CV 2014-3

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Address Residenc e Flat # C-24, Gulzar-e-Hussain Colony, Metroville, SIT , !arac"i#

92 344 5383423

Tele$"one Mo%ile -&ail


CAREER OBJECTIVE To .or( in a c"allen-in- environ&ent, i&$rove and utilize &y (no.led-e and s(ills to %eco&e $roductive and $ro/ita%le /or t"e or-anization as .ell as /or &y $ersonal -ro.t"# PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATION AND EDUCATION Institute / University 0niversity o/ !arac"i !ara(oru& International 0niversity, Gil-it 67F Tec"nical 2oard Federal 2oard Isla&a%ad Year 2)11 2))5 2))4 2))2 Parti u!ars MI2F 3Master in Isla&ic 2an(in- Finance4 2ac"elors o/ Co&&erce 8#Co& Secondary Sc"ool Certi/icate

PROFESSIONAL E"PERIENCE Interns#i$ in Ban% A!&Fa!a#' (i!)it Bran # *r+, O t -../ t+ De -../ Ma'or 9earnin- durin- Interns"i$: Account ;$enin Handlin- o/ re&ittances Car /inancin Credit Financin Cas" "andlin- and ot"er Accounts o$eration V+!unteer servi e at A)a 0#an University' Finan e 1e$art,ent Fr+, January -.2 Filin- docu&ents in t"eir res$ective /iles# Issuin- loan docu&ents to students and e<$lainin- t"e& "o. to /ill it# Receivin- loan docu&ents /ro& students# Ma(in- di//erent lists ."en re=uired %y t"e de$art&ent#

V+!unteer servi e at A)a 0#an University' 34R 1e$art,ent To Record 9ive a$$lications# Maintain &$loyees Files Scannin- 8ocu&ents Maintain Finance Related 8ocu&ents#

V+!unteer servi e at A)a 0#an University' Payr+!! De$art,ent >re$are 8i//erent >ay&ents ?ouc"ers#

Maintain 9eave ncas"&ent /or&s# 0$date 2an(in- 8etails /ro& Salary Trans/er re=uest /or&s# 0$date ;n Calls >ay&ent 8etails#

IT AND OT3ER PROFICIENCIES Good co&&and over 5S O**i e PERSONAL Fat"er@s na&e: C6IC 8ate o/ 2irt" >lace o/ 2irt" Marital Status 9an-ua-es REFERENCES Re/erences .ill %e &ade availa%le on re=uest Me"er%an S"a" +1A)A-)412)AB-5 Fe%ruary 2C, 15CA !"y%er 3Hunza4 Sin-le n-lis", 0rdu, 2urus"as(i

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