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Spy Lite

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by Mike Berkey ([email protected]), Copyright 2008-2009. For more Microlite20 awe ome!e , hea" o#er to the Microlite20 web ite at http$%%www.microlite20.!et.

The goal of this game is to take Greywulf's excellent Microlite system, beat it senseless, and create a game that will do one-tenth of what Spycraft does, but with only one-half the work. There are four parts to these rules. . ". %. &. Guts. The core rules of the game. !haracter creation and how the system works. Gear. The e#uipment rules, how to build gadgets and $ehicles and get hired help. Foes. !ritters and the $arious nefarious types you'll be working with and against. Agencies. 'ules for (gencies, both friendly and otherwise.

The Guts: Core Rules

Spy)ite uses four stats* Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, and Charisma. the 1annibal to your 2. (. 2aracus. Thinkers get a ." to 3ntelligence at st le$el. This increases by . at /th le$el and e$ery fi$e le$els afterwards.

Other Classes

'oll &d+, dropping the lowest die. Total the remaining % 4ccasionally, someone might want to play a character dice and allocate to one of the stats. 'epeat for the type not co$ered by the classes abo$e. The strength of remaining stats. the Microlite"5 system is that classes tend to be more rough pencil sketches than highly detailed constructs. ,our stat bonuses are (STAT-10) !" roun#e# #o$n. 3f you want more, make more.


There are four classes-Sol#ier, S%y, Face, Thin&er. !haracters begin at )e$el . (ll classes can use any weapon, armor or e#uipment, including $ehicles. Sol#iers are the muscle of the group. Goons, thugs, bodyguards-they are tough as hell and good with weapons. They gain . to all attack and damage rolls. This increases by . at /th le$el and e$ery fi$e le$els afterwards. S%ies are fast on their feet, sneaky and decepti$e. Spies always ha$e Subterfuge as a Trained skill. This is in addition to their first le$el skill pick. Faces are the front men of the group. They are charming swindlers, masters of disguise and manipulation. 0aces get a ." to !harisma at st le$el. This increases by . at /th le$el and e$ery fi$e le$els afterwards. Thin&ers are the brains of the outfit. 1ackers, in$entors, tactical geniuses and masterminds-they are

(ll you need to do is come up with a name for the class, write up a short descripti$e blurb, decide whether or not they can sub out their 6exterity bonuses with melee to-hit rolls for light weapons and then gi$e them a special ability of the same caliber as the ones listed abo$e. For exam%le' (ogues are fast on the draw and elusi$e. )ike Spies and Soldiers, they can substitute their 678 bonus when attempting to hit with light weapons in melee combat. They gain a ." to 6exterity at st le$el. This increases by . at /th le$el and e$ery fi$e le$els afterwards. Toughmen are sturdy folk, stalwart and resolute. They are often rugged sur$i$alists, broadly capable rather than speciali9ed. They are not much for finesse -they can not substitute their 678 bonus when attempting to hit with light weapons in melee combat. :hene$er a roll for hit points is made, Toughmen may roll twice, choosing the highest of the two results. ;ote that these classes aren't technically <core= classes -they primarily ser$e as examples of what you can do to <tweak= the game.

There are fi$e skills * Communication, )no$le#ge, *hysical, Science, and Su+ter,uge. Communication skill co$ers interaction with other people. 2luffing, seduction, diplomacy, bribery, outand-out lying, it's all here. )no$le#ge is your grasp of the academic arts. 3t co$ers e$erything from languages to archeology, codebreaking to 9oology. *hysical. 3f it's something physical that you do, this skill probably co$ers it. >umping, 6ri$ing, !limbing and so on. Science. Mechanical and electronic skills. There's a bit of o$erlap between this skill and ?nowledge-where ?nowledge is about &no$ing things, Science is about actually #oing them. ?nowledge will teach the theory behind why your house's electrical wiring works. Science will let you actually wire your house. !o$ers such things as gadgetry, in$enting, rewiring cars and security systems, repairing items and so on. Su+ter,uge. The dark side of the skill sheet. Skulduggery, sneaking around, disarming traps and other such things.

Ta&ing 10. :hen your character is not under direct pressure or otherwise being distracted, you can <take 5=. 3nstead of rolling d"5 for the skill roll, treat the result as 5 and calculate the skill check accordingly. Ta&ing !0. 3f the task in #uestion allows the leisure of repeated attempts and you ha$e plenty of time-at least / C 5 times more than usually re#uired to perform a skill and are not under direct pressure or otherwise being distracted, you can <take "5=. 3nstead of rolling d"5 for the skill roll, treat the result as a "5-this does not count for regaining (ction Doints.

Skill Challenges
Some skill checks should be broken into parts to maintain tension. 7xamples would be searching an office for files while in a patrolled area, sneaking across a mine field, attempting to build a complex machine. 2reak the task into se$eral steps. 7ach step has a re#uired skill check and a 6!. 3f you blow the roll, something bad happens. 3f you make the roll, a bit of time passes, and you go on to the next check. 3f you roll really well, then you either skip a step or gain some extra benefit. 4nce you get to the final step, you succeed.

&'ample$ Felicity i (!"erco#er at a )a!cy "i!!er party at *octor +error, ma! io!. - i!g the ol" ./ ha#e to pow"er my !o e. e'c( e, he lip o)) to "o Traine# S&ill. 7ach character must choose skill they ome i!#e tigati!g. 0he e!ter *octor +error, o))ice are best at @called your <Traine# S&ill=A. ,our rank in a!" earche thro(gh hi )ile cabi!et )or the pla! to that skill will be at your le$el.%. (ll other skills will be hi ecret "eath ray. at half your le$el, rounded down, plus one @@)e$elB"A. A. 0elicity's challenge would look this* S&ill roll - #!0 . s&ill ran& . $hate/er stat +onus is most a%%lica+le to the use . situation mo#i,iers 'oll e#ual to or higher than the gi$en 6ifficulty !lass to succeed. 6ifficulty !lass @or 6!A is a number chosen by the GM to represent the difficulty of a skill roll. 3t ranges from 5 on the low end @dead easyA to %5 C &5 on the high end @nearly impossibleA. (n a$erage 6! would be around "5. 0or example, !limbing would use Dhysical . ST' bonus. 6odging a falling rock is Dhysical . 678 bonus. 0inding a trap is Subterfuge . 3;T bonus. 6isabling a trap is either Subterfuge . 678 bonus or Science . 3;T, depending on the nature of the trap. 0here is it in the o,,ice1 Subterfuge . 3;T, 6! /. Success G 0inds the proper cabinet. 0ailure G takes time, must roll to see if 6octor Terror is suspicious @see step H%A and then roll again to find the right cabinet. 0hich ,ile is it in1 Subterfuge . 3;T, 6! "5. Success G 0inds the proper folder. 0ailure G takes a lot more time and then roll to see if 6octor Terror is suspicious...and then roll again to find the right folder. Is Doctor Terror Sus%icious1 The 6octor yells down the hall to see if you're okay. Subterfuge . !1( $s 6octor Terror's Subterfuge . 3;T. Success G the 6octor buys your excuse. 0ailure G the 6octor comes to in$estigate. The more times this step has been rolled, the more of a bonus Terror will ha$e on his roll to figure out what you're doing.

;ote that there are no Esa$ing throwsE in this gameF use Dhysical . ST' or 678 for 0ortitude and 'eflex sa$es. Secret Death (ay *lans2 ,ou'$e found the file's :ill sa$es are usually ?now or Subt . 3;T. folder, now you ha$e to pull it, photograph it and replace it surreptitiously. Subterfuge . 3;T, 6! /. Success G you slip back to the party with no one the

wiser. 0ailure G you're caught, either in the act or later on that e$ening. 4r you'$e photographed the wrong file. 4r you'$e fumbled the camera, making suspicious noises...

&'ample$ Felicity i p(r (i!g *r. +error. +error ha 1(mpe" i!to a motorboat a!" i chargi!g "ow! the ri#er. Felicity i )ollowi!g alo!g the hore o! a motorcycle. 0i!ce !either i!itially ha a! a"#a!tage, the 2M et the i!itial lea" a 3. +he )ir t ro(!", More than one character can contribute to these +error "eci"e to "ri#e ahea" )(ll pee". 4ot a challenges. 0or example, one person back at the party complicate" ma!e(#er$ *C 50. 6e (ccee" , rolli!g could take care of checks to allay the 6octor's 57 total. Felicity, "ri#i!g the motorbike alo!g the suspicions while 0elicity continues to ransack his office. wi!"i!g a!" !arrow roa" by the ri#er. *C 53, he al o (ccee" , rolli!g a! 58. Felicity gai! 5 poi!t o) 8ea", )or a total o) 7 (58 9 57).


4ccasionally, two or more characters will directly compete with another outside of a combat situation. Derhaps they're chasing each other, maybe they're debating a topic, trying to seduce a bureaucrat, play a game of chess, or e$en run for political office. 3t all boils down to the following*
4ne character is the 1unter, one is the Drey. There are 5 points of )ead. 3f the )ead increases to

5 or higher, the Drey wins. 3f the )ead reaches 5, the 1unter wins. The )ead usually starts out at /, but the GM can decide to use a different number as starting )ead if one side has an ad$antage.
2oth sides make skill checks each round. Isually

+he !e't ro(!", +error ha to wer#e aro(!" a boat o) to(ri t , while Felicity "eci"e to try a ri ky ma!e(#er. +he player "eci"e to take a :50 *C pe!alty o#er the !ormal 53 *C a!" ay he, goi!g to ( e a! (pcomi!g bri"ge a a ramp, either la!"i!g o! +error, boat or at lea t gai! ome erio( "i ta!ce o! him. +error )ail hi roll pectac(larly, ma hi!g i!to the to(ri t boat. Felicity (ccee" agai!, rolli!g a 2; # *C 23. +he 2M "eci"e that +error, )aile" roll lo e him a poi!t o) 8ea" (!ow "ow! to <). Felicity gai! < poi!t (5 )or the (cce , 2 )or the ri ky ma!e(#er). +he 8ea" goe )rom < to 0. Felicity, bike la(!che o)) the bri"ge like a rocket, )lie )orty )eet thro(gh the air a!" ma he i!to the back o) +error, motorboat, which i till e!ta!gle" i! the to(ri t boat. Felicity ta!" (p )rom the wreckage a!" cock her g(! at the *octor, hea"...

these skill checks will be $ersus static 6!'s, representing maneu$ers.

3ote' a <round= in this case does not necessarily ha$e to be a combat round-it could be any length of time that would be dramatically appropriate. 6ou get 7 Talents at ,irst le/el an# an extra one ,or e/ery ! le/els %ast the ,irst (e.g. 7" 8" 9" etc). The highest success,ul s&ill chec& total $ins 1 Some Talents may be taken more than once-in that %t o, 4ea#" either towards the 1unter's or the case, the effects stack. 3f they can be stacked, it will say Drey's ad$antage. so in the description. (ll Talents can be taken by any class. 6epending on what these maneu$ers are, additional benefits or penalties may accrue in the following Action 5an. ,ou start each ad$enture with more round. (ction Doint than usual. 7ach time you take this Talent, you gain another (ction Doint. I, neither s&ill chec& %asses" the 4ea# remains unchange# and additional unpleasant Agile. ,ou are excellent at dodging attacks. . (!, can effects may ensue as expected for a failed skill roll of be taken multiple times. that type @crashing, falling, losing the audience's interest, whate$erA. :lu,,. ,ou ha$e a knack for fighting dirty. 3f you can communicate with an opponent, you can attempt a I, only one si#e ,ails their chec&" one or more !1( . !omm roll $s the opponent's resisting skill roll. extra %oints o, 4ea# may accrue to the other 3f successful, you can use your !harisma bonus as si#e #e%en#ing on ho$ +a#ly the roll ,aile# either a bonus to hit, damage or (! for one attack. +y. 1ow this looks can $ary from cheap shots all the way up to out and out trickery @E1ey, lookJ The Goodyear (is&y 5aneu/ers' 0or a 6! penalty, you can 2limpJEA. attempt to change the )ead in one attempt by " or more points. 6escribe what you're doing, then take a ./ 6! :ra$ler. ,our unarmed attacks are upgraded from penalty for e$ery extra point of )ead you want. 0ailure d& to d+ damage. ,ou can take this one more time to will usually ha$e pretty serious conse#uences. upgrade your unarmed damage to dK.


:ullet%roo,. 4nce per ad$enture, any single damage roll inflicted on your character can be rerolled, taking the lower of the two rolls. Comman#. 4nce per day, you can gi$e an order to someone. Should they choose to follow your command, they get a . bonus to achie$e that action. (t e$ery le$el e$enly di$isible by &, this bonus goes up . and an additional order per day can be gi$en. Con,i#ence 5an. 3f you ha$e 6upe, you can make another subse#uent skill $s skill check after you'$e con$inced a target of a EfactE. 3f successful, you can guide the target into performing a specific task. The task has to be at least superficially reasonable. 7$ery subse#uent time you do this to the same opponent in an ad$enture, they get a ." bonus to resist, cumulati$e. Cool ;n#er *ressure. !hoose one non-combat task that you're especially good at @e.g. sneaking, computer programming, baking cookies, etcA. 0rom now on, whene$er you attempt that task, you can take 5 on the roll, no matter how stressful the circumstances. This Talent can be taken multiple times-each time applies to a different task.

opponent. ,ou can only use your 3ntelligence bonus for one or the other, ne$er both at the same time. Fiel# Stri%. ,ou are a wi9ard at making gear do things that are technically out of their spec. 4nce per day, you can take as many of you and your teammates' Gear Doints as your GM will let you get away with and reshuffle them into a different configuration. ,ou must then succeed on an 3;T . Sci roll, with a 6! e#ual to 5.the number of Gear Doints being shuffled. The original items are lost, but may then be broken down, recombined andBor upgraded to new items which tend to work $ery well, but aren't #uite as pretty. Gearhea#. ,ou'$e always got the best wheels. :hen re#uisitioning $ehicles, $ehicles cost half as much as they do for anyone else. Genius. !hoose an area of study. :hene$er the GM would allow you to take 5 on a skill check in that area of study, substitute your 3ntelligence score instead for the d"5 roll. :hene$er you are allowed to take "5, your die roll is automatically your 3ntelligence score. 5. Taking this talent multiple times gi$es additional specialties.

De,ensi/e (oll. This re#uires the (gile Talent. 3f you are in a position to dodge out of the way of an attack but Intuition. ,ou ha$e an innate ability to sense trouble it hits you anyway, you can spend (ction Doint and in the air. 4nce per ad$enture per le$el, you can make a completely a$oid damage. 3;T . Subt roll $s 6! /. 3f successful, you get a hunch that e$erything is all right, or you get a bad feeling Dee% *oc&ets. ,ou always seem to ha$e Lust the right about a specific situation, based on the GM's best guess item on you. ,ou ha$e floating gear point that you relating to the circumstances. 3n addition, all initiati$e may expend at any time during an ad$enture to re$eal rolls for the character will be at . . an item. This item must be plausibly concealable on your person. !an be taken multiple times-each time =u#o. 3f you successfully grab an opponent, you can this is taken, it gi$es you another floating gear point. perform your next grapple action immediately instead of waiting for the next round. Dou+le-Ta%. 3f you're using a gun, you can gain an additional attack in exchange for a -" to hit on all 4i,e o, (iley. ,ou li$e a charmed life. 4nce per attacks per round. ad$enture, if you fail a roll by rolling a , you can instead treat that roll as a natural "5. This is not Du%e. 4nce per ad$enture per le$el, you can make a considered a natural "5 for purposes of regaining an target belie$e one EfactE you gi$e them, no matter how (ction Doint. implausible, as long as you succeed in a !1( . !omm roll $s the opponent's skill roll @usually 3;T.Sub, ?now 3n addition to this, you gain a . on all sa$es and rolls or SciA. that may be influenced by blind luck-this is up to the GM's discretion, but should be used somewhat Dura+le. ,ou are a damage sponge. . hp per le$el, sparingly. Taking this Talent multiple times allows can be taken multiple times. !hanges in hit points are more than one use per day-the . luck bonus ne$er retroacti$e. increases. <x%loit 0ea&ness. 3f you'$e had at least round to study an opponent, you can designate that opponent, using brains o$er brawn to find ways to gain an ad$antage. Make a Sub.3;T check @6! /A. 3f the check succeeds, for the rest of the combat you can use your 3ntelligence bonus instead of your ST' or 678 bonuses on attack rolls or (! as you try to out-think your 5acGy/er. ,ou'$e got fifteen minutes, some silly string, some bubble gum and a piece of tin foil. Time to sa$e the world. :ith a 6! / @or occasionally higherA check and a bit of time, you can impro$ise a rudimentary pt Gadget using anything handy.

5artial Artist. ,ou can flurry your melee attacks @both armed and unarmedA. ( flurry allows you to gain an additional attack in exchange for a -" to hit on all attacks per round. ,ou can take this one more time for a total of % attacks per round when flurrying, but with each attack at -& total. 5aster o, Disguise. ,ou'$e got a thousand faces. ;ot e$en your friends are exactly sure what you really look like. (ny 6isguises you re#uisition are at ./ 6! to see through. ,ou can impro$ise a 6! / 6isguise in less than ten minutes using the most rudimentary materials for no cost. 5e#ic. ,ou can now use your (ction Doints to heal other characters in emergency situations, gi$en a reasonable amount of e#uipment and a few undisturbed minutes. The amount healed is e#ual to half the character's lost hit points. *lan. 3f you ha$e time to prepare a plan prior to a dramatic situation, you can grant a bonus on all skill checks and attack rolls made by you and your allies. Make a skill check $s 6! 5, using 3;T plus whate$er skill is appropriate to the situation @usually ?nowledgeA. 3f successful, the bonus will be . , plus another . for e$ery 5 points the roll was o$er the 6! @i.e., whate$er you rolled di$ided by 5, rounded downA. This bonus lasts for the first % rounds of the situation and then goes down by e$ery following round @minimum 5A as entropy slowly unra$els your plans. *o$er Attac&. ,ou can take a penalty to your attack roll and add the same amount to your damage roll, assuming you hit. Ip to one-half your total attack bonus can be transferred this way. (is& Ta&er. ,our character li$es on the edgedesignate one kind of task that you are good at. :hen performing a risky maneu$er during a !ontest under those circumstances, you only take a .& 6! penalty for each )ead point attempted. Taking this Talent multiple times allows you to choose different tasks this Talent applies to. S%ecialist. 6escribe one task that you're especially good at. 0rom now on, you get a ." on all skill checks dealing with that task. &'ample $ 0!eaky, 8a!g(age , Bribery, &a#e "roppi!g, 0hooti!g =i tol . Specialties should be fairly narrow. Taking this Talent multiple times gi$es you different specialties-the effects ne$er stack. Traine# S&ill. :hen this Talent is taken, one skill of the player's choice is now considered to be Trained. 7$ery time this Talent is taken, it applies to another skill.

Tra% 5on&ey. Traps are point cheaper for you, with a minimum final cost of pt. ,ou can also impro$ise a 6! / Trap in less than ten minutes using the most rudimentary materials for no cost, with the trap's effects limited to what you can Lustify to the GM. 0ell-Connecte#. ,ou'$e got friends e$erywhere. :hen re#uisitioning ;D!'s to help you, you only pay half the cost. 0ell-<>ui%%e#. ,ou ha$e better Gear than most. .% gear points, can be taken multiple times.

?it *oints - ST( Stat . 1#@ 4e/el. 3f 1D reaches 5, you are unconscious and near death. 0urther damage directly reduces ST'. 3f that reaches 5, you are dead. ( combat round lasts + seconds. The order in which characters and ;D!'s act is called <initiati$e order=. (oll #!0 . D<A +onus ,or initiati/e or#er. 1ighest total acts first, then next highest, etc. 4nly roll once, on the first round of combat-the order stays the same for subse#uent rounds. 7$eryone can do one thing each round* mo$e, attack, dodge, operate a $ehicle, etc. 5elee attac& +onus G ST' bonus . )e$el (ange# attac& +onus G 678 bonus . )e$el Armor Class (AC) G 5 . one-half your le$el, rounded down . 678 bonus. (dd attack bonus to d"5 roll. 3f e#ual to or higher than your opponent's (rmour !lass @(!A, itMs a hit. ;atural "5 is automatically a critical, doing maximum damage. Soldiers and Spies can use 678 bonus . )e$el as their Melee attack bonus instead if wielding a light weapon. This $ersion of Microlite does not use iterati$e attacks. 3f you want to make more than one attack per round, use a Maneu$er @see belowA. (ll additional attacks through maneu$ers occur more or less simultaneously. (dd ST' bonus to Melee damage, x" for "-handed weapons. (ange# Com+at. Shooting a gun into a crowded melee is not a good idea-if you don't take a -& to hit, there's a /5N chance you'll hit a friendly instead of an opponent. (ange# *enalties. 3f your target is relati$ely close, there is no penalty to hit for range. 3f it's mid-range for the weapon you're using @Ludgment callA, take a -". 3f it's farther out than that, the GM will assign a -& to - 5

penalty to hit, depending on his Ludgment of how far away the target is.

Maneu$ers are things you can do in combat in lieu of a normal attack. Aim. Taking a full round to aim with a ranged weapon will add ." to hit, but while doing so your (! will be at 5 because you can't mo$e around. Auto,ire. (llows you to make iterati$e attacks with an automatic weapon. 3n other words, if your total bonus is .+ or more, a second attack can be made with a -/ penalty. 3f the total bonus is . or more, a third attack can be made at - 5. 0or example, if the total bonus is . ", three attacks can be made when autofiring at . "B.OB.". (ll of these attacks occur simultaneously and can be split amongst multiple targets, if desired. DroLectile weapons burn a number of rounds e#ual to twice the attacks you make, if such details as ammunition are being tracked. 3f you are not high enough le$el to ha$e iterati$e attacks, then you merely gain one extra attack at -/ while burning & rounds. Do#ge. ,ou can forgo your next attack at any time and dodge out of the way. 'oll 6ex . Dhys. The total is your effecti$e (! until your next attack comes up. 3f it's lower than your real (!, well, you 9igged when you should'$e 9agged. The GM may modify your check by ." or -" @or moreA to reflect the amount of co$er in the area and how the local terrain affects your mobility. Gra+. Make a hit roll on your target. 3f successful, the target and attacker make opposed Dhys.Str rolls. 3f the attacker wins, the target is grappled and loses his 6ex bonus to (! @if positi$eA. 3f the target wins, the grapple fails. 7$ery time the target's action comes up he can make another opposed roll to either throw off the grapple or re$erse the grapple. 7$ery time the attacker's action comes up, he can do something, such as inflict unarmed damage, strip an item from them, or mo$e or throw the target somewhere @potentially also doing unarmed damageA. 3t's the GM's Ludgment call if an action is reasonable or not. Snea& attac&. 3f you successfully sneak up on someone, or otherwise catch them unawares, the first hit adds your ranks in Subterfuge as bonus damage.

Ta&e Co/er. 3f you duck behind an obLect, you can gain ." to . 5 to your (! depending on the extent of the co$er @light co$er G ." all the way to nearly complete G . 5A. 1alf this (! bonus may also apply to sa$es if the GM allows it. Thro$ an ex%losi/e. These weapons @usually grenadesA re#uire the attacker to make a missile attack targeting a particular / foot by / foot area, which is a 6! 5 roll. (nyone caught within the blast radius can make a 6exterity !heck $s the explosi$e's 6! and only take half damage. T$o $ea%ons. ,ou can wield two light weapons and attack with both in a round if they take a -" penalty on all attack rolls that round. 3t's up to the GM what counts as a light weapon. 0or example, in some campaigns, shotguns might be appropriate for dualwielding, in others, they might not. Distols are always appropriate, as are the usual light melee weapons.

Action Points
!haracters begin each session with % (ction Doints @more if they ha$e the (ction Man TalentA. 7ach (ction Doint can be used in se$eral ways*
(dd ./ to any roll, but only before the GM declares

the results of the roll.

(dd ./ to (! for one round. 'eco$er half your lost hit points instantly. ,ou

spend your current action catching your breath. next ad$enture.

2ring your character back from the dead...in the

4nly (ction Doint can be spent per round.

Recovering Action Points

7$ery time your character does something

particularly impressi$e or achie$es a goal of some sort, the GM may award one or more (ction Doints. Doint. (ction

7$ery time you roll a natural "5, you gain

7$ery time you start a new session, the (ction Doint

pool is fully refreshed. (ny unused (ction Doints from the pre$ious session will be lost. 6on't hoard your (ction Doints-they're meant to be usedJ

Other Hazards

Falling' d+ damage per 5', half damage on Dhys.678 sa$e. 6!Gdepth fallen in feet, maximum 6! %5, maximum damage "5d+. 7ach le$el adds* <xtreme ?eat B Col#' 3f not wearing suitable protection, Dhys.ST' sa$e once e$ery 5 minutes @6! /, . per pre$ious checkA, taking d+ damage on each failed sa$e. 4a/a' "d+ damage per round exposedF much more if completely immersed. 6amage continues until la$a is remo$ed or #uenched. . . . .

(dd up the 7ncounter )e$els @7)'sA of e$ery encounter you take part in. :hen the total G 5 x your current le$el, youM$e ad$anced to the next le$el. 'eset the total to 5 after ad$ancing.

d+ to 1it Doints to all attack rolls to your Trained skill@sA B" to all other skills

3f the le$el di$ides by four @i.e. le$el &, K, ", etc.A add point to ST', 678, 3;T or !1(.

( new Talent is gained at le$els %, /, O, P, , etc. *oison' Dhys.ST' sa$e to a$oid or for half, depending on poison. 7ffect $aries with poison type. Soldiers gain . to their attack and damage rolls at le$els /, 5, /, etc. (a#iation' )ose d%- ST' per round, 6! "5 ST'.Dhys sa$e for half @round downA. 6amage is 0aces and Thinkers gain . to their !harisma or potentially much higher in $ery hard radiation. ST' 3ntelligence statistics at /, 5, /, "5, etc. reco$ers at a point per day if properly treated. S%i&es' add . point to falling damage per 5' fallen, max . 5. &'ample$ +he 5 t le#el a"#e!t(rer ha#e 1( t complete" a mi io!, a!" "e)eate" 3 &85 e!co(!ter , a! &82 trap a!" the &8< lea"er. +hat> a total o) &850, o they all a"#a!ce to le#el 2. +hey !ee" to "e)eat a!other 20 &!co(!ter 8e#el to reach 8e#el <.

evel Advancement
<ncounter 4e/el G 1it 6ice of defeated monsters, or the gi$en 7) for the trap, situation, etc. (dd . for each doubling of the number of foes. e.g.* Goon G 7) . " Goons G 7)". & Goons G 7)%, etc.

Gear: !"ui#ment$ %ehicles and Hired Hel#

The &asics
6ou start out each mission $ith @ gear %oints %lus 1 %t %er ! le/els. 3n other words, + gear points for a st le$el character, O at le$el ", K at le$el &, etc. ,ou can ha$e more gear points if you'$e taken the :elle#uipped Talent. :ith gear points, you can buy weapons, armor, gadgets, traps, $ehicles, or re#uisition help. 3f you'd rather not deal with the complexity, Lust turn to the end of this section and you'll find se$eral gear packages there, one of which is bound to be useful. 7#uipment is deliberately kept rather generic-you can call your items whate$er you want to within reason. ( EhandgunE could be a !olt.&/, a 2eretta or a Glock. 3t's all up to player preference.

&asic !"ui#ment
pt will get you one of the following...

4ne basic firearm 4ne exotic weapon 4ne melee weapon + thrown weapons + grenades 4ne (rmor 4ne 6isguise 4ne Gadget 4ne Trap

0ea%ons not on the list. More powerful weapons cost more gear points. Satchel charges, rocket launchers, and so on cost at least % gear points. See the d"5 Modern S'6 for more details.

'tem (escri#tions
Ammunition. Missile weapons, such as guns and crossbows, come with a couple extra clips worth of ammo, enough not to worry about running out o$er the course of a few encounters. 0or an extra point, you can get enough spare ammo for e$ery missile weapon you'$e brought to not worry about running out of ammo during that session. Armor. 3n Spy)ite, (rmor beha$es differently than in other d"5 games. :hen you re#uisition it, you can describe it howe$er you like, usually as a bullet proof $est. 3nstead of pro$iding an (! bonus, (rmor gi$es you a certain number of charges. :hen you're hit and take damage, you can say that your armor stopped it and burn one charge. 3f you make a @ST' . Dhys . the armor's bonusA sa$e $s 6! @e#ual to the damage takenA, you take no damage but are knocked down until your next action. 3f you run out of charges, you're out of luck-the armor is useless. ( failed sa$e still uses a charge. 3n any case, (rmor pro$ides 6' for e$ery charge it has left. 2ulky armor @that is, armor that has been upgraded hea$ilyA may, at the GM's option, gi$e a -" to certain skill rolls. 2asic armor before applying upgrades has charge and adds ." to the sa$e. :asic Firearms. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of $ariations of handguns and rifles out there. 3nstead of statting out each one, Spy)ite uses an abstracted system. Distols do "d+ damage, 'ifles do "dK. 7ach are upgradeable @see the section on <Ipgrades= for more informationA. :hen you re#uisition a firearm, simply write it down on your sheet and call it what you want. :asic Firearms'
1andgun 'ifle "d+ "dK

/ for single shot rifles and "/ for autofire-capable rifles and pistols. Com%oun# :o$s" :lo$guns an# Cross+o$s. 4bsolete in most other military ser$ices, these items ha$e a special place in espionage operations because they are silent and can take a $ariety of speciali9ed ammunitions. ,ou can ha$e either 5 normal arrows, darts or #uarrels or a similar amount of special ammunition. (n extra gear point will get you both regular and one type of special ammunition @as per the <alternate ammo type= upgradeA. The effects of special ammunition will $ary, but minor explosions, tran#uili9er darts, tracking darts, incendiary rounds, tear gas, smoke bombs are all appropriate. See the entries on grenades and traps for more information on how they might work. Disguises. 3ncludes any makeup, hair or clothing changes needed to make you appear to be a different person @within reasonA and is complete with a superficially plausible co$er 36. ;ormally, going underco$er is a matter of role-playing the situation and your !1( @or 3;TA . Subterfuge $s any obser$ers' skill rolls, but sometimes a situation will come up that no amount of lying or acting will co$er up, such as background checks, direct physical examination, etc. 3n that case, the thoroughness of your disguise will come directly under fire. 3f someone has reason to doubt your disguise, it's 6! / to penetrate. The EDotentE upgrade can be used to increase this 6! by ./. 3t's also affected by the EMaster of 6isguiseE Talent. <xotic 0ea%ons. 0or more information, refer to the indi$idual entry of the item. Some exam%les'
!ompound 2ow !rossbow !rossbow, 1and 2lowgun Speargun dK for normal ammunition d 5 for normal ammunition d+ for normal ammunition d& for normal darts dK d% damage . ST' . Dhys sa$e $s 6! / to a$oid being stunned for d+ rounds

1ow many shots your weapon can fire before needing to reload $aries depending on what you decide to call it. Typically, this will range from O - O shots for pistols, " for single shot rifles and shotguns and anywhere from /-%5 for autofire-capable firearms. 3f your weapon has fewer shots than that range, then take a EfreeE gear point and place it in an upgrade @for example, E2igE or E!oncealedEA. 3f you really don't care how many rounds there are in your gun's clip @recommendedA, then use " rounds per clip for pistols,

Stun GunBTaser

Ga#gets. ( gadget is something that is designed to do something specific. 3t will usually either...
Get you past an obstacle not usually resol$able by a

Some exam%les'
2ig ?nife 2rass ?nuckles !hloroform d+ d+ ST' . Dhys sa$e $s 6! / or be knocked out for a while. Target must be grappled to apply. (n alternate $ersion of this item would be a syringe loaded with drugs. "d+ d+ d+

skill roll @distract guard dogs, allow you to breathe underwater for a while, etcA or...
6o something useful but not necessarily #uantifiable

in game terms, or...

?atana Gi$e a ." skill bonus to a certain skill or class of skill

rolls when performing a task

;ightstick Sap

d 5 Some examples of Gadgets* spy cameras, code breakers, Sledge welders, lock picks, bugs, low-light goggles, camera disablers, grappling hooks, scuba gear, S%eargun. 4perates underwater as well as on land. magnetic watches, laser pens. !ompared to other ranged weapons, it's fairly unwieldy.

Ga#gets" 5un#ane. Some items are so basic that no points should e$er be spent for them* rope, for example. The GM is the final arbiter of whether or not an item applies. Grena#es. Grenades come in a $ariety of fla$ors. 7xplosi$e grenades do %d+, ha$e a 5' burst radius, and re#uire a / 678 6! to a$oid damage. There are also grenades that use tear gas, sleeping gas, smoke bombs...the sky's the limit, pretty much. 3f a grenade has a non-damaging effect, assume the 6! to resist is /. 7ffects will last a $arying amount of time, usually d+ rounds up to an hour or two.

Thro$n 0ea%ons. Thrown weapons do d& damage, plus the thrower's strength bonus. Tra%. ( Trap can be set by someone using the Subterfuge skill. 'oll 3;T . Sub. That total is the 6! that anyone encountering the Trap must roll to a$oid its effects. :hen you re#uisition the Trap, you can describe it as anything you like, within reason-land mines, bear traps, caltrops, banana peels, it's up to you.

The effects of the trap also $ary, but grenade-like explosions, sleeping gas, knocking the target down or restraining them for a few rounds @or until freedA...the Grenade launchers are an extra item, but allow you to possibilities are endless. 3f a trap has a non-damaging toss grenades much farther than you can throw them. effect, assume the 6! to resist is /. 7ffects will last a $arying amount of time, usually d+ rounds up to an 5elee 0ea%ons. Melee weapons usually do d+, dK, hour or two. d 5 or "d+ depending on si9e and how many hands re#uired to use them. Ise your imagination or a copy The EdisguisedE and EconcealableE upgrades do not of the S'6. apply in the usual way to Traps. 3f you'd like your traps to be harder to find once set, use EDotentE. EDotentE can 3f you don't ha$e a melee weapon, unarmed damage is also refer to resisting the effects of the trap itself and d&. !hairs, bar stools, and other impro$ised weapons the trap's damage, so be sure to specify which part of usually do around d+ damage but will break if they do the trap you are applying the EDotentE upgrade to. ( maximum damage. Trap with the EdisguisedE or EconcealableE upgrade will be harder to find +e,ore it's set. &'ample$ ? +rap with !o "i g(i e (pgra"e might look like yo(r .!ormal. (itca e bomb, ee! i! tho( a!" o) actio! mo#ie . ? trap with the "i g(i e (pgra"e might appear to be a! i!!oc(o( ca! o) ha#i!g cream or a cattere" collectio! o) harmle - eemi!g item . ?)ter they are both et, they," both be e@(ally "i))ic(lt to )i!", "epe!"i!g o! the ( er, kill le#el.

,ou can spend additional gear points on your items to impro$e them. The cost of an upgrade applies directly to an item's cost. 0or example, a pistol costs pt. (pply the <2ig :eapon= upgrade and the pistol now costs "pts, but does "dK damage. Alternate Ammo Ty%e. . pt. :eapon can fire a different type of ammo in addition to normal rounds @acid, stun, sleeping, tracking dartsA. Armor ;%gra#e. . pt. (dds one more charge and ." to the armor sa$e $alue. !an be taken % times for a total $alue of & charges, .K to the armor sa$e. Auto,ire. . pt. Gun can autofire. :ig 0ea%on. . pt. Ipgrades damage to next higher die type. !an only be taken once. Conceala+le. . pt. The obLect is easily concealable. 7fforts to find the obLect are at a ./ 6! penalty. !an only be taken twice.

*assenger an# Cargo Ca%acity pt G passenger @motorcycle-si9edA " pt G % passengers, a few suitcases @family carA % pt G 5 passengers, a few crates @pick-up truckA & pt G "5 passengers, fair amount of cargo @a busA S%ee# 5 pt G Inimpressi$e pt G Sporty " pt G 0ast % pt G 2la9ing 0ast (dditional capabilities* Armor. . pt. (ny attacks on the occupants or the car ha$e to penetrate 6' /. (ny attack that does more than / points damage o$er the 6' reduces the 6' by point. :hen it reaches 5, there's no armor left. Taking this multiple times adds ./ 6', maximum "5. Can Fly. . pt. Can ?o/er. . pt, re#uires 0light.

Seale# Ca+in. . pt. 4ccupants are unaffected by outside en$ironmental conditions such as low air Disguise#. . pt. 4bLect is disguised as something pressure or underwater en$ironments. 0or another innocuous-a lipstick taser, for example. (n 3;T . Sub point, $ehicle can also handle extreme heat, radiation, or Sci check $s 6! "5 will re$eal the obLect's true the $acuum of space and poisonous gases. purpose. ;o skill check is re#uired to do this if the obLect is seen in use. Su+mersi+le. . pt. Ga#get ;%gra#e. . pt. Ipgrades a gadget's skill bonus by .". !an be taken up to % times, for a total of .K gadget bonus. *otent. . pt. More Dotent. ./ 6! to resist effects. !an be taken & times total. Sco%e. . pt. :hen taking the (im maneu$er, range penalties can be ignored.

Com#le* 'tems

,ou can combine se$eral pieces of gear into one item. Simply total up the cost and di$ide by ", with a minimum cost of the most expensi$e item component. . 3t is entirely up to the GM to $eto or appro$e complex items.

Silencer. . . Makes gun shots much #uieter, but only <xam%le C1' Gun 4eg for the first few rounds. pt - 'ifle . pt (utomatic . pt 6isguised as prosthetic leg pt gets you a basic, no frills $ehicle with enough room . pt Scope for one passenger and fast enough to get on the pt Inderslung Grenade )auncher highway, but that's it. . pt !an also fire Tear Gas 'ounds . pt 6isguised as prosthetic leg The following upgrades apply* Total - 8 gear %oints @& pts for the 'ifle component . A. Sexiness 5 pt G ;ot Sexy ,ou now ha$e a prosthetic leg that can be remo$ed and pt G Ipscale used as an automatic rifle with a scope and underslung " pt G Stylish grenade launcher...which can fire either explosi$e % pt G )uxurious grenades or tear gas grenades.


1ere's another example* <xam%le C!' (igge# Attache Case From DFrom (ussia 0ith 4o/eD pt )ocked (ttache !ase pt Trap @tear gas, 6! / or spend d+ rounds coughing and hacking, triggered by opening case incorrectly, 6! to detect most likely 3;T . Sub roll of the guy at Q 6epartment who made itA. . pt More Dotent @./ 6!, total 6! "5A pt (dditional places to conceal things @kni$es, money, folding sniper rifleA

Hel#er +PC,s
Gear points can also get you a helping hand with your mission, ranging from getting someone to distract the guards at the front gate all the way up to commandeering a full tactical assault s#uad. A+ility pt G st le$el " pt G B" your le$el, rounded upT % pt G ,our le$el- T T 4b$iously, at st and "nd le$els, these point $alues are somewhat useless.

Total - 7 gear %oints @" for the Trap . A.

The agent now has a locked attache case with plenty of 3um+er o, 3*CGs room to hide things. 3f someone tries to open it without 5 pt G pt G d% knowing the trick, they'll trigger a tear gas trap with a " pt G d&." 6! "5 to resist. % pt G "d+ <xam%le C7' The Car From EGol#,ingerF Duration 5 pt G There for one task only, after performing that, :ant the car from EGoldfingerER The breakdown of they lea$e. costs would go like this* pt G encounter " pt G The full ad$enture / pts, (ston Martin @Stylish .", 0amily !ar-si9ed . , 0ast ."A <>ui%ment + pts, Two 'ifles, 0ully (utomatic, disguised as 5 pt G the skin on their backs headlights @% pts eachA pt G basic e#uipment-standard gear for their " pts, 4il Slick, concealed profession " pts, 7Lector Seat, concealed " pt G speciali9ed e#uipment or a $ehicle & pts, 'etractable blades in the hub caps, concealed @" pts eachA 5orale " pts, Sehicle (rmor 6' /, concealed 5 pt G Surly " pts, 'adio Telephone, concealed pt G 0riendlyBDrofessional " pts, 'adar scanner and tracking screen, concealed " pt G 7nthusiastic " pts, !altrops from rear light cluster, disguised as % pt G 0rothing at the mouth rear headlights " pts, Smoke screen from exhaust pipes, disguised as exhaust pipes pts, 'e$ol$ing number plates pts, !oncealed storage for guns Total - 1@ gear %oints @% B" pointsA.

Gear: Gear Packages

These are all + pt packages, appropriate for beginning play.

2ody (rmor @" charges, .&A Machine Gun, @"d 5, (utomaticA 'ambo ?nife @ d+A

The Archer
!rossbow @ d 5 with normal rounds, scopeA 5 Tran#uili9er 2olts @6! / to resistA Mc(llister .%"acp Distol @"d+, P round clipA

Dick one of the following*

)ipstick !amera @disguisedA, H( Mascara Taser @disguised, 6! / to resistA H( 7xplosi$e Trap disguised to look like a kitten

Sniper 'ifle @"d 5, scope, silencerA Distol @"d+A Gilly Suit @." to hidingA

@potent* ./ 6! to resistA

Trench Coat +in0a

?atana @"d+A :aki9ashi @ dKA Trench !oat @." to concealing items on personA

The &ond
:alther DD? @"d+, silenced, O round clipA Sports !ar @upscale, car-si9ed, sportyA

Dick two of the following*

Dick one of the following*

:ristwatch @welding laser, disguisedA, H( !igarette !ase @tear gas bomb when acti$ated, 6! / 2allpoint Den @dart gun, drugged, / 6! to resist,

to resist, disguisedA H( disguisedA

2lowgun wBtran#uili9er darts @6! / to resistA !limbing !laws @." to climbingA + Smoke 2ombs @6! / to resist . obscures sightA Throwing Stars @+, d& eachA

)ndercover Agent

Home Alone

1andgun @"d+A % Traps + Grenades Toolkit @." to handyman types of thingsA

6isguise @6! "5 to penetrateA !amera @disguised as innocuous itemA 4ne bug )istening de$ice

.heel Man
1andgun @"d+, autofireA Getaway !ar @not sexy, car-si9ed, fast, armored

-ohn .oo
" 2eretta P"0 @"d+, / round clipA 2ulletproof Sest @ charge, ."A Motorcycle @upscale, bike-si9ed, fastA

at 6' /A

The Ma/ioso

2rass ?nuckles @ d+A Tommy Gun @"dK damage, autofireA 2ulletproof Sest @ charge, ."A ?nows ( Guy @hired help, st le$el guy shows up for one task, basic e#uipment, surlyA

1oes: Animals and Su##orting Cast Members

(pe 2ear !rocodile 6og 6olphin 7el, 7lectric 1erd (nimal 1orse )ion Monkey Diranha 'at Shark Snake, 2oa Snake, Siper

&dK.K +dK."& %dK.P "dK.& "dK." "dK %dK.P %dK.+ /dK. 5 dK d" d" %dK.% %dK.+ dK

@"+ 1DA @/ 1DA @"" 1DA @ % 1DA @ 1DA @P 1DA @"" 1DA @ P 1DA @%" 1DA @& 1DA @ 1DA @ 1DA @ + 1DA @ P 1DA @& 1DA

& / & % / + % % / & + & / / O

Damage" 3otes
!law .O @ d+./A, 2ite ." @ d+."A !law . @ dK.KA, 2ite .+ @"dK.&A 2ite .+ @ dK.+A, Tail Slap .+ @ d ".+A 2ite .% @ d+.%A Slam .& @ dKA 2ite .& @ d&A . 7lectric Shock @ d+A 2utt .% @ dK.+A, Trample .% @ d "A 1oof ." @ d&. A 2ite ." @ dK."A, !law .O @ d&./A 2ite .& @ d%-&A 2ite .& @ d%- A 2ite .& @ d%-&A 2ite .& @ d+. A 2ite ./ @ d%.&A, Grabs @Str &A and s#uee9es for d%.& per round after hitting with 2ite until killed or target breaks free 2ite .& @ d"-"A . Doison @ d+ Str damage, 6! 5 for halfA

0or something higher up on the gon9o scale... Ty%e

Dlant, !arni$orous 'obot, Tiny 'obot, Man-si9ed Tyrannosaurus 'ex Uombie

KdK.&5 B"d 5 "d 5 KdK.PP "d ".%

@O+ 1DA @" 1DA @ 1DA @ K5 1DA @ + 1DA

& % / &

Damage" 3otes
Melee . %B.K Grabs opponent @Str "5A, bites for d+. 5 next round 'anged .% 6' %, Melee ." @ d+."A or .% 'anged @by weaponA 2ite ."5 @%d+. %A Slam . @ d+. A

(ll creatures ha$e a bonus to all skills e#ual to their number of 1it 6ice, if appropriate. 0or skill areas a creature is well-known for being good at, gi$e them .% skill ranks for that task. 7xamples would be panthers sneaking, monkeys climbing, dogs tracking by scent, etc.

?uge. .& 16. .& to attack, .K Str @don't forget to factor this into the critter's 1D, damage and to hit bonusA, .& (! @tough hideA, damage increases to next higher die type. Fric&ing 4aser Hn ?ea#. (nimal gains a ranged attack at its normal attack bonus* )aser @"dK, e#ui$alent to scope and silencerA.

:ant to upgrade an animalR Dick a base animal from the chart, select a template, add in the template's bonuses and, $oila, upgrades. :ig. ." 16. ." to attack, .& Str @don't forget to factor this into the critter's 1D, damage and to hit bonusA, ." (! @tough hideA.

Su##orting Cast
There are two types of ;D!'s* Hr#inaries and ?eroics. 2oth are built using the standard classes @Soldier, Spy, 0ace, ThinkerA. Dhysical. :o#yguar#. Soldier-%. Str & @."A, 6ex 5 @.5A, 3nt 5 @.5A, !ha K @- A. 1D %. (! . 1andgun .& @"d+. A or Inarmed .+ @ d&.% or GrabA. 2ody (rmor @.", !hargeA. Traine# S&ills' Dhysical. Ci/ilian. )e$el , no class. Str 5 @.5A, 6ex 5 @.5A, 3nt 5 @.5A, !ha 5 @.5A. 1D &. (! 5. Dunch . @ d&A or Grab . or 3mpro$ised 2lunt :eapon . @ d+A. 4ne Trained skill as appropriate. Clergyman. 0ace-". Str 5 @.5A, 6ex 5 @.5A, 3nt " @. A, !ha & @."A. 1D O. (! . Inarmed ." @ d& or GrabA. Traine# S&ills' !ommunications or ?nowledge. Criminal. Spy-". Str " @. A, 6ex 5 @.5A, 3nt 5 @.5A, !ha " @. A. 1D P. (! . Distol ." @"d+A or ?nife .% @ d+. A. Traine# S&ills' Dhysical, Subterfuge. Cultist. Soldier- . Str 5 @.5A, 6ex " @. A, 3nt K @- A, !ha 5 @.5A. 1D &. (! . :icked ?nife .% @ d+. A or Inarmed .% @ d&. or GrabA. Traine# S&ills' ?nowledge.

Hr#inaries are important enough to ha$e stats, but not important enough to ha$e any significant screen time. They ha$e d+ @a$erage %./A hit points per le$el, adLusted by their Strength bonus @or penaltyA. They gain all special abilities of their class, but do ;4T usually gain Talents or (ction Doints. 3f you're in a rush, use a$erage stats except for whiche$er stat the 4rdinary uses most, which will get a "- &. Ise le$el for the lowest rung in their professions. 3f you need a more seasoned 4rdinary, add le$els. "-& would be appropriate for more experienced types. 3n some cases, it may be appropriate to gi$e Talents to 4rdinaries, but don't go o$erboard with it.

&'ample$ the =C, are 1(mpe" by a @(a" o) !i!1a . +he 2M "oe !,t ha#e a!y prepare", o he "eci"e to make them 0pie with =hy ical a!" 0(bter)(ge a their Detecti/e. Spy-&. Str 5 @.5A, 6ex 5 @.5A, 3nt & kill pick . +he e !i!1a are le#el 2. @."A, !ha " @. A. 1D &. (! ". Distol .& @"d+A or Inarmed .& @ d& or GrabA. Traine# S&ills' +he 2M gi#e them 50 i! all their tat a#e )or !ommunications, ?nowledge. *e'terity, which get a 57. +hey get a#erage hit poi!t , )or a total o) A (<.3 time 2 le#el , with !o 0tre!gth Doctor. Thinker-&. Str 5 @.5A, 6ex 5 @.5A, 3nt & mo"i)ier ). +heir ?C i 5< (50 : 5%2 8e#el : *&B @."A, !ha 5 @.5A. 1D &. (! ". Inarmed .& @ d& or bo!( ). +hey get a :7 attack bo!( (2!" le#el : *&B GrabA. Traine# S&ills' ?nowledge. bo!( ) a!" are e@(ippe" with kata!a (2"; "amage). Some typical examples of 4rdinaries follow. These are meant to be background characters or cannon-fodder. Ty%ical Hr#inaries' Aristocrat. 0ace-". Str K @- A, 6ex 5 @.5A, 3nt " @. A, !ha & @."A. 1D /. (! . Inarmed . @ d&- or GrabA. Traine# S&ills' !ommunications or ?nowledge. Assassin. Soldier-%. Str " @. A, 6ex " @. A, 3nt 5 @.5A, !ha 5 @.5A. 1D %. (! ". Silenced 1andgun ./ @"d+. A or ?nife ./ @ d+."A. Traine# S&ills' Subterfuge. <ye Can#y. 0ace- . Str 5 @.5A, 6ex " @. A, 3nt K @A, !ha + @.%A. 1D %. (! . Dunch . @ d&A or Grab . or 3mpro$ised 2lunt :eapon . @ d+A. Traine# S&ills' !ommunications.

Go/ernment Agent. Spy-%. Str 5 @.5A, 6ex " @. A, 3nt " @. A, !ha 5 @.5A. 1D 5. (! ". Distol .& @"d+A or Inarmed .& @ d& or GrabA. Traine# S&ills' ?nowledge or Subterfuge. =ournalist. Spy-". Str 5 @.5A, 6ex 5 @.5A, 3nt " @."A, !ha " @. A. 1D O. (! . Inarmed ." @ d& or GrabA. Traine# S&ills' !ommunications, ?nowledge.

)i#. )e$el , no class. Str + @-"A, 6ex 5 @.5A, 3nt K :i&er. Soldier-". Str & @."A, 6ex 5 @.5A, 3nt K @- A, @- A, !ha " @. A. 1D ". (! . Dunch - @ d&-"A or !ha K @- A. 1D P. (! . Shotgun .% @"dK. A or ?nife Grab - or 3mpro$ised 2lunt :eapon - @ d+-"A. ;o ./ @ d+.%A, !hain ./ @ d&.% or GrabA, !lub ./ @ d+.%A Trained skills. or Inarmed ./ @ d&.% or GrabA. Traine# S&ills'

5a,ia Thug. Soldier-". Str & @."A, 6ex " @. A, 3nt 5 @.5A, !ha 5 @.5A. 1D . (! ". Distol .& @"d+. A or Tommy Gun .& @"dK. A or 2rass ?nuckles ./ @ d+.%A. Traine# S&ills' Dhysical. 5ercenary. Soldier-". Str & @."A, 6ex 5 @.5A, 3nt 5 @.5A, !ha 5 @.5A. 1D . (! . (utomatic 'ifle .% @"dK. A or Distol .% @"d+. A or !ombat ?nife ./ @ d+.%A. 2ody (rmor @.", !hargeA. Traine# S&ills' Dhysical. 3inIa. Spy-". Str 5 @.5A, 6ex & @."A, 3nt 5 @.5A, !ha K @- A. 1D O. (! %. ?atana .& @"d+A or 1and-to1and .& @ d&A or Throwing Stars .& @ d&A. Traine# S&ills' Dhysical, Subterfuge.

S>ua# 4ea#er. Soldier-/. Str & @."A, 6ex " @. A, 3nt " @. A, !ha 5 @.5A. 1D "O. (! %. (utomatic 'ifle .K @"dK."A or Distol .K @"d+."A or !ombat ?nife .P @ d+.&A. Traine# S&ills' Dhysical. Terrorist. Spy-%. Str 5 @.5A, 6ex " @. A, 3nt " @. A, !ha 5 @. A. 1D 5. (! ". 'ifle .& @"dKA or ?nife .& @ d+A. Traine# S&ills' Science, Subterfuge. Thug. Soldier-". Str & @."A, 6ex " @. A, 3nt 5 @.5A, !ha 5 @.5A. 1D . (! ". 0ists ./ @ d&.%A or !lub ./ @ d+.%A. Traine# S&ills' Dhysical.

Heroic +PC,s

?eroic 3*CGs are built almost exactly the same way as *olice H,,icer. Soldier-". Str " @. A, 6ex " @. A, 3nt player characters. They get Talents and may or may not get an (ction Doint or two, depending on how 5 @.5A, !ha 5 @.5A. 1D P. (! ". Distol .& @"d+. A important they are to the plot. or 1and-to-1and .& @ d&."A. Traine# S&ills' ?nowledge. ( heroic ;D! is important enough to get significant screen time, so they should ha$e at least one EhookE to *olitician. 0ace-%. Str 5 @.5A, 6ex 5 @.5A, 3nt " them. 0or example, Esumo wrestler with deadly hat @. A, !ha & @."A. 1D 5. (! . Dunch .% @ d&A or boomerangE or Esinister wheelchair-bound 'ussian Grab .% or 3mpro$ised 2lunt :eapon .% @ d+A. with white catE. Traine# S&ills' !ommunications. *ri/ate In/estigator. Spy-&. Str " @. A, 6ex 5 @.5A, 3nt " @. A, !ha " @. A. 1D K. (! ". Distol .& @"d+A or Inarmed ./ @ d&. or GrabA. Traine# S&ills' !ommunications, Subterfuge. *ro,essional. Thinker-". Str 5 @.5A, 6ex 5 @.5A, 3nt & @."A, !ha 5 @.5A. 1D O. (! . Dunch ." @ d&A or Grab ." or 3mpro$ised 2lunt :eapon ." @ d+A. Traine# S&ills' ?nowledge or Science, depending on career. Scientist. Thinker-&. Str K @- A, 6ex K @- A, 3nt + @.%A, !ha 5 @.5A. 1D 5. (! . Dunch .% @ d&- A or Grab .% or 3mpro$ised 2lunt :eapon .% @ d+- A. Traine# S&ills' ?nowledge. Security Guar#. Soldier- . Str " @. A, 6ex 5 @.5A, 3nt 5 @.5A, !ha 5 @.5A. 1D /. (! 5. Distol ." @"d+. A or Inarmed .% @ d&." or GrabA. Traine# S&ills' Dhysical. Sol#ier. Soldier-". Str & @."A, 6ex 5 @.5A, 3nt 5 @.5A, !ha 5 @.5A. 1D . (! . (utomatic 'ifle .% @"dK. A or Distol .% @"d+. A or !ombat ?nife ./ @ d+.%A. Traine# S&ills' Dhysical. S%ecial Forces. Soldier-&. Str & @."A, 6ex " @. A, 3nt " @. A, !ha 5 @.5A. 1D "". (! %. (utomatic 'ifle .+ @"dK. A or Distol .+ @"d+. A or !ombat ?nife .O @ d+.%A. 2ody (rmor @.", !hargeA. Traine# S&ills' Dhysical. ?ere are a ,e$ exam%les" all le/el 8' ?eroic Assassin. E(n assassin with a passion for gambling and a penchant for berserker rages.E Spy-/. Str " @. A, 6ex + @.%A, 3nt , !ha K @- A. 1D "P. (! O. 1andgun .K or .+B.+ @"d+, silencedA, Two 2ig Scary ?ni$es .K or .+B.+ @ dK. A, Garrote @ d+. per round, must grapple from behindA. Traine# S&ills' Dhysical, Subterfuge. Talents' (gilex", 6ouble-tap, 'isk-taking @DarkourA, Specialist @(crobaticA. ?ul&ing :o#yguar#. E1ulking granite slab with fewer words than a dictionary with blank pages.E Soldier-/. Str K @.&A, 6ex 5, 3nt 5, !ha + @-"A. 1D &/. (! ". 0ists . @ d+.+A, 'ifle .O @"d 5.", (utomaticA. Traine# S&ills' Dhysical. Talents' 2rawler, 6urablex", >udo, Dower (ttack. Corru%t *olitician. E4n more terrorist organi9ations' payrolls than he has fingers. 4r toes. 1as an engaging smile and twinkling eyes.E 0ace-/. Str 5, 6ex 5, 3nt " @."A, !ha O @.%A. 1D "O. (! ". Distol ./ @"d+A. Traine# S&ills' !ommunications. Talents' Specialist* 2luff, !ool Inder Dressure @)yingA, 6upe, Specialist @Dolitical Maneu$eringA, :ell!onnected.

</il 5astermin#. E3rish woman with eye patch and penchant for moray eels.E Thinker-/. Str " @. A, 6ex " @. A, 3nt K @.&A, !ha % @. A. 1D "P. (! %. Two Distols .+ or .&B.& or (utofire @"d+, (utofireA. Traine# S&ills' Science. Talents' !ommand, 3ntuition, Trap Monkey, Specialist @(d$ance DlanningA, :ell-!onnected. 5aster 3inIa. E1as a gra$elly $oice and wears sinister spiked armor.E Soldier-/. Str & @."A, 6ex / @."A, 3nt , !ha O @- A. 1D %+. (! /. Two ?atana .P or .OB.O or ./B./B./ or .%B.%B.%B.% @"d+.&A or Throwing Stars .P @ d&.&A. Traine# S&ills' Dhysical, Subterfuge. Talents' (gile, 6urable, Martial (rtistx", Trained Skill @DhysicalA. :ears spiked body armor @" charges, .&A.

Agencies: !nem2 And Other3ise

7$ery agent needs to belong somewhere, whether it's the SD7!T'7 to your 2ritish Secret Ser$ice, the I;3T, to your 1('M, an international espionage agency like I;!)7, or e$en the Inited ;ations itself. (gencies are usually generated by the GM, but the players' (gency could Lust as well be created by group consensus at the beginning of play. There could e$en be some campaigns where the players don't e$en belong to an (gency at all. Goals. 7$ery (gency is here for a reason. E0ight e$ilE, Eprotect world stabilityE, Eworld dominationE, Edestabili9e the global economyE. These goals may e$en occasionally change o$er time. Ty%ical H%erati/es. :hen the (gency sends in help, what type of help typically shows upR SoldiersR Men in blackR ;inLasR ThugsR <nemies. :ho are your (gency's enemiesR 6oes it ha$e any long-standing nemesesR Allies. 6oes the agency ha$e any maLor alliesR 3s it affiliated with any go$ernments or ci$ilian organi9ationsR Allies" *ulling Strings. (gencies can pull strings, calling in fa$ors for additional help from their allies. Ise the highest !ha . !omm of all the players currently in the group to roll $s a $ariable 6!. 3f successful, the connections come through with help. The time that this takes depends on the fa$orinformation might take only a few minutes. Manpower may take hours or days. 3n addition, the help re#uested must be something the allies can reasonably pro$ide. Inless noted otherwise, this can be done only once per mission. (lso note that your allies are doing this as a fa$or-they might expect something in return. DC
/ "5 "/ %5

Creating An Agenc2
Choose A 3ame. 3f you don't ha$e an idea handy, a time-tested method is to grab a dictionary, flip through it until you find a likely word and then use that as your (gency's acronym. :hite hat (gencies will ha$e acronyms with positi$e connotationsF 2lack hat (gencies will ha$e more sinister-sounding acronyms. 7xamples* 1(MM7', ()D1(, S1('?, T'IT1, M()3!7. 6on't worry if you can't decide what the acronym stands for. 3f a player calls you on it, you can always Lust say it's 'ussian for something really complicated. :rie, Descri%tion. Much like important ;D!'s, (gencies should ha$e a brief hook that makes them memorable. E1idden counter-terrorist unit formed by :inston !hurchill in the darkest days of ::33E or E3nternational criminal organi9ation of ex-Spetsna9 operati$es based out of a hollowed out $olcano in the Maldi$es.E


Minor information, pt worth of 1ired 1elp, Sery minor resource commitment 6etailed information, % pts worth of 1ired 1elp, ($erage resource commitment 7xacting information, + pts worth of 1ired 1elp, 6eep resource commitment 6irect inter$ention from the ally, pulling out the stops.

Jualities. 7$ery (gency is slightly different. The way this is expressed is through Qualities, which work like Talents. !hoose % from the list below*


office, safe house or head#uarters for you to use. The resource might not be large or public, but it will be there. (BD De%artment. ,our (gency has its own 'V6 department which produces e#uipment noticeably more ad$anced than anywhere else. The first upgrade point on any piece of e#uipment will be free, including complex items and $ehicles.

Criminal Ties. :hen dealing with other criminals and criminal organi9ations, your (gency gains a ." to all social rolls that might benefit from ha$ing criminal ties. :hen pulling strings, the (gency can pull strings from a $ast number of criminals and not Lust official allies-criminals will do anything for the right amount of moneyBle$erage.

Thin& Tan&. ,our (gency speciali9es in staffing itself with the best minds in the business. 4nce per mission the player characters can call in a 1elper ;D! that can perform any one non-combat-related task. The helper Dee% Fun#ing. ,our (gency has deep resources. ;D! will be a full heroic character at the D!'s a$erage :hen gearing up, the group has an additional dK gear le$el. 3f he or she dies, he can't be replaced for another points they can split amongst the players' in$entories as d+ missions. they see fit. Feare#. The (gency's reputation is fearsome enough that all known agents gain .& on any social rolls which would benefit from ha$ing a fearful reputation. Go/ernment Sanctione#. :orking directly for the go$ernment opens many doors. ,ou can gain writs and warrants for Lust about anything, but need to follow the rules @usuallyA. ,ou also gain a ." bonus when dealing with friendly go$ernment, military and law enforcement, along with the pre$iously-mentioned go$ernment support. ?i##en. ,our (gency is hidden from public $iew. :hile occasionally causing problems @<,ou say you ha$e a warrantR The 023's ne$er heard of youJ=A, it also means your enemies ha$e to do more work to find out information. 0ell-(egar#e#. (nybody who is not specifically an enemy of the (gency reacts to any known agents of that (gency at .". (gents themsel$es, once known, are treated as minor celebrities.

Gro3th And (ecline O/ Agencies

Successful or failed missions can ha$e an effect on (gencies. Securing an ally o$er the course of se$eral missions might score your (gency the 6eep 0unding Quality. 0ailing multiple missions might make your (gency's <0eared= Quality disappear. 'elati$ely permanent changes such as these are usually the result of campaign story arcs. There are no hard and fast guidelines, but % or missions per change would be typical.

More temporary changes are co$ered by Tem%orary (ny 6isguises re#uisitioned will automatically be at ./ Jualities. due to your (gency's skill at building deep co$er stories. (ny attempts to research the (gency or any of the Tem%orary Jualities apply to an (gency as a result (gency's employees will be at -". of a temporary setback or windfall. They typically only last for d+ missions and then disappear. Intelligence. ,our (gency has spies e$erywhere. They know things about your enemies e$en before they This applies Lust as much to your enemies as to your do. (t any time during a mission, players can re#uest own agency. ;ot all missions may be decisi$e enough additional information from head#uarters, using the to ha$e either of these effects-only the GM will be able same system as listed under <Dulling Strings=. 7$ery to tell. time past the first, the 6! will be at .%. &'ample$ -4/+C e!" the player character o! a 5on#o ?ea#>uarters. 4ther (gencies ha$e their mi io! to pre#e!t the )ame" abote(r, 8e Chacal, head#uarters in military bases, modern skyscrapers or )rom "e troyi!g the 8o(#re. +hey )ail mi erablyD 8e e$en Lust standard off-the-rack office buildings. ,our Chacal e cape lea#i!g behi!" a! e!tire wi!g o) the (gency gets to be based out of something far more fun* 8o(#re )ille" with )lami!g pitch a!" a!gry chicke! . moon bases, enormous yachts, a gigantic 9eppelin, hollowed-out $olcano, whate$er you want. This also -4/+C gai! the E8a(ghi!g 0tockF +emporary G(ality includes the means to get there, if necessary. )or the !e't 2 mi io! . For a imilar le!gth o) time, 8e Chacal, employer , 6?HM, e!1oy E2oo" =re F (or 5ultinational. ,our (gency has resources whate#er pa e )or it amo!g t the crimi!al e$erywhere. ;o matter where you are, there's a local (!"erworl").

Tem#orar2 4ualities
:lac& <ye. Something happened during the last mission to make the (gency suspect your loyalty. 3s there a mole or a double agentR 2ackground checks, infighting and psychological inter$iews abound until the dust settles. <>ui%ment Shortage. )ast mission's toll on the (gency's e#uipment reser$es result in a number of gear shortages. There's a " in + chance of anything re#uisitioned to be out of stock. Try something else. Fa/or. ,our (gency has gained the trust of someone in a position of great power. Intil this Quality wears off, it has the benefit of either !riminal Ties, Go$ernment Sanctioned or Multinational. Goo# *ress. The high $isibility of the last mission gi$es the (gency the benefits of the :ell-'egarded Quality until things settle back down.

Intelligence 0in#,all. The last mission unco$ered an unexpectedly potent source of intelligence. Intil this Quality wears off, your (gency has the benefit of the 3ntelligence Quality. 4aughing Stoc&. So much for being respected and feared by...pretty much the entire world. ?nown agents suffer a -" penalty to all social rolls that might be penali9ed by ha$ing a reputation for ineptitude until the (gency does something to pro$e themsel$es again or the entire world, hopefully, forgets about the whole affair. 4oot. The material gain from the last mission has made a great difference in a$ailable materials. 7$erybody on the team gains additional gear point until this Quality wears off. ;n#ersta,,e#. 6ue to the high fatality rate of the last mission, whene$er re#uisitioning hired help, d+ less men are a$ailable. 3f none are a$ailable, try some other gear choice instead.

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