This document provides vocabulary terms and phrases organized into different sections. It includes words that are often confused, collocations, mixed phrases containing "at" or "against", phrasal verbs, idioms, and examples of words used in different contexts. The document covers vocabulary related to topics like the legal system, relationships, personal qualities, and abstract concepts.
This document provides vocabulary terms and phrases organized into different sections. It includes words that are often confused, collocations, mixed phrases containing "at" or "against", phrasal verbs, idioms, and examples of words used in different contexts. The document covers vocabulary related to topics like the legal system, relationships, personal qualities, and abstract concepts.
This document provides vocabulary terms and phrases organized into different sections. It includes words that are often confused, collocations, mixed phrases containing "at" or "against", phrasal verbs, idioms, and examples of words used in different contexts. The document covers vocabulary related to topics like the legal system, relationships, personal qualities, and abstract concepts.
This document provides vocabulary terms and phrases organized into different sections. It includes words that are often confused, collocations, mixed phrases containing "at" or "against", phrasal verbs, idioms, and examples of words used in different contexts. The document covers vocabulary related to topics like the legal system, relationships, personal qualities, and abstract concepts.
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Part 1- words often confsed
As far !ac" as T#e $r$ose of %ana&'n& S'tated r'&#t !es'de t#e (a"e In-#ose re&(at'ons a$$() to St# ca&#t s!*s e)e In e+ce((ent cond't'on Part ,- Co((ocat'ons o -et.w'n.&a'n contro( of a s'tat'on o -et.&a'n.w'n.earn $ro%ot'on o /'n.earn t#e t't(e o -et.&a'n.w'n.earn s!*s res$ect o -et.&a'n.w'n.earn a re$tat'on o &a'n.w'n.earn t#e r'&#t to do.#a0e st# o &et.&a'n e+$er'ence o &et.earn a sa(ar) o earn one*s ('0'n& o &et.&a'n t#e ad0anta&e Part 1- 2'+ed P#rases 3$#rases w't# at4 at least = the good thing was that at present = right now be at odds with = quarrel with at times = now and then at last = in the end at a glance = immediately at large = on the loose at a loose end = not know what to do with yourself be at loss = confused be at a standstill = stop Part 1- 2'+ed P#rases3$#rases w't# on4 on the of chance=just in case on second thoughts= after re-consideration on a whim= impulsively on principle= due to a belief on ones own= independently on target= as planned on duty= working on purpose=intentionally on condition that= only if on a budget= with a limited amount of money Part 5- P#rasa( 0er!s wear down6 redce wear o76 s!s'de wear on 6 $ass wear ot6 destro) st# t#ro&# se wear awa).ot.t#ro d'so(0e carr) ot6 e+ecte carr) on6 cont'ne carr) o0er6 s$read carr) o76 w'n ne+$ected() ta"e $6re() &'0e $6 sto$ tr)'n& !(oc" ot6 '&nore cont on6 re() %a"e $ for6 co%$ensate rn t#ro&# 6 e+a%'ne $t $ 6 erect8 $'tc# $t o7 6 $ost$one $t s! t#ro&# st# 6 case s! $a'n $t $ w't# 6 !ear8 to(erate $t as'de 6 sa0e set !ac" 6 case as an e+$ense set 't 6 cont'ne8 de0e(o$ $t !ac" 6 re$(ace set o7 6 e%!ar" Part 9- Id'o%s #a0e t#e wor(d at one*s feet !e 'n se0ent# #ea0en !e a feat#er 'n one*s ca$6 an ac#'e0e%ent3or st# t#at )o*0e done4 t#at )o can !e $rod of #a0e one*s #ead 'n t#e c(ods "ee$ on to$ of t#'n&s6 !e 'n contro( of st# "ee$ $ w't# t#e :oneses6 tr) to #a0e t#e sa%e new $ossess'on r! s! $ t#e wron& wa)6 to anno) so%eone w't#ot 'ntend'n& to to stea( t#e s#ow6 to &et a(( t#e attent'on and $ra'se at an e0ent or $erfor%ance wor" one*s ;n&ers to t#e !one6 wor" 0er) #ard wor" one*s wa) $ to t#e to$6 to ac#'e0e st# !) &rada(() wor"'n& Part < $re$os't'ons3 n't 1=n't ,4 to d'sa$$ro0e of to co%$('%ent s! on to !e as#a%ed of to a$o(o&'se for to !e 'n0o(0ed 'n to d'scora&e s! fro% to !e "een on to #a0e con;dence 'n st# to !(a%e so%eone for st# to de$end on so%eone to con0'nce so%eone of st# to !e cr't'ca( of so%eone to $>>(e o0er st# to $(ead w't# so%eone to !e a((er&'c to st# to cr't'c'se so%eone for st# to !ase st# on st# to ta"e $r'de 'n st# to arrest so%eone for st# to con;de 'n so%eone to co%$ensate s! for to !e &'(t) of to !e o!sessed w't# to cons'st of to o!?ect at to $rotest at.a&a'nst to !ene;t fro% Part @-Voca!(ar) to %a"e a !rea"t#ro&# to !(oc" ot 6 tr) not to ('sten to c#anne( )or e7orts6d'rect )or ener&) !eco%es second natre6!eco%es ato%at'c sense of ac#'e0e%ent st# $a)s o7 fee('n& of co%$(eteness !) word of %ot# to co'n st#6'n0ent nder&o sr&er) o7er &'dance ant'c'$ate s!*s ne+t ste$ (ose we'&#t &'0e s! con;dence $er$etate t#e %)t# ta"e res$ons'!'('t) d'a&nose s! w't# st#3cancer4 s#ow 3no4 '(( e7ects for%(ate a Aest'on acA're stron& %ora( 0a(es Part B- se of En&('s# /ELL /e((-doc%ented /e((-"nown /e((-s$o"en /e((-!ro&#t $ /e((-%annered /e((- tra0e((ed ALARM A(ar%'n&() A(ar%'st A(ar%ed A(ar%'n& IMPRESS I%$ress'0e Un'%$ress'0e Un'%$ressed I%$ress'on '%$ress'ona!(e MACE o to %a"e ends %eet6 %ana&e o to %a"e s!*s #ead s$'n6 to %a"e s! d'sor'ented o to %a"e a ca"e COUNT o to cont on s! o to cont s#ee$ o to cont )orse(f (c") Voca!(ar) UNIT , !r'n& t#e #ose down 6 &'0e a 0er) sccessf(.a%s'n& s$eec# read s! ('"e a !oo" face t#e %s'c 6 face t#e conseAence of one*s act'ons (et one*s #a'r down 6 re(a+ and en?o) )orse(f o7 t#e !eaten trac" 6 an nsa( $at# on a s#oestr'n& !d&et 6 w't# 0er) ('tt(e %one) on t#e #ose 6 free of c#ar&e on t#e ed&e of one*s seat 6 0er) e+c'ted $a'nt t#e town red 6 &o ot and #a0e a &ood t'%e3w't# a(co#o(4 read !etween t#e ('nes Voca!(ar) $& 1D-51 ad%'t to do'n& st# 6 confess !e of no conseAence to s! 6 not %atter !e on t#e !r'n" ofEEE 6 a!ot to !e 'n c#ar&e ofEEE 6 !e res$ons'!(e for 's est'%ated to !eEEE 'n t#e (on& rn 6 o0er a (on& $er'od of t'%e #a0e no 'ntent'on of do'n& st# !e 'n t#e &r'$ of 6 !e a7ected !ad() ta"e $r'de 'n st# 6 's $rod of went to &reat (en&#ts toEE 6 s$ent a (ot of t'%e and ener&) on st# 'ns'sted on do'n& st# 6 wo(d on() do t#at VOCABULAR- UPSTREAM UNIT 5 Part 1-words often confsed to $rodce a 0er) stron& react'on fro% s! a s'ta!(e (ocat'on to #and(e c#a((en&es to "ee$ st# ot of s'&#t a dra%at'c c#an&e 'n s!*s att'tde to !e ;red $eo$(e ('"e #'% are a rar't) nowada)s t#e ftre d'rect'on of st# 0e&eta!(e fats8 t#o&# not as #ar%f( as an'%a( fats st# fnct'ons %ore e7ect'0e() Part ,- Id'o%s o to foot t#e !'(( for st#6 $a) for st# )o don*t want to o on t#e ;n&ers to soc'et)6 w#en )o do not !e(on& an)wa) o ta"e t#e (aw 'nto one*s own #ands6 to do so%et#'n& '((e&a( 'n order to $n's# so%eone !ecase )o "now t#at t#e (aw w'(( not $n's# t#at $erson o "'(( two !'rds w't# one stone o t#row onese(f on t#e %erc) of t#e cort6 to see" #e($ fro% an oFc'a( or 'nst'tt'on o t#e (aw of t#e ?n&(e o ro! Peter to $a) Pa(6 to !orrow %one) fro% so%eone 'n order to &'0e to so%eone e(se t#e %one) t#at )o a(read) owe t#e% o %a"e a "'(('n& on st#6 %a"e a (ot of %one) 'n a s#ort $er'od of t'%e o c#ar't) !e&'ns at #o%e6 )o s#o(d tr) to #e($ )or fa%'() and fr'ends !efore )o #e($ ot#er $eo$(e o !r'd&e t#e &enerat'on &a$6 t#e (ac" of nderstand'n& !etween o(der and )on&er $eo$(e Part 1 co((ocat'ons do one*s !'t do t'%e 'n $r'son %a"e a stand on.a&a'nst %a"e an arrest %a"e a%ends for ta"e a stand on.a&a'nst ta"e t#e !(a%e &'0e e0'dence $ass a (aw !rea" at of $r'son !rea" a (aw reac# a 0erd'ct $a) for one*s cr'%e $a) a ;ne.$ena(t) co%%') a cr'%e $(ead &'(t) (a) down t#e (aw ser0e t'%e 'n $r'son ser0e s! w't# a warrant Part 5- ;+ed $#rases 3 w't# a&a'nst4 do sth against ones better judgement do sth against sbs wishes do sth against the law do sth against ones principles do sth against sbs advice race against the clock go against the establishments go against sbs wishes go against ones principles go against sbs advice win against the odds Part 9- $#rasa( 0er!s ct !ac"6 redce ct down6 decrease ct 'n 6 'nterr$t ct o76se0er8 se$arate $ass awa)6 d'e $ass on6 &'0e to t#e nest $erson $ass ot6 fa'nt $ass o0er6 '&nore VOCABULARY UPSTREAM UNIT 1 Part 1- words often confsed 'n t#e (on& ter% st# (asts ;0e #ors s !'s ad0'sed to do st# st# #as $os't'0e e7ects st# was a dra%at'c c#an&e Part ,- co((ocat'ons o ncond't'ona(.$arenta( (o0e o (on&-(ast'n& fa0ora!(e '%$ress'on o s$'r'ta(.co%%on !ond o $ersona(.#'dden attr'!tes o s$er;c'a(.wor"'n& re(at'ons#'$ o nc(ear.c(ose "n't fa%'() o %'dd(e.on() c#'(d o #eartfe(t.$o$(ar s)%$at#) Part 1- Id'o%s !e.#a0e.need a s#o(der to cr) on !e on c(od n'ne (oo" on t#e !r'&#t s'de #a0e a w#a(e of a t'%e6 to #a0e an e+c't'n& or fn t'%e swee$ s! o7 t#e'r feet6 to case so%eone to fa(( sdden() and co%$(ete() 'n (o0e w't# )o !e a wet !(an"et6 one t#at d'scora&es en?o)%ent !e f(( of !eans !e down 'n t#e d%$s cr) one*s #eart ot6 to do so%et#'n& w't# 0'&or or 'ntens't) #'t roc" !otto%6 t#e (owest $oss'!(e (e0e Part 5- ;+ed $#rases w't# of heart of gold = very generous and kind slip of the tongue = say sth you didnt mean to grain of truth = not a total lie touch of concern = slightly worried change of heart = make up ones mind to do sth diferent than one had planned trace of remose = slight feeling of regret glow of satisfaction = a look of pleasure at sth well done glimmer of hope = very small chance that sth might turn aut all right Part 9- $#rasa( 0er!s !r'n& o0er6 ta"e w't# )o !r'n& a!ot6 case !r'n& 'n6 'ntrodce !r'n& rond6 re0'0e stand 'n for6 re$(ace stand for6 re$resent stand !)6 s$$ort stand at6 !e o!0'os Part <- 1 &a$s8 one word 2ASGION st# 's 'n fas#'on at t#e %o%ent 'n a c'0'('sed fas#'on 'nstead of s#ot'n& and ar&'n& (earn 't $arrot fas#'on 6 re$eat w't#ot nderstand'n& 2AR to !e a far cr) fro% st# few and far !etween 'n t#e far d'stance CARRY carr) on to carr) st# too far to carr) for s! GANH to &et 'nfor%at'on at ;rst #and s# 's !ond #and and foot (end s! a #and LIVE to ('0e #and to %ot# to ('0e 'n a !(oc" to ('0e a ('e