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STI College Marikina: Computerized Inventory System For Richeylo's Grocery

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STI College Marikina Introduction

1.1 Background of the Company
Richeylos Grocery located at Blk 6 Lot 6 Ph 1C Kasiglahan Village San Jose
Rodrigue Rial! "as esta#lished on $%ril &!'((6 #y )ary $nn $rao "hose the #rain o*
the Richeylos Grocery+ ,he #usiness na-e ca-e *ro- the daughter and son "hich are
Ricky ! Cheysser and Piolo+ ,he #usiness started "ith . e-%loyees+ ,hey started to sell
%roducts including snacks! canned goods! li/uor! "ater gallons and necessities+ $*ter the
ti-e goes #y the store started to #e -ore %o%ular and started to ha0e -ore regular
,he o"ner counts the grocerys %hysical in0entory only "hen a su%%lier co-es to their
store to check the su%%lies+ ,he o"ner "ill decide to acce%t the ne" su%%lies gi0en #y the
su%%liers+ 1hen he decides to acce%t the %roducts! the su%%lier "ill gi0e the su%%lies to the
in0entory list o* the grocery+ ,he o"ner needs a #etter and e**icient "ay to handle his
#usiness thus the %ro%osal *or a Co-%uteried 2n0entory Syste- ca-e to %lace+
1.2 Statement of the ro!"em
1.2.1 #enera" ro!"em
$o% to de&'gn( de)e"op and 'mp"ement a computer'*ed 'n)entory &y&tem for
R'chey"o+& #rocery,
1.2.2 Spec'f'c ro!"em& $o% to de&'gn( de)e"op and 'mp"ement a modu"e that %'"" hand"e the
category 'nformat'on of the product&,
,he #usiness o"ner does not ha0e a category list o* %roducts #ecause they
#ased it on %roducts shel0es "here the ite-s are #eing %laced *or the order o* the custo-ers+ $o% to de&'gn( de)e"op and 'mp"ement a modu"e that %'"" hand"e the
product 'nformat'on of the !u&'ne&&,
,he #usiness o"ner ha0e a list o* %roducts in*or-ation on yello" %ad
%a%er and %laced to a "ooden ca#inet "hich is %rone to %est! "ater dro%s and ger-s+
,hey u%date the %roduct in*or-ation #e*ore the co-%any closes *or the
day #usiness+
Computerized Inventory System for Richeylos Grocery Page 1-1
STI College Marikina Introduction
1.2.2.- $o% to de&'gn( de)e"op and 'mp"ement a modu"e that %'"" hand"e the
&upp"'er 'nformat'on of the !u&'ne&&,
,he #usiness o"ner has a list o* in*or-ation a#out their su%%lier
in*or-ation on record #ook and %laced to a "ooden ca#inet+
,he assigned recorder u%dates the su%%lier in*or-ation e0ery 1ednesday
and ,hursday e0ery "eek+
1.2.2.. $o% to de)e"op and 'mp"ement a modu"e that %'"" !ackup and re&tore the
record& of 'n)entory,
Since the o"ner not ha0ing a #ack3u% o* their in0entory! the %ro%onents
decide to de0elo% a #ack3u% and restore *unction o* data#ase to -ake the o"ner *asten the "ork+
1.2.2./ $o% to de&'gn( de)e"op and 'mp"ement a modu"e that %'"" hand"e the
&ecur'ty of the &y&tem,
,he syste- "ill include a login *eature to hel% %rotect i* *or- e4ternal access+
Computerized Inventory System for Richeylos Grocery Page 1-'
STI College Marikina Introduction
1.3 Statement of the O!0ect')e&
1.-.1 #enera" O!0ect')e
To de&'gn( de)e"op( and 'mp"ement a Computer'*ed In)entory Sy&tem for
R'chey"o+& #rocery that %'"" emp"oy the f'"e ma'ntenance( and ut'"'t'e& modu"e.
1.-.2 Spec'f'c O!0ect')e
1.-.2.1 To de&'gn( de)e"op and 'mp"ement a category ma'ntenance that %'"" hand"e
the 1ne%2 or 1add2 and the 1updat'ng2 of the category 'nformat'on of the product&.
,he syste- shall #e a#le to let the ad-in add the %roduct category to the category
-aintenance the in%ut category in*or-ation "ill go to the %roduct -aintenance -odule to
co-%lete the needed in*or-ation *or the %roduct -aintenance and generate the re%orts that "ill
gi0en to #usiness o"ner+
1.-.2.2 To de&'gn( de)e"op and 'mp"ement a product ma'ntenance that %'"" hand"e
product 'nformat'on of the tota" &tock and &o"d of product&.
,he syste- "ill allo" the ad-in to add! u%date and sa0e the %roduct in*or-ation
a*ter the %rocesses done #y the ad-in the syste- "ill generate re%orts that "ill #e gi0en to the
#usiness o"ner+
1.-.2.- To de&'gn( de)e"op and 'mp"ement a &upp"'er ma'ntenance that %'"" hand"e
the &upp"'er 'nformat'on of the !u&'ne&&.
,he syste- "ill allo" the ad-in to add and sa0e the su%%lier in*or-ation!
needed *or the reorder %oint o* the %roducts "ill #e generated the re%orts to #e gi0en on the
1.-.2.. To de&'gn( de)e"op and 'mp"ement a !ack3up and re&tore data!a&e
'nformat'on of the &y&tem.
,he syste- "ill hel% the ad-in *ro- *uture technological disaster! the #ack3u%
syste-s can hel% the ad-in to reco0er lost and -issing %roduct in*or-ation and restore #ack
again to the %rogra-+
Computerized Inventory System for Richeylos Grocery Page 1-.
STI College Marikina Introduction
1.-.2./ To de&'gn( de)e"op and 'mp"ement a "og'n form to en&ure the &ecur'ty of the
,he %ro%onents "ill de0elo% a login *or- to handle the e4ternal treats in the
#usiness and also kee% the %ri0ate *iles o* the co-%any+
Computerized Inventory System for Richeylos Grocery Page 1-5
STI College Marikina Introduction
1.. S'gn'f'cance of the Study
,he study "ill #ene*it the6
R'chey"o+& #rocery
2t "ill hel% the co-%any to easy to *ind the un%redicta#le issues and
syste- *or the use o* its e-%loyees+
2t "ill hel% the %ro%onents to *urther their skills in analying!
docu-entation! designing! and de0elo%ing a syste-+
STI Co""ege 4ar'k'na
2t "ill hel% S,2 College i* the %ro%onents o* the study ha0e learned
through their %rogra-s+ ,hey "ould also kno" i* the %ro%onents they legi#le to
ad0ance to the ne4t su#7ect+
1./ Scope and 5'm'tat'on
1./.1 Scope
The propo&ed &y&tem for R'chey"o+& #rocery '& de&'gned a& the fo""o%'ng modu"e&
accord'ng to the e6terna" &ource& and the data gathered from the company7
roduct 4a'ntenance 4odu"e
2n this -odule allo"s the user to add! edit! sa0e and u%date all the list o*
%roduct! regardless o* the /uantity and generate re%orts+
Supp"'er 4a'ntenance 4odu"e
2n this -odule allo"s the user to add! sa0e! u%date and generate the
re%orts o* all the list o* the current su%%lier+
Category 4a'ntenance 4odu"e
2n this -odule allo"s the user to add! sa0e! u%date and generate the
%roducts o* all the categories+
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STI College Marikina Introduction
1./.2 5'm'tat'on
,he syste- "ill not handle the %urchasing transactions o* the #usiness+ 2t
is dedicated to -onitor the %roducts in the syste-+
Sa"e&8 rof't 8 Income
,he syste- "ill only res%onsi#le *or tracking and -onitoring the in and
out #eha0ior o* the %roducts+ ,ransactions and Sales "ill not #e co0ered #y this
Re3order po'nt
,he syste- is not %rogra--ed to in*or- the o"ner i* they are
o0erstocked on a certain %roduct+
Computerized Inventory System for Richeylos Grocery Page 1-6

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