Evolution Webquest
Evolution Webquest
Evolution Webquest
Evolution WebQuest
You will have today in class to complete this activity, anything that is not completed is homework,
due TOMORROW at the beginning of class. You may work in a group of up to people for !art ",
but please note that each group member will need access to their own computer. #ach person
needs to turn in their own copy of this Web$uest. %Worth &'pts.(
Part A: Have some fun and play Darwins Evolution Game @
http:s!ien!e"dis!overy"!omintera!tiveslitera!ydarwindarwin"html" #nswer the $uestions as you
are a%le to" Be sure you are answering the entire question!!!!
&" 'hat does survival of the fittest mean(
)" How would you des!ri%e your startin* environment( 'hat +inds of landforms are
present( 'hat +ind of ve*etation is there( #nythin* else that is noteworthy(
," Draw your , startin* variants of your spe!ies and des!ri%e why you !hose the ones that
you did in the ta%le %elow" 'hat advanta*es did you thin+ they mi*ht have over some
of the other options(
Trial #1
Picture of variant Reason for choice
How lon* did your spe!ies survive( _________
-" .epeat the a%ove until you mae it to 1!"""!""" years// 0se a %lan+ sheet of paper to
ma+e the ta%le to show your variants and la%el them 1rial 2)3 1rial 2, and so on"
Pa*e &
Name: ________________________________________________ Period: ______
4" 5n!e your spe!ies has su!!eeded3 ta+e the $ui6 on the site and write in the letter to the
!orre!t responses %elow:
&" ____
)" ____
," ____
-" ____
4" ____
7" ____
8" ____
9" ____
:" ____
&;" ____
&&" 'hat was the name of the *uy
pi!tured on the ri*ht pa*e(
Part B: <n a *roup of up to ,3 investi*ate a variety of types of eviden!e for evolution" =our team
will %e responsi%le for learnin* a%out fossil eviden!e3 stru!tural eviden!e3 and *eneti! eviden!e for
evolution" >ill out the !hart %elow to show what you have learned/ ?@ust a reminder: ea!h *roup
mem%er needs to fill out every se!tion on their sheet/A
&" Ea!h *roup mem%er should %e responsi%le for one of the followin* areas: anatomy and
physiolo*y3 paleontolo*y3 and mole!ular %iolo*y" #natomists study the stru!ture of
or*anisms3 physiolo*ists study the fun!tion of or*anisms3 mole!ular %iolo*ists study
*eneti!s3 and paleontolo*ists study fossils"
)" .eview the sites on the H' pa*e that apply to your spe!ialty" >eel free to use the lin+s
provided there or find !redi%le ones on your own"
," >ind two to three s#ecific eBamples of eviden!e for evolution" #lso3 try to find the date
on whi!h the eviden!e was dis!overed"
-" 1al+ to your *roup mem%ers and share the information that you *athered a%out your
spe!ialty" Complete the !hart %elow as you *ather information"
Special areas of interest Evidence (drawings or
Why is this information
Molecular Biology
Pa*e )