Chapter 8: Probability Distributions 1. Understand and Use The Concept of Binomial Distribution

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CHAPTER 8 : PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTIONS 1. Understand and use the c nce!t " #$n %$a& d$str$#ut$ n.

1.1 List all possible values of a discrete random variable.

(a) If X represents the number of pupils scoring 12A in a group of 5 pupils, list all the possible values of X.

(b) If Y represents the number of times of getting the number 1 when tossing a fair dice three times, list all the possible values of Y. (d) # marbles are chosen from a bag containing 5 red marbles and $ black marbles. If X represents the number of black marbles chosen, list all the possible values of X.

(c) A pupil takes nglish e!amination " times. If Z represents the number of times he passes the e!amination, list all the possible values of Z.

1.2 Determine the probability of an event in a binomial distribution. P ( X = r ) = nCr p r q n r , p + q = 1 (a) %iven p & '.( , q & (b) %iven p & '.2

n&5, )ind P(X & #).

r &#

, q& n & 1' , r &2 )ind P(X & 2).

(c) %iven p & '.$5 , q & n&(, r &# )ind P( X & #).


(d) %iven p & '.12 , q & n & 1' , r &2 )ind P(X & 2).

* '.#'2'+


* '.2##'+

(e) -he probabilit. that /ernard will be late for a meeting is '.0. )ind the probabilit. that /ernard will be late for # out of five meetings.


-he probabilit. that 1inmin scoring 1A for nglish in the monthl. test is '.$. )ind the probabilit. that 1inmin will be scoring 1A for nglish twice out of 0 monthl. tests.

* '.#$50+

* '.#11'+

8. Probability Distributions

(g )

-he probabilit. that 2handra wins in a singing competition is '.05. )ind the probabilit. that 2handra will win $ out of 0 singing competitions.

(h) -he probabilit. that Ahmad wears batik shirt for a meeting is '.55. )ind the probabilit. that Ahmad will wear batik shirt for 2 out of five meetings.

* '.#2"'+ 1.3 Plot binomial distribution graphs.

* '.2(5(+

(a) 3iva has to pla. $ games. -he probabilit. that 3iva will win a game is '.55. If the binomial random variable X represents the number of games that 3iva won, find the probabilit. that 3iva wins ', 1, 2, # or $ games . 4lot a binomial distribution graph.

A dice is tossed $ times. -he probabilit. of getting the number 526 is

, . 2'

If the binomial random

variable X represents the number of times of getting the number 526, find the probabilit. of getting ',1,2,#,or $ times of number 726 4lot a binomial distribution graph.

8. Probability Distributions

1.4 Determine mean, variance and standard deviation of a binomial distribution. = np 8 2 = npq 8 = npq 8 p + q = 1


%iven n &2'', p = , )ind the value of i) q, iii) 2 ii) iv)

1 0


%iven n &1'', p = , )ind the value of i) q, iii) 2 ii) iv)

1 #


9ohnn. attempted 0' :uestions with $ options to choose from. -here is onl. one correct answer for each :uestion. 9ohnn. guessed all the answers . )ind (a) the mean number of :uestions that he will get it right. (b) the variance and the standard deviation of the number of correct answers obtained.

(d) %iven that a class consists of #' students, ('; of them pass in a mathematics test. )ind (a) the mean number of students pass the test. (b) the variance and the standard deviation of the number of students pass the test

*15, 11.25 ,#.#5$+

*21, 0.#, 2.51'+


A fair dice is rolled 15 times continuousl.. -he probabilit. of obtaining the number 72< is
1 . 0



(a) the mean number of times that number 72< appears (b) the variance and the standard deviation of number 72< is obtained.

%iven that #' bombs were released b. a =et fighter, the probabilit. that a bomb will hit its target is '.05. )ind (a) the mean number bombs hit its target. (b) the variance and the standard deviation of the number of bombs hit its target

*2.5, 2.'"#,1.$$#+


8. Probability Distributions


n r n r olve problems involving binomial distributions. P( X = r ) = Cr p q , p + q = 1


In 31> 3impang ?ima, the probabilit. of a pupil being latein )orm #@ is ";. 2alculate the probabilit. that in a group of 1' students from )orm #@, the number of pupils being late is (i) e!actl. two (ii) less than two

(b) %iven that 12 bombs were released b. a =et fighter, the probabilit. that a bomb will hit its target is '.05. calculate the probabilit. that (a) e!actl. 1' bombs hit the target (b) all the bombs hit the target

* '.1'"", '.''50""+ * '.1$(", '."121+


In >uantan, the probabilit. that a teenager owns a mobile phone is

$ . 5

A group of 1' teenagers are selected at random from >uantan. )ind the probabilit. (i) that e!actl. ( of the selected teenagers own a mobile phone. (ii) at least " of the selected teenagers own a mobile phone.

(d) (2 ; of the pupils in )orm 5@ pass their aptitude test. If $ pupils are selected at random from the class. 2alculate the probabilit. that (i) at least half of the selected pupils pass their aptitude test (ii) at most 1 of the selected pupils pass heir aptitude test,

* '.2'1#, '.0(("+

* '.,#'0, '.'0,$+


In a shooting competition, the chance for 9ohn to hit the target on an. one shot is ,5;. 9ohn fires " shots. )ind the probabilit. that (i) at least ( shots hit the target (ii) at most # of the shots hit the target.


A fair dice is tossed 1' times continuousl.. -he probabilit. of obtaining the number 72< is
1 . )ind 0

the probabilit. of getting (i) number 526 not more than # tosses (ii) number 52< in $ or more tosses

*'.,$2", '.''''15$+

* '.,#'#,'.'0,(+

8. Probability Distributions


In an e!amination, ('; of the students passed. If a sample of " students is randoml. selected, find the probabilit. that 0 students from the sample passed the e!amination.

(h) 3enior citiAens make up 2'; of the

population of a settlement. If ( people are randoml. selected from the settlement, find the probabilit. that at least two of them are senior citiAens.


*'.2,05+ -he result of a stud. shows that 2'; of the pupils in a cit. c.cle to school. If " pupils from the cit. are chosen at random, calculate the probabilit. that (i) e!actl. 2 of them c.cle to school (ii) less than # of them c.cle to school


*'.$2##+ -he probabilit. that each shot fired b. Bamli hits a target is 1C# (i) If Bamli fires 1' shots, find the probabilit. that e!actl. 2 shots hit the target. (ii) If Bamli fires n shots, the probabilit. that all the n shots hit the target is 1C2$#. )ind the value of n.


*'.2,#0, '.(,0,1+ It is known that 1" out of #' students in a class like to read during their free time. , students are selected at random from the class. )ind the probabilit. that (i) all the selected students like to read during their free time. (ii) at least ( of the selected students like to read during their free time.

*'.1,51, 5+


In an I- literac. research in a village, it is found that ever. one out of three homes has computers. If 1' homes are randoml. selected, find the probabilit. that (i) not a single home has computers (ii) at least two homes have computers.

* '.'1''", '.2#1"+

*'.'1(#$, '.",0'+

8. Probability Distributions

2. Understand and use the concept of normal distribution.

2.1 @escribe continuous random variables using set notations. 2.2 )ind probabilit. of zDvalues for standard normal distribution.

1 (a)

%iven that Z is the standard normal distribution variable, find the values for the followingE P(ZF'.2) (b) P(ZF1.2)

* '.$2'( +

* '.1151 +


P( Z G D'.0 )

(d) P ( Z G D1.5)

* '.2($#+

* '.'00"+


P( H F D1.511)


P( Z F D'.2'#)




P( Z G 1.#2()

(h) P( Z G '.5$, )




P ( '.2 G Z G 1.2)


P( '.5$"G Z G 1.#2( )




P( D1.5 G Z G D'.0)


P ( D1.'1# G Z G D'.2'# )

* '.2'(5+


(m) P ( ' Z 1.511 )

(n) P ( '.2'# Z 1.#2( )

* '.$#$0+

* '.$""2+

8. Probability Distributions


)ind the z-score for each of the followingE

P( Z > z ) ='.$2'( (b) P(Z > z) ='.1151


*'.2+ P( Z < z ) ='.2($#


*1.2+ P( Z < z ) ='.'00"


*D'.0+ P( Z > z ) = '.5"'5


*D1.5+ P( Z > z ) = '.,#$0


*D'.2'# + P( Z < z ) = '.,##2


*D1.511+ P( Z< z ) = '."(5(



2.# 2onvert random variable of normal distributions, X, to standardised variable, Z. (1) (a) )or each normal distribution below, convert the random variable I to standardiAed variable H. -hen, find the probabilit. of the event given the mean and the standard deviation. (b) X 12 X $#.20 1' 5' # 1'
Z= X Z= X

4robabilit . of event P(ZFA)

4robabilit . of event P( ZGA)

* '.00(, '.252#+

*D'.0($, '.25'1+

8. Probability Distributions



(d) X

0" (' 1'



$# 5' "

4robabilit . of event P(ZFA) * D'.2 , '.5(,#+ 2.$ Juestions in 341 )ormat (k) @iagram below shows a standard normal distribution graph. (l)

4robabilit . of event P( Z FA) * D'."(5, '.01"$+ -he diameters of the marbles produced b. a factor. are normall. distributed with a mean of ,mm and a standard deviation of '.1 mm. @iagram below shows the normal distribution graph for the diameter of the marbles, X mm





If P('G z G k)&'.#12", find 4(A F k) *'.1"(2+ @iagram below shows a standardiAed normal distribution graph.

It is given that the area of the shaded region is o.$522. )ind the value of h *,.'12+ (n)

X mm

" (z) '.#0$#

-he probabilit. represented b. the area of the shaded region is '.#0$# (i) )ind the value of k. (ii) X is a continuous random variable which is normall. distributed with a mean of and a standard deviation of ". )ind the value of if X & (' when the zDscore is k. * 1.1, 01.2+

@iagram shows a standard normal distribution graph. -he probabilit. represented b. the area of the shaded region is '.#$"5. (i))ind the value of k (ii) X is a continuous random variable which is normall. distributed with a mean of (, and a standard deviation of #. )ind the value of X when the zDscore is k * 1.'#, "2.',+

8. Probability Distributions


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