Livro de Instrumentação em Túnel de Vento
Livro de Instrumentação em Túnel de Vento
Livro de Instrumentação em Túnel de Vento
TT F-346 NASA c. 1
, )
Published for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, U S A . and the National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C.
TT 66-51026
Copyright 0 1966 Israel Program for Scientific Translations Ltd. IPST C at . No. 1680
Price: $ 9 . 00
Available from the U. S. DEPARTMENT O F COMMERCE Clearinghouse f o r F e d e r a l Scientific and Technical Information Springfield, Va. 2 2 1 5 1
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter I . THE DESIGN OF MODELS FOR AERODYNAMIC EXPERIMENTS . 5 1 . Criteria of similarity . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2. Coordinate axes. Aerodynamic coefficients . . . .
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter I11. WIND TUNNEL DESIGN CALCULATIONS . . . . . . 5 9 . Design of subsonic tunnels . . . . . . . . . $10. Gas dynamics of supersonic tunnels . . . . . . Chapter IV . MEASUREMENT OF FLOW PARAMETERS I N WIND TUNNELS (511 . Pressure measurement . . . . . . . . . . $12. The measurement of the Mach number and flow velocity 513. The measurement of flow direction . . . . . .
Chapter I1 . WIND TUNNELS AND INSTALLATIONS . . . 9 3. Operating principles of wind tunnels . . . 5 4 . Subsonic wind tunnels . Open-circuit tunnels $ 5 . Transonic tunnels . . . . . . . . (5 6 . Supersonic wind tunnels . . . . . . 5 7 . Hypersonic wind tunnels . . . . . . 5 8 . Wind tunnels for testing aircraft engines .
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. . (514 . Measurement of temperature in flow . . . . . . . . 51.5. Measurement of density: humidity corrections . . . . . 5 1 6 . Boundary-layer measurements . . . . . . . . . . $ 1 7 . Instruments for mapping distributions . . . . . . . 518 . Visual and optical methods of flow distributions . . . . V . INSTRUMENTS AND APPARATUS FOR PRESSURE MEASUREMENT .
$19 (520. . $21 5 22
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13 13 24 48 63 86 115
122 122 142 156 160 173 195 207 219 223 232 239 255 257 270 281 294 310
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Liquid-column manometers . . . . . . . . Mechanical manometers . . . . . . . . . Electrical pressure transducers and micromanometers . Equipment for measuring pressure distribution . Multiple manometers . . . . . . . . . . . . . Transmission lag in manometric systems Manometric instruments for determining dimensionless characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Chapter VI
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Design examples of wind-tunnel balances . . Balance elements of wind-tunnel balances Wind-tunnel balances located inside the model The errors of wind-tunnel balances. Calibration
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. . Chapter VI11 . PROCESSING THE RESULTS OF WIND-TUNNEL TESTS . $40. Interference between tunnel and model . . . . .
TECHNIQUES AND METHODS OF AERODYNAMIC MEASUREMENTS $30 Adjustment of wind tunnels . . . . . . . 5 3 1 Techniques and methods of balance measurements 532 . Determination of pressure and velocity distributions 533 . The testing of propellers . . . . . . . . 5 3 4 Testing of blade cascades 635 Testing of fans . . . . . . . . . . 536 Experimental determination of local resistances 537 Testing of wind turbines 538 . Testing of ejectors . . . . . . . . . . 039 Determining rotational derivatives . . . . .
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438 438 445 45 1 458 476 490 496 503 508 510 527 527 547 555
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$ 4 1. Interference between model and supports 842 . Accuracy and reproducibility of tests
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Chapter IX
AUTOMATIC DATA RECORDING AND PROCESSING OF WIND-TUNNEL MEASUREMENTS $ 4 3 Methods of automatically processing measured data $ 4 4 Digital conversion of measured values Digital conversion of angles $ 4 5 Processing the measured data on computers
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FOREWORD Aerodynamic measuring techniques and theoretical aerohydrodynamics have developed together. The connection is s e e n vividly in the works of N . E . Joukowski and S . A. Chaplygin, who established the b a s i s of modern aerodynamic theory, and founded the aerodynamics laboratories of the Soviet Union. Although the relationship between theory and esperiment has changed as aerodynamics developed, t h e r e has always been a paucity of experimental data f r o m which t o develop the theory. Some of the measuring techniques and instruments described in this book a r e mentioned in the well-known books of A. K. Martinov, "Eks perimental 'naya a e r odinamika " (Experimental Aerodynamics ) (19 5 O), S . G . Popov, "Nekotorye zadachi eksperimental'noi aeromekhaniki" (Some Problems in Experimental Aeromechanics) (1952), and N. A. Zaks, "Osnovy eksperimental'noi aerodinamiki" (The Basis of Experimental Aerodynamics) (1 957). In these textbooks f o r advanced students measuring techniques and instruments a r e necessarily described only briefly and in passing. R , C, Pankhurst and D. W. Holder discuss a wide range of experimental problems in t h e i r textbook "Wind -Tunnel Technique" (1952), but the treatment is general and sometimes superficial. Since the publication of these works the technology of aerodynamics has advanced greatly . We t r y in this book t o t r e a t systematically c e r t a i n modern techniques of aerodynamic measurement, formerly described only in periodicals. We have made wide use of experience in the USSR and abroad, selecting material t o enable r e a d e r s with a knowledge of theoretical aerodynamics t o become .familiar with experimental practice and with the instruments and apparatus used in p r a c t i c e . The book is intended mainly f o r experimental-research workers in aerodynamics and f o r those using t h e i r r e s u l t s and a l s o f o r students of fluid dynamics. We think that engineers and technicians designing and constructing aerodynamic installations, and developing measuring equipment, will also find the book useful. Chapters I, 11, 111, VII. and VI11 were written by S. M. Gorlin and Chapters IV, V, VI, IX and Sections 7 and 34 by I. I. Slezinger.
S. M. G. I. I. s.
f The development of fluid mechanics involves observation and study o the physical phenomena which f o r m the basis of the theory. Experimental aerodynamics s e r v e t o check the existing theory, and a l s o its extension. O n the other hand, theoretical developments strongly influence experimental techniques, installations and measuring equipment. Since a i r c r a f t f i r s t appeared aerodynamics have been directed toward the study of increasingly l a r g e flight speeds. There has been a corresponding development of equipment and techniques f o r experimental r e s e a r c h and f o r measurement. The type of installation and the techniques currently used depend on the flight speed in the five ranges: 1. Low subsonic speeds [Incompressible flow]. 2. High subsonic speeds [Subsonic compressible flow]. 3 . Transonic speeds. 4. Supersonic speeds. 5. Hypersonic speeds. Experimental aerodynamics a r e at low speeds a r e based on the fundamental work of N. E. Joukowski, L , Prandtl, and other leading scientists. This speed range is s t i l l important f o r r e s e a r c h in industrial aerodynamics, surface vehicles, and the take-off and landing characteristics of a i r c r a f t . T h e r e a r e low-speed wind tunnels, of comparatively low power, in almost every university and institute of advanced learning. For simulating natural conditions i n the testing of a i r c r a f t , l a r g e aerodynamics laboratories of scientific r e s e a r c h institutes possess low-speed wind tunnels whose powers extend t o tens and even hundreds of megawatts. The techniques f o r measuring f o r c e s , p r e s s u r e s , and speeds, and f o r visual observation of the flow around bodies a t low speeds, a r e widely used in r e s e a r c h a t higher speeds, and have merited extensive treatment in this book. The study o f flight a t high subsonic speeds, which first became important about 1930, demands considerably m o r e power and complicated equipment, because as speed increases, the compressibility of the air becomes as important as i t s viscosity. Variable-density wind tunnels a r e therefore used which must have automatic instrumentation and control and permit measurements of a wide range of parameters. The optical techniques developed for this speed range a r e even m o r e important a t still higher speeds. We have paid special attention t o transonic techniques because of the acoustic effects of aircraft flying a t speeds n e a r the velocity of sound. Important techniques a r e described f o r measuring p a r a m e t e r s and calculating effects which cannot be neglected in experiments in this speed range. W e a l s o describe the design of instrumentation for transonic installations,
Even m o r e involved a r e supersonic wind tunnels, where the power may r e a c h t e n s , and even hundreds, of megawatts. Measuring techniques, developed f o r use a t lower speeds, can still, with c a r e , be used, but optical techniques become m o r e important, and supplementary techniques must be introduced. The installations a r e f a r m o r e expensive; a considerable p a r t of the book is devoted t o the use of automatic measuring and data -proces sing techniques which thus become economical. Hypersonic speeds, only lately being studied, involve high temperatures and physicochemical p r o c e s s e s in gases. They demand a new approach t o wind-tunnel design; techniques and instrumentation a r e being evolved rapidly, and t h e i r full description would justify a s e p a r a t e volume. Here we have m e r e l y reviewed this aspect of the subject in o r d e r t o acquaint r e a d e r s with the trends. Within each of the five speed ranges it is impossible to separate sharply measuring techniques and u s e of equipment f r o m installation design. We have therefore alloted individual chapters t o the description of aerodynamic r e s e a r c h installations, t o the measurement of the various flow p a r a m e t e r s , to wind-tunnel balances, etc. We hope that this method of presentation w i l l p e r m i t the r e a d e r to study each problem in detail, while avoiding the repetition which would inevitably follow f r o m a division of the material by speed range. An exception has been made in the chapter on hypersonic speeds, which combines a brief description of experimental installations and common measuring techniques.
Chapter I
It is v e r y difficult t o reproduce flight conditions exactly in aerodynamic expeyiments, whether the body is moving through a stationary gas or the gas past a stationary body. Models a r e therefore commonly used in wind tunnels of limited dimensions, t o predict the behavior of prototypes in flight. The accuracy of predictions f r o m t e s t s on models depends on the fidelity with which flow around the model or in a channel of limited s i z e reproduces the flow around the full-scale body o r in the full-scale channel, i. e., it depends on the fulfilment of c r i t e r i a of similarity. A s L. I. Sedov / 1/ has pointed out, scaling-down will be sucessful i f we a r e able to substitute f o r the phenomena which i n t e r e s t us, closely analogous phenomena on another s c a l e . Scale-model testing is thus based on studying physically s i m i l a r phenomena. Geometric s i m i l a r i t y is fundamental to aerodynamic experimentation. The coefficient of geometric similarity, i. e., t h e geometric s c a l e factor of the model, is the r a t i o of the dimensions of the model to the dimensions of the (geometrically s i m i l a r ) natural object. Mechanical or physical s i m i l a r i t y implies that we should be able to calculate physical effects f r o m observations on a different s c a l e . However, c e r t a i n conditions must be fulfilled if this s i m i l a r i t y is to be achieved. We define two s y s t e m s a s being s i m i l a r to each other i f all the physical c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s a t corresponding points ** i n the two s y s t e m s have the s a m e relationship. The relationship between m a s s e s , velocities, viscosities, and other p a r a m e t e r s i n two such s y s t e m s can be derived by considering the conditions and relationships within each s y s t e m a t any instant. F o r the flow of viscous, incompressible fluids such considerations / 2 / show that a t corresponding points within the s y s t e m s mechanical s i m i l a r i t y demands that
* * By
T w o bodies are geometrically similar if t h e ratio of a l l corresponding linear dimensions is uniform. corresponding points of similar systems w e understand points which are similarly placed geometrically
H e r e i is a representative time, 1 a representative length, p the density, v the coefficient of kinematic viscosity, Z the body force [gravity, centrifugal force, etc.; Z has the dimensions of acceleration], V is the velocity, p the p r e s s u r e ; the subscripts 1 and 2 r e f e r to the first and second s y s t e m respectively. The first of these relationships is the condition for kinematic similarity. The other expressions define the conditions of dynamical 'similarity, i. e,, the similarity of forces arising during motion. To ensure similarity when studying rotational motion of liquids o r bodies (the flow of liquid around a rotating propellor, or the velocity fluctuations in a wake) the [dimensionless] coefficient s a m e for both model and prototype: we u s e Strouhal's criterion that
L v must 1
be the
be constant, n being the frequency and v the f r e e - s t r e a m velocity of the flow. For example, when comparing performance and efficiencies of propellers we maintain constancy of the advance ratio
V @
Here n, is the number of revolutions of the screw; the advance ratio, relating the flight speed to the circumferential velocity of the blade tips, is a f o r m of the Strouhal number, which ensures similarity of the systems. For steady flow of viscous, incompressible liquids two conditions of similarity apply. Both the Froude number
must be the s a m e f o r the two systems. Thus, in aviscous, compressibleliquidunder the action of the force of gravity only, two systems which have the s a m e Reynolds and Froude numbers a r e similar. Whenever we mention "similarity" phenomena, we consider geometrically s i m i l a r bodies, similarly oriented with respect to the flow. When t h e r e a r e no body forces the c r i t e r i a of similarity a r e greatly simplified; two flows will then be s i m i l a r i f the Reynolds numbers a r e the same. The aerodynamic forces on a body depend in this c a s e only on the Reynolds number and the orientation of the body to the flow. When allowance is made f o r inertia, viscosity, compressibility, and thermal conductivity", the conditions f o r the mechanical similarity of motion in fluids, of geometrically s i m i l a r , similarly placed solid bodies, a r e m o r e complicated. It is then necessary to maintain equality of the
_ . . I . .
H e r e M is the Mach number, which r e l a t e s flight speed to the velocity of sound a = I/=T Pr is the Prandtl number; C is Sutherland's constant (which has the dimensions of temperature, and f o r a i r is about 113T)**; L is the coefficient of thermal conductivity; p is the ratio of the specific heat cp at constant p r e s s u r e to the specific heat c, at constant volume; TI is the absolute temperature at the surface of the body; and T is the absolute temperature of the gas. In s o m e cases TI T , and the parameter TI/T may be ignored. It is often permissible to ignore CIT, which expresses the influence of the temperature on the viscosity and thermal conductivity?, Thus, in studying motion through gases of equal compressibility and atomicity, and f o r which the values o f g a n d Pr a r e therefore the same, similarity will be ensured if the Reynolds and Mach numbers a r e the s a m e in both gases. These two magnitudes a r e the most important similarity c r i t e r i a in aerodynamics. F o r an ideal, incompressible fluid, the criterion of similarity f o r the p r e s s u r e s at corresponding points is expressed by
It thus follows that the ratio of the reactions RI and R1 of the fluid on geometrically s i m i l a r (and similarly oriented) bodies is
where N w is Newton's [dimensionless] number. Newton's number defines the similarity in this case. Thus in an ideal, incompressible fluid, the hydrodynamic forces on a body a r e proportional to the square of the relative velocity (Square Law)
T h e criterion C / T is important when t h e gases have different numbers of atoms per molecule. For gases of t he same atomicities t h e values of x and PI w i l l b e the same. Sutherland's Criterion can be written
I 1 l lllll Il
This law is exact only when the fluid displays ideal behavior during the experiment, For viscous flow of a fluid a t sufficiently high Reynolds number this law is a good approximation. A t v e r y low velocities, corresponding to s m a l l values of Re, the influence of the viscous f o r c e s i n c r e a s e s . When inertia f o r c e s become negligible in comparison with the viscous drag, the force on a body is proportional to the velocity, t o the l i n e a r dimensions of the body, and to the coefficient of viscosity (Stokes Law). A t very high Reynolds numbers viscosity effects d e c r e a s e while compressibility effects increase. A s the flow velocity i n c r e a s e s , the f o r c e s due t o the elasticity of the gas, which depend on its p r e s s u r e , become comparable with the f o r c e s of friction, inertia etc. This causes not only a quantitative change i n the aerodynamic c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of the body (e. g., drag), but a l s o in the nature of the flow around the body. In particular, a s M approaches unity, the flow becomes locally supersonic in s e v e r a l regions around the body; this causes shock waves and dissipation of energy, The p r e s s u r e distribution over the body and the moments due t o the applied f o r c e s will change, and the drag w i l l i n c r e a s e sharply. It may, therefore, be best to accept variations of the Reynolds number in experiments, t o avoid changes in the Mach number Attainment of full similarity i. e., similarity of all p a r a m e t e r s , may in practice be impossible. If we choose the s a m e medium for the two systems ( e . g . , water o r a i r ) at the s a m e temperature and p r e s s u r e , then f o r equality of Fr, Re, and M we must have PI = p ~ ,V I = v 2 , , and 6, = g,; s o that V , = V 2 and 1, = 1 2 , i. e., it is impossible t o obtain s i m i l a r motions in the s a m e medium for two bodies of different s i z e s . Although in principle it is possible to achieve similarity using two different liquids, it is in practice difficult to select satisfactory values of v and a . For these reasons it is possible to obtain only partial similarity in most aerodynamic experiments, and we must select those c r i t e r i a on which the phenomena of interest most strongly depend. In practice, geometric similarity is fully maintained only when testing full-scale prototypes under field conditions, o r when a full-scale model is much s m a l l e r than the t e s t section of the wind tunnel. In most cases the full-scale prototype is much l a r g e r than the tunnel, and t e s t s must be made on a reduced scale, at which it is difficult t o reproduce faithfully the shape of small projections and the surface finish of the prototype. This unavoidably introduces inaccuracy, especially at high test velocities. Dimensional tolerances in scale-model production a r e therefore sometimes tenths o r hundredths of millimeters. Often, we model only the main elements of a prototype: during comparative wing t e s t s the ailerons and flaps a r e not modelled. In current practice the orientation of bodies in space can be reproduced with sufficiently high accuracy (0.1 to 0.2"). The Reynolds number is an adequate c r i t e r i o n of similarity at low velocities. At Mach numbers above 0.3 or 0.4 (depending on the shape of the body and i t s orientation in the fluid) compressibility becomes increasingly important, and the Mach number must be reproduced in the model test. Aerodynamic characteristics will s t i l l , however, be considerably influenced by viscosity, and for accuracy in such t e s t s it is necessary t o reproduce both Reynolds and Mach numbers. When compressibility effects predominate (e. g., in a jet airplane o r rocket) it is sufficient t o consider only the Mach number. In the s a m e
medium at equal temperatures, s i m i l a r i t y then r e q u i r e s only that vz = VI The Reynolds number can be reproduced in a small-scale model by increasing the velocity in inverse proportion t o the geometric s c a l e factor, o r by increasing the density of the t e s t medium in inverse proportion t o the product VI :::. It is technically difficult t o increase the velocity, since the power required is proportional to V 3 . Even when adequate power is available, it must be remembered that a s the velocity increases, compressibility effects become increasingly important, s o that by maintaining the Reynolds number constant we may cause changes in the Mach number. It is therefore common practice t o reproduce the Reynolds number by increasing the density, using variable-density wind tunnels, the flow velocity being sufficient t o permit simultaneous reproduction of the Mach number. Reproduction of the Mach number requires reproduction of the r a t i o of the flow velocity t o the velocity of sound. Since the velocity of sound is a = V/wgRT it can be altered by varying either T o r the product x R . The u s e of other gases instead of a i r 1 3 1 (e. g., Freon, which has a lower value of x R , and requires much less power f o r a given M ) is technically difficult. In this discussion of similarity c r i t e r i a we have assumed that other things being equal the s a m e velocities in Lhe two systems corresponded t o equal f o r c e s . However, there a r e usually velocity fluctuations superimposed on the mean velocities in a wind tunnel. The effect of these fluctuations on the flow and on the forces acting on the model, is in many ways analogous t o the effect of increasing the Reynolds number. The r a t i o of the r . m. s . fluctuating velocitv t o the mean velocity of the undisturbed flow is the turbulence level E of the undisturbed flow. It is necessary t o reproduce the value of E a s closely a s possible in the model, since t h e r e is no p r a c t i c a l way of calculating i t s effect on the aerodynamic c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s . In few wind tunnels a r e the values of E a s low a s in nature. Wind tunnels in which E exceeds 0.5 t o 19'0 a r e unsuitable f o r physical aerodynamic research'"'" and f o r these purposes it is usual t o build special low-turbulence tunnels. When studying the flow of rarified gases, an important c r i t e r i o n of s i m i l a r i t y is the Knudsen number 6 , which is the r a t i o of the molecular mean f r e e path L to a representative length of the body o r the thickness of the boundary layer. Molecular motion is important to a decreasing extent / 4 / in f r e e molecule flow and slip flow, and can be ignored generally in gas dynamics (Figure 1. 1 ) . Other characteristics of the gas or body, which may play an important p a r t in the motion, will each involve new c r i t e r i a and s i m i l a r i t y conditions, For instance, in the study of a vibrating wing in a gas s t r e a m , dynamic s i m i l a r i t y depends on the dimensionless p a r a m e t e r s p V 2 / E ; GJE and n i / p 1 3 where E is Young's modulus, G the s h e a r modulus, and nz, the m a s s of the wing. In experimental work our problem is t o s e l e c t those s i m i l a r i t y c r i t e r i a which most 'influence the t e s t r e s u l t s . Imperfect s i m i l a r i t y will lead t o
1 1
fore of pressure.
The coefficient of kinematic viscosity v = }i/p depends on cleiislty. and thus on pressure.
** Investigations
of the structure of the boundary layer, the position of the transition point from laminar to
e r r o r s which must be evaluated when making predictions of prototype behavior f r o m r e s u l t s of t e s t s on models, This is a particular case of the basic problem of aerodynamics, i. e., t o determine the c r i t e r i a and similarity conditions relevant to particular aerodynamic characteristics; methods, instruments, and technology of a l l aeromechanical measurements depend on the solution of this problem.
In experimental aerodynamics and a i r c r a f t design we use (as specified in GOST 1075-41) one of the following coordinate systems: velocity, fixed, o r semifixed. A l l these a r e right-hand systems, in which positive rotation about any axis appears clockwise to an observer placed a t the origin. A l l these systems of coordinates have a common origin at the center of gravity of the a i r c r a f t , In the velocity system of coordinates Oxyz (Figure 1. 2) the x-axis is positive in the direction of flight. The y-axis lies in the plane of s y m m e t r y of the body; its direction is parallel to the lift on the aircraft, being positive upwards. The z - a x i s is normal to the Oxy plane, and is positive to starboard (toward the right when looking forward). The fixed s y s t e m of coordinates Oxly,zl corresponds to the geometric axes of the a i r c r a f t ; the x , -axis is directed forward parallel to the horizontal center line o r the wing chord which determines the angle of attack. The semifixed s y s t e m of coordinates coincides with the velocity system when t h e r e is no sideslip or d r i f t (e = 0). When the angle of sideslip changes, the semifixed s y s t e m rotates with the body around the y -axis. The velocity s y s t e m of coordinates differs from the the semifixed system by the angle of attack. The angle of attack thus defines the orientation of i'.ie body with respect to the semifixed axes.
1 . 1 . 1 ...1 ..
... ..
In wind-tunnel t e s t s of fixed models, the f r e e - s t r e a m velocity is opposed to the velocity of f r e e flight; to avoid having negative d r a g f o r c e s we sometimes use a flow coordinate s y s t e m in which we replace the'n -axis of the velocity s y s t e m by a n axis OQ in the opposite direction. The directions of positive rotations in the flow s y s t e m of coordinates a r e the s a m e a s in the velocity system. In the l i t e r a t u r e the OQ axis is often denoted by Ox f o r simplicity; the r e a d e r should be aware of this.
In wind-tunnel t e s t s in which the angles of attack and s i d e s l i p both vary it is usual t o apply not the flow system of coordinates but a modified semifixed system in which the positive direction of the x -axis is r e v e r s e d . When t h e r e is no sideslip (0 = 0) this semifixed "tunnel" s y s t e m coincides with the flow system, but when the sideslip angle changes the semifixed s y s t e m follows the model, rotating about Oy by the angle p . In wind tunnels the p r i m a r y measurements of foixes and moments a r e usually made in the so-called "weight system of coordinates" (Chapter VI), while the r e s u l t s a r e expressed in the flow or "tunnel" systems. This is very important when determining moment coefficients. The signs of moments and angles of rotation of the control surfaces a r e shown in Figure 1. 3 f o r a velocity s y s t e m of coordinates. The total aerodynamic force which a c t s on a body moving in a fluid is proportional t o the density, the square of the ve'locity, and the s q u a r e of the l i n e a r dimensions: R = cnpV2I2 . The constant of proportionality cn depends on the shape of the body, i t s orientation in the flow, and the conditions of s i m i l a r i t y ; it is called the coefficient of total aerodynamic f o r c e . In experimental aerodynamics we often u s e a representative area S (for instance, the wing a r e & of an a i r c r a f t , or the c r o s s section of a body) r a t h e r than 1 2 ; and the velocity head pV* of the flow instead of pV2/2 The total aerodynamic f o r c e s is then
V ' J?=chpTs,
A positive moment
A positive moment fl,
angle of attack
The moment M = R L due t o the total aerodynamic f o r c e is taken about a specified point, usually the center of gravity of the body; it can be expressed expressed a s
M=m,,,pT V = SL,
(1. 2)
where m,,,is the coefficient of total aerodynamic moment. The projections of the total aerodynamic f o r c e on the velocity axes a r e : The lift ( cy is the coefficient of lift)
' Y == crp V
is the coefficient of
The force parallel to the direction of flight (-cz chordwise force for velocity a x e s )
7 s,
(1. 4)
V* z =cp , s. 2
(1. 5)
The components of the moments, due to the total aerodynamic force, w ith r e s p e c t to the coordinate axes a r e : The heeling moment (m, is the coefficient of heel)
v, M, =m,p -y SL,
In the flow system of coordinates we use the concept of d r a g Q - x, positive in the direction of the undisturbed flow; correspondingly, the coefficient of d r a g is c,. The positive directions of the forces Y and 2 coincide respectively with the positive directions of the y and L a x e s . In the fixed s y s t e m of coordinates Oxlylzl the total aerodynamic force R has the following components : Tangential f o r c e
XI =-C p ,+ ,
o r drag
' V
(1. 9)
and t r a n s v e r s e f o r c e
2, -- cp ,
vz s .
The symbols f o r the components of the total moment and t h e i r coefficients a r e the same in the flow and fixed systems, the subscript "1" denoting the fixed system. We can determine the signs of the moments by t h e following r u l e : the origin of coordinates is a t the center of gravity of the model. To a n observer placed a t the distant end of an axis, a positive moment will tend t o turn the model about that axis in a counterclockwise direction. A detailed description of the coordinates systems used in experimental aerodynamics, and the formula for transformation f r o m one system t o another will be found in / 5/ and / 6 / .
1. S e d o v , L. I. Metody podobiya i razmernosti v mekhanike (Similarity Methods and Dimensions in Mechanics). - GTTI. 1957.
2. 3.
K o c h i n , N . E . , I . A . K i b e i and N.V. R o z e . Teoreticheskaya gidromekhanika (Theoretical Hydromechanics ), - Gostekhizdat, 1948. P a n k h u r s t , R.C. and D.W. H o l d e r . Wind-Tunnel Techniq.ue.Pitman, London. 1952. [Russian translation, 1955.1 T s i e n , H, S. Aerodinamika razrezhennykh gazov (Aerodynamics of Rarified Gases). - Review of "Gas Dynamics", IL. 1950.
I I1 1 l1 l1 l1 1 1 l1 1 l1 1 1 l1 l1 1 l1 l1 1 l1 1 l1 l1 l1 1 l1 lI 1 lIlII
I I1 I
[ P a n k h u r s t , R. C. Dimensional Analysis and Scale Factors. Institute of Physics and the Physical Society, London. 1964. (Especially Chapter VII)].
- -
Chapter 11
The effects of air on a body moving in it can be studied by imparting to the body a velocity in relation t o the stationary a i r , or imparting t o the a i r a velocity in relation t o a stationary body. Most problems of experimental aerodynamics a r e connected with the study of motion of a body in relation t o a stationary fluid (direct problem). However, we c a n r e v e r s e the problem and study the motion of a fluid in relation t o a stationary body (inverse problem). When the conditions of motion r e v e r s a l a r e s t r i c t l y maintained, and all effects a r e excluded which are due t o the wind-tunnel boundaries, which are commensurable with the body investigated, full agreement of the laws of fluid flow around a body is obtained between the d i r e c t and the inverse problem. Nowadays, direct investigations with complex equipment and special measuring techniques a r e undertaken in different types of flight and airfield t e s t s of flying machines (airplanes, r o c k e t s , etc.) and t h e i r models, and f o r testing s e p a r a t e elements of these machines. Airfield and flight t e s t s make it possible t o maintain full dynamic s i m i l a r i t y , but their main drawback is that in addition t o the high cost and complications, r e s e a r c h on many types of machines, the study of the interaction of separate elements (e. g., of wing and tail, o r propeller and fuselage), testing under s i m i l a r operating conditions, e t c . present difficult problems, sometimes impossible to solve. Therefore, aerodynamic full-scale tests supplement and complete the t e s t s made in wind tunnels. Aerodynamic measurements a r e a l s o possible on a whirling a r m (Figure 2. l ) , where the tested body moves together with the rotating a r m o f t h e m a c h i n e . However, the body is in this c a s e moving in a i r agitated by the a r m of the machine. This affects both in magnitude and in direction the flow velocity relative to the model. Thus, in t e s t s on the whirling a r m , s i m i l a r conditions a r e not obtained, and t h i s method is only used in special problems, e. g., f o r finding the heeling and yawing moments acting on an airplane, which a r e due to the continuous rotation about a vertical axis. T h e main method of r e s e a r c h , which determines the s u c c e s s of aerodynamics as a science and i t s wide application in many fields of technology, is the testing i n wind tunnels. The wind tunnel is a physical instrument, which makes it possible t o obtain in one of i t s elements, i. e., in the t e s t section where the body under t e s t is placed, uniform
l1ll111ll1l1l11l1IIllIllIllIlIllllIIlll111l1llIlI1lIlIl 1 ll IlIl
I1 I1 I1 I I Il1Il I I I I
rectilinear steady air flow at a given velocity. A simple wind tunnel f o r low subsonic speeds (low -speed tunnel) is shown in Figure 2 . 2 .
Whirling arm.
A i r f r o m the outside is drawn in by a fan a t the end of the tunnel. The air enters first a nozzle whose c r o s s section gradually d e c r e a s e s in the flow direction, The flow velocity is thus increased. A f t e r attaining i t s maximum velocity in the narrowest section of the nozzle, the a i r e n t e r s the t e s t section, whose c r o s s section is constant. The test section contains
the body t o be tested around which the a i r flows uniformly at constant velocity. Behind the t e s t section there is the diffuser, whose gradually increasing c r o s s section p e r m i t s a gradual reduction of the flow velocity.
The fan is installed at the end of the diffuser. The flow velocity in th2 tunnel is changed by adjusting the rotational speed of the fan. The tunnel shown in Figure 2. 2 operates on the open-circuit principle with closed t e s t section. In this tunnel the flow around the model is confined between solid walls. If i n such a tunnel w e increase the diffuser length, providing a r e t u r n duct, and connect it t o the nozzle, w e obtain a closed-circuit wind tunnel with closed t e s t section in which the a i r circulates continuously in a closed cycle. If we remove the walls of the t e s t section, we obtain a closed-circuittunnel with open t e s t section, in which the air a l s o circulates in a closed cycle. If in theopen-circuit tunnel (Figure 2. 2 ) we remove the walls of the t e s t section, the l a t t e r has t o be surrounded by a hermetically sealed chamber (Eiffel chamber) in o r d e r t o obtain c o r r e c t a i r flow through the tunnel.
Design requirements f o r wind tunnels Already invented a t the end of the 19th century, wind tunnels are nowsdays widely used in developed countries. The dimensions of existing tunnels vary over a wide range - f r o m tunnels with t e s t sections whose cross-sectional a r e a s a r e a few em2, t o tunnels which enable modern bombers t o be tested in full-scale s i z e . The power, necessary t o operate such a tunnel, may attain hundreds of thousands of kw. However, despite the great variety of types, dimensions, and designs of wind tunnels, their principal c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s a r e the s a m e ; and differences a r e due only t o the specific requirements which a given wind tunnel must fulfil. The main requirement of a wind tunnel is the possibility of obtaining a translational uniform r e c t i l i n e a r a i r flow. The fulfillment of this requirement is very difficult. To a f i r s t approximation linearity and flow uniformity a r e provided by the geometry of the tunnel walls and by internal constructional elements. :: Figure 2 . 3 shows the velocity distribution in t h e t e s t section. A s can be seen, over a l a r g e p a r t of the c r o s s section the velocity is uniform and rectilinear, forming a l a r g e l l c o r e l l in which the tested body can be placed. Outside this c o r e the velocity d e c r e a s e s t o z e r o a t the boundaries or walls. The c o r e should be a s l a r g e a s possible. The velocity distribution should not vary greatly over the length of the t e s t section, in which the s t a t i c p r e s s u r e should be constant; otherwise, the wing of an airplane would be tested under different conditions than the tail, The flow velocity in the t e s t section':;::: should not deviate f r o m the
Special attention should be paid to tlie shape of tlie n o ~ z l e ,test section. and diffuser. T h e linear dimensions of transonic tunnels should be accurate t o within t 1/200 to lAOO0, whilethestraightnesaofthe tunnel axis and the hlade angles of t h e fan, should be exact to within t 0.25" to t 0.5". In supersonic wind tunnels the contour coordinates of the nozzles are practically accurate to withln f 0.05 turn. Especially in the case of a high-speed tunnel, the inner walls must be not only smooth (the permissible roirghness is i- 0.01 t o 0.31nm). but also sufficiently strong and elastic to withstand damage by broken parts of t h e model and its supports in t h e test section and a t t h e leading edges o f the blades of high-speed fans and coniprcssors. For this reason. in closed-circuit high-speed runnels, provision inus; be m a d e for systematic dust removal. T h e flow conditions in other parts of [he runnel are important only in as much as they affect the flow conditions in the test section and rhe operation of the fan.
. I
mean value by m o r e than f0.5 to 0.7570, while the flow direction in the horizontal o r vertical plane should not deviate f r o m the axial direction by m o r e than f. 0.25".
speed tunnels
Usually the static p r e s s u r e v a r i e s linearly along the t e s t section in lowdP 100m/sec); withopen t e s t sections:%== 0.01 m-l (where p
1 is a time interval during which a l a r g e number of velocity fluctuations Since conventional tunnels a r e most occur. The value E is given in %. frequently equipped with measuring instruments giving averaged velocities, the turbulence level must b e taken into account when analyzing and interpreting the t e s t r e s u l t s . For indirect evaluation of the turbulence level in a wind tunnel we u s e the r e s u l t s of measuring the drag of a sphere. Such tests in wind tunnels having different turbulence levels, give different values of drag. Figure 2.4 shows the r e s u l t s of such t e s t s .
In tunnels with closed test sections, steps are also taken t o reduce the pressure gradient (see below).
Is with 1 1 TSAGI-T5
Knowing the turbulence level we can plot the diagram in Figure 2 . 4 a s a functional relationship =f(Re,,) where Re,, i s the Reynolds number In Figure 2. 5, the curve E % = f(Re,,)is very smooth , is 0.3:b. f o r which c and a g r e e s well with the r e s u l t s of various experiments, To find the turbulence level in a newly built tunnel, the d r a g of a sphere should be determined a t different flow velocities (or of s p h e r e s of different diameter a t a constant velocity) and the relationships cJ = f ( R e ) plotted. Determining f r o m this diagram the Reynolds number a t which c , = 0.3, we find f r o m Figure 2. 5 the value of 70. According to flight t e s t s , the critical Reynolds number for a sphere under atmospheric turbulence conditions i s 385,000. In properly designed wind tunnels the critical Reynolds number f o r a s p h e r e does not exceed 360,000 - 375,000 ( a = 0.2 t o 0.3%). The critical Reynolds number can a l s o be determined f r o m the p r e s s u r e difference between the frontal stagnation point and the point of flow separation f r o m the sphere. It was shown experimentally that the value c, = 0.3 corresponds to a r a t i o of 1 . 2 2 between this p r e s s u r e difference and the velocity head in the undisturbed flow. An important requirement f o r wind tunnels is the absence of flow-velocity fluctuations, which a r e mainly caused by the periodical shedding of vortices f r o m poorly streamlined elements of the tunnel, (fans, fairings, protruding p a r t s , etc.), and bythe poor streamlining of the tunnel in general, especially in the nozzle (in tunnels with open t e s t sections), diffuser, and
* At c, = 0.3 there is an abrupt change in
cI = f ( R e , e) ; this presents a more accurate determination
and c o r n e r s , A s a rule, such Xluctuations do not cause considerable changes in the aerodynamic characteristics of the t e s t body, but lengthen the t i m e required f o r measuring the aerodynamic forces, and cause damage t o the tunnel.
Velocity fluctuations can be eliminated by proper streamlining of the tunnel and installing special devices for breaking up vortices (outlets in the diffuser, etc.).
Requirements of wind -tunnel instruments Wind-tunnel t e s t instruments can be divided into 3 main groups, The first group comprises instruments for measuring the flow p a r a m e t e r s of the a i r - velocity, density, temperature, and humidity. The second group comprises instruments to determine the aerodynamic f o r c e s on the test models. The third group consists of instruments f o r determining the pattern of airflow around models. Instruments and devices for controlling and monitoring the operation of the tunnel itself and of the auxiliary installations, a r e not discussed here. The main requirements of wind-tunnel instrumentations a r e a s follows : 1. Stability in the period between instrument calibrations and t e s t checks; the systematic (instrument) e r r o r s must be constant. 2. Minimum flow perturbation by instruments both near the instrument and n e a r the t e s t object. 3 . Small random e r r o r s of measurement. To fulfill this l a s t requirement it is essential, before making any measurements in the tunnel, to determine carefully, with the aid of the e r r o r theory, the accuracy anticipated in the t e s t s . The e r r o r A F in a function F of a number of arguments li respectively subject to random e r r o r s AX,
(i. e., the e r r o r of indirect measurement) can be expressed i n t e r m s of the p a r t i a l derivatives of the functions 111
taking the random errors bxi a s the e r r o r s in a single measurement, a s determined by static calibration of the instrument. Although no definite conclusion can be drawn in this way on the accuracy of the whole experiment, which is affected by the dynamic characteristics of the instruments and by other factors, the method does permit evaluation of the effects of the various e r r o r s on the total e r r o r A F , and provides a n adequate b a s i s f o r selecting measuring instruments and equipment. F o r instance, four instruments are used in wind tunnel investigations of propeller efficiency, viz. of wind- tunnel balance f o r measuring the t h r u s t P and the torque M , a tachometer to m e a s u r e the rotational speed no of the propeller, and a manometer to m e a s u r e the flow velocity of the a i r . If the t e s t r e s u l t s a r e t o be used f o r predicting t o an accuracy of 170, the flight speed of a n a i r c r a f t equipped with this propeller, and i f we a s s u m e that all the errors ? r e of a random nature and a r i s e f r o m the determination of the propeller efficiency, the l a t t e r has t o be determined with a random e r r o r of not m o r e than *30/0, since the flight speed V is proportional to the cube root of the propeller efficiency
Each of the four instrument s y s t e m s used in determining the efficiency must therefore have a random error considerably s m a l l e r than rt370. It can be shown that the relative error of the efficiency measurement is
s o that i f each of the instruments has the s a m e accuracy, the limit of the permissible random e r r o r f o r each of them can be found f r o m the expression + 374 = r v43,
However,the flight speed of the a i r c r a f t is a function not only of the propeller efficiency but a l s o of the drag coefficient cx of the a i r f r a m e and the power N of the engine. If we suppose that each of these is subject t o the s a m e random e r r o r a s the efficiency, the l a t t e r will have t o be measured t o an accuracy Hence, the permissible random e r r o r in each of the four of -t-
1 1 1
The accuracy of experiments depends not only on the accuracy of the instruments but a l s o on the degree t o which s i m i l a r i t y conditions a r e maintained in the experiment, the exactness of boundary-layer corrections, the allowance made f o r the interference between the model and i t s supports, etc.
Types of wind-tunnel t e s t s T e s t s in wind tunnels can be divided into the following kinds: 1. Investigating the effects of the shape of the model on its aerodynamic c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s a s functions of the f r e e - s t r e a m velocity and the attitude of the model. Such experiments a r e , a s a rule, c a r r i e d out in two stages; the effect of various shapes is first investigated a t a constant flow velocity (usually in a low-speed tunnel), and, having selected the optimum shape, further t e s t s a r e c a r r i e d out a t different flow velocities in a high-speed": tunnel. 2. Testing of gas turbines, c o m p r e s s o r s , propellers, fans, etc. 3 . Testing the c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of a i r c r a f t engines (piston engines, turboj e t s , r a m j e t s , etc.). 4. Investigations of flight dynamics. 5. Investigations of the effects of aerodynamic f o r c e s on the elastic c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of s t r u c t u r e s of flying machines (for instance, the study of wing flutter). 6 . Physical testing concerned with the flow of a i r under different conditions. Studies of the boundary layer and of supersonic flow, etc. 7. Methodological r e s e a r c h involving wind tunnels a s physical instruments, the development of test methods, and the processing of derived data. Although the techniques used in all these investigations have much in common, it is n e c e s s a r y a s a rule to build wind tunnels with facilities specifically designed f o r a limited range of investigations. This has led t o the creation of the many types and designs of modern wind tunnels.
The effect of experimental conditions in wind tunnels Application of the r e s u l t s of wind-tunnel t e s t s to bodies moving under actual flow conditions is possible only i f experimental and actual conditions a r e completely s i m i l a r . However, even then (similarity conditions will be discussed below) the r e s u l t s of t e s t s in any wind tunnel r e q u i r e corrections specific to the experimental conditions of testing a particular model in a given wind tunnel. These corrections a r e chiefly concerned with the following p a r a m e t e r s of the experiment:
High- and low-speed tunnels require models of different strengths and designs.
1. Effect of flow quality. This is the effect of nonuniformities of velocity distribution and of flow direction in the empty tunnel, i. e., when its test section contains no model and is devoid of obstructions to the flow. After determining the characteristics of the tunnel, we can introduce a correction for the nonuniformity of flow velocity, using for processing the experimental r e s u l t s the arithmetic mean velocity a t the point where the model has its maximum span. Flow inclinations s m a l l e r than 0.25" can be neglected since the relevant correction will be only 1 to 1.570of the measured value. However, if the total flow inclination in the tunnel is a s high a s f 1 the correction for the inclination must take into account the fact that a s a rule, wind-tunnel balances m e a s u r e the components of the aerodynamic forces in directions parallel and perpendicular to the constructional axis of the tunnel, while the components to be measured a r e parallel and perpendicular to the flow direction.
Axis of drag
Figure 2. 6 shows the influence of the angle of flow inclination s on the magnitude of the coefficients of lift cy and of drag cx of the model. Since a is s m a l l we may write
c = c' - ac'
c , =c ;
where a is measured in radians. F o r modern airfoils, which have smalldrag, ac; i s small (of the order 2 to 370 of the value of c ; ) ; the magnitude of a c i is comparable with that of c:. For instance, the correction in cx when a = 1" and cy = 0.25 (corresponding to an angle of attack of about 2") is approximately 0.0045, whereas the t r u e magnitude of cX under these conditions is 0.015. 2. The effect of the model supports and s t r u t s . The components used to support the model obstruct the flow, and cause a general change in velocity and p r e s s u r e distributions around them; this, in turn, affects the magnitude of the aerodyhamic forces acting on the model. The supports also cause interference with nearby components of the model. Furthermore, the aerodynamic f o r c e s acting on the supports a r e partially transmitted to the wind-tunnel balance used for measuring the aerodynamic forces acting
on the model. A l l these effects must be taken into account and eliminated f r o m the t e s t r e s u l t s . Methods f o r eliminating the effects on the supports, and deriving test r e s u l t s r e f e r r i n g to the "clean" model a r e described below (Chapter VIII). 3. Wall effects. Under actual conditions of t e s t s in wind tunnels the flow boundaries have an important influence on the experimental r e s u l t s , In general, this effect consists in that the model is surrounded by air moving at a different velocity than that in a tunnel of infinite dimensions o r in f r e e space, while the streamlines near the model a r e distorted.
Wall effects in a closed test section of a wind tunnel. T h e solid lines show t h e streamlines corresponding to infinite flow; t h e broken lines tepresent :he tunnel walls which constrain t h e flow.
Figure 2 . 7 shows flow around an airfoil in a tunnel with closed t e s t section. It can be s e e n that the upper and lower walls of the test section constrain the streamlines near the model; this affects i,n particular the lift of the airfoil. In addition, tile flow velocity at the model is g r e a t e r than the velocity upstream, Since the m a s s flow r a t e is constant throughout the t e s t section, this change in velocity at the model leads to a change in the static p r e s s u r e . This cannot be avoided in practice, since the walls of the test section cannot be shaped strictly to conform to the streamlines in an infinite medium f o r models tested at various angles of attack. Wall-effect in a tunnel with open test section will d i f f e r f r o m those in a tunnel with closed test section. The most important factor determining wall effects is the magnitude of the velocity in the t e s t section. At velocities approaching the speed of sound, the nature of the wall effects changes sharply. Due to the complexity of the phenomena related to bounded flow around models in wind tunnels, the correction of the test results consists in allowing separately for each kind of interference. F 1o w b 1 o c k a g e . The degree of blockage, a s well as its effect, depend on the angle of attack and on the f r e e - s t r e a m velocity. At low flow velocities the blockage effect is small, but it becomes considerable
at l a r g e subsonic velocities, when supersonic regions of flow and shocks appear in the vicinity of the model. In low-speed tunnels, the permissible degree of blockage by the model and i t s supports is 5 to 6%. In transonic tunnels the permissible degree of blockage is only 2 t o 3%. Figure 2 . 8 i l l u s t r a t e s the blockage effect i n a tunnel at l a r g e subsonic velocities. The data have been calculated assuming M = 1 at the model and i t s supports, although the velocity of the undisturbed flow is considerably l e s s than the speed of sound. Figure 2 . 8 shows that the permissible dimensions of the model and supports (their c r o s s -sectional a r e a F ) rapidly d e c r e a s e with increasingfree-streamvelocity; a t M = 0.9 F is only about 1%of the cross-sectional area of the t e s t section 1 2 1 . Additional effects a r e due to the increasing thickness of the boundary l a y e r , s o that it is very difficult t o c o r r e c t adequately the r e s u l t s of t e s t s made a t n e a r sonic flow velocities. In addition t o flow blockage by the model, the blockage effect of wakes in closed-section wind tunnels is a l s o important. Because of p r e s s u r e l o s s e s in the flow around a model the total p r e s s u r e in the wake is s m a l l e r than the total p r e s s u r e outside it, while the s t a t i c p r e s s u r e s in and outside the wake a r e practically the s a m e : thus, by Bernoulli's Law, the velocity head and the velocity in the wake will be l e s s than outside the wake. Because the m a s s flow r a t e remains constant, the wake causes a local increase in local supersonic flow occurs. velocity near the model. FIGURE 2.8. The influence of the Wakes appear in the t e s t section not only blockage effect in [lie lest section on downstream of the model, but a l s o downstream the onsc't ofsupc.rsonic flow. F, is the of s t r u c t u r a l tunnel elements situated upstream cross-sectional area of the test section; of the test section. Such elements include air P IS the cross-sectional area of the model and supports. coolers, supports, vanes, etc. Static -pressure g r a d i e n t . Because of the velocity increase near the model, the static p r e s s u r e in the flow decreases and a horizontal buoyancy force appears, giving rise to spurious drag in measurements with wind-tunnel balances o r with manometers used f o r measuring the s t a t i c - p r e s s u r e distribution on the s u r f a c e of the model>:. If, however, the forrr, drag is determined by measuring the total p r e s s u r e s upstream and downstream of the model, the static - p r e s s u r e gradient in the t e s t section has no effect. An axial s t a t i c - p r e s s u r e gradient can a l s o be caused by a n increase in boundary-layer thickness along the walls of the t e s t sections o r the nozzles since this causes a reduction in the effective c r o s s section of the tunnel; the resulting velocity increase in the flow c o r e leads t o a decrease in s t a t i c p r e s s u r e . This effect can be greatly reduced by gradually increasing the c r o s s section of the tunnel by amounts calculated t o compensate f o r the gradual increase in boundary-layer thickness. For this purpose the t e s t section is slightly conical (diverging a t an angle of 0.5 t o 0.75").
When the static pressure increases toward the diffuser, the horizontal buoyancy force will reduce the value of the drag as measured by the wind tunnel,
L i f t e f f e c t . Lift effect is due t o the constraints t o flow around a lift-producing airfoil, caused by the boundary l a y e r . The resulting i n c r e a s e in velocity, and thus in lift, is apparent even in models whose dimensions a r e very s m a l l in relation t o those of the tunnel. The effect disappears completely f o r airfoils of z e r o lift. It is necessary to reduce the dimensions of models in wind tunnels operated a t near-sonic velocities in o r d e r t o avoid local velocity i n c r e a s e s and shocks. This reduction in s i z e causes a corresponding reduction in the corrections f o r the lift effect.
Energy r a t i o and economical. design of wind tunnels The energy r a t i o of a wind tunnel was defined by Joukowski a s the r a t i o of the power available in the t e s t section to the installed power N . The power available is measured in t e r m s of the r a t e of flow of kinetic energy in the t e s t section, and is
mVz ~
1 = 2 ~
-, F p
where p is the density and V the flow velocity of the a i r in the t e s t section whose cross-sectional a r e a is F . The energy r a t i o is thus
1 pFV3
The energy r a t i o S may attain a value of 4 o r m o r e in a well-designed tunnel, since p a r t of the kinetic energy of the a i r in the t e s t section is derived in the nozzle f r o m the potential energy of p r e s s u r e , However, the economical design of wind tunnels is not m e r e l y a m a t t e r of maximizing A ; the installation must be designed a s a whole t o provide uniform flow through the t e s t section, ease of testing with the highest possible m a s s flow r a t e and careful maintenance of the s i m i l a r i t y conditions.
Figure 2.9 shows schematically the layout of the TsAGI-T1;2 tunnel /3/, built in 1926. The tunnel has two octagonal closed t e s t sections whose widths a r e 3 and 6 m , and in which maximum flow velocities of 75 and 3 0 m / s e c respectively a r e obtained with a 600h. p. fan. In open-circuit tunnels with closed t e s t sections the p r e s s u r e is lower than i n the surrounding medium. This makes it m o r e difficult t o c a r r y out t e s t s , and introduces inaccuracies into the determination of the f o r c e s acting on the model, since atmospheric a i r leaks through the glands where the model supports p a s s through the w a l l s of the t e s t section. F o r t h e s e r e a s o n s ,
tunnels with open t e s t sections came into use; such tunnels a r e surrounded by so-called Eiffel chambers (Figure 2. 10). In such a chamber, which is usually sufficiently l a r g e to provide working space f o r personnel and t e s t equipment, the p r e s s u r e is equalized to that of the flow. Although the t o t a l - p r e s s u r e l o s s e s in the t e s t section of such a chamber a r e about 2070 higher than those in closed t e s t sections, tunnels with Eiffel chambers a r e successfully used.
Eiffel chamber
FIGURE 2.10.
The Eiffel chamber surrounding the open t e s t section p e r m i t s t e s t s of l a r g e r models and reduces the wall effects in comparison with a closed t e s t section, but when an Eiffel chamber is provided, open-circuit tunnels have a nonuniform velocity distribution and a relatively l a r g e power consumption (low energy r a t i o ) . The siting of the tunnel in the tunnel house, especially i t s height above the floor and the distance of the air intake f r o m the wall, as well as absence of obstacles t o flow, such as roof pillars, all affect the quality of the flow i n the t e s t section.
If the tunnel-house c r o s s section is l a r g e compared with the c r o s s section of the tunnel (e. g., a tunnel-house width of about 5 o r 6 times the tunnel diameter), the velocity distribution in the tunnel will be satisfactory. A i r should not be drawn directly f r o m atmosphere into an open-circuit tunnel, since this leads t o instability and nonuniformity of flow in the t e s t section. The T s A G I - T I ; ~ tunnel (Figure 2.9) is of a type, intermediate between the open-circuit and the closed-circuit type, which is most widely $sed. A c h a r a c t e r i s t i c feature of the T-1;2 tunnel is the fact that the tunnel house f o r m s a r e v e r s e diffuser, s o that the flow velocity in this tunnel is uniform t o within 1 % ; the energy r a t i o is 3.5, whenahoneycomb is provided.
FIGURE 2.11.
Closed-Circuit-Tunnels In this type of tunnel a gradually widening diffuser leads the a i r back into the nozzle, s o that the a i r continually r e c i r c u l a t e s in a closed loop. Typical closed-circuit tunnels with open and closed t e s t sections a r e shown in Figures 2 . 1 1 and 2 . 1 2 . Figure 2 . 13 shows the test section of a closed-circuit full-size tunnel (NASA, U . S. A . ) . The main elements of such tunnels a r e : nozzle, t e s t
FIGURE 2.12.
PVL tunnel.
FIGURE 2.13.
V = 53 m/sec;
9.1 m;
section, diffuser, fan, c o r n e r s with vanes, return duct, and settling chamber with s t r a i g h t e n e r s . These elements a r e essential not only in low-speed tunnels, but also in tunnels f o r l a r g e subsonic and supersonic velocities. Their u s e in subsonic wind tunnels w i l l be discussed below. The f u r t h e r discussion of transonic o r supersonic tunnels w i l l deal specifically with those c h a r a c t e r i s tic f e a t u r e s which a r i s e f r o m the presence of sonic and supersonic flow in certain regions in certain regions of the tunnels.
Nozzle The principal function of the nozzle i s the acceleration of the low-speed air enteri-ng it f r o m the settling chamber to the velocity required in the t e s t section. In addition, because of its gradually decreasing c r o s s section, the nozzle reduces the velocity nonuniformity. The shape and dimensions of the nozzle determine not only the magnitude of the velocity, but a l s o its uniformity, and affect the energy loss in the nozzle mainly due t o friction at the walls. These l o s s e s a r e expressed a s a fraction of the velocity head o r of the total head p
+ p?
is the s t a t i c p r e s s u r e and V the flow velocity in the test section. The working principle of the nozzle is a s follows: Suppose that the a i r moves with velocity VI a t one point of the c r o s s section I , a t t h e nozzle inlet, and with velocity VI + A V , at another point of this c r o s s section. The p r e s s u r e can be considered constant at all points of this c r o s s section where the flow velocities a r e considerably l e s s than the speed of sound at which p r e s s u r e perturbations a r e propagated. Let the velocities a t two points of a c r o s s section I1 in the t e s t section be Vz and Vz + AVz. Neglecting t h e s q u a r e s of the s m a l l quantities AVi and AVZ we obtain f r o m Bernoulli's equation f o r the two s t r e a m l i n e s , we obtain
where n="=$
variations in the test section a r e n2 times l e s s than the velocity variations at the nozzle inlet.
FIGURE 2.14.
a nozzle.
Velocity equalization i n
The reduction of velocity variations in the nozzle leads also to a reduced turbulence in the t e s t section. Figure 2.15 shows the r e s u l t s of
Flow direction
Nozzle 4 -
Distance from honeycomb a t nozzle inlet Mesh size of honeycomb FIGURE 2.15. Variation o f the components o f the velocity fluctuation along a nozzle.
and t r a n s v e r s e
velocity Vo upstream of the nozzle and plotted a s functions of the distance f r o m the nozzle inlet. The contraction r a t i o n of this nozzle was 1 0 : 1, and the a i r had f i r s t t o pass through a honeycomb and a gauze s c r e e n . Figure 2.16 shows the c r i t i c a l Reynolds number for a sphere as a function of t h e contraction r a t i o n (as measured by Horner) 141.
FIGURE 2.16.
Effect of n o zzl e contraction ratio
It can be seen that with increasing contraction r a t i o of the nozzle, the critical Reynolds number increases; this proves the reduction in turbulence. A high contraction r a t i o reduces the tunnel-power requirements considerably, since it permits low velocities almost throughout the tunnel, causing small energy l o s s e s . In modern tunnels the contraction r a t i o v a r i e s between 4 and 25, depending on the type of tunnel. The nozzle contraction r a t i o is determined, in designing the tunnel, f r o m the required velocity i n the t e s t section and f r o m constructional consideration. To avoid unnecessary l o s s e s , the designed velocity of the a i r entering the nozzle is held within the l i m i t s of 1 0 t o 25 m / s e c in lowspeed tunnels (maximum flow velocity, 1 0 0 to 1 5 0 m / s e c ) and 20 to 5 0 m / s e c in tunnels f o r l a r g e subsonic speeds (maximum flow velocity 250 to 300 m / s e c ) . F o r a t e s t section of given size, any increase in nozzle contraction r a t i o necessitates a considerable increase of a l l other tunnel dimensions which complicates construction and adds t o the cost. The nozzle profile is designed t o provide uniform velocity distribution a t the outlet. The velocity variation along the walls must be such that no boundary layer separation occurs, although this is inevitable under r e a l conditions of gas flow. F r o m this point of view a longer nozzle is t o be preferred. However, a very long nozzle not only causes a l a r g e increase in the boundary-layer thickness, but is a l s o inadmissible because of t h e design considerations mentioned above. It i s standard practice based on operating experience t o make the nozzle length equal t o about 1.5 t o 2.5 times the diameter. A t the outlet of the nozzle t h e r e is usually a s t r a i g h t cylindrical section 0.1 t o 0.2 nozzle inlet diameters long, t o provide a gradual transition f r o m t h e nozzle t o the t e s t section.
The nozzle profile is usually designed t o follow the curve (due t o Vitoshinskii)
where r is the radius of the nozzle c r o s s section a t a distance z along the axis f r o m the inlet, and the inlet and outlet r a d i i a r e denoted by r ; and
ro respectively (when Z = Z r=r,).
and a is usually taken a s 4r0. Since the settling chamber is often of s q u a r e or rectangular c r o s s section, and the nozzle-outlet section(test-section inlet) is an ellipse, transition pieces a r e provided between them in o r d e r t o ensure s t r e a m line flow. If the settling chamber is rectangular and the nozzle is of eliptical section it is sufficient t o havz erght such pieces f o r each quarter of the ellipse. The shape of the nozzle walls thus obtained is usually corrected for the effect of boundary-layer thickening>:. Frequently, the nozzles a r e not axisymmetric. Either the two vertical walls a r e plane and the upper and lower walls curved, or all four walls may be curved, 1 a s shown in Figure 2 . 1 7 . This shape is dictated by production considerations, FIGURE 2.17. Nozzle with four curved since it is difficult to manufacture a l a r g e walls. (axisymmetrical) nozzle with a high degree of accuracy, and also because of the general layout of the tunnel. The side r a t i o of the nozzle is governed by the intended function of the tunnel. If, f o r instance, the tunnel is intended f o r testing airfoils at s m a l l angles of attack, it is best t o have a wide t e s t section and thus to remove the central c r o s s section of the airfoil, which is the sectionmost frequently tested, from the tunnel walls which might otherwise affect the experiment. In wind tunnels f o r testing models of complete a i r c r a f t , the t e s t section should be wider than its height (usually 1.5 times a s much), s o as to permit testing a i r c r a f t of large wing span in a tunnel of given cross-sectional a r e a , thus improving the conditions of similarity In tunnels for l a r g e subsonic veloctties, the nozzle outlet is made s q u a r e or round, t o facilitate three-dimensional studies. If t e s t s at l a r g e angles of attack a r e intended, the model should be installedat some distance f r o m the upper and lower walls of the t e s t section. In such cases the height of the nozzle is much l a r g e r than the width, s i d e ratios of 3 : 1 being common. Before building l a r g e and expensive wind tunnels, models of the tunnels a r e tested for nozzle-outlet flow quality, s o that the design may be corrected.
7 3
Particularly in supersonic tunnels, since a quite small change in t h e effective cross section of the nozzle ( d u e t o boundary layer thickening) causes a considerable change in velocity. For instance, a 1% reduction in the nozzle cross section near the rhroat will cause a velocity increase of 9 % at M = 1.
. .
T e s t section
The test section has t h e same c r o s s section as the nozzle outlet, and may be' either open or closed. An open test section has the great advantage of providing freer access to test models and instruments. Open test-section tunnels a r e s o m e t i m e s subject to s e v e r e low-frequency flow pulsation which can endanger the tunnel s t r u c t u r e ; they arise f r o m eddies at the nozzle outlet and at the free j e t boundaries. Pulsations c a n be damped out b y providing the diffuser inlet with s e v e r a l rows of vents, and by mounting triangular o r parabolic tabs, bent outward f r o m the flow axis at a n angle of 20" (Figure 2.18),
at the periphery of the nozzle outlet. Sometimes "knives" [spoilers] are installed f o r this purpose around the edge of the nozzle, projecting slightly into the jet. In spite of these drawbacks, m o s t modern wind tunnels f o r flow velocities below 1 0 0 to 1 5 0 m / s e c have open test sections. This is especially t r u e f o r l a r g e tunnels, for which the e a s e of mounting and adjusting models is of decisive importance i n choosing the type of test section. At higher maximum flow velocities i n the tunnel the required fan power may be reduced by enclosing the est section. The length of the closed section is designed t o permit tests of different types of models. F o r tunnels
designedfortestingmodels of wings, a i r c r a f t , etc., a 1.5 to 2 diameters longtest section is sufficient. Intunnels intended f o r testing elongated bodies, such a s rockets and hulls of submarines and ships, the length of the t e s t section is 2 t o 4 diameters. To maintain a constant axial flow velocity, the c r o s s sectional a r e a of a closed t e s t section should gradually i n c r e a s e in the flow direction t o compensate for the thickening of the boundary layer. Despite the dependence of this phenomenon on the velocity, p r e s s u r e and temperature, which all vary in space and time, in practice, a constant t a p e r of the t e s t section is sufficient. For instance, in c i r c u l a r t e s t sections / 5 / the taper should be between 0.1 and 0.25" for l a r g e Reynolds number ( R e = lo7 t o l o 8 ) and between 0.25 and 0.5" for s m a l l Reynolds numbers ( R e = l o 5 t o lo6). The static p r e s s u r e can be maintained constant throughout very long t e s t sections by providing vents to atmosphere. Such a t e s t section, whose length equals 5 diameters, is used in the wind tunnel of the Hamburg Shipbuilding Institute, Some experiments r e q u i r e exceptionally Q long t e s t sections. In particular, a special wind tunnel f o r studying low-speed rising a i r c u r r e n t s (5 t o 15 c m / s e c ) has a conical t e s t section some 1 0 diameters long (Figure 2. 19). The t e s t section is equipped with a fan f o r boundary-layer removal,
Dif f u se r The diffuser of the tunnel is a gradually widening duct downstream of the t e s t section and serving for the more efficient conversion of the kinetic energy of the a i r into p r e s s u r e energy. In closedcircuit tunnels a diffuser is also n e c e s s a r y to prevent excessive friction (and l a r g e power requirements) due t o high flow velocities which would also cause poor flow quality in the t e s t section and render impossible the reliable measurements of aerodynamic forces. The performance of a diffuser, i. e., its capability of converting the kinetic energy into p r e s s u r e energy, is mainly influenced by the magnitude and distribution o f the velocity a t its inlet, its divergence angle, and the expansion ratio. FIGURE 2.19. Tunnel with very long The t o t a l - p r e s s u r e l o s s e s in the test section. diffuser (Figure 2. 20) a r e conveniently expressed as fractions of the velocity head a t its outlet and inlet, where the flow p a r a m e t e r s a r e respectively v d , pd , and ,pod and V,, , pts , and pOts.respectively.
Thus :
where Cd is the r e s i s t a n c e coefficient of the diffuser, and is related to the t o t a l - p r e s s u r e r e c o v e r y coefficient vd of the diffuser by the expression 1 6 1 :
Pa t S
FIGURE 2 . 2 0 .
A diffuser.
The r e s i s t a n c e coefficient Ld greatly depends on the Reynolds number at the diffuser inlet, especially when Re i s l e s s than IO' ( F i g u r e 2 . 2 1 ) .
The resistance coefficient of the diffuser is virtually constant above Re= lo7 (Figure 2. 22). It has been shown experimentally that the Mach number of the diffuser inlet has little influence at subsonic flow velocities.
The coefficient cddepends on the diffuser divergence and on the expansion r a t i o in it. The optimum divergence angle at which a is minimum, is about 6". At s m a l l e r divergence angles & i n c r e a s e s because of the consequent increase in the diffuser length. At divergence angles above Bo, l o s s e s i n c r e a s e due to nonuniform velocity distribution a c r o s s the diffuser.
v 'a-6'
2 u -
092 9
FIGURE 2.23. Influence of divergence angle of a conical diffuser on total-pressure recovery coefficient
Figure 2.23 shows the influence o f t h e divergence angle onthe total-pressure recovery coefficient of the diffuser 71. In practice cd is frequently determined in a s i m p l e r manner. Experimental evidence shows that the expression
is a satisfactory approximation of the l o s s e s in a diffuser. F o r conventional diffusers with divergence angles below lo", at which no flow separation occurs at the diffuser walls, + d i v = 0.15 t o 0.20. When the air f r o m the diffuser is discharged into a l a r g e chamber, additional l o s s e s have to be taken into account in determining the t o t a l - p r e s s u r e recovery
. . .
. _ . _
.-- . .. -,
.., ,
coefficient. These l o s s e s a r e due to the finite velocity of the air leaving the diffuser, whose kinetic energy is not recovered, since the s t a t i c p r e s s u r e at the diffuser outlet is equal t o the total p r e s s u r e in the chamber. These l o s s e s a r e usually called exhaust l o s s e s . A t the diffuser outlet
where Pdv pod and Ad a r e the s t a t i c p r e s s u r e , total p r e s s u r e , and Mach number at the diffuser outlet. However, pd = pc,where pc is the p r e s s u r e in the chamber. Hence
d exh'
The length of the diffuser is determined, on the one hand, by i t s divergence angle, and on the other, by the overall dimensions of the tunnel and the tunnel house. Actually, the whole r e t u r n circuit of the tunnel between test section and settling chamber f o r m s a diffuser with s m a l l cylindrical portions in t h e zones where the fan is installed and at the c o r n e r s which a r e difficult t o construct in tapering f o r m . In practice the t e r m "diffuser" is applied to the f i r s t p a r t of the circuit situated between the t e s t section and the f i r s t c o r n e r (Figure 2.11). Between the f i r s t and second c o r n e r s t h e r e is usually a s h o r t cylindrical portion. The portion between the second and third c c r n e r s (the "return duct") is, with the exception of the fan mounting, a l s o a diffuser with a slightly l a r g e r divergence angle (8" to 10') than that of the diffuser after the t e s t section. In a tunnel with an open test section the dimensions of the diffuser inlet a r e selected t o enable the diffuser to collect most of the a i r emerging f r o m the nozzle in a diverging s t r e a m . * The half-width and half-height of the diffuser inlet should therefore exceed the corresponding dimensions of the nozzle exit by a n amount k l , where k i s the tangent of the angle between the f r e e jet boundary and the t e s t section axis, and I is the distance between the nozzle outlet and the diffuser inlet 181. The measurements by G. N, Abramovich suggest that k = 0.045.
Fan installation
It is n e c e s s a r y to supply energy to r e p l a c e l o s s e s and maintain the air flow in a wind tunnel. In closed-circuit tunnels this is provided by means of fans o r blowers; subsonic tunnels usually employ single- or two-stage fans. The power required by the fan is a function of the fan head, which is calculated f r o m the aerodynamic design data for the tunnel, by considering
The fitting of a collar to the inlet of the diffuser (Figure 2. 11) rcdiices the static-pressure gradient i n the test section.
the hydraulic l o s s e s a s the a i r passes through it. The details will be explained below. The maximum angular velocity and the diameter of the fan a r e limited by the f a n tip speed, which must not exceed 180 to 2OOm/sec. A net of 25 to 50" m e s h is mounted u p s t r e a m of the fan to protect it f r o m mechanical damage, by trapping any components which may accidentally break loose f r o m the model or i t s supports in the test section. Straightening vanes a r e installed behind the fan impeller to reduce turbulence. In a two-stage fan an intermediate flow straightener, placed between the impellers of the first and the second stage, c r e a t e s the necessary flow conditions at the inlet to the second stage. Generally, the flow velocity is adjusted by altering the fan speed, the fan motor being provided with continuously variable speed control, The multistage c o m p r e s s o r s of transonic and supersonic tunnels usually have fixed air-straightening vanes fitted with a feathering mechanism, either on the vanes themselves o r on flaps attached to them, for controlling the delivery and compression ratio of the c o m p r e s s o r to suit different operating conditions (values of Re and M of the tunnel. The ARA (Great Britain) tunnel c o m p r e s s o r is shown in Figure 2.24.
Intermediate Compressor blades guide>V
FIGURE 2. 24.
In large high-speed tunnels, designed for operation over a l a r g e range of Mach numbers, it is sometimes m o r e suitable to regulate the flow velocity in the test section by switching off s o m e stages of the compressor, o r to use separate c o m p r e s s o r s part of which can be bypassed. Such a s y s t e m is used, for instance, in the A E D C supersonic tunnel (U.S.A.), which has a power consumption of 216,000 h. p.> the test-section Mach number being variable f r o m 1.4 to 3.5 by de-energising some of the compressors. In several tunnels the velocity is controlledby feathering the fan o r c o m p r e s s o r blades at constant speed. However, the complications of such a design a r e hardly justified.
- - ------
I... I . . . .
...... ..--.-.I.
The characteristics of the fan depend strongly on the clearance between the blade tips and the tunnel wall, which should be a s s m a l l a s possible. T h e r e is some danger of breaking the blades, and the clearance should be between 30 and 40" when the fan diameter exceeds 5 m, although a 20 o r 3 0 " clearance is suitable f o r fans having diameters of 2 t o 5 m , and 5 t o 15" f o r s m a l l e r fans. A t these clearances the fan efficiency will not d e c r e a s e m o r e than 1 or 2%. To avoid destructive vibrations, the fan must be balanced statically t o an accuracy b e t t e r than 5 o r 1 0 g r a m s p e r m e t e r diameter, and the blade angles must be s e t with a tolerance not exceeding 0.25".
Corners In closed-circuit tunnels the a i r which e m e r g e s from the test section must be returned to the nozzle, i. e.. must circulate through 360". The turn is made in four c o r n e r s , each of 90". The shape of the r e t u r n c o r n e r s , and especially of the fourth (Figure 2. 2 6 ) should not cause uneven or turbulent flow. Rounded c o r n e r s a r e aerodynamic-. 1 R , , ' ally better than s h a r p right angles. It i s , however, structurally e a s i e r t o make c o r n e r s of s m a l l curvature. The resistance coefficient of c o r n e r s and thus, the flow uniformity, depend on the ratios R f W and RIH, where R is the radius of curvature, W the width, and H 1.4 the height of the c o r n e r . The higher these ratios (up to certain limits ), the 1.2 s m a l l e r the l o s s e s . Figure 2.25 shows the r e s i s t a n c e coefficient 5 of c o r n e r s 1.0 a s a function of R / H : C=A!?L 08
@ -_
0 . 6
Here Apo is the t o t a l - p r e s s u r e loss in the c o r n e r and pV2/2 i s the velocity head a t the inlet. Low flow velocities a r e
internal b r a c e s inside them whose surfaces can be used t o cool the air. Figure 2.26 shows c o r n e r vanes and bends f o r the A-6MGU closedcircuit wind tunnel which has a rated flow velocity of 1 0 0 m / s e c . To reduce turbulence the number of vanes in the fourth corner is l a r g e r , and t h e i r chord length is l e s s than in other c o r n e r s . In o r d e r t o adjust the flow direction downstream, vanes with adjustable flaps a r e sometimes fitted a t the corners.(in particular the fourth), the axes of the flaps being perpendicular to the vane chords. In l a r g e tunnels these flaps also provide s t r u c t u r a l support for the vanes, it being difficult t o manufacture and mount vanes of very l a r g e span. The effect of c o r n e r vanes is illustrated in Figures 2 . 2 7 and 2. 28. When vanes of airfoil section a r e fitted, the velocity distribution becomes approximately uniform a t a distance of 1 t o 1.5 widths f r o m the c o r n e r , whereas without vanes the velocity distribution is still nonuniform at a distance of about 4 widths downstream,
Settling chambers The settling chamber s e r v e s to straighten and smooth the flow downs t r e a m of the fourth corner; it is normally 1 . 5 to 2 widths long. A honeycomb
FIGURE 2.26.
A honeycomb consists of a grid with cells of 0.5 to 2mrrA:> wall thickness, the thickness of the honeycomb being some 5 to 1 0 times the mean cell width. The honeycomb straightens the flow by breaking up l a r g e eddies, and also reduces the spread of longitudinal velocities. A t the s a m e time, the honeycomb itself causes a certain turbulence due t o the wake formed by the cell walls. In settling chambers, therefore, where the honeycomb is the only fitting, the overall length of the chamber must be increased s o that this turbulence decays before the nozzle inlet.
FIGURE 2.21. Velocity-head distribution downstream of a corner fitted with guide vanes.
( ~ = o . I ; I bo = o
. ? j
_Lo- O.'.
In recent y e a r s it has become common practice to install a wire net behind the honeycomb, in o r d e r to dampen turbulence and t o increase the uniformity of the velocity distribution. Such a s c r e e n must be made of small-gage wire and be of fine mesh. Figure 2 . 2 9 shows the effect of s c r e e n s having different resistance coefficients, on the evenness of the flow 191.
FIGURE 2.29. T h e smoothing effect of screens having different resistance coefficients.
T h e mean c e l l width is normally between 1To and 270 of the mean width of the settling chamber.
The smoothing action of s c r e e n s is based on the fact that l o s s e s a r e proportional t o the s q u a r e of the velocity [ s o that the relative velocity reduction of the faster moving particles is much greater]. Theory suggests that a velocity perturbation AV, u p s t r e a m of the s c r e e n will produce a corresponding perturbation AV2 downstream, where
AV -%AV,,
that it will decay completely, upstream of the t e s t section. The principal function of settling-chamber s c r e e n s is, however, t o reduce the f r e e s t r e a m turbulence in the test section. They s e r v e t o reduce both the intensity of the initial turbulence in the t e s t section, and the s c a l e of turbulence L defined by the formula / 1O/
where tin=
turbulence lev21 when a s c r e e n of aperture s i z e M is in position, x,ff is the distance downstream t o the point where turbulence is effectively damped out; E~ is the turbulence level without a screen, and A is a dimensionless constant. Experiments by Dryden / 1 1 / suggest that the constant A has a value of 0,206. The s c a l e of turbulence a t the plane of the honeycomb o r s c r e e n is equal t o the s i z e of its apertures. The net effect of the intensity and the s c a l e of turbulence is given by Taylor's complex p a r a m e t e r
T = ED ( ~'I2 ) ,
where D is a typical dimension of the t e s t body (for instance the diameter of a sphere). T e s t r e s u l t s of the reduction in the turbulence level, caused by the installation of a s c r e e n , a g r e e with calculations of the corresponding d e c r e a s e in the magnitude of the p a r a m e t e r T. Figure 2.30 shows the dependence of the r a t i o of the turbulence level , , on the distance in the test section to the f r e e - s t r e a m turbulence level E A s can be seen, x,ff needed t o reduce turbulence to negligible proportions the turbulenck is substantially reduced at a distance of only 5000 aperture s i z e s downstream of the screen. The s c r e e n selected should have a n aperture s i z e between 2 and 5 mm and a r e s i s t a n c e coefficient 5 between 1.8
and 2. 2, and should be installed a s far as possible f r o m t h e t e s t section. In selecting s c r e e n s the following expression / 1 2 / obtained f r o m t e s t s of s c r e e n s a t Reynolds numbers between 500 and 2000 may be used:
(T) 1-7
FIGURE 2 . 3 1 . Influence of Reynolds n u n ~ b e ron [hydraulic] resistance of screcI1.
the coefficient 5 being determined f r o m Figure 2.31. The Reynolds number a t the s c r e e n should be calculated f r o m the f r e e - s t r e a m velocity and the mean wire diameter.
Variable -density wind tunnels Variable- density wind tunnels were originally developed as a means f o r increasing the Reynolds number without increasing either the tunnel dimensions o r the power required. Later such tunnels were built also for l a r g e velocities. Comparing the formulas for the power required
we s e e , that if the Reynolds number is increased by r a i s i n g the flow velocity, the power required will i n c r e a s e a s the cube of the velocity; if the Reynolds number is increased by increasing the linear dimensions, the power required will i n c r e a s e as the s q u a r e of the linear dimensions, but when the Reynolds number is increased by raising the density, the power required will be directly proportional to the density of a i r . The expressions f o r
N,Re, and M=-
Raising the tunnel p r e s s u r e complicates its design and adds to the difficulty of experimental work because of the need f o r remote measurements and monitoring. However, this is compensated by increased accuracy and lower power requirements. The e a r l i e s t variable-density tunnels operated at comparatively high p r e s s u r e s ; the contraction ratios of the nozzles were small, s o that the velocity distribution was very nonuniform. Later, t u n i e l s with initial p r e s s u r e of 4 t o 8 a t m and high nozzle-contraction ratios were increasingly used, Figure 2 . 3 2 shows a variable-density tunnel a t the California Institute of Technology"" This tunnel features a decompression s p h e r e containing the t e s t rig. Entry t o the tunnel t o a l t e r or adjust the model is through airlocks which isolate the decompression sphere f r o m the r e s t the tunnel, whose p r e s s u r e need not be released.
T h e properties and temperature of the medium are assumed constant, T h e tunnel has now been modernized. Its power has been increased from 12,000 h.p. to 40,000 h. p. a t M = 1.8. [See Millikan. C. B, High Speed Testing in t h e Southern California Co-operative Wind Tunnel. Aeromechanical Conference, London 1947, p. 131.-Roy. Aero. S. 1948.1 T h e tunnel is equipped with 3 test sections, for subsonic, transonic and supersonic velocities.
Variable-density wind tunnels can be operated at p r e s s u r e s either above or below atmospheric. The maximum f r e e - s t r e a m velocity can thus be obtained i n the tunnel f o r any given power. This facility is useful when
Adjustable guide vanes Twin 16-blade impellers
Fixed guide
< Ji
FIGURE 2.32.
California Institute of Technology variable density wind tunnel ( p = 0.2 to 4 atm, of test cection 2 . 5 9 ~ 3.66mZ.
only compressibility effects a r e being studied, although the Reynolds number decreases with the density. Variable-density tunnels a r e particularly useful when testing the combined influence of Reynolds and Mach numbers on aerodynamic c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s . Figure 2 . 3 3 shows another variable-density tunnel (U. S. A. )
Special low-speed tunnels Certain aerodynamic problems demand special wind tunnels adapted to particular kinds of t e s t s . Such tunnels include airspin tunnels, free-flight tunnels, low-turbulence tunnels, wind-gust tunnels, vertical-flow tunnels, tunnels f o r cooled and humidified media, radiator- type , and other tunnels. All these tunnels have much in common with standard wind tunnels, but d i f f e r f r o m them considerably in design, equipment, and testing techniques.
Airspin tunnels Airspin tunnels were developed t o a s s i s t in solving problems of nonsteady motion of a i r c r a f t , and especially of spin. They a r e a l s o used f o r t e s t s of helicopters, parachutes, bodies of small r e s i s t a n c e , etc.
Settling chamber
Motor room
FIGURE 2.33.
( N = l l , OOOh . p . ; M = 0 . 9 7 ; o l , , , = 3 . 6 6 m ; p = 0.17-6
Airspin tunnels a r e installed vertically with the air flowing upwards a s shown in Figure 2. 3 4 . One of the l a r g e s t a i r s p i n tunnels is the vertical NASA tunnel which has a dodecagonal t e s t section 6.1 m e t e r s a c r o s s , and a rated flow velocity of 30 m / s e c at a power of 400 h. p. Figure 2 . 3 5 shows the t e s t section of this tunnel. Free-flight photographs in the t e s t section of this tunnel p e r m i t the spin c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of the model t o be investigated. In the nozzle and diffuser, and around the t e s t section, nets a r e installed ing the model when the flow is
Free-flight tunnels Models f o r free-flight testing in tunnels must, like the models f o r a i r s p i n tunnels, have m a s s and rigidity c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s s i m i l a r t o t h o s e of the full-scale a i r c r a f t . Airspin tunnel at the The model is usually provided with a lightFIGURE 2.34. Monticelli laboratory (Italy), weight electrical motor driving a small N =150 h.p., vm,,=25m/sec. propeller. The control s u r f a c e s of the model (rudder and ailerons) a r e adjusted by electromagnetically operated r e m o t e controls. Figure 2.36 shows schematically a l a r g e free-flight tunnel of NASA. The octagonal closed t e s t section has an inscribed-circle diameter of 3 . 6 6 m ; the maximum flow velocity is 2 7 . 5 m / s e c , and the power required
4 4
is 600 h. p. To adjust the Reynolds number, which considerably affects the c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of flight stability, the tunnel is housed in a s t e e l s p h e r e of 1 8 . 3 m diameter, which can be either evacuated, o r pressurized t o 4 atm.
FIGURE 2.35.
At the beginning of the t e s t the model is installed stationary on the horizontal floor of the t e s t section. The flow velocity is then increased, and a t the appropriate instant the elevators a r e operated s o that the model rises f r o m the floor. Free-flight t e s t s are begun when the model has r i s e n almost t o the axis of the tunnel, photographs under various flight conditions being taken with a movie camera f r o m which the c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of the motion of the model can be determined.
* I n certain low-tiirbulence t~innels the Reynolds number may b e increased by reducing t h e free-stream
mounted on the vertical side walls of the tunnel, s o that the flow at the center line of the model closely approximates the flow around a wing of infinite span. Low-turbulence tunnels a r e used mainly f o r studying the boundary-layer s t r u c t u r e of the a i r flow around variously shaped bodies and f o r investigating the influence of turbulence and the s t a t e of the surfaces of bodies on their aerodynamic characteristics.
Figure 2.37 shows schematically the low-turbulence A.V.A. open-ciruit wind tunnel Gottingen, (Germany). A i r f r o m the large room in which the tunnel is housed is drawn through a conical cloth filter. A honeycomb is fitted a t the entrance of the settling chamber, and a s e r i e s of wire-gauze s c r e e n s inside the settling chamber. The nozzle contraction ratio is 27 : 1. The diameter of the t e s t section is 3 m , but flat side-walls 1 . 5 m e t e r s apart can also be installed. The maximum flow velocity is 1 0 0 m / s e c at a rated power of lOOOKW.
Figure 2.38 shows a plane low-turbulence variable-density tunnel of the NASA*. The test section m e a s u r e s 0.91 mX2.29m; [3'X7 f '1; the maximum velocity is 1 5 0 m l s e c at a maximum fan power of 2000h. p. and operating p r e s s u r e s up to 10atm. Screens a r e f i t t e d to reduce turbulence in the test section, and the boundary layer is extracted f r o m the walls of the test section, the air being reinjected into the diffuser. Special corners a r e also provided. *
CvonDoenhoff, A . E . and L. H. Abbot. T h e Langley Two-Dimensional Low -Turbulence Pressure Tunnel. N . A . C . A . Technical Nore 1283. 1947.1
Thermal and altitude tunnels A number of special tunnels have been built f o r the study of cooling, heat exchange, heat transfer f r o m air t o water and oil, wing icing, and the operational effects of high altitudes and low temperatures on the components of fin-stabilized ballistic missiles and t h e i r instruments. The wind tunnel shown in Figure 2 . 3 9 is intended f o r the study of icing (NASA. Cleveland, U.S.A.). It has a closed t e s t section measuring 2 . 7 4 m by 1.83 m. The maximum flow velocity is 1 8 0 m / s e c , and the minimum temperature is -55C. The power is 4,160 h . p . The return duct of the tunnel is a l s o used f o r testing p r o p e l l e r s , etc. A cooler is installed between the third and fourth corners, and water-spray nozzles a r e located ir, the settling chamber.
FIGURE 2.39.
A l a r g e chamber has been built by Vickers Armstrong Ltd. ( U . E ; . ) for testing a i r c r a f t components and equipment under different temperature and altitude conditions. The chamber is actually a closed-circuit tunnel. With four r e t u r n ducts, each 2.05m in diameter, The t e s t section is c i r c u l a r , with a diameter of 7 . 6 m and a length of 15.2m. The maximum Iiow velocity in the tunnel is 31 m / s e c . The refrigeration plant, to provide a i r cooling down to -65"C, consists of four 1 5 0 h.p. two-stage ammonia c o m p r e s s o r s . The coolant is methyl alcohol, which circulates inside the copper guide vanes of the 16 tunnel elbows. Cooling from + 15C t o -65C requires about 300 hours. Altitude conditions f o r pressure-effect studies a r e obtained with the aid of a 140 h. p. two-stage vacuum pump s o that various r a t e s of ascent and altitudes of level flight can be simulated. At an a i r temperature of -6O"C, ascent conditions t o a height of 18,000m (pressure, 5 6 m m H g ) can be simulated with a climbing r a t e of 3 0 0 m / m i n . Special release valves permit the simulation of a descent f r o m 15,000m t o ground level in 160 seconds. The tunnel permits various kinds of aerodynamic t e s t s : study of cold s t a r t i n g of engines and control of turbine s t a r t e r s , wear of the slipring brushes of generators, highaltitude behavior of a i r c r a f t and guided missiles and t h e i r control s u r f a c e s , and investigation of electronic equipment of r a d a r installations, radio probes , hermetically sealed cabins, etc.
In wind-tunnel t e s t s of radiosondes, the use of infrared and ultraviolet radiation makes it possible to simulate s o l a r radiation and t o maintain inside the probes a temperature of +40"C, despite ambient tunnel-air temperatures of -60C.
smoke generator
FIGURE 2.40.
Smoke-jet tunnels a r e used f o r visualizing the pattern and c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of flow around bodies at s m a l l velocities. The principle of such a tunnel is shown in F i g u r e 2.40.
In transonic tunnels the test-section Mach number ranges f r o m 0.85 t o 1.4. Tests in transonic tunnels may be of s h o r t or long duration. In continuous-operation tunnels the p r e s s u r e difference is created by a fan o r a c o m p r e s s o r , which is rated f o r continuous operation over an extended period. In intermittent-operation tunnels, flow is caused by the p r e s s u r e difference between the settling chamber and the diffuser outlet, a c c m p r e s s e d - a i r o r vacuum chamber being used. The a i r is highly compressed before each test and discharged through a reduction valve to the settling chamber and thence through the t e s t section to the atmosphere. In vacuum-chamber tunnels the "high" p r e s s u r e is the atmospheric p r e s s u r e a t which a i r is drawn through the tunnel by virtue of the lower p r e s s u r e in the vacuum chamber. The t e s t duration in intermittent -operation tunnels usually depends on the r e s e r v e of compressed a i r o r on the volume of the vacuum chamber, and v a r i e s between 1 and 5 minutes. F o r M < 1 the shape of the tunnel may be almost the s a m e a s f o r conventional subsonic tunnels. Because the flow becomes unstable at M 1 , facilities f o r studies a t these velocities should be provided.
. -
---- ... ..
. I . . . _
. " . I
. I . . . .
... .........
I , 1..11.1...111
. . I . . 1.111
A s the f r e e - s t r e a m velocity i n c r e a s e s , a c r i t i c a l value is reached at which the local velocity at c e r t a i n points on the s u r f a c e of the t e s t model becomes sonic, although the flow is subsonic everywhere else. The Mach number corresponding to this critical f r e e - s t r e a m velocity is denoted by Mcr; its value depends on the shape of the model; for airfoils and s t r e a m lined fuselages it v a r i e s between 0.8 and 0.85. When the f r e e - s t r e a m velocity approaches the velocity of sound the whole model, except, perhaps, a v e r y s m a l l a r e a beneath t h e lower s u r f a c e of a thin airfoil (Figure 2.411,
Local velocity approaching the speed of sound
Formation of a shock on the upper surface of the airfoil without flow separation
5 c= oc Formation of a shock on the lower surface of the airfoil. Beginning of flow separation behind the shock
M>l M.1
M>l\ Mcl
= $<o c
M >I 1.i McI
M >I
M >I
/ M 7i / +
i : .
> ...
7 1
FIGURE 4.21. Variation with increasing Mach number of the position of shocks on airfoil.
is in a region of supersonic flow. At such velocities, shocks will propagate f r o m the model in the test section toward the tunnel walls, reaching them a s soon a s the f r e e - s t r e a m velocity becomes sonic, F u r t h e r i n c r e a s e of flow velocity in the tunnel i s impossible, i r r e s p e c t i v e of upstream p r e s s u r e ; the tunnel becomes choked. F u r t h e r p r e s s u r e increase w i l l only cause the shocks to be displaced toward the trailing edge of the model, becoming oblique and distorted; finally, further shocks w i l l appear (from the supports of the model t o the walls of the tunnel etc. ). Choking is a l s o likely t o occur i n an empty tunnel when the velocity in a particular c r o s s section becomes sonic, at the outlet of the t e s t section because of boundaryl a y e r thickening, o r because of the wake. When the tunnel is choked, different p a r t s of the model and its supports a r e under completely different flow conditions. P a r t of the model is in a subsonic region, and p a r t in a supersonic region. The lack of methods f o r taking into account the different flow patterns makes i t practically impossible t o p r o c e s s the r e s u l t s of measurements, and tunnel choking should t h e r e f o r e be prevented. An important factor in tunnel choking is the extent t o which flow is impeded by the model and its s u p p o r t s . Reduction in the dimensions of the model (and correspondingly of the supports) is possible only t o a limited extent. Even i f the model is made f r o m high-quality s t e e l (with an ultimate strength-of 120 t o 130kg/mm2), rigidity requirements lead t o a minimum blockage of 1.5 t o 2%, o r taking the supports into account, between 2.5 and 370, even if the supports a r e of the a r r o w type.
Therefore, endeavors have been made t o work out methods for model t e s t s at transonic velocities in conditions where tunnel choking is prevented. One method is t o i n c r e a s e considerably the flow a r e a of the t e s t section or the dimensions of the t e s t model, s o that blockage by the model will be less than 1%. However, an enlargement of the t e s t section necessitates m o r e power; thus, f o r instance, f o r testing an a i r c r a f t model having a wing span of 1.5 t o 1 . 6 m , the diameter of the t e s t section would have t o be a t l e a s t 4.5m and the required power t o obtain sonic flow in such a tunnel would be 50,000 kw. Another method of eliminating tunnel choking is to provide an open t e s t section. Choking is f a r l e s s pronounced in such tunnels, and the corrections f o r i t s effect a r e much s m a l l e r than in tunnels with closed test sections, This method was used in s e v e r a l high-speed tunnels of e a r l y design, but was abandoned l a t e r because of the l a r g e power requirements, and the difficulties in obtaining a satisfactory velocity distribution. A l l high -speed tunnels have at present closed test sections. The best method t o prevent choking is to provide a t e s t section with perforated walls. A steady flow, increasing in velocity from r e s t to supersonic speed, can be obtained in a Laval nozzle which consists of a converging (inlet) p a r t , a throat - t h e narrowest section of the nozzle, where the f r e e - s t r e a m velocity is equal t o the local velocity of sound, i. e., t o the c r i t i c a l velocity * - and a diverging p a r t in which the velocity continues t o increase. However, a Laval nozzle is not the only device f o r obtaining supersonic flow velocities, Supersonic flow can also be obtained in a cylindrical duct 1131, i f we remove f r o m it p a r t of the medium. Supersonic wind tunnels generally have divergent nozzles provided with extraction sections where p a r t of the medium is exhausted f r o m the t e s t sections. Bypassing the medium, even when a conventional r a t h e r than a Laval nozzle is used, p e r m i t s velocities close to, or even slightly in excess of, the speed of sound t o be obtained in the t e s t section in the p r e s e n c e of a model. The bypass consists of openings o r slots (Figure 2.42) i n the walls of the t e s t section, through which the medium f r o m the nozzle can expand, s o that sonic flow is preserved throughout almost the entire length of the t e s t section provided that the p r e s s u r e drop is sufficient, The bypassed medium may r e e n t e r the tunnel a t the end of the t e s t section, and is mixed with the remainder flowing into the diffuser, However, the velocity distribution in the test section is improved by forced extraction through the walls of the test section, In certain tunnels, a i r is extracted f r o m the t e s t section and reinjected into the diffuser t o r e s t o r e the total p r e s s u r e in the boundary l a y e r . This is done in the above-mentioned NASA low-turbulence tunnel (Figure 2.38). Numerous t e s t s have shown that interference between model and tunnel in the region of transonic flow can be reduced in t e s t sections with perforated o r slotted walls. Figure 2.43 shows comparative measurements of the r e s i s t a n c e coefficient of a s y s t e m of wings and fuselage, obtained in f r e e flight (rocket t e s t s ) and in a transonic tunnel of the Langley Laboratory (NASA, U.S.A.)
T h e critical velocity, which depends on t h e characteristics of t h e gas and its stagnation temperature T o , is
a, =
{-& g RT,.
with a slotted t e s t section measuring 2.44mX2.44m.. It is s e e n that t h e s l o t s in the t e s t section p e r m i t reliable measurements in transonic tunnels.
FlGURE 2.42.
The r a t i o of the a r e a of the openings t o the total a r e a of the walls (degree of perforation) depends on the Mach number in the t e s t section.
I -
F r ee flight
FIGURE 2.43. Comparative values of t h e resistance of a system of wings and fuselage obtained in free flight and in a transonic tunnel with slotted test-section walls.
F i g u r e 2.44 shows this dependence. The u s e of perforated wall is feasible up t o M = 1.3 t o 1.5. Such walls, and the forced extraction of air, a l s o p e r m i t a b e t t e r utilization of the t e s t section. Longer models.can be tested,
since the shock waves are not reflected f r o m the perforated walls toward the model, as happens when the walls a r e solid (Figure 2.45).
FIGURE 2. 44. Variation with Mach number of the optimum degree of perforation.
The extraction of air f r o m the t e s t section makes it possible not only t o obtain transonic velocities, and to reduce the interference between tunnel and model; but also t o reduce the l o s s e s in the diffuser, since the boundary layer a t the diffuser inlet will be thinner.
Diffusers in transonic tunnels The diffuser plays a v e r y important r o l e in transonic tunnels when the Mach number exceeds unity since it is then necessary t o reduce, with minimum energy loss, the flow velocity downstream of the t e s t section t o subsonic before contraction takes place again in the nozzle (of closedcircuit tunnels) or r e l e a s e t o atmosphere (in open-circuit tunnels). The simplest method of reducing the flow velocity in the diffuser is t o p e r m i t normai shocks t o occur in the diffuser. The quality of a diffuser is very often characterized by its isentropic efficiency ?ld,
where M, is the Mach number a t the diffuser inlet, and p , and p2 a r e the p r e s s u r e s at the inlet and outlet of the diffuser. The full line in Figure 2.46 shows the dependence of the diffuser efficiency q d on the Mach number; the relationship was obtained using the standard equations f o r normal shocks. Such values of ?ld a r e impossible in practice because of the p r e s s u r e l o s s e s due t o the interaction between shock and boundary l a y e r a t the wall. The s a m e figure shows experimental values of the efficiency of such diffusers. Despite the considerable s c a t t e r of the experimental points, we s e e clearly that the l o s s e s in a normal-shock diffuser a r e s t i l l very high. Nevertheless such low-divergence diffusers (from 3 to 5") a r e used in most transonic wind tunnels.
In modern transonic continuous-operation tunnels the test sectionmay be a s l a r g e as 5 mX 5 m, Very often the static p r e s s u r e can be varied in such tunnels: underpressure is used f o r operating a t high Mach numbers,
Test section
F l t i U R E 2. 4.5. Reflection of shocks from the walls of k i n d runnels h ~ t h solid and perforatedtesr-section walls.
and high p r e s s u r e for obtaining l a r g e Reynolds numbers. Mostly, the t e s t section is rectangular (with the width l a r g e r than the height); less often it is s q u a r e or round.
Figures 2.47 t o 2.49 show conventional modern transonic tunnels f o r continuous operation.
FIGURE 2. 41. Test section of transonic tunnel (ARA-Great Britain). 1-Adjustable nozzle; 2 -perforared test-section walls: 3 -observation windows: 4 - m o d e l carriage; 5 -pipes for air extraction through test-section walls.
Figure 2.47 shows the 2.74mX2.44m t e s t section of the ARA tunnel (Great Britain). Velocities up t o M 1.3 can be obtained in this tunnel in which the p r e s s u r e can be varied between 0.8 and 1 . 2 atm. The Reynolds number f o r a t e s t at M = 1 on a model of 1.1 m wing s p a n is 6 X 1 0 6 . The tunnel is equipped with a n adjustable nozzle and a t e s t section with perforated walls. A 13,7501-1.p. eleven-stage axial c o m p r e s s o r extracts air through the perforated walls at a r a t e of up t o 8500m3/min, thus effectively reducing interaction between model and boundary layer and preventing choking of the tunnel. The model in the t e s t section of the tunnel is installed on a telescopic support mounted on a c a r r i a g e at the diffuser inlet, s o that it can easily be withdrawn f r o m the tunnel f o r calibration adjustment. The c a r r i a g e supports a wind-tunnel balance and a cradlc f o r adjustment of the angle of attack. The tunnel is equipped with R radiation air cooler
which maintains the tunnel air temperature below 50C. An absorptiontype dryer reduces the water content t o a level of 1 g of water p e r kilogram of a i r , which is equivalent t o a relative humidity of 10% at 50C. The air is impelled through the tunnel by two tandem-mounted 20-blade fans with an impeller diameter of 6.5m, driven at a maximum speed of 485 r , p . m . by a 25,000 h. p. motor. The guide vanes before the first fan stage and between the s t a g e s , have flaps ( 2 5 % of the chord) which during tunnel operation can be rotated t o angles between 1 0 and 20" from the normal position, t o supplement velocity regulation by fan-speed adjustment. The t e s t r e s u l t s a r e processed in an electronic computer.
FIGURE 2. 48. Test section of a transonic t u n n e l ( N A S A ) with slotted walls. T h e dimensions of the test-section flow area are 4.28 m X 4.28 m. M 6 1.2.
Figure 2.48 shows a test section with slotted walls in a NASA transonic tunnel, while Figure 2. 4 9 shows the H L L transonic tunnel (Netherlands). Modern transonic (and supersonic) tunnels a r e equipped with sliding test-beds for e a s y withdrawal of the model (Figure 2. 50). television monitoring of model and tunnel, automatic t e s t equipment, and remotely controlled tunnel facilities. The powers required a r e very large, and a single drive unit may be designed to s e r v e s e v e r a l tunnels. For instance, in t h e Moffett Field 1,aboratory (NASA) the 216,000 h. p. drive s e r v e s 3 tunnels (Figure 2. 51).
A typical tunnel of this type is shown in Figure 2. 52. High-pressure a i r is discharged from a system of gas bottles:' through a manifold into the settling chamber of the tunnel, After passing through the settling chamber, the t e s t section, and the diffuser, the air is exhausted to atmosphere.
* I n some tunnels a single gas reservoir is used instead of a number of bottles. For instance, in t h e AEDC
gas dynamics laboratory (U.S. A.) the E - 1 unit operates from a gas reservoir 2 2 0 m long and 0.9m in diameter. which can hold about 50 tons of air at a p r e s m e of 283 kg/cm2.
FIGURE 2. 49. HLL variable-density transonic tunnel (Netherlands): p = 0.125 t o 4 atm: 2 m x 1.6 m; power: N = 2000 h. p.
FIGURE 2. 50. Sliding test bed of t h e California Institute of Technology wind tunnel ( M = 1.8);
test-section dimensism: 2.6 mX3.4m).
F1GU-E 2. 51. General view of a t ri p l e tunnel (Moffen Field). T h e 216.000 h. p. drive (with booster) serves 3 tunnels: t e s t section: 3.35 m X 3.35 m, M = 0.07 t o 1.5; test section (2): 2 . 1 3 1 1 1 X 2.74111. M = 1 . 4 t o 2.7; test-section (3): 2.13mx x 2.74m. m = 2.4 t o 3.
To obtain velocities up to M = 1.4 in the test section of such a tunnel, its settling-chamber p r e s s u r e inust be between 1.5 and 1.7atm. To extend the duration of tunnel operation the r e s e r v o i r p r e s s u r e should be much higher. A butterfly control valve is installed between the r e s e r v o i r s and the settling chamber; it is operated by a p r e s s u r e regulator to maintain constant p r e s s u r e in the settling chamber, s o that t e s t s can be performed a t constant Reynolds numbers, The designed operating duration of the tunnel depends on the measuring facilities available and on the kind of t e s t undertaken, If an automatic wind-tunnel balance is used, a minimum of 15 to 30 seconds will be required for equilibrium conditions to be attained before each observation, Several readings could be made within this interval with a strain-gage balance, but a high-speed attitude cradle would be required.
Heate; Nozzle with Adjustable flexible diffuser walls FIGURE 2. 52. Intermittent-operation wind tunnel supplied with compressed air from bottles
Reduction valve
The design m a s s flow through the test section depends on the dimensions of the latter, the flow velocity, and the flow deceleration, and can be calculated f r o m the formula for m a s s flow r a t e through unit a r e a
Figure 2. 53 shows how the operating duration t (expressed a s a fraction of the operating duration at M = 1) of a reservoir-type tunnel depends on M . Figure 2,54 shows how the r e s e r v o i r capacity f o r unit operating duration at M = 1 depends on the p r e s s u r e when the flow a r e a of the test section is 1m2, These r e s u l t s have been confirmed by experiments, and can be used to calculate the number and capacity of the compressed-air bottles needed f o r intermittent -operation tunnels. A s the diagram shows, the re.quired r e s e r v o i r volume decreases sharply a s r e s e r v o i r p r e s s u r e increases. However, experience in the construction and use of reservoir-powered intermittent-operation tunnels has shown that the p r e s s u r e in the bottles should not exceed 2 0 atm, since the weight of the bottles cannot be substantially reduced further, while the rated power of the c o m p r e s s o r must be increased. In addition, high p r e s s u r e s complicate design and
operation of the equipment. It is therefore usual t o operate this type of wind tunnel a t a maximum p r e s s u r e in the bottle of 8 t o 20 atm,
p, a t a
FIGURE 2. 53. Mach-number dependence of operating duration of wind tunnels supplied with compressed air from storage bottles.
FIGURE 2. 54. Pressure dependence of t h e reservoir volume a t M = 1 . t = 1 sec. now area of test section = 1 m2.
Intermittent-operation induced -flow wind tunnels Transonic intermittent-operation tunnels may also function on the inducedflow principle. In such tunnels, high-pressure a i r is supplied t o ejectors installed a t the t e s t section outlet. The a i r flows a t high velocity through annular or axial slots in the walls of the ejector, s o that it entrains low-pressure tunnel a i r and induces a i r flow through the test section to atmosphere. In comparison with continuous -operation tunnels, induced flow tunnels have the advantage, shared by reservoir-type tunnels, of great simplicity of design, Their drawbacks a r e low efficiency in comparison with continuous -operation tunnels, and the necessity t o regulate the p r e s s u r e at the ejector inlet or to adjust the flow a r e a of the inlet slot of the ejector a s the r e s e r v o i r p r e s s u r e decreases. Induced-flow tunnels may also have semi-closed circuits, in which the surplus a i r is removed through outlet slots in the r e t u r n duct (Figure 2.55). Such tunnels a r e m o r e economical, since p a r t of the a i r is recirculated; the duration of their operation is 30 to 5070longer than that of ordinary induced-flow tunnels. Jet-engine exhaust is sometimes used t o induce transonic flow. Figure 2.56 shows a tunnel powered by the exhausts of t h r e e j e t engines. A feature df this tunnel is the use of p a r t of the hot a i r , which is circulated through the tunnel t o heat the cold atmospheric a i r . The cross-sectional a r e a of the t e s t section is 0.23 m2, and a maximum velocity of M = 1.2 can be obtained.
High-pressure a i r
w Ew
Exhaust valve
Safetv valves
FIGURE 2. 56.
When sufficient r e s e r v e s of a i r a r e available a t only a limited p r e s s u r e it is better t o supply a i r t o the settling chamber, and the remainder t o an ejector usually placed immediately downstream of the t e s t section. In this c a s e the required test-section velocity can be obtained a t a considerably lower settling-chamber p r e s s u r e . The operating duration of induced-flow tunnels is proportional to the induction coefficient, i. e., to the r a t i o of the exhaust-air flowrate t o the a i r injection r a t e . Figures 2.57 and 2.58 show the dependence of the induction coefficient on the relative flow a r e a s of slot and t e s t section, and on the ratio of total p r e s s u r e s of injected and induced a i r for various numbers. A s can be s e e n f r o m Figure 2 . 5 7 the induction coefficient decreases sharply with increasing Mach number; f o r this r e a s o n intermittentoperation induced-flow tunnels, of the type shown in Figure 2.55, a r e l e s s widely used than tunnels in which the ejectors s e r v e only t o reduce the p r e s s u r e at the test-section outlet. In certain induced-flow tunnels, s t e a m is used instead of compressed air.
-. --
.........-I--. I . . . . . I I
I . .
. .,
..., ,,...
.......... .
Flow area of injection slot Flow area of test section Flow area of test section
FlGURE 2. 57. Dependence of induction coefficient on flow areas of ejector slot and test section, and Mach number.
FIGURE 2. 58. Dependence of the ratio of total pressure of injected air to total pressure of induced air on flow aieas of ejector slot and
test section at various Mach numbers.
Vacuum-powered tunnels An intermittent-operation vacuum-powered wind tunnel is shown in Figure 2,59. Atmospheric a i r is drawn through the dryer, settling chamber, nozzle, t e s t section, and diffuser into the vacuum r e s e r v o i r (usually a sphere), f r o m which a i r is either evacuated beforehand, o r continuously exhausted to atmosphere by means of a vacuum pump. The p r e s s u r e drop in these tunnels may be varied within very wide limits by changing the p r e s s u r e in the evacuated r e s e r v o i r .
Flexible nozzle
Evacuated reservoir
Vacuum pump
FIGURE 2. 59.
Figure 2 . 6 0 shows the pressure-dependence of the capacity required of the evacuated r e s e r v o i r f o r 1 second operation of a tunnel with a t e s t section 1 m 2 in cross-sectional a r e a a t M = 1, It can be s e e n that even a t a very low r e s e r v o i r p r e s s u r e , the volume required f o r the conditions stated exceeds 250m3 p e r second of operation.
t t'
mmHg FIGURE 2.60. Required reservoir capacity as function of the pressures i n it, for M = 1, operation duration, t = sec. flow area of test section is 1 m2.
FIGURE 2.61. Mach numberdependence of the operating duration of a vacuum-powered tunnel (initial reservoir pressure is 100 mm Hg).
Figure 2 . 6 1 shows the Mach number-dependence of the r a t i o of the operating duration of a vacuum-powered tunnel to the operating duration a t M = 1. The very high r e s e r v o i r capacities required considerably r e s t r i c t the use of such tunnels.
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The need t o d r y the atmospheric a i r drawn through the tunnel is a f serious problem in intermittent-operation vacuum-powered tunnels. I the tunnel is operated a t a rated moisture content of 0.1 g water p e r kg of a i r , the designed surface a r e a of the dryer amounts to about 400m2 p e r square m e t e r of test-section flow a r e a .
Supersonic wind tunnels a r e by convention, tunnels with operational Mach numbers above 1.4 o r 1 . 5 . Like transonic tunnels these tunnels may either be f o r continuous or f o r intermittent operation, and a r e designed and equipped accordingly. However, the aerodynamic profile of supersonic tunnels, f r o m settling chamber t o diffuser, is independent of operating method and type of drive. In general, the t e s t section of supersonic tunnels is rectangular t o facilitates optical studies and simplify tunnel design.
Modern design methods permit uniform straight axial supersonic flow The designed nozzle profile can usually be realized. The tolerances f o r the internal surface of supersonic nozzles a r e quite fine (as little a s f O . O 1 t o 0.05" with apolished s u r f a c e ) . Existing productionmethods permit such tolerances to be achieved even in the manufacture of nozzles of considerable dimensions.
FIGURE 2. 62.
Design techniques a r e sometimes inadequate t o ensure a sufficiently uniform flow over the e n t i r e t e s t section, and in practice nozzles require experimental "tuning. I '
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, . . .n
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Figure 2 . 6 2 shows the velocity distribution in a test section before and a f t e r tuning of the nozzle 1 2 1 . For l a r g e supersonic tunnels the design is checked and adjusted on models. In modern well-tuned tunnels we can obtain a test-section velocity distribution uniform to within less than f. 1%.
The Mach number in rectangular test sections of supersonic tunnels can be varied by fitting interchangeable nozzles ("inserts", Figure 2. 6 3 ) o r by using adjustable nozzles (Figure 2. 64), in which the lower and upper
walls forming the nozzle profile can be deformed at will. Interchangeable nozzles for very large tunnels a r e mounted on c a r r i a g e s weighing several tons and sliding on r a i l s . Such a design necessitates a l a r g e tunnel-house, and special devices f o r connecting the nozzle to the settling chamber and test section. It is for these reasons that i r i recent y e a r s many supersonic
tunnels have been equipped with adjustable nozzles, in which the profile needed is obtained through elastic deformation of tunnel floor and roof. T h e r e a r e many designs of adjustable nozzles differing in the degree t o which the flexible wall can be made to approximate the required nozzle profile. The perfection depends mainly on the number of adjusting jacks used to determine the profile (Figure 2 . 6 4 ) . Modern tunnels may have as many a s 25 t o 30 jacking points. In the supersonic wind tunnel of the Lewis laboratory, whichhas a t e s t section measuring 3.05 mX3.05m, the adjustable nozzle has 27 jacks and Mach numbers ranging f r o m 2 t o 3.5 can be obtained. Although at the s a m e Mach number, rigid interchangeable nozzles produce a b e t t e r velocity distribution than the corresponding adjustable nozzles, the l a t t e r are being increasingly used, since with careful design they do produce a sufficiently uniform velocity distribution while their u s e considerably reduces the cost of t e s t s and i n c r e a s e s the testing capacity of the tunnel. Plane nozzles a r e only adequate up t o M = 7. Beyond this t h e i r critical c r o s s section becomes very small, s o that they a r e difficult to manufacture, and the slot is subject to appreciable t h e r m a l deformation, with resulting deterioration in the flow uniformity. Axisymmetric o r t h r e e -dimensional nozzles should t h e r e f o r e be used a t high Mach numbers. It is common p r a c t i c e t o u s e nozzles whose shapes can be automatically adjusted by r e m o t e control during tunnel operation, s o that the Mach number can be varied swiftly. This is especially important in t e s t s of fixed models at different flow velocities in intermittent-operation tunnels, and recent designs p e r m i t adjustment f o r s m a l l Mach-number changes t o be completed in a few seconds. This is achieved with a programming mechanism at the control panel, consisting, f o r example, of a s e r i e s of templates reproducing the nozzle profile, appropriate t o e a c h Mach number, very accurately to a s m a l l s c a l e . Push-button selection of a template causes depression of a s e r i e s of spring-loaded cordinate rods, equal in number t o the jacking points. A selsyn s y s t e m operates each jack so that it follows the movements of i t s cordinate rod, thereby setting up the desired tunnel profile. Recent designs employ digital control of the nozzle profile, using either punched c a r d s o r tapes on which the nozzle profiles f o r various Mach numbers a r e programmed. When t h e p r o g r a m c a r d is inserted, the control device automatically moves the adjusting jacks into the appropriate positions. A s i m p l e r s y s t e m of nozzle control i s used in c e r t a i n tunnels to permit Mach-number changes of 0.05 to 0.10, e . g., f r o m M = 1.5 to M = 1 . 6 . Such a change can be achieved without seriously impairing the quality of f l o w in the t e s t section by adjusting the throat section and suitably deforming nearby p a r t s of the nozzle. In the design of adjustable nozzles careful attention must be paid t o the rigidity of the adjustable w a l l s , and to hermetical sealing between the walls and the housing of the nozzle ("nozzle box"). If the adjustable wall is not sufficiently rigid, i t w i l l "flap" and the distortion of the nozzle profile will impair the flow in the t e s t section. Hermetical sealing of the space behind the flexible wall of the nozzle is very important t o prevent l a r g e loads on the w a l l when the tunnel is s t a r t e d up or when operating conditions a r e changed; the position of the
shock m a y change s o rapidly that the p r e s s u r e s inside and outside the wall do not have time to become equalized. In designing supersonic tunnels special attention must also be paid to the connection between the nozzle and the t e s t section. The slightest projections give rise not only t o nonuniform velocity distributions, but a l s o t o s e r i o u s inclinations of the flow in the projection a t the inlet to a t e s t section. For example, a 1.5" lOOOmmX1000mm test section operating at Mach numbers between 1.5 and 3 will cause a flow inclination of up t o f3". The optimum r e s u l t s in t e r m s of uniform supersonic flow with a thin boundary layer may be obtained by using porous nozzle walls, so that boundary-layer thickening can be abated by controlling the flow through the walls, and a m o r e uniform p r e s s u r e distribution obtained at the t e s t section inlet. Porous nozzle walls a r e used in high-vacuum supersonic tunnels where the boundary layer would otherwise occupy a considerable p a r t of the t e s t s e ct i on,
Test section Closed t e s t sections a r e generally used in supersonic tunnels, largely because of the considerably g r e a t e r power needed f o r tunnels with open t e s t sections (Figure 2.65). The test section is, a s a r u l e , not m o r e than 1.5 t o 2 widths in length, and sometimes an even s h o r t e r test section is adequate. This is because very small models a r e used in supersonic tunnels,
( d -3D0 #M)
E la
, ,
6 8 1 0 1 2
FIGURE 2. 65, Dependence of t h e power of supersonic tunnels on the type of test section.
a practice enforced by the need to place the model in the t e s t section in such a way that the shock f r o m its nose will not be reflected f r o m the tunnel walls onto either the tail itself o r the wake immediately downstream. The t e s t section of a modern high-speed tunnel is a complicated structure equipped with a variety of mechanisms and devices. Its inner surface must be polished and the l i n e r s , f r a m e s of optical g l a s s p o r t s , etc., must be made of stamped p a r t s polished flush with the tunnel walls. Figures 2.66 t o 2. 68 show test sections of different supersonic wind tunnels.
Safety valves
Protection nets
Supersonic diffuser
FI?URE 2.67. 'rest section of t h e FFA supersonic vacuumpowered tunnel (Stockholm), Test-section dimensions 0 . 9 ~ x 1.15m: M = 1 t o 2.5; Vacuum-reservoir volume = 9,000 m3: Operating duration = 30 sec.
Diffuser f o r supersonic tunnels Efficient deceleration f r o m supersonic velocities is a v e r y difficult problem not only in wind tunnels but i n other fields of aerodynamics. Deceleration by means of a normal shock might be acceptable f o r test-section velocities up t o M = 1.3 or 1.4, but the energy losses become excessive a t l a r g e velocities, and an adjustable diffuser with a s e r i e s of oblique shocks is then often used. At inlet Mach numbers g r e a t e r than 1, standard subsonic diffusers a r e subject t o l a r g e energy l o s s e s , which exceed the l o s s e s due t o deceleration t o subsonic velocities by means of normal shocks. Figure 2 . 6 9 i l l u s t r a t e s the effectiveness of flow deceleration in standard diffusers of various angles / I " / . P r e s s u r e l o s s e s a r e l e a s t f o r smalldivergence angles, but even then they still exceed the l o s s e s i n normal shocks. Withfurther increase in inlet Mach number the p r e s s u r e losses in a standard diffuser rise sharply: the p r e s s u r e r a t i o exceeds 1 0 0 a t M = 6 (Figure 2. 70).
1 7 1.0
I _
FIGURE 2. 70. Mach nilmber dependence of pressures in diffuser without contraction .
FIGURE 2. 69. 1he influence of Mach number and divergence angle on the effectiveness of flow deceleration by shocks.
The diffusers used in supersonic tunnels a r e therefore fitted with e i t h e r fixed o r adjustable throats /18/. In a converging duct with supersonic flow, a nearly normal shock will form in the narrowest section, downs t r e a m of which the velocity will be subsonic. The velocity can then be f u r t h e r reduced in a subsonic diffuser. This method of decelerating a supersonic flow considerably reduces the l o s s e s in the diffuser, a s can be seen, f o r example, in Figure 2.71. In the adjustable diffuser (Figure 2.72) supersonic flow can be obtained throughout the t e s t
section by widening the diffuser throat during s t a r t - u p so as t o e n s u r e that the shock travels the full length of the t e s t section and is swallowed by the diffuser as the inlet Mach number is gradually increased. After start-up,
4 5 6 78910
FIGURE 2.71. T h e Mach-number dependence of pressures in diffuser with fixed contraction ratio. Experimental points refer t o divergence angles between 3 and 20. at R e = 3 . 0 X 1 0 ' .
the throat area is reduced s o that the shock is stabilized at the diffuser throat; a high pressure-recovery coefficient can be obtained in this way.
Adjustable diffuse1
FIGURE 2. 72. Test section of tunnel with adjustable supersonic diffuser. M =4.5 to 8.5: test section dimensions 0.53 III x 0.53 m . (California Institute of Technology).
Figure 2.73 shows the Mach-number dependence of the r a t i o of throat area t o inlet area of the diffuser, for s t a r t - u p and f o r operation of the tunnel.
FIGURE 2.73. Mach-number dependence of relative throat area, required for start-up (1) and operation (2).
At M = 6, the r a t i o of inlet t o outlet total p r e s s u r e is 1 0 0 f o r diffusers without contraction, 35 f o r a diffuser with fixed contraction ratio, and 15 for an adjustable diffuser.
FIGURE 2. 74, Variations of isentropic efficiency with Mach number in a diffuser employing various alternative means of flow deceleration. 1-diffuser throat with maximum relative contraction and subsequent complete (loss-free) deceleration of subsonic flow; 2 - experim e n t a l results for diffuser with contraction: 3 - experimental results for diffuser with wedge.
At M = 3 the corresponding p r e s s u r e r a t i o s are 5 t o 6, 3.5, and 2.5. Thus, adjustable diffusers a r e preferable even a t s m a l l supersonic velocities. However, a b e t t e r method of decelerating supersonic flow in the diffuser is by means of s e v e r a l oblique shocks. It has been shown both theoretically and experimentally that this method is m o r e efficient than the u s e of a single normal shock. Deceleration by oblique shocks is successfully employed a t the inlet t o j e t engines, in which the flow velocity must be subsonic although the flight speed is supersonic, The s a m e principle is used f o r supersonic diffusers in wind tunnels, and consists of fitting a wedge into an ordinary diffuser. Figure 2. 74 shows the values of the isentropic efficiency of a diffuser in which deceleration f r o m supersonic t o subsonic velocities was c a r r i e d out in different ways / 1 4 / . This was done most efficiently by means of oblique shocks. The diffuser wedge is a l s o sometimes used a s a base f o r the model, which in t h i s c a s e is installed on a telescopic support connected to the wedge.
Reduction gear
FIGURE 2.75.
The design of a supersonic diffuser can be further improved by extracting the boundary layer through the walls of the diffuser, s o a s to prevent choking of the diffuser throat, with consequent transfer of the shock t o the t e s t section. A better effect is obtained if the boundary layer is extracted through the walls of both t e s t section and diffuser. Boundary-layer extraction in the t e s t section not only a s s i s t s the development of supersonic flow and reduces the interference between model and tunnel, but it a l s o considerably reduces the boundary-layer thickness at the diffuser inlet. In c e r t a i n supersonic tunnels (usually f o r intermittent operation), the necessary p r e s s u r e drop is obtained by ejectors installed immediately upstream and downstream of the diffuser. Velocities up t o M = 1 0 a r e
possible in such tunnels without any f u r t h e r devices i n the diffuser if two e j e c t o r s a r e installed. In such a diffuser shocks form, as a rule, behind the second ejector, where the supersonic velocity is not l a r g e . Despite many theoretical and experimental studies, t h e r e r e m a i n s a paucity of design data and methods on diffusers f o r high-speed tunnels; the power consumption of supersonic tunnels could be reduced by a m o r e rational design of diffusers in which the main operating l o s s e s of the tunnel occur. The design of a supersonic diffuser is considerably s i m p l e r than that of a n adjustable nozzle, since the aerodynamic requirements for diffusers a r e less severe. It is s i m p l e r in practice to design diffusers with adjustable walls than with adjustable wedges, s o that the l a t e s t designs of supersonic tunnels favor the principles of diffuser regulation by altering the geometry of successive diffuser c r o s s sections in the manner illustrated i n Figure 2. 7 5 . The position of the wall sections of such a diffuser is usually adjusted by r e m o t e control. E l e c t r i c motors, installed outside the tunnel and remotely controlled, adjust the wall sections through hinged lead s c r e w s . The positions of the wall sections and the geometry of the adjustable diffuser a r e determined with the a i d of limit switches, which de-energise the e l e c t r i c m o t o r s when the programmed position of the lead s c r e w s , appropriate t o p r e s e t operating conditions, has been reached. The hermetic sealing of the joints between the w a l l sections of the diffuser and the vertical walls of the tunnel is v e r y important when the supply of air is limited. Unless the joints a r e properly sealed leaks will occur, and high settling-chamber p r e s s u r e s will be required to obtain the designed supersonic velocities in the t e s t section.
Figure 2.77 gives the r e s u l t s of t e s t s of the Mach-number distribution along the half-section of a thick symmetrical airfoil in a tunnel at a f r e e - s t r e a m Mach number of 0.72 and with a relative humidity r = 61 70 1 1 91. The shocks shown in the diagram changed their position, and one of them disappeared, when the relative humidity decreased, demonstrating the pronounced effect of condensation on the aerodynamic c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of the airfoil. The a i m in modern supersonic tunnels is therefore to prevent moisture condensation and limit the absolute humidity.
Relative humidity a t inlet, To FIGURE 2.16. Dependence of Mach number a t which saturation occurs on relative humidity a t tunnel inlet. p' is the partial pressure of water vapor: pr is t h e saturation water-vapor pressure; to is t h e dry-bulb temperature at t h e inlet.
thereby reducing the maximum amount of heat that can be liberated during f the quantity of water vapor in the a i r is limited to condensation. I 0.5 g r a m s p e r kilogram':' of vapor-air mixture, the effects of condensation become negligible below M = 4. Since the saturation vapor p r e s s u r e i n c r e a s e s with temperature, condensation can be prevented by heating the a i r s o that its relative humidity is reduced. Although this p r o c e s s does not remove m o i s t i r e , and leaves the absolute humidity unchanged, it does reduce the effects of condensation, should it still occur, by virtue of the increased heat content of a i r . Increase of the stagnation temperature is particularly n e c e s s a r y t o prevent condensation a t high Mach numbers (M > 4 ) of other g a s e s in the a i r . In continuous -operation tunnels, however, the stagnation
Current practice is t o reduce t h e inlet humidity even further down to 0.1 grams water vapor per kilogram
of air-vapor mixture in order t o ensure uniform air flow at t h e outlet of supersonic tunnels.
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,?..._ -,3r..,--..,r-.
temperature can only be increased t o a limited extent, since although the increase can be achieved very easily by reducing the cooling, no great increase is permissible in the temperatures of the model and instruments; in particular, dangerous overheating of the c o m p r e s s o r bearings might occur, since the ambient a i r temperature reaches 200" t o 350C in their vicinity, even without a i r heating. A i r heating is therefore only used in intermittent-operation tunnels, the a i r passing through heaters (see below) a s it e n t e r s the settling chamber.
Ad justable
Condensation shock
Compression shock
FIGURE 2.77. Mach-number distribution along half-section of a n airfoil in t h e presence of a condensation shock.
FIGURE 2.78. Wind-tunnel dehumidifier. T h e dashand-dot lines and arrows show the circuit used for drying the tunnel air, and the broken lines, the circuit for desiccant regeneration.
In continuous -operation supersonic closed-circuit tunnels, condensation is prevented by slightly increasing the temperature of the air, f r o m which much of themoisture has been removed by absorption. The inlet a i r is forced by the dehumidifier fan t o pass a t low velocity:: over l a y e r s of a desiccant, usually s i l i c a gel o r alumina ( A 1 2 0 3 ) . The desiccant is afterwards regenerated by passing hot a i r through the dehumidifier (Figure 2. 78). This method of drying is necessarily slow, and t o avoid reprocessing all the a i r in the tunnel a f t e r each adjustment o r instrument calibration in the t e s t section, the l a t t e r is often isolated by means of bulkheads. The compressed a i r used in intermittent-operation high-pressure tunnels, supplied from r e s e r v o i r s , is dried both by absorption and by refrigeration condensation of the moisture. Heat exchangers (usually the refrigerant is ammonia) are installed between the air c o m p r e s s o r s and the r e s e r v o i r s t o cool the air t o between -20" and - 25"C,sufficient t o remove the moistul'e. This is m o r e effective than drying with desiccants. The multistage c o m p r e s s o r s usually employed f o r filling the r e s e r v o i r should have inter- and aftercoolers fitted with water-separating columns and draincocks s o that much of the moisture is removed during compression of the air.
T h e air velocity in the dryer must nor exceed 0.5 to 1.5 m/sec.
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Drying the air in vacuum-powered intermittent -operation is very difficult, s i n c e the e n t i r e a i r drawn in through the tunnel in each t e s t must f i r s t p a s s through absorption-type d r y e r s . This i s one reason why such tunnels have comparatively s m a l l t e s t sections which r e q u i r e only s m a l l m a s s f l o w r a t e s and hence, small d r y e r s . A tunnel of this type with a t e s t section measuring 1.8 m X 1.8 m would r e q u i r e a d r y e r having a s u r f a c e a r e a of about 1700m2, the weight of desiccant (aluminagel) being 410,000kg. With such a d r y e r the tunnel could be operated t h r e e times p e r hour f o r 20 s e c . The dimensions and weight of the d r y e r can be reduced by collecting the used dried a i r in a special r e s e r v o i r . How.ever, the capacity of the l a t t e r would not be much l e s s than the volume of the vacuum r e s e r v o i r , amounting to about 200m3 p e r s q u a r e m e t e r of test-section flow a r e a in a tunnel operating a t M = 1 f o r 1 s e c , (assuming the d r y - a i r r e s e r v o i r t o be a t atmospheric m e a s u r e ) . It is no l e s s difficult t o dry the a i r in tunnels for testing jet engines, where clean dry a i r must be supplied to the engine in v e r y l a r g e quantities. The d r y e r s needed a r e l a r g e and r a t h e r complicated in design. Thus, f o r instance, the drying installation of a continuous-operation tunnel for testing jet engines (see below) is 25m high, and its desiccant charge of 1200 tons can absorb up to 1500 kg/min of moisture. The installation is equipped with heaters and fans for regeneration of the alumina gel.
Tunnel air-cooling s y s t e m s The a i r temperature in closed-circuit wind tunnels r i s e s continuously because of the heat generated by the fan. The process cannot be allowed to continue indefinitely, because it i n c r e a s e s the difficulties in aerodynamic measurement leading to t h e r m a l distortion of the model and interference with the normal operation of the motor and fan. This is especially important in hypersonic wind tunnels, where the compression ratios a r e l a r g e , and where the temperature in the l a s t c o m p r e s s o r stages may r i s e t o between 350 and 370C. A t test-section velocities of 100 to 1 5 0 m / s e c the r a t e of stagnation-temperature increase is about l"C/min, s o that forced cooling of the a i r is necessary to prevent differences of 3 0 or 40C between the temperatures a t the beginning and end of a t e s t . A s the velocity i n c r e a s e s , the higher powers required necessitate installation of the drive outside the tunnel. The a i r can be cooled in liquid-filled heat exchangers, o r by the continuous withdrawal of a fraction of the hot a i r , and its replacement by cool a i r , (Figures 2.79 and 2.12) Liquid-filled honeycomb or tubular coolers a r e most widely used, being installed a c r o s s a whole section of the r e t u r n duct. Water is most commonly employed a s coolant, though l e s s frequently a saline solution is used. In some tunnels the coolant circulates through the c o r n e r vanes o r through cooling jackets lining the tunnel walls. The l a t t e r method is m o r e complicated and l e s s easy t o operate. The total amount of heat t o be extracted by the heat exchanger is calculated f r o m the shaft power
This method is also used to replace the air conraminated by the combustion products of engines being tested i n special tunnels.
of the fan or compressor, but the heat content of the tunnel s h e l l and heat t r a n s f e r through the walls should be neglected, because the inside and outside of the tunnel a r e usually coated with s e v e r a l l a y e r s of oilbound or nitro-cellulose paint, which has negligible heat conductivity. Thus, f o r instance, in a special test a t a tunnel stagnation temperature of +60"C, and an ambient air temperature of +lO"C, the external temperature of the tunnel shell was found t o b e +2O"C. The temperature rise during an experiment should preferably not exceed 10 to 20C.
155 a
FIGURE 2.79.
= 100.000 h.p.1.
Aerodynamically, the most suitable heat exchangers a r e honeycomb radiators of the a i r c r a f t type (in a number of tunnels these s e r v e simultaneously a s flow-straightening honeycombs) o r tubular r a d i a t o r s . The installation of radiators involves additional p r e s s u r e l o s s e s , which however, comprise only a negligible fraction ( 2 % t o 570)of the total l o s s e s . In modern tunnels the air-cooling system is a complicated installation, because a l a r g e flow r a t e of cooling water is needed; thus, f o r instance, in the above-mentioned ARA transonic tunnel (see page 54) which requires 25,000 kw t o operate a t M = 1 . 6 in i t s 2.74mX2.44m t e s t section, the radiator installation m e a s u r e s 9 m X l l m and requires 27 m3 of water p e r minute. The system maintains the a i r temperature below 50 C. A modern supersonic tunnel f o r continuous operation necessarily incorporates the following components : adjustable inlet nozzle, supersonic diffuser, cooler, air-drying installation, heater:$, and variable-speed e l e c t r i c motors driving (usually) multistage c o m p r e s s o r s . Figure 2.80 shows a continuous -operation supersonic tunnel.
Drives for continuous -operation supersonic tunnels The proper choice of drives f o r supersonic tunnels is based on the aerodynamic design calculations of the tunnel, which determine the losses in the tunnel circuit and the required r a t i o of the p r e s s u r e s before and after the c o m p r e s s o r in o r d e r t o obtain the desired range of Mach numbers in the t e s t section.
A heater
FIGURE 2.80. Variable-density supersonic wind tunnel of Armstrong-Whitworth Ltd. (U.K. ). T h e tunnel has six interchangeable test sections (0.5 m x 0 . 5 m): h' = 10,000 h. p. M = 1t o 3. 1- safety valve: 2 expansion joint: 3-radiator; 4-air intake for motor-coolingsystem; 5 - 10.000 h.p. motor: 6 - reduction gear; 7 - movable bend; 8 - small compressor: 9 large compressor; 10 adjustable vanes; 1 1- gate valve; 12 - screen; 1 3 - protection net: 14 - diffuser: 1 5 - expansion point: 16 control cabin; 17 - nozzle: 18 turbulencescreens; 19-uansfer section; 20 -corner.
Supersonic velocities in a closed-circuit tunnel with closed t e s t section demand p r e s s u r e r a t i o s beyond the capabilities of normal fans, and multistage c o m p r e s s o r s a r e therefore used. The AEDC supersonic tunnel (U.S.A.) is equipped with four tandem axial-flow compressors, three having two s t a g e s , and the fourth having s i x stages, to a total power of 216,000h. p. Such an arrangement of the c o m p r e s s o r s provides f o r flexibility and effective operation of the c o m p r e s s o r plant over a wide range of compression r a t i o s and air flow r a t e s , the l a t t e r changing with test-section Mach number f r o m 37,000m3/min a t M = 1.4 to 20,000m3/min a t M = 3.5. This c o m p r e s s o r is a r a t h e r complicated engineering structure with a r o t o r weighing 5000 tons. The rated shaft end-thrust is 1100 tons, while the temperature in the final compression stages is 350 to 370C. The centrifugal force on the blades is 800 tons. Such a machine r e q u i r e s special s t a r t i n g and braking systems. This tunnel h a s two asynchronous 25,000 kv starting motors, which bring the c o m p r e s s o r up to the synchronous speed of the two main 83,000 kw motors, and a r e then switched out. After the required output of 166,000h.p., has been reached the s t a r t i n g motors may be switched in again to increase the total power of the tunnel to 2 1 6,000 h.p. Start-up FIGURE 2.81. Multi-stage compressor of t h e superof motors and tunnel r e q u i r e s about sonic tunnel of the NASA Ames Research Center, 1 0 minutes. Figure 2.81 shows the Moffett Field, California. Rotor diameter = 6.6 m; compressor of the NASA supersonic delivery = 90 tons/min; compression ratio = 3 . 5 ; n = 720 rpm; N = 216,000h.p. tunnel. Intermittent-operation supersonic tunnels Such tunnels may be operated by p r e s s u r e , vacuum, or by a combination of the two. Prossure-powered tunnels have high inlet p r e s s u r e s and exhaust t o atmosphere, whereas the inlet p r e s s u r e of vacuum-powered tunnels is atmospheric and the exhaust is below atmospheric. In combination vacuump r e s s u r e tunnels, the inlet p r e s s u r e is above, and the outlet below, atmospheric. Intermittent-operation tunnels do not r e q u i r e coolers; they a r e very often equipped with e j e c t o r s fitted just downstream of the t e s t section. High-speed instrumentation and control systems a r e essential, and t h i s is particularly t r u e of the rapid-action valve, normally operated f r o m the p r e s s u r e regulator in the settling chamber. P r e s s u r e - p o w e r e d t u n n e l s . Preheating of the air supplied to pressure-powered tunnels working a t Mach numbers up to 3.5 or 4 is unnecessary if the air is dried before storage in the r e s e r v o i r . Reservoir p r e s s u r e f o r tunnels operating at Mach numbers up t o 4 does not usually exceed 8 t o 1 0 atm.; in tunnels f o r higher velocities the r e s e r v o i r p r e s s u r e
may be as much as 100 o r ZOOatm, although the settling-chamber p r e s s u r e is only 30 o r 40atm. Large wind tunnels a r e , a s a rule, supplied with a i r through manifolds f r o m batteries of standard industrial gas cylinders, which a r e recharged by powerful (up to 500 m 3 / m i n ) compressors. C o m p r e s s o r s designed f o r metallurgical industries lend themselves well to this type of continuous duty; highrpressure compregsors a r e needed, however, for the charging of high-pressure r e s e r v o i r s . Figure 2 . 8 2 shows the flowsheet of a c o m p r e s s o r plant for charging a cylinder storage unit. In both transonic and supersonic tunnels it is very important to maintain p o and To constant at the tunnel inlet (settling chamber). Current types of p r e s s u r e regulators, acting through special control valves, permit stabilization of settlingchamber p r e s s u r e t o an accuracy of about 10" Hg; this ensures adequate constancy of Reynolds number and minimum expenditure of a i r to establish the required conditions in the t e s t section.
Cold ai r intake
T o wind tunnel
FIGURE 2.82.
It is important to maintain the stagnation temperature of small-volume high-pressure r e s e r v o i r s constant; as the a i r in the tanks is used up the p r e s s u r e drop may be accompanied by a rapid lowering of the temperature to the point where the a i r becomes supercooled and even liquified. Heat storage has recently gained favor a s a means to overcome this problem: metal tubes of high thermal capacity r e l e a s e their stored heat to the a i r and reduce its cooling r a t e to about O.S"C/sec. This is not necessary when low-pressure high-volume r e s e r v o i r s a r e used, since the temperature drop is then negligible. Thus, when cylinders of 5000m3 volume with pressures o f 8 to 1 0 a t m are used f o r a wind tunnel with a 0 . 3 m X 0 . 4 m test section, the settling-chamber temperature falls at the r a t e of only O.l"C/sec, so that experiments lasting 1 0 0 to 150 seconds can be performed without additional a i r heating.
T h e operating duration of a pressure-powered tunnel depends on the dimensions of the t e s t section, the flow velocity, and the r e s e r v e of air. Most tunnels of this type, used f o r model testing, can operate for periods ranging between 112 or 1 minute and 3 or 4 minutes. L a r g e r p r e s s u r e drops, and often longer operating durations, can be achieved in pressure-powered tunnels by injecting air a t the diffuser inlet, permitting a reduction in the r a t e d settling-chamber p r e s s u r e . Supersonic vacuum-powered intermittent-operation t u n n e 1s. The principle of this type of tunnels is shown in Figure 2. 5 9; nozzle, t e s t section, and diffuser a r e s i m i l a r to those i n other types of supersonic wind tunnel, and a d r y e r is usually installed before the settling chamber.
FIGURE 2.83.
The t e s t section i s limited i n s i z e by the complications introduced by the air d r y e r and by the v e r y l a r g e capacity required of the evacuated r e s e r v o i r . The Reynolds-number range is a l s o restricted, in contrast to pressure-powered tunnels in which t h e Reynolds number of the experiment can be r a i s e d by increasing the p r e s s u r e (density) in t h e s e t t l i n g chamber and test section. The p r e s s u r e i n the test section of vacuum-powered tunnels is n e c e s s a r i l y low, and the Reynolds number can t h e r e f o r e only be i n c r e a s e d by enlarging the t e s t section. This is a distinct disadvantage. F i g u r e 2.83 shows the NOL (U.S.A.) vacuum-powered tunnel installation, in which t h r e e wind tunnels having test sections measuringup to 0 - 4 m X 0.4 m, a r e operated at Mach numbers up t o 6.5 f r o m a single s p h e r i c a l evacuated reservoir.
r e s e r v o i r . The vacuum pumps a r e driven by motors of 300 h.p. total output. The principle of a combination vacuum-pressure tunnel is illustrated in Figure 2.84. The flow throu h the 0.28 m X 0 . 2 5 m t e s t section is created 5 l by compressed a i r f r o m an 11m , 5 0 a t m r e s e r v o i r . A f t e r t r a v e r s i n g the test section and the supersonic diffuser the a i r is collected in a 340m3 r e s e r v o i r at about 0.01 ata, S O that p r e s s u r e ratios of 5000 a r e possible. Using a i r as the working fluid, test-section velocities corresponding to M = 7 can be attained, but l a r g e r Mach numbers a r e possible by using gases having s m a l l e r velocities of sound; M = 11 is possible with xenon, and M = 17 with krypton. The a i r is heated to 425C before reaching the t e s t section in which its temperature decreases t o - 180C. Without supersonic diffuser the tunnel can be operated f o r up t o 25 seconds; i f a supersonic diffuser and a radiator a r e installed a t the inlet of the evacuated r e s e r v o i r , the operating duration i n c r e a s e s t o 1 o r 1.5 minutes.
Principle of t h e combination vacuum-pressure. intermittentoperation supersonic tunnel. 1 High-pressure storage tank; 2 - a i r h e a t e r; 3 rapid-action valve; 4 test section: 5 adjustable supersonic diffuser; 6 cooler: I - evacuated reservoir.
FIGURE 2.84.
To obtain Mach numbers above 15 or 20 both high temperatures and l a r g e p r e s s u r e drops a r e required. The technical difficulties of solving these problems, using a i r a s the working fluid, a r e s o great that the operation of conventional wind tunnels is currently limited to M = 10 or 12.
If no limitations a r e imposed on the maximum instantaneous power available f o r operating the wind tunnel, continuous operation is the bzst solution, despite its much higher capital cost in comparison with intermittent operation. The total power required f o r a continuous operation supersonic tunnel (including the d r y e r s , coolers, e t c . ) a t M = 3 . 5 is no l e s s than 12,000 t o 15,000 h . p . p e r s q u a r e m e t e r of t e s t section flow a r e a . Continuous -operation tunnels having test-section flow a r e a s l e s s than 0.5 t o 0.6m2 a r e of limited usefulness because of the difficulties in accurate scaling and the reduced Reynolds numbers of the t e s t s . If no m o r e than 5000 or 10,000 kw is available a pressure-powered intermittent-operation tunnel, using compressed a i r a t 6 to 1 0 atm, is preferable. A single
4000 kw c o m p r e s s o r charging a 4000 to 5000m3 b a t t e r y of cylinders can provide one s t a r t - u p every 2 o r 3 hours f o r a tunnel having a 0.4 t o 0.5 m2 t e s t - s e c t i o n and operating a t M = 4. Although intermittent-operation tunnels r e q u i r e far l e s s installed power (Figure 2.85) than continuous-operation tunnels 1 2 0 1 , t h e i r capital cost has tended to i n c r e a s e a s l a r g e r t e s t sections have become n e c e s s a r y to meet t h e requirements of even l a r g e r models and even lower Reynolds numbers, adding t o the complexity and s i z e of the installation. It is becoming standard practice, however, to compensate f o r the increased s i z e of the t e s t section by reducing the operating duration in such tunnels to 3 0 or 40 seconds FIGURE 2.85. Power requirements ofcono r l e s s , and t o u s e high-speed automatic t e s t tinuous- and intermittent-operation tunequipment to m e a s u r e f o r c e s and p r e s s u r e s nels at equal Reynolds numbers. 1-ratio over a considerable range of model attitudes of installed powers of continuous-operation during the brief t e s t period available. The and vacuum-powered tunnels; 2- ratioof cost advantage of intermittent -operation installed powers of continuous-operation tunnels is thus maintained, and even a rapid and pressure-powered tunnels. change in model attitude does not affect the measurements, since the translational velocity of a point on the periphery of the model is s t i l l only about 1 p a r t in 10.000 of the f r e e - s t r e a m velocity. Using strain-gage t r a n s d u c e r s and high-speed self -balancing potentiometer r e c o r d e r s , f o r c e s and p r e s s u r e s can be measured within fractions of a second. If the available power is l e s s than 1000 o r 1500 kw it is b e t t e r to build an intermittent-operation pressure-powered tunnel with high- p r e s s u r e res e r v o i r s . A tunnel with a 0.4 to 0.5 m test section f o r M = 4 r e q u i r e s three o r four 250 kw high-pressure c o m p r e s s o r s discharging into a 200 t o 250m3 battery of 200atm gas c y l i n d e r s . If the available power is only lOOkw o r l e s s , a vacuum-powered tunnelis m o r e suitable, the only difficulties being the construction of the spherical vacuum tank and of the d r y e r . Notable cost advantages over a continuous -operation tunnel a r e possible when a group of intermittent-operation tunnels can be served by a central c o m p r e s s o r plant, especially since i t is f a i r l y easy t o modernize existing tunnels i f t h e i r c o m p r e s s o r plants need not be enlarged.
Low-density wind tunnels Wind tunnels f o r l a r g e flow velocities and low gas densities are increasingly being used f o r investigations of high-speed r a r i f i e d - g a s flow. P r o b l e m s of the f o r c e s acting on high-speed rockets at l a r g e altitudes, and of the heat exchange between them and the surrounding medium, a r e particularly important. Low-density wind tunnels have specific features, and involve t e s t methods which take account of the flow p r o p e r t i e s of r a r i f i e d gases at p r e s s u r e s of the o r d e r of a f e w m m H g (absolute) o r l e s s . Consequent upon a reduction in p r e s s u r e o r i n c r e a s e
in altitude, the number of molecules p e r unit volume of a gas d e c r e a s e s and the distance mean f r e e path - t h e average distance travelled by a n individual molecule before colliding with another - i n c r e a s e s . F o r instance, at a height of 12Okm, the mean f r e e path is about 0.3 m; f o r bodies whose
Without boundary-layer extraction Wirh boundary-layer extraction
Radial distance fiom flow axis, (mm) Nozzle-exit velocity distribution of a low-density high-speed tunnel.
dimensions a r e comparable t o this, the atmosphere cannot be considered as a continuous medium. Rarified gases can be investigated under natural conditions in the upper l a y e r s of the atmosphere and in special installations, such as "altitude" chambers, into which a model is projected. However, supersonic wind tunnels adapted f o r low-pressure operation provide much better experimental conditions 1211. T h e r e are two main difficulties in designing low-density tunnels, namely, achieving the required low p r e s s u r e and a sufficiently uniform velocity distribution in the t e s t section of the tunnel, An oil-diffusion pump and a backing pump a r e n e c e s s a r y to obtain the required high vacuum t o l O - ' r n m Hg). Although the boundary l a y e r can be extracted to obviate a nonuniform velocity distribution in the t e s t section, it is not good practice to attempt to evacuate the tunnel through porous walls; it is far b e t t e r to u s e a tunnel whose l a r g e dimensions make allowance f o r the thickening of the boundary l a y e r , the required range of uniform velocities being obtained in the central flow core. n axiFigure 2. 86 shows the nozzle-exit velocity distributions i n R s y m m e t r i c a l wind tunnel (Hyams Laboratory, (NASA) U. S. A .) operated a t a s t a t i c p r e s s u r e of 115 m Hg with and without boundary-layer extraction. The nozzle-exit diameter of this tunnel is 50.8" [2 inches]. Figure 2.87 shows this tunnel schematically. The gas is supplied t o the r e c e i v e r of the tunnel f r o m cylinders via a throttle valve. F r o m the r e c e i v e r the gas flows into a nozzle t o which the (Eiffel-type) t e s t section is connected. Beyond this is a plenum tank, continuously evacuated by four oil-diffusion pumps connected in parallel and discharging t o backing pumps exhausting to atmosphere. The gas inlet r a t e into the s y s t e m can
be adjusted t o obtain the required p r e s s u r e and Mach number; Mach numbers up t o 2.75 can be obtained by using interchangeable nozzles. The total p r e s s u r e in the r e c e i v e r and the s t a t i c p r e s s u r e in the t e s t section are measured by McLeod gages.
FIGURE 2.87.
Boundary-layer growth a t low p r e s s u r e s causes a considerable reduction in Mach number in comparison with the Mach numbers obtained f o r given p r e s s u r e r a t i o s a t higher p r e s s u r e s . It is therefore necessary t o control in each t e s t both the p r e s s u r e r a t i o and the magnitudes of the p r e s s u r e s themselves. The higher the static p r e s s u r e i n helium-and nitrogen-filled wind tunnels, the closer the Mach number approaches i t s calculated valve. The distribution of static and total p r e s s u r e s a c r o s s a t e s t section is shown in Figure 2. 88. Low-density tunnels a r e equipped with special microbalances f o r determining drag. Low-density wind tunnels demand special c a r e in the choice of the equipment f o r measuring the gas p a r a m e t e r s and f o r visualizing the flow. McLeod, Pirani, and other types of vacuum gages a r e used f o r measuring the p r e s s u r e . The flow pattern a t p r e s s u r e s below a few m m H g cannot be studied with standard optical techniques, using Topler instruments o r interferometers. Instead, the flow pattern is visualized and the positions of shocks established by using either the afterglow of nitrogen which has been ionized by passage through a g r i d connected t o an a. c . supply, or with the aid of a monochromator. The l a t t e r is used in conjunction with a s o u r c e of ultraviolet radiation (for instance a Xenon pulse lamp) and s p e c i a l photographic plates *.
T h e absorption of ultraviolet radiation by oxygen is a function of the density of t h e oxygen. T h e intensity of radiation transmitted through a region of l o w density will b e higher than that of radiation transmitted through a region of high density. and the flow pattern c a n be judged from t h e shadows thus formed.
The design, construction, and operation of low-density wind tunnels demand special techniques, and many unusual features a r e involved in both their construction and their instrumentation. The high-vacuum technology
FIGURE 2.88. Variation in t o t a l and static pressure across a nitrogen-filled test section. 1- t o t al pressure; 2 - static pressure.
and exact physical measurements a r e very demanding, s o that such tunnels are comparatively few in number, and experimental techniques a r e still in process of development.
In the supersonic wind tunnels described in the preceding sections, velocities up to M = 4 or 4.5 could be obtained. T h i s range of velocities is sufficient f o r t e s t s of supersonic a i r c r a f t and ballistic m i s s i l e s . However, the rapid expansion of rocket technology in recent y e a r s has made it necessary t o study phenomena of flight through the e a r t h ' s atmosphere a t velocities g r e a t e r than 1 0 k m / s e c , i. e., 20 o r m o r e t i m e s the velocity of sound. Entirely new physical phenomena a r i s e when vehicles move a t such hypersonic velocities through a gas, caused by the r i s e in temperature of the gas l a y e r close t o the surface of the vehicle. For instance, at a flight velocity of 6 k m / s e c in the s t r a t o s p h e r e the compression of the gas in the shockpreceding the nose of the vehicle, and friction in the boundary layer, cause a temperature r i s e of the o r d e r of 10,000"K. A t temperatures above 1500 to 2O0O0K, the dissociation of the gases composing the a i r and the excitation of molecular vibrations increasingly change the physical and chemical c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of the a i r .
After the onset of gas dissociation the air can no longer be considered as a perfect gas, f o r which the equation of s t a t e p v = R T holds t r u e and the r a t i o x of the specific heats is constant. Typical changes i n the properties of air a r e shown in Figure 2 . 8 9 , where the r a t i o pvlRT (which can be considered as the degree of dissociation) is shown a s a function of velocity f o r the conditions behind normal and oblique shocks at s e a level and at 75 km altitude. The value of x at a velocity of 7 km/ s e c and at altitudes of 30 t o 6 0 k m d e c r e a s e s / 2 2 / f r o m 1 . 4 t o 1 . 1 3 .
i T
blique shock
8 =ZD'
v. k m h e c
FIGURE 2.89. Change of air properties behind normal and oblique shocks at an altitude of 15 km and at sea level.
Ionization of the components of the atmosphere becomes increasingly pronounced a t t e m p e r a t u r e s above 2000 t o 3000"K, corresponding to flight velocities above 6 km/ s e c , and l a r g e numbers of positively and negatively charged particles appear. New gas species, such as NO, a r e a l s o formed by chemical reactions. The presence of ionized particles makes the gas conductive, s o that a t speeds close t o the gravitational escape velocity, electromagnetic f o r c e s might become considerable a t l e a s t in the boundary l a y e r . The interaction of the flow of the conducting medium with a magnetic field, which is the subject of a new branch of hydrodynamics - magnetohydrodynamics affects the forces acting during flight, and influences the heat t r a n s f e r i n the boundary l a y e r . The degree of dissociation and, therefore, the t e m p e r a t u r e of air at velocities above 2.5 t o 3 k m / s e c , depends on the p r e s s u r e : the lower the p r e s s u r e , the higher the degree of dissociation, and the higher the divergence f r o m perfect-gas conditions. Figure 2. 90 shows the stagnation t e m p e r a t u r e as a function of flight velocity of a body, calculated for different conditions of compression 1 2 6 1 . F o r isentropic compression a t constant r a t i o of specific heats, the variation of temperature with velocity is shown in curve 1, which is plotted f r o m t h e equation
A t velocities g r e a t e r than 1500 m / s e c the curve f o r isentropic compression of the r e a l gas diverges considerably f r o m the curve f o r x = 1.4 (curve 2 ) .
Curve 3 illustrates the t e m p e r a t u r e i n c r e a s e a c r o s s the nose shock in front of a thermally insulated body f r o m which t h e r e is no radiation. Compression in the nose shock is followed by isentropic compression a t the stagnation point of the body. Because of the shock, the total p r e s s u r e is l e s s than with isentropic compression, while the degree of dissociation is higher and the temperature is lower a t a given heat content of the gas. Curve 4 shows the temperature on the surface of a flat plate having a perfectly s h a r p leading edge when t h e r e is no heat exchange and the coefficient of temperature r e c o v e r y i s unity. In this c a s e the p r e s s u r e km'sec a ) Height 30.5 km a t the surface of the plate equals the surrounding p r e s s u r e and the temperature is much lower [than with isentropic compression]. We s e e that when d i s sociation occurs the stagnation temperature depends strongly on the p r e s s u r e , and thus on the altitude. The f i r s t inflexion point of curve 4, corresponding t o a velocity of about 3 k m / s e c , is the r e s u l t of the dissociation of oxygen, which is completed before the next inflexion point (4.5 to 6 k m / s e c ) , which is caused by the dissociation of nitrogen. These considerations a r e important in the design of wind tunnels. To provide the necessary conditions in the t e s t section b) Height 61 km Y,-km'sec the gas must expand isentropically from r e s t in the settling chamber t o full flow FIGURE 2.90. Variation of stagnation in the t e s t section. Thus, f o r instance, temperature with conditions of compresif the density and temperature in the test sion a t altitudes of 30.5 km and 6 1 k m . section a r e to correspond t o flight at 1 -isentropic compression of air ~ ~ 1 . 4 ; 4 . 5 k m / s e c a t altitudes of 30 and 60km, 2-isentropic compression of r eal gas; the stagnation t e m p e r a t u r e should be 3-temperature at stagnation point of a about 7500 and 6500"1(, and the total blunt-nose body; 4 - temperature on p r e s s u r e s lo4 and lo3 a t m respectively. the surface of a plate. The changes in the properties of the gas make it difficult t o simulate the flow around bodies a t hypersonic velocities. In aerodynamics of steady flow at velocities above M = 7 o r 8, similarity is achieved by reproducing the Reynolds and Mach numbers, corresponding t o natural conditions (similiarity for x is maintained automatically if the t e s t s a r e made in a i r ) . In hypersonic t e s t s new s i m i l a r i t y c r i t e r i a have t o be introduced because the r a t i o of specific heats and other properties of the a i r change a t high t e m p e r a t u r e s ,
1; I'
In addition to measuring f o r c e s and p r e s s u r e distributions, i t becomes n e c e s s a r y to study the heat exchange between the medium and the body, so that the relevant p r o c e s s in the model must be exactly s i m i l a r t o the natural phenomena. Special installations and experimental techniques a r e used f o r the investigation of heat exchange in the boundary l a y e r . In many c a s e s reliable r e s u l t s can be achieved by testing at the natural values of stagnation t e m p e r a t u r e and total p r e s s u r e , while carefully maintaining the thermodynamic equilibrium. However, it is in practice impossible t o achieve full s i m i l a r i t y of a l l the conditions in the laboratory, s o that in the installations described below full s i m i l a r i t y conditions a r e observed only f o r the phenomena most strongly affecting the p a r a m e t e r s of immediate interest, the influence of each s e p a r a t e p a r a m e t e r being studied in turn. Thus, heat t r a n s f e r depends strongly on the flow r e g i m e in the boundary l a y e r , whose transition f r o m l a m i n a r to turbulent flow depends on the Reynolds number; hence, in heatt r a n s f e r studies at hypersonic velocities a wide range of Reynolds numbers must be obtainable. This is possible in wind tunnels, where hypersonic velocities a r e achieved by isentropic expansion of the gas in a Lavalnozzle, a t comparatively s m a l l Mach-numbers changes by adjustment of the nozzle divergence (or the a r e a of the tunnel). Thus, f o r a test-section velocity of 4.5 k m / s e c (corresponding t o M = 15 a t an altitude of 60 km) a 32-fold i n c r e a s e of the divergence angle of the nozzle will i n c r e a s e the 60 km-altitude Reynolds number by a factor of 10; the Mach number w i l l be reduced only to about 1 / 2 of i t s previous value, while the change in flow velocity is only 470 because the total-heat content of the air is very l a r g e in comparison with i t s static-heat content. New types of wind tunnels have been developed during the past ten y e a r s f o r high-temperature hypersonic t e s t s . These include: 1) hypersonic wind tunnels with air h e a t e r s ; 2 ) installations with adiabatic compression; 3 ) shock tubes of various types; 4 ) e l e c t r i c plasma wind tunnels; 5) installations for f r e e flight of the model (ballistic ranges). Of these devices only the installations of the f i r s t type a r e capable of providing steady flow lasting seconds or minutes. A l l the others enable high-temperature high-speed flow to be obtained only f o r periods of m i c r o or milliseconds.
Wind tunnels with a i r heaters It is impossible t o obtain Mach numbers g r e a t e r than 4 or 4.5 in standard supersonic wind tunnels a t normal stagnation t e m p e r a t u r e s since cooling of the a i r during expansion causes liquefaction at the nozzle outlet. The Mach number can only be further increased by using a gas, such as helium, which has a lower boiling point than air, or by heating the air before i t r e a c h e s the nozzle outlet. The minimum stagnation t e m p e r a t u r e s t o prevent condensation of air a r e shown in Figure 2. 91.
monatomic gas precludes its u s e in the study of phenomena associated with the properties of a i r a t high t e m p e r a t u r e s . A further draw-
T h02
Melting point, "K . . . . Maximum permissible remperarure i n still air, *K . . . . Density, g/cms . . . Specific heat at 1300. K, Kcal/kg. ' K 1 . . .
+ % CaO
2550 2500 5.4
2880 2400 3.65 0.17
. .
3240 2700 9 .7
Thermal-storage units in hot-air tunnels a r e made f r o m special r e f r a c t o r y materials heated by combustion of a fuel o r by means of e l e c t r i c resistance heaters. Hydrocarbon fuels can be used t o provide t e m p e r a t u r e s up to 2400K. or, i f burned in pure oxygen, up t o 3000K.
When the r e f r a c t o r y has reached i t s maximum permissible t e m p e r a t u r e (the values of which f o r various r e f r a c t o r y m a t e r i a l s are shown in Table 1) air is led f r o m cylinders through the thermal-storage unit into the settling chamber, whence i t flows through the nozzle and t e s t section of the tunnel i n the usual way. The t e m p e r a t u r e T O , attained by the air a f t e r i t has absorbed heat f r o m the t h e r m a l - s t o r a g e unit, depends on the temperature, dimensions, and heat-transfer coefficient of the unit. A section through the thermal-storage a i r heater, used in a wind tunnel at the Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute (U.S.A.), is shown in Figure 2.92. The a i r p a s s e s through a 600 m m - diameter tube made of r e f r a c t o r y m a t e r i a l and charged to a depth of 1.8 m with 9.5 mm-diameter zirconia balls. The tube is surrounded by a p r e s s u r e chamber which is p r e heated by passing a n e l e c t r i c c u r r e n t through heating r o d s containing silicon carbide. This s t o r a g e heater will heat 4 . 4 k g / s e c of air at 40atm, t o 1600K. It is m o r e common t o heat the a i r entering the settling chamber by passing it over e l e c t r i c r e s i s t a n c e heaters switched in throughout the operating period of the tunnel. Metallic or graphite r e s i s t o r s a r e installed for this purpose i n a tube u p s t r e a m of the settling chamber, s o that the air must p a s s over their heated s u r f a c e s . Much trouble has been experienced with metal failure and insulator breakdown at these high operating t e m p e r a t u r e s and p r e s s u r e s , and low-voltage s y s t e m s a r e now favored. Table 2 shows the I c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of the air heaters used FIGURE 2 . 9 2 . Thermal-storage air heater. in s e v e r a l U. S. wind tunnels; i t is seen 1 - air inlet; 2 -refractory balls; 3 that the performance of low-voltage operating mechanism; 4 - valve to start s y s t e m s is s u p e r i o r in t e r m s of heat wind tunnel; 5-nozzle; 6-ceramic tube; flow r a t e p e r unit s u r f a c e a r e a and volume I - thermal insularion; 8 - rhermocouple; of heating element. Graphite, whose 9 - high-pressure chamber; 1 0 - heating melting point is above 4000K a t 1 0 0 atm, elements. is the best m a t e r i a l f o r the heating elements, but special coatings must be used t o prevent rapid oxidation and crumbling of its surface. Figure 2.94 shows, as a n example of a hypersonic heated wind tunnel, the AEDC tunnel in the U. S. A . It has a t e s t section diameter of 127Omm, in which velocities corresponding t o M = 7 can be reached at stagnation temperatures of 600K and total p r e s s u r e s of 30 a t m . The most vulnerable p a r t of a high-temperature wind tunnel is the nozzle inlet, which undergoes l a r g e s t r e s s e s a t high t e m p e r a t u r e s . Heat t r a n s f e r f r o m the nozzle walls can be improved by making them thin and by cooling them externally with high-speed a i r or water; nevertheless, the throat tends t o burn out v e r y quickly, and is usually made of exchangeable i n s e r t s .
Type of Hearer
VoIta g e
250 Canral alloy 600 25.5 3.25 2200 Graphite 56 sreel 3000
1.I O
2360 2.1 1530 Circular pipes i n groups of seven 1 . 1 mm-dia wire wound on silica rod formers 1550 0.42
102000 0.02 2480 Shown in figure 2 . 9 3 1090 Rectangular tubes, 12.7X X 25.4 mm
Many difficulties a r e experienced in the construction of t h e r m a l - s t o r a g e units and e l e c t r i c h e a t e r s rated f o r operating t e m p e r a t u r e s i n t h e region of 1000K a t powers of hundreds of megawatts. Figure 2. 91 shows that
FIGUKE 2.93. Electric heater with graphite resistor e l e m e n t . 1-insulators; 2 - busbars; 3 -graphirehearing e l e m e n t ; 4 insulation; 5 - nozzle; 6 - thermocouples; I - radiation pyrometer fittings.
this temperature is only sufficient to prevent liquefaction of air at velocities up to M = 10; simulation of the f a r l a r g e r velocities of space c r a f t reentering the e a r t h s atmosphere r e q u i r e s much higher temperatures of the o r d e r of 4000 to 8000K. Modern engineering has solved these problems by the u s e in wind tunnels of e l e c t r i c - a r c h e a t e r s (plasma g e n e r a t o r s ) , and by shock tubes. The e l e c t r i c - a r c (plasma) wind tunnel is the only type i n which hight e m p e r a t u r e hypersonic flow can be realised f o r extended periods. The plasma generator (Figure 2. 95) consists of a cylindrical chamber along whose axis a cylindrical cathode either solid or hollow, and a tubular or conical anode forming a nozzle, a r e installed. The working medium, g e n e r a l l y a i r , is led into the chamber tangentially through openings in the walls. An a r c f o r m s between the electrodes when a high potential difference is applied a c r o s s them, and this is stabilized by the turbulent flow of the gas, electrode erosion being abated by rotation of the a r c about the electrodes. The discharge is maintained by t h e r m a l ionization in the discharge duct and by emission f r o m the electrodes. The ionized gas in the discharge duct is called plasma. T h e gas s t r e a m cools the outside of the plasma jet, S O that t h e r e is l e s s ionization and reduced conductivity a t i t s surface. The e l e c t r i c c u r r e n t becomes concentrated in the c e n t r a l hot region of the plasma, increasing i t s t e m p e r a t u r e and conductivity, and, a t the s a m e t i m e its p r e s s u r e . Under the influence of t h e electromagnetic f o r c e and of this p r e s s u r e the plasma is ejected f r o m the nozzle as a jet.
257 ~ q
3 ,I
FIGURE 2.94. AEDC hypersonic wind tunnel with heater. 1 - electric heater: 2 -m i x i n g section; 3 - annulus with pressure and temperature
pointst 4
- radial
A m o r e uniform flow is obtained if the j e t is led initially into a settling chamber where flow fluctuations a r e damped out. The gas then p a s s e s into a second nozzle. (Figure 2. 96), i n which it expands and is accelerated t o a high speed.
Wate? c
RGURE 2 . 9 5 . Principle of t h e electric-arc heater (plasmatcon). a-with graphite electrodes; b-with m e t a l electrodes.
The model under t e s t is placed in the f r e e jet or in the t e s t section at the end of the nozzle. The shock in f r o n t of the model reionizes the g a s , which had cooled during the expansion in the nozzle, transforming it again into a plasma and reheeting it approximately t o i t s f o r m e r temperature.
Coo1in g water
1 Cooling
water RGURE 2.96. Wind tunnel with electric-arc heater.
The gas is s o m e t i m e s accelerated in the test section by evacuating the latter, the gas being cooled in a heat exchanger before passing to the vacuum pump. T e m p e r a t u r e s of 6000 t o 10,000K can be obtained with plasma generators, the main operational difficulties being rapid nozzle erosion and burning away of the electrodes, which limits the period f o r which the installation can be continuously operated and contaminates the j e t with combustion products. The contaminants themselves may abrade o r corrode the model. The electrodes a r e made of graphite, copper, steel, o r tungsten. Graphite can withstand very high temperatures f o r brief periods. However, at very high powers, particles tend to become detached f r o m the graphite m a s s , contaminating the plasma. The flow velocity can be increased by reducing the c r o s s section of the nozzle throat; however, the smaller the throat, the m o r e is it subject t o erosion and t o blockage by electrode fragments. Contamination is l e s s s e r i o u s i f metal electrodes a r e employed. Thus, a 1 2.7 m m graphite cathode rod and a hollow thin-walled water-cooled anode a r e used in the AVCO tunnel I23 1 . The walls of the second nozzle and the chamber a r e similarly water cooled, The AVCO tunnel has an installed power of 130kw. The throat diameters of the f i r s t and second nozzles a r e 15.2 and 7.6 respectively. The chamber is spherical with a diameter The diameter of the test section is 152.4. The nose of the of 76.2. model is 6 . 5 m m u p s t r e a m of the nozzle outlet. P l a s m a tunnels a r e chiefly used for the study of heat-exchange problems of blunt axisymmetrical bodies, and f o r the investigation of surface fusion and m a s s removal f r o m bodies in hypersonic flight. Studies of m a s s removal f r o m bodies re-entering the earths atmosphere can only be c a r r i e d out i n plasma tunnels because shock-tube tunnels can be operated only for brief periods. F r e e - s t r e a m velocities up t o 3 6 0 0 m / s e c can be attained in plasma tunnels with Lava1 nozzles; the maximum velocity is limited chiefly by erosion of the nozzle throat. Although the a r c is comparatively small, its power may be many thousands of kw. The specific power in the nozzle throat may be of the o r d e r of tens of kilowatts p e r square millimeter, which is many times the specific power of the heat flow of a liquid-fuel jet engine.
Ionized gas
It is proposed t o increase the flow velocity in plasma tunnels still f u r t h e r , up t o between 5000 and 9000 m/sec, by accelerating the plasma, as shown in Figure 2. 97, through the interaction of a c u r r e n t passing through it and an applied magnetic field. A voltage E is applied between the two electrodes forming opposite walls of a rectangular duct, s o that a c u r r e n t I flows through the plasma in the direction shown by an a r r o w in Figure 2.97. A magnetic field of strength H i s applied in a direction perpendicular both t o the direction of plasma flow and t o that of the e l e c t r i c c u r r e n t , so that a f o r c e (Lorentz force), proportional t o H and t o I a c t s on the plasma, accelerating it along the tunnel axis f r o m the initial velocity 1/ t o a velocity V + A V . The nozzle throat of a hypersonic tunnel is the most highly s t r e s s e d p a r t and is most difficult t o make. At free-stream velocities corresponding t o M = 3 t o 5, the simplest s t r u c t u r a l solution is a plane-parallel nozzle. When M exceeds 10, however, even in a l a r g e wind tunnel, the throat height of a plane nozzle is only tenths or hundredths of a millimeter, being s e v e r a l thousand times s m a l l e r than the nozzle width. In such a narrow nozzle heat t r a n s f e r f r o m the gas t o the walls is very high, and i t becomes difficult t o maintain the height uniform over the full nozzle width because of the high thermal stresses. Axisymmetric nozzles a r e of the optimum shape f r o m the viewpoint of heat transfer and dimensional stability, and can be efficiently water-cooled. The axisymmetric nozzles can be formed by turning, precision casting, or electroforming in d i e s previously machined t o the required nozzle profile.
Shock tubes The shock tube was the f i r s t apparatus in which r e s e a r c h demanding simultaneously high temperatures and high flow velocities could b e c a r r i e d out. The simplest f o r m of shock tube (Figure 2. 98) is a long cylindrical tube closed a t both ends and separated intotwounequal p a r t s (chambers)bya [frangible] diaphragm. The s m a l l e r left-hand chamber is filled with highp r e s s u r e gas "propellant", while the right hand chamber is filled with the working gas a t low p r e s s u r e . In the equations below initial s t a t e s of the propellant and working gases a r e indicated by the subsripts 4 and 1 respectively. The diaphragm is ruptured, S O that the propellant gas expands to s t a t e 3 (Figure 2. 98b). A rarefaction wave is formed in the high-pressure chamber, and a compression shock moves into the lowp r e s s u r e chamber a t a propagation velocity u, [in relation t o the tube a t rest]. A s the shock moves through the tube, the working gas behind it is compressed, heated, and forced t o flow in the direction of the shock wave. If the shock-propagation velocity in the tube is constant, a region of steady high-temperature flow f o r m s behind the shock (stage 2). Under these conditions, the flow around models installed in the right-hand p a r t of the tube, nonsteady aerodynamic processes, the kinetics of chemical reactions, etc. can be studied. The column of the working gas moving a t a constant is delimited by the so-called contact discontinuity, which velocity 1': s e p a r a t e s the regions a t s t a t e s 2 and 3 , and defines the propellant-gas front.
The propagation velocity ii, of the shock wave is higher than the particle velocity V1 of the gas, which equals the velocity with which the contact discontinuitymoves along the tube. The duration At of steady flow past point A of the tube where the t e s t model is installed can be calculated approximately l ( l / V 2 - l / u s ) , where 1 f r o m the difference between these velocities; At is the distance f r o m the diaphragm t o point A (Figure 2.98~).
FIGURE 2.98.
Given the Mach numberM,= uJal of the shock it is possible t o determine the p a r a m e t e r s of the moving gas. Here, a is the velocity of sound in the undisturbed working gas in front of the shock MI. Assuming the propellant and working fluids t o be perfect gases with constant specific heats, and neglecting the influence of viscosity and turbulence on the contact discontinuity, MI is given by 1241 :
Knowing M, we can find the flow velocity and Mach number behind the shock:
while the r a t i o of the temperature in the region of steady flow t o the temperature of the propellant gas is :
(2. 5)
where p is the molecular weight of the gas. F r o m (2. 5) we can see, that a t a given propellant-gas temperature, the temperature of the working gas can be increased by using a heavy working gas and a lighter propellant gas. The force of the shock and the temperature of the moving gas can be r a i s e d f u r t h e r by increasing the r a t i o of the velocities of sound atlal through heating the propellant gas. The most widely applied method is t o u s e a s propellant gas a combustible mixture of oxygen and hydrogen, t o which helium is added t o reduce the r i s k of detonation. After igniting the mixture electrically (for instance, by an ordinary automobile s p a r k plug), the In some shock tubes temperature in the chamber r i s e s to 1500-2000C. maximum shock-propagation velocities of 18 k m / s e c have been observed after rupture of the diaphragm, with t e m p e r a t u r e s behind the shock of 1 6,00O0K. Another method of increasing the shock-propagation velocity a t a given p r e s s u r e r a t i o is t o u s e a shock tube with m o r e than one diaphragm. The rupture of the f i r s t diaphragm causes propagation of a shock through an intermediate chamber filled with argon; a f t e r rupturing a second diaphragm the shock reaches the working gas. Shock-propagation velocity is increased in this c a s e a t the expense of a reduction in the duration of steady flow. Since the shock-propagation velocity exceeds the velocity a t which the contact discontinuity moves, the region of steady flow between the shock and the contact discontinuity i n c r e a s e s with tube length. In fact, viscosity causes an i n c r e a s e in the velocity a t which the contact discontinuity moves, often to a degree where any further i n c r e a s e in tube length i n c r e a s e s the region of steady flow only slightly. Usually, the duration of steady flow is a few milliseconds. The p a r a m e t e r s of the steady flow a r e determined f r o m the shock-propagation velocity and the initial s t a t e s of the propellant and working gases. This type of shock tube cannot be used for complete simulation of atmospheric-re-entry conditions of rockets o r space craft. The r a t i o of sound velocities in front and behind the shock is
Substituting this value into (2. 3), we obtain for high shock-propagation veloci ti e s
For a i r the Mach number of the flow cannot thus exceed 1.89, s o that shock tubes of this simple type a r e only used when it is not very important t o reproduce M , but high temperatures corresponding to the actual conditions must be achieved (for instance, when studying heat exchange a t the nose of a blunt body).
The velocity of steady flow in shock tubes may be increased by expanding the gas, moving behind the shock wave, in a nozzle. Distinct f r o m cylindrical shock tubes, those with diverging nozzles (Figure 2.99) a r e called shock wind tunnels. The t i m e interval required for the passage of the shock waves formed during the initial flow in the nozzle can be reduced, by installing a low-strength auxiliary diaphragm a t the nozzle inlet. However, when a diverging nozzle is fitted the duration of steady uniform flow is l e s s than in a cylindrical shock tube. Figure 2.100 shows the principle of a shock wind tunnel s i m i l a r in design t o the below-mentioned tunnel, in which adiabatic compression is employed. In addition to increasing the flow velocity up t o M = 20 t o 25, this s y s t e m p e r m i t s the period of tunnel operation t o be
L -
increased. A t the end of the chamber containing the working gas, which f o r m s the inlet of a converging-diverging [Laval] nozzle, a second, lowstrength diaphragm is installed. After bursting the first diaphragm, the shock reaches the nozzle inlet and is reflected f r o m it, leaving between the nozzle i q e t and the reflected shock a region of almost stationary hot gas which, after rupturing the second diaphragm, flows through the nozzle into the partially evacuated t e s t section. When the reflected shock reaches the contact discontinuity, it is reflected a s a secondary shock moving towards the nozzle. The velocity,
at which the contact discontinuity moves, is sharply decreased s o that the duration of steady flow, which ends a t the instant when the contact discontinuity r e a c h e s the nozzle inlet, is increased considerably (Figure 2.100b). The perturbations caused by the secondary reflected shock must be attenuated in o r d e r to obtain uniform flow a t the nozzle inlet.
High pressure
Intermediate pressure
Mdin diaphragm
Duration of steady flow a t nozzle inlet when n o reflection occurs a t contact discontinuity
Formation of a secondary reflected shock can be prevented by a s o called "matched" contact discontinuity / 251. The initial s t a t e of the working and propellant gases is chosen s o that the p r i m a r y reflected shock p a s s e s through the contact discontinuity without iiiteraction. The operating time of the tunnel can thus be increased 8 to 60 t i m e s . In o r d e r to find the flow conditions behind the reflected shock, which determine the initial s t a t e a t the nozzle inlet, the following p a r a m e t e r s have to be measured: propellant-gas p r e s s u r e a t instant of diaphragm rupture; initial working-gas p r e s s u r e ; time variation of p r e s s u r e behind shock; propagation velocities of incident and reflected shocks. Detailed data for shock tunnels a r e given in 1 3 6 1 .
A powerful recently-developed s o u r c e of shocks whereby t e m p e r a t u r e s up t o t e n s of thousands of degrees may be achieved, r e l i e s on the s p a r k discharge of the electrical energy s t o r e d in a bank of l a r g e capacitors, s o m e 3 0 t o 50% of which can be r e l e a s e d a s Joule heat close t o the electrodes. The e l e c t r i c c u r r e n t flowing through the instantaneously ionized gas induces a magnetic field, and this, together with t h e r m a l expansion, a c c e l e r a t e s the gas, causing a s t r o n g shock t o be propagated at a velocity
of tens, and even hundredths, of kilometers p e r second. This shock is employed i n electromagnetic shock tunnels in exactly the s a m e way a s i n pneumatic shock tunnels; but the t r a n s i t time of the steady flow behind the shock wave is usually no m o r e than 20 or 30 microseconds, while the Mach number is not m o r e than 3 or 4 because of the high velocity of sound in a v e r y hot gas. The high levels of ionization of the very hot gases in such tunnels a r e suitable f o r experiments in magnetohydrodynamics. Figure 2.101 shows an installation of this type / 27/. The tunnel is a glass tube of 76 m m inside diameter with the s p a r k generator fitted at one end which f o r m s a truncated cone; the t e s t model is installed, with test probes, at the other flat end. The central spark-gap electrode is mounted at the narrowest p a r t of the truncated cone, the other, annular electrode is placed a t the intersection of the conical and cylindrical sections of the tube.
To vacuum
Diagram of an electromagnetic shock tunnel. 1-glass tube: 2 -test model; 3 - ionization-sensing element. 4- battery, 6 7 . 5 ~ ; 5 - moviecamera: 6- variable delay; I - oscillograph; 8 annular electrode 9 conducting strips (6 #); 10 - oscillograph trigger pickup coil: 1 1battery, 300v; 12 - auxiliary trigger supply unit 30 kv. supply unit; 1 4 - capacitor (30 kv); 13 trigger electrodes; 16 bank. 630 pF: 15 central electrodes: 1 1 - insulator.
FIGURE 2.101.
The discharge is initiated by means of an auxiliary s p a r k gap, consisting of two convex copper electrodes. One of these is formed by the back of the central electrode; the other, mounted coaxially, is separated f r o m it by a ceramic insulator, so a s to f o r m a chamber filled with nitrogen at l 0 0 m m H g to reduce erosion of the auxiliary electrodes. The tunnel itself is evacuated to a p r e s s u r e of 25 to 300 ,um Hg before each test. The auxiliary gap, which is electrically in s e r i e s with the main gap, shields the central electrode, preventing it
f r o m discharging t o the annular electrode until a 15 kv t r i g g e r pulse is applied to the auxiliary gap. A s soon a s this gap is ionized the main capacitor (formed a bank of 6 ~ ~ F c a p a c i t o rdischarges s) through the auxiliary gap and the main gap in s e r i e s , the r e t u r n path f r o m the annular electrode of the main gap being provided by s i x copper s t r i p s equally spaced around the outside of the truncated cone. High-speed movie c a m e r a s can be used f o r observing the shock; the c a m e r a s available in Soviet laboratories p e r m i t speeds of 2.5 million f r a m e s p e r second 1 3 3 1 . Test models, and probes f o r measuring ionization intensity and air conductivity a r e placed in the t e s t section of the'tunnel. Figure 2 . 1 0 2 shows a model used f o r studying the interaction between a n a i r s t r e a m and a magnetic field. A solenoid is placed inside a 20"-diameter cylinder having a blunt nose of 1 mm-thick P y r e x glass. A 40,000 gauss magnetic field can be instantaneously created in front of the model by d i s charging a ~ O O I J F , 1500 volt capacitor bank through the solenoid. The field is timed to synchronize with the passage of the shock, and photographs demonstrate how the shock moves further away f r o m t h e nose a s the magnetic -field intensity i n c r e a s e s .
FIGUKE 2. 102. Model to test interaction between magnetic field and air stream. 1-current supply; 2- Plexiglas core, 3-solenoid; 4-glass-fiber reinforced plastic; 5- Pyrex glass.
Adiabatic shock tunnels Tunnels in which high temperatures a r e obtained by adiabatic compression of the a i r b e f o r e it e n t e r s the tunnel a r e known a s adiabatic shock tunnels. Such a tunnel, shown in Figure 2.103, incorporates a long tube (generally a gun b a r r e l ) down which a freely-fitting lightweight piston travels at supersonic speed, impelled by the air p r e s s u r e released by the rupture of a diaphragm sealing off a high-pressure chamber at one end. The shock formed ahead of the piston is repeatedly reflected f r o m a diaphragm at the far end of the tube back onto the piston, until the piston is brought to r e s t . By this t i m e the gas enclosed between the piston and the second diaphragm has (virtually adiabatically) attained a high temperature and p r e s s u r e , s o that rupture of t h e second diaphragm r e l e a s e s hot gas at v e r y high velocity into the partially evacuated wind tunnel of which this second diaphragm f o r m s the inlet. Stagnation
temperatures up t o 3000K can thus be obtained in steady flow persisting f o r 0.1 second.
Evacuated chamber
- I
First diaphragm
Spark-operated wind tunnels Electric - a r c heating is increasingly replacing shock-wave compression heating inhypersonic wind tunnels. Such a tunnel (Figure 2.104) has a Laval nozzle in which the gas attains a supersonic velocity, and a cylindrical t e s t s e c t i o n u p s t r e a m of a pumped vacuum-chamber. A h i g h - p r e s s w e chamber, corresponding to the r e s e r v o i r and settling chamber of a p r e s s u r e -powered tunnel, is directly heated by an Electric discharge.
Working section Diaphragm
Evacuared chamber
This chamber is initially filled with air or other gas a t a p r e s s u r e of 1 0 0 t o 200atm, the remainder of the tunnel being evacuated t o a p r e s s u r e of 0.01 mm Hg. Electrodes inside the chamber a r e connected t o a l a r g e r e s e r v o i r of e l e c t r i c a l energy which can be liberated as a powerful pulse discharge when the tunnel is s t a r t e d . The discharge is brief (a few m i c r o seconds) and the c u r r e n t intensity is 106amp, s o that the t e m p e r a t u r e and p r e s s u r e r i s e virtually instantaneously to b u r s t a diaphragm separating the chamber f r o m the Laval nozzle. After a s h o r t transition period, quasisteady flow conditions a r e established in the t e s t section. To determine the flow p a r a m e t e r s of the gas passing through the t e s t section, i t is n e c e s s a r y to know the volume of the p r e s s u r e chamber and to m e a s u r e the initial and variable t e m p e r a t u r e s and p r e s s u r e s in it.
The total- and s t a t i c - p r e s s u r e changes in the test section a r e also determined. F r o m these data, and f r o m the stagnation temperature and total p r e s s u r e at the nozzle inlet, the velocity and state of the gas flowing through the t e s t section can be calculated.
FIGURE 2.105. C ap aci t i v e storage unit for spark-operated wind tunnel. 1-highpressure chamber: 2 - main electrodes: 3 - auxiliary electrode: 4 - fusiblelink to trigger main discharge: 5 - contactor t o apply trigger pulse: 6 auxiliary capacitor bank; I - m ai n capacitorbank: 8 - control panel.
Electrical energy to power spark-operated wind tunnels can be stored either capacitively o r inductively. The capacitive storage s y s t e m used in a wind tunnel at the Arnold Aerodynamic Center (U. S. A.) is shown in diameter Figure 2.105. This tunnel has a test section of about 400" for the simulation of flight conditions at 4 . 5 k m / s e c at 50kmaltitude / 2 2 / .
3 4
FIGURE 2.106. Discharge chamber of spark-operated wind tunnel. 1-pneumatic cylinder for advancing of electrode; 2-tungsten electrode; 3- Plexiglas screen; 4-graphite screen; 5 -tungsten nozzle-throat liner: 6 -diaphragm: 7 - beryllium-bronze electrode.
The lo6 joule discharge (lo5 kg . m ) of a bank of one thousand 225 I . ~ F capacitors raised t o 4000 volts is initiated by means of an auxiliary circuit, whereby a very much s m a l l e r capacitor is discharged through a [fusible] thin wire joining one of the principal electrodes to an auxiliary electrode. The inductive storage s y s t e m employs a very l a r g e coil fed f r o m the rotor of a single-pole generator with a high-inertia flywheel mounted on i t s shaft, which is driven by an electric motor. The coil s t o r e s an energy amounting t o tens of millions of joules, a substantial proportion of which is liberated in the a r c formed when the coil is switched over f r o m the generator to the s p a r k gap in the chamber. Figure 2 . 1 0 6 shows the design of a 700cm3 chamber intended for the AEDC wind tunnel with a 1270"-diameter test section. The chamber p r e s s u r e during discharge is 3400 atm. The chamber is a cylindrical p r e s s u r e vessel into which a cartridge, containing the electrodes, p r e s s u r e and temperature transducers, a metal or plastic diaphragm, and a hardmetal interchangeable nozzle-throat liner, is inserted. The electrodes a r e supported externally by the tunnel, S O that their insulators do not have to bear the full p r e s s u r e load. Although the nozzle i s made of tungsten, it burns out after a v e r y few experiments, and the cartridge arrangement permits its rapid replacement. Spark-operated wind tunnels have slightly longer operating periods than shock tunnels of comparable dimensions; steady conditions can be maintained f o r s e v e r a l tens of milliseconds. Spark-operated tunnels have the further advantage of reproducing natural conditions m o r e closely, s i n c e the operating p r e s s u r e , and therefore the Reynolds number, can be higher.
Ballistic ranges
A further method of studying hypersonic flows is to observe the motion of bodies in f r e e flight. This can be done in the laboratory by using "ballistic ranges" consisting of long tubes into which the test model is launched f r o m a special gun. Full-scale values of M and temperature can be obtained by projecting the model a t the actual free-flight velocity; the required Reynolds number can be obtained by appropriately adjusting the p r e s s u r e in the tunnel. Special guns, with muzzle velocities up to 4.5 km/sec, a r e used in which light gas propellants a r e burned or heated by adiabatic compression or electrical discharge. The maximum velocity obtained when using gunpowder is about 2.4 k m / s e c . The most promising method is electrical discharge heating, using capacitive or inductive storage systems a s in a spark-operated wind tunnel (Figure 2.107). The gas is heated a t constant volume by the s p a r k discharge, s o that its temperature and p r e s s u r e rise sharply. At a given r e l e a s e of energy into the gas, the final p r e s s u r e is independent of the gas density, the final temperature varying inversely with gas density. The gas density should therefore be a s low a s possible if the maximum velocity is to be obtained. The Arnold R e s e a r c h Center (U. S. A.) has a tunnel in which the highp r e s s u r e chamber is initially filled with hydrogen at 35 a t m p r e s s u r e ,
.. ..
and in which a n electrical discharge causes the p r e s s u r e to r i s e to 2600atm, corresponding to a temperature of 14,000"K.
FIGURE 2.107. Gas gun with inductive electrical-energy srorage system. 1 motor; 2 - generator; 3 - flywheel; 4 - energy-storing solenoid; 5 - main contactor; 6 - pressure transducer; I - evacuated chamber; 8 - barrel; 9 missile; 1 0 - electronic timer; 11 - elecrrodes. and pneumatic syslem for adjusting spark gap; 1 2 - auxiliary contacror.
It is theoretically possible to obtain velocities of the o r d e r of 1 0 to l Z k m / s e c with a spark-fired gas gun, but this involved great technical difficulties because of the heat losses and the erosion of the b a r r e l at these high temperatures.
\ Model catcher
It is in practice e a s i e r to obtain very high relative velocities of model and medium by combining the wind tunnel and the ballistic range, projecting the model u p s t r e a m f r o m the diffuser of a wind tunnel. (Figure 2.108). In ballistic t e s t s the position and trajectory of the model a r e determined in space and time by observing the model at a number of points along its flight path. The aerodynamic characteristics of the model can then be calculated. Ballistic ranges a r e the only type of installation which permit the study of the steady process connected, f o r instance, with the stability of
flight at hypersonic velocities. To find the drag, it is necessary to m e a s u r e the time of flight of the body between several points. Figure 2.109 shows the CARDE ballistic installation / 3 5 / . It consists of a gas gun and a long vacuum chamber whose wall has windows f o r the schlieren photography of the model and f o r measuring its flight velocity with photomultipliers and oscillographs. Pulses f r o m the photomultipliers a r e also used to t r i g g e r the schlieren a r c s at the instant the model p a s s e s the window. The photographs thus obtained provide data not only on the position of the model during flight, but also on the flow in the boundary layer of the model and on the shape of the shock, s o that the p r e s s u r e and density distributions near the model can be calculated.
c J
Figure 2.109. Ballistic installation. 1- g as gun; 2 - v a c u u m pump; 3 - window for illumination and for photomultipliers; 4 - schlieren instrument; 5 - oscillographs; 6 - chronographs: 7 - vacuum gages.
Recently, radio telemetering equipment has been increasingly used f o r measurements connected with the flight of models. A series o f antennas a r e installed along the trajectory to intercept the signals radiated by a t r a n s m i t t e r inside the model. A l l the components of the transmitter, including its battery, a r e cast in epoxy r e s i n which forms the body of the model. The t r a n s m i t t e r can thus withstand high accelerations. Experiments in ballistic tunnels a r e considerably m o r e labor -consuming, and require m o r e complicated instrumentation, than work in the m o r e usual types of tunnel. The advantages of a ballistic range a r e the higher Mach and Reynolds numbers obtainable, the absence of interference from model supports, and the directness of the measurements of flight velocity and g a s parameters.
Measurements i n hypersonic tunnels Experiments at the high temperatures and during the brief duration of the steady flow in hypersonic wind tunnels demand special measurement techniques. Slightly deviating from the sequence adopted in this book (the m e a s u r e m e n t s in wind tunnels a r e described in l a t e r chapters), we shall discuss briefly s e v e r a l features of measurements in hypersonic tunnels.
M e a s u r e m e n t of f o r c e s . In air-heated hypersonic tunnels, where the flow durations a r e measured in seconds o r minutes and the stagnation temperature may obtain 800"K, the technique of measuring forces is practically the s a m e as in supersonic tunnels. Aerodynamic forces can be measured by wind-tunnel balances of the mechanical and strain-gage type. The influence of temperature on the s t r a i n gages is reduced by cooling the sensitive elements with water or a i r . In spark-operated wind tunnels and adiabatic shock tunnels, which permit test durations f r o m 1 0 t o 100 m s e c , it is possible to m e a s u r e the aerodynamic forces with the aid of strain-gage transducers if the rigidity of t h e i r elastic members is high and the m a s s of the model small. The natural frequency of the measuring elements of the balances must be of the o r d e r of 1000 cycles/sec.
In the General-Electric (U.S.A.) shock wind tunnel the drag of the model is measured with a piezoelectric quartz transducer (Figure 2.110). The model is supported by a rod, mounted on metal diaphragms in a holder and forced against the transducer at its f r e e end. It is also possible to u s e accelerometers to m e a s u r e the drag. Attempts have also been made to m e a s u r e the aerodynamic f o r c e s acting on a model during acceleration in f r e e flight in a tunnel, in which it was suspended initially on thin strings, broken by the action of the flow. The motion of the model can be photographed with high-speed movie cameras. Knowing the displacement 8 of the model f r o m examination of the movie film, its acceleration can be determined f r o m the expression
with an accuracy of about 3%. The force Q = ma acting on a model of m a s s m can be determined with the s a m e accuracy. Using the value of the velocity head
$ determined
The accuracy of this method of measuring cX is not high, because of the difficulty of making a c c u r a t e measurements of 4 , which v a r i e s substantially along the axis of the t e s t section 1 3 0 1 . M e a s u r e m e n t of p r e s s u r e s . Measurements of total and static p r e s s u r e s in wind tunnels with conventional h e a t e r s can be performed by the usual methods. In tunnels with plasma h e a t e r s water-cooled tubes a r e used t o m e a s u r e the total p r e s s u r e . In intermittent-operation tunnels the p r e s s u r e s on the walls and on the surface of the model a r e measured mainly with piezoelectric (quartz) and barium-titanate t r a n s d u c e r s having natural freqLencies of up t o 100,000 cycles/sec. Barium-titanate t r a n s d u c e r s a r e f a r m o r e sensitive than quartz transducers, but they cannot be used for long periods a t high t e m p e r a t u r e s and have a v e r y low mechanical strength. Piezoelectric t r a n s d u c e r s permit measurements of p r e s s u r e s f r o m fractions of an atmosphere t o thousands of atmospheres. For the measurements of high p r e s s u r e s (for instance, that of the propellant gas) transducers can be equipped with devices t o reduce t h e i r effective a r e a . After fitting a transducer to the model, it can be calibrated dynamically by placing the model in a shock tube of constant c r o s s section, through which a shock of known characteristics is propagated. Some types of t r a n s d u c e r s respond unduly to vibrations of the wall t o which they a r e attached, and antivibration mountings must be used (Figure 2.111). The t e s t s in adiabatic shock and spark-operated tunnels a r e of comparatively long duration, and strain-gage, inductive, and capacitive p r e s s u r e transducers can then be used. M e a s u r e m e n t o f t e m p e r a t u r e a n d d e n s i t y . Thermocouples can be used f o r the measurement of wind-tunnel gas temperatures up t o 1000C.
FIGURE 2.111. Anti-vibration mounting for a pressure transducer.
Various types of fittings a r e available ( s e e Chapter IV). Higher temperatures a r e measured spectrometrically. Optical interferometers a r e used f o r density measurements, supplemented, at low densities, by measurements of the absorption of electrons or X-rays. Quartz windows a r e provided in the walls of the tunnels f o r this purpose.
Special techniques a r e required f o r optical investigations in hypersonic tunnels, because of the very short time intervals during which the measurements must be made, and because of the luminescence of the very hot gases. The schlieren systems used employ microsecond-spark light sources. Optical f i l t e r s a r e installed near the slot to reduce the influence of gas luminescence. Often the luminescence at the shock provides c l e a r photographs of the nose shock in front of the model. M e a s u r e m e n t of s h o c k - p r o p a g a t i o n v e 1o c i t y . The shockpropagation velocity in shock tubes can be measured with ionization transducers or film-resistance thermometers. The ionization transducer consists of an insulated electrode inside the tunnel at a short distance f r o m the wall, which f o r m s the second electrode. A potential of s o m e tens o r hundreds of volts is applied to the electrode and the change of resistance of the a i r gap at the instant when the passage of the shock ionizes the a i r is picked up and displayed on an oscilloscope with a crystal-controlled timebase generator. A s e r i e s of transducers, installed at known distances along the tunnel, feed a single oscilloscope, s o that the shock-propagation velocity in different p a r t s of the tunnel can be determined. In electromagnetic shock tunnels the shock-propagation velocity is measured with ultrahigh-speed movie c a m e r a s and photorecorders which photograph the motion of the luminescent front. F i l m - r e s i s t a n c e t h e r m o m e t e r s a r e used to detect comparatively weak shocks, which a r e accompanied by ionization of a i r (see p. 113). The shock-propagation velocity is measured by recording the sudden temperature increases as the shock passes two successive film-resistance t h e r m o m e t e r s installed a known distance apart. M e a s u r e m e n t of h e a t t r a n s f e r . In continuous-operation wind tunnels, having comparatively long operating durations, the amount of heat t r a n s f e r r e d convectively by the gas to unit surface during unit time can be determined with the aid of models having cooled (or heated) walls.
1 0
FIGURE 2.112. Measurement of h eat transfer from a heated c o n e . 1 - voltage-measurement
points; 2 - current-measurement transformer; 3 - power transformer; 4 - autotransformer; 5 - electron-tube voltmeter; 6 - am m et er ; 7 - voltage-point selector switch; & thermocouple-selector switch; 9 - potentiometer; 1 0 - galvanometer; 11 - thermocouple cold junction
Figure 2.112 shows the measurement of the heat t r a n s f e r f r o m a cone, the walls of which a r e heated by low-voltage high-intensity a, c. 1 2 8 1 .
The body of the model is made f r o m stainless steel, which has high ohmic resistance; all other p a r t s a r e made f r o m copper. The temperature distribution a t a number of points on the surface of the cone is determined by means of thermocouples connected through a selector switch to a potentiometer. Nearby points on the wall of the cone a r e connected by wires through another selector switch to a voltmeter with which the potential gradient along the cone can be measured. The supply voltage is adjusted to maintain the temperature of the wall constant; the measured values of temperature, voltage and current intensity determine the local heat input to the wall of the model. The stagnation temperature, static p r e s s u r e , and humidity of the undisturbed a i r a r e measured at the s a m e time.
FIGURE 2.113. Measuremenr of heat rransfer from a cooled model. 1 - conrainer; 2 pump; 3 - cooling vessel containing alcohol and solid carbon dioxide; 4 - air hear exchanger; 6 - flow m e t e r ; I - model; 8 -wind tunnel.
The measurement of heat t r a n s f e r by cooling the wall of the model is illustrated in Figure 2.113. The outer wall of the model is continuously cooled by a i r flowing in an annular gap between the wall and the body of the model. To obtain a sufficiently uniform distribution of the coolinga i r temperature, the Reynolds number in the gap should be high, A t a given model-surface temperature, the temperature r i s e of the cooling a i r ( a s measured by thermocouples), and its flow r a t e determine the heat input Q p e r unit time. Knowing Q , the surface a r e a F of the model, the recovery temperature T, , and the temperature T, of the wall, the coefficient of heat transfer can be determined f r o m the expression
The recovery temperature can be found by measuring the surface temperature of a heat-insulated model of the s a m e shape. Heat t r a n s f e r can also be studied under transient conditions, f o r instance, by suddenly inserting a model at known initial temperature into a s t r e a m of hot a i r . In the AEDC tunnel (Figure 2. 941, a pair of cooling shrouds is
installed for this purpose on telescopic mountings attached to the walls of the test section. The model is held within these shrouds at z e r o angle of attack and is air-cooled t o the required temperature until the tunnel flow is established. The shrouds a r e then hydraulically retracted into the walls of the test section (Figure 2 . 1 1 4 ) , the model is turned to the required attitude, and the temperature of the model wall is measured at 0.25 second intervals by 100 thermocouples. Heat conduction parallel to the surface can be neglected in a thin-walled model, and the local coefficientof heat t r a n s f e r can be found f r o m the thermal capacity of the wall and the r a t e of change of its temperature.
where m is the m a s s of the wall, c its specific heat, and f denotes time. The shrouds s e r v e also to protect the model f r o m overloads caused by shocks during start-up and shut-down of the tunnel. In both shock and conventional wind tunnels, surface heat exchange at the model nose can be investigated with film-resistance t h e r m o m e t e r s which have very small time constants. On the surface of the model, which is made f r o m quartz or r e f r a c t o r y g l a s s , a 0.01 to 0 . 1 thickfilm ~ of platinum, gold, or rhodium, is applied by evaporation or sintering. After deposition the metal film is heat-treated at a temperature of 610 to 670C, and then slowly cooled to ensure better penetration of the metal into the surface of the model and to increase the wear resistance of the film. The electric resistance of the film is
1 I3
where Ri is the r e s i s t a n c e of the film at initial temperature T = Tf,and k is a constant. F o r platinum or gold films k lies between 0.0015 and The r e s i s t a n c e will be about 4 t o 40 ohm, depending on 0.002 degree-'. the dimensions of the thermometer, A c u r r e n t of the o r d e r of 20 t o 50 ma is passed through the thermometer to generate an output signal (usually measured by an oscillograph) of 1.5 to 2 . 5 m V p e r degree; the time constant is about 1 microsecond.
Figure 2.115 shows the diagram of a film temperature transducer, used f o r the study of heat t r a n s f e r a t the wall of a shock tube 1341. The t r a n s ducer consists of a glass cylinder of 5 m m diameter and 6 m m height. Platinum leads, welded to the body of the transducer, a r e at their ends polished flush with the surface before the film is deposited, The f i l m is sintered to the face in the f o r m of a 3 m m long and 1.5 mm wide s t r i p . When the temperatures a r e s o high that gas becomes ionized, the metal film is covered with a very thin l a y e r of insulating material, such a s silica, which prevents short-circuiting of the metal film by the conductive gas, without seriously increasing the time constant. The surface of the metal film is first covered by evaporation with a film of S i 0 having a thickness of the o r d e r of 0.01p. The mcdel is then heat-treated in a furnace at a temperature of about 540C, so that the S i 0 is oxidized to SiO,, which is a better insulator 1 3 2 1 . Such a film can withstand a potential difference of up to 12 v, corresponding t o a breakdown voltage of about 1000 kV/ em, Heat flux is measured with f i l m - r e s i s t a n c e t h e r m o m e t e r s as follows. Neglecting the lag due to the t h e r m a l capacitance of the film, the instantaneous value of the specific heat flux p is
where p, I , and c a r e density, coefficient of thermal conductivity, and specific heat of the film s u b s t r a t e while 7 is the variable time. The specific heat flux can also be expressed in t e r m s of the voltage u , measured by the film-resistance thermometer
1 I4
where Ri is the electrical resistance of the film and I is the c u r r e n t flowing through it. Thus, t o determine f r o m the time-voltage oscillogram we must know the constant
V G,
which is evaluated by passing through the film a rectangular c u r r e n t pulse, using the discharge of a capacitator, so that a predetermined quantity of heat flows into the surface of the model. By comparing the theoretical relationships between the temperature and time with the time -voltage oscillogram, we can find A.
Tests in which similarity of velocity and flight altitude is maintained a r e important in the study of a i r c r a f t take-off and the interaction between the a i r c r a f t and its propeller or jet s t r e a m . Full-scale a i r c r a f t and propeller-testing tunnels were built in s e v e r a l countries in the thirties f o r solving these problems. In the NASA laboratory a t Moffett Field a full-scale a i r c r a f t tunnel with a t e s t section having a flow a r e a of 24.4 m X 12.2 m and a length of 24.4 m was built. The maximum velocity in the tunnel is 9 0 m / s e c , and the drive power 40,000h. p. Fulls c a l e tunnels usually have six-component wind-tunnel balances on which the a i r c r a f t is installed, t r a v e r s i n g cradles f o r investigating the p r e s s u r e and velocity distributions and the flow inclination, and a l s o a centralized s y s t e m of fuel supply t o the engines of the a i r c r a f t , since it is hazardous t o supply fuel directly t o the engines f r o m the tanks within the a i r c r a f t . Periodical changes of a i r and removal of combustion products a r e necessary when an engine is run in the tunnel, hecause even with intermittent operation of the engine (15 -20 min), the a i r circulating in the tunnel becomes contaminated s o that the engine power is reduced, and the accuracy of measurements suffers; t h e r e is a l s o a hazard t o the o p e r a t o r s . In closed-circuit full-scale tunnels with open t e s t sections, partial natural exchange takes place between the tunnel a i r and that of the room around the t e s t section, and a powerful ventilation s y s t e m is required (Figure 2.116). In tunnels with closed-test sections, contaminated a i r i s bled off in the r e t u r n duct, using additional fans or c o m p r e s s o r s , or a s shown in F i g u r e 2.79. In these full-scale tunnels p r e s s u r e s corresponding t o high altitudes cannot be simulated, and t e s t s a r e made only for ground conditions. The advent of j e t engines made necessary special wind tunnels for l a r g e t e s t section velocities and variable p r e s s u r e s and t e m p e r a t u r e s t o approximate altitude conditions; these tunnels a r e equipped with s y s t e m s for cleaning and renewing the a i r . F o r the study of problems in gas dynamics related t o engine intake, a i r flow in engines, and combustion, special engine-testing tunnels and r i g s of various types a r e required.
One of the l a r g e s t tunnels for testing the c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of j e t engines in a i r c r a f t or rockets is the high-speed AEDC wind tunnel mentioned on p. 7 9 .
Exhaust shaft
Section A
I '
The jet engines tested in this tunnel have high fuel consumptions, and a powerful s y s t e m of c o m p r e s s o r s and extractors is required t o supply the tunnel with f r e s h dry a i r and remove contaminated air a t r a t e s up to 210 k g / s e c , meanwhile maintaining a tunnel p r e s s u r e appropriate t o flight a t altitudes of about 30km. The l a r g e dimensions of the t e s t section of this tunnel (4.8 8 m X 4 . 8 8 m ) permit investigations of the flows both around the jet engines and, simultaneously, within it. The flow r a t e of a i r through the engine is S O great a s t o influence substantially the external r e s i s t a n c e and stability of the a i r c r a f t o r m i s s i l e . A modern continuous -operation wind tunnel f o r jet-engine testing exists a t the Lewis Laboratory of NASA (Figure 2.117). This tunnel has a t e s t section of 3.05mX3.05m flow a r e a in which a maximum velocity corresponding t o M = 3.5 can be obtained. The total electric drive power of the tunnel is about 250,000 h. p. (or 300,000 h. p. when the booster is used). The main c o m p r e s s o r of the tunnel is an eightstage unit with a diameter of 6.1 m of 131,000 m3/min capacity, with a compression r a t i o of 2.8 and requiring 150,000 h.p. With this compressor Mach numbers of 2.5 can be obtained. A booster compressor, used when higher Mach numbers (up to M = 3.5) a r e needed, has ten stages; it has a compression ratio of 2.8, a capacity of 38,200m3/min, and r e q u i r e s 100,000 h. p. The turibel can be operated either a s closed-circuit tunnel, o r a s opencircuit tunnel, exhausting to atmosphere. The ranges of tunnel p r e s s u r e s and velocities possible in either case a r e shown in Figure 2.118 (shaded a r e a s ) . The tunnel has an adjustable nozzle, a supersonic diffuser, an installation for a i r cooling and drying, extractors t o reduce the initial
I I6
p r e s s u r e , automatic instrumentation, and a remote-control system f o r the model and f o r tunnel operation. Data processing is fully automatic, employing computers and automatic curve-plotting equipment.
FIGURE 2 . 1 1 7 . NASA i u n n e l Jur testing jei engines (LewisLdbordrory). 1 - adiusrable nozzle; 2 - t e s t ' I ~ C I I O I I , 1 -cooler N o . 1. 4 - n i d i n niuior, 5 - n i d i n compressor, 6 - a i r drier; 7 - extra< lor; 8 - v a l v e , !' - cooler Nu. 2. 1 U bousrer n ~ o r o r , 11 - boosrer compressor.
Specially built exhaust-test r i g s a r e used f o r testing internal components A c o m p r e s s o r supplies a i r to a container or settling chamber, and thence t o a nozzle, whence it p a s s e s directly t o the jetengine intake. If it is not desired t o m e a s u r e t h r u s t , the engine may be flanged directly t o the nozzle, t o avoid leakages and p r e s s u r e l o s s e s . The a i r f l o w r a t e through the test rig is arranged t o equal the flow r a t e through the engine under the corresponding flight conditions, taking into account altitude and mixture composition.
of j e t engines.
Meters I
- closed-circuit tunnel;
I I7
Conventional test r i g s permit t e s t s under ground conditions or under conditions of flight a t low altitudes, s i n c e the rarefaction from flow acceleration in the nozzle up t o M = 0.85 t o 0.95 is not high. For simulating conditions a t higher altitudes a diffuser can be connected t o the engine exhaust. It is better, however, t o exhaust the engine into a s e p a r a t e diffuser, S O that the jet thrust can a l s o be measured. The equivalent altitude of such t e s t r i g s can be f u r t h e r increased by fitting one or m o r e e x t r a c t o r s . Using a diffuser and two extractors the p r e s s u r e a t the nozzle inlet is substantially reduced, S O that by changing the p r e s s u r e in the settling chamber, the internal gas dynamics of the engine and the combustion conditions at different densities and Reynolds numbers can be investigated
FIGURE 2.119. Turbo-jet engine test facility (AEDC test rig T-1)
FIGURE 2.120.
. . ..
FIGURE 2.121.
Figure 2.119 shows the AEDC (USA)T-l t e s t r i g for turbo-jet engines. Figure 2.120 shows a jet engine being installed for t e s t s , and F i g u r e 2 . 1 2 1 , the adjustable nozzle system usedby AEDC, which permits the angle of attack of the engine to be varied. When engines a r e tested, the following magnitudes a r e measured: jet thrust, a i r flow r a t e , a i r p r e s s u r e s and temperatures a t engine intake and exhaust, fuel flow r a t e and p r e s s u r e , velocity distribution a t inlet and exit of engine diffuser. and at outlet nozzle, p a r a m e t e r s related t o fuel atomization and combustion.
Bibliography 11. 1. M a 1i k o v , M. F. Osnovy metrologii (Fundamentals of Metrology). Moskva. 1959. H o w a r t h , L. (Editor) (Modern State of High-speed Aerodynamics, 2. Vol. 2). [Russian translation. 19561. 3. Spravochnik aviakonstruktora Vol. I. Aerodinamika samoleta (Handbook of Aircraft Design, Vol. I. Aircraft Aerodynamics). Izdanie TsAGI, Moskva. 1937.
I I9
6. 7.
11. 12.
18. 19.
H o e r n e r , S. Versuche mit Kugeln betreffend Kennzahl, Turbulenzund Oberflachenbeschaffenheit. - Luftfahrforschung, Vol. XII, No. 1. 1935. S o l o d k i n , E . E . and A.S. G i n e v s k i i . Turbulentnoetechenievyazkoi zhidkosti v nachal'nom uchastke osesimmetrichnykh i ploskikh Kanalov (Turbulent Flow of Viscous Liquids i n the Initial Length of Axisymmetrical and Plane Ducts). - Trudy TsAGI, Vol. 701. 1957. A b r a m o v i c h, G. N. Prikladnaya gazovaya dinamika (Applied Gas Dynamics).- GTTI. 1953. S z i l a r d , K. S. Issledovanie diffuzorov aerodinamicheskikh trub bol'shikh skorostei (TestingDiffusers of High-speed Wind Tunnels). Tekhnicheskie zametki TsAGI No. 160. 1938. A b r a m o v i c h , G. N. Aerodinamika potoka v otkrytoi chasti aerodinamicheskoi (Aerodynamics of Flow in the Open T e s t Section of Wind Tunnels).- Trudy TsAGI N o . 218. 1935. T a g a n o v , G. I. Vyravnivayushchee deistvie setki v potokakh zhidkosti i gazov (The Smoothing Effect of S c r e e n s Inserted in S t r e a m s of Fluids). - Trudy TsAGI NO. 604. 1947. M i n s k i i , E. M. 0 gashenii turbulentnosti sponioshch'yu setochnykh fil'trov (Smoothing of Turbulence with the Aid of Screens).Tekhnicheskie zametki TsAGI, No. 63. 1946. D r y d e n , H. L. A Review of the Statistical Theory of Turbulence.Quart. of Appl. Math., Vol. 1, No. 1. 1943. I d e l ' c h i k , I. E . Spravochnikpogidravlicheskim soprotivleniyam (Handbook of Hydraulic Resistances). - Gosenergoizdat. 1960. [Translated by IPST, Cat. No. 1505.- AEC- t r - 6630. J V u l i s , L. A . 0 prekhode cherez skorost' zvuka v gazovom techenii ( P a s s a g e of a Gas Flow Through the Sound B a r r i e r ) . - Doklady AN SSSR, Vol. 54, No. 8.1946. P a n k h u r s t , R.C. andD.W, H o l d e r . Wind Tunnel Technique, 1954 [Russian translation. 1955. ) H o l d e r , D. and N o r t h . The 9 X 3 i n . N P L Induced- F l o w HighSpeed Wind Tunnel.- Rep. ARC, No. 12, 387.1949. H o l d e r , D. The High- Speed Laboratory of the Aerodynamics Division NPL.- R . a. M., ARC, No. 2, 560. 1946. L u k a s i e w i c z , J . Diffuzory dlya sverkhzvukovykh aerodinamicheskikh trub (Diffusers f o r Supersonic Wind Tunnels). Collection of translations and reviews of foreign periodical literature. "Mekhanica", No. 5 (28).- IL. 1954. Sverkhzvukovye vkhodnye diffuzory (Supersonic Intake Ge rm a n, R Diffusers).- Fizmatgiz. 1960. A n d r e e v , V.A. and S. Z. B e l e n k i i . Vliyanie kondensatsii parov vody na sverkhzvukovye techeniya (The Influence of Condensation of Water Vapors on Supersonic Flow). - Trudy TsAGI, No. 579. 1946. L u k a s i e w i c z , J. Razvitie bol'shikh aerodinamicheskikh trub kratko vremennogo deistviya (Development of L a r g e Intermittent OperationWind Tunnels). - Collection of translations and reviews of foreign periodical literature "Mekhanica", No. 6 (34).- IL. 1955.
21. T s i e n , H. S. Problemy issledovanii PO aerodinamike razrezhennykh gazov v trubakh (Investigation of the Aerodynamics of Rarefied G a s e s in Wind Tunnels). Collection of p a p e r s "Gas Dynamics".- IL. 1950. 2 2 . L u k a s i e w i c z , J . Experimental Investigations in Hypervelocity 1 , Pergamon Flight. - Advances in Aeronautical Sciences, Vol. 1 Press, London, N.Y. 1959. 23. B r o g a n , T.R. The E l e c t r i c Arc Wind Tunnel A Tool for Atmospheric Reentry Research. - ARS J . , Vol. 29. No. 9. 1959. 24. R e s 1e r , E. L. The Production of High Temperature G a s e s in Shock Tubes.- J . Appl. Phys.. Vol. 23, No. 1 2 . 1952. 25. W i t t 1 i f f , C. F. The Tailored Interface Hypersonic Shock Tunnel.J . AeroISpace Sciences, Vol. 26, No. 4.1959. 26. M o n o g h a n , R . J. F e a t u r e s of Hypersonic Heat T r a n s f e r . - Advances in Aeronautical Sciences, Vol. I. Pergamon Press, London, N . Y . 1959. 27. Z i e m e r , R . W. Experimental Investigations in Magneto - Aerodynamics.- ARS J., Vol. 29, No. 9. 1959. 28. S c h e r r e r , J . R . Comparison of Theoretical and Experimental Heat - T r a n s f e r C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of Bodies of Revolution at Supersonic Speeds.- NACA Rept. N o . 1055. 1951. 2 9 . H a 11, J . and A . H e r t z b e r g . Recent Advances in Transient Surface T e m p e r a t u r e Thermometry. - J e t Propulsion, Vol. 28, No. 11. 1958. 30. B 1o x o m , D. E . Supersonic Aerodynamic Experiments Using Very High T e m p e r a t u r e A i r Wind Tunnels.- J e t Propulsion, Vol. 28, N o . 9. 1958. 3 1, B 1o o m , M. H. A High T e m p e r a t u r e - P r e s s u r e A i r Heater. -ASME Paper, No. 59 - A - 233. 1959. 32. M a r r o n e , P. V. Thin - F i l m Thermometer Measurements in Partially Ionised Shock- Tube Flows.- Phys. of Fluids, Vol. 2, N o . 6 . 1959. 33. B o r z u n o v , N.A., D.V. O r l i n s k i i and S . M . O s o v e t s . Issledovanie moshchnogo impul'snogo razryuda v konicheskikh kamerakh (Investigation of Intense Pulse Discharges in Conical Chambers). - Zhurnal Eksperimental'noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki, Vo1.36, No.3. 1959. 34. P o 1y a k o v , Yu. A. and E. A. M i t I k i n a . Tonkoplenochnyi t e r m o m e t r soprotivleniya (Film - Resistance Thermometers). P r i b o r y i Tekhnika Eksperimenta, No. 4. 1961. 35. B u l l , G . V . Reentry 3 u d i e s in F r e e Flight Ranges. - JAS P a p e r , No. 143. 1959. 36. Udarnye truby (Shock Tubes). Collection of translated papers. IL. 1962.
S 9.
The influence of compressibility may be ignored in the design of subsonic wind tunnels, because the flow throughout the tunnel circuit is a t velocities considerably l e s s than that of sound. Energy l o s s e s in the a i r s t r e a m a r e due mainly to frictional r e s i s t a n c e and to p r e s s u r e l o s s e s due t o eddies, in the diffusers, in the turning vanes at the c o r n e r s , etc. The total hydraulic resistance AHtot of the wind tunnel, which defines the loss of energy (of total head) when a i r flows in i t , can be divided a r b i t r a r i l y into two components : the frictional resistance AHfr,, which depends on the flow regime (i. e., Reynolds number) and on the degree of roughness E of the wall, and the local resistance AH,,,, caused by local flow separation and turbulent mixing, which depends on the geometry of the tunnel elements. The r e s i s t a n c e of the duct is usually expressed in t e r m s of the velocity head
where Stor
cfr +- 5
Or the required pressure gradients and air flow rates for intermittent-operation tunnels,
- fr is the coefficient - pPJ2 of frictional r e s i s t a n c e s and V is the mean velocity in the section considered, Thus, the first stage @faerodynamic design c o n s i s t s of determining the magnitudes of the coefficients j and jfr,f o r each tunnel element. To facilitate calculations and comparisons of l o s s e s in each element of the tunnel, the values of 5 and Cfr are expressed i n t e r m s of the velocity head in the t e s t section, by multiplying the calculated values of the
p VZlT fr
a r e a of the tunnel element considered, and F f , S ,t hat of the t e s t section. The magnitudes of 5 and jfra r e estimated f r o m measured data f o r the local and frictional resistances of various tunnel elements of different shapes**. The hydraulic resistance of p a r t s of ducts depends not only on t h e i r geometry, but a l s o on c e r t a i n external factors, including: 1 ) The velocity distribution a t the inlet to the element considered, which in turn is related t o the flow conditions, the shape of the inlet, the influence of upstream elements of the tunnel, and the length of straight duct immediately preceding the element considered. Design handbooks generally give the hydraulic- resistance data f o r elements through which a i r flows a t uniform velocity, except where the contrary is stated.
2 ) The Reynolds number (Re =
resistance coefficient, and a l s o the local-resistance coefficient at compnrati~relylowvalues ( R e < (0.1 -0.2). 106), though only slightly at l a r g e values; when the Reynolds number a t which the measurement was made is not quoted in the handbook, i t can be assumed that the value of 5 is independent of Re even at small Reynolds numbers.
3 ) The Mach number M = i - , which influences the local resistance (and
the frictional resistance) considerably, although this effect has been little studied. Since l a r g e velocities a r e not usual in the ducts ( M G0.3 t o 0.4), data in the handbooks, compiled from low-velocity (M < 0.3) t e s t s , can generally be used i n practice. 4 ) The roughncss of internal s u r f a c e s , which strongly affects the frictional r e s i s t a n c e , and should be considered in each individual c a s e on the b a s i s of the experimental data available. Where design handbooks fail to specify the degree of surface roughness it should b e assumed that the coefficient of friction quoted r e l a t e s t o smooth walls. 5 ) Shape of the c r o s s section. For noncircular sections (square o r the coefficient of rectangular with s i d e r a t i o s between 0.6 and 1 .?I, resistance can often be taken as f o r c i r c u l a r sections.
o f t h e frictional resistance per t i n i f length of duct of constant A s distinct from the coefficient h= ( P V W )( [ / D ) cross section. * * T h e data below for local and frictional resistances are due to Idelchik, I. E. Spravochnik Po gidravlicheskim Gosenergoizdat M. -L. 1960. [English rranslation. soprotivlenam (Handbook of Hydraulic Resistances) IPST. Cat. No. 1505; AEC ir-6ti:jO. 1
Frictional r e s ist anc e In general the p r e s s u r e drop p e r unit length due t o friction in a duct is
where h is the coefficient of frictional r e s i s t a n c e p e r unit of length of the duct (usually called the friction coefficient), 1.6 is the mean flow velocity, Fo is the cross-sectional a r e a of the duct, and S is the friction s u r f a c e a r e a . This formula can a l s o be written
Here, 1 is the length of the duct whose r e s i s t a n c e is being determined, and D h i s the hydraulic diameter of the duct c r o s s section; f o r a c i r c u l a r section Dh=Do ; f o r a rectangular section whose s i d e s a r e ao and b o ,
where U , i s the p e r i m e t e r . The coefficient h depends mainly on the Reynolds number and the roughness. The roughness is characterized by the average height k of the surface i r r e g u l a r i t i e s (projections), called the absolute geometrical roughness; the r a t i o of the average projection height t o the hydraulic diameter E = k is the relative geometrical roughness
Since the geometrical roughness c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s a r e an inadequate m e a s u r e of the resistance of the tunnel, we introduce the concept of hydraulic roughness, based on resistance measurements. The presence of a laminar sub-layer determines the effect of surface roughness on the hydraulic r e s i s t a n c e . When the thickness of the laminar sub-layer exceeds the height of the projections, a i r flows uniformly over them a t the low velocities c h a r a c t e r i s t i c of the sub-layer, and the height of the projections has no influence. The frictional-resistance coefficient h therefore decreases as Re increases. However, a s Re increases the thickness of the laminar sub-layer d e c r e a s e s , until it is s m a l l e r than the l a r g e s t projections, which thus intensify the turbulence. The consequent i n c r e a s e in p r e s s u r e loss is reflected in the increasing value of h a s R e r i s e s f u r t h e r , Tunnels can be considered smooth (both hydraulically and technically), if the height of the projections is l e s s than the thickness of the laminar subl a y e r . The corresponding limiting value of the relative [geometrical] roughness is
Figure 3 . 1 shows the value of the friction coefficient a s a function of the Reynolds number for tunnels of uniform roughness (obtained by sprinkling the surface with sand of fixed grain s i z e ) . This relationship is used when calculating the frictional l o s s e s in the elements of wind tunnels.
1.0 :
lag R e
FIGURE 3.1. Friction coefficient h as function of Reynolds number lor tunnels of uniform roughness. Regime no. 1 laminar; regime no. 2 - transirlonal. regime no. 3 turbulent.
( Re > 2000).
D e t e r m i n a t i o n of h f o r t u n n e l s w i t h s m o o t h w a l l s
1 ) Circular section:
4000 < Re < 100,000
(Figure 3. 3a),
> 4000
0.303 i= (IgRe-o0.y)2
(Figure 3. 3b).
1 = )p2,
FIGURE 3 2 Correctioii coefficient for rectangular iunnel section (Re < 2000).
0.034 0.030
0.016 0.014 0.012
11.009 0 . 0 0 6
f r o m Figure 3 . 5.
2) Rectangular section ($=0.7
t o 1.0):
1, = ) . h ,
(2Ig 3.7 b ;
(Figure 3 . 6).
(Figure 3 . 4).
where v value of
p/p depends on the temperature and p r e s s u r e (for p = 1 atm, the is found f r o m Figure 3 . 7 ) . The temperature dependence of p is 106p= 1.712 1 / 1 + 0 . 0 ~ 3 ~ ( l + 0 . 0 0 0 8 t ) 2 ,
where t is in "C.
T a b l e 3. Vdlues of a,,b , , cI for determining the coefficient 1 for tunnels of circular secrion and uniform wall roughness (Re > 2 0 0 0 ) .
c R e 6
2 . 0 1.13 0 -0.588
2 3 4 5 b 8 1 0 4 2 3 4 5 b 8 i 0 5 2 3 4 5 6 d 1 0 6 2 3456810
2 3456810
FIGURE 3.5. Variation of fricrion coefficient with Reynolds number for runnels of uniform wall roughness: rransirional regime (Re >2000).
The following values of the projection height k (mm) can be assumed for m a t e r i a l s generally used in the construction of wind tunnels.
Clean seamless brass, copper, or lead pipes . . . . . . . . , . . . . . 0.0015-0.001 New seamless sreel pipes . . . . . . . 0.040.17 Galvanized iron pipes , , , . . . . . , 0.39 N e w cast-iron pipes , , . . , . , . . 0.25-0.42 Birch plywood , . , , . . . . . . . . . 0,025- 0. 05 Pine plywood . . . . . . , . . . . . 0.1 Wooden pipes . . , . , , , . , . . , , 0.25-1.25 Planed-wood flumes . , , . . . . . . 0.25-2.0 Clean cement surfaces , , . , . . , . 0.25-1.25 Plaster with cement mortar , , . . . . 0.45-3.0 Concrete ducts. , . .. . . . . 0.8-9.0 Glazed c e r a m i c cubes. . . . . , . . 0.25-6. 0 Glass tubes . . . , . . . . . . , 0.0015-0.01 O i l paint applied on a priming coat . . 0.1
. .
FIGURE 3.6. Variation of resistance coefficient of tunnel with wall roughness i n turbulent regime.
( p ' 1 atm).
Losses in the nozzle Losses in the nozzle a r e mainly due to friction, and can thus be calculated for a given nozzle profile f r o m the expression
Cfr = 8 ef,
cf, =
C -
R 1 l
a, (2n 2+
4 ns-1
A -
I nu"- 1 Dhn'/'(n-l)
Clot = 0 . 0 8 4 5 ~ - 0 . 0 0 5 3 ( 1t.S. ~)
(Figure 3 . 8);
2 ) elliptical c r o s s section
a, ' bc
4 . S . -
(Figure 3.9).
Here lt,s.isthe length of the t e s t section while a, and b, a r e lengths of the m a j o r and minor s e m i - a x e s of the ellipse.
In a closed t e s t section the frictional l o s s e s can be determined from the values of Re and E .
Resistance of a model in the t e s t section The resistance of the model and its supports in the test section forms a considerable p a r t of the total resistance of the wind tunnel, and depends on the degree of blockage ' a d by the model and the supports, and their
where cr is the drag of the model and i t s supports, given in handbooks of aerodynamics a s a function of the Reynolds number (calculated in t e r m s of the velocity in the tunnel); Smedisthe a r e a of the median section of the model and its supports.
D h-Uo ,
uo - Perimeter
I 1 1 I I
c r-
44 4
4 . 0
6 . 0
lt,s!Dh FIGURE 3.9 Variarion of resistance coefficient of a n open elliptical t e s t section with test- section dimensions.
Losses in the diffuser The r e s i s t a n c e coefficient of a subsonic diffuser is a r b i t r a r i l y separated into the coefficient of the resistance due to c r o s s -section enlargement, and
H e r e yenl is the shock coefficient, i. e., the r a t i o of the expansion l o s s e s t o the theoretical l o s s e s at a sudden change f r o m a n a r r o w t o a wide flow section :
V , and VI a r e the mean velocities in the inlet and exit sections respectively; k is a correction factor for the nonuniformity of the veIocity distribution at
. - -) Fo
a coefficient which takes into account the effect of the diffuser divergence.
between 0"
In a diffuser with square o r rectangular c r o s s sections in a pyramidal or wedge-shaped diffuser (Figure 3. l l ) , for which 0 < a < 2 5 " ,
FIGURE 3 . 1 1 , Diffusers with square and rectangular cross sections. a - wedge-shaped; b - pyramidal.
Behind straight duct
on diffuser
The friction coefficient f o r conical and wedge-shaped diffusers (with s q u a r e or rectangular c r o s s sections) is
C = ,
where A, e and f a r e found i n the s a m e way a s for a nozzle. For a pyramidal diffuser (with s q u a r e or rectangular c r o s s sections) the r e s i s t a n c e coefficient is Cfr = e C f - t f ) .
H e r e and p a r e respectively the divergence angles of the pyramidal diffuser in the two orthogonal planes. T h e additional resistance of slots, provided in the diffuser wall in o r d e r t o dampen pulsations, can be determined f r o m Figure 3.13. The flow a r e a of the slots is assumed t o be about 25 to 35% of that of the' diffuser inlet, and the flow velocity past the slots a s equal t o the velocity in the t e s t section; the velocity immediately downstream of the slots is taken a s 0.8 times the velocity immediately upstream.
of slots on
Resistance of c o r n e r s The c o r n e r s of wind tunnels a r e fitted with turning vanes, which may be c i r c u l a r o r airfoil sections, subtending a r c s of 95 t o 107". The c o r n e r s may be curved o r s h a r p . For the c o r n e r shapes and radii, and the numbers and types of vanes generally used, the resistance coefficients a r e given in Table 4, expressed in t e r m s of the velocity head a t the corner inlet.
Resistance of the fan installation The resistance .of the fan installation (motor casing, shaft bearings, etc.) can be determined in the s a m e way a s the resistance of the model in the t e s t section, using the expression
TABLE 4. Resistance coefficients for corners of different types (Re>- 0.2 lo6;
Type of corner
Cross-section shape
Type of vane
Number of vanes
03 0.36 0.3 0.17
-~ Remarks
05 0.27
_- 0
0.8 0.5
square 0.33
1.4 2 -
rectangular 0.33
9' 0
ad=45 50'
300 -r -=
5 -7
t =0.25 Do
t - vane chord
ad= 4 8 '
H e r e c,f is the drag coefficient of the fan installation, expressed in t e r m s of the velocity immediately upstream (generally c,f is 0.25), S m e d f is the median section of the fan installation (Smedfis usually about 0.4 F f ) , and Ff is the flow a r e a a t the fan. The resistance coefficient of the safety net in front of the fan is 5 = 0.02. R e s i s t a n c e o f t h e r e t u r n d u c t . Whenthe r e t u r n duct is cylindrical its r e s i s t a n c e is entirely frictional, and can be calculated from the frictional-resistance formulas above. When the r e t u r n duct is of variable c r o s s section its r e s i s t a n c e is calculated in the s a m e way as f o r a diffuser.
Resistance of r a d i a t o r s The total r e s i s t a n c e of a radiator, installed in the r e t u r n duct f o r cooling the tunnel a i r , consist of: 1 ) l o s s e s a t the inlet t o the radiator tubes; 2) l o s s e s due to friction of the a i r against the tube walls; 3 ) l o s s e s due to sudden expansion of the a i r leaving the tubes. F o r a honeycomb coefficient (Figure 3.14) wi-th hexagonal or round tubes, the r e s i s t a n c e coefficient is
where VI is the flow velocity in the tunnel immediately upstream of the radiator,
radiator tubes (radiator depth), d h is the hydraulic diameter of the radiator tubes, h is the r e s i s t a n c e coefficient p e r unit length of a radiator tube
( h depends on the local Reynolds number Re*=?
velocity in the radiator tubes), and k is the mean height of the roughness peaks of the tube walls. The relationship h = f ( R e * , ~ )is shown in Figure 3.14. For 35< R e * < 2 7 5 ,
A =0.375 ( R ~ * ) - E ~ ~ .
where + = I
outlet and inlet t o the absolute a i r temperature a t the inlet. For the
FIGURE 3.14 Variation wlth Reynolds number of resistance coefficient of a honeycomb radiator.
FO is the total projected a r e a of the gaps between the radiator tubes at the point where the gap is narrowest, F i is the total projected flow a r e a between two adjacent plates, F , is the overall a r e a of the radiator front, and n is the number of rows of radiator tubes.
. I
I ,
.... . . .
,.,.,,. ,,
CZ'~,=~+%, For
~ R G
~ a 3
2.10~9 . 1 0 ~ 5.10'
z1o4 5.10'
FIGURE 3.16. Variation with Reynolds number o f resistance coefficient of ribbed-tube radiators.
F o r ribbed-tube radiators :
and A=
1 / 6
: A
Re >1 0 , O O O
( s e e Figure 3.16).
The additional resistance of hot tube-and-plate and ribbed-tube radiators is found in the s a m e way a s f o r honeycomb r a d i a t o r s .
Resistance of settling chambers fitted with turbulence s c r e e n s and honeycombs The resistance of the settling chamber is frictional. For a honeycomb i t is found in the s a m e way a s f o r a honeycomb r a d i a t o r . The resistance coefficient of turbulence screens is
where F , is the cross-sectional a r e a of the tunnel, FO is the flow a r e a , and n is the number of turbulence screens selected to obtain 5 = 2.0.
Head and capacity ratings f o r a wind-tunnel fan Table 5 shows the values of the resistance coefficients, referred t o the velocity head in the t e s t section, of the various elements of a wind tunnel f o r a maximum test-section velocity of l O o m / s e c (Figure 3 . 1 7 ) . The head and capacity of the f a n required f o r this tunnel c a n be calculated f r o m the data given in Table 5. The required fan head is
where V is the flow velocity in the t e s t section and c i is the resistance coefficient of a tunnel element, r e f e r r e d to the velocity head in the t e s t section. The required fan capacity is
Q = FI,s,V m3/sec
The power of the fan motor is
. . .
_ .~ .
Tunnel element
-~ .....
- .
. . .
Circular or elliptical
0.11 0.15
Test section
Slotted diffuser
Circular or elliptical
0.016 0.10
Model i n a test section . . Four corners . . , . Fan . . . . . . . . . . . . . Radiator . , Serrling chamber and return circuit . . . . . . . . Hone) comb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Turbulence screens . . . . . . . . . . .
0 030
. . .
C = Ci
. (-d
The energy r a t i o A of the tunnel (see p. 24), which depends on the tunnel resistance and the fan efficiency, is
x i
Calculation of velocities, p r e s s u r e s , and temperatures The velocities, p r e s s u r e s , and temperatures must be calculated in o r d e r t o forecast the loads on tunnel elements, the operating conditions of equipment installed in the tunnel, and the extent t o which a i r cooling is necessary. The velocity distribution varies along the tunnel in accordance with the changing tunnel c r o s s section since the m a s s flow r a t e is constant throughout the tunnel. The s t a t i c - p r e s s u r e and velocity-head distributions at various sections of the tunnel a r e determined f r o m Bernouillis law
where the subscripts i , i + 1 correspond t o the inlet and exit respectively of the tunnel element considered, whose t o t a l - r e s i s t a n c e coefficient is 5 .
Since the velocity is low, compressibility can be neglected, and we can assume that pi pi + ,
FIGURE 3.18 Distribution of velocities and pressures i n a closed-circuit wind tunnel (v,,, = 100 m / s ec) .
P r e s s u r p in tunnels with open t e s t sections a r e best determined by beginning with the t e s t section, where the total p r e s s u r e is
the calculations a r e best begun with the fan outlet for tunnels with closed test sections. Figure 3.18 shows the distribution of velocities and p r e s s u r e s f o r the tunnel shown in Figure 3.17. The t e m p e r a t u r e s in low-speed closed-circuit tunnels can be calculated by assuming that the entire power of the drive is converted into heat. In tunnels with open t e s t sections and slots in the diffuser it should be assumed that about 10% of the tunnel a i r will be drawn f r o m the room which surrounds the tunnel.
S 10.
The design problem of subsonic and supersonic wind tunnels consists in calculating the p r e s s u r e , density and temperature in the test section in t e r m s of the velocity, and in determining the capacity, compression r a t i o , and power of the c o m p r e s s o r needed (in a continuous-operation tunnel) to provide the required Reynolds and Mach numbers in the t e s t section. In an intermittent -operation tunnel, corresponding calculations must yield the minimum r e s e r v o i r volume and p r e s s u r e to obtain the required values of Re and M during the operating period i.
The design of supersonic tunnels differs considerably from that of subsonic tunnels by virtue of the l a r g e variations of p r e s s u r e , density, and temperature throughout the tunnel. Furthermore, the l o s s e s due t o the resistance of tunnel elements a r e s m a l l compared with the l o s s e s in the diffuser and in the t e s t section when the model is installed.
Design calculations of continuous -operation tunnels Consider a closed-circuit continuous -operation wind tunnel (Figure 3.19). The calculations for supersonic tunnels a r e most easily c a r r i e d out i f the p r e s s u r e and temperature in any p a r t of the tunnel a r e expressed in t e r m s
of the total p r e s s u r e pol and stagnation temperature in the settling chamber, which, in tunnels of this type, approximate the p r e s s u r e and temperature respectively of the still a i r in the tunnel when the fan is a t r e s t . The values of the velocity hz [ r e f e r r e d t o the c r i t i c a l speed] at the test-section inlet, and of the corresponding Mach number M = M Z r a r e assumed t o be given. W e designate the r a t i o of total p r e s s u r e s at the inlet and outlet of any tunnel element a s i t s coefficient of p r e s s u r e recovery corresponding r a t i o of stagnation temperatures is The r a t i o of stagnation densities is
while the
0; =
k , Tor
The velocities a t the inlet section Fi and outlet section Fi + I of any tunnel element a r e related to each other by the equation of continuity
.+ 1 q 1 - y
V a l u e s of q (1)
0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0 . 6 0
0.0787 0.1570 0 . 2 3 4 3 0.3101 0.3841 0.4555 0.5242 0.5895 0.6512 0.7088 0.7621 0.8105
1.85 1.90 I
1.15 1 . 2 0
Let u s now consider the changes in velocity, p r e s s u r e , and a i r temperature in different p a r t s of the tunnel. S e t t l i n g c h a m b e r a n d n o z z I e (VI). The air flow i n the settling chamber and nozzle is approximately adiabatic. The l o s s e s in the nozzle are relatively s m a l l in comparison with those in other tunnel elements, and a r e due mainly to friction. A t supersonic velocities, the nozzle l o s s e s a = 1 - v a r e less than 0.01 t o 0.02, i. e., the t o t a l - p r e s s u r e loss is about 1 t o 270. It is s a f e t o a s s u m e in calculations that VI = 0. 98.
Values of ?Q.
Since heat t r a n s f e r through the walls of the settling chamber and nozzle (as well as of other tunnel elements) is negligible, we can write
T e s t s e c t i o n a n d m o d e 1 (vP). T o t a l - p r e s s u r e l o s s e s in the t e s t section a r e due t o friction a t the rigid walls and to the resistance of the model and its supports. In an open t e s t section, a l a r g e resistance is caused by the intense turbulence a t the f r e e jet boundary. The coefficient of p r e s s u r e recovery in a closed cylindrical t e s t section can be c a k u l a t e d f r o m the r a t i o of the velocities a t i t s inlet and outlet:
The relation between the where A is found f r o m hz = h3(l - A ) . given approximately by the expression
and A is
F o r given values of
andA(or, which is the same, between h3 and h 2 ) and can find q ( h 2 ) , q ( h 3 ) and
1 .S .
In supersonic tunnels,
1 to 3.
t e s t section is calculated in the same way as f o r subsonic tunnels. For a closed test section 5 2 = 0.014, while f o r an open t e s t section c2= 0.1. Thus, the p a r a m e t e r
average). T h e d r a g coefficient
where i = l r . s / D t ~ s . . If the walls have perforations o r slots, the resistance of the t e s t section is higher. The i n c r e a s e in resistance depends on the degree of perforation, i. e . , the ratio of the a r e a of the perforations to the total wall a r e a of the t e s t section; this ratio v a r i e s f r o m about 0.10 f o r M = 1.2 -1.3 to about 0.40 f o r M = 1.7-1.8. The resistance of a t e s t section with perforated walls can be assumed t o be about 5070 higher than that of a t e s t section with unperforated walls (1.'
obtainable at the inlet of a closed t e s t section is limited because the model and i t s supports block the tunnel and thus i n c r e a s e the velocities. Using the continuity equation, the dependence of the t e s t -section inlet velocity ( h ~on ) the cross-sectional a r e a ( F m o d ) of the model can be found by assuming that the velocity a t the median section of the model is sonic ( A = 1). In this case,
1- F s d =
q (A2) = q (1 - A)
1 --
It thus follows that the r e f e r r e d velocity a t the test-section inlet will be l e s s than unity by an amount
Expressing the r e f e r r e d velocity h~ in t e r m s of the Mach number, we obtain (neglecting A2 by comparison with A )
For air
( x = 1.4)
If the a r e a of the median section comprises 2% of the c r o s s section of the tunnel, then A M =0.15, i. e., the maximum velocity a t the inlet of the cylindrical test section w i l l be 0.85 times the velocity of sound;:. In modern transonic tunnels this obstacle to the increase of the f r e e s t r e a m Mach number is overcome, a s we have seen, by perforating the walls, or by forced extraction of a i r through the walls. For an open t e s t section p2 = p3, and we obtain from the momentum e quat ion
L3 = Az 1
; $,"+
&I)] ,
where c2 = 0.1 is the resistance coefficient of the f r e e jet. It should be noted that h3 < ha, i . e., the velocity decreases along an open t e s t section. The p r e s s u r e -recovery coefficient is
when h2 = I
T h e value A M IS called the velocii) illduction ~01rec1iotiof the tiintiel. and should he taken into account when testing models at transonic velocities i n a closed test section For cylindrical closed test sections the outlet velocity is
52 =
0.1; c Fmod=
* Ft.s.
0.02; 1 = 2 , we obtain
Losses in the diffuser The value of the p r e s s u r e - r e c o v e r y coefficient v 3 in a diffuser is inferred f r o m t e s t r e s u l t s of diffusers of design s i m i l a r t o that projected. The p r e s s u r e - r e c o v e r y coefficient can be estimated approximately f r o m the total p r e s s u r e and equivalent test-section velocity, using the data of Figure 3 . 21.
FIGURE 3.21. Theoretical pressure-recovery coefficient of a diffuser JS d function of total pressure and referred velocity. 1 - normal shock; 2 -oblique shock: 3-normalwblique shocks: 4-two oblique shocks: 5 - three oblique shocks; 6 - four oblique shocks.
L o s s e s in the r e t u r n duct In the section between the diffuser and c o m p r e s s o r the velocity is low, s o that changes i n the air density and t e m p e r a t u r e may be ignored. The change in total p r e s s u r e is
The values of c i a r e calculated by the method used f o r low-speed tunnels. For the duct between the diffuser and the c o m p r e s s o r (two c o r n e r s + second diffuser + two cylindrical p a r t s , etc.), the value of &, expressed in t e r m s of the velocity head in these elements, is about 0.75. The respective velocities a r e calculated using the m a s s flow-rate equat ion
F o r velocities below 4 5 m / s e c h is generally l e s s than 0.15. In these conditions, the t o t a l - p r e s s u r e l o s s e s between the diffuser and the c o m p r e s s o r a r e , f o r a i r ,
1 -Oo.75~0.152=0.99.
A considerable velocity i n c r e a s e takes place between sections 5 and 5 (Figure 3 . 1 9 ) since the c o m p r e s s o r r o t o r occupies a considerable p a r t of the tunnel c r o s s section, The velocity i n c r e a s e can be calculated f r o m the equation
by assuming that
S e l e c t i o n of c o m p r e s s o r . The total p r e s s u r e immediately u p s t r e a m of the c o m p r e s s o r depends on the r e s i s t a n c e of the tunnel r e t u r n duct between the c o m p r e s s o r and the settling chamber::. In the settling chamber and a i r cooler A is s m a l l (generally below O . l ) , s o that we can a s s u m e that
t e m p e r a t u r e r a t i o a c r o s s the a i r cooler.
For Machnumbers below 2, the total-pressure recovery coelficienr v7 in this part. allowing for the resistance of radiator, corners, honeycomb, and turbulence screens. 1s about 0. W
Assuming that the air cooler removes all the heat generated f r o m the mechanical-energy output of the c o m p r e s s o r , we have
but since
Here, O:=E ?' where E is the compression r a t i o of the c o m p r e s s o r (which depends on the r e s i s t a n c e of the e n t i r e tunnel) and q is the c o m p r e s s o r efficiency. The compression r a t i o must be equal to the t o t a l - p r e s s u r e r a t i o between the beginning and end of t h e tunnel:
r-1 -
1 __ _ -1
. .. v,
where v is the pressure-recovery coefficient f o r the entire tunnel. The compression r a t i o is found t o a first approximation by assuming that a from Using the value of E thus determined we calculate h V B = v7 = = 1. X-1 1 the expressions & = E $ * and k l , and a l s o determine v7 and V 6
The m a s s flow
Expressing Q in t e r m s of the r e f e r r e d velocity in the t e s t section and the total p r e s s u r e and stagnation t e m p e r a t u r e in the setting chamber, taking into account that
In hermetically sealed tunnels, it is n e c e s s a r y t o take into account the variation with test-section velocity of the total p r e s s u r e in the settling chamber. Let the initial p r e s s u r e and t e m p e r a t u r e at z e r o flow be pin and Tin; assuming that Tin =To,, we have
where W is the volume of the tunnel, and Wi the volume of the i-th element of the tunnel where the density is p i . Figure 3.22 shows the c o m p r e s s o r power required per square m e t e r of the test-section flow a r e a a s a function of the r e f e r r e d velocityinthe t e s t section. It is assumed that p o l = 1 a t m and To, = 288"K, and examples a r e given of different s y s t e m s of p r e s s u r e recovery in the diffuser.
N. kw 15000
10 000
Oblique shock
2 1 I
3 0 0
FIGURE 3.22. Variation of rated conipressor power with referred velocity In the test ~ l,m 2 ) . section of a wing tunnel ( F ~ . = 1 - normal+ oblique shock; behind the shocks v = 0 . 9 3 ; 2 - normal shock; behind t h e shock y = 0.93
Q, 1n3/sec FIGUKE 3 23 Theoretical variation of compression ratio with mass flow rare at comprecsor inlet for differeni systems of pressure ICcovery in the diffuser.
F o r the s a m e initial conditions Figure 3. 23 shows the variation of compression r a t i o E with m a s s flow r a t e a t the c o m p r e s s o r inlet f o r different systems of p r e s s u r e recovery in the diffuser (at T = 288K). Figure 3.24 shows how the minimum required compression ratio v a r i e s with the m a s s flow r a t e and the Mach number of a continuous -operation tunnel /1/':. Figure 3. 25 shows comparative values of the Ioss coefficients (si = 1 - vi) in different p a r t s of the tunnel. A s can be seen, at high test-section velocities the l o s s e s a r e mainly concentrated in the diffuser. The l o s s e s throughout the r e t u r n circuit a r e negligible; the l o s s e s in the t e s t section (or the model-resistance l o s s e s in a closed t e s t section) a r e s e v e r a l times a s great a s the l o s s e s ( 8 6 ) in the r e t u r n circuit . Thus, in supersonic tunnels attention should be paid t o the c o r r e c t design of the diffuser and the t e s t s ect ion. The relationship between M and R e in the t e s t section is the main c r i t e r i o n of the testing capacity of the tunnel. The determination of this
* Experimental values for the minimum required compression ratio are given for fixed-geometry diffusers up to
M = 2.5, and for variable-geometry diffusers at M > 2.5 (see /2/).
For a i r x
1.4, and
&='-vi I
FIGUKE 3.24. V<iridtion of [he niiiiimum required compression ratio with inass flow rate and hlach number of a continuous-operation tunnel. 0' is the mass flow rate at M = l in the test section.
2.0 1
Design calculation of intermittent -operation tunnels P r e s s u r e - p o w e r e d t u n n e l s (Figure 3 . 2 6 ) . The calculation consists in determining: a ) the minimum p r e s s u r e p o mln in the storage cylinders necessary t o obtain the required Mach and Reynolds numbers in the t e s t
* Here p is the viscosity coefficient of [ h e air temperature i n the test section (see p. 5).
section, and b) the volume W required for given operating duration t and initial p r e s s u r e pin.
pressure- powered
The values of pomln for given Mach numbers a r e found from the t o t a l - p r e s s u r e l o s s e s in the tunnel, in the a i r duct between the cylinder and the tunnel (va) and f r o m the exhaust l o s s e s t o atmosphere. The total-pressure l o s s e s in the a i r duct ( Va ), the settling chamber and nozzle ( V I ), the t e s t section ( v2 ), and the diffuser ( vs ) a r e found f r o m the above formulas. The exhaust l o s s e s can be found from the expression / 3 /
where pa is the atmospheric p r e s s u r e , p o d i s the total p r e s s u r e a t the diffuser exit and h d is the r e f e r r e d velocity at the diffuser exit. Assuming that the p r e s s u r e a t the tunnel exit is atmospheric, we obtain
When Re is given
with x
is the initial m a s s flow min is the m a s s of a i r initially in the cylinders, Qin r a t e of the a i r . When the storage-cylinder p r e s s u r e s fall rapidly*, we must replace x by qx (where q < I ) . F o r a i r q = 0.8. the expansion of the s t o r e d If the storage cylinder p r e s s u r e falls air is virtually isothermal, because of heat t r a n s f e r t o the walls. We then have
Q =const
I n t h i s c a s e the a i r m a s s
where pPmln=pav;~, . . v , ( l -$Ai)l-l is the final, and ppintheinitial p r e s s u r e in the evacuated r e s e r v o i r [whose volume is W 1.
I n d u c e d - f l o w t u n n e l (Figure 3 . 2 8 ) . A i r f r o m high-pressure cylinders (PO, TO)is supplied to an ejector provided with a mixing chamber at whose outlet the total p r e s s u r e of the compressed a i r is p i and its stagnation temperature is Ti. The inlet a r e a of the mixing chamber is F ' .
Tunnel-operatingduration 1 to 2 min
* * Tunnel-operatingduration 10 i o 15 min
The values of POIand To,of the low-pressure a i r flowing through the t e s t section a r e known f r o m the design calculations for the tunnel (from its inlet to the locationof the ejector). The total p r e s s u r e ~ O Zat the mixingchamber outlet (i.e., diffuser inlet in the considered s y s t e m ) is determined f r o m the t o t a l - p r e s s u r e recovery factor of the diffuser.
The compressed-air p r e s s u r e p i can be held constant with the aid of a p r e s s u r e regulator. It i s , however, better to supply high-pressure a i r t o the ejector without throttling by slowly increasing the a r e a F ' to compensate for the decrease in total p r e s s u r e p i . For the design calculations of e j e c t o r s , cf. / 3 / .
A i r lroni storage I cylinders (po8G)
The operating duration of a tunnel in which the a r e a F' (and thus the a r e a F ) is adjustable, S O that the compressed-air p r e s s u r e is variable, is in the c a s e of adiabatic expansion:::
where Q=Fq(X,)F+t: is the m a s s flow r a t e of a i r through the t e s t section pOini s the initial (total) p r e s s u r e in the storage cylinders, Toinis the initial (stagnation) temperature in the storage cylinders, is the m a s s
2 (z~)'-'
p r e s s u r e a t which the tunnel can operate. In tunnels operated at constant compressed-air p r e s s u r e , the operating duration of the tunnel is
* Here
pa? and v,
a r e assumed i o be constant
A s we have s e e n (Chapter 11), a characteristic feature of hypersonic tunnels is the provision of a heater and a nozzle-cooling system, whose effects on the temperature and the resistance t o flow have t o be taken into account. The resistance of the heater, which is located in a region of low velocities, can be determined f r o m its geometry. The change of resistance i n the nozzle, due to its cooling, can be accounted f o r by considering flow with heat removal. The main difficulty is the design of hypersonic tunnels a r i s e s in the determination of the resistance of the diffuser and the t e s t section with the model in it. The resistance of these tunnel elements is an important factor in selecting the compression ratios required t o obtain the rated velocity in the t e s t section. The resistance is determined m o r e exactly by experiment than by calculation.
L u k a s i e w i c z , J. D . Razvitie bol'shikh aerodinamcheskikh t r u b krateovreniennogo deistviya (The Development of Large Inter mittent -Operation Wind Tunnels). [Russian Translation.] Collection of Translations and Reviews, "Mekhanika", No. 6 (34). -1L. 1955. L u k a s i e w i c z , J . D. Diffuzory sverkhzvukovykh aerodinamicheskikh t r u b (Diffusers of Supersonic Wind Tunnels). [Russian Translation, J Collection of Translations and Reviews, "Mekhanika" NO. 5 (28). -1L. 1954. A b r a m o v i c h , G . N. Prikladnaya gasovaya dinamika (Applied Gas Dynamics). -Gostekhizdat. 1953.
111llllllllIII l Il 1 l lIl l l
where R is the gas constant (for air R = 29.27mIdegree). Steady flow in wind tunnels can generally be considered to be onedimensional and adiabatic (no heat exchange with the outside). It is a l s o often p e r m i s s i b l e to neglect the viscosity and t h e r m a l conductivity of the gas and to consider the gas a s a perfect fluid, Continuous adiabatic flow of a perfect gas i s isentropic because in the absence of internal friction and heat t r a n s f e r , all p r o c e s s e s in a perfect gas a r e r e v e r s i b l e . The energy equation f o r adiabatic flow between two regions 1 and 2, where the velocities a r e V 1and V 2 , i s
(4. 2)
This equation is a l s o valid f o r a r e a l gas, in which viscosity and heat t r a n s f e r affect the flow. The quantity (4. 2) is called heat content o r enthalpy. F o r gas with specific heats c p and c v , satisfying the equation of s t a t e (4. l ) , i = cpT . The mechanical equivalent of heat J is equal to 427 kg m / k c a l . If v2=o the energy equation takes the f o r m :
R =J ( c p- cv).
We can thus u s e (4. 3) to relate the stagnation temperature t o the static t e m p e r a t u r e of the gas and the Mach number M = V / a ,
X -M 1 Z . To - 1 + 7 T-
In subsonic and supersonic tunnels, heating is negligible o r zero, and x = c,lc, can be assumed t o be constant (for a i r , y. = 1.4). F r o m (4.4) and the equation of adiabatic expansion of a perfect gas,
we obtain the relationships between the p r e s s u r e s and densities and the Mach number for isentropic flow, (4. 5)
The p r e s s u r e p o , the t e m p e r a t u r e T o , and the density po, which correspond t o a gas isentropically brought t o r e s t , a r e called stagnation p a r a m e t e r s , and a r e the most important c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of the gas. The stagnation p a r a m e t e r s a r e fully determined by (4. 1) i f any two of them a r e known. The stagnation p r e s s u r e p a is a l s o called total p r e s s u r e . The p a r a m e t e r s p o and pa a r e constant everywhere in a n isentropic flow. The stagnation temperature is constant everywhere in a one-dimensional adiabatic flow, in which t h e r e is no heat exchange with the outside, although t h e r e may be internal dissipation of energy, a s , for example, in a shock wave. Equations ( 4 . 4 ) through (4. 6 ) a r e used in measuring and determining the gas-flow p a r a m e t e r s in wind tunnels. Different conditions apply when shock waves occur, and we then u s e relationships, whose derivation c a n be found in textbooks on aerodynamics (e. g., /l/), between the flow p a r a m e t e r s u p s t r e a m and downstream of the shock wave. The Rankine-Hugoniot equations (4.7 and 4 . 8 ) r e l a t e the p r e s s u r e s and densities u p s t r e a m (unprimed symbols) t o those downstream (primed) of a normal plane shock wave (see Figure 4.1).
VV' =a:,
is the c r i t i c a l velocity of sound, which depends only on the initial gas temperature. The critical velocity of sound also determines a further parameter, s i m i l a r to the Mach number:
k=-. V
The r a t i o of velocities u p s t r e a m and downstream of a shock wave can conveniently be expressed in t e r m s of the u p s t r e a m value of A .
V _ v, -kZ.
The ratios of static p r e s s u r e s , of densities, and of total p r e s s u r e s u p s t r e a m and downstream of a shock wave can be expressed a s follows in t e r m s of the Mach number:
X-1 --2
F o r an oblique shock wave, the ratios of static p r e s s u r e s , densities, and total p r e s s u r e s a r e given by formulas in which the angle p between the shock wave and the upstream flow direction (Figure 4.2), depends on the angle e through which the flow direction changes. These equations differ f r o m those f o r a normal shock wave only in that they contain the component of the Mach number in the direction perpendicular to the shock wave.
In (4.17) through (4.20) the subscripts 1 r e f e r to the p a r a m e t e r s downstream of the shock wave.
FIGURE 4.1. Normal plane shock,
FIGURE 4 . 2 .
Oblique shock.
The t e s t method used determines which of these formulas apply in any particular case. The method of measurement will, in turn, depend on the equipment used and on the type of problem. It is important in all measurements t o know the p a r a m e t e r s of the undisturbed flow. Quantitative measurements, such a s the determination of the aerodynamic coefficients of a s c a l e model i n a wind tunnel, demand that t h e s e p a r a m e t e r s be known t o a much higher degree of accuracy than when m e r e l y investigating the nature of the flow around the model. Measurements in the region where the flowis disturbed by the model and is no longer isentropic a r e m o r e difficult than measurements upstream of the model. Miniature t e s t probes may have to be mounted in such regions when testing blade and wing cascades, determining the drag by pulse techniques, studying the boundary layer, etc. The p r e s s u r e and t e m p e r a t u r e of a gas, which can be directly measured, fully determine i t s state, and permit calculation of the density, viscosity, t h e r m a l conductivity, and other physical quantities, whose direct measurement may be difficult or impossible. In a stationary medium the direct measurement of p r e s s u r e and t e m p e r a t u r e is not difficult, since the r e s u l t s a r e unlikely to be affected by changes in the attitude of the s e n s o r s . When the medium is moving, the measurement of p r e s s u r e and t e m p e r a t u r e is considerably m o r e difficult. Depending on i t s orientation, and in some c a s e s on the design of the instrument, the indicated p r e s s u r e o r t e m p e r a t u r e can range f r o m the "static" value, which corresponds t o the t r u e flow velocity, up to a value corresponding to stagnation conditions. Due t o i t s finite s i z e , a s e n s o r w i l l disturb the moving medium. In designing probes, pick-ups, and t r a n s d u c e r s f o r measuring p r e s s u r e s and t e m p e r a t u r e s , it is t h e r e f o r e important to minimize the disturbances they cause by making them of s m a l l s i z e and c o r r e c t shape.
Measurement methods not requiring the insertion of probes into the medium a r e commonly used. Thus, for instance, if the flow between the settling chamber and the test section of a tunnel is isentropic, the velocity, p r e s s u r e , and temperature of the flow in the t e s t section can often be calculated f r o m the initial data (stagnation p r e s s u r e and temperature in the settling chamber), supplemented by measurements of the p r e s s u r e a t the wall. If the nature of the gas flow (e. g., possible heat t r a n s f e r to the gas) is uncertain, it will be n e c e s s a r y t o m e a s u r e the temperature or density in addition t o the p r e s s u r e . The density is commonly determined by optical methods, which a r e very important in the study of compressible gas flow in boundary l a y e r s where the insertion of probes might substantially distort the flow pattern.
P r e s s u r e measurement in experimental aerodynamics is important not only for determining the s t a t e of the gas. F r o m the p r e s s u r e distribution on a body we can determine the forces acting on it; by measuring the p r e s s u r e s at appropriate points on the surface of the model o r the wall of the wind tunnel, we can determine the local velocity and the velocity of the undisturbed flow, The above formulas a r e based on absolute p r e s s u r e s . P r e s s u r e measurements a r e often made with manometers, which m e a s u r e the difference in p r e s s u r e between two regions. Only i f in one of these t h e r e exists perfect vacuum, w i l l the manometer m e a s u r e the absolute p r e s s u r e : i f the reference region is at atmospheric p r e s s u r e the instrument will indicate gage p r e s s u r e : to determine the absolute p r e s s u r e , an additional barometer must be used. In aerodynamic experiments it is often useful to m e a s u r e the difference between a given p r e s s u r e and the static p r e s s u r e in the undisturbed flow; a differential manometer is employed for this purpose. When studying the motion of a liquid, knowledge of the static and total (stagnation) p r e s s u r e s is very important. The static p r e s s u r e in the undisturbed flow may be defined a s the p r e s s u r e acting on the wall of a body imagined t o be moving a t the same velocity a s the medium. The stagnation p r e s s u r e is the p r e s s u r e of the fluid imagined t o be brought t o r e s t is entropically.
Measurement of static p r e s s u r e It is virtually impossible to use a probe moving with the s t r e a m to m e a s u r e static p r e s s u r e . A common technique is to connect a stationary,probe to an orifice drilled perpendicularly t o the wall of the test model at a point where the streamlines a r e undistorted and parallel to the s t r e a m l i n e s in the undisturbed flow. Neglecting minor disturbances caused by the orifice the p r e s s u r e sensed by the manometer i s equal to the s t a t i c p r e s s u r e in the flow.
[For pressure-measurement devices see Chapter V.]
. . . . .
.,. ,.
I ,
I I,
The static p r e s s u r e in a flow can only v a r y between points in a plane, normal t o the undisturbed flow, if the streamlines a r e curved. If the s t r e a m l i n e s a r e straight, t r a n s v e r s e velocity gradients do not affect the static p r e s s u r e . It is therefore best t o m e a s u r e the static p r e s s u r e in a n undisturbed flow at a point where the medium moves parallel t o a wall (Figure 4. 3a), and all the s t r e a m l i n e s a r e straight (neglecting boundaryl a y e r disturbances). The (effectively constant) p r e s s u r e difference a c r o s s a thin boundary layer a t a curved wall does not affect the static p r e s s u r e acting a t the s e n s o r orifice.
To t h e
To the manometer
- a t a flat wall:
The static p r e s s u r e in the undisturbed flow in a wind tunnel is often measured with the aid of orifices in the flat or cylindrical walls at the entrance t o the t e s t section, The static p r e s s u r e at an orifice drilled perpendicularly t o a curved wall, past which the streamlines a r e curved (Figure 4.3b), differs in general f r o m the normal p r e s s u r e at this point. If the static p r e s s u r e a c r o s s the wind tunnel is not constant it can be mapped using a s t a t i c - p r e s s u r e s e n s o r consisting of a body placed in the s t r e a m . Sensing holes drilled a t certain points of this body a r e connected t o the manometer. At the nose of a body (of any shape) the s t r e a m l i n e s a r e always curved. A t one point a t the nose, the medium is stationary, and the p r e s s u r e a t this point of the sensing body is equal t o the total or stagnation p r e s s u r e . At other points of the s u r f a c e of the body the p r e s s u r e s differ in general f r o m both the stagnation and static p r e s s u r e s in the undisturbed flow. Static-pressure s e n s o r s can be divided into two groups. The first group comprises s e n s o r s having the f o r m of short tubes inserted in the flow direction. In such tubes the sensing orifices a r e placed a t points where the p r e s s u r e is close t o the static p r e s s u r e , but where a considerable p r e s s u r e gradient exists along the surface. Thus, on the s u r f a c e of a c i r c u l a r cylinder whose axis is perpendicular t o the flow, such points are located at angles of about 30" t o the flow direction (Figure 4 . 4 ) .
where p is the t r u e static p r e s s u r e in the undisturbed flow, and pi is the p r e s s u r e measured by the manometer connected with the s e n s o r . For tubes of the first group the values of 5 and 5' are usually influenced considerably by the values of Re and M A further drawback is that s m a l l e r r o r s in the position of the orifices considerably influence the calibration. They a r e therefore seldom used f o r measuring the static p r e s s u r e in the undisturbed flow in wind tunnels. However, due t o t h e i r s m a l l c r o s s section, these tubes a r e often combined with s e n s o r s f o r measuring the total p r e s s u r e in the flow direction, when the flow is v e r y disturbed and space is limited (for instance, in the clearances between the discs of axial turbomachines 1.
I _
A -P
FIGURE 4.4. Pressure distribution on the surface of a cylinder placed transversely t o the flow.
FIGURE 4.5. Pressure distribution on the surface of acylinderwithafairednose. aligned parallel to the stream.
The second group includes tubes p a r t s of whose s u r f a c e s a r e cylindrical with generatrices parallel to the direction of the undisturbed flow. The orifices a r e sufficiently downstream, so that the initial disturbances a r e already attenuated and the s t r e a m l i n e s a r e practically parallel t o t h e direction of the undisturbed flow. Usually such probes are axisymmetrical or disc-shaped. The p r e s s u r e distribution a t the surface of a cylindrical body, with streamlined flow around its nose, is shown in Figure 4.5. On the cylindrical p a r t of the body, at a certain distance f r o m the nose, t h e r e is always a region where the p r e s s u r e a t the wall is equal to the static p r e s s u r e in the undisturbed flow. The static p r e s s u r e a t points inside wind tunnels for low subsonic speeds a r e usually measured by means of Prandtl tubes (Figure 4. sa), which have
semispherical noses. The tube is inserted into the s t r e a m s o that its axis l i e s in the direction of the undisturbed flow. The static p r e s s u r e is transmitted into the tube through openings o r slots located between the nose and the s t e m used f o r mounting the tube and connecting it t o a manometer. The s t e m disturbs the flow [stem effect], and causes a local increase in the static p r e s s u r e near the orifices. On the other hand, the disturbances at the nose cause a local velocity i n c r e a s e and a p r e s s u r e decrease. Figure 4.7 shows theinfluence of the position of nose and s t e m of a Prandtl tube on the e r r o r in measuring the static p r e s s u r e . The difference between the indicated p r e s s u r e pi and the t r u e p r e s s u r e p ,
Vto8 holes
- disc
Prandtl tube; Tubes for measuring static pressure. a tube: c - t u b e with conical nose: d -tube with ogival nose.
expressed a s a percentage of the velocity head, is plotted a s a function of the distances of the orifice f r o m the nose and f r o m the s t e m axis. The most suitable position f o r the orifice is where the effects of both nose and s t e m a r e small, or balance each other. F o r subsonic measurements the orifices a r e usually placed a t a distance of 3 t o 8 diameters f r o m the nose. The dimensions of the tube depend on its purpose. In l a r g e wind tunnels, tubes of diameters up to lOmm may be used. For measuring the s t a t i c p r e s s u r e in v e r y narrow channels and in the boundary l a y e r the " 2 external diameter may be f r o m 0.3 t o .
Disc tubes (Figure 4 . 6b), have orifices drilled in the center of one s i d e of the disc, and a r e inserted into the s t r e a m s o that the s u r f a c e of the disc is parallel t o the flow direction These tubes a r e v e r y sensitive t o the orientation of the disc in the s t r e a m . The orifices in the walls of the tube o r tunnel cause c e r t a i n disturbances in the flow close to the wall; the medium flowing past the orifices is partially mixed with the stagnant medium inside them, This and the centrifugal forces acting on the fluid, causes the s t r e a m lines adjacent t o the orifices to become curved, S O that the p r e s s u r e inside the tube is not exactly equal t o the static p r e s s u r e in the flow. The principal e r r o r s in s t a t i c - p r e s s u r e measurements by means of orifices a r i s e f r o m the viscosity of the fluid which manifests itself in the boundary l a y e r . The p r e s s u r e in fairly deep orifices exceeds the t r u e p r e s s u r e , the e r r o r decreasing a s the diameter of the orifice is reduced. If the orifice diameter is small compared with the thickness 6 of the boundary l a y e r , the difference between FIGURE 4. I. Influence of nose and stem the orifice p r e s s u r e and the t r u e static on errors in measuring static pressure. p r e s s u r e can be expressed a s follows in dimensionless f o r m 1 2 1 :
1 4 .
(dE ) y y=O'
where p is the viscosity coefficient of the fluid and Re is the Reynolds number, calculated f r o m the orifice diameter d and the velocity V i a t a distance y = d f r o m the wall, assuming a linear velocity distribution in the boundary layer. Thus,
pV,d Re=---P
- dV
v ' 'I~
Y =
The coefficient c depends on the r a t i o of the orifice depth 1 t o the diameter d , and v a r i e s f r o m 1.0 (for l / d = 1.75) to 2.16 (for l / d = O.l), with
- ..
- --
. ..
Figure 4.8 shows the values of this e r r o r determined in dimensionless f o r m a s a function of Reynolds number f r o m turbulent-flow measurements 121. For orifices drilled perpendicular to the wall and connected t o the manometer through a tube of diameter 2 d , the e r r o r is independent of lld when 1.5 < ;T < 6 .
In practice, the e r r o r caused by the orifice is small. Thus, for instance, Figure 4. 9 shows the e r r o r s in measuring the static p r e s s u r e f o r both water and a i r in a 25.4"-bore pipe, polished internally 1 3 1 . F o r orifice diameters l e s s than 0.5" the e r r o r does not exceed 0.370 of the velocity head of the flow. Compressibility effects on the readings of a hemispherical-nose staticp r e s s u r e tube become noticeable when the f r e e - s t r e a m Mach number M r i s e s above 0.8. At l a r g e subsonic velocities local supersonic regions appear on the cylindrical p a r t of the probe, which a r e accompanied by shock waves. These regions a r e u p s t r e a m of the orifices, s o that the p r e s s u r e measured exceeds the t r u e s t a t i c p r e s s u r e . A s M approaches unity, the zone of supersonic flow s p r e a d s over the orifices, which thus experience p r e s s u r e s below that in the undisturbed flow. When M is g r e a t e r than 1, a detached shock appears upstream of the tube. Near the tube the shock wave is normal to the tube axis; the static p r e s s u r e directly downstream of the shock is related to the 13). static p r e s s u r e upstream of it by (4, If wemovetheorifices along the tube s o that they a r e well downstream of the shock wave, the measured static p r e s s u r e will tend towards the value f o r the undisturbed flow. This is clearly seen in Figure 4.10, which shows the e r r o r s in s t a t i c - p r e s s u r e measurement f o r various distances between the hemispherical nose and the orifices 141. We can a l s o s e e f r o m Figure 4 . 1 0 that the e r r o r s in measuring the static p r e s s u r e a t high subsonic velocities a r e even s m a l l e r with conical nozzles (Figure 4. 6c).
0 . 6
FIGURE 4.10. Errors in static-pressure measurement a t transonic velocities.
Good r e s u l t s a r e a l s o obtained with ogival tubes (Figure 4 . 6d). The tube shown in Figure 4.11 has a systematic e r r o r not exceeding 1%141.
FIGURE 4.11. Ogival tube.
Conical o r ogival tubes must be used a t supersonic velocities t o reduce the strengthof the shockwave. The t a p e r angle of the conical nose should be l e s s than the angle at which the shock wave becomes detached f r o m the cone (Figure 4. 12). The orifices must be placed at a distance not l e s s than 10 to 15 diameters f r o m the beginning of the cylindrical part of the tube. Special c a r e should be taken when drilling t h e s e holes since a t supersonic velocities the s m a l l e s t roughness at the edges may cause l a r g e e r r o r s in the p r e s s u r e measurement.
FIGURE 4.12. Conditions for attachment and detachment of a shock wave in front of a co n e.
Pointed tubes a r e a l s o n e c e s s a r y because t h e shock waves propagated f r o m the noses may be reflected f r o m the tunnel wall and affect conditions n e a r the orifices (Figure 4.13). The p r e s s u r e i n c r e a s e behind the shock wave will theq propagate u p s t r e a m in the subsonic p a r t of the boundary l a y e r , S O that the p r e s s u r e a t the orifices may exceed the s t a t i c p r e s s u r e in the undisturbed flow. If a tube is inserted at an angle t o the undisturbed-flow direction, the s t r e a m l i n e s n e a r the orifices will be distorted and the p r e s s u r e
measurements become inaccurate. The dependence of its calibration coefficient on yaw ( a ) is therefore an important characteristic of a tube.
Reflected FIGURE 4.13. Effect of tube measurements in supersonic flow.
Figure 4.23 shows this dependence f o r a Prandtl tube (curve 1). The effect of yaw is reduced by arranging s e v e r a l orifices s o that the p r e s s u r e inside the tube is an average value. Usually the tube has f r o m 4 t o 8 orifices whose diameters a r e about 1110th of the outside diameter of the tube.
a '
FIGURE 4.14. Effect of yaw on t h e indication of a tube at M = 1.6.
Shock wave
Figure 4.14 shows the effect of yaw on the indications of a tube with a long ogival nose a t M = 1 . 6 / 5 1 . The different curves correspond to different orientations of the orifices. The e r r o r is leasx f o r a tube with two openings situated in the plane of yaw, since the p r e s s u r e i n c r e a s e a t one orifice is then compensated by the p r e s s u r e decrease a t the other. The static p r e s s u r e a t transonic o r supersonic velocities may be measured with a wedge-shaped tube (Figure 4.15). The orifice should be inside the triangle ABC formed by the leading edge A B and the shock waves propagated f r o m the c o r n e r s .4 and B .
Measurement of total p r e s s u r e The gas particles come t o r e s t s o quickly a t the stagnation point of a body, that heat t r a n s f e r and friction l o s s e s a r e negligible. In subsonic flow the gas therefore undergoes only isentropic changes, and the total p r e s s u r e a t the stagnation point is almost exactly equal to the initial stagnation p r e s s u r e in the settling chamber of the tunnel. This p r e s s u r e is related t o the s t a t i c p r e s s u r e of the undisturbed flow by (4.5). Friction l o s s e s take place i n the boundary l a y e r only downstream of the stagnation point. The flow velocity at the s u r f a c e of a body is a l s o equal t o zero, but h e r e this is due to friction, and the change is not isentropic. T o t a l p r e s s u r e is measured with a cylindrical tube having an orifice pointing toward the flow. The shape of the nose and the r a t i o of the orifice diameter t o the external diameter of the tube do not influence the total-pres s u r e measurements over a wide range of velocities, provided FIGURE 4.16. Total- pressure tube. that the axis of the tube coincides with the flow direction. It is therefore standard p r a c t i c e t o u s e tubes with blunt ends (Figure 4 . 1 6 ) which a r e insensitive to yaw at angles of up t o f l O t o 12". At supersonic velocities, a shock wave a p p e a r s u p s t r e a m of the tube nose; behind this shock wave the gas moves at subsonic velocity, so that the tube m e a s u r e s only the total p r e s s u r e behind the shock wave, which differs f r o m the f r e e - s t r e a m total p r e s s u r e because of energy dissipation in the shock. The r a t i o of the total p r e s s u r e s u p s t r e a m and downstream of the shock wave can be calculated f r o m ( 4 . 1 5 ) . In o r d e r to m e a s u r e the total p r e s s u r e m o r e exactly, the tube orifice i s made much s m a l l e r than the outside diameter of the tube. This e n s u r e s that the orifice is completely behind the normal p a r t of the shock wave. The t o t a l - p r e s s u r e l o s s i n f shock waves at velocities between M = 1 . 0 and M = 1.25 is l e s s than 1%. I such an e r r o r is acceptable, the readings of the p r e s s u r e tube can be used without correction. Viscosity has a negligible effect on the readings of t o t a l - p r e s s u r e tubes over a v e r y wide range of Reynolds numbers. Viscosity can indeed generally be ignored i n aerodynamic experiments, since it affects flow at atmospheric p r e s s u r e only when the velocity is well below 1 m / s e c . This happens only in boundary l a y e r s a t walls. It has been experimentally shown / 3 / that the correction f o r the effect of Reynolds-number variation on the indication of thin-walled cylindrical tubes is given by
where Re is calculated f r o m the radius of the orifice. In supersonic-flow experiments at 2.3 <M < 3.6 , viscosity can be neglected a t Reynolds numbers
above 200 1 6 1 ; in measuring p o the e r r o r is only 2 or 370when R e = 100. Total-pressure tubes a r e less sensitive to yaw than static - p r e s s u r e tubes. The influence of yaw on the readings of tubes of various nose shapes is shown i n Figures 4.17 through 4.19, where poi-po is the e r r o r due t o yaw.
We s e e f r o m Figure 4.17 that the accuracy of a t o t a l - p r e s s u r e tube with a hemispherical nose depends on the angle of yaw and v a r i e s inversely with the r a t i o of the orifice diameter t o the outer tube diameter. Figure 4.18
FIGURE 4.18. Error i n measuring t h e totalpressure, as a function of angle of yaw for tubes with rounded and plane noses.
shows the r e s u l t s of comparative t e s t s a t two values of M for two tubes, one with a hemispherical head, the other cut off a t a right angle.
Blunt-nosed tubes a r e l e s s sensitive t o yaw than tubes with rounded-off noses. Comparison between tubes with conical noses and tubes with orifices conical inward ( F i g u r e 4 . 1 9 ) shows that the l a t t e r a r e l e s s affected by yaw
r II'
t 17'
-+ 14'
FIGURE 4.19. Types of total-pressure tuhe.showing yaw at which t h e error in measuring t h e total pressure is 1 io of t h e velocity head.
When measuring the total p r e s s u r e in a strongly converging flow, devices a r e u s e d in which the tube is placed inside a shield which guides
a --+Z4'
FIGURE 4.20. Shielded total-pressure tubes. 11 is t h e yaw angle below which t h e error in measuring t h e total pressure is less than 1"lo. a shield with open outlet; b - shield with closed outlet; c - shield with a single row of outl e t openings; d - shield with 3 rows of outlet openings.
the air flow t o the orifice (Figure 4. 20). The sensitivity t o yaw of such tubes depends on the t a p e r of t h e inlet cone of the shield and on the
cross-sectional a r e a of the openings through which the a i r leaves the shield. Best r e s u l t s a r e obtained withshields whose outlet c r o s s sections a r e equal to o r slightly exceed the inlet c r o s s sections. Iftheinlet t a p e r angle is l a r g e the angle of yaw may attain f 64" before the e r r o r in measuring the total p r e s s u r e exceeds 1%of the velocity head. Simplified shielded miniature tubes f o r measuring the total p r e s s u r e s in turbo-machines a r e shown in Figure 4.21. The orifices of total-pressure tubes a r e placed n e a r the apex of the shield cone. At subsonic flow such tubes 141, 1'71, / 8 / show e r r o r s of less than 0 . 5 % a t yaw angles of f 3 0 t o 40".
The compressibility of the gas affects the range of p e r m i s s i b l e angles of yaw. F o r unshielded total-pressure tubes this range i n c r e a s e s with the Mach number, but f o r shielded tubes it decreases slightly. C a r e must be taken when measuring the total p r e s s u r e in flows with l a r g e t r a n s v e r s e velocity gradients, e. g., in turbine-blade cascades, and in boundary l a y e r s . A t r a n s v e r s e velocity gradient causes the "effective" center of total p r e s s u r e of the tube (i.e., of the point a t which the local ' corresponds to a velocity head equal t o the measured total velocity V p r e s s u r e ) t o move f r o m the tube axis toward the region of higher velocity. The magnitude 8 of this displacement depends on the inside and outside diameters of the t o t a l - p r e s s u r e tube (Figure 4.22) and is for subsonic flow determined by 191
applicable for
; 2
I. I.
...... ."
I . . . I
. .........
This displacement of the effective c e n t e r causes an i n c r e a s e in the total p r e s s u r e indicated by the tube. F o r this reason the width of t h e wake behind a turbine blade will appear t o be s m a l l e r than i t r e a l l y is.
FIGURE 4.22. Displacement of t h e effective center of a total pressure tube in a flow with transverse velocity gradient.
The flow velocity of a liquid or gas can be measured directly by observing the displacement of t r a c e r p a r t i c l e s . Either the t i m e to t r a v e l a measured distance o r the distance moved in given time can be measured. Different investigators have used ions, alpha particles, fluorescent, o r light -reflecting particles in t r a c e r experiments of this kind. Such methods a r e in practice seldom used, because although they demand v e r y a c c u r a t e physical measurements they yield only the average velocity, and give no information about its local variations. Flow-velocity measurements a r e t h e r e f o r e generally indirect, being based either on physical effects resulting f r o m the movement of the medium, o r on the relationship between the velocity or Mach number and other m o r e easily measured flow p a r a m e t e r s . Thus, f o r instance, hot-wire anemometers (see p. 1 9 2 ) a r e based on the relationship between flow velocity and r a t e of heat removal f r o m a body. In isentropic flow the Mach number c a n be found, using (4.4), (4.5), o r (4.61, f r o m a knowledge of s t a t i c and stagnation values of either temperature, density, o r p r e s s u r e . The stagnation p a r a m e t e r s po and To of the fluid r e m a i n unchanged in isentropic flow; they can easily be m e a s u r e d directly, for instance i n the settling chamber of the wind tunnel, where the flow velocity is s m a l l . Knowing p o andTo, po can be foundfrom the equation of s t a t e (4.1). On the other hand, if t h e r e is any exchange
of heat with the surroundings u p s t r e a m of the point where the flow velocity o r Mach number is to be determined the local value of po can be found with the aid of a total-pressure tube, while the local value of To can be determined by a s t a t i c - p r e s s u r e tube, a s described in 14. A t present nomethod exists f o r direct measurement of the static temperature T of the gas. It can be determined indirectly by measuring the velocity of sound in the fluid; f o r a given gas, the velocity of sound depends only on temperature (a2 = x g R T ) . However, there must be a finite distance between the sound source and the receiver used f o r this measurement, SO that an average, rather than a local, temperature value is obtained. Measurement of the density p in a s t r e a m of compressible fluid is considerably e a s i e r , using indirect methods based on the relationships between the density and the coefficients of refraction, absorption, and radiation of the medium. The refraction method (described in S 18) p e r m i t s density measurements even in regions where the flow is not isentropic. By measuring p at differentpoints we can determine the local Machnumber at these points f r o m the known value of PO, using (4. 6). Ofthe three static p a r a m e t e r s , T , p , and p , only the static p r e s s u r e can generally be measured directly. Hence the "pneumometric" method, based on the measurement of p r e s s u r e s , has become the principal, and the most accurate, method of Mach-number determination, and is used up to hypersonic velocities. Mach number in an isentropic flow can be calculated f r o m (4.5), which may be rewritten in the f o r m
F r o m this expression we can also find the local flow velocity, Expressing the local velocity of sound in t e r m s of the temperature, and r e m e m b e r i n g that V = aM, we obtain
F r o m this expression it can be seen that for determining the velocity in t e r m s of p r e s s u r e , the local values of t h r e e p a r a m e t e r s , p , p o , and T a r e needed. Since direct measurement of T i s difficult, the local temperature is determined by measuring the local value of To.
This is then substituted in ( 4 . 2 4 ) . Since no heat is transferred to the medium between the settling chamber and the test section of a wind tunnel, the f r e e - s t r e a m velocity in the heat section (excluding the boundary l a y e r ) can be found by measuring p in the t e s t section,and pa and To in the settling chamber. The velocity in the boundary layer is found f r o m the local value of T o . The p r e s s u r e p is constant throughout the boundary layer, and can be measured with the aid of an orifice in the wall. Expanding the right-hand side of ( 4 . 5 ) a s a binomial s e r i e s we have
B P =I+~M~(I+E),
(4. 25)
(2--x)M' 24-+
+ ..
(4. 26)
The quantity q = pV2/2, is called the velocity head; it is often used in experimental aerodynamics. The local values of the various dimewionless aerodynamic coefficients a r e usually determined by expressing the forces and p r e s s u r e s acting on the test model in t e r m s of the velocity head of the undisturbed flow in the tunnel. F o r sufficiently s m a l l Mach numbers, (4. 27) becomes Bernoulli's equation f o r an incompressible fluid.
p o --p = E.
(4. 28)
A s will be shown below, the value p 0 - p = A p can be measured with the aid of a dual-purpose tube and a differential manometer. We can thus determine the aerodynamic coefficients (for instance, c, = Q/qS ) without resorting t o indirect measurements of p and V . The coefficient c, thus is determined by directly measuring ~p and the d r a g Q of the model (with a wind-tunnel balance). In compressible fluids the value of A p exceeds the velocity head which must be determined f r o m
Thus, f o r a compressible fluid, the velocity head depends on the static p r e s s u r e and Mach number of the flow.
Measurements of velocity in incompressible fluids Dual-purpose tubes Equation (4. 2 8 ) shows that the f r e e - s t r e a m velocity of an incompressible fluid is
f o r i t s determination it is necessary t o know the difference between the total and s t a t i c p r e s s u r e s and the density of the fluid. Methods of determining the density a r e described in I15.
In general, f o r measuring the f r e e - s t r e a m velocity, orifices at two points on the surface of a streamlined body a r e connected to a differential manometer. One of these orifices is usually arranged at the stagnation point of the body s o that the total p r e s s u r e a c t s on the corresponding leg of the manometer. The p r e s s u r e difference between these two points is expressed through the f r e e - s t r e a m velocity head
pv2 1 Ap. =.
where 5 is the tube coefficierit. A t a given orientation in the flow, i t s value depends on the geometry of the tube and the position of the orifices. In general, 5 depends on Re and M (and also on s e v e r a l other similarity criteria, which a r e , however, of secondary importance).
8 8 2 -10 u
1-1 -
0 4 .
FIGURE 4. 23. Dual-purpose tube. a -Pitot-Prandtl tube and its characteristics a t various angles of yaw; b -NPL tube; c -tube with circular lateral orifices.
F o r velocity measurements in wind tunnels, dual-purpose tubes a r e used. They a r e shaped in such a way a s t o provide a coefficient a s close t o unity a s possible. Such a tube consists of a s t a t i c - p r e s s u r e tube which m e a s u r e s p , and a total-pressure tube which m e a s u r e s p o , combined a s a single device. Figure 4.23 shows the Pitot-Prandtl and NPL tubes. The NPL tube has c i r c u l a r orifices t o sense the static p r e s s u r e , while the Pitot-Prandtl tube has slots. Slots a r e l e s s liable t o clogging, but the measured static p r e s s u r e is m o r e sensitive t o the geometry of the slot. C i r c u l a r orifices a r e t h e r e f o r e generally used in hemispherical-nose tubes (Figure 4.23~). There is a simple relationship between the p r e s s u r e difference Api, measured by a differential manometer connected a c r o s s the dual-purpose tube, and the t r u e value Ap :
4i 'Poi
1 -P i = T (PO -PI=
that if we know
F o r dual-purpose tubes the coefficient E is constant and close tounity over a wide range of Reynolds numbers. F o r standard NPL (and geometrically s i m i l a r ) tubes, 5 = 1 for Reynolds numbers between 330 and 360,000, where R e is calculated f r o m the outside diameter of the tube. The lower limit of velocities which can be measured by dual-purpose tubes in tunnels with atmospheric-pressure t e s t sections, is in the region of 1 to 2 m / s e c . Below these velocities, measurements of total p r e s s u r e a r e affected by viscosity and 5 is no longer unity (Figure 4. 24). A further
0.98 1
V. m/sec
FIGURE 4.24. Variation o f the tube coefficient at small free-stream velocities. 1-NPL tube; 2 Pitot-Prandtl tube.
difficulty is the extremely high sensitivity required of micromanometers used at such low velocities. To m e a s u r e a velocity of 2 m / s e c with a n accuracy of 170,the micromanometer e r r o r must be less than 0.005 mm W . G . The flow direction affects the readings of a Pitot-Prandtl tube when the yaw angle exceeds 5" (Figure 4.23).
The velocity is sometimes measured with tubes f o r which 5 is not unity, e. g., when using dual-purpose tubes for yaw measurements. Usually, variations in Re and M considerably affect the value of 5 of such tubes, and they a r e l e s s accurate than standard tubes. The advantage of dual-purpose tubes is that the value of 5 can be reproduced in a new tube if its geometry is a good replica of the original. However, calibration against a reference tube is recommended if accuracies better than 1 or 270 a r e required. Reference tubes a r e calibrated on a r o t a r y - a r m machine (see S 3). A reference tube which has been carefully calibrated on a r o t a r y - a r m m a c h i n e is thenused for the secondary calibration of other tubes in a special wind tunnel havinguniformflow in the test sections.
FIGURE 4.26. Determination of velocity from the static-pressure gradient in a tunnel with closed test section.
F o r calibration in a wind tunnel, the tube is installed beside t h e reference tube (Figure 4 . 2 5 ) . The static-pressure a r m s of both tubes a r e connected to opposite legs of a sensitive differential manometer M,. The difference of the static p r e s s u r e s Apstatr measured by the two tubes, is then determined at various flow velocities. Thereafter, the tubes a r e interchanged and the m e a s u r e m e n t s repeated at the s a m e velocities. By taking the average of the two p r e s s u r e differences the effects of any s t a t i c p r e s s u r e nonuniformity in the wind tunnel a r e eliminated. The average s t a t i c - p r e s s u r e difference, measured by the manometer MI is
where 5 andkrefarethe tube coefficients of the tube being calibrated and of the reference tube respectively. The manometer MPis connected to both a r m s of the reference tube in o r d e r to determine the difference between total and static p r e s s u r e :
Eliminating the velocity head , we obtain an expression for the tube coefficient of the tube being calibrated.
E-=-* APstatav 'Pav
It is assumed, that in this method t h e r e is no e r r o r in measuring the total p r e s s u r e by either tubes. We have already s e e n that a high accuracy of measuring po can be obtained with tubes of very different nose shapes. Measurement of operational velocity in low-speed wind tunnels In wind tunnels with closed t e s t sections the free-stream velocity can be measured bythe s t a t i c - p r e s s u r e drop betweentwo sections of the tunnel. These sections a r e most conveniently chosen in such a way that one is in the settling chamber of the tunnel (section A, Figure 4.26), while the other is at the entrance t o the test section, f a r enough away f r o m the model to be unaffected by its presence (section B). By Bernoulli's equation the totalp r e s s u r e difference between these two sections will be equal to the l o s s e s between them:
where f, is the l o s s coefficient, andp,, pB, V A , and V B a r e the static p r e s s u r e s and velocities in sections A and B , respectively. If the c r o s s sections at A and B , and the a r e a of the t e s t section a t C (where the model is located) a r e FA, F B , and Fc respectively, then according to the continuity equation for an incompressible fluid FAV , = FBV , = F, V,. Substituting in Bernoulli's equation the values of the velocity heads in sections A and B , expressed through the velocity head in the t e s t section [section C], we obtain
Withthe aid of this l a s t equation we can obtain the velocity head in the test section of the tunnel, by measuring the s t a t i c - p r e s s u r e drop between sections A and B. For this purpose we must a l s o know the value of 5. This is determined by calibrating the empty tunnel with a dual-purpose tube. At different flow velocities the average value of the velocity head in section C is determined simultaneously with the p r e s s u r e drop pA - pB. The value of 5 can be found f r o m these measurements. Setting 1/5 = p we obtain
where kt is the p r e s s u r e - d r o p coefficient. For m o r e accurate measurement of the p r e s s u r e - d r o p , sections A and B a r e provided with s e v e r a l openings (usually f r o m 4 t o 81, which a r e interconnected by tubes, thus forming "piezometric " rings . The operational flow velocity of a wind tunnel is usually specified a s the average fIow velocity in the empty tunnel, a t the point in the t e s t section where models a r e installed, and a t the s a m e m a s s flow r a t e a s when a model is present. This condition ensures equal p r e s s u r e drops p.4 -ps with and without the model.
The static p r e s s u r e in an open test section is equal to the static p r e s s u r e in the surrounding space. Therefore, the operational flow velocity in the t e s t section can be established, after calibrating the tunnel, f r o m the difference between the total p r e s s u r e in the settling chamber and the room p r e s s u r e (Figure 4 . 2 7 ) .
Measurement of high subsonic velocities Equation (4. 27) shows that in a compressible fluid the difference Ap between the total and static p r e s s u r e s exceeds the velocity head. In o r d e r to determine the l a t t e r (and therefore the velocity) it i s necessary to find the compressibility correction E . If the value of Ap were measured with a dual-purpose tube placed in the test section of the wind tunnel, a shock wave would appear upstream of the tube at supersonic f r e e - s t r e a m velocities. The p r e s s u r e at the orifice in the tube nose would then not be equal to the total p r e s s u r e p o . Equations ( 4 . 2 5 ) and ( 4 . 2 7 ) a r e therefore only fully applicable t o dual-purpose tubes a t subsonic flow velocities, f o r which
Here Api is the p r e s s u r e difference a c r o s s a differential manometer connected t o the dual-purpose tube.
In compressible gas flow the value of f is no longer constant, a s w a s the case at low flow velocities. As can be s e e n f r o m Figure 4.28 (curve No. 1). at high subsonic f r e e - s t r e a m velocities 1.0l the t o t a l - p r e s s u r e a r m of a Pitot-Prandtl I tube functioned correctly up t o M = I, whereE as the appearance of local shock waves affected the readings of the s t a t i c - p r e s s u r e 1,04 a r m even at Mach number of 0.8 t o 0.85 (curve No. 2). Thus, the overall tube coefficient 5 at high subsonic velocities 1.0 d i f f e r s considerably f r o m unity (curve No. 3). A t low flow velocities the nose and the s t e m effects compensate mutually even when the orifices a r e quite n e a r t o the nose and 0.91 the s t e m (Figure 4. 7). A t high flow velocities t h e s e effects must be reduced; this is usually done by increasing the I I 0.9, distance of the orifices f r o m both nose and 0.6 0.7 08 09 M s t e m . Hence, dual-purpose tubes f o r highvelocity measurements a r e usually long. FIGURE 4.28. Effect of localshockwaves on prrssure nicasurenient with a PitotThe accuracy of dual-purpose tubes a t Prandtl tube. high subsonic velocities can be improved by the u s e of pointed noses. Figure 4. 29 shows a miniature TsAGI-type tube. The needle-shaped tube nose gradually m e r g e s into the cylindrical p a r t . At the stagnation point the nose has a n orifice for measuring the total p r e s s u r e . Static-pressure orifices a r e drilled in the assumed plane of yaw. These tubes a r e widely used in investigations of c o m p r e s s o r and turbine-blade cascades, and n a r r o w channels. The first t e r m of the general correction formula (4. 2 6 ) for the compressibility effect gives a 0.570 velocity correction at M = 0.2, as calculated f r o m tube measurements. The e r r o r caused by neglecting the second t e r m amounts to 0.5% at M = 0.8, so that in practice, w e can u s e the correction for 0 < M < 0.8.
We can determine M and V either f r o m (4.34) and (4.35), o r f r o m (4. 23) and (4. 24). The l a t t e r a r e used when, instead of measuring the p r e s s u r e difference A p , s e p a r a t e manometers a r e used t o determine p o and p . In this c a s e the magnitude poll, in (4. 23) and (4. 24) must be replaced by a r e the tube coefficients for the total- and s t a t i c poiEjlpi52, where 5, and p r e s s u r e arms of the dual-purpose tube (Figure 4.28). However, at high velocities Ap itself can be measured very accurately by a sensitive differential manometer, s o that (4. 34) and (4. 35) a r e ordinarily used. The value of p is then measured by a s e p a r a t e manometer connected t o the s t a t i c - p r e s s u r e a r m of the dual-purpose tube, and the value of p g2is substituted f o r the value of p in (4.34). In addition t o A p i and p i , (4.34) and (4.35) a l s o contain the compressibilitycorrection E . The value of E is determined directly f r o m A p and p by noting that in (4. 51,
Expanding (B)" P
as a s e r i e s in powers of
2 , and P
Ef=L!E-* 2% p 6x2
Values of ' E = E/( 1 E) a s function of ApIp a r e given in Table 7. During experiments it is not good practice t o u s e measuring tubes mounted i n l t h e t e s t section, since they considerably affect the flow around the model. The average values of the operational f r e e s t r e a m velocity and of the operational Mach number in the t e s t section a r e usually found by substituting in (4.36) and (4.37) the difference between the total p r e s s u r e PO in the settling chamber of the tunnel and the s t a t i c p r e s s u r e p at t h e wall of the test section; p is measured
Table I
0 0.0070 0.0283 0.0644 0.1 166 0.1862 0.2753 0.3872 0.5244 0.6915 0 8932
0 0.0025 0.m9 0.0222 0.0395 0.0602 0.0846 0.1141 0.1457 0.1800 0.2163
1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0
1.1349 1.4248 1.7716 2.1827 2.6711 3.2517 3.9383 4.7471 5.7024 6.8247
0.2537 0.2925 0.3323 0.3714 0.4104 0.4489 0.4863 0.5222 0.5568 0.5897
2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0
8.1491 9.6952 11.315 13.620 16.094 18.960 22.310 26.100 30.646 35.765
0.6780 0.7040 0.7282 0.7504 0.7712 0.7897 0.8079 0.8'239
separately. The s t a t i c p r e s s u r e over the whole c r o s s section is then assumed t o equal the p r e s s u r e at the wall. In the control s t r e t c h at the beginning of the t e s t section, orifices a r e drilled f o r s t a t i c - p r e s s u r e tubes connected in parallel.
FIGURE 4.30. Layout for measuring the operational velocity and Mach number in wind tunnels.
T h e total p r e s s u r e in the settling chamber i s determined with one o r s e v e r a l s i m i l a r l y interconnected tubes ( F i g u r e 4.30). Due to the considerable flow contraction a t the entrance t o the t e s t section the p r e s e n c e of measuring tubes in the settling chamber causes practically no flow disturbance. A subsonic wind tunnel is calibrated by comparing the p r e s s u r e drop between the settling chamber and the t e s t section (Figure 4 . 3 0 ) with the average p r e s s u r e drop at different points of one or s e v e r a l different c r o s s sections of the t e s t section; this p r e s s u r e drop is m e a s u r e d either with a dual-purpose tube o r with s e p a r a t e total- and s t a t i c - p r e s s u r e tubes. At flow velocities c l o s e t o the speed of sound, the c r o s s - s e c t i o n a l area of the tube should be s m a l l i n relation to the c r o s s - s e c t i o n a l area of t h e t e s t section. The relative change in flow velocity due t o the local reduction of the tunnel c r o s s -sectional a r e a F by the area AF of the measuring tube
can be found f r o m
AV AF 1 -=-V F Mz-I'
AM AF *$-TMM, -=-M
Thus for M = 0.95 the e r r o r in measuring the velocity and the Mach number, due to the presence of a tube whose cross-sectional a r e a is 0.1% of that of the t e s t section, is about 1 % .
Measurement of supersonic velocities The Mach number is one of the most important p a r a m e t e r s of supersonic flow and must often be determined with maximum possible accuracy, It can be determined optically by observing the inclination angles of the shock waves. A shock wave of infinitely small intensity l i e s along the Mach line
p =arcsin
It is not possible to observe Mach lines directly, but shock waves of finite intensity (caused, for instance, by irregularities on solid w a l l s ) can be observed. The value of M found in this way is slightly l e s s than its actual value, since the propagation velocity of weak shocks is slightly g r e a t e r than the velocity of sound; the shock-wave envelope observed will thus be inclined to the flow direction at an angle slightly g r e a t e r than 8 . The Mach number is best determined by measuring the inclination angle of the shock wave appearing at a wedge- o r a cone-shaped obstacle placed with i t s apex a t the test point and with i t s axis i n the flow direction. We may then use the relationship between the Mach number, the inclination angle p of the shock wave, and the taper angle 28 of the obstacle.
f o r a cone the curves in Figure 4.32 may be used. It should be remembered, however, that if the t a p e r angle of the obstacle is higher, o r the Mach number lower, than a c e r t a i n limiting value, the shock wave will be detached f r o m the apex of the obstacle, and will become curved, s o that the measurement will be i n c o r r e c t . The limiting values of 9 , as function of Mach number f o r cones of various angles a r e shown in Figure 4.32, and for wedges, in Figure 4.33.
Maximum value of 8
FIGURE 4.32. Variation with Mach number of angle of inclination of the shock wave at a cone apex.
In o r d e r to eliminate any influence of the rarefaction waves a t t h e trailing edge of the obstacle on the shape of the nose shock wave, the angle of inclination of the l a t t e r must be determined near the nose. The optical method of measuring Mach numbers is time-consuming a n d r e q u i r e s complicated equipment. Wind-tunnel Mach numbers a r e therefore generally determined on the b a s i s of p r e s s u r e measurements. Supersonic flow in the nozzle of a supersonic wind tunnel i s attained isentropically. The total p r e s s u r e throughout the t e s t section, excluding the boundary l a y e r and the region downstream of the shock caused by the model, can be considered equal t o the total p r e s s u r e in the settling chamber. Hence, the operational velocity and Mach number in the t e s t section of a supersonic tunnel can be determined by the s a m e method (Figure 4. 30), using (4.5), as f o r subsonic velocities. At subsonic velocities ~p = p o - p , is small, and can be measured with high accuracy by a sensitive micromanometer. At supersonic velocities Ap is of the s a m e o r d e r of magnitude a s p o , and we can m e a s u r e p o and p s e p a r a t e l y without loss of accuracy.
In o r d e r t o find the Mach-number distribution a c r o s s the t e s t section of the wind tunnel (i. e,, t o calibrate the test section), it is necessary t o u s e a tube in t u r n a t each t e s t point. In principle, we can use f o r this purpose a Pitot-Prandtl tube and m e a s u r e with s e p a r a t e manometers the total p r e s s u r e p i a t a given point behind the normal shock and the static p r e s s u r e p of the undisturbed flow. The Mach number can then be found from Rayleighs formula, obtained from (4.5) and (4.15):
However, this formula is reliable only when the nose orifice of the tube is in its entirety behind the shock. The tube with which the total p r e s s u r e pb is measured must therefore have a blunt nose. On the other hand, considerable e r r o r s a r i s e in measuring the static p r e s s u r e p with a blunt-nose tube; these e r r o r s cannot always be eliminated by locating the side orifices away f r o m the tube nose. Hence, total and static p r e s s u r e s in supersonic flow a r e usually measured by s e p a r a t e tubes:pA with a tube having a blunt nose, and p with a tube having a s h a r p conical o r ogival tip. When calibrating the t e s t section we can a l s o u s e (4. 5); it is then n e c e s s a r y t o m e a s u r e the total p r e s s u r e in the settling chamber, and the static p r e s s u r e in the t e s t section separately (Figure 4.34a).
FIGURE 4.34. Measuring the Mach number in the test section of a supersonic wind tunnel by determining the total pressure p, in the settling chamber and thefollowing in t h e test section: a - s t a t i c pressure p ; b - total pressure P ; ; c - static pressure p, on the surface of a wedge: d - toral pressure in inclined f l o r ~ ~ .
A further method of measuring M is by mounting one t o t a l - p r e s s u r e tube in the t e s t section and another in the settling chamber (Figure 4.34b).
F r o m t h e r a t i o of the total p r e s s u r e s in front of and behind the shock, given by(4.15), we then find the Mach number. Equations ( 4 . 5 ) , ( 4 . 1 5 ) , and ( 4 . 3 9 ) enable us t o determine the Mach number by various methods with the aid of total-pressure and s t a t i c - p r e s s u r e tubes. Rayleigh's formula ( 4 . 3 9 ) is t o be p r e f e r r e d when measuring the distribution of M in the boundary l a y e r of a supersonic flow. In this c a s e ( 4 . 5 ) cannot be used because due to friction l o s s e s , the total p r e s s u r e in the boundary l a y e r is not equal to the total p r e s s u r e in the settling chamber. The total p r e s s u r e pi in the boundary layer is therefore measured by means of a miniature t o t a l - p r e s s u r e tube, and the s t a t i c p r e s s u r e with the aid of an orifice in the wall (Figure 4 . 3 5 ) or a pointed probe. Further methods of determining the Mach number in supersonic flow consist i n measuring the static p r e s s u r e P I at the s u r f a c e of a wedge and the total p r e s s u r e p i o behind the oblique shock, formed a t the s h a r p c o r n e r of a wedge (Figure 4 . 3 6 ) . For an oblique shock M is determined directly f r o m the angle p between the shock wave and the flow direction. The relationship between p and the Mach number in the undisturbed flow is given by ( 4 . 3 8 ) f o r different taper angles of the wedge, while the relationships between the p r e s s u r e s in front of, and behind an oblique shock a r e given by (4, 17) and (4. 19).
FIGURE 4.35. Determining t he Mach number i n t h e boundary layer.
Thus the Mach number can be found by measuring any two of the following p r e s s u r e s : p". p . p,', p' p;, and p , . The accuracy of determination depends on which different p r e s s u r e s a r e chosen, and we can u s e the e r r o r theory 1101 t o select those p r e s s u r e s p I and p2, which will give the l e a s t e r r o r in the calculated value of M. When x = const, the r a t i o of any of these p r e s s u r e s must be a function of M only,
If the standard deviations ap, and oP, of the p r e s s u r e s p , and p,are governed by the Gaussian law of random e r r o r distributions we may u s e the
Since the measuring e r r o r s a r e considered to be small, the e r r o r i n the calculated standard deviation value of M can be approximated by substituting o p f o r the differential d p in (4.40). I f p , and p2 a r e measured by manometers with the s a m e e r r o r throughout the whole range:
Equation (4.41)shows that the error in determining M is inversely proportional t o the r a t e of change of with M. Figure 4.37 shows the values of the coefficient g f o r t h r e e p r e s s u r e r a t i o s measured in head-on flow.
Using (4.5)and (4.41)we can a l s o find the e r r o r s i n determining the operational value of M in the t e s t section when p o is measured i n the
The e r r o r in determining M is thus inversely proportional to the p r e s s u r e po in the settling chamber. Figure 4.38 shows the relative e r r o r in M if the manometer used f o r measuring p o and p is accurate to 1 mmHg. F r o m the graphs, simple calculation gives a M f o r other e r r o r s in measuring po andrp If the p r e s s u r e s p I and pil a r e measured with a wedge-shaped obstacle (Figure 4.36) the e r r o r in M is
GM = = gl
where the coefficient 61, whose values a r e shown in Figure 4.39, depends on the wedge angle 0 .
\I \I \I
FIGURE 4.38.
I I 1 I 1 I I 1jT I I -1 I -1 I I 1 4-
& =!=
and P
Technically most suitable for determining M a r e those methods in which the total p r e s s u r e in the settling chamber is one of the measured p r e s s u r e s . The other may be the static p r e s s u r e , the total p r e s s u r e downstream of a normal shock, o r the total o r static p r e s s u r e behind the oblique shock at a wedge (Figure 4.34). For determining the Mach number and the t r u e velocity in subsonic flow, static p r e s s u r e is usually measured. This method (Figure 4.34a) is suitable up to M = 1 . 6 to 1.8. At l a r g e r Mach numbers the static p r e s s u r e in the t e s t section falls sharply; because the manometer e r r o r remains the same, the accuracy of determining M will be greatly reduced. Determination of the Mach number f r o m measurements of the total p r e s s u r e p i behind a normal shock, (Figure 4. 34b) is inaccurate at velocities only slightly higher than tb.e sound velocity, because the p r e s s u r e p i then
. ....., ,, ..
. ... ..__ ..
differs only slightly f r o m p o . However, a s M increases, the shock l o s s e s increase, and when M = 1.6 the accuracy of the methods using the static p r e s s u r e p and the total p r e s s u r e pb is the s a m e . This point corresponds
in Figure 4 . 37.
with a wedge
When M is g r e a t e r than 1.6 the measuring method shown in Figure 4.34b is preferable. When the Mach number exceeds 3 an even higher accuracy is obtained by measuring the total full p r e s s u r e pulbehind an oblique shock (Figure 4, 34d), though in practice measurement of p ; provides sufficient accuracy. This analysis has s o f a r dealt only with random e r r o r s of p r e s s u r e measurements. The systematic e r r o r s demand further consideration. F o r instance, at high Mach numbers t h e r e can be considerable totalp r e s s u r e losses by condensation in the shock, and the determination of M f r o m the values of pulp; or p o / p o lc an be unreliable. Systematic e r r o r s can be caused also by the tubes themselves; for instance, s t a t i c - p r e s s u r e tubes a r e sometimes affected by shocks forming a t a small distance downs t r e a m of the orifices. In this case, the measured p r e s s u r e may b e too high since the p r e s s u r e increase in the shock is transmitted u p s t r e a m within the boundary layer. When using a wedge-shaped tube, a systematic e r r o r can be caused by the boundary layer on the surface of the tube which changes the effective value of the angle e and therefore of the p r e s s u r e p u , . This e r r o r can be allowed, f o r instance, by measuring the angle of inclination of the oblique shock by the schlieren method. The curve of the total p r e s s u r e pol
downstream of an oblique shock a s a function of the angle 0 has a maximum f o r each value of M. Near this maximum pol is almost independent of B . Wedge-shaped tubes should be used at the optimum value of e (i.e., the angle which corresponds to the indicated maximum) so that no great accuracy is required in measuring the angle 8 . For instance, when M = 3.5 an e r r o r of *0.5% in the measurement of e causes an e r r o r in M of about f 0.001. The t r u e flow velocity in a high-speed wind tunnel is a l e s s important parameter than the Mach number, but it is necessary to determine it, for instance, for calculating the operational Reynolds number. When determining aerodynamic coefficients we use the velocity head, and no direct determination of V is required. The velocity is related to the Mach number by
Instead of the temperature in the flow we m e a s u r e the total temperature ' f r o m (4.4). Thus, in the settling chamber of the tunnel and determine 7 the velocity can be expressed in t e r m s of the Mach number and the total temperature:
Using the e r r o r - s u m m a t i o n formula, we can find the absolute and relative e r r o r s in determining V :
(4.45) (4. 46)
where aT, is the e r r o r in measuring T o . The e r r o r in determiningM thus depends on the e r r o r of the manometers and on the type of p r e s s u r e being measured. Usually po and p a r e measured. The e r r o r in the mean operational velocity in the test section of the wind tunnel, obtained by inserting into ( 4 . 4 6 ) the value of oM f r o m (4.42), becomes
In subsonic and supersonic flow, the coefficient of the f i r s t t e r m within the square root is l a r g e compared with that of the second; hence, accuracy of p r e s s u r e measurement is most important. A t hypersonic velocities these coefficients d i f f e r very little: hence, the total temperature must be measured accurately.
The hot-wire anemometer method of measuring the flow velocity The principle of the hot-wire anemometer is based on the variation in the r a t e of cooling of electrically-heated wires, with the flow velocity of fluid streaming past them. The r a t e of heat t r a n s f e r f r o m the heated wire to the particles of the moving fluid depends on the diameter and composition of the wire and the physical characteristics of the flowing medium, Since the electrical resistance of the wire depends on its temperature, a simple electrical-resistance measurement can be used to determine the velocity. The dependence of the anemometer resistance on the velocity is determined by calibration in a wind-tunnel against a reference instrument. The main advantage of hot-wire anemometers over pneumometric devices is their rapid response. Change of p r e s s u r e causes the flow of a finite m a s s of fluid between the orifices of a tube and the manometer, which therefore r e g i s t e r s the change only after a finite time lag [transmission Wire lag]. Except at resonance, the amplitude of p r e s s u r e oscillations will be underestimated in manometer m e a s u r e m e n t s ; the e r r o r w i l l depend on the amplitude and frequency of the pulsations and on the geometry of the tube (primarily on the dimensions of the orifices and on the diameters of the connecting pipes). Considerable difficulty is experienced in measuring the amplitudes of p r e s s u r e and velocity fluctuations at frequencies higher than a few cycles per second. A m o r e exact knowledge of the complex laws of gas flow depends on the Holder instantaneous measurement of velocities. The hot wire anemometer is thus the principle instrument f o r measuring turbulence. FIGURE 4.40. Hot-wire Another important advantage of the hot-wire anemometer is its high sensitivity. Whereas the anemometer. sensitivity of the pneumometric method of velocity measurement decreases with velocity decrease, that of the hot-wire anemometer increases, S O that the latter is m o r e suitable for measuring velocities below 5 to 10 m / s e c in spite of the m o r e complicated measuring equipment required. A f u r t h e r important advantage of hot-wire anemometers is that they can be incorporated in very small probes for the study of the boundary layer at a solid wall. The design of a hot-wire anemometer is shown schematically in Figure 4.40. The wire, of a pure, chemically inert metal (platinum, tungsten, or nickel) is s i l v e r - s o l d e r e d o r welded to two electrodes which f o r m a fork. long. The wire has a diameter of 0.005 to 0.15mm, and is f r o m 3 t o 12" It is installed at right angles to the direction of flow, The r a t e of heat loss per unit length of wire and p e r degree of the temperature difference between the surrounding medium and the wire is according to King 1 2 1 ,
Q =B
I/v+ C,
where B and C a r e functions of the temperature difference and of the properties of medium and wire. For a wire of given dimensions and with a constant excess temperature above that of a particular medium (e. g., a i r ) . B and C a r e constants which can be determined for the particular conditions. The above equation a g r e e s well with the experimental data for velocities up t o about 3 0 m / s e c , and down t o about 0.1 m / s e c , which i s comparable t o the velocity of convection c u r r e n t s around the hot wire. At equilibrium the wire will t r a n s m i t heat t o the surrounding medium at the r a t e of PRIJ c a l / s e c , w h e r e J is the mechanical equivalent of heat in joules/cal. Hence
If the temperature of the wire is held constant, i t s electrical resistance is also constant. For a particular wire in a given medium we then obtain l2= k
where k is a constant, and I , is the c u r r e n t a t z e r o f r e e - s t r e a m velocity of the given medium. An example is given in Figure 4 . 4 1 , which shows
FIGURE 4. 41. Relationship between the current in a hot-wire anemometer and the flow velocity, at constant wire resistance (temperature).
the main characteristic of the hot-wire anemometer, namely i t s high sensitivity at low flow velocities. At constant r e s i s t a n c e the current changes with velocity most rapidly a t s m a l l f r e e - s t r e a m velocities. Sensitivity increases with the wire temperature throughout the velocity range. The temperature of the wire i s , however, limited by aging and strength considerations and should not exceed 400 t o 500C. If the c u r r e n t through the wire is held constant, the changes in temperatuye and r e s i s t a n c e of the wire can be predicted. Hot-wire anemometers may therefore be used t o m e a s u r e velocity either a t constant r e s i s t a n c e o r at constant c u r r e n t , a s shown in Figure 4 . 4 2 . F o r measurements at constant r e s i s t a n c e the wire f o r m s one a r m of a Wheatstone bridge, the other a r m s being r e s i s t o r s (e. g., manganin)
having a negligible temperature coefficient. A change in the velocity causes the temperature and r e s i s t a n c e of the w i r e t o change; this unbalances the bridge. In o r d e r t o r e s t o r e the balance of the bridge the wire t e m p e r a t u r e is r e s t o r e d t o i t s initial value by adjusting the r e s i s t a n c e of the adjacent a r m or of a n auxiliary r e s i s t o r (4.42a). Velocity is measured in t e r m s of the c u r r e n t in the wire, as indicated, f o r instance, by a n a m m e t e r connected in a n external circuit.
Platinum w i r e
$ O f Z h m I =fU m m
0.118 amp
IO 20 30 Velocity, m/sec
FIGURE 4.42. Circuitsand calibration curves for hotwire anemometers. a - by the constant-resistance method; b - by the constant-currem merhod
Higher sensitivity is obtained by a potentiometric method (Figure 4.43) i n which the wire current is determined in t e r m s of the voltage drop a c r o s s a constant r e s i s t a n c e R having a negligibly s m a l l temperature coefficient. Thus, in the constant-resistance method the velocity is determined in t e r m s of the current (or voltage) needed t o maintain a constant temperature, and thus constant resistance, of the wire. The circuit f o r constant-current m e a s u r e m e n t s is shown in Figure 4.42b. In this c a s e the velocity is determined f r o m the value of the r e s i s t a n c e of the wire. The c u r r e n t in the wire is adjusted to the required constant value by means of a rheostat in series with the supply battery. The wire r e s i s t a n c e is measured by a voltmeter of high internal resistance, connected i n parallel. The constant-resistance method is m o r e widely used, because it involves s i m p l e r measuring equipment. Complex electronic amplifiers a r e used t o study turbulence. In recent y e a r s , shielded hot -wire anemometers have been used to m e a s u r e low vel.ocities in steady flow (Figure 4.44). A wire heater made f r o m nichrome (which has a low t e m p e r a t u r e coefficient of r e s i s t a n c e ) is
placed in one of the bores of a twin-bore c e r a m i c tube of 0.8 t o 1 mm outside diameter:::. A copper -constantan thermocouple in the other bore s e r v e s t o m e a s u r e the temperature of the hot tube. The heater current is held constant, s o that the temperature of the Hot wire c e r a m i c tube depends on the flow velocity. By measuring the thermoelectric emf of the thermocouple with a potentiometer o r galvometer we can determine the temperature of t h e tube, and thus the flow velocity. Figure 4 . 4 5 shows a circuit f o r maintaining a constant current in the heater wire. An auxiliary hot-wire anemometer B , which is an exact replica of the principal anemometer A , is placed in an enclosure in which the velocity is z e r o and the temperature is constant, The heaters of the anemometers a r e connected in s e r i e s . Under these conditions, the thermal emf ,developed a c c r o s s the thermocouple of B depends only on the c u r r e n t I passing through both h e a t e r s . A rheostat R is used to maintain this current constant in accordance with the indications of the thermocouple B . [For Figures 4.44 and 4.45 see p. 196. ]
FIGURE 4 . 4 3 . Potentiometric method for m e a suring currcnt i n a hotwire ancmonirter at constant resisrance.
It was mentioned before that the total- and s t a t i c - p r e s s u r e readings by tubes a r e affected by the flow direction. The best instruments are, therefore, those which depend l e a s t on yaw. Exactly the contrary is t r u e f o r tubes which a r e used f o r measuring the flow direction. Usually yawmeters a l s o m e a s u r e other flow c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s . An ideal tube would be suitable f o r measuring independently four quantities : the angles a and 8 of the inclination of the three-dimensional flow t o two mutually perpendicular planes, the total p r e s s u r e p a , and static p r e s s u r e p . The f i r s t p a i r of measurements determines the directions, and the second, the magnitude, of the velocity vector. All-purpose tubes of this kind find wide application in investigations of turbomachines. They a r e , however, l e s s accurate than dual-purpose tubes in the measurement of the magnitude of the velocity vector, due t o the difficulty of measuring the static p r e s s u r e accurately. Pressure-sensing instruments f o r measuring the flow direction can be divided into two groups. The f i r s t group consists of devices in which the yaw is measured in t e r m s of the p r e s s u r e difference between two tubes whose orifices a r e arranged a t a fixed angle with respect t o each other.
- J. S. I.
A t o t a l - p r e s s u r e tube cut at a right angle t o its axis is not v e r y sensitive t o variations of the yaw angle a between its axis
Principal dthermoanemometer A
To t h e galvanometer
FlGURE 4. 44.
and the flow direction when a is l e s s than 1 5 to 20". The sensitivity i n c r e a s e s sharply when 1 is between 40" and 60"; if the tube is cut a t an angle t o i t s axis, the s a m e o r d e r of sensitivity can be obtained / 3 / when a = 0 (Figure 4.46).
FIGURE 4.46. Variation with angle D of t h e difference between the pressure in the tube and the static pressure in the flow for plot tubes faced off at various angles ?.
The second group includes devices based on measuring the p r e s s u r e difference between two points on the surface of a streamlined s y m m e t r i c a l body (sphere, cylinder, wedge, or cone). When the axis (or the plane of s y m m e t r y ) of the body coincides with the direction of flow, the p r e s s u r e at symmetrically located points is equal. The orifices a r e situated on the body (or t h e direction of the tubes is chosen) in such a way that s m a l l changes in flow direction cause l a r g e p r e s s u r e differences between the orifices which are connected t o a differential manometer. The sensitivity p, of the tube is determined by the change in p r e s s u r e a t one of the orifices, due to a change in yaw:
The sensitivity is thus defined as the slope of the tangent t o the curve a t an orifice in a c i r c u l a r cylinder, whose axis is perpendicular to the flow, is most affected by the flow direction if the radius through the orifice makes an angle of 4 0 t o 50" with the flow direction (see Figure 4 . 4 ) . A differential manometer connected t o the yawmeter m e a s u r e s the p r e s s u r e difference between two such orifices (1 and 2 ) s o that the t r u e sensitivity of the nozzle
6 = f ( 3 ) The p r e s s u r e
must be twice the value of dp/da, obtained f r o m the slope of the curves in Figure 4.4. The value of k v a r i e s between 0.04 and 0.08 p e r degree f o r different types of tubes. The yawmeters a r e sensitive to t r a n s v e r s e velocity gradients, which cause the p r e s s u r e s at two points situated symmetrically about the axis of the tube to be unequal, even when the tube axis coincides with the direction of flow. In this c a s e the p r e s s u r e difference between the orifices is z e r o a t an angle which depends on the magnitude of the gradient, the distance between the orifices, their s i z e , and the sensitivity of the tube [to p r e s s u r e changes], The best method to reduce the e r r o r due to t r a n s v e r s e velocity gradients i s t o d e c r e a s e the distance between the orifices. This, however, causes a d e c r e a s e in the diameter of the orifices and of the tubes between the orifices and the manometer, which, in turn, i n c r e a s e s the lag of the manometer indications because of the high flow impedance of the tubes. This should be taken into account when choosing the tube and manometer. Yawmeters can be used directly o r as null instruments. In the null method the yawmeter is rotated on a c r a d l e until i t s axis coincides with the direction of the flow, as indicated by z e r o p r e s s u r e difference in the differential manometer connected to the orifices. The direction of flow is then indicated by graduations on the cradle. In the direct method the tube is held a t a constant angle to the tunnel wall, and the yaw is determined in t e r m s of the p r e s s u r e drop between the orifices, measured by a differential manometer. The relationship between yaw and manometer indication is established by calibrating the tube in a wind tunnel of negligibly s m a l l t r a n s v e r s e velocity gradients and flow
inclination. The direct measuring method requires l e s s complicated equipment and less time than the null method, but is l e s s accurate, especially a t l a r g e angles of yaw. Because of i t s simplicity, and because it is possible t o obtain simultaneous readings f r o m an a r r a y of tubes, the d i r e c t method is usually employed in the calibration of wind tunnels, where normally the flow inclination is s m a l l . In the direct method the tubes can be easily adapted f o r measuring the velocity and direction of the flow in two planes, The advantage of the null method of yaw measurement l i e s in the independence of the measurements on M and R e . It is a l s o less important t o locate the orifices very accurately on the tube in this method, since t h e i r positions merely affect the relationship between yaw and p r e s s u r e drop, The null method is usually chosen f o r measuring flow angles in wakes, e , g., in experiments with blade cascades. The combination of a direct and a null method is sometimes used in studying three -dimensional flow,
FIGURE 4. 4;. Tubular ya*'merrrs cur ar right angles. a 2 n d b -for two-dimensional flow; c - for three-dimensional flow.
Tubular yawmeters shown in Figure 4 . 4 7 consist of coplanar bent tubes, with ends cut at right angles, inclined t o each other at an angle of 90". The is intended f o r three-dimensional flow. The angle of tube in Figure 4 . 4 7 ~ flow inclination in the 1.7 plane can be measured by the null method (by rotating the tube about the L J axis until the p r e s s u r e s in orifices 1 and 3 a r e equal), while the angle of inclination in the xy plane is found by the direct method in t e r m s of the p r e s s u r e s difference between tubes 4 and 5. For measuring the flow velocity, yawmeters of this type are equipped with the additional tube 2, which s e n s e s the total p r e s s u r e . The flow velocity can be determined f r o m the p r e s s u r e difference between the orifices of this tube and one of the l a t e r a l tubes, if the tube is calibrated against a reference dual-purpose tube. The drawback of these tubes is t h e i r low rigidity. Small deformations of the tubes can cause considerable e r r o r s when measuring yaw.
Recently, tubular yawmeters with beveled ends a r e increasingly being used f o r the study of blade cascades. Such tubes have external d i a m e t e r s The tubes a r e mounted parallel t o each other, s o that the " . of 0.5 t o 2 distance between their orifices is v e r y s m a l l . In two-dimensional flow the influence of velocity gradients can be almost completely eliminated by locating the tube axes not in the plane of flow inclination but in a plane perpendicular t o it, as shown in F i g u r e 4.48d. Figure 4.46 shows that in o r d e r t o obtain maximum sensitivity t o yaw, the tubes should be cut at an angle between 30 and 45". Figure 4.48a gives the sensitivity c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of a two-tube yawmeter designed f o r s m a l l flow velocities. The c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of three-tube yawmeters f o r the direct method of measurement a r e usually expressed a s a graph showing x. as a function of a , where
x =
F i g u r e 4.48b shows the variation of X~ with a f o r three-tube yawmeters of various bevel angles p. At s m a l l flow velocities (up to M = 0.3 to 0.4) a beveled-tube yawmeter can be used f o r the measurment of both direction and speed. The total and s t a t i c p r e s s u r e s can be determined with a two-tube yawmeter (4.48a), f o r example, by the following method: the yawmeter i s turned until the p r e s s u r e s in tubes 1 and 2 a r e equal ( p , = p2 = p ' ) . The values of p , and p2 a r e then determined a f t e r f u r t h e r rotation of the tube by angles of f10". The total and static p r e s s u r e s a r e then found with the aid of experimentally determined calibration coefficients k, and k2 / 1 3 / ,
The yawmeter shown in Figure 4.48b is fitted with a central tube 2 f o r measuring the total p r e s s u r e p o , which can be determined by adjusting the tube so that p , = p 3 = p ' . The flow velocity can be found with the aid of the coefficient :
PozP" - 2 (P?-- - 2 (P? P ' )
PV 2
which is a l s o determined by calibration against a reference tube. Figure 4 . 4 8 ~ shows the design of a four-tube yawmeter f o r t h r e e dimensional flow measurements. The yawmeter consists of tubes whose outside and inside d i a m e t e r s a r e 0.8 mm and 0.5 m m respectively; the
N 0 0
FIGURE 4.48. Tubular yawnieters with beveled ends. a-two-rube arrangement; b - three-tube arrangernent: c - four-tube arrangement for three-dimensional flow: d -tube for two-dimensional flow with zero vertical distance between tube centers.
tubes a r e connected at the nose, and cut at 45". The characteristics of this tube f o r M = 1.86 and 2.67 a r e shown in the s a m e figure 1141. The sensitivity t o yaw of such tubes is s i m i l a r t o that of wedges (Figure 4.53) and other types of yawmeter f o r supersonic velocities.
Cylindrical yawmet e r s Cylindrical yawmeters (Figure 4.49) are used for determining the direction of two-dimensional flow. A s can be s e e n f r o m the c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s shown in Figure 4.49b, t h e i r sensitivity is highest when the included angle 27 between orifices (1) and (3) is between 90 and 100". A third orifice, f o r rneasuring the total p r e s s u r e , is drilled in the center between the two yawm e t e r orifices. Cylindrical yawmeters a r e generally used f o r the null method; the total p r e s s u r e is m e a s u r e d when the p r e s s u r e s at the outer orifices are equal. The flow velocity can thus be determined from the p r e s s u r e difference between the central and one of the outer orifices, provided that the velocity-calibration coefficient E,. is known; it i s determined in the same way as for multiple-tube yawmeters. The value of Ev depends on the flow regime around the tube. The p r e s s u r e a t the front of the cylinder may d i f f e r f r o m the theoretical value for potential flow (see Figure 4 . 4 ) because of boundary-layer separation. If boundary-layer separation takes place symmetrically on the upper and lower surfaces of the front quadrants of the cylinder, the change of p r e s s u r e at the wall, due t o the consequent change in Reynolds number , will not affect the yaw calibration coefficient x , , but t h e r e may be a considerable change in the shows that X* is virtually velocity-calibration coefficient Ev. Figure 4 . 4 9 ~ independent of Re, and is directly proportional to the yaw angle a f o r values below 15". Nevertheless, the cylindrical yawmeter should be used with caution at M > 0.6, since local a s y m m e t r i c a l shocks may appear. The velocity coefficient begins to be affected by compressibility at A = 0.3 as can be s e e n f r o m the graph of Figure 4.49d. The advantage of the cylindrical yawmeter over other types is i t s s m a l l diameter, since i t occupies a n area, perpendicular t o the flow, determined m e r e l y by the outside diameter of the tube, which can be v e r y s m a l l . This is important, e. g., when investigating the flow between s t a t o r and r o t o r blades of axial turbomachines. Tubes with outside diameters up t o 2.5 o r 3 m m a r e used for blade-cascade investigations.
Spherical yawmeters Spherical yawmeters (Figure 4,501 p e r m i t flow-direction measurements in three-dimensional flow with the a i d of four orifices located in p a i r s in two mutually perpendicular planes, A fifth opening, a t the intersection of t h e s e planes, s e r v e s f o r measuring the total p r e s s u r e . The determination of the direction of a three-dimensional flow by the null method r e q u i r e s the u s e of a complicated cradle giving indications of the angular position in two planes. Only the angle B , in the xyplane, is therefore measured by
20 1
'oss section
! 6
Y '
1 . 0
the null method; the angle z in a plane perpendicular t o the xy plane is determined by the direct method with the aid of a calibration curve obtained by two-dimensional flow t e s t s (Figure 4. 50).
FIGURE 4. 50, Splierical yai\iiicter and i t s characteristics (iricluclcrl dngle h < t \ * cenorificvs IS !+U"\.
When the yawmeter cannot be turned (e. g., when it is mounted on a turbine r o t o r ) we can m e a s u r e both angles directly with an accuracy of 1 t o 2", while simultaneously measuring the velocity and s t a t i c p r e s s u r e with an accuracy of the o r d e r of * 3 y h 1151. The drawback of spherical yawmeters is the limited range of Reynolds numbers (from 4 X l o 3 to 1 . 5 X 1 05) within which their calibration coefficients a r e constant. When the laminar boundary layer becomes turbulant, the point of flow separation on the surface of the sphere becomes indeterminate; the flow around the sphere becomes asymmetrical, and this causes inaccuracies in measurement.
Hemispherical yawmeters
If we replace the rear half of the sphere by a cylinder, the flow conditions a r e improved and the point of boundary-layer separation is removed f r o m the neighborhood of the orifices, Hemispherical yawm e t e r s have the s a m e sensitivity a s spherical ones, but the influence
of the Reynolds number on their characteristics is much s m a l l e r . The sensitivity of hemispherical yawmeters decreases at l a r g e Mach n u m b e r s , Figure 4.51 shows the TsAGI six-bore yawmeter 1 2 2 1 . In addition to the five openings in the hemispherical nose for measuring total p r e s s u r e and flow direction, the yawmeter has an opening on its cylindrical s t e m f o r measuring the static p r e s s u r e ,
1 .
The TsAGI yawmeter is used for determining the magnitude and direction of the flow velocity in subsonic wind tunnels. The flow inclination in wind tunnels is generally small, s o that the m e a s u r e m e n t s a r e made by the direct method, i. e,, without rotating the yawmeter, By calibrating [the yawmeter] in a wind tunnel in which the flow inclination is very small, we obtain
where p , . p 3 and p,. p s a r e the p r e s s u r e s in the orifices located in the vertical and horizontal planes respectively. At small yaw angles the yaw measurements in one plane a r e independent of the yaw in the other. Corrections must, however, be made when the yaw exceeds 5, and these a r e determined by calibration a s o = f(a)and x = f ( j 3 ) .
Wedge-type and conical yawmeters Wedge-type yawmeters (Figure 4.52) can be used for measuring the flow inclidation a t velocities above those at which shocks appear on the surface of a sphere or cylinder, i. e . , at M > 0.55 to 0.6 /IS/. The advantage of these over cylindrical yawmeters is that the position of the orifices on the s u r f a c e is l e s s critical, The pressure-distribution curves
in Figure 4 . 5 2 show that with wedge-type yawmeters the p r e s s u r e measurement is f a r l e s s sensitive t o the location of the orifices than with cylindrical yawmeters s o that manufacturing tolerances can be f a r r.' wider. Either a separate orifice on the leading edge of the wedge, o r a
FIGURE 4. 52. Wedge-type yawmeter and its characteristics ( t h e pressure distribution on the surface of a cylindrical yawmeter is shown for comparison).
completely s e p a r a t e tube, can be used for measuring the total p r e s s u r e . Wedge-type yawmeters can be used to m e a s u r e the static p r e s s u r e a t higher Mach numbers than cylindrical yawmeters.
m m W. G.
5 0 0
-0. IO
-/' fl 1' 2' Yaw angle of the wedge
At M-1.4.po-la
-M-1.4 _ _ _ M =!.6
FlGURE 4. 53. Wedge-type yawmeter for measuring the direction of supersonic flow.
Wedge-type and conical yawmeters with s m a l l included angles a r e among the most reliable instruments f o r investigating supersonic flow. Figure 4.53 shows the characteristic of a wedge-type yawmeter designed by the NAE Laboratory (Great Britain) f o r calibrating the 0.9 mX0.9 m test section of a continuous-operati& supersonic wind tunnel 1171. The wedge yawmeter is installed on a spherical cradle so that it can be used for null-method m e a s u r e m e n t s of the flow inclination. Figure 4. 54 shows the characteristics of conical and pyramidal RAE yawmeters f o r the direct-method measurement in three-dimensional supersonic flow. The sensitivity of conical yawmeters increases with the cone angle, but an included angle of 15" provides sufficient sensitivity, since an e r r o r of 1 m m W. G. in the measured p r e s s u r e causes an e r r o r of only 0.02" in the yaw determination. Yawmeters can therefore be designed with other (e. g., production) considerations in mind. If the nose is pyramidal (Figure 4 . 5 4 ~ t )he exact location of the orifices is much l e s s critical than for circular cones (where they must l i e exactly in two mutually perpendicular planes) because flow FIGURE 4. 54. Characrerisrics of yawmeters for round a pyramid is much l e s s precisely three-dimensional supersonic now. a and b defined. The calibration curves for conical yawmeters; c -pyramidal yawmeters. these yawmeters r e m a i n linear even when the shock has become detached. A l l measurements in a s e r i e s must, however, be c a r r i e d out with the shock either attached o r detached, since the calibration differs in these two cases 1181.
Heated wires
4. 55.
Hot-wire yawmeters.
The measurement of the t e m p e r a t u r e of a flowing gas is important in investigations of the aerodynamic heating of the s u r f a c e s of a i r c r a f t and rockets, and in studies of the operation of gas turbines, c o m p r e s s o r s , a i r c r a f t engines, etc. The s t a t e of a stationary perfect gas can be defined by two independent physical magnitudes, one of which may be the t e m p e r a t u r e . If the flow velocity is such that compressibility effects a r e important it is n e c e s s a r y t o differentiate between the s t a t i c t e m p e r a t u r e T and the stagnation (total) t e m p e r a t u r e T o . A thermometer moving with the fluid, and emitting no t h e r m a l radiation would m e a s u r e the static t e m p e r a t u r e . In practice the static t e m p e r a t u r e can be determined only indirectly, f o r instance by measuring the s t a t i c p r e s s u r e with a tube and the density optically, and then using (4. 1); or by measuring the velocity of sound a and using (4.3a). Measurements of the velocity of sound in a moving medium must be corrected f o r the flow velocity. Both electronic and optical methods a r e used f o r these measurements, but only a mean t e m p e r a t u r e within a c e r t a i n region can be determined thus, s o that this method is seldomused. It is much s i m p l e r to determine the t e m p e r a t u r e T by measuring the stagnation t e m p e r a t u r e and the Mach number. The stagnation t e m p e r a t u r e is the t e m p e r a t u r e which the gas would attain if brought to r e s t adiabatically, s o that i t s entire kinetic energy is transformed without loss into heat. This t e m p e r a t u r e would be shown by a thermometer placed at the stagnation point of a body in the s t r e a m , provided no heat i s lost to the surrounding medium. However, i t is virtually impossible to make a thermometer which l o s e s no heat at all. F u r t h e r m o r e , it would always have finite dimensions and thus c a u s e turbulence, thus changing the local t e m p e r a t u r e . A thermometer inserted into a fast-flowing gas w i l l therefore indicate a t e m p e r a t u r e lying between the s t a t i c and the stagnation t e m p e r a t u r e s . The difference between the stagnation t e m p e r a t u r e To and the t r u e t e m p e r a t u r e T of a moving perfect gas (in which t e m p e r a t u r e changes
Since shocks do not affect the enthalpy of a gas, this equation is t r u e both f o r subsonic and supersonic flow. A thermally insulated surface will be heated by a gas flowing past it The recovery t o a temperature called the recovery temperature T, temperature depends on the local Mach number (or on the static temperature) a t the outside limit of the boundary l a y e r , on the dissipation of kinetic energy by friction in the boundary layer, and on the r a t e of heat exchange. The difference between the recovery temperature and the static temperature is a fraction r of the adiabatic temperature r i s e :
T a - T = r - 2gJcp .
In general the coefficient of t h e r m a l recovery, which r e p r e s e n t s the proportion of the kinetic energy of the medium recovered a s heat, depends on the shape of the body, and on M, Re, Pr and x . For a given gas, Pr and x a r e constant over a wide range of ihe temperatures usual in subsonic and supersonic wind tunnels (for a i r , Pr = 0.72, x = 1.4 ) and we can thus consider r a s a function of M and Re only. The value of r may v a r y over the surface. For laminar flow of an incompressible fluid around a flat plate, r depends only on the r a t e of heat exchange and the friction in the boundary l a y e r on the surface of the plate. When Pr = 1, heat exchange and frictional heating compensate each other, and the adiabatic temperature on the surface is equal t o the stagnation temperature T o , i. e., r = 1. Theoretically the recovery coefficient in laminar and turbulent boundary l a y e r s a t a flat plate should be r = Pr'h and r = Pr'i. respectively, but experimental values Of 0.85 and 0.89 respectively, have been obtained. The coefficient of t h e r m a l recovery depends on the shape of the surface. Studies in supersonic wind tunnels have shown that for poorly streamlined bodies r v a r i e s between 0.6 and 0.7, and for well streamlined bodies, between 0.8 and 0.9. The relationship between the recovery temperature and the stagnation temperature depends on the Mach number, and can be deduced f r o m ( 4 . 4 ) and (4.49):
This function is plottedfor x = 1.4 and various values of r in Figure 4. 56. In subsonic flow T, d e c r e a s e s with increasing velocity. When M exceeds unity, a shock appears upstream of the body whose leading edge is t h e r e f o r e in a subsonic region; hence, the Mach number in (4.50) is l e s s
than unity. With increasing supersonic f r e e - s t r e a m velocity, the strength of the shock increases, the Mach number d e c r e a s e s , and therefore the value of T, r i s e s . In the absence of heat t r a n s f e r , a thermometer on the wall of a tube inserted into a gas s t r e a m would indicate a recovery temperature T , dependent only on the flow c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s in the boundary layer around the tube. When r = 1.0, T, = TO.However, an actual thermometer, in which heat exchange with the surrounding medium cannot be prevented, will indicate a temperature Tn differing f r o m the recovery temperature T a . The principal characteristic of a thermometer is therefore the dimensionless quantity
which is called the recovery coefficient of the instrument. By definition, the recovery coefficient 5 allows for the effects of heat exchange between the thermometer and the surrounding atmosphere caused by the heat conductivity of the instrument holder and by heat radiation. The value of 5 for a given instrument can be established experimentally by calibration in a special wind tunnel. Knowing the temperature Tn, a s measured by the instrument, and its recovery coefficient [, we can determine the stagnation temperature T o , by substituting T , and r for T , and 5 in (4.50).
Subsonic region
M a c h number downstream of the shock FIGURE 4. 56. Ratio rolro as a function of the Mach number for a thermometer of finite dimensions in subsonic flow, and in supersonic flow with a shock.
1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
I11111111111111111111lllllllllllllll11111111111111111 I II I I I
I I I I I1111111111
Sensors f o r measuring stagnation temperature The design of a temperature s e n s o r depends on the intended range of flow velocities and temperatures. The design and material of the s e n s o r can be s o chosen that i t will indicate a temperature Tn which is sufficiently close t o the stagnation temperature of the flow. Such a s e n s o r can be called a stagnation-temperature s e n s o r . For a good stagnation-temperature sensor, the value of 5 should be close t o unity. However, it is even m o r e important that 5 should be constant, o r change very little over the relevant range of velocities and t e m p e r a t u r e s . The deviation f r o m unity of the value of 5 depends on: 1) convectional heat exchange between sensing element and medium; 2) heat l o s s by conduction f r o m the s e n s o r through the device holding it; 3) radiant-heat exchange between s e n s o r and the surroundings. Since the p r o c e s s e s by which heat exchange takes place vary with flow velocity and temperature, the design of the s e n s o r depends on the values within the t e s t range of a l l the physical p a r a m e t e r s . Sensors can b e roughly divided into t h r e e groups depending on the range of measurements: 1 ) s e n s o r s f o r low and highvelocities at lowtemperatures; 2) s e n s o r s f o r high velocities, and temperatures up t o 300 and 400C; 3) s e n s o r s f o r low and high velocities a t high temperatures (up t o 1000- 1200C). L o w - t e m p e r a t u r e s e n s o r s . The effect of [heat] radiation can be neglected i f the temperature of the wall on which the sensor is mounted differs very little f r o m the temperature of the flowing medium. To determine the l a t t e r in the t e s t section of most wind tunnels (for low o r high velocities) it is sufficient to m e a s u r e the stagnation temp'erature in the settling chamber of the tunnel. Since there is practicallyno input o r removal of heat between the settling chamber and the t e s t section, the stagnation temperature remains constant. The flow velocity in the settling chamber does not usually exceed some tens of m / s e c and the temperature, some tens of degrees centigrade. Mercury thermometers can be used a s sensing elements in this range, but resistance thermometers and thermocouples provide f a s t e r operation and permit remote indication. The design of a resistance thermometer f o r measuring t e m p r r a t u r r s in the scttling chamber of a wind tunnel is shown in Figure 4. 57. The change in the resistance of the wire, a s a function of temperature, can be measured with the aid of a ratiometer or a Wheatstone bridge. I F all other p a r a m e t e r s in a wind tunnel o r on a t e s t bench a r e measured and recorded automatically, it is better t o u s e the automatic electronic bridges (currently made by Soviet industry). Standard bridgcs have usually a recording or indicating device actuated by a balancing motor placed inside the instrument. For automatic recording of t e m p r r a t u r e together with other p a r a m e t e r s the balancing motor of the bridge is connected t o a r e c o r d e r or p r i n t e r by means of a Selsyn o r a digital convertor (see Chapter E ) . Automatic bridges permit the temperature t o be measured t o an accuracy of tenths of a degree. Sensors f o r high velocities and medium temperatures. When testing c o m p r e s s o r s it is necessary to m e a s u r e temperatures up t o 300" or 400C at up to sonic velocities. The s a m e range of stagnation temperature is found in supersonic wind tunnels fitted with a i r heating and in tunnels f o r heat-exchange t e s t s . In most c a s e s the s e n s o r s a r e
. ..
mounted i n relatively narrow channels; in o r d e r t o reduce the disturbances caused by them, the s e n s o r s should be small, f o r which the best sensing diameter. For the element is a thermocouple with wires of 0.1 t o 0.2" range of temperatures considered iron-constantan o r copper-constantan thermocouples a r e generally employed; they have sensitivities of 5 and 4 millivolts p e r 100C respectively. The thermal capacity of the junction of the thermocouple is very small, s o that it responds rapidly and measurement c a n b e made a t rapidly changing temperatures.
ZOO0 4 0 0 0
v, in/sec
Re, in diffuser
Electronic bridge
b o the recording
FItiURE 4. 58. I ~ ~ ~ s i s r ~r iI n~ c~ e~rtti~ti lor i~ter iiivasuring the tcnipcrdture 111 the settlingchamber of a wind tiitinel.
When there is no radiant-heat exchange, a thermocouple consisting of butt-welded copper and constantan wires, inserted lengthwise into the flowing medium, wiIl have a stable recovery coefficient ( E = 0.9) for 0.2 < M < 1.0 and 3.8. IOJ <Re<14.4. IO? The value of 5 is not constant f o r a thermocouple inserted transversely, since the recovery coefficient increases with velocity / 1 9 1 . Although 5 is constant f o r b a r e wires inserted lengthw'ise, temperature s e n s o r s of this type a r e not widely used because of manufacturing difficulties. Attempts have been made to m e a s u r e the stagnation temperature with thermocouples installed a t the frontal stagnation point of a streamlined sensor. It was found possible in such s e n s o r s t o achieve a balance between heat exchange by convection with the medium and heat exchange by conduction with the supports. However, this type of s e n s o r is very sensitive t o slight changes in i t s shape, yaw, and radiant-heat exchange, and is not widely used The most r e l i a b l e design of stagnation-temperature s e n s o r s , having recovery coefficients close t o unity over a wide range of velocities, relies on bringing the fluid t o rest adiabatically n e a r the thermocouple junction.
21 1
The gas upstream of the junction can be slowed down t o a certain optimum velocity, where heat gained by the junction due t o thermal convection in the g a s is balanced by the heat lost from the junction due t o the heat conduction of the supports. In low-velocity flow the temperature and velocity gradients a r e small, s o that heat exchange and friction in the boundary layer at the junction of the thermocouple a r e insignificant. T h e medium is brought to r e s t adiabatically in a total-pressure tube, and the best temperature s e n s o r s s o f a r developed a r e based on such tubes of modified shape. A f u r t h e r advantage of this design is that the tube can a l s o be used a s a radiation shield t o prevent radiant-heat exchange with the surrounding medium. In o r d e r t o prevent the gas f r o m coming t o r e s t completely, and t o maintain a c e r t a i n convective heat t r a n s f e r t o the junction in o r d e r to balance the loss through t h e r m a l conduction, the tube has outlet orifices whose a r e a is 114 t o 118 of the a r e a of the inlet orifice. The dimensions and shape of a s e n s o r within the stagnation zone inside a tube a r e l e s s critical, and measurement reproducibility is b e t t e r than if the thermometer were placed on the s u r f a c e , where the recovery coefficient would depend on the flow conditions around the body. Thus, it has been possible t o design s e n s o r s with recovery coefficients of the o r d e r of 0.99 f o r 0.2 < M < 3.0.
Y a w angle
Free-stream velocity FIGURE 4. 59. Section and characteristics of the Pratt and and Whitney Pitot thermocouple .
In one of the e a r l i e s t designs of shielded temperature s e n s o r s used at high velocities, the thermocouple was placed in the stagnation chamber of a round-nosed tube. A i r entered into the chamber through a diffuser and s m a l l ventilating holes were drilled in the chamber walls to make up the heat l o s s e s f r o m conduction and radiation. F i g u r e 4.58 shows the design and c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of a s e n s o r of this type, having an external diameter [20]. Such a s e n s o r is highly sensitive t o yaw; t h e r e is a l a r g e , of 4.7" random e r r o r in its calibration curve, caused by flow instability in the diffuser. The reason for the abrupt change in recovery coefficient at a velocity of about 9 0 m / s e c is the transition f r o m laminar t o turbulent flow a t the diffuser inlet, where R e = 2000 t o 3000. Subsequent investigations of Pitot thermocouples have shown that b e t t e r reproducibility and reduced sensitivity t o yaw is obtained by placing the thermocouple in a cylindrical stagnation chamber. F i g u r e 4. 59 shows the design and c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of such a s e n s o r . T h e s e s e n s o r s a r e v e r y widely used because of t h e i r simple design. T h e i r recovery coefficients vary between 0.95 and 0 , 9 9 9 .
V c -
FIGURE 4.60.
F i g u r e 4.60 shows the s e n s o r designed a t the Swedish Royal Technological Institute. It has a recovery coefficient v e r y close to unity. The thermocouple junction, 0.15 m m in diameter and made f r o m iron-constantan, is surrounded by two aluminum tubes, joined a t the nose of the s e n s o r by means of heat-insulating material. At z e r o yaw the recovery coefficients of round- and conical-nosed instruments of this type a r e 0.998 and 0.996
respectively. Yaws of 5 to 10" have practically no effect on the recovery coefficients, which have a l s o been found to remain practically constant a t temperatures of up to 250C 1211. Sensors for measuring the stagnation t e m p e r a t u r e s between the stages of turbocompressors and gas turbines must be a s s m a l l as possible both in diameter and length. The designs of two such instruments a r e shown in Figures 4. 61 and 4. 62. Boundary-layer temperature measurements a r e made with miniature instruments, s i m i l a r t o that shown in Figure 4. 59. Medical hypodermic needles, whose diameters a r e fractions of millimeters, a r e used f o r the external tubes. The value of j tends to d e c r e a s e a t low velocities, at which heat input by convection t o the thermocouple no longer balances l o s s e s by conduction through the supports.
High -temperatur e s e n s o r s F o r high temperatures (above 300" o r 400"C), at which the temperature difference between the s e n s o r and the surrounding medium is of the o r d e r of 50C or m o r e , radiant-heat l o s s e s become the principal source of e r r o r . Exact measurements of stagnation temperatures a r e very difficult in this range, where even slight changes in ambient temperature lead t o considerable changes in the temperature of the s e n s o r . The amount of heat lost by radiation is proportional to the surface a r e a of the s e n s o r , s o that for high-temperature duty, s e n s o r s should be a s s m a l l a s is consistent with strength requirements. The radiation capacity of the surface of the body on which the sensor is mounted should a l s o be very low: this can be achieved, for instance, by polishing the surface. It is difficult, however, t o avoid gradual oxidation of the surface of a s e n s o r immersed in hot gases. The best method of reducing f radiation is t o improve the shielding of the s e n s o r . The thermocouple of the s e n s o r is mounted in a diffuser surrounded by s e v e r a l concentric tubular s c r e e n s ( F i g u r e 4. 63 ). The external s c r e e n s a r e heated by the gas flowing through the annular gaps. The thermocouple junction FIGURE 4.61. Cylindrical may be either mounted in the middle of the central temperature sensor tube o r welded to it. In the f i r s t case the ( M = 1 , c = 0.98). recovery coefficient of the s e n s o r is s i m i l a r to that of a poorly streamlined body (c = 0.65). In the second c a s e , the value of the recovery coefficient approaches that of a flat plate ( 5 z 0.9). Good r e s u l t s have been obtained a t t e m p e r a t u r e s up to 900 t o 1000C with chromel-alumel thermocouples mounted in enclosures of the above described type. The inner s c r e e n may be made of porcelain, and the t h r e e outer s c r e e n s of heat - r e s i s t a n t steel.
Radiation l o s s e s in high-temperature s e n s o r s can be reduced by heating the shield t o a temperature close to the ambient temperature of the medium.
FIGURE 4. 62.
open i n l e t .
Figure 4.64 shows the design of a miniature stagnation-temperature s e n s o r developed by the California Institute of Technology / 2 3 1 . In this s e n s o r , an electrically heated wire on the shield reduces direct radiation l o s s e s and l o s s e s by heat conduction f r o m the shield. To compensate for heat l o s s e s by conduction through the leads f r o m the thermocouple and its holder, the l a t t e r is heated by a s e p a r a t e nichrome r e s i s t o r heater. The t e m p e r a t u r e s of the shield Ts and of the holder T I , a r e measured by s e p a r a t e thermocouples, and controlled t o be a s nearly a s possible equal to the
t e m p e r a t u r e Tn of themainthermocouple. Figure 4.65 shows the values of the recovery coefficients , and 5 obtained by inserting the corresponding
t - - - I -
Shielded sensor for high temperatures.
FIGURE 4.63.
FIGURE 4. 64. Temperature sensor with heated shield. 1-main thermocouple mounting and heating element; 2-radiation shield and heating element.
FIGURE 4.65. Characteristics of a temperature sensor with heated shield and holder ( M = 5 . 7 5 ) .
values of Ts, Th and Tn into (4. 51). In the absence of heating, and 5 depend on boththe Reynolds number and the stagnation t e m p e r a t u r e T I , .
I f we heat the thermocouple holder in such a way that T , = Tn , i. e . , if we eliminate the heat l o s s e s due t o conduction, then the recovery coefficient If both the holder and the shield a r e heated, s o that 511=Gh will be higher. Th = T s = T,. t h e r e will be no temperature gradients and the temperature of the main thermocouple w i l l be exactly equal t o the stagnation temperature
( f = 1).
Calibration of temperature s e n s o r s Figure 4 . 66 shows a wind-tunnel layout f o r the calibration of temperature s e n s o r s . The a i r f r o m the compressor is cleaned inoil-filled a i r f i l t e r s , and after suitable cooling is led into a vertical chamber, whose upper p a r t is a smoothly tapering cone with a s m a l l cylindrical port through which the a i r is ejected t o the atmosphere. The chamber is placed vertically in o r d e r t o avoid flow asymmetry due t o convection,
FIGURE 4. 66.
1 - wind tunnel; 2 -compressor; 3 -receiver, cooler and filter: 4 -radiation shleld and heater; 5 -air heater; 6 sensor being calibrated; 7 - stagnation-temperature sensor; 8 - total-pressure tube; 9 -potentiometer.
The stagnation-temperature s e n s o r ( 6 ) to be calibrate. is mour ?d above the outlet port. Another stagnation-temperature s e n s o r (7) and a totalp r e s s u r e tube (8) a r e installed a t the c e n t e r of the chamber, where the flow velocity is small. Assuming that t h e r e a r e no energy l o s s e s by friction and heat t r a n s f e r , the stagnation temperature and the total p r e s s u r e must have
_. .
. ......,
. ..
equal values at the outlet and in the centre of the chamber. The walls of the port a r e lagged in order to reduce heat exchange through them. Radiation effects a r e studied using an electrically heated radiation shield (4). A further electrical h e a t e r (5) is provided a t the wind-tunnel inlet, f o r studying the performance of the s e n s o r at high temperatures. The cold junctions of the thermocouples a r e brought out to ice-water baths placed close to the lead-through of each s e n s o r . The thermal emf of the s e n s o r s is measured with a high-accuracy potentiometer connected to a center-zero galvanometer. T e m p e r a t u r e s can be measured with an accuracy of 0.05"C at a galvanometer sensitivity of lo-' amps. The proportionality constants k , and k2 of emf v e r s u s temperature f o r the thermocouples in the reference s e n s o r and the s e n s o r being calibrated a r e determined beforehand by static calibration against a standard thermometer. Before each test, the s e n s o r to be calibrated is mounted in the chamber next to the reference s e n s o r in steady flow conditions. The difference between the indications (thermal emfs of the sensors, in this c a s e a t the s a m e temperature to ) is due only to the difference A 0 between their calibration coefficients. This difference
is measured by the differential method. The sensor being calibrated is then placed at the outlet port. The indication of the reference sensor remains
unchanged, being LJ,=
have the new value U ; = f n where t , is the corresponding temperature, which 4 depends on the recovery coefficient 5. The difference between the indications of the two s e n s o r s , measured by the differential method, is
We can thus determine the t r u e temperature difference between the two sensors:
This method has the advantage of measuring the s m a l l differences AU and AU' s o that the calibration e r r o r s a r e much s m a l l e r than if the thermal emf of each thermocouple were measured separately. The recovery coefficient can be found f r o m
where the flow velocity is determined by measuring the total stagnation temperature in the settling chamber.
kg . see* m ' .
To calculate the density of a i r for other conditions we use the concept of relative density
Inserting into this the value for the density determined f r o m the equation of state, we obtain
where E is the barometric p r e s s u r e in m m Hg. This value of A is used f o r determining the flow velocity in wind tunnels having open t e s t sections, by inserting into (4. 3 0 ) the value of p = p16A. Clapeyron's equation of state no longer applies exactly to vapors near the condensation point, and we must use m o r e complicated equations, such a s that of van d e r Waals:
where a is the volumetric coefficient of thermal expansion of the vapor at constant p r e s s u r e , c is a constant whose magnitude depends on the molecular weight of the gas, and
v=.L is P
The constants a and b in van der W a a l s ' equation a r e very small, s o that f o r the densities usually enrountered in aerodynamic experiments, van d e r Waals' equation reduces to that of Clapeyron. In low-velocity wind tunnels the density can be determined f r o m formula ( A ) . A t high velocites, the density of the gas can be found by (4.6 ) f r o m the stagnation density po :
The value of PO is usually determined f r o m measurements in the settling chamber of the wind tunnel, where the flow velocity is small and we can use formula (A) f o r A . In this c a s e to is equal to the stagnation temperature measured by a s e n s o r in the settling chamber. In high-velocity wind tunnels the temperature of the flowing medium is appreciably lower than the temperature at the nozzle inlet; therefore, the relative humidity r i s e s sharply in the nozzle throat and in the s u p e r sonic region downstream. Under certain conditions saturation occurs,
and the water vapor in the air condenses. The onset of condensation may be sharply defined. Condensation shocks a r e s i m i l a r t o ordinary shocks, and cause sudden changes in the flow p a r a m e t e r s in the test section. For these r e a s o n s condensation shocks should be eliminated, either by drying the air or by increasing the initial stagnation t e m p e r a t u r e (see Chapter 11). In the absence of condensation the presence of moisture does not affect the flow, but a l t e r s the density p . In determining the density of moist a i r , we must take into account changes in the g a s constant. The value Rmixofthe gas constant for a mixture of air and water vapor can be found by measuring the partial vapor pressurep', which is related to the saturation vapor p r e s s u r e p i by
P ' = QP:.
where q, is the relative humidity. Knowing the value of p', the value of Rmkcan be found f r o m the following equation based on Dalton's law, which states that the p r e s s u r e of a mixture is equal to the sum of the partial p r e s s u r e s of i t s components
where pa is the density of d r y air at the t e m p e r a t u r e and p r e s s u r e of the mixture, while h = 1-0.378 p'/p i s the correction coefficient f o r the moisture constant of the a i r . The correction coefficient for moisture content can be significant, especially at low p r e s s u r e s . Thus, e. g., p = O.lata, and T = 303" , the density is 13%less than for dry a i r . for q, = 0.8, Thus, the effect of moisture must be taken into account by determining the partial vapor p r e s s u r e p' at the given temperature. Partial p r e s s u r e s a r e measured with various types of psychrometers. Figure 4 . 6 7 shows a psychrometer consisting of two t h e r m o m e t e r s placed in tubes through which p a s s e s the air whose humidity is to be measured. The top of one thermometer is covered by a moist cloth. When thermal equilibrium is reached, the quantity of heat lost by the wet-bulb thermometer, will be equal t o the heat gained by it f r o m the surrounding medium. The lower the relative humidity of the air surrounding the wet-bulb thermometer, the higher will be the r a t e of moisture evaporation. The condition of t h e r m a l equilibrium is defined by
where p i is the saturation water-vapor p r e s s u r e at the temperature t' measured by the wet-bulb thermometer, pa is the a i r p r e s s u r e at which the measurement was made, t is the temperature measured by the drybulb thermometer, and a is a calibration constant whose magnitude depends on the design of the psychrometer. The saturation water-vapor
FIGURE 4. 67. Measuring t h e relative humidity in a wind tunnel. 1 - dry-bulb thermometer; 2 - wet-bulb thermometer: 3 - s m a l l container; 4 -fan; 5 - wind tunnel.
p r e s s u r e p : depends only on temperature; its values a r e given in Table 8, which can be used in conjunction with the values of t and t' determined by the psychrometer and the wind-tunnel p r e s s u r e p i , in order to determine p' f r o m the formula above.
TABLE 8. Saturation v
' C
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
185 198 210 224 238 254 270 286 304 323 343 364 385
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 4 5
46 47 48 49
928 977
56 57 58 59
51 52 53 5 4 55
1029 1082 1138 1 I97 1258 1322 1388 1458 1530 I f 3 5 1683 1765
1850 I939
22 1
For measuring the relative humidity of air in a wind tunnel, the psychrometer is placed in a s m a l l container, through which a fan circulates a i r drawn f r o m the tunnel. The circulation must be sufficient t o prevent the moisture, evaporated f r o m the wet cloth, f r o m affecting the humidity of the a i r in the container. In o r d e r t o avoid moisture condensation in the container, the temperature in it must not b e l e s s than the tunnel temperature The readings of the psychrometer must be corrected f o r temperature and p r e s s u r e differences between the a i r in the wind tunnel and that in the container. In the absence of moisture condensation in the container, the gas constant of the a i r in it and in the tunnel a r e equal, and we may write
where p , p , and T a r e the p r e s s u r e , density, and temperature of the a i r in the tunnel, while p , , p, , and 7,a r e the respective values for the a i r in the container. F r o m the definition of partial p r e s s u r e , p;/p=p,T,/pT, where pand p ; a r e the partial p r e s s u r e s in the tunnel and in the container respectively, we obtain
i. e., the partial p r e s s u r e v a r i e s in direct proportion t o the p r e s s u r e of the moist a i r . Another method of measuring the relative humidity of the a i r in wind tunnels is based on dew-point determination. We observe, either visually, o r with a photoelectric device, the instant a t which dew f o r m s on the surface of a metal m i r r o r when its temperature is lowered. Knowing the temperature f of the m i r r o r surface and the a i r p r e s s u r e pawe can find the relative humidity and partial vapor p r e s s u r e f r o m available tables.
Figure 4. 68 shows an instrument of this type, which is used in an RAE supersonic wind tunnel. The a i r f r o m the settling chamber is l e d into a hermetically sealed chamber (A) containing a copper disk (1) whose polished surface can be viewed through a glass window (2). The a i r p r e s s u r e pa i n the chamber is m e a s u r e d by a p r e s s u r e gage (3). Through tube ( 6 ) , whose internal diameter is 0.5mm, CO, is fed f r o m the bottle (7) into a second sealed chamber (B) on the opposite side of the disk, As the gas flows f r o m the tube into chamber (B) it expands, thus cooling the disk. A precise relationship exists between the p r e s s u r e and the temperature of the expanding C Q , s o that by controlling the gas flow r a t e with a needle valve (8), connecting (B) to atmosphere, we can change the temperature of the disk (1); this temperature can b e determined f r o m the p r e s s u r e measured by agage (4). The exact temperature of the disk is determined with the millivoltmeter (5), which m e a s u r e s the emf of a copper-constantan thermocouple welded t o the disk (1). Dew-point instruments m e a s u r e relative humidity accurately to 0.0570 and determine the water-vapor p r e s s u r e to *l%.
Measurements of the flow parameters in the boundary layer around streamlined bodies a r e necessary mainly in studies of drag. The p a r a m e t e r s depend almost entirely on skin friction. The skin friction of a body can be determined by subtracting f r o m the total drag (determined, f o r instance, by wake t r a v e r s e ) the value of the f o r m drag, obtained by measuring the p r e s s u r e distribution over the surface (Chapter W), Since both quantities, especially the f o r m drag, a r e very difficult to measure accurately, skin friction, in practice, is determined by other means. It is better to determine the distribution over the surface of the body of the frictional shearing s t r e s s
where u is the velocity component parallel to the wall in the boundary layer a t a distance I/ f r o m the wall, and 11 is the viscosity coefficient of the fluid at the wall temperature. Boundary-layer investigations involve the determination of certain a r b i t r a r i l y defined characteristics, namely, the boundary-layer thickness 8 , the displacement thick.iess . ' 6 and the momentum thickness a * * . The boundary l a y e r thickness is understood a s the distance f r o m the wall at which the velocity is 0.99 of the undisturbed flow. The magnitudes of the displacement and momentum thicknesses a r e defined a s
. . . . . . . . . . . I .
. . . . I 1 . . 1 -
. . . . . I . . . m . I
where p, and vo0 a r e the density and flow velocity a t the outer limit of the boundary l a y e r . Boundary-layer studies demand m o r e precise methods of measurement and m o r e sensitive equipment than is usual in experimental aerodynamics. The boundary l a y e r has a s m a l l thickness and l a r g e t r a n s v e r s e velocity gradients, s o that elaborate miniature instruments are needed.
Velocity-profile determinations in the boundary layer measured perpendicular In a thin boundary layer the s t a t i c p r e s s u r e , t o a wall of small curvature, is constant, while the t r a n s v e r s e velocity gradients are v e r y l a r g e . Velocity distributions can therefore be determined by measuring the total p r e s s u r e a t different points along the normal t o the s u r f a c e , and the static p r e s s u r e a t the wall. At high flow velocities it is a l s o necessary t o know the temperature of the medium, which can be determined, f o r instance, by measuring the density in the boundary l a y e r with an interferometer and using the equation of state ( 4 . 1 ) . In the absence of heat exchange between the medium and the wall, the stagnation temperature in the boundary layer will differ very little f r o m the f r e e - s t r e a m stagnation temperature and the velocity in the boundary layer can then be determined f r o m ( 4 . 4 4 ) . The insertion of a tube into the boundary layer may seriously modify the flow conditions i n it. Disturbances s o caused a r e propagated u p s t r e a m and affect the flow conditions a t the wall ahead of the tube. The measured p r e s s u r e will not then correspond t o the p r e s s u r e i n the undisturbed boundary l a y e r . The magnitude of the disturbances introduced by the tube depends on i t s thickness in relation t o the local thickness of the boundary l a y e r . The effect of introducing the tube is therefore determined by measuring the velocity distribution in the boundary l a y e r with tubes of different diameters. A second difficulty, related t o the f i r s t , is that the tube will function in a l a r g e t r a n s v e r s e velocity gradient, s o that a correction f o r the displacement of i t s effective center must be introduced (see $11). These difficulties can be reduced by using microprobes, i. e., totalp r e s s u r e tubes with internal diameters of 0.05 t o 0.3 mm (such as the tubing used f o r manufacturing hypodermic [medical] needles). However, p r e s s u r e s measured with tubes of these very s m a l l diameters a r e subject t o considerable transmission l a g s in the readings of the associated p r e s s u r e gage. This is often reduced by using tubes with flattened noses (Figure 4. 69a), which provide a sufficiently l a r g e c r o s s section, while the p a r t inserted into the boundary layer is thin. The transmission lag may nevertheless s t i l l be many tenths of seconds, s o that measurements in the boundary layer a r e very complicated and time -consuming. The tube dimensions a r e v e r y important in the study of boundary l a y e r s in supersonic flow. Thus, f o r instance, f o r flow around a cone a t M = 2 , the thickness of the laminar boundary layer a t a distance of 250" from The distortion of the velocity profile in the apex may be l e s s than 0.8". t h i s l a y e r , due t o the comparatively l a r g e thickness of the tube, is shown
schematically in Figure 4.70 1241. This distortion results in the displacement of the whole of the boundary-layer profile (sometimes accompanied by changes i n the velocity gradient), i n changes of the shape of the velocity profile n e a r the wall, and in the appearance of a peak on the velocity profile close to the outer limit of the boundary l a y e r . This displacement of the whole profile is caused by the displacement of the "effective center" of the tube. In supersonic flow this displacement may be toward lower velocities, i. e., in the direction which is opposite to the displacement in noncompressible flow (see 11). Close to the wall the
Distortion close t o boundary-layer limit
FIGURE 4. 69. Miniature total-pressure tuhe. a -flattened m e t a l tube; b -quartz tube.
FIGURE 4. 70. Effect of total-pressure tube dimensions on t h e velocity distribution in t h e boundary layer.
e r r o r is due also to the influence of the Reynolds number, since at Re < 200, indications of total-pressure tubes a r e excessive. At supersonic velocities this e r r o r can be considerable, since the gas densities a r e small. The appearance of a peak on the velocity profile close to the outer limit of the boundary layer can affect the determination of the displacement and momentum thicknesses. In supersonic flow, the actual values of these quantities can be determined by multiplying with a correction coefficient, due to Davis, the respective values determined f r o m velocity-profile measurements 1 241,
where d denotes the outside diameter of the total-pressure tube. In addition to flattened tubes,conical quartz tubes with a circular orifice of 0 . 1 m m diameter a r e used f o r m e a s u r e m e n t s in a supersonic boundary layer. In spite of the s m a l l e r orifice, the quartz tube has a s m a l l e r
transmission lag than the flattened metal tube, because of the smoothness of its walls and thin conical shape (Figure 4. 69b). F u r t h e r ,
Laminar boundary layer
' u
4. 71.
any condensed moisture in the orifice or dust which may have entered it, a r e m o r e easily observed in a transparent tube. F o r investigating the velocity distributions in boundary l a y e r s , special t r a v e r s i n g cradles a r e used, having m i c r o m e t e r s c r e w s which permit the distance of the tube f r o m the wall to be measured accurately t o 0.02 mm. Contact by the tube nose with the surface of the body is detected electrically. To prevent a r c i n g which might otherwise occur a t v e r y s m a l l clearances, the applied voltage is sometimes reduced by inserting the contacts into the grid circuit of an electron tube, When the surface of the model has a l a r g e curvature, the s t a t i c p r e s s u r e along a normal to the wall is not constant; it is then necessary to use s t a t i c - p r e s s u r e m i c r o probes. The s t a t i c - and total-pressure tubes a r e then fixed on a common t r a v e r s i n g c r a d l e and a r e moved simultaneously. The r e s u l t s of measurements of the velocity distribution in the boundary layer a r e presented in the f o r m of curves u/V = f(y/6) (Figure 4. 71) o r in the f o r m of velocity isolines. These a r e families of curves, each of which joins the points at which the ratio of local to f r e e - s t r e a m velocity is the s a m e . Lately, low-speed wind tunnels have been used for intensive r e s e a r c h on the f l o w around sweptback and delta wings. For a detailed study of three-dimensional boundary l a y e r s , we require exact and FIGURE 4. 72. hlicrotraversing cradle simultaneous measurements of the
-... ...
I .
magnitude and direction of the velocity in a t r a v e r s e of a given c r o s s section of the boundary l a y e r . Figure 4 . 7 2 shows a microtraversing cradle which p e r m i t s such measurements t o be made with the aid of double or t r i p l e tubes (Figure 4. 48). Difficulties in the u s e of pneumometric microprobes (due to clogging of the orifices, or the necessity to c o r r e c t for the displacement of the effective c e n t e r ) have encouraged use of miniature hot-wire anemometers f o r velocity measurement in the boundary-layer. However, because of the fragility of such instruments, and the complication of using it, most experimental studies of boundary-layer conditions a r e still with pneumometric probes.
Determination of the local coefficient of surface friction F o r plane-parallel flow, the frictional drag of a cylindrical body, whose generatrix is perpendicular t o the undisturbed flow, can be expressed a s
where I is the chord length, and b the width of the body; c, is the local coefficient of skin friction:
c - r ,
and x denotes distance along the chord. Below, s e v e r a l experimental methods a r e described for determining T~ and cf. D i r e c t m e t h o d. The frictional fprce acting on an element of the s u r f a c e of a body can be measured directly. Such measurements usually a r e made on a flat wall. A rectangular o r c i r c u l a r s u r f a c e element is separated from the remainder by an annular gap, 0.1 to 0.15 mm wide, and is placed on a balance. The surfaces a r e polished and adjusted together t o ensure that the plane of the element coincides exactly with that of the wall; this is checked with a m i c r o m e t e r or an optical interferometer. It is especially important that the disk should not project f r o m the surface of the wall, though it may be r e c e s s e d to the extent of 0.01 m m without a d v e r s e effect. A balance f o r measuring the friction on a 50" diameter disk is shown in Figure 4. 7 3 . The disk is mounted on a pair of leaf springs in an annular gap. Since changes in the width of this gap during the measurement a r e undesirable, the f o r c e is measured by a null method. The f o r c e acting on the disk causes it t o be displaced by an amount indicated by the displacement transducer. The force is then balanced with the aid of an electromagnet which r e t u r n s the disk to its initial position in the gap. The current through the electromagnet is a m e a s u r e of the r e s t o r i n g force, and thus of the friction. To avoid the a d v e r s e effects of a nonuniform p r e s s u r e distribution in the ga.p, this p r e s s u r e is measured a t a s e r i e s of orifices arranged uniformly around the disk. Since the frictional force on the disk is only 10 to 2 0 g r a m , ahigh-sensitivitybalance i s necessary.
To manomet
Disk /
FIGURE 4. 73.
Friction balance.
S u r f a c e - t u b e m e t h o d. In this method the velocity at a point v e r y close t o the surface, and just inside the boundary l a y e r , is m e a s u r e d with a so-called s u r f a c e tube. In estimating the skin f r i c t i o n by t h i s method it
L +
'z E EO.08
2 003
8006 :: 2 005
o c
0. m m
FIGURE 4.14. Surface tube for total-pressure measurement. b-Fage and Faulkner tube.
is assumed that the velocity i n c r e a s e s linearly from z e r o at the wall to a value corresponding t o the p r e s s u r e indicated by the surface tube,
i. e., TO = p / y , where y is the distance of the "effective center" of the tube f r o m the wall. Figure 4.74 illustrates two types of s u r f a c e tubes used by Stanton and F a g e f o r determining T ~ . The Stanton tube is rectangular, its inner s u r f a c e being formed by the wall. The Fage tube consists of a thin rectangular plate, t h r e e edges of which are bent over and soldered t o a c i r c u l a r rod l e t into the surface. The inlet orifice of the tube is formed by the straight leading edge of theplate and the butt end of the rod. The graphs show the distance of the "effective center" f r o m the wall as a function of the width of the inlet port; this dimension can be adjusted with a m i c r o m e t e r screw. The relationship is determined f r o m calibrations of the instrument in a laminar-flow boundary l a y e r of khown profile, but may a l s o be used when interpreting measurements in turbulent boundary l a y e r s . It is v e r y difficult t o p r e p a r e s u r f a c e tubes s o short that the inlet port (Figure 4.74) is entirely within the viscous sublayer, and TO is m o r e simply estimated f r o m measurements in the turbulent l a y e r , as suggested by Preston. In this method 70 is measured with the a i d of c i r c u l a r totalp r e s s u r e tubes held against the wall 1 2 5 1 . The method is based on the observation, that t h e r e is a region close to the wall in which
is called friction velocity (dynamic velocity). This region where 11- =% is much thicker than the viscous sublayer, s o that a tube of comparatively large section can be placed in it. In the viscous sublayer the above equation becomes u / o , = y i T / v , and the u s e of the Fage and Stanton surface tubes is based on this. The above equation can be rewritten
where p a is the total p r e s s u r e a s indicated by a tube held against the wail. p is the static p r e s s u r e at the wall, and ti is the diameter of the total-pressure tube. All the t e s t results f r o m four tubes of different d i a m e t e r s , and internal t o external diameter r a t i o d / D = 0.6, lay with s m a l l s c a t t e r on a curve, which, f o r I g ( p o - p ) d 2 / l p v 2 > 5.0 can be expressed in the f o r m
The value of T~ can be derived f r o m this relationship. P r o j e c t i n g - p l a t e m e t h o d . This method consists i n m e a s u r i n g the difference in p r e s s u r e s on the wall upstream and downstream of a plate projecting f r o m the surface of the body by s o m e hundredths of a millimeter. Assuming that beyond the projection the velocity i n c r e a s e s Iinearly with distance f r o m the wall, this p r e s s u r e difference is proportional t o 'c0 :
Ap = 2.90
7 =2.90~~.
where u is the flow velocity at the level of the upper edge of the projection where y = h . This equation is of the f o r m Ap = kTo in which the value of the coefficient k depends only on the height of the projection 1 2 6 1 .
M e t h o d s b a s e d o n m e a s u r i n g v e l o c i t y p r o f i l e s . The frictional s t r e s s 40 on the wall of a body can be found in principle by determining the value of duldy at the wall f r o m the velocity distribution in the boundary layer a s determined with a miniature total-pressure tube and an orifice in the wall. Since the minimum distance of the "effective center" of the tube from the wall is limited by the tube dimensions, the curve u = f ( u ) I / , must be extrapolated t o I/ = 0 ; values of T~ found by this manner a r e not sufficiently accurate. However, if the velocity profile is known, a m o r e accurate value of T~ can be found f r o m calculating the change of momentum in the boundary l a y e r . The relevant equation f o r the momentum is / 1 /
where the x coordinate i s taken along the surface of the body. T o determine T~ f r o m this equation it is thus necessary t o find the variables f o r s e v e r a l values of x . The mean value of T~ over a certain region of the surface can be found simply by measuring the p a r a m e t e r s at the boundaries x, and x2 of the region and integrating the momentum equation between the l i m i t s x1 and x2. In the case of infinite flow around a flat plate, the momentum equation takes the f o r m (when the velocity V does not depend on x ) of
" =' $ dx
All of the above methods of measuring the coefficient of friction give good r e s u l t s f o r incompressible fluids. For the turbulent boundary layer in supersonic flow, balance measurements of T~ give the most accurate results.
Determining the transition point f r o m laminar to turbulent flow i n the boundary l a y e r The accurate determination of frictional drag on a body depends upon knowledge of the transition point f r o m laminar to turbulent flow in the boundary layer, and of the point of flow separation f r o m the surface of the body. Relevant experimental studies provide auxiliary qualitative c r i t e r i a f o r comparative evaluation of the aerodynamic c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of models and for checking theoretical predictions of these characteristics. With the increasing velocity of modern a i r c r a f t it becomes necessary t o design f o r lower drag, m o r e uniform moments and increased flight stability. This r e q u i r e s extended maintenance of laminar flow in the boundary layer, and delayed separation. For the study of transition phenomena in the boundary layer the tunnel should have a low f r e e - s t r e a m turbulence, and the surface of the model should be well finished. Special low-turbulence wind tunnels a r e therefore used f o r boundary-layer studies.
Boundary-layer transition is accompanied by a m o r e rapid i n c r e a s e of velocity with distance f r o m the s u r f a c e and by f a s t e r thickening of the boundary l a y e r . These phenomena f o r m the b a s i s of s e v e r a l experimental methods f o r transition-point determination. The principal methods a r e : 1. Method based on measuring the velocity profiles. The velocity profile is determined in s e v e r a l sections along a chord. The transition point (or m o r e exactly the transition zone) is established f r o m the change in shape of the velocity profile, which has a very steep slope in the turbulent region (Figure 4 . 71). 2. Method based on detection of turbulent velocity fluctuations. T h e transition f r o m l a m i n a r t o turbulent flow is accompanied by velocity fluctuations, whose onset indicates the position of the transition point. Velocity fluctuations a r e detected most easily with a hot-wire anemometer o r a t o t a l - p r e s s u r e tube connected by a s h o r t pipe to a low-inertia p r e s s u r e t r a n s d u c e r (Chapter V). The tube o r the hot-wire anemom e t e r is moved in a t r a v e r s i n g cradle along the surface. The oscillogram of the pulses received at various distances f r o m the stagnation point indicates the transition position (or zone) c l e a r l y by the s h a r p i n c r e a s e in pulsation amplitude associated with i t . 3 . Method of total measurement. A miniature t o t a l - p r e s s u r e tube is moved along the wall in contact with the s u r f a c e of the body parallel to the flow direction. In the transition zone t h e r e i s a marked i n c r e a s e in total p r e s s u r e , since a t a given distance f r o m the wall the velocity i s higher i n a turbulent boundary l a y e r than in a l a m i n a r boundary l a y e r . However, if the tube is moved a t a constant distance f r o m the surface which is slightly g r e a t e r than the boundary-layer thickness u p s t r e a m of the transition point, then the rapid growth of the l a y e r behind the transition point will give r i s e t o a sudden d e c r e a s e of the total p r e s s u r e indicated by the tube, a s it e n t e r s the thicker turbulent boundary l a y e r . 4. Visualization methods at velocities up t o 3 0 m l s e c . Wing-profile boundary l a y e r s a r e observed by injecting smoke filaments into the flow through openings drilled 5 to 10% of the chord length f r o m the leading edge. In laminar flow the smoke has a well-defined stratified appearance and the point of flow separation i s easy found since at it the smoke filaments leave the surface. In the turbulent boundary l a y e r the smoke filaments merge. Chemical methods a r e used nowadays f o r higher velocities. In one of t h e s e the body is coated with a thin l a y e r of m a t e r i a l which r e a c t s chemically with a n active gas added t o the wind-tunnel a i r o r injected directly into the boundary layer. The r a t e of mixing, and the r a t e at which visible reaction products appear in the turbulent region is higher than in the l a m i n a r region, s o that the transition between the two is readily observed. Other chemical methods (the sublimation method, Kaolin method, and fluid-film method) do not r e q u i r e the u s e of an active gas and a r e therefore m o r e widely used i n wind tunnels. These methods make u s e of the increased diffusion r a t e in the turbulent boundary layer, which causes m o r e rapid evaporation o r sublimation of the active m a t e r i a l f r o m the s u r f a c e of the body in that region 1 2 7 1 .
23 1
i , ,
. , F o r investigating the distributions of velocity, p r e s s u r e , and temperature withinfluids,traversingdevices and combs or r a k e s of probes are commonly used;! Traversing c r a d l e s a r e instruments f o r moving a measuring tube and .z)ccurately indicating i t s position in t e r m s of the coordinates of the tunnel. Probe combs a r e devices f o r measuring the flow p a r a m e t e r s simultaneously
a t a l a r g e number of points; some probe combs can a l s o b e t r a v e r s e d . When using combs, calibration coefficients for each of the tubes must be separately taken into account, and the mutual interaction of tubes may not be overlooked. The advantage of t r a v e r s i n g c r a d l e s with single tubes is the simplicity of processing and the high accuracy of the r e s u l t s , since the systematic e r r o r s introduced by the tube a r e the s a m e throughout the field. However, investigation of a field with a t r a v e r s e d tube r e q u i r e s m o r e t i m e than with a comb of tubes. Equipment for this purpose should t h e r e f o r e be selected in accordance with the required accuracy and rapidity of measurement. In intermittent-operation supersonic wind tunnels, it is better t o make measurements simultaneously by s e v e r a l tubes which a r e installed on a comb: In low-speed tunnels the velocity distribution is usually mapped with a single tube installed o n a t r a v e r s i n g c r a d l e . In installations for investigating blade cascades both t r a v e r s i n g cradles and combs a r e used. T r a v e r s i n g c r a d 1e s. When investigating the flow in wind tunnels having open t e s t sections, the tube is installed on a streamlined support which is moved along guides, parallel t o the x - a x i s of the flow s y s t e m of coordinates (Figure 4. 75). Pitot-Prandtl tubes a r e generally used. Dualpurpose TsAGI-type tubes a r e used when s m a l l angles of yaw have t o be determined.(Figure 4.51).
In strongly inclined flow this indirect method of yaw measurement is often insufficiently accurate; in such c a s e s the t r a v e r s i n g c r a d l e is fitted with a goniometer, s o that yaw can be m e a s u r e d by the null method. In small, low-speed wind tunnels the t r a v e r s i n g c r a d l e is adjusted manually, and the coordinates a r e shown on a s c a l e attached t b it.
Remote control of a traversing cradle. 1 -main motor; 2-traversing cradle: 3 and 3 ' -reduction gear boxes with equal transmission ratios; 4 -displacement register; 5 recording or integrating device; 6 -control panel; st-selsyn transmitter; sr-selsyn receiver a -amplifier; stf - selsyn-transformer.
4. 76.
The high noise-levels associated with the operation of high-speed wind tunnels can be very tiring to the operator, s o that the accuracy of the experiment suffers. Further, it is hazardous to approach too closely bench-test r i g s of rotating equipment, e. g., turbine disks. Modern wind tunnels a r e therefore equipped with remotely controlled t r a v e r s i n g c r a d l e s and automatic data-handling and r e c o r i n g equipment. Among other methods, selsyns a r e often used f o r electrical control of the position and altitude of the remotely controlled equipment. T h r e e possible s y s t e m s f o r selsyn remote-control of the position of a probe a r e shown in Figure 4 . 7 6 . The s e l s y n developes only a s m a l l torque, s o that the d i r e c t d r i v e (system A) can be used only when the r e s i s t a n c e to rotation of the remotely controlled shaft is s m a l l , The main motor is installed i n t h e control cabin and is directly connected t o the selsyn t r a n s m i t t e r and to the counting and recording devices: the remotely controlled shaft of the t r a v e r s i n g c r a d l e is driven by the selsyn r e c e i v e r
through a reduction g e a r box. System B is used if l a r g e torques are needed to drive the control shaft of the t r a v e r s i n g c r a d l e . The motor (which may be of any power) is connected through a reduction g e a r box directly to the t r a v e r s i n g cradle, and the selsyns drive the r e g i s t e r and the recording instruments. System C is used when considerable power is needed f o r driving both the t r a v e r s i n g c r a d l e and the recording g e a r . It is a s e r v o s y s t e m in which the s e l s y n r e c e i v e r operates a s a t r a n s f o r m e r to produce a noncoincidence signal which is amplified and controls the s e r v o drive. An example of the design of a remotely-controlled t r a v e r s i n g c r a d l e , used in a high-speed tunnel f o r testing blade cascades 1 2 8 1 , is shown i n Figure 4 . 7 7 . The c a r r i a g e ( A ) , carrying a goniometer and tube X , is moved with the aid of a s c r e w (C)alongtwo cylindrical guides ( E ) . The guides a r e installed parallel to the axis of the cascade. The s c r e w can be turned either through a reduction g e a r by the s e l s y n r e c e i v e r ( L ) , o r by handwheel ( R ) . The tube is fixed to a special holder, mounted on a worm wheel, whose worm is driven by another selsyn r e c e i v e r ( N ) or handwheel (M). Springs t o take up backlash a r e inserted between the lead s c r e w and the nut, which is fixed t o the c a r r i a g e , and a l s o between the worm wheel and the worm. A nut ( V ) is turned in o r d e r to move the tube in planes perpendicular to the blade edges: this causes the tube t o slide along a key inside the worm gear. Limit switches(ll)cut the power to the servomotors when the c a r r i a g e r e a c h e s its e x t r e m e positions. Flow investigations a r e performed either by moving Yaw m et e r s the t r a v e r s i n g c r a d l e to a s e r i e s of chosen points or by continuous movement. In the first c a s e the tube can be directed manually (by turning a handwheel on the rotating mechanism o r by r e m o t e servocontrol). The attitude of the tube is adjusted by equalizing the heights of the columns in the legs of a U-tube manometer and the angles of the goniometer, r e a d directly f r o m s c a l e s on the head, a r e used in the subsequent calculations. For continuous displacement of the tube c a r r i e d , the equipment should include recording o r integrating instruments, to determine the average value of the quantities measured by the tube (see Chapter VII). In this c a s e s e r v o s y s t e m s a r e needed f o r aligning the yawmeter in the flow direction. Figure 4. 78 is a simplified diagram of an automatic yawmeter fitted with a diaphragm-type differential-pressure transducer. The diaphragm i s made of phosphorus-bronze; i t s diameter is 125mm, its thickness is 0.06mm, and it is fixed between two hermetically sealed disks. The p r e s s u r e s f r o m the yawmeter tube a r e transmitted to the two s i d e s of the diaphragm to which platinum contacts a r e soldered. Each chamber contains a fixed insulated contact. When the attitude of the tube differs f r o m the flow direction, the diaphragm bends, closing one of the contacts; a n intermediate r e l a y then switches on a servomotor which r o t a t e s the yawm e t e r until the p r e s s u r e is equalized and the diaphragm r e t u r n s t o its central position. Push buttons and signal lamps a r e fitted f o r overriding manual control. The tendency of the s y s t e m to hunt is reduced by s m a l l a i r chambers in the differential-pressure transducer and s h o r t a i r pipes to between the diaphragm and each of the tube. At a separation of 0.025" the contacts, the t r a n s d u c e r i s actuated by a p r e s s u r e difference of about 1.25" W.G.
tube translation: R - handwheel for turning the lead screw; N-selsyn-receiver tube; V -nut for raising the tube: U -limit switches: X- tube.
1 1 l1 l1 lIl I l l l l I1
FIGURE 4. 78. Automatic device for continuous measurement of flow direction by null method. 1-diaphragm transducer of pressure difference in tube orifices; 2 -rotating head; 3 servomotor: 4 and 4 ' -relays; 5 and 5' -push buttons; 6 and 6 ' -signal lamps; 7 - selsyn-transmitter.
device FIGURE 4. 79. Automatic yawmeter with photoelectric transducer. 1-U-tube manometer; 2 -rotating head; 3 -servomotor; 4 and 4' -photoelectric cells; 5 -lamp; 6 -Wheatstone bridge; 7 transformer; 8 -amplifier; 9 -selsyn-transmitter.
Figure 4. 7 9 shows a n automatic yawmeter using a photoelectric s e r v o system. The light source consists of an incandescent wire, placed between the two g l a s s legs of a U-tube water manometer. TWO photoelectric cells a r e installed on the other s i d e s of the tubes. Any liquid in one of t h e l e g s a c t s a s cylindrical lens and concentrates the light onto the corresnonding photoelectric cell, In the empty tube the light is dispersed. Thus, the photoelectric cell adjacent t o the l e g a t lower p r e s s u r e will be illuminated m o r e strongly than the other. A corresponding e l e c t r i c a l imbalance signal is fed t o the amplifier in the supply Pz PI c i r c u i t of the goniometer servomotor, which turns the yawmeter tube into the flow direction. This r e s t o r e s the liquid in the manometer t o the null position. This photoelectric s y s t e m r e a c t s t o a change in water level of Zmm, which a t M = 0.2 and 0.6 corresponds t o changes i n yaw by 0.2" and 0.02" respectively when a cylindrical yawmeter tube is used. It may happen that when the wind tunnel is s t a r t e d up, the yawmeter is not installed in the flow direction, S O that a l a r g e p r e s s u r e difference will act on the manometer before the automatic attitude-adjustment FIGUIIE 3 80 .safety system becomes operative. A safety device, such a s d e v l c t : 10 p r e v r n i loss o f that shown in Figure 4. 80, is installed t o prevent l o s s w d i r r fronia U - i u h c of water from the U-tube manometer in this eventuality. nilinorti ei er . At p r e s s u r e differences above a predetermined value Ah the legs of the U-tube a r e automatically interconnected. F o r simultaneous measurement of the flow p a r a m e t e r s a t s e v e r a l points Pitot combs a r e used; they consist of streamlined supports carrying a r r a y s of measuring tubes. The combs a r e suitable f o r measuring total p r e s s u r e , s t a t i c p r e s s u r e , and temperature over the height of blade cascades. In addition to the total- and s t a t i c - p r e s s u r e combs, combined combs, fitted alternatingly with total- and s t a t i c - p r e s s u r e tubes, a r e employed. Figure 4 . 8 1 shows a comb f o r measuring the total p r e s s u r e over the pitch of annular and flat blade cascades 141. To reduce the measuring e r r o r caused by the downwash behind the cascade, the total-pressure tubes a r e mounted a s nearly a s possible in the theoretical flow direction, The tubes a r e sometimes spaced nonuniformly on the comb in o r d e r t o increase the measuring accuracy in regions of l a r g e p r e s s u r e gradients. To avoid interference between the tubes of a s t a t i c - p r e s s u r e comb, the distance between individual tubes should not be too small. Interference is especially pronounced at high subsonic velocities, a t which the distance between the tube centers should not be less than 15 t o 2 0 tube diameters. Total-pressure tubes a r e considerably less sensitive, and can even be installed in contact with each other. Combs of total- and s t a t i c - p r e s s u r e tubes are a l s o used f o r calibrating the t e s t section in supersonic wind tunnels. Thus, Figure 4 . 8 2 shows a c r o s s -shaped comb f o r p r e s s u r e measurements along two perpendicular axes of the t e s t section. The comb can be moved along the axis of the t e s t section,
When discussing methods f o r the visualization of fluid flow, one must consider the difference between streamlines, particle paths, and filament lines of t r a c e r p a r t i c l e s . The tangent t o the streamline coincides with the velocity vector a t that point and instant. The streamlines give an instantaneous picture of the flow directions. At different instants the streamline a t each point a r e determined by the directions of motion of the different p a r t i c l e s of the fluid. A particle path is the path t r a v e r s e d by an individual p a r t i c l e of the fluid during a definite period of time. A filament line is the line drawn a t a given instant through the positions of a l l t r a c e r p a r t i c l e s which have passed through a given point. In steady flow the streamlines, particle paths, and filament lines coincide. In this c a s e t h e i r positions can be established f r o m long-exposure photographs of a s t r e a m into which particles have been injected. If, howe v e r , we photograph a nonsteady flow, the lines on the picture will indicate the motion of the s e p a r a t e particles, i. e . , they will be the p a r t i c l e paths. If we photograph the nonsteady flow a t a short exposure time A t , the picture will show a number of s e p a r a t e lines of length V , A t , where V i is the velocity of each separate p a r t i c l e . The envelopes of these lines will b e the s t r e a m lines a t the instant of exposure. Thus, by injecting into the s t r e a m a t s o m e point t r a c e r p a r t i c l e s , differing in optical density or color f r o m the fluid, o r by coloring p a r t s of the flowing medium (e. g., fuchsin in water), we can determine the filament line by instantaneous photography. In addition, i t should be remembered that a n observer a t r e s t with respect t o the model will observe a different flow pattern than an observer at rest with r e s p e c t t o the undisturbed flow. M e t h o d s of v i s u a l f l o w i n v e s t i g a t i o n . Direct observation and photography of details of fluid flow is impossible, because the uniformity of the medium does not provide any contrast between the various
particles. Flow visualization involves giving different physical qualities to the tested region, t o enable details of the flow to the discerned either directly, o r with an instrument which amplifies the discriminating power of the naked eye. The most widely used method of visualization is that of injecting solid liquid o r gas particles into the s t r e a m , and viewing them in reflected o r dispersed light. It is implicitly assumed that the p a r t i c l e s have a very low inertia and acquire the local direction of motion of the fluid, and that they a r e of sufficiently small weight to obviate any disturbances due t o gravity. Visualization techniques include smoke filaments, the observation of very s m a l l particles which occur naturally in the s t r e a m and can be s e e n with the aid of a microscope and an intense light s o u r c e , and the observation of fixed tufts, used widely f o r investigations n e a r the surface of a body. S m o k e m e t h o d , This method is widely applied a t low flow velocities (up to 40 o r 5 0 m / s e c ) and consists in injecting smoke filaments into a transparent gas s t r e a m through nozzles o r openings in the model. The smoke is produced in special generators either by burning organic substances (rotten wood, tobacco), o r by combining o r evaporating different chemicals, such a s , titanium and stannic tetrachloride, mineral oil, etc. T h e t u f t m e t h o d consists in fixing light silk threads to thin wires inside the s t r e a m . The threads remain in a definite position in steady flow, but vibrate at points where the flow is nonsteady o r turbulent. It is thus possible t o establish the flow direction and regime at the surface of a model; quiescence of the tufts indicates a laminar boundary l a y e r . Behind the point of boundary-layer separation the vibrations of the threads become very intense. The tuft method is widely used in qualitative analyses of flow around models, since the motion and location of the tufts can be easily observed and photographed ( F i g u r e 7.13).
Optical methods of flow investigation Optical investigation methods have found wide application in high-velocity flow, where compressibility effects a r e important. A t hypersonic velocities these a r e powerful methods for determining the flow pattern; they make possible t e s t s which cannot be performed by other means. The main advantage of the optical methods i s the complete absence of transmission lag and of the need t o i n s e r t mechanical devices into the s t r e a m , Using s p a r k illumination, we can photograph p r o c e s s e s completed in a millionth p a r t of a second. Spark sources a r e used t o obtain sequences of flow photographs, separated by very small intervals, showing the development of p r o c e s s e s i n nonsteady flow. Even better r e s u l t s can be obtained in the study of nonsteady p r o c e s s e s by combining s e v e r a l of the instruments described below with an ultrahigh-speed movie c a m e r a , (for instance, model SFR, whichhas speeds of up t o 2 1/2 million f r a m e s p e r second). Optical methods of flow investigation a r e based on the dependence of the index of refraction on the density of a gas, which is given by the
[Gladstoile-Dale] equation
n-1 -P
e= const.
an6 n =
light in the medium at density p . For a i r of density PO = 0.125 k g . s e c ? . m - 4 ; no = 1.000294, whence / I = 1 + 0.00235 p , F o r optical study of flow around a model in a wind tunnel, opticallyp a r a l l e l glass ports a r e installed in the walls of the tunnel. A light beam i s projected through the ports a c r o s s the tunnel perpendicularly to the direction of undisturbed flow, and fall on a s c r e e n a t P I (Figure 4 . 83).
I t
Light r a y
a gas of v a r y i n g
In the neighborhood of the model the change in gas density causes a change in the indpx of refraction, s o that the light beam i s refracted through an angle 7 and f a l l s on the s c r e e n a t P z . The refraction due t o passage through a gas layer of thicknrss 1 i s
-(=- - [
1 dn
n dx
perpendicular to the direction of incidence of the light. above relationship betwcen 12 and p , we have
F o r a i r , using the
+ 0.00235 d x
0 00235- -dC
The refraction angles 7 a r e usually very s m a l l . F o r example, if 1 = 1 m, 0.125, and the density doubles along a light path of 1 m length, then 1 = 0.015". The refraction of the light beam can be detected by the shadow method o r by schlieren photography. T h e s h a d o w m e t h o d . The shadow method is l e s s sensitive than other optical methods and it is therefore used only f o r detecting l a r g e density gradients, for instance in shock waves in supersonic flow. It has the advantage of simplicity. A shadowgraph of the flow around a model can be obtained with the aid of a powerful point s o u r c e of light (Figure 4.84).
24 1
The diverging beam f r o m the s o u r c e is projected onto the s c r e e n . In each region of optical inhomogeneity, the r a y s will be refracted, causing corresponding shadows on the s c r e e n where t h e different a r e a s w i l l be illuminated at different intensities. The ratio of the brightness of t h e direct beam (solid lines) to that of t h e r e f r a c t e d beam (broken lines) is expressed by
The above relationship between and p shows that the brightness ratio depends on the seconcl derivative with r e s p e c t t o x of the density and we must integrate twice to find p . It is v e r y difficult t o interpret the brightness changes of shadowgraphs quantitatively, and this method is used in p r a c t i c e
Screen . Region of 1 outical I inhomogeneity ,_
only f o r qualitative investigation. An example of the shadowgraph of flow The photographs w e r e around a blade cascade is shown in F i g u r e 4.85. taken with the a i d of a s p a r k light s o u r c e of about s e c duration.
The photograph shows shocks of different configurations in t h e local supersonic regions, and the boundary-layer separations on the convex s u r f a c e s of the blades. T h e s c h l i e r e n m e t h o d . The s c h l i e r e n method, due t o Topler, is m o r e sensitive to s m a l l density changes than the shadow method and p e r m i t s study of t h e flow around models a t subsonic velocities. The s c h l i e r e n method is widely used at present in every aerodynamic laboratory. This method is based on the measurement of the angle of refraction of light r a y s ( 7in the figure), which, a s was shown above, is proportional to the density gradient (Figure 4 . 8 6 ) . Light f r o m a point s o u r c e S (or a lines o u r c e between 0.01 and 0.1 m m wide), placed at the focus of the lens O , , p a s s e s in a p a r a l l e l beam to the plane-parallel g l a s s p o r t s in the walls of the tunnel through which the gas flows, and is condensed at the focus of the lens 0 2 . If the beam p a s s e s through a region in which the density
Schlieren system.
v a r i e s in the flow direction it is refracted through an angle 7 and c r o s s e s the focal plane of the lens O2 at a distance 6 f r o m the optical axis (point N). where 6 = fT , f being the focal length of the lens 02. A thin thread (of about 0.1 m m diameter), passing p a r a l l e l to the line s o u r c e through point N , will c a s t a shadow on the ground-glass s c r e e n of a c a m e r a , focused on the center line of the tunnel. This shadow indicates the regions in which the density variations cause the beam to be r e f r a c t e d through an angle 7 . Micrometer adjustment, parallel to itself of the shadow thread [or knife edge] to another position aI in the focal plane, will cause it to stop all r a y s refracted by an angle 7 1 , and s o on. Each shaded a r e a ( s t r i p e ) on the s c r e e n will correspond t o a region in which a definite density gradient exists. Knowing the value of a f o r each position of the thread we can integrate the expression
, , I
I .
1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,
, I 111.
I . . . .
1 . 1 .
Thus, knowing the densityat a certain point xo , we can determine p at every point by a single integration. Instead of a single thread it is possible t o use a grid, consisting of many threads, s o that an instantaneous photographic r e c o r d is obtained of the family shadow s t r i p e s corresponding t o the different density gradients. If a knife edge is placed in the focal plane instead of the thread, it will stop a l l r a y s deflected by amounts l a r g e r than the distance of the knife edge f r o m the optical a x i s . The s c r e e n of the c a m e r a will be shaded for all regions in which the density gradient exceeds the corresponding value (Figure 4 . 871, and the qualitative flow pattern (compression and condensation shocks, flow separation, e t c . ) will appear on the schlieren photograph.
Wind tunnel
FIGURE 4. 87. w o d i f i e d ] schlieren instrument (according t o D. D. klaksutov)
Getting s h a r p (high-definition) images by the schlieren method r e q u i r e s not only great experimental skill and careful adjustment of the instrument, but also the u s e of v e r y good telephotographic lenses of the type used in astronomy. The preparation of such lenses, or of the large parabolic m i r r o r s sometimes used instead, is very difficult s o that it is difficult to construct good schlieren instruments with field diameters l a r g e r than 200". D. D. Maksutov suggested an improved optical design, providing, a t comparative ease, aninstrumentof high quality and l a r g e field of view. In this system (Figure 4.87) the light beam f r o m a line source i s reflected f r o m a spherical m i r r o r ( l ) , and passes a s a parallel beam f i r s t through a meniscus lens (2), then through the glass port of the wind tunnel and a c r o s s the inhomogeneous s t r e a m . After emerging f r o m the second port, the light p a s s e s through the second meniscus lens (3), and is reflected by a second spherical m i r r o r (4) f i r s t onto a flat diagonal m i r r o r (5) and then through the diaphragm (6) (situated a t the focus of the second spherical m i r r o r ) , onto a s c r e e n (7) or onto the eyepiece of a magnifying glass (8). The preparation of spherical m i r r o r s and meniscus l e n s e s is relatively simple, and by assembling them s o a s to compensate for t h e i r mutual aberration, high-quality optical systems can be obtained with considerable field diameters (up to between 300 and 500").
Figure 4 . 8 8 shows the IAB-451 [Soviet Union] schlieren instrument, designed according t o Maksutov's principle. The instrument has two main p a r t s : a collimator I, designed t o project a parallel light beam of 2 3 0 mm diameter through the field investigated, and an observation tube II, designed f o r visual observation and photography of the schlieren picture.
I ,
.,,.,, ,,
Meniscus lenses (2) and m i r r o r s (3) a r e fixed in holders in both collimator and observation tube. The tubes (1) a r e mounted on brackets on opposite sides of the t e s t section of the wind tunnel s o that the optical axes of the m i r r o r s and lenses coincide. The collimator is fitted with a light s o u r c e (4), condenser lens (51, and slit c a r r i a g e (6), so that the collimator s l i t can slide along (for adjustment at the focus of the optical s y s t e m ) and be rotated about the collimator axis. The sharpest definition is obtained when the slit is perpendicular to the direction of the l a r g e s t density gradient. The slot is formed by parallel knife edges with m i c r o m e t e r adjustment of t h e i r separation, s o that the slot width can be read off with an accuracy of 0.01 m m .
II1 I Il1Il1
The observation tube is fitted with a c a r r i a g e ( 7 ) for the knife edge and f o r either interchangeable lenses (8), o r a c a m e r a adaptor (9). The c a r r i a g e ( 7 ) s e r v e s f o r focusing the knife edge and for rotating it about an axis parallel to the slot. In addition, the c a r r i a g e has a m i c r o m e t e r s l i d e f o r adjusting the knife edge in a plane perpendicular t o the axis, for t h e purpose of stopping the r a y s f r o m the lens. The position of the knife edge is indicated on the s c a l e to an accuracy of 0.01 m m . A drawback of schlieren instruments with l a r g e fields of view is that they extend over a considerable distance outside the wind -tunnel perpendicular to its axis. In the design of modern schlieren instruments with 500-mm field diameters the collimator and observation tube a r e shortened by up t o 1.5 m by repeatedly bending the optical axis with the aid of spherical m i r r o r s and inclined lenses. T h e i n t e r f e r o m e t r i c m e t h o d . The interferometric method of flow investigation is based on the difference in the velocity of light in media of different densities. The phenomenon of interference of light can be understood by considering a light beam a s a t r a i n of waves. Whenever two light beams intersect, they reinforce each other at points where the wave peaks of one t r a i n coincide with those of the other, but cancel each other at points where the peaks of one t r a i n coincide with the troughs of the other. If two coherent light beams (i. e., beams f r o m two sources which oscillate i n phase or a t constant phase difference) converge a t a point on a s c r e e n a f t e r traveling by different paths, t h e i r relative phase w i l l be determined by the difference between t h e i r optical path lengths. Depending on this difference, they will reinforce o r weaken one another. [Two coherent parallel line s o u r c e s ] will thus project onto a s c r e e n a sequence of dark and light fringes. If both light beams have passed through a medium of the s a m e density, the interference fringes will be parallel to each other. If the density of the medium is different over part of the path of one beam, the light-propagation velocity (which depends on density) in this beam will change, and the interference pattern will be disturbed. Density gradients in the medium will a l s o distort the fringes. The magnitude of the displacement and change of shape of the fringes provide a m e a s u r e of the density changes within the field of view, The optical interferometer can thus be used for quantitative and qualitative investigations of the density and f o r determining the flow pattern around a model. The Mach-Zehnder interferometer is used for aerodynamic r e s e a r c h . The schematic diagram of this instrument is shown in Figure 4 . 8 9 . An image of the light s o u r c e (1) is focused on the slot ( 2 ) of the collimator (I), situated at the focus of the lens (3). The parallel light beam f r o m the lens (3) falls on the interferometer (11). of which the principal components a r e the two half-silvered plates (4) and (5) and the two m i r r o r s ( 6 ) and ( 7 ) . The plate (4) divides the light into two beams a 1 and a ? . The beam passes through the glasses (10)and (11) on either side of the t e s t section of the wind tunnel, and is reflected by the m i r r o r ( 6 ) and the half-silvered plate (5) onto observation tube (111). The beam a2 is reflected by m i r r o r (7) through the half-silvered plate (5) onto the observation tube. In this way plate (4) divides the beam f r o m the collimator (I) into two p a r t s , which a r e reunited by plate (5) and focused by lens (8) onto the plane of the photographic plate o r the s c r e e n .
_..._ ....
. ..
. .. . . . . . .
. .
. . .
Depending on the transit time f r o m the common light s o u r c e to the c a m e r a o r screen, the waves in beams a, and a2 will a r r i v e either in phase o r with a finite phase difference. The superimposed beams produce an interference pattern on the screen, which can be observed visually or can be photographed.
Test section
FIGURE 4. 89. T h e Mach-Zehnder interferometer. 1 -collimator with light source; 11 -interferometer mirror system: 111 -observation tube; 1V -compensator.
The velocity of light in a i r increases with decreasing density, s o that the t r a n s i t time along a given a i r path will decrease with decreasing density. The interference pattern will be affected by changes in density along the paths of the beams a, and a2 and in particular, by changes in density in the test section of the wind tunnel, through which beam a , has passed. The interferometer can be arranged to obtain, fringes of either infinite o r finite* width. These two methods yield different interference patterns. For infinite-width fringes, the plates and m i r r o r s of the interferometer a r e installed parallel to each other at an angle of 45" to the flow direction. When both beams a , and a2 pass through media of the s a m e density, their optical paths w i l l be equal; they will a r r i v e in phase on the s c r e e n , and the s c r e e n will be uinformly illuminated. When the density of the medium changes uniformly in the test section, the transit time of beam a, will differ f r o m that of beam a 2 , s o that the light waves in the two beams (which a r e coherent since they originate in the s a m e light source) w i l l a r r i v e out of phase a t the s c r e e n . A gradual change in density throughout the test section will cause a corresponding gradual change in the brightness of the screen, which will be maximum for phase differences corresponding to 1, 2, 3, etc., wavelengths and minimum f o r phase differences corresponding to
1 1 9 ,1 T ,2 T1, 3T1 , e t c . , wavelengths. When the wind tunnel is first
started up the density changes around the model will produce a complicated interference pattern on the screen, each line being a contour of equal density. The distance between adjacent lines corresponds to one wave length, or, as will be shown below, to a change in a i r density of 4 . 6 8 X 1 0 - 4 kg. sec2/m4 f o r a test-section width of 5 0 0 " . Setting up the
[Also called fringe-displacement method.]
interferometer f o r fringes of infinite width does not give high accuracy, since the number of interference fringes is small, and this method is used only f o r qualitative analysis. To obtain data f r o m a l a r g e number of points in t h e field the plate (5) of the i n t e r f e r o m e t e r is rotated s o that light b e a m s a l and a2 e m e r g e f r o m i t at a small angle a t o each other. With undisturbed flow in the test section, the different path lengths of the b e a m s give rise to a n interference pattern consisting of alternately dark and light straight fringes, whose width (the distance between the centers of adjacent d a r k and light regions) is A B = - ; t h e i r direction is perpendicular t o the plane containinp; the axes of the beams a , , a2 . The width and direction of thefringes can b e changed by adjusting the m i r r o r s of the interferometer. When the density of the a i r in the t e s t section changes gradually and uniformly, the whole s y s t e m of straight interference fringes becomes displaced parallel t o itself. A density change causing a phase shift equivalent t o one wavelength h (for the g r e e n s p e c t r u m line generally used, h can be taken as 5 . 5 X I O " mm), will cause the pattern t o move by one fringe width. If different r a y s of the beam aI c r o s s the t e s t section of the wind tunnel in regions of different density, (i.e., of different index of refraction n ) , t h e r e will be a corresponding shift of p a r t s of the interference pattern and deformation of the fringes. We can m e a s u r e these shifts, and calculate the difference of the indices of refraction A n = n2-n1 in the corresponding sections of the tunnel t o determine the density changes Ap = p2 - pl in t h e s e sections, assuming that the density along each light path a c r o s s the t e s t section is constant, i. e., that the flow is two-dimensional. In o r d e r t o calculate Ap for two-dimensional air flow we can use the above relationship between the index of refraction and the density. Differentiating, we obtain
dn =0.00235 dp
The magnitude of the shift of an interference line a t a given point in the xyplane, which is perpendicular t o the optical axis, is determined by two photographs, one under static conditions, and the other with full flow in the t e s t section. This shift is expressed by the number N ( x , y ) which is equal t o the r a t i o of the interference-fringe shift a t the point (x, y ) t o the width of this fringe. Knowing N(x,y)we can calculate the corresponding difference in t r a n s i t time with and without flow
where subscript 1 denotes static conditions and subscript 2 , full flow in the t e s t section, and f is the frequency of light, which is a constant for a given color and depends on the filter used. The difference between the transit times of the beams can be expressed in terms of the change in the speed of light in the t e s t section
where 1 is the path length of the beam in the test section. l a s t two expressions, we obtain
Equating the
By definition the index of refraction is the ratio of the velocity of light in vacuo uvaC to its velocity u in the given medium:
s o that
y ) = l . O.00235Ap(.c3y ) ,
N ( x , y)A,,,=lAn(x,
If the density p, at zero flow in the tunnel is known, the density of the flowing medium at a given point can be found f r o m
Pz ( . c Y 1=PI
+ AP
( X ? Y ).
If a monochromatic light source with a green f i l t e r is used in the , , = 5.5X In a wind tunnel with a testinterferometer, we can take A section width of 500mm, the density change corresponding to a pattern shift of one fringe width is
5 s 10-4 Ap =.. o,,,,235.m '.
-4.68. to-'
kg. s e c 2 / m 4 .
The displacement o r distortion of the interference fringes can be measured to an accuracy of 0.1 o r 0.2 fringe widths, which correspond to
The processing of interferograms in density determinations is shown schematically in Figure 4 . 90. The interference fringes corresponding t o zero flow a r e indicated by broken lines; those obtained during tunnel operation, by full lines. We denote by AA and AB the changes in Forizontal] distance f r o m an a r b i t r a r y point M a t the edge of the field to points A and B . In the figure, AA is 0.7 of a fringe width and A B i s 0.9 of a fringe width. Taking the fringe width a s a s 4.68X10-4* k g - s e c 2 / m 4 , we obtain the absolute values of the density differences:
Ap, = pn -,,p , =0.7
. 4.68
lo4= 3.38 .
104=4.21. IOv4 k g - s e c 2 / m 4 .
I1111111III I
By this method we can m e a s u r e the difference in densities at points situated on a vertical line in the field of view. To m e a s u r e the difference in densities in the horizontal direction the fringes a r e obtained horizontally. The relative e r r o r of measuring the density by the interferometer increases with Mach number, because of the decrease in absolute density. It is s i m p l e r to determine the shift of the fringes if they a r e first aligned perpendicularly to the chord of the model or to the wall. Thus, f o r instance, Figure 4. 91 shows the interferogram of flow past a flat plate with a laminar boundary l a y e r f o r which M = 2.04. In this case the density gradient is normal to the direction of the fringes at z e r o flow and each fringe on the photograph is a line of [constant] density difference (with density as the abscissa). FIGURE 4.90. Quantitative interpretation Knowing the density distribution, of interferograms we can find the p r e s s u r e distribution, f o r instance, on the surface of a wing. In this respect the advantage of the interference method over the manom e t r i c method is that it provides p r e s s u r e data f o r a l a r g e r number of points and does not require the preparation of a complicated model with many orifices. P r e s s u r e can be determined a s follows: at any point on the wall of the t e s t section, a measured p r e s s u r e p r will correspond to a density p , . These a r e related to the flow p a r a m e t e r s at any other point by the express ion
P (xi Y) PO
Po l -0 . 0 0 -
k = -hac!??
If the flow is isentropic up to the point where the p r e s s u r e is known, then p,Ipo = ( p J p ~ ) whence
if the flow is also isentropic up to the point ( x , y) where the p r e s s u r e is to be determined, then -PO
Thus, in o r d e r to determine the p r e s s u r e a t any point (x. y), it is necessary to m e a s u r e the stagnation temperature To, the total p r e s s u r e po, the p r e s s u r e p r , and the relative fringe displacement N ( x , y). The p r e s s u r e s determined in this way a r e in good agreement with the results of manom e t r i c measurements.
4. 91.
F o r accurate quantitative analyses with an interferometer the light s o u r c e must be a s perfectly monochromatic a s possible. The m e r c u r y lamps mostly used for this purpose a r e fitted with interference f i l t e r s which isolate the green m e r c u r y line ( h 5 . 4 6 X mm). Since clear interferance pictures demand very short exposures, spark-light sources having durations of a few microseconds a r e also used. In some modern instruments the interferometer is combined with a schlieren apparatus, using a separate observation tube mounted coaxially with the collimator. The e r r o r in measuring the distortion o r shift of the fringes of the interference pattern is about 0.2 fringe width in visual observation and 0.1 fringe width when using photographs. This accuracy i s achieved by the use of a wedge compensator (IV) (Figure 4 . 8 9 ) inserted into one branch of the interferometer. The compensator consists of a hermetically sealed a i r chamber, one wall of which is formed by a plane-parallel glass plate (12), and the other by a pair of wedge-shaped glass plates (13) and (14). Plate (14) can slide over plate (13), thus forming a plane-parallel plate, whose thickness can be adjusted to compensate f o r the effect of the beam a , having to pass through the glass windows of the wind tunnel. The magnitude of the adjustment also indicates the effects on light-transit time of changes of a i r density in the wind tunnel. The displacement is measured by a micrometer. The compensating a i r chamber s e r v e s to compensate f o r changes in the initial density of the a i r in the wind tunnel. By changing the p r e s s u r e inside the chamber, we can change its equivalent optical thickness. The iyterferometric method provides m o r e accurate quantitative r e s u l t s . than the schlieren method. The principal difficulties in both methods a r e due to the fact that a l l inhomogeneities encountered along the light path in the wind tunnel a r e superimposed, In two-dimensional flow, where the density is constant along any light path, quantitative m e a s u r e m e n t s present no difficulty to an experienced
worker. It is much m o r e difficult to determine the density changes, when the axis of flow s y m m e t r y is perpendicular t o the direction of the light beams. Quantitative optical investigations a r e therefore largely r e s t r i c t e d t o two-dimensional problems. When comparing the u s e , in qualitative studies, of the interferometer, shadowgraph, and schlieren instrument, the following should be noted. The shift of the interference fringes is proportional to the changes in density of the flowing medium, whereas the r e s u l t s obtained by schlieren and shadow methods depend t o a f i r s t approximation respectively on the first and second derivatives of the density with respect to distance.
FIGURE 4. 92. Interference (a) and shadow photographs (b) of flow around airfoil ( M = 0.95; = 6')
Interference photographs therefore show clearly changes in density for which other methods a r e not sufficiently sensitive. Thus, f o r instance, F i g u r e 4 . 9 2 shows interference and shadow photographs for a flow around an airfoil at M = 0.95. The outer zones of expansion of the gas a t the leading edge, and the density change behind the compression shock and along the lower surface of the wing can be clearly s e e n on the interference photograph, O n the other hand, the interferometer is l e s s sensitive to s m a l l sudden changes in density, which a r e m o r e readily s e e n on t h e shadow picture. This insensitivity to small but sudden changes is useful because flaws in the windows, o r dust on them, reduce the clarity of the schlieren photographs.
2. 3.
5. 6.
7. 8. 9. 10.
12. 13.
L o i t s y a n s k i i , L.G. Mekhanika zhidkosti i g a z a (Mechanics of Liquids and Gases). - GTTI, Moskva. 1957. S h a w , R. Influence of Hole Dimensions on Static P r e s s u r e Measurements. - J. Fluid Mech., Vol. 7, pt. 4.1960. D e a n , R. C. Aerodynamic Measurements. - Mass. Inst. of Technology. 1953. P e t u n i n , A.N. P r i e m n i k i dlya i z m e r e n i y a davleniya i s k o r o s t i v gazovykh potokakh (Probes f o r Measuring P r e s s u r e and Velocity i n Gas Flows). - TsAGI. Collection of a r t i c l e s "Promyshlennaya Aerodinamiko" I s s u e No. 19. Oborongiz. 1960. H o I d e r , D. W. Experiments with Static Tubes i n Supersonic Airstream.-ARC Rep. Mem., No.2782Y195K Fizicheskie izmereniya v gazovoi dinamike i p r i gorenii (Physical Measurement i n Gas Dynamics and Combustion). - MoskGa IL. 1957. W i n t e r n i t z , F. A. I . Simple Shielded T o t a l P r e s s u r e P r o b e s . A i r c r a f t Engng., Vol. 30, No. 356.1958. M a r k o w s k i , S.J. and E.M. M o f f a t . I n s t r u m e n t a t i o n f o r Development of A i r c r a f t Powerplant Components Involving Fluid Flow. - SAE Q u a r t e r l y Trans., Vol. 2, No. 1.1948. Y o u n g , A.D. and J.N. M a a s . The Behavior of a P i t o t - T u b e i n a T r a n s v e r s e T o t a l - P r e s s u r e Gradient. -ARC Rep. and Mem., No. 1770.1937. B a r r y , F. W. Determination of Mach Number f r o m P r e s s u r e Measurements. - T r a n s . ASME, Vol. 78, No. 3.1956. M a l i k o v , M. F. Osnovy metrologii (Fundamentals of Metrology). Moskva. 1949. O w e r , E. T h e Measurement of A i r S t r e a m s [Russian Translation]. Moskva Leningrad. 1935. B r y e r , D.W. P r e s s u r e P r o b e s Selected f o r Three -Dimensional Flow Measurements. -ARC Rep. and Mem., No. 3037.1958. F u s f e 1d , K. D. A P r o b e f o r Measurements of Flow Inclination i n a Supersonic A i r Stream. - J. Aero. Sci., Vol. 18, No. 5.1951. L e e , J. C. and J. E. A s h A Three -Dimensional Spherical Pitot Probe. - T r a n s . ASME. Vol. '78, No. 5.1956. K e a s t , F.H. High Speed Cascade Testing Technique. - T r a n s . ASME, Vol. 74, No. 5.1952. M o r r i s , D. E. Calibration of t h e Flow i n t h e Working Section of the 3 f t X 3 f t Tunnel NAE. -ARC C. P., No. 261.1956. R a n e y , D. J. Flow Direction Measurements i n Supersonic Wind Tunnels.-ARC C.P., No.262.1956. G u k h m a n , A.A. and others. Eksperimental'noe issledovanie prodoltno obtekaemoi t e r m o p a r y p r i techenii gaza s bol'shoi skorost'ya (Experimental Study of High -Speed Hot Gas Flowing Lengthwise around a Thermocouple). - Sbornik Trudy TsKTI, No. 21.1951. H o t t e l , H.C. and A. K a l i t i n s k y . T e m p e r a t u r e Measurements in High -Velocity A i r S t r e a m s . - J. Appl. Mechanics, Vol. 1 2 , No. 1.1945.
21. M a l m q u i s t, L. Temperature Measurements i n High -Velocity Gas S t r e a m s . - Kungl. Tekniska Hogskolans Handlinger. T r a n s . of the Royal Inst. of Techn. Stockholm, Sweden, No. 15.1948. 22. M a r t i n o v , A. K. Eksperimentallnaya Aerodinamika (Experimental Aerodynamics). - Oborongiz. 1958. 23. W o o d , R.D. A Heated Hypersonic Stagnation Temperature Probe. J. of t h e Aero -Space Sci., Vol. 27, No. 7.1960. 24. M o n a g h a n , R. J. The Use of Pitot -Tubes i n t h e Measurements of L a m i n a r Boundary Layers i n Supersonic Flow. - A R C Rep. and Mem., No. 3056.1957. 25. P r e s t o n , I. Determination of Turbulent Surface F r i c t i o n with the Aid of Pitot Tubes. [Russian Translation] In: Sbornik Perevodov i obzorov inostrannoi literatury "Mekhanika", No. 6.1955. 26. K o n s t a n t i n o v , N . I . and G . L . D r a g n y s h . K v o p r o s u o b i z m e r e n i i poverkhnostnogo treniya (The Problem of Measuring Skin Friction). - Trudy Leningradskogo Politekhnicheskogo Instituta, No. 176. 1955. 27. P r e s t o n , J. H. Visualisation of Boundary L a y e r Flow. - ARC Rep. and Mem., No. 2267.1946. 28. C a r t e r , A. D. S. Some Fluid Dynamic Research Techniques. - The Institution of Mechanical Engineers Proceedings, Vol. 163 (W. E. P. No. 60). 1950.
Chapter V
The p r e s s u r e measurement is the most important measurement in the experimental study of the motion of a liquid o r a gas. It is sufficient to note that measuring the p r e s s u r e is the simplest way to find the magnitude and direction of the flow velocity; by measuring the distribution of the p r e s s u r e s on the surface of a model o r in the wake behind it, we can determine the aerodynamic forces and moments which act on the model and its separate p a r t s . The methods of measuring the p r e s s u r e in a moving liquid o r gas a r e the subjects of much theoretical and experimental r e s e a r c h . Instruments f o r measuring p r e s s u r e s a r e continuously being improved. However, despite the large number of available designs for measuring instruments, the r e s e a r c h e r sometimes needs a special instrument which will satisfy in the best way possible the requirements of certain problems, since very often standard equipment cannot be used for this purpose. The p r e s s u r e of a liquid o r gas is determined by the force acting normally on unit surface. In aerodynamic calculations, the unit of p r e s s u r e very often used is that of the technical m . kg. s system, (meter, kilogram force, s e c ) which is equal to 1 kg/m2. A p r e s s u r e of 1 kg p e r cm2 is called one technical atmosphere or simply one atmosphere. Units of p r e s s u r e ordinarily used a r e the m m of water column (mm H 2 0 ) and the m m of m e r c u r y column (mm Hg), i. e., the p r e s s u r e exerted on its base by a 1 mm-high column of the given liquid. The height of the column corresponds to the normal gravitational acceleration (980.665 c m / s e c 2 ) and to different temperatures (4C for water and 0C for mercury). When measuring p r e s s u r e s by U-tube manometers, liquids other than water or m e r c u r y a r e ordinarily used, but the heights of the columns of these liquids a r e r e f e r r e d to the heights of the corresponding column of water o r mercury. The use a s unit of measurement of 1 kg/m2 is very convenient in experimental aerodynamics. The p r e s s u r e of 1 k g / m 2 corresponds to a 1 mm-high water column. This simplifies calculations according to the data provided by U-tube manometers. When measuring p r e s s u r e s the r e s e a r c h e r has to take into account the absolute p r e s s u r e p , the The absolute p r e s s u r e gage p r e s s u r e p g , and the p r e s s u r e difference Ap is the p r e s s u r e r e f e r r e d to perfect vacuum. The gage p r e s s u r e is the difference between the absolute p r e s s u r e and the atmospheric (barometric) pressure B
A negative gage p r e s s u r e is called rarefaction. The p r e s s u r e difference is the difference between any two absolute p r e s s u r e s p , and p 2
4=PI -P2.
In most c a s e s a manometer is an instrument which m e a s u r e s the gage p r e s s u r e . An instrument f o r measuring the p r e s s u r e difference is usually called a differential manometer. This t e r m is to a certain degree a r b i t r a r y , since the gage p r e s s u r e also represents the difference between the p r e s s u r e , which is of interest to the r e s e a r c h e r , and the atmospheric p r e s s u r e . In many aerodynamic experiments the most important magnitudes measured a r e the p r e s s u r e differences f r o m which the flow velocity, the m a s s flow, and the coefficients of p r e s s u r e a r e determined. In other experiments the absolute p r e s s u r e s are most important, Thus, f o r instance, absolute p r e s s u r e enters in many formulas of gas dynamics, Most often the absolute p r e s s u r e is determined as the algebraic s u m of the readings of a barometer and of a manometer showing the gage p r e s s u r e . A barometer is an instrument which m e a s u r e s the atmospheric p r e s s u r e r e f e r r e d t o perfect vacuum, and is an essential part of the equipment of an aerodynamic laboratory. In addition to manometers which m e a s u r e p r e s s u r e differences, aerodynamic laboratories also use manometers which m e a s u r e directly the absolute p r e s s u r e . The u s e of "absolute" manometers of special design for aerodynamic r e s e a r c h prevents additional e r r o r s due to the barometers, thus reducing the time needed f o r calculations, The main characteristics of manometers a r e p r e s s u r e range, accuracy, sensitivity, linearity, and speed of response. The range of p r e s s u r e s which can be measured in aerodynamic t e s t s extends f r o m almost perfect vacuum (for instance in wind tunnels f o r f r e e molecular flow) up to several hundreds of atmospheres in supersonic installations. In shock and pulse tunnels, steady and nonsteady p r e s s u r e s attaining 3000 to 5000atm have to be measured. For any given wind tunnel the p r e s s u r e range is narrower, but still cannot always be covered by a single type of manometer. The accuracy of a manometer can be improved by increasing its sensitivity. However, an increase in sensitivity is usually concomitant with a smaller p r e s s u r e range, since the s m a l l e r the permissible relative e r r o r , the more complicated, expensive, and difficult to operate becomes the manometer. The p r e s s u r e range can be reduced, for instance, by choosing a comparison p r e s s u r e close to the measured p r e s s u r e . Excessive sensitivity is undesirable in manometers, since a sensitive manometer, reacting to s m a l l disturbances causes an increase in the time needed for, and sometimes a reduced accuracy of, the measurements. Maximum accuracy is required in measuring static and total p r e s s u r e s in wind tunnels f o r continuous and intermittent operation, since the velocity, the Mach number of the flow, and a l l aerodynamic coefficients a r e determined f r o m these magnitudes. U-tube manometers a r e used for these m e a s u r e m e n t s , providing measuring accuracies f r o m 0.02 to 0.1% of the maximum measured value.
The accuracy requirements are lower f o r multiple manometers by which the p r e s s u r e distributions on surfaces a r e determined, since with a l a r g e number of experimental points, the p r e s s u r e distribution curve can be drawn sufficiently accurately even i f it does not pass through a l l points. It is difficult to provide a high measuring accuracy in each s e p a r a t e tube of a multiple manometer because the absolute p r e s s u r e a t different points of the body can differ considerably (at hypersonic velocities by s e v e r a l o r d e r s of magnitude). Linearity is also related to accuracy, because, when the instrument s c a l e is nonlinear, we have to use approximate functional relationships in o r d e r t o simplify the calculations. Therefore, we always t r y to ensure proportionality between the measured p r e s s u r e and the readings of the manometer, even if this leads to m o r e complicated instruments. The instruments used for measuring p r e s s u r e s in aerodynamic r e s e a r c h can be divided into the following groups: 1) liquid-column manometers, 2) p r e s s u r e gages with elastic sensing elements, 3 ) p r e s s u r e transducers, 4 ) manometers for measuring low absolute p r e s s u r e s . The operating principle of manometers of the l a s t group is based on the change of several physical properties of rarified gases when their p r e s s u r e v a r i e s . A description of these manometers, used for measuring p r e s s u r e s below 1m m Hg in special wind tunnels, can be found in the l i t e r a t u r e on vacuum techniques / 11.
According to their operating principle, liquid-column manometers can be divided into two groups: manometers for direct reading, and manometers of the null type. Manometers for direct reading a r e used for measuring the difference i n height between the two levels of a liquid in communicating vessels. Each height is determined in relation to the stationary instrument frame. In manometers of the null type the f r a m e is displaced, this displacement being measured after the displacement of the liquid in relation to the f r a m e is reduced to zero.
Manometric liquids The medium used in liquid-column manometers is most often alcohol, water, or mercury; the properties of these and other manometric fluids, which a r e complicated organic compounds 121, a r e shown in Table 9. The main requirements f o r manometric fluids a r e : high chemical stability, low viscosity, low capillary constant, low coefficient of thermal expansion, low volatility, low tendency to be contaminated, and low tendency to absorb moisture f r o m the a i r . A l l these requirements a r e aimed at increasing the measuring accuracy. Thus, a high chemical stability and low volatility a r e important f o r maintaining a constant specific
gravity of the manometric fluid, on which the manometric constant depends. A high viscosity causes an increased transmission lag of the instrument.
Properties of manometric fluids a t t=20'C
Boilin] point 'C a t ; iressur of 76G rim Hi
;pecif gravii
Physiological effects
Methyl alcoho
Ethyl alcohol CzH50H Distilled watei
64.7 78.4
22.0 72.8
0.59 1.9
Narcotic. S a o n g poison
l p t i m u m fluid. "hen water is added, the specific gravit! increases. !eacts strongly with metals Narcotic. Poison
Carbon terrachloride
Zorrodes rubber
1 594
Narcotic. Poison
cc 14
Ethylene bromide Mercury
26. 8
2.18 9.55
L32 356.9
38 $65
Leacts strongly with rubber :eacts strongly with aluminum copper, and sol dering alloys; weakly with iron dnd sreel the meniscus should be covered wilh a n oil film.
0.40 28.4
Varcotic. Poison
I. 866
Thermal expansion of the liquid, causing changes in its specific gravity, a l s o causes changes in the z e r o reading and the instrument constant. Capillarity affects the level of the fluid in the tube, which depends on the surface tension of the liquid a and on its wetting properties. For wetting liquids the meniscus inside the tube is concave upward and the liquid in the tube r i s e s under the action of capillary forces above the level of the liquid in a wide vessel (Figure 5. l a ) . F o r nonwetting liquids the meniscus is convex upward and the level of the liquid in the tube is lower than in a wide vessel (Figure 5. l b ) . The r i s e and fall of a liquid (the capillary depression) is
Ah=--4a cos 8
(5. 1)
where ' I is the specific gravity of the liquid, d is the internal diameter of the tube, 0 is the wetting angle. F o r a given fluid the coefficient of surface tension a v a r i e s inversely with temperature. Tentatively, we can write f o r water: Ah=$
; f o r alcohol: A h = &d ; f o r m e r c u r y : Ah=
-d8 .
++a b
FIGUKE 5.1. Capillary change In level of liquid in a t u b e a - wetting liquid; b - nonwetting liquid.
When the internal diameter of the manometric tube is constant along i t s length, the capillary change in level of the liquid can be ignored, since it will be equal for both tube legs. In noncalibrated tubes the capillary depression may v a r y along the height of the tube. In addition, the capillary depression depends on the s t a t e of the internal tube surface and on the purity of the liquid. For these reasons low values of the capillary depression should be aimed at. This is achieved by using tubes having l a r g e internal diameters (8 to 12") and by choosing a liquid having a low surface tension. Alcohol is used in manometers having tubes of s m a l l It should be remembered, however, that alcohol diameter (2 t o 5"). has a higher coefficient of thermal expansion than water or m e r c u r y , S O that alcohol manometers require accurate temperature verification. Impurities in m e r c u r y greatly influence the value of its surface tension, s o tha that m e r c u r y has t o be cleaned frequently. Dirt on the tube walls not only prevents accurate reading, but also increases random changes in shape of the meniscus and in the capillary forces when the m e r c u r y r i s e s o r falls in the tube. Contamination of the m e r c u r y can be reduced by a thin film of oil or alcohol on its surface.
U-tube manometers The U-tube manometer consists of two communicating vertical glass tubes (legs) (Figure 5.2). The p r e s s u r e difference t o be measured is related t o the level difference h in the tubes (legs) of the manometer by the equation
More exacrly from p, - pn = yh ( I - y,/y) , where 41is the speclfic gravity o f the liquid in the left hand leg. The value of yl/y is usually neglected.
where 7 is the specific gravity of the manometric liquid. This equation shows that the range of the measured p r e s s u r e differences can be altered by changing the specific gravity of the liquid and the height of the tube.
FIGURE 5 . 3 . U-tube manometer with totaling device. 1- l e a d screws; 2 - optical sighting devices; %differential gear; 4 -counter; 5 - handle for turning screws.
The sensitivity dh,W(p, - p p 2 ) , v a r i e s inversely with t'ie specific gravity of the liquid. The maximum practical tube height is about 3 m (i.e . , the height of the laboratory room); hence, t h e r a n g e of p r e s s u r e s which can be measured by m e r c u r y manometers is limited t o about 4 atm. The s a m e height f o r tubes filled with alcoho1 corresponds to a p r e s s u r e range of about 0.24 atm. It may happen that m e r c u r y manometers a r e not sensitive enough, while alcohol o r water manometers cannot provide the required measuring range. In such c a s e s recourse is had to heavy liquids, such a s tetrabromoethane. carbon tetrachloride, and Thoulet solution (a solution of m e r c u r i c iodide in potassium iodide). When the manometer is filled with water, the reading of the height differences in m m gives the numerical value of the p r e s s u r e difference in kg/m2. Since the diameters of the glass tubes a r e in general not uniform along t h e i r length, the level difference h must be calculated f r o m the change in height of the columns of liquid in both legs. An exception to this rule is
I1 I
a specially calibrated tube. Usually U-tube manometers a r e equipped with sliding scales; before the experiment the z e r o graduation is adjusted to the level of the liquid in both legs. If the height of the column of liquid is read by the naked eye, the absolute e r r o r in height may be about 0.5". Since two readings a r e required f o r determining the height difference, the e r r o r may attain 1 to 2 mm. When higher accuracy is required, the manometers a r e equipped with optical reading devices. Figure 5.3 shows a U-tube manometer with a device permitting the difference in height in both legs t o be determined without intermediate calculations. F o r this purpose the sighting devices (2) a r e located at the level of the meniscuses with the aid of lead s c r e w s (1) which a r e connected t o the differential g e a r (3). The l a t t e r is connected t o counter (4), on which the height difference h is read off. If the above precautions a r e taken to reduce the influence of surface tension in the U-tube manometer, it can be used a s a p r i m a r y instrument which r e q u i r e s no calibration by another [ r e f e r e n c e ] instrument. The only correction necessary is f o r the influence of temperature. The t r u e difference in the levels of the liquid, expressed through the specific gravity of the liquid at temperatur: to, i s (5.3) where hi and T~ correspond to the temperature t is made, o r at which the measurement
a-Pe=uth< + n h z
FIGURE 5.4. Effect of liquid. present i n the connecting tube on the manometer readings.
For accurate p r e s s u r e measurements, it is sometimes necessary t o make a correction for temperature distortions of the scale. In o r d e r t o reduce the reading t o the temperature tb a t which the s c a l e was etched, we u s e the equation
h, = h t,
[I +- a (t - 4 1 .
(5. 5)
26 1
where a is the coefficient of l i n e a r expansion of the m a t e r i a l f r o m which the s c a l e is made. In o r d e r t o prevent loss of liquid f r o m the manometer when the p r e s s u r e v a r i e s abruptly, t r a p s in the f o r m of wells o r widenings in the upper p a r t s of the tubes a r e provided. When liquid is present in the inclined connecting tube (due t o overflowing or condensation), the actual p r e s s u r e difference will exceed by ph2 the readings of the manometer (Figure 5 . 4 ) . In o r d e r t o prevent the collection of liquid in the tube bends they a r e best a r r a n g e d i n the manner shown i n Figure 5 . 4 by broken lines.
Well-type manometers The drawback of U-tube manometers is the necessity t o r e a d the indications of two tubes. This i s avoided in the well-type manometer. (Figure 5. 5 ) which is a U-tube manometer one of whose legs h a s a l a r g e r c r o s s section than the other. The higher p r e s s u r e a c t s on the leg having the l a r g e r c r o s s section (well). Under the action of the p r e s s u r e difference, the liquid r i s e s in the glass tube t o a height h i , and falls in the well by a n amount hz. The height of the column which balances the p r e s s u r e difference is
h = h,
+ h,.
Since the volume of the liquid displaced f r o m the well, whose c r o s s sectional a r e a is F z r is equal to the volume of the liquid which e n t e r s the measuring tube, whose cross-sectional a r e a is F , , the measured p r e s s u r e difference i s
The r a t i o F , / F z allows f o r the change in level of the manometric fluid in the well. TOavoid additional calculations, the cross-sectional a r e a r a t i o should be very s m a l l ( < 1 / 5 0 0 ) ; it i s either ignored, or special s c a l e s a r e made. Figure 5. 6. shows schematically an electrical device f o r automatically measuring the level of the liquid in the tube of a well-type m e r c u r y manometer / 3 / . It consists of a s e r v o system, whose sensing element is a photo-electric cell mounted on a movable c a r r i a g e together with a lamp throwing a light beam through the liquid onto the photo-electric cell. When the meniscus moves in relation to the light beam, the Wheatstone bridge into one a r m of which the photoelectric cell in inserted (semiconductor r e s i s t a n c e ) , becomes unbalanced, and an amplified imbalance signal i s fed t o a servomotor which with the aid of a m i c r o m e t e r s c r e w r e t u r n s the c a r r i a g e t o a position fixed in relation to the meniscus. The displacement of the c a r r i a g e is measured by a counter connected t o the m i c r o m e t e r s c r e w . The range of the measured p r e s s u r e s is only limited by the length of the m i c r o m e t e r screw, while the accuracy of the device depends on the
accuracy of the alignment of the c a r r i a g e with the meniscus Such a servo device simplifies the task of the (0.15 to 0.25").
FIGURE 5.6. Device for automatically measuring the height of a mercury column. 1 tube filled with mercury; 2 - micrometric screw ; 3 - guide column; 4 - carriage; 5 photoelectric cell; 6 -Wheatstone bridge; 7 -a. c. amplifier; 8 -bridge-supply transformer: 9 - lamp-supply transformer; 1 0 -rectifier; 11 - l am p ; 12 -servomotor; 13 - counter.
experimenter, freeing him f r o m the work of visually aligning the sighting device with the meniscus in the tube.
Liquid-column micromanometers These a r e sensitive manometers designed for indicating p r e s s u r e differences f r o m a few up to 500" W.G. at e r r o r s between a few tenths and a few thousandths of a millimeter. The lower limit of the p r e s s u r e range mentioned is found, f o r instance, in boundary-layer veIocity investigations. Thus, the velocity head of a i r at atmospheric p r e s s u r e , flowing a t 1 0 and 1m / s e c , is 6 and 0.06 mm W.G. respectively; f o r measuring these velocities with an accuracy of 170, the micromanometer e r r o r m u s t not exceed 0.12 and 0.0012mm W.G. respectively. The sensitivity of liquid-column manometers is raised by increasing the displacement p e r unit p r e s s u r e difference, of the meniscus in relation to
the stationary tube walls and by increasing the accuracy in measuring this displacement with the aid of optical devices. T w o - f l u i d m i c r o m a n o m e t e r s . If the legs of a U-tube manometer a r e enlarged at the top to f o r m two wide vessels and a r e filled with two immiscible liquids whose specific gravities a r e 71 and 72 (Figure 5. 7), we can observe the displacement of the interface separating the two liquids,
We then have (5.7) where h is the displacement of the interface under the action of a p r e s s u r e difference pI-p2 = A p , and F, and F2 a r e respectively the c r o s s -sectional a r e a s of the tube and the well, which for simplicity a r e assumed t o be the s a m e f o r both legs. When F I / F 2 is very small, the displacement is approximately
The immiscible liquids may be, f o r instance, ethyl alcohol and kerosene. For measuring s m a l l p r e s s u r e differences in rarefied gases it is suggested 1141 to use liquid organosilicon polymers whose vapor p r e s s u r e s and mm Hg (the vapor p r e s s u r e s of m e r c u r y and vary between Hg respectively). The value of 7 2 - 7 , water a r e l . 2 X 1 0 - 3 and 17.5" v a r i e s between 0.07 and 0,2g/cm3, The use of liquids whose specific gravities differ l e s s reduces the response of the manometer and causes l a r g e temperature e r r o r s . B u b b l e m i c r o m a n o m e t e r s . A widelyused method of increasing the displacement of the meniscus is illustrated in Figure 5.8. The displacement 1 of an a i r bubble or an oil drop in the tube connecting the wide vessels (1) and (2), can be found for a two-fluid manometer f r o m (5. 7), if we put 7, = p = 7 . In this c a s e the sensitivity of the instrument is
h= - _ 1F,1 _ AP 2 Fi 7
The designs of many sensitive micromanometers intended f o r measuring very s m a l l p r e s s u r e differences a r e based on this principle, e , g., the Chattock gage, which is widely used in Great Britain and the U. S. A. 151.
A peculiarity of this micromanometer is that small p r e s s u r e differences a r e measured by returning the bubble to its initial position in relation to the instrument f r a m e , which is tilted with the aid of a microm e t r i c s c r e w connected to the s c a l e which is graduated in units of p r e s s u r e . Direct-reading inclined-tube micromanometers. A simple method of increasing the displacement of a meniscus in relation t o the tube walls consists in inclining the tube at an acute angle t o the horizontal (Figure 5. 9). This is one of the most widely used instruments f o r measuring flow velocities in low-speed tunnels. The relationship between the displacement of the liquid along the tube axis and the measured p r e s s u r e difference is
p , - p2=
y l sina
F +2
The sensitivity of the micromanometer can thus be increased by reducing the specific gravity of the liquid, the angle of inclination of the tube a , o r the a r e a r a t i o F i / F 2 . Alcohol is ordinarily used in inclinedtube micromanometers. In o r d e r to reduce capillarity effects, calibrated tubes having internal diameters of 1.5 t o 3 mm a r e used. Soviet wind tunnels a r e largely equipped with TsAGI micromanometers (Figure 5. 10). This instrument has a cylindrical well rigidly connected to a glass tube enclosed in a metal casing. The tube is provided with a manometric s c a l e graduated to 200 mm. By rotating the well about i t s horizontal axis, the tube can be inclined so that sins= 0.125; 0.25; 0.5; and 1.0. The r a t i o between the cross-sectional a r e a s of the tube and the well is 1 / 7 0 0 . Inclined - tube micromanometers a r e equipped with levels which p e r m i t adjustments of the horizontal position of the stand. These micromanom e t e r s have t o be calibrated, since slight bends in the tubes or s m a l l changes in capillary depression, due to s m a l l variations of the internal tube diameter, may cause considerable e r r o r s . The e r r o r s due t o cap.illarity in inclined-tube manometers a r e the s a m e a s in vertical manometers. There exists therefore a minimum
1111111111111111 I
I 1 1 1 l 1111
I 1 1 1 1111I
I 1 I I I1
angle a , below which no increase in sensitivity is obtained because of the capillarity e r r o r . In practice a = 6".
FIGURE 5.10. TsAGI micromanometer. l - c l a m p ing device ; 2 - glass tube; 3 - spigot; 4 - r o t a t i n g well; 5 -casing.
FIGURE 5.11 Null-t)pe liquid-column micromanometer. a - with movable inclined tube; b - with movable well; 1 - incllned tube, 2 - micrometric screw: 3 - s c a l e for reading number of screw turns; 4 -scale for reading angle of rotation of screw; 5 - well; 6, I - flexible tubes; 8 -sighting device,
I n c l i n e d n u l l m i c r o m a n o m e t e r s . The capillarity e r r o r can be reduced considerably by using manometers in which the level of the liquid is held in a constant null position in relation to the walls of the capillary tube. In the null micromanometer shown in Figure 5. Ila, the inclined capillary tube is movable and has a null line on it. The position in which the meniscus is aligned with this line is called the z e r o position of the
instrument. When the p r e s s u r e difference changes, the inclined tube is moved until the meniscus is again aligned with the null. This is done with the aid of a micrometric screw. The meniscus is observed with the aid of a sighting device which moves together with the inclined tube. The second type of null micromanometer (5. l l b ) d i f f e r s f r o m the f o r m e r in that the inclined tube is stationary; in o r d e r to r e t u r n the meniscus to the null position the well has to be moved. Because of this, the meniscus can be observed with the aid of a stationary microscope, while the eye of the observer is always at constant level. Such a device p e r m i t s the measured p r e s s u r e difference to be increased up t o 500 o r 600" W.G. The reading accuracy of the column of liquid depends mainly on the manufacturing accuracy of the micrometric screw, and attains 0.03 to 0.05". In experiments requiring accurate measurements of p r e s s u r e , attention must be paid to reducing the transmission lag of manometers, F o r instance, when determining the velocity profile in a boundary l a y e r by a tube having an internal diameter of 0.2 to 0.4 mm, the transmission lag of the manometer amounts to tens of seconds and sometimes to minutes. The e r r o r s caused by the lag a r e not only due to the fact that readings a r e made before the p r e s s u r e in the tube orifice is in equilibrium with the p r e s s u r e in the well, but because during the time required for the complete s e r i e s of m e a s u r e m e n t s , the temperature of the surroundings can change (for instance, due to heat t r a n s f e r through the walls of the wind tunnel). The volume of liquid in both legs of a liquid-column null micromanometer at the instance of reading remains the same, irrespective of the measured p r e s s u r e difference. The lag, due to the flow of liquid f r o m one leg to the other, therefore depends only on the s k i l l of the experimenter (or on the response of the automatic device used) in realigning the meniscus with the null line. Increasing the sensitivity of a null micromanometer by increasing the inclination of the capillary tube increases the lag (the volume of displaced liquid increases for a given p r e s s u r e difference). A temperature change of the liquid in a well-type micromanometer causes a change in the z e r o reading; for this t h e r e a r e two r e a s o n s : 1) the change in volume of the liquid due to thermal expansion; 2) the change of the surface tension of the liquid in the capillary tube, These factors act in opposition, and thus may compensate mutually. The relationship between the geometrical p a r a m e t e r s of the manometer, necessary for the compensation of temperature changes, is when the well is made of steel and is filled with alcohol I S / :
where v is the volume of the liquid-column micromanometer; d is the internal diameter of the tube; F2 is the a r e a of the well c r o s s section. This compensation enables the temperature e r r o r of the micromanom e t e r to be reduced to l e s s than 0.01 m m / l " C /7/. F l o a t - t y p e m i c r o m a n o m e t e r s . Determining the position of a meniscus 'by accurate measurements r e q u i r e s much effort. In float-type micromanometers, the position of a solid body floating on the surface of the liquid is determined instead of the position of the meniscus.
Figure 5 . 1 2 shows a float -type micromanometer which enables differences up to 200" W.G. to be measured. The difference in level of the liquid between the annular well (2) and the cylinder (1) is m e a s u r e d with the aid of s c a l e (3) which is attached to a body floating on the surface of the liquid in the cylinder. The s c a l e can be observed and the difference in level read off through window (4) and microscope (5). The micrometric device (6) s e r v e s f o r aligning the sighting line of the microscope with the null line of the scale.
) Wires
In another float-type micromanometer / 8 1 , intended f o r measuring p r e s s u r e differences up to 25 m m W. G., the position of the float in relation to the walls of the v e s s e l is recorded with the aid of an induction-type displacement transducer connected to an electronic bridge. The float is secured to the walls of the vessel with the aid of six 0.075" thick wires, which a r e tensioned in p a i r s by 3 flat springs located at angles of 120" around the axis of the float (Figure 5. 13). This instrument i s calibrated by displacing the liquid with the aid of a piston moved by a micrometria s c r e w . The accuracy of the instrument depends on the sensitivity of the transducer and the measuring s y s t e m connected to it. An e r r o r of l e s s than 0.5% of the measurement range is difficult to obtain, but by reducing the measurement range to 1 m m W. G., the absolute e r r o r can be reduced to about 0.005 mm.
B a l a n c e - t y p e m i c r o m a n o m e t e r s . Very high sensitivity and accuracy can be obtained with micromanometers in which measuring the height of a column of liquid is replaced by measuring forces with the aid of balances. In the instrument shown in Figure 5.14 the p r e s s u r e s p , and pz act via elastic metal tubes on the liquid in communicating vessels mounted on the a r m s of a balance. If the right-hand v e s s e l is at a higher p r e s s u r e , some liquid will flow from it into the left-hand vessel. Equilibrium is r e s t o r e d either manually o r automatically by moving a counterweight. The sensitivity of this instrument is independent of the specific gravity of the manometric liquid. F o r v e s s e l s of given height, a change in the liquid is only reflected in the range of measured p r e s s u r e differences. 6
FIGURE 5.14. Compensated manometer. 1 - lever; 2 - servomotor for lead screw; 3 - movable counterweight; 4 - contact system for switching on the servomotor when the lever i s not in n u l l position; 5 - communicating vessels: 6 - elastic tubes.
FIGURE 5.15. Bell-type manometer. 1 and 2 - bells; 3 - balance lever: screen; I -mirror; 8 - light source.
which a r e suspended f r o m a balance lever (3). The open ends of the bells a r e i m m e r s e d in the liquid contained in vessels (4). Under t h e action of the p r e s s u r e difference some liquid is forced out f r o m one bell into the other, and the lever tilts by a s m a l l angle which is proportional t o the p r e s s u r e difference and depends on the sensitivity of the balance. This angle can be measured by different methods, f o r instance, with the a i d of a n optical systern which projects an enlarged image of the transparent s c a l e (5) onto the s c r e e n (6). In compensated bell-type manometers (Figure 5.14) the lever is returned to the null position with the aid of a movable counterweight, whose t r a v e l is proportional t o the measured p r e s s u r e difference.
Damping the pulsations of the columns of liquid in manometers T i e p r e s s u r e s measured in different aerodynamic t e s t installations a r e very seldom steady. Usually the p r e s s u r e fluctuates about a c e r t a i n mean value. The amplitude and wave f o r m of these pulsations depend on the design and type of the installation. The oscillations of the columns of liquid in manometric tubes, caused by the p r e s s u r e pulsations, reduce the measuring accuracy. In o r d e r t o prevent build-up of oscillations, forced damping sometimes becomes necessary. There exist t h r e e ways of damping in manometers: inertial, volumetric, and resistance damping. Volumetric damping is applied t o manometers in which l a r g e changes in volume a r e required f o r measuring small p r e s s u r e differences, as f o r instance, in manometers where the c r o s s sectional a r e a s of 'the tubes a r e l a r g e . Inertial damping is used when the liquid has a l a r g e m a s s . The i n e r t i a of the m a s s prevents motion caused by sudden p r e s s u r e pulses of short duration. Inertial damping is not always f the level of the liquid. Resistance sufficient f o r damping oscillations o damping is caused by resistance of the system, which l i m i t s the flow velocity of the liquid during sudden p r e s s u r e pulsations. This type of damping is very effective, and i s easily obtained in existing manometers by inserting a damping r e s i s t a n c e . In o r d e r that the manometer readings correspond to a mean value, the resistance must be l i n e a r , i. e., proportional t o the flow velocity of the liquid. Nonlinear damping may occur if a throttle is inserted into the pneumatic or hydraulic line of the instrument. Linear ("viscous") damping is obtained simply by inserting a capillary tube into the pneumatic line of the instrument. The tube length is chosen by experiment, taking into account that an excessive length may cause considerable transmission l a g in the manometer. Another method of resistance damping of the liquidcolumn oscillations in a manometer is to i n s e r t small felt o r cotton-wool pads into the pneumatic line of the instrument.
2 70
lag i n such manometers is determined mainly by the t i m e required for the equalization of the p r e s s u r e in the chamber of the elastic element with the p r e s s u r e t o be measured, whereas in liquid-column manometers a n additional lag is caused by the displacement of the liquid. Using e l a s t i c elements, and keeping the volume of the p r e s s u r e chamber small, we can reduce the dimensions of the manometer and install it n e a r the place where the p r e s s u r e is being measured. When the volume of the chamber and the length of the connecting tube a r e reduced, the t r a n s m i s s i o n l a g of the manometer d e c r e a s e s . Due t o t h e i r high natural frequency, elastic elements c a n be used f o r measuring not only steady but a l s o fluctuating p r e s s u r e s . P r e s s u r e s a r e measured by means of elastic elements by determining either the deformation of an elastic element o r the force required to prevent the deformation (force -compensation method). The deformation of the elastic elements is m e a s u r e d with the aid of kinematic, optical, o r electric s y s t e m s . Kinematic pointer -type o r recording instruments and optical devices a r e used mainly in spring-type manometers, while e l e c t r i c s y s t e m s a r e found i n p r e s s u r e t r a n s d u c e r s . In comparison with the method of determining the p r e s s u r e f r o m the deformation of elastic elements, the force-compensation method is m o r e exact since it enables the effects of elastic h y s t e r e s i s to be reduced. However, the force-compensation method r e q u i r e s m o r e time. When measuring rapidly fluctuating p r e s s u r e s , only the f i r s t method is therefore used. The force-compensation method is used f o r measuring steady o r slowly varying p r e s s u r e s when the e r r o r must not exceed 0.1 t o 0.570 of the upper limit of the measured value.
Types of elastic elements The following t h r e e types of elastic sensing elements a r e most widely used: Bourdon tubes, bellows, and diaphragms (flat o r corrugated). The operating principle of a Bourdon-tube manometer is well-known. Under the action of the p r e s s u r e , a tube of oval o r elliptic c r o s s section, bent in a c i r c u l a r a r c (Figure 5.16a), tends to straighten itself. The displacement of the tube end is measured with the a i d of a kinematic device.
FlGURE 5.16 Elastic elements for rnedsuring pressures. a - Bourdon tube; b - spiral tube; c - llat diaphragm; d -corrugated diaphragm and set of aneroid boxes; e - bellows.
27 1
1 1 1 I I l l II
I I 1111
The action of a s p i r a l tube (Figure 5.16b) is based on the s a m e principle. Flat diaphragms (Figure 5 . 1 6 ~ 1 ,which have higher natural frequencies than Bourdon tubes, can be used f o r measuring high-frequency p r e s s u r e pulsations. Flat diaphragms can be installed flush with the surface of a body. The p r e s s u r e to be measured acts directly on the diaphragm, hence t h e r e is no transmission lag. due to the resistance of the connecting tubes and the volume of a i r in the system. The sensitivity of a flat diaphragm, which can be considered a s a plate fixed along a c i r c u l a r contour, can be defined a s the ratio of the deformation 8 at the center of the diaphragm to the p r e s s u r e p
The natural frequency of the diaphragm, which should be 3 to 4 times higher than the frequency of the p r e s s u r e pulsations, is
where r and h a r e respectively the radius and the thickness of the diaphragm, while E , p, and p a r e respectively the modulus of elasticity, Poisson's ratio, and the density of the diaphragm material. Thus, the sensitivity and the natural frequency a r e related by the equation
The sensitivity of a diaphragm is inversely proportional to the square of its natural frequency and to its thickness. The sensitivity of a diaphragm can therefore be increased by lowering its natural frequency. The sensitivity of a diaphragm-type manometer depends not only on the value of k but also on the method used f o r measuring the deformation of the diaphragm. The range of p r e s s u r e differences which can be measured with a single diaphragm depends on its thickness and diameter, a n d v a r i e s f r o m hundredths of a m m Hg to thousands of atmospheres. Since the absolute deformations of a flat diaphragm a r e very small, they a r e measured by optical o r electrical methods. Mechanical methods change the natural frequency of the s y s t e m because of the m a s s e s connected to the instrument. Electrical methods a r e s i m p l e r and do not lead to l a r g e dimensions, a s do optical methods. For a given sensitivity of the diaphragm, the sensitivity of the manometric s y s t e m can be increased only by amplifying the output signal which corresponds t o a given deflection of the diaphragm. Corrugated diaphragms permit considerably l a r g e r deflections than flat diaphragms. F o r even l a r g e r deflections, corrugated diaphragms a r e made in the f o r m of boxes which can be assembled into s e t s (Figure 5.16d). Bellows a r e m o s t widely used in the design of manometers employed f o r measuring steady p r e s s u r e s in wind tunnels. A bellows (Figure 16e) is a cylindrical thin-walled tube with uniform folds. The presence of a l a r g e number of folds makes possible l a r g e deformations of the moving bottom of the bellows under the action of p r e s s u r e differences.
The gage p r e s s u r e a c t s inside the bellows o r the vessel which surrounds it. The movable bottom of the bellows, which is connected with the measuring mechanism of the manometer, can be considered a s a piston moving without friction in a cylinder under the action of the p r e s s u r e f o r c e s , and loaded by a spring which, in this c a s e , i s formed by the folds of the bellows. The bellows is made of b r a s s , phosphorus-bronze, beryllium-bronze, o r s t a i n l e s s steel. B r a s s bellows a r e most widely used, but t h e i r hysteresis is high (up t o 370 of the full t r a v e l ) . The hysteresis of bellows made of beryllium-bronze o r phosphorus-bronze is lower. The c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of a bellows as a measuring element depend on two f a c t o r s : the rigidity c , and the effective a r e a F,f . The rigidity is the r a t i o of the force acting on the moving bottom of the bellows to i t s t r a v e l 6. The effective a r e a of the bellows is the r a t i o of the force N t o the gage p r e s s u r e p required t o r e s t o r e the bottom of the bellows t o i t s original position: F e f = pN . The maximum permissible t r a v e l of the bottom of the bellows is about 5 t o 1070 of the bellows length, i f residual deformations a r e t o be avoided. Proportionality between the t r a v e l and the f o r c e acting on the bottom is best maintained i f the bellows is subjected t o compression. The r a t i o of the length t o the outside diameter of the bellows should be l e s s than unity. When the bellows is longer, t h e r e is a danger of longitudinal instability caused by bending and t r a n s v e r s e deformation of the bellows. In o r d e r t o prevent this the movable bottom of the bellows is usually connected t o a guiding device which ensures axial t r a v e l of the bottom.
Spring-type manometers Standard manometers with spring-type sensing elements in the form of Bourdon tubes have e r r o r s of 1 t o 3 % of the s c a l e range, which a r e inacceptible f o r aerodynamic measurements. For certain types of multipoint measurements(f0r instance, in testing engines o r compressors), Bourdontube reference manometers made by the Soviet industry a r e suitable; they a r e f r o m high-quality material and have low h y s t e r e s i s . The s c a l e of a r e f e r e n c e manometer has 300 one-degree graduations on a convex s c a l e . Reference manometers a r e available f o r measuring negative p r e s s u r e s down to 760" Hg vacuum, and positive p r e s s u r e s up t o 1 . 5 , 5 , 1 0 , 25, and50 kg/cm2 o r m o r e . According t o the existing specifications f o r manometers, the permissible measurement e r r o r s a r e a s follows: f o r vacuum m e t e r s and manometers f o r p r e s s u r e s up t o 2 kg/cm,2 f 0.3570 of the s c a l e l i m i t ; f o r manometers f o r p r e s s u r e s above 2 kg/cm2, f 0.270 of the s c a l e limit. The accuracy of spring-type manometers can be increased by reducing o r eliminating friction in the transmission mechanism. When friction is eliminated, the accuracy of the manometer is mainly determined by the hysteresis of the elastic element.
An example of a frictionless spring-type manometer is the manometer in which the deflection of the Bourdon tube is measured with the aid of an accurate m i c r o m e t r i c mechanism o r a dial indicator (5) (Figure 5.17). The m i c r o m e t r i c mechanism is isolated f r o m the tube (l), t o which the flexible contact plate (2) is soldered. A second flexible plate (3) is soldered t o the m i c r o m e t e r s c r e w . E l e c t r i c contact between the plates is sensed by a s o called "magic eye'' electronic tube normally used in radio r e c e i v e r s . The wiring diagram is shown in Figure 5.17. To m e a s u r e the p r e s s u r e , contact between the screw and tube is first broken. P l a t e (3) is then slowly brought back into contact with plate (2); this is sensed by the "magic eye. I ' Such a device permits the e r r o r to be reduced t o 112 o r 113 of the e r r o r of a reference manometer with pointer, but this is accompanied by an i n c r e a s e in time required.
FIGURE 5.18. Pendulum-t)pe manometer. 1 pendulum; 2 - l a m p ; 3 - lens, 4 - transparenr scale; 5 -screen.
When using bellows made of tompac o r semitompac for spring-type manometers, the influence of h y s t e r e s i s of the bellows is reduced by an additional spring of high-quality s t e e l or beryllium-bronze. In this c a s e the elastic force of the bellows is s m a l l in comparison with the elastic force of the spring which has a low hysteresis, and therefore, the e r r o r due to hysteresis of the bellows d e c r e a s e s proportionally with the r a t i o of the rigidities of bellows and spring. The reduction in sensitivity of the elastic element, caused by the additional spring, is compensated f o r by the higher transmission r a t i o t o the pointer. Bellows manometers have measurement e r r o r s of the o r d e r of l"/o. The e r r o r can be reduced to 0.2 to 0.5% when the bellows a r e of beryllium-bronze or phosphorous-bronze. Bellows manometers can be used t o measure p r e s s u r e s between perfect vacuum and 1 0 t o 20 atm, In the bellows -type pendulum manometer, shown schematically in Figure 5.18, the elastic force of the additional spring is replaced by the restoring moment of the pendulum ( l ) , which eliminates the influence of the hysteresis of the bellows. For angles of pendulum inclination below u = 6", the relationship between the p r e s s u r e and the angle is linear,
I ,
I .
I .
Here, G is the weight ofthependulumcounterpoise, p is the gage p r e s s u r e acting inside the bellows, a is the distance between the pendulum support and the center line of the bellows. By altering the weight of the counterpoise or the length 1 of the pendulum, we can v a r y the range of the m e a s u r e d p r e s s u r e s . The influence of h y s t e r e s i s of the bellows can be almost eliminated by selecting the r a t i o of the static moment of the Accurate pendulum t o the rigidity of the bellows s o that Gl>>ca2. measurement of the angular displacement of the pendulum is ensured by a n optical system consisting of lamp (2) which projects, with the aid of lens (31, a l a r g e image of s c a l e (4) on s c r e e n (5).
Force-compensation manometers Manometers i n which the deflections of elastic elements a r e measured have e r r o r s caused by h y s t e r e s i s and the influence of temperature on the rigidity of these elements. Such e r r o r s can almost completely be avoided if the p r e s s u r e force acting on the elastic element is equilibrated by a f o r c e which r e t u r n s the elastic element to its initial position. The equilibrating f o r c e can be caused by mechanical or electric mechanisms. The f o r m e r include devices which u s e counterweights o r springs; the l a t t e r include devices based on the interaction of magnetic or electrostatic fields. Compensation is effected automatically in certain instruments. One of the best designs of force-compensation manometers f o r wind tunnels is a combination of bellows or s e t s of aneroid boxes with automatic beam-type balances. Such a bellows-type manometer is shown in Figure 5. 19. Bellows (1) and ( 2 ) a r e connected t o balance l e v e r (3) on either
FIGURE 5 19. Autoiriatlc force-compensation heam-type manometer 1 and 2 - bellows; 3 - balance lever; 4 - transducer coniroling t h e se~voniotor. 5 - servomotor; b - lead screw; 7 counterweight; 8 - counter.
side of the knife edge. The p r e s s u r e s p , and p 2 , whose difference has t o be measured, a c t inside the bellows. When the p r e s s u r e difference changes,
the equilibrium is disturbed and transducer (4) r e a c t s t o the displacement of the beam end by switching on servomotor (51, which t u r n s lead s c r e w (6) t o move counterweight ('71, creating a moment which r e s t o r e s the lever to i t s initial position. The t r a v e l of the counterweight is measured by counter (8). The wiring diagrams of automatic servomotor controls f o r lever-type balances a r e described in Chapter VI. Let the beam be in the initial position when p I = p 2 When the p r e s s u r e s a r e varied, the equation of equilibrium becomes
~p2Fef2-a,PlFef1=Gx~ where a I and a2 a r e the a r m s of the p r e s s u r e forces acting respectively on bellows 1 and 2; Fell and F e f z a r ethe effective a r e a s of these bellows. G is the weight of the counterweight; x is the displacement of the counterweight f r o m i t s initial equilibrium position (for p , = p 2 ). In o r d e r that the displacment of the counterweight be proportional t o the p r e s s u r e difference p , - p 2 , it is necessary that
4 =PZ-P I =
where 12 is the number of turns of the lead screw, corresponding t o the displacement x , recorded by counter (8) (the s c r e w has a pitch i).
If the bellows ( 1 ) is acted upon by atmospheric p r e s s u r e ( p , = B ) , then p z - B = A n , and the instrument will m e a s u r e gage p r e s s u r e . If bellows (1) is evacuated (pl = 0) and soldered, the manometer will show the absolute p r e s s u r e p 2 = A n . In the l a t t e r case we must take into account that when bellows (2) is connected t o atmosphere, a f o r c e B F e I I w i l l act on bellows ( l ) , which must be balanced with the aid of an additional counterweight. In practice it is difficult to obtain a p a i r of bellows which have equal effective a r e a s . In accurate bellows-type manometers, one of the a r m s o r ai is therefore adjustable. Figure 5 . 2 0 shows a s e t , consisting of two automatic lever-type balance elements, which s e r v e to m e a s u r e p r e s s u r e differences and the static gage p r e s s u r e in the Moskva University wind tunnel. The lever-type balances a r e installed one on top of the other, while the bellows a r e located on a bracket fixed t o the instrument base, and linked t o the l e v e r s by rods and c r o s s beams. The static p r e s s u r e acts on the bellows a t the extreme right, which is linked by a rod to the lever of the upper balance. The accuracy of such manometers depends largely on the design of the connections between the bellows and the c r o s s b e a m s , which must ensure perfectly axial displacement of the bellows. F o r this purpose elastic hinged sleeves a r e provided (shown in the lower p a r t of the picture),
which prevent displacement of the r o d s in the direction perpendicular t o the center line of the bellows. In o r d e r that the f o r c e s acting on the knife edges a t the contact points between the rods and the l e v e r s be of constant sign, irrespective of the p r e s s u r e s in the bellows, the cross beams a r e provided with counterweights, S O that the total weight acting on each knife edge exceeds the produrt of maximum ncgative p r e s s u r e and effective a r e a of the bellows.
FIGUKE 5 21 R A E auromatic self-balancing capsule iranomerer 1 - servomoror; 2 - lead screw: 3 - elastic cross-shaped hinge; 4 - counterweight; 5 - inductive transducer; 6 - set of evacuated aneroid boxes; I -connecting elemenr; 8 set of aneroid boxes under pressure.
Figure 5.21 shows the connections between the aneroid boxes and the l e v e r s in the automatic self-balancing capsule manometer of the R A E laboratory 191. The lever is mounted on a cross-shaped hinge and linked t o the aneroid boxes, which a r e rigidly interconnected, by a flexible s t r i p . The drawback of this design is the requirement that the aneroid boxes have exactly equal effective a r e a s . The accuracy of such a manometer is mainly determined by two f a c t o r s : the insensitivity of t r a n s d u c e r s to displacements and the rigidity of the bellows. If the insensitivity range of the transducer corresponds t o a bellows displacement &a, the random e r r o r of p r e s s u r e measurement, due to the unbalanced residua.1 electric force, will not exceed
F o r most industrial bellows the r a t i o of the rigidity c t o the effective a r e a Fef v a r i e s between 0.1 and 1kg/cm3. In o r d e r that the value of oAP should not exceed 1m m Hg, the value of 6 must be l e s s than f r o m 0.013 t o 0.13 m m . The contact and inductive t r a n s d u c e r s a t the end of the l e v e r , whose d i s placement is many times l a r g e r than the deflection of the bellows, permit measurement of with an e r r o r of to mm. With a good-quality lead screw, which moves the counterweight, and when p r e s s u r e differences Hg a r e being up t o 3000 t o 4000" measured, the e r r o r s of compensationtype manometers may be a few hundredths of a percent of the maximum measured value. With bellows of low rigidity and l a r g e effective a r e a , such manometers permit measurements of absolute p r e s s u r e s between 10 and 20" Hg with an e r r o r not exceeding 0.1 m m Hg. In o r d e r to reduce the influence of rigidity of the bellows, the sensitivity of the lever system of the manometer is increased with the aid RGURE 5.22. Pendulum-type compensation of compensating devices described i n manometer. 1 - hermetically sealed chamber; Chapter VI. 2 - bellows; 3 - lever; 4 - elastic cross-shaped Since remote indication of the angle hinge; 5 - counterweight ; 6 - contacts; I of t u r n of the lead s c r e w is possible, signal lamps; 8 - micrometric screw; 9 and lever -type bellows manometers a r e 10 - links for scale linearizing; 11- h i n g e , widely used f o r measuring total p r e s s u r e , static p r e s s u r e , and the p r e s s u r e drop in the t e s t section of subsonic and continuously o r intermittently operating supersonic wind tunnels. Another manometer design in which a bellows is a l s o used a s elastic element and a counterweight a s a compensating element is shown i n F i g u r e 5.22. P r e s s u r e s , whose difference has to be measured, a c t inside the hermetically sealed chamber (1) and the bellows (Z), which
is connected t o l e v e r (3) fixed t o a n elastic hinge (4). A rod with counterweight (5) i s fixed to the l e v e r . In o r d e r to r e t u r n to i t s initial relative position the l e v e r (3), which is deflected by the action of the difference of p r e s s u r e on the movable bottom of the bellows, the chamber is turned about hinge (11) by an angle u . This is controlled with the aid of contacts (6) and signal lamps (7) which go out when the initial position is reached. The value of the angle a is related t o the measured p r e s s u r e difference as follows:
( p z--pJ
F e f a = Q1 sin I ,
where Fef is the effective a r e a of the bellows, a is the distance f r o m the point of support of the l e v e r t o t h e c e n t e r line of the bellows, I is the distance f r o m the point of support t o the center of gravity of the pendulum, Q is the weight of the pendulum together with the counterweight. It is assumed that when p 2 - p , = 0 then a = 0 , i. e., the center of gravity of the pendulum and p a r t of the bellows lies on the vertical through the point of support.
Eleciroiiiagneric conipeiisarion1 - h e l l o w s : 2 - dtsplacei i l e i t i i r a n d i i c e r . '1 - ~ 0 1 1 .4 - pernl.Incnr mJgneer. 5 - a m p l i f i e r , f, - i n i l l l a m m e t e r
FIGURE 5 2'3
1)pr mdnoriierer
To provide a l i n e a r s c a l e , the m i c r o m e t r i c s c r e w ( 8 ) moves the chamber with the a i d of a n intermediate link ( 9 ) hinged t o chamber (1) and link (10) of length L . The relationship between the p r e s s u r e difference and the travel y of the s c r e w is given by p2 - p , m y , where m = Ql/FefaLis the instrument constant. Figure 5.23 shows a manometer with electromagnetic f o r c e compensation 1101, which can be used for measuring p r e s s u r e s fluctuating at frequencies of up t o 10kc. The p r e s s u r e acting on bellows (1) displaces the moving s y s t e m with fixed coil (3) which is placed in the field of permanent magnet (4). The displacement transducer (2) sends a signal t o amplifier (5). The output c u r r e n t of the amplifier p a s s e s through coil (3), its intensity and direction being such that the interaction f o r c e between the
coil and the magnet balances the p r e s s u r e f o r c e . The p r e s s u r e is determined f r o m the c u r r e n t intensity I , indicated by milliammeter ( 6 ) , or f r o m the voltage U a c r o s s a n output resistance R . When the voltage is measured, this circuit provides f o r a sufficiently strong signal, and the measurements can be automatically recorded. Thus, at a maximum current intensity I = 30 m a and with a resistance R = 2500 ohm the voltage U = 75v. The e r r o r of such an electromagnetic manometer is only 0.1%; f o r measuring p r e s s u r e differences f r o m s e v e r a l millimeters t o several hundreds of millimeters Hg, it can compete with liquid-column manometers.
FIGURE 5. 24. Capacitive compensation-type manometer. 1-diaphragm; 2 - m e t a l electrode?; 3 -annular inserts; 4 - c e r a m i c insulators; 5 - nuts.
For measuring very small p r e s s u r e differences (up t o 1 m m Hg) the manometer shown i n Figure 5.24 can be used. It is a compensation-type manometer in which the force of the p r e s s u r e acting on the diaphragm is balanced by a n electrostatic force / 1 l / . The 0.02 mm-thick stainless s t e e l diaphragm ( 1 ) is held between annular i n s e r t s (3). Metal electrodes ( 2 ) a r e rigidly connected t o the i n s e r t s (3) by means of ceramic insulators (4). The tension of the diaphragm can b e adjusted by nuts (5). The capacitor formed by the diaphragm and the electrodes is connected t o the a r m s of a capacitive bridge fed f r o m a 500 kc signal generator according t o the circuit shown in Figure 5. 25. The displacement of the diaphragm, due t o the difference in p r e s s u r e s on e i t h e r side, is compensated
by an electrostatic force, adjusted with the aid of a calibrated potentiometer R, At a constant supply voltage V o , the scale of the m i c r o manometer is linear. By varying Vo, we change the sensitivity of the instrument. The s e r i e s -connected inductances and capacitances L,CI, L2C2, L3C3 and LIC4 a r e tuned to the signal-generator frequency. The signal at the bridge output, caused by the deflection of the diaphragm, is amplified, and then measured by a m i c r o a m m e t e r . Observing the latter, the reading is reduced to zero by means of the calibrated potentiometer. A t zero reading, the diaphragm returns to its initial position, and the position of the potentiometer Rz gives the p r e s s u r e difference. The potentiometer R1 s e r v e s f o r the initial balancing of the bridge. In the p r e s s u r e range f r o m lo-' to lo-' m m Hg, the instrument e r r o r is only 0.1%. The design of the manometer permits p r e s s u r e differences up to one atmosphere; t h e r e f o r e , if we connect one side of the diaphragm t o vacuum (obtained, for instance, with the aid of a diffusion pump) the instrument will indicate absolute p r e s s u r e s in the above-mentioned range.
P r e s s u r e transducers a r e instruments which convert the deformation of an elastic pressure-sensitive element into an electric signal. In connection with experimental r e s e a r c h on high-speed aircraft, methods f o r measuring variable p r e s s u r e s have been developed in recent years. These measurements a r e necessary when investigating dynamic loads due to vibrations, and a l s o for studying problems of dynamic stability of a i r c r a f t components. Thus, f o r instance, when considering wing
28 1
flutter, we sometimes determine transient aerodynamic f o r c e s by investigating the p r e s s u r e distribution on a vibrating wing. The measurements a r e made by special miniature p r e s s u r e transducers, (of 5 to 6 mm diameter),, which a r e placed directly on the s u r f a c e of the model or inside i t s body, close to the orifices. The nature of the investigated problems does not demand a high measuring accuracy. Good transducers p e r m i t the e r r o r in measuring the amplitude of p r e s s u r e pulsations t o be reduced t o between 1 and 27'0, but often transducers a r e acceptable which p e r m i t the p r e s s u r e to be measured with an accuracy of f r o m 5 t o 1 0 % of the maximum amplitude. Quite different requirements apply t o high-sensitivity transducers, used f o r measuring steady o r slowly-varying p r e s s u r e s . Such t r a n s d u c e r s a r e used in intermittently-operated supersonic wind tunnels where measurement by liquid-column manometers is not always possible because of high lag. Such t r a n s d u c e r s can have comparatively low natural frequencies, but must have much s m a l l e r e r r o r s than transducers for measuring dynamic p r o c e s s e s . High sensitivity is usually obtained with transducers of relatively l a r g e dimensions. If the transducer is connected by a tube t o an orifice in the wall, then, with high-frequency pulsations the p r e s s u r e close t o the elastic p r e s s u r e sensing element of the transducer may differ in phase and amplitude from the p r e s s u r e on the wall. To reduce dynamic distortions, the lowest
FIGURE 5.26. Schematic layout for recording pressure pulsations. 1- carrier-frequency oscillator; 2-measuring bridge; 3--amplifier; 4-rectifier; 5-filter; 6-oscillograph; 7transducer.
resonance frequency of the p r e s s u r e - m e a s u r i n g system must be higher than the highest frequency of the measured p r e s s u r e pulsations. The lowest acoustic-resonance frequency of a closed pipe of length L is
a=- a
4L '
where a is the velocity of sound. The amplitude distortions caused by the elastic p r e s s u r e - s e n s i n g element can be reduced by increasing its natural frequency. In o r d e r that the e r r o r should not exceed 6 to 7%, this natural frequency must be 4 t o 5 times higher than that of the measured p r e s s u r e pulsations. Best r e s u l t s a r e obtained by sensing elements shaped like fl'at diaphragms. P r e s s u r e transducers whose operating principle is based on measuring changes in inductive, capacitive, o r ohmic resistances, caused by the deformation of an elastic element, a r e mainly used in aerodynamic experiments. Bridge s y s t e m s a r e most widely used for these measurements.
Although t h e r e exist many different schemes f o r measuring varying p r e s s u r e s , the above-mentioned types of t r a n s d u c e r s a r e usually employed as shown schematically in Figure 5 . 2 6 . The measuring bridge, one, two, o r all four a r m s of which a r e formed by t r a n s d u c e r s , is fed f r o m a c a r r i e r -frequency oscillator. The amplifier, connected to the measuring diagonal of the bridge, amplifies the imbalance signals caused by the changes i n transducer r e s i s t a n c e due to the p r e s s u r e variations. The amplified signals a r e transmitted through a phase-sensitive detector and a f i l t e r , which discriminates the c a r r i e r frequency, and a r e then m e a s u r e d by a galvanometer or loop oscillograph. The c a r r i e r frequency must be 6 t o 1 0 times higher than the frequency of the investigated p r o c e s s .
Inductive t r a n s d u c e r s The design principle of inductive t r a n s d u c e r s is based on the changes in the inductance of a coil, caused by changes in the magnetic permeability of a circuit consisting of a c o r e , a magnetic circuit, and a ferromagnetic elastic element. The l a t t e r is usually a flat s t e e l diaphragm, which, when deformed, a l t e r s the a i r gap between it and the c o r e of the coil which is
L 14 1
3 1 1
connected t o an a. c. circuit. The reactance of t h e coil depends on the air gap, and when the coil is inserted into a measuring bridge-circuit, the change in air gap, due to the variation of the p r e s s u r e acting on the diaphragm, causes a proportional imbalance signal.
28 3
Figure 5.27 shows t h r e e arrangements f o r connecting inductive t r a n s d u c e r s in a measuring bridge fed f r o m a t r a n s f o r m e r T , . In Figure 5.27a, t h r e e a r m s of the bridge a r e fixed inductors. The fourth a r m L , is a variable inductor, One of the p r e s s u r e s whose difference is being m e a s u r e d a c t s directly on the outer s u r f a c e of the diaphragm, while the other p r e s s u r e a c t s upon the internal a r e a of the t r a n s d u c e r . A differential circuit (Figure 5.27b) is ordinarily used f o r increased sensitivity. The diaphragm i s placed between two inductive coils Lr and L p .
FIGURE 5. 28. Miniature inductive transducer. 1 - body; 2 - coils; 3 - coil leads; 4 - diaphragm suldered to body.
FIGURE 5 . 2 5 Circuit diagram of an inductive transducer with recrifiers. 1 supply volrage; 2 - differential inductive transducer; 3 - rectifiers, 4 - zero adlusiment; 5 - oscillograph.
The movement of the diaphragm causes an i n c r e a s e in the inductance of one coil and a d e c r e a s e in the inductance of the other coil; the amplitude of the signal is twice that obtained in the circuit shown in Figure 5. 27a. The circuit in Figure 5,27c has an even higher sensitivity. A pivoted a r m a t u r e connected to the elastic element of the manometer changes the inductance of a l l four a r m s of the bridge. Figure 5 . 2 8 shows a typical miniature inductive transducer f o r measuring pulsating p r e s s u r e s . The thickness ofthe diaphragm c a n v a r y from 0.025 mm ( f o r measuring p r e s s u r e differences of the o r d e r of 2 5 mm Hg) t o 0.25 m m for measuring p r e s s u r e difference of the o r d e r of 7 atm. When the amplitude of p r e s s u r e pulsations, sma.11 in comparison with the mean p r e s s u r e , has to be measured, the diaphragm has a hole whose diameter is between 0.05 and 0.1 mm. To reduce temperature effects, the transducer coil is made of manganin wire. The accuracy of measuring the amplitudes of p r e s s u r e pulsations with these t r a n s d u c e r s depend on the type of equipment used, and may vary f r o m 2 t o 1 0 % of the maximum measured value. Since the frequencies used in inductive t r a n s d u c e r s do not exceed a few kc, the indications a r e usually recorded by loop oscillographs. When two o r four a r m s of the bridge have variable inductors, a sufficiently strong signal can be obtained without an amplifier. This simplifies the u s e of inductive t r a n s d u c e r s f o r simultaneous p r e s s u r e measurements at s e v e r a l
points. A simple and sensitive bridge circuit in which one half of the bridge is formed by semiconductor r e c t i f i e r s is shown in Figure 5.29. To r e c o r d low-frequency p r e s s u r e pulsations (up t o 4 t o 5 cycles), balanced measuring circuits with fast-acting electronic bridges can be used (Figure 5 . 3 0 ) .
An example of an inductive p r e s s u r e transducer, whose sensitivity is comparable t o that of liquid-column manometers, is the N P L inductive micromanometer / 1 2 / shown in Figure 5. 3 1 . This instrument is intended f o r remote measurement of p r e s s u r e differences of up to l o o n u n W . G . , and
NPL inductive micromanometer. 1 -lever; 2 -elastic hinge; 3 and -bellows acted upon by pressures to be measured; 5 and 6-bellows serving for damping vibrations; I -connecting channel : 8 -soft-iron plate; 9 -counterweight; h-primary induction coil.
FIGURE 5.31.
consists of four bellows connected to lever (1) which is supported on an elastic cross-shaped hinge (2). Bellows (3)and (4) a r e acted upon by the p r e s s u r e s whose difference has t o be measured; the other two bellows (5) and (6), interconnected by channel (7), a r e filled with oil and s e r v e a s d a m p e r s . One end of lever (1) c a r r i e s a soft-iron plate (8), balanced by counterweight (9) on the other end of the l e v e r , When the lever is displaced due t o the p r e s s u r e difference p , -pP2inbellows (3) and (4), the a i r gap between plate (8) and the induction coil L , changes. This causes an imbalance in the inductive bridge ( F i g u r e 5. 3 2 ) . The rectified imbalance c u r r e n t causes the pointer of galvanometer (6) to be deflected.
FIGURE 5.32 Circuit diagram of an inductive micromanometer. 1-iron plate; 2 -micrometric screw; 3 reversible electric moror; 4 - reduction gear; 5 - counter; 6 - galvanometer; h-primary induction coil: b-secondary induction coil.
The bridge is balanced by adjusting the a i r gap in the secondary induction coil L2 with the aid of iron plate (1) which is moved in the magnetic field of coil L2 by micrometric screw (2). The s c r e w i s rotated by a low-power electric motor (3) through a reduction g e a r (4) having a large transmission ratio. The displacement of plate (1) in relation to coil Lp , required t o r e s t o r e the balance of the bridge, i s proportional to the difference between the p r e s s u r e s in the bellows, and is measured by counter (5) connected t o the reduction g e a r . Very s m a l l p r e s s u r e differences can be measured directly with the galvanometer by the unbalanced-bridge method.
Capacitive transducers
A capacitive transducer f o r measuring the deflection of an elastic diaphragm uses a capacitor one of whose plates is the diaphragm itself, the other plate
. . .. . ..
being fixed. The capacitor is connected into a suitable e l e c t r i c circuit which produces a signal which depends on the capacitance. Maximum sensitivity t o p r e s s u r e changes is ensured in a capacitive manometer by a very s m a l l a i r gap. However, a l i n e a r relationship between the change in capacitance and the change in p r e s s u r e r e q u i r e s the distance between the plates to be l a r g e in comparison with the mean deflection of the diaphragm. Thus, the increased sensitivity of a capacitive manometer reduces the linearity, and vice v e r s a . In practice, a compromise has t o be accepted. Sometimes, a thick diaphragm is used. Its deflections a r e small, but the a i r gap can be reduced. However, it should be taken into account that when the air gap is reduced, t e m p e r a t u r e effects i n c r e a s e ; t e m p e r a t u r e changes can cause harmful deformations of the diaphragm.
FIGURE 5.33. Capacitive pressure rransducer. 1 - diaphragm; 2 indeformable electrode; 3 - highfrequency insulator
Figure 5 . 3 3 shows a s m a l l capacitive p r e s s u r e t r a n s d u c e r in which the diaphragm is integral with the body. The insulation of the fixed plate i s made of c e r a m i c m a t e r i a l offering a large impedance to high frequencies. To remove internal s t r e s s e s in the transducer diaphragm, which a r e liable to i n c r e a s e t e m p e r a t u r e effects, the diaphragm is heat-treated before and after being machined. A diaphragm integral with the body has a lower h y s t e r e s i s than one clamped at the edges. However, the range of measured p r e s s u r e s is e a s i e r t o change in clamped diaphragms. With diaphragms of different thicknesses and diameters we can make capacitive manometers and t r a n s d u c e r s f o r p r e s s u r e s ranging f r o m fractions of a m m Hg to thousands of atmospheres. In the lower p a r t of this range, corrugated diaphragms having thicknesses of up to 0.025 m m and diameters f r o m 50 t o 100" a r e used; they a r e made of s i l v e r o r bronze. When low absolute p r e s s u r e s have t o be measured, one side of the diaphragm is subjected t o a p r e s s u r e close t o perfect vacuum. In addition t o ordinary capacitive t r a n s d u c e r s , wide u s e is made of differential capacitive t r a n s d u c e r s . Such a t r a n s d u c e r consists of two series-connected capacitors, with a common plate in the middle serving as the diaphragm. When the differential transducer is connected t o the
measuring circuit, the sensitivity is doubled in comparison with an ordinary transducer; a linear relationship between the deflection of the diaphragm and the output voltage of the circuit is obtained. The RAE miniature differential capacitive transducer intended f o r investigating wing flutter /13/, is shown in Figure 5.34. The diaphragm is located between two fixed electrodes, while the a i r gaps on both sides of the diaphragm a r e connected to the upper and lower wing surfaces. Several tens of t h e s e t r a n s d u c e r s , which p e r m i t the force normal t o the wing section t o be measured, a r e fixed t o the wing.
'P .
FIGURE 5 . 3 4 . Differential capacitive pressure transducer. 1 - diaphragm ; 2 - electrodes; 3 - electric leads.
When the diaphragm is deflected due to a difference in p r e s s u r e a c r o s s i t , the capacitance of the condenser formed by the diaphragm and one of the fixed electrodes increases, while the capacitance of the condenser formed by the diaphragm and the other electrode d e c r e a s e s .
FIGURE 5.35. Circuit diagram of a differential c a p a citive pressure transducer. 1-transducer; 2 carrier- frequency amplifier; 3 - demodulator; 4filter; 5 - zero adjustment; 6 - carrier-frequency oscillator.
The capacitors a r e connected t o adjacent arms of an a . c . bridge whose other two a r m s a r e formed by mutually coupled induction coils (Figure 5. 35). The coils a r e wound in opposite directions; when the bridge is balanced equal currents pass through them, and the resulting field equals z e r o . The output signal of the bridge is taken from a third winding inductively coupled t o the first two. The capacitor C s e r v e s f o r noise suppression. The bridge is fed f r o m a 2 0 kc carrier-frequency oscillator, which permits frequencies up t o about 3000 cycles t o be recorded. The output voltage of the bridge, which is about 100mV a t a maximum p r e s s u r e difference of 0.3 kg/cm2, is fed via an amplifier t o an oscillograph.
The combined e r r o r s of these transducers and the measuring c i r c u i t s a r e about *3% of full s c a l e . The transducers a r e not sensitive to accelerations normal to the plane of the diaphragm; this is very important when measuring p r e s s u r e s acting on a vibrating wing. When the bridge iS f e d a t a c a r r i e r frequency of 400 kc, it is possible t o m e a s u r e t r a n s i e n t processes (for instance, in shock tubes). At an input-tube length of 3 m m , the transducers permit pulsation frequencies of up to 15,000 cycles t o be measured; they can be used f o r turbulence investigations. A capacitive micromanometer, designed f o r measuring p r e s s u r e differences f r o m z e r o t o 1 O m m W . G . a t low frequencies, is shown in Figure 5.36. A s t e e l diaphragm (l), having a thickness of 0.05 m m and a diameter of 4 6 m m , is clamped between s t e e l flanges. A 30 mm-diameter d i s c (2) is fixed at a distance of 0.01 mm f r o m diaphragm (1). The capacitance of the condenser is about 80pF, its sensitivity being 0.23 p F p e r mm W. G.
A peculiarity of this manometer is the low t e m p e r a t u r e dependence of the capacitance, which a t r o o m t e m p e r a t u r e is about 0.1% per 1C 1141. T o m e a s u r e the frequency signals of capacitive t r a n s d u c e r s , resonance c i r c u i t s a r e used in addition to bridge s y s t e m s . A simple resonance
c i r c u i t of an electronic amplifier, used i n measuring v e r y low steady p r e s s u r e s , is shown in Figure 5. 37 / I s / . The circuit contains only one electronic tube, which operates as an oscillator. The frequency of oscillations is determined by the capacitance of the condenser c,, which changes when the p r e s s u r e acting on the diaphragm v a r i e s . The resonant circuit used f o r measuring this frequency consists of inductance L2 and capacitor C s . The shaft of the l a t t e r is connected to an indicating pointer and to a handle, with the aid of which the capacitor is tuned into resonance with the second harmonic frequency of the oscillator. The point of resonance is determined approximately when minimum plate c u r r e n t , measured by milliammeter M I , flows through the tube. Final tuning of the capacitor Cs is c a r r i e d out using the fine-adjustment galvanom e t e r M P.
FIGURE 5.37, Resonance measuring circuit; c,capacitive manometer; C, - 20 pF maximum: c,, = 100pF; cs = 15pF maximum: ca - 0.01 U F ; c, 0 . 1 u F ; cs, c. 0.01UF ; R , 150 K ohni; R,. R, = 85 K ohni; R, - 60 K olitii, V R , , VR, = 50 K o h m ; L , , L, = 15 tUrnS. 1, = llilllldmnietei for 5 m a ; n i l - galvdnonieter for 5 1 0 otim
Capacitive manometers of this type a r e used for measuring p r e s s u r e s f r o m 0.001 to 0.1 m m Hg. The corrugated diaphragm, made of s i l v e r , a n d an external diameter copper, o r bronze, has a thickness of 0.025" of 76 mm; the diameter of the flat central part is 18 m m . The s a m e electronic circuit i s suitable f o r other p r e s s u r e ranges and diaphragm dimens ions. The drawback of this measurement method i s the effect of p a r a s i t i c capacitances, mainly i n the connecting w i r e s . T o reduce e r r o r s caused by parasitic capacitances the t r a n s d u c e r s a r e connected t o the measuring circuit by screened cahles.
Strain-gage t r a n s d u c e r s Strain gages, whose operating principle is described in Chapter VI, provide simple miniature t r a n s d u c e r s f o r measuring variable p r e s s u r e s acting on the surface of a model. Both glued wire and foil s t r a i n gages a r e used for p r e s s u r e t r a n s d u c e r s , a s a r e nonglued tension wires. In s m a l l t r a n s d u c e r s , wire strain.gages having 2.5 t o 5 m m b a s e s a r e glued directly to diaphragms which a r e integral with the body o r soldered t o it (Figure 5.38). Such t r a n s d u c e r s a r e used by NACA f o r installation in airfoils, and a r e employed in investigating p r e s s u r e pulsations ranging f r o m 0.07 t o 1.4 kg/cm2 116 / . T e m p e r a t u r e compensation in t r a n s d u c e r s of this type whose diameters a r e is effected with the aid of a between 6 and 12" second s t r a i n gage glued to the body. When the mean p r e s s u r e need not be measured, t e m p e r a t u r e compensation is not n e c e s s a r y . In ONERA 2 3 1 t r a n s d u c e r s , intended f o r this purpose, (Figure 5 . 3 9 ) the deflection of the corrugated diaphragm is FIGURE 5.38. Strain-gage measured with the aid of wire s t r a i n gages glued to pressure transducer. 1 both sides of the diaphragm f o r t e m p e r a t u r e body; 2 - di a phr a gm; 3resistance strain gage. compensation. The diaphragm is located inside a and a cylindrical body having a diameter of 10" height of 3 m m / 1 7 / . The s t r a i n gages, whose dimensions a r e 6 X 2 . 5 m m and whose r e s i s t a n c e i s 120 ohm, a r e inserted into the a r m s of a half-bridge. A t the maximum deflection of the diaphragm, which corresponds to a p r e s s u r e difference of 0.15 k g / c m 2 , the relative imbalance of the bridge is 0.5
FIGURE 5.39. Strain-gage pressure transducer with corrugated diaphragm. 1 - diaphragm; 2 - body; 3 - strain gage; 4 -leads.
Glued s t r a i n gages with s m a l l b a s e s , used in the p r e s s u r e t r a n s d u c e r s described, have low r e s i s t a n c e s , and consequently, t o limit the c u r r e n t , a low supply voltage is required. A t l a r g e c u r r e n t s the heat dissolves the glue. A low supply voltage necessitates a higher
signal amplification, Nonglued resistance s t r a i n gages a r e used t o obtain stronger signals. They disperse heat b e t t e r and therefore permit higher supply voltages, and hence stronger output signals.
FIGURE 5.40. Pressure transducer with a nonglued strain gage. 1 - crossshaped spring; 2 - rod; 3 disc; 4 - body; 5 - diaphragm; 6 - support of insulating material; I - leads.
In the transducer shown in Figure 5 . 4 0 1181, the deflection of the diaphragm is transmitted t o an elastic element consisting of two c r o s s shaped springs (1) interconnected by four r o d s (2). The spring is fixed t o a disc (3) whose position can be adjusted along the center line of body (4) which is covered by diaphragm (5). When the diaphragm is deflected, an axial force a c t s on the elastic element, bending springs (1) and causing rods (2); t o move outward. The s t r a i n gage, which is wound around rods (2), is inserted into two opposite arms of a Wheatstone bridge. The other two a r m s , which s e r v e f o r temperature compensation of the bridge, a r e formed by a wire wound around the undeformed supports (6) which a r e fixed t o disc (3). Since all four bridge a r m s a r e located in the s a m e way inside one housing, temperature equilibrium is attained v e r y quickly. When fitting the springs into body (4), the position of disc (3) is adjusted in such a way that the s t r a i n - gage wire is slightly p r e s t r e s s e d . A variable resistance is inserted between adjacent bridge a r m s in order t o balance the bridge a f t e r this adjustment. When the supply is 10 V d. c. the transducers can be connected t o sensitive galvanometers o r oscillographs without amplification. In transducers intended f o r measuring steady p r e s s u r e s , the wire strain-gages a r e very often placed on auxiliary e l a s t i c elements (for instance, on cantilever beams) connected t o the sensing elements (diaphragms, aneroid boxes, or bellows) on which the p r e s s u r e s a c t (Figure 5. 41). A bellows is best, since f o r equal diameters of the e l a s t i c elements and a t equal rigidities of the auxiliary elements it permits the
where c, and c5, a r e respectively the rigidities of the bellows and the diaphragm when acted upon by a concentrated load, cb is the rigidity of the beam, rc is the effective radius of the bellows and r, is the radius a t which the diaphragm is fixed. When r c = r, ch, is much l a r g e r than cc at the s a m e p r e s s u r e s , hence N , > N , , i. e., considerably higher loads c a n be transmitted t o the beam by means of a bellows than by means of a diaphragm ,
1 7
Diaphragm Aneroid box
FIGURE 5.41.
beam; 2
- strain gage.
Figure 5.42 shows designs of t r a n s d u c e r s f o r measuring absolute p r e s s u r e s . Bellows (1) is evacuated and soldered. The measured p r e s s u r e a c t s either on bellows (2) (Figure 5,42a), o r inside a hermetically sealed casing (5.42b).
FIGURE 5.42. Transducers for measuring absolute pressures. 1 and 2 -bellows; 3 - elastic element; 4 hermetically sealed casing.
In addition t o diaphragms and bellows, p r e s s u r e transducers are a l s o used in which the axial and tangential s t r e s s e s a r e determined on the walls of a tube whose inside is under the p r e s s u r e t o be measured. When metal tubes a r e used, such transducers have high natural frequencies, but due t o the difficulties in making thin-walled tubes they can be used only f o r high p r e s s u r e s (tens and hundreds of atmospheres). I f rubber o r plastic tubes instead of metal tubes are employed, such transducers can be used f o r much lower p r e s s u r e s .
Surface of the w i n g W ire strain
An RAE tube-type strain-gage transducer f o r measuring p r e s s u r e s on airfoils oscillating a t frequencies of up to twenty cycles i n a low-speed wind tunnel / 191 is shown in Figure 5 . 4 3 . The main element of the transducer is a cylindrical rubber tube to which a wire s t r a i n gage forming two a r m s of a Wheatstone bridge is glued. The tube itself is glued t o a plastic beam, which has openings f o r leading in the p r e s s u r e acting o n one of the measuring points on the wing. The outside wall of the rubber tube is under the p r e s s u r e acting on a point on the opposite surface of the wing; the transducer thus r e c o r d s the difference of the p r e s s u r e s on both surfaces. The resistance of each bridge a r m is 250ohm. The signals of the transducer, which is suitable f o r p r e s s u r e differences up t o 300 m e r c u r y , can be measured without amplifier with the a i d of a sensitive recording galvanometer.
I ,
function according t o the principle of well-type manometers. U-tube manometers a r e used only when the measured p r e s s u r e differences may have different signs.
A well-type multiple manometer is shown in Figure 5.44. The well and the outermost tubes a r e under the p r e s s u r e p with which the other p r e s s u r e s p i a r e to be compared. The outermost tubes s e r v e f o r controlling the level of the liquid in the well.
A typical well-type multiple manometer designed f o r measuring p r e s s u r e s corresponding t o relatively high columns of liquid (up to 2 or 3 m) is shown in Figure 5.45. To prevent bending of the g l a s s tubes they a r e located in slots milled into Plexiglas shields. Marks, spaced 5 or 1 0 m m , into which black paint is rubbed, a r e etched on the Plexiglas. Numbers which correspond to the column height in centimeters a r e written on both sides of these lines. The u s e of Plexiglas p e r m i t s
the s c a l e and the tubes to be illuminated f r o m the r e a r for photographing. The upper p a r t of the instrument contains a numerator, which enables the number of the experiment, the number of the model, and the date of the experiment t o be photographed. The lower ends of the g l a s s tubes a r e connected through gaskets or rubber tubes to a common auxiliary tube which p a s s e s along the width of the manometer f r a m e and is connected a t the center to a well by means of a rubber tube. The height of the well can be adjusted t o align the lower m a r k on the s c a l e t o z e r o level. The upper p a r t s of the glass tubes a r e connected t o rubber tubes with metal nipples, to which tubes f r o m the tested object a r e connected.
FIGURE 5.46.
In some multiple manometers the glass tubes a r e replaced by channels drilled into plates of Plexiglas.
When the number of tubes is l a r g e , it is practically impossible to take into consideration the meniscus-level changes caused by capillary effect, and the change in level of the liquid in the well. Multiple manometers therefore have tubes of sufficiently l a r g e internal diameters and wells with l a r g e c r o s s sectional a r e a s . Nevertheless, when the multiple manometers contain twenty t o thirty tubes of diameters between 8 and 1 0 m m , and the heights o f the columns exceed 100cm, a change of 2 t o 3mm in the level of the liquid in the well is acceptable. Such an e r r o r is permissible, since with long s c a l e s , analysis of the photographs with an accuracy exceeding 3 t o 5 mm is difficult. For high-density transonic wind tunnels, 2 o r 3 mm high well-type multiple manometers a r e used which a r e filled with m e r c u r y o r t e t r a b r omoethane. Long glass tubes a r e difficult t o bend and t o f i l l with liquid; in U-tube multiple manometers (Figure 5 . 4 6 ) the lower ends of each p a i r of glass tubes a r e therefore interconnected by rubber, P V C , o r polyethylene tubes. The design of connections permitting drainage of contaminated liquid is shown in Figure 5 . 4 7 . In o r d e r to prevent loss of liquid f r o m the g l a s s tubes during sudden p r e s s u r e variations a protective device should be used.
FIGURE 5 4 7 Device for t h e drdlnage of liquid lruni d U-rube niariorneter 1 - glass rubes, 2 n u t for g.isker righrrning, '3 - gasket: 4 -drain
T r a p s in the f o r m of wells or widenings in the upper p a r t s of the tubes a r e not suitable for multiple manometers due t o their l a r g e s i z e and the increase in a i r space which causes additional transmission lags. A good protective device is the nonreturn valve shown in Figure 5.48. A wooden o r plastic ball in the lower p a r t of thenipple permits the entry of air into the glass tube. When liquid is suddenly ejected f r o m the g l a s s tube, the ball is forced upward and closes an opening i n the upper p a r t of the nipple, thus preventing f u r t h e r loss of liquid. The vapors of mercury, tetrabromoethane and some other liquids used in manometers a r e very toxic; recharging and adjustment of manometers filled with these liquids is c a r r i e d out in special rooms.
Multiple manometers designed f o r wide measuring ranges, which a r e very heavy, a r e mounted on c a r r i a g e s which facilitate removal f r o m the room where the experiments a r e made. The manometer indications can be recorded by any photographic camera, but f o r e a s e of analysis of the negatives, wide-film c a m e r a s should be used.
FIGURE 5.48. Nonreturn valve to prevent loss of liquid from the manometer. 1 -upper end of glass tube; 2-rubber tube; 3 -ball.
FIGURE 5.49. Illumination when photographing manometer scales. a - transillumination; b - illumination from the front. 1 - camera; 2 - reflectors; 3 - fluorescent lamp; 4 -manometer tubes.
When the p r e s s u r e distribution is measured simultaneously with other magnitudes (for instance, with the forces acting on wind-tunnel balances ), remotely controlled c a m e r a s a r e used. By pressing a button on the control panel, the experimenter obtains simultaneously all magnitudes of interest. Clarity of the pictures is ensured by intensive and uniform illumination of tubes and scale. Stationary multiple manometers with Plexiglas panels a r e illuminated f r o m behind (Figure 5.49a). In o r d e r to reduce glare the Plexiglas should be frosted on one side. Uniform lighting is m o r e easily provided by a large number of low-power, then by a small number of highpower lamps. Good uniform lighting is obtained by fluorescent lamps. Portable manometers can also be illuminated f r o m the front (Figure 5.49b) with the aid of high-power lamps having reflectors o r projectors, but transillumination gives better defined pictures.
In o r d e r t o i n c r e a s e the reading accuracy, inclined multiple manometers with 600 t o 700 mm long tubes are sometimes used i n low-speed wind tunnels (Figure 5. 50). The manometric liquid is usually alcohol. Glass tubes and the connecting metal tube a r e mounted on a common table which can be pivoted together with the c a m e r a about a horizontal axis. A multiple
manometer can be r e a d visually with an accuracy of up to 1 m m by fixing the manometer indications with the a i d of a valve. While the indications a r e being recorded the conditions in the wind tunnel change; the p r e s s u r e in the connecting tubes has time to become partially o r fully equalized with the measured p r e s s u r e .
FIGURE 5.51. Multiple manometer with photoelectrical counter. 1 - base with nipples for connecting t h e pressure tubes; 2 -upper frame with bearing for spindle; 3 - glass tubes; 4 spindle; 5 - carriage with photoelecuic elements.
Figure 5 . 5 1 shows a Gottingen Aerodynamic Institute multiple manometer with automatic recording of the indications in numerical f o r m / 20/. Vertical tubes, whose lower ends a r e connected t o a common vessel, a r e placed in a ring. The heights of the columns of liquid in the tubes a r e read with the aid of photoelectric cells, which a r e moved on a common annular c a r r i a g e by a lead s c r e w (Figure 5.52). Counting mechanisms f o r each tube a r e switched on when the c a r r i a g e p a s s e s through a z e r o level while moving upward.
FIGURE 5.52. Recording t h e indications of a photoelectric multiple manometer. 1- m u l t i p l e manometer; 2 -relay installation; 3 -converter; 4 - electromechanical counter; 5 - punch-card system; 6 - punch-card reader; I curve plotter.
A t the instant when the light beam f r o m a lamp (also installed on the
c a r r i a g e ) falls on the meniscus in a tube, the counter sends a pulse t o a relay installation which r e c o r d s the height of the meniscus. After a s e r i e s of measurements has been taken the values recorded by the relay installation a r e f e d to punch-cards. The punch c a r d s a r e sent to a computing office, where the recorded values a r e automatically decoded and fed t o a plotter which r e c o r d s on paper the coordinates of the points through which the p r e s s u r e distribution curve can be drawn.
Rubber tubes t o modPl
Wall of chamber FIGURE 5.53. Wiring diagram for a multiple manometer with measuring orifices in the model and on the wind-tunnel walls.
Rubber tubes a r e used to connect the manometer to the measured p r e s s u r e , a s a r e tubes f r o m various plastics, which a r e m o r e stable than rubber tubes and r e s i s t chemicals better. If the p r e s s u r e in the tubes is
above atmospheric, the tubes a r e secured t o the nipples by soft i r o n o r copper wire. When the p r e s s u r e in the tubes is below atmospheric, special thick-walled rubber tubes a r e used, since thin-walled tubes m a y be forced in under the action of 'the external p r e s s u r e . In supersonic tunnels it is not always possible t o connect the multiple manometer directly by flexible tubes t o the metal tubes in the model. A good outlet f r o m the variable-pressure chamber is shown i n Figure 5. 5 3 . Two s i m i l a r metal panels (1) and (2) are installed respectively in the chamber and close t o the multiple manometer. The shields are rigidly fixed together by copper tubes. The tubes a r e led out through the chamber wall by means of a copper bushing t o which all tubes are soldered. The coupling elements of panel (1) are connected before the experiment by rubber tubes t o the metal tubes in the model, while the coupling elements of panel ( 2 ) a r e connected t o the multiple manometer. The orifices in the walls of the wind tunnel a r e permanently connected by metal tubes t o panel ( 3 ) which is located outside the chamber.
Mechanical multipoint manometers With all t h e i r simplicity, liquid-column multiple manometers have several serious drawbacks. They a r e unwieldy and take up much space. Thus, a multiple manometer designed f o r measuring pr,ossures up to 4 a t a t 1 0 0 points takes up an area of about 20m2 (in the v e r t i c a l plane). The danger of leakages of liquid increases in proportion t o the number of separate tubes in the multiple manometer. Photographing the indications of multiple manometers, analyzing the pictures, and subsequent processing of the measurements, r e q u i r e s much work and c a u s e s delays in obtaining the final r e s u l t s of the experiment. Sometimes groups of standard spring -type manometers are used for multipoint measurements, t h e i r indications being recorded by photography. However, analyzing the photographs of dials of standard manometers is even m o r e difficult than analyzing the photographs of the scales of liquidcolumn manometers. The best way of satisfying the requirements of aerodynamic experiments is by special multipoint manometers with elastic sensing elements and automatic recording of t h e i r indications. The s m a l l dimensions of multipoint manometers permit their siting in close proximity t o the points of measurement; the reduction in length of the connecting tubes a l s o causes a reduction in transmission lag of the manometers and in the total duration of the experiment. Automatic recording of the indications of multipoint manometers can b e simultaneous o r consecutive. With consecutive recording all readings a r e made during a c e r t a i n period of time. Consecutive recording is employed mainly in continuous -operation wind tunnels, where the p r e s s u r e s during a measurement cycle remain constant. In intermittent -operation wind tunnels i t is preferable t o r e c o r d all indications simultaneously, but when the cycle l a s t s only a few seconds, consecutive recording with the aid of electronic c i r c u i t s is a l s o possible.
30 1
S i m u l t a n e o u s r e c o r d i n g of p r e s s u r e s. Lever -type manom e t e r s with moving counterweights can be u s e d f o r simultaneous multipoint p r e s s u r e measurements. The main difficulty in using such manometers is their s i z e and complexity. The reduction of the dimensions of R A E manometers (Figure 5.21) is achieved by connecting the bellows to the vertical lever a r m . In a supersonic RAE wind tunnel a group of fifty such manometers is used f o r measuring the distribution of p r e s s u r e s varying f r o m z e r o to 1800 a m Hg / 9 / . The indications of the manometers a r e printed on a diagram in the console of the observation cabin of the tunnel. For visual observation of the p r e s s u r e distribution on the surface of the model and for discovering faults in the manometers, a vertical panel is provided on which the s e r v o systems of the manometers move colored ribbons. Externally, such a panel looks like a liquid-column multiple manometer. Lever-type manometers of simpler design a r e those in which the f o r c e s due to the p r e s s u r e on the bellows bottom a r e not balanced by a counterweight but by a spring [spring-opposed bellows], one end of which is connected to the lever, and the other to a tensioning device. The tensioning device is located on a fixed base; hence, the dimensions of spring-type balances a r e considerably l e s s than those of balances with movable counter weights, In GRM group manometers produced by the Soviet industry (Figure 5. 54), twenty l e v e r t y p e manometers a r e equilibrated with the aid of one motor. When any one of the l e v e r s is moved out of its equilibrium position, the circuit of a corresponding electromagnetic reversing clutch, whose drive shaft is continuously rotated by the motor, is closed. The clutch connects the shaft to a micrometric screw, which changes the tension of the spring and r e s t o r e s the lever to its equilibrium position. The p r e s s u r e s a r e determined f r o m the turning angles of the micrometric screws each of which is connected to a digital printing counter. When a button is pressed, the indications of all twenty counters a r e printed on a paper tape with the a i d of an electromagnetic mechanism. Vertical s c a l e s f o r visual observation a r e provided on the front wall of the instrument. The pointers on the s c a l e s a r e kinematically linked with the micrometric screws. The maximum e r r o r of the GRM manometer is about 0.5% of the maximum p r e s s u r e measured C o n s e c u t i v e ( c y c l i c ) r e c o r d i n g of p r e s s u r e s . Figure5.55 shows a multipoint recording manometer, based on the consecutive measurement of the deformation of ten o r m o r e Bourdon tubes grouped together / 2 1 / , Carriage (1) has flexible contacts (3) and the Bourdon tubes (7) have flat contacts (5). Carriage (1) is periodically moved by a lead s c r e w toward the Bourdon tubes in such a way that contacts (3) a r e consecutively closed with a l l contacts (5). Synchronously with c a r r i a g e (1 ), but a t a speed a hundred times higher, travels c a r r i a g e (2), which has sharp-tipped metal electrodes (4) moving above a paper tape. When contacts (3) and (5) touch the circuit of sparking device ( 8 ) is closed which causes a spark to be discharged f r o m electrodes ( 4 ) through the paper to ground. This f o r m s a pinhole in the paper. When c a r r i a g e (1) moves farther, contacts ( 3 ' ) , also on it, close with fixed rigid contacts (6) in positions corresponding to the z e r o position of the springs. This causes a second hole on the tape. Thus, the deformation of each Bourdon tube, which is
proportional to the measured p r e s s u r e , is determined by the distance between two pinholes on the tape.
FIGURE 5.54. GRM-2 recording group manometer. 1 - bellows; 2 -elastic hinge; 3 - lever; 4 - balancing spring; 5 - destabilizing device for increasing the sensitivity; 6 - contact for switching on the electromagnet of the reversing clutch of t h e tensioning device; I -tensioning device; 8 electromagnets; 9 -driven shaft of reversingclutch(20 nos.); 10 - drlving shaft of reversing clutch, continuously rotated by electric motor; 1 1 - visual pressure indicator; 12 - printing device for recording serial number of reading.
FIGL'RE 5.55. Multipoint Bourdon manometer. 1 -carriage with contacts; 2 -carriage with electrodes; 3 - 3 ' contacts; 4 -electrodes; 5 -flat c o n t a c u on Bourdon tubes; 6 -fixed contacts; I - Bourdon tubes; 8 - sparking device.
The strain-gage manometers and p r e s s u r e transducers described in $ 2 0 can be used f o r multipoint measurements if they a r e combined with automatic compensation (for instance by means of an automatic bridge). With the aid of a commutation arrangement, the transducers a r e consecutively connected in a given o r d e r to a single automatic compensator.
Compensating pressure
_ .
Pressure to be meLasued
The commutator can be driven from a telephone uniselector o r by a s m a l l electric motor. The commutation period must be longer than the time taken by the compensator to process the maximum signal, Modern automatic bridges permit the consecutive recording during one to two minutes of indications f r o m 50 to 100 transducers with a maximum e r r o r of rt 0.5%. Such circuits usually contain auxiliary devices, which permit the recording, simultaneously with the measured value, of the s e r i a l number of the transducer. Certain designs permit the recording in digital f o r m of the strain-gage indications. D y n a m i c - c o m p e n s a t i o n m e t h o d . Aerodynamic laboratories in the U. S. A. widely use a method of consecutive p r e s s u r e measurement in which the p r e s s u r e s to be measured a r e compared with a variable compensating p r e s s u r e with the aid of diaphragm contact-type transducers thick (dynamic-compensation method) (Figure 5. 56). A 0.05 to 0.075" diaphragm made f r o m beryllium bronze and clamped at its r i m between two plastic flanges, divides the transducer body into two chambers; one chamber is acted upon by the measured p r e s s u r e while the other is acted upon by the compensating p r e s s u r e which is the s a m e f o r all transducers. Under the action of the p r e s s u r e difference, the center of the diaphragm is displaced a s m a l l distance, closing o r opening an electric circuit at the instant the measured and compensating p r e s s u r e s a r e equal. The magnitude of the compensating p r e s s u r e at this instant is measured by an accurate manometer. To prevent residual deformation o r rupture of the diaphragm when the p r e s s u r e difference is large, the deflection of the diaphragm is limited by plastic discs located at small distances on either side. Multipoint instruments functioning on this principle, in which the compensating p r e s s u r e is measured by electronic digital devices 1241, a r e described in . Chapter E
The electromagnetic manometer shown in Figure 5. 23 can a l s o be used f o r multipoint measurements by the dynamic -compensation method. The wiring diagram of a multipoint electromagnetic manometer is shown in Figure 5. 57. The movable coils (3) of a l l manometers a r e fed f r o m a common generator (5), whose c u r r e n t v a r i e s linearly f r o m z e r o to maximum (or vice v e r s a ) . The coils convert the c u r r e n t into compensating forces simultaneously at all measuring points. A highly accurate linear relationship exists between the c u r r e n t and the force. Knowing the instantaneous c u r r e n t intensity at which the elastic element (bellows or diaphragm) connected to the coil r e t u r n s to i t s z e r o position, we can determine the compensating force, and thus the magnitude of the measured
7 I
FIGITRE 5. 57. hlulripoinr electromagnetic manumeter. 1 -bellows; 2 - zero-position transducers. '3 - movable coils. 4 - permdnenr magnets, 5 - generator of linearly var)ing current; b - cuuIiters, 7 - recording device.
p r e s s u r e . Before the measurement cycle i s begun, all elastic elements (1) a r e displaced under the action of the measured p r e s s u r e s . When the generator, which has a saw -tooth c h a r a c t e r i s t i c , is s t a r t e d , the e l e c t r o magnetic interaction forces between the coils and the permanent magnets deform the e l a s t i c e l e m r n t s . At the instant when the electromagnetic f o r c e balances the p r e s s u r e force acting on a given elastic element, the l a t t e r r e t u r n s to its z e r o position and a t r a n s d u c e r emits a signal. This signal is received by the c u r r e n t r e c o r d e r ; the l a t t e r m e a s u r e s the instantaneous c u r r e n t intensity which is proportional t o the measured p r e s s u r e , m e m o r i z e s i t f o r the duration of the cycle, and r e c o r d s it.
In the multipoint manometer shown in Figure 5, 58, the compensating p r e s s u r e s e r v e s at the s a m e time to measure the p r e s s u r e 1 2 2 1 , The manometer consists of a number of contact transducers (l), a recording device (2), a compensating-pressure regulator (3), and a i r pumps (4)
FIGURE 5.58. Mulripoinr manometer with coniact-type pressure transducers. 1 - contact transducers; 2 - recording device; 3 - compensating-pressure reguIator; 4-air pumps; 5 - lath with pens; 6 - zero-reading transducers; I - damper.
which continuously supply a i r to the cylindrical chambers A and B of the compensating-pressure regulator. A fine m i c r o m e t r i c s c r e w F , rotated by a s m a l l motor, moves along the paper tape lath (5) with pens (electrodes), each of which is inserted into the circuit of a contact transducer. The paper is covered with a thin conductive layer, which becomes black where it touches a pen when a current flows through it. A second lead s c r e w G , which is connected by gears to the s c r e w F , moves an i r o n piston Hinside a U-tube containing mercury. The m e r c u r y level i n both legs of the U-tube will change in proportion to the travel of the lath with the pens; this a l t e r s the effective weight of the second i r o n piston J which floats on the mercury. The variation of this weight causes a proportional change of the p r e s s u r e in chamber A. When this p r e s s u r e is l e s s than the measured p r e s s u r e , the diaphragm of the transducer keeps open the electric circuit into which the corresponding pen is inserted. A t the instant when the compensating p r e s s u r e becomes equal t o the measured p r e s s u r e , the electric circuit is closed. Since the electrode draws a line on the paper only when the electric circuit is closed, the length of this line is proportional t o the pressure acting on the given diaphragm o f the transducer. All p r e s s u r e s must be compared with the static p r e s s u r e i n the wind tunnel; hence, one of the transducers is acted upon by the static p r e s s u r e , and the contacts of this transducer a r e connected t o two recording pens located on either side of the paper tape. The horizontal line which can be drawn by pencil on the paper in prolongation Of the short line, marked by these pens, is the z e r o line. The instrument, intended for
relatively small p r e s s u r e ranges (from 650 t o 900" W. G . ) , p e r m i t s in one minute thirty p r e s s u r e s t o be recorded with a maximum e r r o r of 0.4% of the maximum measured value.
Selector valves Due t o the small cross-sectional a r e a of the supports of the model in the test section of the wind tunnel, it is not always possible t o lead out of the model a sufficiently l a r g e number of tubes. Sometimes the number of tubes will be less than the number of measuring points. The ends of the tubes a r e connected inside the model t o the measuring points by flexible rubber tubes. Between two experiments, the tubes a r e disconnected f r o m one group of measuring points and connected t o another group. The complete pressure-distribution pattern is obtained a f t e r s e v e r a l experiments.
FIGLIRE 5.59. Selector valve with uancmission of pressure through one tube. 1 1 ' - stdtlondry discs, 2 2 ' - rotJting discs; 9 - 3 ' - reduction gears; 4 - 4 ' synchronized electric motors; 5 - multiple manometer.
When testing models of airplanes, rockets, etc., whose c e n t r a l p a r t is axisymmetric, re-installation of the tubes can be avoided by means of the selector valve shown in Figure 5. 59. The device r c q u i r e s only one outlet tube and one e l e c t r i c connection. It p e r m i t s investigation of the p r e s s u r e distribution together with the measurement of the aerodynamic forces acting on the model, which is suspended f r o m wind-tunnel balances by
wires or a rigid support. There a r e two synchronized selector valves one of which, consisting of a stationary disc (1) and a rotating disc (2), is located inside the model. The other valve, which consists of a stationary 1 ' ) and a rotating disc (2l), is located in the observation cabin of the disc ( tunnel. The openings on the periphery of the stationary discs (1) and (1') a r e connected respectively to the orifices on the surface of the model and to the tubes of the multiple manometer. The central openings in the discs (1) and (1') are interconnected by the outlet tube. When the discs (2) and (2') a r e rotated by the synchronized electric motors (4) and (4') through reduction g e a r s (3) and (3l). the channels in these discs successively connect each orifice with a corresponding tube of the multiple manometer.
i.-.FIGURE 5.60. Selector valve with electric transmission of signals. 1 - stationary disc; 2 - rotating disc; 3 - reduction gear; 4-miniature motor; 5-pressure transducer; 6-electronic bridge or oscillograph; I -recording tape.
In o r d e r that the p r e s s u r e in the manometer tubes can become equalized with the measured p r e s s u r e , discs (2) and ( 2 ' ) a r e automatically stopped when the channels coincide with the peripheral openings of discs (1) and (l'), After a certain interval the motors a r e switched on again and turn the discs (2) and (2') by an angle which corresponds to the distance between neighboring openings in the discs (1) and (ll). When one of the openings is connected to the corresponding tube of the manometer, all other manom e t r i c tubes a r e sealed off. Thus, when the discs (2) and (2') have completed a full turn, the heights of the columns in the tubes of the multiple manometer correspond to the p r e s s u r e distribution on the surface of the model. Similar devices a r e used when testing relatively large models in subsonic wind tunnels, if the transmission lag of the manometer is s m a l l due to l a r g e tube c r o s s sections and small p r e s s u r e changes. Figure 5 . 6 0 shows a selector valve which can be located in a body of revolution having a maximum diameter of 40 mm, and is therefore suitable for supersonic wind tunnels 1 2 3 1 . The device permits the p r e s s u r e s at twenty to thirty points to be measured with the aid of one
strain-gage transducer which is installed inside the model. The transducer (5) is directly connected t o the central opening of stationary disc (1). Due t o the s h o r t connecting tube and s m a l l volume of the transducer chamber, the device permits p r e s s u r e s to be recorded a t the r a t e of up to three points p e r second. A quick-acting electronic bridge o r oscillograph ( 6 ) s e r v e s f o r recording. The movement of the recording tape (7) is synchronized by a s e r v o s y s t e m with miniature motor ( 4 ) which rotates disc (2) through reduction gear (3). The p r e s s u r e distribution is recorded a s a s e r i e s of equidistant peaks whose heights a r e proportional t o the p r e s s u r e s a t the corresponding points of the model. The obvious advantage of locating the selector valve inside the model is the complete absence of outlet tubes, which in conventional designs pass through the supports of the model.
FIGURE 5. 61. Layout for measuring pressures a t 192 points. 1 -m o d e l ; 2 - pa n el with tubes; 3 -shut-off valves; 4 - visual-observation multiple manometer; 5 -selector valves: 6 - m a i n selector valve; I -vacuum pump; 8 -digital converter; 9 - m em o r y device; 1 0 -puncher; 11 punched tape; 1 2 -read-off device; 13 -print-out d e v i r e ; 14 -chart recorder.
Figure 5. 61 shows a layout for measuring p r e s s u r e at 192 points with the aid of selector valves, used at the J e t Propulsion 1,aboratory of the California Institute of Technology /25/. The tubes f r o m model (1) a r e led to panel ( 2 ) . The 192points a r e divided into 8 groups of 24 points each, each group being served by a selector valve ( 5 ) . The central openings of the discs of all eight valves (5) a r e connected to eight peripheral openings of the stationary disc of the main selector valve ( 6 ) which is s o designed that before each reading the a i r space between the valves (5) and ( 6 ) can be connected t o vacuum. This permits rapid p r e s s u r e equalization in the strain-gage transducer connected t o the central opening of valve ( 6 ) . Shut-off valves (3) s e r v e for visual p r e s s u r e observation with the aid of multiple manometer ( 4 ) . The use of one transducer f o r measuring all p r e s s u r e s makes possible a measuring accuracy of 0.2% of the full scale. With the aid of an automatic electronic bridge and a digital converter (8) (see Chapter IX), the signal of the transducer is converted to a four-digit decimal number, which is stored in the memory device (9) and then punched
by puncher (10) on tape (11). Data recorded on the tape can be read off a t any time with the aid of read-off device (12) which is connected t o the print-out device (13) and the c h a r t r e c o r d e r (14). Such selector devices a r e widely used outside the USSR. F o r instance, the A R A Aerodynamic Laboratory uses a system of s i x 48 -channel "Scanivalve" valves, each of which is connected to a nonglued s t r a i n gage having a flat 12.7 mm-diameter diaphragm (as i n F i g u r e 5.40). The accuracy of these t r a n s d u c e r s amounts t o 0.1% of the measurement range (0.1 5 t o 1 a t m ) . The s m a l l air space i n t h e transducers (0.08 cm3 ) p e r m i t s all 288 p r e s s u r e s t o be recorded within about one minute. Together with the p r e s s u r e s , the punched tape a l s o r e c o r d s t h e moments and f o r c e s , measured on awind -tunnel balance /26 /.
When the p r e s s u r e changes near the orifice o r probe which is connected by a tube t o the manometer, equilibrium in the manometer is established not immediately, but a f t e r a certain t i m e . If the manometer is read off e a r l i e r , this can cause g r o s s e r r o r s affecting the final r e s u l t s of the experiment. Small transmission lags a r e necessary not only f o r high reliablility but a l s o in o r d e r to reduce the duration of the experiments. Thus, the performance of intermittent -operation wind tunnels depends on the transmission lag of the manometric systems. When s t a r t i n g such wind tunnels the p r e s s u r e in the t e s t section changes suddenly, after which a constant p r e s s u r e is established a t each orifice of the model. Equilibrium will be established in those manometers, which a r e connected to points where the p r e s s u r e changes most sharply, l a t e r than in other manometers. Therefore, f o r determining the p r e s s u r e distribution, the intervals must be not less than the longest transmission lag, Unsuitable selection of the manometric system may sometimes cause the duration of steady tunnel operation t o be less than the transmission lag. The transmission l a g is mainly caused by the resistance of the tubes, the change in a i r density, and the inertia of the moving m a s s e s , The transmission lag increases with the volume of a i r in the manometric
FIGURE 5 . 6 2 . Pneumatic circuit. 1 - m o d e l ; 2 capillary rube; 3 - connecring tube; 4 - air space of sensing eleinenr of nianomerer.
s y s t e m and with the resistance of the connecting tubes. When measuring p r e s s u r e s by microprobes in the boundary layer, the transmission l a g attains s e v e r a l minutes. Airfoil models tested in supersonic wind tunnels have usually small c r o s s sections; the pneumatic connections in them a r e
made by tubes having internal diameters l e s s than 1 to 1.5 mm, and the TO orifices on the surface of the model have diameters of 0.2 t o 0.5". reduce the transmission lag, optimum dimensions of the connecting tubing must be selected. Usually, the pneumatic system for measuring the p r e s s u r e on the surface of the model consists of a metal tube fixed to the model, a flexible connecting tube, and a manometer (Figure 5. 62).
FIGURE 5.63. Transmission lag t as function of orifice diameter d o , and capillary, , = 1.74 cm'; 1, = 1500 m m ; dc = 1.7 m m . tube length 1 and diameter d ; v
In manometers having elastic sensing elements, the change in volume of the sensing element, caused by the p r e s s u r e variation, is usually s o s m a l l that it can be ignored. The main factors influencing the transmission lag a r e the orifice diameter d o , the internal d i a m e t e r s d of the capillary tube and d, of the connecting tube, and their respective lengths 1 and 1,. Figure 5. 63 shows the relationships between the transmission lag and do, d , and 1 f o r a,=1.74cm3 (Figure 5.62), d c = 1 . 7 m m , and f C = 1 5 0 0 m m 127 1 . Initially this s y s t e m was under atmospheric p r e s s u r e ; the p r e s s u r e a t the orifice was then suddenly reduced to 20" Hg. These conditions approximate those of manometers in intermittent-operation supersonic wind tunnels. The orifice diameter is of s m a l l influence when dido < 2.5 When dido > 2.5 the transmission lag i n c r e a s e s sharply. The orifice diameter should t h e r e f o r e not be l e s s than half the diameter of the capillary tube. An i n c r e a s e in orifice diameter up to the diameter of the capillary tube has little effect on the transmission lag. The influence of thediameter of the capillary tube is very strong. A reduction of this diameter has a s i t s main effect a n i n c r e a s e i n t h e resistance t o the flow of gas. A length i n c r e a s e of the capillary tube has a g r e a t e r
31 1
effect when its diameter is s m a l l . Capillary tubes should therefore have diameters as l a r g e a s possible and be as s h o r t as possible. The influence of the connecting tube is twofold. F i r s t l y , the connecting tube has the l a r g e s t volume in the system, and secondly, it offers r e s i s t a n c e to the gas flow. When d, is small, the t r a n s m i s s i o n lag is, as in a capillary tube, increased due to this r e s i s t a n c e . When d, is l a r g e , the lag i n c r e a s e s due to the volume increase. The connecting tubes P should therefore be as s h o r t as possible. The optimum diameter is between 1 . 2 5 d and 1 . 5 0 d . A t very low p r e s s u r e s , f o r instance, in wind tunnels with f r e e molecular flow, where the mean free-path length of the molecules is l a r g e in fa comparison with the c r o s s section of the orifice f o r the tube leading to the manometer, the t r a n s m i s s i o n lag can be considerable. F o r d = d, the lag can be determined according t o t h e following approximate formula / 3 1 / :
FIGURE 5.64. Determination of manometer transmission lag.
I I/2aRT '
where il is the volume of the manometer chamber. A s in the c a s e considered above, an optimum value exists for the internal d i a m e t e r of the tube. Liquid -column manometers have in most c a s e s l a r g e r transmission lags than manometers provided with elastic sensing elements. This is due to the l a r g e volumes of the a i r , the l a r g e moving m a s s e s , the viscosity of the liquid, and the additional volume change when the liquid flows f r o m one leg to the other. In well-type manometers the lag depends on the method of connection. The a i r volume above the capillary tube in a well-type manom e t e r is many t i m e s l e s s than the volume of the a i r in the well. Whenever possible, the well should be at that p r e s s u r e which v a r i e s l e s s during the p r o c e s s (for instance, the total p r e s s u r e ) . For the manometric s y s t e m shown schematically in Figure 5. 64, the t r a n s m i s s i o n lag is 1.281:
= k In
is the t i m e constant of the system, i. e., the t i m e during which the p r e s s u r e p, in the manometer changes by 63.270 of the total p r e s s u r e difference ( p = pinJ at the orifice; ir, is the volume of the air a f t e r the final p r e s s u r e fin equalization. These formulas take into account the compressibility of the a i r i n the manometer but ignore the inertia and viscosity of the liquid. In the second formula, Le, is the "equivalent length'' of the capillary tube which, when t h e r e a r e s e v e r a l connecting tubes of different diameters, is
Le q =L,+L,(y+
... +L"(2)1,
where LI is the length of the tube whose diameter is d , . The time-averaged p r e s s u r e in the manometer is
Instead of this value, we can substitute in this formula the approximate value of 5 up to the instant t when the p r e s s u r e change in the manometer amounts to 98% of the total p r e s s u r e difference:
The equivalent a r e a Fey which depends on the geometry of the manometric system, can be determined f r o m Figure 5 . 6 5 .
General case (rubes of different diameters)
Thus, when the p r e s s u r e changes abruptly, we can a s s u m e that the transmission lag is inversely proportional t o the fourth power of the diameter of the capilllary tube, directly proportional to the length of the tube, and depends also on the volume of the a i r in the instrument and the geometry of the system.
Instruments for measuring force and p r e s s u r e coefficients At low flow velocities, any of the aerodynamic coefficients cz, cy, cz, m,, my, m, a r e proportional to the ratio of the force or moment to the difference between total and static p r e s s u r e , e. g.,
cy = const P W 2 = const L AP .
The principle of measuring the coefficient of lift in a wind tunnel is schematically shown in Figure 5. 66. The aerodynamic force Y , which acts on the model installed on the wind-tunnel balance, is transmitted by rod (1) to beam (2), at whose end contact ( 3 ) is located between two stationary contacts (4). Beam (2) is connected with lath ( 6 ) by means of link (5), which can be moved along the beam and the lath by l e a d s c r e w (7) which is turned by servomotor (8). The force, which acts on the lever-type manometer consisting of bellows (11) and lever (9). is transmitted to lath (6) by means of two l e v e r s (10) which have the s a m e a r m ratio. When beam (2) becomes unbalanced, one of the contacts (4) is closed, servomotor (8) is switched on, and lead s c r e w (7) moves link (5) t o t h e position at which the moment acting on the beam, due to force Y, is balanced in its absolute value
by the moment due t o p r e s s u r e on the bellows, which is proportional to A p . It is e a s y to s e e that the distance x f r o m the fulcrum of beam (2) to link (5), a t the instant when equilibrium is attained, is
where k depends on the transmission r a t i o of the l e v e r s and on the a r e a of the bellows. The weight of l e v e r s (9) and (lo), link (5), the connecting r o d s , and lath ( 6 ) is balanced by counterweight (13), while the weight of beam (2) and the p a r t s connected t o it is balanced by counterweight (12). The value of x , which is proportional t o c u , can be r e a d off f r o m a counter connected t o the lead s c r e w .
I !
FIGURE 5.66. Direct measurement of coefficient of lift. 1 - rod; %beam; 3 - contact at end of b?am ( 2 ) ; 4 - stationary contacts; 5 - link; 6 - l a r h parallel to beam ( 2 ) ; 7 - l e a d screw; 8 - servomotor, 9-lever; 10-levers with equal arm ratios; 11 -bellows acted upon by pressure difference ~p ; 12 and 13-counterweights.
where u is the peripheralvelocityof the impeller tip. The p r e s s u r e p e , which is proportional to pu*, is created by a so-called unit fan, rotating at the s a m e speed as the tested fan and operating in a i r of the s a m e density 1 3 0 1 . The p r e s s u r e H , created by the tested fan, and the p r e s s u r e pc act respectively on bellows (5) and bell (4), whose effective a r e a s a r e FI and F2. The force on the bellows acts on the left-hand a r m of l e v e r (1).
Bell (4) is mounted on a c a r r i a g e moving along guides (3); the f o r c e p e F 2 , acting on the bell, is transmitted t o the other a r m of the lever by means of a r o l l e r . Lever (1) is balanced with the aid of lead screw (2), rotated i n either direction by means of a s e r v o system consisting of a continuously rotating friction wheel (6) and electromagnets (7), switched in by contacts (8). The t o t a l - p r e s s u r e coefficient is proportional t o the distance x between the roller and the fulcrum of lever (11, which can be r e a d off f r o m a s c a l e or counter.
4 -bell;
Since the p r e s s u r e p E is proportional to pu2, the value of x is proportional t o the t o t a l - p r e s s u r e coefficient of the tested fan:
x = const H
Similar instruments can be used for measuring p r e s s u r e coefficients when investigating the p r e s s u r e distributions on bodies.
Instruments f o r measuring the Mach number of the flow Since in high-speed tunnels the flow c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s depend to a l a r g e degree on the Mach number, its f r e e - s t r e a m value must be controlled
during the experiment. The u s e of a Machmeter (as instruments f o r measuring the Mach number a r e called) simplifies experiments at high subsonic velocities, where models are v e r y often tested by varying the flow velocity at constant angle of attack. This instrument is a l s o suitable f o r modern supersonic wind tunnels with adjustable nozzles. The Mach number in the t e s t section of such a tun?el is changed gradually by adjusting the shape of the nozzle, and the direct measurement of M p e r m i t s control of the flow conditions in the tunnel. The Mach number is a function of the r a t i o of two selected p r e s s u r e s p , and p 2 i n t h e g a s ( s e e c h a p t e r IV). Therefore, any instrument which m e a s u r e s the ratio of p I and p 2 can be used as Machmeter. The s c a l e of such an P instrument need not be linear, since the functional relationship M = f ( p 1 1 p 2 ) is not linear. The Mach number c a n Vacuum be determined from the ratio of the total p r e s s u r e p o (or the p r e s s u r e difference A p = p o - p ) to the s t a t i c p r e s s u r e p i n the undisturbed flow. The simplest device f o r measuring the Mach number is shown in Figure danomer er 5. 68. It consists of a well-type manom e t e r with m e a s u r e s A p , and a manom e t e r which m e a s u r e s the absolute C s t a t i c p r e s s u r e p . The z e r o markings of the s c a l e s of both instruments a r e interconnected by a diagonal line A B . A s t r i n g is stretched between the moving v e r n i e r s c and D . When the v e r n i e r s a r e aligned with the meniscuses in the manometric tubes, the i n t e r v 9 4" section of lines A B and C D divides the f o r m e r into two p a r t s whose r a t i o is A p J p . Thus, the divisions marked on line A B correspond t o values of the Mach number, which i s r e a d off with the aid of s t r i n g CD. FIGURE 5.68. Liauid-column Machmeter Figure 5. 6 9 shows another device, which p e r m i t s control of the Mach number when the p r e s s u r e s a r e measured with the aid of two pendulumtype manometers. When the p r e s s u r e p1 changes, the angle of inclination of pendulum (l), to which a curved m i r r o r (3) is fixed, a l s o changes. A light beam falls on m i r r o r ( 3 ) from light s o u r c e (4) and is reflected onto plane m i r r o r (5). The l a t t e r is turned around a v e r t i c a l axis 00 when pendulum (2) is inclined by the action of p r e s s u r e p 2 . The beam is reflected f r o m m i r r o r (5) onto s c r e e n ( 6 ) . The vertical displacement of the beam is proportional to pl and its horizontal displacement t o p2-pI. The Mach number is determined f r o m t h e lines M = const, drawn on the screen. Automatic instruments f o r measuring M can be divided into two groups. The f i r s t group includes instruments which are simple e l e c t r i c a l
analog computers, while the second group includes instruments which a r e based on force-balancing principles. In instruments of the f i r s t group, the
FIGURE 5.69. Optical Machmeter with pendulum-type manometers. 1 and 2 - pendulum type manometers; 3 curved mirror; 4 - l i g h t source; 5 plane mirror; 6 -screen.
input into the computer is formed by magnitudes proportional to the p r e s s u r e s p , and pz which a r e measured by s e p a r a t e manometers. Automatic self-balancing manometers, whose output is an angular displacement of the
FIGURE 5.70. Determining t h e Mach number with t h e aid of a balanced bridge. 1 servomotors or selsyn receivers connected to selfbalancing manometers; 2 - amplifier ( z e r o indicator); 3 - balancing servomotor; 4 resistor with sc a l e for M .
FIGURE 5.71. Potentiometric determination of Mach number. 1 and 2 - selsyn receivers connected to manometers measuring p and ; 3automatic potentiometer.
servomotor shaft, a r e most suitable for this purpose. Figure 5 . 7 0 shows a wiring diagram used in the automatic computation of M with the aid of a
balanced bridge, in which the resistances of two a r m s a r e changed in proportion to the indications p and A p of the manometers. The other two bridge a r m s a r e formed by a constant resistance Rn and a variable resistance R,. The bridge is balanced by varying the resistance R+ with the aid of a balancing servomotor which moves the contact of the r e s i s t o r into the position which corresponds to the balancing of the bridge, SO that
If the resistance Ra varies in proportion to the displacement n of the contact of the r e s i s t o r and the counter connected to it, then x is linearly related to the p r e s s u r e ratio and nonlinearly to the Mach number. The s c a l e f r o m which M is determined is thus nonlinear. For x to be proportional to M, it is necessary that the following relationship exist between the resistance and the displacement of the contact:
Figure 5 . 7 1 shows the wiring diagram of a computing device based on the principle of the potentiometer. A constant voltage ug forms the input of the potentiometer which consists of two variable resistances RI and R?. The output voltage uI is a function of the r a t i o of the resistances RI and R z . If the resistances R1 and Rz vary i n such a way that RI = k l p and Rr = kzAp , then [uI = u n / ( l+ k l p / k 2 A p ) ]and u ,will therefore depend only on the Mach number. The output voltage can be measured with high accuracy by the null method, f o r instance, by an automatic electronic potentiometer. By changing the r a i o k l / k 2 the function uI = f ( M ) can be varied considerably. Thus, for instance, f o r k l / k 2= 0.5, the output voltage changes almost linearly with the Mach number in the range 0.3 < M < 1. The linearity can be improved if the
By varying a , we obtain different functional relationships, so that in different p a r t s of the Mach-number range linearity will b e maintained as closely as possible, Figure 5, 72 shows that for k,/k2 = 5 and a = 0.5 we obtain a relatively high linearity in the entire range 0 < M < 1 1 3 2 1 .
e r)
dp ' I
FIGURE 5.73. Determination of t h e Mach number with the a i d of e l e c n o magnetic manometers and of t h e flow velocity with t h e aid of a resistance bridge. 1 - 1'- lever-type manometers; 2 - 2' - transducers; 3 3 ' f - coils; 4 - 4 ' permanent magnets; CAI, , CM, , CM, - servomotors; Y,. Y, H Y,- amplifiers.
Figure 5. 7 3 shows the wiring diagram of a manometric s y s t e m which p e r m i t s the Mach number and the actual flow velocity to be measured
simultaneously. The s y s t e m consists of two electromagnetic lever -type manometers and a computing device in the f o r m of an automatic measuring bridge. One manometer s e r v e s f o r measuring the absolute static p r e s s u r e p. When p changes, the equilibrium of lever (1) is disturbed, and transducer (2), through amplifier Y!, switches on servomotor CM, which, with the aid of variable rheostat P I , changes the current intensity il in coil ( 3 ) . The latter is fixed to the lever, and the variation in current intensity causes the force of interaction between the magnetic fields of the coil and the permanent magnet (4) to change in such a way that lever (1) returns to its equilibrium position. The current, which is proportional to p , can be measured by the position of the shaft of the servomotor CMl o r of the slider of the rheostat P I . A second manometer differs f r o m the first only in that its balancing coil ( 3 ! ) , connected to lever (l!), is acted upon by electromagnet (4!), whose winding is connected in s e r i e s with coil (3). Hence, the force of interaction between coil (3') and electromagnet ( 4 ' ) is proportional to the product of the current intensities i, and i2. Lever (1') is acted upon by a moment which is proportional to the p r e s s u r e difference A p . When Ap changes, transducer (2!), through amplifier (Yz), switches on servomotor CM2, which moves the slider of the variable rheostat P2. This a l t e r s the current intensity iz i n the circuit of coil ( 3 ' ) , and r e s t o r e s lever (1') to its equilibrium position. Since il is proportional to p , the current intensity iz at the instant whenlever (1) returns to its equilibrium position depends only on the p r e s s u r e r a t i o :
i2= const 2=/(M)
the second manometer is therefore a Machmeter, The device f o r computing V i s a f o u r - a r m bridge, two of whose a r m s a r e formed by resistances RI and R2. The magnitudes of the latter a r e changed by servomotor CM2 simultaneously with that of rheostat Pz. The third a r m of the bridge consists of a resistance thermometer in the settling chamber of the wind tunnel. The magnitude of this resistance is
rt0= r, [l
a (To- 273)
where ro is the resistance of the t h e r m o m e t e r at O T , a is the temperature coefficient of the resistance, and To is the stagnation temperature of the gas. The resistance rto is connected in s e r i e s with a constant resistance which has a negligibly small temperature coefficient, and is equal to R3 = ro(1-273a). Hence, the total resistance of the a r m w i l l be
When the supply voltage u of the coils is constant, the rotation angle of the shaft of servomotorCM2 and the displacements of the s l i d e r s of rheostats RI and R2 a r e proportional to Apfp. The resistances R, and R2, which vary with the displacements of the s l i d e r s , can be chosen in such a way that they a r e proportional respectively to
M2 and I + e M 2 .
32 1
The bridge is balanced by servomotor CM3 which is fed f r o m amplifier (null indicator) Y3. When the bridge is balanced,
R, =
The actual flow velocity is expressed through the Mach number and the stagnation t e m p e r a t u r e :
Since f o r a given gas 1c and R a r e constant, R1 is proportional t o V2. If R4 v a r i e s like the s q u a r e of the s l i d e r displacement, the rotation angle of the shaft of servomotor CM3 will be directly proportional t o the actual flow velocity. In all these instruments one o r both p r e s s u r e s entering into the functional relationship M = fjpI/p2) a r e measured independently, s o that the Mach number is determined indirectly.
FIGURE 5.74. Electromechanical Machmerer. 1 and 2 -levers; 3 and 4 -fixed knife edges; 5-movable knife edge; 6-lead screw; 7 -servomotor; 8 -transducer; 9 -counter; 10 -counterweight.
Figure 5. 74 shows an electromechanical device which directly m e a s u r e s the r a t i o of two p r e s s u r e s , i. e., p e r m i t s the Mach number to be found directly. The advantage of such devices is that t h e r e is no need to balance each p r e s s u r e separately. The device consists of two l e v e r s (1) and (Z), resting on fixed knife edges ( 3 ) and (4). Each lever is connected t o a pair
of bellows, acted upon by the total p r e s s u r e , static p r e s s u r e , and vacuum in such a way that the moments of the p r e s s u r e f o r c e s , about the fulcrums of l e v e r s (1) and ( 2 ) are proportionalto A p and p respectively. These moments are balanced by the moment of the reaction N of movable knife edge (5), which connects l e v e r s (1) and ( 2 ) . The positionof knife edge (5) can be changed with the aid of lead s c r e w (6),which is rotated by servomotor (7). The change in the moment about the fulcrum of lever (Z), of the weight of knife edge (5) when the latter is displaced, is compensated by moving counterweight (10).in the opposite direction. F o r this purpose p a r t of l e a d s c r e w (6) has a left-hand thread. When the equilibrium of the l e v e r s is disturbed by a p r e s s u r e variation, the servomotor is switched on by transducer (8) and moves knife edge (5) into a new position at which the equilibrium of the l e v e r s is r e s t o r e d . The equilibrium condition is given by
Nx = ApF,a, = "'i
where L is the distance between knife edges (3) and (4), while F and (1 with corresponding subscripts a r e the effective areas of the bellows and the distances between their center lines and knife edges ( 3 ) and (4), respectively. When the static p r e s s u r e is equal t o the total p r e s s u r e , i. e., when the flow velocity is zero, lever (1) e x e r t s no force on lever ( 2 ) , because in this c a s e the reaction N p a s s e s through the fulcrum of lever (1). The initial position of knife edge (5) is in line with knife edge ( 3 ) , its displacement f r o m this initial position being
where k =
is constant.
Thus x is a function of the Mach number which can be determined with high accuracy f r o m the indications of counter (9), which is connected to lead s c r e w (6).
I I l1l11ll1lIlIIlI I I I Il l l Il 1 I
F i g u r e 5. 75 shows the dependence of t h e relative displacement x/L on the Mach number. By selecting different values of k , we can obtain maximum sensitivity of t h e instrument dxldM for different sections of t h e Mach-number range. In practice, u s e of t h e instrument is limited t o t h e range 0.5 < M < 3 , since f o r M> 3 t h e static p r e s s u r e p d r o p s v e r y sharply and the accuracy of the instrument is reduced due to t h e small displacements of knife edge (5), required to r e s t o r e t h e system to its equilibrium position.
2. 3.
5. 6.
8. 9.
14. 15.
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Chapter VI
balances of the f i r s t type, the total aerodynamic f o r c e and moment a r e resolved into components with the aid of various mechanisms. These balances will be called mechanical balances. The model is installed in the t e s t section of the tunnel with the aid of supports connected t o these mechanisms. The supports a r e also acted upon by aerodynamic forces and moments whose values have t o be taken into account when determining the t r u e aerodynamic forces and moments acting on the model. In addition, it is n e c e s s a r y t o take into account the interaction (interference) between the supports and the model, caused by flow perturbation n e a r the model due to the presence of the supports. Methods of determining the influence of the supports a r e described in Chapter VII.
FIGURE 6.1. Coordinate axes and projections of aerodynamic loads acting on the model. T h e broken lices represent the flow system of coordinates xyz. T h e full lines represent a coordinate system fixed to t h e model. The x'-axis belongs to the semifixed coordinate system ,
In many c a s e s , especially a t l a r g e flow velocities, the drag of the supports can be considerable and lead to l a r g e systematic e r r o r s . Hence, reducing the drag of the supports is very important, and the design of the wind-tunnel balances depends greatly on the type of support. In "external" (mechanical) wind -tunnel balances the components of forces and moments a r e usually determined in a s y s t e m of "balance" axes parallel to the flow axes of coordinates. Some low-speed tunnels have revolving f r a m e s which s e r v e to a l t e r the slip angle of the model; the indications of such balances r e f e r to semifixed coordinate axes. The drawback of mechanical wind-tunnel balances is the comparatively high weight of their elements; due to the inertia of the measuring system such balances cannot be used in tunnels having s h o r t operating durations. Wind-tunnel balances located inside the model enable the influence of the supports t o be excluded almost completely a t supersonic flow velocities. The s m a l l dimensions of the models tested in supersonic wind tunnels do not p e r m i t mechanical balances to be placed inside the models. P r a c t i c a l
designs of "internal" wind-tunnel balances became possible only with the development of strain-gage measurement methods during the past two decades. Methods of measuring forces by s t r a i n gages a r e based on the u s e of elastic s y s t e m s whose deformations (which a r e proportional t o the mechanical loads, and therefore t o the f o r c e s and moments) are determined with the a i d of s m a l l s t r a i n gages. The latter emit e l e c t r i c signals whose values a r e simple functions of the forces and moments. Using different e l e c t r i c diagrams, we can convert these functions s o as t o obtain signals which a r e proportional to the components of the aerodynamic f o r c e s and moments. At present, balances placed inside the models a r e widely used in highspeed wind tunnels. Another advantage of wind-tunnel balances based on strain-gage principles is their rapid response, which p e r m i t s measurements of f o r c e s in tunnels i n which steady flow l a s t s only tenths of second.
In spite of the many different designs of mechanical wind-tunnel balances, t h e r e a r e s e v e r a l elements which a r e common t o most types. These elements a r e : the supports for the model; the floating f r a m e f o r holding the supports and for taking up the f o r c e s acting on the model; the mechanical s y s t e m f o r resolving into components the f o r c e s taken up by the floating frame, and balance elements or dynamometers connected t o the output links of this s y s t e m ; and mechanisms f o r changing the angle of attack and the s l i p angle of the model. According t o the design of the devices supporting the model, we distinguish between balances with rigid and with flexible model supports. In balances with rigid supports the model is s e c u r e d to the floating f r a m e with the a i d of rigid supports or s t r u t s . In balanceswithflexible supports the model is secured with the aid of wires, s t r i n g s , or tapes tensioned with the aid of auxiliary weights or springs. In s e v e r a l designs the s e p a r a t e links of the flexible or rigid supports f o r m the elements of the mechanical system f o r resolving the aerodynamic f o r c e into components. In this c a s e no floating f r a m e is required as a s e p a r a t e element. The tested model is very often installed in a r e v e r s e position in the t e s t section of the wind tunnel s o that the positive lift is added t o the weight of the model and the floating f r a m e . In this c a s e the balance is placed above the t e s t section. The weight of the floating f r a m e is chosen in such a way that at the maximum negative value of the lift, the hinges and links of the mechanism will be subjected t o a certain load, s o as t o maintain them in contact. Models in the t r u e ("flying") position a r e installed in l a r g e wind tunnels. In such tunnels the weight of the tested models is l a r g e and i t is good practice t o i n c r e a s e the accuracy of measurements by partly unloading the floating frame of the lift acting upward. In addition, placing the balance above the t e s t section when the l a t t e r is l a r g e complicates the design of the supporting devices for the balance .
The aerodynamic f o r c e s and moments taken up by the model and transmitted t o the floating f r a m e (or to elements replacing it), a r e measured by determining the reactions n e c e s s a r y to prevent translational and r o t a r y displacement of the model. This is done by force-measuring instruments (balance elements o r dynamometers) in the links of the s y s t e m for resolving the f o r c e into components, which usually consists of a multi-link articulated mechanism. The links must be designed s o a s t o reduce to a minimum the work done by friction during the displacments. A number of non-Soviet wind tunnels a r e provided with hydraulic and pneumatic mechanisms for resolving the f o r c e s into components; they consist of kinematic p a i r s with v e r y low friction. For better utilization of the wind tunnel and to speed up the t e s t s , i t i s desirable that the f o r c e s be measured on the balance a s quickly as possible. This is made possible in modern wind tunnels by using special halance elements with automatic equilibration and recording of the indications. In o r d e r to determine the dimensionless aerodynamic coefficients, it is n e c e s s a r y to m e a s u r e , simultaneously with the f o r c e s acting on the model, the p a r a m e t e r s f r o m which the velocity head can be determined (see Chapter IV). The simultaneous measurement of a l l f o r c e and moment components is v e r y important f o r the accuracy of the experiment, In s e v e r a l old designs of balances, which today have only historical interest, each component was measured separately. The accuracy of determining dimensionless coefficients by measuring f o r c e s a t different instants is reduced, for instance, because of possible variations of the velocity head between readings. The dynamical c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of a l l balance elements should be uniform and close to those of the instruments used f o r measuring the flow p a r a m e t e r s . One of the most cumbersome operations when preparing the experiment is the mounting of the model and i t s supports. In a modern wind tunnel this takes f a r m o r e time than the m e a s u r e m e n t s . The tendency in designing the supports is to provide maximum e a s e of model installation and interchangeability of p a r t s and s u b - a s s e m b l i e s . In s e v e r a l industrial wind tunnels, two or t h r e e s e t s of balances a r e provided to speed up replacement of the model. While one s e t is used for the experiment, different models a r e mounted on the other s e t s . In supersonic tunnels, each s e t of balances i s installed in a s e p a r a t e t e s t section provided with wheels and c a r r i e d on r a i l s . Replacing the test section r e q u i r e s l e s s work than exchanging the model.
Mechanism for resolving the f o r c e s into components Depending on the method of resolving the forces into components, windtunnel balances can be divided into two groups: 1. Balances in which the loads taken by one o r s e v e r a l elements depend on two o r m o r e components. 2. Balances i n which each element takes up a load which is proportional t o only one component.
Balances of the f i r s t group have a simpler s y s t e m for resolving the f o r c e s into components than those belonging t o the second group. In balances of the first group the loads taken up by the elements a r e functions of the s u m s o r differences of two o r m o r e components. Some calculations a r e required to determine the separate components; this makes observation of the experiment difficult. In some e a r l i e r designs of such balances, s e v e r a l magnitudes were measured separately, while after each measurement certain manipulations with the balance mechanism w e r e necessary. Such were, for instance, the balances based on the t h r e e moment principle, used in N. E. Joukowski's laboratory at the University of Moscow and in the Eiffel Laboratory in France. In these balances, the moments about three points of the floating f r a m e to which the tested model is secured a r e measured successively. Solving equatations of statics, the drag Q , the lift Y , and the pitching moment hJza r e then determined. In balances of the second group, each element is intended for measuring a separate component. These balances r e q u i r e m o r e complicated mechanisms for resolving the forces into components, hut their advantage is the simplicity of processing the r e s u l t s of measurements and the possibility of directly controlling the experiment. This is most important in modern high-power wind tunnels, in which maximum reliability of experimental results is aimed at. To simplify the control of the experiment when using balances of the first group, p r i m a r y automatic processing of the measurements is sometimes employed. This processing consists of algebraically summimg up indications of separate elements, resulting in "net" values of the components. F o r all designs of mechanical wind-tunnel balances it i s possible to deduce general conditions necessary for the independent measurement of each component by one balance element. These conditions a r e that the work done by the component of the total aerodynamic force o r moment over the corresponding displacement of the model must be equal to the work done by the force acting on the balance element over the measuring distance of the latter. In the absence of friction in all kinematic p a i r s , and of deformation of the links in the mechanism which resolves the forces into components, we obtain
NQAq- Q S , = 0, N y h y - Y6, 0, N Z A Z -Z 6 , 0,
- M,,g, = 0,
N M y A M , , - n/1,68=0,
Nhf,AMM, - M,Eo = 0.
Here 6 x , 6,. & a r e the possible translational displacements of the model parallel to the coordinate x , y , and z-axes, 6,. 8, a r e the possible rotations of the model about these axes, h o , . . . . . AM,, a r e the displacements of the input links of the balance elements, and N,, . . . , N M I , a r e the loads acting on the l a t t e r . Kinematically these conditions mean that for a s m a l l translational displacement of the model parallel to any axis, there must be a motion, parallel to its axis, only of that link which connects the balance system with the element intended to m e a s u r e the force component acting in the direction of the axis considered, For a small rotation of the model about any axis, only that link must move parallel to its axis, which connects the s y s t e m with the element intended to m e a s u r e the moment about said axis.
If we disconnect the balance elements f r o m the mechanism resolving the forces into components, the model will have a number of degrees of freedom, equal to the number of the measured components. Each element is connected to such a point of the mechanism that when the latter is fixed the model is deprived of only one degree of freedom. Thus, i f all the scale elements were absolutely rigid and fixed (i.e., the link taking up the force did not move under the action of the force), the system f o r resolving the forces into components would become a statically determined system.
I! Y
FIGURE 6 . 2 . Parallelogram mechanisms for measuring forces. a - measurement of b - measurement of Y ; c measuremenr of Q and Y .
Q ;
Thus, the components can be measured independently by using mechanisms which permit f r e e translational displacements of the model, parallel to the coordinate axes, f o r measuring forces, and f r e e rotational displacements about the coordinate axes, f o r measuring moments, The number of degrees of freedom of the mechanism must be equal to the number of the measured components. Such systems can be formed f r o m a number of elementary mechanisms : mechanisms for translational displacements, mechanisms f o r rotational displacements, and combined mechanisms. M e c h a n i s m s f o r t r a n s 1 a t i o n a 1 d i s p 1a c e m e n t s . The simplest mechanism for measuring forces, which is widely used in windtunnel balances, is a hinged four-link mechanism forming a parallelogram. Figure 6 . 2 shows balances for measuring the drag Q and the l i f t Y with the aid of parallelogram mechanisms. The floating f r a m e is connected to rods AC and BD, whose direction is perpendicular to that of the measured force and which a r e hinged at C and Drespectively. By means of the rod A E , which is parallel to the direction of the measured force, the floating f r a m e is connected directly (or through a lever transmission which is not shown) with the corresponding balance element ( B E Q , BEY). A t a small displacement of the hinge E along A E , the f r a m e AB together with the model moves parallel to the direction of the drag Q (Figure 6 . 2a)
o r the lift Y (Figure 6. 2b). In these displacements, work is done only b y t h e f o r c e components Q and Y respectively; they a r e thus measured independently of each other and of the pitching moment, If we m e a s u r e the f o r c e s N , and N 2 acting i n the rods AC and B D by s e p a r a t e elements, the indications of t h e s e elements enable us t o determine the moment M, about any axis perpendicular to the x y plane. However, i f the hinges C and D a r e displaced in the direction of the rods AC and B D , work is done (by the f o r c e s Y and Q in Figure 6 . 2 a or the f o r c e Q in Figure 6.2b, and the moment &I2 ); the balance elements connected with t h e s e r o d s would thus m e a s u r e f o r c e s N , and N Pdepending both on the components of the total f o r c e and on the moment, In this c a s e the values of Y (or Q ) andM, can be determined f r o m the indications of two o r t h r e e balance elements by solving the corresponding equations given in the figure. By combining two parallelogram mechanisms, we obtain a mechanism which p e r m i t s independent measurement of two orthogonal f o r c e s (Figure 6 . 2c). This s y s t e m employs, in addition to the main floating f r a m e to which the model is secured, a rigid auxiliary floating f r a m e to which the rods a r e hinged. When measuring the horizontal f o r c e s with the a i d of parallelogram mechanisms, a s m a l l r a t i o of the horizontal f o r c e AQ t o the horizontal displacement 8Q of the floating frame, caused by it, is important; ( 64 is reckoned f r o m the z e r o position a t which the rods AC and BD a r e vertical and perpendicular t o A B (Figure 6. 2a). The f o r c e A Q r e p r e s e n t s the horizontal components of the f o r c e s N , and N 2 induced by the weight of the floating f r a m e in rods which a r e inclined a t an angle of aQ/a. If the weight of the floating f r a m e is G while the length of the rods AC and BD is a , then when aQ is small,
AQ G -=Q '
It follows f r o m this that the sensitivity of the s y s t e m measuring the f o r c e Q can be increased by lengthening the rods o r reducing the weight of the floating f r a m e . When the floating f r a m e is heavy, high sensitivity of the parallelogram mechanism can be achieved only through long rods which r e q u i r e a high room f o r installing the wind-tunnel balances. The "antiparallelogram" support of a floating f r a m e (Figure 6.3a) i n c r e a s e s the sensitivity when s h o r t rods a r e used. The translational displacement of the f r a m e is obtained by hinging it at 0 , and O2 to the equal-arm l e v e r s P I and P2 linked t o v e r t i c a l rods (I), ( 2 ) and (1') and (2'). The s e n s i t i v i t y i s i n c r e a s e d b y t h e f o r c e s in rods (1) and (2) (and a l s o in (1') and ( 2 ' ) ) having different signs; when the floating f r a m e is displaced, the horizontal projections of the f o r c e s in the inclined rods a c t pairwise in opposite directions. F o r the antiparallelogram support we have
where a , and a2 a r e respectively the length of r o d s (1) and (2) (or (1') and (21)). If rods (1) and (2) are of equal length the sensitivity is infinitely l a r g e .
- with
In a parallelogram support this is possible only with infinitely long r o d s . Figure 6 . 3b shows a s y s t e m which provides translational displacement of the floating f r a m e with the aid of Chebishev mechanisms, in which the equal-arm l e v e r s PI and P2 a r e c a r r i e d by inclined crossed r o d s . The advantage of this mechanism is in that the l i f t on the model and the weight of the floating f r a m e act on rods (1) and (2) (or (1') and (2l)) in the s a m e direction. This facilitates the design of the hinges.
BEr BE,,
For measuring the lift, a lever adding s y s t e m is mostly used, which p e r m i t s translational displacement of the floating f r a m e parallel to the vertical y-axis. Figure 6 . 4 shows a three-component wind-tunnel balance, in which the l i f t is measured with the aid of l e v e r s P , and P p , at whose fulcrums C and D the floating f r a m e is suspended by rods AC and B D . T h e l e v e r s a r e hinged t o fixed supports a t O1 and O2 a n d connected a t their f r e e ends by a pull rod t o the balance element B E y . The f o r c e s which a r e proportional to the forces acting i n r o d s AC and B D a r e added in the pull r o d . The l e v e r s P I and Pz have the s a m e a r m r a t i o i = al/bl = a 2 / b z ; hence, the load taken up by the pull rod and the balance element B E y is equal t o iY, i r r e s p e c t i v e of the point where the f o r c e Y is applied, i. e , , of the pitching moment M,. The d r a g Q is measured with the aid of a hinged parallelogram, which consists of a floating f r a m e , rods AC and BD, and c r a n k lever P3 through which the force acting in rod E A , which is equal to Q , is transmitted t o the balance element BE,. Crank l e v e r s a r e used whenever the balance elements can take up o n l y v e r t i c a l loads.
Figure 6 . 5 shows a method for removing excessive degrees of freedom, in the directions of the components not measured, of a floating three-component f r a m e . For this purpose, the adding lever P p has two equal horizontal a r m s of length a 2 , which a r e connected t o each other and t o the c e n t r a l a r m (of length b, ) by a rigid t r a n s v e r s e element. The a t the s a m e t i m e preventing the l e v e r pp can r o t a t e about axis 0202, floating f r a h e f r o m rotating about any axis p a r a l l e l t o O x . The crank l e v e r P3 which has two equal a r m s of length C, a l s o interconnected by a rigid t r a n s v e r s e element, a d d s the f o r c e s acting on the rods AE and AE which a r e p a r a l l e l to the x-axis, and t r a n s m i t s the load, which is proportional to the d r a g Q, to the balance element BE,. This lever prevents
the f r a m e f r o m rotating about any axis parallel t o Oy. Translational displacement of the f r a m e in the direction p a r a l l e l to the z-axis is prevented by a hinged rod OG which connects the f r a m e t o a fixed support. M e c h a n i s m s f o r m e a s u r i n g m o m e n t s . The t r a n s v e r s e axis Oz of wind-tunnel balances is usually the axis about which the model rotates when its angle of attack is altered. Hence, at a l l angles of attack, the origin of the balance coordinate s y s t e m r e m a i n s fixed in relation to the model. When the model is sufficiently l a r g e it can be hinged along the z-axis to the fixed p a r t of the support. The tail section of the model has hinged t o it a movable streamlined s t r u t by means of which the angle of attack is a l t e r e d . Mechanisms f o r measuring moments can be divided into two groups : mechanisms with measuring hinges on the model and mechanisms without measuring hinges. Measuring hinges a r e bearings on the supports with whose a i d the angle of attack of the model can be altered, while at the s a m e time a slight rotation of the model, a t low friction, enables a force to be transmitted through the t a i l s t r u t to a balance element which m e a s u r e s the pitching moment MI. An example of a three-component balance with a measuring hinge on the model i s shown in F i g u r e 6 . 4 a . The pitching moment Mz is measured with the aid of l e v e r P1 and balance element BEJ, supported on the floating f r a m e A B . 0
I l11l1l1l1l1l111ll1l1lIl I I l l l Il
The pitching moment is transmitted to lever P I by s t r u t T, hinged t o the tail section of the model and to an intermediate lever P5. Rotation of the latter about support O4 of lever Phcauses the angle of attack of the model to be altered.
If, in addition to the pitching moment M,, the components M, and M, have to be determined, the measuring hinges have two O r t h r e e steps. The model, which is fixed to the supports at three points, can in this case be considered a s a three-dimensional statically determined beam supported a t three points (Figure 6 . 6 ) . The components of the total aerodynamic moment cause reactions at the hinge supports 0, and 02, which can be geometrically added to the reactions at these supports, caused by the components of the total force. A six-component balance / 2 / with measuring hinges on the model is whichare shown in Figure 6 . 7. The model is supported at points 0, and 02, located at a distance a f r o m each other ( t r a n s v e r s ebase) in the wings of the model, b y m e a n s o f wires o r tapes connected to two separate floating f r a m e s F , and F 2 . The tail hinge OB, located at a distance 1 (longitudinal base) f r o m
the line 0, O p (the z -axis), is connected by a w i r e o r tape to the lever P I whose rotation in relation to a lever P2 indicates the angle of attack of the model. Levers P , and P2 a r e connected by means of a worm gear. Lever P1 transmits the load due to the pitching moment M,, to the balance element B E S ; . Allvertical components acting a t O,, Cz and O3 a r e transmitted to balance elements B E y , , B E y , and B E y , respectively through l e v e r s having equal transmission ratios i , The horizontal components acting at 0 , and O p , which a r e parallel to the x-axis, a r e transmitted to balance elements RE,, and BEQ,through crank levers whose transmission ratio is i p , while the s i d e f o r c e 2 is transmitted to balance element BE, through a crank lever having a transmission ratio iz . If we denote the loads taken up by the balance elements by N with the corresponding subscript, the different components of forces and moments a r e :
In order to permit negative values of M,, M, and Y to be measured, the balance elements BEu, B E y , and BEY,arepreloaded by weights G .
, . 6
The design of this balance does not p e r m i t independent m e a s u r e m e n t s of t h e components. The above formulas show that only Z and M , a r e determined a s the indications of a single balance element. The other f o r c e components a r e determined as s u m s , and the other moment components, as differences of the indications of balance elements. Measuring hinges a r e comparatively easily installed on models of wings tested in subsonic wind tunnels. When models a r e tested at high flow velocities, it is extremely difficult t o install the measuring hinges, because Transonic and of the s m a l l dimensions of the model and the l a r g e loads supersonic wind tunnels often have, therefore, balances in which the instantaneous axes of rotation of the model coincide with the coordinate axes of the balances without measuring hinges being provided on the model. Differing in design f r o m balances with measuring hinges, where displacements of the balance elements measuring the moments a r e caused by displacements of the model in relation to its supports, in balances without measuring hinges, displacements of the balance elements a r e caused by displacements of the model together with i t s supports. An example of such a design, the so-called "pyramidal" support ( F i g u r e 6 - 8 1 , is used i n s e v e r a l types of wind-tunnel balances in the U. S. A . and Britain
l 3 f , 141.
F r a m e (11, which rigidly supports the model with the aid of s t r e a m lined s t r u t s (2), is suspended on t h r e e - s t e p hinges f r o m four rods AC, A'C', B D , and U'U', whose prolongations i n t e r s e c t at 0. This point is the intersection of the t h r e e instantaneous axes of rotation, which coincide with the x -,y -, and z-axes, about which the f r a m e with the model can turn , fig and E,. These angles are transmitted a s through s m a l l angles ; measurement displacements to the balance elements BEw,, BEnfrand BE^, , connected to the f r a m e by t h r e e r o d s .
A simple two-dimensional s y s t e m with instantaneous center of rotation in the model and with mutually perpendicular links is shown in Figure 6. 9. The floating f r a m e (1) is hinged by parallel rods (3) to beam (2). In the direction parallel to the x-axis, the f r a m e is connected to the fixed points A and B by two rods (4), located at either side of the test section of the wind tunnel in the x z plane. Beam (2) is connected by rod (5) to a balance element BE,,located a t distance I f r o m the axis of rotation of the beam. The instantaneous axis of rotation Oz of the model coincides with the intersection of the vertical plane passing through the axis of rotation of beam (2), with the horizontal plane containing rods (4). The pitching moment M , acting on the model is taken up by beam (2) and transmitted to the balance element as load N , , = MJl. If points A and B a r e not fixed, but f o r m the ends of a crank lever ( 6 ) , a s shown by broken lines, the f r a m e with the model has an additional degree of freedom in translational motion along the x-axis, permitted by rods (3)of the parallelogram. When lever (6) is connected t o balance element BE4 , we obtain a system with two degrees of freedom, which permits us to m e a s u r e simultaneously and independently the moment about the z-axis and the drag Q. C o m b i n e d m o m e n t - f o r c e m e c h a n i s m s . Among the designs of wind-tunnel balances t h e r e exists a group of mechanisms which a r e intended for simultaneous and independent measurements of coplanar f o r c e s and couples. These mechanisms do not require measuring hinges on the model.
Figure 6.10 shows Iever systems with two degrees of freedom, developed by the author f r o m original designs of wind-tunnel balances by G. M. Musinyants.
The s y s t e m shown i n Figure 6.10a consists of a beam P3 supported on a fixed hinge, and two adding l e v e r s PI and P 2 , whose outer ends a r e suspended by rods f r o m beam P a , their inner ends being connected by a rod to balance element B E y Beam P 3 is connected to scale element BEnl. The lengths of these m e m b e r s a r e shown in the figure. Let the link A B , connected by vertical rods to l e v e r s P , and P o , be acted upon by a vertical f o r c e Y passing through 0 and a couple M . The loads acting on the l e v e r s a r e then respectively
where i = at/bi = az/bz is the transmission r a t i o of l e v e r s P , and P,. In o r d e r that the load N M on balance element BEnl be independent of the force Y , i t is necessaryand sufficient to place the origin of the balance coordinate s y s t e m at a point 0 between A and B s o that the condition:
L =1 _
is satisfied. In this case, when link A B rotates about 0, the inner ends of levers P ,
and P P I which a r e connected to balance element B E y , r e m a i n stationary and
The link A B is usually the floating f r a m e of the balance. An example of the use of the combined s y s t e m in three-component balances is shown in Figure 6 . 1 1 . To increase the sensitivity of drag m e a s u r e m e n t s , the floating f r a m e is supported on two antiparallelograms. The upper rods of the antiparallelograms a r e connected to l e v e r s p , and P2 of the combined system. This permits Y and M, to be measured independently by balance elements B E y and B E , , . In o r d e r to eliminate the effect of drag on the pitching moment, acompensating lever P, is used (see p. 344). In the second lever s y s t e m of G. M. Musinyants (Figure 6. lob) the link A B is connected by rods to an e q u a l - a r m lever P , whose fulcrum is suspended by a rod f r o m balance element B E Y . Two further equal-arm levers a r e provided: lever P2 with a fixed fulcrum and lever Pa whose fulcrum is suspended by a rod f r o m balance element BEnr. Under the action of the force Y the link A B undergoes a translational displacement tiy as shown by broken lines in Figure 6. l o b . Levers P2 and P3 turn about their fulcrums and transmit only the f o r c e N y = Y to balance element B E y . Under the action of the moment M I the link A B rotates about 0, l e v e r s PI and P2 turn about their fulcrums, and lever pa is displaced parallel to itself over a distance 8 ~ , transmitting a force iVM = 2 M / L to balance element BEM
Figure 6 . 1 2 shows a six-component wind-tunnel balance consisting of three-dimensional l e v e r s with two-step hinges 1 6 1 . The threedimensional element (Figure 6.12a), like the two-dimensional mechanisms described above, makes possible measurements of the vertical f o r c e passing through a given point and the moment about this point. It consists of two plane l e v e r s : the equal-arm front lever P I and the one-arm back l e v e r P2, both rigidly interconnected. The axis of rotation of the three-dimensional lever p a s s e s through the fixed support O2 and the hinge O1 which is connected by rod T I to balance element BEY. Rod 1'7 l i e s i n the vertical plane of r o d s AC and B D through which the f o r c e Y and the couple M a r e transmitted t o l e v e r P I .
The vertical plane containing rod T , and support O2 is perpendicular to the plane ACDB. The f o r c e Y is taken up by rod TI and transmitted to balance element BEY. The moment is taken up by rod T2 which is connected to balance element BE,,. In this way the balance elements a r e acted upon by the f o r c e s N , = Y and N , = M / a , s o that the mechanism p e r m i t s the f o r c e and the moment to be measured independently. M e c h a n i s m s w i t h " h y d r o s t a t i c " p a i r s . Outside the USSR, wind-tunnel balances a r e widely used in which the f o r c e s a r e resolved into components with the aid of kinematic p a i r s based on hydrostatic principles. The weight of the moving element and the load applied t o i t a r e taken up by the p r e s s u r e of oil or a i r . P r e s s u r i z e d air o r oil is circulated between the s u r f a c e s of the moving and the stationary links of the p a i r ; dry friction
between two solid s u r f a c e s is thus replaced by friction between a liquid and a solid s u r f a c e . Surfaces of suitable shape can provide
those degrees of freedom of the moving link which correspond to the directions of the measured components of the f o r c e and the moment. By connecting in t h e s e directions the link to balance elements, we can m e a s u r e the components. Since the frictional f o r c e hetween a solid body and a liquid is proportional to the velocity of the body, while the balance element m e a s u r e s the f o r c e at the instant when the body is stationary, friction in the "hydrostatic" p a i r is v e r y small.
Figure 6.13 shows kinematic p a i r s providing two degrees of freedom (translation along, and rotation about a n axis perpendicular t o the plane of the paper), and t h r e e degrees of freedom (rotation about t h r e e coordinate axes passing through 0 ) . In the pair shown in F i g u r e 6.13a only translational displacement is normally used f o r measuring the f o r c e component parallel to the cylinder axis.
Cylindrical surface
- with
C o m p e n s a t i n g m e c h a n i s m s . In o r d e r t o prevent the moment f r o m affecting the measurement of f o r c e s , the balance element BEnrinmany designs of wind-tunnel balances is placed on a floating f r a m e as shown in Figure 6.4a. When the balance elements are located on a stationary b a s e instead, maintenance, and in s o m e cases a l s o the design of the balance , can be simplified. However, when the balance elements a r e located on "ground", it becomes necessary t o compensate the additional f o r c e on the floating f r a m e in the direction of the link rod of the balance element BEB, F o r instance, if in the s y s t e m shown in Figure 6.4a we t r a n s f e r the balance element t o "ground", as shown in Figure 6.4b, rod T I , which connects lever P4 t o the balance element BE,,, will a l s o take up p a r t of the vertical load, unloading r o d s AC and BD. In o r d e r t o direct this p a r t of the load t o balance element BEV, a compensating lever p g , having the same transmission r a t i o as l e v e r s PI and Plr is provided. Figure 6.14 shows a three-component wind-tunnel balance / 3 / . F o r measuring d r a g and lift, the floating f r a m e F i has two degrees of freedom in translation, provided respectively by the parallelogram mechanism A C D B and the adding mechanism consisting of l e v e r s P , and Pn. For measuring the moement MZ, a second floating frame F~ is connected t o F I by a pyramidal support whose instantaneous center of rotation lies on the z-axis. Since the balance element which m e a s u r e s the moment is
installed on the "ground", the external forces acting on floating f r a m e F I consist, in addition to the aerodynamic forces, also of the force MJI in the horizontal rod EF connecting the "moment" f r a m e F z to balance element BE,,, .
FIGURE 6.14. Removing t h e reaction moment from t h e balance e l e m e n t B E M z .
P a r t BC' of the horizontal rod BD', connecting f r a m e F f to the system f o r measuring the force Q, is acted upon by a load -Q + M,/1 . The compensating device used in this system differs f r o m the previous one (Figure 6, 4b) in that the compensating lever P 3 has a fixed fulcrum. An equal-arm lever P1 is hinged a t the center 0, of lever P 3 . One end of l e v e r P4 is connected to rod E F , and the other end to balance element BEDI, (through an intermediate crank lever). A force 2MJl acts on lever P& at 0,. The moment due to this force, about the fixed support o2of lever ps , is balanced by the moment due to the force acting in p a r t BC' of rod ED'. Thus when only a couple a c t s on the model, the force in CD' is z e r o and balance element BE, does not take up any load. In wind-tunnel balances without measuring hinges on the model, where the measured moments a r e transmitted to the balance elements through a floating frame, the latter is in addition to the components of the a e r o dynamic moment, also acted upon by the moments due to the reactions in the hinges of the links connecting the f r a m e with the balance elements. The effect of!the reaction moments on the balance indications can also be elmininated by compensating devices. Thus, f o r instance, in three-component wind-tunnel balances (Figure 6.11) the d r a g is taken up by the horizontal rod T, connecting the floating f r a m e to the balance elements through crank lever P 6 . Rod T
is connected t o the fIoating f r a m e at a distance h f r o m the x-axis. Hence, in addition to the moment M, the f r a m e is also acted upon by a counterclockwise moment due to the couple Qh. The lower hinge of the rod connecting lever P3 to balance element B E M , is loaded by the force
-/ L - Q h -1T - i.
To balance the moment Q h , crank lever P5 is connected by a rod to the fulcrum of a compensating lever P , whose ends a r e hinged to rods connected to balance elements B E M , and B E , . If the a r m s of lever P5 a r e equal, lever P, transmits to balance element B E , an additional load
Thus, when the compensating lever P4 has a transmission ratio m!n = ( I i ) L h / c l , the effect of the d r a g Q on the measurement of M, can be eliminated. The loads on the halance elements w i l l then be
-G)Q .
If the direction of rod T coincides with the x-axis, a s shown in Figure 6 . 1 1 by the broken line, then h = 0, m/n = 0 , and no compensating lever is necessary.
FIGURE 6.15. Compensating t h e reaction moment by applying t o t h e floating frame a n opposing moment.
In the s y s t e m shown in Figure 6.11, the influence of the reaction moment Qh is eliminated by adding a load t o balance element BEnr,. An alternative method is t o apply t o the floating f r a m e a moment opposed to the reaction moment (Figure 6.15). The floating f r a m e is suspended at A and 6 f r o m a l e v e r s y s t e m (not shown) which m e a s u r e s the v e r t i c a l load and the moment while at A'and B'it is connected by r o d s to l e v e r s P2 and p3 which have the s a m e a r m r a t i o alb. L e v e r P3 takes up p a r t of the load due to the f o r c e Q , which is transmitted by means of l e v e r P A , having a t r a n s m i s s i o n r a t i o m/n, and equal-arm c r a n k l e v e r Ps . This load, equal t o Qmln, causes equal and opposite forces in rods A'C' and B'D'which cause a moment Qm(a h ) L / b n t o act on the floating f r a m e . This moment is opposed t o the reaction moment Qh. Hence, if the t r a n s m i s s i o n r a t i o s of l e v e r s Pz,Ps, and Pk a r e such that
Elements of wind-tunnel balances The main elements in the described mechanisms of wind-tunnel balances a r e l e v e r s , hinges, and r o d s . Sensitivity and accuracy of the balances depend on the design of t h e s e elements, which a r e v e r y s i m i l a r to those used in ordinary balances. T h e main design requirements are: 1) s m a l l friction during measurement displacements ; 2 ) high sensitivity; 3 ) high accuracy of the t r a n s m i s s i o n r a t i o s of the l e v e r s in the adding and "moment" s y s t e m s ; 4 ) rigidity of all l e v e r s , rods and f r a m e s ; this is n e c e s s a r y for minimum distortion of the system under the action of aerodynamic loads; 5 ) adjustabiIity of the fixed supports, to p e r m i t elimination of systematic e r r o r s due t o initial i n c o r r e c t installation of the s y s t e m . The f i r s t two requirements a r e best met by lever s y s t e m s employing knife edges and elastic hinges. Ball bearings should be avoided, but a r e sometimes used in highly loaded supports of crank l e v e r s . In this c a s e the effects of friction a r e reduced by using l a r g e Iever a r m s ; this d e c r e a s e s the work done by friction when the l e v e r s undergo angular displacements. K n i f e e d g e s . Figure 6.16 shows two types of knife edges which a r e v e r y often used in wind-tunnel balances. A double knife edge (Figure 6.16a) e n s u r e s high stability of l e v e r (1) in relation to its longitudinal axis, and is generally used as fixed o r main support of a l e v e r . The second design (Figure 6.16b) is employedfor connecting a lever with a rod. In both types of hinges, the working edges of the knives a r e obtained by milling s u r f a c e s forming angles of 50 to 60" in cylindrical rods (2). Pads (3) a r e s e l f adjustable along pins (4) which a r e perpendicular to the knife edges. The other degrees of freedom of the pads, necessary f o r aligning the knife edges with the notch in the pad i n c a s e of manufacturing e r r o r s ,
I . I .
en, I
. , I
1 .
a r e provided by r a d i a l and t r a n s v e r s e clearances e , and e2 of 0.2 to 0.3". To prevent l a t e r a l friction between knife edge and pad, the l a t e r a l s u r f a c e s of the l a t t e r have conical protrusions whose peaks p r e s s against the knife edge, while the end s u r f a c e s of the latter a r e milled a t right angles t o the edge (Figure 6.16a). Alternatively the l a t e r a l s u r f a c e s of the pad a r e flat while those of the knife edge a r e formed by two planes each, whose intersections a r e coplanar with the edge and iticlined to it at angles of 6 0 t o 75" (Figure 6.16b).
Lever support
- for
In o r d e r to prevent the knife edge f r o m sticking between the pads, an axial clearance e3 of 0.2 to 0.3 m m is provided. The knife edge is fixed t o the l e v e r with the aid of integral flange (5). This design p e r m i t s adjustment of the l e v e r - a r m lengths by turning the knife edge about the axis of its cylindrical p a r t , which is at a distance A f r o m the edge. After adjustment the knife edge is fixed in the lever with the aid of pin ( 6 ) . Figure 6 . 1 7 shows another design of a knife edge used in fixed lever supports. The triangular knife edge (11, which is p r e s s e d into lever (21, is supported on a s p l i t pad consisting of two p a r t s (3) and (4), i n t e r connected by rings (5) located on projections of said p a r t s . The opening between p a r t s (3) and (4)contains, perpendicular to the knife edge,
a r o l l e r (6) on which pad (3) can turn. Rotation of the pad about an axis, perpendicular t o the axis of knife edge (1) and r o l l e r (6), is made possible by the cylindrical tail of p a r t (4) being inserted into a hole in support (7). Axial displacement of the knife edge beyond the permitted clearance e3 is prevented by plate (8), fixed by s c r e w s t o pad (3).
The knife edge and pad a r e made f r o m case-hardened alloy s t e e l s which a r e heat-treated. The pads have a Rockwell hardness of 63 to 65.
- wlthour
fixed cenrer;
T o prevent the knife edges f r o m leaving m a r k s on the pad surfaces, the hardness of the f o r m e r is 2 to 4 degrees l e s s than that of the pads. The case-hardened layer has a thickness of 0.8 to 1 m m . Pads and knife edges can a l s o be made f r o m noncarburized s t e e l and have equal hardness. The load acting on hardened knife edges is usually 200 to 400 kgs p e r c m of edge length. The drawback of knife edges is that they can take up only positive loads which f o r c e the edge onto the pad. When negative loads have also t o be measured, the balances a r e preloaded by counterweights. These counterweights a r e calculated in such a way that a t the maximum possible negative aerodynamic f o r c e s the loads on all hinges will s t i l l be positive. T r a n s v e r s e loads on the knife edges a r e permitted only within s m a l l l i m i t s (of the o r d e r of a few 70 of the normal load). E 1a s t i c h i n g e s . Elastic hinges a r e plates which have low bending rigidity in one plane but a considerable rigidity in a plane perpendicular to the f i r s t . The advantages of elastic hinges over knife edges a r e : 1) simplicity of manufacture, 2) high reliability in operation and e a s e of obtaining hinges with two degrees of freedom, required f o r three-dimensional measurement s y s t e m s , 3 ) complete absence of friction, 4 ) capability of taking up loads of different s i g n s .
T h e r e a r e two types of elastic hinges: hinges without fixed centers and hinges with fixed centers. In an elastic hinge without fixed center (Figure 6.18a) the position of the instantaneous center of rotation depends on the deformation of the hinge; such hinges a r e therefore used for fixing rods to l e v e r s and floating f r a m e s only when the displacements of the l a t t e r a r e v e r y s m a l l . Hinges without fixed c e n t e r s cannot take up t r a n s v e r s e loads.
Hinges with fixed centers consist of two o r m o r e plates intersecting a t right angles (Figure 6.18b and c ) , The hinge shown in Figure 6 . 1 8 ~ is made by milling side openings into a hollow cylinder. Under the action of the moment applied t o it, the frontal p a r t of the cylinder t u r n s , in relation to the r e a r part, by a s m a l l angle about the axis of the cylinder, Hinges with fixed centers a r e used a s principal supports of l e v e r s and can take up considerable t r a n s v e r s e loads.
The design of elastic two-step hinges is shown in Figure 6 . 19. A twostep hinge can be made by machining mutually perpendicular planes into a rod (Figure 6. 19a). In this widely used design the instantaneous axes
FIGURE 6.21.
of rotation in the two planes do not coincide, but this is usually not important. Rods with such two-step hinges a t both ends a r e suitable f o r interconnecting
l e v e r s with nonparallel axes of rotation, or with p a r a l l e l axes of rotation when, due to manufacturing e r r o r s , the r o d s a r e slightly inclined t o the planes of rotation of the l e v e r s . Figures 6 . 20 and 6 . 21 show l e v e r s on elastic hinges. The principal hinges, which e n s u r e the required transmission r a t i o s (for instance, in lever adding s y s t e m s ) , a r e v e r y often knife edges, while elastic hinges a r e used f o r those links of the system which need not have accurate t r a n s m i s s i o n r a t i o s , since they a r e adjusted with other links or p a r t s of the system. Elastic hinges a r e milled f r o m high-alloy s t e e l rolled sections. Machining is c a r r i e d out a f t e r heat treatment designed to provide a yield s t r e s s of about 8 0 k g / m m 2 . After this heat treatment s t e e l can s t i l l be machined. In o r d e r to avoid s t r e s s concentrations, transitions f r o m thin t o thick sections must have fillet r a d i i not s m a l l e r than the plate thickness. The maximum p e r m i s s i b l e load must not exceed 0.3 to 0.4 t i m e s the yield s t r e s s . Elastic hinges made f r o m flat spring s t e e l a r e s i m p l e r to manufacture but l e s s reliable, since it is difficult t o fit them without clearances. Reliable fixing is the main requirement f o r elastic hinges. Experimenters sometimes waste much time finding out why the accuracy in wind-tunnel balances is reduced, while the only r e a s o n is s m a l l clearances in some of the connections of the elastic hinges. The main c h a r a c t e r i s t i c of the elastic hinge is i t s rigidity or stability. When the hinge is turned the bending s t r e s s e s in the m a t e r i a l c a u s e a r e s t o r i n g moment proportional to the angle of rotation. When this angle is v e r y small, the r e s t o r i n g moment i s much higher than the frictional moment of an equivalent knife edge. Hence, these hinges a r e best used in those elements of l e v e r s y s t e m s of wind-tunnel balances, which take up the highest loads, and thus have the s m a l l e s t displacements. If necessary, elastic hinges can be used when the angles of rotation a r e l a r g e (up to s e v e r a l degrees of an a r c ) ; their extreme rigidity is then compensated by inserting into the s y s t e m unstable links, f o r instance, of the type shown in Figure 6 . 4 3 . H e r m e t i c a l l y s e a l e d o p e n i n g s f o r r o d s . In s e v e r a l designs of supersonic wind tunnels the floating f r a m e of the balance i s inside a hermetically sealed chamber surrounding the t e s t section, while the l e v e r s y s t e m of the balance is outside the chamber. In o r d e r to lead out the force-transmitting rods f r o m the chamber, packings a r e used which prevent entry of a i r into the chamber f r o m the atmosphere. A reliable packing, which f r e e s the rod f r o m the action of the difference of p r e s s u r e i n the chamber and the surrounding atmosphere, is shown i n F i g u r e 6 . 2 2 . Packings a r e made f r o m multi -ribbed metal membranes (bellows) which have a relatively s m a l l rigidity. Similar packings a r e sometimes used t o lead out p a r t s of the model support f r o m the t e s t section of the wind tunnel. M o d e 1 s u p p o r t s . According to the method of connecting the model t o the balance s y s t e m we distinguish between flexible supports (wires or t a p e s ) and rigid supports (stands o r s t r u t s ) . Wire supports, f i r s t used by Prandtl in wind-tunnel balances of his design, a r e still used i n s o m e lowspeed wind tunnels. Many wind-tunnel balances with wire supports have no floating f r a m e s , since the wires (or tapes) themselves, when tensioned by counterweights, can s e r v e as links of the mechanism f o r resolving the forces into components.
35 1
The principle of measuring forces, used when the model is flexibly supported, is illustrated in Figure 6 . 2 3 . The vertical force Y is directly
Balance lever
FIGURE 6.22.
Hermetic ally sealed rod outlets.
taken up by wires (1) and (2), pre-tensioned by counterweights G I and G2. When wires (4) and (5) a r e inclined at angles of 45", the tension in wires (2) and (31, due t o the counterweight G , , i s G 2 1 / P / 2 . The change in tension in wire (3), which is measured by balance element B E Q , is equal to the drag Q of the model.
FIGURE 6.23.
The three-strut support (Figure 6.24) is most widely used f o r fixing the model to the floating f r a m e of the balance in a subsonic tunnel. The p a r t s adjacent to the model have the shape of symmetrical airfoils. In o r d e r to reduce the drag of the s t r u t s and increase the measurement accuracy, those parts which a r e farthest away from the model a r e covered with shrouds secured t o the wind-tunnel walls. The shroud of the trailing
support, which moves i n the flow direction when the angle of attack of the model is altered, has a l a r g e clearance in relation to the s t r u t or is moved with the aid of a s e r v o mechanism along the tunnel wall in such a way that the clearance between the support and the shroud r e m a i n s constant .
FIGURE 6.24 Three-strut support devices. 1 - leading strut; 2 -shrouds; .. 3 - t r ai l i n g strut; 4 - mechanism for altering angle of a t t a c k .
A t l a r g e flow velocities, interference between the supports and the model i n c r e a s e s , but its influence i s difficult to determine. At transonic velocities the additional blockage of the tunnel by s t r u t s and shrouds is v e r y serious, and may lead t o p r e m a t u r e choking of the tunnel. Shocks a t the unshrouded p a r t s of the s t r u t s cause additional d r a g whose magnitude v a r i e s considerably even with s m a l l changes in flow velocity
The degree of tunnel blockage, the additional drag, ant the effec of the s t r u t s on the flow around the model can be reduced by the u s e of a r r o w type s t r u t s (Figure 6 . 25) or arrow-type tape supports. It is a l s o possible to fix models of rockets or airplanes with s h o r t wings on single rigid arrow-type s t r u t s . The angle of attack of the model is in this c a s e altered with the a i d of a rod inside the streamlined s t r u t (Figure 6. 2 6 ) .
A s e r i o u s drawback of wind-tunnel balances with s t r u t supports is the reduced accuracy of measuring side f o r c e s and heeling moments.
single arrow-type
This force, taken up by the balance element measuring the s i d e force, a l s o causes a moment about the x-axis of the balance, which is taken up by the balance element measuring the heeling moment M, on the model. It is not always possible t o eliminate completely the additional loads taken up by the supports at l a r g e flow velocities. The perturbations caused by the s t r u t s a t the s i d e s of the model distort the flow pattern n e a r the model a t supersonic velocities in a way that cannot practically be taken into account. Hence, in a supersonic wind tunnel the model is installed with the aid of a cantilever tail support (Figure 6. 27). Downstream, the support is rigidly fixed t o a s t r u t mounted at the r e a r of the t e s t section, where its presence does not affect
3 54
the flow in the test-section where the model is installed. This installation is particularly suitable f o r models of modern rockets and airplanes having blunt tails. In mechanical wind-tunnel balances, which a r e placed outside the t e s t section, suppqrts and s t r u t s must be shrouded. 8 8 T o balance A good s y s t e m of supports in a s u p e r sonic wind tunnel is shown in F i g u r e 6.28. Model (1) is fixed at its tail t o cylindrical cantilever support (2), which is installed i n the central p a r t of s t r u t (3). The l a t t e r is shaped like an a r c of a c i r c l e whose center is at the origin of coordinates of the balance . The tail support and the s t r u t a r e covered by shroud (4), which turns together with the s t r u t when the angle of attack of the model is altered. A s e r v o device, which synchronizes the rotation of s t r u t and shroud, p e r m i t s a constant s m a l l clearance t o be maintained between the s t r u t , which is connected t o the FIGURE 6 . 2 8 . Semicircular s t r u t . 1 balance , and the shroud, which is model; 2 - cantilever support ; 3 connected t o the tunnel walls. This design semicircular strut; 4 -shroud. p e r m i t s the c r o s s section of the shroud t o be reduced to a minimum. The minimum sections of s t r u t and tail support a r e determined f r o m t h e i r deformations. Under no circumstances must the deflected support touch the shroud since otherwise part of t h e aerodynamic f o r c e s would be taken up by the shroud and the balance would give false indications. In o r d e r t o i n c r e a s e the range of angles of attack, supports curved in the x y-plane a r e sometimes used. Curved supports s e r v e a l s o i n m o d e l t e s t s a t different slip angles. In this c a s e the plane of bending is perpendicular to the plane in which the angle of attack changes. Figure 6 . 2 9 r e p r e s e n t s a simplified diagram of the balance f o r the 1 8 " X 2 0 " c r o s s -section supersonic wind tunnel of the Jet-Propulsion Laboratory of the California Institute of Technology. The floating "moment" f r a m e of the balance , to which an arc-shaped s t r u t is fixed, r e s t s on a pyramidal r o d s y s t e m . The instantaneous axis of rotation of the floating f r a m e coincides with the axis of the s t r u t , about which the l a t t e r can t u r n on the floating f r a m e , and with the z -axis of the balance f 7 f . F o r load t e s t s of airfoils in supersonic wind tunnels the model is inserted with a s m a l l clearance through the tunnel walls which can be rotated in o r d e r t o maintain the clearance constant a t different angles of attack. When optical observations of the flow around the model a r e undertaken simultaneously with the f o r c e measurements, the rotating walls a r e made f r o m ,optical g l a s s (Figure 6.30). Such designs a r e used a l s o f o r measuring f o r c e s acting on half-models, i. e., three-dimensional models of wings o r finned bodies which a r e installed on the tunnel wall in such a way that the plane of s y m m e t r y of the model coincides with the plane of the wall (Figure 6 . 31).
FIGURE 6.29. Six-component wind-runnel balance with curved strut. of the California Instituteof Technology. 1 -support; 2 -moment table; 3 -balance ; 4 force table; 5 -balance element ; D -drag; S side force; P -pitching moment; R- heeling moment; Y -yawing moment; L-lift; 6 -struts of pyramidal floating-frame suspension; I -shroud; 8 -wind tunnel.
FIGURE 6.32.
flexible tape suspension. Balances of this type are intended f o r tunnels with open test sections, as a r e installed i n the subsonic tunnel of the Moscow State University. The balance is mounted on a platform supported by columns on a c a r r i a g e located outside the flow. The c a r r i a g e with the balance and the suspended model (Figure 6.33) is rolled onto a rotating table in the test-section floor; by turning this table about a v e r t i c a l axis, the angle of yaw B of the model can be altered.
FIGURE 6.33.
The tested model is suspended f r o m the balance at points A , B and C (Figure 6.32) in inverted position b y means of a combined suspension which consists p a r t l y of rigid shrouded rods and p a r t l y of tapes of streamlined section. T h e origin of coordinates of the measuring s y s t e m is at the midpoint of A B i n the v e r t i c a l plane of s y m m e t r y of the model. The s a m e plane contains the t a i l support point C of the model. At A and B , two horizontal rods a r e secured which a r e connected at D and E to inclined tension wires, fixed at F and H, and to v e r t i c a l tapes connected to the horizontal beam TI. Counterweights GI, G ; , G2, G; and G3 s e r v e t o p r e tension all tapes, a s shown at the bottom of Figure 6.32. The tensions in rods A D and B E , caused by the aerodynamic f o r c e s acting on the model, where 1 is the distance between A a r e respectively -+L Q M and--> Q M 2 L 2 1 and B . Since the inclined tension wires f o r m angles of 135" with the horizontals and verticals, t h e t o t a l v e r t i c a l f o r c e acting on beam TI is equal t o the sum of the f o r c e s acting on r o d s A D and BE The d r a g u is measured by balance element BEp with the a i d of levers PI,P2, and Pa- The moment, due t o the
vertical forces acting on beam Ti, is equal to the moment M, measured by balance element BEAIywith the aid of lever Ps. The l i f t is taken up by tapes L 1 , L p , L 3 and L , ; the directions of tapes L , . L 2 and L31ie in the s a m e vertical plane. Beam TP takes up that p a r t of the l i f t which acts a t A . Since tapes L I and L p a r e inclined to the vertical, beam T P takes up also the total side force Z . In o r d e r to transmit these forces to the balance elements B E , and B E , , beam T2 is suspended f r o m rocking lever B I . This permits translational motion of beam T2 in the y z plane. Rocking l e v e r BI takes up all moments acting in the vertical plane on beam T2 and prevents its rotation. Tape L3 is fixed to beam T 3 which is suspended f r o m rocking lever B2 similarly a s beam T2is suspended f r o m rocking lever B , . By rearranging the points at which the tapes a r e fixed to beams TI and T ~ we , can vary the length 1 without affecting the equilibrium conditions of the system. Beams T2 and T3 a r e connected by rods to l e v e r s P6, Ps and P , intended f o r measuring the l i f t Y and the heeling moment M,. The vertical force acting on tape L , is proportional to the pitching moment M,. At C' this tape i s fixed to a rotating lever of the mechanism f o r altering the angle of attack (columnK). The length L can be varied by fixing hinge C' to different holes in the lever. The mechanism for altering the angle of attack is suspended f r o m lever P o , one endof which is connected to balance element BEnr,. The other end is connected to lever PIo of the s y s t e m for measuring the lift Y . The load transmitted to lever P9 is equal to the vertical force in tape CC'. since five horizontal rods, connecting column K to fixed points, prevent its movement except f o r vertical translation. Heeling moments a r e measured with the aid of lever P , which is connected by a rod to balance element BEM,. The side force 2 is taken up by beam TPand transmitted to balance element BE, with the aid of crank lever P I , and intermediate lever P I * . The loads on the balance elements a r e
N , = (Q
Nv=(vt G I N, =Zi,.
, T k
where (ix, . . . , i M z ) a r e the transmission ratios of the lever systems and a is the angle of attack of the model. Knowing the calibration coefficients (k,, . ., kM,) the components of the aerodyna1,iic forces acting on the model a r e
Here Q,, Ys, Z,, M,,, M,,, Mzs a r e the additional components of the aerodynamic forces due to the supports, which a r e determined by operating the tunnel without the model, while n with the corresponding subscript is the indication of the balance element. The additional subscript 0 corresponds to the z e r o readings of the balance elements before the experiment, when no aerodynamic forces act on the model. The counterweights a r e selected not only for tightening the suspension s y s t e m but also for pre-tensioning certain balance elements to enable them to m e a s u r e negative loads. F o r this the following inequalities must hold GI+G;+G~>/--~,,I. (GI - G ; ) f > i - M, max 1,
(G?- G;)I > I - M,max I,
An example of a balance with rigid supports is the six-component windtunnel balance of the University of Washington (Figure 6.34). T h i s balance,
FIGURE 6.34. Six-component wind-tunnel balance of the University of Washington. 1 - m o v a b l e strut; 2 - fixed strut; 3 -motor-driven lead screw for moving strut; 4 -shroud; 5 - motor for adjusting angle of attack I ; 6 - motor for adlusting angle of yaw B ; 7 - rod for transmission of force; 8 - crank lever t o t a k e up drag; 9 -rods to take up lift; 1 0 - rods to take up reaction d u e t o heeling moment; 11 -crank lever t o t a k e up pitching moment; 12 -pedestal; 13 -electromagnetic balance e l e m e n t .
intended f o r measuring f o r c e s in a low-speed tunnel having a closed t e s t section measuring 3.6 m X2.4 m , h a s electromagnetic balance elements and vertically disposed links of the l e v e r system. The basic lever s y s t e m consists of tubes A , B. C and E supported on universal elastic hinges. The inner tube A contains the support for the model and t r a n s m i t s the aerodynamic f o r c e s acting on the l a t t e r to the outer tubes (levers) Band E . The outer tube C is a compensating l e v e r which p e r m i t s independent measurement of Q and M,, o r Z and M,, as illustrated in Figure 6.34a which shows the connections of t h e l e v e r s for measuring the components Q-and M , . Similar connections of l e v e r s in the plane passing through the vertical axis and perpendicular to the plane of the paper, enable Z and M , to be measured, F o r independent measuring of all four elements it is n e c e s s a r y that the following relationships obtain between the t r a n s m i s s i o n ratios of the l e v e r s :
The s a m e conditions a r e n e c e s s a r y f o r the independent measurement of Z and M,. The l i f t is transmitted t o the balance element B E y with the a i d of rod (9). Figure 6.34b shows the system f o r measuring M,. The main l e v e r A is connected by hinges through r o d s S, to floating lever P I . Rod Sz, which is perpendicular to S, , connects the lever to the fixed hinge 0. A couple thus counteracts the moment M,. One constituent f o r c e acts along rod Sz and the other along rod S3 which is connected to balance element BEM,. The model support consists of fixed s t r u t ( Z ) , mounted on tube A , and movable s t r u t ( l ) ,which s e r v e s for altering the angle of attack by means of a motor-driven lead s c r e w . F o r changing the angle of yaw, the entire support can be turned by another motor / 261. W i n d t u n n e l b a l a n c e s w i t h h y d r o s t a t i c p a i r s . Balances with hydrostatic p a i r s a r e used mainly in l a r g e transonic wind tunnels where the aerodynamic f o r c e s acting on the model amount to hundreds o r thousands of kilograms. The designs of the six-component balances f o r the wind tunnels in Modane ( F r a n c e ) and Pasadena (U.S.A.) a r e based on the s a m e principle (Figure 6.35).
FIGURE 6.35. Six-component windtunnel balance on hydrostatic pairs. 1support (dynamometer for IneasuringY); 2-main floating frame; 3-flat pad; 4intermediate floating frame; 5-spherical pad; 6-moment frame; I -dynamometer for measuring M , : 8-rod; +-dynamometers formeasuring and M ~ 10; dynamomercrs for measuring z; 11 dynamometer for measuring Q; 12-rod.
The magnitudes entering into the above formulas a r e indicated in Figure 6 . 34a. When these conditions a r e satisfied, the f o r c e s in the rods connecting the l e v e r s with the balance elements B E Q and BEMz a r e respectively
-+ .
The main floating f r a m e (2) r e s t s on t h r e e supports (dynamometers) (1). Three hydraulic dynamometers a r e inserted between the supports and the f r a m e in order to m e a s u r e the l i f t . Three flat pads ( 3 ) , resting on the upper surface of the main frame, c a r r y an intermediate floating f r a m e (4). The surfaces of the pads and the support plates of f r a m e (4) a r e polished. During measurements oil (or a i r ) is constantly circulated between the pads and the intermediate f r a m e , which is supported on a layer of liquid and can slide over pads (3) with negligible friction. The intermediate f r a m e is restrained in the longitudal direction by rod (12) which connects the f r a m e to dynamometer (11) which is fixed to the main f r a m e and takes up the drag Q of the model. F r a m e (4) is restrained in the t r a n s v e r s e direction by two horizontal rods connecting it to f r a m e (2) via two dynamometers ( 1 0 ) . The s u m of the loads on these dynamometers is equal to the side force 2 . The upper part of the intermediate f r a m e c a r r i e s three pads (5) with spherical surfaces whose center lies on the wind-tunnel axis and is the origin of the balance coordinate system. The spherical pads c a r r y on oil films the moment f r a m e (6), which takes up a l l moments and forces acting on the model. The f o r c e s a r e transmitted through the intermediate f r a m e to dynamometers ( l ) , (lo), and (11). The moments tend to rotate f r a m e (6) which can slide with negligible friction on pads (5). Rotation of the f r a m e in the vertical plane passing through the tunnel axis is prevented by rod (8) which connects the moment f r a m e to f r a m e (4) via the dynamometer ( 7 ) which s e r v e s to m e a s u r e the pitching moment M,. Rotation of the f r a m e in a t r a n s v e r s e vertical plane is prevented by two horizontal rods which connect f r a m e s (4) and (6) via two dynamometers (9). The s u m of the forces acting on these dynamometers is proportional to the heeling moment M,, while their difference is proportional to the yawing moment M,. Adding and subtracting is done outside of the balance with the aid of hydraulic measuring instruments (Figure 6.42). In wind-tunnel balances of this type the total weight of the floating f r a m e can reach tens of tons, but the friction in the system is s o small that with this high weight the system for drag measurement is sensitive to f o r c e s of a few hundreds of g r a m s . The model is usually installed in the normal position and positive lift unloads the dynamometers.
the forces acting on the model may reach 10 t o 2 0 tons, the transmission r a t i o s of the l e v e r s a r e very high (100 t o 200). Rapidity of response i s very important in high-power wind tunnels. Rapid-action balance elements permit the t e s t program of wind tunnels t o be increased and the obtaining of experimental data t o be speeded up. The loads taken up by the balance elements can be equilibrated by counterweights, p r e s s u r e of a liquid o r a i r , elastic f o r c e s , e l e c t r o magnetic o r electrostatic f o r c e s . Irrespective of the nature of the equilibrating force, the balance -element indications can be either direct o r by compensation, returning a movable link t o i t s null position. Elements of the compensating type a r e most widely used in wind-tunnel balances because they permit higher measurement accuracy. In addition, outside energy sources a r e used in compensating instruments, which can be easily used f o r operating remote-recording devices. The required accuracy of the balance elements is determined by the range of measured values. This range can be very wide, since the s a m e balance may be used f o r testing well-streamlined bodies of revolution, having s m a l l d r a g and lift, and transport c r a f t having l a r g e drag and lift a t l a r g e angles of attack. At the s a m e time wind-tunnel balances must enable us to determine relatively small advantages of one model over another. Experience shows that these requirements a r e best satisfied by balances of the mechanical type, which under conditions of s t a t i c calibration have limiting e r r o r s of between 1/400 and 1/2000 of the maximum load. Highest accuracy is only required when measuring drag and lift. Since the system f o r resolving forces i n t o components introduces by itself an e r r o r into the measurement, mechanical wind-tunnel balances have balance elements with limiting e r r o r s f r o m 1 / 5 0 0 t o 1/5000 of the maximum load.
Balance elements equilibrated by counterweights Balance elements based on the gravitational principle can be divided into lever balances and pointer balances. Equilibrium in lever balances is usually attained by compensation, the magnitude of the counterweight being changed a t constant lever a r m , o r by moving a counterweight of constant magnitude ( r i d e r ) in relation t o the fulcrum of the l e v e r . The measurement is made a t the instant when the lever is in equilibrium in a given position. D i r e c t l y - i n d i c a t i n g p o i n t e r balances equilibrate the load with the aid of one o r s e v e r a l pendulums whose displacements a r e indicated by a pointer on a s c a l e . The drawback of these balances is the l a r g e motion of the link which takes up the load. In some c a s e s this may a l t e r the attitude of the model, and t h i s has t o be taken into account. In addition, pointer balances a r e l e s s accurate than lever balances. The limiting e r r o r in the b e t t e r designs of pointer balances i s about l / l O O O of the maximum load, while good lever balances can have a limiting e r r o r of less than 1/5000. Pointer balances a r e ordinarily used when measuring v e r y l a r g e loads, f o r instance in full-scale wind tunnels where the s i z e of the balance is unimportant. In o r d e r t o reduce the displacement of the model, pointer balances sometimes have compensating devices (Figure 6 . 3 6 ) .
111111111 I I
I11 I I 1
Lever elements, equilibrated manually by weights o r r i d e r s , were widely used in old designs of wind-tunnelbalances. Simultaneous measurement of all components on a six-component balance requires many operators who communicate by sound or sight. Flow fluctuations in the tunnel always cause certain variations in the forces acting on the model; hence, manual equilibration is characterized by large subjective e r r o r s and r e q u i r e s much time. At the s a m e time, lever balances belong to the most accurate measuring instruments, Automatic lever balances were therefore developed to provide rapid operation with a high accuracy. In addition, these balance elements permit transmission of the indications to r e m o t e recording devices in a simple and readily available form. The automatic balance element (Figure 6 . 3 7 ) consists of a lever (balance beam) (l), supported by a knife edge on stand (2). The measured force P is taken up by the knife edge on the lefthand a r m of the lever. The right-hand a r m has an accurate lead screw ( 6 ) , by which counterweight (7) can be moved. The lead s c r e w is connected to a reversible servomotor (5). The rotation of the servomotor is controlled by transducer ( l o ) , which FIGURE 6 3 6 . Displacement compensation in pointer bar e a c t s to displacements of the right-hand end of the lances. 1 - balance base ; lever. When the load is increased, the right-hand 2 -rod; 3 - screw mechanisms lever end moves upwards, transducer (10) switches for adjusting rod length a; 4in the servomotor, and the lead s c r e w moves servomotor; 5 -contacts for counterweight (7) to the right, restoring the automatic swiiching-in of equilibrium of the lever. At the instant of equilibrium servomotor when rod is pulled the signal of the transducer becomes z e r o and the down. servomotor is stopped. When the load is reduced, the right end of the lever moves downward, the transducer switches in the servomotor in the r e v e r s e direction, and load (7) moves to the left until equilibrium is attained again. At a measured load P , the number of revolutions of the lead screw, required to r e s t o r e lever equilibrium, i s
where t is the pitch of the lead screw, G is the weight of the counterweight, and a is the length of the left-hand lever a r m . The value of n is shown by decimal counter (9), in which the digit on the extreme right usually corresponds to one tenth of a revolution of the lead screw. The measurement accuracy is increased by using a s c r e w with m i c r o m e t r i c thread and by taking up clearances with the aid of springs. Oscillations of the lever a r e reduced by hydraulic shock absorber (8). The electric supply to the motor on the lever is through flexible wires coiled like s p i r a l s . Due to the small displacements of the points where the wires a r e fixed to the panel, installed near the fulcrum of the lever, the influence
of the rigidity of the wires on the sensitivity of the lever is usually negligible.
FIGURE 6 . 3 7 Automatic lever-balance element with induciive rransducer. 1 - lever, 2 - stand; 3 - selsyn transmitter: 4- feedback tacho-generator; 5 - servomotor; 6 - lead screw; I - traveling counierweight; 8 - hydraulic shock absorber, 9 -counter, 10 - inducrive rransducer; 1 1 - a m p l i f i e r ; 12 - counter; 13 - receiver selsyn; 14 - printing device.
In modern wind tunnels where the measurement data a r e transmitted to control cabins. selsyn s e r v o s y s t e m s a r e often used. Such s y s t e m s consist of a selsyn transducer and a selsyn r e c e i v e r , instruments which resemble miniature electric motors. The r o t o r of selsyn transmission ( 3 ) , which has a three-phase winding, is connected to the servomotor shaft of the balance element. Under the action of a v a r i a b l e magnetic field, created by the single-phase a . c. in the stator of the selsyn t r a n s m i t t e r , the rotor of the l a t t e r generates an a. c . voltage which is uniquely determined by the angular position of the rotor in relation to the s t a t o r . Under the action of this voltage, the rotor of selsyn r e c e i v e r (13) in the control cabin turns to the s a m e angular position in relation to its s t a t o r . The r o t o r of the selsyn r e c e i v e r i s connected with counter ( 1 2 ) and printing device (14). which r e c o r d s the indications of the counters of s e v e r a l balance elements in numerical f o r m (see Chapter IX). The displacement transducer f o r m s together with the servomotor a closed-loop automatic-control system in which the control p a r a m e t e r is the angular position of the l e v e r , the controlling member being the lead s c r e w with the counterweight. There a r e s e v e r a l designs of t r a n s d u c e r s . The most widely used a r e inductive ( t r a n s f o r m e r ) and contact t r a n s d u c e r s . The system shown in Figure 6 . 3 7 employs an inductive transducer consisting of a moving coil fixed t o the end of lever (l), and located between two excitation coils wound on stationary iron c o r e s / 91, / 101. The coil is excited f r o m one phase of a three-phase supply. Since the coils a r e wound in opposite directions, they c r e a t e opposed magnetic fields, which induce in the moving coil an a . c . voltage whose amplitude and phase depend on the position of the moving coil in the a i r gap between the stationary coils. The voltage is amplified by amplifier (111, and is f e d t o the r o t o r of
a r e closed and the servomotor rotates slowly. At a large imbalance, the flexible plate containing contact (1) is bent and contacts (3) and (4) a r e closed. The winding of the brake stator is short-circuited, and the servomotor begins to rotate rapidly,
FIGURE 6.38. Automatic balance element with contact transducer. 1moving "fine" contact; 2 - stationary "tine" contact, 3 - moving "coarse" contact; 4 - stationary "coarse" contact; 5 - servomotor; 6 - electromagnetic brake; I - l i m i t switches: 8 - selsyn transmitter
Balance elements with contactless transducers can operate under conditions of vibrations and fluctuations of the measured forces, when balance elements with contact transducers lose their sensitivity due to burning of contacts. Automatic balance elements contain limit switches (7) (Figure 6 . 3 8 ) , which open the circuit of servomotor (5) when the measured force exceeds predetermined limits.
FIGURE 6.39. Automatic-loading mechanism. 1 lever; 2 - counterweight; 3, 4 - l i m i t switches; 5 - servomotor for loading; 6 moving platform; 7 - weights; 8 - change-over switch: 9- link for load suspension,
The accuracy of measuring forces on wind-tunnel balances with lever elements depends greatly on the degree of damping of the lever oscillations caused by nonsteady loads on the model. Excessive damping causes delayed opening of the "fine" contacts, especially if the contact plate i s not very rigid. This causes hunting of the counterweight and leads to self-induced oscillations. When damping is very weak a f t e r the "fine" contacts open, the kinetic energy of the lever cannot be absorbed, and self-induced oscillations can occur at very s m a l l inertial overtravel of the counterweight. Hence, the damping should be chosen in such a way that after contact (1) and one of contacts (2) a r e opened, the kinetic energy of the lever is absorbed before it is able to close the opposite contact, The amplitudes and frequencies of the force pulsations, caused by oscillations of the tested model and by flow fluctuations, vary with the flow velocity, the angle of attack of the model, the rigidity of the suspension device and lever system, etc. Hence the capacity of hydraulic shock absorbers of automatic balance elements is sometimes varied with the aid of electric motors during the experiment, o r an electromagnetic damper is used which is switched in only when the "fine" contacts a r e open; this reduces the delay in contact breaking. In o r d e r to increase the load capacity of the balance elements, the l a t t e r a r e equipped with auxiliary mechanisms for automatic addition of weights. A single weight balances a load corresponding to the full travel of the counterweight between the limit switches. A simplified diagram of the mechanism f o r weight addition is shown in Figure 6.39. Whet? the load P on lever (1) exceeds apredetermined value, counterweight (2) moves to the right and closes limit switch (3). Servomotor (5) is switched on and lowers platform (6) with weight ( 7 ) to a predetermined height, after which the current to the servomotor is cut off by change-over switch (8). which interrupts the circuit of limit switch (3). When the platform is lowered one of weights ( 7 ) becomes suspended on link (9). When the load is reduced below a predetermined value counterweight (2) closes limit switch (4); this causes the platform to r i s e and take off a weight f r o m link (9).
Pneumatic and hydraulic balance elements Pneumatic and hydraulic balance elements usually consist of two separate instruments: a p r i m a r y instrument taking up the load (dynamometer), and a secondary measuring instrument (manometer). The manometers a r e connected with the p r i m a r y instruments by metal tubes up to 20 or 3 0 m long. One of the principal advantages of pneumatic and hydraulic balance elements is the simplicity of their design, which makes possible remote measurement. The simplest pneumatic measuring device is shown in Figure 6 . 4 0 , T h e measured force P is transmitted to bell ( l ) , which is i m m e r s e d in vessel (2), filled with m e r c u r y or some other liquid. The p r e s s u r e in the a i r space under the bell is thus raised; this increase is transmitted by a tube to U-tube manometer (3). If we neglect the wall thickness of the bell, the differences in heights of the columns of liquid
where F is the c r o s s section of the bell, 71 and 72 a r e the specific gravities of the liquids in the bell and in the manometer respectively. The e r r o r s of such pneumatic dynamometers a r e caused mainly by irreproducibility
of indications due t o variations in the surface tension of m e r c u r y when it becomes oxidized and contaminated, and by the temperature variation of The range of the measured forces is determined by the 71 and 7 2 . permissible height variation of the column of liquid in vessel (2), and by the permissible t r a v e l of the bell, which is related t o the displacement of the model in the wind tunnel.
FIGURE 6 . 4 1 . Hydraulic d)namometer. 1 -piston. 2 -c y l i n d e r; 3 diaphragms: 4 , 5plates: 6 - rods taking up measured load: 7 baffle plate: 8 - nozzle; 9 - a i r chdmber; 10 - bellows; 1 1 -spring: 12 -rod with rack; 13 -pointer: 14 - Bourdon tube.
Figure 6.41 shows a s y s t e m of measuringforces withthe aid of a hydraulic dynamometer with a manometric spring device I l l / . In contrast to other force-measuring devices, hydraulic dynamometers permit loads of s e v e r a l tons to be measured without intermediate lever systems of balance elements. Such hydraulic dynamometers a r e used in U. S. balances, in which the f o r c e s a r e resolved into components by means of hydrostatic p a i r s , In balances of this type the vertical load, which includes the total weight of the floating f r a m e , is usually taken up by t h r e e dynamometers which c a r r y the f r a m e . The dynamometer consists of piston (11, inserted with a s m a l l clearance in cylinder (2). The flat ends of the piston c a r r y diaphragms (3), which s e a l the oil spaces in the upper and lower plates (4) and (5). The full t r a v e l of the piston is about 0.05 mm. The lower oil space is connected by a metal tube to a m e a s u r i n g device, while the upper oil space is under a constant pressure po. This design p e r m i t s measurement not only of positive but also of negative loads acting on the piston through rods (6). The p r e s s u r e in the oil space connected with the measuring s y s t e m depends only on this load and on the p r e s s u r e p o . The p r e s s u r e in the wind tunnel a c t s on both s i d e s of the piston and is therefore not transmitted to the measuring device. The dynamometer is equipped with volumetric temperature compensation whose operating principle is the s a m e a s in the system shown in Figure 6.44. When the p r e s s u r e changes in the lower oil space, the Bourdon tube (14) of the measuring device tends to bend and thus a l t e r the gap between baffle plate (7) and nozzle ( 8 ) , through which a i r is discharged continuously f r o m a throttle opening in chamber (9). The change in the gap also causes the p r e s s u r e to vary in bellows ( l o ) , which is connected with the chamber. When this happens, the upper surface of the bellows moves, thus altering the tension of spring (11) in such a way that the position of the Bourdon tube remains fixed at s m a l l displacements of the baffle plate. The tension of spring (11) and thus, of rod (12) and pointer (13) connected to it, is proportionalto the oil p r e s s u r e and therefore to the force P. The spring is made of Elinvar which contains 3570 nickel and 8 7 0 chromium. The material has a s t r e s s - s t r a i n relationship which is linear with an accuracy of 0.0570, and its properties vary very little with t e m p e r a t u r e . In certain U . S . wind tunnels, where the balances a r e equipped with such m e a s u r i n g devices, the angular motion of the pointer is converted into electrical pulses which a r e fed t o a s y s t e m for processing the measurement data. Preliminary simplified processing of the data, in o r d e r to obtain net values of the f o r c e and moment components, is c a r r i e d out according to the s y s t e m shown i n Figure 6.42, which makes possible wind-tunnel balances without l e v e r systems for resolving the forces into components. Figure 6.43 shows a hydraulic s y s t e m which is a combination of an automatic lever-balance element with a certain type of hydraulic lever. Such a s y s t e m is advantageous when, due to space limitations or f o r other reasons, the balance elements have to be at a certain distance f r o m the wind tunnel. The p r i m a r y instrument consists of bellows ( l ) , connected with bellows (2) by a b r a s s tube of 2 to 4 m m diameter. Bellows and tube a r e filled with oil or distilled water, The p r e s s u r e , caused by the load P I on bellows ( l ) ,
FIGURE 6 . 4 2 . Adding and subtractmg forces with the aid of a hydraulic forcemeasuring device.
FlGURE 6 4 3 . Hydraulic tranrmlssion of forces 1 -bellows IO take up load; 2 - bellows connected wLth halance e l e m e n t . 3 - balance lever; 4 crank lever to compensate for rigidityof bellows ( 1 ) : 5 - crank lever to compensate for rlgidity of bellows ( 2 ) .
37 1
11ll111ll1l1IllIl1 Il1 I
is transmitted through the tube to the bottom of bellows (2) which is connected with lever (3) of the automatic balance element. The left-hand a r m of the lever is thus acted upon by a force Ps which is equilibrated by a counterweight. The displacement of the bottom of bellows (2) depends on the distance between the contacts of the automatic balance element and usually does not exceed a few hundredths or even thousandths of a millimeter; when the s y s t e m is properly filled with liquid the displacement of the bottom of bellows (1) is also very small. Hence, hysteresis effects on the bellows do not influence the measurement of the force P I . The transmission r a t i o of the hydraulic s y s t e m is determined by calibration. It can be assumed that Pz/Pi = FZ/F* where F i and Fz a r e respectively the effective a r e a s of bellows (1) and (2). When a i r bubbles a r e present in the system, the initial part of the dependence curve can be nonlinear; to avoid this, the s y s t e m is filled under vacuum after a l l connections have been soldered, o r the bellows a r e preloaded.
FIGURE 6 4 4 . Volumetric temperature compensation for a hydraulic s)steni 1 - bellows to rake u p load; 2 -bellows connected to balance element: 3 compensaring bellows, 4 - l e a d screw and reduction gear, 5 - servoniotor. 6 - contact connected to movable parr of bellows: I - rrationary contacr
In such closed hydraulic systems a change in the temperature of the surroundings causes a change in the 77olume of the liquid and can be the cause of systematic e r r o r s . If bellows (2) is connected with a null instrument (as in the c a s e considered), the difference Aut between the thermal dilatations of the liquid and of the bellows material causes a This gives r i s e to an elastic restoring force displacement 81 = Avt/Fl Apt = c18t acting on the bottom and opposing its motion. Here c 1 is the spring r a t e of bellows (1) and the links connected to it. The magnitude A\, i s a systematic e r r o r of measuring the force P, and is very difficult to take into account.
The temperature e r r o r A P 1 can be avoided by means of force o r volumetric compensation. Force compensation consists of applying t o the bottom of bellows (1) a f o r c e which is equal and opposite t o the elastic restoring f o r c e A p t . Figure 6 . 4 3 shows a force-compensation s y s t e m which consists of crank lever (4), whose horizontal a r m is hinged a t A to bellows (1) and whose vertical a r m c a r r i e s a weight QI When the bottom of bellows (1) moves a distance 6,, the force acting on it changes by
Full compensation ( A p t = 0 is obtained when QILI = cia: ; this is easily achieved by adjusting the value of LI In o r d e r t o compensate fully the reduction in sensitivity caused by lever (3) being connected t o bellows (Z), it is sufficient to r a i s e the center of gravity of the lever by fixing to it a weight Qz a t a height lZ above the fulcrum of the lever. Similarly to the above, full compensation of the elastic r e s t o r i n g force acting on bellows (2) is obtained when Q212= c2ai . When u2 is l a r g e , the weight Qz becomes heavy; in this case, in its place, the right-hand end of the lever is connected t o an additional crank lever (5), shown by broken lines in Figure 6 . 4 3 , carrying a weight F o r full compensation of the rigidity of the bellows, the static moment of this weight about O2 must be
The ratio ailbz is taken a s I/ 10 to I/ 20, s o that Q; is some hundreds of times l e s s than Q2.
, / '
Transparenr screen
FIGURE 6.45. Through-flow dynamometer. 1 - vessel: 2 regulator; 3 - throttle; 4 - disc: 5 - filter: 6 - pump.
Volumetric compensation for a closed hydraulic system is illustrated in F i g u r e 6. 4 4 . The system includes an additional compensating bellows ( 3 ) , whose volume can be changed with the aid of lead s c r e w (41, turned by servomotor (5).
T h e r e is no necessity f o r temperature compensation in through-flow hydraulic dynamometers. Such a s y s t e m is shown in Figure 6.45. Oil is forced by pump (6)into a cylindrical vessel ( l ) , open at the top, after passing through p r e s s u r e regulator (2)and throttle (3). Onthe v e s s e l t h e r e is a d i s c (4), which takes up t h e f o r c e P whigh h a s t o be determined. Under the action of t h e oil p r e s s u r e , a n annular slot is formed between vessel (1)and d i s c (4), through which the oil is continuously discharged into a d r a i n . The d i s c thus floats on an oilfilm. Afterbeing cleaned in filter (5), the oil is returned to pump (6). When the disc floats up the f o r c e P is fully equilibrated by the f o r c e of the oil p r e s s u r e on the disc. The oil p r e s s u r e in vessel ( l ) , which is proportional t o the f o r c e P , can be m e a s u r e d by any type of manometer.
FIGURE 6.46. Operating principle of wind-runnel balances resting on through-flow dynamometers. 1, 2. 11- through-flow dy-
namometers. 3, 4, 5, 6. I - piston-type manoiiieters. 8 adding lever for measuring Y ; 9 - subtracting lever for measuring 10 - lever for measuring Q , M* ;
Figure 6.45 shows a s y s t e m f o r measuring the p r e s s u r e by a pendulum piston-type manometer with optical read-out. In o r d e r to reduce friction between the piston and the cylinder the l a t t e r is kept vibrating continuously by the action of a n electromagnet. Intended f o r measuring f o r c e s perpendicular to the disc surface, the through-flow dynamometer p e r m i t s f r e e motion of the d i s c in i t s plane at negligible friction, the disc floating on a n oil film, These c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of through-flow dynamometers are used f o r measuring mutually perpendicular f o r c e s . This is illustrated in Figure 6. 46 which is a simplified layout of a wind-tunnel balance. The floating frame A of the balance r e s t s on two through-flow dynamometers ( 1 ) and (2), having equal effective areas. Dynamometer ( 1 ) is connected by tubes t o m a n o m e t e r s (4) and (6), and dynamometer ( 2 ) t o m a n o m e t e r s (3) and (5). The pistons ofmanometers (3) and (4) a r e connected by r o d s t o lever (8), which adds the f o r c e s acting
on these pistons; the indication of balance elements B E Y , which is connected to lever (8), is thus proportional to the vertical f o r c e Y. The pistons of manometers (5) and ( 6 ) a r e connected to equal-arm l e v e r (9), which s e r v e s for measuring, by means of balance element BEhf, the moment about point 0 which is centrally located between dynamometers (1) and (2). Dynamometer (11) takes up the horizontal component of the force, which is measured with the aid of balance element BE,, connected by l e v e r (10) to the piston of manometer (7), on which the p r e s s u r e in dynamometer (11) acts.
Spring and strain-gage balance elements The accuracy of a spring balance element is mainly determined by the accuracy of measuring the deformation of an elastic link and the physical c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of its m a t e r i a l . The e r r o r in measuring the deformations can be easily reduced to a negligible value i f we u s e an elastic link with a l a r g e absolute deformation, for instance, a s p i r a l spring.
FIGURE 6 . 4 7
Spring h d l a n c e element
Due to h y s t e r e s i s effects and residual s t r e s s e s , the e r r o r in measuring f o r c e s with the aid of elastic links made from different types of steel is about 0.2 to 0.570 of the maximum measured f o r c e . Better physical properties a r e provided by special alloys like beryllium bronze and Elinvar whose stress-strain relationships a r e linear with an accuracy of 0.02 t o 0.0570. When s p i r a l springs a r e used, the effect of their deformation on the attitude of the model in the t e s t section is eliminated with the a i d of a null method of measurement, The spring is deformed manually o r automatically (Figure 6 . 47) s o that the l e v e r , which takes up the load f r o m the wind-tunnel balance, maintains its initial position. A visual indicator is r e a d off when the l e v e r i s in equilibrium. Elastic f o r c e links in the form of beams subjected to bending have usually such s m a l l deformations that the displacements of the model caused by them can be ignored. Small deformations a r e measured with the a i d of different types of e l e c t r i c t r a n s d u c e r s which convert the magnitude of the
3 75
deformation into a change of inductance, capacitance, or resistance, which is then measured by an appropriate electrical instrument. Wide use is made of methods f o r measuring deformations of elastic elements with the aid of glued resistance s t r a i n gages, which a r e described in detail in the next section. A dynamometer with glued wire transducers is shown in Figure 6. 64. Due to their s m a l l dimensions in comparison with other types of balance elements, such dynamometers a r e used in electric strain-gage balances located inside the model.
FIGURE 6.48. Four-component balance for testing wings. 1 - spindle: 2 spindle support: 3 - intermediate frame; 4, 6, 8 - elastic beams with straingage transducers; 5 - stationary support; I - moment lever.
In balances located outside the t e s t sections, strain-gage transducers a r e used very often f o r measuring aerodynamic loads on half-models, i. e., models whose plane of s y m m e t r y coincides with the test-section wall. Figure 6.48 shows a four-component balance for testing models of wings / 1 2 / . A wing model is mounted on spindle ( l ) , by means of which it can be turned and the angle of attack altered. Spindle support (2) is c a r r i e d by a parallelogram suspension on intermediate f r a m e (3). The lift Y is taken up by elastic beam (4), which connects spindle support (2) with f r a m e (3), and is measured by transducers glued to the beam. Intermediate f r a m e (3) is supported with the aid of beam (6) on stationary support (5) which p e r m i t s movement of support (2) and f r a m e (3) parallel to the flow direction. Transducers, which m e a s u r e the drag Q, a r e glued t o b e a m (6). The pitching moment is measured with the aid of lever (7), rigidly connected to the shaft, and beam (8) to which transducers f o r measuring M, a r e glued. The heeling moment M, is m e a s u r e d by transducers glued to spindle (3.) where its c r o s s section is reduced. The balance shown in Figure 6.49 employs a support consisting of curved s t r u t (1) surrounded by shroud (2). The measuring elements A , 5 , and C, which have the f o r m of elastic parallelograms, a r e installed in such a way that element A takes up only the lift Y , while the loads on elements B and C depend on the d r a g Q,and the pitching moment M,,.
The connections of the strain-gage t r a n s d u c e r s , which a r e glued t o elastic elements B and C and arranged in bridge s y s t e m s a s shown a t the bottom of the drawing, permit Q, and M a , t o be measured independently. The stationary p a r t s of the elastic parallelograms a r e fixed t o the shroud. In o r d e r t o a l t e r the angle of attack of the model, the shroud is turned about the origin of coordinates 0 of the balance together with the s t r u t , the elastic elements, and the model.
FIGUKE 6.49 Three-coniponent strain-gage balance curved strur; 2 - shroud. A , B. C , - strain gages.
Mechanical wind-tunnel balances may also be provided with balance elements with nonglued wire resistance t r a n s d u c e r s . The c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of these transducers a r e m o r e constant in time than those of glued t r a n s d u c e r s whose accuracy is affected by the nonstable properties of the glue. In the balance element shown schematically in Figure 6. 50, thin constantan wires a r e connected to an insulated plate a t the end of a l e v e r mounted on an elastic support, and t o two other insulated plates fixed t o the b a s e of the balance element. The tension in the wires is changed under the influence of the load t o be measured. The change in r e s i s t a n c e thus caused is measured by a Wheatstone bridge, in all four a r m s of which the wires a r e inserted.
Electromagnetic balance elements Figure 6 . 51 shows two circuit diagrams of balance elements, based on the interaction between the field of a permanent magnet and the fieldof ad.c.excited coil. Coil (4) is connected to the a r m of lever (l), whose other a r m is acted upon by the f o r c e P . The force F of the interaction between permanent magnet (5) and coil (4)is F = 2xrJnH, where r is the mean radius of the coil, n is the number of t u r n s , H is the field strength of the permanent magnet, I is the current intensity in the coil. When the equilibrium of the lever is disturbed, lever-motion transducer (2) sends a signal to amplifier (3). In the circuit shown in Figure 6 . 51a, the lever is returned t o equilibrium with the aid of servomotor (7), which moves the slider of variable rheostat ( 6 ) . This changes the c u r r e n t intensity in the coil. The force P is determined f r o m the current intensity which is read off from milliammeter (8), o r f r o m the position of the s l i d e r of the variable rheostat (at a stable supply voltage), when the l e v e r is in equilibrium. The circuit shown in Figure 6 . 51b p e r m i t s f a s t e r operation than that shown in Figure 6 . 51a, and can s e r v e f o r measuring loads changing a t frequencies up t o 1 0 t o 20 cycles 1 1 3 1 , 1151. The electric signal from transducer (2) (photoelectric element, capacitive o r inductive transducer) is amplified by amplifier (3) feeding coil (4). The current intensity is measured either directly or b j .the voltage drop a c r o s s resistance R . In this circuit the magnetic system, which consists of coil (4) and magnet (5), is s i m i l a r t o a spring, since the force F is proportional to the displacement
..... .
..-..... .. .
of lever (1). The amplification coefficient of amplifier (3) can be s o chosen that a t the maximum load the coil moves l e s s than 0.01 m m . Hence, the rigidity of the electrical spring, on which the operating speed of the system depends, can be very high. Thus, for instance. the electromagnetic wind -tunnel balance element of the University of Washington has a spring r a t e of about 2000kglcm and a natural frequency
Ourput voltage b)
FIGURE 6 51 Elecrromagnetic balance elemenrs. a -equilibration by means of servomotor; b sraric equilibration; 1 - lever; 2 - lever-morion transducer; 3 - amplifier. 4 - coil: 5 - permanent magnet. 6 rheostat: 7 - servomotor: 8 millianimeter
of 200 cycles /14/. The maximum current in the coil of such a balance element is between 3 0 and 50ma a t a maximum load of 3 to 5 kg. Using an appropriate circuit, an accuracy and linearity of the o r d e r of 0.1% can be obtained. Balance elements of this type can be used in special windtunnel balances serving, for instance, for measuring loads acting on vibrating wings.
A s was already stated in the introduction to this chapter, wind-tunnel balances located inside the models were developed due to the need t o exclude forces acting on the supports. At supersonic velocities, flow around the model is l e a s t affected by supports in the f o r m of cantilever
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 lI 1l l l Il Il
supports. "Internal" wind-tunnel balances a r e installed a t the joints between the models and such supports o r in the supports themselves (Figure 6 . 52).
When the balance is installed inside the model, the forces acting on the support a r e not measured and the support only causes certain perturbations in the flow at the tail of the model. When the balance is installed in the support, the l a t t e r is protected f r o m the flow by a cylindrical o r conical shroud. The "ground" p r e s s u r e acting on the r e a r of the model is measured with the aid of orifices through which the region behind the model is connected to a manometer. The possibility of installing the wind-tunnel balance inside the model i s s o attractive, that in recent years balances of this type, called strain-gage balances, have found very wide use in spite of the fact that their accuracy and the reproducibility of their indications a r e still l e s s than those of ordinary mechanical balances. A measuring e r r o r of the s e p a r a t e components, equal to *l%(under conditions of static calibration), is considered satisfactory, while ordinary balances have under the s a m e conditions e r r o r s of about 0.1%. The latter a r e very reliable instruments which maintain constant their characteristics f o r months. Internal balances have to be calibrated and checked very often, sometimes before and after each experiment, Particular c a r e should be taken to eliminate o r take into account temperature e r r o r s . A strain-gage balance forms an elastic system the deformations of whose elements a r e proportional to the components o r the algebraic sums of the components of the total aerodynamic force and moment acting on the model. These deformations a r e measured a s electrical magnitudes with the aid of electrical converters, Wind-tunnel balances employ almost exclusively strain-gage resistance transducers which a r e based on the conversion of the deformation of an elastic element into a change of the electrical resistance, which can be measured by a instrument connected to a corresponding measuring circuit.
Strain-gage r e s i s t a n c e t r a n s d u c e r s Strain-gage r e s i s t a n c e t r a n s d u c e r s may be of different designs. Wire and foil strain-gage t r a n s d u c e r s a r e most widely used. Wind-tunnel balances have mostly wire strain-gage t r a n s d u c e r s (Figure 6.53) which consist
Base (film or paper)
-_-_-Base length I-
of s e v e r a l turns (grids) of wire of very s m a l l diameter (0.025 to 0.03mm), made f r o m an alloy having a high electrical r e s i s t a n c e , and glued between two l a y e r s of paper o r film. If the strain-gage transducer i s glued to the surface of an elastic element, the transducer is deformed together with this surface. The length I of the wire grid is called the b a s e length of the transducer. The c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of strain-gage t r a n s d u c e r s a r e described in detail in 1161, / I T / . The advantages of strain-gage transducers, which make them particularly suitab1.e f o r measuring aerodynamic f o r c e s , a r e : 1 ) s m a l l dimensions and weight; 2 ) possibility of measuring very s m a l l relative deformations of elastic elements (less than this permits the u s e of v e r y rigid elastic elements having high natural frequencies; 3 ) s m a l l inertia, which p e r m i t s not only s t a t i c but a l s o dynamic loads to be measured; 4 ) possibility of r e m o t e measurements. The main c h a r a c t e r i s t i c of r e s i s t a n c e strain-gage t r a n s d u c e r s is the coefficient of s t r a i n sensitivity, which is determined a s the r a t i o of the relative change in e l e c t r i c a l r e s i s t a n c e of the wire t o its relative linear deformation
where R is the [initial] r e s i s t a n c e of the wire, and 1 is its length. Thus, i f w e determine the value of ARIR, we can, knowing the coefficient of s t r a i n sensitivity, find the relative elongation of the w i r e and, therefore, of the elastic element t o which the strain-gage t r a n s d u c e r is glued:
38 1
F o r a monoaxial state of s t r e s s , the relationship between the s t r a i n E and the s t r e s s CJ i s , within the proportionality limits of the material, given b y e = o / E , where E is the modulus of elasticity of the material. The s t r e s s at any point of an elastic element depends on the forces and moments acting on this element. Hence, the relative change in the resistance of the transducer, mounted on the elastic element, is proportional to the components of the resultant force and moment, causing the deformation of the element. The coefficient of proportionality depends on the s t r a i n sensitivity of the transduer wire, on the elastic characteristics of the material, and on the shape and s i z e of the elastic element. In the general c s s e , the state of s t r e s s on the surface of an elastic element, to which a s t r a i n gage is glued, can vary f r o m point to point. Hence, the change in the resistance of the transducer is proportional to a certain mean s t r e s s over the base of the transducer. In order that the transducer m e a s u r e the s t r e s s at a point (this is particularly important due to the small dimensions of the elastic elements used in multicomponent balances located inside models), its dimensions have to be small. Wind-tunnel balances employ transducers having bases of 5 to 2 0 mm and resistances of 100 to 200 ohm. It is possible to obtain transducers having even smaller bases (down to 2 m m ) , but a small base causes the resistance of the strain-gage transducer to decrease; this complicates the m e a s u r e m e n t s . The m o s t commonly used material f o r wire transducers is constantan, whose coefficient of strain sensitivity is s = 1 . 9 to 2.1. For approximative calculations we a s s u m e s = 2. B r i d g e m e a s u r i n g c i r c u i t s . The resistance of a strain-gage transducer mounted on an elastic element changes very little when the latter is deformed. Thus, at 0.1% s t r a i n (which, for steel, corresponds to a s t r e s s of about 2000kg/cm2), and at an [initial] transducer resistance of 1 0 0 ohm, the change in the resistance is
AR =R.s~ = 100 . 2 .
=0.2 ohm
If the measuring accuracy required corresponds to 0.1% of the maximum s t r e s s (i.e., 2.0 k g / c m 2), the resistance must be measured with an accuracy of 0.0002 ohm, which corresponds to a relative accuracy of FIGURE 6,54. Measuring bridge, 2X10-6. Such an accuracy can be obtained only with a compensation method of measurement, f o r instance, by means of a Wheatstone bridge. The simplest measuring bridge consists of four ohmic resistances ( a r m s ) R,, R2,R 3 , and Rc (Figure 6 . 54). Points A and B (the supply diagonal) a r e at a voltage difference u (from ana.c. o r d.c. source), while points C and D (measuring diagonal) a r e connected to the measuring instrument. In ordinary systems, the strain-gage transducers a r e usually inserted into one o r two a r m s of the bridge, while the other a r m s a r e formed by constant r e s i s t a n c e s . In wind-tunnel balances, however, the strain-gage
t r a n s d u c e r s a r e inserted into a l l four a r m s of the bridge; this i n c r e a s e s the sensitivity and exploits the bridge c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s t o compensate the different e r r o r s . If the r a t i o s of the r e s i s t a n c e s of adjacentbridge a r m s a r e equal, i. e.,
then the potential difference a c r o s s the measuring diagonal is z e r o . The bridge is then balanced. When the r e s i s t a n c e of one a r m of an initially balanced bridge changes, a potential difference Au appears between points C and D of the measuring diagonal. This i s the imbalance voltage of the bridge. At s m a l l relative r e s i s t a n c e changes the imbalance voltage depends linearly on the s u m o r difference of these changes. The imbalance voltage AU a c r o s s the measuring diagonal is measured by an indicating or recording instrument (millivoltmeter or oscillograph galvanometer). Recording instruments of the oscillograph type permit dynamic p r o c e s s e s t o be investigated. In o r d e r to obtain high accuracy, Au i s measured by a compensating method with the aid of a s e p a r a t e compensator. In this c a s e the measuring instrument (zero indicator) s e r v e s only a s an imbalance indicator for the compensator circuit, while the measured value is read off f r o m the compensator s c a l e a t the instant of balancing. The indication i s usually in the f o r m of a linear o r angular magnitude, related to the imbalance voltage by the expression n = mAu , where n i s the number of divisions of the s c a l e , and m i s a constant for the given compensator. Most wind-tunnel balances employ balanced s y s t e m s which a r e far m o r e accurate than imbalance s y s t e m s . Balanced s y s t e m s a r e used f o r measuring static o r slowly varying magnitudes, In o r d e r to speed up the measurements, the bridge is usually balanced automatically. A measuring bridge is most sensitive when a l l a r m s a r e equal (R, = R2 = R3 = R q = R). Such bridges a r e normally used in wind-tunnel balances. The measuring diagonal is usually connected t o a tube amplifier f o r the imbalance voltage, whose input r e s i s t a n c e is l a r g e in comparison t o that of the strain-gage t r a n s d u c e r . When the r e s i s t a n c e of one a r m of the equal-arm bridge changes by AR , an imbalance voltage
will appear a c r o s s the measuring diagonal. Hence, to i n c r e a s e the imbalance voltage nu i t is best t o i n c r e a s e the supply voltage u . However, at a given r e s i s t a n c e R of the t r a n s d u c e r , an i n c r e a s e in u will cause a n increased c u r r e n t to flow through the wire of the transducer, which becomes heated. This changes the r e s i s t a n c e of the strain-gage transducer, introducing considerable measuring e r r o r s . It is therefore better t o i n c r e a s e the t r a n s d u c e r resistance, while simultaneously increasing the supply voltage, but to limit the c u r r e n t t o a c e r t a i n value determined by the heating of the wire. Experience shows that in constantan wires of about 0 25 m m diameter, c u r r e n t s of about 30 m a a r e p e r m i s s i b l e ; s t r a i n gages whose r e s i s t a n c e is of the o r d e r of 200ohms have limiting supply voltages of about 6 v .
T h e r e l a t i o n s h i p b e t w e e n t h e i m b a l a n c e v o l t a g e of t h e b r i d g e a n d t h e s t r a i n i n t h e t r a n s d u c e r . Measuring circuits of multi-component wind-tunnel balances employ bridges consisting of 2, 4, 8, and sometimes 1 2 t r a n s d u c e r s . In addition t o the increased sensitivity, bridges with l a r g e numbers of transducers permit independent measurement of the s e p a r a t e components of the f o r c e s , It is particularly important that the output signal of a bridge circuit have a linear relationship to the measured magnitude. If the measuring diagonal of the bridge constitutes a high input impedance f o r a tube amplifier, then, in the c a s e of an equal-arm bridge, changes in the r e s i s t a n c e of the a r m s , amounting t o A R I , ..., ARq , cause an imbalance voltage at the extremities of the measuring diagonal, which, f o r s m a l l values of AR, can be assumed to be
The total imbalance voltage c a n b e considered a s the sum of the imbalance voltages of two half-bridges separated by the supply diagonal. If the transducers of the lower half-bridge a r e shunted by equal resistances Rsh (Figure 6 . 55), then
= z -
i l - c2
+c - EJ],
where c = Rjh/(Rsh+ R ) determines the attenuation of the signal of the lower half-bridge, This method of attenuating the signal of one half-bridge in strain-gage balances i s used for eliminating the mutual influences of the components.
Factors which influence the measuring accuracy The e r r o r s which occur in force-measuring devices using strain-gage transducers a r e caused by h y s t e r e s i s effects, temperature influences, and the electrical characteristics of strain-gage transducers and measuring circuits. A special feature of wind-tunnel balances using strain-gage transducers is the influence of asymmetry of the elastic elements and the strain-gage transducers themselves (i.e . , nonuniform mounting, different resistance and coefficients of s t r a i n sensitivity, e t c , ) . The influence of asymmetry is reduced by inserting the strain-gage transducers into the measuring bridges in such a way that the electrically and mechanically induced e r r o r s a r e mutually compensated. The hysteresis effects depend on the mechanical properties of the m a t e r i a l of the elastic elements, of the wires of the strain-gage transducers,
of the b a s e s of the transducers, and of the glue used t o fix the transducers t o the elastic elements.
F o r the s a m e m a t e r i a l of the elastic element, hysteresis varies directly with the maximum s t r a i n of the m a t e r i a l . The m a t e r i a l of the transducer wires i s , in addition to hysteresis, a l s o characterized by variable absolute resistance and temperature coefficient of resistance. To stabilize these values, the wire is subjected t o aging by means of repeated heating and cooling. E r r o r s caused by the instability of the glue and the base of the s t r a i n gage transducer a r e most important. They a r e caused by c r e e p of the strain-gage transducers, and sliding of the wires on the base. Transducers on a film base a r e best; when polymerized, a good bond with the metal of the elastic element is obtained. In o r d e r to improve the bond it is best t o u s e strain-gage transducers with a s l a r g e base lengths a s the dimensions of the elastic element permit. Electrically induced e r r o r s a r e caused by temperature effects and by the c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of the electric circuits used for measuring the signals of the t r a n s d u c e r s . T e m p e r a t u r e e f f e c t s a n d t h e i r c o m p e n s a t i o n . The overall relative change in r e s i s t a n c e of a strain-gage transducer with temperature is
-_ -I.+
s ( 81 - 82)18.
where a is the temperature coefficient of the r e s i s t a n c e of the transducer wire, 81 and p2 a r e respectively the coefficients of temperature expansion of the elastic element t o which the transducer is glued, and of the wire, while e is the change in temperature which causes the z e r o shift in the measurement diagonal of the bridge. Denoting the overall temperature coefficient of the transducer by a d , we obtain
The value of ad for constantan strain-gage transducers glued to s t e e l The s t r a i n which causes the s a m e relative change in is about w5. resistance of the transducer is
' - A s
AR! I ae ---=d. s
= 0.5
Since the maximum strain usually does not exceed 0 . 5 X 1 0 - 3 to l . 0 X 1 0 - 3 , the e r r o r per 1C may attain 0.5 to 1% of the maximum value. This l a r g e temperature e r r o r makes its compensation very important. When transducers a r e inserted into all a r m s of the bridge, the i m balance voltage due to the change in temperature of the transducers is
Aur = A b,,h -ad,&+
a d . &
If all the transducers had the s a m e temperature coefficient and w e r e at the s a m e temperature, the imbalance voltage would be zero. The s a m e would happen if two half-bridges were at different temperatures, while the transducers of each half bridge were at the s a m e temperature, However, under actual conditions, the temperature coefficients of individual transducers may differ, while separate transducers (even when belonging to the s a m e half -bridge) may be at different temperatures. The total imbalance voltage A u t , caused by the change in temperature, i s thus composed of two parts 118 :
AU, 'U(Aad8
+ adAO),
where Arid = a d r s d , +a d s u.d,is the total change of the temperature coefficients ad f o r the entire bridge, while
is the s u m of the temperature differences between the transducers of each half -bridge. The value of Bad can be reduced by choosing strain-gage transducers whose overall temperature coefficients a r e a s nearly equal a s possible, or p a i r s of strain-gage transducers having overall temperature coefficients nearly equal but differing in sign. In order to determine their temperature sensitivity, strain-gage transducers a r e tested at different temperatures. One method of testing consists of transferring the strain-gage transducers f r o m one medium (for instance, paraffin) to another medium whose temperature is 20 to 30C higher, The change in overall resistance of the strain-gage transducer is determined by comparisonwith a reference [resistance] a few seconds after transfer to the hot bath. Small changes in resistance occurring after an hour or more a r e thus neglected. In order to prevent bending, the strain-gage transducers a r e sometimes held between copper plates during heating.
The f i r s t p a r t of the t e m p e r a t u r e e r r o r , which depends on Aad, is compensated by superimposing on the potential in the measuring diagonal an additional potential proportional but opposite in sign to A u t . This can be done, f o r instance, with the a i d of a r e s i s t a n c e thermometer, which is a s m a l l piece of copper wire connected in s e r i e s with one of the s t r a i n gage t r a n s d u c e r s of the half -bridge and having the s a m e t e m p e r a t u r e . The second part of the t e m p e r a t u r e e r r o r , which depends on 80, is compensated by locating m o r e closely together the t r a n s d u c e r s in the halfbridges. If the measuring bridge must respond t o tensile or compressive s t r a i n s of the elastic element, ordinary measuring c i r c u i t s employ compensating t r a n s d u c e r s mounted on nondeformed elements which a r e at the s a m e t e m p e r a t u r e s as the deformed elements. These t r a n s d u c e r s a r e inserted into the a r m s in s e r i e s with the active t r a n s d u c e r s of the bridge. In o r d e r to i n c r e a s e the sensitivity of the bridge in wind-tunnel balances a l l strain-gage t r a n s d u c e r s a r e active, and t e m p e r a t u r e effects a r e reduced IJY s y m m e t r i c disposition of the e l a s t i c elements. If the measuring bridge must respond to bending s t r a i n s the strain-gage t r a n s d u c e r s of one half-bridge a r e mounted on either side at equal distances f r o m the neutral axis of the element. In this c a s e the compensating s t r a i n gage transducer is a l s o active.
Measuring equipment The range of voltages measured with s t r a i n gages is determined by the maximum s t r a i n s of the elastic elements. When the bridge supply voltage the maximum voltage signal of is u = 6 v and the maximum s t r a i n is E = 1O3 a f o u r - a r m bridge is Au = USE =6X2X10-3 = 1 2 m v . In o r d e r t o reduce h y s t e r e s i s of the e l a s t i c elements, the maximum s t r a i n should not exceed 0.25X10-3to 0,5X10-3 and therefore the instrument s c a l e must be suitable f o r a maximum value of AU between 3 and 6 m v . Experience shows that in o r d e r to determine the components of the aerodynamic loads with an accuracy of the o r d e r of I%, the measuring equipment must have a sensitivity of about 0.17; of the measured range. Thus, the s c a l e of the measuring or recording instrument must have a t least 1 0 0 0 divisions, and must provide s e v e r a l ranges within the abovementioned l i m i t s . The number of channels in equipment used in wind-tunnel balances must be equal to the number of measured magnitudes. Usually, the apparatus is equipped with additional channels which a l s o p e r m i t the p r e s s u r e s to be measured simultaneously. All channels should be interchangeable and capable of being calibrated independently on the windtunnel balances. The apparatus used f o r measurements with the aid of strain-gage t r a n s d u c e r s is mainly selected according to the type of supply to the measuring bridges ( d . c . o r a. c . ) and the operating conditions of the measuring circuit (balanced o r unbalanced). Since i n aerodynamic m e a s u r e m e n t s the output signal has to be amplified, selection of the amplifier a l s o depends on the type of supply. D.c. amplifiers have the
advantage that they do not r e q u i r e rectification when they feed electromagnetic instruments. However, a considerable drawback of d. c. amplifiers is the instability of their characteristics. In addition, a drawback of d . c. supply is the potential difference caused by the welded joints between the copper and the constantac wiresforming the thermocouples. In fact, at abridge supply voltage of 6 v, a s t r a i n E = 10 in one of the t r a n s d u c e r s causes avoltage imbalance of 3 X 10-6v in the measuring diagonal. On the other hand, a temperature difference of 1C in the joints between the copper and the constantan c r e a t e s an emf of 4 0 X 1 0 - 6 which corresponds t o a s t r a i n of 13x10-6 The values of the thermoelectric emf can be easily found by switching off the supply source. However, taking into account temperature changes during the experiment is r a t h e r difficult.
FIGURE 6.56. Carrier- frequency measuring circuit. 1- generator for bridge; 2 - measuring brldge: 3 - amplifier: 4 demodulator: 5 - filter: 6 - measuring instrument.
The thermocouple effect is eliminated when the bridge is supplied by a . c. In this case, the constant component caused by the thermoelectric emf is transmitted through the amplifier. I m b a 1a n c e m e t h o d of m e a s u r e m e n t . Rapidly-varying loads a r e most often measured by the imbalance method in which the bridge is supplied with a . c . a t a frequency which i s called the c a r r i e r frequency (Figure 6. 56). Carrier-frequency amplifiers permit measurements of static p r o c e s s e s a s well a s of dynamic p r o c e s s e s when the modulating frequency does not exceed 1 0 t o 1 5 % of the c a r r i e r frequency. A carrier-frequency circuit is simple and stable, but when used in the imbalance method with loop-oscillograph recording, the e r r o r is not l e s s than k370 of the maximum. In strain-gage balances this accuracy i s not always sufficient, hence, imbalance circuits a r e used for measuring the dynamic components of the aerodynamic forces, and a l s o for measurements in shock wind tunnels of very s h o r t operating durations. Measurements of mean or quasisteady aerodynamic f o r c e s by strain-gage balances a r e performed with the aid of balanced circuits, whose advantage over i m balance circuits is in that the indications a r e independent of the supply voltage and of the amplification coefficient of the amplifier. B a l a n c e m e t h o d of m e a s u r e m e n t s . Balanced circuits provide considerably higher measuring accuracies than the imbalance circuits, and do not require accurate measuring instruments with wide s c a l e s . Sensitive null-type measuring instruments a r e used instead, which show the imbalance of the circuit. The voltage imbalance of the
bridge is measured in this c a s e by a compensating method, while the compensator scale is read off at the instant when the signal of the null instrument is zero. Wind -tunnel balances employ exclusively automatic bridges and compensators in which the null instrument is replaced by an a . c . o r d. c . amplifier. The circuit of an automatic bridge with a . c . amplifier is shown in A change Figure 6 . 5 7 . The bridge is supplied f r o m a transformer T in the resistance of the transducers causes a disturbance of the bridge balance, causing an a . c. voltage, whose amplitude is proportional to the measured strain, t o appear a c r o s s the measuring diagonal. The voltage is amplified and f e d to the field winding of a miniature asynchronous reversible motor which r e s t o r e s the bridge balance by moving the contact of rheostat P . Many automatic bridges produced by Soviet industry work on this principle. However, direct use of standard bridges in automatic balances is difficult. In standard instruments the moving contact of the rheostat is connected to a pen writing on a tape driven by a clockwork mechanism. In wind-tunnel balances s e v e r a l magnitudes have t o be recorded simultaneously, while standard multipoint instruments record the indications at fixed time intervals. Standard bridges can be used f o r automatic measurements i f the tapes a r e moved by the mechanism which a l t e r s the angle of attack of the model, Wind-tunnel balances employ special multi-channel automatic bridges permitting simultaneous recording of several magnitudes in digital form, which is m o r e suitable f o r subsequent
FIGURE 6 57 Automatic a . c . bridge. 1 - digltal converter; 2 - reduction gear. 3 - servomoior. 4 - power amplifier. 5 - phase dlscrimlnaror; 6 - band filter; 7 - amplifier; 8 - phase-sensitive rectifier; 9 - reactivebalance indicator. S - sensitivity switch.
decoding and processing (see Chapter MI. Because the digital device is connected directly t o the rotor of the servomotor, the accuracy of such compensators attains 0.1% of the scale maximum, while tapetype recording instruments have an accuracy of only 0.5%.
Modern rapid -action automatic bridges with electronic amplifiers enable values corresponding to the scale maximum to be measured during 0.1 to 0.5 seconds. Automatic bridges a r e suitable for measuring not only static but also slowly varying loads, for instance, when the angle of attack of the model is continuously altered. Another a . c . compensator is the automatic measuring compensator with decade resistances 1191, 1 2 0 1 . In this circuit the imbalance voltage of one or several bridges with strain-gage transducers is balanced by the imbalance voltage of bridges with known resistances. Each bridge of the circuit is fed f r o m a separate winding of t r a n s f o r m e r T (Figure 6.58). The rheostat inthis system i s replaced by a resistance box, the r e s i s t o r s of which a r e switched over by a balancing motor M . The box has decades of ten (n/ 1 O), hundred ( n / 1O O ) , and thousand ( n /1000) divisions, assembled f r o m stable r e s i s t o r s . The decades a r e connected to the c o r n e r s of two bridges. The decades of
FIGURE 6.58 Automatic compensator with box of decade resistors. H - zero set; - balancing motor: c - printing counter; Y - amplifier; D - transducer bridge; P - contactlesr inductive converter.
units ( n ) have a round contactless inductive converter P, whose imbalance voltage depends linearly on the angle of rotation of the core and is in phase with the transducer-bridge supply. The brushes for switching over the decade r e s i s t o r s a r e connected with the decade drums of the digital counter, whose unit shaft is directly connected with the balancing motor. The indications of the counter, which correspond to the signal of the transducer bridge, a r e printed on a tape. An example of a balancing system with d. c. bridge is a circuit developed by ONERA, based on the Speedomax potentiometer / 181. The bridge is balanced by rheostat Rhl (Figure 6.59). The imbalance voltage a c r o s s the diagonal AB is amplified and fed to reversible motor M which moves the slider of rheostat Rh, in the direction required f o r balancing the bridge. In order t o eliminate the influence of the thermoelectric emf, the latter i s balanced by an equal voltage taken f r o m an auxiliary source Ek and adjusted by potentiometer Rh,.
For this, the supply to the transducer bridge is periodically cut off by switch S, and motor M connected to potentiometer Rh, instead of Rhl. Since the bridge then c r e a t e s no potential difference induced by its imbalance, the amplifier is fed only with the voltage of the thermoelectric emf. The motor drives the slider of Rh, until the s u m of the thermoelectric emf and the voltage of the compensating circuit is equal to zero.
I ? =E, Y
FIGURE 6 . 5 9 . Circuit of ahtomatic d . c . bridge. 1amplifier; E , - sohrce of d . c . voltage for feeding transducer bridge; Ek - source of d . c . voltage for compensation of thermoelectric e m f; U - source of a . c . voltage for heating transducers of measuring bridge during compensation of thermoelectric emf: S - switches "measuring- compensation of thermoelectric emf".
After the motor is again connected with potentiometer Rh,, the adjustment which was made when it was connected with Rh, is still in force and compensates the thermoelectric emf during the measurements. The duration of switch-over f o r compensation is about 1 second in every 6 seconds. In o r d e r to prevent cooling of the strain-gage transducers during compensation of the thermoelectric emf, switch S simultaneously connects thebridge to an a . c . supply. A. c. and d. c . supply circuits for transducer bridges have advantages and disadvantages. A. c. systems a r e mostly used in the USSR; t h e i r advantage l i e s in the absence of complicated devices for compensating the thermoelectric emf. Their disadvantage is the necessity for balancing not only the active (ohmic), but also the reactive (capacitive) component of the impedance of the strain-gage transducers and the connecting wires. C i r c u i t s f o r b r i d g e b a l a n c i n g . For accurate m e a s u r e m e n t s of the aerodynamic forces by strain-gage balances, a c o r r e c t choice of the measuring s y s t e m is very important. Account must be taken of the operating characteristics of strain-gage transducers, and the possibility of compensating the e r r o r s introduced must be provided. Manual initial
39 1
regulation (zero regulation) is provided in the measuring system in addition t o the principal automatic bridge balancing. It is intended f o r compensating the bridge asymmetry caused by the r e s i s t a n c e spread of the s e p a r a t e strain-gage transducers, the weight of the model, the influence of the resistance of the connecting wires, the initial temperature distribution in the elastic elements, etc. The rheostat of the automatic compensator is inserted into the bridge circuit in different ways, providing a linear relationship between the variation of the measured magnitude and the displacement of the sliding contact of the rheostat. The rheostat of the automatic compensator can be connected either in s e r i e s with the a r m s of a transducer half-bridge (Figure 6 . 60a) o r parallel t o them (Figure 6 . 60b). The l a t t e r is possible
Rheostat servotor
FIGURE 6.60. Connections of rheostat and potentiometer for zero regulation a - i n series, b - in parallel, n u - i n i t i a l l m b a l a n c e voltage which is reduced to zero by the rheostat
only with a high-resistance rheostat, since with a low-resistance rheostat the relationship between the displacement of the sliding contact of the rheostat and the variation of the measured magnitude is nonlinear, Either a low- or a high-resistance rheostat shunted by a low resistance can be connected in s e r i e s with the a r m s of the half-bridge. When a high-resistance rheostat is inserted between the a r m s of a bridge (Figure 6. 60a) we can, by changing the shunting r e s i s t o r Rsh with the aid of switch S, change the range of measured values corresponding to the full travel of the rheostat contact. When the rheostat is in parallel with the supply diagonal (Figure 6. 60b), the range is changed with the aid of switch S , which i n s e r t s different r e s i s t o r s between the c o r n e r s of the bridge and the sliding contact of the rheostat. In addition, the measuring range can be changed by expanding the scale.
When during s t r a i n measurements the rheostat contact reaches either of the limits of its trave1, this switches in the shunting r e s i s t o r r and the bridge is balanced at the strain attained by the transducers. This corresponds t o a displacement of the s t r a i n readings over the whole travel of the sliding contact. Using a number of r e s i s t o r s r which a r e switched in automatically, we can expand the measuring range. The initial balancing of the bridge is most often c a r r i e d out with the aid of a rheostat connected in parallel to the supply diagonal (Figure 6. 60b). Bridge a r m s (1) and (2) a r e shunted in such a way that the r a t i o s of t h e i r equivalent resistances i s equal to the ratio of the equivalent resistances of the other pair of a r m s when the slider of the rheostat is in a position which corresponds t o z e r o s t r a i n . The shunting resistances a r e not mounted on the elastic element; thus, when the s t r a i n o the l a t t e r lis 5 , the relative change of the equivalent resistance of the shunted a r m is
where Rsh is the shunting resistance of the s t r a i n gage whose resistance i s R , The value Rsh/(Rsh+ R ) = c determines the attenuation of the signal of the shunted arm. If the resistances of s t r a i n gages ( 1 ) and (2) differ f r o m their nominal values by +QR and --aR respectively, where a is small, while strain-gage transducers ( 3 ) and (4) actually have the nominal resistance R, the balancing shunting resistance for strain-gage transducer ( l ) , is determined from
whence e,,,= R/2a and c I / ( 1 + 2a). If strain-gages ( 1 ) and (2) a r e subjected to equal and opposite s t r a i n s the imbalance signal of the bridge i s
Thus, if the resistance of transducers (1) and (2) differs f r o m the nominal value by 1%( a = 0.01), the sensitivity of the half-bridge a l s o changes by 1%. This should be taken into account when designing the measuring circuit. If the elastic element is deformed only by the force to be measured, the e r r o r introduced by the balancing shunt causes a difference between the measured and the t r u e s t r a i n of the element. If other forces act (e. g., forces normal t o that to be measured), these cause additional s t r a i n s of the elastic element. When their compensation is provided in the bridge circuit, the e r r o r introduced by the shunt appears a s a shift of the zero position of the automatic compensator, which depends on the magnitudes of these forces 171, 1 2 1 1 . When the bridge is fed by a. c . , balancing of the reactive impedance component is provided with the aid of a capacitor (Cin Figure 6.57) in addition to balancing of the active component.
The principles of strain-gage balances Wind-tunnel balances of the strain-gage type m e a s u r e the forces of interaction between the model and the cantilever support, caused by the aerodynamic loads on the model. Since the angle of attack of the model is adjusted by moving it together with its support, the components of the total aerodymamic force and moment a r e m e a s u r e d in the fixed coordinate s y s t e m x l y l z l . When analyzing the forces acting on a windtunnel balance located inside the model of an airplane o r rocket representing an elongated body with an axis o r plane of symmetry, the components a r e best considered in p a i r s : lift and pitching moment ( Y , and Mz,); s i d e force and yawing moment ( Z l and My,).These components cause bending of the balance represented in Figure 6 . 61 a s a cylindrical cantilever beam, while the drag Q1 and the heeling moment M,, cause respectively axial compression and torsion of the beam.
Multi-component wind -tunnel balances located inside the model can be classified by the following design characteristics : 1) balances entirely inside the cantilever supports of the models; 2) balances with floating f r a m e s . The arrangement of a balance of the cantilever type is based on the characteristics of the measuring bridge, which permit its use a s a simple computing device. The various components of the aerodynamic load can be determined by measuring the s t r a i n s at different points of the surface of the cantilever beam. By suitably connecting the strain-gage transducers mounted at these points to measuring bridges, the output signal of each bridge can be made to depend mainly on one component of the aerodynamic load. Examples of such wind-tunnel balances a r e the "beam" balances
which a r e widely used in aerodynamic laboratories in the U. S. A , , U. K., and France 1 2 2 1 , 1 2 3 1 . Balances in the f o r m of simple cantilever beams make it possible to m e a s u r e a t a sufficiently high accuracy, forces and moments causing M , , , Z , , My,).The drag Q ,and the heeling bending strains in the beam (Y,, moment M,,usually cause in the beam only very small compressive and torsional strains whose accurate measurement is practically impossible. TOpermit measurement of these components and also to increase the accuracy of measuring other components when the model is only slightly loaded, the cantilever beam is machined in a complicated manner s o a s to form a number of elastic elements. These elastic elements permit the influence of any single component of the aerodynamic load to be separated partially o r entirely f r o m those of the other components. In a wind-tunnel balance located outside the model, the aerodynamic load is resolved into components with the aid of kinematic mechanisms consisting of links which a r e considered undeformable. Such kinematic mechanisms cannot in practice be placed inside a small model whose breadth varies between 2 and 20 cm, a s in most supersonic wind tunnels. However, if we replace the usual kinematic hinges by elastic hinges, the model is converted into a kind of floating f r a m e connected to the cantilever support by a statically determined system of links. By measuring the reactions in these links with the aid of elastic measuring elements, we can determine the components of the aerodynamic load a s functions of the strain of one or several elastic elements. Direct resolution of the aerodynamic load into components can be c a r r i e d out in a dynamometric cantilever with the aid of either elastic kinematic o r elastic measuring elements. Elastic kinematic elements a r e used to permit translational o r rotational motion (kinematic isolation) of any rigid element of the balance , while elastic measuring elements a r e intended to prevent such motion. The reaction between two elastic elements, of the f i r s t and the second type respectively, is proportional to the measured component. The higher the ratio of the rigidity of the elastic measuring element to the rigidity of the elastic kinematic element, the more exact is this proportionality. Strain-gage transducers mounted on the elastic measuring element permit this reaction to be mensuredby calibrating the balancps, the reactions a r e compared with the measured components. Thus, Figure 6. 62 shows an elastic element consisting of two parallel plates ( l ) , interconnected by rigid elements (an elastic parallelogram) and serving for the kinematic isolation of the force P ; the elastic hinge ( 2 ) is intended to isolate the moment M . The elastic measuring elements ( 3 ) and (4) m e a s u r e respectively P and M . By suitably mounting the strain-gage transducers, the kinematic element can at the s a m e time a c t a s measuring element. In this case the entire measured force (or moment) is equilibrated by the elastic restoring force, while the strain-gage transducers a r e located a t the points of maximum strain. The s t r a i n s at these points a r e affected also by the components which a r e not being measured. By suitably selecting the shape of the elastic element the s t r a i n caused by the component to be measured can be made to exceed that caused by any other component. This can in particular be achieved when the component to be measured induces bending s t r a i n s in the element, while the
I _.
. . .
. . .
. - _-
...--- .-- ..
. .... . . ..
. ..
other components cause compression or tension. The residual interference f the elastic v a r i e s directly with the absolute deformation (displacement) o
To model
Strain-gage transducers
To support
element, and can be reduced or entirely eliminated with the aid of compensating systems based on the properties o f the measuring bridges into which the strain-gage transducers a r e inserted.
Elastic elements for measuring forces The simplest elastic element f o r measuring f o r c e s is a beam (Figure 6 . 6 3 ) .
FIGURE 6.63. Systems for measuring the components of a force resultant. a ax i al component Rx; b - vertical component Ry; c - a l l three components Rx, Ry, and Rz.
F o r measuring the component R, along the beam axis (Figure 6. 63a), the active t r a n s d u c e r s ( 1 ) and (3) a r e mounted on opposite s u r f a c e s of the beam in such a way that their bases a r e p a r a l l e l to the direction of the longitudinal s t r a i n s . Transducers (2) and (4), which s e r v e for t e m p e r a t u r e compensation, a r e mounted perpendicular t o the longitudinal direction. If the neutral s u r f a c e of the rod l i e s in the middle between the wire grids of t r a n s d u c e r s ( 1 ) and ( 3 ) , t h e s t r a i n s of the l a t t e r , caused by the bending of the beam, a r e equal and opposite ( 1 b = -Eb ). Hence, when t r a n s d u c e r s ( 1 ) and (3) a r e inserted into opposite a r m s of the bridge, the vertical component R, does not cause an imbalance, and the l a t t e r i s determined only by the axial component of the force. For measuring the v e r t i c a l component RY (Figure 6. 63b), the t r a n s d u c e r s a r e glued to opposite s i d e s of the beam and inserted into adjacent a r m s of the bridge. The active t r a n s d u c e r s s e r v e at the s a m e time f o r compensation; this i n c r e a s e s the sensitivity of the bridge. In contrast t o the arrangement i n F i g u r e 6.63a, which p e r m i t s the axial component R, to be determined i r r e s p e c t i v e of its point of application, the arrangement in Figure 6. 63b p e r m i t s the component Rv t o be determined only i f i t s point of application 0 is known and if the axial component R , does not c a u s e bending of the beam, i. e., causes no moment about the origin of coordinates 0 on the neutral axis of the beam at a distance 1 f r o m the midpoints of the t r a n s d u c e r s . If the point of application of the resultant f o r c e i s known and l i e s on the intersection of the neutral planes of the beam, we can, with the aid of three s e p a r a t e measuring bridges, m e a s u r e independently each of the components R,, R,, and R,, by suitably mounting t r a n s d u c e r s on the s u r f a c e of the beam (Figure 6 . 6 3 ~ ) . The accuracy of measuring the components depends on the r a t i o s of t h e i r magnitudes, the accurate mounting of the t r a n s d u c e r s , t h e i r individual s t r a i n sensitivities, the uniform stress distribution a t the points where the t r a n s d u c e r s a r e mounted, and s e v e r a l other f a c t o r s . When a cantilever beam of height h is bent by a t r a n s v e r s e f o r c e , the maximum signal voltage a t a distance 1 f r o m the point of f o r c e application is 6r/h t i m e s higher than when a rod of equal c r o s s section is tensioned or compressed by an equal f o r c e . Hence, axially s t r e s s e d rods a r e used mainly f o r measuring l a r g e loads. However, f o r equal s t r a i n s , the displacement of the point of load application i s l a r g e r in bending than in axial loading. Large displacements in multi-component strain-gage balances should be prevented, since they cause interaction between the components and displacements of the points where the f o r c e s a r e applied. A compromise design is therefore usually adopted, in which both sensitivity and displacements a r e r e s t r i c t e d . Sensitivity is frequently m o r e important, s o that strain-gage balances a r e mostly provided with elastic dynamometric elements subjected t o bending. Only when the loads t o be measured a r e l a r g e or when the natural frequency of the balance h a s t o be increased, is r e c o u r s e had to e l a s t i c elements subjected to compression or tension. This is necessary, f o r instance, in hypersonic wind tunnels with v e r y s h o r t operating durations. Elastic elements in the f o r m of eccentrically loaded rods (Figure 6.64a) have the disadvantage that during bending the a r m of the f o r c e changes;
this causes nonlinearity of the force-strain relationship. This drawback is eliminated in symmetrical elastic elements (Figure 6. 64b).
If the point of force application is unknown, the force is measured by elastic elements permitting displacement, in the direction of the force, of the balance link taking up this force. For instance, an elastic parallelogram (Figure 6. 65) permits measurement of the force component perpendicular to two thin plates connecting two rigid links. This component (R,) causes S-shaped bending of the plates, s o that the rigid links a r e translated one with respect to the other. The s t r a i n s on both surfaces of each plate a r e determined by two straight lines intersecting in the center of the plate. At the ends of the plates the s t r a i n s a r e equal and opposite; their absolute value is Rv1/4WE, where I is the length and W is the modulus of section of the plate. When transducers mounted on both sides of one o r both plates a r e inserted into the measuring bridge according t o diagram a o r b in Figure 6. 65 the bridge must respond only to the vertical component R,. The component R,, parallel to the plate, and the moment M cause compression o r tension in the plates, which influence the bridge indications only when the plates a r e deflected ( f ) . This influence can be reduced, if a third, thick plate is inserted between the two outermost plates (Figure 6. 66a), which takes up the g r e a t e r p a r t of the vertical component. The bending moment is almost completely taken up by tension o r compression of the outermost plates. The elastic parallelogram is thus mainly a purely kinematic element while the center plate is the elastic measuring (dynamometric) element, and c a r r i e s strain -gage transducers which respond t o t r a n s v e r s e deformation. The dynamometric element for measuring the axial force Q 1 is usually a plate which is sufficiently thin to provide the n e c e s s a r y signal voltage d u e to tension o r compression f an elastic parallelogram is used a s kinematic element (Figure 6. 66b). I the thickness of the plates is small in relation t o their length, and the g r e a t e r
p a r t of the force to be measured is taken up by the measuring element. If the elastic parallelogram is at the s a m e time also the measuring element, the plates a r e thicker in o r d e r to r e d u c e their deflections.
T o support
3 -8
To model
upper surface
To support
To model
Bridee for
measuring (Y,,Q)
To support
To model b)
FIGURE 6.66.
to model
FIGURE 6 . 6 1 . Double elastic parallelogram for drag measurements.
FIGURE 6.68. Single-component balance for drag measurements 1 -measuring eleme nt ; 2 - m o d e l ; 3 - support; 4 - moving link of parallelogram; 5 - elastic plates of parallelogram; 6 - rigid connecting walls.
Ball bearings
FIGURE 6.69. Measuring drag with t h e aid of supports mounted o n ball bearings (a) and on diaphragms (b).
Figure 6. 67 shows a slightly modified design of an elastic parallelogram intended f o r measuring drag. The model is fixed to the rigid center link of t h e elastic element, whose outermost links a r e rigidly connected t o the support. The center link is the common moving link of the two elastic parallelograms. This design p e r m i t s the influence of t r a n s v e r s e forces t o be reduced, since the bending moments caused by them a r e mutually compensated . In the single-component balance f o r drag m e a s u r e m e n t s (Figure 6. 681, the measuring element (1) is an eccentrically loaded bent rod, inserted between model (2) and support ( 3 ) . Moving link (4) of the parallelogram is rigidly connected with the model and elastically with the support, whose front and back a r e connected by rigid walls (6). The u s e of kinematic elements for measuring the d r a g reduces the influence of the components Yi and Mz,. Hence, the d r a g c a n a l s o be measured with the a i d of other devices which p e r m i t axial translation of the model, such a s ball-bearing guides o r elastic diaphragms of s m a l l rigidity i n the axial direction ( F i g u r e 6. 69).
Elastic elements f o r measuring moments Since the heeling moment M,, causes twisting of the cantilever support (Figure 6. 61), M,, can be determined by measuring the s t r a i n s on the s u r f a c e of a c i r c u l a r rod o r a tube. In a twisted c i r c u l a r rod the principal s t r e s s e s a r e equal and opposite in directions inclined a t 45" t o the rod axis. Transducers glued to the rod and connected t o the measuring bridge
40 1
h e r e p and E a r e respectively Poissons r a t i o and the modulus of elasticity of the rod material, and W p is the polar moment of resistance of the rod c r o s s section where the transducers a r e mounted. Thus, the imbalance voltage of the measuring bridge is
Au = 7 ( c 1
- c2+
In bending of the rod the s t r a i n s of the transducers connected to the adjacent a r m s of the bridge a r e equal in sign and magnitude. The s a m e
FIGURE 6.71. Elastic el em en t s for measuring moments. a and b - m e a surement of M=, ; c - elastic element for taking up the shearing forces; dmkasurement of M ~ (, o r yYl ).
applies to compression and tension. Hence, the bridge is theoretically not sensitive to any component other than M, Nevertheless, in order to
reduce the influence of the components causing bending of the rod, due t o nonsymmetrical mounting of the t r a n s d u c e r s , the l a t t e r a r e mounted a s close a s possible t o the front of the rod. When the separate transducers a r e a t the s a m e temperature, the bridge i s fully compensated. A higher sensitivity to the moment M, than in a twisted rod can be provided with the aid of elastic elements in which the torque causes bending of one or m o r e p a i r s of beams or plates (Figure 6. 71). The design of the elastic element (Figure 6. 71a) is s i m i l a r to that of an elastic hinge with fixed center (Figure 6.18). The moment M,, causes S-shaped bending of the plates. Strain-gage transducers for measuring M,, a r e mounted on both sides of the plate roots. The influence of the forces Y , and Z, and the moments M,, and M,, , which cause bending of the plates in the radial directions, is very s m a l l when the r a t i o of the plate height h to the thickness b i s large. The influences of the forces Yi and Z, can be still further reduced i f the axis of the elastic element is formed by a central rod taking up the g r e a t e r p a r t of these f o r c e s (Figure 6 . 7 1 ~ ) . An elastic element (Figure 6, 71b) which externally is s i m i l a r t o an elastic parallelogram, can, when h = b , be used for measuring not only M,, but a l s o moments acting in longitudinal planes ( M y and % Mz,). The transducers a r e then mounted and inserted into the measuring bridge in such a way that the bridge responds to tension and compression of the r o d s (Figure 6. 71d).
To model
FIGURE 6.72. Measuremenr of Mx, by a n elastic element sub]ecrrd to colnpresslon and tension.
strain-gage transducers connected to the measuring bridge, which responds to tensile and compressive s t r a i n s of the plates. The rigid top and bottom of t h e elastlc element a r e fixed respectively to the model and to the support, Necks (3) reduce the rigidity of the elastic parallelogram, one of whose links f o r m s the elastic element when the drag is being measured. Figure 6.73 shows the measurement of the moment M,,by a kinematic method. The support is mounted on ball bearings inside a shroud and is connected t o an elastic plate fixed a t its other end t o a stationary s t r u t .
The moment M,, causes bending of the plate in a plane perpendicular t o the axis of the support.
FIGURE 6.73.
Measuring t h e moment
M ~ with ,
t h e aid of a kinematic
If the origin of coordinates of the balance is placed in the beam section which p a s s e s through the center of the transducer base, the bending moment in this section will be equal t o the aerodynamic moment in the plane of bending of the beam; hence, the unbalance of the bridge consisting of these transducers will be proportional t o biz, (or My!). The origin of coordinates can be t r a n s f e r r e d t o any point on the axis of the support by inserting into the circuit auxiliary transducers whose s t r a i n s a r e proportional to a force. Thus, for instance, in the circuit shown in Figure 6 . 7 4 ,
Transducers for measuring force Y,
I . .
I 1
I 1
the moment M,,about the origin of coordinates 0 can be measured by bridge I, which consists of transducers (l), (ll), (2), and (2'). In order to transfer the origin of coordinates to O', where the bending moment is Mi, = M,, - a Y , a bridge 1 1is connected in s e r i e s with bridge I, whose a r m s 4 ) . and (4'), glued to the consist of the auxiliary transducers (3), (3!), ( m e m b e r s of an elastic parallelogram. Since these m e m b e r s a r e only strained by the t r a n s v e r s e f o r c e Y , , the imbalance signal of bridge II is proportional to this force. The proportionality coefficient depends on the supply voltage of the bridge. Hence, the total signal of bridges I and I1 is
AU =k,Mz,-t-k2Y,,
where k , and k p a r e constants which characterize the sensitivities of bridges I and 11. The supply voltage of bridge I1 can be chosen i n such a way that kz = - k l a , S O that
AU = k , (Nz,aY,) = k,M:,,
i. e., the total signal is proportional to the moment about 0'. The s a m e problem can be solved in a simpler way with the aid of a single bridge 1 1 1 in which the force -sensitive strain-gage transducers a r e shunted by equal resistances r.
Independent measurement of forces and couples The circuit shown in Figure 6 . 7 4 corresponds t o two-component balances which permit independent measurement of a f o r c e and a moment about a given point with the aid of two separate elastic elements. This problem can also be solved with the aid of two elastic elements which a r e so placed that they a r e kinematic elements in relation to one another. Thus, for instance, in the elastic element shown in Figure 6. 75, the central rod (1)
measuring Y
FIGURE 6.15. Elastic el em en t for measuring force and m o m en t . 1 - rod taking up transverse force; 2 - rods taking up bending moment; 3 - rigid link.
is subjected to bending, a s in an elastic parallelogram (Figure 6. 66a), t a k i n g u p t h e g r e a t e r p a r t of the force Y. The outer rods (2) f o r m the links of an elastic parallelogram permitting translation of link (3) under the action of this force. Strain-gage transducers mounted on central rod (1) a r e inserted into a measuring bridge, which permits the force Y to be m e a s u r e d independently of the couple. The couple, whose moment is M , is taken up almost entirely by the outer rods. These rods a r e eccentrically loaded by axial forces of opposite signs, which cause bending. The central beam f o r m s an elastic hinge (i.e., a kinematic element), about which link (3) rotates. I f we i n s e r t the strain-gage transducers mounted on the outer rods into a measuring bridge which responds to the algebraic sums of their bending s t r a i n s , the bridge will m e a s u r e the moment M about a point lying on the axis of s y m m e t r y of the elastic element.
Similarly, to m e a s u r e a force together with a moment we can use the central rod in the elastic element shown in Figure 6. 71c. A combination of two such elastic elements with a common central rod (Figure 6. 7 6 ) permits simultaneous measurement of two forces and two moments in mutually perpendicular planes, i. e., Y,,M z 3 , and Z,, My!. The forces a r e determined with the aid of m e a s u r i n g bridges responding to s t r a i n s caused by bending of the central rod in two planes, while the moments a r e determined with the aid of bridges responding t o tensile and compressive s t r a i n s of the outer r o d s . The s a m e complex elastic element can be u s e d f o r measuring a fifth component (Mi,) with the aid of strain-gage transducers mounted at the roots of the rods and inserted into a measuring bridge responding to S-shaped bending of the rods (Figure 6. 71a). The strain-gage transducers which a r e connected to bridges measuring MyI and IM,, a r e mounted at the center of the rods, where the deformation i s closest to pure tension o r compression. A basically different method of measuring forces and moments ( YI and M,, or Z , and My,) consists in determining by two separate elastic measuring elements, the reactions R , and R2 between the model and the support at two points lying on the x-axis (Figure 6. 77). A couple and a force can be
. , ,
, . . . ,m
I ,
determined a s in a mechanical wind-tunnel balance, since the rigid balance link, which is connected to the model, s e r v e s a s a floating f r a m e . If the resultant of the forces p a s s e s through 0, which is equidistant f r o m the measuring elements, the force is determined a s the s u m of the measured reactions, while the moment is proportional to their difference. This corresponds to determining the forces and moments f r o m the indications of balance elements of mechanical wind-tunnel balances in which the forces a r e not resolved into components. However, the characteristics of the bridge make possible adding and subtracting operations s i m i l a r t o those performed in moment- and- f o r c e l e v e r mechanisms (Figure 6.10).
To model
In fact, these lever systems a r e actually mechanical computing devices which add and subtract the forces acting in the rods connected to the floating frame. Measuring bridges p e r f o r m the s a m e operations on the values of the s t r a i n s which depend linearly on the forces and moments. An example of such a connection of strain-gage transducers to measuring bridges for the independent measurement of forces and moments is shown in Figure 6.77 An example of a strain-gage balance with floating f r a m e is shown in Figure 6.88. A force and a couple can also be determined f r o m the bending moments f the model. The solution in two c r o s s sections of the cantilever support o of the problem is obtained f r o m the fact that a bending moment due to a t r a n s v e r s e force ( YI o r Z,) is proportional t o the distance between the point of application of the force and the considered c r o s s section of the rod, while the bending moment due to a couple is constant over the length of the rod. By measuring the s t r a i n s in two different c r o s s sections of the rod we obtain two independent equations whose solution yields the unknown force
and couple. The design of beam-type strain-gage balances (Figure 6 . 7 8 ) is based on this principle.
Diagram of moments
Siting of transducers
2 ' '2'
Secrion ,4 a) Seccion 8
FIGURE 6.78.
Aprismatic or circular beam c a r r i e s at A and B strain-gage transducers which respond to s t r a i n s caused by bending moments acting in the plane of the paper. If the origin of coordinates is at 0, the bending moments in sections A and B a r e respectively
M A =M a - Y,x,;
M, =Mz, - Y,x,.
When the c r o s s sections A and B a r e equal, the strains of the sensitive grids of the transducers are: for transducers (1) and (1 I )
M . 4
f o r transducers (2) and ( 2 ' ) f o r transducers (3) and ( 3 ' ) f o r transducers (4) and (4')
-W M E A,
where E is the modulus of elasticity of the beam m a t e r i a l and W is the modulus of section of the beam. If we i n s e r t the strain-gage transducers in sections A and B into s e p a r a t e measuring bridges a ) and b), the output voltages of the bridges will be
Substituting in the expressions for the bending moments the measured values of AUaand A U B , we obtain two equations with two unknowns; solving f o r the required components we find,
AuA - Au
x B - x AE ,
where k = WEIus. The constants entering into these formulas, which depend on the elastic properties of the beam, the characteristics of the transducers, and t h e i r siting, a r e determined by calibration. If the origin of coordinates lies in the section passing through the center of the transducer b a s e at A , then X A = 0 and the indications of bridge a ) in Figure 6 . 78 will depend only on A%,. In o r d e r t o i n c r e a s e the measuring accuracy, strain-gage transducers can be mounted in m o r e than two sections 1 2 2 1 . The number of equations then exceeds the number of unknowns; and the moment and f o r c e a r e determined by the method of l e a s t s q u a r e s . The unknowns Y , and Mz, a r e found f r o m the following equations:
n Z x , bur - Z x i Z Aul
Aul - - ~
- Ex,Zx, A u , nZx7 - ( Z X , ) ~
In these equations n is the number of sections where strain-gage t r a n s d u c e r s are mounted, while x i are the coordinates of these sections, and Aui a r e the output signals of the measuring bridges, which a r e proportional t o the bending moments in the corresponding sections. T h e l a s t equaticns can b e transformed into a s i m p l e r f o r m which p e r m i t s the unknowns t o be foundby multiplying the known values of Aut by the constants of the s y s t e m :
Yi=k(a,,AU,+a,zAu,+ai,Au,+ ---). M,,=k(~,A~,+a22A~z+a,Au,~ . -).
For independent measurements of the force and the moment we can u s e the measuring bridge a s a simple computing device. Thus, if a l l s t r a i n gage transducers in sections A and B a r e inserted respectively into the upper and lower half-bridge in such a way that the signal of one halfbridge is subtracted f r o m that of the other, the imbalance voltage a t the output of bridge c ) (Figure 6 . 78) will be proportional t o the difference of the bending moments acting in sections A and B :
The imbalance voltage of bridge c ) is thus proportional to the force Y, and does not depend on the pitching moment Mz,. In o r d e r t o m e a s u r e M,,, the strain-gage t r a n s d u c e r s of the lower half-bridge a r e shunted by equal r e s i s t a n c e s Rsh. T h i s reduces the imbalance signal causedby a change in the resistance of the transducers of this half-bridge to m times i t s f o r m e r value T h e total imbalance signal of bridge d) is then ( m< I ) .
I f we choose the r e s i s t a n c e of the shunt in such a way that ( m = x,/x,), the coefficient of Y , vanishes s o that the imbalance voltage of bridge d ) is proportional t o the moment:
x -x Pkx,
By adjusting the resistance of the shunt, the origin of coordinates can be t r a n s f e r r e d t o different points on the x-axis. In o r d e r t o m e a s u r e the side force ZIand the yawing moment My,, transducers a r e mounted on the beam in planes parallel t o the plane of the paper, and a r e inserted into measuring bridges in a manner s i m i l a r to the above. The disadvantage of beam-type balances is t h e i r comparatively low sensitivity, since, in o r d e r to avoid l a r g e displacements of the model caused by bending of the beam, the signal s t r a i n s have t o be limited. In o r d e r to i n c r e a s e the signal strength, the c r o s s section of the beam is locally reduced a t the points where the strain-gage transducers a r e mounted (Figure 6 . 79). The total rigidity of the rod is thus only insignificantly reduced . When the c r o s s section of the model is sufficiently large, the sensitivity can be increased a t a s m a l l e r loss of rigidity, if the beam has internal cutouts a s shown in Figure 6 . 79a. The total number of strain-gage t r a n s d u c e r s can then be increased by mounting them on both sides of the thin outer plates.
FIGURE 6.79. Local reductions of beam cross section in order to increase output signal.
Design requirements of strain-gage balances The design of an internal wind-tunnel balance is determined firstly by the components to be measured and their limit values, and secondly, by the dimensions of the tested models. By combining in different ways the elastic elements described above, we obtain multi-component balances. The main requirements of elastic elements a r e large signal s t r a i n s at an adequate safety factor, linearity, absence of hysteresis, and reproducibility of the measurements. In o r d e r to increase the electrical signal for a given signal strain, the elastic element is usually provided with a l a r g e number of s t r a i n gage transducers connected in such a way that each a r m of the measuring bridge contains two, three, and sometimes four strain-gage transducers. The maximum strains that can be measured in different types of balances vary between 0.03 and 0.1%. In o r d e r that the greatest p a r t of the components to be measured be taken up by the measuring elements, the kinematic elements must have a low rigidity in the direction of this component and the highest possible rigidity in the directions of the components not measured. Both linearity and reproducibility can be increased by giving to most o r a l l elastic elements in the balances the f o r m of integral cantilevers. If for s o m e reason this is impossible, a l l connections of the elastic elements must be such that no relative displacements occur (except those caused by elastic deformations). This r e f e r s also to the connections between model and balance. In o r d e r to reduce hysteresis, the elastic elements must be made of high-strength alloy steel having good elastic properties, s m a l l warping when heat-treated, and a high fatigue strength. One of the Soviet materials which satisfies these requirements is heat-treated grade 30 KhGSA steel which has a yield strength of 80 to 90 kg/mm2. The best material for elastic elements is beryllium bronze. A s m a l l interaction of the components and a s m a l l temperature sensitivity a r e also important requirements f o r balances. The effects on the r e s u l t s of other components should amount to l e s s than 1%of the limiting value of the component to be measured. If this is
41 1
I1 1
1 1 1
not achieved, corrections a r e introduced whose s u m must not exceed 3 to 5'70 of the limiting value mentioned. Interaction d e c r e a s e s with decreasing displacements of the model caused by deformation of the elastic elements and the cantilever support. A high rigidity of the balance should therefore be aimed at, p r i m a r i l y in those elements which do not take p a r t i n the m e a s u r e m e n t s . When the rigidity of the cantilever support is reduced, the amplitude of the vibrations of the model, due t o load variations caused by nonuniform flow around the model, shock fluctuations, etc., i n c r e a s e s . Vibrations of t h e support may introduce considerable dynamical e r r o r s into the m e a s u r e m e n t s . The measuring instrument should r e c o r d the mean value of the measured p a r a m e t e r . However, i f the variations of the p a r a m e t e r a r e l a r g e , the imbalance- signal amplifier operates under saturation condition and will emit a signal even when the constant component is z e r o . Sometimes it i s n e c e s s a r y to reduce sensitivity in o r d e r t o i n c r e a s e rigidity. Interaction depends to a l a r g e degree on the geometrical accuracy and s y m m e t r i c a l disposition of the elastic elements and on the c o r r e c t mounting of the strain-gage t r a n s d u c e r s on them. This is done in such a way that the e r r o r s introduced by the symmetrically located elements a r e mutually compensated. In addition, the design of the balance must e n s u r e a c c u r a t e coincidence of the axes of model and balance. Local deformations a t the joints between elastic elements must be avoided on s u r f a c e s on which s t r a i n gage t r a n s d u c e r s a r e mounted. Temperature effects a r e due t o dynamic and s t a t i c t e m p e r a t u r e gradients between individual strain-gage t r a n s d u c e r s and elastic elements. These effects can be reduced if a change in t e m p e r a t u r e does not affect the s y m m e t r y of the elastic elements o r cause changes in their shape. Temperature effects i n wind tunnels with high stagnation t e m p e r a t u r e s a r e reduced by forced cooling of the balance by w a t e r o r a i r flowing in special channels. When the operating duration of the tunnel is short, cooling can be replaced by heat insulation.
Design examples of strain-gage balances In wind-tunnel balances of the cantilever type, the different load components a r e usually measured with the aid of s e v e r a l elastic elements installed in s e r i e s . Thus, in a three-component balance (Figure 6 . BO), t h r e e elastic elements a r e located along the x-axis, each of which is intended f o r measuring a s e p a r a t e component. The leading c r o s s -shaped the thin element in element (Figure 6.71a) is intended f o r measuring M,,, the center for measuring M,,, and the elastic parallelogram (Figure 6 . 65), f o r measuring Y,. All elastic elements a r e produced by milling of a cylindrical rod. The design shown schematically in Figure 6.81 p e r m i t s t h r e e Y I and Mz,) t o be measured. components of a plane s y s t e m of forces (QI, The elastic parallelogram in the center s e r v e s f o r measuring the l i f t , and the other, f o r measuring the drag. In balances of this design the rigidity of the cantilever beam is lowered by reducing i t s c r o s s section a t the joint between the elastic element measuring d r a g and the model.
Bending of the beam, due to the component Y 1 and M,,o r Z1 and My,, causes changes in the attitude of the model, displacement of the point of force application, and changes in the shapes of the elastic elements, which in turn cause additional interaction between the m e a s u r e d components.
Section A-A
Section B-B
Section C-C
FIGURE 6.80.
1 6
Balances for drag measurement by means of an elastic parallelogram can be inserted in a model with a minimum height of 40 to 50 m m . When the height of the model is less, the plates become very short; this makes it difficult to mount strain-gage transducers on them and limits the accuracy of drag, measurements. The components Y , and M,, (or 21and M y , ) subject the plates of the elastic parallelogram to tension and compression. When the moving and stationary p a r t s of the elastic parallelogram undergo relative
displacements, tension and compression cause eccentric bending of the plates (Figure 6. 82). This causes the components Yi and M,, to affect the measurement of Q,.
In the six-component ARA wind-tunnel balance (Figure 6.83) this effect is reduced by using the elastic parallelogram only a s kinematic element (Figure 6 . 6 6 ) . In addition, the rigidity of the cantilever beam is increased in this balance by securing the model directly to the "moving" p a r t of the elastic element which m e a s u r e s the drag 1241. The other
ARA balance.
five components a r e measured by an elastic element (Figure 6.76) which connects the stationary p a r t of the elastic element measuring the drag QI with the r e a r of the cantilever connected to the support, In the wind-tunnel balance developed by the Royal Institute of Technology are, in contraqt, measured Sweden, the components Y1, M,,, and ZI, My,, by elastic elements located in two sections on either side of the inner part, used f o r measuring Qi and M,,. (Figure 6. 84). This internal straingage balance is intended f o r a low-speed wind tunnel (up to 1 0 0 m / s e c ) with an open test section measuring 4.2 mX2.7m 1251.
The maximum loads which can be measured by the balance a r e : lift, 1100 kg, side force and drag, 225 kg, pitching moment, 70 kgm, heeling and yawing moments, 55 kgm. The balance consists of an inner part and two equal outer p a r t s above and below the inner part. The components YI, Mz,, and Z I , My, a r e measured in p a i r s with the aid of strain-gage transducers mounted on tension and compression plates formed by cuts in the outer p a r t s (Figure 6. 79).
Section A A
FIGURE 6.84.
Elastic elements of six-component strain-gage balance for low-speed tunnels. a - o u t er part; b - inner part.
The heeling moment and the drag a r e measured by elements of the inner p a r t formed by machining a piece of s t e e l into two halves, connected by four vertical links and two horizontal s t r i p s . The drag causes tension in one and compression in the other strip. Two percent of the drag is taken up by the four links, in addition to the l i f t and the yawing moment. Of the heeling moment, 87% is taken up by two l a t e r a l links forming elastic elements (Figure 6 . 7 2 ) and 13%by the central links When the model is s m a l l the device f o r measuring the drag is often placed behidd the model in the cylindrical p a r t of the support s t r u t whose c r o s s section may exceed that of the model (Figure 6 . 6 9 ) . The cantilever b e a m i s coveredby a shroud, which immediately behind the model f o r m s a cylinder whose diameter is l e s s than that of the model. A t M = 1.5 to 3, ;he distance between the trailing edge of the model and the beginning of
the conical transition is between 3 and 5 diameters of the cylindrical p a r t of the shroud, The cone angle should be a s small a s possible, and the cylindrical part of the s t r u t must be located downstream of the test section where it cannot affect the flow in the latter. An example of a six-component strain-gage balance, i n which the device f o r measuring the drag is contained inside the strut, is the balance in the supersonic ONERA wind tunnel 1121 a t Courneuve (France), whose test section m e a s u r e s 0.28mX0.28m (Figure 6.85). The drag is measured with the aid of the kinematic suspension of support (1) on two diaphragms (2) located in the cylindrical p a r t of s t r u t (4). The spiral-shaped cut-outs reduce the rigidity of the diaphragms in the axial direction. The drag is taken up by elastic element (3) forming an eccentrically loaded beam. The rod in the leading p a r t of the support has mutually perpendicular cut-outs which increase the sensitivity of the systems measuring the components y , , zI, M y,, and Mz,. The sensitivity of heeling-moment measurements(M,) is increased by the cross-shaped f o r m of the section in which the transducers a r e glued. The 12 mm-diameter rod allows forces up to 5 kg and moments up to 15kg c m to be measured.
Six-component strain-gage balance ONERA,Courneuve. 1 - support; 2 - diaphragms; 3 - elastic el cm en t for measuring QI; 4 -strut.
FIGURE 6.85.
The six-component balance of the transonic and supersonic ONERA wind tunnel (Figure 6. 86) is intended for measuring the = My, = M,, =50 kg m m . The following loads : QI= 1.5 kg; Y1=ZI =5 kg; MI, test section of the tunnel m e a s u r e s 0 . 2 m X 0 . 3 m . In order to increase the a r e measured with rigidity of the balance the components YI, M,, and Z t , My, the aid of a cantilever beam inside the model (Figure 6, 78) while the components QI and M,, a r e measured by a kinematic method with the aid of a device in the central part of the streamlined s t r u t . In o r d e r to reduce
the number of transducers and increase the rigidity of the support the s i x components a r e measured in two stages by switching over the electrical circuits. The lift Y , and the pitching moment M,,a r e measured by three half-bridges located in three reduced sections of the leading p a r t of the support. One half-bridge is used in common for measuring YI and Mz,.
FIGURE t i . 9 6 . Six-component strain-gage balance, ONERA, 1 - support; 2 - elastic element for ineaauring Q , and M~~ (shown separately below); 3 c).llndrlcdl part of strut; 4 - ball bedring; 5 - shroud; 6: - half-bridge for measuring Y , dnd M 2 , ; 7 - hdll-bridge lor i l i c ~ i u r i n g2, and M y , ; 8 - half-bridge for measuring M~~ ; Y - half-bridge fur illrdsuring Y , ; 10 - iidif-bridge for measuring M y , ; 11 -halfbridge for nieasuring ,?,.
The transducers for measuring the side force ZI and the yawing moment M y , a r e mounted similarly. The origin of coordinates is a t 0. The heeling moment and the drag a r e measured by elastic element (2). The l a t t e r is connected by pins to the trailing p a r t of the support and to the cylindrical part of s t r u t (3) in which support (1) is c a r r i e d on ball bearings (4) which permit rotation and axial displacement of the support. Elastic element (2), shown separately in Figure 6.86, is made integral f r o m beryllium bronze. The drag Q1 is measured with the aid of an elastic parallelogram whose beams a r e bent in the xlyl plane by the action of this force. The wide plate, on which the transducers measuring AIx, a r e glued, is hent in the ylzl plane. A simplified electrical diagram of the balance. (Figure 6. 86) is shown ' and Z', which consist of transducers in Figure 6.87. Two half-bridges Y
mounted in front of the leading ball bearing, s e r v e for compensating the effects of inaccurate mounting of the t r a n s d u c e r s , differences in t h e i r s t r a i n sensitivity, etc. Half -bridge Y' supplies a compensating signal to the circuit f o r measuring 21and My,, while half-bridge Z' supplies a compensating signal t o the circuit for measuring Y , and M,. The influences of Y , on M,,and of M,, on Y I a r e compensated by variable r e s i s t a n c e s Yl/ML, a nd M z , / Y l , whose s l i d e r s a r e a t apotential equal to half the bridge supply voltage. Internal wind-tunnel balances with floating f r a m e s , whose design is based on the measurement of two p a i r s of reactions in two mutually perpendicular planes (Figure 6.77), a r e m o r e complicated than the above designs.
+I U
FIGURE 6.87. Simplified circuit diagram of balance shown i n Figure 6.86.
The advantage of a balance with floating f r a m e is the possibility of obtaining higher t r a n s v e r s e rigidity, since the elastic measuring elements, which take up the t r a n s v e r s e reactions, can be located a t a considerable distance f r o m each other. A t given s t r a i n s of the measuring elements, the angular displacement of the model is inversely proportional t o this distance. A balance of this type (Figure 6 . 88) consists o f a rigid support connected by the measuring elements with a tubular body carrying the model under test. The U.S. firm of T a s k Corporation developed a s e r i e s of balances with floating f r a m e s having external diameters f r o m 1 9 t o 100" for loads (lift) f r o m 45 to 1800kg / 7 / , / 2 5 / . A l l reactions a r e determined with the aid of annular elastic elements while the heeling moment is determined by a tubular elastic element (Figure 6 . 70). Four
elastic elements which m e a s u r e the t r a n s v e r s e reactions (from which YI, ZI, My,and M,, a r e determined) participate in the s t r a i n of the elastic element measuring QI. These elastic elements m u s t therefore have a s m a l l rigidity in the direction of the x-axis, since otherwise their temperature influence on the measurement of QI may be large. The temperature influence can also be reduced by siting the t r a n s v e r s e elastic elements symmetrically in relation to the elastic element measuring QI. The axial forces, due to temperature-induced displacements of the t r a n s v e r s e elastic elements on either side of the elastic element measuring Q,, a r e then mutually compensated.
Six-component strain-gage balance with floating frame. 1 and 5 - elements for measuring Y,; 8 and 11 - elements for measuring 2,; 2-elements for measuring M ~ , 3; hole for securing model: 4 - thermocouple: 6 internal rod: I -connectiontosupport; 9e l e m e n t for measuring Q , : 10 - external cylinder.
FIGURE 6.88.
The mounting of balances An important element in the design of wind-tunnel balances of the strain-gage type is the s t r u t which s e r v e s for holding the cantilever support and f o r altering the angle of attack (and sometimes the angle of yaw) of the model. The wires f r o m the strain-gage transducers, tubes for measuring the ground p r e s s u r e , and (in high-temperature tunnels) pipes for the balance coolant a r e brought out through this s t r u t . When the angle of attack is altered, the model should r e m a i n in the region of uniform flow outside the zone of reflected shocks. For this purpose a s t r u t forming a circular a r c , which permits the model to be turned in such a way that its center remains on the test-section axis, is best (Figure 6. 28).
In the supersonic wind tunnel of Cornel1 University the mechanism f o r adjusting the angle of attack (Figure 6.89) consists of two a r c s sliding in guide slots in the s i d e walls of the tunnel. Between these a r c s a horizontal streamlined carrying s t r u t is fixed, whose center has a cylindrical element for securing the tail support with the balance and the model. The a r c s a r e moved by an electric motor via a reduction gear. The joints between the mechanism f o r angle-of -attack adjustment and the wind-tunnel walls a r e sealed with rubber tubes into which a i r is blown after each adjustment.
FIGURE 6.89.
Figure 6. 90 shows the mechanism for securing a model and adjusting i t s angle of attack, used in the supersonic wind tunnel of the ArmstrongWhitworth Aircraft (AWA) laboratory (U. K. ). The test-section dimensions a r e approximately 0.5mX0.5m. In this balance the angle of attack is adjusted in relation to an axis f a r downstream of the model; the balance is therefore equipped with a device permitting simultaneous translational motion of the model. The r e a r of the cantilever support is hinged inside the shrouding to two vertical s t r u t s . Each s t r u t can be adjusted vertically with the aid of a lead s c r e w driven by an electric motor. The movement of the s t r u t s is remotely controlled. The balance with the model is adjusted vertically in the t e s t section by simultaneously raising and lowering the s t r u t s . The angle of attack is altered by raising one and lowering the other strut. A separate lead screw permits the model with the balance to be moved in the t e s t section in the longitudinal direction. Figure 6.91 shows the mechanism for mounting a six-component balance in a trans0ni.c wind tunnel of the Aircraft R e s e a r c h Association (AR.A) laboratory (U. K . ) , whose t e s t section m e a s u r e s 2 . 7 4 m X 2 . 4 4 m. To speed up the t e s t s , five equal test sections, mounted on c a r r i a g e s , a r e provided. Each c a r r i a g e is equipped with a balance and all necessary instruments. The cantilever support is hinged to the finely streamlined vertical strut. The lever mechanism f o r adjusting the angle of attack is located inside the shrouding. The angle of attack is altered by vertically moving the leading p a r t of the s t r u t which c a r r i e s the axis of rotation of the model. The kinematics of the mechanism a r e such that displacement of the model in relation to the horizontal tunnel walls, caused by a change in its attitude, is compensated by translational motion together with the s t r u t .
FIGURE 6.90. Mechanism for adjusting the angle of attack and moving the balance in the A W A laboratory.
FIGURE 6.91. Mounting of model on a traveling carriage in t h e ARA wind tunnel. 1- m o d e l support: 2 - sliding vertical strut; 3 - stationary vertical strut; 4 - lead screw; 5 - carriage; 6 - reduction gear; 7 - motor; 8 - and 9 - upper and lower tunnel walls.
42 1
Interaction between load components The main causes of interaction between the load components in s t r a i n gage balances a r e : 1) Differences in s t r a i n sensitivity and initial absolute r e s i s t a n c e of the strain-gage t r a n s d u c e r s constituting the bridge; 2) Inaccurate machining of the elastic elements; 3 ) Inaccurate and nonsymmetrical mounting of the strain-gage t r a n s d u c e r s on the elastic elements; 4 ) Displacements of the elastic elements causing changes in their shape and affecting the s y m m e t r y ; 5 ) Relative angular displacements between model and support, caused by deformation of the l a t t e r together with the balance. In o r d e r t o reduce the influence of differences in s t r a i n sensitivity, all t r a n s d u c e r s constituting a given measuring bridge must be selected f r o m the s a m e batch, made f r o m w i r e of the s a m e melt. I n o r d e r that the r e s i s t a n c e s of the s t r a i n - g a g e t r a n s d u c e r s be as s i m i l a r as possible, the t r a n s d u c e r s a r e divided into groups within which the r e s i s t a n c e differs by not m o r e than 0.1 ohm. The influence of inaccurate machining of the elastic elements, o r of the nonsymmetrical mounting of the strain-gage t r a n s d u c e r s on it, can be deduced f r o m the elastic parallelogram (Figure 6 . 92). Let the subscript y denote bending s t r a i n s of the transducers, caused by the measured force, while the subscript m denotes tensile s t r a i n s caused by the moment. The imbalance signal of the bridge which s e r v e s f o r measuring the f o r c e Y is then
If a t the points where the strain-gage t r a n s d u c e r s a r e mounted, the c r o s s sectional a r e a s of the plate a r e not equal, o r local nonsymmetrical s t r a i n s exist, A,,, # 0 . The bridge responds then not only t o the f o r c e Y but a l s o to the moment M .
FIGURE 6.92.
Influence of errors.
.. . . .
... ..
. . ...
I = I EY, I = I EY, I = 1% I
cs =SI
3s = s, -s2 $- s, -s4.
+ s, +
If A s = O , then Au depends only on the f o r c e Y . Inaccurate mounting of t r a n s d u c e r s in beam-type balances may a l s o cause the base axes of the t r a n s d u c e r s measuring, e.g., Y I and Mz,, not to lie in the xlyl plane, which must be the neutral plane of bending f o r t h e acting in the xlzl plane. In this c a s e the f o r c e Z, and the moment M,, measuring bridges (Figure 6 . 7 8 ) respond not only t o the components Y, and M , , which tend to bend the beam in the xlyl plane, but also to the components ZI and M,, which cause bending of the beam in the xlzl plane. When eight t r a n s d u c e r s a r e inserted into one measuring bridge, the t r a n s d u c e r s on the left and right of the xy-plane can be connected into a half-bridge as shown i n Figure 6 . 93, their response being balanced in a correction circuit with the aid of a variable r e s i s t a n c e r. We can
To measuting
FIGURE 6.93. Compensating for incorrect mounting and different Sensitivities of transducers.
experimentally choose this r e s i s t a n c e in such a way that the f o r c e 2, which tends t o bend the rod in the xz-plane. causes no response in the e n t i r e half1 and M,,, bridge. The circuit3 of the compensated bridges measuring Y which consist of t r a n s d u c e r s mounted on the beam according t o Figure 6.78,
a r e shown in Figure 6 . 9 4 . This method of eliminating interactions, used a t the ONERA laboratory 1 2 3 1 , complicates the design of the balances, since a large number of leads a r e required.
More often, the a r m s of a bridge measuring one component contain auxiliary transducers responding to that component which introduces an e r r o r into the measurement of the first component. T h e location of these auxiliary transducers and their resistance a r e chosen in such a way that their signal is equal and opposite to the e r r o r in the main signal. This method is applicable to a l l types of strain-gage balances. Another method for reducing the interaction of components causing bending of the support in two mutually perpendicular planes consists in feeding compensating signals to the measuring bridges. Close to the point where i t is secured, the support c a r r i e s two half-bridges, one of which responds to the bending moment in the x y -plane (half -bridge Y' in Figure 6. 95) while the other responds to the bending moment in the
horizontal plane. A t the point where the transducers a r e mounted f a r f r o m where the forces a r e applied (the origin of coordinates of the balance), the bending moments due to couples a r e small in comparison with the bending moments due to the forces; we can thus a s s u m e the responses of the halfbridges t o be proportional t o the components YI and Z,. The influence of
the component YI on the components ZI and M y , is compensated by connecting the ends of half-bridge Y ' to the c o r n e r s of bridges ZI and M y , . The rheostats k,, and k , , allow the compensating corrections t o be adjusted. Similarly, for compensating the influence of the component Z, on the components YIand M,,,the ends of half-bridge 2' a r e connected to the c o r n e r s of bridges Y I and M,,( s e e Figure 6 . 8 7 ) .
Calibration of strain-gage balances Calibration of strain-gage balances is basically s i m i l a r to the calibration of mechanical wind-tunnel balances. Using a calibration device, known loads a r e applied in the direction of each component, and calibration curves a r e plotted f r o m the indications of the instruments of each measuring channel. The calibration device is installed either instead o r on the model i n such a way that the directions of the loads coincide with the balance axes. The balance support i s deformed under the action of the load. To maintain the model in the position corresponding to z e r o angle of attack i r r e s p e c t i v e of the deformation of the support, its position is c o r r e c t e d with the aid of a s e p a r a t e mechanism, If the balance is to be operated under varying t e m p e r a t u r e s , it should be calibrated at different temperatures between 1 0 and 70C in o r d e r to determine the z e r o drift, Whereas in mechanical balances we can almost completely eliminate interaction between the components, this is not always possible in s t r a i n gage balances. Special attention should therefore be paid during calibration to determine these interactions. In t h r e e -component wind -tunnel balances, the t r u e values of drag, lift, and pitching moment a r e
M X ~ M ,
where n.y, n y and n.vr a r e the indications of the measuring instruments, while kx, k y and k , a r e the calibration coefficients f o r the corresponding components. The coefficients accounting f o r the interaction between the components a r e k y X , k x u , . . . . . knr, where the f i r s t subscript denotes the component which affects the component denoted by the second subscript.
The e r r o r s of "external" aerodynamic balances a r e introduced by the balance elements and the s y s t e m f o r resolving the f o r c e s into components. When the balance elements a r e sufficiently isolated f r o m the effects of t e m p e r a t u r e and p r e s s u r e variations, the accuracy of the balance depends mainly on random e r r o r s . The l a t t e r a r e found usually by calibrating the balance elements separately.
The main sources of intrinsic e r r o r s of the wind-tunnel balances a r e : 1 ) Inaccurate assembly of the s y s t e m for separating the forces into components ; 2) Displacements and deformations of the links due to variations in load, temperature, and p r e s s u r e ; 3 ) Inexact transmission r a t i o s of levers; 4 ) Deformation of the model supports. These a r e systematic e r r o r s which can be found and eliminated when calibrating the balance. In wind-tunnel balances the most characteristic systematic e r r o r s are those expressed by the interaction of the components. Random e r r o r s a r e caused mainly by friction in the hinges of the links and can be found by processing the calibration data by the method explained below. For c o r r e c t calibration of the wind-tunnel balances the sources of systematic e r r o r s must be known. Below, these sources a r e discussed in the o r d e r in which they a r e best discovered during calibration. For the sake of simplicity, we shall consider a two-dimensional s y s t e m of f o r c e s (Q,Y and M z ) .
FIGURE 6.96. Effect of initial inclination of rods on drag measurement.
forces acting in these rods have horizontal components. Rod (4), which connects the floating f r a m e to balance element BE,, will then take up,
where P is the weight of the floating f r a m e and the model. The value of Pg, is constant and can be easily found f r o m the initial indication of balance element BE,. Inclination of the rods therefore causes an e r r o r in the measurement of Q , which is proportional t o the l i f t and t o the angle of inclination:
AQ = Yy.
With a low-drag model, a s m a l l inclination of the rods can cause considerable e r r o r s when measuring Q. Thus, f o r instance, in o r d e r that the correction AQ be less than 0.570 of Q when Y / Q = 20, i t is necessary that
Q = 2oy
1 < -. 100
The angle of inclination of the rods should therefore not exceed g, = 1/4000. When the length of the rods is I , t h e i r upper and lower hinges should lie on one vertical with an accuracy of 1/4000. The longer the rods, the easier it is t o obtain this accuracy. The adjustment must be made by a weight method. The supports of the lever carrying the upper hinges of the rods a r e moved horizontally t o a position a t which the placing of weights on the f r a m e n e a r hinges A and B does not affect the indications of balance element BE,. TOprevent changes in this position during operation of the balance, the supports must r e s t on very rigid bases. After adjustment the supports a r e fixed by control pins. Adjustment is facilitated i f the floating f r a m e has additional hinges f o r suspending calibration weights near the hinges A and B.
T h e influence of displacements of t h e measuring links. T h e pendulum effect The forces acting on the floating f r a m e cause deformation of the balance links and displacements of the load-supporting links of the balance elements. The changes thus introduced in the geometry of the system f o r resolving the forces into components give r i s e t o interactions between the l a t t e r . Horizontal displacements of the floating f r a m e , causing the lift t o affect measurement of the horizontal components, a r e m o s t critical. A system consisting of a floating f r a m e suspended on v e r t i c a l rods can be consideredas aload, whose weight P is equal t o the total weight of the f r a m e and themodel, suspended f r o m a stationary hinge on a v e r t i c a l rod of length 1 (Figure 6.97). The elasticity of the links connecting the f r a m e with the s y s t e m measuring Q can be simulated by the elasticity of spring ( 1 ) having a spring r a t e C I , while the stability of the balance element can be simulated by a spring whose spring r a t e is c p . If the stability
42 I
coefficient of the balance element (i.e., the r a t i o between the force acting on the measuring link of the balance element and the displacement of this link) is k , then c2 = ki2, where i is the transmission ratio of the lever system.
FIGURE 6.97.
The angle of inclination of the pendulum (Figure 6. 97), caused by the action of force Q, is
a1 2 9 = = 81 ,
where 81 and 8 2 a r e respectively the deformations of springs (1) and ( 2 ) . Setting up the equilbrium equation f o r the load P and considering the horizontal components, we obtain
Q- P +
where NQ i s the f o r c e acting in link A by which the horizontal rod is connected to the balance element B E p . Expressing the deformations 81 and 6 2 through the compressive force and the spring r a t e s , we obtain
AQ=(P + Y ) T N-Q .
i ; :
Q and
where a and b a r e constants for the given suspension and model. Since the weight P of the floating f r a m e i s constant, the influence of the first t e r m on the right-hand side of the l a s t equation is expressed in the change of the transmission coefficient of the drag-measuring system. If the s a m e suspension were always used and the weight of the model were constant, this change could easily be compensated by adjusting the a r m of a lever o r by changing the s c a l e of the measuring elements. The magnitude bYQ is the absolute e r r o r in measuring the drag Q and is called
the pendulum effect. The pendulum effect, which influences a l s o measurements of the side force 2 , causes the l a r g e s t systematic e r r o r s in wind-tunnel balances and must be found by calibration. The pendulum effect varies inversely with c, and c g . If the balance element used f o r measuring Q is based on the null method, the pendulum effect is caused only by the elasticity of the connecting links, since in this c a s e & = 0. We can thus reduce the pendulum effect by using balance elements of the compensating type and by increasing the rigidity of the connecting links in the system for measuring the horizontal component. The above relationships f o r evaluating the pendulum effect a r e a l s o valid f o r any other mechanism of translational motion of the floating f r a m e . It is only necessary t o replace the lengths 1 of the rods by the equivalent length I,, . Thus, f o r the antiparallelogram mechanism (Figure 6.3a)
I,, = 01 -uzc - . When
in this c a s e t h e r e is no pendulum effect and the s y s t e m is neutral with respect to the lift. Adjustment of the balance is facilitated if the floating f r a m e on antiparallelograms has a small positive stability, For this, we take U I > a 2 , s o that I,, = 5 t o 1 0 m . Sometimes the pendulum effect can be prevented with the aid of devices which automatically return the floating f r a m e t o i t s initial position by changing the length of the horizontal rod connecting the floating f r a m e with the balance element.
Inexact transmission r a t i o s The effects of inexact transmission r a t i o s of the l e v e r s can be analyzed by considering the moment-and-force lever s y s t e m shown in Figure 6 . l o a . Let u s assume that due t o a manufacturing e r r o r the transmission r a t i o s of the levers a r e not exact, i. e.,
We a s s u m e f o r the sake of simplicity that the line of action of Y p a s s e s through a point midway between hinges A and B ( l , = ; ) .
N M = M ,TI(] 1 -i)L+AiAL]
+ ~Y[ ( 1- i ) A L + A i L ] .
which d i f f e r only slightly f r o m formulas ( a ) and (b ) on page 340. The second t e r m s on the right-hand s i d e s of equations (a) and (b) a r e the e r r o r s due to the interaction between lift and pitching moment.
AY= Y -
Ai 2M 1
and i s due only t o the inequality of the transmission ratios of levers P I and P2. Since A i - A L is a magnitude of second o r d e r of smallness, the e r r o r in measuring the moment is
Thus, the influence of the lift on the pitching-moment measurement depends on the inequality of the transmission ratios of l e v e r s PI and PPI and also on the inequality of the a r m s of lever P 3 , i. e., on A L .
Deformations of the supports In the general case, deformations of the supports under the action of aerodynamic loads on the model cause translation and rotation of the model in relation to the floating f r a m e of the balance. During translation the vectors of the total aerodynaw-ic force and the total aerodynamic moment move together with the model without changing in magnitude o r direction. If the origin of coordinates of the balance is fixed in relation to the floating frame, displacement of the point of force application f r o m the origin of coordinates 0 to point O1 (Figure 6 . 98)
causes the pitching moment acting on the floating f r a m e to change by Ah& = &Y - a,Q, where ax and aV a r e the projections of the distance 03, on the x - andy-axes. Within the elastic limit the displacements of the suspension a r e proportional to the forces:
where CI and c p a r e the "spring r a t e s ' ' of the model suspension in the x and y -directions. Hence
Thus, deformation of the suspension accompanied by translational motion of the model causes an e r r o r in measuring the pitching moment, which is proportional to the components of the forces. If the moment about the measuring hinge on the model is measured with the aid of a balance element located on the floating frame, translational motion of the model does not affect the measurement of M,. In wind-tunnel balances with flexible suspensions the wires o r tapes f o r m the links of the measuring system. The influence of changes in the directions of the vertical and inclined wires under the action of horizontal f o r c e s is completely analogical to the pendulum effect. The e r r o r in measuring the drag is again AQ = ( a + b Y ) Q , where a depends on the geometry of the wire suspension. When the deformation of the suspension is accompanied by a change in attitude of the model, the correction Aa for the angle of attack has to be found. Usually, Aa depends linearly on Y and M, and does not depend on Q. Aa is determined by special calibration of the balance together with a suspension. The calibration results a r e used to plot curves of the dependence Aa = f ( M , ) for different values of Y . After the model has been tested, the corrections for the angle of attack a r e found f r o m the measured values of Y and M,.
The calibration of mechanical wind -tunnel balances There a r e two types of calibration of wind-tunnel balances : adjustment (primary) calibrations and control calibrations. Adjustment calibration is c a r r i e d out immediately after manufacture and assembly of the balance on a special test stand o r in the test section of the wind tunnel. Levers and balance elements a r e first calibrated separately, and a r e then adjusted and calibrated a s a complete balance. After calibration a document is prepared setting out all calibration coefficients and corrections for the interaction between the components. Control calibrations a r e c a r r i e d out systematically f o r checking the condition of the balance and introducing, where necessary, corrections into the data obtained by initial calibration. The separate l e v e r s a r e calibrated according to the method, suggested by D. I. Mendeleev, of suspension at constant sensitivity. Figure 6 . 99 shows a device permiting determination of the transmission r a t i o and the sensitivity (as function of the load) of lever ( 1 ) being calibrated, a t a constant sensitivity of calibrating lever (2). Plate (7) c a r r i e s a load which is equal to, or approximates the maximum load taken up at normal operation by the lever being calibrated. This load is balanced by a load on the plate (81, so that the pointer of lever (2) indicates z e r o on s c a l e (9). Lever (1) is calibrated by removing by stages the load f r o m plate (7) and balancing lever (2) by placing a load on plate ( 6 ) . The transmission r a t i o of the lever is equal to the slope of the straight line passing through the
43 I
experimental points on the graph G = f ( P ) where G is the load removed f r o m plate (7) while P is the load placed on plate ( 6 ) . The number of experimental points should be between 1 0 and 20. The transmission r a t i o is
FIGURE 6.99.
determined by the method of least s q u a r e s ( s e e page 434) with an e r r o r not exceeding 1 /lo,000. Standard weights a r e used f o r calibration. Complete wind-tunnel balances a r e calibrated with the aid of a calibrating device which p e r m i t s known loads t o be applied in directions parallel t o the coordinate axes of the balance, as well as known moments about t h e s e axes. In o r d e r t o find systematic e r r o r s (interaction of components) the measuring s y s t e m f o r each component is calibrated with different loads being applied to the s y s t e m s measuring the other components. It is sufficient usually to determine the influence of the lift Y and the pitching moment M, on the s y s t e m f o r measuring the drag Q, and the influence of Q on Y and M,. The calibration device for three-component wind-tunnel balances (Figure 6. 100) is a f r a m e (1) fixed t o the support in place of the model. The f r a m e c a r r i e s knife edges ( 2 ) , (3), (41, and (5) t o take up weights. The tip of knife edge ( 2 ) coincides with the z - a x i s . This p e r m i t s the floating f r a m e of the balqnce to be loaded by a vertical force Y by placing weights on plate (6) without applying a pitching moment M,. If the model is tested in i t s upright position, knife edge (2) is installed with i t s tip downward and the balance is loaded by a force directed upward. The s y s t e m f o r measuring the drag Q is calibrated by knife edge (3), which is subjected to a horizontal f o r c e created by loading plate (7), suspended f r o m a rope passed over r o l l e r (8). The rope must l i e i n the x-direction. In o r d e r that deformation of f r a m e (1) will not cause the point of application of the horizontal f o r c e to move in the vertical direction, the tip of knife edge ( 3 ) must be as n e a r a s possible to the origin of coordinates, Knife edges (4) and (5) s e r v e f o r loading the balance by the pitching moment M : . The distance between the knife edges i s known exactly.
Plates (9) and (lo), which a r e suspended f r o m these knife edges, c a r r y at first equal weights which a r e then partly moved f r o m one plate t o the other. The floating f r a m e is thus subjected to a pure moment which is equal t o the product of the length I and the transferred weight. The vertical load on the floating f r a m e remains unchanged.
Balance supports
In o r d e r to reduce to a minimum the displacement of the calibration device in relation to the origin of coordinates of the balance, the device is fixed to the floating frame by special brackets during adjustment of the balance, These brackets a r e m o r e rigid than the model support and permit the interaction between the components, caused by the suspension to be eliminated. The remaining e r r o r s , due to interaction of the components and angular displacement of the model, a r e determined with the aid of the calibration device which is fixed to the support on which the model is tested in the wind tunnel. If different supports a r e used for holding the models, the balance is calibrated f o r each support separately.
Processing of calibration data The main purpose of calibrating measuring instruments is to establish the dependence between the measured value f and the indication u of the measuring instrument. The dependence is in most cases linear and for its determination it is sufficient to find the calibration constant of the instrument, i. e., k = l
is replaced by a standard. The standards in wind-tunnel balances a r e loads applied with the aid of weights. Other measuring instruments, such a s manometers, thermometers, etc., a r e usually calibrated by comparing their indications with the indications of a reference instrument whose e r r o r must be at most one third of the assumed e r r o r of the instrument being calibrated, Another purpose of calibration is to determine the accuracy characteristics of the instrument, i. e., t o find the random and systematic e r r o r s of m e a s u r e m e n t , Knowing the e r r o r s of a given
instrument, we can determine their influence on the accuracy of the experiment a s a whole, The calibration constant is determined on the b a s i s of p m e a s u r e m e n t s of ui corresponding t o standard values ti ( i v a r i e s f r o m 1 to p ) . The maximum value of t i should be as close a s possible t o the limiting value which can be measured by the instrument. If the values of ui and ti a r e plotted (Figure 6.101), a straight line can be drawn through the experimental points, whose equation is
where a = x ,
a and
If ai and ti contain no systematic e r r o r s , the most probable values of up can be found by the method of l e a s t s q u a r e s . These values a r e
= -
z f p u , -Z t , 2 U i t , p q -( E t $
u. =at,
I , = - . Zf P
where a* and i', a r e the mean values of the variables u and: ' i
-%; 434
The equation of the most probable straight line passing through the experimental points can be presented in the f o r m
u - u, = a ( I - t.),
i. e., the straight line must p a s s through the point ( u * , f*). After determining the p a r a m e t e r s a and uo of the most probable straight line, we can find the standard deviation of a single measurement of u , which characterizes the accuracy of the calibrated instrument. The standard deviation is
where v i = U.t-aft-uo a r e the random e r r o r s of measurement (Figure 6.101). The value of a,, is used for determining the accuracy of the values obtained for a and UO. Suitable expressions f o r determining aa and a,,. were given by B. A. Ushakov 181, based on the highest frequency of cumulative mean e r r o r s in the equations for a and u * i :
A t a given standard deviation au of the calibration curve, the e r r o r in a depends on the number of experimental points and on the interval ( t p - t l ) . In o r d e r t o i n c r e a s e its accuracy, the calibration should be c a r r i e d out over the full range of loads, dividing the l a t t e r into a l a r g e number of intervals. In o r d e r t o simplify the calculations n e c e s s a r y f o r determining a and UO. the values u i in (2) and ( 3 ) o r ( 4 ) and (5) a r e replaced by u ; = u i - - a t , , where a is an approximate value of the coefficient a. The value of a is determined a s the s l o p e of the straight line drawn by eye through the experimental points plotted on graph paper. The value found from ( 2 ) o r (4) r e p r e s e n t s a correction of the approximate value of the slope, whose exact value is
The points corresponding t o u; a r e plotted in F i g u r e 6.101b. The deviations of these points f r o m the straight line u' = a'l + uo determine the deviations of the experimental points f r o m the l i n e a r dependence. The missing points can then be found.
J o u k o w s k i , N. E. Polnoe sobranie sochinerii. Teoreticheskie osnovy vozdukhoplavaniya (Collection of Works. Theoretical Eases of Flight). - ONTI NKTP. SSSR. 1938. M o 11e r , E. Die mechanischen Waagen im Windkanal. p. 162. ATM, L.1949. L e a v y , L. E. and C . G. S a u n d e r s A Modern Wind Tunnel Balance.- J. Roy. Aero. SOC., Vol. 57, No. 512. 1953. Wind Tunnel Operating Equipment. - SAE Journal (Transactions), Vol. 49, No. 3. 1943. P a n k h u r s t , R . C . and D.W. H o l d e r . Wind Tunnel Technique (an account of experimental methods in l o w - and high-speed wind tunnels). - Pitman, London. 1952. [Russian translation. 19551. H e m , H. 0. Aeroplane Testing Apparatus. - A i r c r a f t Engineering, Vol. 1 7 , No. 192. 1945. A 11e n , H. J. and J. M. S p i e g e 1. Wind Tunnel Measurements, High Speed Aerodynamics and J e t Propulsion, Vol. 8, Sect. K. Princeton Univers. Press. 1961. I , s h a k o v , E. A. Opredelenie parametrov lineinoi zavismosti dvukh peremennykh PO sposoby naimen'shikh kvadratov (Determining t h e P a r a m e t e r s of the L i n e a r Dependence of Two Variables by the Method of L e a s t Squares). - Trudy [Translations] No. 680. 1949. M i d w o o d , G. F. and R. W. H a y w a r d . An Automatic Self-balancing Capsule Manometer. - A R C C. P., No. 231.1956. E a r s k i i , E. A. Bezkontaktnye automaticheskie vesovye elementy (Contactless Automatic-Ealance Elements). - Promyshlennaya aerodinamika, No. 19. Oborongiz. 1959. C o n a r d , M. Mesure des efforts agrodynamiques dans les souffleries de g r a n d e s dimensions a v i t e s s e glevke. - Technique e t Science Adronautiques, No. 4. 1949. R e b u f f e t , P. Quelques balances a jauges extensom6triques d e s souffleries f r a n p i s e s , - Note techn. ONERA, No, 31.1956. E a s t m a n , F. S. The Electromagnetic Ealance, a High-precision Measurement and Control Device. - Instruments, Val. 14, No. 10. 1941. B r a t t , J. B. Development of a n Automatic E l e c t r i c Balance f o r Research on Aerodynamic Stability. - Philosophical Magazine, Vol. 35, No. 248, 1944. K i n k e 1 , J. F. A P r e c i s i o n P r e s s u r e Balance. - ISA Proceedings, Vol. 7. 1952. T u r i c h i n , A.M. and P . V . N o v i t s k i i . Provolochnye preobrazovateli i ikh primenenie (Strain Gages and T h e i r Use). Moskva-Leningrad, Gosenergoizdat. 1957. P e r r y , C . C . a n d H . R . L i s s n e r . The Strain Gage Primer. McGraw -Hill. N. Y. 1955 [Russian translation. 1960.1 B a s s i e r r e , M. Mesure e t enregistrement des m e s u r e s s u r l e s balances akrodynamiques h jauges 'a f i l resistant. - Note techn. ONERA, No. 32.1956.
3. 4. 5.
.. .
19. T s a p e n k o , M. P. Avtomaticheskie kompensatory s dekadnym magazinami soprotivleniya (Automatic Compensators with Decade Resistance Boxes).- Priborostroenie, No. 1. 1957. 20. T s a p e n k o , M. P. Mnogomostovaya izmeritel'naya skhema peremennogo toka (A. C . Multi - Bridge Measuring System).Izmeritel'naya Tekhnika, No. 6 . 1956. 21. T i f f a n y , A. P r e c i s i o n Strain Gauge Techniques.- Electronic Engng., Vol. 30, No. 367. 1958. 22. H a n e m a n , V.S. Automatic Reduction of Wind- Tunnel Data.Aeron. Engng. Rev., Vol. 12, No. 2. 1953. 23. D e v a c h t , M. Balances dards a 6 composants.- L a Recherche AGronautique, Vol. 52. 1956. 24. T i f f a n y , A. Wind Tunnel Instrumentation.- Electronic Engng., Vol. 29, No. 3. 1957. 25. M o t s i n g e r . R . N . Flexural Devices in Measurement Systems.. Strain Gage Readings, Vol. 5, No. 2. 1962. 26. G r a t z e r , L . B . Design of a New Balance System for the Kirsten Wind Tunnel.- T r e n d s in Engineering in the University of Washington, July. 1952.
43 7
F I G U E 7.1.
of a double tunnel.
particularly difficult (e. g., a tunnel with two r e t u r n ducts leading into a single common duct a t the nozzle inlet; Figure 2.116). In such a tunnel the diffuser is usually divided by a partition into two p a r t s . Because the elliptical section of the diffuser p a s s e s over into two c i r c l e s a t the fan, the flow velocity at the outer walls is reduced, while at the return-duct inlet the velocity distribution is highly nonuniform. (Figure 7 . 1 ) .
Measuring methods f o r determining and adjusting the velocities in subsonic tunnels The velocities a r e determined with the a i d of t r a v e r s i n g c r a d l e s which p e r m i t the siting and securing of tubes measuring the magnitude and direction of the velocity at any point i n the t e s t section. The permissible inaccuracy in reading off the coordinates of the tube should not exceed 1 to 2 m m p e r m e t e r length of the t e s t section, while the angular displacements of the nozzle, caused by the deformation of the t r a v e r s i n g c r a d l e s and the inaccuracy of the mechanism itself, should not exceed 0.05 t o 0.1 degrees. The velocity head, the s t a t i c p r e s s u r e , and the angles of flow inclination in the vertical and horizontal planes m u s t be measured simultaneously. These measurements a r e best made with the a i d of the specially designed T s A G I six-bore tube /1/ (Figure 4.51). F i r s t , by calibration with a special device, we find
(PI -Pz)
PI (P4-
PI - P3
where p l , p 2 , and p 3 a r e the p r e s s u r e s in the orifices located in the v e r t i c a l plane while p 4 , p s , and p 2 a r e the p r e s s u r e s in the orifices located in the horizontal plane, The calibration curve ( a = f ( x ) ) f o r one of the tubes is given in Figure 7 . 2 .
for a siw-
The p r e s s u r e differences p l - p 2 , p 3 - p 2 , etc. a r e best m e a s u r e d with the aid of a five-bore tube (Figure 7.3) equipped with a blocking mechanism which p e r m i t s the differences of p r e s s u r e in the various orifices to be determined simultaneously. It is s e e n f r o m the f o r m of the expressions f o r x and a that when a five-bore tube is used, the measuring e r r o r s , due to inaccuracies of determining the inclination of the
manometer, the density of the liquid, and the temperature, a r e eliminated. The random e r r o r of a single measurement of the angle of flow inclination does not exceed *0.1" in this method. The relative velocity head in the t e s t section is determined according t o Figure 7 . 4 with the aid of
where p z and ps a r e respectively the total static and p r e s s u r e s measured by is the difference between the p r e s s u r e in the settling the tube, ( p s - p . ) chamber and in the room surrounding the tunnel, F, is the correction coefficient of the tube. The e r r o r s in this method, which enables
FIGURE 7.3. Connecting a six-barrell e d tube to a five-barrelled manometer for calibrating the tube.
FIGURE 1 . 4 . Connections of tubes and manometers for determining the relative velocity head in a tunnel.
and ( p 2 - p 6 ) is determined by a tube installed in the t e s t section. The values of p, obtained a t different points of the tunnel, s e r v e f o r evaluating the uniformity of the velocity distribution. Its values usually vary between 0.95 and 1.05. The r e s u l t s of processing the measurements of the angles a and fl> and also the values of p a t different positions in the t e s t section, a r e shown in Figures 7 . 5 to 7. 7. The best r e s u l t s after calibration a r e usually obtained by equalizing the velocity distribution in the r e t u r n ducts behind each corner, where a nonuniformity of the velocities amounting t o 10% is permitted. The angles of inclination a r e equalized by suitably selecting the angles a t which the guide vanes a r e installed (especially in the fourth c o r n e r ) and with the aid of baffles, which a r e usually placed a l s o on the horizontal partitions of the fourth corner.
FIGURE 1.5. Distribution of angles of flow inclination. i n t h e vertical plane (distance from nozzle I = 1500 mm z = transverse coordinate, y = vertical coordinate).
Sometimes the r e a s o n s for unsatisfactory flow c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s a r e the unevenness of the aerodynamic contour (large diffuser angles, s m a l l compression r a t i o s , etc.). In these c a s e s the velocity distribution can be equalized only by changing some of the tunnel elements. Adjustment of the
FIGURE 7 . 6 .
flow in the tde tunnel is v e r y tedious, and is c a r r i e d out by successive t e s t s . The flow is m o r e uniform in the a i r s t r e a m c o r e than at the boundaries of the t e s t section. In addition, the constant-velocity c o r e becomes n a r r o w e r in the direction f r o m the nozzle to the diffuser (Figure 7. 8). The turbulence level v a r i e s in the direction f r o m the
I . 1 1 .
1 1 . . . . . . 1 1 . . 1 . . . 1 -
1 . 1. I . . . . .
- Re cr.tun
f o r a s p h e r e at different positions on the horizontal axis of the tunnel section. It can be s e e n f r o m Figure 7. 9 that turbulence is least in the flow c o r e .
The Xgh turbulence level is mainly due to the s a m e reasons a s the velocity nonuniformity, and also to an insufficient expansion ratio in the nozzle, and can be partly reduced by the general flow adjustment in the tunnel and by installing additional smoothening s c r e e n s in the settling chamber.
Because the t e s t section of a wind tunnel has r e s t r i c t e d dimensions, no regions exist in it in which the flow is not affected by the model,
Because of this the velocity is measured a s f a r u p s t r e a m a s possible f r o m the tested body. However, due to the velocity nonuniformity existing even in a calibrated tunnel, the mean velocity in the test section can differ f r o m the measured flow velocity. We obtain the mean flow velocity in the test section near the model f r o m the measured velocity by calibrating the empty tunnel and determining C1.a. Multiplying by this the indications of the measuring tube, we obtain the t r u e f r e e - s t r e a m velocity for the tested model. F 1 o w i n c 1i n a t i o n. In spite of the fact that the angles of flow inclination in the t e s t section a r e small, their influence on the aerodynamic characteristics is considerable. This is t r u e particularly for angles of inclination in thexOy-plane; (angles of vertical flow inclination). The corrections of the r e s u l t s of determining the angle of inclination consist in converting the values of the aerodynamic f o r c e s o r coefficients, IC;, c;), measured in the balance system of coordinates, into the corresponding values in the flow system of coordinates (cx, c y ) :
c, = c : cos zK
+c; sin a K ,
cY = c Y cos~~-c~sin~~.
where a,; is the mean angle of vertical flow inclination, which very seldom exceeds 0.5 t o 1. Taking into account the smallness of a , < , and also the smallness of cr in comparison with c y , we can write
cx=c;+CyaK~ cY =c Y
T h e angle of inclination in t h e horizontal plane ( p ), which usually does not exceed 0.5 to 1. does not greatly influence [he principal aerodynamic characteristics, and IS mually neglected.
The angle a,< is considered positive if it tends t o i n c r e a s e the angle of attack. Vertical flow inclinations can necessitate considerable corrections in the values of the drag coefficient. The flow inclination is determined / 2 / by measuring the maximum airfoil efficiency in both upright and inverse positions
in kZix and k,,,.
Another method of finding the angle of vertical flow inclination is by the difference in d r a g coefficients in upright and inverse position f o r different l i f t coefficients 131:
= cy,
we obtain
Knowing the polars f o r the upright and inverse positions, we find a,( f o r s e v e r a l values of c y , and determine i t s mean value, which is sufficiently accurate f o r correcting the values of the drag coefficients of different airfoils, and a l s o of the angles of attack.
Adjustment of transonic and supersonic wind tunnels The flow c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s a t transonic o r supersonic velocities depend mainly on the aerodynamic properties of nozzle and t e s t section. The flow c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of supersonic tunnels a r e determined for each Mach number by measuring the p r e s s u r e distribution a t the test-section walls, and by direct flow measurements in the t e s t section by means of special probes and tubes. The variation in static p r e s s u r e along the test section, which i s very important i n tunnels with closed test section, is determined by tubes placed along the tunnel axis and by orifices in the walls of the test section. Direct measurement of the turbulence level in supersonic tunnels is difficult. We can indirectly establish the relative turbulence level by determining the position of the transition point in different tunnels o r in the s a m e tunnel with and without smoothening s c r e e n s in the settling chamber::::,
T h e orifices in the tesI section of the tunnel are usually arranged in two sections of the vertical wall (for determining t h e influence of the angle of attack of the model) and in one section of the horizontal wall. In some tests, installation in the setrling chamber of smoothening screem having a resistance coefficient 5 = 10 reduces the turbulence number in the test section from 3.5% t o 1% a t M = 3 /4/.
With perforated test-section walls, introduced in recent y e a r s in transonic and supersonic tunnels, boundary-layer suction effected through the tunnel walls, and other m e a s u r e s , permit the flow in the t e s t section t o be uniform in magnitude and direction in the absence of a s t a t i c - p r e s s u r e gradient along the t e s t section. In the best modern high-speed tunnels the velocity nonuniformity does not exceed f (0.015 t o O.O2)M, the flow inclination is l e s s than f(0.15 t o 0.2" ) , while the static p r e s s u r e along the test-section axis usually v a r i e s within the limits of f 3 to 5%. Thus, the flow adjustment in transonic and supersonic tunnels, while maintaining the aerodynamic requirements for the subsonic p a r t of these tunnels (settling chamber, r e t u r n duct, etc.), consists in selecting the c o r r e c t shapes f o r nozzle and t e s t section.
In s o m e experiilients the influence of the ground is simulated by a ribbon moving at the s a m e velocity a s the a i r . This method is m o r e accurate (there is no boundary-layer thickening on the ribbon), and reproduces the conditions in nature where the ground is stationary, while the airplane moves in relation to it; however, because of its complexity, it is not widely used. Another method, in which the boundary layer on the s c r e e n simulating the ground is sucked off, can also be used in t e s t s for investigating ground effects.
FIGURE 7.10.
It is also possible t o test two similar models, one inupright, the other in inverse position (wheel to wheel). In practice, despite its approximativeness, the method of investigating ground effects with the aid of a stationary s c r e e n is widely accepted.
f the models consists firstly in determining their The preparation o dimensions by measurement on marking-off plates and in comparison with the drawings by means of templates, i. e., in establishing the full geometric similarity between model and full -scale airplane. An example of checking the dimensions of an airplane model is shown in Figure 7 . 1 1 . The condition of the model surface affects greatly the characteristics of its streamlining. In subsonic tunnels the models a r e made f r o m wood and polished to a gloss corresponding to a roughness-peak height of 5 p . In supersonic tunnels the models either have a metal core a n d a hard coating of special glue, r e s i n , or plastic, or a r e all-metal.
The roughness-peak height is determined with the aid of special profilographs, which p e r m i t roughness peaks m o r e than to 211 high t o be measured.
FIGURE 7.11.
The equipment used in wind tunnels consists of permanently installed instruments (for instance, instruments for measuring velocities, p r e s s u r e s , t e m p e r a t u r e s , and humidity, wind-tunnel balances, e t c . ) and instruments installed especially f o r a particular experiment (for instance, manometer r a c k s f o r determining p r e s s u r e distributions, thermocouples for measuring t e m p e r a t u r e s when testing engines, tubes for measuring velocity distributions when investigating bodies in conduits, etc.). When the calibration curves of all instruments and their e r r o r s a r e known, we can, using the methods of the theory of probability, analyse the influence of e r r o r s of the various instruments on the measurements. The measuring instruments used in the most common experiments should have the following standard deviations of measurement:
a) in region of c,
t 0.004
f f
lift (at small angles of attack) pitching moment ( 1 1 , ~ and N I J angle of zero lift ( z 0 ) slope of curve c y = /(a) din,
0.0025 0.012
a t small angles of attack;for I > 10' the permissible error is about double
* 0.2
0.25" 1% f 1% f 1%
f f
Technique of experimentation An experiment consists of the simultaneous measurement of all values necessary for determining the tested phenomena. In addition to the simultaneous m e a s u r e m e n t s , special procedures have been developed f o r each type of experiment, which permit the t e s t s to be c a r r i e d out m o s t effectively f r o m the viewpoint of ensuring accuracy and reliability of measurements, and also f r o m the viewpoint of saving time. These procedures comprise the technique of experimentation. The experimental method should permit t e s t s to be repeated and reproducible r e s u l t s to be obtained. It is absolutely necessary to maintain constant conditions of the experiment and the different phenomena occurring during it. This i s particularly important when testing new elements o r little -known phenomena, when the indications of the measuring equipment and the behavior of the tested object d i f f e r f r o m normal, although an accepted experimental method is applied. The technique and methods of different dynamic t e s t s a r e described below. T e s t s o n w i n d - t u n n e l b a l a n c e s . Before the experiment, a check of the balance and other measuring instruments, of the tightness of the a i r lines to the tubes and manometers, etc. must be made. Model t e s t s on balances in low-speed tunnels a r e , a s a rule, c a r r i e d out at constant velocity and variable angle of attack. The angle of attack is varied f r o m s m a l l negative values, corresponding to a small negative lift, by single degrees (sometimes by half degrees) up to angles exceeding the critical angle by several degrees. Sometimes, when the t e s t s a r e made in upright and inverse positions, the steps in angle variation in the upright position a r e doubled. The readings in the inverse position a r e a check of the operation of the balance and should coincide with the readings in the upright position. Non-coincidence of the readings in these two positions indicates either considerable friction, hysteresis, or s o m e systematic e r r o r which must be eliminated. When the angle of attack is varied the velocity in the t e s t section changes slightly, and should be adjusted. The instruments a r e read off only when, according to the indications of the control manometer, the velocity is stabilized, although the level of the spirit column in the manom e t e r always fluctuates within f 2 m m about a certain mean value. The a r t of experimenting consists in this case not only in choosing the instant of read-off, but also in the c o r r e c t averaging of the control-manometer indications. This a l s o r e f e r s to personnel recording the indications of the balance. In many modern tunnels in which the measurements a r e automated, the selection of the instant of read-off is l e s s important. In tunnels f o r l a r g e subsonic velocities the models a r e tested at varying velocities and constant angles of attack. This permits the t e s t s to be c a r r i e d out m o r e rapidly, while the functional dependence of the force coefficients on the f r e e - s t r e a m velocity (Mach number) can be plotted m o r e accurately. When the t e s t s a r e performed in variabledensity and high-speed tunnels, the relationships cX, c v , . , . = f ( R e ) should f i r s t be determined, and then the relationships c,, cy,. .. = f ( M ) The reason f o r this is that in variable-velocity experiments the leading edge of the model may become slightly deformed. Tests for determining the
dependence of the aerodynamic coefficients on the Reynolds number (in variable-density tunnels) a r e c a r r i e d out at different p r e s s u r e s , beginning a t the maximum. F o r each p r e s s u r e the coefficients e,. cy, etc. a r e determined a s functions of the angle of attack, a s for low velocities. Silk threads a r e glued t o the model and the flow pattern is visualized only after the balance measurements, in o r d e r to avoid damaging the surface and affecting the balance indications by the glued-on silk t h r e a d s . Flowpattern visualization consists of drawing, and m o r e often of photographing the positions of the silk threads f o r each flow condition determined by the angle of attack, p r e s s u r e , velocity, etc. (Figure 7 . 1 2 ) .
FIGURE 7.12. Flow pattern on a delta wing t o which silk threads have been glued.
The p r e s s u r e , t e m p e r a t u r e , and humidity of the atmospheric a i r a r e m e a s u r e d before and a f t e r each test. The t e m p e r a t u r e of the tunnel a i r is measured in low-speed tunnels before and a f t e r each t e s t , while in highspeed and in variable-density tunnels this is done during each measurement on the balance. In addition, in variable-density tunnels the humidity of air is a l s o measured with wet- and dry-bulb t h e r m o m e t e r s . After each experiment on the balance of any type of tunnel, the null reading (i. e., in the absence of aerodynamic loads and flow in the tunnel) of the balance is compared with the null reading before the experiment. When the difference between the null readings exceeds the permissible value f o r the given balance, the experiment should be considered as unsuccessful; further t e s t s a r e often possible only after establishing and eliminating the causes of the discrepancy. This r e f e r s a l s o to other instruments, e. g., f o r measuring velocities, t e m p e r a t u r e s , etc. T e s t s of models with different types of wings, engine nascelles, or t a i l s , a r e c a r r i e d out s i m i l a r l y as above. Special attention should be paid t o the dimensional accuracy of each version (the c r o s s -sectional a r e a i n the plane of symmetry, the a r e a and span of wings and tail, the mean chord length, the distance between the horizontal tail and the wing, etc.). In addition, special attention should be paid in tunnels f o r l a r g e subsonic velocities to
interference between wings and supports. Sometimes additional t e s t s a r e necessary f o r each combination (for instance, wing and engine nascelle) in order to determine accurately the interference between wings and modeI. This is particularly important with thin low-drag wings (sweptback and delta wings) which a r e tested at f r e e - s t r e a m velocities at which zones of supersonic flow may occur near the model, causing a large increase in drag of the supports and interferencebetween supports and the model, Frequently, balance t e s t s a r e accompanied by simultaneous measurement of the a i r flow r a t e and the velocity and p r e s s u r e distributions (for instance, when testing models in large tunnels with the a i r flowing through intakes). In o r d e r t o avoid increasing the number of t e s t s , the measuring tubes should be inserted into special shrouds, which a r e not connected to the balance and which insulate the tubes f r o m the effects of the a i r flow. The influence of the elasticity of the measuring tubes on the indications of the balance is taken inttl account by calibration. This effect is negligible when the balance is equilibrated by the null method. Optical measurements with the aid of the Topler instrument o r an interferometer, which accompany balance t e s t s , a r e usually performed either visually o r by photography, The establishment of the required flow conditions in low-speed tunnels is relatively simple, but is very difficult in supersonic tunnels. All operations with adjustable nozzles, c o m p r e s s o r s , throttling valves, supersonic-diffuser flaps, ejectors, etc. must be c a r r i e d out in a s t r i c t o r d e r which is established during calibration and tunnel adjustment. This is necessary both in o r d e r to obtain the necessary flow conditions and to prevent damage to the equipment. During t e s t s at supersonic velocities, special attention should be paid to the Reynolds number which, in practice, v a r i e s slightly due to changes in p r e s s u r e and temperature in the settling chamber, test section, etc. The range of variation of the Reynolds number during and between experiments should be calculated, and its admissibility verified before the experiments. When the Reynolds number cannot be maintained constant, this should be taken into account in the analysis of the results. The effectiveness of ailerons (the influence of their chord length and area, angle of deflection, etc. ) is, a s a rule, determined when the complete model is tested. The control surfaces of m i s s i l e s and rockets equipped with fins, in which problems of stability and control a r e decisive and complex, a r e tested on wind-tunnel balances similarly a s above. The hinge moments of the control surfaces of large models a r e measured on the s a m e model on which the general aerodynamic characteristics a r e determined. If tunnel and model a r e small, the c o r r e c t Reynolds number can be obtained i f the hinge moments of the control surfaces a r e determined on a separate l a r g e model of the tail. The measurements a r e c a r r i e d out with the aid of the ordinary o r additional balances which permit the hinge moments of the control surfaces t o be determined a t various angles of deflection for different angles of attack (and angles of tail slip) of the model or the fuselage, corresponding to the conditions of take -off and landing, different maneuvers, and maximum velocity. The test methods a r e s i m i l a r to those used for models on wind-tunnel balances.
The angle of attack of the fuselage or of the t a i l is adjusted with the aid of the balance, while the angles of deflection of the control surfaces are adjusted manually; this r e q u i r e s interruption of the tunnel operation. Such t e s t s a r e , therefore, performed by varying the angles of attack of f the control surfaces being kept model, fuselage, and tail, the position o constant . The optimum position of the t a i l on the model airplanes is best determined* beforehand, using special combs with glued-on s i l k threads which are installed in the t a i l zone. By determining optically or visually the angle of downwash in the t a i l zone (with an accuracy of up t o r t ( O . 5 t o lo)), we can find the region where the downwash downstream of the wings o r body is minimum and where the effectiveness of the control surfaces is maximum, and c a n then proceed with the balance measurements. Sometimes the combs a r e replaced by nets o r tightly stretched thin w i r e s t o which s i l k threads a r e fixed. Such nets permit visual observation of the three-dimensional flow f the zones of pattern downstream of the wings o r body, determination o turbulence, e t c .
Determination of the p r e s s u r e and velocity distributions is one of the most commonly performed experiments in low- and high-speed tunnels. Such t e s t s include investigations of the p r e s s u r e distributions on the surfaces of different bodies, of the velocity distributions around bodies, inside channels, etc. Before the experiments a r e begun, the connections between the orifices on the model o r of the measuring tubes and the manometers is checked, in p a r t i c u l a r , the correspondence between the numbers of the measuring points on the model o r on the tubes with the numbers on the manometer rack, and the tightness of all joints. The required degree of tightness has been obtained when the level of the s p i r i t column drops by 1 m m per minute at a constant mean p r e s s u r e in the system. The tightness of the manometers used, t h e i r rigid mounting and fixed inclination, the reliable attachment of the measuring tubes, and the availability of calibration data f o r the manometers and tubes a r e then checked. The connecting tubes f r o m the orifices and measuring tubes t o the manometers must be f r e e of constrictions (especially when rubber tubes a r e used). The absence of constriction is verified by the speed with which the level of a column of liquid drops in the manometer when the p r e s s u r e a t the orifice o r measuring tube is reduced (usually with the aid of pumps). The internal diameter and the length of the connecting tubes a r e chosen s o a s to obtain a minimum transmission lag. Lagreduction is particularly important in supersonic intermittent- operation tunnels, where, due to lag, the time available f o r measurements may be insufficient t o attain stabilized conditions in a l l manometers.
45 I
Liquid-column manometers and their connection a r e selected s o a s to be suitable for the entire range of p r e s s u r e s assumed in the experiment, the liquid neither being ejected f r o m the tube, nor receding into the well. The type and design of the tubes (Pitot-Prandtl tubes, Tees, etc.) and the manner of t h e i r attachment shculd be sel.ected according t o their dimensions and those of the channels o r the model, Steps should be taken to prevent the tubes f r o m affecting the flow inside the channel o r in the vicinity of the model, especially a t l a r g e velocities. P r e s s u r e and velocity distributions a r e determined by successive recording o r photographing:: of the manometer indications a t different flow velocities and angles of attack. The p r e s s u r e distributions on the surfaces of models a r e determined f r o m the forces acting on them and the nature of the flow around them. A knowledge of the p r e s s u r e distribution over the body (with a sufficient number of properly chosen orifices) p e r m i t s the total p r e s s u r e force t o be determined. However, this method is v e r y seldom used, since in most aerodynamic problems, the total force acting on a body can be m o r e simply, accurately, and rapidly determined by measurement on a balance. In modern practice the p r e s s u r e distribution is therefore determined mainly in o r d e r t o find the local distribution of the f o r c e s and the nature of the flow a t the surface of the body. Study of the p r e s s u r e distribution is particularly important f o r determining the proper shapes of wings and fuselages intended for l a r g e flight velocities, of blades for c o m p r e s s o r s of jet engines, etc. Such investigations a r e also important for determining the load distributions in the strength calculations of airplanes, rockets, etc., and for determining the flow pattern around wings of finite span.
TABLE 10. Recommended positions of orifices on an airfoil (in fractions of the chord length)
Determination of the p r e s s u r e distribution a t low velocities is of p r i m a r y importance when developing airfoils intended f o r l a r g e flight velocities. P r e s s u r e troughs near the leading edge, and the p r e s s u r e distribution on the upper and lower s u r f a c e s determine not only the load-carrying properties of the airfoil, but also indicate the zones where a t large flight velocities shocks may appear and greatly affect a l l the aerodynamic c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of the airfoil. When the p r e s s u r e distribution is investigated, the orifices must be arranged in such a way that all possible zones of abrupt change in p r e s s u r e gradient a r e detected. The recommended distances of the orifices f r o m the leading edge (infractions of the chord length) a r e given for an airfoil in Table 10, while the arrangement of the orifices is shown in Figure 7 . 1 3 . In many cases it is sufficient to determine the p r e s s u r e coefficient P.-Po - pl=-p , = f ( a ) where pi is the static p r e s s u r e at the surface point
Or recording if recording manometers a r e used.
The velocity distribution on the surface of the body outside the boundary layer is given by
v,= v,I . f
The p r e s s u r e f o r c e s acting on a wing element of unit width (Figure7.14), f o r which the p r e s s u r e distributions on the lower and upper s u r f a c e s a r e known (Figure 7.15), a r e found (for fixed coordinate axes) from the following formulas / 3 / . The horizontal f o r c e acting on the given element is
X =q
---. qs
Y =q J. dx.
1234 5
- 0 IO I1 12 13
14 15
C y = c,
where a is the angle of attack of the wing. The moment coefficients a r e found similarly 1 3 1 . The values of X and cX a r e l e s s accurately determined than those of Y and c y . This is explained by the smallness of C, and by the fact that in this method friction is not taken into account.
Determination of the profile drag by impulse methods The total drag Q consists of the profile drag Q P and the induced drag Qi. A t s m a l l angles of attack andmaximum velocity, i.e.. at s m a l l l i f t coefficients, the induced d r a g is small and the profile drag is decisive. The latter consists of the form drag, caused by the normal components of the forces acting on the surface of the body ( p r e s s u r e forces), and of the skin friction, representing the tangential components of the forces acting on the surface of the body (friction forces).
Outside of wake
v, P, ti v* vo P *Po
FIGURE 7.16.
Within wake
5 <yo ;PrPo
Velocity profiles upstream and downstream of a wing.
The profile drag is determined by methods based on the impulse theorem, according to which the change in momentum in any direction is equal to the impulse due t o the f o r c e acting in the s a m e direction. In the c a s e of flow around a symmetrical airfoil a t z e r o angle of attack (Figure 7. 16), the momentum change p e r second of the fluid passing
through the plane 0-0 o r I-I in the flow direction is equal /3/ to the profile d r a g of the wing element:
dQ,, = V,dm - V , dm,
where dm is the mass of fluid which p a s s e s p e r second through the elemental area do . F o r a n incompressible fluid
dm = p V o do, =pV, da,,
In practice it is difficult t o p e r f o r m measurements in the plane I - Iwhich is at a l a r g e distance f r o m the wing. F o r this reason, a control plane I I - I I (Figure 7. 1 6 ) is located at a distance of about 0.5 to 1 chord length downstream of the wing and the integration is performed only over the wake,
FIGURE 7.17.
we obtain
It is thus n e c e s s a r y to determine the velocity head in the undisturbed flow (Ho-po), the velocity head in the wake (H - p ) and the difference between the total p r e s s u r e in the wake and the static p r e s s u r e in the undisturbed flow ( H - p o ) . A l l these measurements can be made with two Pitot-Prandtl tubes and t h r e e m a n o m e t e r s (Figure 7.18), o r by one tube and a comb
A --
/ t-----
= 7
FIGURE 7.18. Connections of tubes t o manometers for deterinining the profile drag. 1- tube for measuring the f l o w velocity; 2 - microtube; 3, 4, 5 microinanoineters.
The results of the measurements a r e processed graphically. The vertical distance between the tubes of the comb m u s t not be less than 3 t o 5 tube diameters, and the comb itself should not cause any disturbances in the flow around the tubes and downstream of the wing. The tubes should have little sensitivity t o downwash when the profile d r a g of a body subjected t o lift is determined, This method of determining the profile drag gives measurement e r r o r s of the o r d e r of It570, and is used mainly for comparative evaluation of the aerodynamic properties of airfoils, bodies of revolution, etc.
c x
IBuundary layer
When m e a s u r e m e n t s in the wake with the aid of a comb a r e impossible (for instance, in flight), the comb is installed on the trailing edge of the wing (Figure 7 . 2 0 ) o r the body of revolution 1 5 1 , and the profile-drag
where :6 is the thickness of the wake at the trailing edge of the wing, b is the wing-chord length, U,, is the velocity at the outer limit of the boundary layer a t the trailing edge. The pulse method can also be applied to compressible gas, a s long a s no regions of supersonic flow appear on the body(M, < MCJ. In this case 161
QP =_ _ pv2/2. s '
It can be seen f r o m these expressions that when compressibility effects a r e taken into account, the measurement s y s t e m is the s a m e a s at low velocities.
5 33.
T h e i n s t a l l a t i o n s f o r t e s t i n g p r o p e l l e r s . Installations f o r testing propellers a r e intended for determining the following propeller characteristics which depend on the blade angle (the propeller pitch) and the advance ratio
k = V :
where P is the thrust of the propeller, N is the shaft power, n, is the number of revolutions per second, p is the density of a i r , D is the propeller diameter.
In installations f o r testing propellers the following values must therefore be m e a s u r e d : the t h r u s t of the propeller, the shaft torque, and the rotational speed. Kinematic similarity is provided during t e s t s of geometrically s i m i l a r p r o p e l l e r s when the angles of attack of the corresponding blade elements a r e equal, For equal blade angles this requirement means the equality of the air outlet angles : fh = 8 2 ; substituting f o r the tangents of the angles the velocity r a t i o s (Figure 7.21) we obtain
uz=' t q
FIGURE 7.21. Velocity triangles for corresponding b l a d e elements of geometrically similar propellers.
Dynamic s i m i l a r i t y means that the f o r c e s acting on corresponding elements of two geometrically s i m i l a r p r o p e l l e r s a r e proportional, and have the s a m e directions with r e s p e c t to the blades. Dynamic s i m i l a r i t y is provided by the equality of the dimensionless coefficients of thrust and power p .
I/== A
Viscosity effects a r e taken into account by requiring the Reynolds The effect of numbers t o be equal f o r model and full-scale propeller
the Reynolds number on the propeller efficiency is shown in Figure 7. 22. Equality of Reynolds numbers r e q u i r e s that the rotational speed of the model propeller be higher than that of the full-scale propeller. This may make attainment of equal Mach numbers impossible. It is t h e r e f o r e the practice to provide t e s t Reynolds numbers of the o r d e r of Re > , (4 to 5) X lo5, a t which the efficiency v a r i e s very little with increasing Reynolds number,
FIGURE 7.23. Dependence ofTma* on the blade-tip Mach number and on the blade angle for a subsonic three-blade propeller.
M , , = ,
- =
and the Reynolds number. At M c r , the thrust coefficient decreases, the power coefficient i n c r e a s e s , and the efficiency drops. The effect on the efficiency of the r a t i o between the resultant blade-tip velocity .~ W,= V ~ + ( w z r D )and * the speed of sound is illustrated in Figure 7 . 2 3 ,
Determination of propeller characteristics of the aid of wind-tunnel balances The thrust of a propeller is very often measured with wind-tunnel balances. The system f o r measuring the component Q must then be adapted to take up a force opposed to the usually measured drag. F o r this, preloading by counterweights can be arranged. When the windtunnel balance has a system for measuring the component A4,r, the torque of the propeller can be determined f r o m the indications of the balance element of this system. If the wind-tunnel balance is not adapted f o r measuring M,, or the system measuring M,c is not sufficiently accurate, the propeller shaft torque can be determined with the aid of a s e p a r a t e dynamometric device o r according to the power consumed by an e l e c t r i c motor. Thus, for instance, in the high-speed NASA tunnel a t Langley Field, which has a test-section diameter of 2 . 4 m , the thrust of the propeller is measured by the wind-tunnel balance a s a negative drag, while the torque is measured by a separate hydraulic dynamometer (Figure 7 . 2 4 ) . For this purpose the stator of the motor driving the propeller is mounted on
. . .....,..,..,,
I ,
I , ,
bearings. The reaction torque, which acts on the s t a t o r and is equal t o t h e moment of r e s i s t a n c e to rotation of the propeller, is taken up by the hydraulic dynamometer connected to a lever s e c u r e d to the s t a t o r .
FIGURE 7.24. NASA propeller-testing installation. 1- model of fuselage or fairing; 2 stator of driving motor mounted inside fairing; 3 - hydraulic dynamometer taking up reaction torque; 4 - lever transmitting t o q u e t o hydraulic dynamometer; 5 - receiver connected t o balance; 6 - balance: 7 - compensator for balance displacement: 8compensator for maintaining a constant volume in t h e hydraulic system.
Since, in addition to the thrust of the propeller, the wind-tunnel balance also takes up the drag of the fairing, inside which the whole device is installed, the thrust P of the propeller is determined f r o m the measured value Q according t o the following expression: P=
+ +
t A Q 3
where A Q , is the r e s i s t a n c e of the fairing without the propeller and of the support on which the whole device is installed, AQz is the correction f o r the longitudinal p r e s s u r e gradient, AQ3 is the correction for A Q , on account of the blocking effect of the propeller, AQ4 i s the i n c r e a s e in drag of fairing and support, due to the velocity i n c r e a s e in the propeller wake. O f t h e s e magnitudes A Q , is determined by direct drag measurement when the propeller is removed. The other corrections a r e determined a s functions of the thrust coefficient of the propeller. P r o p e 11 e r i n s t r u m e n t s. Special installations f o r measuring t h r u s t and torque of propellers a r e called propeller instruments. The main operating principles of propeller instruments a r e in many points s i m i l a r to wind-tunnel balances. The design of a propeller instrument depends considerably on the type of propeller drive used. The natural tendency is t o mount the propeller directly on the shaft of the motor o r of the reduction g e a r which is coaxial with the motor. This provides the s i m p l e s t t r a n s m i s s i o n design. Since in this design the motor is located inside the a i r s t r e a m , its diameter should be as s m a l l a s possible
46 1
in o r d e r t o reduce its influence on the propeller operation, and, in highspeed tunnels, t o i n c r e a s e the critical Mach number a t which blockage of the wind tunnel o c c u r s . The high power of electric motors installed in test sections is achieved by increased length, higher supply frequency, and special cooling methods. This permits the motor diameter to be greatly reduced. Motors of this type a r e suspended in the t e s t section f r o m special s t r u t s o r b r a c e s , while the measuring element of the propeller instrument is placed inside a casing protecting the motor, o r is located outside the flow boundaries. When a l a r g e electric motor which cannot be placed in the a i r s t r e a m is used, then arm-type instruments a r e employed. In the arm-type instrument the propeller shaft i s mounted in a special body inside a casing shaped like a body of revolution and mounted on a shroud which is perpendicular t o the flow direction. A shaft, which connects the propeller shaft with the electric motor, p a s s e s through the shroud. A l l measuring elements o r transducers for the t h r u s t and the torque a r e placed inside the casing and the shroud. P r o p e l l e r i n s t r u m e n t s o f t h e s u s p e n s i o n t y p e . An example of such a s y s t e m is shown in Figure 7 . 2 5 . The body of electric
FIGURE 7.25. Suspension-type propeller instrument. 1-electric motor: 2 - casing: 3 - braces; 4 - struts; 5 - torque lever; 6 - torque
I - intermediate yoke.
motor (l), surrounded by streamlined casing (2), is suspended at fixed points f r o m four b r a c e s (3) placed in p a i r s in two vertical planes. The b r a c e s a r e also used a s electric leads f o r the motor. The streamlined
casing i s suspended f r o m fixed supports by means of s t r u t s (4). The reaction torque acting on the f r a m e of the e l e c t r i c motor, equal to the torque on the propeller shaft, is transmitted by lever (5) and r o d (6) t o balance element ( M ) which is preloaded by counterweight GM. The s y s t e m of securing the b r a c e s (3) to the f r a m e of the motor is shown a t the bottom of Figure 7 , 25. The b r a c e s a r e connected t o the f r a m e through intermediate yokes (7), supporting the f r a m e by m e a n s of pins c a r r i e d in ball bearings. The articulated parallelogram, formed by the b r a c e s and the frame, p e r m i t s f r e e axial movement of the f r a m e in o r d e r to t r a n s m i t the thrust P to point A where it is resolved into components. The vertical component, which a t a = 45" equals the t h r u s t , is measured by balance element P . The b r a c e s a r e connected to the yokes by means of hinges with ball bearings, The prolongations of the b r a c e axes intersect the propeller shaft. The yokes togetherwith the f r a m e of the motor can therefore rotate about this shaft within the limits of the measuring displacements, in o r d e r t o t r a n s m i t a f o r c e to a balance element which m e a s u r e s the reaction torque acting on the motor f r a m e . The influence of friction in the bearings is taken into account when calibrating the instrument with the propeller removed. The drawbacks of a propeller instrument with b r a c e suspension a r e the relatively low power, the necessity of frequent calibration due to elongation of the b r a c e s , and also the need for frequent adjustment of the clearances between the stationary p a r t s and those connected to the balance.
P c A
Strain-gage transducers for measuring torque FIGURE 7.26. elements. Suspension-type propeller instrument with strdin-gage
Direction of
n rl
3600 -
I 1700 _ I
FIGURE 1.27. The B-5 instrument. 1 propeller; 2 - head o f the front propeller instrument: 3 - thrust and torque baplatform for drag balance; 5 - drag balance: 6 - model of airfoil; 7 - lift balance; 8 - electric motor: lances: 4 9 - rotating table: 1 0 - instrument carriage: 11 - vertical instrument frame.
The u s e of instruments with b r a c e suspensions in tunnels with closed t e s t sections (and sometimes in tunnels with open t e s t sections) is v e r y inconvenient because of the necessity to install and calibrate the instrument before testing the propeller and to dismantle it a f t e r the tests. These drawbacks a r e mostly eliminated in instruments where the b r a c e suspension is used only f o r fixing the instrument i n the tunnel while the whole measuring s y s t e m is placed in one casing with the e l e c t r i c motor. The design of such a propeller instrument, in which a strain-gage measuring s y s t e m is used, is shown in F i g u r e 7. 2 6 . F a i r i n g (1) is rigidly fixed in the t e s t section by tapes or wires which a l s o s e r v e a s e l e c t r i c leads f o r the motor. T h e f r a m e of the m o t o r is mounted inside the fairing on two elastic discs (2), whose design is shown a t the bottom of Figure 7 . 26. The discs a r e made of single pieces of s t e e l . The thrust c a u s e s deformation of the elastic element A of the disc, which has low rigidity in the axial direction. Wire strain-gage t r a n s d u c e r s a r e glued on the walls of these elements i n one of the discs. The torque acting on the s t a t o r of the motor is taken up in the s a m e way by strain-gage t r a n s d u c e r s glued on the radial elements B which have low rigidity i n the tangential direction. The strain-gage t r a n s d u c e r s a r e inserted into the circuits of two automatic balancing bridges which m e a s u r e separately the torque and the t h r u s t . P r o p e l l e r i n s t r u m e n t s o f t h e a r m t y p e . Propeller instruments of a r m type make frequent reinstallation and calibration unnecessary and permit quick change-over from the propeller t e s t s to other types of experiments. F o r this purpose arm-type instruments a r e mounted o n c a r r i a g e s o r other devices for transport from and to the t e s t section. The typical example of such an instrument f o r a tunnel with open t e s t section is the 13.5 propeller instrument / 7 / of the T-5 TsAGI tunnel (Figure 7 . 2 7 ) . The layout f o r measuring the thrust of a propeller is shown in Figure 7 . 28, and that for measuring the torque in Figure 7. 29. Jnstruments of the a r m type a r e used also in high-speed tunnels for propellers having l a r g e values of k while maintaining equality of Mach numbers. The power required for driving the propeller can be considerably reduced by lowering the p r e s s u r e in the tunnel. The resultant reduction in Reynolds number i s not v e r y important, since t h e influence of the l a t t e r on the propeller c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s is insignificant at l a r g e velocities. An example of a n instrument f o r testing p r o p e l l e r s in tunnels with closed t e s t sections a t high subsonic and transonic f r e e - s t r e a m velocities is shown i n F i g u r e 7 . 30 of the NASA tunnel a t Langley Field. The power of the instrument is 2000 h . p . The diameter of the closed t e s t section is 4.88 m, and the flow velocity, M = 1.2. P r o p e l l e r s tested a t high rotational speeds must be carefully balanced. Inadequate balancing causes vibrations of the propeller and of the instrument elements and reduces the measuring accuracy. F o r the s a k e of safety, the p r o p e l l e r s a r e f i r s t tested for t h e i r s t r e n g t h on a special stand where they a r e rotated at a speed which exceeds by 1 0 t o 15%their maximum rotational speed in the wind tunnel.
A simple device f o r balancing propellers is shown schematically in Figure 7 . 3 1 . The device consists of a l e v e r resting on a knife edge.
Spring dynamometer FIGURE 7.28. Measuring t h e thrust of a propeller on the B-5 instrument. FIGURE 7.29. Measuring t h e propeller torque on the B-5 instrument.
The weight of the propeller, mounted on one a r m of the lever, is equilibrated by weights. If the unbalanced propeller is rotated about its axis the equilibrium of the lever is disturbed. Equilibrating the lever
FIGURE 7.30.
again by additional weight, we can determine the imbalance moment, which is then equilibrated with the aid of weights secured to the propeller hub.
FIGURE 7.31.
The calibration of propeller instruments The system f o r measuring the t h r u s t of the propeller instrument is calibrated by loading the shaft with weights. A t h r u s t plate, fixed t o the end of the shaft and running on ball bearings, transmits the load. The stationary p a r t of this t h r u s t bearing is fixed t o a rod passing through a r o l l e r to a pan with weights, The system of measuring the torque is calibrated by applying a torque to the instrument shaft by means of a pneumatic o r hydraulic brake and measuring independently the torque acting on the brake. A feature of a r m instruments is that the flow perturbation caused by them in the plane of rotation of the propeller is small;;:. The velocity decrease, due t o the instrument, in the plane of the propeller causes an increase in the thrust measured. M e a s u r e m e n t of t h e r o t a t i o n a l s p e e d . E r r o r s i n m e a s u r i n g the number of revolutions n, affect the final accuracy of determining the dimensionless coefficients a, 0 and q m o r e than e r r o r s in measuring the other magnitudes. Special attention should therefore be paid to the measuring of the rotational speed. Only special types of laboratory tachometers can be used in aerodynamic experiments. T e s t s of f u l l - s c a l e p r o p e l l e r s . The full-scale propellers a r e tested mainly in tunnels with open t e s t sections. Experiments with full-scale propellers a r e performed in closed test sections only in variable density full-scale tunnels. The main purpose of such t e s t s is to investigate the operation of the propeller- and engine-group at different altitude conditions and temperatures, created by means of c o m p r e s s o r s , vacuum pumps, and cooling installations. Reducing the p r e s s u r e to below atmospheric permits high velocities (Mach numbers) t o be attained, while an i n c r e a s e of the p r e s s u r e t o above atmospheric increases the Reynolds number of the experiment.
The correction d u e t o velocity reduction does not c x c e e d 0.5% of the measured thrust.
The thrust is measured by a wind-tunnel balance o r dynamometric installation located inside a false fuselage. The torque applied t o the propeller shaft is measured by different methods depending mainly on the type of engine driving the propeller. When an electric motor is used, the power absorbed by the propeller can be measured very simply but not accurately, because it is difficult to determine the efficiency of the motor and the effects on it of temperature changes in the winding during the t e s t s . When an a i r c r a f t engine is used the power taken up by the propeller can be determined by calibrating the engine. This method too is l e s s a c c u r a t e than torque measurements by special dynamometric devices operating on the weighing principle. The torque applied t o the propeller shaft can be determined with the aid of devices in which the angle of twist of a known length of the elastic shaft is measured with the aid of s t r a i n gage, inductive, capacitive, or optical transducers. Determination of the power by the electric method, f r o m the engine c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o r f r o m the shaft torsion, enables the torque t o be found with an accuracy of f 3 to 4%. The f i e l d of application of these methods is therefore limited mainly t o comparative t e s t s and t o flight t e s t s where the u s e of other types of equipment is difficult.
Methods of testing propellers Such t e s t s a r e mainly performed on propeller instruments*. The basic experiments a r e t e s t s of single and coaxial propellers both a s isolated units and in the presence of elements of the airplane. In the l a t t e r c a s e the aerodynamic f o r c e s acting on the airplane elements must also be determined; this determines the interaction between propeller and airplane body. Measurements in the range of maximum propeller efficiency qmax must be most accurate. This is difficult because in this range the thrust and the propeller torque a r e s m a l l in absolute value. Measuring accuracy can be improved by increasing the number of experimental points, and also by a high accuracy of the measuring instruments used in the load range extending f r o m 1/5 t o 1/10 of the maximum load. Stationary t e s t s ( V = O ; h=O) intended to determine the aerodynamic c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of propellers, required for investigations of a i r c r a f t landing and engine starting on the ground (small positive and negative blade angles), can be c a r r i e d out in wind tunnels with the fans nonoperative. Stationary t e s t s intended to provide the aerodynamic c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of propellers required f o r investigations of a i r c r a f t take-off, must be performed outside the tunnel o r , if possible, with the t e s t installation a t a right angle t o the tunnel axis, since a t l a r g e blade angles the propellers themselves c r e a t e in the wind tunnel an a i r circulation corresponding to ( h z 0 . 5 ) . Determination of the thrust of the propeller is difficult in stationary t e s t s because the blade roots operate under stalling conditions, Because knowledge of the thrust in stationary t e s t s is important, it has to be determined by repeated measurements (3 or 4).
T h e operation o f individual blade sections is sometimes analyzed with the aid of measuring tubes by determining the momentum and the moment of momentum of the air upstream and downstream of the blade section considered.
T e s t i n g s i n g l e p r o p e l l e r s . Arm instruments a r e most suitable f o r testing single propellers. The t e s t s a r e performed at constant blade angles (cp= constant) and different values of the coefficient A , which is varied by changing the f r e e - s t r e a m velocity f r o m V=O t o V = V,,lax at different rotational speeds. The minimum number of revolutions of the propeller is chosen i n such a way that the Reynolds number does not become too s m a l l (Figure 7. 22). When this condition is satisfied the number of revolutions is selected by taking into account the range of possible n measurements of t h r u s t and propeller torque, and the limiting velocity i the t e s t section of the tunnel. Excessive rotational speeds at a limited flow velocity in the tunnel do not p e r m i t the full c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of the propellers to be determined at l a r g e blade angles ( l a r g e values of h ) . Reducing the number of revolutions p e r m i t s the propeller c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s to be obtained f o r a l l blade angles. However, due to the s m a l l n e s s of the loads acting on t h e balance devices, the accuracy of determining the efficiency, and particularly its maximum value, is reduced. T e s t s of propellers of a given s e r i e s (type and number of blades, propeller d i a m e t e r ) must therefore be preceded by a n analysis of the experimental conditions and by the selection of the rotational speed of the propeller and of the flow velocity. The velocity intervals a r e chosen in such a way that the intervals of the coefficient a a r e equal to 0.1, and, in theneighborhood of q ms r , t o 0.05. The highest velocities should correspond to a value of a at which the coefficients a and p a s s u m e s m a l l negative values (0.05 to 0.01). This p e r m i t s the point of z e r o thrust to be fixed m o r e definitely. T e s t s of single propellers in the presence of the fuselage o r engine nascelle with wing a r e performed in the s a m e way as t e s t s of isolated propellers, but in addition the aerodynamic f o r c e s acting on t h e s e elements a r e measured with and without the propeller. This p e r m i t s the influence of the propeller wake to be taken into account and the effective t h r u s t and propeller efficiency (ae, qe) to be determined. In such t e s t s the instruments must he located inside the model and attention should be paid t o providing sufficient c l e a r a n c e s between moving and stationary p a r t s . The r e s u l t s of propeller t e s t s a r e usually given in the f o r m of " s e r i e s " c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , i. e., of the c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of a given type of propeller f o r different blade angles and operating conditions ( a = f(h),'p = / ( A ) ) , with lines of constant efficiency (Figure 7. 32). If the f r e e - s t r e a m velocity exceeds 70 t o 80 m / s e c , a correction f o r compressibility effects h a s to be introduced. Several countries p o s s e s s l a r g e wind tunnels mainly intended f o r testing full-size p r o p e l l e r s . These tunnels a r e characterized by c i r c u l a r t e s t sections, usually of the open type, having diameters of 6 to 8 m and comparatively high flow velocities (up t o 100 to 1 5 0 m / s e c ) . The installed powers of such tunnels attain f r o m 20,000 to 30,000 kw, In such tunnels it is possible to obtain with propeller instruments c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s like those shown in Figure 7 . 3 2 . When only wind tunnel balances and devices f o r torque m e k u r e m e n t s o r engine calibration a r e used, c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s like those shown i n F i g u r e 7.33 a r e obtained. It was shown by many t e s t s that with the a i d of the engine c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , the thrust of the propeller at take-off conditions at maximum airplane speed can be determined with an accuracy of f l 0 kg, and the maximum airplane speed, with a n a c c u r a c y of rt 1%.
Testing of coaxial propellers The testing of coaxial propellers, which were introduced a s a result of the increased power of a i r c r a f t engines, nowadays plays an important p a r t in propeller t e s t s . For existing turboprop airplanes the aerodynamic c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of propellers must be known f o r blade angle (p0.75 * < 0" up t o Q0.75 = 90" a t 0 < I < C O , for both positive and negative t h r u s t s and torques.
FIGURE 1 . 3 2
4 . 5
T e s t s of propeller models over such wide p a r a m e t e r ranges a r e not feasible in high-speed tunnels. Investigations of propeller operation under take-off and landing conditions a r e simpler to c a r r y out in low-speed tunnels (Figure 7 . 3 4 ) . In high-speed tunnels such t e s t s a r e difficult t o perform because of the l a r g e loads acting on the balance devices which must m e a s u r e even s m a l l loads accurately. Under flight conditions the difference in the blade angles of coaxial propellers, taking up equal s h a r e s of the engine power (or installed on s i m i l a r engines in tandem), is 1 to 2" at Vmx. The reason for this is that in the region of qmaxr a t equal blade angles and equal apparent flow angles, due t o the induced velocity, blade sections of the trailing propeller operate at l a r g e r angles of attack and at higher f r e e - s t r e a m velocities than the corresponding blade sections of the leading propeller. In o r d e r that the power required t o overcome the aerodynamic r e s i s t a n c e to rotation be equal for both propellers, the blade angle of the trailing propeller must be 1 t o 2" l e s s than that of the leading propeller. F o r takeoff conditions the difference attains 5 to 6".
R [where R
is t h e blade a n g l e a t r = 0.75
is t h e propeller radius.]
During t e s t s of coaxial. propellers, the following magnitudes a r e measured: a ) the thrust, torque, and number of revolutions of each p r o p e l l e r , b) the f r e e - s t r e a m velocity and density, c ) the p r e s s u r e in the c l e a r a n c e s between the propeller hubs and the instrument fairing (Figure 7 . 3 5 ) .
In o r d e r to analyze the propeller operation at high rotational speeds (for instance, under conditions of take-off, cruising, maximum speed, landing, etc.) the results a r e given as variations of a, p and h with Q (Figure 7. 3 2 ) .
47 1
In o r d e r t o investigate p r o c e s s e s connected with the reduction of the rotational speed of the propeller t o values close t o z e r o (for instance, the feathering of the propellers to reduce the d r a g after sudden engine shut-down in flight, or the r e s t a r t i n g of the engine in flight), the propeller c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s a r e given a s coefficients coefficients a r e related t o the coefficients c p , c,,, and
n D
(cp,h). These
p and
h a s follows:
If t e s t s a r e c a r r i e d out in the range 0 < h < m , one p a r t of the experimental r e s u l t s (usually o < h < 4 or 5 ) is expressed by the coefficients a, p and h , while the remainder is expressed by the coefficients
c P , c,,,
and-. V
FlGURE 1.35. Forces measured by thrust balances when testing coaxial propellers.
D e t e r m i n i n g of t h e c o e f f i c i e n t s a a n d a r e respectively
These coefficients
Here PI and Pt a r e the forces measured respectively on the thrust balances of the leading and trailing a r m s of the instrument, A P h is the drag of the is the total force of the hub without blades. measured on the thrust balance, A P ~ p r e s s u r e in the clearances transmitted t o the instrument balance: A P p = AP1.p. - A p t a p . The f o r c e of the p r e s s u r e between the hubs does not
- -
- - ...-
. . . . . . _ I . . I . I . . . . . I
.... ....iI
The p r e s s u r e
affect the measurement of the total thrust (Figure 7 . 3 6 ) . f o r c e s in the leading and trailing clearances a r e
1 p.
I n 7
- hko)r
= ;iShyh(hk-hbo),
where S h is the cross-sectional a r e a of the hub, 7 is the specific gravity of the manometric fluid, h,, - hko a r e the indications of the measuring tubes connected t o the corresponding orifices in the end discs of the instrument fairing. The orifices a r e located a t different r a d i i in such a way that equal a r e a s a r e s e r v e d , s o that integration can be replaced by summation.
PI Pbal=(Pm.p.-P1.h.-P1.p.
-'t.h. +'t.p.
FlGURE 7.36. Forces measured by the thrust balance when the hubs are tested without blades.
+ 4.
where MI is the torque of the leading propeller and Mt is the torque o f the trailing propeller. We introduce dimensionless coefficients
while cm = c ,
+ e,
Figures 7. 37 and 7 . 38 a r e typical propeller characteristics corresponding t o positive t h r u s t s . Figure 7 . 3 7 gives the coefficient fl f o r coaxial propellers as a function of b for different values of Q , , . ~ ~ , together with curves of constant efficiency q .
Figure 7 . 3 8 gives the coefficient a for isolated coaxial propellers a s a function of h f o r different values of 90.75 . Figures 7 . 3 9 and 7 . 4 0 give the c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of coaxial propellers, expressed by the coefficients cm and c p . Figure 7 . 3 9 gives the coefficient cm f o r coaxial propellers a s a function of for different values of
coefficient c p a s a function of
0 4
FIGURE 7.38. Thrust characteristics of coaxial propellers.
0 . 0 3
_ _ L _ ~
as functlon of
n D
The main types of t e s t s on turbomachine elements a r e static tests of blade cascades in special wind tunnels and stand tests of separate stages of turbines and c o m p r e s s o r s . This section deals with methods of stationary t e s t s of blade cascades.
Determining the main aerodynamic characteristics of cascades The efficiency of turbines, compressors, and other turbomachines is determined largely by the losses of kinetic energy in the blade cascades and impellers. If no energy is supplied to or removed f r o m the flowing medium, the energy loss (or dissipation) in a working medium flowing in channels between blades is determined by the loss in total p r e s s u r e . The principal geometrical parameters of blade cascades a r e indicated in Figure 7 . 4 1 . The efficiency of a cascade is defined a s the ratio of the energy of a given m a s s of the working medium at the cascade outlet to the energy of this m a s s at the cascade inlet. The flow downstream of the cascade is nonuniform. In different parts of it, the velocities differ in magnitude and direction; hence, the m a s s flowr a t e distribution is nonuniform, The amount oi kinetic energy passing p e r second through unit c r o s s -sectional a r e a of the cascade outlet is
where V2 and p2 a r e respectively the flow velocity and density at the cascade outlet, while Q is the m a s s flow r a t e p e r unit a r e a . The efficiency of a cascade element is
where V?, is the outlet velocity at isentropic flow through the cascade, the a i r outlet angle, and x is measured along the blade pitch.
FlGURE 7 . 4 1 . Geometrical and aerodynamic cascade parameters. BI-air inlet angle; 82- air outlet a n g l e ; y - b l ad e angle.
The theoretical velocity V2, is determined by the total p r e s s u r e pol at blade inlet and by the mean s t a t i c p r e s s u r e ptav a t the blade outlet. The value of V z is determined by the local total p r e s s u r e po2 and s t a t i c p r e s s u r e PZ at the blade outlet.
1 l1 l1 l1 l1 1 II Il1 Il Il1 Il
The mean outlet velocity is determined by averaging over the m a s s flow rate:
where p . is the c r i t i c a l density. Noting that the value of the c r i t i c a l velocity does not depend on the l o s s e s in the cascade (i. e., u p s t r e a m and downstream of the cascade its values a r e the s a m e ) , we can, by dividing the numerator and denominator of the right-hand p a r t of expression (7. 2 ) by a:, replace V i and ViT respectively by ii and hiT Dividing the numerator and denominator by the unit c r i t i c a l m a s s flow r a t e u p s t r e a m of the cascade, equal t o p*,a,, and using
obtained f r o m &= ? L !
of dimensionless magnitudes
(7. 7)
( 7 . 9)
A t low velocities (incompressible fluid) p is constant. Assuming the s t a t i c p r e s s u r e a t the outlet to be equal to the atmospheric p r e s s u r e pa,
we obtain
The following magnitudes have thus t o be measured: 1) the total p r e s s u r e p o l at a sufficient distance u p s t r e a m of the cascade; 2) the t o t a l - p r e s s u r e distribution p & = f ( x ) over the pitch downstream of the cascade (by total-pressure tube indications); 3) the static-pi.essure distribution p 2 = f ( x ) over the pitch downstream of the cascade; 4) the air-outlet angle distribution p2 = f ( x ) over the pitch downstream of the cascade. At subsonic velocities, p,:2=po2 while M 2 and ).* a r e determined as functions of p 2 / p o 2 . At supersonic velocities, M 2 and h2 have to be determined f r o m Reyleigh's formuls (Chapter IV), since the value of p i 1 , as measured by the t o t a l - p r e s s u r e tube, is equal t o the total p r e s s u r e behind the normal shock formed before the tube. Usually the following differences a r e measured in t e s t s : 1) Ap,, = p o l - p , where p , is the atmospheric p r e s s u r e , 2 ) h p z = p o l - p b (loss of total p r e s s u r e ) , 3) AP2=P2-Pn; 4) A P , , = P 2 - P p , . A s a rule, A p 2 is very small, s i n c e cascade t e s t s a r e usually c a r r i e d out with discharge into atmosphere. The layout f o r measuring these magnitudes with the aid of U-tube manometers is shown in Figure 7.42.
Cascade testing installations Special wind tunnels a r e used t o t e s t cascades of c o m p r e s s o r and turbine blades under static conditions, The main requirements f o r such
wind tunnels is the provision of operating conditions in the central p a r t of the cascade, approaching those in an infinite cascade. The number of blades in the cascade usually v a r i e s f r o m 7 t o 14. Adjustment of the magnitude and direction of the inlet velocity m u s t be possible. The layouts and designs of the wind tunnels differ according t o the velocities obtained in them.
Full-scale Reynolds numbers can be obtained in low-speed tunnels by increasing the blade chord. In high-speed tunneIs the blade chords a r e approximately equal to the mean chords of blades used in axial c o m p r e s s o r s and turbines. By varying the p r e s s u r e downstream of the cascade, s e p a r a t e investigation of viscosity and compressibility effects can be c a r r i e d out. However, such tunnels a r e inconvenient because of the difficult a c c e s s to the tested cascade. The simplest installation for testing cascades a t s m a l l velocites has the f o r m of an ordinary open-circuit wind tunnel. The a i r is aspirated f r o m the room by a fan and discharged into the room through the cascade. To i n c r e a s e the flow uniformity at the cascade inlet, the a i r is discharged through a nozzIe with l a r g e expansion r a t i o (from 7 t o 1 2 ) . Better velocity equalization is sometimes obtained by boundary-layer removal through the tunnel walls upstream of the cascade. T e s t s a t l a r g e flow velocities a r e performed in tunnels operated with a i r supplied by c o m p r e s s o r s . The a i r f r o m the c o m p r e s s o r i s usually discharged through the cascade directly t o atmosphere. An example of such an installation is the NGTE high-speed tunnel / 8 / , shown schematically in Figure 7 . 4 3 .
If a back p r e s s u r e is required in o r d e r to i n c r e a s e the Reynolds number, a throttling device is inserted between the tunnel outlet and the tested cascade. The air f r o m the c o m p r e s s o r is supplied t o the tunnel through a regulating valve. This can be an ordinary valve actuated manually by a
FIGURE 7 . 4 3 NGTE wind tunnel lor testing cascades a t large flow velocities. 1 throttling valve for accurare inlet-pressure regulation; 2 - circular section; 3rectangular section; 4 - corner; 5 - cascades; 6 - honeycomb; I - air discharge to atmoiphere through settling clianiber.
motor. A special rapid-action valve p e r m i t s better regulation and maintenance of p r e s s u r e at the tunnel inlet. Such a valve, with hydraulic o r e l e c t r i c drive, connected to the automatic total- i n l e t - p r e s s u r e regulator, facilitates tunnel operation and p e r m i t s increased accuracy of the experiments. F i g u r e 7.44 shows schematically the t e s t section of the wind tunnel f o r testing cascades a t the Dresden Turbine Institute (East Germany). This intermittent-operation tunnel i s powered by an ejector. The a i r is sucked into a t e s t section measuring 300X100 o r 200X100mm2 in which a flow velocity corresponding t o M = 0.85 can be attained. The Reynolds number can be varied f r o m 1 .1 O5 t o 8 . lo5 / 91. The s a m e institute has a high-speed closed-circuit tunnel. The drive is by an axial 1200 kw c o m p r e s s o r (Figure 7.45). The t e s t section m e a s u r e s 300mmX 100 mm, and is suitable f o r testing blades having chords of 50" and lengths of 100 m m at 0.3 < M < 1.5 . By varying the initial p r e s s u r e between 0.3 and 4 atm, the Reynolds number can be changed f r o m .10~ /IO/. 1 0 ~to ~ 2p
48 1
The inlet angle is adjusted either by rotating the entire test section, as shown i n Figure 7 . 4 4 , or by turning the cascade. In the f o r m e r case,
FIGURE 7.44. Ejecror runnel for cascade tesrs. Tunnel elements: 1 - settling chamber and nozzle; 2 - intermediate-pressure chamber; 3 - segments serving for changing the blade inler angle; 4 mixing chamber; 5 - diffusor; 6 - hlgh-pressure air pipe; 'I-tubes t o m u l t i p l e m a n o m e t e r ; 8-inlet for additional aspirated ai r ; 9 - injector throat. Orifices and rubes: A- static pressure in settling chamber; B - staric and toral pressures; C sraric pressure ar cascade inlet; D - static and total pressures downstream of cascade; E - static pressure and temperature of high-pressure a i r; F - tubes for measuring the flow direction downsrream of t h e cascade.
the t r a v e r s i n g cradle serving f o r flow investigations downstream of the cascade is installed on the movable tunnel wall, while in the latter case it is mounted on the device for rotating the cascade (Figure 7.46).
FIGURE 7.45. High-speed wind tunnel for testing cascades. 1 - steam turbine; 2 - a x i a l compressor; 3 -cooler; 4 - n o z z l e ; 5 - Eiffel chamber; 6 - schlieren instrument; I diffusor; 8 - bend; 9 - bypass; 10 -control panel.
M e a s u r e m e n t m e t h o d s a n d e q u i p m e n t . The total p r e s s u r e a t the blade inlet is easily determined with the aid of stationary tubes.
FIGURE 1 . 4 6 . Test section of high-speed wind tunnel for testing cascades ( s e e Figure
7.43). 1 - turntable for installing the cascade; 2 - vertical adjustable wall; 3 nozzle flange for attaching the test section; 4 - s c a l e for read-off of blade angle; 5static-pressure tap: 6 tumtable guides: I bracket for coordinating d e v i c e ,
The flow p a r a m e t e r s at the blade outlet a r e usually determined by tubes of the type described in Chapter IV, for instance, cylindrical tubes with central orifices for measuring the total p r e s s u r e and l a t e r a l orifices for measuring the flow inclination. Since the flow downstream of the cascade is nonuniform, the values of Ap02i and p2<, a r e measured at points whose coordinates a r e xi with the a i d of the traversing cradle. The static p r e s s u r e is usually determined with a s e p a r a t e tube. F r o m the measured we obtain by numerical integration the values of q ,sin values of Apo2{ and j%av and E. R e c o r d i n g a n d i n t e g r a t i n g i n s t r u m e n t s . In o r d e r to determine the influence of different p a r a m e t e r s on the characteristics of the cascade, and to compare cascade t e s t s , a l a r g e number of t e s t s a r e required, each of which consists of multiple m e a s u r e m e n t s . Visual recording of a l a r g e number of readings and the subsequent mathematical processing r e q u i r e s much effort and time. Large-scale cascade t e s t s necessitate, therefore, automatic recording of the m e a s u r e m e n t s , together with r e m o t e controi of the tubes with the aid of automatic devices described in I 17. The advantages of automatic control and measurement systems a r e : 1) increased accuracy, because the p a r a m e t e r s a r e recorded not a t distinct points but continuously over the whole pitch; 2) speed-up of experiments and computation of final results; 3) improved work conditions due to distance f r o m sources of noise, Automation permits processing of the measurement results during the experiment. For this purpose special computing devices a r e used, which integrate and average the measured magnitudes over the pitch. An automatic continuous -measurement s y s t e m f o r testing cascades in low-speed wind tunnels is shown in Figure 7 . 4 7 1111. This system p e r m i t s simultaneous recording on a tape of the total-pressure loss (pol- p p o z ) and of the angle p ~ , and determination of the mean values over the pitch of these magnitudes, with the aid of mechanical integrating mechanisms. The cylindrical tube (l), which m e a s u r e s the total p r e s s u r e and the flow direction downstream of the cascade, is installed on the head of the traversing cradle. During the experiment the head with the tube is continuously moved along the cascade by motorhf,. The maximum t r a v e l x 2 - x , , which is usually a multiple of the pitch, is determined by limit switches (2) and (2'). Drum ( 3 ) of the recordingdevice is turned in proportion to the displacement of the tube with the aid of a s e r v o system which consists of a selsyn t r a n s m i t t e r STl and the selsyn receiver SR1. Tube (1) is continuously turned into the flow direction by servomotor Mz which is controlled by an automatic angle-measuring device and by manometer A according to the system shown in Figure 4.79. Carriage (7). with pen (51, is moved in proportion to the turning angle of the tube by a lead s c r e w which is rotated by selsyn p a i r ST, and SR,. This pefimarks off on tape (4), parallel to the drum axis, the value of angle p 2 . The totalp r e s s u r e loss is measured by manometer B with the aid of a s e r v o device consisting of a photoelectric cell, amplifier Y 2 , and servomotor M3 which moves the light source and the photoelectric cell along the column of liquid (such a manometer is shown in Figure 5. 6 ) . The measured p r e s s u r e difference is recorded on the tape by pen (6), secured t o c a r r i a g e (8), which is moved by a lead s c r e w rotated by selsyn pair ST3 and SR3.
The integrating device which s e r v e s t o m e a s u r e the mean values of the angle p 2 and the l o s s in total p r e s s u r e consists of discs (11) and (12), and integrating friction r o l l e r s (9) and (10). The discs a r e rotated by the selsyn pair STland SR, at a velocity dq2/dl = k l d x j d t where k, is a constant.
Coordinating device
r2=kzf ( x )
FIGURE 7 . 4 7 .
The rotation is transmitted by friction to r o l l e r s (9) and (10) forced against the disc edges. The r o l l e r s a r e mounted on c a r r i a g e s (7) and ( 8 ) , and a r e moved together with pens (5) and ( 6 ) . The rotation of the r o l l e r s is measured by counters (13) and (14), a l s o mounted on the c a r r i a g e s . The operating principle of the integrating device is explained by the diagram in the bottom left-hand c o r n e r of Figure 7. 47. The integrating r o l l e r , whose radius is r l , is moved by the lead s c r e w along the r a d i u s of the d i s c in such a way that the distance between the axis of the disc and the point of contact with the r o l l e r is rz = kf(x) where f ( x ) is the functional dependence of the p r e s s u r e drop, angle, o r other m e a s u r e d magnitude, on the distance along the pitch, while kz (like k , ) is a proportionality coefficient which depends on the transmission r a t i o of
the mechanism. When the disc turns through a small angle dqz = kldx the angle through which the r o l l e r is rotated is
Integrating this expression, we obtain the angle through which the integrating r o l l e r is rotated when the tube moves f r o m xi to x2:
( 7 . 14)
The magnitude p (XZ-XI) is proportional to the mean value of f ( x ) . The total number of revolutions n of the counter, which is connected to the shaft of the integrating r o l l e r , is proportional to this mean value
( 7 . 15)
Thus the indications of counter (13) in Figure 7 . 4 7 a r e proportional to the mean air-outlet angle:
(7. 16)
while the indications of counter (14)a r e proportional to the mean loss in total pres sure:
(7. 17)
In ( 7 . 1 6 ) and (7. 17), k = klkz (xz-xxi)/2rrl is a constant coefficient which depends on the kinematics of each integrating mechanism and on the integration interval. Dividing the indications of counter (14) by ( p a l- p J , measured by manometer C, we obtain the p r e s s u r e - l o s s coefficient, averaged over the pitch:
the cascade efficiency is then
(POI - PO?) d x
The efficiency can be determined directly if manometer B is connected i n such a way that it m e a s u r e s p o 2 - p o . In this case the indications of
counter (14), a r e proportional to the mean total gage p r e s s u r e downstream of the cascade:
nE= k
(PO?-Pa) d x
k (POZ
The f i r s t method of determining the efficiency f r o m the p r e s s u r e - l o s s coefficient is m o r e accurate f o r two reasons: 1) thedifferences p o l - p o ~ a r e s m a l l e r than the differences p o z - p p o , and can therefore be measured by a m o r e sensitive manometer; 2 ) the fluctuations of the total inlet p r e s s u r e p o l affect very little the values of pol-pPaz, but considerably the values of poz-pPa.. When carrying out experiments with the aid of the described automatic instruments, the value of pol should r e m a i n unchanged when the traversing device is moved for periods lasting one or s e v e r a l minutes. For this purpose the wind tunnel must be equipped with an automatic p r e s s u r e regulator at the cascade inlet. A change of poi affects the theoretical velocity VZ, and h,, and the processing of the experimental r e s u l t s then becomes difficult. Instruments for investigations of the flow downstream of guide vanes, rotating c o m p r e s s o r impellers, and turbine discs do not differ in principle f r o m the instruments used in static cascade t e s t s . Due to energy supply and removal, the stagnation temperature v a r i e s in the different flow sections of these machines. Hence, when c o m p r e s s o r s and turbines a r e tested, the temperature distribution is also investigated. Figure 7.48 shows a system for automatic plotting and integrating of p r e s s u r e s , temperatures, and angles, designed by P r a t t and Whitney 1121. The casing of the tested turbine or c o m p r e s s o r z a r r i e s a traversing device consisting of a c a r r i a g e which is moved along the disc periphery by electric motor G , controlled f r o m panel M . On the c a r r i a g e a combined tube is installed for measuring three variables : total p r e s s u r e , stagnation temperature, and flow direction. The tube can be moved either in the direction of the blade pitch together with the c a r r i a g e by motor G, or along the blade radius by motor J . The tube is turned into the flow direction by motor H. Several s i m i l a r mechanisms can be installed on the stand downs t r e a m of the individual blade discs. A l l movements of the tubes a r e transmitted t o the recording and integrating instruments by s e r v o systems consisting of selsyns whose e r r o r signals act on a follower motor through amplifiers. The s e r v o systems permit movements to be measured with an accuracy of 0.05 mm, and angles with an accuracy of 0.1". In contrast to the other systems, the "Plottomac" integrating and computing dkvice is based not on a kinematic but on an electrical principle. The schematic diagram of the s y s t e m is shown in Figure 7.49. The drawings cover the recording and integrating of one variable, i. e., total p r e s s u r e . The other variables - temperature and angle - a r e recorded and integrated similarly.
Connections between the separate units in the s y s t e m a r e provided by selsyn p a i r s each consisting of a transducer and a receiver which operate as control t r a n s f o r m e r s (Figure 4.76).
A~--A, - amplifiers; B, differential-pressure trdnsducer of angle-measuring tube; B, - total-pressure transducer; c - servomotor for automatic potentiometer and recording instrument; u servomotor for moving t a p e in synchronization with tube and generator of a signal proportional to tube integrating motor. counter, and feedback generator; F - servo system for velocity; E tube angle; o - motor and selsyn transmitter for motion of tube along disc periphery; H -motor and selsyn transmitter for tube rotation; motor starts upon receipt of voltage signal from transducer B, ; J -motor and selsyn transmitter lor radial motion of rube; Lcombined tube for measuring angle, total pressure, and stagnation temperature; M control panel.
When the tube is moved by the traversing device, the angle through which the motor G has rotated is repeated with the aid of selsyns in the excitation unit whose duty is to transmit to the integrating device a signal which is proportional to the tube velocity, The shaft of servomotor D c a r r i e s a small d. c . signal generator (I), cam disc (2) of a stroboscopic contact device for calibration of the integrating instrument, and a selsyn t r a n s m i t t e r . The corresponding selsyn receiver is c a r r i e d on the shaft of a second servomotor Di, which rotates the drum of the recording instrument. Generator (1) in the excitation unit c r e a t e s a voltage which is proportional to the tube velocity dx/dl and to the excitation voltage U:
e, =k,u d x
The s l i d e r of potentiometer Pt of the recording device, which is fed by the voltage e,, is connected with a pen and with the s l i d e r of potentiometer P , of the measuring device, which a r e both moved by servomotor C. The
Excitation unit Traversing Measuring device
Recording of o n e variable
FIGURE 7.49. S c he ma t ic diagram of t h e "P1ottomac"traversing d e h c e . T h e designations A to M coincide with those in Figure 7.48. 1 - d.c. signal generator(e,-k,i d . i / u f ) ; ?+--cam disc for closing contacts of stroboscopic lamp; 3 - pulse light source; 4 - feedback generator; 5 - integrating counter; 6 - stroboscopic disc; ST selsyn transmitter; SR - selsyn receiver; PI - potentiometer o f product f(x) dxidl: Pt -zero-adjustment potentiomete r ; P, - potentiometer of measuring device.
displacements of pen and sliders f r o m their respective zero positions a r e therefore proportional to the measured value f ( x ) (which may be the total p r e s s u r e , the a i r outlet angle, or the stagnation temperature). The position of the slider of potentiometer Pz, which is fed by the voltage et in parallel with potentiometer P i , is adjusted in such a way that the voltage ez between the s l i d e r s of these potentiometers becomes z e r o when the measured variable f ( x ) is equal to zero. The voltage ez is thus proportional to the product of the measured variable and the tube velocity:
The difference between the voltage e2 and the voltage of feedback generator (4) is fed through amplifier As to motor E driving the shaft of generator (4) and counter (5) of the integrating device. The d. c. voltage created by the feedback generator is
where 0 is the angle of rotation of the shaft common to motor E , generator (4), and counter (5). Since amplifier As has a very high amplification coefficient and requires only a voltage of a few microvolts to drive the motor at full speed, es can
be taken to be equal to
and therefore
Thus, the angle through which the shaft of counter (5) rotates when the tube moves a distance xz-x1 is
The constants kl. k z , and ks determine the number of revolutions of the counter which a r e equivalent to unit a r e a under the curve drawn by the recording pen. The value of k3 can be adjusted by means of variable rheostat R in o r d e r to change the scale. The s c a l e is adjusted with the aid of a stroboscopic device consisting of stroboscopic disc (6) and pulse light source ( 7 ) , which is switched on by cam disc (2), rotated at a speed proportional to the tube velocity. The transmission ratios of the reduction g e a r s in the traversing device and in the excitation unit a r e such that light source is switched on 3750 times while the tube moves one inch (25.4 mm). The rotational speed of the motor shaft of the integrating device is adjusted by the rheostat R in such a way that the shaft turns once between two light flashes at the maximum value of the measured variable f ( x ) . Counter (5) of the integrating device records two units f o r each revolution of the motor of the integrating device; thus, every inch of tube travel corresponds to 7500 units on the counter at the maximum value of f ( x ) . Since the chart of the recording mechanism moves ten times f a s t e r than the tube, while f o r f ( x ) = [f(x)lmaxthe full travel of the pen amounts to 1 0 inches, one square inch on the chart corresponds to 7 5 units on the counter of the integrating device.
J 35.
The purpose of testing a fan is to determine its main characteristics a s a machine creating the p r e s s u r e drop necessary to induce gas flow, i. e., to determine the total head H created by the fan, the delivery Q , and the power required. F o r fan t e s t s the law of energy conservation, as expressed by Bernoulli's equation for' an incompressible fluid, is applied. The flow u p s t r e a m and downstream of the fan is assumed to be steady and uniform / 1 3 / . Applying Bernoulli's equation to sections I and II u p s t r e a m of the fan (Figure 7 . 5 0 ) , sections I1 and I l l on either side of the fan, and
p2 t p ~ = p , + p T - H ,
(for sections I l - l l ~ ) ,
where p z , ps, p4, VI. Vs, and Vout a r e respectively the static p r e s s u r e and a r e the p r e s s u r e l o s s e s velocity in the corresponding sections, and caused by the r e s i s t a n c e s of the suction and discharge ducts respectively, and H t is the total head created by the fan. After adding these equations we obtain an expression f o r the total head created by the fan:
T [when P ~ = P ~ I . The total head created by the fan is thus used t o overcome the r e s i s t a n c e s in the suction and discharge ducts and f o r creating a velocity head at the duct outlet. F r o m the viewpoint of the r e s u l t s obtained, the r a t i o between the l o s s e s csUc and c d i s is immaterial, but their s u m is important. During experiments it is better to i n s e r t a resistance only in the suction duct, assuming the discharge section of the fan t o be the discharge section of the duct. The fundamental equation then becomes
Ht = C s u c+ C d i s
f Hd*
is the velocity
where H s t = ,c ,
Upstream of the fan the p r e s s u r e is below atmospheric because of the r e s i s t a n c e of the suction duct and the flow velocity in it. This negative
49 1
( c s u c t PJ.
If u p s t r e a m of the fan t h e r e is a l a r g e expansion chamber (Figure 7 . 5 1 ) in which the flow velocity is negligible, we obtain
Pz -P a = ,,c ,
= - H,,,
i. e., the negative p r e s s u r e m e a s u r e d in this chamber (for instance by a differential manometer) is equal in magnitude to the s t a t i c head created by the fan. For this reason, in fan t e s t s , expansion chambers a r e preferable t o ducts in which the flow velocity fluctuates considerably. The output of the fan is expressed through the total head, the duct c r o s s section, and the velocity a t the outlet:
where Q is the delivery in m 3 / s e c . The r a t i o of the fan output (H,Q) t o the power requiredby the fan (Nmot) is the fan efficiency
If, as is generally the c a s e , an expansion chamber is u s e d , Hst is determined by measuring the negative p r e s s u r e in the chamber upstream of the fan, i. e., the s t a t i c gage p r e s s u r e , taking into account its sign. These measurements a r e made with the aid of orifices in the chamber walls. The delivery Q can be determined f r o m the velocity in and a r e a of any section u p s t r e a m of the tested fan. The section should be the s a m e f o r all m e a s u r e m e n t s . The delivery is found by averaging the velocity over the whole section. Hd is found f r o m the velocity which is obtained by dividing the delivery Q by the flow a r e a of the outlet section. The shaft power of the fan drive is determined with the aid of a balance stand consisting of an e l e c t r i c motor whose s t a t o r can turn in bearings and is connected by a l e v e r to a balance beam. For determining the power required by the fan, friction should be taken into account through calibration. A typical fan c h a r a c t e r i s t i c a t constant rotational speed is shown in F i g u r e 7 . 5 2 1141. To obtain the c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of a fan, the delivery and duct r e s i s t a n c e must be adjustable, o r i t must be possible to throttle the flow. This is done with the aid of exchangeable orifice plates, s c r e e n s , o r other types of r e s i s t a n c e s . The need t o t e s t fans over wide delivery and r e s i s t a n c e ranges, including z e r o r e s i s t a n c e , and a l s o in parallel and s e r i e s connections led t o the u s e of p r e s s u r e chambers a s principal installations f o r testing fans.
Such a chamber is shown in Figure 7 . 5 3 , in which the measuring points a r e indicated, Atmospheric a i r enters the chamber through a cylindrical measuring pipe with a smooth input collector, A s c r e e n s before the collector prevents objects near the collector f r o m affecting the velocity distribution in the pipe and eliminates any turbulence i n the a i r s t r e a m . The cylindrical pipe is connected to a diffuser at whose end there is a butterfly valve, by means of which the resistance to flow is altered. Behind the butterfly valve, which also s e r v e s as guide vane, there is a centrifugal blower intended to overcome partially or fully the resistance of the duct.
Q, ms/sec
FIGURE 7.52. Characterisrics of TsAGI model TS 4-70 centrifugal fan. D = 0 5 m , n = 1,450 rpm and P = 0,122 kg.sec*/m'.
F r o m the blower the a i r flows to a diffuser where i t s velocity is greatly reduced (down to 1 or 2 m / s e c ) . Screens and honeycombs behind the diffuser smoothen out the velocity and p r e s s u r e distributions at the inlet to the cylindrical chamber. A panel on which the tested fan is mounted is installed at the outlet section of the chamber. Special attention should be paid to the a i r tightness of the chamber, since entry of a i r into it can reduce considerably the accuracy of the experiments. The mean velocity over the inlet-pipe section determines the delivery through the duct. The velocities a r e found f r o m the expression
where k, is the calibration coefficient, whose value is usually between 0.96 and 0.98, which characterizes the uniformity of the velocity distribution in the pipe, p a is the atmospheric p r e s s u r e , and p,, is the static
FIGURE 7.53. Pressure ch am b er . 1-tested fan; 2 - static-pressure measurement; 3 chamber; 4 -honeycomb; 5 -screens; 6 -diffuser; 7 - blower drive; 8 -blower; 9 butterfly valve; 1 0 - drive for butterfly valve; 11 - drum; 1 2 -collector; 13 - delivery measurement; 14 cylindrical measuring pipe.
p r e s s u r e in the pipe. In order to reduce measuring e r r o r s the flow velocity in the collector should not be l e s s than 8 to 1 0 m / s e c . Further calculations a r e performed in the dimensioned magnitudes Q, H , N , or in the dimensionless magnitudes*
where p is the a i r density under experimental conditions, F is a characteristic a r e a , u R is the circumferential velocity of the blade tips.
S ome installations ar e equipped with instruments which permit the dimensionless coefficients to be determined directly during tests. These instruments /E/ a r e based on the s a m e principles as those for Mach-number determination (see 24).
Expressing the t e s t r e s u l t s in dimensionless f o r m is very convenient, since geometrically s i m i l a r fans have the s a m e dimensionless characteristics irrespective of rotational speed, diameter, and a i r density*.
1 -orifice
plate; 2 -straightening
When the fan is tested in a duct (Figure 7. 54), the delivery can be measured with the aid of orifice plates. The static p r e s s u r e can be measured with the aid of either orifices in the duct walls o r tubes installed on the duct axis. In either case the measurement must be made at a distance not l e s s than 8 diameters f r o m the orifice plate, but ups t r e a m of the protective net placed directly in front of the fan. In the f o r m e r method, several orifices located in a plane perpendicular to the duct axis a r e connected by a common tube to a manometer. The manom e t e r thus indicates the static p r e s s u r e , to which the velocity head in the section of said plane has to be added in o r d e r to obtain the total head created by the fan.
When a straightening s c r e e n is installed between the measurement section and the fan, the resistance of the s c r e e n has to be added to the
* When U R > 80-100 m/sec a correction for compressibility effects has t o b e introduced.
s t a t i c head. This r e s i s t a n c e is measured in the s a m e duct in which the fan is tested (Figure 7.55). The relationship between s c r e e n r e s i s t a n c e and delivery is parabolic. The s t a t i c - p r e s s u r e head is corrected accordingly f o r each delivery.
In many practical problems it is n e c e s s a r y t o determine the energy l o s s e s in a flowing gas or liquid. These l o s s e s result f r o m the i r r e v e r s i b l e t r a n s f e r of mechanical energy into heat. They depend on the molecular and turbulent viscosity of the moving medium and a r e called hydraulic l o s s e s o r resistances. It was shown in Chapter I11 that two types of hydraulic l o s s e s ( r e s i s t a n c e s ) can be distinguished: 1) Frictional l o s s e s AHf,. 2 ) Local l o s s e s ( r e s i s t a n c e s ) A H 1 . Frictional l o s s e s a r e caused in r e a l gases and liquids by momentum exchange between molecules (in laminar flow) and a l s o between s e p a r a t e p a r t i c l e s (in turbulent flow) of adjacent l a y e r s of the medium, moving at different velocities. These l o s s e s take place along the whole length of the flow path (e. g., pipeline), and a r e in practice taken into account only over considerable lengths (branches, d i f f u s e r swith small divergence angles, etc.), or when they a r e commensurable with the local l o s s e s . Local l o s s e s a r e caused by local perturbations of the flow, its separation f r o m the wall, vortex formation, or where obstructions a r e encountered, (pipe inlets, widening, narrowing, t u r n s , passage through measuring devices, a i r r e s e r v o i r s , s c r e e n s , throttling devices etc.) Losses occurring a t the outlet f r o m a pipe into a large volume (for instance, t o atmosphere) a r e also considered a s local l o s s e s . Except for exhaust losses, all local p r e s s u r e l o s s e s occur over a flow path of finite length, and a r e therefore indistinguishable f r o m frictional l o s s e s . F o r simplicity of calculation, they a r e considered to be concentrated in one section and a r e not included in the frictional losses. Summation of the l o s s e s is according t o the principle of superposition.
However, when experimental values of the local l o s s e s a r e used, it should be remembered that in certain c a s e s they a l s o include frictional losses, which should not be taken again into account. The local r e s i s t a n c e is determined by causing a gas or liquid to flow through the tested element::, which i s connected to a line. The difference in total p r e s s u r e a t the inlet and outlet of the element, and a l s o the velocity in a certain section (usually the inlet) a r e measured. The coefficient of local
* D a t a onf r i c t i ona l resistance. its dependence
and channels are given in /16/.
on Reynolds numher and degree of roughness for straight pipes
. .
velocity head
where V, is the mean flow velocity in m / s e c in the section considered under the conditions of the experiment, V , ' P QP '~.
Ahd.iS the volumetric
discharge under the conditions of the experiment, F is the flow a r e a of the measuring section. Hg, dry g a s ) When the t e s t conditions differ from standard (OOC, 760" the specific gravity of the gas is determined by introducing corrections for temperature, p r e s s u r e , and humidity / 161.
Determining the resistance coefficient of a diffuser The resistance coefficient of a diffuser is defined a s the r a t i o of the p r e s s u r e loss A h d t o the velocity head p +
In an ideal
diffuser the i n c r e a s e in static p r e s s u r e i s , by Bernoulli's law, equal t o the difference of the velocity heads at the inlet and exit
when the coefficient c d is determined experimentally, proceeding f r o m the assumption of one-dimensional flow in the diffuser. Test layout for determining c d is shown in Figure 7.56 1171. A smooth collector with a short cylindrical p a r t is installed infront of the diffuser. The resistance is measured with the aid of orifices in the w a l l s by the difference in p r e s s u r e AH = PI - p 2 in front of andbehind the diffuser. The p r e s s u r e p, is measured a t the wall of the cylindrical p a r t of the collector, and the p r e s s u r e p 2 a t the wall of the straight discharge duct a t a distance of 5 o r 6 diameters behind the diffuser exit, where the p r e s s u r e and velocity distributions a r e sufficiently uniform over the c r o s s section. The velocity distribution in the exit section is usually determined by means of a total-pressure tube in conjunction with s t a t i c - p r e s s u r e
measurements a t the wall, or with the aid of a Pitot-Prandtl tube. mean velocity a t the diffuser inlet is determined f r o m the velocity head H, = p,,-pI behind the collector.
5 1 2
T o fan
FIGURE 1.56. Test layout for determining t h e resistance of a diffuser. 1 - walls forming diffuser contour; 2 plane sides of diffuser; 3 - d u c t ; 4 -collector; 5 cylindrical part of collector.
Thus, t o determine Ed in this case we have to m e a s u r e the total p r e s s u r e and the Mach number a t the diffuser inIet and the total p r e s s u r e p i at the
Test Diffuser
FIGURE 7.51.
diffuser exit. However, a t the diffuser exit the nonuniformity of total p r e s s u r e and velocity is considerable. This is taken into account by averaging 6 over the exit section F
Sometimes it is advisable to average over the m a s s flow instead of over the a r e a . The measuring r e s u l t s a r e usually given in the f o r m of dependences of the r e s i s t a n c e coefficients Ld on the Reynolds and Mach numbers and on the geometrical p a r a m e t e r s ( a r e a ratio, etc.).
Determining the r e s istanc e coefficients of wind-tunnel elements The resistance of c e r t a i n wind-tunnel elements ( F i g u r e 7 . 5 8 ) , in particular of the nozzle, is best determined with the aid of a p r e s s u r e chamber (see above). Applying Bernoullils equation t o sections I - I and a - a , and neglecting the s m a l l velocity in section I - / , we obtain
PI =P,
where V is the flow velocity in section a-a, and AH is the p r e s s u r e l o s s i n the wind-tunnel element. Remembering that p , - p a = Hst is the s t a t i c
Wind- tunnel
FIGURE 7.58. Test layout for determining [he resisrance of d wind-runnel e l e m e n t in a pressure chamber.
g a g e p r e s s u r e i n t h e chamber, and substituting p P / 2 =Hd, we obtain A H f r o m which the r e s i s t a n c e coefficient of the element is found to be
The r e s u l t s are usually given in the f o r m of the functional relationship c, is the mean axial velocity in the exit section. The r e s i s t a n c e of the nozzle can be determined under "in-site" conditions f r o m the expression
5 = f ( c , ) where
where p , and p2 a r e respectively the s t a t i c p r e s s u r e s a t the nozzle inlet and exit, V , is the velocity a t the nozzle inlet, and n is the nozzle a r e a ratio ( n = $ ) . It is assumed that the flow in the nozzle i s one-dimensional.
The p r e s s u r e difference p , - p 2 is usually m e a s u r e d with the aid of a m i c r o manometer and orifices in the wall a t the nozzle inlet and exit, while the velocity VI is determined by one of the methods described above. By the s a m e method we can determine the r e s i s t a n c e of the fan installation, of s c r e e n s installed a c r o s s the flow, and of other elements, Thus, the r e s i s t a n c e of the s c r e e n s can be determined in the duct in which a fan is tested (Figure 7. 55). The s c r e e n is usually installed a t a distance of 1 . 5 to 2 d i a m e t e r s f r o m the collector and 3 t o 4 diameters u p s t r e a m of the fan. By measuring h, to determine the velocity u p s t r e a m of the s c r e e n , and the difference Ah in static p r e s s u r e u p s t r e a m and downstream of the s c r e e n , we obtain the r e s i s t a n c e coefficient of the s c r e e n
where k , i s the calibration coefficient of the collector, which c h a r a c t e r i z e s the uniformity of the velocity distribution u p s t r e a m of the s c r e e n ( k n = 0.96 t o 0.98). The r e s u l t s a r e given a s relationships between 5 and the s c r e e n p a r a m e t e r s (hole dimensions, wire gage, flow a r e a , Reynolds number, m a s s flow rate, etc.). At l a r g e subsonic velocities the influence of the Mach number has t o be taken into account 1161. The t o t a l - p r e s s u r e l o s s e s i n supersonic tunnels a r e usually caused by friction. The total p r e s s u r e loss in the nozzle c a n be defined as /18/
where h I d defines the nozzle exit velocity in the absence O f l o s s e s , p a is the total p r e s s u r e a t the nozzle inlet, y = * is a coefficient by which the
1 id
exit-velocity d e c r e a s e due to l o s s e s is taken into account (rp = 0.97 t o 0.99). Knowing kidand measuring the t r u e exit velocity ( s e e Chapter IV), we can determine the total p r e s s u r e loss in the nozzle. This becomes considerable a t l a r g e Mach numbers even when rp is s m a l l (Figure 7.59). In o r d e r to calculate the m a s s flow r a t e through the nozzle, taking into account the l o s s e s , we replace in the relevant formulas poC by pocuc. F o r a i r ( X = 1.4) we obtain
D e t e r m i n i n g t h e r e s i s t a n c e of a r a i l c a r v e n t i l a t i n g h o o d . The layout of an installation f o r determining the r e s i s t a n c e of a ventilating hood is shown in Figure 7 . 60 1191. The resistance coefficient i s
defined a s
where AHd is the p r e s s u r e drop between r e c e i v e r and atmosphere (measured by micromanometer No. 2), Vd is the a i r velocity in the suction orifice
06 04
FIGUKE 7.59. Dependence of toral-pressure ratio on coeflicient 'p.
of the ventilating hood, and is determined f r o m the m a s s flow r a t e through the ventilating hood and the a r e a of i t s suction orifice
dz (x4).
The m a s s flow
r a t e i s found f r o m the cross section of the pipe behind the inlet collector and f r o m the velocity in it, determined by the p r e s s u r e drop AH,< measured by micromanometer NO. 1.
Determining p r e s s u r e l o s s e s in pipes When a gas (liquid) flows in a pipe, the p r e s s u r e l o s s A H is usually determined f r o m D a r c y ' s formula
1 vz A H = h -d p-. 2
where h is the friction coefficient which has different values for laminar and turbulent flow. In o r d e r to determine h , AH has to be measured by a
I I I . I
differential manometer connected t o two points a t a distance 1 f r o m each other on the pipe wall, and the mean velocity V has t o be found. For steady laminar flow in a pipe, the velocity distribution is parabolic and the mean velocity is
I/= 2
where V , is the flow velocity in the center of the pipe and can be measured by a Pitot-Prandtl tube. In this c a s e the experimental value of A. must correspond t o the theoretical value
f o r Re< 2000.
Tested ventilating
Pressure chamber
F o r steady turbulent flow the experimental value of h must be compared with the empirical data depending on the Reynolds number. Thus, for Re Q 50,000.
where AH is the difference in p r e s s u r e a t the inlet and exit f r o m the bend, Vin is the mean velocity a t the inlet t o the bend.
.. .
where V is the mean velocity in the pipe and A H is the p r e s s u r e l o s s which can be determined f r o m the indications of a differential manometer connected to the pipeline on either side a s close a s possible t o the element considered (Figure 7. 61).
To differential manometer
To differential manometer
FIGURE 7.61.
Wind turbines convert the energy of an a i r s t r e a m intomechanical energy. In all modern wind turbines the rotational speed and output is automatically limited by changing their aerodynamic characteristics. Hence, laboratory investigations of wind turbines a r e mainly connected with determining the coefficient of wind-energy utilization and the coefficients of the aerodynamic forces and moments acting on the wind-turbine wheel. Generally, the force acting on the wind-turbine wheel, whose axis of rotation forms an angle y with the wind direction in the xz-plane, can be reduced to the total aerodynamic force and moment. The vector of the total aerodynamic force l i e s in the xz-plane and can be separated into a component P, normal to the plane of rotation of the wheel, and a tangential component T. The vector of the moment has components along the t h r e e axes : the torque M,, the blade-turning moment M,, and the overturning moment M,. Figure 7 . 6 2 shows the coordinate axes, the aerodynamic forces, and the moments. The coefficients obtained f r o m t e s t s have the following form: Coefficient of wind-energy utilization
Axis of rotation
torque coefficient
& =2MX pp
coefficient of blade -turning moment
M Y =p
coefficient of overturning moment
2 4
~ ~
p r e s s u r e coefficient
At a given blade geometry and fixed blade angles, all these coefficients a r e functions of the advance r a t i o
Z=-. WVR
(:E), -
o is the
- R is the radius of the turbine wheel (m). (,:,), Figure 7.63 shows schematically the three-component 3KTsP-M instrument intended f o r testing wind-turbine wheels in the TsAGI wind tunnel. This instrument permits determination by direct measurement of M,, M,, P , and the rotational speed of the model. Simultaneously, the moment M,,
T h e 3KTsP-M instrument and the method of its use were developed by G . I . 3KTsP instrument designed by I. D. Mogilnirskii /20/. Sholomovich from the
I1 I
o r in dimensionless f o r m
can be found. In o r d e r t o reduce e r r o r s a r i s i n g f r o m the determination of the difference between two a l m o s t equal magnitudes, thevalueof
i n the 3KTsP-M
instrument is l a r g e r than in full-scale wind turbines. Experiments show that the m e a s u r e d values of and mv, depend considerably on the instrument support. In a full-scale wind turbine the supporting s t r u c t u r e ( m a s t , tower, etc.) h a s relatively s m a l l e r dimensions than the instrument support. Hence,
FlGURE 7.63. Instrument fortesting wind turbines. I -column; 2 -worm gear; 3 -tubular stand; 4 -rod; 5 -bellows; 6 -intermediate plate; 7 -bellows; 8 tubular stand; 9 -rod; 1 0 -upper plate; 11 -fairing; 12 and 13 -bellows; 14 electric tachometer; 15 -plain bearings; 16 - b a l l bearings; 1 7 -followers; 18pins; 19-generator; 20 model of wind-turbine wheel.
c o r r e c t i o n s f o r the interference of the supports are necessary, particularly i n wind turbines causing considerable deflections of the flow. The base of the instrument is column (l), s e c u r e d by stays to the t e s t section floor o r to a platform (in a tunnel with open test-section). The top of the instrument can, with the aid of worm g e a r (21, be turned about the column in o r d e r to change the angle of flow inclination.. u p p e r plate (1O), fixed to tubular stand (8), can t u r n on ball bearings about rod (91, rigidly fixed to intermediate plate (6). The latter can turn on ball bearings about the lower tubular stand (3). The instrument is designed in such a way that the axis of rod (4) l i e s in the plane of rotation of the model. The moment M y , which tends to t u r n the upper plate in relation t o the intermediate plate, and My,, which tends t o t u r n the l a t t e r about stand (31, are taken up by bellows ( 7 ) and (51, t h e p r e s s u r e s in which a r e usually measured by standard manometers (not shown). The upper plate of the instrument c a r r i e s generator (19) on whose shaft model (20) is mounted. The generator is supported on plain bearings (15) which p e r m i t axial displacement of the generator shaft. These bearings are connected to the generator body by means of followers (17) and pins (18).
This design p e r m i t s the torque acting-on the wind turbine to b e transmitted almost completely to the generator f r a m e except f o r the inconsiderable l o s s e s i n ball bearings (16). P and M, are measured with
the aid of bellows (13) and (12), the p r e s s u r e s in which a r e m e a s u r e d as in bellows (5) and (7). A l l f o r c e - m e a s u r i n g s y s t e m s of the instrument a r e filled with water. The presence of even s m a l l air bubbles can cause considerable deformations of the bellows, and thus alter the position of the model during the experiment. The rotational speed of the model is m e a s u r e d either by e l e c t r i c tachom e t e r (14), o r by determining the t i m e elapsing between pulses emitted a f t e r e v e r y 100 revolutions of the model by a special contact device installed instead of the tachometer. In o r d e r t o include all moments, the tachometer or contact device is fixed t o the generator body. The entire instrument top is covered by fairing (111, fixed to stand ( 3 ) in o r d e r t o avoid t r a n s m i s s i o n of aerodynamic f o r c e s , caused by the flow around the instrument, t o the force-measuring s y s t e m s . An external view of the instrument installed in a tunnel is shown in F i g u r e 7 . 64. Figure 7. 65 is an experimental c h a r a c t e r i s t i c of a wind-turbine wheel f o r a flow inclination angle 7 = 45".
6 Mxjf
Y = 45"
0 . 0 6 06
0.04 04
a02 0.2
FIGURE 7.65.
Experimental chdrdcteristic 0 1
.I wind-turbine
Since all coefficients a r e r e f e r r e d to the flow velocity in the tunnel, this velocity must be determined reliably, in o r d e r t o apply the r e s u l t s of t e s t s on models to full-scale wind turbines operating in the f r e e atmosphere. P a r t i c u l a r l y important a r e the relative dimensions of the t e s t section and of the wind turbine. In a tunnel with closed t e s t section, the head induced by the wind turbine can considerably distort the flow: hence, the r a t i o of the diameter of the model to the diameter of the t e s t section should not exceed 0.2 t o 0.3. In tunnels with open t e s t sections, this r a t i o can be slightly increased t o 0.4 o r 0.5. In wind-turbine t e s t s , attention should be paid t o the c o r r e c t selection of the flow velocity in the tunnel in o r d e r t o obtain the appropriate Reynolds numbers, r e f e r r e d t o the blade chord a t 7 0 % blade radius. Wind-turbine t e s t s usually consist of simultaneous measurement of a l l p a r a m e t e r s ( M x , M,, P, e t c . ) a s functions of the variable load on the model shaft at a given position of the wheel and at constant flow velocity. The load is adjusted by changing t h e r e s i s t a n c e in the circuit of the generator driven by the wheel.
r I
ETGURE 7.66. Ejecting air through a test srdnd for let engines. A - suction shaft; B - elector; C -engine on test stand; D - exhaust s h a k .
supplying a l a r g e quantity of low-pressure gas at the expense of the energy contained in a small quantity of high-pressure gas. The ejector can be used a s an exhauster to c r e a t e a low p r e s s u r e downs t r e a m of the t e s t section of the wind tunnel, or in a closed space. Very often an ejector is used to maintain a i r flow in a channel or room. Figure 7 . 6 6 shows schematically a test stand f or jet engines. A s t r e a m of exhaust gases sucks air into ejector B through shaft A thus providing ventilation of the room and cooling of the engine.
The constructional f o r m s of ejectors differ, but they always include the following principal elements: a nozzle f o r high-pressure gas, a nozzle or chamber f o r the low-pressure gas, a mixing chamber, and a diffuser. The disposition of the nozzles, their number, and t h e i r shape may vary, but this does not greatly affect the operation and characteristics of the ejector. Consider a simple ejector with a cylindrical mixing chamber, whose inlet coincides with the plane exit of a high-pressure nozzle (Figure 7.67).
The operating principle of an ejector is a s follows : Low-pressure (ejected)gas is sucked into mixing chamber D f r o m r e s e r v o i r A in which the p r e s s u r e is p o , thedensity, PO, and the temperature, To. High-pressure (ejecting)gasflows fromannular chamber C through slot B also into mixing chamber D. The p r e s s u r e in the annular chamber is p i , the density, ph, and the temperature, Ti. In order to increase the compression efficiency, a diffuser with a s m a l l divergence angle (6 to 8") is usually placed downstream Of the mixing chamber. The p r e s s u r e at the diffuser exit is p:.
FIGURE 7.68. Installation for testing ejectors. 1 - pipe; 2 - valves; 3 - thermometers; 4 - measuring nozzles; 5 - standard manometers; 6 - differc? manometers; I - chamber for high-pressure gas; 8 - central nozzle; Y - c l i d n i b r r for low-pressure gas; 1 0 - m i x i n g chamber; 11 -diffuser.
At steady operating conditions the p r e s s u r e at the mixing-chamber inlet is always lower than the total p r e s s u r e of the low-pressure (ejected) gas. 'The p r e s s u r e difference causes the low-pressure gas to flow into the mixing chamber. For supersonic flow to occur at the mixing-chamber inlet, a Laval nozzle has to be inserted between r e s e r v o i r A and mixing chamber D. When the flow at the end of the mixing chamber is supersonic the diffuser must have the shape of an inverse Laval nozzle. The main assumption made in the analysis of ejector operation is that the mixing chamber is so long that the velocity distribution at its end (section c - d ) is uniform. It is also frequently assumed that in section a - b at the inlet to the mixing chamber the velocities a r e distributed uniformly a c r o s s the suction pipe and the nozzle.
The theory of ejectors (cf. e. g., /18/) shows that f r o m the experimental viewpoint, determination of the ejector c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s is reduced t o finding the p r e s s u r e s po, p i , and p:, the loss coefficient p of the suction system, and the p r e s s u r e - r e s t o r a t i o n coefficient E of the diffuser. The coefficients p and f a r e i n practice a l s o determined by p r e s s u r e measurements. Figure 7. 68 shows schematically an installation for investigating the c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of ejectors. The installation consists of an ejector (or its model) whose walls have orifices connected t o manometers. If necessary, the velocities in different sections of the ejector can be measured with the a i d of Pitot-Prandtl tubes when the dimensions of the sections a r e suitable The mixing p r o c e s s of two s t r e a m s (determination of the velocity distributions over the length of the mixing chamber, of the boundaries of the ejecting s t r e a m , etc.) is studied a t subsonic velocities with ordinary tubes mounted on a t r a v e r s i n g device, or (particularly at supersonic velocities) by optical methods with the aid of a Topler instrument or an interferometer
The fact that various flying apparatus and objects (rockets, airplanes, m i s s i l e s , torpedoes, etc.) undergo, during certain periods of t h e i r motion, l a r g e accelerations and considerable vibrations, while the t r a j e c t o r i e s of their c e n t e r s of m a s s a r e curved, necessitates special experimental methods. The difficulties which a r i s e a r e both technical and of principle. Technically it is very difficult t o m e a s u r e instantaneous values of forces and moments when the model vibrates; in principle it is almost impossible t o reproduce in the experiments the surroundings and the conditions corresponding t o the r e a l flight or motion. This requires great caution in the application of experimental r e s u l t s . The flow pattern around an aerodynamic surface (the shape of the wake, its position in relation to the body, the shape, number, and disposition of shocks a t l a r g e velocities, e t c . ) and thus its aerodynamic properties depend considerably on the Reynolds number, the Strouhal number. and the Mach number, In addition, the aerodynamic properties of a body in a nonsteady flow also depend on the motion of the body during the period preceding the instant a t which the kinetic p a r a m e t e r s were measured, i. e., on the motion a s a whole. Modern methods permit the aerodynamic properties of bodies in nonsteady motion to be determined experimentally, This is done by considering a s e t of p a r a m e t e r s which determine the laws of nonsteady motion a s a whole, and by expressing the coefficients of the aerodynamic f o r c e s and moments a s functions of the coefficients of the rotational derivatives. The dimensionless coefficients of the rotational derivative of the f i r s t orderZ:*
* See, for idstance, B e l o t s e r k o v s k i i , S.M. Predstavlenie nestatsionarnykh aerodinamicheskikh momentov i si1 pri pomoshchi koeffitsienrov vrashchatel'nykh proizvoliykh (Representation o f Nonsteady Aerodynamic Moments and Forces by means of the Coefficients of Rotational Derivatives). Izvestiya A N SSSR, OTN, N O . 7, 1956. * * T h e coefficients of linear expansions of the aerodynamic forces and moments by the dimensionless kinetlc parameters of motion and their derivatives. For instance, the coefficient of lift is
take into account, with an accuracy sufficient in practice, the main factors caused by the nonsteady flow around the tested body. When considering the nonsteady motion of an aerodynamic surface, it is assumed that: a ) The mean translational velocity has a finite value, while the other kinetic parameters (e. g., the angular velocity of the body) have relatively small values. b ) The body moves in an infinite space which is at r e s t in infinity in front of the body; t h e r e a r e no sources of disturbance except the body and its wake. Under these assumptions, the action of the medium on a body moving in it is completely determined by the motion of the body in relation to the stationary coordinate s y s t e m xyz (Figure 7 . 69). We introduce a coordinate
s y s t e m Olxlylzl moving with the body and project on its axes the vector characteristics of motion, r e f e r r e d to the stationary coordinate system We (absolute translational velocity Uo and absolute angular velocity Q,,). , Q,, and write denote the projections of Qo in the moving system by Q,, Q Uo(l) = ( I + A U ( t ) , where the mean velocity LI does not depend on the time t . We also introduce the dimensionless magnitudes:
where b is a characteristic linear dimension of the body, a is the angle of attack, and p is the angle of slip";. The aerodynamic forces and moments acting on the body in nonsteady motion depends on the instantaneous values of these p a r a m e t e r s , their time
51 1
derivatives*, and also on the whole s y s t e m of factors which characterize steady motion (compressibility, viscosity, density, translational velocity etc.). The dimensionless f o r c e and moment coefficients can be expressed through the so-called rotational derivatives which determine the change in the f o r c e o r moment, due to the time variation of any p a r a m e t e r . By introducing these derivatives, we can eliminate the time f, since the motion of a body having six degrees o f freedom is completely determined by the p a r a m e t e r s given above and their time derivatives. In the m o s t important c a s e s the problem is simplified, since s e v e r a l p a r a m e t e r s and their derivatives vanish. The rotational derivatives a r e mostly determined experimentally by investigating the moments and forces acting on the aerodynamic surface when the rudders, ailerons, and s i m i l a r devices, which affect the shape of the s u r f a c e , a r e fixed. The coefficients of u and U a r e determined by measuring the forces and moments acting on the aerodynamic surface o r body at U = const during translational oscillations of the body in the direction .of the corresponding axis. The coefficients of ox and kz,oY and A,,, or and oz can be found by measuring the forces and moments acting during rotational oscillations of the body about then-, IJ-, z-axes respectively. The effects of changes in ? j and a during rotationabout the y - and z-axes a r e determined f r o m the r e s u l t s obtained in investigations of the translational oscillations of the body. It is sometimes necessary to determine the coefficients of the rotational derivatives of the f o r c e s and moments acting on the aerodynamic surface, o r the coefficients which express the hinge moments, which a r i s e during deflection of the control surfaces. This requires measuring the f o r c e s and moments appearing on the entire surface when the deflections of the control surfaces a r e given, o r determining the hinge moments f r o m the a e r o dynamic forces. Existing experimental methods for determining the rotational derivatives can be grouped a s follows: 1) Balance tests. 2) Use of whirling- a r m machines. 3 ) Method of deformed models. 4 ) Method of small oscillations. F o r nonsteady motion of the body (oscillations about the z-axis and [steady] translational motion along the x -axis +::), we obtain
The dimensionless coefficients of a, a, oz and J, have to be determined experimentally by the different methods discussed below. B a 1a n c e t e s t s a r e usually undertaken in wind tunnels at constant velocity and different angles of attack. The coefficients c; and In; a r e determined f r o m the slopes of the curves cy = f ( a ) , mz= f ( a ) . In addition, cy, and mz0 a r e determined in the balance tests. T h e w h i r l i n g - a r m m a c h i n e i s u s e d f o r m e a s u r i n g the aerodynimic f o r c e s and moments acting on the model during its uniform rotation at an angular velocity o . and at constant angle of attack. The aerodynamic forces and moments can be expressed a s follows :
M, = (mzo
m> w ) , p
We can find c p and m> f r o m the experimentally determined straight lines Y = Y ( w , ) and M, = M , ( o z ) This method also permits other coefficients (CY, m;) to be determined, but all coefficients a r e determined f o r z e r o Strouhal numbera?. T h e m e t h o d of d e f o r m e d m o d e 1s also permits the coefficients c ~ and m p to be determined. It consists of ordinary testing of a deformed model in a tunnel. The local angles of attack of the deformed model must be equal to the local angles of attack of the undeformed model when it moves along a circle. Figures 7. 7 0 and 7 . 7 1 s h o w the vectors of the velocity at corresponding points of the undeformed and the deformed model. We can s e e that
The model must thus be bent along the a r c of a parabola. The forces and moments acting on the deformed and on the undeformed model a r e found f r o m t e s t s in the tunnel. The differences between these f o r c e s and moments enables the coefficients m p and . , I to be determined. T h e m e t h o d of s m a l l o s c i l l a t i o n s permits, i n c o n t r a s t t o a l l the above methods, all coefficients of the rotational derivatives to be determined. F o r instance, those entering into the expressions for Y and M, a r e found by subjecting the model in a wind tunnel to small harmonic translational (along the y-axis*<*)o r rotational (about the 2- axis) oscillaticns. and measuring the aerodynamic force and moment, o r several p a r a m e t e r s of the motion. In the f o r m e r case the method is called dynamic, in the latter, kinematic.
kz = 0.
For more details s e e G u r z h i e n k o , G. A. Metod iskrivlenykh m o d e l e i primenenie ego k izucheniu krivolineinogo noleta vozdushnykh korablei ( T h e Method of Deformed Models a n d its Use in t h e Study of Curved Flight of Airships). -Trudy TsAGI lssue 182. 1934.
T h e d y n a m i c m e t h o d of s m a l l o s c i l l a t i o n . Let the model be subjected to forced translational oscillations along the y-axis:
; -
where $
( I
O J ~ =
0, we obtain
The f o r c e and the moment thus also vary harmonically, with phase shifts and E ~ ,in relation to the motion of the model. The coefficients of the rotational derivatives a r e found by equating the coefficients of the trigonometric functions:
The coefficients of the rotational derivatives (cf, cf, m2, m?) can be determined by measuring the aerodynamic forces and moments during rotational oscillations of the model about the z -axis. Let the model undergo harmonic oscillations about the z-axis. The angle of attack is then
and therefore
a=w,=--POPbinpt=-aop*sinpt, U
Substituting at a = ozand AZ i n the expressions f o r the l i f t and the pitching moment, we obtain
yP u2 'b2
M, = mg
u 2
cos ( p t
Thus, by determining experimentally the coefficients c;, cf, m: and m; during translational motion of the model, we can find the other coefficients f r o m a rotation test. If the model oscillates about the z-axis, and only the aerodynamic moments a r e measured, we can determine only the combinations of the coefficients
The corresponding installation is shown schematically in Figure 7. 72. It consists of a centering instrument* with a dynamometric mechanism, a d. c. motor, and a s y s t e m for recording the oscillations of the model, a l l mounted on a carriage. The aerodynamic loads a r e measured with the a i d of s t r a i n gages, whose indications a r e recorded on an oscillograph together with the position of the model and the period of its oscillations.
T h e centering instrument is a device which consists of a vertical shaft, carried in bearings. to whose upper end the model is fixed. T h e lower end of t h e shaft is connected t o a dynamometric mechanism. T h e model c a n thus oscillate in t h e horizontal plane (Figure 7.72) or, when hinged, about other axes (for instance, th e x - a x i s (Figure 7.81).
The r e s u l t s of the measurements a r e processed by equating the general expression for the moment in the f o r m of a Taylor s e r i e s with an expression f o r the moment in the f o r m of a Fourier s e r i e s whose coefficients a r e
We thus obtain
where P = y is the circular frequencey while T is the oscillation period when the angle of attack varies according to the law
a=a*sinpt .
F o r pure rotation
where a* and p* a r e respectively the dimensionless amplitude and frequency of the oscillation. Setting
we obtain
Static calibrations a r e performed before testing in o r d e r to determine the conversion factor f r o m the moment, recorded on the oscillogram in mm, to the actual moment in kg m . The instrument is also s e t to z e r o
by compensating the imbalance of the model and the inertia forces; the sensitivity of the amplifier and the recording range of the oscilloscope a r e then chosen. For dynamic calibration the aerodynamic load is replaced by a spring which connects the model to the stationary base. This permits conversion f r o m the f i r s t harmonic of the recording to the f i r s t harmonic
% and time shift A t ) (Figure 7. 73). of the effect (amplitude sensitivity 3
FlGUKE 7.7:J.
Dyndmic-calibration oscillogram
The oscillograms have the f o r m shown in Figure 7 , 74. We can similarly determine on the s a m e installation the aerodynamic characteristics of the model in the horizontal plane, i. e., the combinations of the derivatives (m>+m:) and ( ~ t ; - p * ~ m > ) , and also the relationship m , = mu(po) (Figure 7.75) in the absence of oscillations.
FIGURE 7 . 1 4 . Oxcillations of a model. a - a t calibration.
Results of t e s t s on a dynamic strain-gage installation t o determine the coefficients of the rotational derivatives a r e shown in Figures 7 . 7 6 and 7. 77, which also contain the standard deviations of the m e a s u r e m e n t s
1 l1 l1 ll I l11 l 1l1 1 l Il 1 l1 l1 l1 1 l1 l1 l Il I1 I I I1
+rn; and
m . : -p"m:z.
Use of a special harmonic analyzer instead of the oscillograph p e r m i t s the accuracy of the m e a s u r e m e n t s to be increased by about 500/0.
T h e k i n e m a t i c m e t h o d of s m a l l o s c i l l a t i o n s p e r m i t s the coefficients of the rotational derivatives to be determined by m e a s u r e m e n t s of s e v e r a l p a r a m e t e r s of motion. This can b e done by either f r e e or forced oscillations J The installation for determining the rotational derivatives is shown schematically in Figure 7.78. It consists of a-system with one degree of freedom. In the method of f r e e oscillations, the model is first brought
out of equilibrium. It will then, under the action of springs P I and P2, p e r f o r m damped oscillations about the axis of the centering instrument, which a r e recorded on a moving chart by a pen fixed to a pendulum (Figure 7. 79). This chart also contains time m a r k s , which permit the oscillation period of the model to be determined. In the method of forced
vibrations, an electric motor actuates an oscillating r o l l e r , the model being subjected to harmonic undamped oscillations. The tape on which the recording is made is fixed on a c a r r i a g e driven by the electric motor
FIGURE 7 .78. Installation for determining the coefficients of the rotational derivatives by t h e kinematic method. 1 - airfoil model; 2 centering instrument; 3 oscillating roller; 4 pendulum; 5 - carriage.
in a harmonic reciprocatory motion, perpendicular to the plane of oscillation of the pendulum. By superposing the harmonic motions of the c a r r i a g e and the pendulum, the pen will draw an ellipse on the tape
(Figure 7. 8 0 ) . The coefficients of the rotational derivatives of the moment can then be determined f r o m the p a r a m e t e r s and position of this ellips e ,
The differential equation of motion of a model oscillating about the z-axis can be written a s follows :
J ? !dt* E = - Ms- kZ(mo+a) -p2_;rr+
where ao is the angle of attack corresponding to the m,ean position of the model, about which the oscillations take place, a is the deviation
FIGURE 7.80.
by the springs and the weight of the pendulum, which does not depend on the angle of attack, k*(ao + a ) is the moment exerted by the springs and the weight of the pendulum, which depends on the angle of attack ( a ao):
where k l , R P , k3 a r e the r a t e s of springs P I ,P 2 , and Pa, Q i s the weight of the pendulum, r and R3 a r e linear dimensions (Figure 7. 78),
M, is the aerodynamic
M I= (m2,
When the model oscillates about the y-axis, the equation of motion is
PO is the angle of yaw which corresponds to the mean position of the model, and is the deviation from PO. A s i m i l a r expression can be found f o r oscillations of the model about the x - a x i s . For this motion, the model is suspended f r o m the centering instrument by a support which p e r m i t s osciIlations about the x-axis (Figure 7. 81). P r o c e s s i n g of the r e s u l t s of the recordings p e r m i t s the coefficients of the rotational derivatives of the aerodynamic moment t o be determined with the aid of the above relationships. This i s done by
T h e coefficient
must be positive, since otherwise the motion of the model will not be oscillatory. The Sb3 . condition that this coefficient be positive is when mwz - 1s negligible in coiiiparison with 1. : z p 2 k'-";qSb>O.
52 1
I l1l1l l 1l1l l l I1
determining the coefficients of the equation of motion, which for oscillations about the z - , y - , o r x-axis has the s a m e f o r m
dzO d B dt2 +2n - ; i T + m 2 8 + m , = A , s i n p t ,
where Bo is the angle which corresponds to the mean position of the model, 8, sin ( x t - q ) e - n t is the free-oscillation t e r m , and Ezsin ( p t + E) is the forced response of the model. F o r f r e e oscillations ( A l = 0) the solution is
where B1 and q a r e the integration constants which depend on the initial conditions, x is the c i r c u l a r frequency of the f r e e oscillations of the system;
x= l/m2 -n2=
Z . T
Between the amplitude f~\" of the initial oscillation and the amplitude e\" of the i-th oscillation t h e r e exists the following relationship:
which is obtained a f t e r substituting the solution [e = B o in the equation of motion. F o r forced oscillations the solution has the f o r m
sin (xf-9)l
e = e, +
e2 sin ( p t - E) *),
where p is the c i r c u l a r frequency of the excitation f o r c e , and EZ is the amplitude of the forced oscillations of the model,
e -- V(p' m z -
E is the phase shift between the excitation-force fluctuations and the forced oscillations of the model,
The value of 02 and E a r e found f r o m the recordings of the oscillations ( s e e Figures '7. 78 and 7 . 8 0 ) :
n = . AAs i n E ;
m= I/p2--A,cosE. e1
Henceforth, the coefficients of the rotational derivatives of the aerodynamic moment will be deter,mined from the coefficients of the equation of motion. Thus, when the model oscillates about
T h e factor e-"ldecreases rapidly since n > 0 . so that after a short t i m e t h e amplitude becomes constant. This expression is obtained by considering t h e parametric equation of t h e ellipse drawn by t h e pen on the q= 6 , sln@t-c), where E and (1 are respectively t h e displacements of t h e moving t a pe = a ,slnpl; carriage and the pen from their equilibrium positions, while a, and b, are respectively t h e amplitudes of t he oscillation of t h e carriage and pen.
the z-axis,
The method of determining the damping coefficient n was described above. The moment of inertia J , is determined f r o m tests a t U-=O. First, the natural frequency po of the s y s t e m is found; a frequency p, is then obtained by adding to the s y s t e m a weight whose moment of inertia in relation to the axis of oscillations is A J z . The moment of inertia of the system is then
The coefficient of friction in the instrument is found by replacing the model by an equivalent load and determining the damping coefficient nfof the s y s t e m at LI = 0 , 2n,=J-, P '
The coefficient m; is usually determined f r o m balance t e s t s of the model by graphical differentiation of the curve mr = f ( a ) . Since during oscillations the value of m; may differ f r o m that found in balance t e s t s , it is better determined f r o m t e s t s of the oscillating model:
where p o and p a r e respectively the c i r c u l a r frequencies of the oscillations of the model with and without flow. The other coefficients of the rotational derivatives of the moments my,, m! and m>+mi (for oscillations about the y-axis), mxo,m:; m>-a,m$ (for oscillations about the x-axis), and also the rotational derivatives of the aerodynamic force and the complex rotational derivatives *:$ a r e obtained similarly. In the l a t t e r case the installations and the experiments a r e m o r e complicated?, but in principle the method is the same.
n = nae nl where n, is the damping coefficient o f the instrument. At U = 0, naey= 0 , n = n,. When the vectors of the m o m e n t and of the angular velocity of the model a r e mutually perpendicular. See for instance A. L. Raikh. Teoriya i metodika opredeleniya vrashchatel'nykh proizvodnykh. (Theory and Method of Determining Rotation Derivatives). - Trudy TsAGI No. 49. 1939.
3. 4. 5.
10. 11.
M a r t y n o v , A. K. Eksperimental'naya aerodinamika (Experimental Aerodynamics). - Moskva, Oborongiz. 1958. Spravochnik aviakonstruktora t. I. "Aerodinamika samoleta" (Handbook for the A i r c r a f t Designer, Volume 1: Aerodynamics of the Airplane).TsAGI. 1937. Z a k s N. A. Osnovy eksperimental'noi aerodinamiki (Fundamentals of Experimental Aerodynamics). - Moskva, Oborongiz. 1953. E v v a r d , I.C., M. T u c k e r , and W.C. B u r g e s . Transition-Point Fluctuations in Supersonic Flow. - JAS, No. 11.1954. P f e n n i n g e r , W. and E . G r o t h Low D r a g Boundary L a y e r Suction Experiments in Flight on a Wing Glove of an F - 9 4 A Airplane with Suction Through a L a r g e Number of Fine Slots. Boundary Layer and Flow Control, Vol. 2. - Pergamon Press. 1961. P o p o v , S. G. Nekotorye zadachi i metody eksperimental'noi a e r o mekhaniki (Certain Problems and Methods of Experimental Aeromechanics).- Gostekhizdat. 1952. G o r 1i n , S. M. Novyi pribor dlya ispytanii vintov v trubakh s otkrytoi rabochei chast'yu (New Instrument f o r Testing P r o p e l l e r s in Tunnels with Open T e s t Sections). - Tekhnicheskie Zametki TsAGI, No. 114.1935. C a r e r , A . D. S. Some Fluid Dynamic R e s e a r c h Techniques.-Proc. of the , Vol.163 (W.E.P. Institution of Mechanical Engineers No. 60). 1950. V o g I , R. Ein Windkanal mit Ejektorantrieb z u r UntersuchunLwon Einzelprofilen und Schaufelgittern. - Maschinenbautechnik, No. 9. 195Y. Z i n d n e r , E . Hochgeschwindigkeitskanal fur Gitteruntersuchungen. Machinenbautechnik, N o . 10. 1959. T o d d , K. W. Apparatus for Remote Recording of Flow Conditions. Aeronautical Quarterly, Vo1.4, pt. 4.1954. P e r 1e y , R. and B. E . M i 11 e r . Instrumentation for Automatic Plotting and Integrating of Airflow Measurements. - P r o c . Instr. SOC.of America, Vol. VIII. 1952. U s h a k o v , B.A., N . V . B r u s i l o v s k i i , and A.R. B u s h e l ' . Aerodinamika osevykh ventilyatorov i elementy ikh konstruktsii (Aerodynamics of Axial Fans and their Constructional Elements). Moskva, Gosgortekhizdat. 1959. B y c h k o v , A.G., I . L . L o k s h i n , and P . O . ~ M a z m a n y a n t s . Novye tipy tsentrobezhnykh ventilyatorov TsAGI (New Types of TsAGI Centrifugal Fans). - Promyshlennaya Aerodinamika. In: Sbornik, No. 12. Oborongiz. 1959. U s h a k o v , K. A . Metodika neposredstvennogo polucheniya bezrazmernykh kharateristik ventilyatorov (Methods f o r Obtaining Directly the Dimensionless Characteristics of Fans). Promyshlennaya Aerodinamika. In: Sbornik, NO. 15. Oborongiz. 1960. I d e 1 ' c h i k , I. E. Spravochnik PO gidravlicheskim soprotivleniyam (Handbook of Hydraulic Resistances). - Moskva, Gosenergoizdat. 1960. (IPST Cat. No. 1505).
1 7 . I d e l ' c h i k , I.E. Aerodinamika potoka i poteri napora v diffuzorakh (The Aerodynamics of Flow and P r e s s u r e L o s s e s in Diffusers). - Promyshlennaya Aerodinamika, In: Sbornik, No. 3. BNT TsAGI. 1947. 18. A b r a m o v i c h , G.N . Prikladnaya gazovaya dinamika (Applied Gas Dynamics). - Moskva, Gostekhizdat. 1953. 19. K h a n z h o n k o v , V.I. Ventilyatornye deflektory dlya zheleznodorozhnykh vagonov (Ventilation Hoods for Railcars). Promyshlennaya Aerodinamika, In: Sbornik, No. 3. BNT TsAGI. 1947. 20. S h o l o m o v i c h , G. I. Eksperimental'noe issledovanie modelei mnogolopastnykh vetrokoles v kosom potoke (Experimental Investigations of Models of Multiblade Wind-turbine Wheels in Inclined A i r s t r e a m s ) . - Promyshlennaya Aerodinamika , In: Sbornik, No. 16. Oborongiz. 1960.
It has already been noted that in o r d e r t o apply the r e s u l t s of the t e s t s on models i n wind tunnels to full-scale phenomena, in addition to maintaining geometrical s i m i l a r i t y and equality of Reynolds and Mach numbers, c e r t a i n corrections have to be introduced to take into account the distortion of the flow around the model, caused by the r e s t r i c t e d c r o s s - s e c t i o n a l a r e a of the t e s t section, and the influence of the flow boundaries, supports, etc. At small velocities, when the a i r can be considered a s incompressible, t h e s e corrections differ f r o m the corresponding corrections when the flow velocity in the tunnel approaches the value at which the tunnel becomes blocked. A t supersonic velocities it is n e c e s s a r y t o e n s u r e that perturbations reflected f r o m the walls do not r e a c h the model, since in such c a s e s the distortion of the flow around it cannot b e taken into account by corrections. In addition, when analyzing the experimental r e s u l t s it is n e c e s s a r y t o take into account the turbulence level, which considerably affects the aerodynamic c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s . In t e s t s at transonic and supersonic velocities i t is imperative to maintain conditions a t which the behavior of the gas ( a i r ) is the s a m e a s under flight conditions. At l a r g e Mach numbers in the tunnel, the p r e s s u r e s and t e m p e r a t u r e s differ f r o m those experienced in flight at the corresponding velocities, being lowered to such an extent that condensation of water vapor and sometimes, in the absence of adequate heating, liquefaction of a i r may occur. In o r d e r t o reduce the number and magnitude of the corrections applied to the r e s u l t s of t e s t s in wind tunnels, t o i n c r e a s e the accuracy of t h e s e t e s t s , and to make the r e s u l t s correspond as closely a s possible t o fulls c a l e conditions, the effects necessitating c o r r e c t i o n s should be reduced t o the minimum possible. Thus, by selecting the c o r r e c t cone angle of t h e t e s t section, perforating the walls of the l a t t e r , and sucking off p a r t of the air through them, we can prevent the appearance of an a d v e r s e p r e s s u r e gradient along the test section and the i n c r e a s e of the boundary-layer thickness along the walls. We can thus a l s o prevent the reflection of shocks from the testsection w a l l s , and local velocity i n c r e a s e s due t o flow constriction. We can reduce the interference between model and supports by c o r r e c t l y locating and properly streamlining the l a t t e r . A suitable selection of the relative dimensions of model and t e s t section s o m e t i m e s enables the
corrections f o r tunnel blockage by the model and its wake t o be reduced t o values less than 0.5 t o 1 % of the m e a s u r e d forces, s o that they can be ignored altogether. However, the introduction of corrections t o the r e s u l t s of t e s t s in tunnels is often unavoidable, s i n c e t h e i r magnitudes become comparable with those characterizing the tested phenomena. F o r instance, the difference in d r a g of an airplane model with two different wing designs is about 1 0 to 20%; f o r a tunnel with open t e s t section, the correction f o r induced drag, flow, inclination, etc., is about 15 t o 20% of the d r a g m e a s u r e d by the balance.
Methods of introducing corrections If the test-section walls were t o have the shape of the s t r e a m l i n e s f o r unbounded flow around the body, no wall effects would b e noticed a t any flow velocity in the absence of boundary l a y e r s . Since this requirement cannot be satisfied even f o r one wing at different angles of attack, we have t o consider the real conditions of flow around the model with solid o r free boundaries. T h e following conditions m u s t obtain a t the flow boundaries: i n tunnels with closed test sections (solid walls) the velocity component n o r m a l to the wall surface m u s t vanish; in tunnels with open t e s t sections (free flow) the p r e s s u r e of the flowing medium m u s t be constant, being equal to the p r e s s u r e i n the room surrounding the t e s t section. Hence, due to the constancy of the m a s s flow r a t e in all c r o s s sections of the tunnel, the velocity n e a r a model in a closed test section is higher than the velocity ups t r e a m of i t (e.g., a t the nozzle exit). In tunnels with open test sections, the position is different. T h e static p r e s s u r e in the nondisturbed flow is higher than the static p r e s s u r e n e a r the model. On the other hand, the condition of constant p r e s s u r e a t the flow boundary m e a n s that the l a t t e r p r e s s u r e equals the static p r e s s u r e in the nondisturbed flow. Hence, n e a r the model the static p r e s s u r e will increase. According to Bernoulli's equation, this leads to a velocity d e c r e a s e n e a r the model. T h e velocity correction f o r tunnels with open test sections is opposite in sign to the corresponding correction for tunnels with closed test sections. The same effect as the blockage of the tunnel by the model is caused by the wake behind the model in a closed t e s t section. In o r d e r that the mass flow r a t e along the tunnel remain constant, the reduction i n velocity in the wake behind the model must be compensated by a n i n c r e a s e in velocity outside the wake. This causes a certain velocity i n c r e a s e n e a r the model. In tunnels with open t e s t sections wake effects a r e practically absent. Thus, blockage of the tunnel by the model and its wake c a u s e s changes in velocity near the model, which have t o be taken into account in the t e s t r e s u l t s by introducing corrections t o the velocity measured in the empty tunnel o r very far u p s t r e a m of the model. This correction h a s the f o r m
= Vme(1
where E m i s a coefficient by which the blockage by the model is taken into account.The blockage by the wake is s i m i l a r l y taken into account, Em being replaced by E~ If the coefficients E~ and E a r e known, the corrections can be inserted directly into the values of the force and moment coefficients
determined f r o m the measured (uncorrected) velocity head. For this, the f o r c e and moment coefficients a r e multiplied by the r a t i o of the s q u a r e s of the measured and t r u e (corrected) velocities:
we obtain
Determining the blockage coefficients of the model and i t s wake (,and E W ) T h e wall (flow-boundary) effects and the blockage Coefficients a r e determined by considering the flow around an airfoil in an infinite lattice system consisting of alternating upright a n d i n v e r s e images of the main airfoil (model). In flow around two equal airfoils placed symmetrically in relation to the line AA' which is p a r a l l e l to the flow direction ( F i g u r e 8. l ) , the axis of s y m m e t r y AA'will be a streamline. In an ideal (nonviscous) fluid t h i s line can be replaced by a solid boundary (wall) without affecting the flow. Inversely, the effects of the "ground" or the solid wall ( A A ' ) on the flow around the airfoil B can be determined by replacing the wall by a m i r r o r image B' of airfoil B and considering the new problem of flow around two airfoils 111. The flow around airfoil B , placed between two wind-tunnel walls AIA; and A2A; (Figure 8. 2), can be simulated to the flow around an infinite lattice s y s t e m consisting of alternating upright and inverse images of the airfoil, while the wall effects on the flow around the model a r e reduced to the influence of the infinite number of images. An approximate solution is obtained in tunnels with open t e s t sections by the following boundary conditions : the s u r f a c e a t which, in the p r e s e n c e of the model, the p r e s s u r e is constant (no i n c r e a s e in axial velocity) coincides with t h e flow boundary before inseftion of the model / 2 1 . The blockage coefficients a r e found by replacing the model a t its s i t e by a s y s t e m of s o u r c e s and sinks (or a dipole in the c a s e of a wing), and the boundaries of the t e s t section by an equivalent s y s t e m of m i r r o r images of these s o u r c e s and sinks (or dipoles in the c a s e of a wing). The blockage coefficient can be determined by considering the velocities induced by t h e s e equivalent images. The images should not
induce velocities very f a r u p s t r e a m of the model, where the measurements a r e performed. This method was used by different authors to determine the blockage coefficients of the model(~,)and its wake ( E , ~ $ f o r tunnels with closed and open t e s t sections of different cross-sectional shape . We present several
4 -
$ 7
h -
basic formulas
111 f o r
I. A i r f o i l s i n t w o - d i m e n s i o n a l f l o w .
1. Em= d
(f) .
Rere ~=$=0.822
f o r an open
test section, t is the thickness of the airfoil, h is the height of the t e s t section (no floor o r ceiling, only side wa!ls), h is a coefficient which depends on the airfoil geometry for an elliptical airfoil,
where c is the chord length 1 3 1 . The value of h can be determined from Figure 8 . 3 . 2. F o r a rectangular closed test section, Glauert / 4 / suggested
where . ~ = j ( is s an ) empirical coefficient (Figure 8.4). The value of can also be found f r o m the drag:
/ 51, 161
. . . . . . . .
. _
FIGURE 8.3. formula for Coefficient A appearing in em (two-dimensional flow). FIGURE 8.4. formula for
11. W i n g s of i n f i n i t e s p a n i n c i r c u l a r c l o s e d t e s t s e c t i o n s 171.
1. ~ ~ = 1 . 3 5 6 1 ( $ ) 2 , where d is the diameter of the tunnel.
2. eW=0.321 %ex.
, . 1 ( + ) m
pt s
T A B L E 11.
Values of the coefficient flow around a body. Cross-sectional shape of test section Circular . . . . . . . Square . . . . . . . Rectangular ( b = 2h) . Rectangular (blh = 917) Octangular
for three-dimensional
The coefficient h , which depends on the shape of the body, is found f r o m Figure 8 . 5 .
53 1
FIGURE 8.5. Coefficient L appearing i n formula. for
where S is the a r e a to which the coefficient cx is r e f e r r e d 1 5 1 . 2. Wings of finite span, including sweptback wings / I f .
( ) ;I .
t W + 1.2 c) f% ,
where W is the volume of the model, F t . s . is the c r o s s -sectional a r e a of the t e s t section, and T is found from Table 11. 3 . The blockage coefficient of a n airplane model is determined by finding separately E, f o r a body of revolution and f o r a wing, and adding. F o r tunnels with closed rectangular t e s t sections, we can u s e the approximate formula of Young and Squire f 91:
W 0.65 hZb
where h and b a r e respectively the height and the width of the t e s t section. This formula gives a correction with an accuracy of 510%. T a k i n g i n t o a c c o u n t t h e p r e s s u r e g r a d i e n t , The s t a t i c p r e s s u r e v a r i e s linearly with along the test-section axis, where is the
where s is the a r e a of the wing or the mid-section of the body, W 9 S n i g 1 q is the volume of the body, 1 is the length of the body, T) is the coefficient f o r a wing model q = 0.8. of fullness. For a n airplane model, q ~ 0 . 6 ;
is assumed t o b e positive if t h e p r e s s u r e decreases in 1 -l the correction is negligibly small. the flow direction. For ~ g O . 0 0 m
The gradient
A correction f o r the p r e s s u r e gradient must b e made t o the drag determined f r o m the static-pressure distribution on the s u r f a c e of the body. No correction need be made t o the profile d r a g determined f r o m the total-pressure distribution in the wake. Because of the smallness of the p r e s s u r e gradient along the tunnel axis, no correction is ordinarily introduced in tunnels with open t e s t sections'"?.
Blockage effects a t l a r g e subsonic velocities The corrections f o r the blockage by the model and its wake a r e considerable, even a t velocities a t which compressibility effects a r e s t i l l s m a l l . However, these corrections can frequently be ignored, because low-speed tunnels a r e intended for quantitative t e s t s of models whose dimensions a r e small in relation t o those of the t e s t section. Moreover, p r o g r e s s in the aerodynamic design of bodies flying at hypersonic veIocities has led t o relatively small thicknesses of the models, and s m a l l values of cy f o r the wings. This a l s o reduces the blockage corrections when such models a r e tested in low-speed tunnels. Although in principle the method of images is applicable t o models of any dimensions a t a l l subsonic velocities, the particular method of introducing corrections f o r boundary effects a t low Mach numbers, which is based on the l i n e a r theory, is not suitable f o r l a r g e Mach numbers when zones of supersonic flow and shocks appear, since the equations of flow a r e then nonlinear. However, when the model is small in comparison with the tunnel, is not highly loaded, and the perturbations caused b y it a r e s m a l l in comparisonwith the f r e e - s t r e a m velocity, the blockage corrections obtained f o r small Mach numbers can a l s o be introduced a t l a r g e subsonic velocities. According t o the theory of s m a l l perturbations, the correctiolls obtained f o r s m a l l velocities must be multiplied by the factor
= c y me*
EA ($)*e,
me , where A
determination of e m and
T h e correction for the pressure gradient in such tunnels is determined by highly accurate rests.
1 ' 1 -F .
=i w
The corrections f o r the Mach number, density, and velocity head are 1 5 1
AM = ( 1
Ap = - M '
Mhe) Mm$,
me' '
V1 (PTL ,
A (p -\ = (2 - M,&)
2 1
The blockage corrections given above a r e applicable down t o Mach numbers a t which n o blockage of tunnels with closed t e s t sections occurs.
Lift effects In contrast t o blockage effects of the model, the lift effect, which causes a change in the velocity distribution in the t e s t section, appears even when the dimensions of the model a r e s m a l l in comparison with those of the tunnel. This effect disappears completely only a t z e r o lift. In o r d e r t o determine the lift effect, the wing is, according to Prandtl, replaced by a s y s t e m of bound vortices and vortices shed f r o m the trailing edge of the wing. The test-section boundaries are replaced by an equivalent s y s t e m of images, as explained above. The perturbations of the flow around the wing a r e expressed through the velocities induced by these images. A s y s t e m of images simulating the boundary conditions at the walls, with flow around a uniformly loaded wing of finite span in a tunnel with closed rectangular t e s t section, is shown in Figure 8 . 6 . It can be shown 1 2 1 that in the limit, when the span tends t o z e r o , the perturbations in a tunnel with open t e s t section a r e equal and opposite t o the perturbations occurring in a tunnel with a closed t e s t section of the s a m e shape when the wing is turned by 90" about the tunnel axis. I n other words, the flow perturbations in a tunnel with open t e s t section of height h and width b a r e equal and opposite t o the perturbations in a tunnel with a closed t e s t section of height b and width h .
. . I
,......... ,...
,,, ,
FIGURE 8.6. A system of images simulating the boundary conditions a t the walls of a closed rectangular test section, with flow around a wing of finite span.
Lift effects in two-dimensional flow In a plane tunnel with closed t e s t section the s t r e a m l i n e s a r e the s a m e as in unbounded flow, curved in such a way (Figure 8 . 7 ) that the velocity component normal to the horizontal boundaries (floor and ceiling of the t e s t section) vanishes. The s a m e reasoning applies to the p r e s s u r e distribution in \ a tunnel with open t e s t section. A s m a l l z _ - 4 . , Z curvature of the s t r e a m l i n e s i s equivalent in its effects to bending and alteration of the angle of attack of the airfoil. Figure 8. 8 shows schematically the flow around an a i r foil in a tunnel with closed t e s t section. The vortex images l i e on the line y y , which i s perpendicular to the tunnel axis. The lines P P and QQ correspond qualitatively to the s t r e a m l i n e s of the induced flow, which I causes an i n c r e a s e in the effective curvature -- . 2 of the airfoil. In addition, the vertical FIGURE 8.7. Curvature of streamlines incomponents of the induced velocity change duced by flow boundaries. 1 - curvature the angle of attack of the airfoil. The of streamlines due t o lift effects in u w local change in the angle of attack i s bounded flow: 2 - curvature of stream-
the induced velocity a t point 0 . In tunnels with open t e s t sections, the s t r e a m l i n e s a r e curved in the other direction. and the effective curvature and the angle of attack of the airfoil a r e thus reduced. According t o Glauert 1 2 1 , the l i f t effect f o r a thin airfoil is proportional this ; r e s u l t can be used with sufficient accuracy in m o s t problems; to ( c / f ~ ) ~ The change in curvature and angle of attack can be determined for a tunnel with closed t e s t section f r o m the formulas 1 2 1
lines induced by test-section walls; the curvature must be such t h a t the walls are streamlines.
(+) where
where c, is t h e coefficient of the pitching moment about the quarter-chord point ( cm is positive if the moment causes an i n c r e a s e in the angle of attack).
FIGURE 8.8. Flow pattern around airfoil in tunnel with closed
test section.
In tunnels with open t e s t sections the angle of attack is additionally reduced, because of the general downward inclination of the flow n e a r the airfoil, by an amount determined by Prandtl 11 O/ as
I C _-4 h cyme.
Thus, intunnels with open t e s t sections the total change in the angle of attack is
(iy - (c
the second t e r m usually predominating. The change in the effective angle of attack of the model, due to the boundary effects, necessitates correction of the f o r c e coefficients measured by the balance ( cxand c y ) , The measured lift and drag a r e the components of the total aerodynamic f o r c e R and a r e respectively normal and parallel to the axis (Figure 8. 9). Since the effective angle of attack is changed by A a , the m e a s u r e d f o r c e s must be resolved in the x , and y1 directions. We obtain
cy cor =cy
cos Pa - cnmesin
/ 111, write
' I
Assuming that
we obtain
. -
L i f t e f f e c t s o n w i n g s of f i n i t e s p a n . I n m o s t wind-tunnel t e s t s the chord of the wing is s m a l l in comparison with the dimensions of the test section, s o that the curvature of the streamlines, caused by the tunnel boundaries, canbe ignored. T h e lift effects can then be simulated by the flow perturbations caused by the images of vortices shed f r o m the trailing edge (Figure 8.10). Under these conditions the corrections f o r wall effects become
scr P a =6 -cyme, FLS.
F o r tunnels with closed test sections, ij is positive, since the effective angle of attack is increased; f o r tunnels with open test sections, ij is negative.
FIGURE 8.10. Wing of finite spail lacaced becwren solid walls, and its images.
Comparative values of ij f o r different types of test sections a r e given in Table 13 / l / . However, experiments show that the corrections for flow-boundary effects not only differ f r o m the theoretical values but depend on the
downwash and induced drag. This discrepancy is caused by the noncorrespondence of the boundary conditions to the actual phenomena (in open t e s t sections), and the influence of the nozzle and diffuser which a r e i n the vicinity of the model. The difference between E*, and 6,11can be explained by the influence of the wing chord and the differences in downwash along the chord, which cause a change in the effective curvature of the wing.
TABLE 1 3 Values of 6 a) C i r c u l a r t u n n e l w i t h c l o s e d t e s t s e c t i o n Model span Tunnel diameter. Elliptical load distribution over the span Uniform load
0.125 0.125
............... ............
0.125 0.125
0.127 0.127
0.128 0.130
Model span Tunnel d i a m e t e r . . . . . . . . . . . Elliptical load distribution over the span . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Uniform load.
0.75 1.0 1.66 2.0 4.0 0.176 0.137 0.120 0.137 0.262 -0.120 -0.137 4 . 1 9 6 -0.262 -0.524
Helghr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Closed Open..
................. ................
1 I
c -= Ft. s .
of attack a t the leading and trailing edges amounts t o 1. 5"; the lift therefore becomes s m a l l e r and the correction is reduced. F o r these r e a s o n s i t is advisable to reduce the ratio between the dimensions of
, while Em,, EC,, a r e determined f o r each the model and the t e s t section tunnel experimentally::;. The coefficient am, can be determined a s follows: Experimental curves cy = f ( a - ao) a r e plotted f o r geometrically s i m i l a r models, where a 0 is the angle of z e r o lift. A l l t h e s e curves pass through the origin of coordinates.
T h e tabulated data should b e used if the experimental values of tunnel in which the tests a r e performed.
The relationships a -a o =f
cy 0.2 ; etc. ) ; S axis, i. e., t o L = o which , corresponds to unbounded flow. The values
SCS of ( a - ao!, f o r -=
given values of cy in the c a s e of unbounded flow, while the induced angle of attack is
Aai =( a -
we can determine
a n i = - . k"i
The procedure f o r determining ,8 , is s i m i l a r . Proceeding f r o m the experimental polars cx = f(c,) f o r the model, cy and the relationships
C ~ - C ~ ~ = ~ ( * )
is the coefficient
c , at a = 0.
which a r e corrections of c, for flow-boundary effects a t given values of SI{.,. and cy. After determining kcxl and plotting the relationships
we obtain
e :
in tunnels with elliptical t e s t section, it was found that 6.,=0.24 C o r r e ct ion s f o r value, the expressions
5 is dl
l e s s than
Hence, no correction f o r
flow-boundary effects is introduced inc,,,,, but in the curve cy = [ ( a ) the change in the angle of attack is taken into account. For three-dimensional flow
Aa = 6 . -cy me
' Fts.
s CI
f o r two-dimensional flow
"(5)' 96 h ( ~ y m e S - 4 c m m e )
(cy me+
I C 4 c m me) - 7 %cy me
Correction f o r blocking effect In closed-circuit tunnels with either open o r closed t e s t sections the influence of lift on the f r e e - s t r e a m velocity distribution has a l s o t o be taken into account.
FIGURE 8.11.
The downwash induced by lift is considerable, particularly in tunnels with open t e s t sections, and the velocity distribution at the diffuser inlet is highly nonuniform. Despite the u s e of straightening devices in the tunnel and the streamline convergence in the nozzle, the flow in the t e s t section will still be nonuniform. A tunnel containing a model subjected to lift thus has a s m a l l e r velocity coefficient than an empty tunnel (Figure 8.11). The change in the velocity coefficient, which depends on the lift, is called blocking effect and must be taken into account when determining t h e aerodynamic coefficients r e f e r r e d to the velocity head. The correction has the f o r m
where the correction for the blocking effect Ap is found by averaging the r e s u l t s of experiments with different wings. In tunnels with closed t e s t sections o r with single r e t u r n ducts the correction f o r the blocking effect is s m a l l and is mostly neglected. In tunnels with dual r e t u r n ducts this correction is considerable.
Different methods of introducing corrections f o r the lift effect In practice, corrections f o r the l i f t effect can be introduced by two methods: all corrections can be reduced either t o a change in the angle of attack at constant l i f t (cy tr3 = c v m e ) , o r t o a change in the l i f t at constant angle of attack ( a t r = orme). In o r d e r t o reduce all corrections t o a change in the angle, the l a t t e r h a s t o be corrected twice: f i r s t l y byAal, which depends on the change i n flow direction, secondly by Aan, which depends on the change in concavity of the airfoil:
Aa2=2(~tr - ~ m e l = 1
t r -cC,me).
When all corrections a r e reduced to an equivalent change in the l i f t , a c e r t a i n slope, valid in the linear region, has t o be assumed f o r curve cy = / ( a ) :!:. The total change in l i f t will then be equal to the s u m of Acv,,
FIGURE 8.12. Different methods of correcting the curve c y - f ( a ) : A - point on uncorrected curve obtained by direct measurement i n tunnel: B - correction for change i n angle of attack and lift: C - a l l corrections reduced t o change in 1 i f t p t r =mm2; D - a l l corrections reduced t o change i n angle of attack ( c Y tr
error is negligible
Similar corrections should be introduced in the experimental coefficients of drag and pitching moment, but because of the s m a l l n e s s of the ensuing changes, these coefficients can b e left unchanged, being r e f e r r e d to the changed angle of attack. Similarly, for a wing of finite span, the correction for the angle of attack
s cr Ft.,.
cy = / ( a )
Influence of lift on the flow around the horizontal tail T h e induced downwash n e a r the horizontal tail of a modelin a tunnel differs f r o m the downwash n e a r the wing. T h i s necessitates corrections in the measured value of the pitching-moment coefficient m,. T h e difference between the pitchingmomentsinunboundedflow and in a tunnel(at equal values of c u ) is equal t o the difference in the moments due t o the horizontal t a i l :
The value of Am,h.t.can be found by testing geometrically s i m i l a r models and using the methods described above f o r determining 8,and
where Sh.[.isthe area of the horizontal tail, Lh.[.is the distance f r o m the wing t o the horizontal tail (usually f r o m the center of gravity t o the hinges of the elevator), b A is the m e a n aerodynamic chord, and
where T = f(&) is a coefficient which c h a r a c t e r i z e s the influence of the flow boundaries on the downwash n e a r the tail in comparison with the downwash n e a r the wing.
With correctly selected dimensions of the model, Atnzh.t. in most tunnels is 1 t o 1,570of the mean aerodynamic chord. Influence of lift a t l a r g e subsonic velocities The influence of the lift a t large subsonic velocities is taken into account by multiplying the expressions for AT (see page 535) by thus obtain:
I vn z.
1 __2
f o r a closed t e s t section,
AT = -
( f T c y m eY-~Z
+ 271,
c , =--
v-i=KG T v
which is t r u e for a thin airfoil. The additional correction to the angle Of attack Aa= f cyme.necessitated by the general flow inclination in an open t e s t section, shouldnot be made; neither should t h e r e be a change in the correction f o r the induced d r a g ( A c , = ~~ cuAai).
Applicability of corrections In most c a s e s t h e dimensions of the model a r e s m a l l in comparison with those of the t e s t section
(5 ,<0.16-0.2)
give sufficiently reliable r e s u l t s a t s m a l l velocities when compressibility effects a r e absent. With increasing lift, the method of introducing corrections becomes l e s s reliable f o r s m a l l models, since the velocities induced by the flowboundary effects must be determined not only on the tunnel axis but at a l l points of the model. Such calculations a r e v e r y difficult. It is therefore better t o introduce corrections based on the r e s u l t s of t e s t s of geometrically s i m i l a r models in the s a m e tunnel, or of the s a m e model in geometrically s i m i l a r tunnels having different t e s t - s e c t i o n dimensions. F o r example, a s e r i e s of s i m i l a r wings, rectangular in plane, were tested in a tunnel with an open t e s t section of elliptical shape (Figure 3 . 18). The wings had a relative thickness of 1 2 % and aspect r a t i o h = 6 ; the ratio of the span to the horizontal test-section diameter was approximately 0.75. The aerodynamic c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s obtained w e r e corrected f o r down wash, d r a g of supports, blocking effect, and lift effect. The s a m e s e r i e s of wings was tested in a s i m i l a r tunnel whose linear dimensions were s e v e r a l t i m e s s m a l l e r . Practically the s a m e correction coefficients ,6 , =0.25 and B,,=O.17 were obtained in both tunnels for all wing dimensions. O n the b a s i s of experiments in low-speed tunnels, it was established that for the following relative dimensions of models and t e s t sections, it is possible t o neglect blockage by the model, its wake, and the boundary l a y e r :
ratio of span to
rest-seriion w i d t h
When these conditions obtain, t h e r e remain corrections for lift effect (Ac,;, Acti; A m z n t ) . blocking effect, downwash effect of the supports (on drag and pitching moment), and p r e s s u r e gradient. When wings supported on the s i d e walls of the tunnel a r e tested, the p r e s s u r e distribution is usually determined in the mid-section. The lift effect can then be ignored, only blockage corrections being introduced in the velocity when quantitative r e s u l t s a r e required. When only comparative data on the p r e s s u r e distribution a r e needed, t h e c o r r e c t i o n s c a n be omitted, but equality of Reynolds numbers must be maintained.
When balance measurements of a half-wing supported on the wall of a closed test section a r e performed (such t e s t s enable the span of the model and the Reynolds number to be increased)> it can be assumed that the flow perturbations caused by the boundaries, and thus, the relevant corrections, will be the s a m e a s when a complete model is tested in a tunnel having a t e s t section of double the width. The influence of the boundary layer at the tunnel wall on which a model supported can be ignored if, on both sides of the tunnel, false end sections of a wing of the s a m e profile a r e placed with a clearance between the wall and the model wing. These end sections should, on each side, extend a distance a into the tunnel where
=tg lo",
wing. This is illustrated in Figure 8 . 13. The influence of the boundary layer on the wall is sometimes eliminated by placing, with clearances, profile plates between the model and the wall.
Wire of t a i l / suspension
To balance
The corrections for blockage by the model and its wake can be estimated f r o m the experimentally determined i n c r e a s e in velocity (or p r e s s u r e ) on the tunnel wall opposite the model. If AVI is the increase in velocity at the wall, due to blockage by the model and its wake, while .1V2 is the velocity increase far downstream of the model, then f o r small models / 5 /
The blocking effect can be determined f r o m the p r e s s u r e distributions on the upper and lower tunnel walls by means of the relationship
airfoil is s m a l l and shocks do not extend t o the tunnel walls. A t these velocities m o r e accurate r e s u l t s a r e obtained f r o m the expressions 1 1 2 1 .
These methods a r e also used in high-speed tunnels. L a r g e subsonic velocities a r e corrected for blockage by measuring the change in p r e s s u r e on the tunnel walls, and r e f e r r i n g the r e s u l t s of the balance measurements t o the corrected f r e e - s t r e a m velocity. In modern transonic tunnels it is possible to omit corrections for flowboundary effects by perforating the test section walls, or by sucking off the boundary-layer through the walls in supersonic tunnels. Because of the aerodynamic perfection of present -day models (airplanes, rockets, etc. ), corrections f o r flow-boundary effects can also be omitted in supersonic tunnels, i f no shocks a r e reflected f r o m the walls onto the model. In both c a s e s t h e r e r e m a i n experimentally determined corrections f o r the influence of the model suspensions and supports.
F i g u r e 8 . 1 4 shows the influence of supports of the type shown i n Figure 8 . 1 5 on the s t a t i c p r e s s u r e and the downwash in the t e s t section of the tunnel. Immediately behind the tail s t r u t , the static p r e s s u r e is reduced by an amount equal t o 8% of the velocity head. In front of and
FIGURE 8.14. lnfluence of supports on static pressure and downwash in ) . rest section (z=O, y = 0
above the tail s t r u t a s t a t i c - p r e s s u r e i n c r e a s e of the s a m e o r d e r is observed. Local p r e s s u r e gradients of different signs a r e observed in various p a r t s of the t e s t section, where the p r e s s u r e differences attain 1 to 2% of the
FlGURE 8.15.
velocity head. The downwash angle changes, s o m e t i m e s by up t o 2.570, n e a r the tail s t r u t . These effects cause the f o r c e s and moments measured by the balance to differ f r o m those acting on the isolated model. The s y s t e m of supports shown in Figure 8. 1 5 has a drag which is equal t o about 30 to 50% of the minimum drag of a fighter-plane [model]. The s a m e is t r u e f o r the supports shown in Figure 8 . 1 6 . At the s a m e time, the drag of and the moments acting on these supports when isolated, differ
considerably f r o m the corresponding values in the presence of the model because of i t s influence on the flow around the supports. Determination of the effects of interference between the model and i t s supports is t h e r e f o r e important in aerodynamic measurements, particularly in highspeed tunnels, where the supports can radically change the flow pattern around the model. Due t o the l a r g e differences in the supports used, and the complexity of the phenomena, it is difficult t o perform a generalized analysis of the interference f o r different models tested in tunnels of various dimensions and types, In practice, in each wind tunnel this problem is solved individually by collecting experimental data on which corrections in the t e s t r e s u l t s a r e based. The corrections a r e obtained by s e v e r a l general methods. In so-called comparative t e s t s , a t velocities a t which compressibility effects can be neglected, it is sufficient t o take into FIGURE 8. 16. Model of a n airplane with sweptaccount the drag of the supports by back wings in a full-scale runnel. testing the l a t t e r without the model. This procedure is c o r r e c t when the overall change in velocity around the model, caused by the flow constriction a t the supports, is negligible, a s in low-speed tunnels, where wire and tape supports a r e used. When the changes in velocity cannot b e neglected, tunnel blockage by the supports can b e taken into account by the methods described above ( s i m i l a r t o the effects of blockage by the model itself). Thus, a sufficiently accurate correction factor is / 5 /
I sc,
where ex is the drag coefficient of the supports, S is the a r e a to which cx is r e f e r r e d , b and h a r e respective1.y width and height of the t e s t section. The coefficient c , is either determined experimentally o r calculated on the b a s i s of t e s t s of the support elements (wires, tapes, cylinders, etc.). When the aerodynamic properties of the model must be determined very accurately, interference between the model and the support must b e fully taken into account. This interference is determined experimentally, mostly by the method of "doubling", by testing the supports with the model, and by the method of false supports. The d e t h o d of "doubling" c o n s i s t s of successive t e s t s of the model on the main supports and additional s i m i l a r supports with different positions of the model. T h e difference i n the balance indications p e r m i t s the influence of the supports t o be determined. Thereafter, the forces
acting on the main supports at a given position of the model a r e deduced f r o m the test results, and the f o r c e s acting on the mode1 alone a r e thus found.
FIGURE 8.17.
false supports.
lnterference determination by m e a n s of
Testing of supports in the presence of the model This method consists of determining the forces acting on the supports in the presence of the model. F o r this the model must be mounted independently of the balance, in such a way that the position of the supports connected to the balance corresponds to t h e i r position during tests of the model (Figure 8.18). The forces acting on the supports at different angles
l b
To balance
To balance
To balance
FIGURE 8.18. Determining interference between model and supports by means of calibrating support. The corrected result is a+ c- b.
of attack of the model a r e measured and then deducted f r o m the corresponding values obtained at the s a m e angles of attack in t e s t s of the model. The f o r c e s acting on the model alone a r e thus found. The method of false supports consists in testing the model in the presence of an additional false support, not connected t o the balance, and located close to the model in the s a m e manner a s the main support whose influence is to be deterrhined (Figure 8 . 1 7 ) . If the forces acting on the false support a r e measured on an independent balance, the influence of the model on the support can be determined. False or additional supports must be placed at points where the interference between them and the model can be assumed
t o be equal to the interference between the main supports and the model. The f a l s e supports should therefore not be located a t the wing tips, close to the engine nascelles, etc. It is possible t o combine these methods, and a l s o other methods of taking into account the interference between the model and the supports. In particular, in high-speed tunnels the influence of the supports i s determined not only by means of balances but by measuring the p r e s s u r e s beneath the model, where it is connected t o the supports. The difficulty of accurately determining the interference between the model and the supports makes it n e c e s s a r y to reduce its effects to minimum when the balance and the model supports a r e designed. This can b e done by reducing the number of supports and their c r o s s sections, and by suitably selecting the point where they a r e fixed to the model. T h e s e points should not be in the region of maximum wing thickness (especially on the upper s u r f a c e ) near the leading edge o r engine nascelles, at the wing tips, e t c . Symmetrical swept back supports a r e used in high-speed tunnels. The angle of sweepback exceeds by 5" t o IO" the angle of sweepback of the wings usually tested on these supports. Rigid shrouded tail supports a r e successfully used in supersonic tunnels. It is mostly possible by repeated t e s t s , t o determine accurately the interference effects of the supports selected f o r a given tunnel and to take them into account in the r e s u l t s of the aerodynamic measurements. When designing the supports, special attention must be paid to their rigidity. This is particularly important f o r tail supports in supersonic tunnels.
Influence of turbulence and Reynolds number The direct influence of these factors on the aerodynamic c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s is not taken into account during preliminary processing of the t e s t r e s u l t s . However, for further analysis and comparison of the aerodynamic properties of the tested model with those of other models, the turbulence level, and the Reynolds number a t which the t e s t r e s u l t s w e r e obtained, have to be taken into account. This is most important when the drag c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of models with laminar-flow ( low-drag) wing sections (Cxmin) and the values of the maximum lift (cyma=) a r e being determined. In o r d e r t o avoid inaccuracies in determining the value of cumax,the t e s t s should be performed at the maximum possible Reynolds number o r over the whole possible range of Reynolds numbers. For the purposes of comparison the t e s t r e s u l t s a r e sometimes converted to other Reynolds numbers. This is done on the b a s i s of s i m i l a r t e s t s of aerodynamically related airfoils and models, performed a t various Reynolds numbers. The r e s u l t s a r e not recalculated f o r other turbulence levels since no t e s t s a r e performed f o r different values of E. Only approximative corrections, based on the r e s u l t s of t e s t s of s i m i l a r models in low-turbulence tunnels or in f r e e flight, a r e introduced. The main c r i t e r i o n of the appropriateness of the corrections, as of the experimental procedure as a while, is the agreement between the r e s u l t s of experiments on models in the tunnel and of t e s t s on full-scale objects:<.
Comparison of investigations in s m al l tubes wirh t h e investigated model in larger natural tubes makes it possible t o solve many problems of t h e reliability of using s o m e of t h e corrections. Such comparisons. are carried out in a l l possible cases.
Typical prcseiitatioii of i i i e a s i i
Because of the difficulties and expense involved, such comparisons cannot be made f o r most t e s t s (different versions of models, etc.), but a r e performed systematically in all cases in which the r e s u l t s of full-scale t e s t s a r e available. Such comparisons include also an evaluation of different methods f o r determining the aerodynamic characteristics. Thus, f o r instance, when the drag coefficients, obtained by experiment on the model in the tunnel and in flight (referred to the maximum a i r speed V,,,), a r e compared, the accuracy with which the value of cx is calculated for the nonsimulated airplane elements, the influence on cx of the Reynolds number, and other factors a r e also considered.
I l l 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
FIGURE 8.22.
FIGURE 8.23.
1 1 l1 l1 l1 l1 l1 1 l1 ll 1 Il 1 l1ll Il I
TABLE 14. Example of program for processing the results of tests on a six-component wind-tunnel balance in a low-speed tunnel with open test section Numb6 1 Order of calculation
Remarks h g l e of attack. T h e angle between t h e projection of t h e velocity vector o n t h e plane of symmetry of t h e model, and t h e model axis k,-Coefficient of counter of lift balance Y Tc -Indications of counter of lift balance Y S- w i n g area of model q- Velocity head corrected for blocking effect q = q m e b for cyS=-2 b = 1.022, for c y S = + 2 b = 1.032, for c,S= 0 b = 1.0 ndications of drag balance
4 5
: x s -Drag
of supports
10 11
degrees kg ndications of moment balance x- Longitudinal balance base +,-Mean ;-Angle aerodynamic chord between chord and longitudinal base
12 13
l o m e n t about balance axis ( t h e axis which passes through the front links) m2 = - ( A
+ c,D)
mz tr = mz - Amzo
m z o =0.061
-*zCy bA
Z=k,(Zc czme=
- Z co
cZ %=
cz= c, m e c,
% R,
R, = - 0.0138,
TABLE 14 ( c o n t ' d )
Number 21 Order of calculation Dimensions
m, = mxme r,c,
where Rmx is the heelingmoment ot the supports referred t o t h e velocity head, and depends on BO; is the moment, due to the side force, about the center of gravity. i is the wing span
P r o g r a m f o r p r o c e s s i n g t e s t r e s u l t s . The r e s u l t s of t e s t s on the balance shown in Figures 6 . 3 4 and 6 . 3 5 in a tunnel with an elliptical open t e s t section (Figure 3 . 18) a r e processed in table 14. The results of t e s t s in low-speed tunnels a r e usually presented in the f o r m of diagrams a s shown in Figures 8 . 1 9 to 8. 23. The r e s u l t s of t e s t s in supersonic tunnels a r e usually given in the f o r m of dependences of the f o r c e and moment coefficients on the Mach number a t fixed angles of attack, which e tc. f o r fixed can then be presented in the form of relationships cr f ( ~ ) Mach numbers.
42. ACCURACY AND REPRODUCIBILITY OF TESTS Accuracy and reproducibility of aerodynamic experiments a r e considered f r o m the following angles : 1. Accuracy of single t e s t s of the s a m e type. 2. Reproducibility of t e s t s performed a t different times and und'er different conditions. 3 . Agreement between the r e s u l t s of t e s t s in different tunnels. 4. Agreement between the results obtained in tunnels and by full-scale tests. A c c u r a c y a n d r e p r o d u c i b i l i t y of e x p e r i m e n t s . In laboratory t e s t s both random and systematic e r r o r s a r e encountered. Random e r r o r s have a Gaussian distribution 1131. Systematic e r r o r s obey certain laws which can be found and taken into account when the t e s t r e s u l t s a r e being processed. In o r d e r to estimate the c o r r e c t n e s s of the values of the aerodynamic coefficients, which a r e always obtained by indirect measurements, the accuracy of these measurements must be taken into account. , This must be done both when setting up an experiment and designing the experimental equipment and a f t e r the experiment. When setting up the experiment, it is n e c e s s a r y t o consider the effects of random e r r o r s of the different measuring instruments on the accuracy of determining the required characteristic. 'This has already been mentioned i n Chapter II. Here we shall consider specifically the influence
of e r r o r s of the measuring instruments on the accuracy of measuring the power coefficient of a propeller (see Chapter VII)
Comparison of r e s u l t s of t e s t s in s m a l l and in full-scale tunnels permits many questions on the reliability of corrections to be solved. Such comparisons a r e made whenever possible. In this formula the measured magnitudes a r e the propeller resistance torque M , the number of propeller revolutions p e r second n,, and the a i r density p . Using the curve f o r the distribution of e r r o r s , we can express the standard deviation a,, of the measurements of p through the standard deviations of the m.easurements of M I n e , and p , which a r e respectively am, anc and a?. We obtain
2 B --
/(g+(!$+ (2:g
p=0.125mT ,
or, noting that the density p is also determined indirectly by measuring the temperature T and the barometric p r e s s u r e B (see 15):
(We a r e considering measurements in a low-speed tunnel where compressibility effects a r e neglected). We thus obtain
In this expression the random e r r o r s a r e best considered to be the e r r o r s of single measurements, determined by static calibration of the respective instruments. This does not permit conclusions to be drawn on the accuracy of the experiment a s a whole, which depends on the dynamic c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of the instruments, the number of measurements, the variation of with A, etc. Nevertheless, the l a s t expression enables us to estimate the influence of e r r o r s of the different instruments on the total e r r o r up. If all relative e r r o r s were equal, the influence of each on the e r r o r in measuring B would be the s a m e , except for the influence of the e r r o r in measuring the number of revolutions, which would be double the influence of the other e r r o r s . Hence, the tachometer used for measuring the number of propeller revolutions must be m o r e accurate than the other instruments. On the other hand, the relative e r r o r of each measurement i n c r e a s e s when the measured magnitude itself d e c r e a s e s . The t e s t s should therefore be c a r r i e d out in such a way that the measured magnitudes a r e a s l a r g e a s is permitted by the instrument used. F o r instance, if a propeller is tested in a variable-density tunnel, the maximum possible measured torque can be obtained by varying the p r e s s u r e in the tunnel. This method of experimentation is in this c a s e permissible, since the influence of the Reynolds number on the propeller characteristics is s m a l l . The possibility of introducing corrections for systematic e r r o r s has to be considered before the experiment. The magnitude of the remaining systematic e r r o r s which a r e not taken into account and a r e l a t e r treated a s random e r r o r s , has to be determined approximately. After the experiment, the accuracy of the results must be evaluated by the deviations of the experimental points from the most probable line drawn through them.
This line can be drawn by eye or better, by using the method of l e a s t squares (see S29). An important c h a r a c t e r i s t i c of the precision of the experiment is the accuracy of the "single test". Usually the t e s t r e s u l t s a r e presented a s a s e r i e s of curves (e. g., cx = f ( a ) f o r different Mach numbers; B = f(h) f o r different blade angles, etc.). It is very important t o find the deviation of the points f r o m the smoothed curves (which can a r b i t r a r i l y be made by additional measurements of cx, p. etc.) f o r one experiment (single t e s t ) . This is usually done by additional t e s t s , which a r e periodically c a r r i e d out f o r methodological purposes and a r e included in multiple t e s t s of any model. Multiple t e s t s of a model a r e usually performed a f t e r adjusting the tunnel and i t s equipment and developing the experimental method. In o r d e r t o reduce the influence of systematic e r r o r s , these t e s t s should be c a r r i e d out under equal conditions a s r e g a r d s the tunnel, the measuring equipment, and the model, and at s h o r t intervals. The r e s u l t s of each t e s t a r e processed by the s a m e method, and curves plotted. For any value of the argument, the arithmetic mean of the ordinates is then found f o r each measured value. The deviation of the points (for a fixed value of the argument) on each curve f r o m the mean value of the ordinate (for instance pa v= 3) determines the standard deviation of the measuremenl n
o r the probable e r r o r
A typical example of the variation of the probable relative e r r o r !?YO P,v in propeller t e s t s on a B-5 instrument i s shown in Figure 8 . 24. Multiple t e s t s for determining the e r r o r s in single t e s t s a r e in large a e r o dynamic laboratories performed on so-called control models, whose main purpose i s to enable tne reproducibility of test r e s u l t s t o b e verified. T h i s i s a c r i t e r i o n f o r the c o r r e c t n e s s of the experimental techniques and f o r the s t a t e of the measuring equipment and the tunnel, Periodically (usually once a month) the control model i s tested under the s a m e conditions at which the ordinary t e s t s a r e performed. Deviations of the curves f r o m the corresponding c u r v e s , obtained during previous t e s t s of the model, indicate systematic e r r o r s whose c a u s e s can be established from the nature of the differences. Control models a r e usually made from s t e e l or duraluminum, and they a r e very carefully maintained in a proper condition. Results of multiple t e s t s of geometrically s i m i l a r airplane models in different wind tunnels yielded the following standard deviations of the m e a s u r e m e n t s of the aerodynamic coefficients :
The main sources of random e r r o r s in aerodynamic tests a r e inaccuracies, under static conditions, of the measuring equipment (about 20% of the e r r o r s ) , differences in the initial installation of the model in the tunnel (ainsL)(about 30% of the e r r o r s ) , and the nonsteady c h a r a c t e r of the aerodynamic loads (about 50% or' the e r r o r s ) . The random e r r o r s also depend on the aerodynamic properties of the model: f o r high-lift models (large values of the derivative c ) ; the values of ac and am* will be l a r g e ,
FlGURE 8.24. Probable relative error in measurements of rhe power coefficient of a propeller on a 8 - 5 instrument.
The value of acx increases with the especially in the region of cy angle of attack, usually in proportion to fix. The accuracy of determining the absolute values of the aerodynamic coefficients for airplanes, airfoils, etc. by multiple t e s t s varies according to tunnel type and dimensions, flow velocity, relative dimensions of model and tunnel, and balances used. With c o r r e c t l y used equipment and appropriate t e s t methods, the measuring e r r o r s should not exceed the values given on page 4 4 7 . A g r e e m e n t b e t w e e n r e s u l t s of t e s t s i n d i f f e r e n t t u n n e 1 s. Agreement between the r e s u l t s of t e s t s of geometrically s i m i l a r models in different wind tunnels is not only desirable a s additional confirmation of the c o r r e c t n e s s of the experimental techniques applied in the tunnel cqnsidered, but is important for the continuity of t e s t s in different tunnels at various ranges of Re and M. This applies especially to jet a i r c r a f t , rockets, etc. Thus, production of a modern supersonic airplane is preceded by lengthy and systematic experimental r e s e a r c h both in low-speed tunnels (Conditions of take-off and landing, etc.) and in supersonic tunnels (conditions of maximum velocity, etc.). The analysis of the r e s u l t s of such t e s t s
frequently requires comparison and compilation of the aerodynamic c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s determined in different tunnels. Although such comparisons a r e mainly possible for overlapping conditions, (e. g., a t a velocity which is the maximum possible in a low-speed tunnel, the minimum possible in a high-speed tunnel, o r at equal Reynolds numbers when compressibility effects a r e neglected), agreement between the r e s u l t s of t e s t s in different tunnels p e r m i t s the range of investigations to be extended. The possibility of using r e s u l t s obtained in different tunnels p e r m i t s superfluous expensive t e s t s to be avoided in many c a s e s .
1 0
Reef .io+
FlGURE 8.25.
Values of
d c p
diffvrent tIinncls
Verifying the agreement between the r e s u l t s of t e s t s in different tunnels is a complicated, lengthy, and expensive p r o c e s s ; nevertheless, data a r e systematically collected in all aerodynamic laboratories f o r this purpose. For such comparative analysis, the specific conditions under which t h e t e s t s a r e performed in each tunnel must be kept in mind
FIGURE 8.26.
Values of
c y mal
obtained in d i f f a e n t tunnels.
(boundary-layer effects, interference between model and supports, e r r o r s in measuring loads and flow velocity, precision of model, e t c . ) . F i g u r e s 8. 25 to 8. 27 show the r e s u l t s of t e s t s performed in six different wind tunnels, of the principal aerodynamic p r o p e r t i e s of a rectangular Clark-Y section wing having an aspect r a t i o 5.6 and a maximum relative thickness 5 = 11.70/0. The comparison w a s made f o r the following
da, dCY
The effective Reynolds number
cymaxand aEy-O.
where b is the length of the chord, and TF R e c r for sphere in free atmosphere Re cr f o r sphere i n tunnel
FIGURE 8.27. Values o f angle o f zero lift obtained in different runnels.
The c r i t i c a l Reynolds number f o r a s p h e r e in the f r e e atmosphere is usually 385,000. Values of Recr and TF f o r the tunnels compared a r e given in Table 15.
TABLE 15. Comparative characteristics of different tunnels
Number of tunnel
T ype of tunnel
On tunnel axis
Open test section, closed circuit, two returns ducts Ditto Open test section, closed circuit. single return duc. Open test sectioq closed circuit, two returns ducts Ditto Open tesr section, closed circuir, single return duct
1 11
1. 06
350 000
1 10
1.20 2.6
de 2 and cYmaxobtained in
different tunnels agree with an accuracy of 2 t o 370. Figure 8 . 28 shows comparative r e s u l t s of multiple t e s t s of the same model in a tunnel with an open elliptical t e s t section and in a tunnel with a closed c i r c u l a r t e s t section. Noting the agreement between the aerodynamic properties determined in different tunnels, we can a s s u m e that the corrections introduced a r e sufficiently accurate. Thus, f o r instance,
02 0
-a 2
mz 0
-0 I
Figure 8.28. Multipletests of a n airplane model in two different tunnels. 1 -tunnel with open elliptical test section; 2 -tunnel with closed circular test section.
introduced in the velocity measurements f o r the lift effect and the blocking effect a r e appropriate, a s a r e the corrections depending on the angle of attack, the receiver p r e s s u r e , e t c . Comparison of ary=o a s function of the Reynolds number f o r different tunnels shows that the e r r o r s in measuring the angles of attack and the flow inclination in these tunnels do not exceed * O . 1 t o 0.15". Comparisons of different tunnels a r e based not only on the r e s u l t s obtained in t e s t s of models of airplanes, airfoils, p r o p e l l e r s , etc., but a l s o of s p h e r e s . This p e r m i t s tunnels t o be compared according to t h e i r turbulence level. A g r e e m e n t b e t w e e n t u n n e l a n d f u l l - s c a l e t e s t s , The comparison of r e s u l t s of tunnel and full-scale t e s t s is the final stage and the most effective method of evaluating the reIiability of aerodynamic measurements in tunnels. The suitability of any experimental method must be finally proven by testing its r e s u l t s under natural conditions. o n the other hand, modern developments in high-speed j e t planes, rocket technology, etc., make it particularly important t o e n s u r e safety and flight stability of full-scale objects by preliminary testing in wind tunnels.
56 I
Figure 8. 29 shows the r e s u l t s of tests of the NACA RM-IO model in different wind tunnels and in flight, a s functions of the Mach number / 1 4 / . A 1860 long model was tested in a tunnel whose t e s t section measured 2.44mX1.83m. The total drag was measured by a balance. Two models, of 229 and 186 length w e r e tested in a tunnel, whose test section measured 0.23mXO.l9m, by means of strain-gage balances located in the support outside the model. Nine models were tested in flight: five w e r e 3720 and four w e r e 1860 long. The total drag was determined
0 . z
0 TunnelL?Z3.0.t9m2
Re-2.66 lo6
0 . 3 0.2
Coefficient of bottom drag To t a l drag coefficient
1 4
(czb 1
FIGURE 8. 29.
1- model length 3720 mm, i n tunnel: 2 - model length 3720 mm, in flight: 3 - model length 1860 mm, in flight; 4 - model length 1860 mm; in 2.44 m X 1.83 mm tunnel, R e = 30X106.
f r o m the deceleration of the models (after burn-out of the gunpowder rockets inserted in them) by means of the Dopplereffect, r a d a r , and telemetering equipment. The ground p r e s s u r e was determined a s the difference between the p r e s s u r e beneath the model and the static p r e s s u r e in the nondisturbed flow, multiplied by the bottom a r e a of the model. Despite the differences in tunnels, models, measuring devices, etc., comparison of the r e s u l t s of these experiments showed that t e s t s of a model in a tunnel p e r m i t the aerodynamic properties of the full-scale object t o be sufficiently accurately predicted under flight conditions.
1. P a n k h u r s t , R . C . and D . W . H o l d e r . Wind T u M d Technique (an account of experimental methods in low- and high-speed wind tunnels). - Pitman, London. 1952. [Russian translation. 1955. ] 2.
G I a u e r t ,H. Wind Tunnel Interference on Wings, Bodies and Airscrews. - R . and M. 1 9 6 6 . 1933.
L o c k , C. N . H. The Interference of Wind Tunnel on a Symmetrical Body. - R. and M. 1275. 1 9 2 9 .
4. 5.
G 1 a u e r t , H. The Interference of a Wind Tunnel on a Symmetrical Body.--. and M. 1544. 1933. T h o m , A . Blockage Corrections and Choking in the RAE High-speed Tunnel.- R. and M. 2033. 1943.
6. A 11e n , H. I. and W. G. V i n c e n t i. Wall Interference i n a TwoDimensional Flow Wind Tunnel with Consideration of the Effect of Compressibility. - NASA, T. R. 782. 1944.
7. V i n c e n t i , W. G. and D. I. G r a h a m . The Effect of Wall Interference upon the Aerodynamic Characteristics of a n Aerofoil Spanning a Closed Throat C i r c u l a r Wind Tunnel. - NASA, A. C. R. 5D21. 1945; T.R. 849. 1946.
8. B a t c h e 1o r ,G. K. Interference on Wings, Rodies and Airscrews in a Closed Tunnel of Octagonal Section.- ASA 5. 1944. 9. Y o u n g ,A. D. and H. B. S q u i r e Blockage Corrections in a Closed Rectangular Tunnel: Part I. Simple Approximate Formulae f o r General Application. - R. and M., 1984. 1945.
10. P r a n d t 1, L. D e r Einfluss des Kennwertes auf d i e Luftkrafte von Tragflugeln. - Ergebnisse d e r Aerodynamischen Versuchsanstalt zu Gottingen, Vol. 1, No. 54. 1920. 1 1 . G 1a u e r t , H. Osnovy t e o r i i kryl'ev i vinta 4Fundamentals of the Theory of Wings and A i r s c r e w s ) [Russian Title of Translator]. GNTI, Moscow-Leningrad. 1931. 12. M a i r ,W. A. and H. E. G a m b 1e . The Effect of Model Size on Measurements in the High-speed Tunnel. Part I. Drag of TwoDimensional Symmetrical Aerofoils at Z e r o Incidence. - R. and M. 2527. 1944. 13 M a 1i k o v , M. F. Osnovy metrologii, Ch. I. uchenie ob i z m e r e n i i (Fundamentals of Metrology. Part I. Theory of Measurements). Komitet PO delam mer i izmeritel'nykh priborov p r i Sovete Ministrov SSSR, Moscow. 1949. E v a n s ,A. I. The Zero-Lift Drag of a Slender Body of Revolution (NASA RM-10 r e s e r c h model) as Determined f r o m T e s t s in Several Wind Tunnels and a Flight at Supersonic Speeds.Report NASA, 1160. 1954.
There a r e two types of automatic computers in modern computer technology, analog and digital. Analog computers receive signals f r o m measuring instruments a s continuous, changing, physical values, most often a s electrical voltages. By operating on these values, called analog signals, the computers produce signals whose values a r e proportional to the sought function of the measured values and various p a r a m e t e r s . There a r e analog computers accepting signals f r o m measuring instruments, and practically instantaneously processing and giving the computed r e s u l t s . In comparison with digital computers, analog computers a r e l e s s accurate, but they a r e suitable f o r inserting initial data during
t e s t s (for instance, inserting the values of aerodynamical coefficients from a balance t e s t of the model without taking into account the influence of suspensions, interference, etc.). During the l a s t 1 0 y e a r s , electronic computers have been used f o r processing experimental data, Notwithstanding the fact that electronic digital computers a r e expensive and require complex s y s t e m s f o r converting the measurements into digital form, they a r e used in most l a r g e modern aerodynamic l a b o r a t o r i e s . A s t h e r e is a l a r g e amount of l i t e r a t u r e on the u s e of electronic computers (see, f o r instance, / l / , / 2 / ) , only the main principles of t h e i r operation, necessary f o r understanding the methods of preparing the measured r e s u l t s f o r feeding t o the computers, a r e explained h e r e . Electronic digital computers consist of the following main p a r t s : 1 ) arithmetic unit, f o r operating on digits; 2) memory, f o r reception, storage, and output of the digits; 3 ) control unit, f o r controlling the automatic operation of the computer; 4 ) data input and output device, (Figure 9. 1). The process of solving a problem on the computer, a s with
Signals to
Output of results
Input device
manual calculations, consists of doing a c e r t a i n s e r i e s of operations on the initial digits. Each operation i s c a r r i e d out by the computer when acted upon by a special instruction signal. The sequence of the instruction signRls is called the program of operation of the computer. The instructions of the program a r e put into the computer in code and a r e stored in the memory a s words. Each instruction word is divided into s e v e r a l p a r t s having different functional purposes. One p a r t , called the operation, determines the type of operation which must be made by the computer. Another p a r t , called the address, shows where the words a r e stored on which the operation must be made, and where the r e s u l t must be s e n t In addition t o arithmetic instructions, t h e r e a r e instructions necessary f o r the automatic operation of the computer. The program for each problem is made beforehand and is fed into the computer together with the basic data.
When processing basic data recorded on paper, the data a r e a t f i r s t t r a n s f e r r e d by the operator (manually, with push-button devices), to punch c a r d s , punch tape, or magnetic tape. F r o m the l a t t e r , these data a r e automatically t r a n s f e r r e d to the computer memory. Modern wind tunnels a r e equipped with instruments f o r recoring the measured data on punch cards, punch tapes, or magnetic tapes without the participation of the operator, and even f o r t r a n s f e r r i n g them directly to the memory of the computer. The output of the computed r e s u l t s f r o m the computer is made in r e v e r s e o r d e r , A puncher connected t o the computer r e c o r d s the result on punch c a r d s o r paper tapes. At the s a m e time these data can be tabulated by special electric typewriters. In electronic digital computers, the binary s y s t e m is used to represent numbers and instructions. This s y s t e m requires only two digits, 0 and 1 . The main advantage of the binary system is the possibility of using a physical device having only two stable conditions, i . e . , a device using the most simple principle of operation, on and off. Such devices a r e , f o r instance, electromechanical o r electronic r e l a y s . One stable condition of the relay (for instance, energized) denotes a 1 and the other a 0. Each relay can s t o r e only one bit of a binary number. In o r d e r to s t o r e a number consisting of s e v e r a l bits, a corresponding number of relays is required. The main cell for s h o r t - t e r m storage of a bit is a fast-acting electronic relay. Electromechanical relays a r e thousands of times slower than electronic relays but a r e used in devices which convert analog signals f r o m the measuring instrument to digital values for recording them on punch c a r d s o r paper tape. The numbers (represented by the binary digits 0 and 1 ) a r e represented by definite punched holes on the card o r tape. The punched position indicates a 1 in the number, whereas an unpunched position r e p r e s e n t s a 0 . In new wind tunnels, the measured data a r e processed both in s e r i e s and parallel. When using the parallel method all the measured data a r e fed directly to the input of the computer. The final processed result comes in tabulated f o r m or graphs, giving the aerodynamic coefficients on an x - y plotter, r e f e r r e d t o desired coordinate axes, and a r e cbtained during the experiment. The s e r i a l method p r o c e s s e s the measured r e s u l t s , a t the end of the experiment, and i s used in aerodynamical laboratories having computing centers equipped with general-purpose computers. Data processing on such computers, which a r e usually situated some distance from the wind tunnels take up only a very small part of the working t i m e . However, the processed results f r o m these computers become available t o the experimenter only a f t e r a certain period of time. The output of the processed r e s u l t s i s considerably speeded up when using the digital convertors described below. In wind tunnels not equipped with digital computers operating during the experiments, simple analog computing devices a r e sometimes used, which give the operator the opportunity, during the experiment, to cancel bad measurements before they a r e fed to the complex computing p r o c e s s . When t h e r e a r e no methods of supervising the experiment, bad o r unreliable data must be checked by additional experiments a f t e r the f i r s t s e r i e s of experiments has veen processed. This causes considerable delays between the beginning of a s e r i e s of experiments and the giving out of the r e s u l t s .
Wind-tunnel experiments consist of measuring a l a r g e number of different p a r a m e t e r s . Thus, f o r instance, when testing an airplane model on six-component balances, the following values must be measured: t h r e e components of force, t h r e e components of moment, the full and static p r e s s u r e in the working p a r t , and the braking temperature. Sometimes, additional p a r a m e t e r s a r e measured, f o r instance, the hinge moments of the control organs, and the p r e s s u r e a t different points on the model and walls of the tunnel. These a r e necessary f o r inserting suitable corrections when subsequctly computing the dynamic coefficients. One experimental point when testing the model is calculating a s e r i e s of the above-mentioned values a t the moment when these quantities are constant. Simultaneously, the p a r a m e t e r s given by the experimenter must be calculated, f o r instance, the angle of attack and the angle of slip. The r e s u l t s of one t e s t (or a s is often said, one blowing of the model) con,cist of a number of experimental points received with one independent parameter, f o r instance, angle of attack o r s t r e a m velocity. Testing an airplane o r a rocket in a wind tunnel consists of s e v e r a l series of t e s t s , f o r example: a s e r i e s of t e s t s according t o velocity, according t o the angle of installation of the control s u r f a c e s , with a model having di.fferent geometrical p a r a m e t e r s , e t c . Thus, the full testing cycle of an airplane model consists of l a r g e numbers of measurements, whose total can reach thousands. Other types of experiments a r e no l e s s labor-consuming as, f o r instance, testing a s e r i e s of wing o r propeller profiles. When testing turbojet engines in wind tunnels, the principal parameters measured a r e p r e s s u r e and temperature. Sometimes hundreds of values a r e recorded in one readoff, and a full cycle of t e s t s can contain several thousand measurements. The manual recording of m e t e r readings is connected with subjective e r r o r s and e r r o r s caused by nonsimultaneous read-downs f r o m different instruments. To reduce e r r o r s and t o speed up experiments, the indications of the s e p a r a t e balances and instruments a r e r e a d down by different operators according t o an audio o r visual signal f r o m the chief operator. This method is used a t present only in wind tunnels with very low loads. To improve the utilization of modern powerful tunnels, the accuracy and speed of experiments are incrcased by automatically recording all the measured values. T h e r e a r e two possible methods of automatically recording primary measurements: 1) graphically; 2 ) numerically, By observing graphically recorded data, the senior experimenter can easily find any maladjustment in the measuring system or tunnel. F r o m the tendency and shape of the curve, the experimenter can then plan the next p a r t of the experiment. The use of graphs f o r f u r t h e r computation is connected with additional e r r o r s and loss of time when measuring and recomputing the coordinates into digital f o r m . For this reason, graphs a r e very seldom used f o r p r i m a r y measurements in modern wind tunnels, but r a t h e r , digital forms of recording data. However, a s the possibility of observing the process of the experiment f r o m graphs is very important, many wind tunnels use, in addition t o digital devices, all s o r t s of automatic graph r e c o r d e r s , placed on a panel before the senior experimenter. It is particularly useful
llIll Il1Il 1
to use graphs if, instead of recording the p r i m a r y measured data, the values of dimensionless coefficients automatically computed during the experiment a r e recorded.
__ _ _ _ .
Wind tunnel
Long-term memory
no., etc.
of dimensionless coefficients final data
FIGURE 9.2. Typical arrangement for automatic data recording and processing in a wind tunnel. T- uansducers; C automatic compensators; D- digital converters; V visual display.
Digital data in wind tunnels a r e recorded using two operations. The f i r s t operation i s the conversion of the measured signals into digital or binary form; the second operation is the storing of the numbers representing the measured values in a s h o r t - t e r m memory (register), f r o m which the digits a r e rewritten onto special forms. Columns of decimal numbers a r e printed on these forms after passing through simple manual calculators. The p r i m a r y data a r e recorded in digital code on punch c a r d s , paper tapes, o r magnetic tapes f o r processing in an electric computer. A simplified block diagram of a typical automatic data recording and processing s y s t e m in a wind tunnel is shown in Figure 9 . 2 . The physical data a r e m e a s u r e d b y transducers with automatic compensators, converted by means of digital converters into digita1 form, and a r e then fed v i a a r e g i s t e r to a long-term memory, which records these numbers on punch c a r d s , paper tape, or magnetic tape.
In addition to the measured data, some auxiliary quantities a r e recorded (for instance, the point number, record number, model number, etc.). The punch c a r d s a r e put into the computer which makes all the n e c e s s a r y computations according t o a given program, which is usually recorded on punch c a r d s . The computed data a r e punched out by the computer onto punch c a r d s or paper tape. These data a r e t r a n s f e r r e d t o a printer which prints the r e s u l t s in the tabulated form, or to a plotter. Very often, the physical values measured during t e s t s , such a s l i n e a r and angular movements and voltages, must be converted into digital f o r m . Thus, f o r example, compensating instruments (automatic lever -type balances, automatic bridges and potentiometers) have a s the output signal t h e angular movement of a shaft. Strain gages, resistance t h e r m o m e t e r s , and thermocouples inserted into an unbalanced bridge produce signals in the f o r m of voltages.
The simplest device for continuously registering angular movements in digital form is a mechanical counter, consisting of a s y s t e m of wheels numbered from 0 to 9. The lowest o r d e r wheel of the registered number is fixed directly to the shaft of the counter, and the digits on it represent
Paper tape
tenths of a turn of the shaft. When this wheel makes one rotation, the wheel of the next o r d e r is pushed ahead by a s t e p change of 0.1 turn. Thus, the number of turns made can be read off the counter a s a decimal number to 0.1 of a rotation. Decimal counters a r e suitable, in most c a s e s , f o r the maximum number of turns made by the balancing motor of an instrument. This can r e a c h hundreds of t u r n s , a s in automatic lever-type balances. The indications on the counters can be recorded using decimal wheels with protruding numbers and an electromagnetic device, a s shown in Figure 9 . 3 . Such a device is used f o r recording the indications of automatic bridges in s t r e s s balances.
A multichannel digital p r i n t e r (Figure 9. 4) is used f o r recording simultaneously the indications of a l l instruments when testing a model with mechanical wind-tunnel balances.
This device has 11 counters connected by selsyn t r a n s m i t t e r s t o the balancing servomotors of the measuring instrument, and one counter f o r recording the read-down number. The recording i s made by printing the digital indications of a l l 1 1 counters in one row on a wide paper tape. At the s a m e time, electrical pulses can be f e d t o a puncher f o r storing the data on cards. The selsyn r e c e i v e r s a r e synchronized with the selsyn t r a n s m i t t e r s of the measuring instrument by visible counters installed in the upper p a r t of the synchronizing mechanism and rotating synchronously with the built-in counters. A device whose simplified diagram is shown in Figure 9. 5 c o n s i s t s of special counters where the decimal wheels a r e replaced by spiral-type c a m s , a printing mechanism, a pulse feeding mechanism driving a puncher, and a distribution mechanism. The edge of the spiral-type can (1) is formed of 1 0 equidistant radial s t e p s . During read-down, the ends of l e v e r s (2) a r e pressed onto these s t e p s . The l e v e r s t u r n about point 0, through which p a s s e s a shaft common to a l l the l e v e r s . The number of levers f o r each counter equals the number of decimal wheels on +t, A printing s e c t o r (4), on whose periphery protrude numbers 0 t o 9, is connected by hinged link (3) to each l e v e r . When measuring, the shaft of the counter, with the aid of selsyn r e c e i v e r (5), r o t a t e s synchronously with the shaft of the balancing device of the measuring instrument.
A read-down is made by depressing a print push-button switching on motor (6). The motor, via a c a m distribution mechanism (7), f i r s t lowers all l e v e r s t o the corresponding s p i r a l c a m s (1). Simultaneously, the printing s e c t o r s (4) a r e turned by an angle corresponding t o the radius of the protrusion on the s p i r a l cam, on which is p r e s s e d the given l e v e r . The digits of the s e c t o r s , equal to the digits in each of the decimal protusions of the counter, a r e placed opposite the c e n t e r of rubber r o l l e r ( 8) . A s the l e v e r s (2) turn, the toothed s e c t o r (9) closes contact ( l o ) , which sends pulses to the puncher. The number of pulses equals the number recorded on the counter. The distribution mechanism then f r e e s s t r i k e r ( l l ) , which under the action of p r e s t r e s s e d spring (12) s t r i k e s the base of all the printing s e c t o r s . The l a t t e r , moving by inertia, s t r i k e the rubber r o l l e r , making an impression by means of copying paper on paper tape (13). The r e g i s t e r s a r e placed in one r o w , and therefore one s t r i k e of rod (11) on the tape prints the indications of a l l the measuring instruments a s four digit numbers. The angle of attack and the read-down number a r e recorded by t h r e e - o r d e r counters. The read-down number on the counter changes automatically with each measurement,
L- -
FIGURE 6. 5. Arrangement of a printing device. 1spirals; 2 -counting levers; 3 - rods turning the printing sectors; 4- printing sectors; 5- selsyn receivers; 6- motor; I- distributor; 8- rubber roller; 9- toothed sectors; 1 0 -contact: 11 - striker: 12 - force-spring; 13 - paper tape.
F i g u r e 9 . 6 shows a block diagram of a s y s t e m f o r recording measurements in a high-speed wind tunnel using mechanical balances with automatic lever-type balancing elements. A digital p r i n t e r (2) is installed on the left side of the control panel (3). On the right hand side of the panel is concentrated the equipment controlling the units of t h e tunnel
57 1
and t h e i r operation. In the center is a graph r e c o r d e r (5), an indicator displaying the Mach number of the s t r e a m (4), and an angle-of-attack indicator (6). This placing of the display instruments enables the experiment to be overseen by 2 operators, one f o r recording the m e a s u r e m e n t s while the other changes the conditions in the tunnel, A panel (7), containing the selsyn r e c e i v e r s of the automatic balancing elements, i s placed inside the desk, under the printer. The balancing elements m e a s u r e six components of the forces on a wind-tunnel balance (l), the static p r e s s u r e p in the working part of the tunnel, and the p r e s s u r e drop AI) between the working part and the forechamber. In addition, the selsyn r e c e i v e r s of the automatic balance a r e installed on panel (7). This bridge m e a s u r e s the s t r e a m temperature with a resistance thermometer, Another selsyn receiver is connected to the mechanism changing the angle of attack.
FIGURE 9,6. Recording measurements i n a wind tunnel having mechanical balances. 1-windtunnel balance with lever-type balancing elements; 2-printer: 3-COntrOl panel; 4-visual display of the Mach number of the stream; 5 - ch ar t recorder; 6-angle-of-attack indicator; 1selsyn receivers; 8- analog devices for measuring t h e Mach number of the stream; 9-puncher.
A l l the selsyns a r e connected with the input shafts of the c a m s and display counters of the printer. The analog computing device (8) for automatically determining, during the process, the Mach number of the s t r e a m , the velocity p r e s s u r e Q , and one of the wind-tunnel coefficients
Rheostat Digital
( f o r instance. cz), is connected to the instruments for measuring p ~p and Q with the aid of parallel selsyns. The computed values of cX a r e recorded on a graph r e c o r d e r a s a function of the computed values of the Mach N u 111ber of lecima Hinary I l e flec red number. The puncher ( 9 ) can be path nuniber code umber 1 installed next t o the desk o r in the 00 000000 000000 computing c e n t e r . 01 000001 02 000010 In fast-acting measuring compensa03 OOOO!~ amo tion instruments electromechanical 04 000100 0001ID 05 OOOlOl OOO!ll o r electronic devices a r e used instead 06 0001!0 OOOlOl of meclianical r e g i s t e r s . These convert 07 000111 OOOlDD 08 001000 the angle t o a binary coded number, OOl!OO 09 aoioai ooim suitable for input t o eIectronic digital IO 0010!0 OOllll 11 OOlOl1 computers. An example of a simple 001110 12 001IO0 00!010 electromechanical converter f o r 13 001101 OOlO!l 14 001110 001001 converting the angular position of a 15 001111 OLYODD shaft is a device (Figure 9. 7 ) used in 16 010000 011000 17 0!0001 OllOOl English wind tunnels for reading down 18 010010 OllO!l digitally the indications of strain-gage 19 OlOOll OllOlO 20 OlOlOO 011110 wind-tunnel baiances 1 3 1 . The output OlOlOl O!lllI shaft of the instrument b e a r s a OlOllO 23 OlO!!l switching (coding) d i s k consisting of 24 01 1000 010100 25 a number of concentric rings with OllOOl OlOlOl olioin 26 oioiii conducting and non-conducting segments. 27 OllOll OlO!lO 28 c:mo aioaio A separate brush slides on each ring, OlOOlI 29 O!llO! and responds t o a definite binary bit. 30 O!OOOl 011110 31 Olllll 010000 The brush wiping a conducting segment 110000 32 produces an e l e c t r i c a l pulse, 1i0001 33 representing a 1, while the brush wiping I 1 I I 1 a non-conducting segment represents FIGURE 9. 8. Reflected binary code and the cora 0 in the binary code. To obtain a responding position of the path on rhc codingdirk. read-out capability equal t o 0.001 of a complete rotation of the shaft, i t is n e c e s s a r y t o have 1 0 rings, which allows the circumference to be divided by 2l0 = 1 0 2 4 p a r t s . When a decimal number changes by one unit, the digits in a usual binary number change in s e v e r a l o r d e r s (see the f i r s t two columns of Figure 9.8).
~ ~
0 O ; l :
To i n c r e a s e the operational reliability of the converter, the segments on the coding disk a r e placed s o as to produce a reflected binary code, a s shown in the third column of Figure 9.8. This code differs f r o m the normal binary code in that in each subsequent number the digit changes in only one o r d e r , thus reducing the possibility of an e r r o r in read-down. The fourth column of Figure 9. 8 shows the layout of a six-bit coding disk. The darkened segments a r e the conducting ones. Numbers, r e a d off f r o m a coding disk, coded according t o the reflected binary code, a r e not suitable f o r further u s e in electronic computers and must be converted t o normal binary codes. F o r conversion, switching devices consisting of electromagnetic r e l a y s a r e switched into the brush c i r c u i t s of the coding disk (Figure 9. 9).
Coding disk
When a brush makes contact with a conducting s e c t o r , corresponding t o a 1 in the reflected binary code, the coil of the relay is energized, opening one contact and closing another. Each bit of the natural binary number has a definite output terminal. Binary ones in the natural binary number correspond to those output t e r m i n a l s where a positive voltage appears. Thus, for instance, when the position of the brushes corresponds to decimal number 27, the r e l a y s of the second, third, and fifth bits of the reflected code a r e energized, and this is r e a d off f r o m the disk in reflected code as 0010110. The contacts of these r e l a y s feed a positive voltage to the output terminals of the first, second, fourth and fifth b i t s of the natural binary numbers and f r o m the relays is read off number 001101 1 in the natural binary system, i. e., number 27 in the decimal s y s t e m .
5 74
. . .
This relay converter s e r v e s at the s a m e time as a s h o r t - t e r m memory (register). The measured values a r e stored in a long-term memory (the machine f o r punching c a r d s ) during a period of time necessary for providing stabilized conditions in the s t r e a m before the next read-down. During the read-down of the r e g i s t e r by the long-term memory, the balancing motors of the compensating instruments can be either stationary o r rotating, watching the changing conditions. The second method is better, a s it reduces measuring time. To make this method possible, the relay r e g i s t e r is equipped with an additional blocking contact, which maintains the c u r r e n t s in the r e l a y circuits until the next read-down.
Digital conversion of voltages An example of the digital measurement of voltages is the decade a. c. compensator described in Chapter VI. The voltage measured a c r o s s the diagonal of the transducer bridge (Figure 6 . 5 8 ) is read off a s a decimal
-kReference - voltage
Tti"3Tt -400 20
100 40
1 0
- -
Compensating Amplifier
+ Measured voltage
number with the aid of a mechanical counter connected to the shaft of the balancing motor of the compensator. In the s y s t e m shown in Figure 9. 7 the measured voltage f r o m the compensating instrument is f i r s t converted into an angular shaft position. The angular position is then converted by a coding disk into digital form. There a r e systems where the voltages a r e digitally measured without conversion into angular motion. The advantage of these systems is t h e i r considerable increase in speed of operation. This is achieved by replacing the balancing motor by a s y s t e m of electromechanical o r contactless r e l a y s .
A circuit diagram of a high-speed digital potentiometer is shown in Figure 9.10, This s y s t e m was developed by the Lewis Aeronautical Laboratory (NASA) f o r the multipoint measurement of thermocouple signals, but is also suitable for measuring signals f r o m s t r a i n gages / 4 / . The instrument is designed for measuring voltages ranging f r o m 0-10 and 0-40 millivolts in 72 channels during 48 seconds. The temperature is read by comparing a compensating voltage with the measured voltage. The difference between these voltages is amplified, and the output voltage f r o m the amplifier is used f o r changing the compensating voltage until it equals the measured voltage. Twelve fast-acting r e l a y s switch on 1 2 r e s i s t o r s in the compensating circuit, f o r balancing the potentiometer. The figures in Figure 9 . 1 0 denote the current in m i c r o a m p e r e s passing through the corresponding r e s i s t o r s when the relay contacts, in s e r i e s with the r e s i s t o r s , close. The sum of these c u r r e n t s p a s s through a 10ohm r e s i s t o r for producing the compensating voltage. Different r e l a y switching combinations give any compensating voltage between 0 and 9.99 millivolts in steps of 0.01 millivolts. To obtain the necessary voltage balance, the r e s i s t o r s a r e switched f r o m left to right by a step selector incorporated in a circuit consisting of 12 thyratrons. Immediately after the f i r s t [selector] contact is closed, the r e l a y contacts to the input of the amplifier a r e broken, giving a positive pulse if the balancing voltage is l e s s than the unknown voltage, and a negative pulse i f it is g r e a t e r than the unknown voltage. A positive pulse f i r e s the thyratron connected by the selector to the output of the amplifier, and switches in via an intermediate relay the f i r s t r e s i s t o r . If the balancing voltage is g r e a t e r than the unknown voltage, the first thyratron is not fired and a s the switch p a s s e s to the next contact, the f i r s t relay remains d e energized. The s a m e process takes place for each of the 1 2 steps. At the end of the cycle, s o m e thyratrons a r e conducting, the contacts of the relays connected with them a r e closed, and the potentiometer is balanced. The voltage is read f r o m the conducting or nonconducting condition of each of the 1 2 thyratrons, which s e r v e a s a r e g i s t e r . The relay in the plate circuit of the thyratron gives the information to a paper-tape puncher. For the puncher to be operated constantly, two thyratron assemblies a r e provided, one for obtaining the information f r o m the potentiometer, and the second for simultaneously transmitting to the puncher the information received in the previous read-down. The thermocouples a r e switched successively into the circuit via a separate step selector switch. Figure 9.11 shows the simplified block diagram of the system. The moment the amplifier transmits the information to the upper thyratrons, the lower thyratron r e g i s t e r transmits to the relay r e g i s t e r the information recorded during the previous read-down. The information in the r e g i s t e r s is erased by momentarily shorting the plate supply voltage of the thyratrons, thereby enabling the lower r e g i s t e r to receive new information f r o m the amplifier. The relay r e g i s t e r decodes the information recorded on the thyratron r e g i s t e r a s a 1, 2, 2, 4 code into a natural binary code. The p r o g r a m m e r transmits to the tape, in the necessary sequence, the information f r o m the relay r e g i s t e r and f r o m the channel coder. The channel coder punches on the tape the number of the channel corresponding t o the given read-down.
Method of dynamic compensation Another method of digital conversion is t o compare the measured value with a compensating value changing linearly with time. The compensating value is given a s a s u m of a c e r t a i n number of pulses, each corresponding to a given interval of change in the measured value. Usually f the measuring this interval is taken equal to the resolving capability o instrument. The number of intervals corresponding ( t o an accuracy of 1 interval) t o the measured value a r e r e a d off by an electronic pulse counter and recorded in a memory device (for instance on a magnetic tape or drum).
Source o f
Tape puncher
FIGURE 9. 11. System for transmitting data from a n automatic potentiometer to a puncher.
An example of a dynamic compensation s y s t e m f o r measuring voltage is given in Figure 9. 1 2 . The voItage f r o m one of the t r a n s d u c e r s (2) is fed through amplifier ( 3 ) to z e r o indicator (4), which i s supplied with a saw-tooth voltage from saw-tooth voltage generator ( 1 0 ) . The generator is s t a r t e d by a pulse f r o m control circuit (1). Z e r o indicator (4) compares the amplified voltage u , f r o m amplifier ( 3 ) with the momentary saw-tooth voltage u 2 . When voltage 11, and u2 a r e equal, the z e r o indicator produces a pulse, which is fed t o gate (5) and data output pulse generator ( 6 ) . Until a pulse appears f r o m the z e r o indicator (4), gate (5) is s e t by a control pulse t o a s t a t e where clock pulses f r o m generator (9) pass through the gate t o 5 ) , binary counter (8). A puise f r o m the z e r o indicator (4) closes gate ( inhibiting the passage of these pulses t o counter (8). A t the s a m e time, the s a m e pulse f r o m z e r o indicator (4) s t a r t s data output generator ( 6 ) f o r transmitting the pulses recorded by counter (8) to the memory device (7), and subsequently r e s e t s the counter to zero. When the next control pulse appears the saw-tooth generator (10) s t a r t s again, gate (5) p a s s e s clockpulses to counter (8), and the measuring cycle is repeated. Thus the number of pulses recorded by counter (8) is proportional t o the voltage f r o m t r a n s d u c e r (2). The recording in the long-term
memory (7) takes place between two measurements. Each pulse corresponds t o a known s m a l l interval of voltage, and therefore knowing the total number of pulses, it is easy t o determine the measured voltage.
FIGURE 9. 12. System for measuring a voltage as a number of pulses. 1-control circuit: 2 - transducers; 3 - amplifiers; 4- zero indicator; 5-gate; 6 -d a t a output pulse generator; 7- long-term memory; 8- electronic counter; 9 clock-pulse generator; 10- sawtooth voltage generator; 11- scanner.
The electronic binary counter consists of s e r i e s -connected cells (triggers) each corresponding t o a binary bit. The on condition of each cell r e p r e s e n t s a 1, while the off condition r e p r e s e n t s a 0. A s pulses a r e fed t o the input of the counter, they a r e transmitted f r o m one cell to the other, changing t h e i r condition in a s e t sequence. The number of pulses sent t o the counter can be read off f r o m the s t a t e of the cells. Thus, for instance, if an on c e l l is represented by a dark rectangle and
d 0
d 0
d 0
d 0
an off c e l l by a white one, then the display of the binary counter, a s shown schematically in Figure 9 . 1 3 , will be 10011101101, i. e., the decimal number 1261. F o r multipoint measurement, it is not required t o count
the number of pulses in each measuring channel with s e p a r a t e electronic counters. Due t o their high speed of operation, one counter can successively count the number of pulses in each channel and give this number as a binary code to a long- t e r m memory for input to a computor. With a clock-pulse frequency of lo6 cycles, it is possible by dynamic computation to record on magnetic tape, during one second, 1000 values to an accuracy of 0.1%. To accomplish this, a high-speed electronic switch (11) should be placed a t the amplifier input (Figure 9 . 1 2 ) . Electromechanical switches can be used for measuring up to 1 0 0 channels p e r second.
The pulse method was specially developed in the Lewis Aeronautical Laboratory, NASA (U.S.A.), where s e v e r a l thousand measurements a r e made daily in wind tunnels designed for testing turbojet engines. In this laboratory, multipoint measurements a r e made by comparing with one common compensating p r e s s u r e , which is cyclically changed f r o m z e r o to maximum. The compensatingpressure, in its turn, is accurately measured by one of two methods: 1) with the aid of a compensating manometer producing a pulse train, each pulse corresponding t o a fixed s m a l l interval of movement of the manometer balancing element, or, which is the s a m e , to a fixed interval of change in p r e s s u r e 1 5 1 ; 2) by using equipment providing a p r e s s u r e changing linearly with time. In this case, the number of pulses generated by a clock-pulse generator during
a n interval of time a r e counted. These r e p r e s e n t change in p r e s s u r e f r o m a fixed initial value up t o the measured quantity 161, An arrangement for measuring p r e s s u r e using the first method is shown in Figure 9.14. The p r i m a r y p r e s s u r e measuring element is p r e s s u r e switch with a sensitive diaphragm (1) (Figure 5.56, Chapter V). For simplicity, only one switch is shown in the figure, but the actual number equals the number of p r e s s u r e s measured. The measured p r e s s u r e pi is applied t o one side of the diaphragm. The other side of the diaphragm is connected with r e s e r v o i r (21, in which is created a varying compensating p r e s s u r e . Initially, a vacuum is created in r e s e r v o i r (2). A s the measured p r e s s u r e is g r e a t e r than the p r e s s u r e in the r e s e r v o i r , the diaphragm is deflected and closes an electrical contact. The r e s e r v o i r is connected t o an a c c u r a t e manometer, which sends electrical pulses, with increasing p r e s s u r e in the r e s e r v o i r , t o a circuit closed through the diaphragm. Each pulse corresponds t o an i n c r e a s e in p r e s s u r e of 0.25 m m Hg. The pulses a r e counted until the p r e s s u r e in the r e s e r v o i r equals the measured p r e s s u r e . At this moment, the diaphragm opens i t s contact, and the pulses stop reaching the counter which is connected to the diaphragm. The measured p r e s s u r e in mm Hg is eqaul t o 0.25 r i , where r i is the number of recorded pulses. The p r e s s u r e in the r e s e r v o i r continues to r i s e to a value slightly higher than the highest measured p r e s s u r e , after which a vacuum is again created in the r e s e r v o i r . A measuring cycle l a s t s 1 0 seconds. A null-instrument is used for measuring the compensating p r e s s u r e and f o r sending pulses. It consists of a bellows (3), whose movable cover is connected with two flat cantilevered springs (4), and a differential t r a n s f o r m e r (5), sensitive to movements of up t o 0.00025 mm. A s the p r e s s u r e i n c r e a s e s in the r e s e r v o i r , the cover of the bellows and the cantilevered springs move upward. A s a result, a signal is induced in t r a n s f o r m e r (51, which is amplified in amplifier (6), giving a voltage t o servomotor (7). The l a t t e r r o t a t e s micrometric s c r e w (8). Nut (9) moves support (1O ) , on which a r e fixed springs (41, until the force exerted by the springs equals the p r e s s u r e on the cover of the bellows. This is c a r r i e d out with the aid of 1 1) and (12), which form, together with the moving support (1 O), a levers ( parallelogram. This arrangement moves support (10) towards the bellows by about the amount of deformation of the spring, and prevents the bellows f r o m moving sideways. A piston (13) relieves nut (9) f r o m the forces acting on the bellows. Servomotor (7) r o t a t e s the micrometric s c r e w through a pair of g e a r wheels. The gear wheel on the axis of the s c r e w has 180 teeth. The stiffness of springs (4), the a r e a of bellows (31, the transmission r a t i o of lever (111, and the pitch of the s c r e w a r e chosen in such a way that a turn of the s c r e w by 2" corresponds t o a change in p r e s s u r e of 0.25 m m Hg. Each of the 180 teeth of the g e a r wheel, when turning, interrupts a r a y of light between s o u r c e (14) and photoelement (1 5). Figure 9.15 shows a block diagram of a p r e s s u r e r e c o r d e r , the measured p r e s s u r e s p,, .. ., p,, a r e fed by tubes to the diaphragm heads. The electrical p u k e s generated by the photoelements of p r e s s u r e m e t e r (3) a r e fed simultaneously via the closed contacts of all the diaphragm heads (2) t o the recording heads (4) of a s h o r t - t e r m magnetic memory. The and a length of l a t t e r is a bronze drum with an external diameter of 300" 100". During the changing p r e s s u r e cycle in the r e s e r v o i r , the drum
rotates uniformly. Recordings a r e made by magnetizing the ferromagnetic coating on the surface of the drum which is at the given moment under the recording head. The clearance between the recording head and drum s u r f a c e is 0.025".
Pz =
P1 1
Short-term memory
Throttling valve
The recording head is an open permalloy c o r e , wound with a coil having a s m a l l number of t u r n s (to reduce inductance). During the passage of a pulse, a field is created in the c o r e gap which magnetizes the f e r r o magnetic coating. The recording heads a r e uniformly placed around the drum in 21 rows with 5 heads in each row. Thus, the drum can r e c o r d p r e s s u r e f r o m 105 measuring channels. The pulses a r e recorded on 8 5 % of the circumference of the drum a s s e p a r a t e t r a c k s f o r each measured p r e s s u r e . The maximum number of pulses is 400. The d r u m has two speeds: a low speed of one rotation p e r 1 2 seconds for recording pulses; a high speed of 1 . 5 s e c p e r revolution f o r reading down the pulses f r o m the drum to the electronic counter. The counter is i n t u r n switched by a scanner to the recording head, which is switched beforehand f o r readings. The pulses a r e read down in r e v e r s e o r d e r f r o m that in which they were recorded. A s the magnetized sections of the d r u m p a s s under the head, a voltage pulsk is induced in the head which is amplified and fed to an electronic counter The data f r o m the electronic counters a r e fed t o a special r e l a y r e g i s t e r , where the numbers a r e held f o r punching on paper tape and f o r being printed in a f o r m suitable f o r a computer. A t the s a m e time,
58 1
such data a s the channel number, computer instructions, experiment number, record number, date, and other necessary data a r e also recorded. A characteristic example of using dynamic compensation methods is the centralized measuring s y s t e m at the Lewis Aeronautical Laboratory (NASA) 1 6 1 . This system is the intermediate link between 9 wind tunnels and electronic computers. The data previously recorded on intermediate memory devices a r e transmitted as pulses over telephone wires to a central encoder and a r e recorded on magnetic tape during the time the necessary s t r e a m conditions a r e established for the next measurement. Four types of data a r e recorded on the magnetic tape: 1 ) data common to the given job, e. g., read-down number, record, number, barometric p r e s s u r e , date, etc.; 2) the p r e s s u r e at 300 points measured with p r e s s u r e switches; 3) voltages f r o m 200 channels measured with thermocouples, and voltages f r o m s t r a i n gages of wind-tunnel balances and potentiometers,
Central station
FIGURE 9.16. Centralized data collection system- Lewis Aeronautical Laboratory (NASA). 1-pressures; 2-voltages; 3- frequency pulses: 4- magnetic core matrix; 5,6-eelectronic counters; I - c e n t r a l encoder; 8- magnetic-tape recorder; 9-electronic computer; 10-printer; 11-graph plotter; 1 2 -c o m m o n information ( m o d e l no., test n o . , et c. ) ; 13-encoder control.
indi8ating shaft positions. The voltages a r e recorded at a speed of 20 channels/sec using a system similar to that shown in Figure 9.12; 4) pulse frequencies produced by magnetic pickups on tachometers measuring the r . p. m. of the tested engine, and magnetic pickups on flow m e t e r s measuring the amount of fuel entering the engine. The block diagram of the connections between the measuring instruments, the central encoder, and output devices is shown in Figure 9 . 1 6 .
The connections a r e made with relays, which automatically switch the different circuits during data recording. The dynamic compensation method used in the given s y s t e m differs f r o m the s y s t e m shown in Figure 9.15 in that instead of using a manometric instrument f o r controlling the compensating p r e s s u r e in the r e s e r v o i r , a device providing a p r e s s u r e changing linearly with time is used. A magnetic matrix is used for recording instead of a drum and the pulses recorded represent fixed intervals of time instead of fixed interval p r e s s u r e . The linearly changing p r e s s u r e is obtained by using a throttling nozzle which gives a constant critical flow.
To central register
FIGURE 9. 11. Arrangement for measuring pressure and recording the pulses in a magnetic core memory. 1- reservoirwith linearly changing pressure: 2-diaphragm pressure switches; 3 clock-pulse generator; 4- readout-pulser; 5 - input from binary-decimal electronic counter; 6-matrix; I-output register; 8-gates.
By recording the moments corresponding to the known lowest p r e s s u r e , and the known highest p r e s s u r e p 2 , it is possible to determine the p r e s s u r e pri at any intermediate moment. The time is measured using a 1000 cps clock-pulse generator. The number of pulses f r o m the moment the p r e s s u r e begins to change in the r e s e r v o i r to moments f,, t I i , f2 is counted by electronic counter (5) (Figure 9.17). A magnetic core matrix is used for storing the pulses
accumulated during time t,i in each of the 300 measuring channels. Each magnetic c o r e consists of a miniature ceramic bobbin wound with a tape of magnetic m a t e r i a l 0.12 thick. Through a hole in the bobbin t h r e e wires p a s s f o r the voltage pulses. The memory qualities of the c o r e s a r e based on t h e i r magnetic rectangular h y s t e r e s i s loop. A minimum c u r r e n t I through one of the w i r e s is required t o change the magnetic position of the c o r e . With a c u r r e n t of k T / , the c o r e r e m a i n s in its initial magnetic condition.
l / p a s s through two wires, e v e r , if two c u r r e n t pulses o f p
the magnetic
flux caused by these two c u r r e n t s is summed and the magnetic condition of the c o r e changes. Thus, the c o r e will r e m e m b e r the coincidence by changing its magnetic condition. The c o r e s a r e placed in horizontal and vertical rows in the f o r m of a matrix. Sixteen c o r e s in one vertical column form one information channel and can s t o r e a 4 digit decimal number (a 1 6 digit binary number). To s t o r e the data of 300 channels, 300 vertical columns a r e required. A vacuum tube is connected t o each vertical column. The tube p a s s e s c u r r e n t only when a positive voltage is applied t o the control grid. The tube is controlled by the diaphragm p r e s s u r e switch of the given measuring channel. A horizontal wire p a s s e s through each of the 1 6 c o r e s of one column, and the c u r r e n t through the wire is controlled by the 1 6 bits f r o m the binary-decimal electronic counters. The function of each bit f r o m the counter is to control the transmission of a pulse of y / along the horizontal wire to the corresponding c o r e . If the counter position contains a unit of information, it will pass a pulse of 1 I into one c o r e of each of the 300 channels. At the moment the measuring cycle s t a r t s , the 1000 cps clock-pulse generator switches on. The generator sends pulses t o the electronic counter and t o each of the 300 tubes connected with the diaphragm p r e s s u r e switches. When the p r e s s u r e in the r e s e r v o i r equals the p r e s s u r e measured by the given p r e s s u r e switch, the diaphragm opens its contact and a signal is transmitted t o the tube connected to this p r e s s u r e switch. With the next pulse f r o m the generator, this tube p a s s e s a current pulse of + / into the 1 6 c o r e s of the corresponding channel. the electronic counter sends pulses of
connected t o those positions in the counter storing bits. Those c o r e s of the given channel receiving coincident pulses along the horizontal and vertical wires change their magnetic condition, and thus r e m e m b e r the number of pulses s t o r e d by the electronic counter when the tube was switched on. Those c o r e s not receiving coincident pulses remain unchanged. After the contactsof a l l the diaphragm p r e s s u r e switches have operated, a signal is automatically sent t o read down the information stored in the m a t r i x memory. The information is r e a d down of a speed of 20 channels p e r second by sending a c u r r e n t pulse l a r g e r or equal t o I through each vertical column via pulser (4). A second electronic counter (output r e g i s t e r ) (7) r e c o r d s the voltage pulses appearing on the third wire of each horizontal
r o w of the matrix. These pulses a r e induced by changes in the magnetic flux of the c o r e and pass the recorded values t o the central encoder. A t the end of read-down the s y s t e m is r e s e t to i t s initial condition and is ready t o receive the next measurement. Engine r. p. m. and fuel output a r e recorded by electronic counters counting the number of pulses produced by magnetic tranducers from tachometers and flowmeters (Figure 9 . 1 8 ) during an interval of 10 seconds.
FIGURE 9.18. Measuring I. p. m. and flow. 1- pulse transducers connected t o a rotating element; 2 -gates; 3 -electronic counters; 4 - 10 sec interval generator; 5 -central register; 6 - read-down control; 7 -magnetic t a p e recorder.
A l l the instrument indications a r e recorded after establishing the conditions in the tunnel. Whenthe operator p r e s s e s a read-down button, all the instruments of the given tunnel a r e automatically switched t o the corresponding output device f o r recording on magnetic tape. The cycle continues for 10 seconds, and when terminated, a light signal is switched on in the control room of the given wind tunnel, allowing conditions t o be changed. The time required to finish the recording cycle and p r e p a r e the necessary circuits f o r recording the next point i s about 15 seconds. If during this time the operator of another wind tunnel p r e s s e s a corresponding button, the beginning of recording signals f r o m this tunnel is delayed until the end of recording from the f i r s t tunnel. Due t o the s h o r t recording period, such delays remain unnoticed by the operator. Depending on the type of experiment and the number of wind tunnels working simultaneously, the data measured can be either directly fed t o electronic computers or accumulated on magnetic tape for further processing. In addition, the p r i m a r y values recorded on magnetic tapes a r e printed on electric typewriters and recorded on high-speed graph plotters placed in the wind-tunnel control r o o m s .
FIGURE 9. 19. Block diagram of a system for continuously processing strain-gage indications at t h e Wright Brothers Research Center.
The least s q u a r e s method is used to determine the torque M,, and the s t r e s s Y, acting on the model installed on pivoted strain-gage balances. The device computes according to the formulas discussed in Chapter VI (page 409)
+a,,Au, + . . ., ++ ...,
where Au,, A U Z , . . a r e the voltages f r o m the strain-gage bridges placed in different sections of the beam. The measuring s y s t e m of each transducer operates with an a . c . c a r r i e r frequency. F i l t e r s at the output of the information channels filter out the c a r r i e r frequency and d , c , signals a r e received proportional to the measured values of A u i . The d. c. signals a r e summed in operational amplifiers. Before summation, the signals f r o m different channels a r e multiplied by "weight" coefficients a s determined by the constants of the equation. These coefficients depend on the design of the balances and the model, inserted by potentiometers a t the input of the operational amplifiers, and a r e easily controlled. Correction factors a r e also inserted into the adders. The p r e s s u r e factor is determined by
which is converted t o
where p is the measured p r e s s u r e a t a given point, pm is the static p r e s s u r e in the incoming s t r e a m , pa is the barometric p r e s s u r e .
' can change during the day but is constant for the given t e s t .
m2 =yMT
m3 =
is a combination
of variable values constant f o r the given s e r i e s of t e s t s . The above equation is solved by modulating the voltage of the c a r r i e r with the amplitude of the signal f r o m the p r e s s u r e transducer. The modulated signal is rectified, multiplied by coeffi.cients nit and ni3 in the information channel, and then summed in the operational amplifier with a voltage proportional tom,. At the output of the adder, a voltage proportional t o the p r e s s u r e factor is obtained. This system has an accuracy of about 170and can t e s t dynamic p r o c e s s e s having a frequency up to 500 cps.
Processing the measured data on digital computers The processing of data fromwind-tunnel measurements differs by two specific characteristics. Firstly, the total amount of processed data i s l a r g e . Consequently, the data input and output devices of the computer must have a large throughput capacity, and the internal memory must have a l a r g e storge capacity. Secondly, the necessary computations a r e simpler than those required by most analytical problems. Therefore, high computing speed is not a major requirement. Because of the abovenentioned reasons, in addition t o universal electronic computers, special machines a r e found with fixed p r o g r a m s , adaptable f o r solving problems of a definite type. Special machines a r e usually simpler and l e s s expensive. The drawback of computers with fixed programs is that even s m a l l changes in the computing sequence (which a r e sometimes met when processing data f r o m different types of measurements) call for readjusting the computer. Where relatively simple computations a r e required, hut the computing program cannot be given beforehand, small computers a r e used. Thus, for instance, in the Lewis Aeronautical Laboratory (NASA), a s m a l l IRM-604 computer is used for processing the data of multipoint p r e s s u r e and temperature measurements of jet engines 1 8 1 . The basic data and instructions a r e fed from punch c a r d s . The r e s u l t s a r e produced on punch c a r d s a t a speed of 100 cards p e r minute. A property of the s y s t e m is that the computer instructions a r e automatically fed in directly during the t e s t s . With each read-down of temperature and p r e s s u r e , s e p a r a t e instructions a r e given t o the computer in the f o r m of an operational code. Operational codes a r e automatically put into each measuring channel by means of a digital r e c o r d e r , simultaneously with read-down. Thus, the computer can automatically change the computing sequence in accordance with the
instructions t r a n s f e r r e d t o the computor following each read-down. This simplifies the processing of data obtained f r o m different experimental objects and instruments. The method of processing the measured data on an IBM-604 computer using punch cards can be seen in Figure 9. 20, where p r e s s u r e s a r e measured with the aid of a multipoint digital r e c o r d e r .
01 02
- -
04 05
FIGURE 9.20. Automatic data processing with a digital computer in t h e Lewis Aero1-reference pressure; 2 tested engine; 3 - pressure in engine; nautical Laboratory. 4 -paper tape; 5 -reader; 6 -codex; 7 - puncher; 8 -blank punch cards; 9 -punch cards with additional punchings; 10 -sorter; 11 computer; 12 -digital pressure recorder.
The r e c o r d e r writes on a magnetic drum the digital values of the full p r e s s u r e a t 6 points in front of the engine, the static p r e s s u r e a t 6 points on the wind-tunnel walls, the p r e s s u r e at 6 points on the engine, and 3 reference p r e s s u r e s against which the full p r e s s u r e is compared. The computer determines the average value of the full p r e s s u r e , c o r r e c t s f o r the l o s s e s between the sections where the p r e s s u r e tranducers a r e placed and the input section to the engine, finds the average value of static p r e s s u r e , and divides the static p r e s s u r e and each of the p r e s s u r e s measured in the engine by the corrected full p r e s s u r e . The data f r o m the digital r e c o r d e r a r e punched onto paper tape and contain the coded digital values measured, the channel number, and the operating instructions. These data a r e t r a n s f e r r e d for each meesurement f r o m the puncher to a separate punch c a r d . The punch c a r d s a r e fed via a s o r t e r t o the computer. Additional data, for instance, the calibration coefficients and corrections, a r e put into the computer with the aid of additional punch c a r d s . The s o r t e r compares the numbers punched on the main punch c a r d s with the numbers in
the auxiliary punch c a r d s and automatically puts the l a t t e r into the appropriate places between the main punch c a r d s . Figure 9. 2 0 shows the sequence of feeding the main auxiliary punch c a r d s t o the computer and the marking of the code of the operational instructions. The f i r s t punch c a r d is an auxiliary one and contains information on the calibration coefficient and support p r e s s u r e . The code punched on this card instructs the machine a s t o the u s e of this information f o r further computation. The next punch c a r d , r e f e r r i n g t o channel 01, is punched with a code 1 , 3 , and on those punch c a r d s referring t o channels 02 and 03, with code 3. Code 1, 3 instructs the machine to begin the summation of the computedpressure, while code 3 instructs this process to be continued. The card in channel 03 is followed hy an auxiliary c a r d , coded 8, 9. Code 8 instructs the machine t o divide the summed p r e s s u r e s f r o m channels 01, 02, and 03, by t h r e e , and t o punch out the r e s u l t s . Code 9 instructs the machine t o record the computed average p r e s s u r e f r o m all the following punch c a r d s . This is necessary because a t this point the complete limited capacity of the memory i s used up, The next card is an auxiliary c a r d , codedX, 12, 1, 2, 3, 8, and 9 . The machine does an operation corresponding t o the logical s u m of the instructions of this compound code. Code 12 instructs the machine to operate with the average p r e s s u r e of channels 01, 0 2 , and 03. The appropriate corrections a r e inserted into the average value, and the new p r e s s u r e i s kept f o r comparing with the subsequent p r e s s u r e according t o instruction code 2. The values of the f u l l p r e s s u r e s a r e corrected by the corrected value of the support p r e s s u r e a s given on the punch c a r d , and the next punch card with the code X gives a new calibration coefficient for channels 04 t o 09. The code on subsequent c a r d s instructs the machine on making further computations in the described o r d e r .
H e [
Computing center
FIGURE 9.21. System for automatic data processing during an experiment. 1--wind-tunnel balances; 2 -digital converters for wind-tunnel balances; 3 -multipoint manometer; 4 digital converter for manometer; 5 -auxiliary data input; 6 -controller; 7 -punchers; S -readers; 9 -buffer memory; 10 -print-out of primary data; 11-graph recorder of advance data; 1 2 --Datatron computer; 13 -print-out of processed data; 14 -distributor; 1 5 -graph plotter of final data.
' 1 1 1
I 1
Figure 9 . 2 1 shows an automatic s y s t e m f o r processing data during the experiment intended for serving two supersonic wind tunnels at the S. A . ) . In these tunnels, the f o r c e s California Institute of Technology (U. acting on the model a r e measured by six-component hydraulic and s t r a i n gage balances using automatic compensators. The output values of the balances r e p r e s e n t the angular position of shafts. The angular positions a r e converted to digital f o r m by r e l a y converters.
FIGURE 9. 22. System for automatically plotting graphs from digital data. 1- t a b l e with paper sheet; 2 -guide; 3 -carriage; 4 -lead screw for pen; 5 -pen; 6 - lead screw for carriage; I,8 -servomotors; 9 - analog-to-digital converters.
T h e distribution of p r e s s u r e s in the model is measured by a system described in Chapter V. Selector valves connect, in turn, all the openings in the drained model with one manometer, whose indications a r e measured by an automatic compensator and converted into digital form. T h e values of the f o r c e s and p r e s s u r e s , together with data r e f e r r i n g to the position of the model, the Mach number, experiment number, and the instructions f o r processing on the computer, a r e punched on paper tape at a speed of 60 digits p e r second. T h e punched tape is fed at once to the computer r e a d e r . T h e control room of the wind tunnel is placed remotely from the computing center, and the data read from the punch tape a r e fed to the computer through w i r e s . The data processed by the computer a r e recorded on punch tapes and fed back to the control room where they a r e tabulated. At the s a m e time, graphs a r e plotted from the data. T h e r e a d e r s , punchers, graph plotters, and p r i n t e r s can be interconnected by different methods depending on the test programs. F o r instance, with force measurements, when the amount of measured data is comparatively small, but the processing is m o r e complicated, i t is possible to p r e p a r e two identical
punch tapes with p r i m a r y data. One is immediately fed to the computer, while the other is used f o r operating a tabulator o r an X-Y plotter. With combined tests, where the f o r c e s and p r e s s u r e s a r e measured simultaneously, one tape r e c o r d s the indications of the balance, while the other r e c o r d s the indications of the manometer. T h e printing of tables and plotting of graphs a r e operated by the given system during t e s t s , thus allowing the senior engineer to monitor the experiment. This is very important when doing basic r e s e a r c h of new phenomena.
I _
FIGURE 9. 23. A digital-to-analog converter for an automatic X-Y plotter. 1-amplifier; 2 -balancing motor; 3 -rheostat; 4-potentiometer controlled by relays.
Figure 9. 2 2 shows an arrangement of an automatic X - Y plotter for converting the digital numbers coded on paper tape to a continuous pen motion, The X-Y plotter can choose data from different measuring channels and plot s e v e r a l of them a s a function of a p a r a m e t e r measured in any channel. Above the paper ( l ) , parallel t o the X-axis, a c a r r i a g e (3) moves on guides (2). The c a r r i a g e is driven by s c r e w (6). The c a r r i a g e moving along the Y axis, c a r r i e s a pen (5), with an electromagnetic m a r k e r . The r u l e r and the pen a r e driven by balancing servomotors (7) and (8), connected to digital-to-analog converters (9). The digital values read f r o m the paper tape a r e transmitted a s pulses to the X-Y r e g i s t e r s from where they a r e f e d to the converters (9). Each converter (Figure 9 . 2 3 ) consists of a balanced Wheatstone bridge, two branches of which a r e formed by a group of fixed r e s i s t e r s . The r e s i s t e r s a r e switched into the branches by a system of electromagnetic r e l a y s . The balancing motor of the bridge is connected with the corresponding lead s c r e w of the X-Y plotter. When both bridges r e a c h
59 1
balance, the electromagnetic m a r k e r frees the pen, which falls for a moment onthe paper, making a dot. The pen is then r a i s e d , the Y relay register receives signals from the other channel, and the pen is moved t o a new position, making another dot.
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S m i t h ,R. L . A High-speed Potentiometer f o r Recording on Punched P a p e r Tape, ISA Proc., Vol. 7. 1952. S h a r p , E. M. A Digital Multiple Point P r e s s u r e Recording System. -1SA Proc., Vol.7, 1952.
6 . S h a r p , E. M. An Automatic Data Recording System f o r Aeronautical Research - IRE T r a n s . Instrum., Vol. 6, No. 7. 1957. 7. H a n e m a n , V. S. Automatic Reduction of Wind Tunnel Data. - Aeron. Engns. Rev., Vol. 12, No. 2. 1953. 8. R a w l i n g s , J.H.
. .