Maximum Mark: 50: Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge Ordinary Level

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Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge Ordinary Level


For Examination from 2015 1 hour 30 minutes


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UCLES 2012

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2 Part 1 Reading: suggested answers






[3] [3] [3] [Total: 25 marks]

UCLES 2012


3 The levels mark scheme should be applied according to a best-fit approach. Responses will not necessarily contain all the features of one level. First fit the response into a level then adjust upwards or downwards in marks as appropriate. Part 2 Writing: levels mark scheme Marks available: Task achievement and content 10 marks Structure 5 marks Language 10 marks

Task achievement and content [maximum 10 marks] Level 5 910 marks very detailed response wholly relevant to task makes points thoughtfully shows insight or engagement with the subject matter style fully appropriate. detailed response mostly relevant to task makes some clear points shows some engagement with the subject matter style generally appropriate. competent response usually relevant to task may lack detail or clarity in places a mechanical response to the subject matter some attempt at appropriate style. a limited attempt limited relevance to task lacks detail and clarity an unfocussed response to the subject matter limited expression. a weak attempt very limited relevance to task content very limited very limited expression. no rewardable response.

Level 4

78 marks

Level 3

56 marks

Level 2

34 marks

Level 1

12 marks

Level 0

0 marks

UCLES 2012


4 Structure [maximum 5 marks] Level 5 Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 Level 0 5 marks 4 marks 3 marks 2 marks 1 mark 0 marks confidently argued and structured some ability to develop argument; clear structure some linked ideas; attempt at structure but not entirely successful few linked ideas; little attempt at structure ideas presented at random no rewardable response

Language [maximum 10 marks] Level 5 910 marks confident use of a range of complex sentence structures uses a wide range of appropriate vocabulary generally accurate. generally sound grasp of complex sentence structures uses a range of generally appropriate vocabulary mostly accurate, errors may occur when complex language is attempted. tends to be simple and repetitive in use of structures attempts to use appropriate vocabulary basics mostly accurate, errors do not impede communication. nearly all that is written is simple and repetitive vocabulary is limited errors may impede communication. very simple and repetitive sentence structures vocabulary is very limited many errors that impede communication. no rewardable response.

Level 4

78 marks

Level 3

56 marks

Level 2

34 marks

Level 1

12 marks

Level 0

0 marks

UCLES 2012


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