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Survive The Specialist: by Ty Oden

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Survive The Specialist

Ty Oden
Beta 2
My name is Ty Oden and Id like to tell you a little bit about this game.
It was created to be a fast, cheap, horror RP with a system focused much more on
killing characters in fantastic ways than character de!elopment. It is entirely "arrator
centric in that there is #uite a bit of content present in this book, but the person running
the game is not only encouraged to but re#uired to interpret it in their own way and put
a uni#ue twist on it.
If you want to contribute in any way, from class ideas to pointing out grammatical
issues, feel free to contact me at weretybe$%yahoo.com. &ho knows, if you help out
enough there may e!en be free books in it for you.
I would like to thank Megan Teverbaugh for helping fan the coals of this idea into a
reality, Molly Shove for listening patiently to my manic ramblings about demon clowns
and weird rooms, and my original play testers' Shane Miro, Ryan Kridler, Raymond Tran,
Troy Church and Adam Little. To my mother Brenda Oden, and my aunt, Yvonne or!el
for assisting in spell checking and printing this book.
( M())I*+ thank you to the folks at Blac" #hoeni$ Alchemy Labs, whose Carnaval
%iaboli&ue line of scents inspired me to try and make their fantastic mythos in a world in
which the players could e,ist. They deser!e massi!e amounts of credit for being so
brilliantly creati!e, and for allowing me to use their ama-ing world in this game.
The ./ )ystem
There are 0 ma1or skills, each associated with a kind of skill check and a facet of your
Combat2 ( measure of your martial skills. 3sed for attacking.
Agility2 ( measure of your o!erall #uickness and acrobatic prowess. 3sed for
a!oiding traps and attacks.
'ndurance2 The ability to resist physical harm and perform feats of strength o!er
Charisma2 4ribery, con!ersation and persuasion all hinge on charisma. 5harisma
checks may not be made against other players.
Logistics2 The ability that allows the mind to function and allows for
rationali-ation. 3sed primarily to continue operating normally under e,treme
mental stress to retain sanity.
5ombat in the ./ system is fairly simple. &hene!er a character wishes to attack
anything he must declare his intent and allow for any player to respond by either
attacking or attempting a dodge. (ll players that are attacking then declare the body
part they are attacking and simultaneously roll combat checks, consulting their
weapons damage table to gauge success. (ll combat and thus all damage is applied
at the same time.
If a player declares a dodge action he must make an agility check that meets or
e,ceeds his assailants attack check. Only one agility check is made, e!en if the player
is being attacked by multiple characters.
Ranged attackers much first be approached and then attacked by melee weapons,
taking one action to approach. (d!ancing can also be performed while dodging.
(ny type of damage, lethal or non6lethal, can be applied to your torso, legs, or arms.
Only lethal rolls can deal damage to your head. 7imbs can take more damage than
their total, sending them into negati!e health. If a limb is reduced to 8 health it
becomes useless but is not lost and can be healed. If a limb is reduced to negati!e
health 96:; that is e#ual to their positi!e health 9:; that limb is se!ered and is no longer
healable or useable. If it is a leg that becomes se!ered you are immediately reduced
to crawling speed. &hile crawling you suffer a 6: on all agility checks. .amage that
would be applied to your torso beyond its ma, is instead applied to the head. If your
head is reduced to 8 <P you die.
&hen making opposing checks in the case of a tie the initiator always wins.
&hen mo!ing during The Empty Rooms you may instantly continue your action with no
time delay if no one else wishes to mo!e. &hen you are at crawling speed it takes =
minute to get out of a room or an agility roll of >.
&hen mo!ing during The Dark Carnaval the turn passes to whoe!er chose a location
before you and continues in order of mo!ement declared with each scene being fully
wrapped up before the ne,t players turn is taken. If reduced to a crawl it takes 0
minutes to tra!el across the map.
+,tended Player Options
This section represents a list of things my players ha!e done that are not listed in the
rules and how I dealt with those actions. 4y no means are these hard rules, 1ust
suggestions for the ne,t time one of your players tries to do something creati!e.
Barricading %oors( The player attempting to enter a barricaded door must make a
combat check to attempt to break the door down. (ssume that a door has a difficulty
of : initially, and each barricading item adds to this. ( small piece of furniture such as a
chair adds =, large furniture, like tables, adds :, and locking or barring the door adds ?.
This number caps at /.
Combat %istractions( &hen an enemy can be considered distracted 9by throwing fistfuls
of money at its eyes, icky spitting its face, or any other semi !alid means; the target of
their attacks functions as though he has the magicians @misdirectionA trait.
Cover( (ny body part unco!ered can be targeted as normal. 5o!er either stops a
ranged attack or not 9arrows probably cant pierce a sturdy table turned on its side.
4ullets will. 4irdshot from a Musket will turn it and anything behind it to a fine dust.;
)all %amage( ( character takes = damage to each leg for e!ery :8 ft. they fall. If each
leg is already se!ered they take : torso damage for e!ery :8 ft.
*mprovised eaponry( Impro!ised weaponry falls into ? categories2 <ea!y Things
9furniture, rocks;, )harp Things 9broken glass;, and Bists. <ea!y things re#uire an initial
endurance check 9"arrators decision; to lift, and an endurance check greater than :
to swing effecti!ely. It deals : "7 damage on >6/ and you drop it on a =. )harp things
deal = "7 damage on a 06/ and you take = "7 arm damage from cutting yourself on a
=6:. Bists deal = "7 damage on a $6/.
)ire( )ome items like torches, lighters, and other sources of fire can be used to set areas
alight. If a player comes in contact with an open fire they must take a combat action
of an agility check of ? in order to pat out the flames before they deal = non lethal
damage to the playerCs burning limbs or torso.
Insanity works around the ac#uisition of madness points.
Madness is a system used to represent the player losing sanity o!er time. &hene!er a
player gains a point of madness they immediately forfeit one turn as they struggle wildly
or black out.
= Point of Madness2 Dou suffer 6= on all logistics checks.
: Points of Madness2 Dou suffer 6= on all checks.
? Points of Madness2 Dou suffer a 6 : on logistics checks, a 6= on all other checks, and
gain a manic trait at the "arratorCs digression. +!en if your madness goes down you
retain this trait and cannot gain another while you ha!e one.
E Points of Madness2 Dour character becomes terminally insane.
Manic Traits
Scared Sti++ Dou become terrified to lea!e your current location and must pass a
logistics check of 0 in order to lea!e. Dou may roll once e!ery ?8 seconds.
'nraged Dou can no longer lea!e combat unless your enemy has been defeated. Dou
now deal : non6lethal damage on a >6/ with your fists.
Long Term Amnesia Dou forget e!erything about your past, but retain all your skills, such
as speech and locomotion. This trait is then lost and you lose = point of madness.
Screaming )its +!ery : minutes you stop all actions you may be taking and begin
shouting incoherently for =8 seconds or : rounds of combat.
Sadism &hene!er you deal damage in melee you gain = head <P, up to your ma,. If
you go ? minutes without damaging someone you gain a point of madness.
Masochism Dou ignore one nonlethal damage from e!ery source. If you go ? minutes
without taking damage 9e!en if it is ignored; you gain a point of madness.
arped Mind Dou fail all logistics checks but can not gain any more madness points.
Lost to the ,oid Dou become con!inced that the real threat to you is your allies and
become opposed to them. Dou gain a point of madness if you take any action which
ma1orly assists your party and lose all your points of madness each time a party member
dies in some way that is attributable to you.
Terminal *nsanity
If your character becomes terminally insane their mind is shattered and broken in an
irreparable way. The character is now in the "arratorCs hands. Dour character may
break down crying in a corner until death comes for them, or they may simply run off
into the rooms, ne!er to be seen again. (s always "arrator' be creati!e.
5haracter 5reation
-. Pick your class. "o two players may pick the same class.
/. Roll =d/ and add the result to your torso <P. This is an endurance roll. 4oth legs, both
arms, and your head get : <P.
0. Roll any setting specific details.
1. Bill in the details. 5haracters can be from any time period and characters may fill in
their own back stories as they wish.
Who are you?
I am an Android.
I ha!e a built in Blac"berry and Multi2tool. I also ha!e a Rain #oncho.
Trait = Computing2 Dou pass all logistics checks.
Trait : Loc" #ic"ing2 Dou may pick locks with an agility check of >.
Trait ? )aulty iring2 If you get wet you discharge your battery, killing you and dealing =d/
una!oidable torso damage to all others in the body of water.
I am a Baseball #layer.
I ha!e a Bat and a pair of Cleats.
Trait = 4ear *n25uman Speed2 Dou must roll twice on all agility checks and take either roll.
Trait : Legs o+ Steel2 Dou gain an additional = <P in each leg.
Trait ? A 6ood Man2 Dou may not lie.
I am a Carney.
I ha!e / Knives and -7 Tic"ets.
Trait = Ra!or it2 Dou may throw kni!es as a ranged attack. They are reusable and
Trait : Blu++2 Dou may lie con!incingly to "P5s with a charisma check of 0.
Trait ? ea" illed2 Dou take a 6= on all charisma or logistics checks against temptation.
I am a Cheerleader.
I ha!e a Baton, a Tube o+ Lipstic", and either a )a"e *.%. or a Blac"berry.
Trait = Cheer2 Dou may cheer and allow one ally within earshot to re6roll any check. This
can be done three times per game.
Trait : Acrobatics2 F: to all agility checks.
Trait ? Straight C Student2 Dou were ne!er, like, the best at schoolwork and 1unk. Dou must
roll twice on all logistics checks and take the lower of the two rolls.
I am a Construction or"er.
I ha!e a Sledgehammer, a 5ardhat, and either a Beer or a Sand8ich.
Trait = Strong Bodied2 Dou must roll twice on all endurance checks and take either roll.
Trait : Cloc" *n2 Dou may, twice per game, break through a wall in a room and open a
pathway to the closest room on the board. If you lose your sledgehammer you lose this
Trait ? 5ey 6ood Loo"in92 Dou are a disgusting slea-e. Dou fail all charisma checks you
initiate against the opposite se,.
I am a Cultist.
I ha!e a Robe, a Mas", and either a Ceremonial S8ord or a Torch.
Trait = Chant2 Dou can inflict madness on another player once a minute as a free action
by chanting words whispered by your old gods. They must succeed on a logistics check
of 9EFthe number of madness points you ha!e;.
Trait : 'mbrace the Madness2 Dou suffer no penalties from madness points 9other than the
manic trait; and gain a bonus e#ual to the number of stats you would lose instead.
Trait ? Mad Revelry2 &hene!er a player gains a point of madness you lose one turn,
during which you loudly celebrate the !ictory of your god.
I am a )ire+ighter.
I ha!e an A$e, Medical Supplies, and either another Medical Supplies or a 6as Mas".
Trait = Strong Bodied2 Dou must roll twice on all endurance checks and take either roll.
Trait : Medic2 3sing medical supplies results in ? additional <P spread across any body
parts, e!en when used to restore a negati!e limb.
Trait ? Boast2 Dou ha!e a habit of telling tall tales. +,aggerate whene!er possible.
I am a 6ambler.
I ha!e a %ec" o+ Cards, a Kni+e, and G-77 Cash.
Trait = Blu++2 Dou may lie con!incingly to "P5s with a charisma check of 0.
Trait : Loaded %ie2 Three times per game you may re6roll any die roll you make.
Trait ? Serpent Tongue2 7ie Often.
I am a 6unslinger.
I ha!e / Revolvers and : Bullets.
Trait = %ual Attac" ;Revolver<2 Dou may attack twice with the specified weapon in a
single round of combat.
Trait : True 6rit( Dou may use your arms as though they were at full hp until they are
Trait ? Me$ican Stando++2 Dou may not back down or run from a fight and must stay until
your enemies are dead or retreating.
I am a 5eartbrea"er.
I ha!e Love Letters and #er+ume or Cologne.
Trait = )lirt2 F: to all charisma checks against the opposite se,. (lso, you may take
charisma checks in order to manipulate players.
Trait : A Secret Shared2 "P5s are more likely to di!ulge information to you.
Trait ? SL=T2 Dou take a 6: to all charisma checks against the same se,.
I am 5omeless.
I ha!e a Lighter and a Kni+e.
Trait = Strong Bodied2 Dou must roll twice on all endurance checks and take either roll.
Trait : Street Smarts2 Dou can sense danger. &hene!er a trap is about to be sprung on or
around them they get a warning.
Trait ? Stin"y Smelly 5obo2 Dou cannot hide or sneak.
I am a 5untsman.
I ha!e a Crossbo8> : Bolts> and a Kni+e.
Trait = Bloodhound2 Dou are ne!er without your faithful hound. +ach game you can order
it to attack or track a target once a minute. The hound attacks with : fang weapons.
<e has ? torso <P and = head <P.
Trait : 5unter2 F= to all ranged combat checks with an additional F= against non6
Trait ? Antisocial2 Dou fail all charisma checks against "P5Cs.
I am an *nvestigator.
I ha!e a Revolver> 1 Bullets> and either a Bottle o+ Scotch or a #ac" o+ Cigarettes.
Trait = Clever2 Dou must roll twice on all logistics checks and take either roll.
Trait : %educe2 Dou may, once per game, disco!er who is ne,t on the specialistCs list, the
location of a scent, or if you are on a dead end.
Trait ? Stone Cold 5eart2 Dour years of work as a P.I. <a!e led you to a lonely life of furti!e
glances and double meanings. Trust no one.
I am a Lunatic.
I ha!e a )ile, and set of 5andcu++s.
Trait = Bite /2 Dou may make a bite attack as a melee combat action. Dou get to roll a
number of attacks with fang weapons e#ual to your ranks in bite.
Trait : Creep2 If a character is unaware of your presence you automatically roll $s on
combat checks against them with no retaliation or dodge.
Trait ? *nsanity2 Dou ha!e become fully insane and learned how to cope with the
madness that surrounds you. Dou gain a manic trait at random but can gain no points
of madness e,cept through that trait.
I am a Mad Scientist.
I ha!e a Kni+e and a Chemistry Set.
Trait = SC*'4C'2 Dou may, when using a chemistry set, take a logistics check of $ in order
to be able to choose what result you get from the effect roll.
Trait : Clever2 Dou must roll twice on all logistics checks and take either roll.
Trait ? *nsanity2 Dou ha!e become fully insane and learned how to cope with the
madness that surrounds you. Dou gain a manic trait at random but can gain no points
of madness e,cept through that trait.
I am a Magician.
I ha!e a Magician9s Revolver, - Special Bullet, and a %ec" o+ Cards.
Trait = Misdirection2 +nemies suffer a 6= on all combat checks against you lower than an /.
Trait : Charismatic2 Dou must roll twice on all charisma checks and take either roll.
Trait ? Center o+ Attention2 Dou thri!e on attention.
I am a Minuteman.
I ha!e a Mus"et and ? fistfuls of Birdshot.
Trait = Combat Ready2 Dou must roll twice on all combat checks and take either roll.
Trait : 5unter2 F= to all ranged combat checks with an additional F= against non6
Trait ? #atriot2 Pick a country. Dou must swear allegiance to it and spurn anyone who does
not owe their allegiance to it.
I am a Mutant.
I ha!e a Trench Coat and either a Machete or a Baseball Bat.
Trait = *c"y Spit2 Dou can spit a sticky, glue6like substance as an attack. It misses on a =6?. If
the target is hit they must make an endurance or combat check of E or be immobili-ed
until they pass the check.
Trait : Creep2 If a character is unaware of your presence you automatically roll $s on
combat checks against them with no retaliation or dodge.
Trait ? Antisocial2 Dou fail all charisma checks against "P5Cs.
I am a 4ative.
I ha!e a Spear and either a Bolas or another Spear.
Trait = Strong Bodied2 Dou must roll twice on all endurance checks and take either roll.
Trait : Combat Ready2 Dou must roll twice on all combat checks and take either roll.
Trait ? *lliteracy2 Dou cannot read.
I am a 4oble.
I ha!e a Ceremonial S8ord and either ?7 gold Coins or a Kni+e.
Trait = 5eart o+ the Lion2 Dou may gi!e anyone that can hear your !oice a F: bonus on
any check by shouting out regal encouragement. This can be done three times per
Trait : Command2 Dou gain a F= on all charisma checks.
Trait ? 6reed2 Dou will do anything for material wealth.
I am a #olice O++icer.
I ha!e a @mm #istol with 0 @mm rounds and either 5andcu++s or a Kevlar ,est.
Trait = Combat Ready2 Dou must roll twice on all combat checks and take either roll.
Trait : *nterrogate2 Once per game a character must answer a single #uestion you ask
Trait ? 'thics2 Dou may not gamble or kill someone unless they are an immediate threat to
you or an ally.
I am a #ro+essor
I ha!e either a )etish o+ the =nreal, a #ythagorean )etish, or a )orbidden Tome.
Trait = Clever2 Dou must roll twice on all logistics checks and take either roll.
Trait : ell Read2 Dou roll logistics checks in place of charisma rolls.
Trait ? ea"ling2 Dou must roll twice on all endurance checks and take the lower roll.
I am a Slayer.
I ha!e a Cross, a Crossbo8, 1 Silver Bolts, and a Silver Kni+e.
Trait = Combat Ready2 Dou must roll twice on all combat checks and take either roll.
Trait : Bull9s2'ye2 Dou may roll an automatic $ on combat checks against a player once
per game. Dou may roll an automatic > on combat checks against "P5s twice per
Trait ? 5oly Oath2 Dou may not harm humans.
I am a Super Star.
I ha!e a Blac"berry and G077 Cash.
Trait = Charismatic2 Dou must roll twice on all charisma checks and take either roll.
Trait : Star #o8er2 "P5s and characters immediately know who you are.
Trait ? ,endetta2 One "P5 in each game will hate you without reason.
I am a Surgeon.
I ha!e / Medical Supplies, a Stethoscope, and a Blac"berry.
Trait = M.%2 &hene!er you use medical supplies you may make a logistics check. On a 06/
the medical supplies are not used up.
Trait : Medic2 3sing medical supplies results in ? additional <P spread across any body
parts, e!en when used to restore a negati!e limb.
Trait ? 5ippocratic Oath2 Dou may not harm humans.
I am a ,ampire.
I ha!e a Machete and a Brooch.
Trait = Bite /2 Dou may make a bite attack as a melee combat action. Dou get to roll a
number of attacks with fang weapons e#ual to your ranks in bite.
Trait : ild Shape ;bat<2 Dou may freely turn into a bat at any time. Dou gain the ability to
see in the dark and can make no combat actions besides dodging and biting. &hile
you are a bat you lose your @*ampirismA trait. &hen you enter bat shape you add all of
your current health into a combined health pool. &hen you e,it bat form you may put
any number of hit points in any number of limbs with a minimum of 6= in any limb.
Trait ? ,ampirism2 Dou must pass an endurance check of > each turn in the presence of
holy symbols, garlic, sunlight or holy water to a!oid immediate death.
I am a ere8ol+.
I ha!e a Bat and a Leather Aac"et.
Trait = 5ybrid2 Dou may assume a hybrid form, granting you Bite / and F: health to your
torso. Dou fail all charisma and logistics checks while in your hybrid form.
Trait : Strong Bodied2 Dou must roll twice on all endurance checks and take either roll.
Trait ? Lycanthropy2 Dou must pass an endurance check of > each turn when struck with
sil!er or in the presence of wol!es bane to a!oid immediate death.
"othing can protect you.
@ mm #istol2 ( cheap pistol. 3ses Imm (mmunition both at range and in melee.
(t Range =60 Miss
>6$ "on67ethal : damage
/ 7ethal ? damage
In Melee =6> Miss
$6/ 7ethal ? damage
@ mm Round2 ( small, light bullet populari-ed as a semi6automatic military round
and now used by a ma1ority of the police forces across the globe.
A$e2 ( hea!y melee weapon used to fell trees and break barriers.
In Melee =6E Miss
06> "on67ethal : damage
$ "on67ethal ? damage
/ 7ethal E damage
Bat2 ( wooden baseball bat.
In Melee =6? miss
E6$ "on67ethal : damage
/ 7ethal ? damage
Baton2 ( cheerleading baton used to spin in intricate drills.
In Melee =6? miss
E6/ "on67ethal = damage
Beer2 ( warm canned beer' the breakfast of champions.
Birdshot2 )mall metal balls meant to be fired en mass from a musket in order to kill
groups of waterfowl, sometimes up to as many as 08 at one time. The man capable of
firing this from a proper musket, sometimes a pound at a time, would surely be a
terrifying sight.
Blac"berry2 ( phone and recording de!ice that allows you to take pictures and
Bolas2 ( ranged set of ropes and weights that is used to ensnare prey.
(t Range =6E miss
06/ The target is ensnared.
(n ensnared character is unable to make any actions besides attempting to escape
with a logistics check of / or by another character making a combat check of 0
against the bolas with any melee weapon.
Bottle o+ Scotch2 ( bottle of strong alcohol to help dri!e the pain away.
Brooch2 (n e,pensi!e necklace' possibly an heirloom.
Ceremonial S8ord2 (n ornamental weapon non intended for combat.
In Melee = The weapon breaks and becomes useless.
:6? Miss
E6/ "on67ethal : damage
Chemistry Set2 ( collection of !ials, beakers, test tubes and small bottles of
!arious chemical compounds used to bend the elements to your will, or 1ust make cool
sparkly li#uids. Dou may make a compound once e!ery ? minutes. Dou roll to see the
compounds effect upon use, either by imbibing it yourself, or throwing it at a target with
a combat check !ersus their agility check.
= Restore : torso <P
: (cid burns the target for = lethal damage across the torso, one arm, and
one leg if thrown, or = lethal head damage if consumed
? The target will take = lethal torso damage e!ery : minutes
E Remo!es any ill effects, such as reoccurring damage, sickness, or
0 The target begins !omiting uncontrollably for = minute and may not
make any actions besides dodge with a 6= penalty
> "othing happens
$ Poisonous gas pours from the bottle immediately once opened, and
anyone in the area takes : torso damage
/ The target flies into a fit of rage, losing the ability to make any checks
other than combat checks with a F= bonus for : minutes
Cla8s2 5laws taken from a beast. They make poor weapons once remo!ed from
their original owner.
In Melee =60 Miss
>6/ "on67ethal = damage
Cleats2 )piky shoes that allow for e,tra grip on terrain. (dds = to all agility rolls
when worn.
Compass( (n old nautical compass that spins wildly when held.
Cross2 ( holy symbol used to repel the undead.
Crossbo82 ( medie!al weapon that fires bolts at enemies.
(t Range =60 Miss
>6$ "on67ethal :
/ 7ethal ? damage
%ec" o+ Cards2 ( regular deck of playing cards.
'ssence2 ( small !ial which contains the sum of all the knowledge gained in one
lifetime in li#uid form. Imbibing the essence grants any one trait of any class for the rest
of the game.
)a"e *.%.2 ( fau, identification card. The details are decided upon character
)ang2 The large tooth of a predatory animal. 5an be used as a melee weapon.
In Melee =6E Miss
06/ "on67ethal = damage
)etish o+ the =nreal( The holder of this small clay trinket gains the trait Insanity as
though they were a lunatic. They do not gain a new Manic trait if they already ha!e
)ile2 ( large iron file that, with enough determination, could file through wood
and metal ob1ects.
)orbidden Tome: (s a combat action the holder of this small yellow6co!ered
tome can force a madness point on any target if the target fails a logistics check of $,
but they take one as well. The wielder also does not become terminally insane until they
ha!e > madness points. If the tomb is lost after a character has used it they become
immediately terminally insane. The points of madness gained by this item apply e!en to
characters with the insanity trait.
6as Mas"2 <ides your identity and grants immunity to any air6borne negati!e
effects. (dds = <P to your ma, head <P. This = is depleted first and cannot be healed.
6reenbac"s2 Old, nearly useless colonial currency.
5andcu++s2 )imple de!ices used to restrain criminals. 5uffed legs restrict
mo!ement to crawling speed. (pplying handcuffs to a target re#uires a combat check
!ersus your targets agility check. It takes an agility check of $ or a logistics check of $ to
escape handcuffs, lea!ing them intact. ( combat check of / will break handcuffs.
5ardhat2 ( bright yellow hat which protects your head. (dds = to your ma, head
<P. This = <P is depleted first and cannot be healed.
5arpoon2 ( hea!y barbed spear used for whaling.
In Melee =6? Miss
E6$ "on67ethal ? damage
/ 7ethal ? damage
5oly ater2 4lessed water that repels !ampires, demons and the undead.
Kevlar ,est2 ( thick, black, bulletproof !est. (dds : to your ma, torso <P. These :
are depleted first and cannot be healed.
Kni+e2 ( simple melee weapon consisting of a small handle and short blade.
In Melee =6E Miss
06/ "on6lethal : damage
Lighter2 ( simple de!ice that can produce fire. ? uses per game.
Love Letters2 4eautifully written lo!e letters, ready to be signed and passed out to
future con#uests.
M- Carbine2 ( light rifle used in early warfare.
(t Range =60 Miss
>6$ "on67ethal :
/ 7ethal :
Machete2 ( large, clea!ing blade.
In Melee =6E Miss
06> "on67ethal : damage
$ "on67ethal ? damage
/ 7ethal E damage
Magician9s Revolver2 ( re!ol!er that fires specially made ammunition and hides
all other regular ammunition fired from it in the butt of the gun, lea!ing the target
(t Range =6: Miss
?6> "on67ethal = damage
$6/ 7ethal : damage
Maltese Cross2 (n ornate cross which repels !ampires with a F= bonus.
Mas"( ( yellow mask which hides the wearers identity and adds F= head <P. This
health is lost first.
Meat 5oo"2 ( hea!y metal hook that is used to hang hea!y slabs of meat for
car!ing and storage.
In Melee =6E Miss
06/ "on67ethal :
Medical Supplies2 Items used for healing such as leeches, med6kits, bandages or
(spirin. &hen used the target gains =d/ <P spread o!er any body parts that ha!e more
than 6= <P or a body part with negati!e health is restored to ma, <P. This item is
destroyed upon use.
Monocle2 ( stylish monocle.
B Multi2tool2 5ontains se!eral small kni!es J screwdri!ers.
In Melee =6E Miss
06/ "on6lethal : damage
Mus"et2 ( hea!y ranged weapon with a mounted bayonet for melee weaponry.
This weapon fires fistfuls of bird shot in massi!e conical blasts that can le!el a target. This
weapon must be used by : hands.
In Melee =6E Miss
06/ "on67ethal : damage
(t Range =60 Miss
>6$ "on67ethal = damage to each limb and to the torso
/ "on67ethal : damage to each limb, to the torso, and = 7ethal damage
to the head.
4ephilim Contract2 (llows the wielder to command a demon once and is then
consumed in flames
4et2 ( rope net with hea!y weights that is used to entangle prey.
(t Range =6? miss
E6/ The target is ensnared.
(n ensnared character is unable to make any actions besides attempting to escape
with a logistics check of > or by another character making a combat check of E
against the net with any melee weapon.
#ac" o+ Cigarettes2 Bilter6less smokes to help you achie!e that manly, gra!ely, tar6
filled tone.
#er+umeCCologne2 ( fine smelling substance that can be used to co!er up
#hoeni$ Ashes2 The ashes from a phoeni,s nest. These ashes grant the holder the
ability to resurrect themsel!es with full health and !itality like the mythical phoeni, once
before losing their potency.
#ythagorean )etish( The holder of this small metal triangle cannot gain any
madness points and loses any Manic trait they may ha!e, but if this trinket is lost they are
immediately set to ? madness points and gain a Manic trait.
Rain #oncho2 Protects the wearer from moisture generated from hea!y mists and
Revolver2 ( small, efficient re!ol!er.
(t Range =6? Miss
E6/ 7ethal = damage.
Saint Troy **9s Blessed Mus"et2 ( hea!y musket supposedly used by )aint Troy II
when he rode down on the golden horde and dro!e them from the earth. The pious
words and blessings of the saint mi,ed with the blood of the impure when he fell in
battle, gi!ing it the ability to slay angel and demon alike. &hen used against a
5arna!al dweller it has the stats as written below. If not it functions as a normal musket.
In Melee =6? Miss
E6/ "on67ethal : damage
(t Range =6E Miss
06> "on67ethal = damage to each limb and to the torso
$6/ "on67ethal = damage to each limb, : to the torso, and = 7ethal
damage to the head.
Sand8ich2 ( hearty, meat filled sandwich that looks a bit worse for the wear, as
though it has spent the better part of the day in a pocket.
Scent2 The essence of sin and hea!enly knowledge contained in a small, colorful
!ial. The stopper keeps all of the smell from escaping and no matter how hard to you
struggle you cant seem to get it off.
Sledgehammer2 ( hea!y, blunt hammer made to shatter concrete and destroy
In Melee =6> Miss
$6/ 7ethal : damage
Spear2 ( hea!y weapon with a long shaft and a sharp, solid head on one side. Is
reco!erable when thrown
In Melee =6? Miss
E6$ "on67ethal = damage
/ 7ethal : damage
(t Range =6? Miss
E6$ "on67ethal : damage
/ 7ethal : damage
Stethoscope2 ( doctors listening de!ice that can be used to listen through doors
and walls.
Touch o+ 6race2 The se!ered hand of an angel. 5an be used to banish demons
immediately and pro!ide light !ia a small flickering candle flame at the tip of each
Treats2 ( small, tightly wrapped pouch of herbs and raw meat designed for an
Trench Coat2 ( long coat with many pockets that can hide the identity of the
Torch2 ( bla-ing, lit torch which must be kept held in one hand to pre!ent the
spread of fire.
In Melee =6E Miss
>6/ "on67ethal = damage and sets the target on fire.
Tube o+ Lipstic"2 ( dramatic red shade of lipstick.
,ine2 ( large, green !ine co!ered in small barbs and hooks. It could be used as
an impro!ised whip.
(t Range =6E Miss
06$ "on67ethal = damage
/ 7ethal = damage
ar 5ammer2 ( hea!y, blunt hammer made to kill targets in one blow.
In Melee =6> Miss
$6/ 7ethal ? damage
)ur!i!e the specialist is a game with many different ways to play, referred to as settings.
3 The 'mpty Rooms 3
12: players
-72/D minutes
+ach player begins by secretly making a @hit listA, on which each other players name is
listed from top to bottom in any order. +ach player then passes their list to the narrator
who co!ertly chooses a list to use for this play session. The narrator will use this list to
systematically make attempts on each players life using a deathtrap e!ery ? minutes. If
an attempt is unsuccessful that player is not safe and is instead targeted again until
they fail to sur!i!e. The players, meanwhile, will attempt to find an escape route out of
the rooms before they are all picked off. The player whose list is chosen is the specialist
and, whether they know it or not, their goal is to kill off all other players or hinder all
escape attempts until they are the only sur!i!or. If the specialist is the last one ali!e or
no other players escape the specialist is the !ictor and will drag the bodies off to be
used in further twisted games. If any humans escape without killing or trapping the
specialist they are !ictors, but all dead players lose. If any humans escape and the
specialist is trapped or killed than all non6specialist players winK
To set up the map the narrator rolls twice as many rooms as players and connects them
all door to door. "arrators are encouraged to think outside the bo, and connect rooms
and door in not necessarily possible ways 9such as non6intersecting doors leading to
each other;. Dou should try and connect all the doors, and lea!e any e,tra doors
locked. Dou should also sketch out the map with room numbers on it for player
reference. Many details are left to the narrators discretion and may be described as
thoroughly or as !aguely as the narrator likes. The random rolls may sometimes lead to
games that are unwinnable for the players. In such case you may either substitute
rooms for rooms with escapes in them, or lea!e the players to struggle and fight against
their ine!itable death.
The narrator should keep a timer running to keep track of deathtrap timing. <e should
stop the timer when he is describing room and "P5 actions, but not when describing
player actions or while players are e,changing dialogue. The timer should also be
stopped while describing deathtraps.
The memories page adds a bit more fla!or to the game and should be used during
character creation. The memories rolled on that page represent the players last fleeting
thoughts before waking up in the rooms of the specialist. In addition to the memory
rolled each character wakes up with the knowledge that they must escape the rooms
#uickly and that one of them is responsible for their imprisonment.
3 %ays o+ 6ore 3
12: players
D2-D minutes
This setting is similar to @The +mpty RoomsA in all but the following ways.
Lill attempts happen only if the specialist returns to room =E and acti!ates them,
and only once per minute.
Lill attempts are always successful.
There are e,actly as many rooms as there are players.
Room =E is always on the map and is the spawning room for the specialist.
The specialist spawns after = minute.
If killed the specialist respawns in room =E and kill attempts are delayed until he
The specialist uses a @specialistA "P5 character from the "P5 section of their
3 The %ar" Carnaval 3
/2: players
:72@7 minutes
The 5arna!al uses a premade map with specific encounters already written and
prepared for the narrator. There is no specialist among the players and they are all
working towards a unified goal with a !ery strict time limit. The full rules are detailed
in the @5arna!alKA section.
3 The Ma!e 3
-21 players
EE2YY minutes
The ma-e is played on a map generated by the narrator and then populated with
traps and dead ends. Players attempt to find the end of the ma-e before their light
sources run out and the beasts that dwell in the darkness find them. The full rules are
detailed in the @.arknessA section.
=. Balling through the ice into a lake
:. 4eing burned ali!e
?. )uffocation and darkness
E. Balling asleep in the comfort of their home
0. Bleeing through a dark forest at night
>. 5rossing the street
$. )peeding down the road in the passenger seat of a !ehicle
/. Playing a card game with strangers
I. ( syringe dangling from the crook of your arm
=8. &atching a mo!ie in a nearly deserted theater
==. Blying o!er the ground
=:. The inside of a prison cell
=?. 4oarding a plane
=E. 7ooking down the sights of a rifle at a fleeing figure
=0. 7ying on a hospital bed
=>. ( #uiet dinner
=$. )wimming in the ocean near a beach
=/. (n open field with a massi!e storm swirling o!erhead
=I. <a!ing a nightmare and 1erking awake as you fall from your bed
:8. "othing
',it6 ( room with an escape route in!ol!ed. Dou should only spawn one of these per
map. +scape details underlined.
Trap6 ( room that contains a deathtrap which can be used for a kill attempt
by the specialist. Trap details are in italics.
5ub6 ( room that is suggested as a starting area. Dou should consider putting
one <ub on each map.
Beel free to add in and change details as you see fit.
=. The A&uarium T
( blue room with empty fish tanks lining the walls. There are two doors on opposite walls.
In the center of the room is a large tank which contains a large dead s#uid.
The tanks break and water begins flooding the room. Each character inside may make
a 6 strength check to open one of the doors. If they fail they may make an additional
strength check of 7. If no one passes their checks everyone in the room drowns. If
anyone passes the water drains ot into the ne!t room and everyone srvives. This trap
may only activate once.
:. The ,oid
(n endlessly empty room. If the ma1ority of any characters body 9not 1ust an arm;
enters for any reason they immediately die and are lost in the !oid along with all their
?. The Molten Maiden ' T
( steel room with one door. Opposite the doors sits an open red6hot iron maiden with a
fluorescent red @+MITA sign abo!e it.
(t the narrators discretion the maiden is an e,it, either allowing e!eryone to lea!e
through a hidden door behind the lid once one person has been closed in it or granting
the first person inside the maiden to escape, sealing the e,it permanently.
The maiden sprots chain tentacles which wrap arond the target and drag them
inside" sealing sht and trapping them for eternity. The character may make either a
strength or agility check of 6 to avoid or break the chains.
E. The 6rey Room '
*t is suggested that you spa8n rooms 1> D and : together.
( grey room with one door and a photo of the open sea and a distant lighthouse that
takes up the entirety of the far wall. )et into the cold stone floor is a =:,> rectangular
indentation with two larger, circular groo!es.
If the compasses from 0 and > are present and inserted into the groo!es the room
lurches and launches into the picture like a !essel, allowing for an escape that lea!es
all sur!i!ors stranded on a small lighthouse bearing island, but ali!e.
0. #ortsmouth T
*t is suggested that you spa8n rooms 1> D and : together.
( large, noisy loading dock o!er a grey, foggy ocean with half6illusory shades of people
shuffling past. Two doors hang in the air here and between them stands the only fully
solid person in the room, The 5aptain. <e can be persuaded to part with a compass
used for escaping in room E for the cost of two !aluable items 9"arrators digression;.
The captain violently assalts the target withot warning. #e will not stop ntil his target
is dead or he is. $o can then take the compass from his corpse.
>. The #urple Room T
*t is suggested that you spa8n rooms 1> D and : together.
( deep purple room with large, black coffins set in a circle on the floor and = door.
There are a number of coffins e#ual to the number of players. &hene!er a player dies a
coffin slams closed and wraps itself in chains. Nust out of reach of any one player there
is a large frosted window set into the wall. 4ehind the window is a long, dark crawl
space that takes =0 seconds to crawl through. (t the end, in the pitch black of the
crawlspace, sits a second compass.
If the target of a kill attempt is in the crawlspace the window reforms and seals behind
them" trapping them in as the crawlspace closes in and eventally crshed them. It
then opens p and allows for another to enter and gather the compass or the dead
player%s loot. This will cover them in gore.
$. The O++ice 5
( circular room which looks like an office corridor, complete with fake6wooden furniture
and drab wall colors. (round the room sit / doors of !arious types. There is a central
table with as many chairs around it as there are li!ing players. In the middle of the table
sits a re!ol!er with one bullet sitting beside it.
/. Reverse
(n e,act copy of the room the players were in, but upside down. Players fall into the
room and land on the ceiling.
I. The S8arm T
( room with : doors, a chair, a table and a dense coating of small, shining black
beetles. The beetles are so dense that at first glance the room appears to 1ust be
entirely glossy and black. The bugs crunch underfoot when players walk in the room.
If a player stays here for whatever amont of time the &arrator determines to be too
long the bgs swarm and attack" prompting a ' endrance check against ( damage
to each torso and limb.
=8. The Steel Mill T
( trapdoor sits on the ceiling of this large, circular, smooth metal room. The trapdoor is
=0ft from the lowest point, making it unreachable without assistance. In one wall of the
room a person6si-ed rectangular indentation sits I the wall with a small red button on the
top. (ny player who presses the button acti!ates the trap, as does any target being in
the room.
The rectanglar indentation seals and anyone in the room is bathed in molten steel as
the sphere melts. The player in the indentation is floated to the top as the room fills and
is ltimately safely deposited otside the trapdoor. The trapdoor then seals and the
room becomes inaccessible. )R the rectanglar indentation seals and fills with molten
steel" killing the player inside it.
==. The Long 5all 5 T
( long, narrow hall filled with doors of all shaped and si-es. There are any number of
doors between E and / here. The carpet is plush and soft. There are two doors one at
either end of the hallways, that lead from one to the other. (s a players death nears
the hallway shudders and the doors begin to loudly lock, one after another.
* massive black ob+ect not nlike a sbway car hrtles throgh the hallway at an
immense speed" killing everyone in the hallway immediately.
=:. The Reading Room. '
( nice, !el!et lined +nglish sitting room with : doors. One wall is dominated by a
bookshelf full of indecipherable no!els and the other by a huge, black fireplace.
Positioned around the room are se!eral low tables with chairs pulled up to them and
empty tea classes set in the center of each one. O!er the fireplace is a small sign with
an up arrow scrawled on it that reads @helpA. If a player attempts to escape through
the fireplace they must take an endurance and logistics check with the total of the two
checks e#ualing == or higher to pass. If they fail they will be assaulted by !isions of their
own failure and fall, taking : damage in each leg and = point of madness. (t the top is
a small alco!e with a white !ial that says @drink meA. .oing so will immediately lead to a
player being mo!ed to the bottom of the list.
=?. The 6reen 5ouse ' T
( glass greenhouse with one door. The room is !ery humid and full of lush, green plants
and e,otic flowers. (ll of the walls are glass, with a !iew of a 1ungle 1ust as lush and
!erdant as the greenhouse on the outside. If =$ is on the map it can be seen from here
and the escape option is blocked.
The players can attempt to break the glass by dealing a total of / nonlethal damage
and E lethal to it or / lethal damage. If they fail to do so after E attacks E blood !ines
spawn and attack the players, one on each wall.
, blood vines spawn on the ceiling and begin attacking the target. They will focs on
other srvivors after the target is dead.
=E. The Meat Loc"er
( room with one door. ( short hallway leads to an open rectangular area where
se!eral meat hooks hold up gruesome slabs of meat. The floor is co!ered in gore and
the temperature of the un air conditioned room has attracted a large swarm of flies.
The specialist starts here in .ays of ore. E meat hooks can be found lying around the
=0. The Chapel
( massi!e gothic chapel with three e,its. The pews are empty but immaculately clean.
The room is colored by light streaming through the massi!e stained glass windows. (
baptismal in front of the altar contains holy water and small wooden crosses hang
abo!e the doors, repelling the impure and unclean such as !ampires.
=>. The ,ictim9s Cave
Players enter from a large opening into a stone ca!e with a dead tribal being feasted
upon by a saber tooth that promptly turns and attacks them. In the tribals hand is a
spear and a fire burns near the far wall.
=$. The Aungle T
( clearing in a thick 1ungle. E doors hang suspended in the air around the clearing. If a
player attempts to flee into the 1ungle they re6enter the clearing from a different side. If
=? is on the map it can be seen taking up one side of the clearing.
If players stay in this room for ( minte or the trap springs via kill attempt - blood vines
spawn ot of trees and begin assalting the players" beginning with the target.
=/. ,i"tography '
( grand ballroom in *ictorian style, co!ered in rich, !el!ety reds and deep,
commanding browns. ( bandstand on the side of the room opposite the set of ornately
car!ed double doors holds the *iktograph, a large machine co!ered with small gears
and empty glass tubes. Initially the room is co!ered in dust and cobwebs from disuse
and the walls are rotting with disrepair. The large intricately framed windows allow 1ust
enough light to make your way around without bumping into anything and pro!ide a
!iew of a massi!e storm rippling across a churning ocean far below. If anyone attempts
to e,it through the windows they will be dashed against the rocks below and perish, or
be blown into the water and thrown against the cliffs until they die.
"ear the *iktograph stands a shade dressed in elegant clothing. The first time someone
speaks to him they must make a charisma check of 0 or he will be startled and !anish
immediately, lea!ing the machine behind. If the check is passed he can be con!inced
to start the *iktograph, but he cannot remember what it does. If he !anishes the party
can start it with a logistics check of $, but a failed attempt breaks it. Once started the
*iktograph sheds a bit of illumination from a few dusty bulbs and begins humming
tunelessly at random pitches. Meanwhile =d>F: shades will spawn randomly in the other
rooms. These shades are hostile and will attack the party on sight. (s each shade is slain
the room grows brighter and less dusty and the tuneless hums form into a slow, steady
walt-. Once all shades are slain the room is restored to its former glory and is filled with
dancing pairs of shades. The storm #uiets and, as the walt- nears its end, the players are
engulfed in a white light and taken out of the room to safety.
=I. T8isting 6rove T
( humid, temperate forest. "o animal sounds can be heard through the thin tree co!er
that allows speckled light to reach the forest floor. The forest has E @doorsA, each one
passes through by tra!eling far enough in one direction.
.everal trees arond the forest have large" dark hollows in them +st large enogh to
reach an arm into. If a player looks into them they can see a light glinting on the inside.
/hen a player reaches into a tree the narrator rolls a d0.
(12 The tree is empty. $o pll yor hand ot covered in sap.
-1' The player finds an item of the narrator%s preference.
610 The player takes enogh damage to completely lose the arm. The tree then makes
several lod swallowing sonds.
:8. The %ining Room 5
*t is suggested you spa8n rooms /7 and /- together
( large dining room with $ doors. The room is set in whate!er style the narrator sees fit,
from a military barracks to a "ordic feasting hall. The things that will be present, no
matter what the style, are a long table, se!eral plates and sil!er ware settings, and cups
filled with !arious dark li#uids 9red wine, motor oil, black paint, blood and so on;. If any
player drinks any of these li#uids they immediately 1ump to the top of the specialists list.
&hene!er a player attempts to enter this room they must roll a d/.
=,?,$,/ 6 The player enters room :8
:,E,0,> 6 The player enters room :=
:=. %inner is Served 5 T
*t is suggested you spa8n rooms /7 and /- together. %o not put this room on the map.
( perfect copy of room :8 that is at first perfectly identical. 3pon entering the room for
the first time the dishes, chairs, sil!erware, and any other mo!able ob1ects other than
the cups begin to fly at the players and assault them. The doors are locked ntil broken
open by endrance rolls totaling (' by any nmber of players across any nmber of
ronds. *dditionally" on any time other than their first visit the players are assalted by a
swarm of animate ob+ects. 3layers mst roll a d0 each rond they are in the room de
to the ob+ect swarm.
(1- ( arm damage
,16 ( leg damage
7"0 1 ( torso damage
::. hite Rabbit
( white room with : doors. In the center of the room is a single white rabbit that has
been e!iscerated. 4loody clawed footprints lead away from the rabbit and continue
straight up the wall before e!entually thinning out and disappearing.
:?. Applied #sychoacoustics 5 T
( large concert hall with rows of red !el!et seating that is all in !arious states of decay.
The seats closer to the stage are nearly turned to dust with rotten wood 1umbled
together. The seats near the back, meanwhile, are perfectly new and fresh with no bit
of age show on their pristine cloth. On the stage sits a simple wooden table holding an
old phonograph that is constantly spinning a record silently. There are two doors on
either side of the stage and four at the back.
Every minte the &arrator rolls a d0 and" if the reslt is even or if a kill attempt is sprng
the trap activates. The phonograph silently begins playing a maddening note that is
+st ot of the player%s hearing range. Everyone mst take a logistics check of 7 or take
( point of madness 4( more for each point they already have. If any players become
terminally insane throgh this method they are compelled to attack their allies.
:E. Lepidoptera Spectrus T
( room with : doors that is filled with beautiful rainbow butterflies. They land on all
a!ailable surfaces, such as any players that enter or the walls of the perfectly white
If a player stays here for whatever amont of time the &arrator determines to be too
long the btterflies begin swarming and attempt to ensnare the player with their
shimmering display. The player takes a logistics check of 6 in order to avoid becoming
incapacitated for 2 mintes. They cannot leave the room or act" and fail any checks
they mst take immediately.
:0. The Ship T '
The players find themsel!es on the deck of a ship in the middle of a seemingly endless
ocean. The ship sways beneath them on the wa!es and the single door seems to lead
back under the decks. <anging from the topsails is what at first appears to be a corpse
but upon closer inspection is a li!ing being, @Nean 4aptisteA. If a player gets within
melee range of him he will make a bite attack against one of their arms.
5ean will tell the players that if they can pilot the ship to safety everyone can leave. If
any player takes the helm they mst srvive - enconters" each one determined by a
d0 roll" and then kill 5ean as he bites his way free and attacks the players.
=. ( storm begins and rocks the boat, co!ering the deck in water and filling the skies
with dark clouds that block all light. This e!ent lasts for the duration of the game unless >
is rolled, in which case it is replaced. &hile on the ship players take a 6= on all rolls.
(dditionally anyone entering or e,iting the room must make a E agility check to a!oid
being swept into the ocean, where they will be carried under the wa!es by the currents
unless sa!ed within =0 seconds.
:. =dEF= Lraken tentacles rise from the deep and attempt to snatch players into the
water. +ach player grabbed must make an agility or combat check of :F: per tentacle
attacking them and must deal : damage to each tentacle to se!er them. ( player
may make an attack and resist the tentacles on the same turn. If a player fails a check
they are dragged under the ocean, dropping whate!er was in their hands as they
?. ( small life raft appears on the sea. ( sickly man onboard wa!es the ship down, and
falls into his raft as they approach. Onboard are : muskets, E fistfuls of birdshot, and :
med kits. If the players attempt to get to them or interact with the man he will !omit pus
and blood on them, then die with a drawn out death rattle. (ny players that come in
contact with his !omit must make a E endurance check or be affected as though they
were the target of a @rapid plagueA killing attempt.
E. )iren song echoes across the sea and each player must immediately make a logistics
check of >. +ach player that fails will gain a madness point. (ny player who already has
a madness point who fails will attempt to throw himself o!erboard. (ny player who
passes his check may make combat checks opposed to the targets own combat
checks in an attempt to detain their fellow players.
0. Massi!e rocks loom in front of the boat. Only through the combination of two players
efforts can they be a!oided. One player must take the wheel and attempt a logistics
check to steer properly while the other will go grab the rudder and push it with an
endurance check. 4oth players roll twice and then add the higher result. If they do not
roll a total of at least =: the ship crashes, allowing each player on it go back through
the door before the ship is lost fore!er.
>. ( thick fog bank settles around the boat, making seeing !ery difficult. This e!ent lasts
for the duration of the game unless = is rolled, in which case it is replaced. (ll combat
rolls suffer a 6: penalty in the fog, and all attempts to lea!e the area take = minute to
find the door.
$. (nother ghostly, pale !essel rises from the deep and begins to pull up aside the ship.
Phantasmal pirates begin to fill the air and dash towards players hapha-ardly, ghostly
blades swinging. The players enter combat with the ghost ship. The ship and its ghostly
crew will disappear once the players ha!e dealt / lethal damage, or =0 non6lethal
damage. 3ntil that point each turn one ghostly phantom will attack each player with
either a machete, a musket, or a war hammer e!ery turn.
/. The ship is rocked by a huge wa!e, and a massi!e silhouette grows on the water. The
players must all make agility checks to man the sails and try to outrun the rapidly rising
sea monster. 5ollecti!ely, the players must roll a total of =0.
eneric Lilling Methods
5eart Attac"2 The target is gripped by a heart attack and falls to the floor, con!ulsing
wildly. They die almost immediately. %oppelganger2 ( copy of the target spawns in front
of them with all of their traits and e#uipment besides any traits that would pre!ent them
from killing. They then begin assaulting the player and fade away with their e#uipment
if they or their target die. 5ellion ,oid2 ( scream tears through the rooms and a mouth
filled with gnashing teeth opens below the target. This prompts a $ endurance check
by the target and a > agility check by anyone in the room who wishes to help them. If
the target or any players pass their checks the target is pulled out of the !oid and
sur!i!es with = damage in each leg and : damage to their torso. Rapid #lague2 The
target begins !omiting blood and becomes co!ered in pus filled boils in a matter of
seconds. (nyone they touch becomes afflicted. (ll afflicted players and the target
must take an endurance check of 0 each minute thereafter with F= check difficulty for
each passed check made by that player pre!iously. retched #ossession2 The target
loses control of their arms and hands and begins clawing at their own face. They make
a combat check !ersus their own endurance check. If they pass they li!e with = head
damage. If they fail they kill themsel!es. Storm2 The room fills with a monsoon. ( foot of
standing water rains down as each player is struck by lightning, taking : torso damage.
The target is struck ? times. #arasitism2 The target takes a logistics check of $. If she
passes she notices a small spider crawling towards her, which seems to fi--le out of
e,istence when she sees it. If she fails she notices the spider only after it bites her on the
hand, lea!ing a large, black welt. In = minute, if bit, the target will fall forward and die
as a swarm of similar small spiders pour from their corpses orifices and scurry off under
doors and in cracks around the room. Madness( The player takes E logistics checks and
gains = point of madness for each die roll under $.
The 5arna!al .iaboli#ue is a fantastically crafted world wo!en together by the
creati!e minds at 4lack Phoeni, (lchemy 7abs and is used with their e,press permission.
The game of specialist fits perfectly into this macabre carni!al of dark delights and, as
such, it is used here as a world that the players can e,plore and interact with.
The 5arna!al begins with a >8 minute timer and a group full of players faced
with a re!elation much more pressing than reali-ing their own mortality' coming face to
face with the prospect of spending an eternity ensnared within the 5arna!al as a
faceless, grey member of the pressing crowds. The "arrator begins by secretly writing
down a list of locations for $ !ials of scents, each one the essence of a carnal sin that
will be scattered within the 5arna!al. If the players can not complete whate!er tasks
the "arrator has decided to put between them and the scents they will all be lost within
the 5arna!al at sunrise, one hour after they are told the rules of this particular game.
(s a narrator picking the proper places to spawn the scents is !ital. Dou want
them spread across the 5arna!al, but not so hard to locate that the players will ne!er
find them. There are many locations that ha!e the possibility for holding the scents, 1ust
like the many possibilities for escape routes in the +mpty Rooms. +ach location that can
hold a scent is marked and has the rules for allowing players to earn a scent if it is
present. (ll locations are a!ailable and can be interacted with, if there is a scent there
they can earn it, but many locations are !ibrant and a!ailable to be of use to the
players in any situation.
The 5arna!al .iaboli#ue is separated into 0 areas' the 4ig Top, the Midway, the
4lood Bields, the )treets of .is, and the .ark &ood of +rror. +ach area has se!eral
locations that the players can tra!el to. Tra!eling works like mo!ing between rooms in
the +mpty Rooms' each player can freely mo!e whene!er they want, but they must
wait until all other players ha!e had a chance to mo!e and interact before !isiting
another location. Players can not immediately know where each other player is without
disco!ering a way to locate them.
Italici6ed te!t is fla!or and can be read directly to players. In fact, unless you
want to twist the game and change it to suit you 9I suggest trying this after running it
once or twice;, you should read e!ery bit to them. 3nderlined te,t will be in the middle
of italici-ed te,t and describes action you, the "arrator, should be taking at the time. If
an areas name is followed by 9)cent; it is a location that can accommodate a scent.
Dou should look through your options before deciding which $ to place scents at.
Other important and sundry rules include the fact that players cannot lea!e
without a soul, and that there is no way to lea!e other than by escaping with the
scents, and that play always begins in area E with the specialists speech. Dou should
stop the = hour timer whene!er you are reading descriptions of areas to your players.
The 5arna!al seems fairly fatalistic and a bit hard on players, but the
&underkammer, Lnucklebones, and .oc 5onstantine all pro!ide ways to return limbs,
restore souls, and generally keep them in one piece. .ont be afraid to beat Oem up a
The Big Top
Centrally located" the 7ig Top and its srronding sister tents provide hosing for the
carnival%s main attractions. The sond of a distant organ grinder%s melody is all bt lost
in the cacophony of screams" laghter" and fanatical cheering that pors from the for
brightly colored tents. Torches" fire pits" and the occasional string of dangling colored
lights illminate the area and cast sinister shadows of the patrons and performers who
rove the place. The lighting casts deep pools of shadows in the alleys between tents"
from which the occasional whimper escapes" only to be lost in the roar and b66 of the
- Knuc"lebones 9)cent;
$o hear a clatter on the grond and a small dice bmps against yor foot. In the
shadows between two tents a horned" smiling man stands with a beating heart in his
hand. #e glances p at yo and beckons yo closer with a casal flick of his fingers.
8/old yo mind retrning that" stranger9 I%m in the middle of a game here. I cold
always find room for a few more players" if yo%re interested.:
( carney has taken to running a simple dice game in this alley. Players bet on either
@3nderA $, @O!erA $, or @OnA $. (nything the player possesses can be wagered, from
body parts to souls and scents. Once all players who wish to 1oin in a round ha!e
placed their wagers the dealer rolls :d>. If a player correctly wagers @O!erA or @3nderA
they win their bet back doubled 9two arms for a wager of = arm, etc.;. If a player
correctly wagers @OnA they win back their bet back plus anything all other players ha!e
bet this round.
In order to win a scent a player must bet a soul or a whole body and win the round. The
dealer offers them their initial bet back, and the scent in place of their winnings.
/ Melisande the #uppet Mistress
Draped in fabrics as dark as her prple tent" the pppet mistress stands before yo. *
small crowd srronds a stage on which replicas of yo and yor peers stand. .trings
twist impossibly off yor small bodies into the pppet mistress% hands. .he looks p at
yo and" with a smirk" tgs yor pppets closer" compelling yo to approach her. 8If
yo wish to change the path of yor fellow victims I can assist yo" for a small price.:
<ere, for : tickets, players can dictate = roll or action of another player and can freely
disco!er the locations of all other players. 5inematically dictations occur with
Melisande tugging a puppet, the crowd cheering, and the player feeling compelled to
act as directed. If they resist strings appear from the dark sky and drag them to act.
0 Theodosius the Legerdemain 9)cent;
* flash of light and the smell of slphr sei6e yor attention. * vast black and ble tent
stands before yo" sbtly glowing in the dim light. The tent bears no ornamentation"
save for a sign that reads;
Master Theodosius
7edgerdemain, Medium, 5on1urer
("<<< years of marvels=
'nter at your o8n peril
In the packed tent sits a large stage" occpied by a tall" pale man in a silky black
t!edo and a lavish velvet cape. 7eside him sits a large black dog bt" with a second
flash" the dog is replaced with a beatifl woman in a shimmering black dress. The
crowd erpts into applase as the magician takes a bow.
Theodosius has nothing for the player unless he has a scent. If he does Theodosius asks
for a !olunteer for a finale and the players suddenly find themsel!es alone in the
massi!e tent. The narrator rolls a =d/ to determine the trick that will be performed.
=. ( Player is put in a ? part bo,, separated by Theodosius and his assistants, and
then reassembled. <e 9the player; must roll ?d/ and attempt to get ? numbers
within a range of E, such as =, :, and E or ?, 0, and >. If they fail to do so their
arms and legs will be reattached in such a way as to render them useless,
bringing them to a se!ered state.
:. ( player is laid down in a pine bo, while Theodosius pulls a large le!er near the
edge of the stage and a roar is heard. The curtains split behind him and a large
industrial saw descends on the player. They are sliced across the torso for =d/
?. The player is placed in a cage with an assistant who becomes a random enemy
9of the "arrators choice;. If they sur!i!e the combat the cage will be opened
and the player will be released to a suddenly present cheering crowd.
E. ( player is tied up securely placed in a padlocked tank of water, ruining any
items sensiti!e to water. They must then take an agility and an endurance check
to sur!i!e and escape the tank. (n agility check of >, endurance check of /, or
a combined check of I allows for an escape.
0. : players are brought on stage. One is asked to mark a magic bullet, which is
then loaded into a magicians re!ol!er. The second player is then asked to shoot
the first player with a F= bonus.
>. ( player is put behind a sheet and made in!isible. This allows them to gain a F=
to all agility checks and combat checks.
$. Two players are asked to hold Theodosius hands. They then switch characters.
/. ( player is co!ered momentarily with a large wa!e of Theodosius cape and he
changes places with a non6present player 9of the "arrators choice;. The now6
present player recei!es the scent.
1 The Main Tent
/ith a start yo awaken in a massive red" white" and black striped tent" srronded by
a crowd of grey faced men and women dressed in clothing from all imaginable time
periods and professions" from medieval cortiers to >ictorian gentlemen and modern
office workers. The crowd presses yo towards a center stage where a single spotlight
illminates a lone figre. #is towering top hat veils his face in shadow and casts pools of
anglar darkness across his lean" grotes?ely tall form. #e is adorned in a fresh" new
ringmaster%s sit. The sit is adorned with shimmering gold cord and sapphire stds that
glean like his mothfl of teeth" the sheen of which is visible even throgh the nnatral
darkness. In a booming voice the ringmaster speaks. )tart the timer for = hour.
8/elcome to my carnival. Tonight yo will en+oy delights dragged straight from Dis and
beyond for yor amsement. Collect all 7 of the carnal scents and retrn here before
snrise in ( hor and I may +st allow yo to leave before yo become a permanent
resident" mch like those that stand arond yo. 9Dou may at this time decide and
announce that only a certain number of the players, such as = or :, will be able to
escape.; 8$or time is ticking" morsels. #ave fn.: The grey adience cheers and hrries
ot of the tent" carrying yo ot and into the carnival area with them and away from
the smiling figre.
Once the players return with all $ scents they will be allowed to escape, so long as they
ha!e not run out of time. If they return early the tent is !acant.
The Mid8ay
The midway is an e!plosion of lights and sonds that relentlessly assalts yor senses.
Everywhere yo look brightly colored tents" laghing clowns" and boisteros vendors
seem to ensnare and hold yor attention. The crowds move in dense waves and
srges" streaming ot of tents and gathering in front of attractions. The sond of the
organ grinder is prominent here@ his hanting tne compelling yo to momentarily walk
in time with the melody and +oin the swirling crowds in their endless march.
D Antonio the Carney Tal"er
*bove the crowd stands a pale1faced carney in a striped red and white sit. #e
spreads his legs to stand akimbo and with a sharp tap of his cane on the wooden
platform that lifts him p he begins his lively speech. 8/elcome" ladies and gentlemen"
to the Carnaval Diaboli?e= 7roght to yo from the highest planes of heaven by way
of the twisting streets of the eternal city= Aarvel at the 3arliament of Aonsters= Aeet
yor fate on the Devil%s Aill" the most deadly wooden coaster ever constrcted= .ee it
all@ see it here at the Carnaval Diaboli?e= Beel free to ask if yo have any ?estions
abot the mysteries that await=
On each !isit the players present may ask one free #uestion with a 08P chance 9an
odd roll on a d/; of the carney talker answering honestly. They may instead pay him off
with : tickets in order to guarantee an honest answer.
: The Candy Butcher
.pread across the midway are carnies of all shapes and si6es. They strt abot"
confident in their stride. The crowd parts to allow vendors to sidle throgh the grey mass
and clsters together near fire +gglers" sword swallowers" and snake charmers. $or
eye is momentarily caght by one of these fantastic performers and when yo trn
yor view forward yo find yor way blocked by one of the cocoa skinned women who
have been slowly circling yo for a while. .he holds p a tray laden with sweets and
candies that are at once familiar and terribly strange. Candied sklls gleam p at yo"
nestled within beds of chocolate hands and clinking glass bottles filled to the brim with
a dark" oily sbstance that seems to bbble and twitch before yor eyes.
Players can buy any of three things from the candy butcher. 5andied skulls cost E
tickets and contain either =; a !oucher for : minutes from the specialist :; a pass to play
the midway games twice for free ?; spiders E; nothing. 5hocolate hands cost ? tickets
and can be used to grant you a F= on a charisma check against a 5arna!al resident
by bribing them. The drinks cost = ticket each and heal : torso damage, but grant a
permanent 6= on charisma, as your teeth begin to rot out and your tongue blackens.
F %oc Constantine
The organ grinder%s tne ends and yo almost fall forwards" reali6ing sddenly that yo
were stepping in time with the lively song. $or hand darts ot and grabs blindly"
sddenly finding prchase on a small wooden cart positioned beside an nadorned
canvas tent covered in strange splatters and flecks of dark flids. $or eyes dart from
bottle to bottle in the cart" taking in their claims of restorative powers and enhanced
perception. $or concentration is broken by a shriek from within the tent that is
sddenly ct short with a wet grgle. * man steps calmly from the tent moments later"
his angelic visage marred by the blood and bits of offal clinging to his cheeks and
streaking his golden mane. #e wipes his bloodstained gloves on a white apron covering
his clothes and points la6ily to a sign hanging from the front of the cart.
Doc Constantine Cres /hat *ils $e=
.rgeryC..2 tickets
DimbsCC.' tickets
Re+venating TonicC.0 tickets
)ther pharmaceticalsC. ' tickets
Introducing your players new best friend, .oc 5onstantine. <e buys limbs for ? tickets,
sells limbs for 0, attachesQremo!es them for :, and had a whole host of fun eli,irs for your
players. The re1u!enating tonic completely restores a limb, e!en if its se!ered or fully
heals the torso and head to full. The other things for sale are the crushed unicorn horn,
which grants F= agility, the bruised !iolet compound, which grants F= endurance, and
the ama-ing opiate, which allows the player to detect lies for =0 minutes. Medical
supplies may also be purchased for E tickets.
? 6ennivre> L9Artiste du %iable
/ithin a small tent covered in red and black swirls sits a volptos" red haired woman.
.he trns as yo step in and yor voice catches in yor throat as the fllness of her
beaty momentarily overwhelms yo. .he smiles wryly and yor eyes are drawn to her
face" its beaty marred only by the empty whiteness of her eyes. The spell is broken and
yo finally take in the horror of her srrondings. The walls of the tent are covered in
canvases depicting other carneys. The wolfman and blockhead share a wall splashed
with scarlet paint" their lips crled back in vicios growls. * black wall holds depictions
of vampires and candy btchers writhing in a pleasrable mass. The woman trns to a
blank white canvas and in her hand appears a thick" fll brsh.
8/hy let the years tear at yor yothfl splendor9 /hy let the mark of yor sins stain
yor fine featres9 /ill yo let the cold" creeping grasp of time and the toil of
temptation mar yor visage9 /hy shold the pleasres of or flesh wreak sch havoc9:
.he leans in close to yo and whispers" 8Det me captre yor sol on this canvas in oil
and blood" and yo will be beatifl forever.:
<ere the players can trade their soul for temporary immortality. They cannot be killed,
only ha!e their limbs se!ered. (ll head damage is still counted, and is applied only if
there are 0 minutes left on the clock, they see their own portrait hanging in the tent, or
their portrait is destroyed.
@ L9heure ,erte 9)cent;
The Carnaval is an assalt on all yor senses" inclding yor sense of smell. The scents of
decay and e!cess lie nder a pallet of sweat" e!otic perfmes" opim and blood with
notes of floral scents and sgar fill the air. *bove this" thogh" rise the scents of absinthe"
scorched sgar cbes" and heavy smoke. $o are drawn forward by this bo?et of
smells and soon find yorself before a slender tent draped in shades of green of every
he. )pim smoke and laghter float ot of the tent in e?al measres" and throgh
the gloom inside yo see people longing arond" drinking" and laghing as absinthe
spoons balance delicately on the tops of glasses. The air is thick with a permeable
sense of ease here. 7armaids with delicate fairy wings move langidly throgh the
room" refilling glasses and flirting nder heavily lidded eyes. $o sddenly find yorself
inside and seated on a large comfortable pillow. The green1adorned barmaid that
helped yo find a seat whispers in yor ear. 8If yo%re looking for something yo will find
it here. Tell me what yo need and I%ll go get it for yo.:
(ny player here for their first time must take a charisma check of $ to a!oid the charm
and ease of the tent. If they pass they may lea!e immediately. If they fail they
immediately get a $ minute period in which they can make no actions. If a scent here
they will gain it upon lea!ing.
-7 Mme. Moriarty> Mis+ortune Teller
Deep within the midway" srronded on all sides by rarities" yo find yorself before a
small prple tent draped in symbols of ancient alchemy and the ma+or arcana. .oft
chanting emanates from the tent and reaches yor ears despite the sond of the
crowds arond yo. $o enter the darkened tent and the chanting gets no loder" bt
somehow remains at a half1heard whisper. The sole inhabitant of the tent" an elderly
woman with floor length black dreadlocks" looks p at yo as yo enter and smiles.
8$es. I can show yo where the scent is. Bree of charge.: .he reveals to yo the
location of the ne!t scent and smiles knowingly as she waves yo away. $o step ot of
the tent and trn arond only to find the tent is no longer there. The chanting hangs
ominosly arond yor head" a reminder of yor odd enconter.
Mne. Moriarty allows your player to know the location of one scent. The cost is that the
player will fail their ne,t roll, no matter what it is. The chanting will be heard by them until
they fail the check, then it abruptly stops. Only one player can !enture here per game.
-- The Organ 6rinder
The )rgan grinder whose msic has compelled yo all night now sits before yo" an old
man bent almost doble over a steel organ bo! which he cranks tirelessly. * small
brown hat sits ne!t to him" filled with crrency from all time periods and places. In
amongst the coins and notes are small trinkets" sch as broken glasses" toy whistles" and
shoelaces. The msic here is so overwhelming that yo are almost plled away with the
crowd" bt yo stop and shake free of the melodic trance.
The organ grinder is a !endor for the players and will trade tickets for random items they
ha!e, such as monocles, cash, and other @fla!orA items. The e,change rate is !ery low
though, such as = ticket for G=88.
-/ The #hantom Carriage
7efore yo a horse1drawn carriage sits enshroded in gloom. The lights of the Carnaval
do not reach it" the laghter and revelry seem devoid from it. &o driver sits on the
carriage" +st a small bo! with a large" ornate 82: inked on the front.
The Phantom 5arriage allows players to tra!el from one area to another without
worrying about tra!el ha-ards like Manthe or dictations from Melisande. The cost is :
-0 Bloc" 5ead 9)cent;
* lod bang and gasps breaks yor focs on the srrondings and yo psh throgh
the crowd to find a large" brly man clad in leather with several large nails +tting from
his head at varios angles. #e smiles at the crowd and" with an ama6ing show of tact"
balances another nail on top of his cleanly shaved head and drives it home with a
small" black claw hammer.
The 4lock <ead is !ery friendly to players and spends the whole con!ersation balancing
nails on his forehead and dri!ing them in brutally with a claw hammer. In order to get a
scent from him the player must find and kill another player, then return with some form
of proof. It is possible to lie to the blockhead with some passable proof 9like a se!ered
arm; and a charisma check of 0.
-1 The Arcade 9)cent;
$o approach something so normal that no e!planation is needed to nderstand its
mndane form@ an arcade. Three large booths are lined p with e!cited carnival
barkers leaning over the partitions and challenging passerby to games of skill. The first
booth holds a ring toss with several bottles and small knives stdding the pri6e board.
The second is a strong man tower with heavy war hammers hanging on the walls as
pri6es. The third game appears to be a shooting gallery" with several rifles laying ot on
the wooden conter bt no targets in sight.
The players can try their hands at any one of ? games. +ach game costs : tickets to
The ring toss is a single d/ throw to see what they players win. If they ha!e the @"ear
Inhuman )peedA or @(crobaticsA feat they may make two tosses and take either roll.
=,?,0,$ 6 Miss
:6 Lnife
E6 E tickets and a bottle
>6 ( scent or holy water
/6 ( 0 minute time !oucher which can be redeemed at the specialist and a bottle
The strong man tower is an endurance check of $. &inners get a war hammer.
In the shooting gallery a human is brought out, spread out and tied to a board. They
struggle against their bindings. Players get ? shots. (ny limb they deal at least :
damage to they get to keep.
The Blood )ield
If not for the flickering of torchlight in the distance and the massive twisting shape of a
wooden rollercoaster rising against the sky yo wold think the edge of the 7lood Bield
was the end of the Carnaval. * few of the grey Carnaval patrons psh past yo and
into the sholder1tall grass that makes p the field. The sonds of soft moans and the
occasional lagh drifts la6ily from behind yo" bt the field is completely silent.
The 4lood Bield has a fantastic ha-ard located deep within it, Manthe the .emon
5lown. +!ery time anyone tra!els through the blood field they must roll a d/. roups
tra!eling together must roll multiple times and take the highest roll. On a =6E nothing
happens on a 06> a scream and sobbing echoes o!er the grass, on a $ the sound of
snapping bones and honking is heard nearby, and on an / Manthe appears to kill the
players. Manthe is a clown painted entirely in black and white makeup and a bright
clown outfit. (round her fallen souls sob and weep. )he can spawn with any weapon.
)he will use her laugh e!ery turn and pursue he players until they all run with successful
agility checks or die.
-D The Blood 6arden 9)cent;
The tall grass of the 7lood Bield sddenly ends as yo approach one of the lanterns yo
have been steadily nearing. The lanterns" yo can now see" rest in the +aws of iron
wroght serpents and gargoyles that crl arond the peaks of a massive iron fence
separating yo from a hge garden dense with flowers and e!otic fana. $o follow
the fence ntil yo find an opening" an iron pagoda draped in crimson fabrics and
large vines with a man and woman longing on large" soft pillows within. They lagh in
sync" their massive canine teeth gleaming in the flickering light and" with a wave of his
hand" the male beckons yo closer.
The two figures are !ampires. They will attack any player who enters, as well as two
blood !ines concealed within the roof. The !ampires will not chase players. If the
!ampires ha!e a scent they will hold it up in an attempt to lure the players in more
-: L9'glise 4oir 9)cent;
The grass of the 7lood Bield lays low in a circle arond the massive stone chrch that
dominates yor view@ its black stones blending into the dark sky. The sides are covered
in massive stained glass mrals depicting kneeling" horned figres and several familiar
faces from arond the Carnaval. * hge pair of oaken doors bar yor entry. It will take
some serios mscle to move even one of them.
In order to open the door a player needs an endurance check of $, or two players
need a combined check of $. Once inside the "arrator rolls a d/ to disco!er what
awaits them. This roll is only made once per game.
=6E The door swings open slowly" casting light from the inside into the night. The pews
have been stacked in piles and are now abla6e" brning scraps of paper and spilled
pools of wa! fill the room. In the middle of this madness a black skinned demon looks
p at yo and begins weeping openly as he charges" claws flashing in the light.
i!e the demon a scent if you want. <e drops it upon death.
06/ $o swing open the heavy doors and reveal a ?iet chapel with empty pews and a
few brning candles. The front of the chapel is dominated by a simple wooden plpit
with a yothfl nn in a black habit smiling down at yo.
If the nun has a scent she will try and coerce the players into selling one of their souls in
order to recei!e it. If the players attempt to lea!e without doing so she will summon a
demon and attack them. 3se a carney for her stats, without Ra-or &it. )he will pursue
-F The %evil9s Mill
/ithin the fields a towering colosss stands" its wooden frame teetering into the air and
croching low to the grond like a great snake writing in agony. 7roken signposts point
yo towards the operator%s booth. $o arrive after circling arond the massive roller
coaster%s wooden strts and are greeted by a grotes?ely fat" replsive operator
literally spilling ot of the small wooden kiosk in which he sits. The wooden cart sits
behind him" somehow giving off the impression of a great cat ready to ponce. /ood
clatters near yor foot as yo kick a height re?irement sign long rotted from its post.
The smell of fear and sweat is overwhelming.
<ere the players can ride the largest wooden roller coaster e!er constructed, the
.e!ils MillK They recei!e 0 tickets for riding. &hene!er they do roll a d/ to see how the
ride ends.
=6: The car 1umps at a hill and goes flying off the track, hurtling through the air before
smashing itself to splinters on the ground. )afety bars slam down and hold the players
into their cars. (ll players make either an agility check of > or an endurance check of $
to a!oid death. +ither way the players take = damage in each limb and torso.
?6E The car whips around a corner and a furnace looms ahead. The players must make
a $ agility check or deal E damage to the bars holding them into the car in : turns.
06> The car hurtles into a small shed filled with saw blades, where hal!es of cars stained
with gore litter the area. +ach player must make an agility and an endurance check to
1ump from the car. (dd these two rolls together and subtract the result from =8. +ach
player then takes that much damage to each leg, with e,tra damage going to the
The %ar" ood o+ 'rror
(t the edge of the 4lood Bield yawns the gaping maw of a dark, twisted forest de!oid
of light. &ithin the woods nothing makes a sound. The silence is crushing and not e!en
the screams from the 4lood Bield can be heard here. It is clear that without a proper
light source you ha!e only a slim chance of finding your way through the woods.
&hene!er a player is trying to mo!e to or from any location here must make a logistics
check. <e gets a F: on the check if he has a light source.
=6: Players lose = minute off the clock.
?6> The player tra!eling is lost for one minute and may not act, but no time is lost from
the clock.
$6/ The player ends up at their chosen location.
-? The Specialist
$o enter a small carriage marked only with a small wooden sign that says 8Aanager:.
/ithin the ring master" the specialist" still adorned in his sit and hat" sits in a chair" his
legs folded p to his chest as he writes on several small pieces of paper across his desk.
*t first it seems as thogh he is terribly bsy" bt yo notice that the papers scattered
across the room are covered in scribbles" scratches and wiggly lines. #e looks p at yo
after a time and says 8#ere to ?it already9 $o have &EA7ER )B AI&ETE. mintes left"
bt if yo want to stop playing" I gess that%s okay too.:
If the players protest or disagree the specialist seems a bit disappointed, then offers to
push back the sun and gi!e them an e,tra minute on the clock for e!ery ticket they
gi!e to him.
-@ The Cave 9)cent;
/ithin the dark woods yo discover a cave" hollowed ot of the earth. The cave
somehow seems darker than even the lightness woods arond yo. $o trn to ventre
back into the woods bt sddenly the world has grown +st as lightness as the cave.
$o are lost in the darkness.
(ny player that enters the ca!e will be sub1ect to assault from an imaginary monster. It
blends with the darkness and cannot be struck in the dark, and the players can only
dodge and try to find a way out. The monster attacks twice in a turn with claws and
ne!er swings at the same body part twice in one round. Once a player spends two
turns without being struck in a row, or spends E turns in the ca!e they find their way out.
If a scent is here they will find it in their hand.
/7 *van9s )arm 9)cent;
$o approach what appears to be a small farmstead within the woods. .omewhere
nearby pigs s?eal lodly. The fields are withered and dead. * small farmhose on the
far side of the field is the only visible strctre. Throgh the window yo can see a small
kitchen lit by a few candles. .ddenly the pigs fall silent and a massive hair1covered
form rshes from arond the far side of the farmhose. The slight light from the
farmhose illminates the silhoette of a massive beast standing on its hind legs in the
field. It throws its head back and howls wildly before rshing towards yo.
I!an the werewolf is sadly suffering from a touch of lunar lunacy and, as such, is more
than happy to chase the players off of his farm. <e will not pursue players if they turn
and run immediately. If a player returns later I!an can be seen feasting on pig corpses
near the edge of the field. Players can either fight I!an immediately or sneak past him
with an agility check of > to get into the farmhouse, inside of which they can find a
scent 9if it is present;, an a,, and two meat hooks.
/- Morrigan9s Spring
The woods are sddenly illminated as yo psh throgh the dead trees and enter a
hge clearing littered with glowing pools of varios li?ids. The air is thick with the scent
of perfmes and alcohol" and the whole clearing seems to thrm with energy.
The Morrigans )pring is nothing but a deathtrap. +ach spring has some bad effect, no
matter how players interact with it. .rinking, bathing in or merely touching each spring
brings about a different curse. This, dear "arrator, is a place for you to do what you
want to shape the players. If youre not feeling particularly creati!e 1ust gi!e them a
minus on one kind of roll for the rest of the game. I recommend cursing them with
something much more fun, though, like a difficult to o!ercome 9logistics $; desire to
murder another player, making all their teeth fall out, or whate!er feels right at the time.
The Streets o+ %is
This section of the Carnaval is completely missing the lighthearted air of the other areas.
Tents abrptly end and are replaced by wooden bildings that initially seem to be +st
fake fronts held p by wooden beams. $o wander throgh the area" looking for a real
attraction" and sddenly reali6e the two dimensional wooden bildings have been
replaced with actal bildings bilt of concrete and steel. The sddenly1paved streets
are illminated by red1hed lamps" and the sond of a distant train rattling over tracks
reaches yor ears. The whole of the city seems to srrond and sddenly close in on
yo" crshing the air from yor lngs.
// The #arliament o+ Monsters 9)cent;
/ithin the winding city streets sits a miniscle wooden hose" one side slmping down
to lean on the crmbling bilding neighboring it. The wooden planks that have yet to
rot arond the entrance have been warped by moistre and time to form what looks
like a toothy maw arond the door. 3inned to the front of the hose is a massive"
e!plosively colorfl canvas painting.
O" T<+ I")I.+
the P(R7I(M+"T of MO")T+R)K
T5'Y AR' AL*,'
T5'Y *LL S#'AK TO YO= A4% A4S'R
* small chalkboard ne!t to the canvas holds show times and names for the varios acts
within the bilding.
This attraction contains se!eral smaller freak show6es#ue e,hibits within it. +!ery thirty
minutes a new attraction is rotated onto the main stage. )ome of these acts hold a
scent, some are 1ust interest pieces, and almost all of them can be deadly.
#riala> The 5uman #hoeni$ *s yo approach the dark stage yo first think it to be
empty" that perhaps this amsement has been abandoned. )nly throgh a bit of close
scrtiny do yo make ot a small" smoldering pile of ashes. The smoke seems to spiral
la6ily down from the ceiling and crl into the grey soot. /ithin seconds the ashes begin
to glow like coals" and then brst brilliantly into a miniscle fire. The smoke crls more
and more thickly as the ashes begin to coalesce into bones" then tmble together into
the form of a crled p hman. The skeleton rises" flesh reforming across the bones as
the flames englf it" ntil there stands before yo a woman. .he holds ot her hand
revealing a scent. *s yo reach for it brsts into flames and consmers her" brning ntil
there sits only a small pile of ashes.
(ny player who sifts through the ashes does not find a scent, but does become coated
so thickly in ashes that they operate as though they had phoeni, ashes in their
The ild Men o+ Ae!irat al Tennyn )n the golden stage within the packed bilding sits a
massive black cage holding ;-d0I-< red skinned hmanoids with demonic featres.
They leer at yo with white fangs and rn their hands over their black horns. )ne
approaches yo and her hand darts ot of the cage towards yo. It stops short of yor
throat with a single finger e!tended" pointing at a black key hanging on the wall
behind yo. .he then fingers a vial of scent arond her neck and taps the lock on the
If the players unleash the &ild Men they must fight them 9demon stats;. On one of them
is a scent.
ulric the ol+man * discordant piano melody assails yor ears as yo enter the tent to
find it packed. Do6ens of the pallid shades psh towards the stage" obscring yor
vision of everything bt a few occasional clods of red mist" sally accompanied by a
scream and cheering from the adience.
It is a strength or charisma check of > to na!igate the crowd. Once the players draw
close to the stage they can see the stage is missing and, at ground le!el, sits a werewolf
playing a smashed and broken piano. The crowd is now a threat, as they see one
shade get torn to pieces and an arm falls near them. The wolfman will turn from his
playing whene!er anyone gets too close. IB the players cannot escape with another
charisma or strength check of > they will be forced to fight &ulric.
Jarita> the %oll 6irl )n the stage sits a menagerie of beheaded" disemboweled" or
shredded toys. /hite cotton stffing and btton eyes litter the area arond an
elaborate doll hose set p on the center of the stage. The occasional splash of
crimson decorates the walls and area directly arond the hose. The door opens"
revealing a perfect miniatre woman who steps otside and places several severed
fingers ot amidst the carnage. $o notice several of the fingers have had small faces
carved into them and one is wearing the bloodstained remains of a dolls dress. $o
?ickly look back at the woman and note that behind her" in the doorway +st large
enogh for a hand to reach throgh" rests a vial of scent. .he smiles p at yo an cocks
her head to one side" saying 83lay with me9: before disappearing inside the hose.
Players must reach into the house and pass an endurance check as Rarita assails their
hand with a ra-or blade in order to collect their fingers. They must pass an agility check
of > or lose a finger for e!ery number they fail by. In addition to this check an
endurance check of 9number of fingers lost; to endure the pain and grab the scent.
Mes"henet> the ,ulture Maiden $o enter to find the shack completely empty. &o
stage" no visible walls" and only a dim ha6e srronding yo. *s yo trn for the door
yo fin that the way ot has been shroded in the fog. * few tense heartbeats pass
and shades begin to form ot of the ha6e. They come at first in ones and twos" carrying
harps" fltes" and drms" and soon srrond yo on all sides. They strike p a tne so fll
of morning and +oy that it at times seems to be several songs that share a melody. The
sond swells and wraps arond yo and" as it comes to a crescendo" is +oined by a high
other1worldly voice chanting softly from above yo. Down from the gloom swoops an
almond skinned woman with brilliant gray wings. .he alights among the msicians and
lends her voice to a song that soon begins to twist and wind its way into yor mind on a
new and frightening level. $o raise yor voice to block ot the sond" screaming
wildly" and as soon as it started yo find yorself otside of the shack" ot amongst the
The player is teleported to a location of your preference. They also may ha!e se!eral
new items in their in!entory at your discretion
/0 The 5all o+ Mirrors 9)cent;
)ne of the bildings stands ot immediately from the others as yo pass" its s?at form
taking p half of the block. The bilding has been covered with a flaking coat of ble
paint" and the only entrance" a revolving door" barely manages to hold p a decaying
sign that reads 8#ose of Airrors:.
This is definitely one of my fa!orite places and, as such, I almost always put a scent
here. Players enter into the !ast ma-e of mirrors and must pass a logistics check of 0 in
order to get out. If a player fails and the mood strikes you, narrator, they meet a
wretched doppelganger within the mirrors. This monster will look e,actly like the players,
but not imitate them like a reflection. If it has a scent it will hold it up in order to entice
the player to draw close. If the player gets to close they must immediately make an
agility check of > to a!oid the monster grabbing them and pulling them into the mirror
before 1umping out. If a monster succeeds he will run off and attempt to kill the other
players using the trapped characters stats. If killed, the trapped character is free. If a
player smashes a mirror by doing 0 damage to it from the outside the doppelganger
will die inside of it and the scent will fall to the ground amid the glass shards from the
/1 %er under"ammer 9)cent;
The stillness of the city is sddenly shattered by screams" and a yong man flies bodily
ot of one of the solid wooden doors that safegard the bildings and lands in a pile at
yor feet. In a flash an old" wi6ened man has leapt from the bilding and holds ot a
small metal cross. The yong man screams again and crmbles into dst" leaving the
older man covered in fine grey silt. #e looks p at yo and his eyes are a startling ble.
8$o%re one of the players tonight" right9 $o shold come with me.: #e then stands p
and leaves throgh the city" not waiting to see if yo follow.
The &underkammer is a former player who the 5arna!al has yet to claim. <e
empathi-es with the players plight and offers them each = item from his stash. <e can
( scent
( "ephilim 5ontract
)aint Troy IIs <oly Musket
Phoeni, (shes
The Maltese 5ross
(ny number of +ssences
Pythagorean Betish
Betish of the 3nreal
The 5ast
You didnt think you were my first, did you?
hale Song Dou may summon an eerie
whale song from the depths, forcing all
enemies to take a E logistics check or fall
into a trance for = round of combat.
Combat Ready Dou must roll twice on all
combat checks and take either roll.
Kra"enKs 'ye Dou can see all rooms at all
( shade of the specialistCs human
form corrupted and ensnared
within the rooms.
(rt Placeholder
<ead :
Torso /
7imbs :
Only Teeth Dou may use your deadly teeth as
a weapon.
In Melee =6E Miss
06/ E 7ethal
%rag If you strike an enemy with a meat hook
you may drag that enemy with you through
the rooms and hang them from the ceiling in
any room. The enemy must make a combat
check of $ to escape. &hen hooked an
enemy cannot make dodge checks.
Master o+ %omains Dou may bypass doors and
( nightmarish shade with a mouth
full of 1agged, une!en teeth.
(rt Placeholder
<ead :
Torso E
7imbs :
E Meat <ooks
4o 'scape Dou pass all agility checks.
Cannibal Dou may consume limbs and
corpses for full health.
)ear Dou may force a player to flee the
room once per minute. That player may
not re6enter the room for ?8 seconds.
( *ictorian murderer who
slaughtered and consumed his
(rt Placeholder
<ead :
Torso :
7imbs :
Bite / Dou may make a bite attack as a
melee combat action. Dou get to roll a
number of attacks with fang weapons
e#ual to your ranks in bite.
( long e,tinct mammal known and
named for itCs dagger6like teeth
and powerful crushing 1aws
E head
0 torso
4lood *ines
Strangle If a character fails an agility check
e#ual to this characterCs combat check with
!ines that character forfeits their combat
actions until they pass a combat check of > to
cut themsel!es free. &hile strangled the 4lood
*ine may make bite attacks against them by
dragging the strangled foe towards its mouth.
Bite - Dou may make a bite attack as a melee
combat action. Dou get to roll a number of
attacks with fang weapons e#ual to your
ranks in bite.
%ual Attac" ;,ines< Dou may attack twice
with the specified weapon in a single round of
This massi!e plant seems at first to
be a large half sphere affi,ed to
the wall with se!eral colorful petals
circling the central dome. The
dome cracks open to re!eal rows
of gnashing spines and long,
slender !ines begin to spread from
under the petals across the wall
behind it, allowing two larger,
barbed !ines to e,tend from the
base towards its prey.
(rt Placeholder
<ead E
RightQ7eft !ine E each
: *ines
5arney du .iaboli#ue
7ost )oul
Ra!or it Dou may throw kni!es as a
ranged attack. They are reusable and
One of the may !endors, ticket
sellers, or other non6!ital employees
of the 5arna!al .iaboli#ue.
(rt Placeholder
<ead =
Torso E
7imbs :
: Lni!es
=d> tickets
)eeble Summoning Dou will return to your
home plane in =d/ minutes.
%ar" Absolution (nyone in1ured by you
must succeed a logistics check of ? or
suffer = madness.
%ual Attac" ;Cla8s< Dou may attack twice
with the specified weapon in a single
round of combat.
( demon summoned from the
deep, dark places within the earth.
It yearns to return to its realm when
not bound to the surface and is
constantly stri!ing to throw off the
summoners control o!er it.
(rt Placeholder
<ead :
Torso ?
(rms :
7egs =
7ost )oul
Bite / Dou may make a bite attack as a melee
combat action. Dou get to roll a number of attacks
with fang weapons e#ual to your ranks in bite.
ild Shape ;bat<2 Dou may freely turn into a bat
Dou gain the ability to see in the dark and can
make no combat actions besides dodging and
biting. &hile you are a bat you lose your
@*ampirismA trait, but keep 4ite :, &ildshape 9bat;
and become an animal. &hen you enter bat
shape you add all of your current health into a
combined health pool. &hen you e,it bat form
you may put any number of hit points in any
number of limbs with a minimum of 6= in any limb.
,ampirism2 Dou must pass an endurance check of
> each turn in the presence of holy symbols, garlic,
sunlight or holy water to a!oid immediate death.
( human corrupted by dark power
and transformed into a beast that
thri!es off of blood. *ampires may
assume the form of a bat in order
to silently stalk prey or a!oid the
cleansing light of dawn.
(rt Placeholder
<ead :
Torso /
7imbs =
Manthe, the .emon 5lown
7ost )oul
Cannibal Dou may consume limbs and
corpses for full health.
5ideous Laughter +ach round of combat
and upon her appearance Manthe
prompts a E logistics check with her
hideous laughter. If a player fails this
check she is paraly-ed for = round or
*mmortal Dou may fight without any health
in your head. Only by remo!ing the health
from your head and torso do you die.
( horrible clown that stalks the
4lood Bields of the 5arna!al
.iaboli#ue. )he is surrounded
constantly by the souls of her
wailing !ictims.
(rt Placeholder
<ead :
Torso :
7imbs :
Manthe may spawn with any
weapon that she chooses.
Theodosius, the 7egerdemain
7ost )oul
Misdirection +nemies suffer a 6= on all
combat checks against you lower than an
5at Tric" Theodosius may freely summon a
demon, a wolf, or a thrasher seemingly
from thin air. <e may only ha!e =
summoned creature at a time. The
demon, when summoned, does not ha!e
the ability Beeble )ummoning.
( master magician and con1urer.
"e!er far from his lo!ely assistants
and an adoring audience.
(rt Placeholder
<ead :
Torso $
7imbs :
Magicians Re!ol!er
> Trick 4ullets
7ost )oul
5ybrid Dou may assume a hybrid form,
granting you Bite / and F: health to your
torso. Dou fail all charisma and logistics checks
while in your hybrid form.
Strong Bodied Dou must roll twice on all
endurance checks and take either roll.
Lycanthropy Dou must pass an endurance
check of > each turn when struck with
sil!er or in the presence of wol!es bane
to a!oid immediate death.
Combat Ready Dou must roll twice on all
combat checks and take either roll.
( werewolf who, when not suffering
from bouts of lycanthopic insanity,
tries to raise a succulent pen full of
pigs an se!eral crops.
(rt Placeholder
<ead ?
Torso /
7imbs ?
7ost )oul
Misdirection2 +nemies suffer a 6= on all combat
checks against you lower than an /.
Cursed 6rasp2 +nemies struck by your @hostly
touchA attack must pass a check of their
choice 9(gility, endurance, combat,
charisma, or logistics; of ?, or suffer a
permanent 6= to rolls of that type.
6hostly Touch( ( spectral grasp
=6: miss
?6/ = "on67ethal
( ghostly specter, wrapped in
tatters and scraps of clothing.
? head
? torso
Strangle If a character fails an agility check
e#ual to this characterCs combat check with
tentacle that character forfeits their combat
actions until they pass a combat check of 0 to
cut themsel!es free. The Thresher may
continue to make attacks on other characters
while it strangles any number of targets.
%ual Attac" ;Tentacle< Dou may attack twice
with the specified weapon in a single round of
Song o+ the Ages (ny creature currently
strangled must pass a E logistics check or take
a point of madness.
( twisting mass of tentacles and
mouths pulls itself across the ground
towards you, lea!ing a trail of slime
behind it. Out from its gaping
mouths fangs 1ut at random angles.
( soft whispering seems to issue
from the mouths of the creature,
distinctly in contrast with the
slamming and grinding of its
(rt Placeholder
Torso /
In Melee =60 Miss
>6/ "on6lethal =
(rt placeholder
(rt placeholder
(rt placeholder
(rt placeholder
(rt placeholder
(rt placeholder

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