTER FI.E /ET MORE CONFIDENCE AND <OWER WIT0 WOMEN
9eorge S% <atton @r%' the hell5or5leather 9eneral o World War II a)e wa" on*e a"$ed what he thought o h!" r!&al' the Br!t!"h F!eld Mar"hall Montgo)ery% <atton repl!ed' +0e(" the #e"t 9eneral the Br!t!"h ha&e% But he(" )ore !ntere"ted !n not lo"!ng than he !" !n w!nn!ng% Unortunately or )any )en' that(" the!r att!tude toward wo)en% They wal$ on egg5"hell"' *aut!ou" a" *an #e' hop!ng aga!n"t hope that they don(t )a$e a )!"ta$e% I you want to ha&e D/NAMIC power w!th wo)en' #eg!n to o*u" on what you want' and what you are go!ng to do' not on what you )!ght lo"e or what(" go!ng to happen to you ! you don(t w!n% O *our"e' g!&e the r!"$" a glan*e% But don(t o*u" on the)% Fo*u" on what you de"!re% What w!ll !t #e l!$e when you(re w!th that wo)an you want. What w!ll you "ee. What w!ll you hear. What w!ll you eel !n your #ody. The"e are the $!nd" o ,ue"t!on" that w!ll get you e1*!ted a#out and a!)ed at w!nn!ng' !n"tead o *r!ng!ng at lo"!ng% E&en ! you $now you ha&e "o)e *o)pet!t!on you(ll #e a#le to g!&e !t your #e"t "hot' #e*au"e your )a-or o*u" w!ll #e on your out*o)e% In "hort8
9LANCE AT W0AT /OU MI90T 0A4E TO LOSE' BUT FOCUS ON W0AT /OU WANT TO WIN% CHAPTER SI/ 0OW TO FA6E LI6E /OU ARE WARM AND FRIENDL/ When I wa" !n *ollege' and "truggl!ng -u"t to get a date' let alone get la!d r!ght and let' I $new one guy who ALWA/S had great loo$!ng wo)en around h!)% 0e "ee)ed to $now pra*t!*ally e&ery g!rl on *a)pu"' and they(d alway" *o)e up to h!) and g!&e h!) hug" and $!""e"% No' he wa" not a *o$e dealer or a p!)p% O all th!ng"' he wa" an e&angel!"t% Now' I() *erta!nly not ad&o*at!ng @e"u" Frea$ery a" the way to get your ween!e wet% But you )!ght ta$e a ew le""on" ro) th!" guy' Chr!"% I(d wat*h h!) go to wor$ on wo)en who were a#"olute "tranger" and w!th!n a ew )!nute"' they(d #e laugh!ng and pun*h!ng h!) playully' "o)et!)e" g!&!ng h!) hug"% I !t weren(t or the Lord' Chr!" would ha&e #een the #!g "tud on *a)pu"% 7 And what wa" h!" "e*ret' a "e*ret I hope /OU u"e to laun*h you on the way to gett!ng la!d l!$e a #and!t. 0!" a!n!ty and war)th )ade wo)en eel ADORED% 0e d!dn(t *o)e on all hot and hea&y' l!$e a hungry wol on the prowl% 0e *a)e on w!th all the r!endl!ne"" and un at h!" d!"po"al 5 a" ! the"e "trange wo)en were long lo"t r!end" that he dearly lo&ed% And they #ought !t7 E&en the *h!*$!e"t wo)an' who !" &ery upt!ght a#out #e!ng a "e1 o#-e*t' want" to eel lo&ed and "pe*!al% And -u"t #y the war)th !n the tone o h!" &o!*e and h!" ")!le he )ade the"e g!rl" eel a" ! they WERE long lo"t r!end"% Loo$ at !t th!" way8 E&en the na"t!e"t per"on !nd" !t hard to rea*t earully or angr!ly to "o)eone who )a$e" the) eel lo&ed and appre*!ated% I "ugge"t you )a$e th!" AS IF pr!n*!ple part o your #ag o tr!*$"% The ne1t t!)e you approa*h a wo)an who !" )a$!ng you #ur"t out o your pant" w!th lu"t' try putt!ng a"!de the lu"t and turn!ng on the war)th% Con&ey!ng war)th and a!n!ty !"n(t "o tough 5 -u"t th!n$ o how you loo$ and "ound when you "ee a n!e*e or nephew' or e&en a pet that del!ght" you% No' I a) not "ugge"t!ng #a#y tal$ a" a way o "*or!ng #a#e"% I() try!ng to g!&e you an e1a)ple o where !t(" natural or you to #eha&e the way I(d l!$e you to try #eha&!ng w!th wo)en% The !)portant pr!n*!ple to apply here !" that T0E MEANIN9 OF /OUR COMMUNICATION IS T0E RES<ONSE IT 9ETS% I you u"e a tone o &o!*e or a a*!al e1pre""!on that )a$e" wo)en earul or "u"p!*!ou"' then no )atter how *le&er your word" are' the )e""age you *on&ey to her !" that "he "hould #e ara!d and "u"p!*!ou" o you% I &o!*e tone and phy"!ology 2and aga!n I don(t )ean your appearan*e per "e' #ut rather your po"ture and a*!al e1pre""!on"3 are "o *ru*!al !n how wo)en rea*t to you' then what !" the $ey to produ*!ng &o!*e tone and phy"!ology. /our #el!e and e1pe*tat!on a#out your out*o)e% I you #el!e&e you are go!ng to get re-e*ted then you are e!ther go!ng to *on&ey ear' and )a$e her earul or el"e you are go!ng to try to #eat her to the pun*h and a*t "o o#no1!ou" that "he re-e*t" you r!ght o' "o you don(t ha&e to wa!t too long !n "u"pen"e or your negat!&e pred!*t!on to *o)e true% /ou -u"t want to get !t o&er w!th ,u!*$ly "o you a*tually produ*e the hu)!l!at!on that you #el!e&e you *annot a&o!d% By *ontra"t' ! you a*t a" ! you truly were "o)eone who e&eryone l!$ed and re*e!&ed war)ly' then that war)th !" what your tone and phy"!ology w!ll *on&ey' and that(" the re"pon"e you w!ll get' n!ne t!)e" out o ten% I() not "ay!ng you(ll get la!d w!th e&eryone you approa*h' #ut "eldo) w!ll you ha&e a na"ty e1per!en*e e!ther% And any wo)an who doe"n(t re"pond po"!t!&ely to war)th and a!n!ty !" "er!ou"ly "!*$ and "hould #e a&o!ded at all *o"t" anyway% <RACTICE E?ERCISE8 O6' I $now th!" one !" go!ng to SEEM a l!ttle "!lly' #ut !t(" go!ng to help you get la!d l!$e CRAF/' "o -u"t do !t7 Step One8
Re)e)#er the word" to the pledge o alleg!an*e% In *a"e you don(t here they are8 2/ou )ay "tand and put your hand o&er your heart ! you "o *hoo"e%3
I pledge alleg!an*e to the lag o the Un!ted State" o A)er!*a' and to the Repu#l!* or wh!*h !t "tand"' one nat!on' under 9od' !nd!&!"!#le' w!th l!#erty and -u"t!*e or all% Step Two8 <ra*t!*e' out loud' "ay!ng the"e word" w!th all the war)th and r!endl!ne"" you *an )u"ter%
Step Three8 <ra*t!*e "ay!ng the) out loud a" ! you thought they were the unn!e"t th!ng !n the world and you )!ght *ra*$ up laugh!ng at any )o)ent% O6' "o you eel a #!t "!lly pra*t!*!ng 2and ! "o)eone "hould *at*h you they )ay th!n$ you(&e -o!ned the @ohn B!r*h So*!ety3 and !t "ee)" we!rd% But -u"t re)e)#er 5 IT ISN(T SO MUC0 W0AT /OU SA/ TO A WOMAN' BUT /OUR TONE OF 4OICE W0EN /OU SA/ IT7777 CHAPTER SE.EN 9ETTIN9 0ER ATTENTION T0E 6E/ TO <IC65U<S W0ERE4ER /OU ARE 8 I ha&e a #rother who(" !n ad&ert!"!ng 5 )ore "pe*!!*ally he wr!te" new"paper and )aga;!ne ad *opy% I on*e wat*hed h!) at wor$' and he "at or a#out three hour" and then wrote one "enten*e7 One "enten*e7 I a"$ed h!) why he too$ "o long on one "enten*e and h!" an"wer "tu*$ w!th )e8 It(" that !r"t "enten*e that deter)!ne" whether they e&en read the re"t o the ad7 Loo$ at )eet!ng wo)en l!$e an ad )an who(" wr!t!ng *opy or a new"paper ad% May#e one out o a hundred reader" !" a*t!&ely loo$!ng or the produ*t you are try!ng to "ell' and they w!ll read your whole ad no )atter what the headl!ne "ay"% The re"t o the reader" *ould *are le""% They are #u"y l!pp!ng page"' try!ng to get to the *o)!*" "e*t!on or the "port" page% They w!ll only "top ! "o)eth!ng gra#" the!r attent!on% So !t !" w!th the a&erage *h!*$% In a ew lu*$y "!tuat!on"' your loo$" alone w!ll "nag her% But the re"t o the t!)e you won(t ha&e )u*h *han*e o "ell!ng your produ*t unle"" you gra# her attent!on and gra# !t a"t% 2I $now' you want to gra# "o)eth!ng el"e' #ut that *o)e" later% An!)al%3 Below are "o)e o the #e"t way" to gra# a g!rl(" attent!on% 6eep the) !n )!nd a" you read the ne1t ew *hapter"% 0u)or Appeal!ng to her *ur!o"!ty <utt!ng an unu"ual or une1pe*ted tw!"t on an old' *l!*he p!*$5up Role play!ng Fa$!ng l!$e you already $now her Appeal!ng to her ego Show!ng outrageou" #all" or gut" CHAPTER EIGHT 0OW TO MA6E A WOMAN /OU(4E @UST MET FEEL LI6E S0E(S MET T0E MAN OF 0ER DREAMS The ne1t "tep ater you(&e got her attent!on !" to !ntrodu*e your"el and get her na)e% I hope you are ")art enough to do that w!thout )y ad&!*e% Then you(&e got to *reate the !llu"!on o rapport% For tho"e o you who don(t $now what rapport )ean"' the d!*t!onary de!ne" !t a"8 +A**ord' a!n!ty' relat!on" )ar$ed #y har)ony%+ The te*hn!,ue" you u"e to *reate rapport w!ll &ary a**ord!ng to the type o p!*$5up you are u"!ng% O *our"e' we(&e already gone o&er the proper way to u"e your tone o &o!*e% 0ere are two other &ery "nea$y and powerul way" to *reate rapport w!th a wo)an% /ou "hould u"e the) when you(re a*tually on a date a" well a" when you !r"t )eet a wo)an% They ta$e "o)e pra*t!*e to )a"ter' #ut wor$ ,u!te well% MIRRORIN9 There on*e wa" a &ery powerul and "u**e""ul hypnot!"t #y the na)e o M!lton Er!*$"on% When you are through w!th th!" #oo$ you )ay well want to #u!ld a "hr!ne to Er!*$"on' #e*au"e th!" )an !" go!ng to help get you la!d )ore than ha&!ng a )!ll!on dollar" *a"h and a #ody l!$e S*harwt;negger% Er!*$"on *ould hypnot!;e anyone' e&en the )o"t re"!"tant pat!ent or *l!ent% One o the way" he d!d th!" wa" #y )!rror!ng the #reath!ng o the per"on he wa" hypnot!;!ng% Now' I() go!ng to pau"e or a )!nute "o you *an go through your +Bull"h!t+ rea*t!on% But )!rror!ng "o)eone(" #reath!ng !" a &ery powerul way to )a$e the) un*on"*!ou"ly eel !n tune w!th you% Er!*$"on would wat*h the rate o h!" *l!ent(" #reath!ng and then #eg!n to )at*h !t w!th h!" own #reath!ng' or w!th the pa*e o h!" "pea$!ng% Or he(d tap h!" *he"t w!th h!" hand !n t!)e to the per"on" #reath!ng' and then #eg!n to gradually "low the tapp!ng% The per"on(" #reath!ng would "low !n t!)e to the tapp!ng7 M!rror!ng wor$" #e*au"e your un*on"*!ou" p!*$" up and !" aware o th!ng" your *on"*!ou" )!nd ha" no $nowledge o% To *on&!n*e your"el that th!" !" "o' try th!" e1per!)ent8 9et a r!end o your" and ha&e the) *lo"e the!r eye"% A"$ the) to $eep the!r eye" *lo"ed' and gue"" what you are do!ng% Stand !n ront o the)' and #eg!n "pea$!ng% A" you do "o' "way your head ro) "!de to "!de% A"$ the) what you are do!ng% 9 O *our"e' they w!ll #e a#le to tell you you are )o&!ng your head #a*$ and orth% Now' a"$ the) how they $new they(ll tell you they *ould hear the d!eren*e !n how you "ounded% Now' try !t aga!n' #ut th!" t!)e a"$ the) to $eep the!r eye" open% A"$ ! they *an hear the d!eren*e now' and o *our"e they *an(t. A*tually' they CAN hear the d!eren*e' #e*au"e they "t!ll ha&e the "a)e pa!r o ear" 5 they -u"t aren(t CONSCIOUSL/ aware o !t% But un*on"*!ou"ly' you #et they are7 In the "a)e way' ! you )!rror a *h!*$(" #reath!ng' or her tone o &o!*e' or rate o "pea$!ng' or e&en a part!*ular ge"ture "he u"e"' on a *on"*!ou" le&el "he won(t not!*e% I "he doe" not!*e on a *on"*!ou" le&el' then you are #e!ng too o#&!ou" and "he(" e!ther go!ng to th!n$ you are a we!rdo or are )a$!ng un o her' and ne!ther o the"e w!ll "*ore you po!nt"% But ! you do !t "u#tly' then all "he w!ll $now !" that or "o)e odd rea"on "he "ure "ee)" to eel r!ght down *o)orta#le w!th you' old #uddy' a" ! "he(" lo&ed you or year"7 CHAPTER NINE SOME 9REAT MET0ODS AND 9REAT <LACES TO <IC6 U< MORE WOMEN T0AN /OU AND A FRIEND COULD <OSSIBL/ 0O<E TO 0ANDLE INCLUDIN9 T0E ONL/ TWO <IC65U< LINES IN T0E WORLD T0AT WOR6 SO WELL T0AT T0E/ CAN 9ET /OU LAID AUTOMATICALL/ ECOLO9/ WARNIN97777777 /ou are a#out to learn "o)e &ery ee*t!&e )ethod" or )eet!ng wo)en% Wh!le all o the) are ee*t!&e' "o)e o the) )!ght not #e r!ght or you to u"e !n an o&erall "en"e% I' or e1a)ple' you need to wor$ on #e!ng )ore d!re*t' then u"!ng "o)e o the tr!*$!er )ethod" that rely on gett!ng a wo)an(" attent!on &!a "o)e $!nd o ploy )!ght hurt you !n the long run% U"e your own #e"t -udg)ent and try to th!n$ long ter)% S%!)*e' Bar' E&en though I don(t part!*ularly *are or "!ngle" #ar"' I gue"" I a) o#l!gated to tell you "o)e way" to wor$ the)% 0ere are "o)e th!ng" to $eep !n )!nd ! you want to u"e "!ngle" #ar" to p!*$ up wo)en8 Wo)en !n "!ngle" #ar" are "ort o l!$e )otor*y*le *op"% Motor*y*le *op" ha&e heard e&ery "tory !n the #oo$ ro) people try!ng to tal$ the) out o t!*$et"% Wo)en !n "!ngle" #ar" ha&e heard e&ery "tory and l!ne 2! they are halway de*ent loo$!ng' that !"' and ! not' who *are".3 try!ng to tal$ the) out o the!r pant!e"% S!n*e you are runn!ng aga!n"t the odd"' you are go!ng to ha&e to go through "o)e nu)#er" #eore you get a p!*$5up% Unle"" you are a )o&!e "tar or loo$ l!$e a 9ree$ 9od' !gure a#out CG +no("+ 2would you #el!e&e' +u*$ o+3 or e&ery ye"' ! you are lu*$y% So p!*$ an approa*h you en-oy do!ng' "!n*e you are go!ng to ha&e to u"e !t a lot% <er"onally' I preer a unny approa*h' #e*au"e I l!$e gett!ng a laugh' en-oy a wo)an w!th a "en"e o hu)or' and generally ha&e un w!th th!" angle o atta*$% S!n*e )o"t #ar" are "o loud' what w!th hundred" o people tal$!ng at on*e' and )ore oten than not' )u"!* #la"t!ng a" well' BRIN9 A <EN AND SMALL NOTE <AD777 Th!" w!ll "a&e your &o!*e and allow you to *o))un!*ate7 6eep )o&!ng' and don(t let a le"" than opt!)u) re"pon"e "top you% Th!" !" a nu)#er" ga)e' and ! a part!*ular g!rl !"n(t g!&!ng you the re"pon"e you l!$e' *ut #a!t and )o&e on to greener pa"ture"% O6% 0ere !" )y a&or!te "!ngle" #ar )ethod% It !n&ol&e" u"!ng a note pad and pen% What I do !" p!*$ out a g!rl that !ntere"t" )e' "*r!##le th!" note' and hand !t to her8 +0!'+ I() ta$!ng a "ur&ey on #ad l!ne"% C!r*le wh!*h one you th!n$ !" the wor"t%
+C% ACo)e here oten' "ugar pant".( +D% A0ey' #a#y% Can we go out !n the *old and hug.( +=% A0!% I() ta$!ng a "ur&ey on #ad l!ne"%(+ Th!" al)o"t alway" get" a laugh% When !t doe"n(t' I -u"t wal$ away' #e*au"e ! the *h!*$ *an(t ta$e a -o$e' then to he*$ w!th her% But' a" I "a!d' th!" !" a un' en-oya#le approa*h or )e' !t(" un!,ue and d!erent' and !t(" a good opener% There are lot" o &ar!at!on" on the #a"!* note pad and pen approa*h% /ou *ould pretend you are wr!t!ng a #oo$ or )en and want to "ur&ey wo)en on the #e"t way" to )eet the) !n #ar"% But th!" approa*h )!ght arou"e "o)e "u"p!*!on' and I $!nd o th!n$ !t(" )ore *o))on than you(d #el!e&e% 10 0appy 0our" /our lo*al re"taurant or #ar(" happy hour !" a great pla*e to )eet wo)en% They go there to rela1 and unw!nd ater wor$' and that )ean" al*ohol *on"u)pt!on' and plenty o !t% So' you already ha&e one "tr!$e !n your a&or' #e*au"e the!r !nh!#!t!on" are go!ng to #e a lot le"" than nor)al% The +ta$!ng a "ur&ey )ethod+ wor$" #etter !n th!" "ett!ng than !n a "!ngle" #ar' a" wo)en are' a" I "a!d' le"" "u"p!*!ou"% /ou(re pro#a#ly #etter o "ay!ng that you are wr!t!ng a #oo$ or )en and you are wor$!ng on a *hapter on #ad l!ne"% A"$ the wo)en you )eet to tell you the wor"t p!*$5up l!ne" they(&e e&er heard% They(ll #e )ore than happy to tell you5 one o the th!ng" wo)en do )o"t when they get together or dr!n$" !" to *h!*$ a#out )en' "o you(ll pro#a#ly #e r!ght on "u#-e*t7 Th!" !" a un approa*h' that add" "o)e hu)or to the "tale +#e"t way" to )eet wo)en "ur&ey+ approa*h% /ou(ll )eet lot" o wo)en' and "o)e o the) are #ound to go or you' out o "heer nu)#er" alone% Who $now"' you )!ght !nd out that "o)e o your a&or!te l!ne" are a*tually the one" wo)en th!n$ o a" #e!ng the wor"t7 That alone would )a$e !t worth your wh!le7 Wa%tre''e' One o the th!ng" I not!*ed when I wa" !r"t try!ng out "!ngle" #ar" and happy hour "trateg!e" wa" that the wa!tre""e" were al)o"t alway" #etter loo$!ng than any o the e)ale *u"to)er"7 Ta$e a good loo$ ne1t t!)e you go to the"e pla*e" and you w!ll "ee that I a) r!ght% I lo&e p!*$!ng up wa!tre""e"% There !" ar le"" pre""ure' they ha&e to tal$ to you' and you *an ta$e your t!)e% Unl!$e a g!rl you )eet !n a #ar' who you w!ll )ore than l!$ely ne&er "ee aga!n unle"" you get a date' you *an pretty )u*h $now where and when the wa!tre"" o your drea)" w!ll #e% I "hould po!nt out that w!th wa!tre""e"' a" well a" "ale" *ler$"' and other +wor$!ng wo)en+ you ha&e to de*!de on a one "tep or two "tep approa*h% By that' I )ean that ! th!ng" "ee) to #e go!ng really good on your !r"t )eet!ng' you *an a"$ her out r!ght on the "pot% I not' you *an try to #u!ld )ore rapport on later &!"!t"' #eore you h!t her or the date or phone nu)#er% Wa!tre"" Ba!t A" w!th any p!*$5up' $ey !r"t "tep !" to get your target" attent!on% 0ere are three good way" to do that8 C% The *le&er l!ne approa*h% 0ere(" a l!ne that I(&e u"ed t!)e and aga!n% 9od )u"t ha&e wh!"pered !t !n )y ear' the !r"t t!)e I u"ed !t% It wor$" when you are !n a "!ngle" #ar or other #ar or re"taurant that ha" lot" o e)ale *u"to)er"' and your target !" #u"y "er&!ng dr!n$"% @u"t loo$ at her and "ay' +I -u"t wanted you to $now that n!nety5n!ne per*ent o the wo)en who wal$ !n that door would $!ll the!r own )other" to loo$ hal a" good a" you do%+ Th!" !" pro#a#ly the )o"t ee*t!&e l!ne you w!ll e&er u"e% It(" one th!ng or a #eaut!ul wo)an to hear that a )an th!n$" "he(" good loo$!ng' #ut !t !"n(t really that #!g a deal to her% Ater all' "he already $now" !t !" true' and )ay e&en #e t!red o hear!ng !t% But' wo)en #e!ng "u*h *at5l!$e *reature"' noth!ng plea"e" the) )ore than to $now that they are SO #eaut!ul that other wo)en hate the) or !t and are !n"anely -ealou"7 E&en the )o"t -aded' hard5a""ed wo)an would lo&e to #el!e&e th!" !" true7 D% The d!re*t approa*h% 0ere' you are d!re*t' #ut you al"o a*$nowledge the real!ty that you are a "tranger to her' and that you re"pe*t her need to earn her l!&!ng w!thout #e!ng hara""ed #y p!*$5up art!"t"% Wal$ up to her and "ay' +I don(t )ean to !nterrupt you wh!le you are wor$!ng' #ut I -u"t wanted you to $now that I th!n$ you(re one o the )o"t attra*t!&e wo)en I(&e e&er "een' and I() really glad I wor$ed up the *ourage to !ntrodu*e )y"el to you%+ Tell her your na)e' a"$ her her"' and then let her get #a*$ to wor$% Chan*e" are' "he(ll #e "o !)pre""ed' "he(ll *o)e o&er to tal$ to you% Th!" l!ne !" &ery latter!ng' and what really )a$e" !t wor$ !" the la"t #!t a#out +wor$!ng up the *ourage to )eet you%+ It !)pl!e" that "he(" "o #eaut!ul that you -u"t had to o&er*o)e all that "hyne"" -u"t "o you *ould get a *han*e to )eet her% Wo)en eat th!" l!ne l!$e *andy and !t w!ll get you la!d #y wa!tre""e"' "ale"g!rl" and the l!$e w!th "tartl!ng re,uen*y%
=% The d!rty' "nea$y' a$e l!$e you are !n "how #!; approa*h% 0ere !n L%A%' HH%HHHI o the #etter loo$!ng wa!tre""e" are a"p!r!ng a*tre""e"' wa!t!ng or that #!g #rea$% So)e o the"e wo)en are "o gorgeou" they would )a$e you drool !n your pant"' and they are r!pe or "o)eone who they th!n$ *an help the) along !n the!r *areer% Now' $eep!ng !n )!nd the e*ology warn!ng at the #eg!nn!ng o th!" *hapter' let )e tell you how I "tu)#led on to th!" "*a) and how !t *an help you to "leep w!th the )o"t #eaut!ul wo)en around%
At the t!)e I "tu)#led on th!" approa*h' I had a roo))ate who wor$ed or a ")all aero"pa*e re"ear*h *o)pany% They had -u"t )o&ed !nto a "u!te o o!*e" that pre&!ou"ly had #een o**up!ed #y a talent agen*y% Open!ng a *lo"et one day' they d!"*o&ered a ew hundred p!*ture" o &ery good loo$!ng a*tre""e" who were apply!ng or a role !n a !l)% 11 My roo))ate #rought a#out a hundred o the) ho)e' and a" I wa" go!ng through the)' "lo##er!ng all o&er )y"el' !t "uddenly o**urred to )e that8 Mo"t o the"e g!rl" were pro#a#ly wor$!ng a" wa!tre""e" to "upport the)"el&e"% What #etter way to get a&ora#le attent!on ro) "o)e *ut!e p!e wa!tre"" than to wal$ !nto a #ar or re"taurant w!th the"e and -u"t "tart go!ng through the)% So' that(" what I d!d% And "ure enough' #eore long' a &ery gorgeou" young ood and dr!n$ "er&!*e te*hn!*!an 2#ureau*rate"e or wa!tre""3 *a)e #y to "ee what I wa" do!ng% I told her that )y "!"ter ran a *o)pany that )a$e" )o&!e" or T4 2wh!*h happen" to #e the truth' #ut don(t worry ! you don(t ha&e a "!"ter that doe" that' you *an tal$ a#out )y "!"ter ! you eel gu!lty3 and that "he wanted )e to go through the"e p!*ture" and "ele*t the one" I thought were the )o"t attra*t!&e% Naturally' th!" "weet!e p!e wa" an a"p!r!ng uture O"*ar w!nner' and a"$ed ! "he *ould get a re"u)e to )e% I "a!d !t would ha&e to #e a"t' a" )y "!"ter wanted to $now #y to)orrow% O *our"e' "he !n&!ted )e to *o)e #a*$ to her pla*e ater wor$ to get the p!*ture' and well' we had a ew dr!n$" and%%%%%%%% The $ey to th!" )ethod !" not to )a$e !t "ee) l!$e you are #la*$)a!l!ng her% Tell her you would #e happy to "u#)!t her p!*ture and re"u)e to the r!ght per"on% Ater you ha&e agreed to that' T0EN a"$ her out% The threat o you not do!ng !t ! "he doe"n(t a**ept ha"n(t #een )ade' and n!*e guy that you are' you wouldn(t e&en th!n$ o !)ply!ng !t% But "he )!ght #e ara!d o lo"!ng your good w!ll' and "o w!ll a**ept% Try to get her to go out w!th you on the "pot% Now' "o)e o you )ay #e wonder!ng' +Well' !t "ound" great% But what ! I don(t ha&e a roo))ate who happen" to wor$ or an aero"pa*e re"ear*h *o)pany that happen" to #e !n the "a)e o!*e that u"ed to #e u"ed #y a talent agen*y.+ 9ood ,ue"t!on% What you do !" put a "!)ple ad !n your lo*al paper along the"e l!ne"8 +Model" wanted7 All e1pen"e" pa!d' plu" J>GG%GG photo "hoot !n Tah!t!7 Send K 1 CG to8 /our Na)e <rodu*t!on"' /our Addre""%+ That "hould get you "o)e n!*e re"pon"e"%
Street a!, S$per0ar1et P%21$p'3 One o the toughe"t pla*e" to p!*$5up wo)en !" r!ght on the "treet' and that(" why I lo&e !t: !t(" a real *hallenge% O *our"e' one o the ea"y way" out !" the old +ta$!ng a "ur&ey+ )ethod' #ut that !"n(t nearly a" )u*h un a" u"!ng l!ne"% The a#"olute $ey to "treet p!*$5up" !" to #e &ery up#eat' happy' war) and r!endly% Do NOT *o)e on hea&y on the "treet% Wo)en are naturally 2and -u"tly3 *aut!ou" !n the #!g *!ty% 0ere(" a great "treet p!*$5up or you that w!ll al"o wor$ !n a "uper)ar$et% I *all !t the *o)pl!)ent "tr!ng%
<!*$ out your target' then wal$ along"!de her% F!nd one th!ng a#out her you *an genu!nely *o)pl!)ent' then "ay8 +I l!$e your hat%+
She(ll "ay +Than$ you%+ Then "ay' +I l!$e your wat*h%+
She(ll "ay +Than$ you%+ Then what you do !" pau"e' "ort o loo$ at her "!deway" or a )o)ent' and "ay w!th a" )u*h *har) and good hu)or a" you *an8
+Co)e to th!n$ o !t' I l!$e e&eryth!ng%+
N!ne t!)e" out o ten that w!ll get a #!g laugh% I "he doe"n(t laugh' "he(" a &ery upt!ght *h!*$ and you(d -u"t get re-e*ted ! you "tra!ght a"$ed her out anyway%
On*e "he(" laughed you h!t her w!th th!"8 +My na)e(" LLLLLLLL% By what na)e are you *alled' you "h!n!ng e1a)ple o genet!* pere*t!on.+ 2I $now that "ound" *orny #ut !t w!ll get a #!g laugh% Tru"t )e%3
On*e "he tell" you' you "ay'
+/ou $now' I *an tell you(re wo)an w!th anta"t!* good ta"te% And you $now how I $now that.+ She(ll a"$ how%
+Be*au"e you laugh at all o )y -o$e"%+ 12 She(ll laugh aga!n% Then you h!t her w!th another laugh l!ne% +Do you #el!e&e !n !rrat!onal and "el5deeat!ng !natuat!on at !r"t "!ght.+ She(ll laugh aga!n% I "he "ay" ye"' then you "hould -o$!ngly loo$ hea&enward and "ay' +Than$ you' 9od% Would you l!$e to get a *up o *oee.+ I "he "ay" no 2to the !natuat!on ,ue"t!on' not your *oee !n&!tat!on3' you "ay' +9reat% Then I() not #e!ng !rrat!onal ! I a"$ you to ha&e a *up o *oee 2or "o)e ro;en yogurt' or whate&er !" near#y and *on&en!ent3% Whate&er the re"pon"e' you want to try to !n&!te her to do "o)eth!ng w!th you' !n a pu#l!* pla*e' r!ght then and there% I "he "ay" "he(d l!$e to' #ut !" !n a hurry to get "o)ewhere' a"$ her out or that e&en!ng' ! !t !" at all ea"!#le% Say "o)eth!ng l!$e +I(d #e &ery lattered ! you(d ha&e d!nner w!th )e ton!ght%+ Be d!re*t' #ut *har)!ng at the "a)e t!)e' and don(t #a*$ down7 /our &ery d!re*tne"" !" part o what )a$e" you appeal!ng' and when you *o)#!ne !t w!th *har)' a ")!le' and the a#!l!ty to )a$e her laugh' you are really go!ng to h!t her hard% And that #!t a#out #e!ng +lattered%+ Well' or "o)e rea"on I *an(t !gure' that wor$" &ery well% Ma$e "ure you add that !n% It(" l!$e you(re "ay!ng that the n!*e"t *o)pl!)ent a#out your"el would #e to #e "een !n pu#l!* w!th her% Th!" approa*h w!ll al"o wor$ well !n a "uper)ar$et% It(" un!,ue' d!erent' unny' d!re*t' and un and ro)ant!* or you and her% I d!"*o&ered another great "uper)ar$et p!*$5up totally #y a**!dent% I wa" "uer!ng through another atta*$ o hay5e&er dur!ng allergy "ea"on' "o I went to the lo*al O"*o drug "tore to get "o)eth!ng or !t% A" I wa" wal$!ng along I "p!ed an !n*red!#le honey wear!ng &ery t!ght -ean" and an e,ually t!ght T5"h!rt% A" I wal$ed #y her' I had to "nee;e' #ut the "nee;e wouldn(t *o)e out' "o I pau"ed r!ght ne1t to her a" I "truggled to "nee;e% I not!*ed her loo$!ng at )e' and !n"tantly )y )agn!!*ently "lea;y #ra!n phon!ed up a "*a)% W!th one !nger up to )y no"e' a" ! I were a#out to "nee;e' I "a!d to her'
+Do )e a a&or% <ound )e really hard on the #a*$%+ She "a!d' +Are you "ure.+ I "a!d' +/e"%+ She ga&e )e a good "lap' and I "a!d' +Well' !t d!dn(t help the "nee;e' #ut I th!n$ I -u"t ell !n lo&e% What(" your na)e.+
Then I h!t her w!th the other l!ne" you(&e already "een% Unortunately' "he wa" )arr!ed% Oh well% But I(&e u"ed the l!ne on other o**a"!on" w!th "u**e""% It(" a nu)#er" ga)e' good #uddy' a nu)#er" ga)e% But you(ll !nd th!" +"nee;e+ l!ne wor$" well !n -u"t a#out any pu#l!* +non5p!*$5up+ "ett!ng' "u*h a" the #ea*h' par$"' et*% Try !t' and you(ll "ee !t(" noth!ng to "nee;e at% 0a ha ha ha ha ha ha% That(" what(" *alled an author(" r!ght to a#u"e h!" reader"%
H" T A'1 A W0a! O$t Whe! Y$4re Bth I! Fr!t O# Other Pep*e On*e I wa" !n #ar#er "hop' gett!ng )y ha!r *ut' and an !n*red!#ly "e1y lady wa" wa!t!ng her turn% She wa" wear!ng a "$!rt that wa" "o "hort that you *ould ea"!ly "ee her -u!*y th!gh"% 0er leg" were "*rea)!ng out to #e )!ne' #ut what *ould I do. Although I wa" #u"y *hatt!ng w!th her !n ront o the #ar#er and the other people wa!t!ng the!r turn' I *ouldn(t gra*!ou"ly a"$ her out r!ght there !n ront o e&eryone' *ould I. I "tarted re&!ew!ng )y other opt!on"% I *ould hang around ater )y ha!r*ut' and wa!t or her to !n!"h' and then h!t her a" "he wa" *o)!ng out the door' #ut that would #e la)e' and $!nd o "*ary or her% Well' I d!d a l!ttle )ental e1er*!"e that really help" )e when I() "tu)ped or what to "ay% I )ade a p!*ture !n )y )!nd o )y"el' "!tt!ng !n the #ar#er *ha!r% Then I "aw p!*ture o )y"el "tand!ng a ew eet a away' wat*h!ng )e "!tt!ng !n the #ar#er *ha!r% So)ehow th!" $!nd o +)ental d!"tan*!ng+ )y"el ro) a "!tuat!on alway" help"% Sure enough' the r!ght word" *a)e to )!nd% I "a!d to )y target' +Let(" "ee% /ou(re a $no*$5out !n the loo$" depart)ent' you ha&e the great ta"te to laugh at all )y -o$e"' and you(re al"o &ery "weet% And l!e !" "o una!r that !t(" got to #e the *a"e that you(re e!ther )arr!ed or ha&e a #oyr!end' or #oth%+ Th!" got a laugh ro) e&eryone pre"ent' )o"t !)portantly her% +A*tually' I don(t'+ "he "a!d% By th!" t!)e' !n"tead o #e!ng an e)#arra"")ent' !t had turned !nto great enterta!n)ent or e&eryone pre"ent' and "he wa" en-oy!ng #e!ng the "tar o the "how% /ou *ould ha&e *ut the "!len*e !n that pla*e w!th the #ar#er(" "tra!ght ra;or' a" e&eryone wa!ted to "ee what the out*o)e would #e% +Than$ you' 9od+' I "a!d' loo$!ng hea&enward' hold!ng )y hand" together !n )o*$ prayer% Another laugh ro) all a""e)#led% Then I loo$ed at her' ")!led' pau"ed' then "a!d' +I(d #e &ery lattered ! you(d ha&e d!nner w!th )e ton!ght%+ She "a!d' +I(d lo&e to%+ We "et the t!)e' 13 and "he ga&e )e her addre"" on a p!e*e o paper and !t wa" one o the )o"t en-oya#le and ro)ant!* e&en!ng" I(d e&er had% And her leg" elt a" good a" they loo$ed% A La't D%t2h Meth, That W%** A*0't A*"a-' Get Y$ A Date E&e! A#ter A W0a! Ha' Sa%, 5N5 T G%!) O$t W%th Y$ Th!" )ethod w!ll wor$ H t!)e" out o CG and really $no*$ a wo)an out% /ou "hould u"e !t only ater "he(" reu"ed your !n!t!al oer or a date% I(&e "een !t )elt wo)en who had no !ntere"t !n )e what"oe&er and !n!t!ally reu"ed to go out w!th )e%
It wor$" l!$e th!"% F!nd out when your wa!tre""' or "tore *ler$' or other wor$!ng g!rl !" on "h!t% 9o to your lo*al lor!"t and get a n!*e #ou,uet o w!ldlower" and "u*h )ade up% Don(t go or a do;en red ro"e": that !" way too hea&y% Wr!te on the *ard' +To 20er na)e3' ro) your "e*ret ad)!rer%+ Then ha&e a #uddy del!&er !t on or #eore her "h!t% I you *an(t get a #uddy to do !t' try to tal$ a pa""er#y !nto do!ng !t% <eople u"ually en-oy help!ng out when !t !" a )atter o lo&e% Corny' a!n(t !t.
Wa!t a ew day"' #eore you go or the p!e*e de re"!"tan*e% 9o to your lo*al T5"h!rt "tore' and ha&e the) )a$e up a T5"h!rt% It "hould "ay' +I AM /OUR SECRET ADMIRER%+ <ut th!" "h!rt on under a #utton up "h!rt or -a*$et' and then wal$ !n on your honey p!e(" "h!t% Walt; up to her' tap her on the "houlder' and open your "h!rt or -a*$et% Now' that w!ll )a$e an !)pre""!on% /ou were *le&er' d!erent' un!,ue' and went to all that trou#le -u"t or her% 2Ne&er )!nd that you only ha&e to pay or the "h!rt on*e' #ut *an u"e !t o&er and o&er aga!n% @u"t )a$e "ure !t "tay" *lean' "o !t doe"n(t loo$ u"ed 5 that w!ll really #low !t or you73 Ater "he get" through hugg!ng you' or e&en $!""!ng you' tell her you(d l!$e to "ee her' and you(re w!ll!ng to go to "o)e eort to do !t' and then "o)e% Then a"$ her out% I "he(" got any ")art" and heart at all' "he(ll go or !t% Th!" !" a great' un )ethod' and !t really wor$" l!$e a *har)7 By the way' ! you don(t ha&e a lo*al T5"h!rt "hop' and want to try th!"' you *an order a "h!rt ro) )e% Spe*!y S)all' Med!u)' Large' or ?5tra large' and whether you want the g!rl(" na)e put on the "h!rt' "o that "he $now" or "ure you d!d !t "pe*!ally or her' or whether you want the pla!n' +I AM /OUR SECRET ADMIRER+ )e""age% It(" twenty #u*$"' to the "a)e addre"" and "a)e na)e you "ent your or!g!nal pay)ent or th!" #oo$% CHAPTER TEN SLASHING COMEBACKS FOR SLEA6OID SLUTS7
Wo)en are not alway" "weet and r!endly' dy!ng to )eet you' and eager to ul!ll your e&ery de"!re a" a )an% At t!)e" they *an #e downr!ght na"ty% Who "ay" you ha&e to put up w!th !t' ella". 0ere are "o)e w!*$ed repl!e" to her #!t*hy putdown"' to let her $now -u"t who(" !n *harge7 0ER8 I(M REALL/ NOT INTERESTED IN MEETIN9 /OU% /OU8 One o the"e day" you are go!ng to "ee a )an a*ro"" a roo) and you(re go!ng to want to )eet h!) #ut !t(" not go!ng to happen #e*au"e he(" go!ng to !ntu!t!&ely p!*$ up on your !n*red!#le *apa*!ty or rude #eha&!or% Alternat!&e One8 /OU8 Than$ you or "how!ng )e how war) and e)!n!ne you are% Alternat!&e Two8 /OU8 /ou(&e got a l!ttle p!e*e o "not hang!ng out your no"e% Alternat!&e Three8 /OU8 29a;!ng at her upper l!p3 9ee% It(" a)a;!ng what they *an do w!th ele*troly"!" the"e day"% Alternat!&e Four8
/OU8 2pull out a ta)pon wh!*h you "hould *arry or -u"t th!" purpo"e3 0ere% It(" gotta #e that t!)e o the )onth7 Alternat!&e F!&e8 14 /OU8 I() a lonely per"on try!ng to o&er*o)e )y "hyne"" and you(&e -u"t "la))ed )e #a*$ !nto )y "hell or )onth"% I hope you(re happy% Alternat!&e S!18 /OU8 Ch!ll out' "$!rt7 CHAPTER ELE.EN
0OW TO USE T0E <ERSONALS TO 9ET 0UNDREDS AND 0UNDREDS OF WOMEN TO DATE7 0ere(" how to u"e the per"onal" to get hundred" and hundred" o re"pon"e" ro) -u"t ONE ad7 I got o&er FI4E 0UNDRED re"pon"e" the !r"t t!)e I tr!ed !t 5 you )!ght do e&en #etter% F!r"t' DON(T <LACE A <ERSONAL AD7 Now' I $now I "ee) l!$e I() *ontrad!*t!ng )y"el here' #ut plea"e #ear w!th )e' #e*au"e I() not7 I you pla*e a per"onal ad -u"t l!$e e&ery other guy on the "!ngle" page o your lo*al paper' you aren(t go!ng to attra*t the attent!on that you need7 Re)e)#er' ATTRACTIN9 ATTENTION IS T0E 6E/ TO MEETIN9 WOMEN7 In"tead' pla*e a ")all *la""!!ed ad on the "!ngle" page o your lo*al paper or )aga;!ne% 6eep !t &ery "!)ple and don(t #other w!th artwor$ or an*y tr!))!ng"% The paper )ay do the layout or you or a no)!nal ee 5 ! not' a graph!* art!"t *an do !t% I you really want to go *heap' h!re a art "tudent ro) your lo*al *ollege% 0ere(" how the ad "hould read8 WOMEN8 0ow To F!nd' W!n and 6eep the Lo&e o /our L!e In Th!rty Day" or Le""7 For a#"olutely ree !nor)at!on "end "el5addre""ed "ta)ped en&elope to8 2/OUR ADDRESS 9OES IN 0ERE' DUMM/73 /ou are hal5way ho)e now% In"tead o a ew *ru))y re"pon"e" to a per"onal' you are go!ng to get 0UNDREDS and 0UNDREDS o wo)en wr!t!ng7 Run the ad two or three t!)e"' to *on&!n*e the "$ept!*"% 0ere(" the "e*ond "tep% Wr!te a one to two page letter that !" a per"onal ad or you' de"*r!#!ng E?ACTL/ what you want and don(t want !n a wo)an% Now o *our"e' I *an(t tell you what that !"% But I *an tell you how your letter "hould "tart% Do !t -u"t l!$e th!"8
+Dear Reader' +I ha&e "o)e S0OC6IN9 new" or you% /ou )ay #e -u"t DA/S away ro) )eet!ng T0E LO4E OF /OUR LIFE% +I ha&e e&en MORE "ho*$!ng new" or you% /ou won(t ha&e to "pend )ore than >G *ent" to )eet h!)' and !t "houldn(t ta$e )ore than TEN MINUTES o your t!)e%+ I ha&e STILL MORE "ho*$!ng new" or you% E&en ! th!" "hould happen or you' I w!ll "t!ll owe you a 9REAT' BI9' FAT A<OLO9/% +Allow )e a )!nute to e1pla!n% +Th!" !" NOT a p!t*h or a ("el5help( #oo$% Th!" !" NOT a p!t*h or a (dat!ng "er&!*e( or one o tho"e d!"gu"t!ng (HMN( nu)#er"% It(" not e&en a p!t*h or a "e)!nar' an !rre"!"t!#le lo&e pot!on' or a p"y*h!* a"trolog!*al5pa"t l!e lo&e *hart% +So -u"t what the he*$ IS th!" a p!t*h or then. +Eu!te "!)ply' dear reader' th!" !" a p!t*h or ME7 +O6% Allow )e ANOT0ER )!nute to e1pla!n% +My na)e !" 2your na)e3 and I(&e gone to the a#"urd e1tre)e o pull!ng a *ra;y "tunt l!$e th!" #e*au"e I &ery )u*h want to )eet a 4ER/ S<ECIAL lady to lo&e and en-oy and re"pe*t% Who $now". May#e /OU are her% 15 +I 6NOW you are out there' "o)ewhere% But I(&e re*ently real!;ed that I would ha&e to do "o)eth!ng DRASTIC to get your attent!on' wh!le weed!ng out all the CRAFIES' LOSERS' and DUM5DUMS who are $eep!ng u" ro) )eet!ng ea*h other% +I hope that la"t "enten*e doe"n(t "ee) o&erly negat!&e' #ut I th!n$ !t(" a pretty a**urate de"*r!pt!on o the "!ngle" "*ene' or #oth )en AND wo)en%+ But I d!gre"" %%%% O6' you get the po!nt% Then go on to de"*r!#e your good and #ad po!nt"' what you DON(T want !n a wo)an' and what you do want% F!nally' a"$ the) to "end a letter and a re*ent ull length photo% I you l!$e what you "ee' arrange or a )eet!ng% That(" the SMART way to play the per"onal"% CHAPTER TWEL.E BIRDO99IN9 5 0ow To 9et A 9!rl When She(" W!th Another 9uy 2Or When /ou(re W!th Another 9!rl3 /ou(re at a party' and "o ar the a*t!on !" "low% The *la""!e"t g!rl" there are the one" who don(t ha&e *oo$!e *ru)#" !n the!r )u"ta*he"% /ou(re "er!ou"ly *on"!der!ng go!ng ho)e and thu)#!ng through that u"ed *opy o T!t and Bu)% And then%%%!n "he wal$"% A "tunn!ng ra&en ha!red #eauty' !n t!ght re&eal!ng red dre""' her pert #rea"t" "tra!n!ng aga!n"t the th!n' *l!ng!ng )ater!al' n!pple" -utt!ng' pout!ng #low -o# l!p" parted e&er "o !n&!t!ngly% But you not!*e' to your *hagr!n' that "he(" w!th another guy% What w!ll you do. What w!ll you do............... 0ere(" two approa*he" or you to try8 A<<ROAC0 NUMBER ONE8
A" you l!t a#out the roo)' )a$e *a"ual eye *onta*t w!th the g!rl% Try to "ee ro) her re"pon"e ! "he(" !ntere"ted% I you *an(t tell' MO4E IN AN/WA/% Th!" !" a "ae )ethod 5 he won(t get a *han*e to pun*h you out% Introdu*e your"el' TO T0E 9U/% Be a" n!*e and r!endly a" you *an' and a#o&e all 6EE< BRIN9IN9 T0EM BOT0 DRIN6S% The na"t!er he "hould get' the n!*er you "hould #e% Th!" !n*rea"e" your "tature !n her eye"' and de*rea"e" h!"% At "o)e po!nt' Bru!"er Boy !" go!ng to ha&e to go pee% That(" when you )a$e your )o&e% Don(t dawdle' or t!)e !" o the e""en*e% Mo&e !n and p!t*h or the phone nu)#er% Then get out o there a"t' #eore he *o)e" #a*$7 Ideally' your #!rd5dog p!t*he" "hould #e the !nal one" o the e&en!ng a" you don(t want to #e around ! "he "nu#" you and then de*!de" to tell h!)% There are "o)e "!*$o wo)en who en-oy )a$!ng the!r #oyr!end" angry and -ealou"% Don(t wa!t to "ee ! "he(" one o the)%
A<<ROAC0 NUMBER TWO8 0ang out #y the Bathroo)% Th!" !" generally a good party approa*h anyway e&eryone ha" to go e&entually' and you get a great *han*e to "ee what(" there !n the roo)% Wa!t t!ll e!ther your drea)g!rl or her #eau ha" to go' and poun*e then and there% One th!ng you "hould $eep !n )!nd 5 -u"t #e*au"e a g!rl !" w!th a guy doe"n(t )ean "he(" REALL/ w!th the guy% 0e *ould #e her #rother' or *ou"!n' or roo))ate% I he(" really unlu*$y' he(" "o)eone w!th who) "he(" +-u"t r!end"'+ wh!*h' #e!ng tran"lated ro) wo)ane"e )ean"' +he ta$e" )e e&erywhere and pay" or e&eryth!ng' #ut ! he tr!e" to put a !nger on )e he(ll ne&er "ee )e aga!n%+ Brutal' aren(t they. CHAPTER THIRTEEN 9ETTIN9 T0E DATE O6' let(" "ay you(&e )anaged to p!*$5up a )ore than pa""a#le #!)#o% Where do you go ro) there. Ba"!*ally' there are two "*hool" o thought% One "*hool "ugge"t" gett!ng her ho)e phone nu)#er' wa!t!ng a ew day" to a wee$' and then *all!ng her or a date% The other ad&o*ate" try!ng to get her to go out w!th you r!ght then and there' the "ooner the #etter% I you *an(t get a date w!th her that e&en!ng' you )a$e a date or another t!)e' r!ght on the "pot% I(&e had #oth )ethod" wor$ or )e' and the!r are *erta!nly ad&antage" to ea*h% <er"onally I preer the on the "pot date )ethod% 0ere(" why% 16 Lot" o g!rl" who ha&e noth!ng otherw!"e planned w!ll go out w!th you that n!ght ! you )a$e the p!t*h e1*!t!ng enough% True' you(d pro#a#ly l!$e to #e w!th a wo)an who ha" )ore !ntere"t !n you' #ut then aga!n we(re go!ng to "how you te*hn!,ue" to )a$e one o the"e +got noth!ng #etter to do+ g!rl" eager to "a*$ w!th you regardle"" o the!r or!g!nal !ntent!on"% Al"o' there !" "o)eth!ng &ery e1*!t!ng a#out go!ng out w!th a "tranger that you -u"t )et% It(" an a!r o +anyth!ng *ould happen+ that "trongly help" to alter a g!rl" )ood and )a$e her "u"*ept!#le to do!ng th!ng" "he nor)ally wouldn(t% By way o *ontra"t ! you get her ho)e nu)#er' and wa!t "e&eral day" to *all' odd" are that the le"" !ntere"ted g!rl !" not go!ng to #e w!ll!ng to ",uee;e you !n to her "*hedule% And you(&e lo"t the or!g!nal e1*!te)ent o )eet!ng a "tranger% So !t(" up to you% I you l!$e the "ell!ng *hallenge' or -u"t the adrenal!ne ru"h o "pontaneou"ly )a$!ng a date on the "pot' do !t% I you preer to !ght #y a "et plan' go w!th the phone nu)#er route% E!ther way' the ne1t two *hapter" w!ll "how you the w!nn!ng te*hn!,ue" to pull !t o%%%%% CHAPTER FOURTEEN 9ETTIN9 T0E <0ONE NUMBER ROUTE I you(&e e&er a"$ed a wo)an or her phone nu)#er' you(&e pro#a#ly not!*ed an !ntere"t!ng pheno)ena 5 &ery ew o the) "ay +no+ d!re*tly% In"tead' they "ay e&eryth!ng BUT +ye"%+ 0a&e you e&er gotten the"e re"pon"e". +I() "orry' I don(t ha&e a phone%+ 0ow do you *o))un!*ate' *h!*$. S)o$e "!gnal"... +Why don(t you g!&e )e your nu)#er.+ R!ght% And a" "oon a" your #a*$ !" turned' that *ard w!th your nu)#er on !t w!ll #e "hredded "o a"t the CIA would en&y the *h!*$(" a#!l!ty to de"troy do*u)ent"% DON(T BU/ IT7 I a wo)an tr!e" th!" "l!*$ tr!*$ on you' -u"t nod your head' ")!le' and wal$ o' lea&!ng her "e*ure !n the $nowledge that "he )et a )an too ")art or her to #a)#oo;le% +Sure% It(" >>>5CDCD%+ The old wrong nu)#er ploy% Iu*$y' aren(t they. My po!nt !" th!" 5 ! you get anyth!ng #ut her !))ed!ate po"!t!&e re"pon"e when you a"$ or her nu)#er' you are !n #!g trou#le' partner% 9!&!ng out the ho)e phone nu)#er !" a )a-or "tep !nto her pr!&a*y' and "he u"ually a!n(t a#out to do !t unle"" "he d!g" you on SOME le&el% What(" the #e"t way to a"$ or the nu)#er. Try to #e a" )atter o a*t and "tra!ghtorward a" po""!#le% +I(d l!$e to ta$e you out "o)et!)e' *an I ha&e your ho)e phone nu)#er.+ w!ll do -u"t !ne% I you want to #e a l!ttle "l!*$er' hand her a pen and a *ard and "ay' +Mag!* "e&en d!g!t"' plea"e%+ That(" a #!t )ore !n&ent!&e' and !n&ent!&ene"" ne&er hurt"% I you do get the nu)#er' get lo"t a" "oon a" you *an% There(" no po!nt hang!ng around ater you(&e *lo"ed the "ale% Lea&e her wonder!ng a#out you and get the hell out o there #eore you do or "ay "o)eth!ng to )a$e her *hange her )!nd% 0ow long "hould you wa!t #eore you *all. That depend"% I you "en"e her !ntere"t !n you wa" pretty h!gh' !t(" "ae to wa!t > to M day"% She(ll #e wonder!ng what happened and why you ha&en(t *alled' and that w!ll )a$e you appear )ore C0ALLEN9IN9 and thereore )ore attra*t!&e !n her eye"% I you "en"e "he wa"n(t that !ntere"ted' wa!t two day" and then *all% Try to )u"ter up all the *heerulne"" and un you *an when you )a$e your *all to p!t*h the date% /ou want to "ound *areree' un' and e1*!ted a#out the a#"olute #la"t the two o you are go!ng to ha&e together% Tal$ to her !n the tone o &o!*e you(d u"e or an old r!end who you en-oy #e!ng w!th%
The $ey po!nt !" to a"$ her out FOR A S<ECIFIC NI90T% Don(t "ay' +Would you l!$e to get together th!" wee$.+ or +What n!ght are you ree.+ That(" a wea$ p!t*h% /ou want to *o)e on "tronger than that% Try +Let(" ha&e d!nner Wedne"day n!ght' e!ght o(*lo*$% Then we *an go dan*!ng%+ Then S0UT /OUR MOUT0 AND DO NOT SA/ A WORD77777 That #r!e )o)ent o "!len*e !" the a*!d te"t% I you hear a long he"!tat!on #eore "he an"wer"' or e1*u"e"' or anyth!ng #ut' +Sure' I(d lo&e to'+ you(&e got a pro#le) on your hand"% 17 I a wo)an really doe" want to "ee you' #ut ha" "o)eth!ng to do on the n!ght you(&e a"$ed her to #e w!th you' and -u"t *an(t *an*el tho"e plan"' what w!ll her re"pon"e #e. S0E(LL MA6E A COUNTER5OFFER% So)eth!ng on the l!ne" o' +I *an(t Wedne"day' #ut how a#out Thur"day at K o(*lo*$.+ Don(t *onu"e a *ounter5oer w!th an +I() #u"y' #ut how a#out another t!)e.+ That(" a "tone *old RE@ECTION% I "he really wanted to go out w!th you another t!)e' "he(d tell you when that t!)e !"% Ta$e !t ro) "o)eone who u"ed to all or th!" one all the t!)e 5 !t w!ll do noth!ng #ut generate u"ele""' t!)e5wa"t!ng w!"hul th!n$!ng on your part% E!ther you get the date' or a "pe*!!* *ounter5oer' or you FOR9ET IT7 One !nal warn!ng here' #e*au"e wo)en are e&en tr!*$!er than you *an !)ag!ne% Oten t!)e" you(ll )a$e your p!t*h or a "pe*!!* n!ght to go out: "ay a Wedne"day% And you(ll hear' +That(" "ound" l!$e un% Sure I(ll go%+ Then' thro##!ng w!th the thr!ll o &!*tory' a" you are a#out to hang up you hear' +Oh% Could you do )e a a&or. Could you *all #a*$ Wedne"day a#out N p) to *on!r).+ Or you )!ght hear' +Call )e Wedne"day around N p) and I(ll g!&e you )y addre""%+
DON(T 9ET SUC6ERED B/ T0IS TRIC67 /ou ha&en(t got a date !n th!" !n"tan*e' you ha&e an opt!on or a date' wh!*h !" a#out a" &alua#le a" an IOU ro) one o )y ga)#l!ng #udd!e" who l!&e at the ra*e tra*$% The *h!*$ !" wa!t!ng to hear ro) the guy "he(" REALL/ !ntere"ted !n' and ! he(" not a&a!la#le' then you )ay get the date% I a g!rl tr!e" to pull th!" on you' "ay "o)eth!ng l!$e' +I don(t th!n$ that(" a good !dea% We(ll try another t!)e when your "*hedule !" loo"er%+ That w!ll put her !n her pla*e n!*ely% /ou(&e "hown her that you *an(t #e "u*$ered and "he *an(t *all the "hot" al)o"t *erta!nly an unl!$ely and unu"ual o**urren*e% That w!ll de!n!tely get her attent!on% Wa!t a wee$ and *all her #a*$% Chan*e" are "he(ll a**ept the date w!thout the +*all and *on!r)+ #ull"h!t% I "he doe"n(t' then TOSS 0ER NUMBER AWA/ and )o&e on to the ne1t ad&enture% She(" -u"t out to wa"te your t!)e anyway% On*e you(&e )ade your date w!th your lady' get o the phone7 Aga!n' you )!ght #low !t ! you "tay on and -a##er' and you want to $eep her wonder!ng a#out you% Do your tal$!ng on the date7 I you h!t !t o on the phone' where doe" that lea&e you. /ou *an(t get la!d o&er a phone w!re' whate&er the HMN nu)#er" would ha&e you #el!e&e7 Sa&e !t or the date% F!nally' nowaday" al)o"t e&eryone ha" one o tho"e da)n phone an"wer!ng )a*h!ne"7 DO NOT LEA4E A MESSA9E ON ONE OF T0ESE BEFORE /OU(4E 0AD A DATE WIT0 A WOMAN% U"!ng a phone )a*h!ne a" a #uer #etween you and the lady !" wea$' ant!5 *hallenge' and put" the #all !n her *ourt' a" you e!ther ha&e to wa!t or her to *all you #a*$ or alternat!&ely' loo$ !)pat!ent and de"perate #y *all!ng her to "ee ! "he got your )e""age% A4OID T0IS <0ONE BLUNDER LI6E T0E <LA9UE7 BASIC <0ONE <ITC0IN9 RULES8 DO TR/ TO USE A 0A<</' CAREFREE' EA9ER TO 0A4E ALL T0IS FUN TO9ET0ER TONE OF 4OICE% AS6 0ER OUT FOR A S<ECIFIC NI90T% DON(T FALL FOR +O<TION DATES%+ 0AN9 U< AS SOON AS /OU <OLITEL/ CAN' ONCE /OU(4E MADE T0E DATE% DO NOT UNDER AN/' AN/' AN/' AN/ CIRCUMSTANCES W0ATSOE4ER LEA4E A MESSA9E WIT0 0ER ANSWERIN9 MAC0INE OR A ROOMMATE EIT0ER FOR T0AT MATTER% T0E FIRST TIME /OU TAL6 TO 0ER <ERSON TO <ERSON IS T0E FIRST TIME /OU(4E E4ER CALLED' AS FAR AS S0E S0OULD 6NOW% CHAPTER FIFTEEN MA6IN9 T0E DATE ON T0E S<OT Th!" !" the )ethod I th!n$ !" the #e"t% There(" "o)eth!ng e1*!t!ng and "pontaneou" a#out !t that you -u"t *an(t get u"!ng the phone nu)#er )ethod% The th!ng to $eep !n )!nd here !" to try to appear *a"ual% /ou don(t want !t to loo$ l!$e you are dy!ng to ru"h her #a*$ to your pla*e and r!p her pant!e" o% The #e"t !llu"trat!on o th!" )ethod wa" g!&en to )e re*ently #y a r!end o )!ne' @!)% 0ere(" the "tory he told )e8 +Our regular "e*retary at wor$ wa" go!ng to #e gone or a ew day"' "o we wanted to h!re "o)eone te)porary' -u"t to an"wer phone"% So)eone wa" "*heduled to *o)e #y that aternoon' and the #o"" wa" go!ng to #e out o the o!*e% 0e told )e ! I l!$ed her' I *ould go ahead and h!re her% +She wa" a *ute l!ttle #londe na)ed Megan% She *a)e !n a#out O8=G !n the aternoon% We tal$ed or a wh!le' and I told her "he had the -o#% Then I !n&!ted her to go ne1t door or *oee% 18 +Well' we tal$ed or a#out an hour and then I a"$ed her ! "he wanted to ha&e d!nner% We d!d' and that turned !nto a )o&!e% And ro) there we went #a*$ to )y pla*e and d!d all "ort" o wonderully o#"*ene th!ng" to ea*h other or "e&eral hour"%+ 0ere(" the )a!n po!nt8 Try to "teer the g!rl you(&e -u"t )et !nto a d!erent en&!ron)ent% Don(t )a$e !t ela#orate anywhere near#y w!ll do% The *orner /ogurt "tand or "o)e ro;en er)ented *ow -u!*e: the lo*al p!;;a parlor' e&en a #owl!ng alley% /ou want a *han*e to "et her down and u"e the )ood alter!ng hypnot!* te*hn!,ue" we(re go!ng to #e "how!ng you% Whate&er you do' don(t !n&!te her #a*$ to your pla*e r!ght away' or do anyth!ng that )!ght "*are her o% Ma$e !t "ee) l!$e you -u"t want to "pend !teen )!nute" tal$!ng !n a pu#l!* pla*e% W!th what we are go!ng to "how you' that(" all you are go!ng to need% CHAPTER SI/TEEN 0OW TO 0ANDLE C0IC6S W0O TR/ TO CANCEL DATES <erhap" the )o"t "er!ou" oen"e a *h!*$ *an *o))!t !" to *an*el a date% I(&e heard all "ort" o h!lar!ou" e1*u"e"' and n!ne t!)e" out o ten they are -u"t that% But "o what. W!th the proper a)ount o *oer*!on and p"y*holog!*al pre""ure' you *an get her to go out w!th you anyway% Then you *an u"e one o the ,u!*$5layBhypno"!" tr!*$" we(ll "how you "o you *an "t!ll w!nd up "*rew!ng her% 0ow dare "he try to wa"te the t!)e o a )a"ter o 9uer!lla 9et La!d ta*t!*". A" Bat)an would "ay' +<oor deluded g!rl7+ It(" really ,u!te "!)ple% When "he *all" to *an*el w!th her "!lly e1*u"e' you -u"t do th!"8 0ER8 Oh' I() "orry' #ut I *an(t )a$e !t ton!ght% I ha&e to ta$e )y r!end to the a!rport 2Or8 +I() -u"t not eel!ng well'+ or whate&er l!e "he tell" you3% /OU8 So what you(re "ay!ng !"' you(d l!$e to go' #ut due to a *!r*u)"tan*e you *an(t *ontrol and weren(t e1pe*t!ng' you won(t #e a#le to. 0ER8 /eah% That(" r!ght% 2She(" got to ad)!t th!"5 "he *an(t *o)e r!ght out and "ay "he -u"t !"n(t !ntere"ted% That )!ght ta$e a l!ttle gut"% 3
/OU8 2Clo"!ng !n or the $!ll3 Well' "!n*e you "a!d you(d l!$e to go' what arrange)ent" would you l!$e to )a$e to do that r!ght now. Then' you "hut up% /ou ha&e the "!lly *h!*$% She(" #a*$ed !nto a *orner' and w!ll ha&e to na)e a day' or el"e r!"$ #e!ng re&ealed a" the l!ar "he truly !"%
/our other opt!on !" to #low the *h!*$ o' #ut )a$e !t a" e)#arra""!ng and un*o)orta#le or her a" !" hu)anly po""!#le% 0ere !" a great way to )a$e her eel a#"olutely awul8 0ER8 Oh' I *an(t )a$e our date #e*au"e )y parrot !" ha&!ng an e1!"tent!al *r!"!" and I want to "ee h!) through !t% /OU8 0))% /ou $now' I() "!tt!ng here' w!th the phone !n )y hand' l!"ten!ng to you "pea$' and I real!;e I "t!ll don(t under"tand what(" go!ng on% And I al"o real!;e I *an a**ept hear!ng the ull and *o)plete truth ro) you% So' why don(t you tell )e aga!n what(" go!ng on% It(" &ery !)portant that you "ay that la"t "enten*e w!th the r!ght !nle*t!on and tonal!ty% /ou(re !)ply!ng a part o the "enten*e wh!*h !"n(t a*tually "a!d wh!*h !"' +%%%and th!" t!)e tell )e the truth%+ Bel!e&e !t or el"e' #ut n!ne t!)e" out o ten' the *h!*$ a*tually w!ll e"" up and ad)!t her de*ept!on% That(" when you poun*e on her7 /OU8 So' how doe" !t eel to $now that you(re ara!d to ta$e re"pon"!#!l!ty or your own de*!"!on" and ha&e to re"ort to ly!ng a#out the). Oh' the -oy o #attle' )y #rother"7 Flu"h!ng a *h!*$ down the to!let o hu)!l!at!on !" al)o"t a" great a $!*$ a" "*or!ng7
Now' on*e !n a wh!le' a *h!*$ w!ll *an*el' #ut when "he doe" "he(ll )a$e a *ounter5oer to go out aga!n another t!)e% Th!" at lea"t !" #etter than a "tra!ght *an*ellat!on w!thout "u*h an oer' #ut I(d "trongly ad&!"e aga!n"t a**ept!ng% She *ould #e -u"t throw!ng you a #one to )a$e you eel #etter' #ut e&en ! "he !"n(t' your a**ept!ng her oer o do!ng !t another t!)e )a$e" you loo$ too ea"!ly a&a!la#le and re)o&e" the ele)ent o your #e!ng a *hallenge to her% Th!" w!ll )a$e you loo$ )u*h le"" appeal!ng !n her eye"% 0ere(" the r!ght way to handle th!"% Let(" "ay you ha&e a date or Saturday' and "he *all" you Fr!day e&en!ng% 0ER8 I() "orry' #ut I really *an(t )a$e !t Saturday% I(&e got r!end" *o)!ng !n ro) out o town% But I really do want to "ee you% Can we go out Sunday !n"tead. 19 /OU8 No' I ha&e plan" or Sunday 2e&en ! you don(t and you are dy!ng to #e w!th her 5 #!te the #ullet and reu"e73% At th!" po!nt you ha&e two opt!on"8
Opt!on One /OU8 Why don(t we try another t!)e when your "*hedule !" a l!ttle loo"er.
Then pol!tely "ay good#ye' and hang5up% Wa!t D wee$"' then *all and a"$ her out or a "pe*!!* n!ght% I "he doe"n(t a**ept or )a$e a "pe*!!* *ounter5oer' to"" the nu)#er and )o&e on%
Opt!on Two /OU8 Well' I(ll tell you' th!" !" -u"t the way !t !" or )e% It(" -u"t the way I do th!ng"% When I )a$e a date' and "o)eone *an*el"' I lea&e !t up to the) to )a$e the ne1t date% So' ! you want to go out' I() !ntere"ted% Call )e' and I(ll "ay ye"%
<er"onally' I preer th!" opt!on% It(" not a" down and d!rty a" the !r"t one' #ut !t !" ee*t!&e nonethele""% By putt!ng the #all #a*$ !n her *ourt' you don(t ha&e to "pend the two wee$" #eore you *all' wonder!ng ! "he(" really !ntere"ted 2you "houldn(t #e wonder!ng th!"' #ut !t(" hard to ha&e that $!nd o d!"*!pl!ne' and I() a "u*$er or "!tuat!on" that I *an(t ,u!te !gure out3% /ou *an -u"t "aely a""u)e "he !"n(t !ntere"ted' orget a#out her' and lea&e !t up to her to plea"antly "urpr!"e you% And you al"o pre"er&e the ele)ent o #e!ng a *hallenge' *on&ey!ng the all !)portant )e""age I DON(T NEED /OU' /OU NEED ME% O6% Now you(re ready or the ult!)ate "e*ret"% In the ne1t *hapter" we(re go!ng to #e "how!ng you how' -u"t #y tal$!ng to a wo)an' you *an get her "o da)ned turned on dur!ng the date that "he(ll #e !t*h!ng to "*rew you% 0ang on to your hat"' gentle)en% CHAPTER SE.ENTEEN DECIDIN9 /OUR A<<ROAC0 The ne1t ew *hapter" w!ll e)pha"!;e ,u!*$5lay "trateg!e"8 0ow To S*ore on the F!r"t Date or e&en "ooner than that7 0owe&er' you )ay de*!de that you want "o)eth!ng )ore than ,u!*$' hot "e1 w!th a g!rl% I you want a relat!on"h!p w!th a lady' I re*o))end that you don(t u"e the te*hn!,ue" !n the ne1t ew *hapter"% CHAPTER EIGHTEEN 0OW TO USE 0/<NOSIS TO 9ET /OUR DATE INTO T0E SAC6 What you are a#out to read )ay "tret*h your a#!l!ty to #el!e&e to the #rea$!ng po!nt% I don(t #la)e you or ha&!ng that rea*t!on at all% All I *an tell you !" that th!" "tu wor$"5!t wor$" "o well that !t "*are" )e at t!)e"% My only *o)ort !" $now!ng that a" you #e*o)e )ore and )ore "u**e""ul and powerul w!th wo)en' you lo"e the de"!re to a#u"e the power% Su**e"" )a$e" you want to go a l!ttle #!t ea"y on the poor deen"ele"" *reature"% What I a) a#out to "how you w!ll allow you to *reate &ery powerul eel!ng" o #e!ng turned on and e1*!ted !n al)o"t any wo)an you *an "pend t!)e w!th% /ou don(t ha&e to rely on lu*$' or that "pe*!al +*he)!"try+ or +"par$%+ Th!" *hapter w!ll "how you how to *reate that !n a#out ten )!nute" t!)e' w!th al)o"t any wo)an you want' !n al)o"t any *!r*u)"tan*e"% In"tead o date" that end up w!th a pol!te pe*$ on the *hee$' you(ll end up ta$!ng !t a" ar a" you want to go' regardle"" o how the wo)an elt a#out you #eore you u"ed the"e te*hn!,ue" on her% One la"t *aut!on #eore I lay out th!" te*hnology% In "o)e "tate"' rape !" de!ned a" +!nter*our"e o a wo)an' #y a )an' #y or*e' threat o or*e' or OT0ERWISE WIT0OUT CONSENT%+ In "o)e "tate"' ! you get a date drun$' and u*$ her when "he(" pa""ed out' you *ould !nd your "el a*!ng a rape rap% L!$ew!"e or hypno"!"% I a) not an attorney' and a) not go!ng to g!&e you legal ad&!*e' #ut I warn you here and now o the po""!#le *on"e,uen*e" and a) not a#out to #e held re"pon"!#le ! you get "lapped w!th *harge"% /OU USE T0ESE MET0ODS AT /OUR OWN RIS6% 2And I wouldn(t ha&e to g!&e th!" d!"*la!)erBwarn!ng ! the"e )ethod" d!dn(t wor$ a" well a" they do%3 20 0OW IT ALL WOR6S8 CO4ERT 0/<NOSIS AND T0E STRUCTURE OF SEDUCTION Th!" )ethod wor$" #e*au"e !t #ypa""e" all o a wo)an(" *on"*!ou" re"!"tan*e to "*rew!ng you% It doe"n(t )atter what that *on"*!ou" re"!"tan*e !" #a"ed on% May#e you are not her type and "he T0IN6S "he need" a *erta!n LOO6 !n a guy to turn her on% May#e "he want" you #ut !" ara!d o loo$!ng *heap ! "he *o)e" a*ro"" too a"t% May#e "he(" -u"t re*ently #een #urned #y a guy and !"n(t eager to ha&e !t happen aga!n%
It DOESN(T )atter why' #e*au"e ro) now on you w!ll #e a#le to get pa"t all o that #y #ypa""!ng her CONSCIOUS )!nd and gett!ng r!ght to her UNCONSCIOUS% I th!" "ound" l!$e #ull' plea"e "t!*$ w!th )e or -u"t a ew )ore page"' #e*au"e what you are a#out to "ee !" a MA9IC $ey or gett!ng la!d w!th "tartl!ng re,uen*y% SCORIN9 TEC0NIEUE NUMBER ONE8 STAC6IN9 REALITIES Let )e tell you a "tory a#out )y #uddy' R!*$% R!*$ told )e a#out th!" e1per!en*e he had whene&er he read a #oo$% A" he wa" read!ng along' he *ould #eg!n to #e aware o *erta!n th!ng"% A" he read' he *ould "uddenly #e aware o the un!,ue dar$ne"" and "hape o the letter"% And a" he #e*a)e aware o that' he *ould al"o "ee the *ontra"t!ng wh!tene"" o the page% And he *ould al"o #e aware o the ")oothne"" o the paper% And a" he #e*a)e aware o that' he *ould al"o eel the r!"e and all o h!" *he"t a" he #reathed' and the "l!ghte"t l!ttle nodd!ng' l!ttle nodd!ng o h!" head% And a" h!" eye" #egan to *lo"e %%%% Now' what -u"t happened a" you were read!ng that. E&en though I() not "tand!ng o&er your "houlder a" you read th!"' I(ll #et )y Bat)an *o)!* #oo$ *olle*t!on' that you "tarted to not!*e the th!ng" I wa" tal$!ng a#out% /ou not!*ed the dar$ne"" o the letter"' the #r!ghtne"" o the page' and the ")oothne"" o the paper% And you not!*ed your #reath!ng and your eye" "tarted to *lo"e% 0ere(" the po!nt8 The only way to under"tand "o)eth!ng you are hear!ng or read!ng' !" #y ha&!ng a l!ttle #!t o the e1per!en*e your"el% Naturally' and w!thout any re"!"tan*e' you #egan to e1per!en*e what I wanted you to' #e*au"e you had to do "o !n order to )a$e "en"e out o )y word"% But not!*e "o)eth!ng el"e o CRITICAL IM<ORTANCE% I d!dn(t "ugge"t that you e1per!en*e the"e th!ng"' or warn you !n ad&an*e' or g!&e you a d!re*t *o))and% That would ha&e *au"ed !))en"e re"!"tan*e on your part% In"tead' I pre"ented !t to you a" part o a "tory% I told you a#out an e1per!en*e SOMEONE ELSE 0AD' AND T0E ONL/ WA/ FOR /OU TO UNDERSTAND T0AT WAS TO 0A4E T0E E?<ERIENCE FOR /OURSELF% Th!" !" the "a)e pattern and te*hn!,ue that you *an u"e to put a wo)an !nto an altered "tate and get her to eel and do -u"t a#out whate&er you(d l!$e her to% /ou "tart #y tell!ng her a "tory a#out "o)eone el"e' and that "tory de"*r!#e" an e1per!en*e that !n&ol&e" the eel!ng" and a*t!on" you want 0ER to ta$e% It "ound" too "!)ple and too good to #e true' #ut !t WOR6S7 And the )ore you pra*t!*e the #etter you get% Let(" do a "a)ple o th!"' to let you "ee -u"t e1a*tly how to u"e th!" te*hn!,ue that "he(ll #e una#le to re"!"t% /ou )ay want to wa!t t!ll later !n the e&en!ng' when you are alone !n your apart)ent% E&en though !t u"ually only ta$e" !&e )!nute" or "o' you "t!ll don(t want to run the r!"$ o #e!ng !nterrupted% Ater the u"ual ")all tal$' here(" how !t would go8 /OU8 0ey' d!d I tell you yet a#out )y r!end' M!$e. 0ER8 No% What a#out h!). /OU8 Well' th!" !" !ntere"t!ng% I re)e)#er one t!)e M!$e told )e th!" "tory% /ou "ee' he had th!" r!end% And th!" r!end not!*ed "o)eth!ng unu"ual when "he(d l!"ten to "o)eone tal$% L!$e or e1a)ple "he *ould #e*o)e aware o the "ound o h!" &o!*e %%%% and a" "he heard the "ound o h!" &o!*e' "he *ould al"o hear the other "ound" o people !n the roo) %%%% and "he *ould #e*o)e aware %%%% o the r!"!ng and all!ng o her *he"t %%%% and the "l!ght nodd!ng o her head a" "he l!"tened %%%% and the deep' deep r!*hne"" o h!" &o!*e %%%% and a" "he #e*a)e aware %%%% o all the"e th!ng" %%%% the pre""ure o her hand a" !t re"ted on the ta#le %%%% and the outl!ne o h!" a*e a" "he wat*hed h!) "pea$ %%%% her attent!on would #e*o)e r!&eted %%%% on a &ery un!,ue deta!l o h!" a*e %%%% whate&er !t )!ght #e that "ee)ed to *apture her attent!on %%%% "o that a" "he o*u"ed )ore and )ore on th!" part o h!" a*e%%"he #e*a)e )ore and )ore a"*!nated #y what he had to "ay %%%% )ore and )ore *apt!&ated and totally enraptured #y th!" e1per!en*e o h!) that "he wa" ha&!ng %%%% and a" "he allowed her"el to real!;e the"e th!ng" %%%% "he *ould al"o eel a deep long!ng w!th!n her"el or h!) %%%% to eel h!" tou*h %%%% h!" gentle tou*h a*ro"" her a*e% 2Rea*h and gently "tro$e her w!th the #a*$ o your hand3 %%%% and a" "he elt th!" tou*h and her eye" *lo"ed w!th the plea"ure o !t %%%% her #reath!ng #egan to deepen' and her heart #egan to pound %%%% to pound %%%% w!th the r!*h %%%% deep war)th o h!" &o!*e%%%the r!*h' deep war)th that #egan to "pread %%%% #egan to pound through her *he"t %%%% and through her #elly %%%% and deep through her th!gh" %%%% a" the war)th and the wetne"" and the deep r!*h pound!ng o her )o"t #urn!ng e)ale pla*e %%%% the pound!ng #urn!ng pla*e %%%% that longed to #e !lled' a*hed to #e !lled %%%% !lled w!th h!" thro##!ng ro*$5hard )anne"" %%%% and a" "he elt the"e th!ng" %%%% deeper and deeper and e&en )ore !nten"ely %%%% the eel!ng o h!" hand a" !t tou*hed her th!gh%%% let her $now that "he would open her"el to th!" )an *o)pletely %%%g!&e her"el to h!) %%%% at the t!)e he *ho"e to ta$e her %%%% 21 Now %%%% I guarantee that T0AT WILL 9ET you la!d %%%% ! "he doe"n(t rape you r!ght there %%%% -u"t )a$e "ure you repeat that "a)e tou*h you ga&e her on the th!gh' later on !n the e&en!ng%
In hypno"!" ter)"' th!" !" $nown a" an an*hor% Ba"!*ally' all that )ean" !" that when a per"on ha" an e1per!en*e' anyth!ng that !" a""o*!ated or l!n$ed w!th that e1per!en*e w!ll *au"e the per"on to re*all the ent!re e1per!en*e% It(" what <a&lo& d!d to h!" dog" 5 #y a""o*!at!ng the r!ng!ng o a #ell w!th the "tate o hunger and drool!ng' he *ould "et o that "tate #y "!)ply r!ng!ng the #ell at any t!)e thereater% In th!" *a"e' you are al"o r!ng!ng "o)eone(" #ell' #ut hopeully "he w!ll NOT BE A DO9777 /ou(ll ha&e to de*!de when to u"e th!" approa*h% /ou *an try !t !n the re"taurant or wa!t unt!l ater when "he(" !n your apart)ent% It depend" on how dar!ng you want to get% FIRST DATE SCREW TEC0NIEUE TWO8 ANC0ORIN9 We )ent!oned an*hor!ng a#o&e' #r!ely' and here(" another way to u"e !t to get la!d on the !r"t date%
The !r"t "tep to )a$!ng th!" wor$ !" to !nd out your date(" preerred repre"entat!onal "y"te)% 2FOR A DETAILED 9UIDE TO DOIN9 T0IS' SEE A<<ENDI? TWO AT T0E END OF T0IS BOO6%3 /ou !nd th!" out #y a"$!ng her to re*all her la"t &a*at!on and ha&e her de"*r!#e !n her own word"' what "he l!$ed #e"t% I "he "ay" "he en-oyed the eel!ng o lay!ng out !n the "un' and "w!))!ng !n the war) wa&e"' you(&e got a $!ne"thet!* per"on% I "he "ay" "he l!$ed the "ound o the pound!ng "ur' and the ,u!et n!ght"' "he(" aud!tory% I "he u"e" &!"ual ter)"' "he(" &!"ual% Ne1t' a"$ ! "he *an re)e)#er the )o"t e1*!t!ng e1per!en*e "he(" had re*ently% When you "ay the word +e1*!t!ng+ drop your &o!*e a #!t' and g!&e !t an erot!* *onnotat!on% N!ne out o ten t!)e" a wo)an w!ll re*all an erot!* e1per!en*e% When "he an"wer" ye"' a"$ her to *lo"e her eye" a )!nute% Then' depend!ng on what her preerred "y"te) !"' a"$ her to re)e)#er' what "he "aw' what "he heard' and how !t elt !n her #ody% A" "he e1per!en*e" th!"' you(ll not!*e th!ng" "tart to *hange% 0er a*e w!ll lu"h' her #reath!ng w!ll get hea&y' her lower l!p w!ll get larger' and "he w!ll a*tually re5e1per!en*e !n her #ody all tho"e lo&ely erot!* eel!ng" "he had when "he !r"t went through the e1per!en*e% A" "he(" do!ng th!"' tell her that when tho"e eel!ng" !n her #ody rea*h the!r pea$' "he "hould w!ggle her p!n$ !nger% When "he w!ggle" !t' rea*h o&er and g!&e her r!ght wr!"t a ",uee;e' and at the "a)e t!)e' "ay' +9ood%+ Run her through th!" a two )ore t!)e"% Then ha&e her *lear her )!nd' and *lo"e her eye"% Rea*h o&er' ",uee;e her wr!"t' and "ay good% I you(&e done !t r!ght' "he(ll go r!ght #a*$ !nto the erot!* "tate "he wa" !n #eore% Now' tea"e her w!th !t% 9o #a*$ to nor)al *on&er"at!on' then a )!nute later' rea*h o&er and tr!gger the an*hor aga!n% Loo$ !nto her eye"' and ")!le at her a" your do !t' #ut th!" t!)e' don(t let go o her wr!"t% 6eep ",uee;!ng' $eep!ng her !n the erot!* "tate unt!l you "top% /ou now ha&e a weapon you *an u"e any t!)e dur!ng the re"t o the e&en!ng7 Later !n the e&en!ng' when your get her #a*$ at your pla*e' tea"e her a #!t% Don(t )a$e a pa"" or a long t!)e' -u"t ")!le $now!ngly% I "he )a$e" a *o))ent you th!n$ !" !ntere"t!ng' rea*h o&er' ",uee;e the wr!"t' and "ay +good%+ When "he goe" !nto the erot!* "tate aga!n' $eep one hand on the wr!"t ",uee;!ng' then atta*$ w!th the ree hand and your )outh% <ra*t!*e an*hor!ng% /ou(ll get #etter at !t and !t doe" ta$e "o)e pra*t!*e5we "houldn(t $!d our"el&e" a#out that% But "h!t 5 !t wor$" n!*ely7 What(" great a#out th!" te*hn!,ue and the pre&!ou" te*hn!,ue o "ta*$!ng real!t!e" !" you oten don(t ha&e to go on a or)al date% /ou *an ta$e a g!rl you -u"t )et or an !nno*ent *up o *oee and get her ready to u*$ you !n !teen )!nute" t!)e% Why wa"te t!)e go!ng out when you *ould #e go!ng !n. FIRST DATE SCREW TEC0NIEUE T0REE8 SENSOR/ O4ERLA< Aga!n to )a$e th!" wor$' you ha&e to !nd out the lady(" preerred "y"te)% On*e you do that' you "tart tal$!ng to her a#out the #ea*h% /ou "tart #y a"$!ng her to re*all "o)eth!ng ro) her preerred "y"te) a#out the #ea*h% Let(" "ay you are tal$!ng to a wo)an who(" preerred "y"te) !" aud!tory% 0ere(" how you(d do !t8 /OU8 0ey' let(" try an !)ag!nat!on e1per!)ent% Clo"e your eye" or a "e*ond% Let(" ta$e an !)ag!nary tr!p to the #ea*h% /ou(re at the #ea*h% And you *an hear the "ound o the w!nd a" !t #low"' and the "ound o the wa&e" %%%% and the "ound o a gull' *ry!ng o&erhead %%%% and a" you hear the "ound o the wa&e" %%%% 2"w!t*h to &!"ual "y"te)3 you *an al"o "ee a wa&e a" !t )o&e" toward the "hore %%%% you *an "ee the "unl!ght gl!nt!ng o the wa&e' and "o)e o the wh!te "pray that(" #e!ng #lown o #y the w!nd %%%% and a" you "ee that "pray %%%% you *an al"o eel !t gently tou*h your a*e now %%%% and a" you eel the "pray on your a*e %%%% and the r!"e and all o your *he"t a" you #reath %%%% and the gentle war)th o the "un on your a*e %%%% you *an #eg!n to eel a deep and *o)ort and war)th %%%% and a eel!ng o #e!ng totally at ea"e% 22 20ere(" where you get her% /ou(&e already hypnot!;ed her' #e*au"e when you "w!t*h people ro) the!r preerred "y"te) to a "y"te) that !" nor)ally not !n the!r *on"*!ou" awarene""' they enter an altered "tate%3 %%%% and that eel!ng o ea"e and war)th' #eg!n" to "pread through your #ody %%%% w!th ea*h #reath you ta$e %%%% the r!"e and all o your *he"t %%%% allow" a glow!ng r!*h war)th to "pread throughout your #ody %%%% a war)th that eel" "o &ery good %%%% "o good %%%% l!$e war) and gentle hand" %%%% )a""ag!ng throughout your #ody %%%% 2Fro) here you lead her !n the "a)e )anner a" the !r"t "ta*$!ng real!t!e" te*hn!,ue%3 MORE <OWER CLOSES FOR 9ETTIN9 /OU LAID I want to e)pha"!;e aga!n the !)portant "uper5rule you "hould )a$e part o you% I want you to eat' "leep' #reathe and "h!t th!" rule8 I MA6E NO E?CUSES FOR M/ DESIRES AS A MAN Th!" rule !" !)portant !n e&ery a"pe*t o deal!ng w!th a wo)an' #ut no where )ore "o than when you )a$e that !r"t "er!ou" pa""% I you aren(t go!ng to u"e the hypnot!* te*hn!,ue" )ent!oned !n the pre&!ou" *hapter"' then I "ugge"t you u"e one or #oth o the ollow!ng power *lo"e"% <OWER CLOSE ONE8 TA6IN9 W0AT BELON9S TO /OU CLOSE What doe" the a&erage guy do when a wo)an !n&!te" h!) !nto her apart)ent or a *up o *oee. I(ll tell you what he doe"% 0e )a$e" ")all tal$ wh!le the *oee !" #rew!ng' all the wh!le "weat!ng and ner&ou" a#out when he(" go!ng to )a$e h!" pa""% Then' when "he "er&e" the *oee' he dr!n$" !t ner&ou"ly' wonder!ng when he "hould )a$e a )o&e% May#e they "!t down on the *ou*h' and he wonder" when he "hould "!t *lo"er% T!)e wear" on% Noth!ng ha" happened' and he(" gett!ng )ore and )ore out o *ontrol% May#e he "p!ll" h!" dr!n$ or ha" to $eep go!ng to the #athroo)% <erhap" he de*!de" he #etter do "o)eth!ng' "o he )o&e" a l!ttle *lo"er and $!nd o apologet!*ally put" an ar) around her% 0e "tart" to "lowly !nger her ha!r' wa!t!ng to "ee her re"pon"e% The !r"t power *lo"e *ut" through all that non"en"e 0ere(" how !t wor$"% She !n&!te" you !n or *oee% /ou let her "l!de wh!le the *oee !" #rew!ng% Th!" !" her "ae t!)e5the la"t ew )!nute" "he(ll E4ER #e "ae around you aga!n% /ou *an *hu*$le to your"el a" you loo$ at her and real!;e that% The *oee !" ready and "he pour" !t or #oth o you% Ater "he ta$e" the !r"t "!p' don(t "ay anyth!ng% @u"t "uddenly "top tal$!ng and loo$ at her !nten"ely' w!th -u"t the "l!ghte"t h!nt o a ")!le% At th!" po!nt "he(ll not!*e' and pro#a#ly a"$' what !" !t% /ou CALML/' SLOWL/' AND DELIBERATEL/' put your *up down' rea*h o&er' ta$e her" out o her hand' and put !t down% Loo$ at her or a "e*ond' ta$e her a*e !n her hand"' and $!"" her pa""!onately% Th!" $!nd o a*t!on !" "end!ng a wo)an a <OWERFUL )e""age a#out the $!nd o )an you are% /ou are !n ee*t "ay!ng' WIT0OUT WORDS' +Let(" "$!p the *rap #a#y% I want you' 0ERE' NOW' AND I(M NOT MA6IN9 AN/ E?CUSES FOR IT%+ Th!" !" )y a&or!te' non5hypnot!* *lo"e' although I *an(t ent!rely *all !t that' #e*au"e wo)en "ee) to go !nto a tran*e w!th the "low' del!#erate' #ut une1pe*ted )o&e)ent" you )a$e% A $ey to )a$!ng th!" p!t*h wor$ !" SA/IN9 NOT0IN97 I you tal$' you(&e ru!ned !t7 Al"o' your )o&e)ent" )u"t #e "low' and del!#erate' not hurr!ed and ru"hed' l!$e you are ara!d "he(" go!ng to "top you%
<OWER CLOSE NUMBER TWO8 T0E TEASE W!th th!" *lo"e' you operate a" ! you a#"olutely $new the g!rl wanted to de"perately "leep w!th you' #ut you are deter)!ned to hold out t!ll the la"t po""!#le )!nute and to en-oy tea"!ng her all e&en!ng% W!th th!" approa*h' you lean !nto her a" you tal$ a" ! you are a#out to $!"" her% Then you MO4E AWA/% 9et up and !1 your"el a dr!n$' or go to the #athroo)% When you play w!th her )!nd l!$e th!"' "he won(t $now what to th!n$% And when you put her !n that "tate o )!nd' "he(" )u*h )ore pl!a#le and le"" l!$ely to re"!"t you% 23 A good ta*t!* !" to wa!t unt!l "he "ay" "o)eth!ng unny' and then rea*h o&er and #ru"h the "!de o her a*e w!th the OUTSIDE o your hand% Then "ay "o)eth!ng l!$e' +/ou(re "u*h a unny lady%+ Do th!" "lowly and del!#erately' loo$!ng !n her eye" the whole t!)e% Then <ULL AWA/% 0ere(" how you end th!"% Wh!le you(re tal$!ng' "uddenly yawn' loo$ at your wat*h' and "ay' +I() eel!ng a l!ttle #u"hed% Let(" *all !t an e&en!ng%+ I you(re at your pla*e' you pro*eed l!$e th!"8 +C()on% I(ll dr!&e you ho)e%+ Ma$e a" ! you(re really gett!ng to lea&e% A" "he "tand" up ro) the *ou*h' ta$e her !n your ar)"' and $!"" her pa""!onately% It(" the la"t th!ng "he(ll #e e1pe*t!ng' and the une1pe*ted ha" the #e"t ee*t%
T0E MA6E OUT When you are )a$!ng out w!th a lady' you want to "how her that you are deter)!ned and powerul and *erta!n you w!ll get what you want% Don(t wa"te too )u*h t!)e !n her )outh% Th!" !" where )o"t )en )a$e the!r #!g error% 9o or her ne*$ a" "oon a" you *an% A" you go or her ne*$' *up her #rea"t !n one o your hand"% 9ently ru# !t w!th the pal) o your hand% Let your hand" roa) reely o&er her leg" and a"" 5 you are the r!ghtul $!ng' and th!" !" /OUR TERRITOR/' r!ghtully your" to e1plore a" you "ee !t% Rather than try!ng to get your hand" !n her pant" r!ght away' ta$e the pal) o your hand' and pla*e !t o&er her pu#!* )ound% I you pre"" down l!ghtly and )o&e your pal) up and down you w!ll get her &ery hot and #othered% Don(t #other try!ng to ta$e o her #ra e!ther' #eore you ta$e her #rea"t" !n your )outh% S!)ply l!t up her "h!rt or #lou"e' and pull the *up o the #ra down' "o the #rea"t !" e1po"ed% L!*$' AROUND the n!pple at !r"t' !n"tead o go!ng at !t d!re*tly% Then' let your tongue l!*$ !t ,u!*$ly a ew t!)e"% Then #!te !t %%%% not hard enough to hurt%
I "he(" wear!ng pant"' )o&e your head down' and $!"" her on the *rot*h% Then rea*h or her #elt' ! "he(" wear!ng one' and undo% Don(t #e "hy a#out !t% <ull her pant" r!ght o' and try to ta$e her pant!e" w!th the)' ! you *an% 6!"" #a*$ up to her *he"t now' #ut th!" t!)e you wor$ your pal) on her na$ed #u"h' "l!pp!ng your !nde1 !nger on her *l!t' and !n her *unt% Ater a ew )!nute" o th!"' )o&e #a*$ down to her pu""y% 6!"" her !nner th!gh" on*e or tw!*e and then go or the eat5out% 0ere !" )y a&or!te *unn!l!ngu" te*hn!,ue% I d!"*o&ered !t #y a**!dent year" ago' and wo)en go *ra;y o&er !t% I don(t *la!) to #e the #e"t u*$ !n the world 5 I $now I a) not% 0owe&er' wo)en ha&e told )e' o&er and o&er aga!n that I g!&e the #e"t head o any )an they ha&e e&er )et% 0ere(" the "e*ret% 6neel down "o your a*e !" le&el w!th her "nat*h% She *an "!t on the edge o the #ed or *ha!r or *ou*h' w!th her leg" o&er your "houlder"% Ta$e the !nde1 !nger o your let hand' and the !nde1 !nger o your r!ght hand% U"e the let !nger to pu"h away the "$!n h!d!ng the *l!tor!" on that "!de' and the r!ght !nger to pu"h away the "$!n h!d!ng the *l!tor!" on the other% On*e you(&e pu"hed th!" loo"e "$!n to the "!de the *l!tor!" w!ll #e e1po"ed% Fro) here' what you do !" u"e your !nger" to pu"h the #a"e o the *l!tor!"' "o !t pop" up' ully e1po"ed% Th!" !" "ort o the e,u!&alent o a wo)an ",uee;!ng the #a"e o your *o*$ when "he #low" you 5 !t help" to $eep your *o*$ r!g!d #y trapp!ng the #lood !n !t and al"o $eep" !t ro) )o&!ng% Fro) here' "he(" your"% /ou(ll #e a#le to "u*$ and l!*$ on the l!ttle #!ngo #utton and "he(ll rea$ out% The harde"t pro#le) w!ll #e gett!ng her to hold "t!ll 5 ! "he thra"he" around too )u*h you are go!ng to lo"e your gr!p% At th!" po!nt' "top or a )!nute and ta$e o your pant" and "hort"% Re"u)e eat!ng' and when you eel ready' roll on your *ondo)% /ou "hould pra*t!*e th!" unt!l you *an do !t ,u!*$ly and w!thout u)#l!ng% Then "pread her leg" open and "l!p !t !n "low and deep% Let her en-oy the plea"ure o ha&!ng your *o*$ !n"!de o her% CHAPTER NINETEEN 0OW TO TOTALL/ BREA6 A WOMAN(S RESISTANCE TO SLEE<IN9 WIT0 /OU We(&e all heard the non"en"e a#out +No Mean" No+ and re"pe*t!ng a g!rl(" r!ght to reu"e a pa""% Well' I hope #y now you $now d!erently% Oten t!)e" +no+ doe"n(t )ean that at all% It *ould )ean' +I don(t want to appear *heap' "o I ha&e to put up to$en re"!"tan*e !r"t%+ Or !t *ould )ean' +I() not "ure%+ Or !t *ould )ean' +I() "*ared o "e1%+ 24 Whate&er !t )ean"' the two wor"t re"pon"e" you *ould )a$e to a wo)an who re"!"t" you' are to8
Argue w!th her a#out !t% 9!&e up and "ul$% The #e"t th!ng to do !" e1pre"" agree)ent w!th how "he eel"' then #a*$ o and try later aga!n !n the e&en!ng% I "he(" -u"t try!ng to a&o!d appear!ng ea"y or *heap' you(ll na!l her later anyway% The real pro#le) ar!"e" when the lady -u"t happen" to ha&e a "er!ou" pro#le) a#out "e1 or !" -u"t NOT attra*ted to you% In the !r"t *a"e' you are !n trou#le' #uddy% I "he(" th!" hung up' what $!nd o a u*$ !" "he go!ng to #e anyway. <er"onally' I(d "ee her to the door and throw away her phone nu)#er% I "he(" not attra*ted to you' #ut l!$e" "e1 generally' you(&e "t!ll got a !ght!ng *han*e% Let )e "how you "e&eral way" around the' +I(M @UST NOT ATTRACTED TO /OU LINE%+
MET0OD ONE8 AS IF FRAME Th!" !" perhap" the "nea$!e"t and )o"t una!r )ethod I $now to #rea$ a wo)an(" re"!"tan*e to "leep!ng w!th you% It !" the 05#o)# !n your ar"enal% It wor$" on the pr!n*!ple that ! you put "o)eone !n the phy"!ology o a *erta!n "tate' they w!ll a*tually BE !n that "tate% 0ere(" how !t wor$"% /ou )a$e the pa"" and "he re-e*t" you% /ou "hould a*t apologet!*% Tell her you are "orry you )!"read her *ue"% Say "o)eth!ng l!$e' +Loo$% I() "orry% I() -u"t really du)# when !t *o)e" to read!ng wo)en' y($now% May#e you *an help )e w!th th!". I $now th!" "ound" really du)#' #ut I don(t want to $eep )a$!ng th!" $!nd o du)# )!"ta$e w!th wo)en%+ Odd" are' "he(ll #e w!ll!ng to help% +I you *an re)e)#er a t!)e you were w!th a guy that you were really attra*ted to' *an you "how )e what the loo$ wa" on your a*e.+
She(ll laugh at !r"t' #ut then "how you%
+O6% But *an you "how )e how your )outh wa". Wa" !t open. And how d!d your eye" loo$.+ +O6% And how were you #reath!ng. Can you "how )e.+ +0ow were you "!tt!ng. What wa" your po"ture.+
+And what eel!ng"' *lo"!ng your eye" or a "e*ond' were you aware o !n your #ody. And how d!d tho"e "tart to #u!ld.+ At th!" po!nt' you ha&e a *ho!*e% /ou *an an*hor tho"e eel!ng" and )a$e a pa"" later #y !r!ng o the an*hor' or you *an )a$e a pa"" then and there' u"!ng a tran"!t!on l!$e th!"8
+And how would th!" tou*h eel to you ! he were tou*h!ng you l!$e th!"' here and now.+ Re"u)e your pa"" now%
MET0OD TWO8 REDEFINE T0E MEANIN9 OF T0E SITUATION Th!" !" a )ore &er#al approa*h than the la"t )ethod% When "he eed" you the +I() -u"t not attra*ted to you+ o#-e*t!on' you reply a" ollow"8 +What you(re really "ay!ng !" you ha&e an unpre*edented opportun!ty to e1pand the range o people you *an "hare -oy and plea"ure w!th%+
That w!ll #low her )!nd% /ou(&e ta$en a negat!&e and turned !t around !nto a po"!t!&e opportun!ty or her to grow and e1pand her l!e% /ou(&e )ade her e1*u"e or not u*$!ng you her po"!t!&e rea"on to do "o% Wow7 MET0OD T0REE8 CONSEEUENCES 0ere you po!nt out the *on"e,uen*e" o her a*t!on" #y "ay!ng8 +Tell!ng )e that !" only go!ng to )a$e )e want you )ore' #e*au"e I get really turned on when wo)en re-e*t )e%+ Well' where doe" T0AT lea&e her. /ou(&e let her $now that pu"h!ng you away aga!n !" only go!ng to )a$e !t wor"e or her7 She *an(t w!n no )atter what% MET0OD FOUR8 S0OC6 Th!" )ethod rel!e" on !nterrupt!ng her pattern #y re&er"!ng the ta#le"% 0ere you "ay8 +Attra*ted. Who "ay" I(M attra*ted to /OU% A" ar a" I() *on*erned' honey' I() g!&!ng you a MERC/ u*$7+ Then !))ed!ately re"u)e your pa""% 25 MET0OD FI4E8 0UMOR 0ere you !nterrupt her pattern o re-e*t!on aga!n' #ut th!" t!)e )ore gently% <ol!tely "ay' +Oh% I() "orry% E1*u"e )e%+ Then get up' and go !nto the $!t*hen% 9et a paper "hopp!ng #ag' "t!*$ !t on your head' and wal$ #a*$ o&er to her% +There'+ you "ay' +that "hould !1 !t7+ A" "he laugh"' re"u)e your pa""% MET0OD SI?8 9UILT One o the harde"t th!ng" or anyone to do !" wat*h a grown )an *ry% /ou are go!ng to depend on that or th!" )ethod' #ut #e aware that th!" one !" go!ng to ta$e "o)e a*t!ng a#!l!ty% <ull away ater "he re-e*t" you and put your head !n your hand"% Eu!etly "tart to "o#%
+I() "orry %%%% I "hould ha&e $nown #etter than to th!n$ %%%% that a g!rl l!$e you %%%% *ould l!$e )e %%%% + So# "o)e )ore% +Let )e "!t a "e*ond %%%% and I(ll ta$e you ho)e%+ 2O#&!ou"ly ! you are at 0ER pla*e' you word !t a**ord!ngly' du))y73 +It(" -u"t that I(ll ne&er $now %%%% the pea*e %%%% o ha&!ng you !n )y ar)" %%%% and lo&!ng you %%%% !t would ha&e )eant "o )u*h %%%% 2"o#' "o#3% I(&e ne&er #een w!th a wo)an a" #eaut!ul a" you %%%% you don(t $now the *on!den*e !t would ha&e g!&en )e%%%and the happ!ne"" %%%% % 2"o# un*ontrolla#ly now3 %%%% *ould you !nd !t !n your"el %%%% -u"t to let )e $!"" you on*e %%%% to $now I at lea"t had that.+ Now I pro)!"e you' ! the g!rl ha" any heart at ALL' "he(ll $!"" you% And that(" when you re"u)e your pa""% I "he "top" you' "tart weep!ng aga!n% CHAPTER TWENTY A FINAL WORD Well' we(&e *o)e a long way together% /ou(&e learned and hopeully appl!ed )ethod" to g!&e you un#eata#le and ea"y *on!den*e w!th wo)en% /ou $now how to )eet wo)en let and r!ght' and how to "*ore w!th the one" you want' when and where /OU want to% I "!n*erely hope that you put the te*hn!,ue" !n th!" #oo$ to u"e% Ma$e the) WOR6 or you% /ou(ll #e a"ton!"hed at how ea"!ly and ,u!*$ly they *an #r!ng you "u**e"" and happ!ne"" w!th wo)en% I(&e #een a *olo""al a!lure w!th wo)en and a *olo""al "u**e"" and you $now what. Colo""al "u**e"" !" not only one hell o a lot )ore un' !t(" al"o one hell o a lot ea"!er7 On*e you $now how to do !t' !t(" 0ARD to a!l w!th wo)en' and EAS/ to get what you want% I hope you d!"*o&er -u"t how ea"y !t !"7 And how )u*h n!*er *olo""al "u**e"" *an #e7 APPENDI/ ONE T0E ULTIMATE RULES AND ATTITUDES FOR SUCCESS WIT0 WOMEN Note8 The"e att!tude" and rule" are the oundat!on o e&eryth!ng !n th!" #oo$' and the $ey to your "u**e"" w!th wo)en% To )a$e the) wor$ or you' you )u"t pra*t!*e the)' #oth !n your !)ag!nat!on and real l!e7 Wr!te the) down on three #y !&e !nde1 *ard"' and &!"ual!;e your"el putt!ng the) !nto a*t!on%
Att!tudeBRule Se&en8 T0ERE IS NO WOMAN SO BEAUTIFUL T0AT I CAN(T MA6E 0ER MINE% Att!tudeBRule E!ght8 A +>+ IN /OUR BED BEATS A +CG+ IN /OUR 0EAD' BUT A +CG+ IN /OUR BED' BEATS A 0UNDRED +>("+ IN /OUR 0EAD7 Att!tudeBRule N!ne8 NE4ER 9ET SERIOUSL/ IN4OL4ED WIT0 A WOMAN W0O 0AS MORE <ROBLEMS T0AN /OU DO% Att!tudeBRule Ten8 <ERSISTENCE WIT0OUT FLE?IBILIT/ IS A <RESCRI<TION FOR DISASTER% 4AR/ /OUR A<<ROAC0 AND ST/LE TO DISCO4ER W0AT WOR6S T0E BEST% APPENDI/ TWO RE<RESENTATIONAL S/STEMS <eople per*e!&e the world !n three #a"!* )ode"8 4!"ual 2p!*ture"3' Aud!tory 2"ound"3' 6!ne"thet!* 2#ody eel!ng"3% Wh!le e&eryone u"e" one or )ore o the"e "y"te)" at any g!&en t!)e' )o"t people ha&e a preerred "y"te)% I you "pea$ to the) u"!ng ter)" ro) the!r preerred "y"te)' you w!ll *reate great eel!ng" o rapport and war)th' #e*au"e you are' !n ee*t' "pea$!ng to the) !n the language the!r #ra!n preer"% 0ow To F!nd Out /our Date(" <reerred Sy"te) Step One8 A"$' +Can you re*all the la"t t!)e you had a really un &a*at!on.+ Step Two8 Ater gett!ng a +ye"+ an"wer' a"$' +What d!d you really l!$e )o"t a#out !t.+ Step Three8 Ma$e "ure your date u"e" SENSOR/ ter)" to de"*r!#e the e1per!en*e% I "he -u"t "ay"' +It wa" really un7+ you ha&en(t gotten anywhere% A"$ her what "pe*!!*ally a#out !t wa" un%
Step Four8 27 L!"ten or the "en"ory #a"ed ter)" "he u"e" to de"*r!#e the e1per!en*e% +I really l!$ed the water% It wa" "o *lear and #lue% And you *ould "ee the #!t" o "unl!ght "par$l!ng o the top" o the wa&e"%+ 9ue"" what. She(" &!"ual% Step F!&e8 De"*r!#e a re*ent e1per!en*e o your" to her' u"!ng ter)" ro) her preerred "y"te)% Step S!18 Wat*h her non5&er#al re"pon"e" a" you de"*r!#e your e1per!en*e% /ou "hould not!*e' ! you are really gett!ng through to her' pup!l d!lat!on 2her eye" gett!ng #!g and w!de' du)du)3 !n*rea"ed #reath!ng rate' et*% APPENDI/ THREE INDUCIN9 TRANCE STATES IN /OUR DATE USIN9 T0E STOR/ TELLIN9 MET0OD F!r"t' ne&er' NE4ER )ent!on that you *an do th!"7 I you tell her a#out !t' you )!ght a" well orget a#out !t7 Don(t "ay the word +hypno"!"+ 5 !t w!ll ha&e the "a)e ae*t a" "ay!ng +AIDS+ or +0erpe"%+ /our a!) !" not to !)pre"" w!th what you $now' #ut to u"e what you $now to get re"ult"7 Try to do th!" !n a ,u!et pla*e% Step One8 F!nd out your date(" preerred "y"te)% Th!" !"n(t a#"olutely ne*e""ary or th!" part!*ular )ethod' #ut !t "ure *an help7 Step Two8 Start #y tell!ng a "tory' #ut )a$e the "tory hard to ollow% /ou want to o&erwhel) her *on"*!ou" a#!l!ty to $eep tra*$% Thu" you would "ay' +D!d I e&er tell you a#out )y r!end' @!). It "ee)" he wa" at th!" *oneren*e' and he wa" !n the hotel #ar on a #rea$% And the #artender wa" tell!ng a "tory a#out h!" ne!gh#or who had two #rother"% One wa" really good at deal!ng w!th people' #ut the other had pro#le)" unt!l he )et th!" guy%+ et*' et*% Step Three8 Wea&e ele)ent" o your *urrent "!tuat!on !nto the "tory that are #a"ed on your date" *urrent "en"ory e1per!en*e%
Step Four8 Lead her !nto a $!ne"thet!* )ode o e1per!en*e and de"*r!#e erot!* #ody "en"at!on"%
Step F!&e8 Ma$e a ")ooth tran"!t!on !nto your phy"!*al pa"" at her% Don(t "uddenly "top tal$!ng and roughly gra# her% /ou(ll -olt her out o the "tate you wor$ed "o hard to #u!ld% APPENDI/ FOUR T0E RI90T WA/ TO USE 4ISUALIFATION TO BUILD IRRESISTIBLE CONFIDENCE Re)e)#er !r"t the two d!erent $!nd" o &!"ual !)age" you *an )a$e !n your )!nd8 D!"a""o*!ated' where /OU SEE /OURSELF IN T0E <ICTURE7 A""o*!ated' where /OU DO NOT SEE /OURSELF IN T0E <ICTURE7 /OU SEE T0E E4ENT OR CIRCUMSTANCE AS IF /OU WERE STANDIN9 T0ERE' LOO6IN9 OUT OF /OUR OWN E/ES% /ou(ll u"e the !r"t $!nd o !)age' d!"a""o*!ated' to !)ag!ne all the new' aggre""!&e' powerul $!nd" o #eha&!or" you(d l!$e to ha&e w!th wo)en% That(" your !r"t "tep% 28 /our "e*ond "tep !" to )a$e a""o*!ated !)age" o the *!r*u)"tan*e" where you want to u"e tho"e new powerul' #old' a""ert!&e #eha&!or"% What would !t a*tually loo$ l!$e ro) your own eye". /our th!rd "tep !" to run through the #eha&!or"' ully a""o*!ated% 0ow would you eel !n your #ody. What would your &o!*e "ound l!$e. What would you #e "ee!ng out o your own eye". Th!" w!ll )a$e the"e #eha&!or" &ery real to your #ra!n' and w!ll tell your #ra!n INSTANTL/ to *all the) up when you need the)' "o you don(t e&en ha&e to th!n$ a#out !t7 APPENDI/ FI.E ANC0ORIN9 TO BUILD CONFIDENCE Step One8 Re*all a t!)e when you elt &ery powerul' re"our*eul and po!"ed%
Step Two8 Clo"e your eye"' and run through the "!tuat!on% What d!d you "ee. 0ear. 0ow d!d !t eel !n your #ody. Step Three8
E1per!en*e tho"e powerul eel!ng" !n your #ody% When they rea*h the!r pea$' an*hor the) #y rea*h!ng w!th your r!ght hand and gently ",uee;!ng your let wr!"t' u"!ng your !nde1 !nger and thu)#% 6eep hold!ng that ",uee;e a" you *ont!nue to e1per!en*e tho"e powerul eel!ng"% Step Four8 Run through the !r"t three "tep" another two t!)e"%
Step F!&e8 Ma$e an a""o*!ated !)age o a *!r*u)"tan*e where you want power and *on!den*e w!th wo)en% A" you do "o' !re your an*hor #y apply!ng the "a)e wr!"t ",uee;e% Step S!18 6eep hold!ng the ",uee;e and you w!ll e1per!en*e the powerul' #old' *on!dent eel!ng" !n a *!r*u)"tan*e that u"ed to )a$e you ner&ou"7 /ou ha&e now tra!ned your #ra!n to rea*t to wo)en #y putt!ng you !nto a powerul' *on!dent' #old "tate' WIT0OUT /OUR 0A4IN9 TO T0IN6 ABOUT IT AT T0E TIME /OU ARE ACTUALL/ IN T0E SITUATION7 Step Se&en8 Do th!" on*e a day' !n the )orn!ng to "tart your day' or one wee$7 Rere"h and repeat ater that ! needed7 APPENDI/ SI/ 0OW TO SWIFTL/ DETECT AND ELIMINATE WOMEN W0O ARE WAC6OS' LOW5LIFES' CRAFIES AND SCUM I w!"h the world were a!r% I !t were' I wouldn(t #e "!tt!ng here wr!t!ng th!"% I(d #e a an !ndependently wealthy )ult!5)!ll!ona!re play#oy' on )y own #eaut!ul trop!*al !"land' "urrounded #y the ent!re UCLA Wo)en(" 4olley#all tea) th!n$!ng up new way" to #e n!*e to )e% Ahe))% But l!e ISN(T a!r% And one o the )o"t una!r real!t!e" !" that MOST o the wo)en you )eet are not go!ng to #e de*ent' !ntell!gent' together p!nna*le" o lo&e' -oy and "el5e"tee)' dy!ng to )eet you and ul!ll your l!e !n e&ery way po""!#le% Nope% Mo"t wo)en are "er!ou"ly d!nged !n one way or another% May#e !t(" the !)po""!#le e1pe*tat!on" o "o*!ety that doe" !t% May#e !t(" the horr!#le early tra!n!ng or -u"t #!ology% Whate&er the rea"on' !t !" a a*t you )u"t #e prepared or% 29 So )any t!)e" I would all head o&er heel" !n lo&e w!th a wo)an -u"t #e*au"e "he had a ew *hara*ter!"t!*" I really l!$ed% I th!n$ I d!d !t #e*au"e I truly do l!$e people and en-oy the eel!ng o l!$!ng "o)eone% But )an' d!d I get )y head $!*$ed !n% Tattoo th!" on the !n"!de o your eyel!d"8 @u"t #e*au"e a wo)an !" gorgeou" or un or ")art or 2!ll !n your a&or!te here3 doe"n(t "ay BEANS a#out her *hara*ter% Many wo)en w!th great per"onal!t!e" ha&e terr!#le *hara*ter"% I(&e )et wo)en who are w!tty' #r!ll!ant and ton" o un and 9OR9EOUS to #oot who would ha&e no "e*ond thought a#out "teal!ng you #l!nd !n a "e*ond% Or do!ng whate&er wh!) *ro""ed the!r )!nd at the )o)ent% The"e lad!e" l!&e #y one rule8 I(M NOT 9OIN9 TO DO AN/T0IN9 UNLESS I ABSOLUTEL/ FEEL LI6E IT AT T0E MOMENT% Char)!ng la$e" l!$e th!" *an really put your head 2not to )ent!on other part"3 through the r!nger% Then the!r are lad!e" w!th great per"onal!t!e"' great *hara*ter"' and e&en great loo$!ng% But they ha&e one ")all pro#le)8 T0E/ 0ATE SE?7 That(" r!ght% I you(&e e&er read 9eorge Orwell(" *la""!* #oo$' lHKO' you $now how the total!tar!an go&ern)ent d!d !t(" le&el #e"t to d!"*ourage people ro) en-oy!ng "e1% They were "u**e""ul to "u*h an e1tent that people &!ewed "e1 a" they would a d!"gu"t!ng )!nor )ed!*al pro*edure l!$e ha&!ng an ene)a or popp!ng a #o!l% They e&en had a group or young"ter" *alled T0E @UNIOR ANTI5SE? LEA9UE% Well' lHKO )ay ha&e #een !*t!on' #ut the @ASL !"n(t% I(&e u"ed to date )any o !t(" )e)#er"7 The #e"t way to deal w!th all o the"e &ar!ou" &ar!et!e" o low5l!e e)ale" !" to ta$e the "a)e ta*t you(d ta$e w!th *an*er8 EARL/ DETECTION AND SWIFT REMO4AL% To a!d you !n dete*t!on' I(&e de"!gned what I *all rather )ode"tly the @EFFRIES U<RI90TB U<TI90T SCALE% It allow" you to ,u!*$ly "!;e up a g!rl to let you $now ! "he(" got relat!on"h!p potent!al or ! "he de"er&e" no )ore than ha&!ng one o the +,u!*$5lay+ "trateg!e" pulled on her% The &ert!*al "*ale )ea"ure" her en-oy)ent o "e1% Not ne*e""ar!ly peror)an*e' #ut enthu"!a") and genu!ne plea"ure "he get" out o !t% Naturally' you(d want "o)eone w!th a low +upt!ght "*ore%+ The hor!;ontal "*ale )ea"ure" her *hara*ter' how +upr!ght+ "he !"% Lot" o th!ng" go !nto th!"8 !" "he war). Doe" "he treat people' e"pe*!ally "tranger"' w!th re"pe*t. DOES S0E DO W0AT S0E SA/S S0E WILL. I" "he hone"t. Th!" la"t !" )o"t !)portant% I on*e wor$ed w!th a g!rl who I *on"!der to #e one o )y )odel" or upr!ghtne""% In add!t!on to her regular -o#' wh!*h "he wor$ed w!th )e' "he "old *erta!n door to door $!t*henwareB"oap produ*t"% She $new I had an !n*red!#le *ru"h on her' and would #uy anyth!ng "he "lapped down !n ront o )y a*e% Bel!e&e )e' lot" and LOTS o lad!e" would not ha&e he"!tated to ta$e ad&antage o th!"% But not L!"a% Ater tal$!ng to )e or awh!le' "he real!;ed that I really d!dn(t need her produ*t" and "he wouldn(t let )e #uy the)7 She "a!d "he d!dn(t eel r!ght a#out )a$!ng a "ale to "o)eone who *ould get a *heaper produ*t that would do the "a)e -o# or the part!*ular need they had7 That' )y r!end"' !" !ntegr!ty and U<RI90TNESS% Other ,ual!t!e" that go !nto th!"8 I" "he a g!&er. And' -u"t a" !)portantly' *an S0E re*e!&e good th!ng" ro) /OU. W!thout eel!ng un*o)orta#le a#out !t. One o the "ure "!gn" that you(&e got a "!*$o on your hand" !" "he *an(t a**ept "o)eone(" #e!ng good to her% So)eone on*e de"*r!#ed a good r!end o )!ne th!" way8 +She(" really great to anyone who *an ta$e !t%+ <!*$ a g!rl who *an ta$e !t% When you )eet a lady' "!;e her up a" the two o you "pend t!)e together' and try to put her on the upt!ghtBupr!ght "*ale%
0ere are "o)e early tell5tale #eha&!oral *ue" to let you $now you(re deal!ng w!th "o)eone who !" NOT go!ng to get a a&ora#le "pot on the "*ale8 She tal$" a#out "e1 on the !r"t date% Any wo)an who doe" th!" e!ther ha" no *la""' or' ar )ore re,uently' !" a pr!*$tea"er% I a wo)an tal$" a#out "e1 on the !r"t date' or e&en pull" out a d!rty draw!ng or photograph to "how you 2#el!e&e )e' I(&e had !t happen3 don(t get hot and #othered7 Th!" !" a "!gn o a "!*$o' #el!e&e )e7 /our #e"t re"pon"e !" to a*t a tr!le "ho*$ed and "ay' +I th!n$ tal$!ng a#out the"e $!nd o th!ng" w!th "o)eone you hardly $now !" $!nd o &ulgar' don(t you.+ Or' e&en )ore ee*t!&e' +/ou $now I !nd people who ha&e to tal$ a#out "e1 r!ght o the #at u"ually ha&e a real pro#le) w!th !t7+ 30 That w!ll REALL/ <UT 0ER IN 0ER <LACE% She )ay e&en try to pro&e you wrong' #y u*$!ng you later that n!ght% But generally "pea$!ng' you(&e got a @ASL )e)#er on your hand" and are #e"t o *all!ng !t an early e&en!ng% Tell her you orgot that you ha&e to dr!&e out o town really early the ne1t day or a Three Stooge" *on&ent!on% 0a&e "o)e un w!th !t' #ut orget her' FAST7 She $eep" you wa!t!ng a long t!)e when you go to p!*$ her up or doe" "o)eth!ng el"e that !" darn rude e!ther at the #eg!nn!ng o the date or later on% May#e "he(ll pull a la$y "tunt l!$e ha&!ng you wa!t !n the l!&!ng roo)' wh!le "he )a$e" a ,u!*$ *all% Then "he(ll get on the phone and *hat w!th a g!rlr!end or an hour or "o% Wo)en l!$e th!" are loo$!ng or a )an who(" go!ng to ABUSE T0EM EMOTIONALL/% They are te"t!ng you r!ght o the #at to "ee ! you(ll #e pat!ent and under"tand!ng and ! you are' /OU ARE OUT7 She !deally would l!$e you to pull the phone out o the wall' gra# her #y the ha!r and e!ther drag her out the door or wal$ out' w!th her runn!ng ater you% I the *h!*$ pull" "o)eth!ng l!$e that' you ha&e to )a$e a de*!"!on% E!ther g!&e her what "he want"' #y aggre""!&ely tell!ng her what an a""hole "he !" and turn!ng to wal$ out !n wh!*h *a"e "he(ll all !n lo&e w!th you r!ght then and there% Or' de*!de "he(" not worth wa"t!ng the t!)e' wa&e pol!tely' and get lo"t% Or' wa!t pat!ently or her to !n!"h the *all and then "$!p the date and "*rew the *h!*$ r!ght there' u"!ng a ,u!*$5lay hypno"!" "trategy% She *erta!nly doe"n(t de"er&e any #etter treat)ent7 By the way' you )ay !nd !t ,u!te a )!nd5e1pand!ng tr!p to play the a#u"!&e a""hole -u"t on*e !n your l!e7 It !" a ar we!rder and )ore )!nd #low!ng e1per!en*e than any drug you )!ght e&er u"e 5 !t(" l!$e #e!ng a new per"on' #e!ng re#orn !n a new per"onal!ty and #ody% Try !t' ! only to "ee what !t !" l!$e and to add to your per"onal le1!#!l!ty% She "tart" tal$!ng a#out her pa"t #oyr!end" or other guy" "he(" *urrently dat!ng% Th!" !" )ore ea"!ly dealt w!th and not ne*e""ar!ly *au"e to relegate her to the +lowl!e+ *ategory% @u"t tell her you(d really rather not hear a#out !t% Th!" w!ll e"ta#l!"h you a" ha&!ng "o)e #all" and then you w!ll ha&e pa""ed her l!ttle te"t%
She dr!n$" or u"e" drug" to e1*e""% I "he get" r!otou"ly drun$ e&ery t!)e you go out' *on"!der the a*t that you )ay ha&e an al*ohol!* on your hand"% Sure' they *an #e un or a wh!le' #ut I per"onally would rather not #e w!th a wo)an who lo&e" @a*$ Dan!el" )ore than "he doe" Ro"" @er!e"% She doe" not $eep appo!nt)ent" or *o))!t)ent"% I don(t $now how +la$e"+ are )anua*tured: I "u"pe*t that they were ra!"ed #y parent" who put enor)ou" pre""ure" on the) to peror) on *ue' "o now they ha&e a polar!ty re"pon"e and reu"e to do anyth!ng unle"" they eel l!$e !t at the )o)ent7 I a wo)an doe"n(t do a" "he "ay" "he w!ll' du)p her or u"e a +,u!*$5lay+ "trategy% She a"$" or a a&or BEFORE you(&e e&en gone out7 May#e "he need" a r!de' or "o)e )oney' or e&en her *ar wa"hed% To hell w!th the"e e&!l l!ttle Na;! dou*he5#ag e1plo!tat!on ,ueen"% Fu*$ and du)p t!)e' good #uddy7 And DON(T DO 0ER T0E FA4OR% TELL 0ER /OU(LL DO IT AFTER /OU 9O OUT7 In "u))at!on' I() no #!#le thu)per' #ut "*r!pture doe" "ay "o)eth!ng &ery' &ery w!"e on the "u#-e*t8 +A good wo)an' who *an !nd her. 0er pr!*e !" #eyond pearl"%+
U"e the upt!ghtBupr!ght "*ale' and get your"el a STRAND OF T0EM7 Ro"" @er!e"( S<EED SEDUCTION CATALO9 Author(" Note I you ha&e a a&or!te p!*$5up l!ne' "edu*t!&e te*hn!,ue or "tory' that you would l!$e to "end )e' "end to8 Ro"" @er!e" NDO> Br!"tol <ar$way' Su!te DM> Cul&er C!ty' CA HGD=G 31