Gadsby-Ernest Vincent Wright
Gadsby-Ernest Vincent Wright
Gadsby-Ernest Vincent Wright
INTRODUCTION THE ENTIRE MANUSCRIPT of this story was written with the E type-bar of the typewriter tied down th!s "a#in$ it i"possib%e for that %etter to be printed& This was done so that none of that 'owe% "i$ht s%ip in( a))identa%%y and "any did try to do so* There is a $reat dea% of infor"ation as to what +o!th )an do( if $i'en a )han)e and( tho!$h it starts o!t in so"ewhat of an i"persona% 'ein( there is p%enty of thri%%( ro%%i)#in$ )o"edy( %o'e( )o!rtship( "arria$e( patriotis"( s!dden tra$edy( a deter"ined stand a$ainst %i,!or( and so"e a"!sin$ po%iti)a% aspirations in a s"a%% $rowin$ town& In writin$ s!)h a story( -p!rpose%y a'oidin$ a%% words )ontainin$ the 'owe% E( there are a $reat "any diffi)!%ties& The $reatest of these is "et in the past tense of 'erbs( a%"ost a%% of whi)h end with .-ed&/ Therefore s!bstit!tes "!st be fo!nd and they are 'ery few& This wi%% )a!se( at ti"es( a so"ewhat "onotono!s !se of s!)h words as .said / for neither .rep%ied(/ .answered/ nor .as#ed/ )an be !sed& Another diffi)!%ty )o"es with the e%i"ination of the )o""on )o!p%et .of )o!rse(/ and its 'ery )o""on )onne)ti'e( .)onse,!ent%y / whi)h wi%%0 !na'oidab%y )a!se .b!"py spots&/ The n!"era%s a%so )a!se p%enty of tro!b%e( for none between si1 and thirty are a'ai%ab%e& 2hen introd!)in$ yo!n$ %adies into the story( this is a rea% barrier for what yo!n$ wo"an wants to ha'e it #nown that she is o'er thirty3 And this restri)tion on n!"bers( of )o!rse taboos a%% "ention of dates& Many abbre'iations a%so "!st be a'oided the "ost )o""on of a%%( .Mr&/ and .Mrs&/ bein$ parti)!%ar%y tro!b%eso"e for those words( if read a%o!d( p%ain%y indi)ate the E in their ortho$raphy& As the 'owe% E is !sed "ore than fi'e ti"es oftener than any other %etter( this story was written( not thro!$h any atte"pt to attain %iterary "erit( b!t d!e to a so"ewhat ba%#y nat!re( )a!sed by hearin$ it so )onstant%y )%ai"ed that .it )an0t be done for yo! )annot say anythin$ at a%% witho!t !sin$ E( and "a#e s"ooth )ontin!ity( with perfe)t%y $ra""ati)a% )onstr!)tion-/ so 4twas said& Many "ay thin# that I si"p%y .drop/ the E0s( fi%%in$ the $aps with apostrophes& A per!sa% of the boo# wi%% show that this is not so& A%% words !sed are )o"p%ete are )orre)t%y spe%%ed and proper%y !sed& This has been a))o"p%ished thro!$h the !se of synony"s and( by so twistin$ a senten)e aro!nd as to a'oid a"bi$!ity& The boo# "ay pro'e a 'a%!ab%e aid to s)hoo% )hi%dren in En$%ish )o"position& Peop%e( as a r!%e( wi%% not stop to rea%i5e what a tas# s!)h an atte"pt a)t!a%%y is& As I wrote a%on$( in %on$-hand at first( a who%e ar"y of %itt%e E0s $athered aro!nd "y des#( a%% ea$er%y e1pe)tin$ to be )a%%ed !pon& 6!t $rad!a%%y as they saw "e writin$ on and on( witho!t e'en noti)in$ the"( they $rew !neasy and( with e1)ited whisperin$s a"on$st the"se%'es( be$an hoppin$ !p and ridin$ on "y pen( %oo#in$ down )onstant%y for a )han)e to drop off into so"e word for a%% the wor%d %i#e sea-birds per)hed( wat)hin$ for a passin$ fish* 6!t when they saw that I had )o'ered 789 pa$es of typewriter si5e paper( they s%id off onto the f%oor( wa%#in$ sad%y away( ar" in ar" b!t sho!tin$ ba)#:
.+o! )ertain%y "!st ha'e a hod$e-pod$e of a yarn there witho!t Us* 2hy( "an* 2e are in e'ery story e'er written( h!ndreds of tho!sands of ti"es* This is the first ti"e we e'er were sh!t o!t*/ Prono!ns a%so )a!sed tro!b%e for s!)h words as he( she( they( the"( theirs( her( herse%f( "yse%f( hi"se%f( yo!rse%f( et)&( )o!%d not be !ti%i5ed& 6!t a parti)!%ar%y annoyin$ obsta)%e )o"es when( a%"ost thro!$h a %on$ para$raph yo! )an find no words with whi)h to )ontin!e that %ine of tho!$ht hen)e( as in So%itaire( yo! are .st!)#(/ and "!st $o way ba)# and start another whi)h( of )o!rse( "!st perfe)t%y fit the pre)edin$ )onte1t& I ha'e re)ei'ed so"e e1tre"e%y odd )riti)is"s sin)e the Asso)iated Press wide%y anno!n)ed that s!)h a boo# was bein$ written& A rapid-ta%#in$ New +or# newspaper )o%!"nist wanted to #now how I wo!%d $et o'er the p%ain fa)t that "y na"e )ontains the %etter E three ti"es& As an a!thor0s na"e is not a part of his story( that )riti)is" did not ho%d water& And I re)ei'ed one "ost s)athin$ epist%e fro" a %ady ;wo"an*< deno!n)in$ "e as a .$en!ine fa#e / ;that parado1 bein$ a "ost interestin$ one*<( and endin$ by sayin$: - .E'eryone #nows that s!)h a feat is i"possib%e&/ A%% ri$ht& Then the i"possib%e has been a))o"p%ished ; a parado1 to e,!a% hers*< Other )riti)is" "ay be dire)ted at the Introd!)tion b!t this se)tion of a story a%so is not part of it& The a!thor is entit%ed to it( in order proper%y to e1p%ain his wor#& The story re,!ired fi'e and a ha%f "onths of )on)entrated endea'or( with so "any eras!res and retren)h"ents that I tre"b%e as I thin# of the"& Of )o!rse anybody )an write s!)h a story& A%% that is needed is a pie)e of strin$ tied fro" the E type-bar down to so"e part of the base of the typewriter& Then si"p%y $o ahead and type yo!r story& In)identa%%y( yo! sho!%d ha'e so"e sort of a bro"ide preparation handy( for !se when the $oin$ $ets ro!$h( as it "ost ass!red%y wi%%* 6efore the boo# was in print( I was free%y and open%y infor"ed .there is a tri)#( or )at)h( so"ewhere in that )%ai" that there is not one %etter E in the entire boo#( after yo! %ea'e the Introd!)tion(/ 2e%% it is the pri'i%e$e of the reader to !nearth any s!)h de)eption that he or she "ay thin# they )an find& I ha'e e'en ordered the printer not to head ea)h )hapter with the words .Chapter =(/ et)&( on a))o!nt of that botherso"e E in that word& In )%osin$ %et "e say that I tr!st yo! "ay %earn to %o'e a%% the yo!n$ fo%#s in the story( as deep%y as I ha'e( in introd!)in$ the" to yo!& >i#e "any a boo#( it $rows "ore and "ore interestin$ as the reader be)o"es we%% a),!ainted with the )hara)ters& Ernest Vincent Wright Los Angeles, !liforni! "ebru!ry, #$%$
f yo!th( thro!$ho!t a%% history( had had a )ha"pion to stand !p for it to show a do!btin$ wor%d that a )hi%d )an thin# and( possib%y( do it pra)ti)a%%y yo! wo!%dn0t )onstant%y r!n a)ross fo%#s today who )%ai" that .a )hi%d don0t #now anythin$&/A )hi%d0s brain starts f!n)tionin$ at birth and has( a"on$st its "any infant )on'o%!tions( tho!sands of dor"ant ato"s( into whi)h ?od has p!t a "ysti) possibi%ity for noti)in$ an ad!%t0s a)t( and fi$!rin$ o!t its p!rport& Up to abo!t its pri"ary s)hoo% days a )hi%d thin#s( nat!ra%%y( on%y of p%ay& 6!t "any a for" of p%ay )ontains dis)ip%inary fa)tors& .+o! )an0t do this(/ or .that p!ts yo! o!t(/ shows a )hi%d that it "!st thin#( pra)ti)a%%y or fai%& Now( if( thro!$ho!t )hi%dhood( a brain has no opposition( it is p%ain that it wi%% attain a position of .stat!s ,!o(/ as with o!r ordinary ani"a%s& Man #nows not why a )ow( do$ or %ion was not born with a brain on a par with o!rs why s!)h ani"a%s )annot add( s!btra)t( or obtain fro" boo#s and s)hoo%in$( that para"o!nt position whi)h Man ho%ds today& 6!t a h!"an brain is not in that )%ass& Constant%y throbbin$ and p!%satin$( it rapid%y for"s opinions attainin$ an abi%ity of its own a fa)t whi)h is start%in$%y shown by an o))asiona% )hi%d .prodi$y/ in "!si) or s)hoo% wor#& And as( with o!r d!"b ani"a%s( a )hi%d0s inabi%ity )on'in)in$%y to i"part its tho!$hts to !s( sho!%d not )%ass it as i$norant& Upon this basis I a" $oin$ to show yo! how a b!n)h of bri$ht yo!n$ fo%#s did find a )ha"pion a "an with boys and $ir%s of his own a "an of so do"inatin$ and happy indi'id!a%ity that +o!th is drawn to hi" as is a f%y to a s!$ar bow%& It is a story abo!t a s"a%% town& It is not a $ossipy yarn nor is it a dry( "onotono!s a))o!nt( f!%% of s!)h )!sto"ary .fi%%ins/ as .ro"anti) "oon%i$ht )astin$ "!r#y shadows down a %on$( windin$ )o!ntry road&/ Nor wi%% it say anythin$ abo!t tin#%in$s %!%%in$ distant fo%ds robins )aro%%in$ at twi%i$ht( nor any .war" $%ow of %a"p%i$ht/ fro" a )abin window& No& It is an a))o!nt of !p-and-doin$ a)ti'ity a 'i'id portraya% of +o!th as it is today and a pra)ti)a% dis)ardin$ of that worn-o!t notion that .a )hi%d don0t #now anythin$&/ Now( any a!thor( fro" history0s dawn( a%ways had that "ost i"portant aid to writin$: an abi%ity to )a%% !pon any word in his di)tionary in b!i%din$ !p his story& That is( o!r stri)t %aws as to word )onstr!)tion did not b%o)# his path& 6!t in "y story that "i$hty obstr!)tion wi%% )onstant%y stand in "y path for "any an i"portant( )o""on word I )annot adopt( owin$ to its ortho$raphy& I sha%% a)t as a sort of historian for this s"a%% town asso)iatin$ with its inhabitants( and stri'in$ to a),!aint yo! with its yo!ths( in s!)h a way that yo! )an %oo#( #nowin$%y( !pon any )hi%d( ri)h or poor forward or .ba)#ward / yo!r own( or @ohn S"ith0s( in yo!r )o""!nity& +o! wi%% find "any yo!n$ "inds aspirin$ to #now how( and &hy s!)h a thin$ is so& And( if a )hi%d shows )!riosity in that way( how ridi)!%o!s it is for yo! to snap o!t:- .Oh* Don0t as# abo!t thin$s too o%d for yo!*/ S!)h a Ao%t to a yo!n$ )hi%d0s "ind( )ra'in$ instr!)tion( is apt so to d!%% its a'idity( as to ho%d it ba)# in its s)hoo% wor#& Try to %oo# !pon a )hi%d as a s"a%%( soft yo!n$ body and a rapid%y
$rowin$( )onstant%y in,!irin$ brain& It "!st $row to "at!rity s%ow%y& Bor)in$ a )hi%d thro!$h s)hoo% by )onstant ni$ht st!dy d!rin$ ho!rs in whi)h it sho!%d r!n and p%ay( )an brin$ on inso"nia handi)appin$ both brain and body& Now this s"a%% town in o!r story had $rown in A!st that way:- s%ow%y in fa)t( "!)h too s%ow%y to stand on a par with "any a tho!sand of its #ind in this bi$( 'i$oro!s nation of o!rs& It was si"p%y sta$natin$ A!st as a s"a%% "o!ntain broo#( )o"in$ to a ho%%ow( "i$ht stop( and sin# fro" si$ht( thro!$h not ha'in$ a wi%% to find a way thro!$h that obstr!)tion or aro!nd it& +o! wi%% r!n a)ross s!)h a dor"ant town( o))asiona%%y possib%y so dor"ant that on%y o!tri$ht iso%ation by a fast-"o'in$ wor%d( wi%% show it its fo%%y& If yo! wi%% to!r Asia( +!)atan( or parts of Afri)a and Ita%y( yo! wi%% find "any sad r!ins of past #in$do"s& ?o to Indo-China and 'isit its $i$anti) An#hor Cat )a%% at Da"as)!s( 6a$hdad and Sa"ar#and& 2hat sorrowf!% %a)# of a"bition "any s!)h a )o""!nity shows in th!s dis)ardin$ s!)h hi$h-)%ass )onstr!)tion* And I say( a$ain( that so wi%% +o!th $row dor"ant( and ho%d this bi$( throbbin$ wor%d ba)#( if no )ha"pion ba)#s it !p th!s pro'idin$ it with an opport!nity to show its abi%ity for %oo#in$ forward( and i"pro'in$ !nsatisfa)tory )onditions& So this s"a%% town of 6ranton Hi%%s was %a5i%y snoo5in$ a"idst !p-and-doin$ towns( as +o!th0s Cha"pion( @ohn ?adsby( too# ho%d of it and shoo# its dawd%in$( f%abby body !nti% its inhabitants tho!$ht a tornado had str!)# it& Ca%% it tornado( 'o%)ano( "i%itary ons%a!$ht( or what yo! wi%%( this town fo!nd that it had a b!n)h of #ids who had wi%%s that wo!%d ad"it of no snoo5in$ for that is +o!th( on its forward "ar)h of in,!iry( tho!$ht and a)tion& If yo! stop to thin# of it( yo! wi%% find that it is )!sto"ary for o!r .$rown-!p/ brain to )ast off "any of its f!n)tions of its yo!th and to thin# on%y of what it )a%%s .topi)s of "at!rity&/ A"on$st s!)h dis)ards is "any a for" of happy p%ay "any a "!s)!%ar a)ti'ity s!)h as wa%#in$( r!nnin$( )%i"bin$ th!s tota%%y "issin$ that a%%!rin$ .Aoy of %i'in$/ of )hi%dhood& If yo! wish a 'a)ation fro" finan)ia% affairs( A!st $o o!t and p%ay with +o!th& P%ay .b%ind-"an0s b!ff(00 .hop-s)ot)h(/ .rin$ toss(/ and footba%%& ?o o!t to a )har"in$ wood%and spot on a pi)ni) with a bri$ht( happy( 'i'a)io!s $ro!p& Sit down at a )orn roast a "arsh"a%%ow toast Aoin in sin$in$ pop!%ar son$s drin# a ,!art of $ood( ri)h "i%# b!rrow into that bi$ %!n)h bo1 and a%% s!)h thin$s as ban#s( sto)#s( and fa"i%y bi%%s( wi%% 'anish on fairy win$s( into ob%i'ion& 6!t this is not a )%ai" that Man sho!%d stay a%ways yo!thf!%& S!pposin$ that that fa"o!s Spaniard( %andin$ !pon B%orida0s )ora% strands( had fo!nd that "ythi)a% Bo!ntain of +o!th what a )a%a"ity for "an#ind* A wor%d witho!t "at!rity of tho!$ht witho!t "an0s f!%%-$rown "!s)!%ar abi%ity to )onstr!)t "i$hty b!i%din$s( rai%roads and ships a wor%d witho!t a!thors( do)tors( sa'ants( "!si)ians nothin$ b!t +o!th* I )an thin# of b!t a so%itary appro'a% of s!)h a )ondition for s!)h a horror as war wo!%d not( -)o!%d not o))!r for a )hi%d is( nat!ra%%y( a s"a%% b!n)h of sy"pathy& I #now that boys wi%% .s)rap / a%so that .spats/ wi%% o))!r a"on$st $ir%s b!t( at s!)h a "onstrosity as #i%%in$s by bo"bin$ towns( sin#in$ ships( or "ass annihi%ation of "ar)hin$ troops( )hi%dhood wo!%d stand a$hast& Not a tiny bird wo!%d fa%% nor wo!%d any for" of $!n nor fa)i%ity for "an!fa)t!rin$ it( ins!%t that a%"ost Ho%y p!rity of yo!thf!% tho!$ht& Anybody who #nows that wra)#in$ sorrow bro!$ht !pon a )hi%d by a dyin$ p!ppy or )at( #nows that )hi%dhood )an show !s that o!r fi$htin$( o!r po%i)y of .a tooth for a tooth(/ is abo"inab%y wron$& So( now to start o!r story&
6ranton Hi%%s was a s"a%% town in a ri)h a$ri)!%t!ra% distri)t and ha'in$ "any a possibi%ity for $rowth& 6!t( thro!$h a sort of s"!$ satisfa)tion with )onditions of %on$ a$o( had no tho!$ht of i"pro'in$ s!)h i"portant adA!n)ts as roads p!ttin$ !p p!b%i) b!i%din$s( nor %ayin$ o!t par#s in fa)t a dor"ant( s%ow%y dyin$ )o""!nity& So satisfa)tory was its stat!s that it had no for" of transportation to s!rro!ndin$ towns b!t by rai%road( or .o%d Dobbin&/ Now( any town th!s iso%atin$ its inhabitants( wi%% in'ariab%y find this bi$( b!sy wor%d passin$ it by $%an)in$ at it( )!rio!s%y( as at an odd ani"a% at a )ir)!s and( yo! wi%% find( )arin$ not a whit abo!t its )ondition& Nat!ra%%y( a town sho!%d $row& +o! )an %oo# !pon it as a )hi%d whi)h( thro!$h nat!ra% )onditions( sho!%d attain "anhood and add to its s!rro!ndin$ thri'in$ distri)ts its prod!)ts of far"( shop( or fa)tory& It sho!%d show a spirit of asso)iation with s!rro!ndin$ towns )raw% o!t of its %air( and find how ba)#ward it is& Now( in a%% s!)h towns( yo! wi%% find( o))asiona%%y( an indi'id!a% born with that sort of brain whi)h( #nowin$ that his town is ba)#ward( %on$s to start thin$s toward i"pro'in$ it not on%y its %i'in$ )onditions( b!t addin$ an instit!tion or two( s!)h as any )ity( bi$ or s"a%%( "aintains( $ratis( for its inhabitants& 6!t so forward %oo#in$ a "an finds that tryin$ to insti%% any s!)h notions into a town0s r!%in$ body is abo!t as satisfa)tory as b!ttin$ a$ainst a bri)# wa%%& S!)h .6oards/ as yo! find r!%in$ "any a s"a%% town( f!n)tion fro" s!)h a soporifi) r!t that any hint of di$$in$ )ash fro" its )ast iron stron$ bo1 with its bi$ brass pad%o)#( wi%% fa%% !pon "inds as ri$id as ro)#& 6ranton Hi%%s had s!)h a "an( to who" s!)h ri$idity was as annoyin$ as a thorn in his foot& Contin!o!s tria%s bro!$ht on%y )ontin!a% thornpri)#s !nti%( fina%%y( a bri%%iant p%an too# for" as @ohn ?adsby fo!nd 6ranton Hi%%s0 Hi$h S)hoo% p!pi%s wa#in$ !p to 6ranton Hi%%s0 s%oth& ?adsby )ontin!a%%y fo!nd this bri$ht yo!n$ b!n)h as#in$:- .Aw* 2hy is this town so s%ow3 It0s nothin$ b!t a dry twi$**/ .Ha */ said ?adsby .A dry twi$* That0s it* Many a %i'in$( b%osso"in$ bran)h a%% aro!nd !s( and this so%itary dry twi$( with a ta$ han$in$ fro" it( on whi)h yo! wi%% find: 46ranton Hi%%s A twi$ too %a5y to $row*0/ Now this p!t a .h!n)h/ in ?adsby0s brain( )a!sin$ hi" to say: .A Hi$h S)hoo% p!pi% is not a )hi%d( now& Nat!ra%%y a Hi$h S)hoo% boy has not a "an0s ,!a%ifi)ations nor has a Hi$h S)hoo% $ir% wo"an%y "at!rity& 6!t s!)h #ids( born in this swift%y "o'in$ day( thin# o!t "any a notion whi)h wi%% wor#( b!t whi)h wo!%d pass o!r dads and $randdads in )o%d disdain& @!st as ships pass at ni$ht& 6!t s!pposin$ that s!)h ships sho!%d show a %i$ht in passin$ or b%ow a horn or( if-if-if- 6y ?o%%y* I0%% do it */ And so ?adsby sat on his b%osso"-bo!nd por)h on a "i%d Sprin$ "ornin$( thin#in$ and s"o#in$& S"o#in$ )an )a%" a "an down and his tho!$hts had so %on$ and so )onstant%y )%!n$ to this p%an of his that a )oo% o!t%oo# as to its pro"!%$ation was not on%y i"portant( b!t para"o!nt& So( as his )i$ar was whir%in$ and p!ffin$ rin$s a%oft and as $ro!ps of bri$ht( happy boys and $ir%s trod past( to s)hoo%( his p%an rapid%y too# for" as fo%%ows:- .+o!th* 2hat is it3 Si"p%y a start& A start of what3 2hy( of that "ost asto!ndin$ of a%% h!"an f!n)tions tho!$ht& 6!t "an didn0t start his brain wor#in$& No& A%% that an ad!%t )an )%ai" is a )ontin!ation( or an a"p%ifi)ation of tho!$hts( dor"ant in his yo!th& A%tho!$h a )hi%d0s brain )an absorb instr!)tion with an abi%ity far s!rpassin$ that of a $rown "an and( a%tho!$h s!)h a yo!n$ brain is bo!nd by ri$id %i"its( it )ontains a )apa)ity for )onstant%y )ra'in$ additiona% fa)ts& So( in o!r
ba)#ward 6ranton Hi%%s( I A!st #now that I )an find boys and $ir%s who )an show o!r o%d "ossba)# Town Ha%% bi$-wi$s a thin$ or two& 2hy* On Town Ha%% ni$ht( A!st $o and sit in that roo" and find o!t A!st how st!pid and st!bborn a Co!n)i%( ;p!t into Town Ha%%( yo! #now( thro!$h pop!%ar ba%%ot*<( )an a)t& Say that a road is bad%y worn& Sha%% it stay so3 Up A!"ps O%d 6i%% Si"p#ins )%ai"in$ that it is a towns"an0s d!ty to fi1 !p his wa$on sprin$s if that road is too ro!$h for hi"*/ As ?adsby sat thin#in$ th!s( his p%an was rapid%y $rowin$: and( in a "onth( was a)t!a%%y startin$ to wor#& How3 +o!0%% #now short%y b!t first( yo! sho!%d #now this @ohn ?adsby a "an of .aro!nd fifty / a fa"i%y "an( and #nown thro!$ho!t 6ranton Hi%%s for his hi$h standard of honor and a%tr!is" on any #ind of an o))asion for p!b%i) $ood& A %oya% )h!r)h"an( ?adsby was a "an who( tho!$h ad"ittin$ that an o))asiona% fa!%t in o!r dai%y a)ts is bo!nd to o))!r( had ta!$ht his two boys and a pair of $ir%s that( tho!$h fo%#s do s%ip fro" what S)ript!ra% a!thors )a%% that .strai$ht and narrow path(/ it wi%% not pay to ris# yo!r own So!% by s%ippin$( A!st so that yo! )an %a!$h at yo!r abi%ity in stayin$ o!t of prison for ?adsby( ha'in$ $rown !p in 6ranton Hi%%s( )o!%d point to "any s!)h "an or wo"an& So( with s!)h fir" )on'i)tions in his "ind( this !pstandin$ "an was )onstant%y stri'in$ so to a)t that no )o"p%aint fro" "an( wo"an or )hi%d sho!%d brin$ a word of disappro'a%& In his "ind( what a "an "i$ht do was that "an0s affair on%y and )o!%d stain no So!% b!t his own& And his a%tr!is" ta!$ht that it is not diffi)!%t to find "any ways in whi)h to brin$ Aoy to s!)h as )annot( thro!$h physi)a% disabi%ity( $o o!t to %oo# for it and that on%y a s"a%% bit of Aoy( bro!$ht to a sh!t-in in'a%id wi%% )arry with it s!)h a war"th as )an f%ow on%y fro" a)ts of h!"an sy"pathy& Bor "any days ?adsby had tho!$ht of ways in whi)h fo%#s with a $ood%y ban# a))o!nt )o!%d aid in b!i%din$ !p this rapid%y ba)#s%idin$ town of )ontrib!tion )o!%d do3 In this town( f!%% of )apita%ists and phi%anthropists )ontrib!tin$( off and on( for shippin$ war"in$ pans to D!%!s( ?adsby saw a so%!tion& In who"3 2hy( in A!st that b!n)h of bri$ht( happy s)hoo% #ids( ba)# fro" "any a 'isit to a )ity( and notin$ its abi%ity in i"pro'in$ its %i'in$ )onditions& So ?adsby tho!$ht of th!s )arryin$ an in#%in$ to s!)h )apita%ists as to how this sta$natin$ town )o!%d )%ai" a bi$ spot !pon o!r nationa% "ap( whi)h is now shown on%y in s"a%%( insi$nifi)ant print& As a start( 6ranton Hi%%s0 .Dai%y Post/ wo!%d )arry a %on$ story( o!t%inin$ a %ist of fa)tors for i"pro'in$ )onditions& This it did b!t it wi%% a%ways stay as a b%ot !pon hi$h "inds and pro!d b%ood that not a "an or wo"an a"on$st s!)h )apita%ists saw( in his p%an( any )a%% for dor"ant f!nds& 6!t did that stop ?adsby3 Can yo! stop a risin$ wind3 Hard%y So ?adsby too# into )o!n)i% abo!t forty boys of his 'i)inity and b!i%t !p an Or$ani5ation of +o!th& A%so abo!t as "any $ir%s who had #nown what it is( )o"p!%sori%y to pass !p "any a pi)ni)( or 'ario!s for"s of sport( thro!$h a %a)# of p!b%i) par# %and& So this stron$( 'i$oro!s )o"bination of both yo!th and !ntirin$ a)ti'ity( a'id%y too# !p ?adsby0s p%an for nothin$ so stirs !p a yo!thf!% "ind as an opport!nity for a))o"p%ishin$ anythin$ that ad!%ts )annot do& And did ?adsby #now +o!th3 I0%% say so* His two sons and $ir%s( now in Hi$h or ?ra""ar s)hoo%( had ta!$ht hi" a thin$ or two prin)ipa% a"on$st whi)h was that a%%-do"inatin$ fa)t that( at a not too far distant day( o!r yo!n$ fo%#s wi%% o))!py i"portant 'o)ationa% and a%so po%iti)a% positions( and wi%% %oo# ba)# !pon this( o!r day s"i%in$ #ind%y at o!r way of doin$ thin$s& So( to say that "any a 6ranton Hi%%s .Ein$ of Capita%/ $ot a bit h!ffy as a Hi$h S)hoo% strip%in$ was pro'in$ how st!bborn a ri)h "an is if his do%%ars don0t aid so 'ast an opport!nity for doin$ $ood( wo!%d p!t it "i%d%y* S!)h downri$ht $a%% by a ha%f-$rown #id to infor" hi" an o!tstandin$ %i$ht on 6ranton Hi%%s0
ta1 %ist( that this town was s%idin$ down hi%% and wo!%d soon %and in an abyss of nationa% ob%i'ion* And o!r Or$ani5ation $ir%s* How 6ranton Hi%%s0 ri)h o%d widows and p%!"p "atrons did sniff in disdain as a $ro!p of Hi$h S)hoo% p!pi%s bro!$ht forth strai$htforward )%ai"s that )ash pa'in$ a road( is doin$ $ood pra)ti)a% wor#( b!t( in fi%%in$ !p a stron$ bo1( is worth nothin$ to o!r town& Oh( that )%ass of nabobs* How thoro!$h%y ?adsby did #now its parsi"ony** And how thoro!$h%y did this hard-p%annin$ "an #now A!st what a )onstant ons%a!$ht by +o!th )o!%d do& So( in abo!t a "onth( his .Or$ani5ation/ had .way%aid(/ so to say( pra)ti)a%%y ha%f of 6ranton Hi%%s0 )ash #in$s and had so won o!t( thro!$h that )o""on%y #nown .p!%%/ !pon an ad!%t by a )hi%d as#in$ for what p%ain%y is worthy( that his "ai% bro!$ht not on%y )ash( b!t two ri)h %and%ords p!t at his disposa%( tra)ts of %and .for any for" of o))!pan)y whi)h )an( in any way( aid o!r town&/ This %and ?adsby0s Or$ani5ation pro"pt%y p!t into $rowin$ far" prod!)ts for $ratis distrib!tion to 6ranton Hi%%s0 poor and that b!rnin$ )ra'in$ of +o!th for a)ti'ity soon had it spro!tin$ )orn( s,!ash( potato( onion and aspara$!s )rops and( to .do%% it !p a bit(/ p!t in a pat)h of b%osso"in$ p%ants& Nat!ra%%y any "an is happy at a satisfa)tory )!%"ination of his p%ans and so( as ?adsby fo!nd that p!b%i) phi%anthropy was b!t an affair of p%ain( ordinary approa)h( it did not )a%% for "!)h brain wor# to find that( possib%y a%so( a way "i$ht t!rn !p for p!ttin$ handi)raft instr!)tion in 6ranton Hi%%s0 s)hoo%s for s)hoo%in$( a))ordin$ to hi"( did not )onsist on%y of boo#s and b%a)#-boards& Hands( a%so sho!%d #now how to )onstr!)t 'ario!s pra)ti)a% thin$s in woodwor#( p%!"bin$( b%a)#s"ithin$( "asonry( and so forth with thoro!$h instr!)tion in sanitation( and that "ost i"portant of a%% yo!thf!% a)ti'ity( $y"nasti)s& Bor $ir%s s!)h a s)hoo% )o!%d instr!)t in )oo#in$( s!it "a#in$( hat "a#in$( fan)y wor#( art and %oo"-wor# in fa)t( abo!t any handi)raft that a $ir% "i$ht wish to st!dy( and whi)h is not in o!r standard s)hoo% )!rri)!%!"& 6!t as ?adsby tho!$ht of s!)h a s)hoo%( no way for ba)#in$ it finan)ia%%y was in si$ht& Town f!nds nat!ra%%y( sho!%d )arry it a%on$ b!t town f!nds and Town Co!n)i%s do not a%ways for" what yo! "i$ht )a%% - synony"o!s words& So it was )o"p!%sory that )ash sho!%d a)t!a%%y .drop into his %ap(/ 'ia a )ontin!ation of so%i)itations by his now $rand%y f!n)tionin$ Or$ani5ation of +o!th& So( o!t a$ain trod that b!n)h of bri$ht( happy #ids( p!ttin$ forth s!)h p%ain( strai$htforward fa)ts as to what Man!a% Trainin$ wo!%d do for 6ranton Hi%%s( that "any saw it in that %i$ht& 6!t yo! wi%% a%ways find a $ro!p( or indi'id!a% )o"p%ainin$ that s!)h thin$s wo!%d .a!to"ati)a%%y dawn/ on boys and $ir%s witho!t any trainin$& O%d 6i%% Si"p#ins was %o!d in his anta$onis" to what was a .)ra5y p%an to dip into o!r town f!nds A!st to a%%ow boys to saw !p $ood wood( and $ir%s to b!rn !p $ood f%o!r( tryin$ to )oo# bis)!its&/ Eids( a))ordin$ to hi"( sho!%d $o to wor# in 6ranton Hi%%s0 shoppin$ distri)t( and profit by it& .6ah* 2hy not start a )%ass to show $o%dfish how to wa%t5* I didn0t $o to any s!)h s)hoo% and what a" I now3 A Co!n)i%"an* I )an0t saw a board strai$ht( nor fry a potato )hip b!t I )an show yo! fo%#s how to han$ onto yo!r town f!nds&/ O%d 6i%% was a notorio!s $ro!)h b!t o!r Or$ani5ation o))asiona%%y did find a tota%%y 'aryin$ "ood& O%d >ady B%ana$an( with fo!r boys in s)hoo%( and a h!sband "any days too dr!n# to wor#( was %o!d in appro'a%& .2hoops* Thot0s phwat I )a%%s a $rand thin$* 2orra( worra* I wish O%d Man B%ana$an had had si)h an oppor)h!nity& 6!t thot i$norant o%d )%od don0t #now n!thin0 b!t boo5in0( toba))a
sh"o#in0 and dit)h-di$$in0& And yo! #now thot o!r Co!n)i% ain0t a-payin0 for no dit)h-s)oopin0 ri$ht now& So I0%% sho!t for thot s)hoo%* Bor "y boys )an find o!t how to fi1 thot barn door o!r o%d )ow %aid down a$ainst&/ Ha( ha* 2hat a )ir)!s o!r Or$ani5ation had with s!)h 'aryin$ "oods and o!t%oo#s* 6!t( fina%%y s!)h a s)hoo% was b!i%t instr!)tors bro!$ht in fro" s!rro!ndin$ towns and ?adsby was as happy as a )at with a ba%% of yarn& As 6ranton Hi%%s fo!nd o!t what it )an a))o"p%ish if it starts o!t with 'i$or and a wi%% to win( o!r Or$ani5ation tho!$ht of %ayin$ o!t a bi$ par# f!rnishin$ an opport!nity for s"a%% tots to ro"p and p%ay on $rassy p%ots a par# for a%% sorts of sports( pi)ni)s( and so forth sand pots for babyhood )o5y arbors for $ir%s who "i$ht wish to st!dy( or ta%#& ;+o! "i$ht( possib%y( find a $ir% who )an ta%#( yo! #now*< a%so shady noo#s and windin$ paths for o%d fo%#s who "i$ht find )o"fort in s!)h& ?adsby tho!$ht that a par# is tr!%y a "ost i"portant adA!n)t to any )o""!nity for( if a $rowin$ pop!%ation has no o!t-door spot at whi)h its $%oo"s( s%!"ps and "orbid tho!$hts )an 'anish !pon win$s of s!n%i$ht( a"idst bri$ht )o%orin$s of shr!bs and s#y( it "ay sin# into a $ro!)hy( fa!%tfindin$( s,!abb%in$ $ro!p and "a#in$ s!)h a showin$ for s!rro!ndin$ towns as to ho%d ba)# any $ain in pop!%ation or 'a%!ation& ?adsby had a $ood%y p%ot of %and in a $rand %o)ation for a par# and so%d it to 6ranton Hi%%s for a do%%ar that stin$y Co!n)i% to %ay it o!t a))ordin$ to his p%ans& And how his Or$ani5ation did app%a!d hi" for this( his first .so%o wor# */ 6!t s)hoo%s and par#s do not f!%fi%% a%% of a town0s )a%%s& Many "inds of 'aryin$ #inds wi%% %on$ for an opport!nity for findin$ o!t thin$s not ordinari%y ta!$ht in s)hoo%& So 6ranton Hi%%s0 P!b%i) >ibrary was fo!nd too s"a%%& As it was now in a s"a%% ba)# roo" in o!r Hi$h S)hoo%( it sho!%d o))!py its own b!i%din$ down town( and handy for a%% and with additiona% tho!sands of boo#s and "aps& Now( if yo! thin# ?adsby and his yo!thf!% assistants stood a$hast at s!)h a $i$anti) proposition( yo! A!st don0t #now +o!th( as it is today& 6!t to who" )o!%d +o!th %oo# for so bi$ an o!t%ay as a %ibrary b!i%din$ wo!%d )ost3 6oo#s a%so )ost %ibrarians and Aanitors draw pay& So( with %i$ht( war"th( and a%%-ro!nd )o"forts( it was a tas# to st!"p a f!%%-$rown po%iti)ian to say nothin$ of a p%ain( ordinary towns"an and a b!n)h of #ids& So ?adsby tho!$ht of ta#in$ two bri$ht boys and two s"art $ir%s to 2ashin$ton( to )a%% !pon a "an in a hi$h position( who had $ot it thro!$h 6ranton Hi%%s0 pop!%ar ba%%ot& Now( any0 po%iti)ian is a )on'in)in$ orator& ;That is( yo! #now( a%% that po%iti)s )onsists of *< and this bi$ "an( in )onta)t with a 'isitin$ )apita%ist( %oo#in$ for a hando!t for his own distri)t( $ot a donation of a tho!sand do%%ars& 6!t that wo!%dn0t start a p!b%i) %ibrary to say nothin$ of "aintainin$ it& So( ba)# in 6ranton Hi%%s( a$ain( o!r Or$ani5ation was o!t( as !s!a%( on its war-path& 6ranton Hi%%s0 phi%anthropy was now showin$ si$ns of "onotony so o!r Or$ani5ation had to wor# its %in$!isti) abi%ity and )apti'atin$ tri)#s f!%% b%ast( !nti% that tho!sand do%%ars had so $rown that a %ibrary was b!i%t !pon a 'a)ant %ot whi)h had $rown nothin$ b!t $rass and on%y a poor ,!a%ity of it( at that and "any a )hi%d and ad!%t ,!i)#%y fo!nd ways of profitab%y passin$ odd ho!rs& Nat!ra%%y O%d 6i%% Si"p#ins was snoopin$ aro!nd( sniffin$ and snortin$ at any si$ns of "a#in$ 6ranton Hi%%s .%oo# )ityish(/ ;a word ori$inatin$ in 6i%%0s 'o)ab!%ary&< .H!h** I didn0t p!t in any foo%ish ho!rs with boo#s in "y happy )hi%dhood in this $ood o%d
town* 6!t I $ot a%on$ a%% ri$ht and a" now ha'in$ "y say in its Town Ha%% doin$s& 6oo#s** Pooh* Maps* 6AH** It0s si%%y to s,!at in a hot roo" s,!intin$ at a %ot of print* If yo! want to #now abo!t a thin$( $o to wor# in a shop or fa)tory of that #ind( and find o!t abo!t it firsthand&/ .6!t( 6i%%(/ said ?adsby( .shops want a "an who #nows what to do witho!t ha'in$ to stop to train hi"&/ .Oh( that0s a%% bosh* If a boss shows a "an what a too% is for and if that "an is any $ood( at a%%( why brin$ !p this st!ff yo! )a%% trainin$3 That "an $rabs a too%( wor#s 4ti% noon #no)#s off for an ho!r wor#s 4ti% . At this point in 6i%%0s b%ow-!p an Ita%ian Co!n)i%"an was passin$( and p!t in his oar( with:.Ha( 6i%%* +o! thin#a yo!r "an )an wor#a a%% ri$ht( firsta day( h!h3 +o! ta%#a )ra5y so "!)h for "y boota* +o! %asta A!st a ha%f ho!r& Thisa %ibrary a%% ri$hta& This town too "!)ha what I )a%% ti$ht-wad*/ Oh( h!"** It0s a to!$h Aob "a#in$ o%d do$s do tri)#s& 6!t o!r Or$ani5ation was now ho%din$ a%"ost dai%y sittin$s( and soon a bri$ht $ir% tho!$ht of ha'in$ band "!si) in that now pop!%ar par#& And what do yo! thin# that stin$y Co!n)i% did3 It a)t!a%%y b!i%t a "ost fantasti) bandstand $ot a )ontra)t with a first-)%ass band( and a%% witho!t so "!)h as a Co!n)i%"an faintin$ away** So( fina%%y( on a hot @!%y S!nday( two so%id ho!rs of $rand har"ony bro!$ht Aoy to "any a poor So!% who had not for "any a day( #nown that ba%" of )o"fort whi)h )an .air o!t o!r brains0 d!sty )orridors(/ and brin$ s!)h happy thri%%s( as M!si)( that )har"in$ Bairy( whi)h #nows no h!"an words( )an brin$& Aro!nd that $a!dy band-stand( at two-thirty on that first S!nday( sat or stood as happy a thron$ of o%d and yo!n$ as any "an )o!%d wish for and ?adsby and his .$an$/ $ot hand-)%asps and hand-)%aps( fro" a%%& A $ood band( yo! #now( not on%y )an stir and thri%% yo! for it )an p%ay a soft )roonin$ %!%%aby( a %i%tin$ wa%t5 or po%#a or( with its wood winds( brin$ forth o%d son$s of o!r )hi%dhood( ba%%ads of )o!rtin$ days( or hy"ns and )aro%s of Christ"as and )an s!it a%% sorts of fo%#s( in a%% sorts of "oods for a Spaniard( D!t)h"an or R!ssian )an find si"i%ar Aoy with a "an fro" Ita%y( Norway or far away 6ra5i%&
y now( 6ranton Hi%%s was so pro!d of not on%y its .s"artin$ !p(/ b!t a%so of its start%in$ $rowth( on that a))o!nt( that an app%i)ation was p!t forth for its in)orporation as a )ity a s"a%% )ity( nat!ra%%y( b!t f!%% of that )ondition of +o!th( #nown as .$rowin$ pains&/ So its shabby o%d .Town Ha%%/ si$n was thrown away( and a b%a)# and $o%d ony1 s%ab( with .CIT+ HA>>/ b%a5in$ forth in 'i'id )o%ors( p!t !p( a"idst band "!si)( f%a$ wa'in$( paradin$ and oratory& In on%y a "onth fro" that $%orio!s day( ?adsby fo!nd fo%#s .pri"pin$ !p/ $ir%s p!ttin$ on bri$ht ribbons( boys findin$ that s!its )o!%d stand a $ood ironin$ and ri)h widows and port%y "atrons a%"ost o!tdoin$ any rainbow in bri%%ian)y& An o))asiona% shop a%on$ 6roadway( whi)h had a ratt%y door or sha#y windows was p!t into first )%ass )ondition( to fit 6ranton Hi%%s0 stat!s as a )ity& O%d 6i%% Si"p#ins was str!ttin$ aro!nd( as po"po!s as a dr!"-"aAor for( now( that o%d Town Co!n)i% wo!%d f!n)tion as a city )o!n)i% his )o!n)i%* His own sta"pin$ $ro!nd* A))ordin$ to hi"( fro" it( at no far day( .6i%% Si"p#ins( City Co!n)i%"an(/ wo!%d show an an1io!s%y waitin$ wor%d how to r!n a )ity tho!$h probab%y( I thin#( how not to r!n it& It is tr!%y s!rprisin$ what a narrow "ind( what a b%ind o!t%oo# a "an( bro!$ht !p with pra)ti)a%%y no opposition to his boyhood wants( )an attain tho!$h bro!$ht into )onta)t with indisp!tab%y i"portant data for i"pro'in$ his )ity& O!r Or$ani5ation boys tho!$ht 6i%% .a bit off b!t ?adsby wo!%d on%y %a!$h at his b%asts a$ainst payin$ o!t )ity f!nds for( yo! #now( a%% bo"bs don0t b!rst yo! o))asiona%%y find a .d!d&/ 6!t this f!ror for fi1in$ !p ratt%y doors or sha#y windows didn0t %ast for O%d 6i%%0s oratory fo!nd fa'or with a b!n)h of his o%d ti$ht-wads( who a)t!a%%y tho!$ht of ina!$!ratin$ a )a"pai$n a$ainst ?adsby0s Or$ani5ation of +o!th& As soon as this was #nown abo!t town( that "ythi)a% pot( #nown as P!b%i) Opinion( was boi%in$ f!rio!s%y& A 'ast "aAority stood ba)# of ?adsby and his #ids so( o%d 6i%%0s ran#s )o!%d )o!nt on%y on a s"a%% $ro!p of ri)h o%d Shy%o)#s to who" a ban#-boo# was a thin$ to %oo# into or ta%# abo!t on%y ann!a%%y that is( on ban#ba%an)in$ days& This s"a%% "inority $ot !p a s%o$an:- .2hy Spoi% a ?ood O%d Town3/ and a)t!a%%y did( off and on( ta%# a shop"an o!t of fi1in$ !p his shop or $ro!nds& This( yo! #now( p!t additiona% 'i$or into o!r Or$ani5ation inspirin$ a boy to brin$ !p a p%an for )a%%in$ a "onth(- say @!%y(-.pi)#-!p( paint-!p and wash-!p "onth / for it was a p%ain fa)t that( a%% abo!t town( was "any a shabby spot a %ot of b!i%din$s )o!%d stand a $ood )oat of paint( and yards ra#in$ !p th!s showin$ s!rro!ndin$ towns that not on%y could 6ranton Hi%%s .do%% !p(/ b!t had a )%ass of inhabitants who $%ad%y wo!%d $o at s!)h a p%an( and )arry it thro!$h& So ?adsby $ot his .$an$/ o!t( to sa%%y forth and any "an or wo"an who did not A!"p( at first( at s!)h a p%an by 'i$oro!s +o!th( was a%ways bro!$ht aro!nd( thro!$h noti)in$ how poor%y a shabby yard did %oo#& So ?adsby p!t in 6ranton Hi%%s0 .Post/ this stirrin$ )a%%:.Ra#in$ !p yo!r yard or paintin$ yo!r b!i%din$ is si"p%y i"pro'in$ it both in worth artisti)a%%y and fro" a !ti%i5ation standpoint& I #now that "any a )ity front %awn is s"a%% b!t( if it is on%y fair%y bi$( a wa%#( )!t )!r'in$%y( wi%% add to it( s!rprisin$%y& That part of a wa%# whi)h r!ns to yo!r front door )o!%d show rows of s"a%% ro)#s ro!$h and nat!ra% and $radin$ fro" s"a%% to bi$ b!t no 4hit-or-"iss0 %ayo!t& +o! )an so fi1 !p yo!r yard as to for" an approa)h to
!nity in p%an with s!)h as adAoin yo! tho!$h witho!t a)t!a% d!p%i)ation th!s pro'idin$ har"ony for a%% who "ay pass by& It is( in fa)t( b!t a bit of City P%annin$ and anybody who aids in s!)h wor# is a "ost worthy inhabitant So( cut yo!r s)ra$$%y %awns* Trim yo!r o%d( sha$$y shr!bs* 6rin$ into artisti) for"( yo!r $rass-$rown wa%#s */ ;Now( nat!ra%%y( in writin$ s!)h a story as this( with its )onditions as %aid down in its Introd!)tion( it is not s!rprisin$ that an o))asiona% .ro!$h spot/ in )o"position is fo!nd& So I tr!st that a )riti)a% p!b%i) wi%% ho%d )onstant%y in "ind that I a" 'o%!ntari%y a'oidin$ words )ontainin$ that sy"bo% whi)h is( by far, of "ost )o""on in)%!sion in writin$ o!r An$%o-Sa1on as it is( today& Many of o!r "ost )o""on words )annot show so I "!st adopt synony"s and so twist a tho!$ht aro!nd as to say what I wish with as "!)h )%arity as I )an&< So( now to $o on with this odd )ontraption: 6y A!t!"n( a "an who too# his 'a)ation in @!%y( wo!%d hard%y #now his town !pon )o"in$ ba)#( so thoro!$h%y had tho!sands .d!$ in/ to aid in its transfor"ation& .6oys(/ said ?adsby& .yo! )an pat yo!r own ba)#s( if yo! )an0t find anybody to do it for yo!& This )ity is pro!d of yo!& And( $ir%s( A!st sin$ with Aoy for not on%y is yo!r )ity pro!d of yo!( b!t I a"( too&/ .6!t how abo!t yo!( sir( and yo!r wor#3/ This was fro" Bran# a boy bro!$ht !p to thin# fair%y on a%% thin$s& .Oh(/ said ?adsby %a!$hin$%y( .I didn0t do "!)h of anythin$ b!t boss yo! yo!n$ fo%#s aro!nd& If o!r Co!n)i% awards any dip%o"as( I don0t want any& I wo!%d %oo# ridi)!%o!s str!ttin$ aro!nd with a dip%o"a with a pin# ribbon on it( now wo!%dn0t I*/ This ta%# of dip%o"as was as a bo%t fro" a bri$ht s#y to this yo!n$( h!st%in$ b!n)h& 6!t( tho!$h ?adsby0s words did so!nd as tho!$h a $rown "an wo!%dn0t want s!)h a thin$( that wasn0t sayin$ that a yo!n$ boy or $ir% wo!%dn0t and with this s!rprisin$ possibi%ity ran#in$ in yo!n$ "inds( "any a #id was in an anti-soporifi) )ondition for parts of "any a ni$ht& 6!t a #ind%y Co!n)i%"an a)t!a%%y did brin$ !p a bi%% abo!t this dip%o"a affair( and his )o%%aborators p!t it thro!$h whi)h nat!ra%%y bro!$ht !p ta%# as how to award s!)h dip%o"as& At %ast it was tho!$ht that a bi$ p!b%i) affair at City Ha%%( with o!r Or$ani5ation on a p%atfor"( with 6ranton Hi%%s0 Mayor and Co!n)i%( wo!%d f!rnish an a%%-ro!nd( satisfa)tory way& S!)h an o))asion was worthy of a %ot of p%annin$ and a first tho!$ht was for f%a$s and b!ntin$ on a%% p!b%i) b!i%din$s with a $rand i%%!"ination at ni$ht& Stationary %i$hts sho!%d $%ow fro" a%% points on whi)h a %i$ht )o!%d stand( han$( or swin$ and $i$anti) rays sho!%d swoop and swish a)ross )%o!ds and s#y& 6ands sho!%d p%ay boys and $ir%s "ar)h and sin$ and a 'ast )rowd wo!%d po!r into City Ha%%& As on si"i%ar o))asions( a bad r!sh for )hairs was apt to o))!r( a )o"pany of "i%itary !nits sho!%d o))!py a%% i"portant points( to ho%d ba)# anythin$ si"!%atin$ a Aa"& Now( if yo! thin# o!r Or$ani5ation wasn0t a%% a$o$ and wi%d( with yo!thf!% anti)ipation at ha'in$ a dip%o"a for wor# o!t of s)hoo% ho!rs( yo! A!st don0t #now +o!th& 6oys and $ir%s( tho!$h not f!%% $rown inhabitants of a )ity( do #now what wi%% add to its pop!%arity and ha'in$
had a part in brin$in$ abo!t s!)h )onditions( it was b!t nat!ra% to %oo# ba)# !pon s!)h( as any "i%itary "an "i$ht at winnin$ a diffi)!%t fi$ht& So( fina%%y o!r bi$ day was at hand* That it "i$ht not )!t into s)hoo% ho!rs( it was on a Sat!rday and( by noon( abo!t a tho!sand #ids( sin$in$( sho!tin$ and wa'in$ f%a$s( stood in for"ation at City Par#( awaitin$ with $rowin$ thri%%s( a si$na% whi)h wo!%d start as bi$ a t!rno!t as 6ranton Hi%%s had #nown in a%% its history& Up at City Ha%% awaitin$ arri'a%s of )ity offi)ia%s( a bi$ )rowd sat row !pon row of )hairs whi)h not on%y too# !p a%% f%oor roo"( b!t a%so "any a s"a%% spot( in door-way or on a ba%)ony in whi)h a )hair or stoo% )o!%d find footin$ and a%% who )o!%d not find s!)h an opport!nity wi%%in$%y stood in ba)#& @!st as a $ro!p of offi)ia%s sat down on that f%a$-bo!nd p%atfor"( distant throbbin$ of dr!"s( and bri$ht( snappy band "!si) to%d of 6ranton Hi%%s approa)hin$ tho!sands of #ids( who( fina%%y "ar)hin$ in thro!$h City Ha%%0s "ain door( stood in a so%id "ass aro!nd that bi$ roo"& Nat!ra%%y ?adsby had to p!t his satisfa)tion into words and( ad'an)in$ to a "aho$any stand( stood waitin$ for a stor" of hand-)%appin$ and sho!ts to ,!it( and said:.+o!r Honor( Mayor of 6ranton Hi%%s( its Co!n)i%( and a%% yo! o!t in front:- If yo! wo!%d on%y stop ratin$ a )hi%d0s abi%ity by yo!r own and try to find o!t A!st what abi%ity a )hi%d has( o!r yo!n$ fo%#s thro!$ho!t this bi$ wor%d wo!%d show a s!rprisin$%y wi%%in$ disposition to try thin$s whi)h wo!%d brin$ yo!r approbation& A )hi%d0s brain is an astonishin$ thin$& It has( in its )onstr!)tion( an asto!ndin$ )apa)ity for absorbin$ what is bro!$ht to it and not on%y to thin# abo!t( b!t to find ways for i"pro'in$ it& It is today0s )hi%d who( to"orrow( wi%%( yo! #now( %a!$h at o!r ways of doin$ thin$s& So( in p!ttin$ a)ross this )a"pai$n of b!i%din$ !p o!r )o""!nity into a "!ni)ipa%ity whi)h has won a))%ai"( not on%y fro" its offi)ia%s and inhabitants( b!t fro" s!rro!ndin$ towns I fo!nd( in o!r yo!n$ fo%#s( an o!t-and-o!t in)%ination to assist and yo!( today( )an %oo# !pon it as %abor in whi)h yo!r ad!%t aid was b!t a s"a%% fa)tor& So now( "y Or$ani5ation of +o!th( if yo! wi%% pass a)ross this p%atfor"( yo!r Mayor wi%% hand yo! yo!r dip%o"as&/ Not in a%% 6ranton Hi%%s0 history had any boy or $ir% #nown s!)h a thri%% as !pon winnin$ that hard-won ro%%* And fro" so%id ban#s of h!"anity roars of )on$rat!%ation b!rst forth& As soon as Mayor 6rown shoo# hands ;and s!)h tiny( war"( soft yo!n$ hands( too*< with a%%( a bi$ o!tdoor %!n)h was fo!nd waitin$ on a )har"in$ %awn ba)# of City Ha%% and this was no 2or%d 2ar "obi%i5ation %!n)h of do!$hn!ts and a hot do$ sandwi)h b!t( as two of ?adsby0s sons said( was an a%%-ro!nd( $ood( bi$ fi%%-!p / and "any a boy0s and $ir%0s .t!""y/ was soon as ro!nd and ta!t as a ba%%oon& As twi%i$ht was t!rnin$ to d!s#( boys in an adAoinin$ %ot shot s#yward a )rashin$ bo"b( anno!n)in$ a $rand i%%!"ination as a fittin$ )%i"a1 for so $%orio!s a day and tho!sands sat on ro)#-wa%%s( $rassy #no%%s( in )ars or at windows( with a bi$ )rowd standin$ a%on$ )!rbs and )rosswa%#s& Myriads of %i$hts of a%% )o%ors( in so%id ba%%s( sprays( spar#%in$ fo!ntains( and b!rsts of $%ory( shot( in )riss-)ross paths( !p and down( ba)# and forth( a)ross a star-%it s#y pro'idin$ a disp%ay witho!t a par in %o)a% anna%s& 6!t not on%y did +o!th thri%% at so fantasti) a show& Ad!%ts had "any a Bo!rth of @!%y bro!$ht ba)# fro" a distant past in whi)h o!r nationa% )!sto" wo!nd !p o!r "ost i"portant ho%iday with a si"i%ar disp%ay on%y( in o!r Bo!rths of %on$ a$o( horrifyin$( $i$anti) )on)!ssions wo!%d
dist!rb o%d fo%#s and in'a%ids !nti% "idni$ht at whi)h ho!r( a))ordin$ to law, a%% s!)h )arryin$on "!st stop& 6!t did it3 Possib%y in your town( b!t not aro!nd "y distri)t* A%% Bo!rth of @!%y o!tfits don0t a%ways f!n)tion at first( yo! #now and no #id( ;or ad!%t*< wo!%d thin# of ,!ittin$ !nti% that %ast pop sho!%d pop or that %ast ban$ sho!%d ban$& And so( "any a dawn on @!%y fifth fo!nd thin$s sti%% $oin$( f!%% b%ast
o!th )annot stay for %on$ in a )ondition of ina)ti'ity and so( for on%y abo!t a "onth did thin$s so stand( !nti% a parti)!%ar%y bri$ht $ir% in o!r Or$ani5ation( tho!$ht o!t a p%an for )arin$ for infants of fo%#s who had to $o o!t( to wor# and this bri$ht #id soon had a $ro!p of $ir%s who wo!%d Aoin( d!rin$ 'a)ation( in 'o%!ntari%y $i'in$ !p fo!r days a "onth to s!)h wor#& 2ith abo!t fifty $ir%s )o%%aboratin$( a%% distri)ts had this "ost $ra)io!s aid and a $ir% wo!%d not on%y wat)h and $!ard( b!t wo!%d a%so instr!)t( as far as pra)ti)a%( any s!)h tot as had not had its first s)hoo%in$& S!)h wor# by yo!n$ $ir%s sti%% in s)hoo% was a $rand thin$ and ?adsby not on%y stood !p for s!)h %oya%ty( b!t $ot at his boys to find a si"i%ar p%an and soon had a f!%% troop of 6oy S)o!ts !nifor"s and a%%& This a!to"ati)a%%y bro!$ht abo!t a ?ir% S)o!t !nit and( thro!$h a )o%%aboration of both( a for" of )%!b spran$ !p& It was a )%!b in whi)h any boy or $ir% of a fa"i%y ownin$ a )ar wo!%d )a%% "ornin$s for p!pi%s ha'in$ no )ars( d!rin$ s)hoo% days( for a trip to s)hoo% and ba)#& This was not on%y a sa'in$ in %on$ wa%#s for "any( b!t a%so too# fro" a yo!n$ ba)#( that hard( tirin$ strain fro" %!$$in$ s!)h ar"f!%s of boo#s as yo! find p!pi%s %aborio!s%y )arryin$( today& Upon arri'in$ at a s)hoo% b!i%din$( "any )ars wo!%d !n%oad so "any boo#s that ?adsby said:.+o! wo!%d thin# that a P!b%i) >ibrary bran)h was "o'in$ in */ This )ar wor# soon bro!$ht !p a tho!$ht of $i'in$ si"i%ar aid to ai%in$ ad!%ts who( not ownin$ a )ar( )o!%d not #now of that 'ast disp%ay of hi%% and p%ain so )o""on to a "aAority of o!r townsfo%#s& So a p%an was %aid( by whi)h a )ar wo!%d )a%% two days a "onth and for an ho!r or so( fo%%ow roads windin$ o!t of town and thro!$h woods( far" %ands and s!b!rbs showin$ distant ponds( and that $rand ar)h of s#y whi)h .sh!t-ins/ #now on%y fro" photo$raphs& Ah how that p%an did stir !p Aoyo!s anti)ipation a"on$st s!)h as th!s had an opport!nity to )a%% !pon o%d( %o'in$ pa%s( and ta%# of o%d )!sto"s and past days* O))asiona%%y s!)h a ta%# wo!%d %ast so %on$ that a yo!thf!% "otorist( waitin$ d!tif!%%y at a )!rb( tho!$ht that a f!%% fa"i%y history of both host and 'isitor was !p for an airin$& 6!t o%d fo%#s a%ways will ta%# and it wi%% not do a boy or $ir% any har" to wait for( yo! #now( that boy or $ir% wi%% a)t in A!st that way( at a not too far-off day* 6!t( pop!%ar as this to!rin$ p%an was( it had to stop for s)hoo% a$ain too# a%% yo!n$ fo%#s fro" s!)h o!t-door a)ti'ity& Nobody was so sorry at this as ?adsby( for tho!$h 6ranton Hi%%s0 s!b!rban )o!ntry is $%orio!s fro" Mar)h to A!$!st( it is a%so stron$ in its attra)tions thro!$ho!t A!t!"n( with its artisti) )o%orin$s of fr!its( p!"p#ins( )orn-sho)#s( hay-sta)#s and
Ba%% b%osso"s& So ?adsby $ot a bi$ "otor-)oa)h )o"pany to r!n a b!s a day( )arryin$( $ratis( a%% poor or si)#%y fo%#s who had a do)tor0s affida'it that s!)h an o!tin$ wo!%d aid in )!rin$ i%%s arisin$ fro" too )onstant in-door %i'in$ and so( !p a%"ost to Than#s$i'in$( this bi$ )oa)h ran dai%y& As Sprin$ $ot aro!nd a$ain( this ."an-of-a%%-wor#/ tho!$ht of dri'in$ away a sh!t-in in'a%id0s "onotony by ha'in$ "!si)ians $o to s!)h roo"s( to p%ay or( by ta#in$ a%on$ a 'o)a%ist or trio( sin$ s!)h o%d son$s as a%ways brin$ ba)# happy days& This wor# ?adsby tho!$ht of payin$ for by p!ttin$ on a )ir)!s& And was it a )ir)!s3 It was!! It had boys for"in$ both front and hind %i"bs of ani"a%s tota%%y !n#nown to 5oo%o$y $ir%s str!ttin$ aro!nd as $i$anti) birds of a%so do!btf!% ori$in an array of s"a%% %i'in$ ani"a%s s!)h as tri)# do$s and $oats( a dan)in$ pony( a $ro!p of i"itation Indians( )owboys( )ow$ir%s( a #i)#in$ tri)# Aa)#-ass and( ta%# abo!t )%owns* Borty boys $ot into ba$$y panta%oons and foo%s0 )aps and no )ir)!s( in)%!din$ that first of a%% shows in Noah0s Ar#( had so "!)h $oin$ on& ?y"nasts fro" o!r s)hoo% $y"nasi!"( t!"b%in$( A!"pin$ and ra)in$ )o"i) dan)in$ a )%own band hi$h-swin$in$ artists( and a f!nny )op who didn0t wait to find o!t who a "an was( b!t hit hi" anyway& And( as no )ir)!s is a )ir)!s witho!t boys sho!tin$ wi%d%y abo!t pop-)orn and )o%d drin#s( ?adsby saw to it that s!)h boys $ot in as "any patrons way as any a"bitio!s yo!th )o!%d and that is .$oin$ stron$(/ if yo! #now boys( at a%%* 6!t what abo!t profits3 It not on%y paid for a%% a)ts whi)h his Or$ani5ation )o!%dn0t p!t on( b!t it was fo!nd that a bi$ f!nd for "any a day0s "!si)a% 'isitations( was on hand& And( now a word or two abo!t "!ni)ipa% affairs in this )ity or any )ity( in whi)h nobody wi%% thin# of doin$ anythin$ abo!t its poor and si)#( witho!t a 'i$oro!s proddin$ !p& City Co!n)i%s( now-a-days( wi%%in$%y $rant bi$ appropriations for pa'in$( %i$hts( s)hoo%s( Aai%s( )o!rts( and so on b!t in'ariab%y fi$ht shy of )harity whi)h is nothin$ b!t sy"pathy for anybody who is .down and o!t&/ No "an )an say that Charity wi%% not( d!rin$ )o"in$ days( aid him in s!pportin$ his fa"i%y and it was ?adsby0s )%ai" that humans:not blocks of buildings, for" what Man#ind )a%%s a )ity& 6!t what wo!%d bi$( )ost%y b!i%din$s a"o!nt to( if a%% who wor# in s!)h )annot "aintain that $ood physi)a% )ondition para"o!nt in )arryin$ on a )ity0s 'ario!s for"s of %abor3 And not on%y physical $ood( b!t a%so a "ind happy fro" %a)# of worry and of that sta$nation whi)h a%ways fo%%ows a "onotono!s dai%y $rind& So o!r Or$ani5ation was soon o!t a$ain( a$itatin$ City Offi)ia%s and )i'i%ians toward b!i%din$ a bi$ A!ditori!" in whi)h a%% #inds of shows and sports )o!%d o))!r( with a%so a swi""in$ poo% and hot and )o%d baths& S!)h a b!i%din$ )annot so "!)h as start witho!t finan)ia% ba)#in$ b!t $rad!a%%y "any an iron-bo!nd ban# a))o!nt was drawn !pon ;"!)h as yo! p!%% a tooth*<( to b!y bonds& A%so( s!)h a b!i%din$ won0t $row !p in a ni$ht nor was a spot !pon whi)h to p!t it fo!nd witho!t a %ot of a$itation "any wantin$ it in a down-town distri)t and a%so( "any who had 'a)ant %and p!t forth a%% sorts of )%ai"s to obtain )ash for %ots !pon whi)h a bi$ ta1 was paid ann!a%%y( with-o!t profits& 6!t a%% s!)h thin$s a!to"ati)a%%y t!rn o!t satisfa)tori%y to a "aAority tho!$h an !$%y( s,!aw# that ."!ni)ipa% $raft/ was a$ainst hi"& Now ?adsby was 'i$oro!s%y a$ainst $raft not on%y in )ity affairs b!t in any #ind of transa)tion and that stab bro!$ht forth s!)h a f%ow of oratory fro" hi"( that as 'otin$ for Mayor was soon to o))!r( it( and a %on$ %ist of $ood wor#s( soon had hi" !p for that position&
6!t ?adsby didn0t want s!)h a no"ination sti%%( tho!sands of towns- fo%#s who had #nown hi" fro" )hi%dhood( wo!%d not har# to anythin$ b!t his )andida)y and( soon( on window )ards( si$ns( and f%a$s a)ross 6roadway( was his photo$raph and .'A(S)* "O+ ,A*O+and a )a"pai$n was on whi)h sti%% rin$s in 6ranton Hi%%s0 history as .hot st!ff*/ Bo!r aspirin$ po%iti)ians ran in opposition and( as a%% had $ood ba)#in$( and ?adsby on%y his p!b%i) wor#s to fa%% ba)# on( thin$s soon $ot %oo#in$ $%oo"y for hi"& His anta$onists( standin$ !pon soap bo1( a!to tr!)#( or hasti%y b!i%t p%atfor"s( p!t forth( with prodi$io!s 'i"( )%ai"s that .o!r fair )ity wi%% $o ba)# to its ori$ina% ob%i'ion if I a" not its Mayor */ 6!t o!r Or$ani5ation now too# a hand( "ost of whi)h( now o!t of Hi$h S)hoo%& was $rowin$ !p rapid%y and anybody who #nows anythin$ at a%% abo!t 6ranton Hi%%s0 history( #nows that( if this band of bri$ht( %oya% pa%s of ?adsby0s was o!t to attain a $oa%( it was "i$hty apt to start thin$s h!""in$( To say that ?adsby0s ri'a%s $ot a bad Ao%t as it $ot aro!nd town that his .b!n)h of warriors/ was aidin$ hi"( wo!%d p!t it b!t "i%d%y& Two ,!it instantly, sayin$ that this is a day of +o!th and no ad!%t has ha%f a show a$ainst it* 6!t two sti%% h!n$ on )%in$in$ to a sort of fond fantasy that ?adsby( not nat!ra%%y a p!b%i) sort of "an( "i$ht 'o%!ntari%y drop o!t& 6!t( had ?adsby so "!)h as tho!$ht of s!)h an a)tion( his Or$ani5ation wo!%d ,!i)#%y %a!$h it to s)orn& .2hy( $ood $ra)io!s */ said Bran# Mor$an( .if anybody sho!%d sit in that Mayor0s )hair in City Ha%%( it0s yo!* @!st %oo# at what yo! did to boost 6ranton Hi%%s* Unti% yo! $ot it a-$oin$ it had b!t two tho!sand inhabitants now it has si1ty tho!sand* And A!st as# yo!r ri'a%s to point to any part of it that yo! didn0t b!i%d !p& >oo# at o!r P!b%i) >ibrary( "!ni)ipa% band( o))!pationa% )%ass roo"s a!to and b!s trips and yo!r )ir)!s whi)h paid for "!si) for si)# fo%#s& 2ith yo! as Mayor( boy! 2hat an opport!nity to boss and swin$ thin$s yo!r own way* 2hy( anythin$ yo! "i$ht say is as $ood as %aw and-/ .Now( ho%d on( boy*/ said ?adsby( .a Mayor )an0t boss thin$s in any s!)h a way as yo! thin#& A Mayor has a Co!n)i%( whi)h has to pass on a%% bi%%s bro!$ht !p and( "y boy( !pon arri'in$ at "anhood( yo!0%% find that a Mayor who can boss a Co!n)i% aro!nd( is a "ost !n)o""on bird& And as for a Mayor0s word a"o!ntin$ to a %aw( it0s a "i$hty $ood thin$ that it )an0t* 2hy( a Mayor )an0t do "!)h of anythin$( today( Bran#( witho!t a b!n)h of )ra5y bat-brains stirrin$ !p a r!"p!s abo!t his a)ts %oo#in$ 4s!spi)io!s%y shady&0 Now that is a bad )ondition in whi)h to find a )ity( Bran#& +o! boy0s don0t #now anythin$ abo!t $raft b!t as yo! $row !p yo! wi%% find "any f%aws in a )ity0s %aws ; b!t a%so "any points thoro!$h%y $ood and fair& @!st try to thin# what a )ity wo!%d a"o!nt to if a so%itary "an )o!%d )ontro% its %aw "a#in$( as a Ein$ or S!%tan of o%d& That was why so "any "i%%ions of inhabitants wo!%d start wars and riots a$ainst a tyrant for "any a Ein$ was a tyrant( Bran#( and had no tho!$ht as to how his %aws wo!%d s!it his tho!sands of ri)h and poor& A %aw that "i$ht s!it a ri)h "an( "i$ht wor# a%% #inds of ha'o) with a poor fa"i%y&/ .6!t(/ said Bran#& .why sho!%d a Ein$ pass a %aw that wo!%d dissatisfy anybody 3/ ?adsby0s parry to this risin$ yo!thf!% a"bition for %i$ht on po%iti)a% affairs was:.2hy wi%% a d!)# $o into a pond3/ and Bran# fo!nd that tho!$h a $rowin$ yo!n$ "an "i$ht #now a thin$ or two( "a#in$ %aws for a )ity was a "an0s Aob& So( with a Mayora%ty )a"pai$n on his hands( p%!s p%annin$ for that bi$ a!ditori!"( ?adsby was as b!sy as a f%y aro!nd a syr!p A!$ for a "ass of )a"pai$n "ai% had to $o o!t topi)s for
orations tho!$ht !p and )onta)ts with his now tr!%y i"portant Or$ani5ation of +o!th( too# so "any ho!rs o!t of his days that his fa"i%y hard%y saw hi"( at a%%& Noon nat!ra%%y stood o!t as a $ood opport!nity for oratory( as tho!sands( o!t for %!n)h( wo!%d stop( in passin$& 6!t( a%so( "any a ha%% ran$ with p%a!dits as an anta$onist won a point b!t "any a thron$ saw ?adsby0s $ood points( and p%ain%y to%d hi" so by t!rnin$ o!t 'o%!"ino!s%y at any point at whi)h his oratory was to f%ow& It was tr!%y "ira)!%o!s how this "an of shy disposition( fo!nd words in p!ttin$ forth his p%ans for i"pro'in$ 6ranton Hi%%s( town of his birth& Many an orator has $rown !p fro" an !nass!"in$ indi'id!a% who had thin$s worth sayin$ and who( thro!$h that )!rio!s fa)i%ity whi)h is born of a )on'i)tion that his p%ans had a pra)ti)a% basis( won "any a ba%%ot a$ainst s!)h pro%ifi) f%ows of hi$h-so!ndin$ words as his anta$onists had in sto)#& Many a ni$ht ?adsby was .a%% in(/ as his worn-o!t body and an a)hin$ throat so!$ht his downy )o!)h& No )a"pai$n is a )in)h& 2ith so "any "inds a"on$st a )ity0s pop!%ation( A!st that "any )a%%s for this or that sw!n$ ba)# and forth !nti% that "ost i"portant of a%% days( -'otin$ day( was at hand& 2hat )rowds( "obs and Aa"s did assai% a%% po%%in$ booths )astin$ ba%%ots to %and a party-"an in City Ha%%* If a 'otin$ booth was in a s)hoo% b!i%din$( as is a )o""on )!sto" p!pi%s had that day off and( as ?adsby was +o!th0s )ha"pion( $ro!ps of #ids h!n$ aro!nd( wat)hin$ and hopin$ with that a'idity so )o""on with yo!th( that ?adsby wo!%d win by a "aAority !n#nown in 6ranton Hi%%s And ?adsby did* As soon as it was shown by offi)ia% )o!nt( 6ranton Hi%%s was a riot( fro" City Ha%% to City %i"its thron$s tra"pin$ aro!nd( tossin$ hats a%oft for a hard-wor#in$ "an had won what "any tho!sands tho!$ht was fair and A!st&
s soon as ?adsby0s ina!$!ration had p!t hi" in a position to do thin$s with a!thority( his first a)t was to start thin$s "o'in$ on that bi$ a!ditori!" p%an( for whi)h "any )apita%ists had bo!$ht bonds& A$ain p!b%i) opinion had a %ot to say as to how s!)h a b!i%din$ sho!%d %oo#( what it sho!%d )ontain how %on$( how hi$h( how )ost%y with a %on$ strin$ of ifs and b!ts& Ba"i%y !pon fa"i%y p!t forth )%ai"s for roo"s for p!b%i) for!"s in whi)h 'ario!s tho!$hts !pon wor%d affairs )o!%d find opport!nity for dis)!ssion Sa%'ation Ar"y offi)ia%s tho!$ht that a bi$ ha%% for a p!b%i) S!nday S)hoo% )%ass wo!%d do a %ot of $ood and that( %ast%y( what I "!st( fro" this odd yarn0s stri)t ortho$raphy( )a%% a .fi%" show(/ sho!%d( witho!t do!bt o))!py a part of s!)h a b!i%din$& Anyway( ta%# or no ta%#( ?adsby said that it sho!%d stand as a b!i%din$ for "an( wo"an and )hi%d ri)h or poor and( barrin$ its .fi%" show(/ witho!t )ost to anybody& 6ranton Hi%%s0 fo%#s )o!%d th!s swi"( do $y"nasti)s( ta%# on p!b%i) affairs( or .A!st sit and $ossip/( at wi%%& So it was fina%%y b!i%t in a )har"in$ par# a"idst shr!bs and b%osso"s an
additiona% honor for ?adsby& 6!t s!)h b!i%din$s as 6ranton Hi%%s now had )o!%d not f!%fi%% a%% f!n)tions of so rapid%y $rowin$ a )ity for yo! find( o))asiona%%y( a )%ass of fo%#s who )annot afford a do)tor( if i%%& This was bro!$ht !p by a $ir% of o!r Or$ani5ation( Doris @ohnson( who( on Christ"as Day( in ta#in$ $ifts to a poor fa"i%y( had fo!nd a wo"an )riti)a%%y i%%( and with no f!nds for aid or )o"forts and instant%y( in Doris0 ,!i)# yo!n$ "ind a 'ision of a bi$ )ity hospita% too# for" and( on a fo%%owin$ day ?adsby had his Or$ani5ation at City Ha%%( to .A!st ta%#(/ ;and yo! know how that b!n)h can ta%#*< to a Co!n)i%"an or two& Now( if any #ind of a b!i%din$ in a%% this bi$ wor%d )osts $ood( hard )ash to b!i%d( and f!rnish( it is a hospita% and it is a%so a b!i%din$ whi)h a p!b%i) #nows nothin$ abo!t& So Mayor ?adsby saw that if his Co!n)i% wo!%d pass an appropriation for it( no s!)h s,!abb%in$ as had str!)# his M!ni)ipa% A!ditori!" p%an( wo!%d o))!r& 6!t ?adsby for$ot 6ranton Hi%%s0 %and%ords( a%% of who" had .a "ost $%orio!s spot(/ A!st ri$ht for a hospita% !nti%( fina%%y( a $ro!p of physi)ians was to%d to %oo# aro!nd& And did 6ranton Hi%%s0 %and%ords )a%% !pon 6ranton Hi%%s0 physi)ians3 I0%% say so** Anybody 'isitin$ town( not #nowin$ what was $oin$ on( wo!%d thin# that 'a)ant %and was as )o""on as raindrops in a )%o!db!rst& S"a%% p%ots spran$ into p!b%i) %i$ht whi)h )o!%dn0t ho%d a po!%try barn( to say nothin$ of a bi$ City Hospita%& 6!t no $raspin$ %and%ord )an foo% physi)ians in ta%#in$ !p a hospita% %o)ation( so it was fina%%y b!i%t( on hi$h %and( with a )har"in$ 'ista a)ross 6ranton Hi%%s0 s!b!rbs and distant hi%%s a"on$st whi)h ?adsby0s )harity a!to and b!s trips too# so "any happy in'a%ids on past hot days& Now it is on%y fair that o!r boys and $ir%s of this fa"o!s Or$ani5ation of +o!th( sho!%d wa%# forward for an introd!)tion to yo!& So I wi%% brin$ forth s!)h bri$ht and %oya% $ir%s as Doris @ohnson( Dorothy Bitts( >!)y Dona%dson( Marian Hop#ins( Pris)i%%a Standish( Abi$ai% 2orthin$ton( Sarah +o!n$( and Cir$inia Ada"s& A"on$ o!r boys( )ast a fond %oo# !pon Arth!r Ran#in( Bran# Mor$an( @ohn Ha"i%ton( Pa!% @ohnson( Os)ar Enott and 2i%%ia" Snow as s"art a b!n)h of +o!th as yo! )o!%d find in a "onth of S!ndays& As soon as o!r bi$ hospita% was b!i%t and f!n)tionin$( Sarah +o!n$ arid Pris)i%%a Standish( in ta%#in$ with $ro!ps of $ir%s( had fo!nd a %on$in$ for a ni$ht-s)hoo%( as so "any fo%#s had to wor# a%% day( so )o!%dn0t $o to o!r Man!a% Trainin$ S)hoo%& So Mayor ?adsby too# it !p with 6ranton Hi%%s S)hoo% 6oard& Now s)hoo% boards do not a%ways thin# in har"ony with Mayors and Co!n)i%s in fa)t( what with s)hoo% boards( Co!n)i%s( ta1ation boards( pa'in$ )ontra)tors( S!nday )%osin$-ho!r a$itations( rai%way ri$hts of way( and a%%-ro!nd po%iti)a% ."!d-s%in$in$(/ a Mayor has a to!$h Aob& Two of ?adsby0s S)hoo% 6oard said .NO*/ A ri$ht o!t-%o!d( s%a"-ban$ bi$ .NO**/ Two tho!$ht that a ni$ht s)hoo% was a $ood thin$ b!t fo!r( with a faint $%ow of finan)ia% wisdo"( ;a rarity in po%iti)s( today*< saw no )ash in si$ht for s!)h an instit!tion& 6!t ?adsby0s fa"o!s Or$ani5ation won a$ain* 6ranton hi%%s did not )ontain a fa"i%y in whi)h this Or$ani5ation wasn0t #nown and "any a so)# was bro!$ht o!t fro" hidin$( and "any a sofa pi%%ow )!t into( to aid any p%an in whi)h this $ro!p had a part& 6!t( A!st as f!nds had $rown to what Mayor ?adsby tho!$ht wo!%d fi%% a%% s!)h wants( a row in Co!n)i% as to this f!nd0s app%i)ation $ot so hot that .His Honor/ $ot "ad "i$hty ,mad!! And said:- .2hy is it that any bi%% for appropriations )o"in$ !p in this Co!n)i% has to #i)# !p s!)h a
r!"p!s3 2hy )an0t yo! %oo# at s!)h thin$s with a p!b%i) "ind for nothin$ )an so aid toward passin$ bi%%s as har"ony& This )ity is not ho%din$ off an atta)#in$ ar"y& 6ranton Hi%%s is not a pa)# of wi%d ani"a%s( snappin$ and snar%in$ by day A!"pin$( at a )ra)#%in$ twi$( at ni$ht& It is a )ity of humans; ani"a%s( if yo! wish( b!t with a $ift fro" On Hi$h of a brain, so far apart fro" a%% d!"b ani"a%s as to a%%ow !s to ta%# abo!t o!r p!b%i) affairs )a%"%y and tho!$htf!%%y& A%% this Night S)hoo% r!"p!s is foo%ish& Nat!ra%%y( what is ta!$ht in s!)h a s)hoo% is an i"portant fa)tor so I want to find o!t fro" o!r Or$ani5ation -/ At this point( o%d 6i%% Si"p#ins $ot !p( with: .This Or$ani5ation of +o!th st!ff p!ts a #in# in "y spina% )o%!"n* A%"ost a%% of it is thro!$h s)hoo%& So how )an yo! brin$ s!)h a $ro!p forward as 4p!pi%s30/ .A )hi%d(/ said ?adsby( .who had s!)h s)hoo%in$ as 6ranton Hi%%s affords is( nat!ra%%y( sti%% a p!pi% for "any wi%% fo%%ow !p a st!dy if an opport!nity is at hand& Many ad!%ts a%so )arry o!t a )!sto" of br!shin$ !p on !nfa"i%iar topi)s th!s( a%so( ran#in$ as p!pi%s& Possib%y( 6i%%( if yo! wo!%d %oo# !p that word 4p!pi%(0 yo! wo!%dn0t find so "!)h fa!%t with insi$nifi)ant data&/ .A%% ri$ht*/ was Si"p#ins0 snap-ba)# .b!t what I want to #now is( what o!r bi$ P!b%i) >ibrary is for& +o!r 4p!pi%s0 )an find a%% sorts of infor"ation in that bi$ b!i%din$& So why b!i%d a ni$ht s)hoo%3 It0s nothin$ b!t a d!p%i)ation*/ .A %ibrary(/ said ?adsby( is not a s)hoo%& It has no instr!)tors yo! )annot ta%# in its roo"s& +o! "ay find a boo# or two on yo!r st!dy( or yo! "ay not& +o! wo!%d find it a bi$ handi)ap if yo! thin# that yo! )an a))o"p%ish "!)h with no aid b!t that of a P!b%i) >ibrary& +o!n$ fo%#s #now what yo!n$ fo%#s want to st!dy& It is foo%ish( say( to insta%% a )%ass in Astrono"y( for a%tho!$h it is a Ni$ht S)hoo%( its p!pi%s0 tho!$hts "i$ht not t!rn toward Mars( Sat!rn or shootin$ stars b!t shorthand( in)%!din$ trainin$ for typists a"on$st ad!%ts who( nat!ra%%y don0t $o to day s)hoo%s( is "ost i"portant( today a%so History and Corporation >aw and I #now that a st!dy of M!si) wo!%d attra)t "any& Any "an or wo"an who wor#s a%% day( b!t sti%% wants to st!dy at ni$ht( sho!%d find an opport!nity for doin$ so&/ This p!t a stop to Co!n)i%"an Si"p#ins0 )riti)is"s( and appro'a% was p!t !pon ?adsby0s p%an and it was b!t short%y that this s)hoo%0s pop!%arity was shown in a "ost a"!sin$ way& 6ranton Hi%%s fo%#s( in passin$ it on $oin$ o!t for a show or so)ia% )a%%( )a!$ht "ost sa'ory whiffs( as its )oo#in$ )%ass was prod!)in$ do!$hn!ts and bis)!its for a Miss Chap"an( %on$ fa"o!s as a )oo# for 6ranton Hi%%s0 2o"an0s C%!b( had abo!t forty $ir%s findin$ o!t abo!t that "a$i) art& So( too( o))asiona%%y a )ran#y o%d Co!n)i%"an( who had fo!$ht a$ainst .this foo%ish ni$ht s)hoo% proposition(/ wo!%d pass by and( oh( h!"** A Co!n)i%"an is on%y an ani"a%( yo! #now and( on )oo#in$ )%ass ni$hts( s!)h an ani"a%( !na'oidab%y drawn by that waftin$ aro"a( wo!%d $o in( A!st a bit h!"i%iatin$%y( and( in praisin$ Miss Chap"an for doin$ .s!)h i"portant wor# for o!r yo!n$ $ir%s(/ wo!%d a'id%y "!n)h a pipin$ hot bis)!it or a si55%in$ do!$hn!t fro" a yo!n$ $ir%0s hand( who( a "onth a$o( )o!%dn0t fry a s%ab of ba)on witho!t b!rnin$ it&
!st as ?adsby was thin#in$ nothin$ was now %a)#in$ in 6ranton Hi%%s( a )hi%d in a poor fa"i%y $ot typhoid sy"pto"s fro" drin#in$ fro" a s"a%% broo# at a pi)ni) and( witho!t any aid fro" o!r fa"o!s Or$ani5ation( a p!b%i) )%a"or was forth)o"in$ for M!ni)ipa% Distri)t N!rsin$( as so "any fo%#s %oo# with horror at $oin$ to a hospita%& Now Distri)t N!rsin$ )a%%s for no bi$ appropriation A!st sa%ary( a first-aid o!tfit( a s!pp%y of dr!$s and so forth and( now-a-days( a )ar& And( to 6ranton Hi%%s0 honor fo!r $ir%s who had had n!rsin$ trainin$ soon bro!$ht( not on%y s"a%% )o"forts( b!t i"portant "inistrations to a $ood%y part of o!r pop!%ation& In distri)ts witho!t this i"portant "!ni)ipa% f!n)tion( )o""on )o%ds "ay r!n into %on$-drawn-o!t atta)#s and )onta$ion )an not on%y sh!t !p a s)hoo% or two b!t bad%y handi)ap a%% for"s of p!b%i) a)ti'ity& .Too "any s"a%% towns(/ said ?adsby( .try to $o witho!t p!b%i) n!rsin$ )a%%in$ it foo%ish( and )%ai"in$ that a fa"i%y o!$ht to %oo# o!t for its own si)#& 6UT* Sho!%d a hi$h "orta%ity( s!)h as( this Nation HAS #nown( o))!r a$ain( s!)h towns wi%% franti)a%%y broad)ast a )a%% for $ir%s with n!rsin$ trainin$ and wish that a si%%y( )ash-sa'in$ )!sto" hadn0t bro!$ht s!)h )riti)a% )onditions&/ At this point I want to brin$ forward an indi'id!a% who has had a bi$ part in 6ranton Hi%%s0 $rowth b!t who( !p to now( has not shown !p in this history& +o! #now that ?adsby had a fa"i%y( nat!ra%%y in)%!din$ a wo"an and that wo"an was fond%y and pop!%ar%y #nown thro!$ho!t town as >ady ?adsby a ran# fittin$%y "at)hin$ ?adsby0s .His Honor(/ !pon his ina!$!ration as Mayor& >ady ?adsby was stron$%y in fa'or of a%% #inds of )%!bs or asso)iations or$ani5in$ a "ost worthy Charity C%!b( a 6oo# C%!b and a Po%iti)a% A!1i%iary& It was b!t a nat!ra% $rowth fro" 2o"an0s part in po%iti)s( both "!ni)ipa% and Nationa% and whi)h( in "any a )ity( has had "!)h to say toward no"inations of $ood offi)ia%s( and r!nnin$ "any a )roo# o!t of town for no )roo#( nor .$an$ boss/ )an ho%d o!t %on$ if !p a$ainst a stron$ 2o"an0s C%!b& Tho!$h it was %on$ tho!$ht that wo"an0s brain was "inor in )o"parison with "an0s( wo"an( as a )%ass( now-a-day shows an a%%-ro!nd a)ti'ity and has bro!$ht staid )ontro% to offi)ia% a)tions whi)h had had a %on$ r!n thro!$h do"ination by "an - that pro!d( )o)#y( str!ttin$ ani"a% who thin#s that this $i$anti) wor%d sho!%d hop( s#ip and A!"p at his )o""ands& So( fro"( or thro!$h A!st s!)h )%!bs as >ady ?adsby0s( 6ranton Hi%%s was soon attra)tin$ fo%#s fro" s!rro!ndin$ distri)ts in fa)t( it was #nown as a sort of Bairy%and in whi)h a%% thin$s t!rn o!t satisfa)tori%y& This was, p%ain%y( a )ondition whi)h wo!%d )a%% for "!)h additiona% b!i%din$ whi)h a%so brin$s additiona% ta1 inf%ow so 6ranton Hi%%s was rapid%y $rowin$ into a "ost i"portant )o""!nity& So( at a S)hoo% 6oard %!n)h( His Honor said: .I tr!st that now yo! wi%% ad"it that what I said %on$ a$o abo!t "a#in$ a )ity an attra)tion to to!rists( is brin$in$ dai%y )onfir"ation& Oh( what a %ot of po%iti)a%%y b%ind )ity and town offi)ia%s I )o!%d point o!t within a day0s a!to trip fro" 6ranton Hi%%s* Many s!)h an offi)ia%( !pon winnin$ a footho%d in City Ha%%( thin#s on%y of his own )ohorts( and his own $ain& So it is not s!rprisin$ that p!b%i) affairs $row sta$nant& Tr!%y( I )annot fatho" s!)h "inds* I )an thin# of nothin$ so satisfyin$ as doin$ p!b%i) $ood in as "any ways as an offi)ia% )an& Thin#( for an instant( as to A!st what a )ity is& As I said %on$ a$o( it is not an array of b!i%din$s( par#s and fo!ntains& No& A )ity is a %i'in$ thin$* It is( a)t!a%%y( human for it is a $ro!p of h!"anity $rowin$ !p in dai%y )onta)t and if offi)ia%s adopt as a s%o$an( .a%% I )an do(/ and not .a%% I )an
$rab(/ on%y its s!b!rban bo!ndary )an %i"it its $rowth& 6ranton Hi%%s attra)ts tho!sands( ann!a%%y& A%% of that inf%!1 %oo#s for )o"forts( an opport!nity to wor#( and $ood s)hoo%s& 6ranton Hi%%s has a%% that and I want to say that a%% who 'isit !s( with tho!$hts of Aoinin$ !s( wi%% find !s ho%din$ o!t a $%ad hand pro"isin$ that a%% s!)h fond o!t%oo#s wi%% find )onfir"ation at any spot within )annon-shot of City Ha%%&/ At this point( a wo"an fro" A!st s!)h a $ro!p $ot !p( sayin$: .I want to ba)# !p yo!r "ayor& On "y first 'isit to yo!r )har"in$ )ity I saw an opport!nity for "y fa"i%y and( with wo"an0s fa"o!s abi%ity for ar$!in$( I $ot "y h!sband to thin# as I do and not an ho!r fro" that day has bro!$ht !s any dissatisfa)tion& +o!r s)hoo%s stand hi$h in )o"parison with any o!t o!r way yo!r shops )arry first-)%ass $oods( yo!r %aws a)t witho!t fa'oritis" for anybody or )%ass and an air of happy-$o-%!)#y )onditions a)t!a%%y sho!ts at yo!( fro" a%% parts of town&/ Now( as "onths s%id past it $ot aro!nd to Ni$ht S)hoo% $rad!ation day and as it was this instit!tion0s first( a%% 6ranton Hi%%s was on hand( pa)#in$ its bi$ ha%%& An i"portant part was a "!si)a% ha%f-ho!r by its bi$ )hor!s( sin$in$ s!)h $rand )o"positions as arias fro" Ba!st( Robin Hood( Aida( and Martha a%so both boys0 and $ir%s0 bands( both brass and strin$s( doin$ first-)%ass wor# on a So!sa "ar)h( a Stra!ss wa%t5( and a potpo!rri of Nationa% airs fro" "any %ands( whi)h bro!$ht a stor" of hand )%appin$ for no for" of st!dy wi%% so aid yo!th in %i'in$ happi%y( as "!si)& Abi%ity to p%ay or sin$ to #now what is $ood or poor in "!si)( insti%%s into yo!n$ fo%#s a hi$h ,!a%ity of tho!$ht and( a))!ra)y is fo!nd in its ri$idity of rhyth"& As soon as this "!si) )%ass was thro!$h( ?adsby bro!$ht forth so%oists( d!os and trios 'io%inists( pianists( and so "any yo!n$ "!si)ians that 6ranton Hi%%s was as pro!d of its ni$ht s)hoo% as a $ir% is of .that first dia"ond&/ That bro!$ht o!r pro$ra" aro!nd to introd!)in$ p!pi%s who had won honor "ar#s: fo!r $ir%s in #nittin$( oi% paintin$( )oo#in$ and Ao!rna%is" and fo!r s"art yo!ths in brass wor#( wood-)ar'in$ and Corporation %aw& 6!t p!pi%s do not for" a%% of a s)hoo% body so a $ro!p of b%!shin$ instr!)tors had to bow to an app%a!din$ roo"f!%& Tho!$h this was a s)hoo% $rad!ation( Mayor ?adsby said it wo!%d do no har" to point o!t a p%an for sti%% addin$ to 6ranton Hi%%s0 p!b%i) spirit .This town is too p%ain too din$y& 6ri)# wa%%s and aspha%t pa'in$ do not %i$ht !p a town( b!t di" it& So I want to p%ant a%% #inds of $rowin$ thin$s a%on$ "any of o!r )!rbs& In o!r par#s I want ponds with $o%d fish( fan)y d!)#s and bi$ swans row-boats( is%ands with arbors( and %ots of shr!bs that blossom; not A!st an array of twi$s and sta%#s& I want( in o!r bi$ City Par#( a )asino( dan)in$ pa'i%ion( %!n)h roo"s and par#in$s for as "any )ars as )an )rowd in& So I thin# that a%% of !s o!$ht to pit)h in and p!t a bri$ht array of nat!ra% aids ro!nd abo!t both in o!r shoppin$ distri)t and s!b!rbs for yo! #now that o%d sayin$( that 4a )har"in$ thin$ is a Aoy a%ways&0/ So a "ira)!%o!s transfor"ation of any spot at a%% d!%% was soon a fa)t& Oa#( bir)h and pop%ar sap%in$s stood a%on$ )!rbs and aro!nd rai%way stations $ir%s bro!$ht in wi%%ow twi$s( i'y roots( b!%bs of )anna( dah%ia( )a%%adi!"( t!%ip( Aon,!i%( $%adio%a and hya)inth& 6oys a%so d!$ "any wood%and shr!bs whi)h( standin$ a%on$ rai%way tra)#s( o!t of town( too# away that $%oo"y 'ista so )o""on%y fo!nd !pon approa)hin$ a bi$ )ity and a %on$ $rassp%ot( with a ri" of bo1wood shr!bs( was %aid o!t( ha%f way fro" )!rb to )!rb on 6roadway( in 6ranton Hi%%s0
finan)ia% distri)t& As ?adsby was %oo#in$ at a%% this with happy satisfa)tion( a bri$ht %ad fro" o!r Ni$ht S)hoo%0s radio )%ass( to%d hi" that 6ranton Hi%%s sho!%d insta%% a broad)astin$ station( as no )ity( today( wo!%d thin# of tryin$ to win additiona% pop!%ation witho!t that "ost i"portant adA!n)t for obtainin$ p!b%i)ity& So any "an or boy who had any #na)# at radio was a%% a$o$ and abo!t a tho!sand had a"bitions for a Aob in it( at whi)h on%y abo!t si1 )an wor#& And City Ha%% had a%"ost a riot( as $ro!ps of po%iti)ians( pastors and )%!bs to%d A!st what s!)h a station sho!%d( and sho!%d not broad)ast for a broad)astin$ station( with its 'ast opport!nity for )a!sin$ both satisfa)tion and anta$onis"( "!st ho%d ri$id%y a%oof fro" any ra)ia% fa'oritis"( )h!r)h( finan)ia% or nationa%ity )riti)is"s and s!)h a po%i)y is( as any broad)astin$ station wi%% ad"it( "ost diffi)!%t of adoption& Birst of a%% stood that i"portant position of what yo! "i$ht )a%% .st!dio boss&/ A%tho!$h a "an in )ontro% of a station is not #nown as .boss(/ I thin# it wi%% pass in this odd%y b!i%t-!p story& Now I a" $oin$ to boost o!r fa"o!s Or$ani5ation a$ain( by statin$ that a boy fro" its ran#s( Bran# Mor$an( was p!t in for it was a hobby of ?adsby to p!t 6ranton Hi%%s boys in 6ranton Hi%%s "!ni)ipa% Aobs& So Bran#( ri$ht away( $ot a%% sorts of )a%%s for ho!rs or ha%f ho!rs to broad)ast ."ost asto!ndin$ bar$ains in )%othin$( sa%ad oi%s( "otor oi%s( "otor .$as/( soaps( )ars( and tooth br!sh %!bri)ants& 2ith a bi$ Ba%% )a"pai$n for 2ashin$ton offi)ia%s abo!t to start( s!)h a position as Bran#0s was )h!)# f!%% of pitfa%%s a stiff proposition for a yo!n$ )hap( not %on$ o!t of Hi$h S)hoo%& 6!t ?adsby too# hi" in hand& .Now( boy( ho%d yo!r )hin !p( and yo! wi%% find that "ost fo%#s( tho!$h )ran#y or st!bborn at first( wi%% fo%%ow yo!r r!%in$s if yo! insist( in a )i'i% way( that yo! #now a%% o!r Nationa% Radio Co""ission0s %aws bindin$ yo!r station& Millions, of a%% #inds( wi%% dia% in yo!r station and what wo!%d hi$h%y satisfy a $ro!p in Co%orado "i$ht a)t!a%%y ins!%t a "an down in B%orida for radio0s win$s )arry far& +o! #now I0%% ba)# yo! !p( boy& 6!t now( what wo!%d yo! )a%% this station3/ .Oh (/ said o!r tyro-boss a radio station sho!%d wor# with initia%s showin$ its %o)ation& So a 6ranton Hi%%s station )o!%d stand as E6H&/ S!)h initia%s( rin$in$ with )i'i) patriotis"( hit ?adsby A!st ri$ht his Co!n)i% p!t it in writin$ and .Station E6H/ was born* Tho!$h it is not i"portant to fo%%ow it fro" now on( I wi%% say that o!r 'ast )o!ntry( by t!nin$ in on E6H( fo!nd o!t a %ot abo!t this Utopia& .+o! #now that $ood o%d yarn(/ said ?adsby( .abo!t "a#in$ so $ood a rat-trap that "i%%ions wi%% tra"p down yo!r $rass in "a#in$ a path to yo!r front door&/
ow don0t thin# that o!r fa"o!s Or$ani5ation( ha'in$ shown its worth on so "any
o))asions( sat down witho!t thin#in$ of doin$ anythin$ a$ain& No( sir* Not this b!n)h* If a boy or $ir% tho!$ht of any addition to 6ranton Hi%%s0 pop!%arity it was bro!$ht to Mayor ?adsby for )ons!%tation& And so( as >!)y Dona%dson on a trip thro!$h a pat)h of woods( saw a bi$ sta$ %oo#in$ o!t fro" a )%!"p of shr!bs( nothin$ wo!%d do b!t to r!sh to His Honor to po!r what tho!$hts that )har"in$ si$ht had bro!$ht !p in this bri$ht yo!n$ "ind& So( as ?adsby stood at City Ha%%0s front door( this pa%pitatin$( $!shin$ yo!n$ $ir% ran towards hi"( pantin$ and b%owin$ fro" a %on$ r!n .I want a 5oo* .A 2HAT3/ .A DOO** ou #now* A par# with sta$s and a%% #inds of wi%d ani"a%s and a d!)# pond( and( and( and/ .2hoa* S%ow down a bit* Do yo! want an a)t!a% 5oo( or an o!tfit of toys that wind !p and $row% 3/ .I want a tr!%y( o!t-and-o!t( bi$ 5oo& 2hy )an0t yo! b!i%d wa%%s aro!nd a part of City Par#( and&&&/ ?adsby saw that this was an addition whi)h nobody had tho!$ht of( !nti% now so( $raspin$ his yo!n$ 'isitor0s hand( Aoyf!%%y( said:.It0s a fa)t( >!)y** And( as yo! tho!$ht of it( I0%% )a%% it( -now wait -what shall I )a%% it3 Aha* That0s it* I0%% )a%% it 4>!)y Doo0& How0s that for ,!i)# thin#in$3/ .My* That0s A!st $rand b!t what wi%% Papa say3/ Now ?adsby had #nown >!)y0s fa"i%y fro" boyhood( so said:-.+o! infor" yo!r dad that at any si$n of ba%#in$ by hi"( I0%% p!t HIM in >!)y Doo( and pay a boy to prod hi" with a sharp sti)#( !nti% his appro'a% is in "y hands&/ This bro!$ht s!)h a ro%%i)#in$ %a!$h that a "an "owin$ City Ha%% %awn had to %a!$h( too& Now( ;Ah* 6!t I )an0t a'oid sayin$ it*< o!r Or$ani5ation was o!t a$ain b!t( now ha'in$ $rown a bit fro" s!)h )hi%dish yo!ths as had( at first stood in its ran#s( a boy( now approa)hin$ "anhood( and a $ir%( now a yo!n$ wo"an( )o!%d so%i)it f!nds with an abi%ity to ta%# #nowin$%y in fa'or of any fa)tor that a han$in$-ba)# )ontrib!tor )o!%d brin$ !p in r!nnin$ down s!)h a proposition& +o! )an a%ways )o!nt on findin$ that )%ass in any )ity or town !pon any o))asion for p!b%i) wor#s b!t I )an pro!d%y say that "any saw $ood in o!r Or$ani5ation0s p%an and >!)y soon fo!nd that o!t( in O%d >ady B%ana$an& .2hoops* A 5oo( is it3 And pray( phwat )an0t thot )ra5y ?adsby thin# !p3 If o!r bi$ Mayor had fo!r si)h bys as I bro!$ht into this woi%d worra( worra* his par%or( ha%%s( dinin0 roo" an ba)# yard0d f!rnish hi" wid a 5oo( a%% ri$ht* 2id two a%ways a-s)rappin0 abo!t a ba%% bat or a s%in$ shot a brat )ontin!a%%y a-baw%in0 abo!t n!thin0 an0 a baby wid whoopin0 )o!$h( I #now phwat a 5oo is( wido!t $oin0 to City Par# to $aw# at a indi$o baboon( or a pin# to" )at&/ .6!t(/ said >!)y( tryin$ hard not to %a!$h .Mayor ?adsby isn0t thin#in$ of p!ttin$ in pin# to" )ats( nor any #ind of to" )ats in this 5oo& It is for on%y wild ani"a%s&/ .2I>D** Say( if yo! )o!%d %oo# into "y ba)# door as O%d Man B%ana$an ,!its wor#( an brin$s ba)# a %oad o0 $ro$( yo!0d find thot yo! had wi%d ani"a%s roi$ht in this town( a%% roi$ht( a%%
roi$ht&/ 6!t( as on so "any o))asions( this )har"in$ $ir% $ot a )ontrib!tion( with O%d >ady B%ana$an )a%%in$ o!t fro" a front window:.?ood %!)#( >!)y dar%in0* I0" sorry I was so do" )ran#y*/ 6!t tho!$h pop!%ar opinion was in fa'or of ha'in$ a 5oo( pop!%ar opinion didn0t hand in donations to within fo!r tho!sand do%%ars of what it wo!%d )ost to insta%% and ?adsby and his .$an$/ had to do a bit of brain ra)#in$( so as not to disappoint %ots of $ood fo%#s who had paid in& Bina%%y( Sarah +o!n$ tho!$ht of a ri)h wo"an %i'in$ A!st a)ross fro" City Par#& This wo"an( >ady Standish( was of that #ind( %o'in$ disposition whi)h wo!%d brin$ in a )o%d( h!n$ry( %ost p!p( or )at( and fi%% it !p with hot food and "i%#& 6ranton Hi%%s #ids )o!%d brin$ any #ind of a h!rt or si)# ani"a% or bird and Sarah had %on$ #nown that that ba)# yard was( a)t!a%%y( a s"a%% 5oo( anyway with do$s( )ats( po!%try( two robins too yo!n$ to f%y( fo!r sparrows and a )anary( a%"ost ba%d& Sarah tho!$ht that any wo"an( %o'in$ ani"a%s as >ady Standish did( "i$ht A!st thri%% at ha'in$ a bi$ 5oo-f!% ri$ht at hand& So( sayin$( .I0%% $o and find o!t( ri$ht now/( was off as an arrow fro" a bow& As soon as this #ind%y wo"an fo!nd o!t what was on Sarah0s "ind( o!r yo!n$ so%i)itor $ot a %o'in$ #iss( with:- .A 5oo* Oh* how tr!%y )har"in$* 2hat grand thin$s Mayor ?adsby )an thin# !p witho!t ha%f tryin$ */ And Sarah had to $rin( thin#in$ of >!)y( and O%d >ady B%ana$an0s opinion of His Honor* .+o! "ay not #now it( Sarah(/ said >ady Standish( .b!t @ohn ?adsby and I had a bi$ f%irtation( way ba)# in o!r s)hoo% days& And HO2 down)ast poor @ohnny was at "y findin$ a h!sband o!t of town* 6!t that was %on$( %on$ a$o( dar%in$& So( A!st to sort of pa)ify "y o%d pa%( @ohn( I0%% $%ad%y p!t !p yo!r "issin$ fo!r tho!sand and yo! $o to His Honor and say that I wish hi" a%% sorts of $ood %!)# with this p%an&/ Now( O%y"pi) )ha"pions "!st train )ontin!o!s%y( b!t( )!sto"ari%y( in $y"nasi!"s& 6!t today( fo%#s in 6ranton Hi%%s0 shoppin$ distri)t had to t!rn and $asp for a yo!n$ wo"an was sprintin$ wi%d%y toward City Ha%% for Sarah was in a h!rry& ?adsby was A!st )o"in$ o!t( as this $ir%( as bad%y b%own as >!)y was in as#in$ for a 5oo( ran !p( )a%%in$ o!t:- .I ?OT IT** I ?OT IT**/ .?ot what3 A fit3/ .No* I $ot that fina% fo!r tho!sand do%%ars* It0s fro" >ady Standish( who says that way ba)# in s)hoo% days( yo! and-/ .2hoa** That was ba)# in history! b!t ?adsby was b%!shin$( and Sarah was win#in$( )oy%y& Now ?adsby was as fond of his Or$ani5ation boys and $ir%s as of his own and Sarah was so radiant%y happy that a%% His Honor )o!%d say was:.My( now( Sarah* That0s "i$hty $ood wor#* And as I to%d >!)y I0d )a%% o!r 5oo >!)y Doo for thin#in$ of it( I0%% find a way to honor yo!( too& Aha* I0%% p!t !p a bi$ ar)h( thro!$h whi)h a%% 'isitors "!st pass( and )a%% it 4Sarah +o!n$0s Rainbow Ar)h&0 How0s that3/ Now Sarah had a bit of nat!ra% wit so ,!i)#%y said:.That0s A!st $rand if yo!0%% b!ry that fa"o!s pot of $o%d at its foot( so I )an di$ it !p*/
ow THAT A Doo was a)t!a%%y on its way( ?adsby had to )a%% in 'ario!s $ro!ps to ta%# abo!t what a Doo sho!%d )ontain& Now( yo! #now that all ani"a%s )an0t find roo" in this ortho$raphi)a%%y odd story so( if yo! 'isit >!)y Doo( yo!0%% "iss a )!sto"ary inhabitant( or two& 6!t yo!0%% find an array worthy of yo!r trip& So a )a%% was p!t in two bi$ dai%y Ao!rna%s( as#in$ for bids on ani"a%s and birds and soon( fro" north( so!th and )riss-)ross points( a h!ntin$ party or a )ity with too "any 5oo ani"a%s on hand $ot in to!)h with 6ranton Hi%%s( with proposa%s for a%% #inds of ani"a%s( fro" #an$aroos to bats and o!r Or$ani5ation had a %ot of f!n p%annin$ how "any it )o!%d )rowd into City Par#( witho!t )rowdin$ o!t 'isitors& Bina%%y a ba%%ot p!t >!)y0s 5oo%o$i)a% pop!%ation as fo%%ows:Birst( a))ordin$ to >!)y( .an awf!%%y( A2BU>>+ bi$ hippopota"!s( with a poo% for its )o"fort / a ya#( )aribo!( wa%r!s( ;a%so with a poo%(< a %on$ fo1-r!n( bisons( $n!s( sta$s( ;it was a sta$( yo! #now( that $ot this 5oo p%an $oin$*<( a%%i$ators( "o!ntain %ions( Afri)an %ions( wi%d )ats( wi%d boars( %%a"as( $ori%%as( baboons( oran$-o!tan$s( "andri%s and, a))ordin$ to ?adsby0s boys( a .bi$ $an$/ of that a"!sin$( tiny "i"i) a%ways fo!nd a))o"panyin$ hand-or$ans& A%so an a'iary( )ontainin$ )ondors( b!55ards( parrots( ibis( "a)aws( adA!tant birds( stor#s( ow%s( ,!ai%( fa%)ons( tiny h!""in$ birds( a sprin#%in$ of haw#s( "o)#in$ birds( swans( fan)y d!)#s( to!)ans and a host of s"a%% sin$in$ birds and oh* witho!t fai%( an ostri)h fa"i%y and( %ast( b!t "ost i"portant of a%%( a bi$ first )o!sin of o%d @!"bo* A bi$ $%ass b!i%din$ wo!%d ho%d boa )onstri)tors( pythons( )obras( %i5ards( and so forth and down in ba)# of a%% this( an o!tdoor a,!ari!"( f!%% of $o%dfish( rainbow tro!t( 'ario!s fan)y fish and b%osso"in$ a,!ati) p%ants& A%% in a%% it wo!%d f!rnish a "i$hty a"!sin$ and pop!%ar spot whi)h wo!%d draw %ots of o!t-oftown 'isitors and 'isitors( yo! #now( might t!rn into inhabitants* And so thin$s fina%%y $ot aro!nd to Ina!$!ration Day and( #nowin$ that no #id )o!%d sit sti%% in s)hoo% on s!)h an o))asion( it was p!t down for a Sat!rday and( so "any happy( sho!tin$( hoppin$( A!"pin$ #ids stood waitin$ for His Honor to )!t a satin ribbon in front of Sarah +o!n$0s Rainbow Ar)h( that $rown fo%#s had to wait( fo!r b%o)#s ba)#& As ?adsby was roa"in$ aro!nd with >!)y( to find if thin$s sho!%d start "o'in$( o%d Pat Ryan( fro" 6ranton Hi%%s0 rai%way station( was h!ntin$ for hi" fina%%y %o)atin$ hi" in a %!n)h roo"( and r!shin$ in with:.Say* That bi$ hop-s#ip-and-A!"p artist is down in "y tr!n# roo"* I $ot a p!n)h on "y Aaw( a )ra)# on "y sno!t( and a #i)# on "y shins a-tryin0 to )a%" hi" down */ .A #i)# and a p!n)h3 2hat a)tions */ said ?adsby& .I don0t #now of any hop-s#ip-and-A!"p artist& How bi$ a "an is it3/ .2orra( worra* It ain0t no "an at a%%( at a%% * It0s that thin$ what $rows in A!stra%ia( and-/ 6!t >!)y saw %i$ht ri$ht off and .%a!$hin$ fit to #i%%(/ said .Oh( ho( ho** I #now* It0s that bo1in$ #an$aroo yo! bo!$ht fro" 6arn!"0s )ir)!s */ and a )har"in$ $ir% was do!b%in$ !p in a wi%d stor" of $i$$%in$( i$norin$ o%d Pat0s s)ow%s&
.Ah * That0s hi"( a%% ri$ht(/ said ?adsby& .So( Pat( A!st p!t hi" in a b!r%ap ba$ and ship hi" to this 5oo& .2ho3 I p!t hi" in a b!r%ap ba$3 Say( boss* If I )an pi)# !p abo!t si1 h!s#y $!ys aro!nd that station and if I )an find a can"as, not a b!r%ap( ba$ and p!t on a $as "as#( a sto"a)h pad( two shin-$!ards( and-/ 6!t that )rowd at Sarah0s Ar)h was sho!tin$ for ?adsby to )!t that ribbon so o%d Pat had to ba$ that A!stra%ian tornado and in a way that wo!%d not h!rt hi" for #an$aroo a)tors )ost $ood )ash( yo! #now& So that )rowd of #ids $ot in( at %ast* Now 5oo ani"a%s )an thin#( A!st as h!"ans )an and it was a"!sin$ to wat)h a pair of boys starin$ at a pair of oran$-o!tan$s and a pair of oran$-o!tan$s starin$ ba)# at a pair of boys both thin#in$( no do!bt( what f!nny thin$s it saw* And( o))asiona%%y( both ani"a% and boy won a point* Now if yo! thin# that on%y yo!n$ fo%#s find any f!n in $oin$ to a 5oo( yo! probab%y don0t $o to 5oos "!)h for "any a bi$( rot!nd )apita%ist had to %a!$h at si"ian anti)s( tho!$h( probab%y fi$!rin$ !p A!st how "!)h satisfa)tion his )ash )ontrib!tion bro!$ht hi"& Many a fa"i%y wo"an for$ot s!)h thin$s as a fini)#y )hi%d or b!rnin$ bis)!its& A%% was happy-$o-%!)#y Aoy and( at two o0)%o)#( as 6ranton Hi%%s0 M!ni)ipa% 6and( ;a part of ?adsby0s Or$ani5ation of +o!th0s wor#( yo! #now< str!)# !p a bri$ht "ar)h( not a $%!" physio$no"y was fo!nd in a%% that bi$ par#& ?adsby and >!)y had "!)h )!riosity in wat)hin$ what s!)h )rashin$ "!si) wo!%d do to 'ario!s ani"a%s& At first a spirit a#in to worry had baboons( $ori%%as( and s!)h( starin$ abo!t( as sti%% as so "any posts !nti%( findin$ that no har" was )o"in$ fro" s!)h so!nds( soon too# to )%i"bin$ and swin$in$ a$ain& Sta$s( ya#s and %%a"as did a bit of hi$h-#i)#in$ at first ?adsby fi$!rin$ that dr!"s( and not a)t!a% "!si)( did it& 6!t a %i%tin$ wa%t5in$ aria did not worry any part of this bi$ 5oo fa"i%y in fa)t( a fo1( wo%f and Aa)#a%( in a ,!andary at first a)t!a%%y %ay down( as tho!$h "!si) tr!%y .hath )har"s to )a%" a wi%d boso"&/ At ?adsby0s bi$ a,!ari!" 'isitors fo!nd not on%y f!n( b!t opport!nity for st!dyin$ "any a #ind of fish not ordinari%y fo!nd in fryin$ pans and( tho!$h in "any %ands( snai%s for" a pop!%ar food( >!)y( Sarah and Cir$inia p!t on f!rio!s s)ow%s at a $ro!p of boys who tho!$ht .Snai%s "i$ht $o $ood( with a n!t-pi)# handy&/ ;6!t boys a%ways will say thin$s to horrify $ir%s( yo! know#$ And !pon )o"in$ to that bi$ $%ass b!i%din$( with its boa )onstri)tors( a%%i$ators( %i5ards and so on( a boy $rinnin$%y .$ot a $ir%0s $oat/ by wantin$ to #iss a fifty-foot ana)onda )a!sin$ >!)y to say( ha!$hti%y( that .No boy( wantin$ to #iss s!)h horrid( wri$$%y thin$s )an #iss !s 6ranton Hi%%s $ir%s&/ ;?ood for yo!( >!)y* I0d pass !p a si%ty&foot ana)onda( any day( for you#$ In fo%%owin$ "onths "any a s)hoo% )%ass was shown thro!$h o!r 5oo0s fas)inatin$ paths( as instr!)tors to%d of this or that ani"a%0s habits and nat!ra% ha!nts and showin$ that it was as worthy of sy"pathy( if i%%( as any h!"an& And not on%y did s!)h p!pi%s obtain #ind%y tho!$hts for 5oo ani"a%s( b!t )ats( do$s and a%% #inds of far" sto)# soon fo!nd that thin$s had an !n)o""on %oo#( thro!$h a droppin$ off in s)o%din$s and whippin$s( and rapid%y i"pro'in$ %i'in$ )onditions& 6!t "ost i"portant of a%% was word fro" an !$%y( hard-%oo#in$ wo"an( who( wat)hin$( with an apo%o$i5in$ sniff( a f%o)# of happy birds( said:.I0" sorry that I a%ways s%ap and baw% o!t "y #ids so "!)h( for I #now( now( that #ids or
ani"a%s won0t do as yo! wish if yo! snap and $row% too "!)h& And I tr!st that Mayor ?adsby #nows what a %ot of $ood a%% his p!b%i) wor#s do for !s&/ Now this is a "ost satisfa)tory and i"portant thin$ to thin# abo!t( for br!ta%ity wi%% not(cannot(-a))o"p%ish what a #ind%y disposition wi%% and( if fo%#s )o!%d on%y #now how ,!i)#%y a .ba%#y/ )hi%d wi%%( thro!$h %o'in$ and )!dd%in$( $row into a )har"in$( happy yo!th( "!)h )hi%dish $%oo" and sorrow wo!%d 'anish for a "an or wo"an who is !$%y to a )hi%d is too %ow to ran# as hi$h%y as a wi%d ani"a% for no ani"a% wi%% stand( for an instant( anythin$ approa)hin$ an atta)#( or any for" of har" to its yo!n$& 6!t what a %ot of tots find s%aps( yan#s and hard words for )onditions whi)h do not )a%% for s!)h harsh ta)ti)s* No )hi%d is nat!ra%%y !$%y or .)ran#y&/ And bi$( $!%pin$ sobs( or sad( !nhappy yo!n$ "inds( in a tiny body sho!%d not o))!r in any )o""!nity of )i'i%i5ation& Ad!%thood ho%ds "any an opport!nity for s!)h )onditions& Chi%dhood sho!%d not& Now A!st a word abo!t 5oos& Many fo%#s thin# that ani"a%s in a 5oo #now no )o"forts nothin$ b!t )onstant fri$ht fro" %i'in$ in )apti'ity& S!)h fo%#s do not stop to thin# of a thin$ or two abo!t an ani"a%0s wi%d )ondition& 2i%d ani"a%s "!st not on%y )onstant%y h!nt for food( b!t in'ariab%y fi$ht to #i%% it and to hold it( too for( in s!)h a fi$ht( a bi$ anta$onist wi%% nat!ra%%y win fro" a s"a%% indi'id!a%& Th!s( what food is fo!nd( is a%so %ost and h!ntin$ "!st $o on( day by day( or ni$ht by ni$ht !nti% a tra$i) )%i"a1-by thirst or star'ation& 6!t in a 5oo( food is bro!$ht dai%y( with fa)i%ity for drin#in$( and %aid ri$ht in front of hoofs( paws or bi%%s& Bor s"a%% ani"a%s( roofs and thi)# wa%%s ward off )o%d winds and rain and so( days of )a%" ina)ti'ity( dai%y naps witho!t worryin$ abo!t atta)# and a )artin$ away of a%% r!bbish and fi%th soon p!ts a 5oo ani"a% in bodi%y for" whi)h has no )o"parison with its wi%d )ondition& >a)# of roo" in whi)h to )%i"b( roa" or p%ay( may brin$ a 5oo ani"a% to that )ondition #nown as .soft/ b!t( as it now has no )a%% for 'i$or( and its fi$htin$ passions find no opport!nity for disp%ay( s!)h an ani"a% is $rad!a%%y approa)hin$ that )ondition whi)h has bro!$ht Man( who is on%y an ani"a%( anyway( to his %ofty point in Nat!ra% History( today& Tr!%y( with s!)h trib!%ations( worry( and hard wor# as Man p!ts !p with to obtain his food and %od$in$( a 5oo ani"a%( if it )o!%d on%y #now of o!r dai%y $rind( wo!%d )o"fortab%y yawn( than#f!% that Man is so #ind%y %oo#in$ o!t for it& 2ith si"i%ar ani"a%s a%% aro!nd it( and( day by day( A!st a happy $rowth fro" )!b-hood to "at!rity( I a%"ost wish that I was a 5oo ani"a%( with no boss to $row% abo!t "y not showin$ !p( "ornin$s( at a )!sto"ary ho!r*
ow( AS OUR Or$ani5ation of +o!th is rapid%y $rowin$ !p( a young )rowd( too yo!n$ to Aoin it at first( is )o"in$ !p i"bibin$ its .why-not-do-it-now 3/ spirit& So( as ?adsby stood in front of that bi$ M!ni)ipa% A!ditori!" ;whi)h that $ro!p( yo! #now( had had b!i%t<( Marian Hop#ins( a s"a%% $ir%( in passin$ by( saw hi"( and said
.I thin# 6ranton Hi%%s o!$ht to b!y a ba%%oon&00 .6a%%oon3 6a%%oon3 2hat wo!%d this )ity do with a ba%%oon3 P!t a strin$ on it so yo! )o!%d r!n aro!nd with it 3/ .No( not that #ind of a ba%%oon( b!t that bi$( 5oo"in$ #ind that sai%s way !p hi$h( with a "an in it&/ .Oh* Ha( ha* +o! thin# an air)raft is a ba%%oon* 6!t what wo!%d-Aha* An airport 3/ .Uh-h!h b!t I didn0t #now how to say it&/ .It0 )ra)#y*/ said His Honor& .I tho!$ht this town was abo!t thro!$h i"pro'in$& 6!t an airport would add a bit to it now wo!%dn0t it 3/ Marian had a "ost profo!nd opinion that it would; ;if profo!nd opinions $row in s!)h s"a%% #ids*< so both too# a wa%# to City Ha%% to h!nt !p a Co!n)i%"an or two& Bindin$ fo!r in a Co!n)i% roo"( ?adsby said .+o!th( or( I sho!%d say( )hi%dhood( has A!st shown that 6ranton Hi%%s is shy on a "ost i"portant a),!isition(/ and O%d 6i%% Si"p#ins A!st had to b%!rt o!t:- .And( nat!ra%%y( it )a%%s for )ash* CASH* CASH* CASH** 2hat wi%% this town a"o!nt to if it b%ows in do%%ars so fast 3/ .And(/ said ?adsby( .what wi%% it a"o!nt to( if it don0t 3/ That p!t a $a$ on O%d 6i%%& Co!n)i%"an 6an#s( tho!$h( was )!rio!s to #now abo!t Marian0s proposition( sayin$:- .It is probab%y a p%an for b!yin$ Christ"as toys for a%% 6ranton Hi%%s #ids&/ 6!t tiny Marian( with a 'i$oro!s sta"p of a tiny foot( sw!n$ ri$ht ba)# with:- .NO( SIR** Santa C%a!s wi%% brin$ !s o!r $ifts* 6!t I tho!$ht of ha'in$ a-what did yo! )a%% it( Mayor ?adsby3/ .This )hi%d thin#s 6ranton Hi%%s sho!%d b!i%d an airport( and I thin# so( too& If o!r inhabitants( s!)h as this tot( )an thin# !p s!)h thin$s( a%% ad!%ts sho!%d pa)# !p( and 'anish fro" "!ni)ipa% affairs& A%% ri$ht( Marian o!r City Co!n)i%( your City Co!n)i%( "y yo!n$ patriot( wi%% %oo# into this airport p%an for yo!&/ So( as on si"i%ar o))asions "onths a$o( word that %and was a$ain )roppin$ !p in ?adsby0s "ind( bro!$ht o!t a f%ood of %and%ords with 'a)ant %ots( a%% %oo#in$ forward to disposin$ of a d!"p worth two do%%ars and a ha%f( for fifty tho!sand& Now an airport "!st o))!py a 'ast %ot of %and( so )annot stand ri$ht in a City0s shoppin$ distri)t b!t fina%%y a bi$ tra)t was bo!$ht( and ri$ht in ba)# of tiny Marian0s ba)# yard* Instant%y( City Ha%% was f!%% of app%i)ants for f%yin$ 6ranton Hi%%s0 first air)raft& To ?adsby0s Aoy( a"on$st that b!n)h was Haro%d Tho"pson( an o%d Or$ani5ation %ad( who was #nown aro!nd town as a )hap who )o!%d do abo!t anythin$ )a%%in$ for brains& As an airport is not %aid o!t in a day( Haro%d $ot b!sy with paid a'iators and soon was pi%otin$ a )raft witho!t aid and not on%y 6ranton Hi%%s fo%#s( b!t o%d a'iators( saw in Haro%d( a .bird-"an/ of no s"a%% abi%ity& And so tiny Marian0s .'ision/ was a fa)t A!st as .bi$ $ir%/ >!)y0s Doo and( as with a%% bi$ City affairs( an Ina!$!ration sho!%d start it off& Now( on a%% s!)h affairs yo! a%ways find a .'isitor of honor/ and on this $rand day ?adsby )o!%dn0t thin# of anybody for that i"portant post b!t Marian& And( as it wo!%d o))!r in A!$!st( any day
wo!%d do( as that is a s)hoo% 'a)ation "onth& And what a mob stood( or sat( on that bi$ airport( waitin$ for a si$na% fro" yo!n$ Marian whi)h wo!%d start Haro%d a%oft( on 6ranton Hi%%s0 initia% f%i$ht* A%"ost a%% bro!$ht a %!n)h and )a"p-stoo%s or fo%din$ )hairs and( as it was a hot day( tho!sands of $ay paraso%s( and an array of bri$ht )%othin$ on o!r s)hoo%-$ir%s( had that bi$ %ot %oo#in$ as bri%%iant as a f%orist0s window at Christ"as& O!r yo!n$ 'isitor of honor was a%% a$o$ with Aoy and( I thin#( possib%y a to!)h of 'anity for what )hi%d wouldn't thri%% with tho!sands wat)hin$3 6!t tho!$h Marian had a%ways had $ood )%othin$( )o"in$ fro" a fa"i%y who )o!%d afford it( no tot( in a%% history( had so $%orio!s an o!tfit as that whi)h abo!t a%% 6ranton Hi%%s0 pop!%ation saw on that p%atfor"( a"idst f%a$s( b!ntin$ and o!r bi$ M!ni)ipa% 6and& As an airship is a si"!%ation of a bird and as a bird( to a )hi%d( is not far fro" a fairy( Marian had $a!dy fairy win$s( a radiant )%oa# of $o%d( a spar#%in$ $own a%% a$%ow with twin#%in$ stars( and a %on$ $%ass wand( with a star at its top& As soon as a%% was in )ondition ?adsby to%d Marian to stand !p& This bro!$ht that 'ast )rowd !p( a%so and ?adsby said:.Now ho%d yo!r wand way !p hi$h( and swin$ it( to si$na% Haro%d to start&/ Up shot a tiny ar" and Haro%d( wat)hin$ fro" his )o)#pit( san$ o!t:.CONTACT**/ A 'i$oro!s twist of his ship0s $i$anti) .fan/( a sho!t( a roar( a whi55( a "i$hty )%o!d of d!st( and a"id a tornado of )%appin$( sho!ts( and band "!si)( 6ranton Hi%%s was p!t on a'iation0s "ap& 2ay( way !p( so far as to %oo# as s"a%% as a toy( Haro%d p!t on a show of ban#in$( ro%%in$ and di'in$( whi)h to%d ?adsby that( sti%% a$ain( had 6ranton Hi%%s fo!nd profit in what its Or$ani5ation of +o!th( and, now, its small kids, had to say abo!t i"pro'in$ a town# D!rin$ that bo1-%!n)h pi)ni)( "any of o!r .bi$ $ir%s/ bro!$ht so "!)h food to Marian that Dad and Ma had to stand $!ard a$ainst t!""y pains& And what a $%orio!s( Ao%%y o))asion that pi)ni) was* ?ay band "!si)( son$s( dan)in$( oratory and a $rand a%%-ro!nd .howdy/ a"on$st o%d inhabitants and arri'in$ to!rists soon was transfor"in$ that bi$ )rowd into a happy $ro!p( s!)h as it is hard to find( today( in any bi$ )ity: )o%d( distant( and with no tho!$ht by its po%iti)ians for anybody in it and ?adsby fo!nd( aro!nd that bi$ airport( "any a "an( wo"an and )hi%d who was as pro!d of hi" as was his own fa"i%y&
THINE THAT now yo! sho!%d #now this )har"in$ ?adsby fa"i%y so I wi%% brin$ forth >ady ?adsby( abo!t who" I to%d yo! at ?adsby0s ina!$!ration as Mayor a %oya% )h!r)h wo"an with a 'o)a% abi%ity for )hoir wor# and( with $ood )apabi%ity on piano or or$an(
no wo"an )o!%d .fi%% in/ in so "any ways and no wo"an was so wi%%in$( and ,!i)# to do so& ?adsby had two sons bri$ht %ads and pop!%ar with a%%& @!%i!s was of a st!dio!s t!rn of "ind( a%ways porin$ thro!$h boo#s of infor"ation )arin$ not what #ind of infor"ation it was( so %on$ as it was infor"ation( and not fi)tion& ?adsby had tho!$ht of his $rowin$ !p as a s)hoo% instr!)tor( for no wor# is so worthy as i"partin$ what yo! #now to any who %on$ to st!dy& 6!t 2i%%ia"* Oh( h!"** O!r Mayor and >ady ?adsby didn0t #now A!st what to do with hi" for a%% his tho!$hts )%!n$ aro!nd $ir%s and fashions in )%othin$: Probab%y o!r Hi$h S)hoo% didn0t )ontain a $ir% who didn0t thin# that( at no distant day( 6i%% ?adsby wo!%d t!rn( fro" a )a%%ow yo!th( into a .bi$ )at)h/ h!sband for a Mayor0s son in so i"portant a )ity as o!rs was a "ar# for any $ir% to shoot at& 6!t 6i%% was not of a "arryin$ disposition %o'in$ $ir%s A!st as $ir%s( b!t ho%din$ o!t no hand to any in parti)!%ar& A%ways in first )%ass to$s( witho!t "issin$ a so%itary fad whi)h a yo!n$ "an sho!%d adopt( ?adsby0s 6i%% was a %ion( in his own ri$ht( with no $ir% in si$ht who had that ta)t thro!$h whi)h a %asso )o!%d %and aro!nd his "an%y throat& ?adsby had "any a %a!$h( %oo#in$ ba)# at his own boyhood days( his 'ario!s f%irtations( and s!)h wi%d( throbbin$ pa%pitations as a boy0s f%irtations )an insti%% and %oo#in$ ba)# thro!$h A!st s!)h o$%in$ $ro!ps as now so!$ht his offsprin$ !nti% a $ir%( oh( so %on$ a$o( had p!t a stop to a%% s!)h f%irtations( and $ot that %asso on .with a stran$%in$ ho%d(/ as ?adsby says and it is sti%% on( today* 6!t this fa"i%y was not a%% boys& Oh( "y( no* Two $ir%s a%so sat aro!nd that fa"i%y board& Birst( fo%%owin$ 2i%%ia"( was Nan)y( who( as ?adsby %a!$hin$%y said( .didn0t #now how to $row / and now( in Hi$h S)hoo%( was .abo!t as bi$ as a pint of "i%# / and of s!)h o!tstandin$ )har" that ?adsby )ontin!a%%y $ot so%i)itations to a%%ow photo$raphin$ for softdrin# and si"i%ar bi%%board disp%ays& .No( sir** Not for any sort of pay** In a%%owin$ p!b%i) distrib!tion of a $ir%0s photo yo! don0t #now into what sit!ations said photos wi%% %and& I find( dai%y( photo$raphs of $ir%s b%owin$ abo!t 'a)ant %ots( a%% so$$y fro" rains a%so in a dit)h( with its )!sto"ary fi%th or st!)# !p on a bri)# wa%% or drawn onto an i"a$inary body showin$ a brand of ti$hts or paAa"as& No, sir!! Not for my $ir%**/ Bo!rth in this pop!%ar fa"i%y was Eath%yn( of what is #nown as a .)%assi)a% "o%d / with a brain whi)h( at no distant day( wi%% ran# hi$h in 6io%o$y and Mi)ros)opy for Eath%yn was of that sort whi)h finds fas)ination in st!dyin$ o!t "any whats and whys a"on$st that 'ast array of fa)ts abo!t o!r ori$in& This st!dy( whi)h too "any yo!n$ fo%#s a'oid as not ha'in$ pra)ti)a% worth had a stron$ ho%d on Eath%yn( who )o!%d not san)tion s!)h fri'o%o!s o))!pations as )ards( dan)in$( or p%ain s)hoo% $ossip& Not for an instant* Eath%yn tho!$ht that s!)h fo%#s had no tho!$hts for anythin$ b!t transitory thri%%s& 6!t in 6io%o$y** Ah** 2hy not st!dy it( and find o!t how a tiny( "i)ros)opi) drop of protop%as"( )an( thro!$h !n#nown %aws $row into %i'in$ or$anis"s( whi)h )an not on%y $o on %i'in$( b!t )an a%so brin$ forth offsprin$ of its #ind3 And not on%y that& As said offsprin$ "!st )o"bat 'ario!s #inds of s!rro!ndin$s and try 'ario!s foods( why not wat)h odd 'ariations o))!r( and fo%%ow a%on$( !nti% yo! find an ani"a%( bird( p%ant or b!$ of s!)h a tota% dissi"i%arity as to for" pra)ti)a%%y( a )%ass a)t!a%%y apart fro" its ori$ina% for"3 Eath%yn did A!st that and ?adsby was pro!d of it and( I thin#( A!st a bit )!rio!s on his own part as to o))asiona% i%%!strations in this st!dio!s yo!n$ %ady0s s)hoo% boo#s* Now it is #nown by a%% s!)h nat!ra% .faddists/ that any s!)h a st!dy has points in )o""on with a bran)h a#in to it and Eath%yn was not %on$ in findin$ o!t that 6io%o$y( with its fa)ts of ani"a% ori$in( )o!%d app%y to a pra)ti)a% )ontro% of b!$s on far"s& ;This word( .b!$s(/ is hard%y
6io%o$i)a% b!t as Eath%yn is in this story( with its stri)t ortho$raphi)a% taboo( .b!$s/ "!st !na'oidab%y s!pp%ant any )%assi)a% no"ination for s!)h thin$s&< So( Mayor ?adsby so!$ht 6ranton Hi%%s0 Co!n)i%0s appro'a% for a $ood%y s!" not on%y for s!)h )ontro%( b!t a%so for st!dy as to how to p%ant( in ordinary soi%( and not ris# %osin$ ha%f a )rop fro" wor"s( s%!$s and o!r aw#ward%y-bro!$ht-in .b!$s&/ This appropriation was a sort of prod( showin$ this Co!n)i% that p!b%i)ity of any first-)%ass #ind was $ood for a )ity and was )astin$ abo!t for anythin$ whi)h wo!%d so a)t( !nti% ?adsby0s son( 6i%%( ;who( yo! #now( tho!$ht of nothin$ b!t $ir%s and .do%%in$ !p(/< fo!nd that 6ranton Hi%%s had no distin)tion of its own in o!tfits for "an or wo"an( so why not p!t !p a $oa% of( say fifty do%%ars( for anybody who )o!%d thin# !p any worthy .st!nt/ in )%othin$ whi)h sho!%d $o o!t as .6ranton Hi%%s0 This/ or .6ranton Hi%%s0 That&/ Possib%y A!st a for" of hat-bri"( a )!t of )oat-front( or a sportin$ o!tfit& And o!r worthy Co!n)i% did p!t !p that $oa%( and "any bro!$ht a%% sorts of p%ans to City Ha%%& And 6i%% won( by thin#in$ !p a $ir%s0 ;a%ways $ir%s( with 6i%%*< hi#in$ o!tfit( )onsistin$ of a s#irt with a rain-proof %inin$( whi)h )o!%d( d!rin$ a stor"( for" a rain-s!it by p!ttin$ it on( as 6i%% said( .by s!bstit!tin$ o!twards for inwards&/ ;This wi%% hit 6i%% a"!sin$%y( as days $o by*< ?oin$ with it was a shirt with a si"i%ar .t!rn-o!t/ fa)i%ity( and a hi#in$ boot with hi$h tops as $!ards a$ainst thorns and b!rs b!t whi)h( by !ndoin$ a )%asp( wo!%d s%ip off and( >O** yo! had a %ow-)!t O1ford for ordinary o))asions* In abo!t a "onth a bi$ )otton "i%% had wor# $oin$ f!%% b%ast on .6ranton Hi%%s0 T!rn-it-o!t Sport and Hi#in$ O!tfit(/ and a s"a%% boot-shop $ot o!t a pair of 6i%%0s .two-part boots(/ tho!$h sayin$ that it wo!%d .probab%y fa%% apart witho!t warnin$*/ 6!t Eath%yn p!t on a pair and fo!nd it "ost satisfa)tory for a %on$( ro!$h hi%%-)%i"b( h!ntin$ for bird and ani"a% for"s for 6io%o$i)a% st!dy& This proof of 6ranton Hi%%s0 $oods was soon #nown in s!rro!ndin$ towns( and that )riti)a% boot-shop and bi$ )otton "i%% had hard wor# to fi%% )a%%s fro" Canada( Ho%%and( R!ssia( Spain and A!stra%ia* And 6i%% was p!t !pon 6ranton Hi%%s0 Ro%% of Honor&
ow I0%% DROP )i'i) affairs for a bit( and $o on to a "ost nat!ra% a)t in this )ity of "any yo!n$ )haps and )har"in$ yo!n$ $ir%s whi)h was s%ow%y wor#in$ !p a%% thro!$h this history( as Mayor ?adsby had o))asion to find o!t( sittin$ )o"fortab%y on his por)h on a hot( s!%try A!$!st ni$ht& A"idst b%osso"in$ shr!bs( a di" for" s%ow%y trod !p his windin$ pathway& It was a yo!n$ "an( p%ain%y tryin$ to a)t )a%"%y( b!t )o!%dn0t& It was Bran# Mor$an( o!r radio broad)astin$ .boss/( yo! #now( who( for "any a "onth( had shown what a ro"anti) p!b%i) )a%%s .a )r!sh/ for ?adsby0s yo!n$ Nan)y& So a Ao%%y )a%% of :-.2hat0s on yo!r "ind( boy3/ ran$ o!t( as Bran# san# wi%%in$%y into a ha""o)#( wipin$ his brow of what I actually #now was not nat!ra% h!"idity fro" an A!$!st ni$ht* Now ?adsby( who was( as I said( a $ay >othario in his own yo!th( saw ri$ht off what was )o"in$( and sat ba)#( waitin$& Bina%%y( finishin$ a bad atta)# of )o!$hin$( ;tho!$h Bran#
hadn0t any )o%d*<( that yo!n$ "an said:- .I(-that is( Nan)y and I(-or( I wi%% say that I want to(-that is(-I thin# Nan)y and I wo!%d-/ and ?adsby too# pity on hi"( ri$ht off& Nan)y had a%ways had a stron$ %i#in$ for Bran#& 6oth had $rown !p in 6ranton Hi%%s fro" babyhood and ?adsby tho!$ht ba)# abo!t that %assoo whi)h had bro!$ht hi" >ady ?adsby& Now as#in$ a $ir%0s Dad for that yo!n$ %ady0s hand is no snap for any yo!n$ swain and ?adsby was A!st that #ind of a Dad who wo!%d s"ooth o!t any b!"ps or ro!$h spots in s!)h a yo!n$ swains path& Nan)y wasn0t a )hi%d( now( b!t a $rown-!p yo!n$ wo"an: so ?adsby said: - .Bran#( >ady ?adsby and I #now a%% abo!t how "!)h yo! thin# of Nan)y and what Nan)y thin#s of yo!& So( if yo! want to "arry( o!r f!%% wish is for a %on$ and happy !nion& Nan)y is o!t in that arbor( down this ba)# path and I0%% wat)h that nobody dist!rbs yo! two for an ho!r&/ At this $rand t!rn of affairs( Bran# )o!%d on%y $asp :-OH-H-H** and a shadowy for" shot down that d!s#y path and fro" that "oon%it arbor( anybody #nowin$ how a "an )hirps to a )anary bird( wo!%d #now that two yo!n$ birds p!t a bindin$ appro'a% !pon what His Honor had A!st said** Many a "an has #nown that start%in$ instant in whi)h Dan C!pid( that b!sy yo!n$ ras)a%( too# thin$s in hand( and to%d hi" that his baby $ir% was not a baby $ir% now( and was abo!t to f%y away fro" hi"& It is both a happy and a sad thri%% that shoots thro!$h a "an at s!)h an instant& Happy and Aoyo!s at his $ir%0s arri'a% at "at!rity sad( as it brin$s to "ind that aw#ward fa)t that his own yo!th is now b!t a "yth and that his s)a%p is showin$ 'a)ant spots& His baby $ir% in a brida% $own* His baby $ir% a Matron* His baby $ir% pro!d%y p%a)in$ a grandchild in his %ap** It0s an i"possibi%ity** 6!t this bi$ wor%d is f!%% of this #ind of i"possibi%ity( and wi%% stay so as %on$ as Man %asts& So Nan)y( tiny( happy( %a!$hin$ Nan)y( was .fo!nd/ thro!$h a )onspira)y by Dan C!pid and Bran# Mor$an and ri$ht in a%% $%ory of yo!th& outh!! Ah( what a word** And how transitory* 6!t( how $rand* as %on$ as it %asts& How "any "i%%ions in $o%d wo!%d po!r o!t for an abi%ity to )a%% it a%% ba)#( as with o!r "!si)a% "yth( Ba!st& D!rin$ that "a$i) part of a )hi%d0s $rowth this wor%d is A!st a $i$anti) in,!iry bo1( )ontainin$ "any a topi) for whi)h a so%!tion is para"o!nt to a $rowin$ "ind& And to who" )an a )hi%d %oo#( b!t !s ad!%ts3 Any "an who .)an0t stop now/ to ta%# with a )hi%d !pon a topi) whi)h( to hi" is .too si%%y for anythin$(/ sho!%d %oo# ba)# to that day !pon whi)h that topi) was dar# and d!bio!s in his own brain& A )hi%d who as#s nothin$ wi%% #now nothin$& That is why that .b!"p of in,!iry/ was p!t on top of o!r s#!%%s&
UT TO ?O 6ACE TO Nan)y& It was in A!$!st that Bran# had st!"b%in$%y to%d ?adsby of his troth and so( a%on$ in Apri%( 6ranton Hi%%s was to%d that a $rand )h!r)h rit!a% wo!%d o))!r in May& May( with its b%osso"s( birds and ba%"y air* An idy%%i) "onth for "atri"ony& I wish that I )o!%d )a%% this $rand )h!r)h affair by its )o""on( )!sto"ary no"ination b!t that word )an0t possib%y )rowd into this story& It "!st pass si"p%y as a
)h!r)h rit!a%& A%% ri$ht so far( so $ood& So( a%on$ into Apri% a%% 6ranton Hi%%s was a$o$( awaitin$ infor"ation as to that a)t!a% day or( I sho!%d say( ni$ht& ?adsby0s o%d Or$ani5ation of +o!th was sti%% as %oya% to a%% in it as it was( way ba)# in days of its for"ation days of a%"ost )onstant%y r!nnin$ aro!nd town( so%i)itin$ f!nds for "any a $ood M!ni)ipa% a)ti'ity& Bina%%y this $ro!p $ot )ards anno!n)in$ that on May Bo!rth( 6ranton Hi%%s0 Birst Ch!r)h wo!%d ad"it a%% who "i$ht wish to aid in startin$ Nan)y and Bran# !pon that $%a"oro!s path to "atri"onia% b%iss& May Bo!rth was p!n)t!a% in arri'in$ tho!$h "any a yo!n$ $ir% $ot into that f%i$hty )ondition in whi)h a "onth dra$s a%on$ as tho!$h in irons( and )%o)#-hands %oo# as if st!)# fast& 6!t to "any $ir%s( a%so( May Bo!rth was not any too far away for )har"in$ $owns and dainty hats do not $row !pon shr!bs( yo! #now and $ir%s who wor# a%% day "!st h!rry at ni$ht( at "anip!%atin$ a tho!sand or so thin$s whi)h $o towards adornin$ o!r $ir%s of today& Now( an approa)h to a yo!n$ $ir%0s .bi$ day/ is not a%ways as that $ir% "i$ht wish& S"a%% thin$s bob !p( whi)h( at first( %oo# a)t!a%%y disastro!s for a Aoyo!s o))asion and for Nan)y and Bran#( A!st s!)h a thin$ did bob !p for( on May Third( a po!rin$ rain and whist%in$ wind p!t 6ranton Hi%%s0 spirits way( way down into a sorrowf!% s%!"p& 6%a)#( !$%y( r!"b%in$ )%o!ds h!n$ a$$ra'atin$%y abo!t in a sat!ration of "ist( rain and fo$ and roads and %awns $ot s!)h a washin$ that Nan)y said:- .Anyway( if I )an0t walk a)ross that front )h!r)h yard( I )an swim it**/ That was Nan)y a s"a%% b!n)h of inborn $ood h!"or and I0%% say( ri$ht now( that it took $ood h!"or( and %ots of it( to %oo# !pon )onditions o!t of yo!r )ontro%( with s!)h o!tstandin$ p%!)#* 6!t yo!n$ Dan C!pid was sti%% aro!nd( and $ot in to!)h with that tyranni)a% "ytho%o$i)a% $od who )ontro%s stor"s and p!t forth s!)h a )on'in)in$ a))o!nt of a%% Nan)y0s $ood points( ;and Bran#0s too( if anybody sho!%d as# yo!< that a )o""and ran$ o!t a)ross a stor"y s#y:.Ca%%in$ a%% )%o!ds** Ca%%in$ a%% )%o!ds** A%% rain to stop at "idni$ht of May Third* 6ri$ht S!n on May Bo!rth( and no wind* So( as Nan)y too# an an1io!s s,!int o!t of doors at abo!t si1 o0)%o)# on that i"portant "ornin$( ;and what yo!n$ $ir% could $o on( )a%"%y snoo5in$ on s!)h a day3< >o** O%d So% was s"i%in$ bri$ht%y down on 6ranton Hi%%s birds san$ a%% sorts of b%osso"in$ thin$s had had a $ood drin# and a "ost glorious s#y( rid of a%% !$%y )%o!ds( p!t o!r yo!n$ %ady into s!)h a happy "ood that it too# a %ot of )ontro% to a'oid A!st a tiny bit of h!"idity aro!nd a s"a%% pair of ri)h( brown orbs whi)h a%ways had that 'ibratin$( dan)in$ %i$ht of happy yo!th that "ira)!%o!s .Aoy of %i'in$&/ And( what a )ir)!s was soon $oin$ f!%% ti%t in Mayor ?adsby0s "ansion* If that happy "an so "!)h as said:.Now( I-/ a $rand( wo"an%y )hor!s to%d hi" that .a "an don0t #now anythin$ abo!t s!)h affairs / and that a "ost satisfa)tory spot for hi" was in a ha""o)# on his por)h( with a $ood )i$ar* That0s it* A "an is no"ina%%y "onar)h in his own fa"i%y b!t only so on that o!tstandin$ day !pon whi)h a brida% $own is %aid o!t in a%% its $%ory on his par%or sofa( and a s"a%% "ob of $ir%s( and o))asiona%%y a wo"an or two( is r!shin$ in and o!t( !p and down stairs( and findin$
as "!)h to do as a )o""on%y #nown "i)ros)opi) .b!$/ of prodi$io!s hoppin$ abi%ity finds at a do$ show& (ush! rush! rush! A tho!sand tho!$hts and a "i%%ion words( ;this )rowd was a%% $ir%s( yo! #now*< "a#in$ that par%or as noisy as a saw "i%%* 6!t ?adsby %a!$hin$%y staid o!t of it a%%( wat)hin$ bi$ ar"f!%s of b%oo" and "any a )!rio!s %oo#in$ bo1 $o in thro!$h that front door f%yin$ hands rapid%y !ntyin$ $%orio!s ribbon wrappin$s& Now( !pon a%% s!)h o))asions yo! wi%% find( if yo! snoop aro!nd in dinin$ roo" or pantry( an astonishin$ %oaf of )!%inary art( a%% fan)y frostin$( and )h!)# f!%% of raisins and )itron( whi)h is a%ways )!t !pon s!)h an a!spi)io!s o))asion and it is as hard to a'oid na"in$ it( in this story( as it is to withstand its assa!%t !pon yo!r sto"a)h& Oh h!"* Now what3 Aha* May Bo!rth( %astin$( as Nan)y said( .for abo!t a "i%%ion "onths(/ fina%%y $ot ?adsby0s dinin$ roo" )%o)# aro!nd to si1-fifty on%y abo!t an ho!r( now( to that $rand "ar)h past pra)ti)a%%y ha%f of 6ranton Hi%%s0 pop!%ation for a%% who )o!%dn0t Aa" into that )o""odio!s )h!r)h wo!%d stand aro!nd in a so%id pha%an1( b%o)#in$ a%% traffi) in that part of town for a%% 6ranton Hi%%s was fond of its Mayor0s .baby $ir%&/ 6!t( d!rin$ this r!sh and h!bb!b( how abo!t Bran#3 Poor boy* Now( if yo! thin# that a yo!n$ %ad at s!)h an instant is as )a%" as a "i%%pond( yo! don0t #now ro"anti) +o!th( that0s a%%& Abo!t forty of ?adsby0s o%d Or$ani5ation boys( now "any yo!n$ )haps( had bo!$ht hi" a )ar( whi)h Nan)y was not to #now anythin$ abo!t !nti% that throwin$ of o%d boots( and what is a%so )!sto"ary( had ,!it& Bran# didn0t want to ho%d it ba)# fro" Nan)y( b!t what )an a )hap do( a$ainst forty3 A%so( %ast ni$ht( at a bi$ .so sorry( o%d )hap/ party( Bran# had fo!nd how %oya% a b!n)h of o%d pa%s )an t!rn o!t and this .$rand %a!n)hin$ into "atri"onia% do!bt/ had p!t hi" in a happy "ood for that a%% i"portant oration of two words :.I do&/ So now I0%% h!rry aro!nd to )h!r)h to find o!t how Nan)y0s Or$ani5ation $ir%s p!t in a %on$ day of hard %abor not on%y at f%oor wor#( b!t !p on stoo%s and )hairs& My* My* @!st look and $asp** A %on$ )hain of %i%a)s r!ns fro" door to a%tar in two rows& And look at that bi$ ar)h of wistaria and nar)iss!s ha%f way a%on$* Artifi)ia% pa%"s stand in )!r'in$ ran#s fro" or$an to wa%%s and( with a%% %i$hts soft%y $%owin$ thro!$h pin# si%# hoods and with $i%t )ords o!t%inin$ an a%tar-dais of "oss and sprays of aspara$!s( it is a si$ht to brin$ a thri%% to anybody( yo!n$ or o%d& And( now aha!! 2ith or$anist and Pastor waitin$( a "!r"!r and hand-)%appin$ fro" that bi$ front door to%d a%% who had %!)#i%y $ot in that Nan)y was )o"in$* It too# thirty )ars to brin$ that brida% party to )h!r)h for not a boy or $ir% of o!r o%d Or$ani5ation wo!%d "iss this o))asion for a far"( with a pi$ on it with fo!r #in#s in its tai%& Now( nat!ra%%y( any $ir% wo!%d %on$ to wa%# !p that Ho%y path with Nan)y( b!t too "any wo!%d spoi% thin$s so( by drawin$ %ots( Nan)y had for )o"pany( Sarah +o!n$( >!)y Dona%dson( Pris)i%%a Standish( Cir$inia Ada"s( Doris @ohnson and Cora ?rant with Eath%yn as Maid of Honor( as )har"in$ an array of yo!thf!% $%ory as yo! )o!%d find in a%% 6ranton Hi%%s& Unti% this i"portant arri'a%( 6ranton Hi%%s0 fa"o!s or$anist( A!st p%ain @ohn S"ith( was p%ayin$ soft%y( - .@!st a Son$ at Twi%i$ht(/ wat)hin$ for a si$na% fro" Mayor ?adsby and soon sw!n$ into that fa"o!s "ar)h whi)h bro!$ht forth a $rand thri%%( as tiny( b%!shin$( pa%pitatin$ Nan)y too# .Dad0s/ ar"( $a5in$ with shinin$ orbs at that distant-oh( so distant-a%tar& Now I want to #now why anybody sho!%d want to cry on s!)h a $rand o))asion& 2hat is sad
abo!t it3 6!t "any a %ash was "oist as that tiny 'ision of $%a"oro!s p!rity s%ow%y trod that fra$rant pathway& Possib%y $ir%s )an0t a'oid it anyway( o!r 6ranton Hi%%s $ir%s didn0t try to do so& ?adsby( as has "any a $ood o%d Dad( fo!$ht ba)# any s!)h showin$ b!t I won0t say that his tho!$hts didn0t na$ hi" for( $i'in$ away yo!r baby $ir% to any yo!n$( tho!$h first-)%ass )hap( is not a)t!a%%y fun# 6!t that %on$( %on$ trai% fina%%y bro!$ht hi" to that "ossy dais( at whi)h Bran#( )o"in$ in thro!$h a handy door( stood waitin$& Nan)y was as )a%" as a wa1 do%% b!t Bran# stood sha#in$ with a "ost annoyin$ )o!$h ;of i"a$inary ori$in*< as Pastor 6rown stood( boo# in hand& Now I won0t $o thro!$h with a%% that was said nor say anythin$ abo!t Nan)y0s tiny( war"( soft hand as it was p!t in Bran#0s bi$ )%!"sy fist by Pastor 6rown& Nor abo!t that first Ho%y #iss nor that %on$( "i$hty roar of or$an "!si)( as o!r happy( b%!shin$ pair trod that %on$ pathway( door-wards& +o! #now a%% abo!t it( anyway( as "ost s!)h rit!a%s fo%%ow a standard )!sto"& Nor sha%% I $o into that happy ho!r at His Honor0s "ansion( d!rin$ whi)h that fan)y %oaf of frostin$( raisins and )itron was )!t ;and whi)h "any a $ir% p!t in a pi%%ow that ni$ht*< nor of that bi$ brida% b!n)h of b%osso"s( whi)h was thrown fro" a stairway into a happy $ro!p of hoppin$( A!"pin$( %a!$hin$ $ir%s& ;6!t I wi%% say(-shhhh* that Eath%yn )a!$ht it*< nor anythin$ of Nan)y and Bran#0s thri%%in$ trip to 6ranton Hi%%s0 bi$ rai%way station( in that $ift )ar whi)h Nan)y tho!$ht was a #in$0s )hariot nor of a $rand( %ow bow by o%d Pat Ryan of that station0s tr!n# roo"& It was A!st that )!sto"ary .)ll aboard!! a )rowd0s .Hooray**/ and .?ood >!)#**/( with 6ranton Hi%%s0 M!ni)ipa% 6and a-b%arin$( and a "i$hty "ob sho!tin$ and wa'in$&
h( h!"* I0%% t!rn fro" this happy affair now and try to find o!t what was $oin$ on in this thri'in$( h!st%in$ )ity& Now yo! probab%y thin# of a )ity as a $i$anti) thin$ for( if yo! $o !p onto a hi$h hi%%( and %oo# aro!nd a)ross that 'ast array of b!i%din$s( par#s( roads and distant s!b!rbs( yo! not on%y thin# that it is a $i$anti) thin$( yo! know it is& 6!t( is it3 @!st stop and thin# a bit& A%% s!)h thin$s as b!%#( or width( yo! #now by )o"parison on%y )o"parison with fa"i%iar thin$s& So( A!st for f!n( $o !p in an i"a$inary ba%%oon( abo!t ha%f way to that o%d Moon( whi)h has h!n$ a%oft fro" yo!r birth-;and possib%y a day or two in addition<- and %oo# down !pon yo!r .$i$anti)/ )ity& How wi%% it %oo#3 It is a s"a%% pat)h of 'ario!s )o%ors b!t yo! #now that( within that tiny pat)h( "any tho!sands of yo!r #ind h!rry ba)# and forth rai%way trains )raw% o!t to far-away distri)ts and( if yo! )an pi)# o!t a $rain of d!st that stands o!t di"%y in a $%ow of s!n%i$ht( yo! "ay #now that it is yo!r "ansion( yo!r )abin or yo!r h!t( a))ordin$ to yo!r finan)ia% stat!s& Now( if that hard%y shows !p( how abo!t you! 2hat #ind of a dot wo!%d you for" in )o"parison3 +o! "!st ad"it that yo!r past tho!$hts as to yo!r own po"posity wi%% shrin# A!st a bit* A%% this shows !s that )o!%d this bi$ 2or%d thin#( it wo!%dn0t #now that s!)h a thin$ as Man was on it& And Man thin#s that his part in a%% this !nthin#ab%y 'ast Cos"os is i"portant* *hy, yo! poor shri"p* if this o%d 2or%d wants
to twit)h A!st a bit and #no)# down a )ity or two( or sp%it !p a $ro!p of "o!ntains( Man( with a%% his brain )apa)ity( )an on%y )%ash wi%d%y abo!t( dod$in$ fa%%in$ bri)#s& No& +o! wo!%dn0t show !p fro" that ba%%oon as p%ain%y as an ant( in )raw%in$ aro!nd o!r Capito% b!i%din$ at 2ashin$ton& 6!t why a%% this ta%# abo!t o!r own in)onspi)!osity3 It is si"p%y bro!$ht !p to a))o"pany Nan)y0s tho!$hts as that train shot a)ross )o!ntry for Nan)y( !nti% now( had not #nown anythin$ approa)hin$ s!)h a trip& So this happy( happy trip( ba)# !pon whi)h "any a wo"an %oo#s( with a ro"anti) thri%%( was asto!ndin$ to s!)h a $ir%& Bro" 6ranton Hi%%s to San Bran)is)o a boat to Hono%!%!( Mani%a( Shan$hai( Hon$ Eon$( Co%o"bo( and fina%%y Cairo& Ah * Cairo** In thin#in$ of it yo! nat!ra%%y brin$ !p two words -.Pyra"ids/ and .Sphin1/( words fa"i%iar fro" s)hoo% days& Pra)ti)a%%y fro" birth( Nan)y( a%on$ with "i%%ions of fo%#s( had #nown that fa"o!s i%%!stration of a thin$ ha%f %ion and ha%f wo"an and a "o!ntaino!s "ass of "asonry( b!i%t for a #in$0s to"b& So( standin$ ri$ht in front of both( Nan)y and Bran# $ot that wondro!s thri%% )o"in$ fro" attainin$ a %on$( %on$ wish& Bro" Cairo to Ita%y( Spain( >ondon( Paris( and that $rand At%anti) sai%( %andin$ at 6oston( and h!st%in$ by fast train ;b!t how s%ow it did $o**< to 6ranton Hi%%s* So( a%on$ abo!t Than#s$i'in$ Day( abo!t ha%f of its pop!%ation was a$ain at its bi$ rai%way station( for Nan)y was )o"in$ ba)#& ;And Bran#( too( if anybody sho!%d as# yo!&< And with that bi$ M!ni)ipa% 6and a-boo"in$ and b%arin$( and a )rowd of o!r o%d Or$ani5ation $ir%s p!shin$ forward( did 6ranton Hi%%s %oo# $ood to Nan)y3 )nd did Nancy look good to +ranton ,ills *hat a $%orio!s tan( fro" days and days on shipboard* And was that o%d At%anti) !$%y3 As# Bran#( poor )hap( who( as on that bi$ Pa)ifi)( had fo!nd o!t A!st what a ship0s rai% is for* And that sto"a)hs )an t!rn "ost a"a5in$ f%ip-f%ops if an o%d boat is too fris#y* In A!st an instant( a)t!a% )o!nt( Nan)y was in >ady ?adsby0s ar"s ( fi$htin$ 'a%iant%y to ho%d ba)# a f%ood of bi$( happy sobs and Bran# was b!sy( $rabbin$ a )%o!d of hands s!r$in$ towards hi"& Co"in$ ba)# fro" a %on$ trip is a happy o))asion& And it is a%so "i$hty $ood to p!t a tr!n# or a ba$ down( #nowin$ that it wi%% .stay p!t/ for a day or two( anyway& That )onstant pa)#in$ and !npa)#in$ on a %on$ trip( soon t!rns into an a!to"ati) f!n)tion and how Nan)y did worry abo!t what transportation )!sto"s in 'ario!s %ands wo!%d do to a first )%ass tr!n# whi)h has a ro"anti) history( owin$ to its )o"in$ as a "atri"onia% $ift fro" a $ro!p of %o'in$ $ir%s& 6!t now ah* P!t it away( and yo!r thin$s aro!nd( in fa"i%iar disposa%& >on$ trips do brin$ %ots of f!n and infor"ation b!t a tr!%y %on$ trip is tirin$( both in body and "ind& 6!t Nan)y and Bran# won0t stay with ?adsby %on$ for( d!rin$ that trip( a )har"in$ b!n$a%ow was b!i%t on a %ot of ?adsby0s( fa)in$ City Par# and Nan)y p!t in "any days arran$in$ thin$s in it& Anybody who has had s!)h Aoyf!% wor# to do( #nows how assid!o!s%y a yo!n$ pair wo!%d $o abo!t it for two yo!n$ robins )arryin$ bits of )otton and strin$ !p to a )riss-)ross of twi$s in a bi$ oa#( with constant soft( %o'in$ )hirps( .had nothin$(/ a))ordin$ to o!r pop!%ar s%an$( on Nan)y and Bran#& Bina%%y ."o'in$ in day/ $ot aro!nd( with that )!sto"ary party( to whi)h yo! )arry a $ift to add to s!)h thin$s as a yo!n$ h!sband on on%y a s"a%% sa%ary )an insta%%& And how $ifts did po!r
in** R!$s( )hairs( s"a%% stands( !rns( )%o)#s( photos in wa%% "o!ntin$s( dainty s)arfs ;a%% handwor# by o!r $ir%s in o!r Ni$ht S)hoo%<( boo#s( %a"ps( a .radio/ fro" Station E6H( !nti%( fina%%y( a bi$ tr!)# fo!nd an opport!nity in that )o"in$ and $oin$ thron$ to ba)# in and !n%oad an !pri$ht piano( a%% satin ribbon wrappin$s( with a )ard .Bro" 6ranton Hi%%s0 M!ni)ipa% 6and&/
COU>D ?O on for ho!rs abo!t this startin$ o!t of Nan)y and Bran#( b!t "any )i'i) affairs await !s for @!%i!s ?adsby( who has not $ot into this story !p to now( had( fro" his )onstant porin$ thro!$h a%% #inds of boo#s of infor"ation( b!i%t !p a thoro!$h insi$ht into fossi%s and yo! #now that Eath%yn is way !p in 6io%o$y whi)h brin$s in o!r aw#ward .b!$s/ a$ain& Now b!$s wi%% b!rrow in soi%( and a%ways did( fro" History0s birth b!i%din$ )ata)o"bs whi)h at %ast 'anish thro!$h a pi%in$ !p of ro)#s( sand or soi% on that spot& Now @!%i!s )ontin!a%%y ran a)ross a))o!nts of i"portant .finds/ of s!)h fossi%s( and with Eath%yn0s aid was soon ina!$!ratin$ pop!%ar )%a"or for a bi$ Ha%% of Nat!ra% History& This( @!%i!s and Eath%yn tho!$ht( wo!%d t!rn o!t as pop!%ar( in a way( as %i'in$ ani"a%s o!t at o!r Doo& 6!t an appropriation for a Ha%% of Nat!ra% History is a hard thin$ to Aa" thro!$h a City Co!n)i% for tho!$h its o))!pants )a%% for no food( yo! )an0t "aintain s!)h a b!i%din$ witho!t h!"an )!stody .whi)h(/ said O%d 6i%% Si"p#ins& .is b!t a tri)#y way of sayin$ CASH*/ 6!t o!r Co!n)i% was by now so fa"i%iar with )a%%s fro" that fa"o!s .Or$ani5ation/( and( owin$ to its inborn faith in that $rand body of h!st%in$ +o!th( s!)h a b!i%din$ was b!i%t @!%i!s and Eath%yn arran$in$ a%% disp%ays of fossi% birds( p%ants( .b!$s(/ footprints( raindrop "ar#s( wor"s( s#!%%s( parts of Aaws( and so on& And what a )rowd was on hand for that first p!b%i) day* @!%i!s and Eath%yn too# 'isitors thro!$h 'ario!s roo"s( $i'in$ "!)h data !pon what was shown and "any a 6ranton Hi%%s inhabitant fo!nd o!t a %ot of fa)ts abo!t o!r 'ast past abo!t or$anis"s %i'in$ so far ba)# in ob%i'ion as to ba%# Man0s brain to $rasp& Eath%yn stood a"on$st $ro!ps of botani)a% fossi%i5ations( with ?adsby not far away( as this st!dio!s yo!n$ wo"an to%d s)hoo% p!pi%s how o!r )o""on p%ants of today thro!$h 'ario!s transitions in for"( show a #inship with what now %ay( in "ira)!%o!s%y $ood )ondition( in this bi$ Ha%% and @!%i!s to%d starin$ $ro!ps how this or that fossi% did a)t!a%%y %in# s!)h ani"a%s as o!r )ow or wa%r!s of today with ori$ina% for"s tota%%y apart( both in %oo#s and habits& And it was )o"fortin$ to ?adsby to find p!pi%s as#in$ how %on$ a$o this was( and notin$ that a"a5in$ %oo# as @!%i!s had to say that nobody #nows& S!)h a b!i%din$ is an addition to any )ity for this bi$ 2or%d is so o%d that h!"an )a%)!%ation )annot fatho" it and it wi%%( in a%% probabi%ity( $o on a%ways& So it is i"pro'in$ a )hi%d0s "ind to 'isit s!)h disp%ays for it wi%% start a train of tho!$hts a%on$ a path not )o""on%y so!$ht if s!)h instit!tions do not stand as attra)tions& Now( in any )o""!nity a )ran# wi%% bob !p( who wi%%( with %o!d a))%ai" and hi$h-so!ndin$ words( a'ow that it .is a s)anda%o!s drain on p!b%i)
f!nds to p!t !p s!)h a b!i%din$ A!st to show a %ot of ro)#s( ani"a%s0 ribs and birds0 s#!%%s&/ 6!t s!)h %o!d bo"basts on%y show !p an .orator0s/ brain )apa)ity ;or %a)# of it<( and a)t!a%%y brin$ st!dio!s fo%#s to as# for A!st s!)h data !pon thin$s whi)h his ridi)!%in$ had r!n down& It is an o%d( o%d story( that if yo! want a )ity0s pop!%ation to $o in stron$%y for anythin$( and yo! start a %o!d( baw%in$ )a"pai$n a$ainst it( that p!b%i) wi%% t!rn to it for infor"ation as to its worth& So( A!st s!)h a %o!d( baw%in$ "oron had to drift into o!r Ha%% on its ina!$!ration day( and soon ran s"a)# !p a$ainst Eath%yn* That worthy $ir%( a%%owin$ hi" to .b%ow off/ a bit( fina%%y said:- .I #now yo!& +o! r!n a sto)# far"& A%% ri$ht& +o! want to #now a%% yo! )an abo!t "at)hin$ and )rossin$ yo!r sto)#( don0t yo!3 I tho!$ht so& 6!t ?od did a%% that( %on$( oh( so %on$ a$o $rad!a%%y prod!)in$ s!)h ani"a%s as yo! own today and a%% yo! )an do is to fo%%ow a%on$( in yo!r p!ny way( and try to a'oid a poor ,!a%ity of sto)# "i1in$ with yo!rs& This b!i%din$ )ontains tho!sands of ?od0s first wor#s& It won0t do yo! a bit of har" to %oo# thro!$h o!r roo"s& Nothin$ wi%% A!"p o!t at yo!*/ At that that bar#in$ )riti) sh!t !p* And ?adsby s%id o!tdoors( )h!)#%in$:- .That0s "y $ir% ta%#in$** That0s "y Eath%yn** It is )!rio!s why anybody sho!%d pooh-pooh a st!dy of fossi%s or 'ario!s for"s of ro)#s or %a'a& S!)h thin$s $rant !s o!r on%y 'ision into Nat!ra% History0s bi$ boo# and it isn0t a boo# in first-)%ass )ondition& Bar fro" it* @!st a tiny s)rap a s%ip or( possib%y a bi$ )h!n# is fo!nd( with nothin$ notifyin$ !s as to how it got to that parti)!%ar point( nor how %on$ a$o& Man )an on%y %oo# at it( %ift it( rap it( )!t into it( and s,!int at it thro!$h a "a$nifyin$ $%ass& )nd, think abo!t it& That0s a%% !nti% a for"a% st!dy brin$s a))o"panyin$ tho!$hts fro" "any "inds and( by s!)h ta)ti)s( A!d$in$ that in a%% probabi%ity s!)h and s!)h a ro)# or fossi% footprint is abo!t so o%d& Nat!ra% History ho%ds yo! in its $rasp thro!$h A!st this i"possibi%ity of findin$ a)t!a% fa)ts for it is th!s )a!sin$ yo! to think# Now( thin#in$ is not on%y a 'o%!ntary f!n)tion it is an ac-uisition; an art# P%ants do not thin#& Ani"a%s probab%y do( b!t in a pri"ary way( s!)h as an aid in #nowin$ poisono!s foods( and how to brin$ !p an offsprin$ with si"i%ar abi%ity& 6!t Man )an( and should thin#( and thin# hard and )onstant%y& It is ridi)!%o!s to r!sh b%ind%y into an a)tion witho!t %oo#in$ forward to %ay o!t a p%an& S!)h an !nthin#in$ )!sto" is a%"ost a pani)( and pani) is b!t a "i%d for" of insanity& So Eath%yn and @!%i!s did a $rand( $ood thin$ in ha'in$ this Ha%% as an addition to 6ranton Hi%%s0 instit!tions& Now( in any )ity or town( or a%"ost any s"a%% )o""!nity( yo! wi%% find a b!i%din$( or possib%y on%y a roo"( abo!t whi)h said )ity or town has nothin$ to say& It is that "ost i"portant instit!tion in whi)h yo! p!t a sta"p on yo!r "ai% and drop it into a s%ot( #nowin$ that it wi%% find its way a)ross )ity or )o!ntry to that "an or wo"an who is waitin$ for it& 6!t how "any yo!n$ fo%#s #now how this "ai% is p!t o!t so ,!i)#%y& and with s!)h $!aranty a$ainst %oss3 Not "any( I thin#( if yo! as#& So ?adsby( ho%din$ !p +o!th as a Nation0s "ost i"portant f!n)tion in its )o"in$ history( tho!$ht that any a)t whi)h wo!%d instr!)t a )hi%d in any way( was worthy& So( on a Sat!rday "ornin$ His Honor too# a $ro!p of ?ra""ar S)hoo% p!pi%s to a ba%)ony in ba)# of that a%%-hidin$ partition( and a posta% offi)ia%( showin$ a%% "ai% hand%in$ a)ts indi'id!a%%y( said:- .In this )o!ntry( two thin$s stand first in ran#: yo!r f%a$ and yo!r "ai%& +o! a%% #now what honor yo! pay to yo!r f%a$( b!t yo! sho!%d #now( a%so( that yo!r "ai%( - A!st that ordinary posta% )ard-is a%so i"portant& 6!t a posta% )ard( or any for" of
"ai%( is not i"portant( in that way( !nti% yo! drop it thro!$h a s%ot in this b!i%din$( and with a sta"p on it( or into a "ai% bo1 o!tdoors& Up to that instant it is b!t a )o""on )ard( whi)h anybody )an pi)# !p and )arry off witho!t )o""ittin$ a )ri"ina% a)t& 6!t as soon as it is in ba)# of this partition( or in a "ai% bo1( a "a$i)a% transfor"ation o))!rs and anybody who now sho!%d wi%%f!%%y p!r%oin it( or obstr!)t its trip in any way( wi%% find prison doors awaitin$ hi"& 2hat a frai% thin$ ordinary "ai% is* A baby )o!%d rip it apart( b!t no ad!%t is so foo%ish as to do it& That s"a%% sta"p whi)h yo! sti)# on it( is( yo! "i$ht say( a posta% offi)ia%( $oin$ ri$ht a%on$ with it( ha'in$ it a%ways in his si$ht&/ A $i$$%in$ $ir% was )!rio!s to #now if that was why a "an0s photo is on it& .Possib%y(/ said o!r offi)ia%( %a!$hin$& .6!t wait a bit& >oo# downstairs& As yo!r "ai% fa%%s in thro!$h that s%ot( or is bro!$ht in by a "ai%"an( it is p!t thro!$h an in#-da!bin$ apparat!s-that0s it( ri$ht down in front of yo!-whi)h tota%%y r!ins its sta"p& How abo!t yo!r "an0s photo( now3/ A $ood %a!$h ran$ aro!nd( and o!r offi)ia% said:- .Now a "an sorts it a))ordin$ to its ins)ription( p!ts it into a )an'as ba$ and aboard a train( or possib%y an air)raft& 6!t that ba$ has "ai% $oin$ to points a %on$ way apart( so a "an in a "ai% )ar sorts it o!t( so that Chi)a$o won0t find "ai% in its ba$ whi)h sho!%d $o to Ca%ifornia&/ At this point o!r $i$$%in$ $ir% said:.Ooooo* I had a Christ"as )ard for Misso!ri $o way down to Mississippi */ How did yo! "ar# it3/ .I p!t M-i-s-s for Misso!ri&/ .Try M-o( and I wish yo! %!)#&/ As that %a!$h ran ro!nd( o!r offi)ia% said:- .Now yo! #now that yo! )an b!y a %on$( narrow sta"p whi)h wi%% h!rry yo!r "ai% a%on$& So( as a%% "ai% in this b!i%din$ is p!t !p in "any a s"a%% b!n)h( a%% with s!)h sta"ps attra)t a "ai%"an( who wi%% so wrap a b!n)h that that #ind of a sta"p wi%% show !p p%ain%y& Upon its arri'a% at a distant point( a boy wi%% $rab it( and h!rry it to its fina% $oa%& 6!t that sta"p wi%% not h!rry it as %on$ as it is on that train&/ O!r $i$$%in$ $ir%( swin$in$ in a$ain( said:- .2hat3 2ith that sta"p ri$ht on top 3/ .How )an it3/ said o!r offi)ia%& .A train )an on%y $o A!st so fast( sta"p or no sta"p&/ .Oh&/ O!r boys and $ir%s $ot a bi$ thri%% fro" this 'isit in ba)# of that partition( and to%d ?adsby so& On )o"in$ o!t of that b!i%din$ o!r party saw a bi$ patro%"an p!ttin$ a s"a%% boy into a patro% wa$on& That poor #id was b!t a b!n)h of ra$s( dirty( and in a fi$htin$ "ood& O!r boys $ot a bi$ %a!$h o!t of it& O!r $ir%s( tho!$h( did not# +o!n$ Marian Hop#ins who had that fairy wand( yo! #now( at o!r airport ina!$!ration( said:.Oh( that poor )hi%d* 2i%% that )op p!t hi" in Aai%( Mayor ?adsby3/ At whi)h His Honor instant%y tho!$ht of a p%an %on$ in his "ind& 6ranton Hi%%s had a )o!rt roo"( a )hi%d0s )o!rt( in fa)t( at whi)h a #ind%y "an %oo#s o!t for A!st s!)h yo!n$ waifs - tryin$ to find o!t why s!)h tots )o""it !n%awf!% a)ts& So ?adsby said .I don0t #now( Marian( b!t I want yo! yo!n$ fo%#s to $o on a 'isit( toni$ht( to o!r ni$ht )o!rt(
to find o!t abo!t A!st s!)h wi%d boys& How "any want to $o3/ To his satisfa)tion( a%% did and so( that ni$ht that )o!rt roo" had rows of yo!n$ fo%#s( a%% a$o$ with )!riosity whi)h a first 'isit to a )o!rt stirs !p in a )hi%d& @!st by %!)#( o!r yo!n$ 'a$rant in ra$s was bro!$ht in first( sha#in$ with )hi%dish do!bt as to what was $oin$ to o))!r& 6!t that #ind%y "an sittin$ ba)# of that bi$ "aho$any rai%in$ had no tho!$ht of s)arin$ a )hi%d( and said( )a%"%y:- .Now( boy( what did yo! do that yo! o!$ht not to do and why did yo! do it3/ As o!r boys sat n!d$in$ and win#in$( b!t with o!r $ir%s $rowin$ sad fro" sy"pathy( o!r yo!n$ )!%prit said .)w! I $rabs a b!n( and dis bi$ )op $rabs "y )o%%ar */ .6!t why did yo! $rab that b!n3 It wasn0t yo!rs( yo! #now&/ ..osh, "an** I was hungry!! .H!n$ry3 Don0t yo!r fo%#s %oo# o!t for yo!3/ .Naw I do "y own %oo#in$& And that0s what I was doin$( too */ .2hat had yo! for food a%% day3/ .@!st that b!n& And say!! I on%y $ot half of it* That bi$ )op was so ro!$h */ .Did that )op( as yo! )a%% hi"( h!rt yo! .,urt!! I sho!%d say not!! I p!t !p a $ood stiff s)rap* I paid hi" ba)#( b%ow for b%ow* No bi$ $as-ba$ of a )op is $oin$ to wa%%op this #id and not pay for it */ .6!t( boy( don0t yo!r fo%#s brin$ yo! !p to #now that it is wron$ to rob anybody3/ .Naw* My Dad robs fo%#s( and A!st $ot si1 "onths for it& So why sho!%dn0t I3 It0s a%% ri$ht to do what yo!r Dad wi%% do( isn0t it3/ .Not a%ways( boy(/ and o!r $ir%s in row two and o!r boys in row fo!r sat sad and $%!" at this portraya% of yo!thf!% sin& Bina%%y that bi$ #ind%y "an( tho!$htf!%%y r!bbin$ his )hin( said:.2ho" did yo!r Dad rob3/ .I d!nno& It was a Bord )ar& Nobody wasn0t in it( so why not $rab it3 That0s what Dad said& +o! )an pi)# !p a bit of )ash for a )ar( yo! #now( boss& And say( if a )ar br!n$ on%y si1 "onths( how %on$ wi%% I s,!at in Aai% for swipin$ this ha%f b!n3 Aw* ?o s%ow( boss* I ain0t no bad #id* On%y A!st a h!n$ry "!tt& ?osh** ,ow I wish I had a $%ass of "i%# */ Bro" row two a yo!n$( 'i$oro!s $ir%ish for" shot o!t( dashin$ for a doorway and as that bi$ #ind%y "an was sti%% r!bbin$ his )hin( Marian b!rst in a$ain( r!shin$( sobbin$%y( to that sad b!n)h of ra$s( ho%din$ o!t a pint of "i%# and two hot bis)!its& A ,!i)# snat)h by two horrib%y dirty yo!n$ hands( a %i"p f%op on a "at at that bi$ "aho$any rai%in$( and a tr!%y h!n$ry )hi%d was ob%i'io!s to a%% aro!nd hi"& And I0%% say that o!r boys( in row fo!r( had %!"py throats& 6!t fina%%y that bi$ #ind%y "an said:- .Tho!$h ta#in$ thin$s !n%awf!%%y is wron$( )onditions )an o))!r in whi)h so yo!n$ a )!%prit is not at fa!%t& This yo!n$ )hap has had no brin$in$ !p( b!t has r!n wi%d& A )hi%d wi%% not #now ri$ht fro" wron$ if not ta!$ht and( as it is a pri"ary ani"a% instin)t to obtain food in any way( I wi%% si"p%y p!t this boy in a s)hoo% whi)h 6ranton Hi%%s "aintains for A!st s!)h yo!ths&/
At this both row two and row fo!r b!rst o!t in s!)h a stor" of hand-)%appin$ that ?adsby fo!nd that this 'isit had shown his yo!n$ fo%#s( fro" a)t!a% )onta)t with a )hi%d witho!t trainin$( how i"portant )hi%d-raisin$ is and how pro!d a )ity is of s!)h as a)t a))ordin$ to %aw&
N A>MOST AN+ bi$ town( aro!nd A!t!"n( yo! wi%% ann!a%%y r!n a)ross that fa"o!s a$ri)!%t!ra% show #nown as a Co!nty Bair and( as 6ranton Hi%%s had a bi$ par#( whi)h yo! #now a%% abo!t( ri$ht in front of Nan)y0s and Bran#0s s"a%% b!n$a%ow( it was a "ost nat!ra% spot for ho%din$ it& And so( as this happy pair0s third A!t!"n $ot aro!nd( stirrin$ a)ti'ity in that bi$ par# a%so $ot a-$oin$ for rai%in$s for sto)#yards don0t $row a%% b!i%t yards and yards of brown )an'as don0t A!st b%ow into a par# nor do .hot do$/ and pop)orn stands A!"p !p fro" nothin$& And Nan)y( ro)#in$ on that b!n$a%ow por)h( )o!%d wat)h a%% this wor# $oin$ on& And ro)#in$ was abo!t a%% that Nan)y )o!%d( or( I sho!%d say( should do( A!st now& 2hat a si$ht it was* Tr!)#s s"a%% )ars wa$ons a $an$ with a tra)tor p%owin$ !p hard spots a $an$ pi)#in$ !p ro)#s( $radin$ b!"py spots( and %ayin$ o!t $ro!nd p%ans& Masons b!i%din$ wa%%s( and a%% #inds of $oods arri'in$( by tons& 6!t o!t of a%% that )onf!sion and ado a )an'as town wi%% $row( str!n$ fro" top to botto" with $ai%y f%appin$ f%a$s and han$in$ b!ntin$( and that )!sto"ary ."id-way/ with its %on$ rows of $a!dy bi%%boards( in front of whi)h )ir)!s ba%%yhoo artists wi%% )ontin!o!s%y baw% and sho!t o!t )%ai"s abo!t sword-swa%%owin$( tattooin$( h!%a-h!%a dan)in$( boa )onstri)tor )har"in$( or a P!n)h and @!dy show& At a Co!nty Bair two thin$s stand o!t as "ost i"portant: far" sto)# and that o'a% tra)# aro!nd whi)h swift%y trottin$ )o%ts wi%% thri%% tho!sands and( I0%% say( shrin# a ban# a))o!nt or two* 6!t( of a%% si$hts( I don0t #now of any with s!)h drawin$ abi%ity for #ids as A!st s!)h a )arni'a% %ot& So( dai%y( as soon as s)hoo% was o!t( thron$s of happy( sho!tin$( hoppin$( A!"pin$ boys and $ir%s wo!%d dash for that bi$ par# %oo#in$( pointin$( and )%i"bin$ !p on a!to tops( into %ofty oa#s( onto ta%% ro)#s( or a pa%0s ba)# for if anythin$ is diffi)!%t for a boy to obtain a si$ht of( nothin$ in )%i"bin$ that an oran$-o!tan$ )an do( wi%% ba%# hi"* So Nan)y sat )a%"%y ro)#in$( ro)#in$( ro)#in$( and( -b!t( pardon* I0%% $o on with this story& A%% I #now is that Bran#( arri'in$ fro" wor# at Radio Station E6H( wo!%dn0t so "!)h as %oo# at that bi$ )arni'a% %ot( b!t wo!%d r!sh in( in a "ost %o'in$( so%i)ito!s way whi)h a%ways bro!$ht a #iss and a b%!sh fro" Nan)y& Now if I don0t ,!it ta%#in$ abo!t this yo!n$ pair yo! won0t #now anythin$ abo!t that bi$ show $oin$ !p in front of that happy b!n$a%ow& A%"ost dai%y >ady ?adsby wo!%d drop in on Nan)y( brin$in$ a%% sorts of dainty foods and His Honor( with Eath%yn( @!%i!s and 6i%%( paid )!sto"ary 'isits& .6!t that fair */ yo! say& .How abo!t that fair 3/ Ah* It was a fair( I0%% say* 2hat "obs on that first day* And what a din** 6ands p%ayin$(
ba%%yhoos sho!tin$( pop)orn a-poppin$( .hot do$s0 a-si55%in$( d!)#s s,!aw#in$( )ows %owin$( pi$s $r!ntin$( an o))asiona% baby s,!a%%in$ and a"idst it a%%( a )ho#in$ )%o!d of d!st( a hot A!t!"n wind( pantin$( fannin$ "atrons( )!ssin$ h!sbands a%% wor#in$ toward that bi$ o'a% tra)# at whi)h a%% had a f%i"sy possibi%ity of winnin$ a "i%%ion or two ;or a do%%ar or two*<& Oh( yo! Co!nty Bairs* +o! b%oo" in yo!r )an'as $%ory( ann!a%%y& +o! draw 'ast )rowds yo! show hi$h ,!a%ity far" sto)#( $i$anti) p!"p#ins( tho!sands of po!%try( in)%!din$ o!r .Than#s$i'in$ Nationa% 6ird/& +o! fi%% )oops with fan)y s,!abs( fat rabbits( and day-o%d )hi)#s& +o! show "any for"s of in)!bators( )h!rns( far"in$ apparat!s( p!"ps( p%ows( %i$htin$ p%ants for s"a%% far"s( wind"i%%s( .b!$/ poisons( and po!%try foods& And yo! a%ways add a bi$ ba%%oon( whi)h yo! an)hor( so that #ids "ay soar a%oft !nti% a wind%ass p!%%s it down& +o! fi%% !s with food that wo!%d #i%% a wi%d $oat( b!t yo! sti%% %ast* And "ay yo! a%ways do so for( within yo!r f%appin$( b!%$in$ )an'as wa%%s( )ity "an r!bs a$ainst town "an( ri)h and poor $ir%s b!"p( snobs attain no ri$ht of way( and a pro!d( happy boy or $ir% shows a .Birst C%ass/ satin ribbon whi)h a %o'in$%y bro!$ht-!p )a%f or po!%try brood has won& On%y a satin ribbon( b!t( disp%ayin$ it to a $ro!p of ad"irin$ yo!n$ pa%s brin$s to a )hi%d that nat!ra% thri%% fro" a))o"p%ishin$ anythin$ worthy of p!b%i) a))%ai"& S!)h thri%%s wi%% not )rowd in as Mat!rity s!pp%ants +o!th and so I say( .a trio of o!r )!sto"ary h!55as/ for any )hi%d who )an )arry away a satin ribbon fro" a Co!nty Bair& 6!t what abo!t o!r $ood Mayor d!rin$ a%% this )ir)!s h!%%aba%oo3 Did i"portant tho!$hts for sti%% i"pro'in$ 6ranton Hi%%s pass thro!$h his b!sy "ind3 Not A!st now b!t fond( an1io!s tho!$hts did for his "ind was )onstant%y on Nan)y tiny( dar%in$ Nan)y( his baby $ir%& Bor( d!rin$ that noisy )arni'a%( fo%#s saw ;or thought so( yo! #now<( a bi$ bird with %on$ shan#s and a "onstro!s bi%%( )ir)%in$ ro!nd and ro!nd that s"a%% b!n$a%ow0s roof( p%ain%y %oo#in$ for a spot to %and on& >ady ?adsby and o%d Do)tor 2i%#ins saw it( too( and to%d Nan)y that that bi$ hospita% whi)h o!r o%d Or$ani5ation had b!i%t( was ho%din$ a roo" for instant o))!pan)y and( as that bi$ bird dai%y sw!n$ down( down( down( a%"ost $ra5in$ that s"a%% roof( Bran#( poor )hap( as sha#y as at his )h!r)h rit!a%( thirty "onths a$o( staid away fro" Radio Station E6H( and st!)# to that s"a%% b!n$a%ow as a f%y sti)#s aro!nd a s!$ar bow%& Bina%%y( on a )risp A!t!"n ni$ht( that soarin$ bird shot strai$ht down with s!)h an ass!rin$ swoop( that o%d Do) 2i%#ins( indoors with Nan)y( saw it and said( ,!i)#%y:.On yo!r way( Nan)y $ir%**/ and that part of 6ranton Hi%%s saw his )ar ra)in$ hospita%-wards( with >ady ?adsby fond%y pattin$ Nan)y0s tiny( )o%d hands( and sayin$ A!st s!)h %o'in$ thin$s as a wo"an wo!%d( nat!ra%%y( to a yo!n$ $ir% on s!)h a trip& 6!t ?adsby and Bran#3 Ah* Poor( ha%f-)ra5y thin$s* No )ar wo!%d do at a%%* No, sir!! A )ar was far too s%ow* And so( a)ross %ots( down into "any a "an0s yard( and A!"pin$ hi$h wa%%s( shot two shadowy for"s( arri'in$ at that bi$ hospita%( bad%y b%own( A!st as >ady ?adsby and o%d Do) 2i%#ins too# Nan)y0s ar"s( and $ot s%ow%y to that bi$ door with its waitin$ ro%%in$ )hair& Now this stor#0s 'isit is nothin$ o!t of ordinary in 2or%d affairs& Mi%%ions and bi%%ions of 'isits has it( and its #ind( f%own-to #in$0s "ansion or a b%a)# D!%! wo"an0s h!t& 6!t this f%i$ht was poor Bran#0s initiation to that awf!% ho!r of b%an# pani)( d!rin$ whi)h a yo!n$ h!sband is boi%in$ hot or i)y )o%d in t!rn& ?od** How sti%% a hospita% )orridor is** How do)tors and assistants do f%oat past witho!t as "!)h so!nd as fa%%in$ snow* Oh * ,ow %on$ Bran# and His Honor sat( stood( or trod !p and down( wat)hin$ that roo" door** 2hat was $oin$ on3 2as
Nan)y a%% ri$ht3 Oh** 2hy this pro%on$in$ of a$oni5in$ ina)ti'ity3 Can0t anybody- say anythin$3 Isn't anybody around, at all! 6!t hospita% do)tors and n!rsin$ staffs( tho!$h pityin$ a yo!n$ )hap( "!st pass hi" !p for that tiny %ady( who now was b!t a too% in ?od0s hands in ?od0s "a$i) %aboratory& And so Ah* Do)tor 2i%#ins is )o"in$-and s"i%in$** .A baby $ir%-and with a rippin$ $ood pair of %!n$s */ b!t has to A!"p ,!i)# to )at)h Bran#( who has s!n# in a swoon& And Mayor ?adsby0s )o%%ar is as %i"p as a dish-ra$* Ah* Man( "an( "an* and wo"an( wo"an( wo"an* @!st yo! two* ?od0s on%y parts in His "i$hty p%an for %i'in$ a)t!a%ity& Not on%y with Man and ani"a%s( b!t a%so down (-way( way down a"on$st p%ants& @!st two parts& On%y two** And 6aby( yo! tiny b!n)h of wri$$%in$( $!r$%in$ h!"anity by that s%ow%y ti)#in$ )%o)# is yo!r t!rn in this "i$hty 2or%d( !na'oidab%y arri'in$& Ma"a( Papa( and a%% of !s wi%% $o on( for a bit( $rowin$ o%d and $ray( b!t yo!( now so yo!n$ and frai%& wi%% stand st!rdi%y( and wi%%in$%y( in o!r 'a)an)y and )arry on ?od0s wi%%*
s this is a history of a )ity I "!st not stay aro!nd any part too %on$& So( as it was a%"ost .a s"a%% "ornin$ ho!r(/ Nina Ada"s( a widow( was sittin$ !p for Cir$inia( a Hi$h S)hoo% $ir%( was sti%% o!t and( aro!nd two-thirty( was bro!$ht ba)# in a fast )ar two yo!ths a)t!a%%y dumping an !n)ons)io!s for" on Nina0s front por)h( and dashin$ "ad%y away& 6!t Nina Ada"s saw it and( )a%%in$ for aid in )arryin$ Cir$inia indoors( p!t in a franti) )a%% for o%d Do) 2i%#ins( an o%d( %on$-a$o s)hoo% pa%( who fo!nd Nina franti) fro" not #nowin$ Cir$inia0s )ondition( nor why that pair of yo!ths shot "ad%y away witho!t )a%%in$ anybody& 6!t it on%y too# Do)tor 2i%#ins an instant to find o!t what was wron$ and Nina( notin$ his ti$ht %ips and $rowin$ s)ow% was in an a$ony of do!bt& .2hat is it( To"3 /uick!! I0" a%"ost )ra5y* */ Dr& 2i%#ins( standin$ by Cir$inia0s )o!)h( said( s%ow%y:.It0s nothin$ to worry abo!t( Nina& Cir$inia wi%% p!%% thro!$h a%% ri$ht( by "ornin$&/ 6!t that didn0t satisfy Nina Ada"s( not for an instant, and Dr& 2i%#ins( #nowin$ that iron)%ad spirit of s)hoo% days whi)h wo!%d stand for no obstr!)tions in its path( saw that a .b%ow-!p/ was )o"in$ b!t( thro!$h a #ind%y tho!$ht for this wo"an0s )o"fort( did not say what his dia$nosis was( !nti% Nina( now a)t!a%%y %i'id with worry( said:.To" 2i%#ins* 0octor 2i%#ins( if yo! wish( - I )%ai" a nat!ra% ri$ht to #now why "y )hi%d is !n)ons)io!s* And yo!( a physi)ian( )annot( by %aw( withho%d s!)h infor"ation&/ 6!t 2i%#ins( tryin$ to find a way o!t of a "ost !nhappy )ondition of affairs( said:.Now( Nina( yo! #now I wo!%dn0t ho%d anythin$ fro" yo! if Cir$inia was )riti)a%%y i%%( b!t that is not so& If yo!0%% on%y wait !nti% "ornin$ yo!0%% find that I a" ri$ht&/
6!t this on%y b!i%t obstr!)tion !pon obstr!)tion to Nina0s stron$ wi%%( !nti% Dr& 2i%#ins( noti)in$ )o"in$ tota% prostration( had to say:.Nina( Cir$inia is drunk; horribly dr!n#&/ .0runk!! 2idow Ada"s had to $rab wi%d%y at a )hair( sin#in$ into it at first as %i"p as a ra$( b!t instant%y sprin$in$ !p( b%ood s!r$in$ to a throbbin$ brow& .0runk! 0runk!! My baby dr!n#** To"( I than# yo! for tryin$ to ward off this sho)# b!t I0%% say ri$ht now( with my hand on high, that I a" $oin$ to start a r!"p!s abo!t this atro)ity that wi%% ro)# 6ranton Hi%%s to its fo!ndations* 2ho got this yo!n$ s)hoo%-$ir% dr!n#3 I #now that Cir$inia wo!%dn0t drin# that st!ff wi%%in$%y& How could it o))!r3 I pay thro!$h ta1ation for a patro%"an in this distri)t in fa)t in all distri)ts of this )ity& 2hat is a patro%"an for( if not to wat)h for A!st s!)h abo"inations as this( pray 3/ Dr& 2i%#ins didn0t say( tho!$h probab%y thin#in$ of a r!"or that had r!n aro!nd town for a "onth or two& At this point Cir$inia( part%y )ons)io!s was "!r"!rin$: .Oh( Nor"an* Oh* I0" so si)#**/ 0on't!! I can't drin# it* This bro!$ht forth a%% of Nina Ada"s0 f!ry instant%y& )ha! )ha! Norman! So that's it* That0s Nor"an Antor( that %ow-down( $ood-for-nothin$ ni$htow% * Son of o!r bi$ Co!n)i%"an Antor& So** It0s 4Nor"an* I )an0t drin# it0* To" 2i%#ins( this thin$ is $oin$ to court !! FFFF Abo!t noon of that day( o!r $ood do)tor( wa%#in$ sad%y a%on$( ran a)ross Mayor ?adsby( in front of City Ha%% and did His Honor .burn at s!)h an abo"ination3 .*hat! Hi$h S)hoo% boys forcing yo!n$ $ir%s to drin#3 And ri$ht in o!r $%orio!s 6ranton Hi%%s3 Oh( b!t( Do)* This )an0t pass witho!t a tria%*/ .That0s a%% ri$ht( @ohn b!t a thorn sti)#s o!t( ri$ht in p%ain si$ht&/ .Thorn3 Thorn3 2hat #ind of a thorn 3/ and o!r Mayor was f%!shin$ hard( as no #ind of wi%d tho!$hts wo!%d point to any #ind of thorns& .That thorn(/ said 2i%#ins( .is yo!n$ Nor"an Antor son of-0 .Not of 1ouncilman )ntor! .I a" sorry to say that it is so(/ and 2i%#ins to%d of Cir$inia0s ha%f-)ons)io!s "!r"!rin$s& .And Nina wants to #now why( with a patro%"an in a%% parts of town( it isn0t #nown that a%% this drin#in$ is $oin$ on& I didn0t say what I tho!$ht( b!t yo! #now that a patro%"an don0t $o into dan)in$ pa'i%ions and ni$ht )%!bs !nti% )onditions san)tion it&/ .2ho is s!pp%yin$ this %i,!or 3/ .Co!n)i%"an Antor b!t witho!t #nowin$ it& A%% His Honor )o!%d say was to $asp:.How do yo! #now that( Do) 3/ and 2i%#ins to%d of fo!r )a%%s for hi" in fo!r days( to yo!n$ girls, si"i%ar%y dr!n#&
.And "y first )a%% was to yo!n$ Mary- Antor0s tiny ?ra""ar S)hoo% #id( who was as dr!n# as Cir$inia b!t( on )o"in$ o!t of it( to%d of robbin$ Antor0s pantry( in whi)h %i,!or was a%ways on hand for his po%iti)a% pa%s( yo! #now that poor #id ta#in$ it to 'ario!s affairs and $i'in$ it to boys and winnin$ 4pop!%arity0 that way&/ .So(/ said ?adsby( .Co!n)i%"an Antor0s boy and $ir%( bro!$ht !p in a fa"i%y with %i,!or a%ways handy& now( with i$norant( )hi%dish bra$$ado)io( brin$ Co!n)i%"an Antor into this "i1 -!p* I0" sorry for Antor b!t his pantry is in for an offi)ia% 'isit& It wasn0t so %on$ fro" this day that Co!rt $ot aro!nd to this r!"p!s& To say that that bi$ roo" was full, wo!%d p!t it "i%d%y A%tho!$h( a))ordin$ to an o%d sayin$( .a )at is on%y as bi$ as its s#in(/ that roo"0s wa%%s a%"ost b!rst( as $ro!ps of )h!r)h or$ani5ations and %aw abidin$ inhabitants a%"ost fo!$ht for ad"ission !nti% standin$ roo" was nothin$ b!t a s!ffo)atin$ Aa"& As ?adsby and Do) 2i%#ins sat wat)hin$ that si$ht( ?adsby said:- .It0s an o!tpo!rin$ of ri$htf!% wrath by a pro!d )ity0s pop!%ation who( ha'in$ p!t o!t $ood( hard wor# in brin$in$ it to its hi$h standin$ as a )o""!nity( today( wi%% not stand for anythin$ that wi%% p!t a b%ot on its "!ni)ipa% f%a$( whi)h is( ri$ht now( pro!d%y f%yin$ on City Ha%%&/ As 2i%#ins was abo!t to say so( a risin$ "!r"!r was ro%%in$ in fro" o!t ba)#( for Nor"an Antor was )o"in$ in( in )!stody of a bi$ patro%"an( and with fo!r yo!ths( a%% %oo#in$( not on%y an1io!s( b!t p%ain%y showin$ h!"i%iation at s!)h an abo"ination a$ainst tr!stin$ yo!n$ $ir%hood& S)ow%s and an$ry r!"b%in$s to%d that hi$h offi)ia%( way !p in ba)# of that "aho$any rai%in$( that b!t a spar# wo!%d start a riot& So( in a )a%"( a%"ost !n)anny way( this first tria% of its #ind in 6ranton Hi%%s $ot a%on$ to a )o!rt offi)ia% )a%%in$( %o!d%y:- .Cir$inia Ada"s* If yo! thin# that yo! #now what a tota%%y sti%% roo" is( by no #in# of yo!r i"a$ination )o!%d yo! possib%y #now s!)h an awf!%( fri$htf!% hush as str!)# that )rowd d!"b( as Cir$inia( a ta%%( dar#( wi%%owy( sty%ish $ir% ,!i)#%y too# that )hair( fro" whi)h Tr!th( in a%% its p!rity( is )!sto"ari%y bro!$ht o!t( 6!t Cir$inia was not a bit sha#y nor an1io!s( nor do!btf!% of an abi%ity to $o thro!$h with this !$%y tas#& ?adsby and Do) 2i%#ins sat wat)hin$ Nina ?adsby with profo!nd sy"pathy( b!t 2i%#ins with an o%d s)hoo%-pa%0s int!ition( wat)hin$ for a b%ow!p& 6!t Nina didn0t b%ow !p( that is( not 'isib%y: b!t that fa"o!s ri$id wi%% was boi%in$( f!%% ti%t boi%in$ !p to a point for %andin$( .tooth and )%aw/ on o!r po"po!s Co!n)i%"an0s son( if thin$s didn0t t!rn o!t satisfa)tori%y& Cir$inia didn0t o))!py that stand %on$ it was on%y a ha%f-sobbin$ a))o!nt of a ni$ht at a dan)in$ pa'i%ion and with a sob or two fro" a wo"an or $ir% in that 'ast )rowd& A%% Cir$inia said was:- .Nor"an Antor said I was a )ry-baby if I wo!%dn0t drin# with hi"& 6!t I said( 4A%% ri$ht I am a )ry-baby* And I a%ways will t!rn 4)rybaby0 if anybody insists that I drin# that st!ff&/ ;@!st a short %!%%( a 'a%iant fi$ht for )ontro%( and<.6!t I had to drin#** Nor"an was tippin$ "y )hair ba)# and @ohn A%%ison was for)in$ that $%ass into "y "o!th* I $ot so si)# I )o!%dn0t stand !p( and didn0t #now a thin$ !nti% I fo!nd I was on a )o!)h in "y own par%or&/ A )o!rt offi)ia% said( #ind%y:.That wi%% do( Miss Ada"s&/ D!rin$ this( Nina was $%arin$ at Nor"an b!t Cir$inia0s brin$in$ A%%ison into it( a%so( was too
"!)h& 6!t 2i%#ins( wat)hin$ narrow%y( said( snappin$%y:.Nina! This is a court room# Now this tria% was too %on$ to $o into( word for word so I0%% say that not on%y Nor"an Antor and A%%ison( b!t a%so o!r bi$( po"po!s Co!n)i%"an Antor( a))ordin$ to o!r pop!%ar s%an$( .$ot in bad/ and 6ranton Hi%%s0 dan)in$ and ni$ht spots $ot word to prohibit %i,!or or sh!t !p shop& +o!n$ Mary Antor was shown that %i,!or( in dan)in$ pa'i%ions or in a fa"i%y pantry was not $ood for yo!n$ $ir%s and soon this "ost dis$!stin$ affair was a part of 6ranton Hi%%s0 history& And what 'ast 'ariations a )ity0s history )ontains* 2hat 'a%oro!s a)ts by far-thin#in$ offi)ia%s* 2hat dar# da!bs of fi%th by a'ari)io!s )roo#s* 2hat an array of past Mayors what finan)ia% !ps and downs what $rowth in pop!%ation& 6!t( as I a" this parti)!%ar )ity0s historian( with strict orthography controlling it, this history wi%% not ran#( in 'o%!bi%ity( with any by an a!thor who )an sow( broad)ast( a%% handy( )o""on words whi)h continuously try to A!"p into it*
RANTON ,I223, NO2 an !p-to-today )ity( )o"in$ to that point of "otori5in$ a%% )ity apparat!s( had A!st a %ast( so%itary )o"pany of that )%ass whi)h an inhabitant franti)a%%y )a%%s to a b!rnin$ b!i%din$G Co"pany Bo!r( in o!r bi$ shoppin$ distri)t a%% apparat!s of whi)h was sti%% ani"a% drawn fo!r bi$( h!s#y )haps: two b%a)#s and two roans& Any tho!$ht of ba)#in$ in any sort of "otor apparat!s onto this f%oor( !pon whi)h this %oya% fo!r had( d!rin$ "anyG "onths( stood( )ha"pin$ at bits( pawin$ and whinnyin$ to start o!t that bi$ door( in day%i$ht or ni$ht-$%oo"( )a%" or stor"( G was "i$hty to!$h for o%d Dowd and C%an)y& A man %i'in$ day and ni$ht with s!)h $%orio!s( 'i'a)io!s ani"a%s( $rows to %oo# !pon s!)h as a%"ost h!"an& 6ri$ht( brainy( spar#%in$ )o%ts )an win a stron$ ho%d on a "an( yo! #now& And now** 2hat for" of disposa% was awaitin$ .6i$ Bo!r/( as C%an)y and Dowd too# a fond Aoy in d!bbin$ this pair of b%a)#s and two roans3 C%an)y and Dowd didnGt #now anythin$ b!t that a "ass of )o$s( pipin$( brass rai%in$s( an intri)a)y of #nobs( b!ttons( spar#-p%!$s( forward )%!t)h and so forth was )o"in$ to"orrow& .)w!! said Dowd( "oanin$%y( .yo! #now( C%an)y( that $ood o%d %i$ht shiftin$ abo!t and that %i$ht Gsto"pin$G in that row of sta%%s( at ni$ht yo! #now( o%d "an( that happy )r!n)hin$ of )orn that o))asiona% )o!$h that tai%-swattin$ at a f%y or )ra5y 5i$5a$$in$ "oth that $rand ani"a% odor fro" that ba)# part of this f%oor&/ .I do(/ said C%an)y& .And now what3 A %o!d whi55 of a "otor* A s!ffo)atin$ b%ast of $as* and a dorn thin$ a-standinG on this f%oor( wid no brain wid nothinG %o'inG abo!t it& 2id no so!%&/ .U"-"-"(/ said Dowd( .I d!nno abo!t an ani"a% ha'inG a so!%( b!t itGs $ot a thin$ not so do" far fromit&/
As C%an)y sat worryin$ abo!t 'ario!s for"s of disposa% for 6i$ Bo!r( an offi)ia% phonin$ fro" City Ha%%( said A!st an ordinary( )o""on word( whi)h had C%an)y boppin$ !p and down( furiously mad# .2hatGs a%% this3 2hatGs a%% this3/ Dowd san$ o!t( )o"in$ fro" a sta%%( in whi)h a $ood r!bbin$ down of a shiny )oat( and )ontin!o!s %o'in$ pats had bro!$ht sn!$$%in$ and nosin$& .)uction!! said C%an)y( wi%d%y( and sittin$ down with a th!d& .A!)tion3 A!)tion for 6i$ Bo!r3 2hat3 P!t !p on a b%o)# as yo! wo!%d a @ap !rn or a phony dia"ond 3/ .Uh-h!h thatGs what City Ha%% says& An awf!% )a%" s%!n# insidio!s%y onto that bi$ s"ooth f%oor( as Dowd and C%an)y( )hins on hands( sat(G A!st thin#in$* Bina%%y C%an)y b!rst o!t with:.Aw* If an a%ar" wo!%d only rin$ in( ri$ht now( to stop "y brain fro" )ra)#in$* )uction! +ah!! .... A bi$ )rowd stood in City Par#( in)%!din$ His Honor( "any a Co!n)i%"an( and( nat!ra%%y( O%d 6i%% Si"p#ins( who was a%ways bo!nd to #now what was $oin$ on& A %o!d( fast-ta%#in$ "an( on a hi$h stand( was sho!tin$: .A%% ri$ht( yo! $!ys* How "!)h3 How "!)h for this bi$ b%a)#3 A "o!ntain of "!s)!%ar abi%ity* +o!n$( #ind( wi%%in$( s"art* How "!)h3 How "!)h3/ 6ids abo"inab%y %ow at first( b!t s%ow%y )raw%in$ !p )raw%in$ s%ow%y( as a boa )onstri)tor )raw%s !p on its 'i)ti"& 6!t( without fail, as a bid was s!n$ o!t fro" that s!r$in$( $aw#in$( )hin-%iftin$ "ob( a wo"an( way in ba)#( wo!%d s!rpass it* And that wo"an h!n$ on( as no boa )onstri)tor )o!%d* ?adsby( way down in front( )o!%dnGt fatho" it( at a%%& 2hy sho!%d a wo"an want 6i$ Bo!r3 A so%itary ani"a%( possib%y( b!t four!So His Honor( t!rnin$ and "a#in$ his way toward that ba)# row( ran s"a)# into Nan)y& .Daddy* >ady Standish is o!tbiddin$ a%% this )rowd I/ .Oho* So that4s it */ So ?adsby( p!shin$ his way a$ain thro!$h that Aa"( and )o"in$ to that "ost worthy wo"an( said:.6y $o%%y( Sa%%y* ItGs p%ain that yo! want 6i$ Bo!r&/ .@ohn ?adsby( yo! o!$ht to know that I do& 2hy* A "an "i$ht b!y that bi$ pair of roans to hit)h !p to a p%ow* Or hoo# a bi$ b%a)# onto an ash )art*/ .I #now that( Sa%%y( b!t that s"a%% ba)# yard of yo!rs is&/ .5ohn!! Do yo!r M!ni)ipa% o))!pations #no)# a%% past days doin$s o!t of yo!r s#!%%3 +o! know that I own a $rand( bi$ pat)h of %and o!t in o!r s!b!rbs( ha%f as bi$ as 6ranton Hi%%s& So this 6i$ Bo!r wi%% A!st r!n aro!nd( A!"p( ro%%( #i)#( and %oaf !nti% doo"sday( if I )an wallop this "ob o!t of biddin$&/ As >ady Standish was %on$ #nown as standin$ first in 'a%!ation on 6ranton Hi%%sG ta1 %ist( nobody in that )rowd was so foo%ish as to han$ on( in a war of biddin$( a$ainst that ban#ro%%&
So ?adsby shoo# hands( p!t an ar" abo!t Nan)y( wa%#in$ happi%y away( as a roar of p%a!dits shot o!t fro" that )rowd( for that %o!d( fast-ta%#in$ "an was anno!n)in$: .3old! )ll four to 2ady 3tandish!! As ?adsby and Nan)y ran a)ross O%d 6i%% Si"p#ins( ?adsby said: .6i%%( you #now that $rand o%d day& >oo#* A b!i%din$ is b!rnin$* A patro%"an has p!t in an a%ar"* And now %oo#* Cornin$ down 6roadway* Two bi$ b%a)#s( and fo%%owin$ on( two bi$ roans* 2hat $rand( "i$hty ani"a%s* Nostri%s di%atin$ bi$ hoofs po!ndin$ $i$anti) f%an#s b!%$in$ "i$hty %!n$s snortin$ "onstro!s ba)#s strainin$ thi)#( f!%% tai%s standin$ strai$ht o!t& Co"in$( sir* Co"in$( sir** @!st as fast as brain and brawn )an* And that $on$-)%an$in$( air-sp%ittin$( whist%in$( shinin$( si55%in$( s"o#in$ fo!r tons of apparat!s roars past( $rindin$ and han$in$ on 6roadwayGs pa'in$* ou saw a%% that( 6i%%&G .Uh-h!h(/ said Si"p#ins( .b!t a "otor donGt h!rt o!r pa'in$ so "!)h&/ As Nan)y too# His HonorGs ar" a$ain( ?adsby said: .Poor( )ran#y o%d 6i%%* A%ways r!nnin$ thin$s down& 6!t how abo!t C%an)y and Dowd3 On "o'in$ o!t fro" that bi$ par#( that happy pair( if Eni$hthood was in b%oo" today( wo!%d bow %ow( and #iss fair >ady StandishGs hand&
H HUM& Now that Nan)y0s baby is $!r$%in$ or s,!a%%in$( a))ordin$ to a f!%% t!""y( or tooth )onditions and Nan)y is %oo#in$( as ?adsby says( .as $ood as a "i%%ion do%%ars(/ I find that that b!sy yo!n$ son-of-a-$!n( Dan C!pid( is sti%% snoopin$ aro!nd 6ranton Hi%%s And now who do yo! thin# is hit3 Try to thin# of a %ot of $ir%s in ?adsby0s o%d Or$ani5ation +o!th& No( it0s not Sarah +o!n$( nor >!)y Dona%dson( nor Cir$inia Ada"s& It was bro!$ht to yo!r historian in this way:>ady ?adsby and His Honor sat aro!nd his par%or %a"p( His Honor noti)in$ that >ady ?& was s"i%in$( fina%%y sayin$:.@ohn&/ .Uh-h!h&/ .Eath%yn and @ohn S"ith -.( .2hat3/ .I said that Eath%yn and @ohn S"ith want to -/ .Oho* Aha** I0%% )a%% !p Pastor 6rown to start ri$ht off do%%in$ !p his bi$ )h!r)h*/ .No( no* Not now* 2ait abo!t si1 "onths& This is on%y a troth& Bo%#s don0t A!"p into
"atri"ony( that way& .H"-"-"* I don0t #now abo!t that(/ said ?adsby( %a!$hin$ and thin#in$ way ba)# to that )apti'atin$ Iassoo* @ohn S"ith was 6ranton Hi%%s0 fa"o!s )h!r)h or$anist and( at a s"a%%( dainty %!n)h( Eath%yn to%d of this troth& In a day or two abo!t a%% 6ranton Hi%%s0 yo!n$ $ir%hood had( on r!shin$ in( to%d Eath%yn what a $rand )hap @ohn was and a%% that town0s yo!n$ "anhood had to%d @ohn si"i%ar thin$s abo!t Eath%yn& So( as this is a A!"py sort of a story( anyway( why not s#ip "onths of happy ardor( and find how this tyin$ of an additiona% #not in o!r Mayor0s fa"i%y wi%% t!rn o!t3 +o! #now that Eath%yn don0t thin# "!)h of po"p or show( and s!)h a bi$ )h!r)h rit!a% as Nan)y had is a%% ri$ht if yo! want it( b!t Eath%yn had fond tho!$hts of A!st a s"a%%( par%or affair( with on%y a $ro!p of o%d )h!"s and no throwin$ of o%d boots( and .sharp food$rains(/ whi)h wor# downward( to s)rat)h yo!r ba)#( or sti)# in yo!r hair as st!bborn%y as b!rrs& .S!)h )ra5y doin$s(/ said Eath%yn( .a%ways %oo# foo%ish& It0s odd how anybody )an fo%%ow !p s!)h anti,!arian )!sto"s&/ As Eath%yn0s bi$ ni$ht was drawin$ ni$h( >ady ?adsby and Nan)y had )onstant%y tho!$ht of a word synony"o!s with .wo"an/( and that word is .s)r!b&/ 2hi)h is sayin$ that ?adsby0s "ansion was abo!t to s!b"it to a $i$anti) s)r!bbin$( paintin$( d!stin$( and so forth( so that Eath%yn sho!%d start o!t on that ship of "atri"ony fro" a spi)-span wharf& @!st why a wo"an thin#s that a $rain of d!st in a tota%%y in)onspi)!o!s spot is s!)h a )atastrophi) abnor"a%ity is hard to say b!t if yo! si"p%y broa)h a tho!$ht that a $rain of it "i$ht %!r# in ba)# of a piano( or !p ba)# of an oi% paintin$( a f%ood of soap-s!ds wi%% instant%y b!rst forth and any "an who )an f%nd any of his thin$s for fo!r days is a )%air'oyant( or a "a$i)ian* As ?adsby sat wat)hin$ a%% this his tho!$hts too# this for":.Isn0t it s!rprisin$ what an array0 of thin$s a wo"an )an dra$ forth( b!rrowin$ into atti)s( roo"s and noo#s* Thin$s %on$ o!t of "ind an o%d thin$ a worn-o!t thin$ b!t it has %ain in that roo"( noo# or ba$ !nti% A!st s!)h a riot of soap and s)r!bbin$ br!sh brin$s it o!t& And( as I thin# of it( a h!"an "ind )o!%d( and sho!%d $o thro!$h A!st s!)h a ransa)#in$( o))asiona%%y for yo! don0t #now ha%f of what an a))!"!%ation of r!bbish is #i)#in$ abo!t( in its dar#( "!sty )orridors& O%d fashions in tho!$hts bi$otry 'anity a%% %yin$ sta$nant& So why not dra$ o!t and sort a%% that st!ff( dis)ardin$ a%% whi)h is of no 'a%!ation3 Abo!t ha%f of !s wi%% find( in o!r "inds( a roo"( ha'in$ on its door a )ard( sayin$: .It 2as Not So In My Day&/ ?o at that roo"( ri$ht off& That .My Day/ is %on$ past& .Today/ is boss( now& If that .My Day/ )o!%d )raw% !p on .Today(/ what a "i1-!p in 2or%d affairs wo!%d o))!r* O1 )art a$ainst air)raft oi% %a"ps a$ainst ar) %i$hts* S%ow( "ai% infor"ation a$ainst radio* 6!t( as a%% this st!ff is %aid o!t( what wi%% yo! do with it3 Nobody wants it& So I say( b!rn it( and to"orrow "ornin$( how happy yo! wi%% find that "!sty o%d "ind*/ 6!t His Honor0s "ansion fina%%y $ot ba)# to nor"a% as )%o!ds of d!st and swats and s%aps fro" d!stin$ )%oths had shown >ady ?adsby and Eath%yn that .that par%or was si"p%y awf!%/ tho!$h ?adsby( @!%i!s and 6i%% a%ways had tho!$ht that .It %oo#s a%% ri$ht(/ )a!sin$ Eath%yn to say:.A "an thin#s a%% d!st stays o!tdoors&/
Tho!$h "arryin$ off a $ir% in )h!r)h is a bi$ proposition( it )an0t dis)o!nt( in i"portant data( doin$ a si"i%ar a)t in a par%or for( as a par%or is a "i$hty s"a%% roo" in )o"parison with a )h!r)h( yo! )an0t point to an in)h of it that won0t do its s"a%% part on s!)h an o))asion so a wo"an wi%% find abo!t a tho!sand spots in whi)h to p!t ta)#s fro" whi)h to r!n strin$s ho%din$ f%ora% )hains( sprays( or s"a%% %i$hts& So ?adsby( 6i%% and @!%i!s( with ar"f!%s of strin$ and "o!thf!%s of ta)#s( not on%y p!t in ho!rs at po!ndin$ said ta)#s( b!t an o))asiona% 'i$oro!s word to%d that a th!"b was s!bstit!tin$* 6!t what "an wo!%dn0t $%ad%y ban$ his th!"b( or bar# his shins on a wobb%y stoo%( to aid so )har"in$ a $ir% as Eath%yn3 And( on that "ost ro"anti)a%%y i"portant of a%% days** Anyway( that day0s ni$ht fina%%y )ast its soft shadows on 6ranton Hi%%s& Ni$ht( with its twin#%in$ stars( its %i$htnin$-b!$s( and its )a%% for $ir%s0 "ost $%orio!s wraps and yo!ths0 .swa%%owtai%s/( and ta%% si%# hats(-is C!pid0s own %a)#in$ b!t or$an "!si) to t!rn it into Utopia& And was ?adsby0s "ansion %it !p fro" por)h to roof3 No& On%y that par%or and a roo" or two !pstairs( for wraps( "as)arra( a fina% hair-,!ir#( a dab of %ip-sti)# for Eath%yn( a$ainst a%% for"s of .'ain disp%ay(/ said:- .I0" on%y $oin$ to "arry a "an not p!t on a )ir)!s for a%% 6ranton Hi%%s&/ .A%% ri$ht( dar%in$(/ said ?adsby( .yo! sha%% "arry in a pit)h dar# roo" if yo! wish for( as yo! say( a s"a%%( par%or affair is A!st as bindin$ as a bi$ )h!r)h disp%ay& It0s on%y yo!r 'ows that )o!nt&/ So b!t a s"a%% $ro!p stood %o'in$%y in ?adsby0s par%or( as Parson 6rown bro!$ht into !nity Eath%yn and @ohn& Eath%yn was radiant%y happy and @ohn( o!r fa"o!s or$anist( was as happy with on%y )har"in$ Sarah +o!n$ at an !pri$ht piano( as any or$anist in a bi$ )hoir %oft& 6!t to >ady ?adsby and His Honor( this was( in a way( a sad affair for that bi$ "ansion now had %ost two of its inhabitants and( as "any o%d fo%#s #now( a 'ast $ap( or )has" th!s for"s( ba)#ward a)ross whi)h f%it happy 'isions of %a!$hin$( ro"pin$( happy $ir%hood happy ho!rs aro!nd a sittin$ roo" %a"p and %o'in$ trips in ni$ht0s s"a%% ho!rs to a roo" or two( A!st to #now that a s"a%% $ir% was a%% ri$ht( or that a bi$ $ir% was not in a draft& 6!t( tho!$h "arryin$ off a $ir% wi%% brin$ s!)h a 'a)an)y( that happy start o!t into a wor%d throbbin$ with 'ita%ity and Aoy( )an a%%ay a bit of that 'oid in a bi$ "ansion( or a s"a%% )abin& A birth( a tooth( a $rowth( a "atin$ and( a$ain a birth( a tooth( and so on& S!)h is that "i$hty >aw( whi)h was %aid down on that first of a%% days and whi)h wi%% )ontro% Man( ani"a%( and p%ant !nti% that %ast of a%% ni$hts& So it was first Nan)y( and now Eath%yn and 6ranton Hi%%s0 $ossips tho!$ht of 6i%% and @!%i!s( with who" "any a yo!n$( ro"anti) "aid wo!%d $%ad%y sit in a wistaria-droopin$ arbor on a war"( "oon-%it ni$ht f%i$hty "aids with 6i%%( adorin$ his hi$h )%ass so)ia% $ossip st!dio!s "aids with @!%i!s( findin$ "!)h to thin# abo!t in his pra)ti)a% ta%#s on physi)s( 5oo%o$y( and nat!ra% history& Th! 6i%% and @!%i!s had shown no %iabi%ity of bitin$ at any a%%!rin$ bait on any "atri"onia% hoo# and ?adsby( win#in$ #nowin$%y( wo!%d say:.6i%% is too fri'o%o!s( A!st now and @!%i!s too b!sy at o!r Ha%% of Nat!ra% History& 6!t A!st wait !nti% Dan C!pid starts shootin$ a$ain( and wat)h thin$s whi5 */
ARAH( 2A>EIN? A>ON? past City Par# on a raw( )o%d ni$ht( fo!nd a tiny(- oh so tiny(-p!ppy( whinin$( sha#in$ and )ryin$ with )o%d( Pi)#in$ !p that s"a%% b!n)h of babyhood( Sarah was in ,!andary as A!st what to do b!t Pris)i%%a Standish( )o"in$ a%on$( said:- .Oh* Poor baby** 2ho owns hi"( Sarah3/ .I don0t #now b!t say* 2o!%dn0t yo!r Ma -3/ .My Ma would!! 6rin$ hi" a%on$( and wrap yo!r )%oa# aro!nd hi"& It0s awf!%%y )o%d for so yo!n$ a p!ppy& So >ady Standish( with that .ba)#-yard 6oo soon bad his ,!a#in$ babyship %appin$ $ood war" "i%#( and a st!"py tai% wa$$in$ as on%y a tiny p!ppy0s st!"py tai% can wag# A%on$ towards si1 o )%o)# a 'i$oro!s po!ndin$ on >ady Standish0s front door bro!$ht Pris)i%%a( to find O%d 6i%% Si"p#ins with a tiny( wi%d%y sobbin$ $ir% of abo!t fo!r& 2a%#in$ into >ady Standish0s par%or( Si"p#ins said: .This #id has %ost a-a-a-)ritt!r I thin# it was a p!p( wasn0t it( #id3/ A 'i$oro!s !p and down bobbin$ of a s"a%% sho)# of a!b!rn hair& .So(/ said Si"p#ins( .I tho!$ht it "i$ht show !p in yo!r ba)#-yard $an$&/ .It has( 6i%%( yo! old grouch!!' for >ady Standish( as abo!t a%% of 6ranton Hi%%s $rown-!ps( was in s)hoo% with 6i%%& .It0s a%% ri$ht( now( and war" and )!dd%y& Don0t )ry( Mary dar%in$& Pris)i%ia wi%% brin$ in yo!r p!ppy& As that happy baby sat )roonin$ to that p!ppy( a%so a baby( O%d 6i%% had to snort o!t:- .H!h* A %ot of f!ss abo!t a p!p( I0%% say */ .Oh( pooh&pooh, 6i%% Si"p#ins */ said >ady S& .2hy shouldn't a )hi%d )roon to a p!ppy3 Bo%#s brin$ a%% #inds of ani"a%s to "y ba)# yard( if si)# or h!rt& 2ant to wa%# aro!nd "y 6oo3/ .No!! No 5oos for Co!n)i%"an Si"p#ins* Ani"a%s ain0t worth so "!)h f!ss */ .Pshaw( 6i%%* +o! ta%# ridi)!%o!s%y* I wish yo! )o!%d #now of abo!t ha%f of "y wor#s& I want to show0 yo! a bi$ An$ora )at& A do$ bit its foot so I p!t a ba%" on it and wo!nd it with )otton -/ .+o! p!t balm on a cat's foot** +ah! +ut 2ady 3tandish didn't mind 7ld +ill's ra"ings ha"ing known him so long; so said: .7h, how's that old corn of yours! 1an't I put a balm .No! ou cannot! Mary, bring your pup; I'm going along# )s a happy tot was passing out that big, kindly front door, 3arah said .*as 1ouncilman 3impkins always so grouchy, 2ady 3tandish !
.No# Not until 5ohn .adsby 8cut him out' and won 2ady .adsby# .)ha!! )nd a ,o, ,o!! said 3arah, laughing gayly# 93o folks had what you call 8affairs' way back, :ust as today ! and also laughing inwardly, at what 2ucy had said about this kindly 2ady 3tandish and ,is ,onor# )h! That good old schoolday, now so long past! ,ow it bobs up, now&a&days, if you watch a young lad and a happy, giggling lass holding hands or laughing uproariously at youthful witticisms# )nd how diaphanous and almost imaginary that far&back day looks, if that girl with whom you stood up and said 9I do, laughs, if you try a bit of romantic kissing, and says: .*hy, 5ohn! ,ow silly! ou act actually childish!! ;;;; )nd now it won't do any harm to hark back a bit on this history, to find how our big Night 3chool is doing# <ollowing that first graduation day, many and many a child, and adult, too, had put in hours on "arious nights; and if you "isit it you will find almost as many forms of instruction going on as you will find pupils; for thousands of folks today know of topics which, with a bit of study, could turn out profitably# Now +ranton ,ills had, as you know, built this school for public instruction; and, as with all such institutions, "isiting days occur# )nd what a display of goods and workmanship! )nd what bright, happy pupils, standing proudly back of it! <or mankind knows hardly a :oy which will surpass that of appro"al of his work# .adsby's party first took in a wood&working shop; finding small stands which fit so happily into many a li"ing room nook; book racks for walls or floor; moth&proof bins, smoking stands, many with fancy uprights or inlaid tops; high chairs for tiny tots; arm chairs for old folks; cribs, tobacco humidors, stools, porch and lawn swings, ballbats, rolling pins, mi%ing boards; in fact about anything that a man can fashion from wood# )s an indication of practical utility coming from such public instruction, a man told .adsby:& .I didn't know much about wood&working tools until I got into this class# This thing I am making would cost about thirty dollars to buy, but all it cost, so far, is two dollars and a half, for wood and glass, which .adsby thought was worth knowing about; as so many of his 1ouncil had put forth so many complaints against starting such a school without charging for instruction# In an ad:oining room ,is ,onor's party found boys banging and pounding happily; and, if you should ask, &noisily, on brasswork: making bowls, trays, lamp standards, photograph stands, book supports and similar artistic things# )cross from that was a blacksmith shop, with its customary flying sparks and si66ling cooling&"ats# +ut, by going upstairs, away from all this din, .adsby, humming happily, found 3arah and 2ucy, Nancy and =athlyn amidst a roomful of girls doing dainty fancy&work# )nd what astonishing ability most of that group did show! Nancy bought a baby&cap which was on a par with anything in +ranton ,ills' shops; and though =athlyn said it was 9:ust too cunning for anything, 5ohn 3mith's bungalow didn't contain anybody >:ust now!$ whom it would fit# +ut 2ady .adsby, with a party of +ranton ,ills matrons, was calling for .adsby to hurry down a long corridor to a loom&room, saying that such dainty rugs, mats and scarfs of cotton and silk hung all around on walls or racks, it was truly astonishing that girls could do such first& class work, ha"ing had long hours of labor in +roadway's shops all day#
)lthough most of our standard occupations found room for acti"ity, an occasional oddity was run across# 3o ,is ,onor's party found two boys and two girls working at that always fascinating art of glass&blowing# )nd what a dainty trick it is! )nd what an opportunity to burn a thumb or two, if you don't wait for things to cool! Things of charming form and fragility, grow as by a magician's wand, from small glass tubings of "arious colors# +irds with glorious wings, ships of crystal sailing on dark billows, tiny buildings in a thick glass ball which upon agitation, stirs up a snowstorm which softly lands on pink roof&tops; many a fancy drinking glass and bowl, oil lamps, ash trays, and gaudy strings of tiny crystal balls for adorning party gowns# )nd did Nancy want to buy out this shop! )nd did <rank doubt his ability to do so! )nd did =athlyn ask: 9,ow about it, 5ohnny! and did 5ohn 3mith say: 9Nothing doing! It was :ust that# +ut it only shows that good old +ranton ,ills' inclination for aiding anything which looks worthy; and such a school I know you will admit, looks that way# Tramping upstairs, still again, .adsby and party found a class so "arying from all downstairs as to bring forth murmurs of :oy, for this was known as 9Music <loor; upon which was taught all forms of that most charming of all artsfrom solo work to community singing, from solitary "iolin pupil to a full brass band# 7n our party's arri"al, 2ucy, 0oris and ?irginia, hurrying from classrooms, sang, in trio, that soft, slow Italian song, 9@ 3olo Mio; and, as .adsby proudly said, 9Not for many a day had such music rung out in +ranton ,ills ; for most girls, if in training with a practical "ocalist, can sing; and most charmingly, In a far room was a big string outfit of ban:os, mandolins and guitars, happily strumming out a smart, throbbing 3panish fandango, until ,is ,onor could not a"oid a swinging of body and tapping of foot; causing 2ady .adsby to laugh, saying:& .(hythm has a mighty grip on Aulus, I am told# To which our swaying Mayor said:& .)nyway, a Aulu has a lot of fun out of it# If singing, playing and dancing could only crowd out sitting around and moping, folks would find that a Aulu can hand us a tip or two on happy li"ing# +ut all music is not of string form; so, in a big auditorium, our party found a full brass band of about fifty boys, with a man from +ranton ,ills' Municipal +and as instructor# Now as .adsby was, as you boys say, 9not at all bad on a big bass horn in his youthful days, this band instructor, thinking of it, was asking him to 9sit it and play# 3o, as 2ady .adsby, two girls, and two sons&in&law sat smiling and giggling in a front row, and as fifty boys could hardly play, from laughing, that big horn got such a blasting that it was practically a horn solo! )nd Nancy, doubling up from giggling, said: 90&d&daddy! If&f&f&f +&b&b&barnum's circus hits town, you must :oin its cl&cl&clown band ! +ut I had to rush this happy party out of that building, as an awful thing was occurring but a block from it; which told its own story by a lurid light, flashing through windows; clanging gongs, shrilling horns and running, shouting crowds; for an old, long&"acant factory building :ust across from 1ity ,all, was bla6ing furiously# (ushing along +roadway was that 9motor thing, with 1lancy and 0owd clinging wildly on a running board# Bulling up at a hydrant, 1lancy said to ,is ,onor:& .)s I was a&hangin' onto this dom thing, a&thinkin' it was going to bang into a big :am at two
crossroads, I says, 8+y .orra! that big pair of blacks wouldn't bang into nuthin'! +ut this curra6y contraption! It ain't got no brainno nuthin, no soulnuthin' but halitosis! ! )s .adsby took a long look at 1lancy's 9dom thing, a "ision was wafting through his mind of a calm, sunny patch of land, way out in +ranton ,ills' suburbs, on which day by day, two big blacks and two big roans couldanyway, taking all things into account, a big conflagration, with its din, rush and panic, is no spot for such animals as +ig <our# )s for 7ld +ill's s-uawk about animals 9ruining our pa"ing, .adsby thought that was but small talk, for pa"ing, anyway, can't last for long# +ut, that is a glorious spot, way our amongst our hills! .adsby took his party to a room in 1ity ,all from which that burning factory was in plain sight; and as Nancy and =athlyn stood watching that awful sight a big wall, crashing down, had a crowd rushing to that spot# ) man's form was brought out to a patrol wagon; and a boy, rushing past 1ity ,all, sang out to .adsby .It's 7ld Man 0onaldson! Tiny Nancy, almost swooning, said: .0onaldson! 7h, =athy! That's 2ucy's 0ad, of 1ompany Two, you know! and <rank and 5ohn 3mith shot wildly downstairs to find out about it# In an instant a sobbing girlish form was dashing madly from that Night 3chool building towards our Municipal ,ospital# It was 2ucy; bright, always laughing 2ucy; but half an hour ago singing so happily in that girls' trio# )s that big factory was still bla6ing furiously, <rank and 5ohn, coming in, said: .It was only a scalp wound, and a sprung wrist# 2ucy is coming upstairs, now# 2ucy, coming in, badly blown from running and fright, said:& .That wall caught 0addy; but it was so old and thin it didn't crush him# 7h! ,ow I worry if that alarm rings! .+ut, put in Nancy, 9it's man's work# Bshaw!! *hat good am I! *hy, I couldn't do a thing around that factory, right now! 2ook at my arm! )bout as big as a ball bat! and as <rank took that sad, tiny form in his arms, .adsby said: .)ll throughout Natural ,istory, Nancy, you will find man built big and strong, and woman small and frail# That is so that man can obtain food for his family, and that woman may nourish his offspring# +ut today, I am sorry to say, you'll find girls working hard, in gymnasiums, fondly hoping to attain man s muscular parity# ,ow silly!! It's going straight against all natural laws# .irls can find a lot of bodily good in gymnasiums, I'll admit! but not that much# )nd as for your 8ball&bat' arm, as you call it, what of it! ou'd look grand, now wouldn't you, with <rank's big oak&branch arms hanging way down to your shins# +ut that ball&bat arm can curl around your tiny baby as softy as a down pillow# )w, darling! 0on't say you can't do anything; for I know you can# ,ow about our old 7rgani6ation of outh days! ou, )nd Nancy, now laughing, said, gaily:
.7ho! 7ur old 7rgani6ation! *hat fun it was! +ut, 0addy, I don't know of any young crowd following us up# .No# 7ur young folks of today think such things too much work ; and, as that old factory was but a mass of ruins now, and midnight was approaching, .adsby's family was soon in that mythical 2and of Nod, in which no horns blow, no sparks fall; only occasionally a soft gurgling from a crib in Nancy's bungalow#
T IS AN ODD #in# of h!"anity whi)h )annot find any 'a%!ation in spots of nat!ra% $%ory& 6!t s!)h #in#s do r!n riot in Man0s "ind( o))asiona%%y( and 6ranton Hi%%s ran !p a$ainst s!)h( on a Co!n)i% ni$ht ; for a bi%% was bro!$ht !p by O%d 6i%% Si"p#ins for disposa% of City Par# to a %and )o"pany( for b!i%din$ %ots * At first word of s!)h a tho!$ht( ?adsby was tota%%y d!"b( fro" an a)t!a% i"possibi%ity of thin#in$ that any "an( brin$in$ tip s!)h a bi%%( wasn0t p%!"b )ra5y* .*hat! O!r "ain Par# in)%!din$ o!r Doo3/ .@!st that(/ said Si"p#ins& .@!st a bi$ pat)h of %and( and a foo%ish bat)h of ani"a%s that do nobody any $ood& +o! )an0t hit)h a %ion !p to a )ity- d!"p )art( yo! #now ; nor a hippopota"!s to a patro% wa$on& 2hat $ood is that b!n)h of hair and horns( anyway3 And that par#* *ait!! @!st $rass( $rass( $rass* 6ranton Hi%%s pay0s for p%antin$ that $rass( pays for sprin#%in$ it( pays for )!ttin$ it-arid throws it away* So I say( p!t it into b!i%din$ %ots( and draw $ood( so%id )ash fro" it&/ An Ita%ian Co!n)i%"an( Tony 6anda"ita was a)t!a%%y boi%in$ d!rin$ this o!tb!rst and( in a f%ash( as Si"p#ins ,!it( was !p( sho!tin$:.I $otta fo!r ba"binos& My ba"binos p%aya in thatta par#: r!n( A!"pa and ro%%a& ?row bi$$a an stron$& My wo"an say no )o!%da do thatta if p%aya a%% day on bri)#a wa%#s& I say no b!n)ha %and shar#s b!ya thatta Par#** How "any yo! $!ys $o to it( anyway3 H!h3 Notta "any* 6!t go!! 2a%# aro!nd sniffa its b%osso"s %oo# at $rand b!sha sit on softa $rass* +o! do thatta( an0 I #now yo! not sti)# no b!i%din$ on it* */ So( at Mayor ?adsby0s insti$ation( Co!n)i% did not ba%%ot on Si"p#ins0 bi%% and said it wo!%d $o( as Tony tho!$ht on%y ri$ht( and .%oo# atta $ooda b!sha&/ In a day or two this po"po!s body of so%ons was stro%%in$ abo!t that bi$ par#& No "an with ha%f a "ind )o!%d fai% to thri%% at its 'istas of shr!bs( ponds( %awns( arbors( fan)y fow%( s"a%% pa'i%ions and )!r'in$ shady pathways& As ?adsby was .ta#in$a his owna Ioo#a(/ O%d 6i%% Si"p#ins( )o"in$ a-snortin$ and a-f!ssin$ a%on$( san$ o!t( $r!ff%y:.A%% ri$ht this is it* This is that $rand pat)h of $rass that pays 6ranton Hi%%s no ta1*/ 6!t ?adsby was thin#in$-and thin#in$ hard( too& Bina%%y sayin$:-
.6i%%( s!pposin$ that any day yo! sho!%d wa%# a%on$ that bi$ Pathway #nown in S!nday S)hoo% as 4O!r Strai$ht 6!t Narrow 2ay&0 +o! wo!%d find )o"in$ towards yo!( a%% sorts of fo%#s: a #in$( roarin$ past in his bi$ )hariot( a )apita%ist with his bands f!%% of bonds( an o%d( o%d %ady( on a )r!t)h& S!)h passin$s wo!%d brin$ to yo! 'ario!s tho!$hts& 6!t( s!pposin$ it was a possibi%ity that yo! saw +ill 3impkins )o"in$ yo!r way& Aha* 2hat an opport!nity to wat)h that $ro!)hy o%d-/ .That what! .I0%% say it a$ain: that $ro!)hy o%d )rab& How yo! would $aw# at hi"( that "ost i"portant of a%% fo%#s( to yo!& How yo! wo!%d %oo# at his )%othin$( his hat( his boots* That indi'id!a% wo!%d pass an in,!iry s!)h as yo! had not tho!$ht it a possibi%ity to p!t a "an !p a$ainst& 6i%%( I thin# that if yo! should pass Co!n)i%"an Si"p#ins on that 6i$ Pathway( yo! wo!%d say: 42hat a $ro!)hy o%d )ritt!r that was*/ O%d 6i%% stood )a%"%y d!rin$ this oration( and( %oo#in$ aro!nd that bi$ par#( said:.@ohn( yo! #now how to ta%#( a%% ri$ht( a%% ri$ht& I0%% ad"it that thin$s yo! say do do a %ot of $ood aro!nd this town& 6!t if I sho!%d r!n a)ross this $!y yo! ta%# abo!t( on that 'aporo!s hi$hway( or 4boardwa%#0( as I sho!%d )a%% it( - I0d say( ri$ht o!t $ood and %o!d: .Hi* +o!** H!rry ba)# to 6ranton Hi%%s and p!t !p a b%o)# of b!i%din$s in that si%%y par#*/ and ?adsby( wa%#in$ away( saw that an inborn $ro!)h is as hard to di$ o!t as a wisdo" tooth& Now this Co!n)i%0s 'isit on this parti)!%ar day( was a s%y p%an of ?adsby0s( for His Honor is( yo! #now( +o!th0s Cha"pion( and ha'in$ #nown "any an o))asion on whi)h +o!th has won o!t a$ainst Co!n)i% opposition& So( o!r bi$ City offi)ia%s( stro%%in$ aro!nd that par#( soon saw a s"ooth %awn !pon whi)h sat( stood( or ran( a%"ost a tho!sand s"a%% tots of fro" fo!r to si1& In dainty( f%i"sy o!tfits( "any )arryin$ fairy wands( it was a si$ht so )har"in$ as to thaw o!t a brass ido%* A"idst this happy party stood a ta%% shaft( or "ast( ha'in$ han$in$ fro" its top a thi)# b!n)h of %on$ ribbons( of pin#( %i%a)( $ray( and si"i%ar dainty )o%ors and aro!nd it stood thirty tots- thirty tiny fists a%% a$o$ to $rasp thirty $ay ribbons& O%d 6i%% too# a %oo#( and said( $row%in$%y( to His Honor:.2hat0s a%% this st!ff( anyway3/ .6i%%( and 6ranton Hi%%s0 Co!n)i%(/ said ?adsby( .today is May Day-that day so sy"bo%i) of b!ddin$ b%osso"s( "atin$ birds and s!nny s#y& +o! a%% #now( or ought to( of that )har"in$ )!sto" of )hi%dhood of todd%in$ ro!nd and ro!nd a ta%% "ast( in and o!t( in and o!t(-th!s windin$ $ay ribbons abo!t it in a spira%& That is b!t a s"a%% part of what this Par# )an do for 6ranton Hi%%s& 6!t it is an i"portant part for happy )hi%dhood $rows !p into happy ad!%ts( and happy ad!%ts/ -%oo#in$ ri$ht at Co!n)i%"an Si"p#ins- .can for" a happy City Co!n)i%&/ Now a #id is a%ways a #id and a #id #nows A!st how any sport sho!%d $o& So( A!st by %!)#( a tot who was to ho%d a $ay ribbon didn0t show !p and that bi$ rin$ stood waitin$( for that ro!ndand-ro!nd "ar)h A!st couldn't start with a ribbon han$in$ down* 6!t a #id0s "ind is "i$hty ,!i)# and sharp and a s"a%% tot of fo!r had that #ind of "ind( sayin$:.Oh* That %ast ribbon* Isn0t anybody $oin$ to ho%d it3/ Now historians sho!%dn0t %a!$h& Historians sho!%d on%y p!t down what o))!rs& 6!t I( your historian of 6ranton Hi%%s( not on%y had to %a!$h( b!t to roar; for this tot( worryin$ abo!t that
han$in$ ribbon( saw o!r bi$ po"po!s Co!n)i% $ro!p %oo#in$ on& Now a Co!n)i% is nothin$ to a tot of fo!r A!st a "an or two( standin$ aro!nd& So( trottin$ !p and $raspin$ O%d 6i%%0s hand( this tot said: . ou'll ho%d it( won0t yo!3/ .2hat**/ and Si"p#ins was a%% )o%ors on throat and brow as 6ranton Hi%%s0 Co!n)i% stood( $rinnin$& 6!t that baby )hin was strainin$ !p( and a pair of baby ar"s was p!%%in$( oh( so hard and( in a sort of )o"a( bi$( po"po!s( $ro!)hy Co!n)i%"an Si"p#ins too# that han$in$ ribbon* A band str!)# !p a ,!i)# "ar)h( and ro!nd and ro!nd trod that happy( sin$in$ rin$( with O%d 6i%% %oo"in$ !p as bi$ as a "o!ntain a"on$st its foothi%%s* >a!$h3 I tho!$ht His Honor wo!%d burst! As that ribbon spira% $ot wo!nd( Si"p#ins( )o"in$ ba)#( said( with a $row%:.I was afraid I wo!%d tra"p on a #id or two in that si%%y st!nt&/ .It wasn0t si%%y( 6i%%(/ said ?adsby& .It was grand! And Tony 6anda"ita san$ o!t:.?ooda wor#( Co!n)i%"anna* My fo!r ba"binos wa%#a ri$ht in fronta yo!( and twista ribbons */ Si"p#ins( tho!$h( wo!%d on%y snort( and pass on&
N A 2ARM S!nday( Eath%yn and @!%i!s( po#in$ aro!nd in 6ranton Hi%%s0 s!b!rbs( o))asiona%%y fo!nd an odd for"ation of fossi%i5ation( insta%%in$ it a"idst o!r Ha%% of Nat!ra% History0s disp%ays& Short%y fo%%owin$ s!)h an insta%%ation( a fa"o!s sa'ant on 'o%)ani) a)ti'ity notin$ a "ost propitio!s ro)# for"ation a"on$st @!%i!s0 $ro!ps( tho!$ht of )!ttin$ into it for ordinary( "ost prosai) ro)#s may )ontain s!rprisin$ infor"ation and( !pon arri'in$ at 6ranton Hi%%s0 rai%way station( ran a)ross o%d Pat Ryan( )5ar of its tr!n# roo"& .Ah( "y "an* I want to find a %apidary&/ .A what3/ .It isn0t a 4what(0 it0s a %apidary&/ .>apidary( is it3 >apidary( %apidary( %api- %api-%a-& No( I-/ Now this sa'ant was in a h!rry( and said( snappi%y:.6!t a )ity as bi$ as 6ranton Hi%%s has a %apidary( I tr!st */ .Oh( 6ranton Hi%%s has a %ot of thin$s& 6!t( wait a bit* It ain0t a %a'atory what yo! want( is it300 6!t at this instant( to o%d Pat0s sa%'ation( Eath%yn( passin$ by( said:-
.A%% ri$ht( Pat& I #now abo!t this / and( both ta#in$ a ta1i( o%d Pat wa%#in$ ro!nd and ro!nd( s)rat)hin$ his ba%d )rown( was "!r"!rin$: .>apid-Aho* I $ot it* It0s probab%y a )ritt!r !p at that 5oo* I ain0t for$ot that hop( s#ip and A!"p( wa%%opin$ A!stra%ian tornado* And now His Honor has p!t in a %apidary** I thin# I0%% $o !p with that o%d )an'as ba$* 6!t why a%% si)h hi$h-brow st!ff in na"in$ )ritt!rs3 This %apidary thin$ "i$ht t!rn o!t on%y a rat( or a $oofy b!$*/ 6!t that fairy b!$( Dan C!pid( $oofy or not( as yo! wish( was b!55in$ aro!nd a$ain and( tho!$h this story is not of wi%d( ro"anti) infat!ations( in whi)h ri'a% 'i%%ains fi$ht for a fair %ady0s hand( I a" bo!nd to say that C!pid has p!t on an a)t 'aryin$ much fro" his wor#s in ?adsby0s "ansion for this arrow fro" his bow )a!$ht two yo!n$ fo%#s to who" a do%%ar bi%% was as %on$( broad and hi$h as City Ha%%& 6oth had to wor# for a %i'in$ b!t by sa'in$ a bit( off and on( Sarah +o!n$( who( yo! #now( with Pris)i%%a Standish first tho!$ht of o!r Ni$ht S)hoo%( and Pa!% @ohnson( who did odd Aobs aro!nd town( s!)h as )arin$ for %awns( paintin$ and ."anof-a%%-wor#(/ had p!t by a s"a%% ban# a))o!nt& Pa!% was an orphan( as was Sarah( who had $rown !p with a #ind%y o%d "an( To" +o!n$ his .o%d wo"an(/ dyin$ at abo!t Sarah0s fo!rth birthday& ;That word .o%d wo"an( is )o""on a"on$st Irish fo%#s( and is not at a%% !n$ra)io!s& It had to )raw% into this story( thro!$h ortho$raphi)a% taboos( yo! #now&< 6!t Sarah( now a $rown yo!n$ %ady( had that nat!ra% %on$in$ for a spot in whi)h a wo"an "i$ht find that Aoy of %i'in$( in ha'in$ .thin$s to do for A!st !s two/ if bo!nd by C!pid0s $ift-"atri"ony& Many a day in passin$ that bi$ )h!r)h of Nan)y0s $rand disp%ay( or ?adsby0s ri)h "ansion( Sarah had tho!$ht fond%y abo!t s!)h thin$s for( as with any $ir%( "arryin$ a"idst b%osso"s( $%a"o!r and or$an "!si) was a $oa%( to attain whi)h was a)t!a% b%iss& 6!t s!)h rit!a%s )a%% for )ash and %ots of it( too& A%so( O%d To" +o!n$ had no roo" in any way fit for s!)h an o))asion& So Sarah wo!%d wa%# past( possib%y a bit sad( b!t %oo#in$ forward to a )o"in$ happy day& And it wasn0t so far off& My( no* As Nan)y had tho!$ht Apri% was .a "i%%ion "onths %on$(/ Sarah0s days sw!n$ past in a di55y whir% d!rin$ whi)h( in )o"pany with Pa!% on Sat!rday ni$hts( a s"a%% thin$ or two was happi%y bo!$ht for that .C!pid0s Coop(/ as both fo!nd a %ot of f!n in )a%%in$ it& 6!t Sarah nat!ra%%y had $ir% )h!"s( A!st as Nan)y and Eath%yn had for "ost of that o%d Or$ani5ation was sti%% in town and "any a $ift fo!nd its way to this $ir% who( tho!$h poor in wor%d%y $oods( was as ri)h as o%d Ein$ Midas in a bri$ht( happy disposition for anybody who didn0t #now that "a$i) )apti'ation of Sarah +o!n$0s %a!$h( that ri)h )rown of %i$ht( f%!ffy hair( or that $rand( pro!d( !pri$ht wa%#( wasn0t a"on$st 6ranton Hi%%s0 pop!%ation& Pa!%( s)rat)hin$ aro!nd shady paths( a potato pat)h or two( front yards( ba)# yards( and )ity par#s( was #nown to "any an o%d fa"i%y "an who !pon #nowin$ of his )o"in$ 'ariation in %i'in$ )onditions( tho!$ht way( way ba)# to his own ro"anti) yo!th so Pa!%( $oin$ to Sarah at ni$ht( bro!$ht s"a%% b!t pra)ti)a% $ifts for that .)oop&/ As Sarah and Pa!% stood in front of City Ha%% on a hot @!%y ni$ht( Sarah s)annin$ 6ranton Hi%%s0 .Post/ for .'a)ant roo"s(/ who sho!%d wa%# !p b!t His Honor* And that #ind%y hand shot o!t with:.Aha* If it isn0t Pa!% and Sarah* 2hat0s Sarah h!ntin$ for( Pa!% 3/ .Sarah is %oo#in$ for a roo" for !s( sir& .Cs! Did yo! say 4!s03 Oho* H-"""* I0" on* How soon wi%% yo! want it3/
.Oh(/ said Sarah( b%!shin$( .not for abo!t a "onth&/ .6!t(/ said His Honor( .yo! sho!%dn0t start o!t in a roo"& +o! wo!%d want fro" fo!r to si1, I sho!%d thin#&/ Sarah( sti%% o$%in$ that .roo"s/ )o%!"n( said( soft%y:.Bo!r to si1 roo"s3 That0s A!st $rand if yo! )an afford s!)h& 6!t( 42ait*/ said ?adsby( who( ta#in$ Pa!%0s and Sarah0s ar"s( and stro%%in$ a%on$( to%d of a s"a%% si1-roo" b!n$a%ow of his( A!st aro!nd fro" Nan)y s& .And yo! two wi%% pay A!st nothin$ a "onth for it& It0s yo!rs( fro" front por)h to roof top( as a $ift to two of "y "ost %oya% pa%s& And instant%y a )opy of 6ranton Hi%%s0 .Post/ was b%owin$ a)ross 6roadway in a f%!#y @!%y wind* Now( as this yo!n$ pair was to start o!t fr!$a%%y( it wo!%dn0t do to %ay o!t too "!)h for( as Sarah said( .abo!t forty words by a pastor( and a #iss&/ So on%y Pris)i%%a stood !p with Sarah and 6i%% ?adsby( in a%% his sartoria% $%ory( with Pa!%( in Parson 6rown0s s"a%% st!dy both $ir%s in dainty "ornin$ )%othin$ Sarah )arryin$ a b!n)h of $ay nast!rti!"s( )%ai"in$ that s!)h war"( bri$ht )o%orin$s wo!%d add as "!)h )har" to that short o))asion as a tho!sand do%%ars0 worth of or)hids& Now( s!)h $ir%s as Sarah( with that )apa)ity for findin$ satisfa)tion so si"p%y( don0t $row as ab!ndant%y as ho%%yho)#s - and Pa!% fo!nd that ?adsby0s o%d Or$ani5ation was a $ro!p #nowin$ what a do%%ar is: A!st a do%%ar&
CCASIONA>>+ A SI?HT bobs !p witho!t warnin$ in a )ity( whi)h starts a train of tho!$ht( sad or $ay( a))ordin$ to how yo! %oo# at it& And so( >!)y( Pris)i%%a( and Cir$inia Ada"s( wa%#in$ a%on$ 6roadway( saw a )rowd aro!nd a %a"p post( !pon whi)h was a patro%-bo1 and( tho!$h o!r $ir%s don0t )!sto"ari%y fo%%ow !p s!)h si$hts( >!)y saw a "an0s for" spraw%in$ f%at !p a$ainst that post( as %i"p as a ra$& Pris)i%ia said( in dis$!st: .Cgh!! It0s Nor"an Antor* Dr!n# a$ain**/ and Cir$inia( hasti%y $raspin$ both $ir%s0 ar"s and h!rryin$ past( said:.So** His 'a)ation in Aai% didn0t do hi" any $ood* 6!t( sti%%( it0s too bad& Nor"an is a $ood %oo#in$( "an%y %ad( with a $ood "ind and a thoro!$h s)hoo%in$& And now %oo# at hi"* A common drunk!!' Pris)i%%a was sad( too( sayin$:- .Awf!%* Awf!% for so yo!n$ a )hap& 2hat is his Dad doin$ now3/
.Sti%% in Aai%(/ was a%% Cir$inia )o!%d say addin$ sad%y: .I do pity poor yo!n$ Mary( who so%d Antor0s %i,!or( yo! #now& Doris says that %ots of s)hoo%-$ir%s sn!b that #id& Now that0s not ri$ht& It0s downri$ht horrid! Mary was bro!$ht !p in what yo! a%"ost "i$ht )a%% a poo% of %i,!or& and I don0t )a%% it fair to sn!b a )hi%d for that for yo! #now that( not on%y 4Past0 Co!n)i%"an Antor( b!t a%so Madam Antor( $ot what o!r boys )a%% %it!p0 on "any p!b%i) o))asions& Antor0s pantry was full of it* 2hi)h way )o!%d that poor #id %oo# witho!t findin$ it3 +o! #now Mary is not so o%d as "ost of !s and I0" A!st $oin$ to go to that )hi%d and try to brin$ a ray of )o"fort into that yo!n$ "ind& That r!"-$!55%in$ Antor fa"i%y** Cgh!!' FFFF 6!t a )ity a%so has a"!sin$ si$hts and o!r trio ran p%!"p into that #ind( A!st aro!nd a t!rn for( standin$ on a soap bo1( sho!tin$ a hi$h-so!ndin$ Aar$on of rapid%y shot words( was Arth!r Ran#in( an ori$ina% Or$ani5ation %ad a )rowd of boys( a "an or two( and a wo"an han$in$ %a!$hin$%y aro!nd& O!r trio0s first in#%in$ as to what it was a%% abo!t was Arth!r0s bai% to Pris)i%ia:.Aha* 6ranton Hi%%s0 fair wo"anhood is now approa)hin$* */ Now if o!r trio didn0t #now Arth!r so thoro!$h%y( s!)h $ir%s "i$ht ba%# at this p!b%i)ity& 6!t Pris)i%%a and Arth!r had had "any a .s%appin$ "at)h/ %on$ a$o( arisin$ fro" )hi%dhood0s spats Pris)i%%a ori$ina%%y %i'in$ on an adAoinin$ %ot( and was Arth!r0s .first $ir% / whi)h( a))ordin$ to his o%d A!nt Anna( .was A!st si%%y p!ppy st!ff */ So nobody tho!$ht anythin$ of this p!b%i) hai% and Arth!r was ra'in$ on abo!t .whi)h p!ts an instant stop to a%% pain wi%% rid yo! of anythin$ fro" dandr!ff to in$rowin$ nai%s wi%% b!i%d !p a stron$ body fro" a p!ny r!nt wi%% $row hair on a bi%%iard-ba%% s)a%p( and taboo it on a %ady0s )hin wi%% p!t a $%a"oro!s $%oss on tooth or nai% stop sto"a)h $row%s oi% !p #in#y Aoints( and brin$ yo! to happy( s"i%in$ )%ays of Utopian b%iss* How "any( Pris)i%%a3 On%y a do%%ar a bo1 two for do%%ar-si1ty*/ Pris)i%%a( %a!$hin$( said:.Not any today( than# yo!( Art* A%% I want is a pair of A!i)y %a"b )hops-a dish of onions - a dish of s,!ash - a dish of )arrots - a pint of "i%# - potato-)hips - hot bis)!its - )o%d s%aw - )!stard p!ddin$ - n!ts - raisins -/ .*hoa, Pris)i%%a* Hop ri$ht !p on this bo1* I #now that word-s%in$in$ abi%ity of o%d/ and as that )rowd was fadin$ away( Pris)i%%a said: .This is odd wor# for yo!( Arth!r you so $ood a dra!$hts"an& 2hat0s !p3/ And Arth!r( a happy( ro%%i)#in$ boy( ha'in$ a%ways had a%% s!)h thin$s as "ost boys had( with a Dad "a#in$ $ood pay as a rai%road )ond!)tor( to%d sad%y of an awf!% rai%way s"ash-!p whi)h too# .Dad/ away fro" fo!r s"a%% Ran#in orphans( who" Arth!r was now s!pportin$ and a s)ar)ity of Aobs in 6ranton Hi%%s and of trips to s!rro!ndin$ towns( a%ways findin$ that o%d si$n o!t: .No 2or# Today&/ Of this soap bo1 opport!nity bobbin$ !p( whi)h was now brin$in$ in $ood )ash& So o!r $ir%s fo!nd that o!r 6ranton Hi%%s boys didn0t shir# wor# of any #ind( if bro!$ht ri$ht !p a$ainst want&
UT 2HAT A6OUT 6ranton Hi%%s0 "!ni)ipa% affairs( ri$ht now3 In two "onths it was to ba%%ot on who sho!%d sit in past-Co!n)i%"an Antor0s )hair and a )a"pai$n was on whi)h was a)t!a%%y si55%in$& And in what a )ontrast to o!r )ity0s start* Bor it has $rown rapid%y and( in )o"parison to that day !pon whi)h a tho!sand ba%%ots was a bi$ o!tpo!rin$ of pop!%ar )%a"or now "any po%iti)ians had City Ha%% aspirations& And who do yo! thin# was r!nnin$ for Co!n)i%& now3 2i%%ia" ?adsby& Pop!%ar%y #nown as 6i%%* 6i%%( 6ranton Hi%%s0 fa"o!s dandy 6i%%( that )ons!""ation of a%% 6ranton Hi%%s $ir%s0 "ost ro"anti) wish 6i%%( that .o!tdoor part/ of 6ranton Hi%%s0 "ost aristo)rati) tai%or shop* Nat!ra%%y( opposin$ $ro!ps fo!$ht for that 'a)an)y part of o!r pop!%ation )%a"orin$ %o!d%y for 6i%%( b!t with "any A!st as stron$%y a$ainst hi"& So it was:.P!t 6i%% ?adsby in** 6i%% has a%% o!r Mayor0s $ood points* 6i%% wi%% wor# for a%% that is !pri$ht and $ood*/ And a%so:.*hat! 6i%% ?adsby3 Is this town p%!"b )ra5y3 Say* If yo! p!t that fop in City Ha%% yo!0%% find a%% its rai%in$s f%appin$ with pin# satin ribbons a Aanitor at its "ain door( s,!irtin$ 'ani%Ia on a%% who $o in and its front %awn wi%% t!rn into a pansy far"* P!t a man in City Ha%%( not a sissy who thin#s o!t 4!psy-downsy( insy-o!tsy0 )a"pin$ s!its for $ir%s */ 6!t tho!$h this didn0t annoy 6i%%( it did stir !p Nan)y( with:.Oh* That0s A!st an abo"ination* 3uch ta%# abo!t so $rand a yo!n$ )hap* 6!t I A!st saw a bi%%board with a si$n sayin$: 46i%% ?adsby for Co!n)i% 0 so( probab%y I sho!%dn0t worry( for 6i%% is as $ood as in&/ .6aby(/ said ?adsby( #ind%y( .that0s on%y a bi%%board( and bi%%boards don0t p!t a "an in City Ha%%& It0s ballots, dar%in$ thousands of ba%%ots( that fi%% Co!n)i% )hairs&/ .6!t( Daddy( I0" $oin$ to root for 6i%%& I0%% stand !p on a st!"p( or in a tip-)art( or -/ .2hoa* 2ait a bit */ and ?adsby sat down by his .baby $ir%(/ sayin$: .+o! )an0t $o on a st!"pin$ )a"pai$n witho!t #nowin$ a %ot abo!t "!ni)ipa% affairs whi)h yo! don0t& Any anta$onist who #nows abo!t s!)h thin$s wo!%d o!t-ta%# yo! witho!t ha%f tryin$& No( dar%in$( this po%iti)a% st!ff is too bi$ for yo!& +o! A!st %oo# o!t for thin$s in that s"a%% b!n$a%ow of yo!rs( and a%%ow 6ranton Hi%%s to fi$ht to p!t 6i%% in& +o! #now "y o%d s%o$an:- 4Man at a )ity0s front wo"an at a )abin door&0/ And Nan)y( fond%y stro#in$ his hand( said: .Man at a )ity0s front* 2hat a $rand post for a "an* A )ity( a bi$( r!shin$( dashin$( s%a""in$( ban$in$( boi%in$ "ass of h!"anity* A )ity with its bri$ht( happy( s!nny par#s and its sad( dar# s%!"s its ri)h "ansions and its shanty-town sha)#s its shops( inns( shows( )o!rts( airports( rai%way stations( hospita%s( s)hoo%s( )h!r)h $ro!ps( so)ia% )%!bs( and( - and( - 7h! *hat a "a$i) 'is!a%i5ation of h!"an tho!$ht it is* 6!t it is as a s"a%% )hi%d& It %oo#s for a stron$ ar" to s!pport its first todd%in$s for ad!%t "inds to pi%ot it aro!nd "any pitfa%%s: and onward(
onward!! To a shinin$ $oa%**/ and Nan)y0s )rown of ri)h brown hair san# %o'in$%y in ?adsby0s %ap& D!rin$ this o!tb!rst ?adsby had sat d!"b b!t fina%%y sayin$( pro!d%y:.So( ho* My baby $ir% has $rown !p* Do%%s and sand-di$$in$ too%s don0t )a%%( as of o%d& And s"a%%( dirty paws( and a tiny s"!d$y )hin( transfor"( a%"ost in a twin#%in$ into )har"in$ hands and a )hin of "at!rity& My( "y* It was b!t a "onth or two a$o that yo!( in pi$-tai%s and $in$ha" -/ .No( Daddy* It was a mighty long "onth or two a$o and it0s not pi$-tai%s and $in$ha"( now( b!t a h!sband and a baby&/ .A%% ri$ht( #id b!t as yo! $row o%d( yo!0%% find that( in $%an)in$ ba)#wards( "onths %oo# "i$hty short and s"a%% tots $row !p( a%"ost in a ni$ht& A "onth from now %oo#s awf!%%y far off: b!t last month! Pff* That was on%y %ast ni$ht*/ Th!s did Nan)y and His Honor ta%#( !nti% a 'i$oro!s hon#in$ at his )!rb to%d of Bran#( .%oo#in$ for a )oo#(/ for it was si1 o0)%o)#&
N+ MAN 2ITH so #ind%y a disposition toward +o!th as has bro!$ht o!r Mayor forward in 6ranton Hi%%s0 history( "ay( witho!t warnin$( r!n a)ross an o))asion whi)h ho%ds an opport!nity for addin$ a bit of Aoy in %i'in$& So( as ?adsby stood( on a )hi%%y fa%% day( in front of that bi$ $%ass b!i%din$ whi)h was b!i%t for a )ity f%orist( ad"irin$ a )har"in$ disp%ay of b%osso"in$ p%ants( a s"a%% $ir%( sti%% in ?ra""ar S)hoo%& said( shy%y:.H!%%oa&/ .H!%%oa( yo!& S)hoo% o!t3/ .On Sat!rdays( s)hoo% is a%ways o!t&/ .That0s so it is Sat!rday( isn0t it3 ?oin$ in3/ .In!! My( no* I )an0t $o into that fairy%and*/ .No3 2hy not( pray3/ .Aw* I d!nno b!t nobody has too# #ids .Too#3 Too#3 Say( yo!n$ %ady( yo! "!st st!dy yo!r $ra""ar boo#& 6ranton Hi%%s s)hoo%s don0t -/ .Uh-h!h I #now& 6!t a #id A!st )an0t-/ .6y $o%%y* A #id can! ?rab "y hand&/
Now( "any a fairy boo# has to%d( in $%owin$ words( of )hi%dhood0s Aoys and thri%%s at a"a5in$ si$hts b!t no fairy boo# could show( in )o%d print( what ?adsby ran !p a$ainst as that bi$ door sh!t( and a )hi%d stood sto)# sti%%-and dumb! Two s"a%% ar"s h!n$ %i"p%y down( a$ainst a poor( oh( so poor s#irt and two bi$ starin$ brown orbs too# in that 'ision of f%ora% $%ory( whi)h is fo!nd in A!st that #ind of a bi$ $%ass b!i%din$ on a )o%d( raw a!t!"n day& ?adsby said not a word s%ow%y stro%%in$ down a path a"idst tho!sands of $%adio%i aro!nd a t!rn( and !p a path( a%on$ whi)h stood pots and pots of f!)hsias( sa%'ias and )annas and to a )ross-path( down whi)h was a bi$ f%at pansy pat)h( t!bs of b%osso"in$ %i%a)s( and stiff( strai$ht )arnations& Not a word fro" ?adsby( for his "ind was on that s"a%% b!n)h of rapt!ro!s Aoy A!st in front of hi"& 6!t( fina%%y( A!st to pry a bit into that baby "ind( His Honor said:.>oo#s #ind of $ood( don0t it3/ A tiny for" shr!n# down abo!t an in)h and an a%so tiny boso"( risin$ and fa%%in$ in a thra%%do" of b%iss( fina%%y p!t forth a %on$( %on$(.@&h&h&h&h!! It was so %on$ that ?adsby was in a ,!andary as to how s!)h s"a%% %!n$s )o!%d ho%d it& Now in wat)hin$ this tot thri%%in$ at its first 'isit to s!)h a wor%d of f%ora% $%ory( ?adsby $ot what boys )a%% .a h!n)h - and said:.+o! don0t find b%osso"s in yo!r yard this "onth( do yo!3/ If yo! #now )hi%dhood yo! #now that thri%%s don0t %ast %on$ witho!t a )a%% for infor"ation& And ?adsby $ot s!)h a )a%%( with:.No( sir& Is this ?od0s par%or3/ Now ?adsby wo!%dn0t( for anythin$( spoi% a )hi%dish tho!$ht so said( #ind%y:.It0s part of it& ?od0s par%or is awf!%%y bi$( yo! #now&/ .My par%or is awf!%%y small; and not any b%oss - Oh* 2o!%dn0t ?od -3/ ?adsby0s h!n)h was now wor#in$( f!%% ti%t and so( as this %o'in$ fa"i%y "an( ha'in$ had fo!r #ids of his own( and this tot fro" a poor fa"i%y with its .awf!%%y s"a%%/ par%or( - had trod this bi$ $%ass b!i%din$0s paths a$ain and a$ain ro!nd and ro!nd( an a%"ost "onstro!s si$h fro" an a%"ost b!rstin$ tiny boso"( said .I0%% thin# of ?od0s par%or( a%ways and a%ways and always!! and ?adsby( on $%an)in$ !pwards( saw a distin)t droopin$ and )!r'in$ of "any sta%#s whi)h is a p%ant0s way of bowin$ to a )hi%d& And( at 6ranton Hi%%s0 fo%%owin$ Co!n)i% ni$ht a "otion was- 6!t I said ?adsby had a h!n)h& So( not on%y this s)hoo%$ir%0s awf!%%y s"a%% par%or( b!t "any s!)h thro!$ho!t 6ranton Hi%%s0 poor distri)ts( soon fo!nd a .bi$ $ir%/ fro" ?adsby0s ori$ina% Or$ani5ation of +o!th at its front door with p%ants fro" that bi$ $%ass b!i%din$( in whi)h o!r City B%orist wor#s in ?od0s par%or& ;P&S& .o with a )hi%d to your City B%orist0s bi$ $%ass b!i%din$& It0s a duty!$
AM NO2 ?OIN? ba)# to "y sayin$ that a )ity has a%% #inds of $oin$s-on both sad and $ay& So( as His Honor sat on his por)h on a war" sprin$ day( a para$raph in 6ranton Hi%%s0 .Post/ bro!$ht forth s!)h a 'i$oro!s .,uh! that >ady ?adsby was )!rio!s( as#in$: .2hat is it3/ So ?adsby said:- .2hat do yo! thin# of this! It says:- 4In a wi%d swayin$ dash down 6roadway %ast ni$ht at "idni$ht( past-Co!n)i%"an Antors )ar hit a hydrant( #i%%in$ hi" and Mada" Antor instant%y& Hi$hway Patro%"an Harry ?rant( who was )hasin$ that )ar in fro" o!r s!b!rbs( says both horrib%y dr!n#( Antor $ra5in$ four )ars( Mada" sho!tin$ and sin$in$ wi%d%y( with ?rant arri'in$ too tardi%y - to ward off that fina% )rash(/ Now >ady ?adsby was( first of a%%( a wo"an and so $ot !p ,!i)#%y-( sayin$:.Oh** I "!st $o down to poor yo!n$ Mary( ri$ht off and ?adsby sat tappin$ his foot( sayin$:.So Antor0s pantry probab%y sti%% ho%ds that st!ff& Too bad& 6!t( oh( that dar%in$ Mary* @!st $ot into Hi$h S)hoo%* Not %on$ a$o >!)y to%d !s of $ir%s sn!bbin$ that #id b!t I tr!st that( fro" this horror( o!r 6ranton Hi%%s $ir%s wi%% t!rn fro" sn!bbin$ to pity& This a))o!nt says that Mada" Antor a%so was dr!n#& A woman dr!n#** And ridin$ with a r!"-sot "an at a )ar0s )ontro%s* *oman! Bro" History0s dawn( Man0s soft( fond( %o'in$ pa%* *oman! Bor who" wars of b%ood and a$ony )!t Man down as yo! wo!%d "ow a %awn* *oman! To who" infan)y and )hi%dhood %oo# for a%% that is !pri$ht and $ood* It0s too bad too bad */ As in a%% s!)h affairs yo! wi%% a%ways find two fa)tions ta%#in$& Ta#in$ abo!t what3 @!st now( abo!t Norman Antor& 2hat wo!%d this wipin$ o!t of his fo%#s do to hi"3 Nor"an was now %i'in$ with Mary and two a!nts who( )o"in$ fro" o!t of town( wo!%d try to p%an for o!r two orphans try to p%an for Nor"an Nor"an( bro!$ht !p in a poo% of %i,!or* Nor"an: ta%%( dar# and "an%y and with a "ost in$ratiatin$ disposition if not dr!n#& 6!t nobody )o!%d say& A $ro!p wo!%d )%ai" that .this fata%ity wi%% brin$ hi" o!t of it 00 b!t his anta$onists tho!$ht that .That $!y wi%% a%ways drin#&/ A day or two fro" that )rash( Nan)y( )o"in$ into ?adsby0s par%or( fo!nd >!)y ta%#in$ with >ady ?adsby( >!)y as#in$:.Nan)y( who is with yo!n$ Mary Ardor now3 That pair of a!nts wo!%dn0t stay( with a%% that %i,!or aro!nd&/ .I A!st fo!nd o!t(/ said Nan)y& .Mary is %i'in$ with O%d >ady B%ana$an/ and >!)y( tho!$h sad( had to %a!$h A!st a bit( sayin$:.Ha( ha* O%d >ady B%ana$an* 2hat a circus I had tryin$ to pry a 5oo donation fro" that poor so!%0s s#i"py f!nds* 6!t( Nan)y( Mary is in "i$hty $ood hands& That %o'in$ o%d Irish %ady is a tr!"p*/
>ON? IN APRI>( ?adsby sat finishin$ his "ornin$ toast as a boy( r!shin$ in( p!t a .Post/ on his %ap with a wi%d( boyish $asp of: .My gosh, Mayor ?adsby( 2ook!! and ?adsby saw a word abo!t a foot hi$h& It was 2 - A - R& >ady ?adsby saw it a%so( s%ow%y sin#in$ into a )hair& At that instant both Nan)y and Eath%yn b!rst franti)a%%y in( Nan)y %!$$in$ 6aby >i%%ian( now a%"ost two( and a bi$ %oad for so s"a%% a wo"an( Nan)y $aspin$ o!t:.Daddy** M!st 6i%% and @!%i!s and Bran# and @ohn( -/ ?adsby p!t down his .Post/ and( p!%%in$ Nan)y down onto his %ap( said:.Nan)y dar%in$( 6i%% and @!%i!s and Bran# and @ohn "!st& O%d ?%ory is )a%%in$( baby( and no 6ranton Hi%%s boy wi%% ba%# at that )a%%& It0s awf!%( b!t it0s a fa)t( now&/ >ady ?adsby said nothin$( b!t Nan)y and Eath%yn saw an ashy pa%%or on that "atron%y brow and ?adsby $oin$ o!t witho!t waitin$ for his )!sto"ary #iss& Bor what yo! "i$ht )a%% an instant( 6ranton Hi%%s( in b%an#( b%a)# $%oo"( stood sto)# sti%%& 6!t not for %on$& Days $ot to f%ashin$ past( with that awf!% si$ht of $ir%s( o!t to %!n)h( sayin$:.Bo!r fro" o!r shop and that bi$ )otton "i%% has forty&si% who wi%% $o(/ 2ith Cir$inia sayin$:.Abo!t a%% that o!r boys ta%# abo!t is !nifor"s, pay( transportation( ar"y )orps( di'isions( na'a% s,!adrons( and so on&/ An o))asiona% 6ranton Hi%%s po%iti)ian tho!$ht that it ."i$ht b%ow o!t in a "onth or two / b!t yo!r Historian #nows that it didn0t a%% of that .b%owin$/ )onsistin$ of b%asts fro" that "i%itary )%arion( )a%%in$ for "obi%i5ation& FFF Days* Days* Days* Bina%%y( on May Bo!rth( that day of tiny Nan)y0s bi$ )h!r)h rit!a%( yo! #now that day( !pon whi)h any wo"an wo!%d %oo# ba)# with ro"anti) Aoy( Nan)y( with Eath%yn( >ady ?adsby and His Honor( stood at 6ranton Hi%%s0 bi$ rai%way station( at whi)h o!r M!ni)ipa% 6and was drawn !p in ba)# of whi)h stood( in so%id ran#s( this )ity0s $rand yo!n$ "anhood( 6i%%( @!%i!s( Bran#( @ohn( Pa!% and Nor"an standin$ A!st as strai$ht and ri$id as any& As that %on$( %on$ troop train $ot its si$na% to start( - b!t yo! #now a%% abo!t s!)h si$hts( $oin$ on dai%y( fro" o!r Pa)ifi) )oast to At%anti) do)#s& As it shot aro!nd a t!rn( and ?adsby was wa%#in$ sad%y toward City Ha%%( a ?ra""ar S)hoo% boy h!rryin$ !p to hi" said:.*ow!! I wish I )o!%d $o to war*/ .Hi*/ said ?adsby& .If it isn0t Eid 6an#s*/ .Aw* C!t that #id st!ff* I0" )llan 6an#s* Son of 1ouncilman 6an#s*/
.Oh( pardon& 6!t yo! don0t want to $o to war( boy&/ .)w! I do too!! .6!t yo!n$ boys can't $o to war&/ .I #now that and I wish this wi%% %ast !nti% I $row so I can $o& It0s A!st $rand* A bi$ )annon says +oom! +oom! and(-/ .Sit down on this wa%%( boy& I want to ta%# to yo!&/ .A%% ri$ht& Shoot*/ .Now %oo#( A%%an& If this war sho!%d %ast !nti% yo! $row !p( A!st thin# of how "any thousands of troops it wo!%d #i%%& How "any $rand& $ood %ads it wo!%d p!t ri$ht o!t of this wor%d&/ .?osh* That0s so( ain0t it* I didn0t thin# of $!ys dyin0&/ .6!t a "an has to thin# of that( A%%an& And you wi%%( as yo! $row !p& My two bi$ sons A!st p!t off on that bi$ troop train& I don0t #now how %on$ 6i%% and @!%i!s wi%% stay away& +o!r bi$ )annon "i$ht $o +oom! and hit 6i%% or @!%i!s& Do yo! #now Bran# Mor$an( Pa!% @ohnson and @ohn S"ith3 A%% ri$ht that bi$ )annon "i$ht hit that trio( too& Nobody )an say who a )annon wi%% hit( A%%an& Now( yo! $o ri$ht on thro!$h ?ra""ar S)hoo%( and $row !p into a bi$ stron$ "an( and don0t thin# abo!t war / and ?adsby( standin$ and $a5in$ far off to 6ranton Hi%%s0 )har"in$ hi%% distri)t( tho!$ht: .I thin# that wi%% b!st !p a wi%d yo!n$ a"bition*/ 6!t that #id( t!rnin$ ba)#( san$ o!t:.Say** If this s)rap stops( and a big war starts,)ha, boy* +o! A!st wat)h A%%an 6an#s* Son of Co!n)i%"an 6an#s* */ and a s"a%% fist was po!ndin$ 'i)io!s%y on an a%so s"a%% boso"& .6y $o%%y */ said ?adsby( wa%#in$ away( .that0s To"orrow ta%#in$*/ FFF So now this history wi%% drift a%on$ a%on$ thro!$h days and "onths days and "onths of that awf!% $nawin$ do!bt a)t!a%%y a parado1( for it was a .)ons)io!s )o"a / "ornin$s on whi)h 6ranton Hi%%s0 i)y b%ood shran# fro" %oo#in$ at o!r )ity0s .Post(/ for its )as!a%ty %ist was rapid%y-too rapid%y(-$rowin$& Days and days of o!r $ir%hood and wo"anhood ro%%in$ tho!sands of %on$( narrow )otton strips pa)#in$ %o'in$ $ifts fro" "any a pantry Nan)y and Eath%yn thin#in$ )onstant%y of Bran# and @ohn >!)y a%"ost down and o!t fro" worryin$ abo!t Pa!% Eath%yn #nowin$ A!st how @!%i!s is "issin$ his Ha%% of Nat!ra% History( and how its staff is prayin$ for hi" Nan)y0s radio sh!t down ti$ht( for so "!)h as a tho!$ht of Station E6H was as a thr!st of a sword& Days& Days& Days of sho!tin$ orators( b%arin$ bands( troops fro" far away pa!sin$ at o!r bi$ rai%way station( as $ir%s( $oin$ thro!$h %on$ trains of )ars( too# do!$hn!ts and hot drin#s& In ?adsby0s par%or window h!n$ that fa"o!s .2or%d 2ar f%a$/ of nothin$ b!t stars nobody #nowin$ at what instant a gold star wo!%d show !pon it& A star for 6i%% a star for @!%i!s& Ah( 6i%%* 6ranton Hi%%s0 fop* 6i%% ?adsby now in an i%%-fittin$ and !nsty%ish #ha#i !nifor"& ?adby0s "ansion had no bri%%iant ni$ht %i$hts( now A!st his par%or %a"p and a s"a%% %i$ht or two in ha%%ways or on stairways& On%y o!r Mayor and his >ady( now worryin$( worryin$( worryin$ b!t both of $ood( sta!n)h o%d Co%onia% sto)# and .)arryin$ on/ with $ood o%d P%y"o!th Ro)#
stabi%ity and Nan)y0s baby( >i%%ian( too yo!n$ to as# why ?rand"a .wasn0t h!n$ry(/ now and didn0t %a!$h so "!)h& Eath%yn $ot into o!r bi$ hospita%( this st!dio!s yo!n$ %ady0s fa"o!s bio%o$i)a% and "i)ros)opi) abi%ity ho%din$ o!t an opport!nity for "ost pra)ti)a% wor# for 6ranton Hi%%s0 shot-torn boys wo!%d soon start driftin$ in& And th!s it was with >!)y( Sarah and Cir$inia inspirin$ 6ranton Hi%%s0 wo"anhood to #nit( #nit( #nit* +o! saw #nittin$ on "any a por)h #nittin$ in rai%way trains #nittin$ d!rin$ band "!si) in City Par# #nittin$ in shady arbors o!t at o!r bi$ 5oo at "any a wo"an0s )%!b( - and, actually, #nittin$ in church!! Bina%%y a bi$ fa)tory( down by o!r rai%way station( p!t o!t a )a%% for .anybody( "an or wo"an( who wants to wor# on "!nitions / and "any a dainty 6ranton Hi%%s $ir% sat at bi$( !nfa"i%iar sta"pin$( p!n)hin$( $rindin$( or po%ishin$ o!tfits tirin$ frai% yo!n$ ba)#s and strainin$ soft yo!n$ hands #nowin$ that this fa)tory0s o!tp!t "i$ht - and probab%y wo!%d( -rob a wo"an a)ross that bi$ At%anti) of a h!sband or son (-b!t( sti%%( it is war* ?adsby( s"o#in$ on his i'y-)%ad por)h( as his >ady- was ind!strio!s%y #nittin$( said( in a sort of so%i%o,!y:.2ar* That awf!% )ondition whi)h a fa"o!s "i%itary "an in )o""and of a di'ision( %on$ a$o( said was synony"o!s with Satan and a%% his )ohorts* 2ar* That awf!% )ondition of h!"an "inds )o"in$ down fro" way, way ba)# of a%% history that 'ast 'oid d!rin$ whi)h sy"pathy was not #nown d!rin$ whi)h ani"a%s fo!$ht with tooth( )%aw or horn that 'ast 'oid d!rin$ whi)h wo!nds had no soothin$ ba%"( !nti% thirst( a$ony or a fina% swoon %aid %ow a $i$anti) "a""oth( or a tiny( $aspin$ fawn* 6!t now( a$ain( in this $rand day of Man0s "a$i)a%%y $rowin$ brain( this day of #ind%y )roonin$ to infants in )ribs #ind%y ta%#s to boys and $ir%s in s)hoo% and b%ood-tin$%in$ orations fro" tho!sands of p!%pits !pon that Ho%y Co""and: 4Tho! Sha%t Not Ei%%(0 now( again, Man is o!t to #i%% his own #ind&/ And >ady ?adsby )o!%d on%y si$h&
s THIS STOR+ HAS shown( outh, if ad!%ts wi%% on%y ad"it that it has any brains at a%%( wi%% stand o!t( today( in a "ost pro"isin$ %i$ht& Phi%osophi)a%%y( +o!th is 2isdo" in for"ation( and with "any tho!$hts start%in$ to ad!%t "inds and( ind!stria%%y( this 'ast 2or%d0s )oinin$ stabi%ity is now( today, in its bands $rowin$ s%ow%y( as a b%osso" $rows fro" its b!d& If yo! wi%% f!rnish hi" with a thoro!$h s)hoo%in$( yo! )an p%an# down yo!r do%%ar that +o!th( starting out fro" this "ira)!%o!s day( wi%% not %a$ nor shir# on that coming day in whi)h o%d Aoints( r!sty and )ra)#%in$( "!st s%ow down and( )a%%in$ for an oi% )an( yo! wi%% find that +o!th only, is that %!bri)ation whi)h )an r!n To"orrow0s 2or%d& 6!t +o!th "!st not $o thin#in$ that a%% its p%ans wi%% t!rn o!t a%% ri$ht and yo!n$ Marian Hop#ins fo!nd this o!t& Marian( yo! #now( too# part in o!r airport initiation& 6!t Marian( on%y a #id at that day( has $rown !p-or ha%f-way !p( anyway( and A!st $rad!atin$ fro" ?ra""ar S)hoo%
!pon whi)h bi$ day a )hi%d .#nows/ as "!)h as any fa"o!s sa'ant of anti,!ity* 6!t( as this story r!ns in s#ips and A!"ps( stri)t )hrono%o$i)a% )ontin!ity is not a possibi%ity& So( Marian is now ha%f $rown !p& Now that bi$ airport( as yo! a%so #now( was A!st ba)# of Marian0s ba)# yard and as that yard was "!)h too bi$ for anythin$ that Marian0s Dad )o!%d do with it( it was p!t !p for disposa%& 6!t nobody wo!%d $o to %oo# at it to say nothin$ of b!yin$ it& 6!t O%d 6i%% Si"p#ins( past anta$onist of ?adsby0s Or$ani5ation of +o!th( did $o o!t to %oo# at it b!t said( with his )!sto"ary $row% .Too "any air)raft a%ways roarin$ and 5oo"in$& Too far o!t of town& And yo! as# too "!)h for it( anyway& 6!t Marian tho!$ht that 6ranton Hi%%s( as a "!ni)ipa%ity( sho!%d own it fi$!rin$ that that airport wo!%d $row( and that yard was pra)ti)a%%y a part of it( anyway& So Marian( $oin$ to His Honor( as abo!t anybody in town did( witho!t an instant0s da%%yin$( .to%d hi"(/ ;*< what his Co!n)i% sho!%d do& .6!t(/ said ?adsby( .what a City Co!n)i% sho!%d do( and what it will do( don0t a%ways "at)h !p& .Can0t I $o and ta%# to it3/ .*hat! To o!r Co!n)i%3 No that is( not as a body& 6!t if yo! )an r!n a)ross a Co!n)i%"an o!t of City Ha%% yo! )an say what yo! wish& A Co!n)i%"an is A!st an ordinary "an( yo! #now&/ 6!t a Co!n)i%"an o!t of City Ha%% was a hard "an to find and a )hi%d )o!%dn0t $o to a "an0s "ansion to .ta%# hi" aro!nd&/ 6!t( by $rand %!)#( in a "onth or so( Marian did find( and win, a%% b!t Si"p#ins& On Co!n)i% ni$ht( Si"p#ins too# !p a $ood( - or I sho!%d say( bad - ha%f ho!r a$ainst 6ranton Hi%%s .b!yin$ any o%d d!"p or s)rap %and that is& 2hat this )ity p!t !p& 2as )o"in$ to3/ and so on( and so on& And Marian0s ba)# yard wasn0t bo!$ht& Now +o!th is a%% ri$ht if yo! r!b its f!r in a way whi)h s!its it b!t( "an** ho%d on to yo!r hat( if yo! don0t** And Marian0s f!r was a%% %!"py& +oy! was that kid M)0!! Now( A!st by %!)#( Mar)h thirty-first( )o"in$ a%on$ as days do( yo! #now( fo!nd Marian in front of a toy shop window( in whi)h( way down front( was a bo1 of )i$ars( with a )ard sayin$: .This 6rand 2i%% Start His 6%ood Tin$%in$&/ And Marian( as boys say( was .on/ in an instant and bo!$ht a )i$ar& Not a bo1( not a b!n)h( b!t A!st a )i$ar& Co"in$ o!t Marian saw His Honor and Si"p#ins passin$ Si"p#ins sayin$:.A%% ri$ht& I0%% drop aro!nd( toni$ht&/ And was Marian happy3 2ait a bit& That ni$ht as ?adsby and Si"p#ins sat ta%#in$ in His Honor0s par%or( who wo!%d( .A!st by %!)#(/ ;33< wa%# in( b!t Marian sayin$( oh( so shy%y:.@!st tho!$ht I0d drop in to )hat with Nan)y(/ and( on passin$ a )o!)h( s%y%y %aid that )i$ar on it& Now Si"p#ins( in addition to his fa"o!s $ro!)h( was a parsi"onio!s o%d )rab who( tho!$h drawin$ $ood pay as Co!n)i%"an( )o!%dn0t pass !p anythin$ that )ost nothin$ and( in $a5in$ aro!nd( saw that )i$ar and( with a bi$ apo%o$i5in$ yawn( and s%in#in$ onto that )o!)h as a )at s%in#s !p on a bird( and( oh( so non)ha%ant%y %i$htin$ a "at)h( was soon p!ffin$ away and ra'in$ abo!t 6ranton Hi%%s po%iti)s& O!t in a ba)# par%or sat Marian and Nan)y on a bi$ di'an(
h!$$in$ ti$ht%y !p( ar" in ar"( and a%"ost s!ffo)atin$ fro" ho%din$ ba)# yo!thf!% anti)ipations( as Si"p#ins said:/ I and that Hop#ins ba)# yard st!nt* Ridi)!%o!s* 2hy( his #id was o!t( tryin$ to find a%% of o!r Co!n)i% to ta%# it into b!yin$& 6ah* And did I b%o)# it3 I0%% say I did* +o! don0t find #ids today %a!$hin$ at Co!n)i%"an Si"p#ins&/ An a)t!a% spasm of $i$$%in$ in that ba)# par%or had ?adsby %oo#in$ aro!nd( in,!irin$%y& .No( sir*/ Si"p#ins said& .No #id )an foo% Co!n-/ +)N.!! ?adsby( A!"pin$ !p saw on%y a fra55%y )i$ar st!"p in O%d 6i%%0s "o!th( as that pa%pitatin$ indi'id!a% was 'i$oro!s%y br!shin$ off fa%%in$ spar#s as His Honor0s r!$s $ot a rain of toba))o s)raps* ?adsby was .on/ in an instant( noti)in$ Marian and Nan)y ro%%in$ and t!"b%in$ aro!nd on that bi$ di'an( and do!b%in$ !p in a $i$$%in$ fit( way o!t of )ontro%& Bina%%y Si"p#ins an$ri%y $ot !p( 'i)io!s%y Aa""in$ on his ta%% si%# hat and Marian( fi$htin$ that $i$$%in$ fit( A!st had to )a%% o!t:.)pril <ool, Co!n)i%"an Si"p#ins*/ ;And Mayor ?adsby( on a fo%%owin$ Co!n)i% ni$ht( $ot Marian0s %and bi%% thro!$h "any a Co!n)i%"an ho%din$ his hand in front of his $rinnin$ "o!th( in 'otin$ for bri$ht( 'ita%i) +o!th&<
IDO2 ADAMS 2AS sittin$ !p a$ain( for it was way past "idni$ht( and Cir$inia was o!t& Many "onths a$o Cir$inia was a%so o!t( and was bro!$ht ba)#( !n)ons)io!s& So now Nina was a$ain sittin$ !p( for Cir$inia was not a ni$ht-ow% sort of a $ir%& Bina%%y( aro!nd two o0)%o)#( Nina )o!%dn0t stand it( and had to )a%% in a passin$ patro%"an& Now this patro%"an was an ori$ina% Or$ani5ation of +o!th boy( and had a%ways #nown Nina and Cir$ina and said:.Oh( now* I wo!%dn0t worry so& Possib%y a b!s had a b%owo!t or-/ .+ut Cir$inia said nothin$ about $oin$ on a b!s* Oh** ,ow )o!%d that )hi%d 'anish so3/ Nat!ra%%y( a%% that that patro%"an )o!%d do was to )a%% his station and Nina( a%"ost a%% in( %ay down( !nti%( A!st abo!t dawn a Aan$%in$ rin$in$ bro!$ht this ha%f wi%d wo"an to a front ha%%( sho!tin$:.This is Nina Ada"s ta%#in$* 2ho3 *hat! Cir$inia( is that yo!3 2hat0s wron$3 2hat* +o! and Haro%d Tho"pson3 O!r a'iator3 +o! did what3 Too# his air)raft to what )ity3 42hy( that0s so far yo! )an0t -/ b!t Cir$inia had h!n$ !p& So Nina a%so h!n$ !p( and sat down with a bi$( %on$ si$h:-
.My Cir$inia( not running away( b!t f%yin$ away( to "arry* Oh( this +o!th of today*/ FFF Aro!nd si1 o0)%o)# that ni$ht( Cir$inia and Haro%d stood ar" in ar" in Nina0s par%or( as a bi$ b!s was $roanin$ noisi%y away& .6!t( Ma"a(/ said Cir$inia( sobbin$ pitif!%%y( .I didn0t thin# yo! wo!%d-/ .That0s A!st it( Cir$inia( yo! didn't thin#** 6!t yo! should! How )o!%d I #now what was $oin$ on3 That0s A!st yo! yo!n$ fo%#s of today& +o! thin# of nothin$ b!t yo!r own si%%y( foo%ish doin$s( and yo! a%%ow !s o%d good&for¬hings to $o )ra5y with worry**/ and Nina san# in a $aspin$ swoon onto a sofa& 6!t o%d Do) 2i%#ins( arri'in$ at Cir$inia0s franti) )a%%( #nowin$ Nina0s iron )onstit!tion fro" )hi%dhood( soon had that %i"p for" ba)# to nor"a% and( with a dar#( disappro'in$ s)ow% at Cir$inia& said:.6rin$ in a $ood bat)h of hot food( and yo!r Ma wi%% t!rn o!t a%% ri$ht(/ and $oin$ o!t( with a snort of dis$!st( and ban$in$ 'i)io!s%y that bi$ front door*
2BU> TIDIN?S IN o!r 6ranton Hi%%s0 .Post(/ had so wro!$ht !p o!r ordinari%y happy( %a!$hin$ Sarah( who( with Pa!% abroad( was ba)#( %i'in$ a$ain with o%d To" +o!n$( that Sarah( sittin$ on a %ow stoo% by o%d To"0s ro)#in$ )hair was so sti%% that To" p!t down his .Post(/ sayin$:.?ift of $ab a%% r!n o!t( #id3/ 6!t Sarah had an odd( tho!$htf!% %oo#& Sarah0s boso" was risin$ and fa%%in$ abnor"a%%y b!t( fina%%y( %oo#in$ ,!i)#%y !p at o%d To"( Sarah said:.Daddy( I want to $o to war& .0o what! If Sarah had said anythin$ abo!t A!"pin$ o!t of a ba%%oon( or of b!yin$ a $ori%%a to p%ay with( To" +o!n$ wo!%dn0t #now any s!)h asto!ndin$ do!bt as bro!$ht his ro)#in$ )hair to a ,!i)# standsti%%& .*ar! 2hat #ind of ta%# is this3 A $ir% $oin$ to war3 2hat for3 How3 3ay!! 2ho put this )ra5y st!nt into yo!r brain( anyway3/
As yo! #now( Sarah was not on%y )har"in$ in ways( b!t a%so in b!i%d and( with that $%orio!s )rown of brownish-$o%d hair( that a%ways s"i%in$ "o!th and that soft( p%!"p $ir%ish%y-$ir%ish for"( no "an( To" +o!n$ nor anybody( )o!%d thin# of Sarah and war in a so%itary tho!$ht& So Sarah said( soft%y:.>ast ni$ht( o!r Ni$ht S)hoo% trio tho!$ht that o!r boys( so far away( "!st "iss !s( and 6ranton Hi%%s si$hts and Doris said( 46ranton Hi%%s so!nds&0 And so( why )o!%dn0t o!r trio Aoin that bi$ $ro!p of "!si)ians whi)h is sai%in$ soon3 And( Daddy( yo! #now Pa!% is in that ar"y& I don0t #now that I )o!%d find hi"( b!t- b!t- b!t I want to try& And Eath%yn is ta%#in$ of $oin$ as bio%o$ist with a bi$ hospita% !nit so possib%y I )o!%d stay with it&/ To" +o!n$ was dumb! His .Post/ a)t!a%%y had to%d of s!)h a "!si)a% o!tfit abo!t to sai% b!t it was a "an0s or$ani5ation& So( now it has $ot aro!nd to this! O!r $ir%s( o!r dainty( %o'in$ $ir%s( bri"f!% of both sy"pathy and patriotis"( wantin$ to $o into that to!$h( %aborio!s wor# of sin$in$ in ar"y )a"ps in h!ts in hospita%s sin$in$ fro" tr!)#s ro%%in$ a%on$ )o!ntry roads a%on$ whi)h sat p%atoons and batta%ions of troops( waitin$ for word whi)h "i$ht brin$ to this or that boy his %ast %on$ $!n-totin$ tra"p& Sin$in$ in- .)w, dar%in$* +o!r trio was foo%in$( wasn0t it3 Now( $ir%s don0t -/ .Daddy( $ir%s do! So( if o!r fo%#s don0t p!t !p too "!)h of a-/ .)ha#! Now yo! said a "o!thf!% if yo!r fo%#s don't! Dar%in$( I0%% say A!st two words as "y part in this )ra5y st!nt: 4Nothing doing'!! Eath%yn0s wor# is "i$hty i"portant sin$in$ isn0t&/ Sarah had not $rown !p fro" infan)y in #ind%y To"0s )abin witho!t #nowin$ that his no was a .no**/ and not a f%i"sy( ho%%ow word whi)h a whinin$( or a sniff%in$( or a baw%in$ )hi%d )o!%d swit)h aro!nd into: .Oh( a%% ri$ht( if yo! want to&/ So Sarah sti%% sat on that %ow stoo% or( to t!rn it aro!nd a%"ost ba)#wards(- Sarah sat on that stoo%( -sti%%& So sti%% that To"0s o%d tin )%o)# on its wa%% hoo#s was soon do"inatin$ that s"a%% roo" with its rhyth"i) ti)#in$( as a )ond!)tor0s baton )ontro%s a brass band0s pianissi"os& Bina%%y Sarah said soft%y( s%ow%y( sad%y and with a bi$( bi$ si$h:.I did so want to $o&/ And that s"a%% )%o)# was ti)#in$( ti)#in$( ti)#in$& Bor a f!%% ho!r Sarah and o%d To" sat ta%#in$ and ro)#in$( !nti% Sarah( phonin$ to Doris( said: - .My Dad says no& And Doris( phonin$ ba)# to Sarah( said:- .So did "y Dad&/ And( as Cir$inia Ada"s was that trio0s third part and as Sarah and Doris had a%ways #nown Nina Ada"s0 stron$ wi%% and as(-Oh( h!"* It was a happy fas)ination !nti% ad!%t "inds $ot ho%d of it*
adsby was wa%#in$ ba)# fro" a 'isit down in 6ranton Hi%%s0 "an!fa)t!rin$ distri)t on a Sat!rday ni$ht& A b!sy day0s traffi) had had its noisy r!n and with not "any fo%#s in
si$ht( His Honor $ot a%on$ witho!t ha'in$ to stop to $rasp a hand( or ta%# for a Mayor o!t of City Ha%% is a shinin$ "ar# for any po%iti)ian& And so( )o"in$ to 6roadway( a boo"in$ bass dr!" and so!nds of sin$in$( to%d of a s"a%% Sa%'ation Ar"y !nit )arryin$ on a"idst 6roadway0s ni$ht shoppin$ )rowds& ?adsby( wa%#in$ toward that $ro!p( saw a yo!n$ $ir%( ba)# towards hi"( A!st finishin$ a %on$( so!%f!% oration( sayin$ :-/ &&& and I )an say this to yo!( for I #now what I a" ta%#in$ abo!t for I was bro!$ht !p in a pool of li-uor!! As that ar"y $ro!p was startin$ to "ar)h on( with this $ir% t!rnin$ towards ?adsby( His Honor had to $asp( astonishin$%y:.2hy* Mary Antor**/ .Oh* If it isn0t Mayor ?adsby* I don0t r!n a)ross yo! "!)h( now-a-days& How is >ady ?adsby ho%din$ !p d!rin$ this awf!% war3/ A%% s!)h fa"i%y $ossip passin$ ,!i)#%y( ?adsby said:.6!t this Sa%'ation Ar"y wor#( Mary3 How %on$ -/ Mary and His Honor had to wa%# a%on$( as that bi$ dr!" was now po!ndin$ a b%o)# away& D!rin$ that wa%# ?adsby fo!nd o!t a%% abo!t that 'ast 'oid in Mary0s b!n$a%ow fo%%owin$ that fata% a!to )rash and a%% abo!t .two o%d "aid a!nts/ as Mary said( who had a%% that pantry0s %i,!or thrown down a drain and $ot )!t( a%so( a day or two fo%%owin$ a%% abo!t %i'in$ now at O%d >ady B%ana$an0s& / &&&for I A!st couldn't stay in that b!n$a%ow( with nobody aro!nd( yo! #now&/ And a%% abo!t %o'in$ )o"panionship in that $rand o%d %ady0s ar"s and of Mary0s findin$ that B%ana$an( who $ot s!)h a wa%%op fro" Antor0s #i%%in$( wasn0t drin#in$ so "!)h( now whi)h p!t it into Mary0s "ind that "any a "an wo!%d( with #ind%y )oa)hin$( t!rn fro" it& .And I thin# that "y ni$ht%y ta%#s a$ainst %i,!or( hit and hit hard, too for a%"ost ni$ht%y a poor down-and-o!t wi%% fo%%ow a%on$ with o!r band( pro"isin$ to )!t it o!t and $o strai$ht& 7h, why didn0t I try to stop Nor"an0 s drin#in$3/ .Probab%y(/ said ?adsby( .yo! did( in yo!r $ir%ish way b!t yo! #now boys don0t thin# that s"a%% $ir%s #now anythin$& I0d p!t !p any a"o!nt that Nor"an( in that far-away )a"p( is thin#in$ of yo!( )onstant%y&/ .Oh-h-h-h* If I )o!%d on%y know that I/ and a %oo# of a%"ost san)tity( and a bi$( %on$-drawn si$h to%d what a t!r"oi% was $oin$ on in this yo!n$ $ir%0s "ind& .6!t I0" $oin$ on( and on and on with this ni$ht ta%#in$ !nti% Nor"an is ba)# a$ain& Possib%y a p%an wi%% t!rn !p toward both of !s %i'in$ down o!r past( - and o!r sorrow&/ And ?adsby( s%ow%y p%oddin$ a%on$ towards his di"%y %it "ansion( tho!$ht of a s%i$ht transposition of that s)ript!ra% ,!otation: .And yo!r sins( yo! ad!%ts( sha%% fa%% !pon yo!r offsprin$( !nto yo!r third and fo!rth-/ .Oh( if a "an wo!%d on%y thin# of his offsprin$ ha'in$ to )arry on( %on$ past his %ast day* And of how hard it is for a boy or $ir% to stand !p and pro!d%y ;3< )%ai" that so-and-so 4was "y Dad(0 if a%% 6ranton Hi%%s #nows of that Dad0s in$%orio!s past& Poor #ids*/ for yo! #now that ?adsby said( in this story0s start( that .a "an sho!%d so )arry on his dai%y affairs as to brin$ no word of ad"onition fro" anybody / for a "an0s doin$s sho!%d p!t a stain !pon no so!% b!t his
own& 6!t( aha!! As His Honor $ot to his par%or( his sad "ind fo!nd a happy( s"i%in$ >ady awaitin$ hi" )ryin$ Aoyo!s%y:.>oo#* >oo#( @ohn* 2ord fro" 2i%%ia"* Bro" 6i%%( in Paris */ 6i%%0s first )o""!ni)ation said:.Dar%in$ Bo%#s: @!%i!s and I A!st $ot into this town fro" a "onth of hard "ar)hin$( dit)hdi$$in$ and fi$htin$& I a" a%% ri$ht( and so is @!%i!s& Ran a)ross Bran#( who is on d!ty at o!r Co""issary& >!)#y $!y* >ots of food a%ways aro!nd* Pa!% is $rowin$ fat& >oo#s "i$hty $ood& Oh( how a%% of !s do "iss yo! and $ood o%d 6ranton Hi%%s* I )an0t find a so%itary s!it in this town that I wo!%d p!t on to $o to a do$ fi$ht* 3uch fashion! and so on A!st a nat!ra% o!tpo!rin$ fro" a boy( away on his first trip fro" his Dad0s #ind%y roof& .Ha( ha*/ said ?adsby( %a!$hin$ Ao'ia%%y .That0s o!r 6i%%( a%% ri$ht* A%ways thin#in$ of do%%in$ up! and >ady ?adsby( risin$ ,!i)#%y( said:.Oh( I "!st )a%% !p Nan)y( Eath%yn and Sarah*/ and( in a trio of s"a%% b!n$a%ows( Aoy( wild Aoy( fo!nd its way into $ir%ish "inds* As ?adsby sat( $oin$ thro!$h this $ood word a$ain and a$ain( a "irthf!% )h!)#%in$ had >ady ?adsby as#in$:.2hat0s so f!nny abo!t it 3/ .Nothin$ on%y if I didn0t #now that Bran# is s!)h a $rand( $ood %ad( I0d thin# 6i%% was hidin$ a bit fro" !s for that 4on d!ty at Co""issary0 might a"o!nt on%y to potato parin$*/
RISCI>>A STANDISH was waitin$ at o!r bi$ rai%road station( on a war" Sprin$ day( for a train to p!%% o!t( so that )ross-tra)# traffi) )o!%d start a$ain& It was A!st an ordinary train s!)h as stop ho!r%y at 6ranton Hi%%s( b!t Pris)i%%a saw that a $ro!p was h!rryin$ toward a )o"bination-)ar( way !p forward& Now Pris)i%%a was not a $ir% who fo!nd "orbid )!riosity in any s!)h a p!b%i) spot b!t( sti%%( an odd( !n)anny sort of thri%%(a%"ost a )hi%%( in fa)t(-was !r$in$( !r$in$ a s%ow wa%# toward that )ar& @!st why( Pris)i%%a didn0t #now b!t s!)h thin$s do o))!r in a h!"an "ind& So Pris)i%%a soon was standin$ on a tr!n# tr!)#( $a5in$ down into that $ro!p whi)h now was s%ow%y "o'in$ ba)#( for"in$ roo" for ta#in$ o!t a yo!n$ "an in #ha#i !nifor"( on a hospita% )ot& 2ith a $asp of horror( Pris)i%%a was instant%y down fro" that tr!)#( p!shin$ thro!$h that $ro!p( and )ryin$ o!t( wi%d%y:.)rthur! Arth!r Ran#in* Oh* Oh* 2hat is it( dar%in$3/ and %oo#in$ !p at a hospita% assistant( .Is it bad3/ .Don0t #now( ri$ht now( %ady(/ said that snowy )%ad offi)ia%& .Un)ons)io!s& 6!t o!r bi$
hospita% wi%% do a%% it )an for hi"&/ Arth!r Ran#in* Arth!r( with who" Pris)i%%a had had "any a )hi%dhood spat* Arth!r who had shown that .p!ppy st!ff/ for Pris)i%%a( that his o%d a!nt was a%ways so disappro'in$%y sniffin$ at* And now( !n)ons)io!s on a( 2ith a "!r"!rin$ of sy"pathy fro" that sorrowin$ p!b%i)( now disso%'in$( as a%% )rowds do( Pris)i%%a had a ,!i)#( )o"fortin$ tho!$ht: .Eath%yn is wor#in$ at that hospita%*/ Eath%yn had #nown Arth!r as %on$ as Pris)i%%a had and Eath%yn0s fa"o!s abi%ity wo!%d So o!r pantin$ and worryin$ $ir% was h!rryin$ a%on$ thro!$h 6roadway0s t!rnin$ and in,!irin$ )rowds to that bi$ hospita% whi)h o!r Or$ani5ation of +o!th had had b!i%t& And now Arth!r was $oin$( for not %on$( possib%y( b!t( sti%% possib%y for FFF It was "idni$ht in that bi$ sti%% b!i%din$& O%d Do)tor 2i%#ins stood by Arth!r0s )ot Pris)i%%a( sobbin$ pitif!%%y( was waitin$ in a )orridor( with >ady Standish $i'in$ what )o"fort a wo"an )o!%d& >ady Standish( who too# in do$s( )ats( rabbits or any %i'in$ thin$ that was h!rt( si)# or %ost >ady Standish( donor of fo!r tho!sand do%%ars for o!r bi$ Doo >ady Standish( #ind%y sa'ior of C%an)y0s and Dowd0s .6i$ Bo!r(/ now waitin$( witho!t abi%ity to aid a human ani"a%& Bina%%y( Do)tor 2i%#ins( )o"in$ o!t( said:.Eath%yn says no si$n of b%ood )onta"ination( b!t 'ita%ity %ow badly %ow sin#in$( I thin#& Rai%road trip a%"ost too "!)h for hi"& >oo#s bad&/ 6!t( at this instant( an assistant( )a%%in$ 2i%#ins( said Arth!r was )o"in$ o!t of his )o"a and was "!r"!rin$ .abo!t a wo"an #nown as Pris)i%%a& Do yo! #now anybody by-3/ 2ith a ra)#in$ sob( Pris)i%%a shot thro!$h that door( >ady Standish ,!i)#%y fo%%owin$& Arth!r( pi)#in$ !p( a bit( fro" Pris)i%%a0s soft( oh( so soft and %o'in$ )roonin$ and pattin$( too# that fond hand and-san# ba)#* Do)tor 2i%#ins( %oo#in$ #nowin$%y at Pris)i%%a( said:.If it is as I thin#( yo! two had had tho!$hts of -/ A 'i$oro!s nod fro" Pris)i%%a( and an appro'in$ %oo# fro" >ady Standish( and Do)tor 2i%#ins said:.H"-"-"* It sho!%d o))!r right now! Or( -/ As ,!i)# as a f%ash that snowy-)%ad assistant was phonin$ and( astonishingly soon( o!r $ood Pastor 6rown stood by that )ot and( with Arth!r in a "ost s!rprisin$ pi)#-!p( ho%din$ Pris)i%%a0s hot( sha#in$ hand( thro!$h that sti%% hospita% roo" was waftin$ Pris)i%%a0s soft( %ow words:.&&&yo! for "y %awf!% h!sband( until### FFF Do)tor 2i%#ins( $oin$ o!t with Pris)i%%a( now tryin$( oh( so hard for )ontro% with $rand( )har"in$( %o'in$ Eath%yn( ar" in ar"( said:.That Aoy wi%% p!%% hi" thro!$h& 6oys( at war( so far away, wi%% nat!ra%%y droop( both in body and "ind( fro" %a)# of a parti)!%ar $ir%0s sn!$$%in$ and )!dd%in$& So A!st wait !nti% Eath%yn
finds o!t a%% abo!t his )ondition and $ood food( with this happy )!%"ination of a )hi%dhood infat!ation( wi%% p!t hi" in first-)%ass )ondition( if no )o"p%i)ations show !p& Ah* 2hat an i"portant part of a )ity0s instit!tions a hospita% is* 2hat a )o"fort to a%%( to #now that( sho!%d inA!ry or any ai%in$ )ondition of "an( wo"an or )hi%d o))!r witho!t warnin$( anybody )an( si"p%y thro!$h phonin$ find ,!i)# transportation at his door and( with an$ri%y )%an$in$ $on$s( or hi$h-pit)h whist%in$s obtainin$ a .ri$ht of way/ thro!$h a%% traffi)( that instit!tion0s doors wi%% swin$ apart( assistants wi%% ,!i)#%y s!rro!nd that )ot( and an abi%ity for doin$ anythin$ that Man can do is at hand& +o! #now( a%"ost dai%y( of )apita%ists of phi%anthropi) "o%d( donatin$ 'ast s!"s to a town or an asso)iation b!t( in yo!r historian0s "ind( no donation )an do so "!)h $ood as that whi)h b!i%ds( or "aintains hospita%i5ation for a%%& A %ibrary( a s)hoo%( a boys0 or $ir%s0 )%!b( a 'a)ation fa)i%ity( a .)hair/ of this or that in an instit!tion of instr!)tion(- a%% do "!)h to b!i%d !p a )o""!nity& 6oth do)torin$ as a st!dy for a yo!n$ "an( and n!rsin$ for a $ir% for" "ost i"portant parts of Man#ind0s a)ti'ity& And so( :ust fo!r "onths fro" that awful, b!t a%so happy day( Arth!r Ran#in sat in a ha""o)# with Pris)i%%a( on >ady Standish0s por)h( with fo!r s"a%% Ran#ins p%ayin$ aro!nd or was wa%#in$ aro!nd that ba)# yard f!%% of )ats( do$s( rabbits( and so on( with no tho!$ht of soap bo1 orations in his "ind&
N A ?RAND AUTUMN "ornin$ 6ranton Hi%%s0 .Post/ boys ran sho!tin$ down 6roadway( showin$ in ha%f-foot wordin$: .BI?HTIN? STOPS** HISTOR+0S MOST DISASTROUS 2AR IS HISTOR+ NO2***/ and a$ain( 6ranton Hi%%s stood sto)# sti%%& 6!t on%y for an instant for soon( it was( in a%% "inds:.Than# ?od** Oh( ring yo!r %o!d )h!r)h )%arions* +low yo!r fa)tory b%asts* Sho!t* Cry* Sin$* Blay, yo! bands* 6!rst yo!r dr!"s* Cra)# yo!r )y"ba%s*/ Ah( what a si$ht on 6roadway* Shop $ir%s po!rin$ o!t* Shop Aanitors boardin$ !p bi$ $%ass windows a$ainst a s!r$in$ "ob* And( ;sh-h-h-h< "any a )h!r)h ha'in$ in its sti%% san)tity a wo"an or $ir% at its a%tar rai%& Months( "onths( "onths* 6ranton Hi%%s was a$ain at its bi$ rai%road station( its M!ni)ipa% 6and
p%ayin$ o!r $rand Nationa% air( as a %on$ troop train( a so%id "ass of b!ntin$( was snortin$ noisi%y in& And( a"idst that o!tpo!rin$ f%ood of 6ranton Hi%%s boys( >ady ?adsby( Nan)y( Eath%yn and His Honor fo!nd 6i%%( @!%i!s( Bran# and @ohn& Sarah was A!st .$oin$ a%% apart/ in Pa!%0s ar"s( with Cir$inia swoonin$ in Haro%d0s& On o%d >ady B%ana$an0s por)h sat Mary Antor for( ha'in$ had no word fro" Nor"an for "onths( this $rand yo!n$ Sa%'ation Ar"y %ass was in sad( sad do!bt& 6!t soon( as that sho!tin$ "ob was driftin$ away( and happy fa"i%y $ro!ps wa%#in$ )itywards( a #ha#i-)%ad %ad( h!rryin$ to o%d >ady B%ana$an0s )abin( and A!"pin$ that %ow( i'y-)%ad wa%%( had Mary( sobbin$ and %a!$hin$( in his ar"s& No& It wasn0t Nor"an&
CRO2D 2AS standin$ aro!nd in City Par#( for a baby was "issin$& Patro% )ars roarin$ aro!nd 6ranton Hi%%s "any a wo"an h!ntin$ aro!nd thro!$h sy"pathy #idnappin$ r!"ors f%yin$ aro!nd& His Honor was o!t of town b!t on %andin$ at o!r rai%road station( and findin$ patro% )ars drawn !p at City Par#( saw( in that )rowd0s "idst( a tiny $ir%( of abo!t si1( with a b!n)h of bi$ sho!tin$ offi)ia%s( as#in$:.2ho too# that baby3/ .Did yo! do it3/ .2hi)h way did it $o3/ .How %on$ a$o did yo! "iss it3/ .Say( #iddo** *hy don't you talk! An ad!%t brain )an stand a %ot of s!)h sho!tin$( b!t a baby0s is not in that )%ass so( tota%%y d!"b( and sha#in$ with fri$ht( this tot stood( th!"b in "o!th( and two bi$ brown baby orbs A!st startin$ to $row "oist( as His Honor( p!shin$ in( said:.2ait a bit**/ and that b!n)h in !nifor"( #nowin$ hi"( $ot !p and ?adsby sat down on a ro)#( sayin$:.+o! )an0t find o!t a thing fro" a yo!n$ )hi%d by s!)h hard( $r!ff ways& This tiny %ady is a%"ost in a s%!"p& Now( A!st start this )rowd "o'in$& I #now a bit abo!t +o!th&/ .That0s ri$ht(/ said a bi$( h!s#y patro%"an& .If anybody %i'in$ #nows #ids( it0s yo!( sir&/ So( as thin$s $ot aro!nd to nor"a%( His Honor( now sittin$ f%at on City Par#0s s"ooth %awn( said( Ao'ia%%y:.H!%%oa/ A bi$ $!%pin$ sob in a tiny boso"-didn0t $!%p and a $rin ran aro!nd a s"a%% "o!th( as o!r yo!n$ %ady said:.3o "any bi$ )ops* O-o-o* I $ot afraid */
.I #now( dar%in$ b!t no bi$ )ops wi%% sho!t at yo! now& I don0t sho!t at tiny $ir%s( do I3/ .No( sir b!t if fo%#s do sho!t( I $o a%% woo5y&/ .*oo6y! 2oo5y3 Ha( ha* I0%% %oo# that !p in a bi$ boo#& 6!t what0s a%% this f!ss abo!t3 Is it abo!t a baby3/ A 'i$oro!s noddin$ of a b!n)h of brown )!r%s& .2hat3 B!ssin$ abo!t a baby3 A baby is too s"a%% to f!ss abo!t&/ .O-o-o-o* It isn't!! .No3/ .No( sir& I f!ss abo!t "y do%%y( an0 it0s not ha%f so bi$ as a baby&/ .That0s so& ?ir%s do f!ss abo!t do%%s& My $ir%s did&/ .How "any do%%s has yo!r $ir%s $ot3/ .Ha( ha* Not any( now& My $ir%s a%% $ot $rown !p and bi$&/ D!rin$ this )a%"( happy ta%#( a patro%"an( )o"in$ !p( said:.Sha%% I sti)# aro!nd( +o!r Honor3 Any #idnappin$ fa)ts3/ .I don0t #now( A!st now& 2ait aro!nd abo!t an ho!r( and drop in a$ain&/ So His Honor( Mayor of 6ranton Hi%%s( and Chi%dhood sat on that $rassy %awn a tiny tot "a#in$ daisy )hains( $rass rin$s( and thri%%in$ at ?adsby0s story of how a boy( #nown as @a)#( had to )%i"b a bi$( bi$ ta%% sta%# to #i%% an awf!%%y !$%y $iant& Bina%%y ?adsby said:.I tho!$ht yo! had a baby p%ayin$ with yo!&/ .I did&/ .H!h( it isn0t p%ayin$ now& Did it f%y away3/ .Oho* No* A baby )an0t f%y*/ .No& That0s ri$ht& 6!t how could a baby $o away fro" yo! witho!t yo!r #nowin$ it3/ .It didn0t& I did #now it&/ Now( "any "ay thin# that His Honor wo!%d thri%% at this infor"ation b!t ?adsby didn0t& So( .p%ayin$ aro!nd/ for a bit( His Honor fina%%y said:.I wish I had a baby to p%ay with( ri$ht now*/ . ou )an&/ .Can I3 How3/ 2ith a tiny hand on baby %ips( o!r s"a%% %ady said:.?o %oo# in that %i%a) arbor b!t go soft! I thin# it0s snoo5in$&/ And ?adsby( $oin$ to that arbor( $ot a fri$htf!% sho)# for it was >i%%ian( Nan)y0s baby* Not ha'in$ #nown of this .#idnappin$/ as his fa"i%y )o!%dn0t find hi" by phonin$( it was a sho)#
for His Honor was thin#in$ of that yo!n$ wo"an )o%%apsin$& So( !pon that patro%"an )o"in$ ba)#( as to%d( ?adsby said:.?o and )a%% !p yo!r station( -uickly! Say that I want yo!r Captain to notify "y fo%#s that >i%%ian is a%% ri$ht&/ .?ood $osh( +o!r Honor** Is this tot yo!r $rand)hi%d3/ .?rand)hi%d or no $rand)hi%d( you dash to that bo%!! And so( a$ain( @ohn ?adsby( Cha"pion of +o!th( had shown offi)ia%do" that a )hi%d0s brain and that of an ad!%t 'ary as do a $i$anti) oa# and its tiny a)orn&
OST OB ?ADS6+0S o%d Or$ani5ation of +o!th was sti%% in town( tho!$h( as yo! #now( $rown !p& So( on a Sprin$ day( a%% of its forty boys and as "any $ir%s $ot "ost "ystifyin$ )ards( sayin$:.Eind%y $o to >i%a) Hi%% on May si1th( at fo!r o0)%o)#& IMPORTANT* IMPORTANT* IMPORTANT/ That was a%%& Not a word to show its ori$in& No handwritin$& @!st a s"a%%( p%ain )ard in ordinary printin$& Not on%y that o%d Or$ani5ation( b!t His Honor( >ady ?adsby( O%d To" +o!n$( To" Dona%dson( Nina Ada"s( >ady Standish and O%d >ady B%ana$an $ot that odd )ard& .Arrah * Phwat0s this( anny way 3/ san$ o!t that $ood o%d %ady& .Is it )o!rt s!""ons( a pi)ni)( or a %and a!)tion3 6y $orry( it %oo#s phony*/ O%d To" +o!n$( in his ro)#in$ )hair( said:.A )ard to $o to >i%a) Hi%%& It says 4i"portant&0 Ah* This +o!th of today* I0%% P!t !p a do%%ar that I )an sniff a rat in this& 6!t "y $ir% is a%% ri$ht so I0%% $o&/ And so it was( a%% aro!nd town& Nobody )o!%d fatho" it& >i%a) Hi%% was as )har"in$ a spot as any that o!r bi$ City Par# )o!%d boast& Tho!$h #nown as a hi%%( it was b!t a s%i$ht #no%% with s!rro!ndin$s of %i%a) shr!bs( whi)h( in May wo!%d a%ways show a riot of b%oo" this #no%% s%opin$ down to a pond( with is%ands( boats and a,!ati) p%ants& >i%a) Hi%% had #nown "any a pi)ni) and si"i%ar o!tin$s for 6ranton Hi%%s fo%#s( %i'in$ for si1 days a"idst bri)#s and aspha%t( A!st had to $o o!t on S!ndays to this dainty #no%%( %i'in$ for an ho!r or so a"on$st its birds( b%osso"s and )a%" s!rro!ndin$s& City traffi) was far away( on%y a faint r!"b%in$ )o"in$ to this nat!ra% san)t!ary and "any a "ind& and "any a worn body had fo!nd a ba%" in its )har"s& 6!t that "ystifyin$ )ard* Bro" who" was it3 2hat was it3 *hy was it3 .Oh( h!"* 2hy ra)# brains by di$$in$ into it3/ was 6ranton Hi%%s0 pop!%ar tho!$ht& .6!t( - $o and find o!t*/ That( a%so( was o!r Or$ani5ation0s tho!$ht as May si1th was approa)hin$&
.My $ra)io!s*/ said Nan)y& .It so!nds a)t!a%%y spoo#y*/ 6!t )a%"( pra)ti)a% Eath%yn said:.Spoo#s don0t hop aro!nd in day%i$ht&/ May si1th had A!st that war" and ba%"y air that a%%ows $ir%s to p!t on f%i"sy( dainty thin$s( and yo!ths to don sports o!tfits and His Honor( as that "ystifyin$ day was not far off( said:.This( I thin#( is a tri)# by a #id or two( to show !s o%d d!)#s that an 4in)o$0 )an ho%d o!t( ri$ht !p to its a)t!a% )ons!""ation& I don0t #now a thin$ abo!t what0s $oin$ on b!t( by $o%%y* I0%% show !p and if any f!n is af%oat( I0%% Aoin in( f!%% b%ast&/ 6!t** - As o!r Or$ani5ation boys and $ir%s( and 6ranton Hi%%s fo%#s $ot to >i%a) Hi%%( not a thing was found $i'in$ any indi)ation that anythin$ o!t of ordinary was to o))!r* @!st that )a%"( )har"in$ #no%%( with its %i%a)s( oa#s( and happy 'ista o!t a)ross 6ranton Hi%%s0 hi%% distri)ts* 2hat 0s this( anyway3 A hoa13 6!t a%% sat down( ta%#in$ in a bi$ $ro!p( !nti%( at A!st fo!r o0)%o)#(- look! A stir( o!t ba)# of that is%and boat %andin$* 2hat3 On that pond! This )ard said >i%a) ,ill! 6!t I said that a stir was o))!rrin$ in ba)# of that boat %andin$( with its s"a%% sha)# for storin$ oars and s!)h& If o!r bi$ )rowd was %a!$hin$ and ta%#in$ !p to now( it ,!it* And ,!it "i$hty ,!i)#%y( too* If yo! want to ho%d a )rowd( A!st "ystify it& O%d >ady B%ana$an was startin$ to sho!t abo!t .this phony st!ff(/ b!t O%d Man B%ana$an said:.Sh!t !p* +o! ain0t part of this show*/ Nan)y was a)t!a%%y hoppin$ !p and down( b!t Eath%yn stood )a%"%y wat)hin$ for this st!dio!s $ir%( way !p in an .o%o$y/ or two( #nows that( by s%ow( tho!$htf!% wat)hin$( yo! )an $ain "!)h( as a$ainst wor#in$ !p a wi%d( pani)#y )ondition& >ady ?adsby said a$ain and a$ain: .2hat is $oin$ on 3/ b!t Nina Ada"s said: .+o! o!$ht to #now that today( anythin$ )an-/ 6!t look again!! Bro" in ba)# of that boat %andin$( a bi$ fairy f%oat is )o"in$* S%ow%y(s%ow%y-s%ow%y a )abin a"idships( A!st dripping with %i%a)s( as sti%% and non)o""itta% as o%d ?ibra%tar& S%ow%y( on and on it is )o"in$ fina%%y stoppin$ ri$ht at that spot !pon whi)h o!r $ro!p is standin$ forty boys( forty $ir%s( and a bi$ "ob( a%% as sti%% as a )h!r)h& 2hat is it( anyway3 Is anybody in it3 Not a si$n of it& 6!t wait* Aha* It has an o))!pant( for( )o"in$ o!t of that %i%a) $%ory is & Barson +rown!! Parson 6rown3 *hat was Parson 6rown in that )abin for3 Aha** A %i%a) spray is "o'in$ and( as o!r $ro!ps stand sto)# sti%%( look! >!)y Dona%dson is )o"in$ o!t* Oh* *hat a 'ision of $ir%ish Aoy and $%ory** And-and-and( ah* That %i%a) spray is "o'in$ a$ain* H!%%oa* 6i%% ?adsby is )o"in$ o!t** A Sprin$ s!n was s%ow%y approa)hin$ its hori5onward droop( shootin$ rays of $o%d down onto o!r $aspin$ )rowd( as Parson 6rown said:.2i%%ia" ?adsby( do yo! &&&3/ 2i%%ia"( b!t short%y ba)# fro" abroad( yo! #now( standin$ with $rand( "i%itary ri$idity( said: .I do&/ .And >!)y Dona%dson( do yo!3/ It didn0t %ast %on$& @!st a word or two a b!rst of "!si) of a fa"o!s "ar)h by @ohn S"ith(
6ranton Hi%%s0 or$anist( in that )abin with a s"a%% piano A!st a- 6!t that )rowd )o!%dn0t wait for that* 2ith a whoop His Honor spran$ into that pond( wadin$ swift%y to board that fairy )raft and in an instant Nan)y was fo%%owin$ hi"( sp%ashin$ franti)a%%y a%on$( and s)ra"b%in$ aboard to a%"ost f%oor 6i%% with a $i$anti) h!$ as His Honor shoo# 6i%%0s hand( with a %o'in$ ar" abo!t >!)y& O%d >ady B%ana$an was sho!tin$ wi%d%y:- .2hoops* 2hoops* 6y $orra* This yo!n$ $an$ of today is a s"art boon)h*/ and His Honor said:.Ha( ha* I didn0t #now a thin$ abo!t this* 6i%%0s a s"art )hap*/ And O%d To" Dona%dson( $rabbin$ happy( %a!$hin$( b%!shin$( pa%pitatin$ >!)y as soon as that yo!n$ %ady was on dry %and( said:.Say* +o! s%y yo!n$ )hi)#* 2hy didn0t yo! notify yo!r o%d Dad3/ .2hy( Daddy* That wo!%d spoi% a%% "y f!n**/
ADS6+( C>ANC+ AND Dowd .A!st had/ to( a))ordin$ to !nani"o!s opinion( $o o!t to >ady Standish0s s!b!rban p%ot of $ro!nd to 'isit .6i$ Bo!r / ?adsby( owin$ to an inborn %i#in$ for a%% ani"a%s C%an)y and Dowd fro" fond asso)iation with this parti)!%ar $ro!p& It was a $%orio!s spot hi$h( ro%%in$ %and( with a pat)h of )oo%( shady woods( and a $rand 'ista a)ross hi%% and p%ain( with shinin$ ponds and ri)h far" %ands& And did .6i$ Bo!r/ know C%an)y and Dowd3 I0%% say so* And soon( with "!)h happy whinnyin$ and .a)tin$ !p, with two bi$ roans po#in$ in,!irin$ sno!ts in C%an)y0s hands( and two bi$ b%a)#s sn!$$%in$ ?adsby and Dowd( as happy a $ro!p of Man and ani"a%s as yo! )o!%d wish for( was soon a))o"panyin$ >ady Standish aro!nd that 'ast pat)h& Anythin$ that s!)h ani"a%s )o!%d want was at hand& A bri$ht( spar#%in$ broo# was $abb%in$ and $!r$%in$ thro!$h a stony $!%%y( or droppin$( with "any bri%%iant rainbows( down a tiny fa%%& .Sa%%y(/ said ?adsby( .yo! do a $rand wor# in "aintainin$ this spot& If Man#ind( as a body( wo!%d on%y thin# as yo! do( that an ani"a% has a brain( and #nows $ood %i'in$ )onditions( yo! wo!%dn0t find so "any poor( s)ra$$%y o%d Dobbins p%oddin$ aro!nd o!r towns( dra$$in$ a )art far too bi$ and with a "an tota%%y witho!t sy"pathy on it&/ And >ady Standish said:.I A!st can't thin# of anybody ab!sin$ an ani"a% nor of a%%owin$ it to stay aro!nd( si)#( h!rt or h!n$ry& I thin# that an ani"a% is b!t a point short of h!"an and( ha'in$ a s#in 'aryin$ b!t s%i$ht%y fro" o!r own( wi%% #now as "!)h pain fro" a whippin$ as wo!%d a h!"an )hi%d& A b%ow !pon any ani"a%( if I a" within si$ht( is a%"ost as a b%ow !pon "y own body& +o! wo!%d thin# that( with that 'ast $ap whi)h Man#ind is )ontin!a%%y p%a)in$ ba)# of hi" in his onward "ar)h in i"pro'in$ this bi$ wor%d( Man wo!%d thin#( a bit( of his pa%s of hoof( horn and )%aw& 6!t I a" $%ad to say that( in this )o!ntry( %aws in "any a )o""!nity ad"it that an ani"a% has
ri$hts& Oh( how an ani"a% that is h!rt %oo#s !p at yo!( @ohn* An ani"a%0s a)tions )an infor" yo! if it is in pain& It don0t hop and A!"p aro!nd as !s!a%& No& +o! find a sad( )ro!)hin$( )rin$in$( s"a%% b!n)h of f!r or hair( whinin$( and p%ain%y as#in$ yo! to aid it& It isn0t hard to find o!t what is wron$( @ohn any "an or wo"an who wo!%d pass by s!)h a si$ht( A!st isn0t worth #nowin$& I A!st )an0t withstand it* 2hy( I thin# that not on%y ani"a%s( b!t p%ants )an #now pain& I )arry a drin# to "any a poor( thirsty $rowin$ thin$ or( if it is torn !p I p!t it #ind%y ba)#( and fi1 its soi% !p as )o"fortab%y as I )an& )nything that is %i'in$( @ohn( is worthy of Man0s aid&/
OOR O>D 6I>> Si"p#ins* Nothin$ in this wor%d was worth anythin$ nobody was ri$ht a%% wron$( a%% wron$* Si"p#ins had no #in and( not "arryin$( was .A!st p%oddin$ a%on$(/ %i'in$ in a s"a%% roo"( with no f!n( no )onstant )o"pany( no so)ia% $oa% to whi)h to %oo# forward and had( th!s( $rown into what boys )a%% .a bi$( o%d $ro!)h&/ 6!t it wasn0t a%% Si"p#ins0 fa!%t& A h!"an "ind was b!i%t for )onta)t with si"i%ar "inds& It sho!%d(-in fa)t(-it must thin# abo!t what is $oin$ on aro!nd it for( if it is sh!t !p in a thi)#( dar#( bony bo1 of a s#!%%( it wi%% a%ways stay in that )ondition #nown as stat!s ,!o and $row !p( anta$onisti) to a%% s!rro!ndin$s& 6!t Si"p#ins didn0t want to $row% and $r!nt& It was pra)ti)a%%y as annoyin$ to hi" as to fo%#s aro!nd hi" 6!t( as soon as that sh!t-!p( so%itary "ind fo!nd anybody wantin$ it to do anythin$ in )onfir"ation of p!b%i) opinion( - no* that "ind wo!%d )ontra)t( as a snai% in its spira% ar"or-and ba%#& >ady ?adsby and His Honor( in ta%#in$ abo!t this( had tho!$ht of i"pro'in$ s!)h a )ondition b!t Si"p#ins was not a "an to who" yo! )o!%d broa)h s!)h a tho!$ht& It wo!%d on%y brin$ forth an o!tb!rst of sar)as" abo!t .tryin$ it on yo!r own brain( first&/ So 6ranton Hi%%s0 Co!n)i% a%ways had so to word a ."otion/ as to( in a way( b%ind Si"p#ins as to its i"port& Many s!)h a "otion had a hard fi$ht showin$ hi" its 'a%!ation as a "!ni)ipa% %aw s!)h as o!r bi$ Ha%% of Nat!ra% History( o!r Doo( and so on& Now nothin$ )an so %i$ht !p s!)h a "ind as a $ood %a!$h& Start a "an %a!$hin$( $ood( %on$ and %o!d( and his "ind0s $ri"y windows wi%% s%ow%y in)h !pward snappy( in'i$oratin$ air wi%% r!sh in( and - %o* that o%d snar%in$( !$%y $ro!)h wi%% 'anish as hoar-frost in a war" Sprin$ thaw* And so it $ot aro!nd( on a bri$ht Sprin$ day( to O%d 6i%% sittin$ on ?adsby0s front por)h o!tward%y )a%"( and s"o#in$ a $ood )i$ar ;whi)h didn0t b%ow !p*<( b!t( inward%y A!st f!%% of snar%s and $row%s abo!t 6ranton Hi%%s0 +o!th& .Si%%y ha%f-$rown yo!n$ ani"a%s( fo!nd o!t that two p%!s two is fo!r( and thin#in$ that all thin$s wi%% fit( A!st that way*/ Now that s"a%% $ir%( .of abo!t si1(/ who had had Nan)y0s baby o!t in City Par#( was passin$ ?adsby0s "ansion( and saw O%d 6i%%& A #id of si1 has( as yo! probab%y #now( no for"a%%y %aid-
o!t p%an for its dai%y a)ti'ity anythin$ bobbin$ !p wi%% attra)t& So( with this )hi%dish instabi%ity of tho!$ht( this tiny "iss ran !p onto ?adsby0s por)h and stood in front of O%d 6i%%( %oo#in$ !p at hi"( b!t sayin$ not a word& .H!h */ 6i%% A!st had to snort& .>oo#in$ at anythin$3/ .No( sir& .2hat** Oh( that is( yo! thin# 4not "!)h(0 probab%y& 2hat do yo! want( anyway& .I want to p%ay&/ .A%% ri$ht r!n a%on$ and p%ay&/ .No I want to p%ay with you&/ .Booh!! That0s si%%y& I0" an o%d "an& An o%d "an )an0t p%ay& .Can( too& My ?randpa )an& .6!t I0" not yo!r ?randpa( than# "y %!)#y stars& R!n a%on$ now I0" thin#in$&/ .So a" I&/ .+o!3 H!h* A #id )an0t thin#&/ .Ooo-o* I )an*/ .Abo!t what3/ .Abo!t p%ayin$ with yo!&/ Now Si"p#ins saw that this was a )ondition whi)h wo!%dn0t pass with s)ow%in$ or $row%in$( b!t didn0t #now what to do abo!t it& P%ay with a #id3 *hat! Co!n)i%"an Si"p#ins p%6!t into that sh!t-!p "ind( thro!$h a partially, & only partia%%y(-risin$ window( was waftin$ a ba)# tho!$ht of May Day in City Par# and that happy( sin$in$( "ar)hin$ rin$ of tots aro!nd that ribbon-wo!nd "ast& Co!n)i%"an Si"p#ins was in that rin$& So this tho!$ht $ot to tra"pin$ ro!nd and ro!nd "any a "!sty )orridor in his "ind throwin$ !p a window( .b!stin$ in/ a door( and sho'in$ a %ot of d!st and r!bbish down a ba)# stairway& Ro!nd and ro!nd it ran( !nti%( ;**< O%d 6i%%( s%ow%y and s!rprisin$%y soft%y( said:.2hat do yo! want to p%ay3/ Oh* Oh* what a 'i)tory for that tot** 2hat a 'i)tory for outh!! And what a fall for $ro!)hy( snar%in$ Mat!rity** I thin# that Si"p#ins( ri$ht at that instant( saw that bri$ht s!n%i$ht )o"in$ in thro!$h that risin$ window risin$ by baby hands and fro" that .b!st in/ door& I thin# that O%d 6i%% )ast off( in that instant( that hard( $%oo"y )oatin$ of dissatisfa)tion( whi)h was $rippin$ his sh!t-!p "ind& And I thin#(-in fa)t( I know, that O%d 6i%% Si"p#ins was now(that is( was- was-was( oh( A!st p%ain happy! .2hat do yo! want to p%ay3/ .This is a %ady( a-$oin$ to town&/ .P%ay what! My** Don0t yo! #now how to p%ay that3 A%% ri$ht I0%% show yo!& Now A!st sti)# o!t yo!r foot&
That0s it& Now I0%% sit on it( so& Now yo! b!"p it !p and down& Ha( ha* Ho( ho* That0s it* This is a %ady( a-$oin$ to town( a-$oin$ to town( a-$oin$ to town* and as that tiny %ady san$ that baby son$ $ai%y and happi%y( O%d 6i%% was a)t!a%%y %a!$hin$ and %a!$hin$ uproariously, too* As this si$ht was o))!rrin$( His Honor and >ady ?adsby( %oo#in$ o!t fro" a par%or window( ?adsby said( happi%y:.A %ady physi)ian is wor#in$ on O%d 6i%%(/ )a!sin$ >ady ?adsby to add: .And a "i$hty $ood do)tor( too&/
T 2AS NI?HT a$ain& That s"a%% Sa%'ation Ar"y $ro!p was paradin$ and sin$in$( A yo!n$ $ir% wo!%d soon start a %on$ oration a$ainst drin#& Now boys( $aw#in$ as boys a%ways do( saw a shadowy for" of a "an s%in#in$ a%on$ fro" doorway to doorway( p%ain%y wat)hin$ this "ar)hin$ $ro!p( b!t a%so( p%ain%y tryin$ to stay o!t of si$ht& A ha%t( a son$ or two( and Mary Antor was soon wa%#in$ towards O%d >ady B%ana$an0s )abin& 6!t** In passin$ bi$( dar# City Par#( a "an( r!shin$ wi%d%y !p( wrappin$ that frai% for" in a )ast-iron $rip( p%antin$ #iss !pon #iss !pon Mary0s %ips( fina%%y !nwo!nd that $rip and stood stiff%y in "i%itary sa%!tin$ position& Mary( nat!ra%%y in a bad fri$ht( too# a short( an1io!s( in,!irin$ %oo#( and instant%y( a%% that part of City Par# a)t!a%%y rang with a wi%d $ir%ish )ry:.Norman!!! .H!%%oa( #iddo* @!st $ot in( ha%f an ho!r a$o( on a s"a%% troop train and( by %!)#( saw yo! "ar)hin$ in that $ro!p& *ow!! 6!t yo! do %oo# grand! .And yo! %oo# $rand( too( Nor"an b!t- b!t-b!t-not dr!n#3/ .No( sis* Not for "any a day now& Saw too "!)h of it in )a"p& 6i$( $rand( )or#in$ $ood )haps down and o!t fro" it& Days and days in Aai%( "i%itary Aai%( yo! #now( and fina%%y findin$ a 4bad )ond!)t0 sta"p on Co"pany boo#s& No( sir I0" off it( for good! FFF On o%d >ady B%ana$an0s por)h Mary sat way past "idni$ht with( no( not with Nor"an( on%y( b!t with two #ha#i-)%ad boys and it was "ira)!%o!s that that s"a%%( %o'in$ )hi%dish boso" )o!%d ho%d so "!)h Aoy* O%d >ady B%ana$an in ni$ht$own and )ap( %oo#in$ down a front stairway( ;and O%d Man B%ana$an( a%so in ni$ht$own and )ap( and a%so %oo#in$ down<( said:.Arrah** ?o wan oop stairs( yo! snoopin0 'ar"it*/ .*ho's a snoopin0 'ar"int3 Not you, of -/ .?o wan oop( I say* 6y $o%%y* That dar%in0 $ir% has fo!nd a "o!ntain of $o%d wid Nor"an an0
-/ .2ho0s that wid Nor"an3 That $!y0s aro!nd( ni$hts( now( as -/ .Say( yo!** Do yo! $o oop3 Or do I swat yo!3/
I>> ?ADS6+( ?OIN? abroad( nat!ra%%y wasn0t on that ba%%ot for Co!n)i%"an Antor0s )hair b!t this history shows that that "o!thy anta$onist who had had so "!)h to say abo!t .pin# satin ribbons/ and .'ani%%a sprays( didn0t win& No& A first )%ass man $ot that position o%d To" +o!n$( Sarah0s Dad( as $ood an o%d so!% as any in a%% 6ranton Hi%%s& And was Sarah happy * Oh( "y* And was Sarah pro!d* Two .oh "ys*/ Tiny Nan)y( %oya% as a%ways to 6i%%( said:.6i%% was as $ood as in( for nobody( #nowin$ "y 6i%% wo!%d ba%%ot a$ainst hi" and 6i%% wo!%d ho%d that honor now( b!t for 4O%d ?%ory0s0 )a%%in$&/ That0s ri$ht( Nan)y dar%in$( yo! sti)# !p for 6i%% for( tho!$h 6i%% didn0t #now it !nti% "any "onths( a )itation .for o!tstandin$ and 'a%oro!s )ond!)t in a)tion/ was soon to $o thro!$h o!r Nationa% Printin$ P%ant* Bor a .)ity fop/ or an .o!tdoor part of a tai%or shop/ is not a%ways a boob( yo! #now& ?adsby0s "ansion was a$ain bri$ht%y a$%ow that ni$ht( that .2or%d 2ar f%a$/ not han$in$ in his window now& And so( on >abor Day ni$ht( >ady ?adsby and His Honor( sittin$ in his par%or( tho!$ht that a %i$ht footfa%% was so!ndin$ o!t on his por)h& As ?adsby $ot !p to find o!t abo!t it( @!%i!s( )o"in$ in with a yo!n$ $ir%( stood %oo#in$( $rinnin$%y( at >ady ?adsby who( A!"pin$ !p( said( happi%y:.2hy* Mary Antor* .No( Ma(/ said @!%i!s& .This is not Mary Antor&/ .Not Mary Antor3 2hy( @!%i!s( I thin# I #now M-/ .Not Mary Antor( Ma( b!t Mary ?adsby*/ .Oh* Oh* My darling $ir%**/ and ha%f )ryin$ and ha%f %a!$hin$( Mary was sn!$$%in$ in >ady ?adsby0s ar"s and His Honor( )oinin$ in( sayin$:.6y $o%%y* That yo!n$ )!ss( C!pid( is "i$hty b!sy aro!nd this town* 2hy( I )an hard%y wa%# two b%o)#s a%on$ 6roadway( witho!t a yo!n$ $ir%( who has 4$rown !p in a ni$ht(0 stoppin$( and sayin$: 4Mayor ?adsby( this is "y h!sband&0 6!t I0%% say that C!pid0s "ar#s"anship has a%ways bro!$ht abo!t happy "atin$s& And( Mary( yo! dar%in$ #id( yo!r sad( dar# shadows wi%% $rad!a%%y pass and >ady ?adsby and I wi%% try to brin$ yo! %oads and %oads of )o"fort& 6!t(
say( yo!( @!%i!s* I didn0t #now that yo! and Mary-/ .Ho( ho/ said Mary( %a!$hin$& .Didn0t yo! #now that @!%i!s and Nor"an and I sat o!t ni$hts on o%d >ady B%ana$an0s por)h3/ .2hy( no how sho!%d I3 I don0t $o snoopin$ aro!nd anybody0s por)h&/ .Ha( ha( Dad(/ said @!%i!s .no snoopin$ wo!%d find that o!t& Mary and I had had this p%an so %on$ a$o that I didn0t #now a 2or%d 2ar was )o"in$*/
s A SMA>> boy( yo!r historian was to%d that .A #in$ was in his )o!ntin$ roo"( a)o!ntin$ o!t his )ash(/ or si"i%ar words( whi)h to%d( pra)ti)a%%y( of his ta#in$ a))o!nt of sto)#& So( a%so( ?adsby was on his thin#in$-por)h( a-thin#in$ of his past& ;A "i$hty $ood thin$ to do( too if anybody sho!%d as# yo!*< .If(/ said His Honor( yo! )an0t find any f!n d!rin$ )hi%dhood( yo! nat!ra%%y won0t %oo# for it as yo! $row !p to "at!rity& +o! wi%% $row 4hard(0 and %oo# !pon f!n as foo%ish& A%so( if yo! don0t f!rnish f!n for a )hi%d( don0t %oo# for it to $row !p bri$ht( happy and %o'in$& So( a%ways p!t in a )hi%d0s path an opport!nity to wat)h( ta%# abo!t( and #now( as "any $ood thin$s as yo! )an&/ >ady ?adsby( fro" a par%or window( said: .Pra)ti)in$ for a st!"pin$ to!r( or a po%iti)a% pow-wow3/ .Ha( ha* No& @!st thin#in$ o!t %o!d&/ So( as thin#in$ )annot h!rt anybody( His Honor was soon $oin$ on:.Affairs whi)h %oo# s"a%% or abs!rd to a f!%%-$rown "an "ay %oo" !p as bi$ as a "o!ntain to a )hi%d and yo! sho!%dn0t a%%ow a fa)t that yo! saw a thin$ 4so "!)h that I a" si)# of it(0 to t!rn yo! away fro" an in,!irin$ )hi%d& ou wasn0t si)# of it( on that far-past day on whi)h yo! first saw it& I a%ways %oo# ba)#( happi%y and pro!d%y( to ta#in$ a s"a%% $ir% to o!r City B%orist0s bi$ $%ass b!i%din$ to a $ro!p at o!r Ni$ht Co!rt a $ro!p findin$ o!t abo!t dispat)hin$ o!r "ai% and o!r )ir)!s* 6oy* That was f!n* O!r awardin$ dip%o"as at City Ha%% tiny Marian at o!r airport0s ina!$!ration o!r Man!a% Trainin$ S)hoo% $rad!ation& )ll that did a bi$ %ot toward showin$ +o!th that this bi$ wor%d is 4not ha%f bad(0 if ad!%ts wi%% b!t wat)h( aid( and )oa)h& And I will not stand anybody0s snappin$ at a )hi%d* Parti)!%ar%y a tiny tot& If yo! thin# that yo! must snap( snap at a )hi%d so bi$ as to snap ba)#& I don0t san)tion 4ta%#in$ ba)#0 to ad!%ts( b!t( ha( ha* I did find a $rand( bi$ wallop in Marian0s Apri% Boo% )i$ar* 2oo* 0id O%d 6i%% A!"p** 6!t that did no har"( and a sad yo!n$ "ind fo!nd a way to "at)h thin$s !p with an anta$onist& Now( A!st stand a )hi%d !p a$ainst yo!r body& How ta%% is it3 Possib%y on%y !p to yo!r hip& Sti%%( a "an (-or an ani"a% thinking that it is a "an-wi%% s%ap( whip( or 'i)io!s%y yank an ar" of so frai%( so soft a tiny body* That is what I )a%% a coward!! 6y $o%%y* a%"ost a criminal! If a tot is what
yo! )a%% na!$hty( ;and no )hi%d 'o%!ntari%y is(< why not %ift that yo!n$ body !p onto yo!r %ap( and ta%#-don0t shoutabout what it A!st did3 Sho!tin$ $ains nothin$ with a tot& Man )an sho!t at Man( at do$s( and at far" ani"a%s b!t a "an who sho!ts at a )hi%d is( at that instant( sinking in his own muck of bullyism; and b!%%yis" is a sin( if anythin$ in this wor%d is& Ah outh! +o! $%orio!s dawn of Man#ind* +o! bri$ht( happy( $%owin$ "ornin$ S!n not at f!%% bri%%ian)y of noon( I #now( b!t !na'oidab%y on yo!r way* outh! How I do thri%% at ta#in$ yo!r war"( soft hand wa%#in$ with yo! ta%#in$ with yo! b!t( "ost i"portant of a%%( laughing with yo!* That is Man0s pathway to $%ory& A "an who drops b%osso"s in passin$( wi%% )arry Aoy to fo%#s a%on$ his way a "an who drops )r!"bs wi%% a%so do a #ind%y a)t b!t a "an who drops #ind words to a sobbin$ )hi%d wi%% find his Aoy )ontin!in$ for "any a day for b%osso"s wi%% dry !p )r!"bs "ay b%ow away b!t a #ind word to a )hi%d "ay start a b%osso" $rowin$ in that yo!n$ "ind( whi)h wi%% so far s!rpass what an !n#ind%y "an "i$ht drop( as an or)hid wi%% s!rpass a wisp of $rass& @!st stop a bit and %oo# ba)# at yo!r footprints a%on$ yo!r past pathway& Did yo! p!t many h!"ps in that soi% whi)h a s"a%% )hi%d "i$ht trip on3 Did yo! an$ri%y s%a" a door( whi)h "i$ht so Ao%t a hi$h-str!n$ tot as to brin$ on ni$hts and ni$hts of inso"nia3 Did yo! so )onstant%y snar% at it that it don0t want yo! aro!nd3 In fa)t( did yo! p!t anything in that ba)#-path of yo!rs whi)h )o!%d brin$ sorrow to a )hi%d3 Or start its distr!st of yo!( as its ri$htf!% guardian! If so( go back ri$ht now( "an( and fi1 !p s!)h spots by #ind%y a)ts fro" now on& Or( :ump into a pond, and don't crawl out again!! Bor nobody wants yo! aro!nd*/ >ady ?adsby( as this oration was waftin$ off a"on$st %i%a) shr!bs( and a)ross soft( war" %awns( had sat( a%so thin#in$ fina%%y )o"in$ o!t onto that i'y-bo!nd por)h( and sittin$ down by His Honor( sayin$:.That was A!st $rand( @ohn( b!t I was thin#in$ a%on$ a path 'aryin$ a bit fro" that& +o! #now that Man0s brain is actually a%% of hi"& A%% parts of his body( as yo! fo%%ow down fro" his brain( a)t si"p%y as aids to it& His nostri%s brin$ hi" air his "o!th is for "asti)atin$ his food his hands and %i"bs f!rnish abi%ity for "anip!%ation and %o)o"otion and his %!n$s( sto"a)h and a%% inward or$ans f!n)tion only for that brain& If yo! %oo# at a )rowd yo! say that yo! saw %ots of fo%#s: b!t if yo! %oo# at a "an bathin$ in a pond and if that "an san# !nti% on%y that part fro" his brow !pward was in si$ht( yo! "i$ht say that yo! saw nobody on%y a "an s s)a%p& 6!t yo! a)t!a%%y saw a "an( for a "an is on%y as bi$ as that part sti%% in si$ht& Now a )hi%d0s s#!%%( nat!ra%%y( is not so bi$ as a "an0s so its brain has no roo" for a%% that 'ast "ass of tho!$hts whi)h ad!%t brains )ontain& It is( so to say( in a s"a%% roo"& 6!t( as days and "onths $o by( that roo" wi%% p!sh its wa%%s o!tward( and that yo!n$ brain $rad!a%%y fi%% !p a%% that additiona% roo"& So( %oo#in$ for )a%"( )oo% thin#in$ in a )hi%d is as si%%y as %oo#in$ for bi$( A!i)y p%!"s a"on$st frai% sprin$ b%osso"s& 2hy( oh( why don0t fo%#s thin# of that3 ou #now what foo%ish so!ndin$ thin$s @!%i!s was a%ways as#in$( as a )hi%d& 4How )an A!st r!bbin$ a "at)h %i$ht it30 42hy is it dar# at ni$ht30 42hy )an0t a baby ta%#30 6!t( yo! and I( @ohn( didn0t %a!$h at hi"& No( not for an instant& And now %oo# at o!r @!%i!s and o!r Eath%yn both fa"o!s( A!st thro!$h a%% that as#in$ and o!r aid& @ohn( ?od could p!t Man into this wor%d( f!%%-$rown& 6!t ?od don0t do so for ?od #nows that( witho!t a tiny hand to ho%d( a tiny foot to pat( tiny %ips to #iss( and a tiny( war"( wri$$%in$ body to h!$( Man wo!%d #now nothin$ b!t wor#&/ ?adsby sat s"o#in$ for a bit( fina%%y sayin$:-
.Dar%in$( that pair of robins !p in that bi$ oa# with fo!r yo!n$( and yo! and I in this bi$ b!i%din$( a%so with fo!r( #now a%% abo!t what yo! A!st said and( and( -h"""** It0s a%"ost "idni$ht&/ And His Honor s "ansion was soon dar# bathin$ in soft "oon%i$ht&
RACTICA>>+ A>> 6ranton Hi%%s was ta%#in$ abo!t Co!n)i%"an Si"p#ins for Co!n)i%"an Si"p#ins A!st didn0t %oo# nat!ra% and Co!n)i%"an Si"p#ins didn0t a)t nat!ra%& In fa)t( Co!n)i%"an Si"p#ins was )raw%in$ o!t of his o%d )o)oon and( tho!$h an !$%y( snar%in$ dowdy wor" had %ain for so %on$( sh!t !p in that ti$ht "ass of wrappin$s aro!nd his brain( now a $ay( s"i%in$ "oth was )o"in$ o!t for Co!n)i%"an Si"p#ins was .do%%in$ !p*/ If 6i%% ?adsby was #nown as a .tai%orshop0s o!tdoor part(/ O%d 6i%% was not a part& No( O%d 6i%% was that tai%or shop-o!tdoor( indoor( or witho!t a door& In fa)t( Co!n)i%"an Si"p#ins now had .it, s!)h as o!r fi%"s ta%# abo!t so "!)h today& 6!t Si"p#ins0 o!tfit was not f%ashy or .%o!d&/ S!its of $ood )%oth( hats of sty%ish for"& a%ways a bri$ht )arnation .A!st so!th of his )hin(/ boots a%ways $%ossy( and a s"art( sprin$y wa%#( had a%% 6roadway $aspin$ as this Apo%%o-'ision sw!n$ Aa!nti%y a%on$& Nan)y( happy( $i$$%in$ Nan)y( was .a%% of a $rin/ abo!t this "a$i) trans for"ation and( with that o%d( inborn instin)t of wo"anhood( to%d >!)y:.+o! A!st wat)h( and "ar# "y word& A wo"an is in this p!ddin$* O%d 6i%% A!st )o!%dn0t boo" o!t in s!)h a way witho!t ha'in$ a $oa% in si$ht and I0%% p!t !p a do%%ar on it&/ And >!)y( a%so a wo"an( said s"i%in$%y:.And I0%% p!t !p a do%%ar and a ha%f*/ 6!t His Honor and >ady ?adsby( at s!)h ta%# wo!%d %oo# s#yward( )o!$h( and say:.Possib%y a wo"an and a "i$hty yo!n$ wo"an( at that&/ Now( if anythin$ wi%% .war" !p/ !p/ a p!b%i)( it is $ossip parti)!%ar%y if it is abo!t "ystifyin$ a)tions of a p!b%i) "an and this had soon $rown to a point at whi)h a parti)!%ar%y )!rio!s "an or wo"an tho!$ht of $oin$ to O%d 6i%% and bo%d%y as#in$: .2ho is it3/ 6!t( as I said( what Co!n)i%"an Si"p#ins wo!%d say to s!)h .b!ttin$ in/ was #nown to a%% 6ranton Hi%%s& No& Co!n)i%"an Si"p#ins )o!%d do%% !p and trot aro!nd a%% that that port%y So%on "i$ht wish b!t( so to say( a si$n was a%ways han$in$ fro" his )oat front( sayin$:.HANDS OBB* **/ FFFF Nina Ada"s and Cir$inia sat on ?adsby0s por)h with Nan)y and Eath%yn and O%d 6i%% was !p as a topi)& Cir$inia( )onstant%y s"i%in$ and inward%y )h!)#%in$( hadn0t "!)h to say abo!t o!r
fris#y Co!n)i%"an and Nan)y and Eath%yn )o!%dn0t fatho" why& 6!t Nina( not so ba)#ward( said: .Pffft* If a "an wants to throw o%d )%othin$ away and b!y sty%ish o!tfits( what affair is it( b!t his own3 It isn0t ri$ht so to pi)# o!t a "an( and t!rn hi" into a %a!$hin$ sto)# of a )ity& O%d 6i%% isn0t a bad sort possib%y born $ro!)hy b!t if a $ro!)hy "an or wo"an( ;and I #now a bunch of that )%ass in this town*< can p!%% o!t of it( and %a!$h( and find a bit of Aoy in %i'in$( I thin# it is an o))asion for )on$rat!%ations( not booin$&/ .Oh(/ said Eath%yn( .I don0t thin# anybody is booin$ Co!n)i%"an Si"p#ins& 6!t yo! #now that any showin$ of s!)h an inno'ation is apt to start $ossip& @!st why( I don0t #now& It( tho!$h( is a trait of Man#ind on%y& Ani"a%s don0t 4b%oo"0 o!t so abr!pt%y& +o! )an h!nt thro!$h 6io%o$y( Doo%o$y or any si"i%ar st!dy( and find b!t s%ow( -awf!%%y s%ow(-adaptations toward any for" of 'ariation& H!rryin$ was not #nown !nti% Man $ot aro!nd&/ .My*/ said Nan)y( $aspin$( and not $i$$%in$ now( .I wish that I )o!%d #now a%% that yo! #now( Eathy& As o!r s%an$ p!ts it( 4I don0t #now nothin0(0/ .6!t( yo! )o!%d(/ said Eath%yn( .if yo! wo!%d on%y st!dy& A%% thro!$h o!r yo!n$ days( yo! #now( with yo! and 6i%% o!t at a )ard or dan)in$ party( yo! in f%i"sy fri%%s( and 6i%% swishin$ aro!nd in sartoria% $%ory( I was !pstairs( st!dyin$& And so was @!%i!s&/ .That0s ri$ht(/ said Nina& .I wish Cir$inia wo!%d st!dy&/ .Oh( I am! said Cir$inia( a%% a$%ow& .+o!3 St!dyin$ what! .A'iation* Haro%d is $oin$ to show-. .Now( Cir$inia( Haro%d is not*/ and Nina Ada"s0 foot was down! 9It0s not so bad for a "an to f%y( b!t a $ir%.6!t( Ma"a( %ots of $ir%s f%y( nowadays&/ .I #now that( and I a%so #now a $ir% who won't! and( A!st as >!)y has a%ways #nown that O%d To" +o!n$0s 4no0 was a no( A!st so had Nina Ada"s bro!$ht !p Cir$inia& .6!t(/ said Eath%yn( .this s#y-shootin$ ta%# isn0t findin$ o!t anythin$ abo!t Co!n)i%"an Si"p#ins / and Cir$inia said:.Possib%y O%d 6i%% wants to 4f%y hi$h&0 I thin# I0%% as# Haro%d abo!t ta#in$ hi" !p for a Aa!nt&/ This( brin$in$ a happy %a!$h a%% aro!nd( Nina said:.Now don0t Ao%%y poor 6i%% too "!)h& I don0t #now what( or who( $ot hi" to 4$oin$ so)ia%&0/ And Nan)y( $i$$%in$( said:.I p!t !p a do%%ar( with >!)y0s do%%ar-fifty that it0s a wo"an&/ .Oh( I don0t #now( now(/ said Nina& .A "an isn0t a%ways trottin$ aro!nd on a wo"an0s apron strin$s(/ and( as it was $rowin$ dar#( Nina and Cir$inia $ot !p to $o& Passin$ down ?adsby0s front wa%#( a soft ni$ht wind bro!$ht ba)# to that por)h:.Now( Cir$inia( ,!it this* +o! wi%% stay on solid ground! .Aw( Ma* Haro%d says-/
6!t a bi$ b!s( roarin$ by( )!t it short& FFFF @!st a "onth fro" this( His Honor( sittin$ on his por)h with his .Mornin$ Post/ ran a)ross a short bit( A!st two rows of print( whi)h had hi" )a%%in$ .Hi*/ whi)h >ady ?adsby too# as a si$na% for a ,!i)# trip to that por)h& .A%% ri$ht( +o!r Honor* On d!ty* 2hat0s !p3/ ?adsby( fo%din$ his .Post/ into a narrow )o%!"n( and handin$ it to that waitin$ %ady( said nothin$& As that $ood wo"an saw that para$raph& ?adsby saw first a $asp( fo%%owin$ that( a $rin( and fina%%y:.*hy! Of a%% thin$s* So that's Nina-/ That row of print said( si"p%y:.6y Pastor 6rown( on Sat!rday ni$ht( in Pastor0s st!dy( Nina Ada"s and Co!n)i%"an Si"p#ins&/ .2hy*/ said >ady ?adsby( %a!$hin$( .Nina sat on this por)h on%y %ast "onth( ta%#in$ abo!t O%d 6i%%( b!t sayin$ nothin$ abo!t this* I0" $oin$ ri$ht aro!nd to h!$ that dar%in$ wo"an for that is what I )a%% tact# So( as Nina and o!r >ady sat ta%#in$( Nina said: . ou #now that 6i%% and I( $rowin$ !p fro" #ids in s)hoo%( a%ways $ot a%on$ $rand%y no )hi%dhood spats b!t( sti%% it was no 4)r!sh0 s!)h as +o!th fa%%s into& As 6i%% $ot o!t of hi$h s)hoo%( I sti%% had two roo"s to $o thro!$h& +o! a%so #now that I wasn0t a 4Miss0 for %on$ fro" $rad!ation day& 6!t Ir'in$ Ada"s was %ost in that awf!% 4Titani)0 )a%a"ity( and I bro!$ht !p "y baby in "y widowhood& 6i%% was a%ways sy"pathi5in$ and patroni5in$( tho!$h a%% 6ranton Hi%%s tho!$ht hi" a )ast-iron $ro!)h& 6!t a p!b%i) "an is not a%ways stiff and hard in his off ho!rs and 6i%% and I( s%ow%y b!t $rad!a%%y findin$ "any a happy ho!r )o!%d.A%% ri$ht( yo! $rand( %!s)io!s thin$**/ and >ady ?adsby and Nina sat %a!$hin$ on a )o!)h( as in o%d( o%d s)hoo% days& .And(/ said Nina( happi%y .poor 6i%%0s !pstairs( now( p!ttin$ his thin$s aro!nd to s!it hi"& >i'in$ for so %on$ in a s"a%% %od$in$ a%% his thin$s staid in a tr!n#& A %od$in$-roo" a%ways has 'ario!s fo%#s aro!nd( yo! #now( and a "an don0t %ay his thin$s o!t as in his own roo"& So-/ .Nina(/ said >ady ?adsby .do yo! #now what bro!$ht hi" o!t of his o%d sh!t-in way of %oo#in$ at thin$s3/ .Bro" A!st a word or two 6i%% drops( o))asiona%%y( I thin# that a )hi%d is-/ And >ady ?adsby( said .+o! #now o!r ?ood 6oo#0s sayin$ abo!t: 4And a tiny )hi%d sha%% -(/
i1 MONTHS BROM THAT day !pon whi)h o%d Mars( ?od of 2ar had an$ri%y thrown down his )annons( tan#s( $as-bo"bs and so on( f!"in$ at Man0s inabi%ity to .stand !p to it( ?adsby0s "ansion was dar# a$ain& Not tota%%y dar# A!st his par%or %a"p( and a %i$ht or two in ha%%s and on stairways& And so this history fo!nd Nan)y and Eath%yn o!t on that "oon-%it por)h Nan)y sobbin$( fi$htin$ it off( and sobbin$ a$ain& Ta%%( st!dio!s( %o'in$ Eath%yn( sittin$ fond%y by Nan)y0s tiny for"( said .Now( sis I wo!%dn0t )ry so "!)h( for I don0t thin# that )onditions( A!st now( )a%% for it&/ .6-b-b-b!t I0d stop if I )o!%d( wo!%dn0t I3/ and poor Nan)y was sobbin$ a$ain& .Now, wait! and Eath%yn( !n)o""on%y )ross( 'i$oro!s%y shoo# Nan)y0s ar"& . ou )an0t $ain a thing this way& Ma"a is probab%y a%% ri$ht& Oh( is that yo!( Daddy3/ His Honor sat down by his two $ir%s& ?adsby was not %oo#in$ $ood& 6%a)# rin$s aro!nd his a%ways %a!$hin$ orbs a hard )ast to that Ao'ia% "o!th a $ray hair or two( )roppin$ !p a"on$st his wa'y brown& 6!t ?adsby was not o%d& Oh( no far fro" it& Sti%%( that stoop in wa%#in$ that odd( %i"p s%!"p in sittin$ that tonin$ down in Ao'ia%ity( had( for si1 "onths past( had a%% 6ranton Hi%%s sy"pathi5in$ with its pop!%ar Mayor& FFFF Days days days* And( oh* that tough part( --ni$hts( ni$hts( ni$hts* Ni$hts of two yo!n$ )haps( in f!%% )%othin$( on%y A!st nappin$ on a par%or )on)h& Ni$hts of two $ir%s noddin$ in )hairs in a di"%y(-oh( so di"%y a %it roo"& It $ot aro!nd a%"ost to Christ"as( on%y a fortni$ht to that happy )%ay b!t(-happy in ?adsby0s "ansion3 Bina%%y Bran# too# a hand:- .Now( #id( do try to stop this )ryin$* +o! #now I0" not s)o%din$ yo!( dar%in$( b!t( yo! :ust can't $o on( this way and that's that! .I0" tryin$ so hard( h!bby*/ Now Nan)y was of that $ood( st!rdy o%d Co%onia% sto)# of His Honor and >ady ?adsby and so( as Christ"as was approa)hin$( and "any a b!n)h of ho%%y h!n$ in 6roadway0s bi$ windows( and as "any a Sa%'ation Ar"y Santa C%a!s stood at its )!rbs( Nan)y0s )onstit!tion won o!t b!t a bad%y worn yo!n$ %ady was in and o!t of ?adsby0s "ansion dai%y brin$in$ baby >i%%ian to #iss ?rand"a( and ridin$ ba)# with Bran# at abo!t si1 o0)%o)#& FFFF O%d Do)tor 2i%#ins( )o"in$ in on a )oo%& sharp ni$ht( fo!nd His Honor( Nan)y( Eathyn( 6i%%( @!%i!s( >!)y( Mary( Bran# and @ohn a%% in that bi$ par%or& .Now( yo! b!n)h( it0s !p to yo!& >ady ?adsby wi%% p!%% thro!$h a%% ri$ht(/ ;Nan)y r!shin$ wi%d%y to #iss hi"*< .it han$s now !pon $ood n!rsin$ and I #now yo! wi%% f!rnish that& And I wi%% say witho!t a wisp of a do!bt( that a )a%"( happy roo" not too "any aro!nd and-andh"""** @!%i!s( )an0t yo! h!nt aro!nd in o!r woods that yo! and Eath%yn #now so thoro!$h%y( and find a ta%%( strai$ht yo!n$ fir )!t it down( ri$ it !p with %i$hts and a %ot of shiny st!ff stand it !p in yo!r Ma0s roo"( and-/ FFFF
4Tis a ni$ht( a%"ost Christ"as( And a%% thro!$h that roo" A war" Aoy is stirrin$ No si$n of a $%oo"& And .Ma(/ sittin$ !p( In $ay $own( and )ap( No( no* *ill not start On a %on$ wintry nap* Bor( o!t on that %awn A $ro!p of $ir%s stand A $ro!p sin$in$ )aro%s 2ith part of o!r 6and& And that "oon( in f!%% 'i$or( 2as %!stro!s and %o* 7ur 2ady is singing! Aha( now I #now That Nan)y and Eath%yn And @!%i!s and 6i%% And a%so His Honor( 2i%% sin$ with a wi%%* And O%d Do)tor 2i%#ins A"idst it a%% stands S"itin$ and noddin$( And r!bbin$ his hands And( s%idin$ o!t( s%y%y Ca%%s ba)# at that si$ht:.Happy Christ"as to a%% And to a%% a ?ood Ni$ht*/ A%on$ abo!t "idni$ht a happy $ro!p sat aro!nd ?adsby0s par%or %a"p( as Dr& 2i%#ins was sayin$:.Stoppin$ a war that is( stoppin$ a)t!a% "i%itary )o"bat( is not stoppin$ a war in all its fa)tors& D!rin$ )ontin!o!s hard strain a h!"an "ind )an ho%d !p and it is tr!%y a"a5in$ how "!)h it )an stand& Day by day( with that war-strain of worry p!%%in$ it down( it sta!n)h%y ho%ds a%oof( as a "i$hty oa# in fa)in$ a stor"& 6!t it has a %i"it** 2ith too "!)h and too %on$ strain( it wi%% snap; A!st as that "i$hty oa# wi%% fa%%( in a %on$ fi$ht& >ady ?adsby wi%% a'oid s!)h a snap tho!$h it is by a narrow "ar$in&/ As this $ro!p sat in that ho%%y-h!n$ par%or( with that bi$ )%oth si$n in bi$ $o%d )apita%s HAPP+ CHRISTMAS( a)ross its ba)# wa%% with horns tootin$ o!tdoors with "any a window aro!nd town a$%ow with tiny( dan)in$ ta%%ow-dip %i$hts with baby >i%%ian .a%% sn!$$%in$-so war" in a )ot as 'ision of s!$ar p%!"s/- ;and why shouldn't a baby thin# of s!$ar p%!"s on that ni$ht( a%"ost Christ"as3< as( I say( this happy $ro!p sat aro!nd ?adsby0s %a"p( Mars( that $ri" o%d war tyrant( was far( far away& Upstairs( )a%"%y snoo5in$ on a bi$ downy pi%%ow( >ady ?adsby was now rapid%y )o"in$ ba)# a$ain to that b!1o"( happy-$o-%!)#y Birst >ady of 6ranton Hi%%s&
HRISTMAS( ?A+ AND happy in ?adsby0s "ansion( was soon far( far ba)#& A robin or two was hoppin$ abo!t on His Honor0s %awn( %oo#in$ for a s,!ir"in$ %!n)h >ady was ta#in$ short wa%#s with Nan)y Eath%yn ha'in$ to $o ba)# to wor# in o!r bi$ hospita%& >i%a)( syrin$a( nar)iss!s( t!%ips( hya)inths b!rst o!t in a riot of b%oo" and a bri$ht war" S!n bro!$ht Aoy to a%% And so this history fo!nd His Honor on his por)h with his .Post/ as a yo!n$ %ad( )o"in$ !p( said - .?ood "ornin$( sir& I0" so%i)itin$ f!nds for a bi$ stadi!" for 6ranton Hi%%s( whi)h wi%% f!rnish an opport!nity for footba%%( po%o( -/ .2hoa */ said ?adsby( p!ttin$ down his .Post/ and %oo#in$ )riti)a%%y at his yo!n$ 'isitor& .+o! %oo# a bit fa"i%iar( boy& Oho* If is isn0t #id 6an#s oh( pardon! )llan 6an#s son of Co!n)i%"an 6an#s* +o! yo!n$ fo%#s $row !p so fast I don0t #now ha%f of yo!& Now what abo!t this so%i)itin$& 2ho is ba)# of yo!3/ .6ranton Hi%%s0 Or$ani5ation of +o!th Part Two( sir&/ .6ranton Hi%%s Or$- Ha( ha* Upon "y word* 2ho is startin$ this $ro!p3/ Mary( )o"in$ o!t fro" His Honor0s par%or( said:.Oh( I for$ot to notify yo! of this& Nor"an has $ot abo!t fifty #ids fro" ?ra""ar S)hoo% boys and $ir%s( an1io!s to fo%%ow in your Or$ani5ations0s foot-prints&/ 2as ?adsby happy3 Did ?adsby thri%%3 Did that %on$-past( happy day f%oat in $%owin$ )o%ors thro!$h his "ind3 It did& And now that o%d( hard-wor#in$ b!n)h of #ids( $rown !p( now( and with #ids of its own that %oya% b!n)h of yo!n$ spro!ts was ta#in$ root was born a$ain* Oh( how +o!th )raw%s tip on yo!* B%ow a tiny $ir% .a%"ost instant%y/ shoots !p into a ta%%( )har"in$ yo!n$ wo"an* ,ow a top-spinnin$( ba%%-tossin$( ra)in$( sho!tin$ boy %oo"s !p into a "an%y yo!n$ )hap in Mi%itary S)hoo% !nifor"* ?adsby was happy for( wasn0t this a toni) for his spina% )o%!"n3 So His Honor said .A%%an( I thin# 6ranton Hi%%s wi%% offi)ia%%y aid this stadi!" p%an& I0%% p!t it !p to Co!n)i%&/ 6!t( A%%an 6an#s( not Eid 6an#s now( was A!st so o%d as to #now a thin$ or two abo!t Co!n)i% bi%%s and( o!t as a so%i)itor( nat!ra%%y so!$ht a $ood showin$ on donations won( so said .A Co!n)i% donation wi%% fit in $rand( sir b!t how abo!t $ro!)hy o%d 6i%% Si"p# -/ .Trot a%on$( A%%an&/ .6!t how abo!t this stadi!"3 I0" do!btin$ O%d 6-// .Trot a%on$( A%%an&/ FFFF 2hat Mary had said was a fa)t& Nor"an Antor had not on%y fo!$ht a "i%itary war Nor"an
Antor had a%so fo!$ht an inward war& A war( whi)h fo!$ht hi" with $a%%on A!$s( s"a%% phia%s( spoons( "i1in$ apparat!s( and - a st!"b%in$( "!"b%in$ stupor! Nor"an had fo!$ht with abo!t two "i%%ion %ads in that "i%itary war b!t now( with no aid b!t a strain of $ood b%ood( startin$ way ba)# of his )aro!sin$ Dad ;b!t( as s!)h traits "ay( s#ippin$ a not)h or two( and i"p%antin$ in this yo!n$ %ad A!st a $rain of its o%d nobi%ity of "ind<( was fi$htin$ a$ain and( A!st as any so%itary yo!n$ )hap a"on$st that two "i%%ion %oya%%y did his part( A!st so was this tiny $rain now doin$ its part fi$htin$ 'a%iant%y in his brain& It was $i'in$ hi" tort!rin$ tho!$hts in ar"y ni$ht-)a"ps( of a dar%in$( %o'in$ yo!n$ $ir%( a part of his own fa"i%y( $rowin$ !p .in a poo% of %i,!or / tho!$hts in ni$ht-)a"ps of 6ranton Hi%%s0 patro%-wa$on trips to Aai% and 0arn that tho!$ht of Cir$inia* Cir$inia drunk by his own hand* U$h** *hy not chop that stinking hand off! And( on )o"in$ ba)# to 6ranton Hi%%s( wat)hin$ that dar%in$ Mary in Sa%'ation Ar"y !nifor"( tra"pin$( ta%#in$( prayin$ for A!st s!)h %ow-down .%i,!or ho!nds/ as -& Oh* It was an awf!% fi$ht* A %on$( brain-ra)#in$ ons%a!$ht a$ainst a 'i%%ain sh!t in by wa%%s of iron* 6!t tho!$h Nor"an Antor0s ni$ht- )a"p fi$hts with Nor"an Antor had .p!t a bi$ #i)#/ in his wish to .%ay off that st!ff(/ A!st a fina% b%ow( A!st an awf!% brain-)rashin$ blast was sti%% "issin$( so that that bi$ ri$ht hand "i$ht point s#yward( to )%in)h that 'ow& And that b%ast was waitin$ for Nor"an* To anybody standin$ aro!nd( it wasn0t "!)h of a b%ast b!t it was! It was a "i$hty )on)!ssion of T&N&T&( )o"in$ as Mary( yo!n$( %o'in$( prayin$ Mary( said( as his ar"s !nwo!nd fro" aro!nd that frai% for" .2hy( Nor"an* Not drunk! .od!! 2hat f%ashin$( shootin$( si55%in$ spar#s shot thro!$h his brain** Up( o!t( in a%% #inds of ways** *hat )rashin$ bo"bs** And( that first )a%" ni$ht on O%d >ady B%ana$an0s por)h that "oon%it ni$ht of b%iss( with soft( )!dd%in$( sn!$$%in$( %a!$hin$( )ryin$ dar%in$ Mary* .I say(/ Nor"an was sho!tin$( inward%y .that ni$ht of b%iss was a ni$ht of b%iss and don't anybody try to say that it wasn't!/ Bor it was a ni$ht on whi)h a yo!n$ "an0s So!% was back; ha)# in its own Mind( now f!%% of ?od0s in)o"parab%y $rand purity! FFFF >ady ?adsby was 'isitin$ Nina( sittin$ in that bi$ front par%or Cir$inia sittin$ )a%"%y ro)#in$ ;and( h"""* That was abo!t a%% Cir$inia ought to do( A!st now*< A yo!n$ Hi$h S)hoo% $ir%( )o"in$ in( said:- .?ood "ornin$* I0" so%i)itin$ for f!nds for a stadi!" for -/ .Marian! san$ o!t Cir$inia( .*hat's a%% this3 ou so%i)itin$3/ .2hy not3/ said Marian( bri$ht%y& .Nor"an Antor0s Or$ani5ation of +o!th Part Two( is so%i -/ .Nor"an Antor0s what! and Cir$inia was a%% a$o$ in an instant( as Marian Hop#ins to%d a%% abo!t it and( with )hi%dish f%ippan)y( for$ot a%% abo!t so%i)itin$( sayin$:.I was to%d that Haro%d is $i'in$ f%yin$ instr!)tions& Don0t yo! want to f%y3 My* I do! .I did, said Cir$inia( soft%y .b!t( -not now and Marian was a bit too yo!n$ to #now why
>ady ?adsby was s"i%in$ at Nina* As Nan)y fo!nd o!t abo!t this( on >ady ?adsby0s )o"in$ ba)# to %!n)h( that .o%d 6ranton Hi%%s "atron(/ as ?adsby fo!nd a %ot of f!n )a%%in$ .his baby $ir%(/ now-a-days( said( $i$$%in$: .No* Cir$inia* +o!0%% stay on solid ground!
AD+ ?ADS6+ AND His Honor sat in 6ranton Hi%%s0 Birst Ch!r)h( on a hot @!%y S!nday& O!t-doors( twittin$ birds( %a)y )%o!ds( and $ay b%osso"s( to%d of happy ho!rs in this %on$( bri$ht "onth& Pastor 6rown( anno!n)in$ a hy"n( said:.This is a )har"in$ hy"n& O!r )hoir a%ways sin$s it witho!t )o"pany b!t today( I want all yo! $ood fo%#s to Aoin in& @!st po!r forth yo!r Aoy and sin$ it( $ood and stron$%y&/ That hy"n had si1 stan5as and ?adsby( notin$ an a)t!a%%y grand bass sin$in$ A!st ba)# of hi"( tho!$ht of t!rnin$ aro!nd( fro" )!riosity and as that fifth stan5a was startin$( said to >ady ?adsby:.Do yo! #now who that is( sin$in$ that $rand bass part3/ >ady ?adsby didn0t b!t >ady ?adsby was a wo"an and( fro" Noah0s Ar# to 6ranton Hi%%s0 Birst Ch!r)h( wo"an( as a bran)h of Man#ind( was )!rio!s& So a s%ow )as!a% t!rnin$ bro!$ht a di$ in His honor0s ribs:- .it0s Nor"an Antor */ Pastor 6rown( standin$ at that bi$ )h!r)h door as fo%#s( fi%in$ o!t wo!%d stop for a word or two( said to ?adsby:.+o!n$ Antor is in'ariab%y in )h!r)h( now-a-days& I "ay add to "y )hoir( and a" thin#in$ of p!ttin$ hi" in it& I0" so $%ad to find o!t abo!t that boy winnin$ his fi$ht& I a%ways thought Nor"an wo!%d t!rn o!t a%% ri$ht&/ Pastor 6rown was ri$ht and two 6ranton Hi%%s $ir%s( a Sa%'ation Ar"y %ady( and a tiny tot of si1 had won )rowns of ?%ory( fro" throwin$ rays of %i$ht into two bad%y sta$nant Minds&
HIRT+-SIH MONTHS& That0s not so %on$ a r!n in dai%y affairs( and this 6ranton Hi%%s history finds Than#s$i'in$ Day dawnin$& In 6ranton Hi%%0s %o)a%ity it is not( )!sto"ari%y(
what yo! wo!%d )a%% a )o%d day& Many a Than#s$i'in$ has had war"( ba%"y air( and witho!t snow tho!$h( a%so( witho!t a%% that 'ast ar"y of tiny )hirpin$( sin$in$( b!55in$ thin$s on %awn or bran)h& 6!t )ontrast has its own 'a%!ation for( thro!$h it( )o""on si$hts( 'anishin$ ann!a%%y( show !p with a happy Aoy( !pon )o"in$ ba)#& Ah* That first faint )o%orin$ of $rass( in Sprin$* That baby b!d( on shr!b or p%ant( shy%y as#in$ o!r %o'in$ So!th 2ind if it0s a%% ri$ht to pop o!t( now& That spro!tin$ of bi$ brown %i"bs on oa# and bir)h that first .b%!sh of Sprin$/ in or)hards that first f!rry( f!55y( )!dd%y spray of p!ssy wi%%ows* Sprin$ and Ba%% two bi$ points in yo!r trip a%on$ yo!r Pathway& Ba%% with its r!bbish fro" "onths of %abor )orn-sta%#s( brown( dry $rass( o%d twi$s %yin$ aro!nd( wi%tin$ p%ants bri$ht )o%orin$s b%a5in$ in distant wood%ands )hi%% winds )raw%in$ in thro!$h windows( at ni$ht& And Sprin$* Pi)#-!p( paint-!p( wash-!p Sprin$** So( as I said( 6ranton Hi%%s $ot aro!nd to Than#s$i'in$ Day that day on whi)h as "any of a fa"i%y as possib%y )an sho!%d sit aro!nd a )o""on board )o"in$ fro" afar( or fro" on%y a door or two away& ?adsby0s dinin$-roo" was not bi$ it had a%ways sat b!t si1 in his fa"i%y& 6!t( on this Than#s$i'in$ Day( -h"""* .2ait( now - !h-h!h( that0s it& @!st r!n that pair of s%idin$ doors ba)#( p!t that par%or %a"p !pstairs and that piano3 2hy not ro%% it o!t into "y front ha%%3 I #now it wi%% %oo# odd( b!t yo! )an0t $o thro!$h a Than#s$i'in$ so!p to n!ts0 standin$ !p& .ot to Aa" in )hairs( any o%d way*/ 6!t who is a%% this "ob that wi%% t!rn His Honor0s dinin$-roo" into a thirty-foot hai%3 I0%% %oo# aro!nd( as o!r happy( %a!$hin$( sin$in$( )%appin$ $ro!p sits down to ?adsby0s Than#s$i'in$ party& I find two 9posts of honor / ;My $ra)io!s* so far apart*< His Honor( with )ar'in$ too%s fi%%in$ dish( dish( and dish& .Atta boy* Atta $ir%* Pass !p yo!r )how-dish* This bird has b!t two dr!"-sti)#s( b!t si1 of his )o!sins wait( o!t in o!r )oo#-shop* >ots of $r!b* 2hat0s that( @!%i!s3 A bit of dar#3 2ant any $ra'y3/ At Post Two sits .Ma / a$ain in that $ood o%d b!1o" )ondition( so fa"i%iar to a%% 6ranton Hi%%s .Ri$ht this way( fo%#s( for potato( s,!ash( onions( )arrots and t!rnip**/ *hat a happy b!n)h* Bo%%owin$ aro!nd fro" ?adsby( sit 6i%%( >!)y and Addison& 6!t whoa* 2ho0s this Addison3 Oh( pardon I for$ot a%% abo!t it& >!)y0s baby and his first Than#s$i'in$& Hi( yo!* T!t-t!t* M!stn0t $rab raisins* Na!$hty( na!$hty* On >!)y0s ri$ht sit Mary( @!%i!s and Nor"an fo%%owin$ a%on$( I find Nan)y( Bran# and 6aby >i%%ian( Eath%yn( @ohn( >ady Standish( Pris)i%%a and H!bby Arth!r Ran#in Nina Ada"s( - Oh* A thousand pardons** - Nina 3impkins! and O%d 6i%%& Say* +o! wo!%dn0t #now 6i%%* 6ri$ht( happy( %a!$hin$( sin$in$( and tappin$ a )!p with his spoon spi)#-span s!it( and that now fa"o!s .6roadway )arnation&/ H!%%oa( 6i%% yo! o%d sport** ?%ad to find yo! %oo#in$ so happy* 2hat3 Two wha)#s at that bird3 2hy 6i%%** On 6i%%0s ri$ht sits Pastor 6rown( o%d Do)tor 2i%#ins( Haro%d( Cir$inia( and Patri)ia& Oh( pardon a$ain* Patri)ia( Cir$ina0s baby A!st si1 "onths o%d( today( and 'a%iant%y tryin$ to swa%%ow a ha%f-po!nd )andy )ow* Bo%%owin$ aro!nd I find O%d To" +o!n$( Sarah( and Pa!%& No( I don0t find a hi$h-)hair by Sarah b!t Sarah sits A!st ro)#in$( ro)#in$( ro)#in$( now-a-days& Bo%%owin$ on( a$ain( is O%d To" Dona%dson( C%an)y Dowd( and-O%d >ady
B%ana$an( with .this do" thin$ I )a%%s hoosband*/ And %ast%y( Marian and o%d Pat Ryan fro" o!r rai%way station0s tr!n# roo"& So it was A!st %a!$h( ta%#( .st!ff(/ and.... Oh( h!"* Bo%#s )an0t stay a%% ni$ht( yo! #now so( fina%%y( $ro!ps and pairs( driftin$ o!t( a%% had happy words for His Honor and >ady ?adsby and His Honor( a word or two for yo! #now ?adsby can ta%#3 So it was:.?ood ni$ht( Nina $ood %!)#( O%d 6i%%* Oh* say( 6i%% wi%% that )i$ar b%ow !p3 ?ood ni$ht( Cir$inia and ta-ta Patri)ia and Cir$inia( yo! "ind yo!r Ma and stay down on so%id $ro!nd* Aha( C%an)y* +o! o%d "otor-p!"p fan* No that0s wron$ animal&drawn p!"p* ?ood ni$ht( Pastor 6rown so $%ad yo! p!t Nor"an in yo!r )hoir& And now O%d To" and Sarah* To"( yo! %oo# as yo!n$ as on that day on whi)h yo! bro!$ht Sarah( A!st a tiny( s,!a%%in$( fist-wa'in$ b!n)h( to this por)h to as# abo!t adoption* And I #now Sarah has a%ways had a #ind( %o'in$ Dad& Pa!%( yo! yo!n$ spro!t* As you t!rn into a daddy( soon now( yo!0%% find that( on "arryin$( a "an and wo"an start a)t!a%%y %i'in$& It0s "ira)!%o!s( Pa!%( that0s A!st what it is&/ And so it was pairs and $ro!ps sha#in$ hands and %a!$hin$( !nti% fina%%y a bi$ b!1o" wo"an san$ o!t:.*hoops!! It was a wow of a $r!b-%ay-o!t* It was thot* 6!t this do" thin$ I )a%%s hoosband& Say* +o! $r!b-st!ffin0 'ar"int* Phwat0s that in yo!r hat3 A droo"-sti)#( is it3 Do yo! want His Honor to thin# I don0t )oo# n!thin0 for yo!3 ?oodni$ht( a%% * I0" thot f!%% I0" a%"ost ab!stin0*/ As >ady Standish shoo# hands( that worthy wo"an said:.@ohn( what yo! did for 6ranton Hi%%s sho!%d $o into o!r Nationa% >ibrary at 2ashin$ton( in p%ain si$ht&/ .Sa%%y( outh's part was para"o!nt in a%% that wor#& A%% I did was to boss / and O%d Do) 2i%#ins( )o"in$ o!t( nibb%in$ a b!n)h of raisins( said:.Uh-h!h b!t a boss "!st #now his Aob*/ .That0s a%% ri$ht(/ said ?adsby . b!t it was young hands and young minds that did "y wor#* Don0t dis,!a%ify +o!th for it wi%% foo% yo!( if yo! do* FFF A $%orio!s f!%% "oon sai%s a)ross a s#y witho!t a )%o!d& A )risp ni$ht air has fo%#s t!rnin$ !p )oat )o%%ars and #ids hoppin$ !p and down for war"th& And that $iant star( Siri!s( win#in$ s%y%y( #nows that soon( now( that %i$ht !p in His Honor0s roo" window wi%% $o o!t& Bttt* It is o!t* So( as Siri!s and >!na ho%d an a%%-ni$ht 'i$i%( I0%% say a soft .?ood-ni$ht/ to a%% o!r happy b!n)h( and to @ohn ?adsby - +o!th0s Cha"pion&
Up%oad by
& (DchDllD )llison 2DD
In thD last yDar of his lifD, ErnDst ?incDnt *right dDcidDd to writD a complDtD no"Dl with thD E kDy of his typDwritDr tapDd down so hD couldn4t usD it#