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Auto Policy Info

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JUNE 2014





1. Introduction

2. The New Automotive Industry Development Plan

Policy Framework
Industrial Infrastructure
Skills Development
Investment Promotion
Vehicle Credit Purchase Scheme


3. The Structure of NAIDP

Fiscal Structure
The Legislative and Regulatory Basis of the NAIDP
Administrative Arrangements
Mitigating Measures


4. Investors Guide
Methods of Conducting Business
Operations of Foreign Companies in Nigeria
Foreign Investment Requirements and Protections
Companies Income Tax
Investment Incentives
One Stop Investment Centre
Investment in Free Zones
Import and Export Facilitation: The Nigerian Trade Hub


Useful Websites


Table 1. Key Fiscal Drivers


Annex I. CKD and SKD Definitions for Cars, Buses and Trucks


Annex II. General timelines for NAIDP


Annex III. Frequently Asked Questions



Automotive Local Content Manufacturers Association of Nigeria

Completely Knocked Down
Economic Community of West African States
End of Life Vehicle
Federal Executive Council
Federal Ministry of Finance
Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment
Federal Ministry of Justice
Federal Road Safety Corps
Gross Domestic Product
Industrial Training Fund
Manufacturers Association of Nigeria
National Automotive Council
Nigerian Automotive Industry Development Programme
Nigerian Automotive Manufacturers Association
National Agency for Science and Engineering Infrastructure
National Board for Technical Education
Nigerian Customs Service
Nigerian Export Processing Zone Authority
Nigerian Investment Promotion Commission
Nigerian Industrial Revolution Plan
National Agency for Technology Acquisition and Promotion
Nigeria Society of Engineers
Nigerian Trade Hub
National Vehicle Identification System
National Vocational Qualifications
Original Equipment Manufacturers
One Stop Investment Centre
Raw Materials Research and Development Council
Semi-Knocked Down
Standards Organization of Nigeria
Small and Medium Enterprises
Tariff Technical Committee
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
Vehicle Identification Number
Vehicle Inspection Officer
World Trade Organization

In many countries around the world, the automotive industry plays a strategic and catalytic role
in economic development in respect of the employment creation, GDP contribution, small,
medium and micro-enterprises (SME) development in respect of automotive parts, components
and services, skills development, and the acquisition of technology. An automotive industry will
create significant good quality employment and a wide range of technologically advanced
manufacturing opportunities. This industrial base can then form the foundation of other modern
advanced manufacturing activities. For example, commercial vehicle production will lead to the
manufacture of agricultural, mining and railway equipment, military hardware and transport.
Nigeria is one of the most populous economies in the world and with economic growth the
demand for vehicles will grow significantly. The effect of this on the balance of payments will be
significant and potentially destablising. Other large economies tend to have automotive
industries and can thereby mitigate the balance of payments effects of this very large industry
by providing a significant part of their automotive needs through domestic production as well as
exports to compensate for imports.
The above are compelling reasons for considering the strategic importance of the automotive
industry in Nigeria. There have been previous programmes but adjustments were not made to
ensure the growth of these programmes. After extensive consideration and consultation with those
involved in other programmes around the world a new programme has been developed by the
Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment and the National Automotive Council.
The Federal Government of Nigeria (FGN) accordingly approved a New Automotive Industry
Development Plan (NAIDP) to transform the Nigerian automotive industry and attract investment
into the sector. The Auto Sector is a key component of the Nigerian Industrial Revolution Plan
(NIRP). The NIRP is a 5 year programme developed by the Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade,
and Investments to diversify Nigerias economy and revenues through industry and to increase
manufacturings contribution to GDP from 4% today, to 6% by 2015, and finally above 10% by
2017. Within the NIRP, the automotive sector has been identified as a strategic industry group
due to its large domestic market, labour intensive characteristics, strong industrial linkages,
existing installed base, and export potential into ECOWAS.
The NAIDP will need to be in place for a number of decades as is the case in other such
programmes around the world. This document sets out the NAIDP for the next 10 years. There
is a clearly defined administrative procedure for periodic reviews, as experience elsewhere
shows that reviews are essential for the success of such complex industrial programmes.
The Nigerian Market for automobiles is substantive and can readily sustain an automobile
industry. In 2012, the Country imported about $4 billion worth of automobiles of which about
two thirds were pre-owned (UNCTAD). Estimated annual vehicular demand for new vehicles is
over half a million made up of 1000,000 new and 400,00 Used (NAC) As at 2012, the population
of the middle class was 38 million (FMITI) and growing, assuring sustained market for the
automotive industry. According to research work by the Lagos Business School, the market size
for automobiles in Nigeria can easily reach the 1 million units mark annually if there is an
affordable vehicle credit purchase scheme. Cost of asset financing at the moment is prohibitive
so most Nigerians save up to buy cars on a cash and carry basis.

NAIDP aims to curtail Nigerias almost total dependence on imports and to meet a significant
proportion of its demand through domestic production. Automotive industries around the world
tend to be integrated with significant trade in vehicles and components between the automotive
producing economies. The objective of the NAIDP is to move as rapidly as is feasible to balance
of payments neutrality and then into surplus if Nigeria can ensure a competitive components
industry based on her hydrocarbon value chain. The application of petrochemical based raw
materials in the automotive industry has increased proportionately over the years. Nigeria can
readily sustain requirements for related component manufacturing activities because of its
petroleum and gas resources as the 7th largest oil producing country in the world.



Over the last decade a number of measures have been introduced to bring about development
in the Nigerian economy. Government Policy intervention in the cement industry led to increase
in installed capacity from 5 million metric tonnes and 40% capacity utilisation in 2002 to
28million installed capacity and 75% capacity utilisation by 2014. There have been significant
gains from the National Sugar Policy as well In February 2014, the Nigerian Industrial Revolution
Plan (NIRP) was announced. The NAIDP falls within this policy framework. In developing
industrial strategies it has become evident that Nigeria needs to use its tariff structure to
achieve industrial policy objectives without unduly raising the domestic price structure. To this
end negotiations have taken place with ECOWAS to allow for such a tariff policy for strategic
industries. The automotive industry is one of these industries in Nigeria. The plan encompasses
the following elements which will ensure competitiveness and increase productivity of the
(i) Industrial infrastructure
(ii) Skills Development
(iii) Standards
(iv) Investment Promotion
(v) Vehicle Purchase Scheme


Nigeria currently suffers a deficit in infrastructure needed by industries. While government is
doing its part to remedy this deficit, automotive supplier parks and clusters will provide the
industrial infrastructure needed by the automotive industry.
Automotive supplier parks and clusters are where industries can share infrastructure, resources,
information, knowledge and technical expertise. It will enhance competitiveness, learning and
technical innovation. This will reduce production costs due to inadequate infrastructure and high
logistics costs and attract investment in local content production. NAC has started discussions
with some state governments and the various industrial clusters to facilitate the establishment of
these parks. The three existing auto-clusters in Nigeria, namely Lagos-Ogun-Oyo, Kaduna-Kano
and Enugu-Anambra, will also serve as established zones around which NAC will strategically
facilitate more investments by international OEMs, and their strategic global suppliers that are
expected to accompany them into Nigeria.


The automotive industry is a high technology and knowledge intensive industry. The major
vehicle manufacturers, also called Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) and their global
suppliers have extensive manpower development programmes, both local and international.
NAC will work with pioneer OEM investors to fill skills gaps in auto operations, by ensuring all
lower skilled and mid-skilled roles are immediately filled by Nigerians, and with concrete plans
to staff high-skilled positions with Nigerians over first 4 to 6 years. The Industrial Training
Fund (ITF) and NAC also have the following training programmes.
Training/Manufacturing centres
The Industrial Training Fund (ITF) is already working with SENAI in Brazil to design auto
training centres similar to what they have in Brazil in the three existing Nigerian auto clusters.
These centers will not only train Nigerians to maintain and service vehicles, but will also train
them to manufacture spare parts.
Manpower Training for Maintenance and Repair, Operations, Design and
In Nigeria, there are many Federal, State and private universities and polytechnics offering
relevant engineering courses like mechanical, electrical and electronics, materials science, etc.
However, automotive engineering is only offered by four polytechnics.
The National Automotive Council (NAC) has been implementing foundational skills
development programmes for the automotive industry for the longer term. NAC, with the
Nigerian Universities Commission and other stakeholders, has developed a curriculum for a
degree programme in automotive engineering. Three Universities, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa
University (in Bauchi), Elizade University (in Ondo) and the University of Ibadan already have
plans to offer the programme.
In addition, NAC, with the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE), Federal Ministry of
Labour and Productivity and other stakeholders, have developed a new curriculum. and
training manuals for teaching automotive mechanics. This forms part of the new National
Vocational Qualifications (NVQ) scheme approved by the government recently. 260
workshops that can teach the new curriculum were identified and their staff, who are the
prospective trainers trained. The Council is currently training assessors and verifiers as
required by the NVQ scheme before rolling out the mechanics training programme. However,
this curriculum is already been used to teach mechanics in new automotive technology by the
NAC in collaboration with other agencies like SMEDAN and SURE-P.

Safety and products standards are crucial to the development of a viable automotive industry.
Local content manufacturers would be encouraged and assisted to produce good quality items
and obtain ISO quality certification. NAC has been working with the Standards Organization of
Nigeria (SON) and other stakeholders, and have developed 106 vehicle safety standards in the
last two years. The Council is also building automotive component test centers where
automotive products can be tested to ensure conformity with standards and vehicle
homologation. The targeting of international OEMs into Nigerias auto industry is strategic and
will enhance overall product quality and standards. The Council has been in contact with the
states Motor Vehicle Administration Departments to review and reform the vehicle inspection

and certification system.

Standards of Vehicles Assembled in Nigeria
Until we acquire the ability to conduct vehicle homologation, all vehicles to be assembled
and/or sold in Nigeria would be required to have a homologation certificate from the country
of origin issued by the relevant agency. Nigerian assembly plants are also required to have
ISO 9001 QMS certification within two years of start of operations.
Vehicle Road Worthiness Inspection
Vehicle Inspection is a procedure mandated by national or sub-national governments in many
countries, in which a vehicle is inspected to ensure that it conforms to regulations governing
safety and emissions. Roadworthiness Inspection and examination ensures that major
safety items (tyres, brakes, steering, suspension system, seat belts, lamps and reflectors,
windscreen, wipers, emissions, chassis and performance are examined to ensure they meet
the prescribed safety standards. The NAC has been in contact with many agencies both in
Nigeria and overseas and resolved to review/revamp the current vehicle road worthiness
inspection system and with the roles to the federal and states governments.


While the provision of appropriate tariff measures, patronage, supplier parks, etc, will attract
investors, a deliberate campaign is being mounted to attract them. The following are also
prerequisites for investment in the automotive sector:
Fiscal Measures: The incentives and support measures required by the industry can be
achieved through appropriate fiscal measures and patronage (see chapter 3).

Checking Smuggling: It is important that smuggling of vehicles into Nigeria is checked.

The Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC) recently introduced the National Vehicle
Identification System (NVIS). Under the NVIS, the details of a vehicle owner,
including passport photograph, copy of drivers license and evidence of duty payment
are submitted before the vehicle license is issued. The registration details are stored
electronically and can be accessed via the internet, and the licence plate is nontransferable to other vehicles. In case of change of ownership, the details of the new
owner will be captured during the annual vehicle licence renewal. The Nigerian
Customs Service (NCS) is also working on database to capture the VIN numbers of
vehicles that paid import duty. The NCS, FRSC, NAC and the states vehicle licencing
officers are working to use these systems to combat smuggling of vehicles.


Policy consistency by government through legislation: The industry is long-term in

nature, with companies that started the industry over 100 years ago still around in one
form or the other (Daimler-Benz, Peugeot, Ford, GM, etc). Accordingly, our
development plan should also be long term, 10 years, to be reviewed every five years.
It is proposed that key aspects of this plan should be legislated to give comfort to
investors that there will be no abrupt policy changes.


Investment Promotion Activities: The automotive policy and Nigerians potentials as a

vehicle manufacture should be sold to potential investors worldwide, in particular,

the OEMs and component manufacturers by the Council in collaboration with the
Nigerian Investment Promotion Commission (NIPC).


The NAIDP elaborately addresses the supply side of automobile in Nigeria but also provides
for the establishment of Automobiles Purchase scheme to drive the demand side which is
equally critical for success. Easy access to cheap and medium term funds for the purchase of
Nigerian new and used automobiles will reduce the impact of inevitable price rise and drive
demand for Vehicles at the same time. Irrespective of NAIDP provisions to ensure easy entry
for OEM dealers in the implementation process, the barrier against Used vehicle import
accounting for 2/3rd of Nigerias supply and the time needed for Local plants to ramp up
production, will constitute an upward push on cost of automobiles. This is a mine in NAIDP
implementation process which must be managed. It can potentially mobilise the public against
the policy. The Scheme will therefore act as a cushion for existing vehicle owners to trade in
their vehicles for new ones while new applicants can immediately acquire new ones from local
Assemblers or OEM dealers registered under NAIDP.
The policy as approved by FEC, directs that a Credit purchase scheme be established and
funded from amongst other sources, the levies charged on FBU imports.
Vehicle Purchase credit is already an established products of most Nigerian Commercial Banks
and NAC. However, apart from NAC who charge 7.5% interest annually on its very small fund
of N2.5 billion, interest by the rest average 22%. This has made the products largely
unaffordable and unattractive to most Nigerians especially for the purchase of new vehicles.
Used and cheap vehicles have understandably been the preference of most low and medium
income Nigerians who have to saves up to afford outright purchase. A new Asset Management
Company will be established by NAC to administer the scheme.


Over the last few decades the tariffs on vehicles have fallen. The current level of 20% on
passenger vehicles makes it impossible to compete against more established automotive
industries in other economies. However, the potential market size for vehicles in Nigeria makes it
an industry in which Nigeria should have a competitive advantage since the auto industry is
strongly driven by economies of scale. In addition Nigeria has a strong hydrocarbon value chain
potential that can underpin an automotive components sector based on plastics and related
materials that are heavily used in modern vehicles.
Following the successful experience of economies such as Australia, South Africa and Brazil the
NAIDP i raises tariffs for vehicles but allowing gives rebate for those OEM that produce vehicles
in Nigeria. Along with the other incentives for investment that are set out in this information
document, this tariff mechanism incentivises local production of vehicles and components. The
approach taken is realistic in that it accepts that the installation of productive capacity will have
to be done in stages as the complementary energy, logistical and maintenance infrastructure is
developed. As in other programmes this phasing is achieved through allowing for the importation
to progress from Semi Knocked Down vehicles (major parts of the vehicle are imported along
with components) to Completely Knocked Down (components are imported and assembled).
Incentives are also built into the programme to encourage local component production. The
NAIDP is designed in such a manner that it mitigates against a rapid increase in vehicle prices by
linking tariff rebates to local production.
The NAIDP sets tariffs at a maximum of 70% (35% duty plus 35% levy) for fully built up cars
and 35% duty without levy for commercial vehicles in the first phase. This level will decrease as
the sector grows and becomes more competitive. Completely knocked down parts (CKD) and
semi-knocked down parts (SKD) for assembling will be charged 0% and 5%-10% duty. The CKD
and SKD definitions are in annex 1. As an incentive measure, local manufacturing operations are
allowed to import fully built cars without the levy and commercial vehicles at 20% in proportion
to their local production as detailed in table 1. Tariff on these inputs will increase as well once
local manufacturing capacity strengthens.
The objective of this policy is to establish vehicle assembly plants that source many of their local
content locally. An assembly plant may start operations with SKD2 assembly and move to SKD1,
CKD and finally assembly operations, or skip some of the phases. The maximum time to move
from SKD2 to full assembly is 54 months and detailed in annex II.


Table 1. Key Fiscal Drivers of the 10-year Nigerian Automotive Industry

Development Plan, 2014 to end 2024





Create an
environment to
allow existing
assembly plants
to survive and
attract other

(i) Cars (HS Heading 87.03): Levy

of 35% charged on Car FBU in
addition to 35% duty.

The levy to be used for the

development of the
automotive industry, including
the creation of automotive
supplier parks, an affordable
vehicle financing scheme and
a credit guarantee scheme.

(ii) Commercial vehicles (HS

Headings 87.01, 87.02, 87.04,
87.05, 87.16): Levy of 35% duty
without levy.
(iii)Tariff on CKD*, SKD1 (HS
Heading 87.06) and SKD2 (HS
Heading 87.07) at 0%, 5% and
10% local assembly plants.

The APs and NAC to develop

and implement a local content
incorporation programmes

(iv) Assembly plants to import FBU

at 35% and 20% duty without levy
for cars and commercial vehicles
respectively in numbers equal to
twice their imported CKD/SKD

incentive for
local Content

(i) Levy on Car FBU reduced to

20%. Tariff remains at 35%.
(ii) Duty on CV FBU remains at
35% without levy.
(iii) Tariff on CKD, SKD1 and SKD2
remain at 0, 5% and 10%
(iv) Concessionary FBU import by
APs to be up to half of their
imported CKD/SKD kits.


Create an
environment to
allow existing
assembly plants
to grow and
continue to
attract other
OEMs, in
particular, local

(i) to (iv) as above

(v) Concessionary FBU import by
APs to be equal to their CKD/SKD

*See annex I for CKD and SKD definitions.

**FBU vehicle imports should be of the same type and brand as assembled as categorised in the following
groups: (a) Cars, SUV and Pick-up Trucks (b) buses (c) Trucks, etc.



The formulation of industrial policy is a function of the Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and
Investment. Once approved by the Federal Executive Council, the policy is implemented by the
designated agencies. Tariff setting is done by the Tariff Review Board from the
recommendations of the Tariff Technical Committee. The Nigeria Customs Service administers
all imports and exports and rebates in terms of circulars from the Federal Ministry of Finance.
The Nigerian Automotive Council will administer the NAIDP in terms of the Act establishing the
NAC. The administrative arrangements are set out in the next section.
The NAIDP will be administered by the Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment,
(FMITI) the Federal Ministry of Finance (FMF), the Nigerian Customs Service (NCS) and the
National Automotive Council (NAC). NAC is the Federal Government Agency established by act of
parliament as part of the institutional framework for the implementation of automotive
policy/NAIDP. Membership of its governing board is made up of :
(i) Nigerian Automotive Manufacturers Association (NAMA),
(ii) Automotive Local Content Association of Nigeria (ALCMAN),
(iii) Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE),
(iv) Raw Materials Research and Development Council (RMRDC),
(v) Standards Organisation of Nigeria (SON),
(vi) The Federal Ministry of Industry Trade and Investment (FMITI),
The Automotive Industry Group of Manufacturers Association of Nigeria Auto
subsector of (MAN).
NAC takes effective control of the automotive sector through planned consultation with all
stakeholders and activities monitoring . This enables it to advice government/ the Minister of
MITI on reviews and Fiscal measures. Once considered by the HM, proposal for fiscal measures
are submitted to the National Tariff Technical Review Committee (TTC) chaired by the Director
(Fiscal) of the Federal Ministry of Finance (FMF). Other members are the Nigerian Customs
Service, MITI, Manufacturers Association of Nigeria (MAN) and the RMRDC. The report of the
TTC is then forwarded to the national Tariff Review board Chaired by the Federal Minister of
Finance, with the Minister of Industry as member. The outcome is then presented for
Presidential or Federal Executive Council consideration . If approved, extant circulars are
released as issued by FMF for compliance. This elaborates procedure is to ensure that policies
are not suddenly changed. In addition, legislation on the key components of the NAIDP is
NAC capacity to monitor and continuously advice on review measures for NAIDP will be
strengthened i by its data bank on a secure electronic platform www.nar.com.ng designed to
register and host licensed automotive Manufacturers, Dealers and vehicle Identification
Numbers (VIN) for all vehicles manufactured locally and imports. The Customs department will
be expected to populate the platform with VIN of all vehicles imported for which duty has been
duly paid, Bonafide local Assemblers/manufacturers will provide VIN as they complete
manufacturing process while VIN of all vehicles in stock in Nigeria can be accessed from
Dealers to have a complete repository of VIN. It is expected that the Road licensing authorities
including Federal Roads safety (FRSC) and Vehicle Licensing offices of the 36 States and FCT will
use this platform as a reference data bank. It means that the bank will host all vehicles
imported and made in Nigeria at all time. If effectively referenced by FRSC and other road


licensing authorities, all smuggled vehicles will be squeezed out and smuggling which has the
potential to undermine the policy will be curtailed. The Bank will be an invaluable monitoring
resource for effective planning and implementation of the NAIDP.


NAIDP recognises that the automotive industry is long term in nature requiring extensive
investment over a reasonable period. Nigeria has existing installed capacity for the assembly of
automobiles especially commercial vehicle and buses but in order to encourage further
investment, NAIDP provides for OEM importers to continue import for a considerable length of
time; long enough to establish the most basic assembly line. Thereafter participants are
encouraged by a combination of tariff incentives and rebates to increase levels of investment
and therefore capacity.
As part of the transitional arrangements, authorised automotive distributors who demonstrate
commitment to assemble vehicles in Nigeria through a signed agreement and manufacturing
licence with their global OEM partner may import fully built vehicles at duty rate of 35% for Cars
and 20% for commercial vehicles without levy. The concessionary import is subject to the
following terms:
(a) An indication of commitment (by signing agreement with a their global OEM partner,
obtaining land and/or factory space, amongst others) to invest in vehicle assembly
(b) An unconditional bank guarantee against each import will be provided to the National
Automotive Council to cover the 35% levy for cars or the 15% duty differential for
commercial vehicles. Failure to adhere to planned investment commitment will lead to
the cancellation of the concession and the redemption of the guarantee.
(c) This concession will be allocated to registered and authorised OEM distributors only
based on certain criteria, including their average imports over the last three years to
compensate for the gap between local supply and market demand, amongst others.
The above measures are to create an environment to support existing assembly plants and
attract other Original Equipment Manufacturers who have expressed interest in Nigeria. Chapter
4 lists additional incentives for investors.
The Consumers capacity to buy new automobiles through the establishment of a National
Automotive Credit purchase Scheme will be vigorously pursued to as a demand side support
Review Periods and purpose of the review.
The NAIDP will be reviewed every five years. Reviews would not lead to structural changes but
to adjustments to deal with changes that are adverse for the economy or the industry.


All business enterprises must be registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission. Business
activities may be undertaken in Nigeria as a:
(i) Private Limited Liability Company;
(ii) Public Limited Liability Company (Plc);
(iii) Unlimited Liability Company;
(iv) Company Limited by Guarantee;
(v) Foreign Company (branch or subsidiary of foreign company);
(vi) Partnership/Firm;
Sole Proprietorship;
(viii) Incorporated trustees (religious, charitable, philanthropic or cultural);
(ix) Representative office in special cases.


A non-Nigerian may invest and participate in the operation of any enterprise in Nigeria.
However, a foreign company wishing to set up business operations in Nigeria should take all
steps necessary to obtain local incorporation of the Nigerian branch or subsidiary as a
separate entity in Nigeria for that purpose. Until so incorporated, the foreign company may
not carry on business in Nigeria or exercise any of the powers of a registered company.
The foreign investor may incorporate a Nigerian branch or subsidiary by giving a power of
attorney to a qualified solicitor in Nigeria for this purpose. The incorporation documents in
this instance would disclose that the solicitor is merely acting as an agent of a principal
whose name(s) should also appear in the document. The power of attorney should be
designed to lapse and the appointed solicitor ceases to function upon the conclusion of all
registration formalities.
The locally incorporated branch or subsidiary company must then register with the Nigerian
Investment Promotion Commission (NIPC) before commencing formal operations. The new
company may also apply to NIPC for other investment approvals (e.g. expatriate quota) and
other incentives (see www.nipc.gov.ng).


Principal Laws on Foreign Investments

The principal laws regulating foreign investments in Nigeria are:
(a) The Nigerian Investment Promotion Commission Act No. 16 of 1995; and
(b) The Foreign Exchange (Monitoring and Miscellaneous Provisions) Act No. 17 of 1995.
Effectively, the Nigerian Investment Promotion Commission (NIPC) Act No. 16 of 1995 has
abolished any restrictions, in respect of the limits of foreign shareholding, in Nigeria
registered/domiciled enterprises. However, certain business/enterprises are exempted from


free and unrestrained participation by any person or group of persons irrespective of their
nationality. These are:
- Production of arms and ammunition;
- Production of and dealing in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances;
- Manufacture of military/paramilitary wears and accoutrements;
- Participation in coastal and inland shipping
Provisions Relating to Investments
Notable amongst the provisions relating to investments are the following:
- A non-Nigerian may invest and participate in the operation of my enterprise in
- An enterprise, in which foreign participation is permitted, shall after its incorporation
or registration, be registered with the NIPC;
- A foreign enterprise may buy the shares of any Nigerian enterprise in any convertible
foreign currency;
- A foreign investor in an approved enterprise is guaranteed unconditional
transferability of funds through an authorized dealer, in freely convertible currency,
be it:
(a) Dividends or profit (net of taxes) attributable to the investment;
(b) Payments in respect of loan servicing where a foreign loan has been obtained.
- The remittance of proceeds (net of all taxes) and other obligations in the event of
sale or liquidation of the enterprise or any interest attributable to the investment;
- Total repatriation of capital should the investor choose to relocate elsewhere.
Unconditional repatriation of Capital, profit and dividends is allowed, while technical fees
and royalties on imported technical services and technologies are payable. Repatriation of
proceeds from disposal of assets is allowed. Foreign Exchange transactions are carried out
at the Autonomous Foreign Exchange Market.
Investment Protection Assurance
No enterprise shall be nationalized or expropriated by any Government of the
Federation, and
No person who owns, whether wholly or in part, the capital of any enterprise shall be
compelled by law to surrender his interest in the capital to any other persons.
There will be no acquisition of an enterprise by the Federal Government unless the
acquisition is in the national interest or for a public purpose under a law which
makes provision for:
payment of fair and adequate compensation; and
a right of access to the courts for the determination of the investors
interest of right and the amount of compensation to which he is entitled.
Compensation shall be paid without undue delay, and authorization given for its
repatriation in convertible currency where applicable.
Investment Promotion and Protection Agreements (IPPA)
Apart from the investment guarantee assurances of the NIPC Act, countries are welcome to
execute and enter into bilateral Investment Promotion and Protection Agreements (IPPA)
with the Nigerian government. Already, the country has signed with a number of countries
including the United Kingdom, Spain, France, Romania, South Africa, etc. Negotiations are
also on with a couple other countries.


Application for Technical Agreement

This is a form of technical co-operation agreement in which a party will agree to offer
technical services to a company for the payment of a fee. Details and terms of such
agreements are normally worked out between the parties involved but such agreements
should be registered with the National Office for Technological Acquisition and Promotion
(see www.notap.gov.ng).



The Income Tax Act has been amended in order to encourage potential and existing
investors and entrepreneurs. The current rate in all sectors, except for petroleum, is 30
percent (see www.firs.gov.ng).


The One Stop Investment Centre (OSIC) is an intervention mechanism, conceived and
designed to serve both as a mechanism and a strategy for investment facilitation and
promotion which brings together relevant government agencies in one location under one
roof for the purpose of removing administrative bottlenecks experienced by investors in the
course of especially, business entry and doing business in Nigeria. It is housed at the
premises of the NIPC.
OSIC therefore coordinates and streamlines the processing and issuance of necessary
business entry requirements by simplifying, shortening and clarifying administrative and
regulatory requirements for entry into the economy.
The OSIC during the first phase of implementation commenced operations with 13 agencies
which were later increased in the second phase to 26 including Regional Bodies for North,
South-West and South-East/South-South respectively. More agencies will be included based
on their respective roles in the investment facilitation process.
Granting of business entry approvals, licenses and authorizations.
Provision of data and general information on the Nigerian economy, investment climate,
legal and regulatory framework as well as sector and industry specific information to aid
existing and prospective investors in making informed business decisions.
Facilitation and follow up services on behalf of investors in all government Ministries and
For further details see www.nipc.gov.ng



The Free Zones scheme was set up to strategically improve the investment climate of the
economy through strengthening strategic national economic policies, streamline
administrative approval processes, provide industrial infrastructure and a one-stop-shop
service for businesses both within and outside Nigeria. Rules and Regulations relation to
International Trade and Finance are partially applicable or completely inapplicable to Free
Zone Areas.
In Nigeria, there are currently about 25 Free Trade zones with seven operational listed in
table 1. The Nigeria government has put in place an enabling environment and various
incentives to encourage would be investors in Nigeria free trade zone, this include among
Waivers of all imported and export licenses
Waivers on all expatriate quotas.
One stop and incorporation papers approvals for permits, operating license.
Complete holiday from all federal, state and local government taxis rates, and levies.
Duty free importations of capital goods, machinery/components, spare parts, raw
materials and consumable items in the zones.
Permission to sell 100% of goods into the domestic market (However, when selling
into the domestic market, applicable customs duty on imported raw material shall
Minimize delays in the movement of goods and services.
100% repatriation of capital, profits and dividends.
One-stop approvals for permits, operating license and incorporation papers.
100% foreign ownership of investments.
Rent free land during the first 6 months of construction (for government owned
Given the above incentive, the investment opportunities in Nigeria free trade zones are
Vehicle Assembly Plants
Metal Products and Machinery
Rubber and Plastic Products
Electrical and Electronic Products
Petroleum Products
Textile Products
Leather Products
Wood Products and Handicraft
For further details see www.nepza.gov.ng


The Nigerian Customs Service facilitates import and export through the Nigeria Trade Hub
(www.nigeriatradehub.gov.ng). The Nigeria Trade Hub(NTH) mainly a portal for the
importer or exporter to get correct information about doing business in Nigeria.


NTH provides information about all the Nigerian Regulatory Agencies, their contact
details, processes, documents, fees and processing times that an Importer or Exporter will
need to liaise with to obtain the necessary import permits and certificates that are required
to ensure compliance. The NTH further provides contact details of organisation linked with
trade in Nigeria.
NTH also has a searchable Document Library providing all the necessary downloadable
documents relevant to trade in Nigeria, from Official Publications to Legal Information,
Regulatory Documents and Customs Procedures.
Tools of the NTH include The HS Code Classification Tool an intuitive tool that assists the
Importer with the correct classification of their products for both import and export. Once
the correct HS Code for an importation product is obtained, the tool provides the necessary
regulatory information about the product including Regulating Agencies, Control Measures,
Prohibition Status, ETLS status depending on the Country of Origin, Document
Requirements, Related Duties and Fees and Processing times. For export products, the
exporter on selection of the Country of Export is presented with the Exportation Countrys
Market Access information including the relevant HS Code and the rates of duty it will attract
upon entry.
Other Useful Tools include The Duty
Directory and the Currency Converter.



Calculator, The




Useful Websites
1. Central Bank of Nigeria. www.cbn.org.ng
2. Federal Ministry of Finance. www.fmf.gov.ng
3. Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment. www.fmti.gov.ng
4. Federal Road Safety Corps. www.frsc.gov.ng
5. Industrial Training Fund. www.itf.gov.ng
6. Manufactures association of Nigeria. www.man.com.ng
7. National Automotive Council. www.nac.org.ng, www.nar.com.ng
8. National Agency for Science and Engineering Infrastructure. www.naseni.org
9. National Bureau of Statistics. www.nigerianstat.gov.ng
10. National Board for Technical Education. www.nbte.gov.ng
11. Nigerian Customs Service. www.ncs.gov.ng
12. Nigerian Export Processing Zone Authority. www.nepza.gov.ng
13. Nigerian Investment Promotion Commission. www.nipc.gov.ng
14. National Agency for Technology Acquisition and Promotion. www.notap.gov.ng
15. Nigerian Trade Hub. www.nigeriatradehub.gov.ng
16. Raw Materials Research and Development Council. www.rmrdc.gov.ng
17. Standandars Organisation of Nigeria. www.son.gov.ng









Conveyor line, miscellaneous tools

Car Body is fully painted and glazed

Wheel alignment tester; Turning radius

Tester; Head light Tester; Slide slip
tester; Speedometer tester; Brake
dynamometer and Shower tester.

The Engine, gearbox, axles, steering,

suspension, driveshaft, seats, tyres, batteries,
exhaust system, electrical etc. are supplied as
individual units for assembly in Nigeria.

The assembly
Process starts
with the car body
fully painted and
glazed with
nothing attached
internally or
externally. Truck
cabin is similarly

Conveyors for paint line, oven & assembly

line, Conveyor line, miscellaneous tools

Car body is unpainted, but coated/phosphated.

The engine, gearbox, axles, suspension, driveshaft,
steering, seats, tyres, batteries, exhaust system,
electrical, etc. are supplied as individuall units for
assembly in Nigeria.


Wheel alignment tester, Turning radius

tester, Head light tester, Side slip tester,
Speedometer tester, Brake dynamometer
and Shower testing

This means that the

body in white is
imported and a
needed to paint the



Welding guns, Jigs, Templates, Metrology Body sides, Roof and Floor pan are supplied loose
Equipment (3-D measuring machines), etc. for final welding and final assembly.
The engine, gearbox, axles, suspension, driveshaft,
Conveyors, paint tanks, paint both, drying
steering, seats, tyres, batteries, exhaust system,
oven, etc assembly line.
electrical, etc. are supplied as individual units for
Wheel alignment tester, Turning radius
assembly in Nigeria.
tester, Head light tester, Side slip tester,
Speedometer tester, Brake dynamometer
and Shower testing

All materials
supplied loose for
final welding and
final assembly or
raw body shell and
all other parts loose
and not assembled













Annex II: General Timelines for NAIDP


12 months
12 months
12 months
12 months( buses and trucks) 18months ( cars)


Registration is open to any company that may want to join the programme.
They can start at any SKD, CKD or assemble phase as they choose. The
indicated periods for the phases are the maximum expected in each phase.
The green line denotes mid-term review point (36 months)



1. Do we qualify for concessionary import based on a commitment to assemble
vehicles in Nigeria through a signed agreement and manufacturing license with an
OEM from 1st of July 2014 ? Or through a signed MOU with Government and by
submission of roadmap of our OEM CKD/SKD proposal?.
a. Both
2. Do we qualify as "Prospective Manufacturer" based on the fulfillment of one of the
condition mentioned above in (a)?
b. Yes
3. Which Ministry, Department or Agency of Government would certify us with the
"Prospective Manufacturer" status?
c. National Automotive council (NAC). It is a parastatal under the Federal Ministry of
Industry Trade and Investment;
4. How would Nigeria Customs service recognize our status and allow us to pay only 20% of
duty applicable on commercial vehicle once we attain the eligible status of Prospective
d. NAC would have forwarded details of your particular status to NCS ;
5. Which agency or authority collects levy on automotive imports and duty differentials on
commercial vehicles?
e. Levies and duty differentials will be paid as advised by NCS to a designated bank
account and evidence provided to NCS as well;
6. The investment timeline of NAIDP suggests setup period or grace period of one year
given to Prospective Manufacturer (from 1/7/2014 to 30/6/2015) and actual assembly would
begin latest by 1/7/2015. Our understanding of the grace period is 18 months and total
phase allowed for prospective manufacturer to fully attain CKD status is five years. Kindly

You can enter the industry at any level within the first 5 years of the 10 year
development program but concessions for SKD categories will be reviewed
downward thereafter in favor of CKD and local content manufacture. The transition
from SKD2 phase I => SKD2 phase II => SKD1 => CKD is expected to be not more
than 12 months each, totaling 36 months;

7. Is the one year grace period for concessionary import extendable and if so, for how long?


g. A 12 month only set-up period will precede assembly/manufacturing at any time

before the end of the 1st 5 year period of NAIDP. The earlier, the better for new
entrants. This may be extended by another six months depending on vehicle demand
and supply conditions, etc.;
8. During the setup period, prospective manufacturer may import FBU at duty rate of 35%
for cars and 20% for commercial vehicles without levy subject to an unconditional bank
guarantee against each import to NAC to cover the 35% levy for Cars or the 15% duty
differential for commercial vehicles (as per information document of NAIDP) while
Investment Timeline for NAIDP suggests 35% duty to customs and 35% levy to NAC's
interest yielding escrow account for Cars and 20% duty to customs and 15% duty
differential to NAC's interest yielding escrow account for commercial vehicles. Kindly confirm
the procedure we need to follow for the said payment.
h. A bank bond in favor of NAC;
9. We would like to know the detailed process for each procedure i.e. Using Escrow account
and with unconditional bank guarantee.

A bank bond is preferred as it is less cumbersome and inexpensive;

10. As per the information document the concession will be allocated to registered and
authorized OEM distributors only based on certain criteria, including their average imports
over the last three years. Kindly confirm the entire criterion.

Government will monitor vehicle supply and demand and will take decisions based on
outcome from time to time but an average of previous import over a time period will
most likely apply;

11. How would Nigeria Customs service get notification of criteria mentioned in (10) for
proper application of duty
k. NAC will inform NCS.
12. How long will assemblers import two units of fully Built vehicles for any one locally

The ratio is essentially to ensure that there is sufficient supply to the market. Once
there is sufficient indication that this has been achieved, it will be gradually reduced
and finally removed. A case may be made for extension if necessary but council hope
that this will not arise;

13. What does "Assembly to commence with full local content development from June 2016"
stated in Investment timeline for NAIDP mean? Does it mean that local content is
mandatory at that juncture even if it fails to comply with the standards required by OEM's?


Does it mean local content inclusion from June 2016 subject to the requirement of OEM's?
Kindly confirm.
m. It means that new measure to encourage local content development become a
priority. These may include increase of tariff on certain items on the CKD kits, quality
will never be compromised and NAC will have established sufficient infrastructure to
monitor quality base on global standards;
14. Although there is a guideline provided for assembler to move from one stage to other,
however we understand that it is up to assembler's decision on whether and when they
move to next level of operations (i.e. SKD2=>SKD1=>CKD).
n. Its up to Assembler to enter at any level or move to any level but SKD2 will be
discouraged after 2016;
15. Will SONCAP certification be mandatory and strictly monitored to exclude gray imports?
o. Yes;
16. For consideration for concessional FBU imports under the 1:2 ratio, would Passenger
Cars and Light Commercial vehicles be included in the same category?
p. No. Cars, SUVs and Pick-up trucks would be in the same category;
17. Which category of distributor and Dealers will be licensed by NAC ? We recommend
issuing license only to Authorized Distributors of the Manufacturers and accredited dealer
satisfying criterion.
q. Authorized Distributors and accredited dealers of OEMs.



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