Amartya Sen Approach in Human Development
Amartya Sen Approach in Human Development
Amartya Sen Approach in Human Development
Sakiko Fukuda-Parr
Amartya Sen’s ideas constitute the core principles of a development approach
that has evolved in the Human Development Reports. This approach is a ‘‘para-
digm’’ based on the concept of well-being that can help define public policy, but
does not embody a set of prescriptions. The current movement from an age of
development planning to an age of globalization has meant an increasing atten-
tion to agency aspects of development. While earlier Human Development Re-
ports emphasized measures such as the provision of public services, recent ones
have focused more on people’s political empowerment. This paper reflects on
Sen’s work in light of this shift in emphasis. Gender analysis has been central to
the development of the new agency-driven paradigm, and gender equity is a core
concern. A gender perspective has also helped highlight important aspects of this
paradigm, such as the role of collective agency in promoting development.
Amartya Sen, human development, capabilities, human rights, gender,
democratic governance
The recognition of equal rights for women along with men, and the
determination to combat discrimination on the basis of gender are
achievements equal in importance to the abolition of slavery, the elim-
ination of colonialism and the establishment of equal rights for racial
and ethnic minorities.
(United Nations Development Programme 1995)
foundation for the new paradigm. His approach defined human develop-
ment as the process of enlarging a person’s ‘‘functionings and capabilities to
function, the range of things that a person could do and be in her life,’’
expressed in the HDRs as expanding ‘‘choices’’ (Amartya Sen 1989).1
Sen would continue to influence the evolution of the human develop-
ment approach, refining and broadening the basic concepts and
measurement tools as new areas of policy challenges were tackled, from
sustainable development (United Nations Development Programme 1994) to
gender equality (United Nations Development Programme 1995), poverty
(United Nations Development Programme 1997), consumption and sustainable
development (United Nations Development Programme 1998), human rights
(United Nations Development Programme 2000), and democracy (United Nations
Development Programme 2002). In turn, the HDRs have paralleled Sen’s own
work on freedom, participation, and agency, incorporating more explicit
references to human rights and freedoms. With Anand, Sen also played a
critical role in developing the measurement tools of human development,
starting with the Human Development Index (HDI) and going on to cover
issues such as gender equality – the Gender-Related Development Index
(GDI) and the Gender Empowerment Measure (GEM) were developed in
1995 – and the measurement of poverty in human lives rather than incomes
through the Human Poverty Index (HPI), published in the 1997 HDR.
Thus, while Sen helped develop the initial conceptual framework and
measurement tools used in the HDRs, the reports carried Sen’s work even
further as they explored the policy implications of this development
approach in areas that are of major contemporary significance.2
Evaluative aspects
The human development approach is unique in its emphasis on assessing
development by how well it expands the capabilities of all people. Thus,
economic growth is only a means and not an end in itself. Furthermore, the
concern with the well-being of all people emphasizes equity as a major
policy objective, requiring monitoring not only through national averages,
but also via measures of deprivation and distribution.
The establishment of measurement tools for evaluating human achieve-
ments was central to introducing human development as an alternative
paradigm and to gaining the attention of policy-makers. Haq was convinced
that a simple combined measure of human development was essential for
convincing the public, academics, and policy-makers that they should
evaluate development by advances in human well-being and not only by
advances in the economy. Although Sen initially opposed this idea, he went
on to help Haq develop the Human Development Index (HDI), a
composite index of achievements in human development. Sen was
concerned by the difficulties of capturing the full complexity of human
capabilities in a single index. But he was persuaded by Haq’s insistence that
only a single number could shift the attention of policy-makers from
material output to human well-being as a real measure of progress (United
Nations Development Programme 1999).
The HDI had a significant policy impact when first formulated and
continues to command policy attention. HDI estimates of countries, as well
as the ‘‘disaggregated HDIs’’ for different regions or ethnic groups within
countries, had the intended effect of focusing greater attention on basic
human capabilities, especially those included in the HDI (the capability to
survive and be healthy, to be knowledgeable, and to enjoy a decent
standard of living). The HDI ranking of countries provoked policy-makers
to examine how each country fared in this regard and to ask why some
countries and regions, such as Costa Rica, Sri Lanka, or the state of Kerala
in India, managed to achieve much higher levels of ‘‘human development’’
in comparison to countries with similar income levels. The comparison of a
country’s HDI rank with its GDP per capita rank became, in this regard,
more critical than the HDI itself as a measure of a country’s human
Two decisions made in devising the HDI were particularly important: one
concerned the choice of capabilities to be included, and the other had to
do with the focus on national averages rather than disparities.
One of the most difficult tasks in applying the capabilities approach to
development policy is deciding which capabilities are most important.4 The
range of human capabilities is infinite and the value that individuals assign
to each one can vary from person to person. Even if some capabilities
deserve greater public attention than others, the relative importance of
capabilities can vary with social context – from one community or country to
another, and from one point of time to another. Thus ‘‘the task of
specification must relate to the underlying motivation of the exercise as well
as dealing with the social values involved’’ (Sen 1989).
HDRs have used two criteria in deciding which capabilities are most
important: first, they must be universally valued by people across the world;
and second, they must be basic, meaning their lack would foreclose many
other capabilities. But the human development approach has deliberately
remained open-ended in the choice of capabilities, letting them vary over
time and place. This approach contrasts with that of the basic needs
approach, which listed the important human needs without an explicit
explanation justifying the selection and without providing a rationale for
who should be making the list. It also contrasts with other work using the
capability approach, such as Nussbaum’s efforts to finalize a list of essential
capabilities (Nussbaum 2000).5 But the HDRs have argued that the
capabilities given priority within public policy will change over time and
from one community to another. As an exercise in the global evaluation of
development, the HDRs had to focus simply on those capabilities that are
universally valued and ‘‘basic’’ (i.e., capabilities on which many choices in
life depended), reflected in the three HDI capabilities: to be knowledge-
able, to survive, and to enjoy a decent standard of living.
A second significant question that arose in devising the HDI was whether it
should reflect equity. Conceptualized as a measure of average achievements,
HDI does not take into account the distribution of achievements, which
leaves out equity, an essential outcome by which to evaluate progress.
Gender disparities were a central feature of the concern with equity, along
with other disparities such as those of class, ethnicity, or rural/urban
residence. Some argued that to combine a distribution measure with an
average achievement measure would be like adding apples and oranges.
Moreover, there are many forms of disparities, predicated on gender,
ethnicity, race, and so on, and the importance and relevance of particular
forms of disparities can differ from one country to another.
Given these difficulties, HDI remains a measure of average achievement
and its strength lies in its simplicity: a simple measure is more under-
standable to the policy-maker and the public, sending a clear message
about what makes the measure go up or down (Sakiko Fukuda-Parr, Kate
Raworth, and A. K. Shiva Kumar 2003). But from the beginning, attempts
were also made to develop supplementary measures that adjust the HDI by
gender disparity, showing that even if two countries have the same average
achievement in terms of HDI, this average may hide differences with
respect to gender disparity. To make this point initially, HDRs disaggre-
gated HDIs for women and men. Later, an index of human development
that incorporated gender disparity was developed. The Gender-Related
Development Index (GDI) adjusts the HDI for gender disparity and
penalizes countries accordingly (United Nations Development Programme 1995
and subsequent issues). The 1995 HDR, which marked the Fourth World
Conference on Women in Beijing, concluded that ‘‘human development is
endangered unless it is engendered.’’
In 2001 it stated:
The most basic capabilities for human development are to lead long
and healthy lives, to be knowledgeable, to have access to the resources
needed for a decent standard of living and to be able to participate in the
life of the community.
And in emphasizing the freedom to choose, the 1995 HDR specifically
recognized the injustice of gender inequality:
Human development is a process of enlarging the choices of all peo-
ple, not just for one part of society. Such a process becomes unjust
and discriminatory if most women are excluded from its benefits.
(United Nations Development Programme 1995)
The policy implication of this evolution in the prioritizing of capabilities is a
corresponding shift in focus from social and economic policies to political
institutions and processes. Political reforms have become important aspects
of the human development policy agenda. This contrasts with the
neoliberal and basic needs approaches. The neoliberal approach empha-
sizes institutional efficiency – either in the market or in the provision of
public services. These concerns dominate the current debates on ‘‘good’’
governance, while the human development approach is concerned with
governance for social justice, a governance that enlarges the participation,
power, and influence of the people, especially those who are disadvantaged,
such as women, ethnic minorities, and the poor. From this viewpoint, a
measure that reflects disparities, such as the GDI or the disaggregated HDIs
developed in national human development reports that show huge
differences in human development by region or ethnic group, is
particularly powerful.
Agency aspects
The opening lines of the very first 1990 HDR stated: ‘‘People are the real
wealth of a nation’’ (United Nations Development Programme 1990). People are
not simply beneficiaries of economic and social progress in a society, but
are active agents of change. The human development approach shares with
other approaches the idea that investing in people’s education and health
is a powerful means to achieve overall economic and social progress in
societies. But it goes much further in at least two ways: first in its concern
with the role of human agency for changing policy, social commitment, and
norms that require collective action, and second in its concern with human
A comparison of approaches
The differences between the human development approach, the neoliberal
alternative, and the human development approach’s precursor, the basic
needs approach, are summarized in Table 1.
Mobilizing agency Individual action and collective Individual action Concern with political will and
action political base
‘‘Development strategy’’
Key operational goals Expanding people’s choices Economic growth Expanding basic social services
(social, economic, political)
Distribution of benefits and costs Emphasis on equality and on the Concern with poverty Concern with poverty
human rights of all individuals
Links between development and Human rights and freedoms have No explicit connection. Current No explicit connection
human rights and freedoms intrinsic value and are search for a link between political
development objectives. Current and civil freedoms and economic
research on their instrumental growth
role through links to economic
and social progress
4 Equity in the above three elements with a concern for all individuals,
with special attention to the downtrodden and the poor whose
interests are often neglected in public policy, as well as the removal of
discrimination against women.
5 Policy and institutional reforms at the global level that create an
economic environment more conducive for poor countries to access
global markets, technology, and information.
This five-point agenda contains a mix of old and new priorities. Social
development continues to be important, given that illiteracy is still high,
and basic health and survival is far from guaranteed in most developing
countries. Economic growth also continues to receive attention, since low
growth in developing countries is a major obstacle to human
development: over sixty countries ended the decade of 1990 – 2000
poorer than at its beginning. At the same time, the human development
approach has seen a notable evolution. In the early 1990s, the HDRs
emphasized public expenditure allocations in health and education;
today priorities in those areas are on service quality, efficiency, and
equity of delivery (for which governance reforms are often a precondi-
tion), as well as on the level of resources – in education, today’s
competitive global markets require higher levels than basic primary
schooling. Institutional reforms that enable the poor to monitor the use
of local development funds also are playing a significant role in ensuring
the equitable and efficient delivery of basic services. Most importantly,
the HDRs have placed an increasing focus on social and political
institutions that would ‘‘empower’’ the poor and disadvantaged groups
(such as women) so that they have more voice in public policy-making
and can fight for their interests. Gender equity in particular (as outlined
in the next section) has received prominent attention in this ‘‘New York
consensus.’’ Finally, it is increasingly apparent that the global environ-
ment matters, raising such issues as access to global markets, dealing
with the spread of global diseases, the creation of global public goods,
and so on. It is imperative that global policies and institutions cease
favoring only the rich countries. A critical question now is whether
global institutions be restructured or created to function on democratic
principles mandating the inclusion and participation of all countries and
all people.
The changes in the human development approach over time
highlight its openness to accommodating new concerns and taking up
new policy challenges. Evolving significantly over the last decade, a
period that has seen dramatic changes in the world as globalization has
sped forward, the HDRs have reflected these changing circumstances.
They have shifted emphases in the policy priorities of the human
development agenda from public investments to incentives, from
This framework contrasts with the gender equity agenda seen from a
growth-oriented development perspective. Compare, for example, the
different measures of gender equity. Other approaches measure women’s
‘‘poverty’’ by the income gaps between female-headed and male-headed
households. Women’s ‘‘poverty’’ in the human development approach
goes beyond the lack of income to deprivation in capabilities, such as lack
of education, health, and the channels to participate in economic life and
in decision-making (Sakiko Fukuda-Parr 1999). GDI accordingly provides
an evaluative measure of development that includes gender equity, while
GEM measures gender equity in women’s agency. The human development
approach also provides an alternative framework to those that justify
improving women’s health and education as ‘‘human resource develop-
ment,’’ instrumental to the well-being of others and to economic growth.
The capability-based framework for gender equity argues for parity rather
than equity.
Overall, the human development approach provides a more gender-
sensitive agenda to public policy than its alternatives. First, gender equity is
a central concern of the approach, which emphasizes the importance of
expanding the capabilities and functionings of all individuals. The fact that
discrimination continues to be widespread is a priority concern. Second,
the human development approach is sensitive to aspects of discrimination
that are particularly important in women’s lives, but are unrelated to
incomes and economic growth, such as lack of autonomy in decisions about
their lives and the ability to influence decision-making within the family,
community, and nation. Third, the human development approach has the
scope to delve into complex issues, such as the unequal sharing of unpaid
work, that constrain women’s life choices.
Gender analysis and the issues that feminists have raised have kept
the approach vibrant, contributing particularly to the development of
its agency aspects. Gender concerns have given the approach the power
and flexibility to encompass aspects of inequality that would otherwise
go unremarked. Its sensitivity to gender in turn has made it sensitive to
a range of potential inequities and unfreedoms that can affect all
people. The fact that progress in equal rights for women has come
about largely through the efforts of women has highlighted the
essential role of collective agency in human progress. Moreover, given
the constraints on women’s agency in almost all societies by political
institutions such as male-dominated political parties, social institutions
such as the family, and social norms such as women’s responsibilities
for care work, these issues and their underlying causes clearly must be
tackled head on.
Over the last decade, the human development approach has evolved in
directions that pay more attention to the agency aspects of human
development – to political freedoms and institutions as well as political
processes. Advocating equal rights for women has been and will continue to
be an important factor underlying this evolution.
Many challenges remain in refining the conceptual underpinnings of the
human development approach, developing better measurement tools, and
above all making the approach useful for policy purposes. They include, for
example, more conceptual clarity about the role of groups and about
environmental sustainability, better measures of human development that
take account of political freedoms, and better measures of gender equality,
especially in the area of empowerment. Over the last decade, the human
development approach has evolved as a result of a rich academic debate.
The hope is this will continue into the next decade.
This paper is a personal contribution and is not intended to present
UNDP’s policy position. It reflects my experience in conceptualizing and
writing the annual HDRs as director of Human Development Reports 1995
to present. For many useful comments, I thank Paul Streeten, Moez Doraid,
Saraswathi Menon, David Stewart, Paul Segal, Sabina Alkire, contributors to
the NHDR network on-line review, the anonymous reviewers of the journal,
and the three guest editors of this volume (especially Bina Agarwal, who
provided detailed comments and editorial inputs). I also appreciate the
responses to my paper during the September 2002 All-Souls workshop at
Oxford on the theme of this volume.
It is unclear why the term ‘‘choices’’ replaced ‘‘capabilities’’ in the HDRs. This
replacement can cause confusion, since ‘‘choice’’ is a common term that means
different things to different people.
Amartya Sen and Sudhir Anand provided the background papers for many (though not
all) of the conceptual chapters and measurement tools of the HDRs: in 1990 on human
development, concept and measurement (HDI) (Sen and Anand 1990); in 1994 on
sustainability and environment (Sen and Anand 1994a, 1994b); in 1995 on measuring
gender equality and human development (Sen and Anand 1995); in 1996 on
defining human poverty and the human poverty measure (Sen and Anand 1997); in
1998 on consumption and human development (Sen and Anand 1998); and in 2000
on human rights and human development (Sen and Anand 2000). In 2002 (the
HDR on democracy), while Sen did not provide a written text, his writings on
democracy, freedom, and development provided the conceptual framework for the
report, and his careful reading and comments on draft texts had a decisive influence.
Sen’s role in the HDR, however, should not be misinterpreted: the reports should
not be attributed to Sen, although he has made decisive contributions.
Richard Jolly (2003) develops the contrasts between neoliberalism and the human
development approach.
The capabilities approach to development and its application in terms of human
development leaves open the final definition of valuable ends to social and individual
values. According to Sen (1989), ‘‘there are many ambiguities in the conceptual
framework of the capability approach,’’ and these ambiguities are in fact part of the
concept (see Sen 1989 for elaboration).
There is a rich debate in the literature on whether or not to explicitly identify a list of
the most important capabilities. See, for example, Nussbaum (2000) and Martha
Nussbaum and Amartya Sen (1993).
It is unclear whether ‘‘additional choices’’ meant these were less important than the
three others listed. By 2001 the HDR had removed this ambiguity.
In the third wave of democracy of the 1980s and 1990s, some eighty countries took
significant steps towards democratization. Progress has been uneven, however, and
some countries have reverted back to less democratic governance. Human rights
continue to be deplorable in many countries. Nonetheless, now more than ever
before there is a greater overall recognition of the principles of democracy, human
rights, and freedoms. This is reflected, for example, in the dramatic rise in the
ratification of major human rights instruments, in the number of countries
undertaking democratic reforms, and in the emphasis on democracy and human
rights in the Millennium Declaration of the United Nations adopted in September
2000 (United Nations Development Programme 2002).
Fukuda-Parr, Sakiko. 1999. ‘‘What does Feminization of Poverty Mean? It Isn’t Just Lack
of Income.’’ Feminist Economics 5(2).
——. 2003. ‘‘Rescuing Human Development Concept from the Human Development
Index,’’ in Sakiko Fukuda-Parr and A. K. Shiva Kumar (eds.). Readings in Human
Development: Concepts, Measures and Policies for a Development Paradigm. New Delhi:
Oxford University Press.
——, Kate Raworth, and AK Shiva Kumar. 2003. ‘‘Human Development Index as a Policy
Tool: The Potential for Stimulating Public Action,’’ in Sakiko Fukuda-Parr and A. K.
Shiva Kumar (eds.) Readings in Human Development: Concepts, Measures and Policies for a
Development Paradigm. New Delhi, Oxford University Press.
Haq, Mahbub ul. 1995. Reflections on Human Development. New York: Oxford University
Jolly, Richard. 2003. ‘‘Human Development and Neoliberalism, Paradigms Compared,’’
in Sakiko Fukuda-Parr and A. K. Shiva Kumar (eds.) Readings in Human Development:
Concepts, Measures and Policies for a Development Paradigm. New Delhi: Oxford University
Nussbaum, Martha. 2000. Women and Human Development, the Capabilities Approach.
Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
—— and Amartya Sen, (eds). 1993. Quality of Life. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.