2012 Operating Room Design Manual
2012 Operating Room Design Manual
2012 Operating Room Design Manual
surgical suction), and waste anesthetic gas disposal (WAGD). A recirculating ventilation system
in the OR can be a problem if a passive WAGD system is in use. In a passive WAGD system,
waste anesthetic gas from the anesthesia machine is directed to the room ventilation return
duct that removes air from the OR. In a recirculating ventilation system, this waste anesthetic
gas will mix with fresh air inflow and be returned to the same room or other areas of the
facility. Thus, it is recommended not to use a passive WAGD system in new construction, and if
it is used, ventilation should be the non-recirculating type. It is best to have a separate active
WAGD system that is independent of both the ventilation and vacuum systems, and gases from
the WAGD system need to be exhausted directly to the outside.
Infection control is critical in ORs. Studies have demonstrated that most of the causes of wound
contamination in the OR are the result of the patients skin flora and bacteria shed on airborne
particles from the OR personnel.1,2 Room ventilation affects the distribution of these airborne
particles in four ways: total ventilation (dilution), air distribution (directional airflow), room
pressurization (infiltration barrier), and filtration (contaminant removal). As the air flows of the
room increases, the greater the dilutional effect on airborne particles. Balancing this
phenomenon is that while increased flow increases the effectiveness of air exchange, resultant
turbulent flow increases microbial distribution throughout the room. Low-velocity
unidirectional flow minimizes the spread of microbes in the room. Directional flow can be
inward, from the outside into the OR (negative pressure), or outward, from the OR to the
outside (positive pressure). Negative pressure ventilation is used for highly infective rooms in
the hospital (e.g., isolation rooms for tuberculosis patients) and positive pressure ventilation is
used for protective environments (e.g., ORs and rooms with immunocompromised patients).
Positive-pressure ventilation is used with a minimum differential pressure of 2.5 Kpa between
the OR and the corridors. Rarely, if there is highly infective patient in the OR, negative-pressure
ventilation might be used (if available). Most hospital ORs are currently designed with HEPA
filtration systems to maximize removal of contaminants in the air.
Operating room ventilation systems should operate at all times, except during maintenance and
conditions requiring shutdown by the buildings fire alarm system. During unoccupied hours, air
exchange can be reduced as long as positive pressure is maintained in each OR. Complete
shutdown of the ventilation system may permit airflow from areas with less clean air into the
relatively negative pressure area of the ORs.
Air is delivered to each OR from the ceiling, with downward movement toward several exhaust
or return ducts near the floor. This design helps provide steady movement of clean air through
the breathing and working zones. The AIA has specific guidelines for the location of outside
fresh air inlets to minimize contamination from exhaust systems and noxious fumes. Fresh-air
intakes (for instance, on the roof) are to be located at least 25 feet (7.62 meters) from exhaust
systems and areas where noxious fumes may collect. Plumbing vents may end as close as 10
feet (3.05 meters) to the air intake system.