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05 Problem Set 2, Spring 2014

Problem 1. (10 pts.) Boy or girl paradox.

The following pair of questions appeared in a column by Martin Gardner in Scientic

American in 1959.

(a) Mr. Jones has two children. The older child is a girl. What is the probability
that both children are girls?
(b) Mr. Smith has two children. At least one of them is a boy. What is the probability
that both children are boys?
Be sure to carefully justify your answers.
Problem 2. (10 pts.) The blue taxi.
In a city with one hundred taxis, 1 is blue and 99 are green. A witness observes a
hit-and-run by a taxi at night and recalls that the taxi was blue, so the police arrest
the blue taxi driver who was on duty that night. The driver proclaims his innocence
and hires you to defend him in court. You hire a scientist to test the witness ability
to distinguish blue and green taxis under conditions similar to the night of accident.
The data suggests that the witness sees blue cars as blue 99% of the time and green
cars as blue 2% of the time.
Write a speech for the jury to give them reasonable doubt about your clients guilt.
Your speech need not be longer than the statement of this question. Keep in mind
that most jurors have not taken this course, so an illustrative table may be easier for
them to understand than fancy formulas.
Problem 3. (10 pts.) Trees of cards.
There are 8 cards in a hat:
{1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2}
You draw one card at random. If its rank is 1 you draw one more card; if its rank

is two you draw two more cards. Let X be the sum of the ranks on the 2 or 3 cards

drawn. Find E(X).

Problem 4. (10 pts.) Dice.

There are four dice in a drawer: one tetrahedron (4 sides), one hexahedron (i.e., cube,

6-sides), and two octahedra (8 sides). Your friend secretly grabs one of the four dice

at random. Let S be the number of sides on the chosen die.

(a) What is the pmf of S?

Now your friend rolls the chosen die and without showing it to you rolls it.. Let R
be the result of the roll.
(b) Use Bayes rule to nd P (S = k | R = 3) for k = 4, 6, 8. Which die is most likely
if R = 3? Terminology: You are computing the pmf of S given R = 3.

18.05 Problem Set 2, Spring 2014

(c) Which die is most likely if R = 6? Hint: You can either repeat the computation
in (b), or you can reason based on your result in (b).
(d) Which die is most likely if R = 7? No computations are needed!
Problem 5. (10 pts.) Seating arrangement and relative height

A total of n people randomly take their seats around a circular table with n chairs.

No two people have the same height. What is the expected number of people who

are shorter than both of their immediate neighbors?

Problem 6. (10 pts.)

(a) Write down a random sequence of 50 ips (0 and 1).
(b) A run is a sequence of all 1s or 0s. How long is the longest run in your answer
to part (a)?
(c) Well use R to simulate 50 tosses of a fair coin. Well estimate the average length
of the longest run. The code below simulates one trial. You will need to use a for
loop to run 10000 trials. In Friday Studio we will go over for loops. We will also
post a tutorial on both loops and the rle() function used in the code.
# R code to run one trial of 50 flips of a fair coin and find the longest


nflips = 50

trial = rbinom(nflips, 1, .5) # binomial(1,.5) = bernoulli(.5)

# rle stands for run length encoding. rle(trial)$lengths is a vector

of the lengths of all the different runs in trial.

maxRun = max(rle(trial)$lengths)

(d) A small modication of your code will let you estimate the probability of a run
of 8 or more in 50 ips. Do this with 10000 trials and report the result.

MIT OpenCourseWare

18.05 Introduction to Probability and Statistics

Spring 2014

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