Early Learning/Ready For K ($28.4 Million Total)
Early Learning/Ready For K ($28.4 Million Total)
Early Learning/Ready For K ($28.4 Million Total)
2 million in supplemental funding for E-12 funding for the remainder of the biennium. It contains $85. million in tails for the !"1 -1# budget.
Early learning $%&olar$&i'$ (()** +ran,en# $(2 !illion E$pands availabilit% of earl% learning scholarships and removes the $5&''' scholarship cap. (elps lo)-income families pa% for earl% education programs. !"1 -1#* $15.5 million (-+ 2*. -ie/en#+larifies language on registration process and scholarship pa%ments s%stem for schools. (-+ 2011 -ie/en# ,e-uires report on scholarship and earl% education programs b% 2'15. Early C&ild&ood +a!ily Ed2%a"ion ((.1( 3iger# $((.) !illion Increases per-student funding for Earl% +hildhood !amil% Education. Ties increases to .asic !ormula increases beginning in !" 15. !unding for E+!E )as last increased in 2''8. !"1 -1#* $2 .2 million -%&ool readine$$ aid ((.2( 4off!an# $ .1 !illion Increases funding for /chool ,eadiness& a public school program for children age 0 to 1indergarten )ho meet eligibilit% re-uirements& including famil% income& English language learner status or recipient of an Individuali2ed Education 3lan. The purpose is to prepare children to enter 1indergarten )ith the s1ills and behaviors the% need for success. 3riorit% is to involve parents in child4s learning. !"1 -1#* $1' million 5aren" 4o!e 6i$i"ing 5rogra! (Bonoff# $(007000 Increases 2'10 5mnibus bill $25'&''' appropriation to home visiting6literac% program.
;.:. A%ade!y ((.*1 <en$en# $= 07000 +ontractor )ill provide instruction on information technolog% to schools so that students can earn certifications that sho) future emplo%ers )hat their s1ills are. /chools appl% to be a part of the program. !"1 -1#* $ 8'&''' 5ro!i$e Neig&/or&ood (2=*= 5a''a$# $*007000 3rogram aims to reduce multi-generational povert% and the achievement gap b% increased enrollment of families in the 2one. 8one% can be used for programming and services consistent )ith federal 3romise :eighborhood program re-uirements. 3articipating organi2ations include 7urora /t. 7nthon% :eighborhood ;evelopment +orporation& +ommunit% /tabili2ation 3ro<ect& "=+7 of /t. 3aul& 8odel +ities and (mong 7merican 3artnership. 5ne-time appropriation Nor"&$ide A%&ie9e!en" >one (2 () C&a!'ion# $*007000 3rogram aims to reduce multi-generational povert% and the achievement gap through increased enrollment of families )ithin the 2one. !unds ma% be used for :orthside 7chievement >one programming and services consistent )ith federal 3romise :eighborhood program agreements and re-uirements. 5ne-time appropriation 4ead?a"er$ -%ien%e Cen"er (20() -a@&a2g# $107000 3rovides /TE8 programming for students and teachers. 5ne-time appropriation 5&y$i%al ed2%a"ion re'or" (220. Ken"# $.17000 The report )ill establish ho) much ph%sical education instruction is being offered in schools across the state. ,eport is due ?an. 15& 2'15. 5ne-time appropriation ABE gro?"& fa%"or ((.*) 3iger# $2(=7000 /erves the increasing number of students see1ing educational training& a high school degree and6or English language assistance. This change increases the annual gro)th factor& providing additional funding from the base each %ear. It supports people )ho )ill become productive members of 8innesota4s )or1force. !"1 -1#* $1.18 million :&e 3orA$ B2$e2! (212 3iAl2nd# $.17000 5ffers hands-on /TE8 education for elementar% students. 5ne-time appropriation Nor"&?e$" online %ollege in "&e &ig& $%&ool (((8) -"2!'f# $(*07000
7llo)s students to ta1e online college courses )ithout leaving their high schools. This especiall% helps students )ho attend small schools )ith limited course options. 5ne-time appropriation -'e%ial Ed2%a"ion Online Da"a Colle%"ion and Re'or"ing (2=01 Da&le# $(.. !illion (20(=# 8;E to design online s%stem for collecting and reporting re-uired special education due process data 5-EO %orre%"ion ((2 D.0)7(= Day"on# 8$2..1 !illion @overnor recommends a correction to the 3ost-/econdar% Enrollment 5ptions funding formula& )hich )as inadvertentl% not ad<usted to reflect the reduced pupil unit )eight change that )as made during the last session. 3/E5 has been funded at the higher rate. +orrecting this error )ill result in savings to the general fund. !"1 -1#* -$5.5 million -"a"e A%ade!ie$ (Day"on# $2027000 .ase appropriation increase !"1 -1#* $#A4&'''
$212. The intermediate district authorit% increases b% $1A from $4 to $ 5 per student. =ith onl% board approval& districts can increase the lease lev% to add space for instructional purposes such as all-da% 1indergarten and earl% childhood programs. !"1 -1#* $A 5&''' -a"elli"e "ran$'or"a"ion &2/ ((.) Cla2$en# $(.01 !illion7 +C(*8 (. 7llo)s the ,osemount district to open a second bus garage using building lease lev%. Ta1es affect !"1 -1# Re9ie? and %o!!en" $%&ool %on$"r2%"ion (2282 Da&le# 0 ,aises the construction cost threshold that triggers )hen districts have to provide revie) and comment to the ;epartment of Education from $1.4 million to $2 million. Eases burdensome paper)or1 for school districts4 remodel6renovation pro<ects. Cro$$?ind$/ 5er'i%& Cen"er (1=0 Da&le# 8$8(7000 +onve%s the operation of +ross)inds voluntar% integration magnet school in =oodbur% to 3erpich +enter for 7rts Education. The E8I; .oard& )hich formerl% operated the school& unanimousl% supports this measure. Transfers the +ross)inds building to 3erpich. 9anguage also in +apital Investment .ill. 4ara!/ee/Ro$e9ille 52/li% -%&ool$ (()*8 3iger# 0 +onve%s the operation of (arambee +ommunit% /chool to ,oseville Independent /chool ;istrict 20. The school )ill be a multi-district integration facilit% serving students from earl% education through grade 12. (arambee )ill transport students regardless of the students4 district of residence. 9anguage also in +apital Investment bill. <oin" 5o?er$ Coo'era"i9e +a%ili"y (22 . :o!a$$oni# 0 7llo)s three districts to enter into a <oint po)ers agreement and <ointl% operate a secondar% school facilit%. The districts )ill receive aid and lev% authorit% to build the facilit%. The three districts are 8ountain Iron-.uhl& Birginia and Eveleth-@ilbert. =hile sharing a facilit%& the% )ill maintain separate school district identities. The districts )ill receive a portion of their revenue from the Taconite !und.
E$empts the (endric1s /chool ;istrict from the general reciprocit% agreements re-uired in state la). This ma1es the process easier for school districts and minimi2es dela%s that can cause pro<ect cost increases. !"1 -1#* $1''&'''