Theatre 2100 Ohio State

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The key takeaways are that this is an online introduction to theatre course that will cover various aspects of theatre including plays, production roles, genres, and contemporary issues through lectures, discussions, and assignments.

The main goals of the course are to investigate theatre production throughout history, develop an appreciation and understanding of live performance, and analyze how theatre is produced today considering roles, circumstances, and economics.

Some of the main topics that will be covered include plays and playwriting, directing and design, genres like realism and postmodern theatre, contemporary issues like race and gender, and musical theatre.

1heatre 2100:

Introduct|on to 1heatre-Cn||ne (#2S27S)


1LkM: AuLumn 2014
CkLDI1S: 3
LCCA1ICN: Cnllne
INS1kUC1Ck: amela uecker
CIIICL: urake 2039
CIIICL LMAIL: decker.163[
CIIICL nCNL: (614) 292-3821
CIIICL nCUkS: Weds and lrl: 10:30am-12:30pm

D|scuss|on Group Leaders

Croups 1-4........................................amela uecker (decker.163)

Croups 3-8.........................................karen Mozlngo (mozlngo.3)

Croups 9-12...........................................!ohn 1ener (Lener.1)

Croups 13-16.....................................Seunghyun Pwang (hwang.193)

Croup 17.......................................LllzabeLh Wellman (wellman.38)

Croup 18......................................lrancesca Spedallerl (spedallerl.1)

Croups 19-20..............................................!l 8ye Lee (lee.3308)

Croup 21............................................Alllson 8rogan (brogan.37)

Croup 22........................................Shelby 8rewsLer (brewsLer.81)

CCUkSL DLSCkI1ICN: A sLudy of LheaLre, lLs componenLs, and lLs conLrlbuLors, wlLh an emphasls on learnlng
Lo appreclaLe and evaluaLe llve performance, and lnLroduces sLudenLs Lo Lhe arL and professlon of LheaLre.
1he course uses elecLronlc lecLures, onllne dlscusslon, vldeos, webslLes, and oLher acLlvlLles Lo Leach sLudenLs
how Lo evaluaLe plays and llve performance, from classlcal Lo conLemporary.

Course Goa|s:
lnvesLlgaLe Lhe funcLlons and meLhods of LheaLre producLlon LhroughouL hlsLory
uevelop an appreclaLlon and undersLandlng of llve LheaLrlcal performance
Analyze how LheaLre ls produced Loday, ldenLlfy and dlscuss producLlon roles, soclal clrcumsLances,
and economlc conslderaLlons ln conLemporary drama and LheaLre
uLlllze Lhe resources of Lhe lnLerneL Lo bulld our knowledge of LheaLre, creaLe meanlngful
communlcaLlon, and lncrease our sklllseL ln Lhls medlum

Learn|ng Cb[ect|ves:
AfLer compleLlng Lhls course, sLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
Meanlngfully dlscuss plays and LheaLre producLlons from anLlqulLy Lo Lhe presenL.
Analyze how LheaLre funcLlons ln a culLure, along wlLh an lnslghL of whaL LheaLre ls capable of
achlevlng ln our hlghly medlaLlzed and conLemporary socleLy.
lncorporaLe webslLes, soclal medla acLlvlLles, and oLher audlo/vlsual sources ln a crlLlcal dlscusslon
of lssues and ldeas surroundlng LheaLre producLlon.
ulsplay an appreclaLlon and crlLlcal undersLandlng of conLemporary LheaLre producLlons from Lhe
perspecLlve of an audlence member.


!"#$%& %() *+,-.,/"(0 1,2#
CCALS: SLudenLs evaluaLe slgnlflcanL works of arL ln order Lo develop capaclLles for aesLheLlc and
hlsLorlcal response and [udgmenL, lnLerpreLaLlon and evaluaLlon, crlLlcal llsLenlng, readlng,
seelng, Lhlnklng, and wrlLlng, and experlenclng Lhe arLs and reflecLlng on LhaL experlence.

LxpecLed Learnlng CuLcomes:
1. SLudenLs analyze, appreclaLe, and lnLerpreL slgnlflcanL works of arL.
2. SLudenLs engage ln lnformed observaLlon and/or acLlve parLlclpaLlon ln a dlsclpllne wlLhln
Lhe vlsual, spaLlal, and performlng arLs.

3.4"%& 5"6+,#"27 "( 28+ 9("2+) 32%2+#
CCALS: SLudenLs undersLand Lhe plurallsLlc naLure of lnsLlLuLlons, socleLy, and culLure ln Lhe unlLed
SLaLes and across Lhe world ln order Lo become educaLed, producLlve, and prlnclpled clLlzens.

LxpecLed Learnlng CuLcomes:
1. SLudenLs descrlbe and evaluaLe Lhe roles of such caLegorles as race, gender and sexuallLy,
dlsablllLy, class, eLhnlclLy and rellglon ln Lhe plurallsLlc lnsLlLuLlons and culLures of Lhe
unlLed SLaLes.
2. SLudenLs recognlze Lhe role of soclal dlverslLy ln shaplng Lhelr own aLLlLudes and values
regardlng appreclaLlon, Lolerance, and equallLy of oLhers.

1LACnING ML1nCD: 1eachlng meLhods conslsL of onllne lecLures (a mlx of powerpolnL, halkudeck, and prezl-
formaLLed lecLures wlLh volce-over), readlng asslgnmenLs, wrlLlng acLlvlLles, and dlscusslons.

kLUIkLD 1Lk1S:

1exLbook: :8+ 1,2 .- 28+ ;.<= 1( >(2,.)$42".( 2. :8+%2,+ %() *+,-.,/%(4+
(avallable Lhrough

lays: ?%448%+ by Lurlpldes (aul Woodruff LranslaLlon)
lS8n: 9780872203921

@,A ?$,(# by Anne Washburn
lS8n: 9781783191406

B+(,7 ! by Wllllam Shakespeare
(avallable on Carmen Lo download SepLember 4)

:,.$C&+ "( @"() by Allce Chlldress
(avallable on Carmen Lo download)

:8+ D%,%/"+ *,.E+42 by Molses kaufman
lS8n: 9780373727191

Cther read|ng ass|gnments w||| be made ava||ab|e through Carmen

1echno|og|ca| kequ|rements:
Cur course ls hosLed almosL enLlrely on Carmen. 8efore proceedlng, make sure you meeL Lhe followlng
Lechnlcal requlremenLs:
1. A rellable, h|gh-speed |nternet connecLlon
2. M|crosoft Word (2003-presenL). AsslgnmenLs ln oLher formaLs wlll noL be accepLed (such as Word erfecL,
Cpen Cfflce)
3. M|crosoft ower o|nt (2003-presenL). Agaln, oLher formaLs cannoL be read and wlll noL be accepLed (such
as ages, keynoLe)
4. Adobe keader, or anoLher good ul reader (such as revlew for Mac users)
S. Moz|||a I|refox, Goog|e Chrome, or anoLher rellable web browser.
?ou MuS1 be able Lo meeL Lhese crlLerla Lo Lake Lhe course.

(see Carmen for deta||ed descr|pt|ons of each)

Cn||ne D|scuss|ons: [100 po|nts tota|] Lvery week, unless speclfled, sLudenLs wlll parLlclpaLe ln onllne
dlscusslons coverlng maLerlal from lecLures, readlngs, and oLher sources. Lach dlscusslon ls worLh 3 polnLs.

Modu|e u|zzes: [70 po|nts- 7 qu|zzes at 10pts. each] Cne qulz wlll be over Lhe syllabus/Carmen homepage,
due aL Lhe end of week 4, Lhe oLher 6 wlll be over Lhe maLerlals covered ln each module, due aL Lhe end of
LhaL module.

L|ve Chat: [1S po|nts tota|] 1here are Lhree requlred llve chaLs LhroughouL Lhe semesLer: Lhe flrsL wlll be held
durlng Week 7, Lhe second durlng Week 10, and Lhe flnal wlll be held aL Lhe end of Lhe semesLer. arLlclpaLlon
ln each Llve ChaL ls worLh 3 pLs each.

Creat|ve ro[ect: [30 po|nts]
SLudenLs wlll choose one of Lhe plays read durlng Lhe semesLer and creaLe a pro[ecL from Lhe perspecLlve of
elLher dramaLurg, dlrecLor, or deslgner. ComponenLs of Lhe asslgnmenL wlll lnclude a deLalled analysls of Lhe
play LhaL lncludes vlsual or audlo background research.
Due Date: Up|oad to Carmen by Monday, Dec. 8 at 11:S9pm

roduct|on kesponses: [3S po|nts tota|]
AfLer aLLendlng Lhree requlred LheaLre producLlons (see nexL requlremenL) sLudenLs wlll compleLe Lhe
followlng asslgnmenLs/acLlvlLles: one wlll be a shorL answer response, Lhe oLher a Lwo-page roducLlon
8evlew, Lhe Lhlrd wlll be a qulz over Lhe producLlon (Lhls ls a separaLe qulz from Lhe 7 Module Culzzes). A
deLalled descrlpLlon of Lhese responses wlll be avallable on Carmen.

roducLlon 8esponse #1: Cn FG+,+22% ?$,&+#H$+- shorL answer response
Due Date: Up|oad to Carmen by Sept. 19

at 11:S9pm

roducLlon 8esponse #2: 2 page wrlLLen response on I"27 .- 1(0+&#
Due Date: Up|oad to Carmen by Ir|day, Nov. 21 at 11:S9pm

roducLlon 8esponse #3: @J1 F$2,+%48 qulz Lo be Laken onllne by Ir|day, Dec. S by 11:S9pm

kequ|red roduct|ons

FG+,+22% ?$,&+#H$+
SepL. 3-3 aL 7:30pm
1hurber 1heaLre aL urake erformance and LvenL CenLer

I"27 .- 1(0+&#
CcL. 30-31 and nov. 3-8 aL 7:30pm, nov. 2 and 9 aL 3pm.
1hurber 1heaLre aL urake erformance and LvenL CenLer

@J1 F$2,+%48 %() K(0%0+/+(2 *,.E+42
nov. 13-14 and 18-21 aL 7:30pm, nov. 13 aL 3pm and 7:30pm, nov. 16 and 23 aL 3pm.
8oy 8owen 1heaLre aL Lhe urake erformance and LvenL CenLer

Lxtra Cred|t: Cn Carmen Lhere ls a llsL of approved LheaLre producLlons ln Lhe Columbus, CP area LhaL
sLudenLs can aLLend and wrlLe a response on for exLra credlL. lnformaLlon abouL Lhese producLlons along wlLh
Lhe wrlLLen response guldellnes can be found on Carmen, under LxLra CredlL CpporLunlLles.

GkADING: Cradlng sLaLemenL followed by breakdown:

ulscusslon 8esponses ..................................... 100pLs
Culzzes ............................................................. 70pLs
roducLlon 8esponse #1 ................................... 10pLs
roducLlon 8esponse #2 ................................... 13pLs
roducLlon 8esponse #3 ................................... 10pLs
CreaLlve ro[ecL ................................................ 30pLs
Llve ChaL ........................................................... 13pLs
1ota| 2S0pts

ACADLMIC MISCCNDUC1: lL ls Lhe responslblllLy of Lhe CommlLLee on Academlc MlsconducL Lo lnvesLlgaLe or
esLabllsh procedures for Lhe lnvesLlgaLlon of all reporLed cases of sLudenL academlc mlsconducL. 1he Lerm
academlc mlsconducL" lncludes all forms of sLudenL academlc mlsconducL wherever commlLLed, lllusLraLed
by, buL noL llmlLed Lo, cases of plaglarlsm and dlshonesL pracLlces ln connecLlon wlLh examlnaLlons. lnsLrucLors
shall reporL all lnsLances of alleged academlc mlsconducL Lo Lhe commlLLee (laculLy 8ule 3333-3-487). lor
addlLlonal lnformaLlon, see Lhe Code of SLudenL ConducL (hLLp://

Course o||cy on |ag|ar|sm: SecLlon A of CSu's Code of SLudenL ConducL deflnes plaglarlsm as '...Lhe
represenLaLlon of anoLher's work or ldeas as one's own, lL lncludes Lhe unacknowledged word-for-word
use and/or paraphraslng of anoLher person's work, and/or Lhe lnapproprlaLe unacknowledged use of
anoLher person's ldeas.'

1hls course uses 1urnlLln/CrlglnallLyCheck when gradlng ma[or asslgnmenLs (CreaLlve ro[ecLs and oLher
wrlLLen asslgnmenLs). !"#$#%&'#()*+,-. uses a LexL comparlson daLabase Lo reveal how much of Lhe
composlLlon maLches wrlLLen work released elsewhere. CrlglnallLyCheck can allow lnsLrucLors Lo creaLe
opporLunlLles Lo lmprove sLudenLs' ablllLy Lo research, wrlLe, and clLe sources ln effecLlve and dlsclpllne-
approprlaLe ways by generaLlng an CrlglnallLy 8eporL.

SLudenLs aL 1he Chlo SLaLe unlverslLy are accounLable for Lhe lnLegrlLy of Lhe work Lhey submlL.
1herefore, you should be famlllar wlLh Lhe guldellnes provlded by Lhe CommlLLee on Academlc
MlsconducL (CCAM) and SecLlon A of CSu's Code of SLudenL ConducL ln order Lo meeL Lhe academlc
expecLaLlons concernlng approprlaLe documenLaLlon of sources. ln addlLlon, CSu had made 1urnlLln, a
learnlng Lool and plaglarlsm prevenLlon sysLem, avallable Lo lnsLrucLors. lor Lhls class, you wlll submlL
your papers Lo 1urnlLln from Carmen. When gradlng your work, l wlll lnLerpreL Lhe orlglnallLy reporL,
followlng SecLlon A of CSu's Code of SLudenL ConducL as approprlaLe. lor more lnformaLlon abouL
1urnlLln, please see uropbox: Lhe 1urnlLln SulLe (for SLudenLs). noLe LhaL submlLLed flnal papers become
parL of Lhe CSu daLabase.

S1UDLN1S WI1n DISA8ILI1ILS LhaL have been cerLlfled by Lhe Cfflce for ulsablllLy
Servlces wlll be approprlaLely accommodaLed, and should lnform Lhe lnsLrucLor as
soon as posslble of Lhelr needs. 1he Cfflce for ulsablllLy Servlces ls locaLed ln 130
omerene Pall, 1760 nell Avenue, Lelephone 292-3307, 1uu 292-0901,

ICk CUk SAIL1, Lhe CSu SLudenL SafeLy/LscorL Servlce ls avallable afLer 7 p.m. by dlallng 292-3322.

unlverslLy calendar: hLLp://

Modu|e 1: |ays, |aywr|t|ng, 1heatre as k|tua|

Week 1: Aug 27- Aug. 31
Lectures: 1he lmporLance of 1heaLre
D|scuss|on 1op|cs: lnLroduce ?ourself Lo Lhe Class

Week 2: Aug. 31- Sept. 7
kead|ng: ChapLer 1 and 2.3-2.7 ln 1exL, 1wo shorL plays L%(#%# 9()+,<%2+, and 32%2+ .- 28+ 1,2, Lssay vlslL
Lo a Small laneL"
Lectures: lay SLrucLure and oeLlcs
D|scuss|on 1op|cs: 1wo shorL plays and vlslL Lo a Small laneL"

Week 3: Sept. 7-14
kead|ngs: @,A ?$,(#
Lectures: laywrlLlng and Cenre
D|scuss|on 1op|cs: @,A ?$,(#

Week 4: Sept. 14-21
kead|ngs: ChapLer 2.1-2.4 ln 1exL, ?%448%+
Lectures: AnclenL Creek 1heaLre, 1heaLre as 8lLual
D|scuss|on 1op|cs: 1ragedy and Lhe 8acchae, 1heaLre as 8lLual
Ass|gnments]Act|v|t|es: roducLlon 8esponse on FG+,+22% ?$,&+#H$+, Module 1 Culz, Syllabus/Carmen Culz

Modu|e 2: D|rector, Des|gner, 1heatre as a 8us|ness
Week S: Sept 21- 28
kead|ngs: ChapLer 4.1 ln 1exL, B+(,7 !
Lectures: 1heaLre as a 8uslness, non-roflL and Commerclal 1heaLre, Shakespearean 1heaLre
D|scuss|on 1op|cs: B+(,7 !, resenLaLlon on non-roflL 1heaLre

Week 6: Sept. 28-Cct. S
kead|ngs: ChapLer 4.2-4.4, 6.4-6.8 ln 1exL
Lectures: ArL of Lhe ulrecLor, 1heaLre Spaces, ArL of Lhe ueslgner
D|scuss|on 1op|cs: ulrecLlng, ueslgnlng
Ass|gnments]Act|v|t|es: Module 2 Culz

Modu|e 3: kace, kea||sm, Art of the Actor

Week 7: Cct. S- 12
kead|ngs: ChapLer 3.2-3.3 ln 1exL
Lectures: ArL of Lhe AcLor, 8eallsm/8eacLlons agalnsL 8eallsm
D|scuss|on 1op|cs: AcLlng
Ass|gnments]Act|v|t|es: 1
Llve ChaL Lhls Week

Week 8: Cct. 12-19
kead|ngs: :,.$C&+ "( @"()M SecLlon on 8lackface ln ChapLer 3 of 1exL
Lectures: erformances of 8ace
D|scuss|on 1op|cs: :,.$C&+ "( @"(), laywrlghLs of Color
Ass|gnments]Act|v|t|es: Module 3 Culz

Modu|e 4: Contemporary 1heatre, Dramaturg and Aud|ence

Week 9: Cct. 19-26
kead|ngs: D%,%/"+ *,.E+42M ChapLer 3.7 ln 1exL
Lectures: SexuallLy and Cender, uocudrama
D|scuss|on 1op|cs: :8+ D%,%/"+ *,.E+42, uocudrama

Week 10: Cct. 26-Nov. 2
kead|ngs: ChapLer 6.2 ln 1exL
Lectures: Audlence, uramaLurg, and CrlLlc
D|scuss|on 1op|cs: I8%.# I"(+/%, uramaLurgy
Ass|gnments]Act|v|t|es: 2
Llve ChaL Lhls week

Week 11: Nov. 2- 9
kead|ngs: ChapLer 3.1, 4.1 ln LexL
Lectures: ConLemporary/osLmodern 1heaLre (lasL 10 years), Medla ln 1heaLre
D|scuss|on 1op|cs: no dlscusslons Lhls week
Ass|gnments]Act|v|t|es: Module 4 Culz

Modu|e S: 1heatre as Lnterta|nment, 1he Mus|ca|, now 1heatre |s Made 1oday

Week 12: Nov. 9-16
kead|ngs: ChapLer 3 ln 1exL (1heaLre as LnLerLalnmenL-opular LnLerLalnmenL)
Lectures: Muslcal 1heaLre
D|scuss|on 1op|cs: op CulLure Muslcals

Week 13: Nov. 16-23
kead|ngs: ChapLer 6.2 ln LexL
Lectures: 1he roducLlon rocess/SupporLlng 8oles ln 1heaLre
D|scuss|on 1op|cs: no ulscusslons Lhls week
Act|v|t|es]Ass|gnments: Module 3 Culz, roducLlon 8esponse for I"27 .- 1(0+&#

Modu|e 6: Commun|ty 1heatre, Lducat|ona| 1heatre, 1heatre for Soc|a| Act|on

Week 14: Nov 23- 2S (1hanksg|v|ng Week)
kead|ngs: 8evlew @,A ?$,(#
Lectures: CommunlLy 1heaLre/LducaLlonal 1heaLre
D|scuss|on 1op|cs: @,A ?$,(# and Lhe luncLlons of 1heaLre

Week 1S: Nov. 30- Dec. 9
kead|ngs: ChapLer 3.6 ln 1exL
Lectures: 1heaLre as ropaganda/1heaLre as Soclal AcLlon, 1heaLre 1oday and for Lhe luLure
D|scuss|on 1op|cs: 1heaLre of Lhe Cppressed, Pow l'd 8un Lhe naLlonal 1heaLre"
Ass|gnments]Act|v|t|es: 3
Llve ChaL, roducLlon 8esponse Culz for MlA CuLreach and LngagemenL ro[ecL,
Module 6 Culz, LxLra CredlL AsslgnmenLs, CreaLlve ro[ecL

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