Final Project For Given B
Final Project For Given B
Final Project For Given B
1. To Discover What s !oi"# O" To $ear" abo%t &hat 'otivates s%rve( res)o"*e"ts a"* &hat s i')orta"t to the'. +. To Provi*e ," O))ort%"it( To Disc%ss -e( To)ics With .o%r Tar#et Po)%$atio" To a$$o&s /orever i"si#ht i"to s%rve( )ro*%cts0 a"* ca" she* $i#ht o" to)ics re$ate* to se$$i"# & satis/actor( $eve$ 1e//ective"ess &ithi" a $ar#er co"te2t.
3. To Provi*e a Be"ch'ar4 To )rovi*e a 5s"a)shot5 o/ tar#et )o)%$atio" a"* their attit%*es abo%t s%rve( )ro*%cts. & To estab$ish a base$i"e /ro' &hich &e ca" co')are &hether tar#et )o)%$atio" attit%*es a"* )erce)tio"s re$ative to the s%rve( )rob$e' are #etti"# better or &orse over ti'e. 6. To chec4 o%t the re/$ect o/ the strate#ic objectives a"* #oa$s o/ or#a"i7atio". 8. To /i"* o%t That Whether there is a"( cha"#e or i')rove'e"t i" the )er/or'a"ce o/ se$$i"# #ro&th o/ 'e*ici"es.
I" a ra)i*$( cha"#i"# societ(0 hea$th cari"# & *iste')er *ai$( ro%ti"e0 is "ot o"$( acti"# that is *esirab$e b%t a$so a" activit( that a" or#a"i7atio" '%st co''it 9ar4et to0 i/ it is to 'ai"tai" a viab$e a"* 4"o&$e*#eab$e &or4 /orce. The s%rve( co"tai"s a "%'ber o/ tech"i:%es that ca" be %se* to )ro'ote a )ro*%ct ;or service< to a )ote"tia$ c%sto'er a"* a$so estab$ish a"* 'ai"tai" a" active *ia$o#%e . 9ar4et s%rve( is a )rocess o/ $ear"i"#: ho& to #ro& %) a se:%e"ce o/ )ro#ra''e* activities. It is a))$icatio" o/ i')rove'e"t & /%rther rise0 b( #etti"# i"/or'atio" o/ the act%a$ )ositio" o/ /ir'=itse$/0 & o/ its co')etitors i" the 9ar4et. The :%estio" to be as4i"#0 co')i$e %se/%$ i"/or'atio" abo%t c%sto'ers ;$i4es0 *is$i4es0 &a"ts0 "ee*s a"* e2)ectatio"s< so that the co$$ate* i"/or'atio" ca" be $ater a"a$(se* a"* the /i"*i"#s %se* to i')rove o" /%t%re 'ar4eti"# ca')ai#"s0 services a"*1or )ro*%cts.
-"o& Retai$i"# Trac4i"# Service is To -"o&s %"i:%e service0 to assist c$ie"ts to trac4 the sa$es )er/or'a"ce o/ retai$i"# )ro*%cts b( a$$ co')etitio" bra"*s0 9ar4et s%rve(s )rovi*e acc%rate i"/or'atio" a"* a"a$(sis s%))ort /or c$ie"ts to i')rove the cha""e$ strate#(0 eva$%atio" a"* )ro'ote the sa$es )er/or'a"ce. The s%ccess o/ those (o%"# a"* $ea*i"# co')a"ies $ies o" the /act that the( co%$* #ras) the 'i"or 'ar4et cha"#es :%ic4$(>
The s%ccess o/ those /a'o%s co')a"ies &ith $o"# histor( $ies o" the /act that the( co%$* ho$* the se"se o/ 'ar4et *eve$o)'e"t i" ti'e. To -"o& Co"s%$ti"#0 &o%$* $i4e to $ea* %s to *iscover those /acts0 &e thi"4 'ore /or o%r c$ie"ts0 a"* &ith 'ore actio" too
The I"*ia" )har'ace%tica$ i"*%str( a**resses *o'estic a"* #$oba$ 'ar4ets thro%#h #oo*s a"* services that e"co')ass /i"ishe* *r%# *osa#es ;@or'%$atio"s<0 ,ctive Phar'ace%tica$ I"#re*ie"ts ;,PI<0 Research a"* Deve$o)'e"t ;R&D<0 a"* re$ate* co"tract services. The *o'estic 'ar4et co')rises 'a"%/act%re a"* sa$es o/ vario%s /or'%$atio"s a"* ,PIs. The #$oba$ 'ar4et co"sists o/ e2)ort o/ /or'%$atio"s0 ,PIs0 a"* o%tso%rci"# services re$ate* to R&D a"* 'a"%/act%ri"#0 a$so 4"o&" as Co"tract Research a"* 9a"%/act%ri"# Services ;CR,9S<. Do'estica$$(0 'ajor reve"%e so%rces are the )ro*%ctio" a"* sa$es o/ ,ctive Phar'ace%tica$ I"#re*ie"ts a"* #e"eric *r%#s. 9ost o/ the *r%#s so$* i" I"*ia are #e"eric /or'%$atio"s. 9a"%/act%rersA )re/ere"ce /or #e"eric *r%#s is attrib%tab$e to the $o& cost o/ research a"* the abse"ce o/ a" e"/orceab$e )ro*%ct )ate"t re#i'e )rior to +BB8. With 'ore tha" +60BBB co')a"ies0 the I"*ia" )har'ace%tica$ 'ar4et is hi#h$( /ra#'e"te*. This 'ar4et C &hich i" +BBD reache* reve"%es o/ E D.+ B a"* is #ro&i"# at a co')o%"* a""%a$ #ro&th rate ;C,!R< o/ 13.8F == is )rojecte* to reach E 1B.3 B i" reve"%es b( +B1B. Co"trib%ti"# /actors to i"*%str( #ro&th i"c$%*e i"creasi"# )o)%$atio"0 a" i"creasi"# co"s%'er base es)ecia$$( i" the 'i**$e a"* %))er i"co'e brac4ets0 the "ee* /or i')rove* hea$thcare i"/rastr%ct%re0 a"* I"*ia" co')a"iesA reverse=e"#i"eeri"# s4i$$s. ,'o"# the 'ajor i*e"ti/ie* thera)e%tic se#'e"ts0 the b%$4 o/ I"*ia" )har'ace%tica$ sa$es is attrib%tab$e to a"ti=i"/ective *r%#s ;1GF<0 #astro=i"testi"a$ *r%#s ;11F<0 a"* car*iovasc%$ar *r%#s ;1BF<. I"*ia a$so is the *esti"atio" /or a $ar#e a"* #ro&i"# vo$%'e o/ o%tso%rce* )ro*%ctio" a"* R&D b( 9%$ti"atio"a$ Phar'ace%tica$ Co')a"ies ;9PCs<. -e( /actors that 'a4e I"*ia a" attractive o%tso%rce i"c$%*e its $o&er costs o/ )ro*%ctio" a"* R&D0 the hi#hest "%'ber o/ )$a"ts certi/ie* b( the US @D, o%tsi*e the US ;H8<0 a"* hi#h$( s4i$$e* )ro/essio"a$s. The services o/ these I"*ia" co')a"ies i"c$%*e Co"tract 9a"%/act%ri"# Or#a"i7atio"s ;C9Os<0 Co"tract Research Or#a"i7atio"s ;CROs< a"* other re$ate* services. The I"*ia" )har'ace%tica$ o%tso%rci"# 'ar4et sho&s a hea$th( C,!R o/ 3H.DF a"* is e2)ecte* to i"crease /ro' E I+I 9 i" +BBD to E 3.33 B b( +B1B. I"*iaAs share i" the #$oba$ )har'ace%tica$ o%tso%rci"# i"*%str( is e2)ecte* to i"crease /ro' 1.GF ;i" +BBD< to 6.6F ;i" +B1B<. The vario%s a*va"ta#es o//ere* b( the I"*ia" )har'ace%tica$ o%tso%rci"# i"*%str( are attracti"# #$oba$ i"vest'e"t o" a sca$e that &i$$ s)%r the #ro&th o/ the I"*ia" )har'ace%tica$ i"*%str( as a &ho$e.
The I"*ia" )har'ace%tica$ i"*%str( a**resses the "ee*s o/ t&o broa* cate#ories o/ 'ar4etJ *o'estic a"* #$oba$. Do'estic reve"%e is #e"erate* thro%#h sa$es a"* )ro'otio" o/ vario%s *r%# cate#ories. These i"c$%*e: K Ethica$ *r%#s ;avai$ab$e o"$( &ith &ritte" i"str%ctio"s /ro' a *octor to a )har'acist< 1 K Over=the=Co%"ter ;OTC< *r%#s + K ,ctive Phar'ace%tica$ I"#re*ie"ts ;,PIs<. !$oba$ 'ar4et "ee*s are 'et &ith services that i"c$%*e: 1 KO%tso%rce* R&D a"* 'a"%/act%ri"# services0 a$so 4"o&" as Co"tract Research ,"* 9a"%/act%ri"# Services ;CR,9S<0 i')$e'e"te* b( Co"tract 9a"%/act%ri"# Or#a"i7atio"s ;C9O< a"* Co"tract Research Or#a"i7atio"s ;CRO<. + K9a"%/act%ri"# a"* sa$e o/ #e"erics a"* ,PIs /or the overseas 'ar4et KDr%# *iscover(1'o*i/icatio"
EX -1, 2, 3
THE COMPETITION The $eve$ o/ co')etitio" i" ver( hi#h i" ,c%te se#'e"t o" *a( to *a( basis ho&ever the *e#ree o/ co')etitio" i" "ot as '%ch as hi#h i" Chro"ic thera)( area o" *a( to *a( basis. ,s *octor has to )rescribe *r%# /or a $o"# ti'e i" chro"ic cases a"* )atie"t is s%))ose to co"s%'e it &itho%t a"( cha"#e o/ bra"*. Whi$e i" ac%te cases *octor is cha"#i"# bra"*s o" *a( to *a( basis.
bee" i"creasi"# sca$e. O"$( b( #ro&i"# $ar#er are co')a"ies ab$e to a//or* the Co"si*erab$e costs o/ *r%# *eve$o)'e"t a"* *istrib%tio". Withi" this broa* a))roach at $east t&o b%si"ess 'o*e$s are *iscer"ab$e: ;i< Super Core Model i"vo$vi"# the search /or0 a"* *istrib%tio" o/ a s'a$$ "%'ber o/ Dr%#s /ro' Chronic Therapy Area that achieve s%bsta"tia$ #$oba$ sa$es. The s%ccess o/ this 'o*e$ *e)e"*s o" achievi"# $ar#e ret%r"s /ro' a s'a$$ "%'ber o/ *r%#s i" or*er to Pa( /or the hi#h cost o/ the *r%# *iscover( a"* *eve$o)'e"t )rocess /or a $ar#e "%'ber o/ )atie"ts. Tota$ reve"%es are hi#h$( *e)e"*a"t o" sa$es /ro' a s'a$$ "%'ber o/ *r%#s. ;ii< Core Model i" &hich a $ar#er "%'ber o/ *r%#s /ro' Acute Therapy Area are Marketed to big diversified markets. The advantage of this model is that its success is not dependant on sales of a small number of drugs.
CO ! C"#TOM! (Doctor) 5
!%&'C"#TOM! (Patient)
C"#TOM! (Stockist)
Mor'a$$( there are abso$%te$( "o cha"ces o/ *%')i"# o/ #oo*s at stoc4ist a"* retai$er $eve$ is (et re)orte* a$so )a('e"t recover( o/ co')a"ies is a$so ver( #oo*.
)r- (eddy.s Laboratories Ltd- tra*i"# as )r- (eddy/s0 /o%"*e* i" 1IG6 b( Dr. -. ,"ji Re**(0 has beco'e I"*iaAs seco"* bi##est )har'ace%tica$ co')a"(0 ha* &or4e* i" the )%b$ic$(=o&"e* I"*ia" Dr%#s a"* Phar'ace%tica$s Lt*. Re**( s 'a"%/act%res a"* 'ar4ets a &i*e ra"#e o/ )har'ace%tica$s i" I"*ia a"* overseas. The co')a"( has 'ore tha" 1IB 'e*icatio"s rea*( /or )atie"ts to ta4e0 DB active )har'ace%tica$ i"#re*ie"ts /or *r%# 'a"%/act%re0 *ia#"ostic 4its0 critica$ care a"* biotech"o$o#( )ro*%cts.
2e are 3
," I"te#rate* !$oba$ Phar'ace%tica$ Co')a"(
Levera#e i"*%str( $ea*i"# scie"ce & tech"o$o#(0 )ro*%ct O//eri"#0 ,"* c%sto'er service &ith e2ec%tio" e2ce$$e"ce.
@o%"*e* i" 6789 b( e"tre)re"e%r scie"tist )r" An:i (eddy
OTo beco'e a *iscover( $e* #$oba$ )har'ace%tica$ Co')a"(P
Provi*i"# a//or*ab$e a"* i""ovative 'e*ici"es /or hea$thier $ives.
,s a /%$$( i"te#rate* )har'ace%tica$ co')a"(0 its )%r)ose is to )rovi*e a//or*ab$e a"* i""ovative 'e*ici"es thro%#h o%r three core b%si"esses:
)r- (eddy.s ;betapharm< recei1es preliminary results on AO" tender in !ermanybeta)har' has bee" te"tative$( o//ere* G )ro*%cts i" *i//ere"t re#io"s o/ !er'a"( coveri"# the
Phar'ace%tica$ Services a"* ,ctive I"#re*ie"ts0 co')risi"# o%r ,ctive Phar'ace%tica$s a"* C%sto' Phar'ace%tica$s b%si"esses> !$oba$ !e"erics0 &hich i"c$%*es bra"*e* a"* %"bra"*e* #e"erics> Pro)rietar( Pro*%cts0 &hich i"c$%*es Me& Che'ica$ E"tities ;MCEs<0 Di//ere"tiate* @or'%$atio"s0 a"* !e"eric Bio)har'ace%tica$s.
Its )ro*%cts are 'ar4ete* #$oba$$(0 &ith a /oc%s o" I"*ia0 US0 E%ro)e a"* R%ssia. Dr. Re**(As co"*%cts MCE research i" the areas o/ 'etabo$ic *isor*ers0 car*iovasc%$ar i"*icatio"s0 a"ti=i"/ectives a"* i"/$a''atio". Its stro"# )ort/o$io o/ b%si"esses0 #eo#ra)hies a"* )ro*%cts #ives %s a" e*#e i" a" i"creasi"#$( co')etitive #$oba$ 'ar4et a"* a$$o&s %s to )rovi*e a//or*ab$e 'e*icatio" to )eo)$e across the &or$*0 re#ar*$ess o/ #eo#ra)hic a"* socio=eco"o'ic barriers.
!lobal Presence5
@oc%s o" US0 !er'a"(0 I"*ia a"* R%ssia Who$$(=o&"e* s%bsi*iaries i" the US,0 U-0 R%ssia0 Bra7i$0 Me& Qea$a"*0 T%r4e( a"* 9e2ico Joi"t Ve"t%res i" Chi"a0 So%th ,/rica a"* ,%stra$ia Re)rese"tative O//ices i" 1D co%"tries 3r* )art( Distrib%tio" set%)s i" +3 co%"tries
!oing *or=ard
@oc%s o" co"siste"t ear"i"#s & )ro/itab$e #ro&th B%i$* $ea*ershi) )ositio" i" !$oba$ !e"erics a"* Phar'ace%tica$ Services & ,ctive I"#re*ie"ts
c%sto' )har'ace%tica$ services0 a"* *r%# *iscover(. It co"*%cts research i" the areas o/ ca"cer0 *iabetes0 'etabo$ic *isor*ers0 car*iovasc%$ar *iseases0 i"/$a''atio"0 a"* bacteria$ i"/ectio". I" a**itio"0 the co')a"( i"vo$ves i" co"tract 'a"%/act%ri"# o/ #e"eric )rescri)tio" a"* over=the=co%"ter )ro*%cts /or bra"*e* a"* #e"eric co')a"ies i" the U"ite* States. Dr. Re**(As o//ers ce"tra$ "ervo%s s(ste'0 )ai" 'a"a#e'e"t0 #astroi"testi"a$0 res)irator(0 a"ti=i"/ective0 %ro$o#(0 &o'e"As hea$th0 s)asticit(0 a"* a$i'e"tar( tract re$ate* #e"erics /i"ishe* *osa#es. It 'ar4ets its )ro*%cts i" I"*ia0 R%ssia0 the U"ite* States0 U"ite* -i"#*o'0 !er'a"(0 So%th ,/rica0 Bra7i$0 Chi"a0 -a7a4hsta"0 U7be4ista"0 U4rai"e0 Be$ar%s0 Viet"a'0 Ro'a"ia0 Ve"e7%e$a0 a"* 9(a"'ar. The co')a"( has a co= *eve$o)'e"t a"* co''ercia$i7atio" a#ree'e"t &ith De"'ar4 base* Rheoscie"ce ,1S /or the *eve$o)'e"t a"* co''ercia$i7atio" o/ Ba$a#$ita7o"e1DR@ +8I30 a )artia$ PP,R=#a''a a#o"ist /or the treat'e"t o/ t()e + *iabetes> a" a#ree'e"t &ith C$i"Tec I"ter"atio"a$ /or the *eve$o)'e"t o/ a" a"ti=ca"cer co')o%"*0 DR@ 1B6+> co$$aboratio" &ith the Matio"a$ Ca"cer I"stit%te i" 9ar($a"*> a" a#ree'e"t &ith ,r#e"ta Discover( Li'ite* /or the joi"t *eve$o)'e"t a"* co''ercia$i7atio" o/ a "ove$ a))roach to the treat'e"t o/ chro"ic obstr%ctive )%$'o"ar( *isease> a"* a" a#ree'e"t &ith HT9 Phar'a /or the *r%# *iscover( co$$aboratio" o" se$ecte* *r%# tar#ets. Dr. Re**(As Laboratories Li'ite* &as /o%"*e* i" 1IG6 a"* is hea*:%artere* i" N(*eraba*0 I"*ia.
PSAI5 8 US*)A i"s)ecte* /aci$ities;D i" I"*ia0 1 i" 9e2ico a"* 1 i" U-<> 3 Tech"o$o#( Deve$o)'e"t ce"ters ;+ i" I"*ia a"* 1 i" U-<
;Products< SI9V,S ,LEMDR O9EPR, OR.COD TR,9,D R,9NCT IBUPRO !,B,PE R,9IPR BISOPR MISE O9EQ ST,9LO ST,9LO BET, ,TOCOR O9EQ=D R,QO EM,9 9IMTOP CL,9P O9EQ CIPROLET MISE EM,9 -ETOROL ERI@IME CETRIME S%'atri)ta" ,! @e2o/e"a*i"e !$i'e)iri*e O2a)ro7i" O"*a"setro" 9e)roba'ate Diva$)roe2 S)r. Ca)s%$es Si'vastati" @i"asteri*e Ci)ro/$o2aci" Ti7a"a*i"e
OB )r (eddys5
Atocor (
Telsartan $F
(esearch Methodology5
Research 9(tho$o#( o/ the )roject &or4 'ea"s ho& the research has bee" carrie* o%t. The )roject is base* o" the 'ar4et a"* co"s%'erAs behavior o/ 'e*ici"e )ro*%cts. What is the 'ar4et share o/ *i//ere"t bra"*sS What is the 'ar4et si7e o/ 'e*ici"e )ro*%cts i" the ho'e a))$ia"ceAs 'ar4etS
)eBining the (esearch Ob:ecti1es5I The Research objective "ee* to be c$ear$( *e/i"e* i" or*er0 so that the research is %se/%$ & the )%r)ose o/ research is to be s%ccess/%$ & *o "ot 'is#%i*i"# the /act & /i"*i"#s.
+< The researcher '%st 4"o& abo%t his1her )roject as &e$$ as 4"o& ho& to #ather the 4"o&$e*#e a"* i"/or'atio" &hich are re$ate* to the to)ic. 3< Pse%*o i"/or'atio" re#ar*i"# )roject sho%$* be avoi*e*0 so$i* )roo/ & j%sti/icatio" '%st be ta4e" %"*er co"si*er. 6< The researcher '%st )oi"t=o%t the obstac$es a"* threats ver( care/%$$(.
Type oB (esearch5
Research is a care/%$ i"vesti#atio" or e":%iri"# s)ecia$$( thro%#h search o/ "e& /acts i" a"( bra"ch o/ 4"o&$e*#e. OResearch 'etho*o$o#( is a &a( to s(ste'atica$$( so$ve the research )rob$e' #e"era$$( a*o)te* b( a researcher i" st%*(i"# his research )rob$e' a$o"# &ith the behi"* the'P. There are 'ai"$( three t()es o/ research *esi#"= 6- &Jploratory +. Descri)tive 3. Ca%sa$ This is a" e2)$orator( research. E2)$orator( research is *o"e &he" &e are "ot a&are o/ the )rob$e' c$ear$(0 /i"* it o%t0 a"* s%##est )ossib$e so$%tio". This research re:%ire* e2)$ori"# i"to 'a"( as)ects o/ the e//ective"ess o/ the se$$i"# o/ the or#a"i7atio"=bra"*s a/ter $a%"chi"# the'0 ti$$ (et at )rese"t ti'e a"* th%s /i"*i"# o%t the $eve$ o/ the c%sto'er satis/actio".
Sampling Techni0ue5
Us%a$$(0 the )o)%$atio" is too $ar#e /or the researcher to atte')t to s%rve( a$$ the 'e'bers. , s'a$$ b%t care/%$$( chose" sa')$e ca" be %se* to re)rese"t the )o)%$atio". The sa')$e re/$ects the characteristics o/ the )o)%$atio" /ro' &hich it is *ra&". Sa')$i"# tech"i:%e0 &hich has bee" chose" i" this research &or40 is strati/ie* sa')$i"#.
Sample SiKe Sa')$e si7e has bee" ta4e" as 13B Retai$ 9e*ica$ sho)s ;e2)ecti"# &ho$esa$ers< i" Jai)%r cit(0 i" its 13 *i//ere"t areas.
Method oB selecting a sample5I To save 'o"e( a"* ti'e0 'etho* o/ sa')$i"# &as activate* b( the researcher i" the /or' o/ a" e2)eri'e"t. 9i"i'%' 1B 'e*ica$ sho)s &ere se$ecte* /or the sa')$e o/ research o%t o/ a$$ 9e*ica$ sho)s i" eve"= each o/ )artic%$ar area o/ Jai)%r cit(. ,t the ti'e o/ se$ectio" o/ sa')$es this /act &as 4e)t i" 'i"* that the 9e*ica$ sho) sho%$* be /%$$( re)rese"ti"# the /o$$o&i"# variab$es:= 1<. The *%ratio" o/ the estab$ishe* schoo$. +< E"viro"'e"t o/ the s%rro%"*i"#s o/ the sho)0 & a$so0 the $eve$ o/ co$o"i$i7atio" o/ that )artic%$ar area0 i.e. C &hether it is: )osh area or %"e2)$oite* area. 3<. The occ%)atio" o/ the )eo)$e $ivi"# "ear b( 6<. The /or' o/ the achieve'e"t o/ the reor#a"i7atio" o/ that 9e*ica$ sho)
)ata Sources Data or /acts are the ra& 'ateria$s &ith &hich a res%$t /%"ctio"s. Data is the /o%"*atio" o/ a$$ the researches. Data ca" be c$assi/ie* i"to t&o: 1. Pri'ar( *ata +. Seco"*ar( *ata I" this research &or4 )ri'ar( *ata has bee" co$$ecte* b( sche*%$e s%rve(. Sche*%$e s%rve( is the S(ste'atic &a( o/ #atheri"# *ata /ro' the res)o"*e"ts thro%#h a :%estio""aire. It i"vo$ves the :%estio"i"# o/ res)o"*e"ts thro%#h a :%estio""aire. It i"vo$ves the :%estio"i"# o/ res)o"*e"ts to sec%re the *esire* i"/or'atio" %si"# *ata co$$ectio" i"str%'e"t ca$$e*
:%estio""aire. , :%estio""aire is a /or'a$ $ist o/ :%estio"s to be a"s&ere* i" the s%rve(. The :%estio"s 'a( be as4e* verba$$( i" &ritte" res)o"ses a"* 'a( be #ive" i" either /or'. Seco"*ar( so%rces have bee" co$$ecte* thro%#h: 1< I" ho%se= *oc%'e"ts +< Co')a"( &ebsite 3< P%b$ishe* artic$es 6< 9a#a7i"es 8< Past recor*s
(esearch Instruments5I Sche*%$e &as %se* as research i"str%'e"t. I" the sche*%$e> so'e :%estio"s &ere c$ose e"*e* i" "at%re a"* so'e &ere o)e"=e"*e* :%estio".
(esearch Method ,$$ those t()es o/ 'etho*s &ere se$ecte*0 &hich &ere ver( eas( a"* 'ore co"ve"ie"t. Whe" the a))ro)riate 'etho* &as se$ecte* /or research0 a$so 4"e& that ho& to %se these 'etho*s i" s)eci/ic 'a""er a"* as &e$$ as 4ee) the $i'itatio" i" 'i"*.
Selection area5I
,$$ areas *ivi*e* i" cate#or( &ise. Si'i$ar$(0 as research is *ivi*e* accor*i"# to territor( &ise.
(esearch plan5
What &as act%a$$( *i*?S T&o 9o$ec%$es: Ator1astatin &: TelmisarenL combination =ith Amlodipine D +ydrochlorothiaKide &ere as4e* to each o/ 9e*ica$ sho) & as4e* /or i" its $ea*i"# bra"*s0 se$$i"# o/ &hich are bei"# i" a 'a2i'%' :%a"tit( at that o"e sho)0 & as4e* /or other re$ate* i"/or'atio". So0 thereb(0 it &i$$ be "ecessar( to 4"o& &e$$ these 'o$ec%$es /irst:
!eneric ame5 ,torvastati" Pronunciation 5 ,ttah=var=state=i" Trade ame 5 ,r)itor0 asti"0 atcho$0 atcho$=,SP ,theart0 atheroche40 atocor0 atorec0 ator/it0 atori$0 atori"0 ,tor$i) ;Ci)$a<0 atorva0 atosa=18B0 atro$ar0 atstat0 attor0 atvas0 avas0 avasti"0 a7tor0 car*istat0 car*%o0 cho$echec40 cho$estat. 2hy it is prescribed ;Indications<5 this acts b( co')etitive$( i"hibiti"# N9!C, re*%ctase0a" e"7('e i"vo$ve* i" cho$estero$ bios("thesis. 2hen it is to be taken 5 i"itia$$( 1B '#s *ai$( a"* the *osa#e 'a( #o %) to GB '#s *ai$( . +o= it should be taken5 Ta4e this 'e*icatio" b( 'o%th0 %s%a$$( o"ce *ai$( or as *irecte* b( (o%r *octor.Use this 'e*icatio" re#%$ar$( i" or*er to #et the 'ost be"e/it /ro' it. . Special Instruction 5 Patie"ts sho%$* be a*vise* to re)ort )ro')t$( %"e2)$ai"e* '%sc$e )ai"0te"*er"ess &ea4"ess0 )artic%$ar$( i/ a//ecte* b( 'a$iase or &ea4"ess. Side &BBects 5 ,b*o'i"a$ )ai"0"a%sea0vo'itti"#. Other Precautions5 Co"tri"*icate* i" )re#"a"c(a"* breast /ee*i"#.9a( be %se* &ith ca%tio" i" the case o/ o$* a#e.
T&LMISSA(T& US&S5 This *r%# is %se* to treat hi#h b$oo* )ress%re ;h()erte"sio"<. This *r%# &or4s b( b$oc4i"# the hor'o"e a"#iote"si" thereb( re$a2i"# b$oo* vesse$s0 ca%si"# the' to &i*e". Ni#h b$oo* )ress%re re*%ctio" he$)s )reve"t stro4es0 heart attac4s0 a"* 4i*"e( )rob$e's.
OT+&( US&S5 This *r%# 'a( a$so be %se* to treat co"#estive heart /ai$%re a"* to he$) )rotect the 4i*"e(s /ro' *a'a#e *%e to *iabetes.
+O2 TO US&5 Ta4e this 'e*icatio" b( 'o%th0 %s%a$$( o"ce *ai$( or as *irecte* b( (o%r *octor. .o% 'a( ta4e this *r%# &ith or &itho%t /oo*. Use this 'e*icatio" re#%$ar$( i" or*er to #et the 'ost be"e/it /ro' it.
SI)& &**&CTS5 .o% 'a( e2)erie"ce *i77i"ess0 $i#hthea*e*"ess0 b$%rre* visio"0 or bac4 )ai" as (o%r bo*( a*j%sts to the 'e*icatio". I/ a"( o/ these e//ects )ersist or &orse"0 "oti/( (o%r *octor or )har'acist )ro')t$(
P(&CAUTIO S5 Be/ore %si"# this 'e*icatio"0 te$$ (o%r *octor or )har'acist (o%r 'e*ica$ histor(0 es)ecia$$( o/: 4i*"e( *isease0 $iver *isease0 hi#h b$oo* $eve$s o/ )otassi%'0 heart )rob$e's0 severe *eh(*ratio" ;a"* $oss o/ e$ectro$(tes s%ch as so*i%'<0 *iabetes ;)oor$( co"tro$$e*<.
The $ast b%t o"e ste) i" the )rocess o/ research is to e2tract )erti"e"t /i"*i"#s /ro' the co$$ecte* *ata. The researcher tab%$ate* the *ata a"* the" a))$ie* a$$ statistica$ 'etho*s & #ra)hic 'etho*s. This he$)s i" )ro)er a"a$(7i"# the co$$ecte* i"/or'atio" a"* *ata so that the researcher "ot #ets 'is#%i*e* a"* a"( )rob$e' occ%rs the research &or4.
The co"c$%sio" & reco''e"*atio" &hich are co$$ecte* sho%$* be )rese"te* i" the s(ste'atic 'a""er. T )arties. So0 that the researcher i" the $ast0 re)rese"ts the /i"a$ i"ter)retatio" a"* #ives his s%##estio"s a"* observatio"s. his is the $ast ste) is research )rocess is to )rese"t the /i"*i"#s to the re$eva"t
Basica$$(0 the sco)e &as to beco'e /a'i$iar abo%t vario%s bra"*s & its se$$i"# rate at the *oor o/ 'e*ica$ sho)s a"* to #ai" 4"o&$e*#e re#ar*i"# ho& to 'a"a#e s%rve(s0 research & other )ro#ra''es /or se$$i"# o/ )ro*%cts.
I" the )roject0 the researchers *o st%*( a$$ abo%t areas &here co')a"( &as *ea$i"# )revio%s$(. There/ore the researcher revie&i"# the )ast eve"ts a"* 'o*e$ b%i$*i"# at a$$ the
areas a"* a"a$(7i"# &here the co')a"( sho%$* be a*a)t the a))ro)riate se$$i"# *evise as a &a( to e"ha"ce the covera#e o/ the area a"* *o 'ore a"* 'ore )%b$icit( to sec%re 'ar4et share i" or*er to co')ete its co')etitors.
Ever( research is co"*%cte* to /%$/i$$ certai" objectives. These objectives /%$/i$$ so'e )%r)oses a"* &hich are si#"i/ica"t /or /%rther research &or4 a"* researcher. The 'ost si#"i/ica"t at the st%*( is the researcher hi#h$i#hts the SWOT a"* $i'itatio" a"* a$so s%##est to co')a"( a*a)t a))ro)riate se$$i"# too$s &hich are he$)/%$ /or the )%b$icit( a"* c%sto'er a&are"ess as &e$$ as b%i$* a bra"* i'a#e o/ )artic%$ar co')a"( i" the e(es o/ c%sto'ers.
The co')a"(ee a/ter this research ca" easi$( ta4e *ecisio" that &here se$$i"# o/ its bra"*s is 'ore e//ective. ,"*0 4"o& that ho& to e$i'i"ate these &ea4 )oi"ts. It ca" thi"4 other
This research is 'ore be"e/icia$ /or researcher to i"crease his 4"o&$e*#e0 abi$it(0 a"* s4i$$s. This research a$so )rovi*es a" a**itio"a$ e2)erie"ce i" the /ie$* o/ research a"* this research #et a cha"ce to e2)os%re i" the 9B, C%rric%$%'.
I T&(P(&T A ) (&PO(T
D,T, ,M,L.SIS:=
Tab$e "o: 1
ame oB Medicine
,tor/it ,tor$i) ;Ci)$a< ;ci)$a< ,torva ,ttor7e' T#tor To"act Qivast ;@DC< Tota$
Ator1astatinIShastri agar 8B 6B Muantity 3B +B 1B B ,tor/it ,tor$i) ,torva ,ttor7e' Medicine T#tor To"act Qivast
i"ter)retatio": There are 61 Stri) is the 'a2i'%' :%a"tit( o/ 'e*ici"e= ,tor$i) ;Ci)$a< & ,tocor is /o%"* abse"t.
ame oB Medicine
Losar Te$ista ;L%)i"< Te$$7ee N Te$'a ,9 Te$'a N Te$'a 9 Te$'a D Te$'a +B06B Te$sar N Serta Tota$ 18 +B +B BG +H 3B B6 B3 B8 1B 16+
1B.8D 16.BG 160BG B8.D3 1I.B1 +1.1+ +.G1 1.6+ 3.8+ H.B6 1BB.BB
TelmisartenIShastri agar
38 3B +8 +B 18 1B 8 B Losar Te$ista Te$$7( Te$'a Te$'a Te$'a Te$'a Te$'a Te$sar Serta N ,9 N 9 D +B06B N Medicine
I"ter)retatio": There are 3B Stri) is the 'a2i'%' :%a"tit( o/ 'e*ici"e= Te$'a 9 & Te$sarta" is /o%"* abse"t.
Table no5 ?
,rea: Raja)ar4
ame oB Medicine
,to/it ,7tor ,'$o)ress ,'$ovass Atocor ,tor'ac ,tor$i) ;Ci)$a< ,torva Li)ic%re 9o"otorva Storvas T#tor To"act Rtor Qb$oc4 Qivast Tota$ 3B BH 1+ 1+ 67 B6 6G HI 1+ BD 6B 13 8B B3 68 1B 3IB
,torvastati" T%a"tit(;Stri)<
H.DI 1.HI 3.BH 3.BH 9-8C 1.B+ 1+.3B +B.+8 3.BH 1.83 1B.+8 3.33 1+.G+ B.HD 11.83 +.8D 1BB.BB
IB GB HB DB 8B 6B 3B +B 1B B
I"ter)retatio": There are HI stri) is the 'a2i'%' :%a"tit( o/ 'e*ici"e= ,torva & 1I stri) is o/ ,tocor.
Te$'isarta" # Amlodipine
# +ydrochlorothiaKide
ame oB Medicine
Cresar N Te$*a( N Te$*a( ,9 Te$ista ;L%)i"< N Te$'a N ;!$e"'ar4< ;!$e"'ar4< Te$'a ;)$a"e< Te$'a 9 Te$'a ,9 Te$'i4i"* N Te$sar Telsartan Terista Tota$ B3 B8 BI 11 181 B1 3B DB 18 3I FN B3 333
B.IB 1.8 +.HB 3.3B 68.36 B.3B I.BB 1G.B1 6.8B 11.H1 6-8 B.I 1BB.BB
C re sa r Te N $* a Te ( N $* a( , Te 9 $is ta Te N $' Te a $' N a ;) $a " Te e< $' a Te 9 $' Te a , 9 $' i4 i" * N Te $sa Te r $sa rta " Te ris ta
I"ter)retatio": There are 181 stri)s is the 'a2i'%' :%a"tit( o/ 'e*ici"e= Te$'a N & BD stri)s are o/ Te$ssarta".
ame oB Medicine
,torva ,tor$i) ;Ci)$a< ,torvast ,torsave Atocor ,ttor ,7itor Ecos)ri" Li)ic%$e Storvas T#tor To"act Tri4a Qivast
,torvastati" T%a"tit(;Stri)<
3D3 8D +B +B 9F 8B +B 16H ++ 18B DI 113 DB 6B 31.B+ 6.HD 1.H1 1.H1 ?-9F 6.+H 1.HB 1+.8D 1.GH 1+.HD 8.GH I.D1 8.1B 3.6B
6BB 38B 3BB +8B +BB 18B 1BB 8B B
I"ter)retatio": There are 3D3 stri) is the 'a2i'%' :%a"tit( o/ 'e*ici"e= ,torva & 6B stri)s is o/ ,tocor.
,t or
ame oB Medicine
Cr(sar N Ta7$oc 1B Ta$*a( Te$'a ,9 Te$'a N Te$'a 6B Te$'a ,N Te$sarta" Te$ista ;L%)i"< Te$sar Te$'istate To"act +8 1B 1B 3+ 3G+ + 3B 1B 1GB 1HB B8 B1
+.I1 1.1D 1.1D 3.H3 66.8H B.+3 3.8B 1.1D +1 1I.G3 B.8G B.11
I"ter)retatio": There are 3G+ stri)s is the 'a2i'%' :%a"tit( o/ 'e*ici"e= Te$'a N & 1B stri)s are o/ Te$ssarta".
C r( sa rN Ta 7$o c 1B Ta $* a( Te $' a ,9 Te $' a N Te $' a 6B Te $' a ,N Te $sa rta " Te $is ta Te $sa Te r $' is ta te To "a ct
,torvastati" T%a"tit(;Stri)<
B8 +3 H8 AN 11D 111 B+ +1 1D 1+ +8 6D+ 1.BG 6.IH 1D.+3 6$-6$ +8.1B +6.B+ B.63 6.86 3.6D +.DB 8061 1BB.BB
/it ,t oc or ,t or $i) ,t or va ,7 er va St or va s
,t or
,t or
I"ter)retatio": There are 111 stri)s is the 'a2i'%' :%a"tit( o/ 'e*ici"e= ,torva & 8D stri)s o/ ,tocor.
Te$'isarta" # Amlodipine
# +ydrochlorothiaKid
ame oB Medicine
O$'i7est Te$'a ,9 Te$'a N Te$'a , Te$ista ;L%)i"< N Te$sar Te$sarta" Te$)ress Te$vas N Tota$ 38 BG 1B8 1B +D 16 BH B6 1B +1I
18.IG B3.D8 6H.I6 6.8H 11.GH D.3I 3.1I 1.G3 B6.8H 1BB.BB
T# to r To "a ct
Qi va st
sa ve
' ac
,t or
i7 es t
Te $s ar ta
Te $' a
I"ter)retatio": There are 1B8 stri)s is the 'a2i'%' :%a"tit( o/ 'e*ici"e= Te$'a N & BH stri)s are o/ Te$ssarta".
ss Te $v as N
Te $' a
Te $' a
Te $ is ta
Te $s ar
Te $) re
O $'
,torvastati" T%a"tit(;Stri)<
A9 +IH DB HB I3 1B +B DB 3B 63 3B 3B 1B DB GDH N-$? 36.+D D.I+ G.BH 1B.H3 1.18 +.31 D.I+ 3.6D 6.ID 3.6D 3.6D 1.18 D.I+ 1BB.BB
Ator1astationISMS +ospital
38B 3BB +8B +BB 18B 1BB 8B B
I"ter)retatio": There are +IH stri)s is the 'a2i'%' :%a"tit( o/ 'e*ici"e= ,torva & 86 stri)s are o/ ,tocor.
,t $i)
ame oB Medicine
Cresar Se'o"*as Te$*a( Te$'a Te$'isar Te$ista ;L%)i"< Te$)ress Te$sar Telsartan Teri)ath 1B 1B 13 1+H 8 83 1B HB ?C 3
+.ID +.ID 3.G8 3H.8H 1.6G 18.DG +.ID +B.H1 6F-79 B.GI
TelmisartenISMS +ospital
16B 1+B 1BB GB DB 6B +B B
Te $* a(
Te $is ta
Te $sa r
Te $' a
re sa r
o" *a s
Te $' is ar
Te $) re s
Te $sa r
Se '
I"ter)retatio": There are 1+H stri)s is the 'a2i'%' :%a"tit( o/ 'e*ici"e= Te$'a & 3H stri)s are o/ Te$ssarta".
ame oB Medicine
Atocor ,torva ,tor$i) ;Ci)$a< ,tor/it ,tor'ac ,7tor Evas Li)i4i"* Li)ic%re 9o*i$i) Storvas T#tor To"act Qivast Tota$
,torvastati" T%a"tit(;Stri)<
?N 18I +B8 +B 6B 61 BD 3B B8 BH 3H 1B +H BD D+I A-C$ +8.+G 3+.8I 3.1G D.3D D.81 B.ID 6.HH B.HI 1.11 8.GG 1.8I 6.+I B.ID 1BB.BB
Te r
i) at h
ta "
+8B +BB
18B 1BB 8B B
I"ter)retatio": There are +B8 stri)s is the 'a2i'%' :%a"tit( o/ 'e*ici"e= ,tor$i) ;Ci)$a< & 3D stri)s are o/ ,tocor.
ame oB Medicine
Te$'a Te$ista ;L%)i"< Te$7ee Te$sar To7ar Telsartan Tota$ 1DB 16B 18 68 18 AF 6+8
3H.D8 3+.I6 3.83 1B.8I 3.83 66-CN 1BB.BB
+BB Muantity 18B 1BB 8B B
I"ter)retatio": There are 1DB stri)s is the 'a2i'%' :%a"tit( o/ 'e*ici"e= Te$'a & 8o stri)s are o/ Te$sarta".
,torvastati" T%a"tit(;Stri)<
B3 BD B3 +I8 DD AF 3BB B3 1B 1IB 381 368 DB 368 +B+H B.18 B.3 B.18 16.86 3.+D $-9C 16.GB B.18 B.6I I.3H 1H.3+ 1H.B+ +.ID 1H.B+ 1BB.BB
I"ter)retatio": There are 381 stri)s is the 'a2i'%' :%a"tit( o/ 'e*ici"e= Storvas & 8B stri)s are o/ ,tocor.
ame oB Medicine
9oa'$a*ase O$'ser Te$'ica Te$'essarte" Telsartan Te$sar Te$ista ;L%)i"< Te$'a ;!$e"'ar4< Tota$ 8B 1BB B6 B3 68N 3++ 1HD 81B 1381
Te$'isarta" # Amlodipine
# +ydrochlorothiaKide
3.HB H.6B B.3 B.++ 6?-CC +3.G3 13.B3 3H.H8 1BB.BB
DBB 8BB Muantity 6BB 3BB +BB 1BB B
$a *a se
Te $sa r
Te $is ta
oa '
Te $' ic a
I"ter)retatio": There are 81B stri)s is the 'a2i'%' :%a"tit( o/ 'e*ici"e= Te$'a & 1GD stri)s are o/ Te$ssarta".
Te $' a
se r
ame oB Medicine
,torva Atocor ,tor/it ,tor$i) ;Ci)$a< ,torsave ,tor'ac Li)ic%re Stor/ib T#tor To"act Tota$
,torvastati" T%a"tit(;Stri)<
18B ?C B+ 6H B+ 13 B8 B+ BH +8 +IB 81.H+ 6$-CC B.DI 1D.+1 B.DI 6.6G 1.H+ B.DI +.61 G.D+
Ator1astationI4aishali agar
1DB 16B 1+B 1BB GB DB 6B +B B
,t or sa ve
Li )i c% re
T# to r
,t or
To "a ct
,t oc or
,t or
,t or
,t or
' ac
St or
I"ter)retatio": There are 18B stri)s is the 'a2i'%' :%a"tit( o/ 'e*ici"e= ,torva & 3H stri)s are o/ ,rtocor.
Te$'isarta" # Amlodipine
# +ydrochlorothiaKide
ame oB Medicine
Ta7$oc Te$*a( N Te$'a N ;!$e"'ar4< Te$ista ;L%)i"< Te$'ica Te$sar N Te$iact Te$vas To"act N Tota$ BD B6 1DH +3 1B 8+ 1D BD +H 311
1.I3 1.+I 83.DI H.6B 3.++ 1D.H+ 8.16 1.I3 G.DG 1BB.BB
TelmisartenI4aishali agar
18B 1BB 8B B Ta7$oc Te$*a( N Te$'a N Te$ista N Te$'ica Te$sar N Te$iact Te$vas To"act N
I"ter)retatio": There are 1DH stri)s is the 'a2i'%' :%a"tit( o/ 'e*ici"e= Te$'a N & Te$ssarta" is /o%"* abse"t.
ame oB Medicine
Atocor ,tor/it ,torva ,tor$i) ;Ci)$a< @ibator Li)i4i"* Storvas T#tor To"act Tota$
,torvastati" T%a"tit(;Stri)<
FC 1B ++1 DG B8 +6 +B +B 1+D 8B1 6-9 +.BB 66.11 13.8H 1.BB 6.HI 3.II 3.II +8.18 1BB.BB
18B 1BB 8B B
I"ter)retatio": There are ++1 stri)s is the 'a2i'%' :%a"tit( o/ 'e*ici"e= ,torva & BH stri)s are o/ ,tocor.
Te$'isarta" # Amlodipine
# +ydrochlorothiaKide
ame oB Medicine
Creta" O$'e7ast Te$'a Te$sarta" Te$vas Te$'a4i"* Te$ista ;L%)i"< Te$'issarte" To$a$e Tota$ 1B 8B 1HI BG BG BG 33 BH B3 3BD
3.+H 1D.36 8G.8B +.D1 +.D1 +.D1 1B.HI +.+I B.IG 1BB.BB
$' a4 i" *
Te $va s
Te $' a
C re ta "
Te $sa r
Te $is ta
To $a $e
e7 as t
ta "
I"ter)retatio": There are 1HI stri)s is the 'a2i'%' :%a"tit( o/ 'e*ici"e= Te$'a & BG stri)s are o/ Te$sarta".
,torvastati" T%a"tit(;Stri)<
11B FN 3B 3B +B 1BB 6B 1BB 6GD ++.D3 6-$? D.1H D.1H 6.1+ +B.8G G.+3 +B.8G 1BB.BB
I"ter)retatio": There are 11B stri)s is the 'a2i'%' :%a"tit( o/ 'e*ici"e= ,torva & BD stri)s are o/ ,tocor.
ame oB Medicine
Te$'a Te$ista ;L%)i"< Te$)ress Te$sarta" Te$sar Tota$ +8B +B 6B 3B 16B 6GB
8+.BG 6.1H G.33 D.+8 +I.1H 1BB.BB
Te$)ress Medicine
I"ter)retatio": There are +8B stri)s is the 'a2i'%' :%a"tit( o/ 'e*ici"e= Te$'a & 3B stri)s are o/ Te$ssarta".
,torvastatio" T%a"tit(;Stri)<
138 HB AF +G B8 11 B3 B3 BI 83 +B 3+ 8B 6DI +G.HG 16.I3 6F-NN 8.IH 1.BH +.38 B.D6 B.DH 1.I+ 11.3B 6.+D D.G+ 1B.DD 1BB.BB
,t or va ,t or $i) ,t oc or
I"ter)retatio": There are 138 stri)s is the 'a2i'%' :%a"tit( o/ 'e*ici"e= ,torva & 8B stri)s are o/ ,tocor.
,7 to r Ec os )r i" Li )i c% re O 7o vs St or va s
T# to r To "a ct Qi va st
,t to r ,t ri e st
ame oB Medicine
Te$*a( Te$'a ,9 Te$'a N Te$ista ;L%)i"< Te$)ress Tota$ 8 +8 8B BG B8 I3
8.3G +D.GG 83.HD G.DB 8.3G 1BB.BB
DB 8B 6B 3B +B 1B B
Te$'a ,9
Te$'a N Medicine
I"ter)retatio": There are 8B stri)s is the 'a2i'%' :%a"tit( o/ 'e*ici"e= Te$'a N & Te$ssarta" is /o%"* abse"t.
,torvastati" T%a"tit(;Stri)<
18.1B 1I.88 $-?8 D.B6 6.HH 8.8D 6.3H 6.+I G.H6 3.DD H.+3 H.18 1BB.BB
3BB +8B +BB 18B 1BB 8B B
,t or $i) ,t or va
,t o/ as t
,t or /it ,7 to r Li )i va s St or va s To "a ct
,t oc or
I"ter)retatio": There are +6D stri)s is the 'a2i'%' :%a"tit( o/ 'e*ici"e= ,torva & 3B stri)s are o/ ,tocor.
T# to r
,t to r
Rt or
ame oB Medicine
To"act Te$'a Te$ista ;L%)i"< Te$sar Telsartan Te$'e"or Terista Tota$ DB +H3 G8 88 67N H8 8B HI6
H.8D 36.3G 1B.HB D.I3 $9-N7 I.68 D.3B 1BB.BB
3BB +8B +BB 18B 1BB 8B B
Te$sar Medicine
Te$sartte" Te$'e"or
I"ter)retatio": There are +H3 stri)s is the 'a2i'%' :%a"tit( o/ 'e*ici"e= Te$'a & 1ID stri)s are o/ Te$ssarta".
ame oB Medicine
,te" +808B ,te"*e Atocor ,torva To"act Tota$
I"ter)retatio": There are 3D stri)s is the 'a2i'%' :%a"tit( o/ 'e*ici"e= ,torva & B8 stri)s are o/ ,tocor.
Ma'e o/ 9e*ici"e
Te$'a N Te$'$o)ress L Tota$ 3B B3 33
TelmisartenI4idhyadhr agar
38 3B +8 +B 18 1B 8 B
Te$'a N
Te$'$o)ress L
I"ter)retatio": There are 3B stri)s is the 'a2i'%' :%a"tit( o/ 'e*ici"e= Te$'a N & Te$ssarta" is /o%"* abse"t.
The overa$$ eva$%atio" o/ a co')a"( stre"#ths0 &ea4"ess0 o))ort%"ities a"* threats is ca$$e* SWOT a"a$(sis. It i"vo$ves 'o"itori"# the e2ter"a$ & i"ter"a$ 'ar4eti"# e"viro"'e"t. The st%*( covers i"/or'atio" o" the b%si"ess str%ct%re0 areas o/ o)eratio"0 )ro*%cts a"* services o//ere* b( the co')a"(. It co')rises SWOT a"a$(sis0 -e( Ratios0 a"* /i"a"cia$s that ai* i"vestors i" #ai"i"# a" i"si#ht i"to the co')a"( s )er/or'a"ce. The re)ort is base* o" e2te"sive research %si"# *ata avai$ab$e /ro' cre*ib$e )%b$icatio"s0 tra*e jo%r"a$s0 i"*%str( associatio"s a"* the co')a"( so%rces.
Strength:Who$$( o&"e* s%bsi*iaries i" US a"* E%ro)e Joi"t ve"t%res i" Chi"a a"* So%th ,/rica 9ar4ets )har'ace%tica$ )ro*%cts i" 118 co%"tries Part"ershi)s &ith #$oba$ )har'ace%tica$ co')a"ies $i4e Movartis0 MOVO Mor*is40 etc. Stro"# )ro*%ct )ort/o$io 9a"%/act%re a"* 'ar4et over +8B 'e*ici"es tar#eti"# a &i*e ra"#e o/ thera)ies Wi*e ra"#e o/ a"ti=ca"cer *r%#s *eve$o)e* Over 1BB ,PIs *eve$o)e* Si2 Me& Che'ica$ E"tities;MCE Lo& cost base Co"trib%tes to co')a"(As hi#h )ro/it 'ar#i" o/ aro%"* 36F o/ sa$es Part"ershi)s &ith 4e( )$a(ers i" the 'ar4et 4ee)s its cost base *o&" Research Drive" & !$oba$ Ta$e"t E2)ertise i" *eve$o)i"# i""ovative )ro*%ct /or'%$atio"s D1+B e')$o(ees &or$*&i*e i"c$%*i"# I81 scie"tists i" &hich 3+3 are *e*icate* to&ar*s "e& *r%# *iscover( research
ULeo" ;3G 8th ra"4<0 Mi$ta" ;33 Hth ra"4<0 Q&D ;13 3r* ra"4<0 Pece/ ;6H 11th ra"4<0 Te$sarta" ;11 3r* ra"4< &merging leadership presence in niche areas UDe"ta$0 o"co$o#( & *er'ato$o#(
)Financial Sna/s*ot
#The Last decade Achie1ed scale and global presence FY00
*igure 95 !lobal genericsP!eographical breakIup Dr re**(As e2)ecti"# the US #e"erics b%si"ess to #ro& at a 1BF C,!R over @.BI=11. We E2)ect the co')a"( to 4ee) b%i$*i"# 'o'e"t%' i" the US #e"erics b%si"ess &ith I"teresti"#0 co')$e2 a"* *i//ic%$t=to='a4e )ro*%cts $i4e @o"*a)ari"%2 ;sa$es o/ E+BB 9i$$io" as )er I9S0 e2)ecte* a))rova$ i" +BBG<0 /or &hich it has a 'ar4eti"# tie=%) With ,$che'ia0 a"* O'e)ra7o$e 9# OTC0 &here Dr Re**(As is the so$e @T@ .
Weakness:Ni#h a'o%"t o/ reve"%es /ro' overseas I"*ia = a rich so%rce o/ ,ctive Phar'ace%tica$ I"#re*ie"ts ;,PIs<0 he"ce 'ajor so%rce o/ reve"%e is e2)orts o/ ,PIs. 9a( $oose o%t to &ester" &or$*0 es)ecia$$( E%ro)e0 &here c%rre"c( is '%ch 'ore stab$e tha" the I"*ia" R%)ee Over=re$ia"ce o" )art"ershi)s I" or*er to co')ete e//ective$( i" #$oba$ 'ar4ets0 strate#ic )art"ershi)s re:%ire* to *eve$o) )ro*%cts. Lac4 o/ reso%rces si'i$ar to US a"* E%ro)e base* co')etitors to *eve$o) a *r%# to 'ar4eti"# sta#e !e"eric *r%#s s'a$$est /oc%s S'a$$est )ortio" o/ reve"%es /ro' #e"erics at aro%"* +BF Lac4 o/ )ate"t $e#is$atio" i" I"*ia har's sa$es o/ its )ro*%cts .
Dr Re**( s si#"i/ica"t$( %"*er )er/or'e* its )eers as )ro/itabi$it( /ro' Beta)har'a co"ti"%e* to tre"* Do&".
The stoc4 has %"*er)er/or'e* the broa*er 'ar4et a"* its )eers0 as the Beta)har' ,c:%isitio" i" !er'a"( &as hit b(: ;1< re#%$ator( cha"#e i" the !er'a" !e"erics 9ar4et> a"* ;+< s%))$( iss%es /ro' the 4e( s%))$ier. Whi$e the $atter is bei"# ,**resse* b( Dr Re**(As0 a"* 'ore )ro*%ctio" has bee" shi/te* to I"*ia0 the Re#%$ator( cha"#e has 'ea"t that the !er'a" !e"erics 'ar4et is "o& c$oser to the US #e"eric 'ar4et ;$o&er 'ar#i"s0 'ore co')etitio"0 a"* re*%ce* bra"* a*va"ta#e< ,"* 'ar#i"s co%$* str%ct%ra$$( co'e *o&" Table $C5 Core business P@& Bor ma:or pharma companies
"ey risks5
U Shar) s$o&*o&" i" bra"*e* #e"erics 'ar4ets. U Co"ti"%e* &ea4"ess i" !er'a" #e"erics 'ar4et U The co')a"( )%rs%i"# ac:%isitio"s eve" as Beta)har' has "ot (et stabi$i7e*
Opportunities:;About Core business P@& Bor ma:or pharma companies in Table 6 <
9e*i%'=ter' cata$(sts that co%$* )ro)e$ the share )rice /or&ar*: U Co"ti"%e* stro"# #ro&th i" bra"*e* #e"erics ;I"*ia0 CIS< a"* Morth ,'erica. U 9ar#i"s i')rove'e"t i" the #e"erics b%si"ess. U I')rove'e"t i" the !er'a" b%si"ess ;$o&er=tha"=e2)ecte* )rice *ec$i"es<. U Possib$e o%t=$ice"si"# *ea$s i" the MCE )i)e$i"e. U Part"ershi)s &ith #$oba$ )har'a co')a"ies o" bio=si'i$ar ;this co%$* re*%ce R&D e2)e"ses /or the co')a"( a"* a$$o& it to sca$e %)<.
Take a drug all the way to market Take a molecule from its pipeline all the way to the market place cost-effectively market Buy back of the integrated drug development company from ICICI Ventures and Citigroup Domestic Generic drugs market In another -! years" many product patents obtained after the #$$ legislation will go off providing an opportunity to the company increase its domestic footprint in Generics
The stri4i"# /eat%re o/ the co')a"( s o)eratio"s si"ce the" has bee" its stea*( 'ove %) /ro' the hi#h ris4 b%$4 *r%#s b%si"ess i"to the 'ore )ro/itab$e /or'%$atio"s ;*r%#s i" co"s%'ab$e /or'< b%si"ess. ,$o"# the &a(0 Dr. Re**( s has b%i$t e2)ertise i" both basic a"* )rocess research. ,t the 'o'e"t0 Dr. Re**( s is the 'ost s%ccess/%$ *o'estic )har'ace%tica$ co')a"( i" basic research.
The finished dosage Bacility at +yderabad3&Jpecting to maintain a healthy gro=th rate this year
I"vestors &ith a $o"#=ter' hori7o" ca" co"si*er b%(i"# the stoc4 o/ Dr Re**(As Laboratories ;DRL< #ive" its stro"# )ro*%ct )i)e$i"e0 stre"#the"i"# )rese"ce i" 4e( 'ar4ets s%ch as Morth ,'erica0 R%ssia a"* I"*ia a"* the re*%ce* %"certai"t( abo%t the /ort%"es o/ its !er'a" b%si"ess0 Beta)har'.
Threats:Mee*s to #ai" @D, a))rova$ /or a$$ so%rces a"* )ro*%cts Pro*%cts have to )ass strict @D, tria$s be/ore #oi"# to 'ar4et0 &hich ca" be cost$( a"* ti'e co"s%'i"#. This 'a( *e$a( the co')a"( e"tr( to )artic%$ar 'ar4ets &hich a//ects reve"%e Co')etitio" /ro' US a"* E%ro)ea" Co')a"ies Base* i" $%crative 'ar4ets e.#. Movartis0 9erc4 & Co Reve"%es r%""i"# i"to bi$$io"s &hich *&ar/s Re**(As a""%a$ t%r"over Liti#atio" char#es . Re**(As $ost the case a#ai"st P/i7er /or the %se o/ #e"eric /or' o/ Morvasc *r%#. Le#a$ cost E1B' a"* a$so $oss o/ 'ar4et o))ort%"it(. Nei#hte"e* co"cer"s abo%t )ro/itabi$it( o/ !er'a" #e"erics b%si"ess o/ Beta)har'
)r (eddys5
>S&5 ()>
#&Jhibit 95 Market Share and !ro=th (ate oB "ey Players in the Indian Pharmaceutical Industry E2hibit 6 = sho&s that the 4e( )$a(ers o/ the I"*ia" )har'ace%tica$ 'ar4et are !S"L (anbaJyL CiplaL icholas PiramalL ,ydus CadilaL Sun PharmaL AlkemL PBiKerL LupinL and )(L- These te" co')a"ies acco%"t /or a 'ar4et share o/ 3D.DF. !S-0 the $ar#est )$a(er0 co"trib%tes 8.+F0 /o$$o&e* b( Ra"ba2( ;8.1F< a"* Ci)$a ;8.1F<.
,/ter the a"a$(sis o/ co')a"( & a$$ the *ata0 the co"c$%sio" is i')orta"t that there are 'a"( barriers a"* h%r*$es bet&ee" i" the se$$=b%( cha""e$ "et&or40 so the c%sto'er %"satis/ie* to the 'e*ici"e0 beca%se the 'e*ici"e "ot /%$/i$$i"# the satis/actio" accor*i"# to there hea$th= *e'a"*.
6. In Shastri agar area0 There are 61 Stri) is the 'a2i'%' :%a"tit( o/ 'e*ici"e= ,tor$i) ;Ci)$a< & ,tocor is /o%"* abse"t i" 'o$ec%$e= ,torvastati".
I" Te$'isarta" 'o$ec%$e0 3B Stri) is the 'a2i'%' :%a"tit( o/ 'e*ici"e= Te$'a 9 & Te$sarta" is /o%"* abse"t.
+ I" (a:apark areaL There are HI stri)s is the 'a2i'%' :%a"tit( o/ 'e*ici"e=
,torva & 1I stri) is o/ ,tocor i" 'o$ec%$e ,torvastati".
I" Te$'isarta" 'o$ec%$e0 181 stri)s is the 'a2i'%' :%a"tit( o/ 'e*ici"e= Te$'a N & BD stri)s are o/ Te$ssarta".
3 In Mal1iya agar area0 There are 3D3 stri) is the 'a2i'%' :%a"tit( o/ 'e*ici"e=
,torva & 6B stri)s are o/ ,tocor i" 'o$ec%$e= ,torvastati".
I" Te$'isarta" 'o$ec%$e0 3G+ stri)s is the 'a2i'%' :%a"tit( o/ 'e*ici"e= Te$'a N & 1B stri)s are o/ Te$ssarta" )(
6. In Aadarsh agar areaL There are 111 stri)s is the 'a2i'%' :%a"tit( o/ 'e*ici"e=
,torva & 8D stri)s o/ ,tocor i" 'o$ec%$e ,torvastati".
I" Te$'isarta" 'o$ec%$e01B8 stri)s is the 'a2i'%' :%a"tit( o/ 'e*ici"e Te$'a N & BH stri)s are o/ Te$ssarta".
A In SMS area0 There are +IH stri)s is the 'a2i'%' :%a"tit( o/ 'e*ici"e= ,torva & 86 stri)s are o/ ,tocor i" 'o$ec%$e= ,torvastati". I" Te$'isarta" 'o$ec%$e0 1+H stri)s is the 'a2i'%' :%a"tit( o/ 'e*ici"e Te$'a & 3H stri)s are o/ Te$ssarta"
N. In "hatipuraIOhot=ara area0 There are +B8 stri)s is the 'a2i'%' :%a"tit( o/ 'e*ici"e= ,tor$i) ;Ci)$a< & 3D stri)s are o/ ,tocor i" 'o$ec%$e=,torvastati". I" Te$'isarta" 'o$ec%$e01DB stri)s is the 'a2i'%' :%a"tit( o/ 'e*ici"e= Te$'a & 8o stri)s are o/ Te$sarta".
C In C Scheme area0 There are 381 stri)s is the 'a2i'%' :%a"tit( o/ 'e*ici"e=Storvas & 8B stri)s are o/ ,tocor i" 'o$ec%$e= ,torvastati".
I" Te$'isarta" 'o$ec%$e0 81B stri)s is the 'a2i'%' :%a"tit( o/ 'e*ici"e= Te$'a & 1GD stri)s are o/ Te$ssarta".
8 In 4aishali
agar area0 There are 18B stri)s is the 'a2i'%' :%a"tit( o/ 'e*ici"e= ,torva
& 3H stri)s are o/ ,rtocor i" 'o$ec%$e=,torvastati". I" Te$'isarta" 'o$ec%$e0 1DH stri)s is the 'a2i'%' :%a"tit( o/ 'e*ici"e= Te$'a N & Te$ssarta" is /o%"* abse"t.
7I In Oohri BaKar area0 There are ++1 stri)s is the 'a2i'%' :%a"tit( o/ 'e*ici"e= ,torva & BH stri)s are o/ ,tocor i" 'o$ec%$e=,torvastati". I" Te$'isarta" 'o$ec%$e0 1HI stri)s is the 'a2i'%' :%a"tit( o/ 'e*ici"e= Te$'a & BG stri)s are o/ Te$sarta".
6F In Santokba )urlabh:i Memorial +ospital areaL There are 11B stri)s is the 'a2i'%' :%a"tit( o/ 'e*ici"e= ,torva & BD stri)s are o/ ,tocor i" 'o$ec%$e= ,torvastati". I" Te$'isarta" 'o$ec%$e0 +8B stri)s is the 'a2i'%' :%a"tit( o/ 'e*ici"e=Te$'a & 3B stri)s are o/ Te$ssarta".
6F- In Sanganer area There are 138 stri)s is the 'a2i'%' :%a"tit( o/ 'e*ici"e= ,torva & 8B stri)s are o/ ,tocor i" 'o$ec%$e=,torvastati". I" Te$'isarta" 'o$ec%$e0 8B stri)s is the 'a2i'%' :%a"tit( o/ 'e*ici"e= Te$'a N & Te$ssarta" is /o%"* abse"t.
66 In Mansaro1ar area0 I" There are +6D stri)s is the 'a2i'%' :%a"tit( o/ 'e*ici"e= ,torva & 3B stri)s are o/ ,tocor i" 'o$ec%$e=,torvastati".
I" Te$'isarta" 'o$ec%$e0 +H3 stri)s is the 'a2i'%' :%a"tit( o/ 'e*ici"e= Te$'a & 1ID stri)s are o/ Te$ssarta"
6$- In 4idhyadhar
,torva & B8 stri)s are o/ ,tocor i" 'o$ec%$e= ,torvastati". I" Te$'isarta" 'o$ec%$e0 There are 3B stri)s is the 'a2i'%' :%a"tit( o/ 'e*ici"e=Te$'a N & Te$ssarta" is /o%"* abse"t. Th%s0 c%sto'ers accor*i"# to their taste o/ hea$th0 *e'a"*s ,torva: Te$'a as the best satis/actio" 'e*ici"e )re/erab$(0 &hi$e0 ,tocor & Te$sarta"As )ositio" is bei"# %"*er it
I" jai)%r cit(0 9e*ici"e bra"*s o/ vario%s t()es0 are estab$ishi"# /ast$(0 &ith i"creasi"# the Nea$th=)rob$e's & other *iseases0 as the Jai)%r cit( is #oi"# to&ar*s OThe 9etro)o$ita" Cit(P. O%t o/ the' are o/ Ci)$a0 Ra"ba2(0 Q(*%s Ca*i$a0 Dr re**(As0 Torre"t0 ,risto or S%" Phar'ace%tica$s. L%)i"0
I" these0 Dr re**(As t&o bra"*s= ,tocor & Te$sarta" i" 'o$ec%$e : ,torvastati" & Te$'isarta" &ith co'bi"atio" o/= Amlodipine &N(*roch$orothia7i*e are "ot #etti"# &ho$e catch %) /ro' 9ar4et *e'a"*. ABcorseL These t&o bra"*s ha* #ot reor#a"i7atio" /ro' Phar'ace%tica$ sector i" the )ast. Th%s these are s%bject o/ are Deve$o)i"# i" )rese"t ti'eS What is 'otive )o&er0 :%estio"0 That ho& the(
&hich is &or4i"# /or Estab$ish'e"t o/ this bra"*s=)ro*%ctS @ro' &here these 'e*ici"es are "ot #etti"# )rescri)tio" & &h(S No& '%ch is the trai"i"# & e*%catio"a$ :%a$i/icatio" o/ the &or4i"# )erso"a$s i" the re$ate* *e)art'e"t0 &ho are E"#a#e i" )ro'ote to theseS Which are the *istrib%tio" /aci$ities )rovi*es to the retai$ers b( the that *e)art'e"t o/ the co')a"(S Etc. To /i"* o%t the a"s&ers to these :%estio"s0 the researcher has st%*ie* the se$$i"# o/ the Phar'ace%tica$ )ro*%cts o" 9e*ica$ sho)s.
The suggestions are gi1en5 ,$tho%#h se$$i"# rate at Dr re**(As have bee" /o%"* e//ective i" so'e areas0 b%t to 'a4e these rate 'ore e//ective0 a$$ the thi"#s *isc%sse* above '%st #et i"to care o/ /ro' "o& o"&ar*s. ,/ter i')$e'e"ti"# a$$ the re:%ire* cha"#es0 I a' s%re> co')a"( &i$$ /i"* 9,R-ET SURVE. as the best TOOL /or bri"#i"# a$$ the re:%ire* cha"#es i" the co')a"( /or the *eve$o)'e"t.
&&&.*rre**(' &&&.*r%#s%)*' &&&.'e*ici"' &&&."' 9ar4eti"# s%rve( Data co$$ocatio" /ro' 'e*ica$ sho)s.
Ta4i"# he$) to the 9r. Vi4as Ta"4 ;,rea Sa$es 9a"a#er< o/ Dr. Re**( Lab.