Napims Paper by MR Adisa Adetoun
Napims Paper by MR Adisa Adetoun
Napims Paper by MR Adisa Adetoun
The oil and gas sector is fundamental to the Nigerian economy, providing
the bulk (about 90%) of total revenue as well as the foreign exchange
earnings for the country.
This can be attributed to the low Nigeria content in the industry. The Local
Content is therefore an initiative of the Federal Government to help develop
the local capacity building and to enable Nigerians participate actively in
this vital sector.
Whereas, in the PSC, the contractor bears all the costs of exploration and
production without such being reimbursable if no find is made in the
acreage. Cost is recoverable with crude oil in the event of commercial find
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with provision made for Tax oil and Cost oil. The balance is to be shared
between NNPC and the contractor in an agreed proportion.
NNPC/SHELL/ELF/AGIP – 55%/30%/10%/5%
NNPL/CHEVRON – 60%/40%
NNPC/MOBIL – 60%/40%
NNPC/AGIP/PHILIPS – 60%/20%/20%
NNPC/ELF – 60%/40%
NNPC/PAN OCEAN – 60%/40%
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This enhances transparency in the oil and gas industry contracting supply
structure. The petroleum market place provides a virtual space where buyers
and sellers of goods and services in the Nigerian oil and gas industry can
come to transact business under the management and regulation of NAPIMS
and DPR.
The joint qualification system (JQS) will provide specific database service
that will enable sourcing and prequalification of current potential suppliers
of major projects, services and works.
All suppliers of goods and services in the oil and gas industry are invited to
be pre-qualified into JQS to facilitate their participation in relevant contracts
as may be advertised by potential buyer/clients. Prequalification
forms/questionnaires are available. You may wish to visit NIPEX website
for more details;
National Local Content can be seen as the utilization of the Nigerian human
and mineral resources in the exploration and exploitation of Nigerian oil and
gas. Nigerians have very little share of the oil and gas business, local
participation is very low and in order to arrest and dissuade capital flight, a
draft of Nigerian content development has been submitted to the
Government. The regulation which is the responsibility of Department of
Petroleum Resources (DPR) will be ready once the bill is enacted.
It is hoped that the local content development would ensure that the quantum
or percentage of the locally produced materials, personnel, food and services
rendered to the oil and gas industry, without comprising standards, is
increased thereby generating more employment and economic empowerment
for the citizenry.
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NNPC also set up a National Content Division, which is sufficiently
empowered to work with industry stakeholders and relevant Government
agencies to develop strategies, drive implementation and ensure compliance
with directives by the oil and gas companies.
The Nigeria content bill will empower DPR to participate in the processing
of expatriates quotas in the oil and gas industry. Also, the requirement for
professional bodies like yours to certify foreign professionals who want to
practice in Nigeria is another way to ensure that only unavailable expertise is
The Nigerian content policy applies to all sectors of the Nigerian oil and gas
industry. However, current effort is primarily focused on major contracts
and operation in Upstream (JV, PSC and other indigenous producers),
midstream (gas and power projects), and downstream (refinery,
petrochemicals and other) sectors. The plan is to progress this initiative to
the extent that other segments of the national economy begin to benefit from
the capacity in the oil and gas sector.
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Some of the achievements experienced in the sector are as follows:
The Nigerian content consultative forum (NCCF) was also inaugurated with
eight sectorial working committees covering the fabrication, engineering,
manufacturing, petroleum engineering & subsurface, banking & insurance,
and shipping & logistics sub-sectors.
The NCCF comprises of representation from oil and gas industry organized
private sector, MAN, Bankers committee and Nigeria Society of Engineers.
Each forum holds monthly working sessions for respective industry sectors
to obtain input and feedback for planning and implementing the Nigerian
content agenda.
The sectorial committees also interface with Nigeria companies and IOCs
for early identification of opportunities, capacity gaps and required
competencies for upcoming projects.
It is also mandatory through NCD efforts that any work that can be executed
in Nigeria or by Nigerians is specified in the Nigeria content scope in the
ITTs (Invitation To Tender) before they are issued.
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Prequalification of first batch of fund applicants and other interested local
contractors who have applied for the fund is being carried out by the
Program Manager in conjunction with Technical Due Diligence Consultant.
The year 2007 budget on Information and communication from selected oil
and gas companies is as shown in the table. The budgetary provision is very
low compared to the focus areas and this may partly be responsible for not
giving it a priority in the national content initiative.
By March 2008, no contract award in this vital sector will be made except
through on-line bidding process.
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