This document introduces Mystery, a 6-year-old female Golden Retriever and Shepherd mix looking for a new forever home. Mystery is house trained, crate trained, and good with other animals and kids. She is up to date on shots, spayed, and microchipped. Her adoption fee is $268. The document provides information about other adoptable dogs and upcoming events at Faith Hope and Forever Animal Rescue.
This document introduces Mystery, a 6-year-old female Golden Retriever and Shepherd mix looking for a new forever home. Mystery is house trained, crate trained, and good with other animals and kids. She is up to date on shots, spayed, and microchipped. Her adoption fee is $268. The document provides information about other adoptable dogs and upcoming events at Faith Hope and Forever Animal Rescue.
This document introduces Mystery, a 6-year-old female Golden Retriever and Shepherd mix looking for a new forever home. Mystery is house trained, crate trained, and good with other animals and kids. She is up to date on shots, spayed, and microchipped. Her adoption fee is $268. The document provides information about other adoptable dogs and upcoming events at Faith Hope and Forever Animal Rescue.
This document introduces Mystery, a 6-year-old female Golden Retriever and Shepherd mix looking for a new forever home. Mystery is house trained, crate trained, and good with other animals and kids. She is up to date on shots, spayed, and microchipped. Her adoption fee is $268. The document provides information about other adoptable dogs and upcoming events at Faith Hope and Forever Animal Rescue.
Golden Retriever & Sheppard Mix. I weigh 50 pounds and am done growing. My old family was moving, and couldnt keep me. They were so sad to have to let me go, and I sure will miss them. They took the best care of me and I am up to date with my shots, spayed and micro-chipped. I am also very smart, I am house trained and crate trained! I am now looking for my new forever home, someone who can love and adore me as much as I will love you! I like other animals, I espe- cially like to do dog-things like chase Cats! I would never hurt them, I just like to chase them!! I am also good with kids and I would love a little buddy to play with! My adoption fee is $268. I hope that you look into me soon!! You can fill out an adoption application at form/31718290032144 Ladybug Cora
Mystery Dog of the Month I NSI DE THI S I SSUE: Adoptable Dogs 2 Where are they now? 2 Upcoming Events 2 Senior Dog 3 Clothing Order 3 Car Cruise Information 4 New Dogs MA Y I S P E T C A NC E R A WA RENE S S MO NT H. F I ND MO RE I NF O A T WWW. P E T C A N C E R A WA R E N E S S . O R G Paw Prints Faith Hope and Forever Animal Rescue M A Y 2 0 1 4 V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 1 Follow Us: MAY 4 TH- MAY 1 0 TH I S NATI ONAL PET WEEK! ! ! P A G E 2 Very impressed. Great work you are doing. We are sure that Esme is going to fit right into our family. She is a snuggler . Thanks for allowing us the opportunity to love her -Kathy Whitehead ! We are looking for Silent Auction items for our June 28th 1st Annual Classic Car and Bike Cruise. If you or your corporation has anything they would like to donate for the Silent Auction please email Nikki at [email protected]. We are looking forward to a wonderful night and hope you join us!!! Upcoming Events Adoptable Dogs
Saturday May 10th Adoption/Micro-Chipping Event 10am-2pm Mankato Tractor Supply 1771 N Victory Dr Sunday June 1st Ice Cream Social 12pm-2pm at Mom and Pops 629 North Riverfront Drive Mankato Saturday June 28th Classic Car and Bike Cruise See back cover for details In coming newsletters watch for success stories about dogs that have been adopted out and where they are now! Have you adopted from Faith Hope and Forever? Want to share you success story? Including some pictures of your adopted pup and how life has been in their forever home. If so please email Steph at [email protected]. We hope to hear from you soon! Axel found his forever home! P A W P R I N T S Millie Sadie Matrix Where are they now? Brody Senior Dog P A G E 3 V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 1 These items are available for purchase at Clothing Orders $12.00 $30.00 $25.00
We currently do not have any senior dogs, however, please check out our new seniors for seniors program