Scenario 028 - Earthquake: Terrain
Scenario 028 - Earthquake: Terrain
Scenario 028 - Earthquake: Terrain
By Morten Hvid Andersen, as appeared in Transcribed & edited by The Mordheimer.
When the comet smashed into Mordheim the force of the impact build up tension in the ground below. This tension is regularly released through small earthquakes round different parts of the city. After such an earthquake many warbands flocks to the area shaken, hoping the tremors had shifted the huge piles of rubble and exposing things of value. But sometimes it is not valuables they find This scenario is specially made to be played as a multiplayer scenario by between three and six warbands. Terrain Each player takes in turn to place a piece of terrain, either a ruined building, tower, or other similar item. Suggested area to set up the terrain is 4 x 4 if you are playing with 3 or 4 warbands, and 4 x 6 if you are playing with 5 or 6 warbands. Setup Use the rules for setting up warbands from the Chaos on the Streets-multiplayer rules from Mordheim Annual 2002. There is no attacker or defender. Alliances is not allowed in this scenario. Special Rules Counters: Each player places three counters on the table. Each counter represent a location where there maybe is something valuable hidden. Two counters must be placed at floor level and one counter above floor level. All counters must be placed at least 8 from any edge and at least 5 from any other counter. Each player taking turns to place one counter. Roll a D6 for each player to determine the order in which players are placing the counters. The highest roll goes first. Searching Counters: Models cannot search counters in the first two rounds of the battle. [This is to prevent Infiltrators getting too much of an advantage]. When a model (not animals or mindless creatures) ends its move over a counter it searches the spot and finds what is there. Roll 2D6 and consult the following table to see what it finds: 2D6 2 3 4 5 6-8 9 12 Result Hornets Nest Giant Scorpion Warhound Giant Rat Nothing Special Loot Counter Treasure Chest Hornets Nest: The model stumbles (literally) into a nest of angry hornets who immediately attacks the hapless victim. The model is in the close combat
phase it is hit by 2D6 Strength 2 hits. There is no critical hits, but the model dont get an armor save and cannot use skills like Step Aside. After the attack the hornets disperses without doing any more harm. Giant Scorpion: The model is charged by a giant scorpion and is locked in combat with the creature. Resolve the fight in the close combat phase of the round, and if the scorpion survives it has its own turn just before the player owning the charged models turn.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Profile Giant 4 3 0 3 3 1 3 2+1 5 Scorpion The scorpion attacks with two claws (Strength 3) and a poisonous sting (Strength 5, Strength 2 if the model are immune to poison). The scorpion is immune to Psychology. The scorpion continues to fight until it have no more close combat opponents, then it runs away and is not seen for the rest of the battle. Warhound: The model is charged by a Warhound and is locked in combat with the creature. Resolve the fight in the close combat phase of the round, and if the Warhound survives it has its own turn just before the player owning the charged models turn.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Profile Warhound 6 4 0 4 3 1 4 1(2) 5 The Warhound is infected by rabies (not contagious) and thus is Frenzied. Otherwise it is immune to Psychology. It continues to fight until it have no more close combat opponents, then it runs away and is not seen for the rest of the battle. Giant Rat: The model is charged by a giant rat and is locked in combat with the creature. Resolve the fight in the close combat phase of the round, and if the giant rat survives it has its own turn just before the player owning the charged models turn.
M WS BS S T W I A Ld Profile Giant Rat 6 2 0 3 3 1 4 1 4 The giant rat continues to fight until all its close combat opponents is Knocked Down, Stunned (or Out Of Action), then it runs away and is not seen for the rest of the battle. The giant rat is immune to psychology. Loot Counter: The model finds a piece of loot worth 2D6 gold crowns (roll after the battle). A model can carry an unlimited number of loot counters without it affecting his move. It the model is put Out Of Action all his loot counters is left where he fell. Any model (except animals and mindless models) can pick up the loot counters by moving over them in the players Movement phase. Two models who is in base-to-base contact in the players Recovery phase is allowed to swap an unlimited number of loot counters. Wyrdstone Counter: The model finds a piece of wyrdstone. A model can carry an unlimited number of wyrdstone counters without it affecting his move. It the model is put Out Of Action all his wyrdstone counters is left where he fell. Any model can pick up the wyrdstone counters by moving over them in the players Movement phase. Two models who is in base-to-base contact in the players Recovery phase is allowed to swap an unlimited number of wyrdstone counters.
Treasure Chest: The model finds a hidden treasure chest. He can pick it up and move at half speed from now on. Two or more models working together, may carry the chest without penalty. You may use the treasure chest model to represent the chest. If the carrier is put Out Of Action, place the chest at the spot where he fell. Any model may pick it up by moving into base contact with it.
If a warband possesses a chest at the end of the game, roll on the following chart what the chest contains. Note that you roll for each item separately, apart from the gold crowns, which are always automatically found. Item D6 roll required to find: Item 3D6 gold crowns D3 Pieces of Wyrdstone Pistol Lucky Charm Result on D6 Automatic 5+ 4+ 3+
Starting the Game Each player rolls a D6. Highest roll starts. Ending the Game The game ends when all counters has been searched. The winning warband is the warband (among those still at the table) who has searched the most counters. If two or more warbands has searched the same (highest) number of counters, they share the victory. Alternatively the game ends when only one warband is left at the table. This warband is the winner and gets to search the rest of the counters, but use the following table to see what the warband finds: D6 1-5 6 Result Nothing 1 Piece of Wyrdstone
Experience +1 Survives: If a Hero or Henchman group survives the battle they gain +1 Experience. +1 Winning Leader: The Leader of the winning warband(s) gains +1 Experience. +1 Per Enemy Out Of Action: Any Hero earns +1 Experience for each enemy he puts Out Of Action.