13S1 FE1073 C2-Deformation of Elastic Body

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First Year Engineering Course

FE1073: An Introduction to Engineering and Practices

Laboratory Manual For

Experiment C2

e!"rm#ti"n "! E$#%ti& '"()

Laboratory: Protective Engineering Location: N1.1 - ! - "# $c%ool o& Civil and Environ'ental Engineering (CEE)

$ession #"1* + #"1, EFOR*ATION OF ELASTIC 'O Y


In t%is e./eri'ent0 1e 1ill 'easure stress and strain in an elastic body0 observe 2oo34s la1 and deter'ine t%e 'odulus o& elasticity o& t%e 'aterial. Furt%er'ore0 t%e sti&&ness 3 o& t%e rigid body is deter'ined as 1ell. e!"rm#ti"n "! e$#%ti& +"() 1, O'-ECTIVE 5o 'easure t%e de&or'ation 6strain7 in a truss 'e'ber and deter'ine t%e 'odulus o& elasticity o& t%e 'aterial involved. Also deter'ine t%e sti&&ness o& t%e rigid body. 2, THEORY As s%o1n in Figure 10 t%e syste' is consisted o& a truss 'e'ber 8 and a rigid body 9 0 1%ic% are :oined toget%er at t%eir end. 5%e syste' %as /in-:oints at 90 and 8. 5%e 'e'ber 9 is very rigid 1%en co'/ared 1it% 8. 5%ere&ore0 de&or'ations in 9 are neglected and 9 is treated as a rigid body.

8 L" 2 9 L1 L Fi./re 1 Experiment %et/p Eac% truss 'e'ber acts as a t1o-&orce 'e'ber. I& t%e &orce tends to elongate t%e 'e'ber0 it is a tensile &orce 657; 1%ereas i& it tends to s%orten t%e 'e'ber0 it is a co'/ressive &orce 6C7. 5a3e t%is rigid body as an ob:ective 6Figure #70 1it% one o& t%e e<uilibriu' condition o& elastic body0 as &ollo1ing E<uation 617. = P


F Fo. 9 Foy L1 L

F 8sinB

= F 8cosB P

Fi./re 2 T0e !"r&e m"(e$ "! t0e ri.i( +"() O'

M 6O7 = F


sin L P L1 = "


5%en 1e can obtain t%e un3no1n &orce F 80 and t%e stress 6&orce /er unit area7 in 'e'ber 8 1it% given t%e cross-sectional area A. FBG = P L1 L sin 6sin = H 7 L" 6#7

FBG P L1 = A L 6 H L" 7 A


I& t%e &orce &or F 8 is in Ne1ton 6N7 and t%e unit &or lengt% is in 'illi'eter 6''70 t%e stress 1ill be in N+''# or 'ega Pascal 6MPa0 1Pa > 1 N+'#7 Most engineering structures are designed to &unction 1it%in t%e linear elastic range0 i.e.0 t%e stress is linearly /ro/ortional to t%e strain0

= E


5%is relation is 3no1n as 2oo3e4s la1. 5%e coe&&icient E is called t%e 'odulus o& elasticity 6or also Young4s 'odulus7 o& t%e 'aterial involved. For 'e'ber 80 substitute 6*7 into 6,7 and arrange0 1e %ave E=

P L1 1 = L 6 H L" 7 A


Anot%er <uantity 1%ic% is o& interest in t%is case is t%e de&lection / at /oint = 1%ere &orce P is a//lied. ?%en t%e de&or'ations in 9 can be neglected0 1ill 'ove to due to t%e de&lection at /oint and e.tension 8 in 'e'ber 8. 5%e rotation bet1een 8 and 48 is very s'all and 1e can consider t%at 8C>8 4 6see Figure @7. 5%ere&ore0 1e can see t%ere is a co'/atible relations%i/ bet1een and 80 as s%o1n in E<uation 6A7. 9ne 'ore


relations%i/ i'/lied is t%e vertical de&lection at /oint = and 6E<uation A7. 8 L" L 9 L1 D = /

o& 'e'ber 9

Fi./re 3 e!"rm#ti"n !"rm#t% !"r t0i% %)%tem 1t0e (e!"rm#ti"n i% ex#..er#te( #n( 2/%t !"r i$$/%tr#ti"n3 p L1 L = BG = " = 6A7 sin 6 H L" 7 L =e&ine a sti&&ness coe&&icient0 30 1%ic% 'eans t%e &orce needed i& t%ere is a unit de&lection at /oint =0 as k= 6 H L" 7 L P = P p L" L1 6-7

y /lotting t%e relations%i/ bet1een and t%e 'easured strain &or a range o& a//lied P values0 t%e Young4s 'odulus E and t%e sti&&ness coe&&icient 3 can be deter'ined &ro' t%e e./eri'ent using e<uations 6!7 and 6-7. 3, E4UI5*ENT 5russ 'odel0 ?eig%ts0 $train 'onitoring e<ui/'ent0 Cali/ers and Culer. *#teri#$% $tudent needs to bring t%e &ollo1ing ite's: a7 *"c' Culer b7 A, gra/% /a/ers 6, s%eets7 c7 A, ?riting Pad 6, E75ERI*ENT 5o 'easure all t%e necessary di'ensions and t%en record strain incre'ents 1%ile loading and unloading. Conduct t%e e./eri'ent &or t1o cases: 617 a//ly load P at /oint ; and 6#7 a//ly load P at /oint =. Important note:



5%e cross-sectional di'ensions 'ust be 'easured at t%ree di&&erent locations along t%e 'e'ber and t%e average cross-sectional area s%ould be used &or co'/utations. Loading ste/s 'ust be as indicated on t%e data s%eets. $train > strain incre'ent x conversion &actor 6CF7

6ii7 6ii7 8,

RE5ORT 5ART Data processing and calculations 6Accuracy u/ to t%ree signi&icant digits re<uired; Et%ree signi&icant digitsF and Et%ree deci'al /lacesF %ave di&&erent 'eanings7 6i7 6ii7 6iii7 Co'/lete t%e data s%eet and attac% it to t%e re/ort. Plot t%e stress versus strain incre'ent &or t%e truss 'odel. Gsing t%e slo/e o& t%e /lot0 deter'ine t%e Young4s 'odulus 6in 3N+''#7 o& t%e 'aterial used &or t%e inclined 'e'ber and t%e sti&&ness k at t%e /oint o& &orce a//lied.

Discussion Ans1er t%e &ollo1ing <uestions: 6i7 6ii7 ?%at is t%e signi&icance o& observed strains &itting in to a straig%t line in t%e /lot o& vs H I& 'e'ber 8 is re/laced by anot%er 'e'ber o& sa'e lengt% but di&&erent cross-section0 1ill t%e tensile &orce F 8 be di&&erent under t%e sa'e load P 6assu'ing s'all de&or'ations any1ay7H ?%at about t%e de&lection at /oint =H 8ive reasons.

Further Discussion for the Formal Report 6i7 6ii7 =iscuss <ualitatively %o1 t%e rigidity o& 'e'ber 9 a&&ects t%e results o& t%e e./eri'entH ?%y is it /re&erable to 'easure t%e strain along 8 rat%er t%an t%e de&lections 1it% a dial gauge 'ounted on t%e truss at H

Conclusions Iee/ing t%e ob:ectives o& t%e e./eri'ent in 'ind to conclude your &indings.

Experiment C2:

e!"rm#ti"n "! E$#%ti& '"()



Na'e: 8rou/ No.:

=ate: Lecturer:

T#+$e 1: Te%t Re%/$t% "! Tr/%% *"(e$

Cr"%%9%e&ti"n#$ 5#r#meter

b6''7 1 # * Average Area > JJJJJJJJJJ''#



Ot0er Re$#ti:e imen%i"n L" 6''7 2 6''7

Experiment C2:

e!"rm#ti"n "! E$#%ti& '"()


C#%e 1


T0e !"r&e 5 #pp$ie( #t t0e 2"int '

L1 = 13 L

Conversion &actor &or strains CF > ".! 6to be con&ir'ed by t%e instructor7

$train Incre'ent P 6N7 F 8 6N7

6MPa7 D



= D CF

= D CF

" 1" #" *" ," !" A"

Elastic Modulus 6slo/e based on t%e gra/%7 E =



$ti&&ness 3 >


1 O NOT %0"; #n) &#$&/$#ti"n "n t0e (#t# %0eet, S0"; t0e &#$&/$#ti"n% ne#t$) "n # %ep#r#te %0eet3 Experiment C2: e!"rm#ti"n "! E$#%ti& '"()


T0e !"r&e 5 #pp$ie( #t t0e mi(p"int 1 3 "! O'

L1 = ".! 3 L

Conversion &actor &or strains CF > ".! 6to be con&ir'ed by t%e instructor7

$train Incre'ent P 6N7 F 8 6N7




= D CF

= D CF

" 1" #" *" ," !" A"

Elastic Modulus 6slo/e based on t%e gra/%7 E =



$ti&&ness 3 >


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