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C - Question Paper Quark Media House India Pvt. LTD.: 1. What Is The Output of The Following Code

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C - Question Paper

Quark Media House India Pvt. Ltd.

Note : There are 20 questions and no negative marking.
Time allotted is 30 minutes
1. What is the output of the following code
printf("Hello %d",printf("QUARK test? "));
a. Compile time error.
. Hello QUARK test?
!. R"n time error.
d. #one of t$e ao%e.
e. Q"ar& 'est ?Hello.
Ans. d. t$e o"tp"t is QUARK test? Hello ()
'$is is e!a"se t$e e%al"ation of t$e parameters in a f"n!tion !all is done
from ri*$t to left, e!+ t$e parameters ,ere passed %ia a sta!& $en!e t$e first
parameter (t$e leftmost one) is at t$e ottom of t$e sta!& and t$e ri*$tmost parameter
(if it is an e-presseion, it ,ill e e%al"ated efore p"ttin* it on t$e sta!&) is on t$e top
of t$e sta!&, $en!e ,$ile poppin* t$e parameters from t$e sta!&, t$e f"n!tion printf
(or an. ot$er f"n!tion) *ets t$em in t$e re%erse order, i.e., from ri*$t to left, $en!e t$e
statement printf(/Q"ar& test? /) *ets e%al"ated first ,$ile p"s$in* it as a parameter on
to t$e sta!&, and t$en t$e statement printf(/Hello %d0) is e-e!"ted. '$e 1()2 is t$e
res"lt of t$e ret"rn of printf(/Q"ar& test? /) ,$i!$ ret"rns t$e n"mer of !$ara!ters
.! "ut put of the following code is
int i,3,A;
for (A 4 5(;A64(; A77)
a. ( : (
. ;<<=> : ;<<=>
!. 5( : (
d. 5;<<=> : ;<<=>
e. #one of t$e ao%e
#ns. 1 $ 1
%! What is the out put of the following code&
int i4)<<;
a. Compilation error
. R"ntime error
!. )<;
d. :
e. #one of t$e ao%e
Ans. Compile 'ime ?rror 1@%al"e ReA"ired
'! What shall (e the output of the following code&
!$ar i 4 BaB;
printf("%! 8t %! 8t", i ,(77i));
a. a
. Compile time error
d. a a
e. ;< ;;
)! What shall (e the output of the following code&
main() {
int i,3;
printf(/QUARK %s8n0,main());
a. Compilation error.
. R"n5time error
!. Contin"o"s s!rollin* Q"ar& on t$e s!reen.
d. #one of t$e ao%e.
Ans. '$ere is not$in* on t$e s!reen and pro* ,aits till t$e memor. lasts and
t$en o"t of memor. r"n time error, so ans is .
*! What shall (e the output of the following code &
Cdefine f(-) -D-D-
a. E
. ;>
!. (:
d. ()
Ans. f()7)) ,ill e-pand to )7)D)7)D)7)
4 )7>7>7)
4 ()
+! What shall (e the output of the following code &
%oid f"n((%oid D);
!$ar aFG 4 "A"ar&";
%oid Dtemp;
temp 4 a;
%oid f"n((%oid Dtemp( )
int t( 4 :;
,$ile(D((!$arD)temp(7 t(77 )94B8:B) {
printf("%!",D((!$arD)temp( 7 t());
a. Compilation error
. ar&
!. A"ar&
d. "ar&
Ans, "ar&
,. What will (e the out put of the following code&
%oid main()
{ int -4=;
printf("%d8t %d",-HH(, -66=);
a. ( and >
. ( and )>
!. ( and )I
d. #one of t$e ao%e
#ns. 1 and '
'$is is e!a"se = in inar. is :::::::: ::::::(( in t,o .tes (inte*er). A*ain,
t$e ri*$t to left e%al"ation r"le of parameters is appli!ale and so -66= *ets e-e!"ted
first, it means left s$ift = times, "t t$is operator does not !$an*e t$e %al"e of - itself,
it simpl. ret"rns a %al"e, so - retains its %al"e after t$is operation $as een !arried
o"t, so ,e *et :::::::: :::((::: ,$i!$ is )>, so )> is p"s$ed onto t$e sta!&, and
t$en -HH(, ri*$t s$ift (, :::::::: ::::::((, ,$i!$ is ( in de!imal, so ( is p"s$ed
onto t$e sta!&, t$en printf("%d8t %d") *ets e-e!"ted displa.in* ( )>.
-. What will (e the result of the following code&
int D-;
- 4(int D) (<;
a. Compilation error
. Compiles "t *i%es a r"ntime error
!. Asol"te lo!ation (< in t$e memor. spa!e s$all e assi*ned to pointer -;
d. @o!ation (< in t$e pro*ram spa!e is assi*ned to pointer -;
e. @o!ation (< !ontains t$e address to an inte*er.
#ns d
1$. Which of the following functions cannot (e called fro. another file&
a. !onst %oid f"n!(){ JJ..}
. e-tern %oid f"n!(){JJJ}
!. %oid f"n!(){JJJ}
d. stati! %oid f"n!(){JJJ.}
Ans. stati!
11. What will (e the out co.e of the following code&
int D f"n!(){
stati! int -4:;
-77; ret"rn K-;
int main()
int D . 4 f"n!();
ret"rn :;
a. Compilation error.
. Lrints ( and =
!. Lrints ( and = "t it is not *ood pra!ti!e.
d. Lrints ( and (
e. '$e !ode ,ill not e-e!"te properl. e!a"se . points to a %ariale ,$ose life span
is limited to e-e!"tion of t$e f"n!tion f"n!();
Ans. Lrints ( and = "t it is not a *ood pra!ti!e
1. /eferring to the a(ove code 0 which of the following would (e the correct
i.ple.entation for .12unc &
!$ar Dformat 4 /%d0;
int main()
int -;
a. %oid m.M"n!(int(D.)(!onst !$arD,J),int D3! 456.)(format,K-);}
. %oid m.M"n!(int(D.)(!onst !$arD,J),int D3! 456.)(format,D-);}
!. %oid m.M"n!(intD.(!onst !$arD,J),int D3! 456.)(format,K-);}
d. %oid m.M"n!(D(int .(!onst !$arD,J)),int D3! 456.)(format,-);}
e. %oid m.M"n!(int(D.)(!onst !$arD,J),int D3! 456.)(format,-);}
1%. What shall (e the output of the following C code&
%oid main()
"nsi*ned int -4 5(;
int . 4:;
if(.64-) printf(/A is tr"e8n0);
if (. 4 4(- 4 5(:)) printf(/N is tr"e8n0);
if ((int) -H4.) printf(/C is tr"e8n0);
a. A is tr"e.
. N is tr"e.
!. C is tr"e.
d. #one of t$e ao%e.
#ns. # is true e!a"se - !ontains O(, i.e., in inar. it is ffff, i.e., all (s, so ein*
"nsi*ned, all (s are interpreted as t$e %al"e ;<<=< and not as O( ($o,e%er, all (s are
interpreted as O( if it is 3"st an int), $en!e .64- ret"rns tr"e.
1'. In the following code what is the correct wa1 to incre.ent the varia(le ptr to
point to the ne3t .e.(er of the arra1
"nion intfloat
int intArra.F <G;
float floatArra.F <G;
"nion intfloat arrF):G;
%oid Dptr 4arr;
a. 77(intD)ptr;
. ptr 4 ptr7<;
!. ptr 4 ptr 7si+eof(Dptr);
d. ptr 4 ptr7si+eof(intfloat.floatArra.);
e. ptr 4 (%oidD)(("nion intfloatD)ptr 7();
#ns. e. ptr 4 (%oidD)(("nion intfloatD)ptr 7();
1).What shall (e the output of the following progra.&

Cdefine LRP#'QRS(-,.,+) printf (C- "4%d8t" C+ "4%d8n", -, .)
%oid main() {
int -, ., +;
-4:; .4(; +4);
- TT 77. TT77+;
77- TT 77. KK 77+;
77- KK 77. TT 77+;
a. Compilation error.
. R"ntime error.
-4: +4)
-4( +4=
-4) +4>
-4: +4)
-4( +4)
-4) +4=
e. #one of t$e ao%e.
Ans. d.
1*. What shall (e the output of the following code &
printf(/%d %d0, si+eof(#U@@), si+eof(/0));
a. ( and :.
. : and (
!. ) and (
d. > and (
e. #one of t$e ao%e
#ns. Uepends on t$e ma!$ine and !ompiler. A!t"all. it is t$e si+eof(int) and si+eof(!$ar)
as a strin* is stored as a !$ar arra. terminated ,it$ :, so si+eof(/0) *i%es (, ,$ereas
si+eof(/adsf0) *i%es < (in!l"din* t$e terminatin* :). Vo in '"roC ,e *et ! as t$e ans,er,
on WC ,e *et d as t$e ans,er, so P *"ess e is t$e ans, i.e., #one of t$e ao%e.
1+. What shall (e the output of the following code&
int D!$e!& ( int,int);
%oid main()
{int c0d;
! 4 !$e!&(((,)X);
d4 !$e!&():,=:);
int D !$e!&(int i,int 3 )
int Dp, DA;
a. ((
. )X
!. Compilation error
d. R"ntime error
e. #one of t$e ao%e.
#ns. e. #one of t$e ao%e. t$e statement ! 4 !$e!&(((,)X) is assi*nin* an int ptr to an
int, so ! $as an address of an int (,$i!$ $as *one o"t of s!ope, sin!e t$e f"n!tion ret"rns
t$e address of a %ariale ,$i!$ $ad its s!ope onl. inside t$e f"n!tion, sin!e t$e
parameters ,ere passed . %al"e) so t$e %al"e printed !an e an.t$in*. Pnstead, if t$e
statement ,as ! 4 D(!$e!&(((,)X)) t$en ! ,o"ld $a%e t$e %al"e stored at t$e address
ret"rned . t$e f"n!tion, ,$i!$ ,o"ld most proal. e ((, "t it !annot e *"aranteed
sin!e t$e %ariale i $as fallen o"t of s!ope.
1,. What shall (e the output of the following code&
%oid main()
{int aF=GF)G4{ (,),
a. :
. 5(;
!. 5)
d. 5E
e. #one of t$e ao%e.
#ns. 7. P $a%en2t een ale to fi*"re t$is one o"t. a is t$e address of t$e )5d arra., $ere
a, Ka, Da all *i%e t$e same %al"e, i.e., address of t$e arra.. (a7() *i%es t$e address of t$e
se!ond ro,, it is t$e same as aF(G. D(a7() *i%es t$e address of t$e first !ell of t$e se!ond
ro,. DD(a7() *i%es t$e %al"e of t$e element stored in t$e first !ell in t$e se!ond ro,.
(D(a7()7() *i%es t$e address of t$e se!ond !ell of t$e se!ond ro,. D(D(a7()7() *i%es t$e
%al"e of t$e element stored in t$e se!ond !ell in t$e se!ond ro,.
1-.What shall (e the output of the following code&
!$ar str(FG4"Hello";
!$ar str)FG4"Hello";
if(str(4 4str)KK (D(str(7;)4 4D(str)7;)))
printf("8n ?A"al");
printf("8n "neA"al");
a. ?A"al
. UneA"al
!. Compilation error.
d. R"ntime error.
e. #one of t$e ao%e.
Ans. . UneA"al, e!a"se t$e addresses of t$e t,o strin*s are str( and str) and t$e. are
$. 8iven that si9eof5int! is 0 what is the output of the following code
int a, 4)<<,!4()I;
!4!Z(Ya K T:);8
a. ?rror e!a"se of o%erflo,;
. )<<
!. O)<;
d. ()I
e. #one of t$e ao%e
Ans. d. ()I
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