O&M Fire Fighting
O&M Fire Fighting
O&M Fire Fighting
1. INTRODUCTION Fire is an external sign of chemical action !s!all" the com#ination of Car#on an$ %"$rogen &ith Ox"gen res!lting in the release of heat energ"'( Fire is a necessar" e)il( *hen fire is !n$er h!man+s control it is a great asset( If h!man is !n$er fire+s control fire is a $e)astating foe( If fire occ!rs ho& #est can it #e $ealt &ith to exting!ish, Firstl" #" a$o-ting the right mental attit!$e( *ith .no&le$ge an$ a#ilit" a fire fighter can attac. a fire in the right manner an$ #" .no&ing its &ea.ness exting!ish it in a short time( *itho!t .no&le$ge an$ a#ilit" the fire &ill fin$ o!t their &ea.ness( For fire is a foe against &hich no li#erties can #e ta.en( Fire sho!l$ not #e tho!ght of as an intimate o#/ect( Fire &hich starts !nseen as a small flic.er of flame ma" gro& at s!ch a -ace that it can 0!ic.l" get o!t of han$( Once fo!n$ it m!st #e exting!ishe$ &ith all the s-ee$ an$ means a)aila#le or it &ill $estro" those &ho see. to restrain it( Fire &hen a--arentl" exting!ishe$ some !ntraine$ -erson ma" ass!me that #eca!se the flames ha)e gone the $anger is -asse$ #!t it ma" not #e so( 1econ$l" #" consi$ering each fire as an in$i)i$!al occ!rrence the correct action in each case &ill $e-en$ on the -osition of the fire the com#!sti#les in)ol)e$ an$ the com#!sti#les &hich are in $anger of #ecoming in)ol)e$( There is no har$ an$ fast r!le2 one &ho has the .no&le$ge an$ training can onl" assert the correct action( Thir$l" #" ens!ring that -ro-erl" maintaine$ a--liances are a)aila#le for -ersonnel to !se an$ that all fire fighting fire $etection an$ alarm s"stems are in f!ll" o-erational or$er( *ith the ra-i$ gro&th of the in$!stries an$ ex-ansion of cities fire ha3ar$s ha)e also increase$( Thro!gh consi$era#le attention is #eing -ai$ #" the a!thorities concerne$ to&ar$s fire -re)ention an$ fire -rotection a -ossi#le o!t#rea. of fire cannot #e $etecte$ an$ forestalle$ &itho!t an A!tomatic Fire Alarm 1"stem( In the a#sence of s!ch a s"stem it is also not -ossi#le to ens!re 4a5 an imme$iate transmission of call on the fire #riga$e in the e)ent of an o!t #rea. of fire in an" -remises $!ring the close$ ho!rs an$ 4#5 an effecti)e control of a fire in the inci-ient stage &ith the hel- of first ai$ an$ fire a--liances( An A!tomatic Fire Alarm an$ Exting!ishing 1"stem f!nction thro!gh $ifferent t"-e of $etectors $istri#!te$ in the -remises to #e -rotecte$ &hich ca!ses the alarm to #e act!ate$ a!tomaticall" &hene)er there is -ossi#ilit" of a fire #rea.ing o!t or imme$iatel" !-on the o!t#rea. of fire( The s"stem hel-s e)ac!ation of the -remises an$ exting!ishes the fire as 0!ic.l" as -ossi#le(
The -!r-ose of this Man!al is to a--raise the !ser on the o-eration an$ maintenance of Fire Protection 1"stem $esigne$ s!-er)ise$ an$ commissione$ #" FEC ENGINEERING PROJECTS PVT. LTD., New Delhi for 1!gar 6 78 M* Cogen Plant at M9s Cha$ha 1!gars P)t( Lt$( :ill( Malasia The( Dhana!ra Distt( ;( P( Nagar U(P( The Fire Protection 1"stem consists of Fire %"$rant 1"stem an$ Fire Alarm 1"stem( All the s"stems are $esigne$ an$ installe$ as -er the s-ecification an$ also as -er r!les an$ reg!lations of Tariff A$)isor" Committee( Nee$less to sa" that the efficienc" an$ effecti)eness of the s"stem largel" $e-en$s !-on -ro-er maintenance of the s"stem an$ reg!lar training of the -ersonnel o-erating the s"stem( Therefore the s"stem shall #e o-erate$ an$ maintaine$ #" traine$ -ersonnel as -er g!i$elines gi)en in this man!al(
Sl No 7(<(< 7(<(=
DRAWING TITLE La"o!t of Fire %"$rant 1"stem 4As >!ilt5 1chematic Dra&ing of Fire P!m- %o!se
DRAWING TITLE Fire Alarm9Detection 1"stem for MCC Room 4As >!ilt5 Fire Alarm9Detection 1"stem for Control Room 4As >!ilt5 Fire Detection an$ Alarm 1"stem for PMCC Room 4As >!ilt5
( SCOPE) The follo&ing s"stems are -ro)i$e$ for the -lantA 4a5 Fire %"$rant 1"stem as -er the attache$ Annex!re( 4#5 Fire Detection an$ Alarm 1"stem for the areas !n$er as -er attache$ Annex!re( 4c5 Porta#le Fire Exting!ishers for the -rotecte$ areas( (.1 CODES AND STANDARDS) Pro-ose$ Fire Fighting 1"stem &ill #e inline &ith TAC Norms( In general the follo&ing co$es are follo&e$ to $esign the s"stems( <( TAC B %"$rant 1"stem( =( I1A =<CD B Fire Detection an$ Alarm s"stem( 7( I1A =<D89TACEPorta#le an$ mo#ile fire exting!ishers( (.2 DESIGN *ASIS) (.2.1 GENERAL) As -er T(A(C %"$rant Man!al ta#le cla!se F(=(= GPo&er Plants+ are classifie$ as GORDINARH %AIARD OCCUPANCIE1+( (.2.2 FIRE +,DRANT S,STE-) Follo&ing s"stems &ill #e -ro)i$e$ for the -lantA 4a5 4#5 Har$ %"$rant 1"stem for the -lant consisting of single hea$e$ h"$rant )al)es 6 &ater monitors 47= N> #ore5( Fire Esca-e %"$rant 1"stem consisting of fire esca-e h"$rant )al)es for !--er floors of storie$ #loc.s 4Refer Annex!reEA for the areas of -rotection5
(.2.. PORTA*LE FIRE E/TINGUIS+ERS) Porta#le9Mo#ile t"-e fire exting!ishers shall #e -ro)i$e$ for the areas !n$er( In general the exting!ishers shall #e -ro)i$e$ #ase$ on the r!les s-ecifie$ in TAC h"$rant man!al 9 I1E =<D8( (.2.( FIRE DETECTION AND ALAR- S,STE-) Fire $etection an$ alarm s"stem is -ro)i$e$ for the areas mentione$ in the Annex!re( Pro-ose$ Fire Detection an$ Alarm 1"stem shall #e Con)entional t"-e &ith $etection $e)ices s!ch as -hotoelectric t"-e smo.e $etectors an$ man!al call -oints( Detectors shall #e of con)entional t"-e an$ s-acing of $etectors shall #e as -er I1 =<CD( Photoelectric 1mo.e Detectors are mo!nte$ insi$e the -rotecte$ -remises to initiate the Fire Alarm 1"stem( Incase of an" Detectors #eing act!ate$ a signal is transmitte$ to the Fire Alarm Panel &hich in t!rn act!ate an A!$io 9 :is!al alarm in the Control Panel an$ sim!ltaneo!sl" the External hooters locate$ at the )ario!s -laces &ill #e so!n$e$(
(.3.2 FIRE PU-P 1tarting 6 sto--ing of /oc.e" 6 electric $ri)en -!m-s are controlle$ thro!gh the -ress!re s&itches fitte$ in the h"$rant an$ s-ra" s"stem hea$ers( (.3.3 +,DRANT S,STEThe Fire %"$rant 1"stem shall consist of a net&or. of -i-e !n$ergro!n$ 6 o)ergro!n$ &hich fee$s -ress!ri3e$ &ater to no( of h"$rant )al)es 4in$oor as &ell as o!t$oor5 6 &ater monitors( The Fire %"$rant 1"stem shall co)er -lant area &ith net&or. of -i-ing com-rising of <?8 N> <88 N> 6 C8 N> -i-e si3es sho&n in the enclose$ la"o!t $ra&ing for fire h"$rant s"stem( The location of h"$rant -oints in the -lant is sho&n on the enclose$ la"ing $ra&ing( The fire &ater main net&or. shall #e maintaine$ -ress!ri3e$ at all times to recei)e -ress!ri3e$ &ater at e)er" fire h"$rant s"stem o!tlet &ithin the -lant( Press!ri3e$ &ater is #eing $ischarge$ in the -i-eline &ith the hel- of t&o nos( <F< m79hr( at F8 M*C hea$ -!m- sets 4one no( main electric $ri)en -!m- J one no( stan$ #" electric $ri)en -!m-5( One no( electric $ri)en /oc.e" -!m- of ca-acit" <8(C m79hr( at F8 M*C hea$ is -ro)i$e$ in the s"stem for .ee-ing the s"stem -ress!ri3e$ all the times( *hen the &ater re0!irement excee$s the 0!antit" s!--lie$ #" the /oc.e" -!m- fire main electric -!m- shall come into o-eration $ischarging &ater into the -i-ing s"stem a!tomaticall" $!e to higher -ress!re $ro- in the hea$er( The -i-e net&or. is $esigne$ in s!ch a &a" that an" of h"$rant o!tlet in the entire s"stem $eli)er" -ress!re shall not #e less than 7(? .g9cm=( The h"$rant s"stem in the "ar$ shall #e f!rnishe$ &ith external h"$rants -ositione$ a--( one meter a#o)e the finishe$ gro!n$ le)el in accor$ance &ith stat!tor" reg!lation for effecti)e fire fighting( Near each external h"$rant a M( 1( hose #ox &ith t&o nos( <? m fire hoses along &ith one no( #ranch -i-e shall #e -ro)i$e$( The net&or. ring main is -ro)i$e$ &ith isolation #!tterfl" )al)es at strategic locations so that it is -ossi#le to carr" o!t -i-e maintenance in e)er" r!n &itho!t interr!-ting the s!--l" for fe& ho!rs( *hen an" of the h"$rant )al)es in the fiel$ is o-ene$ the &ater -ress!re in the corres-on$ing &ater -i-e lines shall fall ra-i$l" conse0!entl" the main fire &ater -!m- shall come into o-eration #" -ress!re act!ate$ s&itch lin.e$ to the starter of the res-ecti)e -!m- thro!gh -!mcontrol -anel( P!m-s can #e starte$ man!all" in case of emergenc"( %o&e)er -!m-s can #e sto--e$ onl" man!all" from the control -anel as &ell(
(.3.3 FIRE DETECTION AND ALAR- S,STEAll t"-e of Detectors Man!al Call Points 6 %ooters are connecte$ to the -anel thro!gh Control ca#les( Panel scans all $etectors an$ $e)ices an$ gets $igital information from the $e)ices a#o!t their stat!s( If an" one $etector or MCP senses fire then it &ill #e .no&n to the -anel &hile scanning( After getting this information -anel &ill gi)e a!$i#le o!t-!t thro!gh internal so!n$er an$ also thro!gh fiel$ hooters in the corres-on$ing area( It also gi)es )is!al in$ication thro!gh Fire LED' Dis-la"'( The LED $is-la" &ill gi)e the $etaile$ information a#o!t the Area9Ione in &hich the $etector is -lace$( Also it &ill act!ate the corres-on$ing tri--ing contacts of )entilation fans %:AC contacts( 1imilar .in$ of arrangement is ma$e for Man!al Call -oint(( Panel o-erator sho!l$ silence the in#!ilt so!n$er #" -ressing Ac.no&le$ge' -!sh #!tton an$ note the $etails in the $is-la"( >ase$ on the $etails one has to i$entif" the fire an$ exting!ish the same( After exting!ishing the fire the fiel$ hooters sho!l$ #e silence$ thro!gh Alarm 1ilence' P!sh >!tton an$ reset the -anel thro!gh Reset' -!sh #!tton( In case an" man!al call -oint has #een act!ate$ re-lace the #rea. glass #efore resetting the -anel( Other&ise the alarm con$ition &ill come again &ithin fe& secon$s(
(.( ANNE/URE S!o0e o1 S200l# o1 E32i0%e" $ (.(.1 Fire +#'r&" S#$ e% Sl.No < = 7 @ ? L F C De$!ri0 io" >agasse Har$ area Com-ressor Room Control >!il$ing Transformer area 1&itch"ar$ Area TM >!il$ing >oiler Area E1P Area ,&r' +#'r&" $ Fire E$!&0e +#'r&" $ E E E E E
(.(.( Fire De e! io" &"' Al&r% S#$ e% Sl.No < = 7 De$!ri0 io" Fire Detection an$ Alarm 1"stem Control Room Fire Detection an$ Alarm 1"stem For MCC Room Fire Detection an$ Alarm 1"stem For PMCC Room T#0e o1 De e! or$ 1mo.e Detectors 4O-tical T"-e5 1mo.e Detectors 4 O-tical T"-e5 1mo.e Detectors 4O-tical T"-e5 To &l No. o1 De e! or$ <@ Nos( <8 Nos <= Nos(
3.(.. <(
. S,STE- OPERATION This section &ill ex-lain ho& to o-erate the erecte$ fire -rotection an$ $etection s"stem incase of a fire sit!ation( As ex-laine$ earlier in this man!al fire exting!ishing &ill greatl" $e-en$ on &hich the s"stem is #ro!ght into action( %ence it is essential that the -ersons going to !se the s"stem are &ell a&are a#o!t the follo&ing -roce$!re( ..1 +,DRANT S,STE..1.1 O0er& io" o1 +#'r&" 7&l7e O-en the nearest hose #ox &ith the .e" -ro)i$e$( If the .e" is missing then #rea. the glass $oor( Ta.e the hose &ith co!-ling an$ #ranch -i-es &ith no33le from the hose #ox( Connect t&o hoses !sing hose co!-ling( Connect the #ranch -i-e &ith no33le to one en$ of hose ha)ing female co!-ling( Connect the other en$ of hose &ith male co!-ling to the h"$rant )al)e( %ol$ the hose-i-e &ith #ranch -i-e an$ no33le -ro-erl"( O-en the h"$rant )al)e gra$!all"( Pla" the &ater /et to&ar$s the seat of fire( ..1.2 O0er& io" o1 W& er -o"i or Release the loc. n!t for )ertical mo)ement of the monitor no33le( A$/!st the /et to&ar$s the fire )erticall" an$ loc. it( Release the hori3ontal mo)ement loc. n!t if re0!ire$( A$/!st the /et to&ar$s the fire hori3ontall" an$ loc. it( O-en the Isolation )al)e -ro)i$e$ in the monitor gra$!all"(
After the )al)e is o-ene$ if the &ater is not -la"ing on the seat of fire a$/!st the hori3ontal an$ )ertical loc.s to $irect the &ater to&ar$s the seat of fire( ..1.3 O0er& io" o1 Fire E$!&0e +#'r&" Re-eat the -roce$!re as ex-laine$ for h"$rant )al)e(
..3 FIRE DETECTION AND ALAR- S,STEAs the s"stem is totall" a!tomatic in o-eration man!al inter)ention to o-erate the s"stem is not re0!ire$ an$ onl" the s"stem has to #e reset for normal o-eration after a fire con$ition( Fire $etection an$ alarm s"stem o-eration can #e classifie$ in to t&o t"-es( A2 o%& i! o0er& io". -&"2&l o0er& io".
..3.1 A2 o%& i! o0er& io" In A!tomatic Fire Alarm 1"stem $ifferent t"-es of Fire Detectors locate$ at the )ario!s locations are connecte$ to the Main Fire Alarm Panel thro!gh ca#les( D!ring fire con$ition the $etectors &ill sense the fire an$ re-ort it to the -anel an$ $oes the necessar" alarm 4in -anel an$ the fiel$5( Fore more $etails refer @(7(F ..3.2 -&"2&l O0er& io" In Man!al O-eration $!ring Gfire+ the Man!al Call Point+s N>REAO MLA11N has to #e #ro.en to initiate the alarm on the -anel an$ the -anel &ill $o all the alarm ann!nciation an$ controls( To reset the s"stem for normal o-eration N>REAO MLA11' of the Man!al Call Point has to #e re-lace$ an$ the -anel has to #e reset thro!gh Reset' P!sh >!tton( P!r-ose of this man!al call -oints is to inform the -anel a#o!t the fire con$ition &hen the fire is $etecte$ man!all"( ;!st #" -ressing the man!al call -oint the signal can #e transferre$ to the -anel( All the other o-erations of the -anel shall #e same as of a!tomatic o-eration( *hen the man!al call -oint is -resse$ the -anel $is-la" !nit &ill $is-la" the exact location of man!al call -oint so that the o-erator can i$entif" the location an$ can ta.e a--ro-riate action to exting!ish the fire( ..( PU-PS AND ACCESSORIES ..(.1 O0er& io" o1 P2%0$ 1or +#'r&" S#$ e% In the e)ent of fire &hen an" h"$rant )al)e is o-ene$ in an" -art of the net&or. the res!ltant fall in hea$er -ress!re &ill #ring the electric motor $ri)en h"$rant -!m- in to o-eration a!tomaticall" to s!--l" &ater to the h"$rant s"stem( Fail!re to start -!m- on $eman$ &ill res!lt in f!rther fall in hea$er -ress!re or if the hea$er -ress!re still falls e)en &hen -!m- is r!nning then the signal from -ress!re s&itch &ill o-en the motor act!ate$ )al)e 6 sim!ltaneo!sl" start the stan$E#"
$iesel engine $ri)en -!m- a!tomaticall"( Th!s an a!tomatic se0!ential starting of -!m-s is maintaine$( ..(.3 -&"2&l o0er& io" P!m-s can #e starte$ man!all" in case of emergenc" #" -ressing the -!sh #!tton in the control c!m ann!nciation -anel( %o&e)er -!m-s can #e sto--e$ onl" man!all"(
;oc.e" P!m- 4P<5 ;oc.e" P!m- a!to starts &hen -ress!re $ro-s at ?(@ .g9cm 6 sto-s &hen -ress!re reaches at F(? .g9cm ( Electric Dri)en P!m- 4P= E P75 One Electric Dri)en P!m- a!to starts &hen -ress!re $ro-s at 7(C .g9cm 6 sto-s &hen -ress!re reaches at F(8 .g9cm ( One -!m- shall remain as stan$ #"( In all con$itions onl" t&o -!m-s &ill #e o-erating 4 One ;oc.e" P!m- 6 One Electric P!m-5 1tart P< 4;oc.e" P!m-5 P= 4Electric Dri)en Main P!m-5 P7 4Electric Dri)en 1tan$ #" P!m-5 E ?(@ .g9cm 7(C .g9cm 7(C .g9cm
= = = = = = =
The /oc.e" -!m- &ill restart for <8E<? secon$s after ?8 min!tes(
Chec. for Tightness of the Pi-e connections 6 Fl!she$ the -i-ing Pro-erl" Chec. for the Correct $irection of Non Ret!rn )al)es in the Discharge si$e of the P!m-s Chec. for the 1!--orts 6 Clam-s for the -i-es Chec. for the Locations an$ Range of the Instr!ments Chec. for the setting of -ress!re s&itches Chec. for the Co!-ling M!ar$s of rotating e0!i-ment are in -osition Chec. for the minim!m le)el of the F!el in the Da" Tan.s Chec. for the Tightness of all F!el -i-ing #et&een tan. an$ Diesel Engine F!el inlet an$ o!tlet Chec. for the Pro-er alignment of the P!m- 6 -rime mo)er Chec. for the Oil 9Mreasing as -er recommen$ation of the man!fact!rer Chec. the Direction of Dri)er corres-on$ing to the Direction of the P!mELECTRICAL
Chec. the Ca#le Terminations in the Motors an$ -anels Chec. the Direction of Rotation of Motors 6 Engine &ith Corres-on$ing -!m-s Chec. the Control ca#le Terminations in the -anel an$ Instr!ments Chec. the Interloc.ing arrangement of -!m-s Chec. for the a)aila#ilit" of Oe"s for Panels Chec. for the -ro-er Earthling of the Panels 6 E0!i-ment in si$e the P!m- Room
%"$rant 1"stem
Chec. the Tightness of all flange$ /oints of Isolation :al)es an$ %"$rant :al)es Chec. for the 1mooth o-eration of :al)es Chec. for the 1!--orts of a#o)e gro!n$ -i-es Chec. for the o-eration of 1-ring loc.s of h"$rants an$ %oses Chec. for the A)aila#ilit" of %ose 6 >ranch -i-e in the #oxes near to the h"$rants Chec. for the A)aila#ilit" of .e"s for %ose #oxes
The -!m-s &ill #e commissione$ one #" one a$o-ting follo&ing -roce$!res <5 1&itch off the o!t going s&itches for all -!m-s =5 Close the $eli)er" Isolation :al)e of all the -!m-s
@5 1tart 6 r!n the ;oc.e" -!m- for a min!te #" -ressing the 1tart P!sh #!tton for chec.ing :i#ration Direction of rotation an$ !n$o Noise etc( ?5 Re start the ;oc.e" P!m- an$ allo& to r!n for ?E <8 min!tes L5 Chec. the &ater Press!re at the Press!re Ma!ge for gra$!al increase in -ress!re F5 Close the Recirc!lation line to hol$ the -ress!re in the s"stem( C5 1to- the ;oc.e" P!m- #" -ressing the 1to- P!sh #!tton in the local control Panel D5 P!t the A!to Man!al 1&itch to A!to Mo$e' the ;oc.e" -!m- shall start A!tomaticall" (If not o-en the recirc!lation line to $rain the s"stem -ress!re( <85 Close the Recirc!lation :al)e to hol$ the s"stem -ress!re <<5 The P!m- shall 1to- A!tomaticall" once the Press!re at the -reset -ress!re F(8 >ars( <=5 1&itch OFF' the o!tgoing fee$er in the -anel for ;oc.e" -!m-
<5 =5 75 @5 ?5 L5 F5
Oe-t o-en all the Isolation :al)es in the %"$rant s"stem an$ External %"$rants :al)es Exce-t the Interconnecting :al)e in the Deli)er" hea$er 1tart an" one of the Main %"$rant -!m- man!all" an$ allo& &ater to flo& thro!gh the h"$rants till clear &ater start to flo&( Close the h"$rant :al)es exce-t @ h"$rants at remotest -oints an$ allo& to remo)e the air tra--e$ in the U9M line O-en the to- most Lan$ing :al)es in each risers to release the air an$ $irt" &ater from the riser( Close the lan$ing )al)es once the clear &ater starts to flo& thro!gh the lan$ing :al)e Oe-t o-en the isolation :al)e in the U-stream si$e of the Air release )al)e on all &et risers( Chec. for Isolation )al)es for an" Mlan$ lea.ages fix it #" tightening the Mlan$ -ac.ings a$e0!atel"(
FIRE DETECTION AND ALAR- S,STE-. The entire installation shall #e teste$ to ens!re that it o-erates satisfactoril" an$ that All Detectors an$ Man!al Call Points f!nction correctl"( All ancillar" e0!i-ment+s f!nctions correctl"(
<( Acti)ate the Man!al Call -oint >" Remo)ing the Man!al Call Point glass(or >" -!lling the le)er =( O#ser)e the alarm in the main Fire Alarm Panel 7( The fire signal &ill #e transferre$ to main Fire Alarm Panel @( O#ser)e the Area name of the res-ecte$ area of fire(9O-eration of MCP ?( O#ser)e the so!n$ of the corres-on$ing %ooter( L( >" -ressing Alarm 1ilence' P!sh #!tton in the -anel the res-ecte$ area hooter &ill #e F( After com-letion of testing -ress Reset P!sh >!tton' to restore the -anel to normal
silence$( Con$ition(
= ROUTINE TESTING E)en tho!gh the s"stem is &ell $esigne$ an$ &ell installe$ it is )er" m!ch essential that the s"stem is teste$ in a ro!tine an$ maintaine$ -ro-erl" for getting the s"stem to ser)ice &hen it is #a$l" nee$e$( It is $esire$ to o-erate the s"stem in a!tomatic mo$e as its nee$ in an e)ent of fire cannot #e neglecte$( %o&e)er man!al starting sho!l$ not #e ignore$( To maintain #oth a!tomatic an$ man!al o-erating to .ee- intact ro!tine testing is )ital( =.1 PU-PING A!tomatic starting se0!ence of the -!m-s can #e chec.e$ #" -erio$icall" in the follo&ing manner( O-en the nearest h"$rant )al)e slo&l" an$ chec.!- the -ress!re at &hich the /oc.e" -!m- starts( After fi)e min!tes close the h"$rant )al)e com-letel" an$ see &hether the /oc.e" -!m- sto-s a!tomaticall" at F(8 #ar( Oee- the /oc.e" -!m- in man!al mo$e an$ o-en the nearest h"$rant )al)e f!ll"( Chec. !- the -ress!re at &hich the electrical $ri)en main -!m- starts( After that close the h"$rant )al)e an$ sto- the -!m- man!all"( Re-eat a#o)e #" .ee-ing /oc.e" -!m- an$ main -!m- in man!al mo$e an$ chec. the -ress!re at &hich the $iesel engine $ri)en stan$#" -!m- starts( Engine shall also #e man!all" starte$ &ith #atteries on line once in a &ee. to confirm the health" con$ition of the #atter"( It shall #e r!n on loa$ for a#o!t <8 min!tes( =.2 +,DRANT S,STEIt is recommen$e$ to carr"o!t &etE$rill' once in a &ee. at $ifferent h"$rant -oints an$ monitor( This &ill ha)e a chec. on all sections an$ &ill -re)ent settling of m!$ at )al)e seats an$ in -i-es( It &ill also confirm that sectionali3ing sl!ice )al)es are all o-en( =.( FIRE DETECTION AND ALAR- S,STE%ealthiness of the $etector shall #e chec.e$ )is!all" #" seeing the LED glo&ing( E)er" &ee. the #atter" sho!l$ #e chec.e$ for the charge a)aila#ilit"( Dail" Panel $is-la" shall #e chec.e$ for an" e)ent ha--enings( If there is an" fa!lt the same sho!l$ #e atten$e$ imme$iatel" to rectif" the same( =.; E/TINGUIS+ERS
Chec. the -ress!re ga!ge in the exting!ishers )is!all"( *hen the -ress!re is less than the sti-!late$ )al!e sen$ for refilling( Chec. the exting!ishers are not mis-lace$ an$ .e-t in -ro-er -lace for rea$" to !se(
> -AINTENANCE PROCEDURE The s"stem re0!ires a sim-le $a"EtoE$a" maintenance( >efore ta.ing !- maintenance &or. notif" the a!thorities that the s"stem is !n$ergoing maintenance( All -ersons &ho might recei)e an alarm signal sho!l$ #e notifie$ in a$)ance to a)oi$ !nnecessar" res-onse(
>.1.1 Ro2 i"e %&i" e"&"!e C(<(<(< C(<(<(= C(<(<(7 C(<(<(@ C(<(<(? C(<(<(L C(<(<(F C(<(<(C C(<(<(D C(<(<(<8 C(<(<(<< C(<(<(<= Chec. all mo)ing -arts are *or.ing -ro-erl" Chec. the no33le is not o#str!cte$ Chec. for lea.age of exting!ishing me$i!m from the glan$s an$ no33le Polish #rass -arts Clean s!-erficiall" *eigh gas cartri$ges if there loss of more than <8P of original mass sen$ it for clogging Mrease the ca- threa$s an$ -l!nger Chec. the )ent holes for clogging Chec. the sealing &asher 6 re-lace if necessar" O-eration testE half the n!m#er of &ater t"-e Exting!ishers O-eration testE half the n!m#er of $r" -o&$er Exting!ishers Examine the insi$e s!rface of the c"lin$er for con$ition of -lating r!sting( *ee.l" *ee.l" *ee.l" *ee.l" *ee.l" Monthl" Monthl" Monthl" Monthl" Ann!all" Ann!all" Ann!all"
>.1.2 Re1illi"6 $!he'2le C(<(=(7 CO= Fire Exting!ishers As an$ &hen $!e
>.1.3 S!he'2le o1 h#'r&2li! 0re$$2re e$ i"6 o1 e5 i"62i$her$ SI.No. C(<(7(7 C(<(7(@ T#0e o1 E5 i"62i$her CO= t"-e Dr" chemical t"-e Te$ i" er7&l 7 Hears 7 Hears Te$ 0re$$2re <F(? .g9cm= =? .g9cm= D2r& io" =(? Min!tes =(? Min!tes
No e) Exting!ishers fo!n$ lea.ing 4or5 $istorte$ in the %"$ra!lic -ress!re test shall #e re/ecte$ an$ $iscar$e$( Un$er no circ!mstances s!ch exting!ishers #e &el$e$ 9 re-ai$ an$ re !se$(
C(7(=(7 C(7(=(@ C(7(=(?
C(D(<(= C(D(<(7 C(D(<(@
>.1B.1.1 Co" rol e32i0%e" a5 #5 c5 $5 e5 F!nctions F!ses Lam-s an$ LEDs Primar" 4main5 -o&er s!--l" 1econ$ar" -o&er s!--l" E *ee.l" *ee.l" *ee.l" *ee.l" For e)er" six months For e)er" six months For e)er" six months For e)er" six months For e)er" six months
>.1B.1.2 *& erie$ a5 #5 c5 Charger test Loa$ )oltage test 1-ecific gra)it" E E E For e)er" six months For e)er" six months For e)er" six months
>.1B.2 -&i" e"&"!e Pro!e'2re$ SI. No De7i!e -e ho' :erification of -ro-er recei-t of alarm s!-er)isor" an$ tro!#le signals circ!it s!-er)isor" incl!$ing $etection of o-en circ!its an$ short circ!its an$ -o&er s!--l" s!-er)ision for $etection of loss of AC -o&er an$ $isconnection of secon$ar" #atteries Remo)e f!se an$ )erif" for acc!rate rating( O-erate GLam- test+ s&itch an$ )erif" &hether lam-s 9 LEDs ill!minates( 1econ$ar" 4stan$#"5 -o&er s!--l" shall #e $isconnecte$ an$ teste$ !n$er maxim!m loa$ incl!$ing of all alarm a--liances re0!iring of sim!ltaneo!s
#5 c5 $5
>.1B.2.2 *& erie$ a5 #5 :is!al ins-ection #atter" re-lacement Ins-ect #atteries for corrosion( :is!all" ins-ect the le)el of electrol"te( >atteries shall #e re-lace$ in accor$ance &ith the recommen$ation of the man!fact!rer or &hen the recharge$ #atter" )oltage or c!rrant falls #elo& the man!fact!re+s recommen$ation( *ith the #atteries f!ll" charge$ an$ connecte$ to the changer meas!re the )oltage across the #atteries( The )oltage shall #e =(78 )olts -er cell R 8(= )olt( Disconnect -rimar" 4main5 -o&er s!--l" an$ )erif" that re0!ire$ tro!#le in$ication for loss of -o&er occ!rs( O-erate general alarm s"stems for a min( of ? min!tes( Reconnect -rimar" -o&er s!--l" at the en$ of test( The s-ecific gra)it" of the li0!i$ in the cells shall #e meas!re$( Menerall" a range of <(=8? B <(==8 is t"-ical for reg!lar lea$Eaci$ #atteries( A h"$rometer that sho&s onl" a -ass or fail con$ition of the #atter" an$ $oes not in$icate the s-ecific gra)it" shall not #e !se$(
c5 e5
Ge"er&l <( P!m=( Press!re Ma!ge 7( Press!re 1&itch @( Non Ret!rn :al)e +#'r&" S#$ e% <( %"$rant :al)e =( %ose >ox 7( %ose @( >ranch Pi-e ?( Mate :al)e L( *ater Monitor
Fire De e! io" &"' Al&r% S#$ e% <( Main Fire Alarm Panel =( O-tical smo.e $etector 7( %ooter @( Man!al call Point ?( control Panel