University of Bucharest Faculty of Letters: Department of Communication and Public Relations

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Department of Communication and u!"ic Re"ation#


Seminar In#tructor$ E"ena%Carmen BOBOCESCU Dobre Elena-Diana 2013

Winter session 2014

Informa" "etter of &i'in& information

Dear Harry, Im glad you stopped thinking I was crazy when I decided to oin the association !rime and you want to oin it also" #he $irst thing I ha%e to tell you is that !rime &omania is the only student organization $or 'ommunication and !u(lic &elation in &omania" #he main o( ecti%e o$ the association is to $acilitate a connection (etween theory and practice, (etween students and pro$essionals in this $ield" )et me tell you that is important $or our practice in $aculty " *s $or the people $rom there, dont worry" #hey are %ery help$ul and they are ready to prepare you to understand the complicated word o$ pu(lic relations" +ow Im working on a pro ect which are going to help me to impro%e my skills" ,o dont miss this opportunity Howe%er, you dont ha%e to come here in .ucharest, (ecause !rime has to two (ranches in .raso% and Iasi and it will (e easy $or you to go in .raso%" .y the way, this association has a registration tari$$ tune o$ /0 lei" It is not too much" !rime will use that money in e%ents or workshops" I dont think you will get (ored (ecause there were lots o$ en oya(le things to do" It is the (est society in the world, (ecause the people $rom there know how to com(ine work with entertainment" 0or e1ample, during the day you will work and in the middle o$ the night they throw amazing parties like 'hristmas party 2where you recei%e presents3" I hope that I con%inced you to oin our organization and Im glad that you were interested in" Im waiting $or you here" .est wishes Diana

Forma" "etter of app"ication

Dear 4r" ,mith,

I am writing to apply $or the position o$ !u(lic &elations 5$$icer at the 4 *'67pr8pu(licity, as ad%ertised recently on ,669"ro" I am interested in oining your sta$$ and making immediate contri(ution to your continued growth and success" *s outlined in my curriculum %itae, which I ha%e enclosed, I attended +ational 'ollege: 4ihai ;iteazul: ,lo(ozia where I completed my studies with le%el <*:" In 201=, I graduated $rom the >ni%ersity o$ .ucharest ? 'ommunication and pu(lic relationships" *$ter graduation, I trained as a specialist in pu(lic relationship in I!&* $or one year" 4y interest in pu(lic relation was heightened during my internship with 4illenium 'omunication" During this internship, I accompanied account representati%es in making presentations to large and small clients" In my current role as !u(lic &elations 5$$icer at !&*I, 'orporate 'ommunications, I am responsi(le $or the implementation o$ !& strategies" I am also responsi(le $or the training other sta$$ in responding to pu(lic @ueries" I ha%e serious social skills and I also ha%e strong talents in creating, writing, and producing communication pieces" 4y organizational a(ilities ha%e allowed me to prioritize schedules an complete pro ects within time and (udget guidelines" I would appreciate your time and consideration in re%iewing my credentials" I know I will make a positi%e contri(ution to 4 *'67pr8pu(licity, and look $orward to discussing my capa(ilities in more detail" #hank you $or your time and consideration" ,incerely, Diana Do(re

Forma" "etter of comp"aint

Dear 4r" 9ennedy , I am writing to complain a(out the poor @uality o$ ser%ice we recei%ed in your hotel recently" 4y $amily and I recently took a 'hristmas %acation to .ulgaria" We chose to stay at the <.urgas:" We picked your hotel (ecause o$ the location, and some positi%e re%iews I had read online" We liked the restaurant at your hotel, (ecause the $ood was weel cooked and the waiters paid attention to e%ery detail" Howe%er, we were %ery disappointed o$ the aspect o$ the room" When we got to our room, we noticed that it was mold in the room and the window was dirty and it didnt close %ery well" I addition, the $loor was dirty and needed to (e %acuumed" We called the $ront desk sta$$ to ask to sol%e the pro(lems" ,he was %ery impolite and she didnt sol%e anything" 5ur second day, when we returned $rom the trip, we noticed that the (eds had not (een made, and cleaning stu$$ had not done the o(" We asked $or another room (ut the stu$$ had not taken us seriously" .esides, some mem(ers o$ the stu$$ do not speak 6nglish" What is not $air is that we did pay $or $ull ser%ices and we didnt recei%e them" .ecause o$ this (ig pro(lems we decied to lea%e this hotel and we mo%ed to another" I am writing you this letter, 4r" 9ennedy to let you know o$ the poor ser%ice at your hotel" Aoud (etter gi%e this matter your attention, or else we may (e $orced to take legal action"I look $orward to recei%ing your e1planation o$ these matters" ,incerely, Diana Do(re

er#ona" #tatement

4y name is Do(re 6lena Diana and I am a 12 th grade student at the <+ational 'ollege 4ihai ;iteazul: in ,lo(ozia, &omania" Im studying philology and I am going to graduate in Bune 201=" I want to apply, (ecause I would like to learn in a new en%ironment where I can put into practice my skills, a(ilities and my knowledge in dotted condition, including the possi(ility o$ a $uture career in (usiness" #he reason why I chose to study in your uni%ersity its (ecause I (elie%e that greater accomplishment its due to an en%ironment suita(le to education" I consider that $le1i(ility, interacti%ity and the stimulating en%ironment are %ery signi$icant, there$ore I am persuaded that I will easily adapt to it" I chose 6ngland, (ecause throughout its culture and especially the %ariety o$ li$estyles, I can easily $ound a place $or me among its ha(itants" I also $ell in lo%e with the countrys (eauti$ul landscapes, which I am pretty sure that it is an ad%antage towards the apprenticeship o$ e%ery aspect o$ knowledge" I consider that the opportunity to $ind a part7time o( during the uni%ersity years can (e a %ery good option? on one hand, I can gain a lot o$ e1perience working and on the other hand it makes me more or less independent $inancially" #he desire to impro%e my knowledge in the (usiness $ield is e1tremely use$ul (ecause it comes $rom trying to simpli$y things and to understand logic and get a clearer picture o$ things" I chose studying management (ecause I like the idea o$ independence, as the idea o$ my own (usiness? @uite challenging" 4anagement $unction in a company, its to pro%ide e$$icient acti%ities aimed at o(taining the (est results through optimal use o$ resources" 4i1ing the pre%ious $ield with strong (usiness knowledge, I think its the per$ect recipe to succeed on their own" I was $ortunate to meet o%er time, some people, (usiness men and women, who ha%e studied, worked and now ha%e success$ul careers" 61tracurricular acti%ities can (e mentioned as <6uropean 'omputer Dri%ing )icence: 26'D)3 a$ter which I gained solid knowledge on computer use 2Word, 61cel, !ower!oint, 4icroso$t *ccess, 4icroso$t 5utlook3 certi$ied with a diploma knowledge o(tained $or each o$ these (ranches o$ the !'" I ha%e participated in se%eral e1tracurricular acti%ities that implied success$ully, working within a team $or o(taining the (est results" I ha%e also participated in some pro ects, which had di$$erent themes" #hey included outgoing acti%ities through parks,

e1hi(itions with di$$erent hand7made o( ects and a play with the same theme" *ll through my scholarship, I%e always pre$erred acti%ities imposing responsi(ility and seriousness, $rom which I%e understood what means to (e organized, a @uality speci$ic to the $ield o$ (usiness" I am a dynamic person, perse%erant, socia(le, which o$$ers me more enthusiasm a(out studying in a $oreign language in a strange country" I appreciate the spirit o$ competition, teamwork and I am always open to new challenges" 4oti%ation (rought up in me the willingness to study in this country (ecause Im determined to reach the highest academic le%el in the (usiness $ield" I look $orward to the uni@ue e1perience o$ $aculty and the opportunity to study a(road makes it the most interesting and enthusiastic e1perience so $arDo(re 6lena7Diana

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