Ujian Bulan Mac THN 6 Paper 1
Ujian Bulan Mac THN 6 Paper 1
Ujian Bulan Mac THN 6 Paper 1
Pilih perkataan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat berikut. 1. Encik Mat Hussein is a good ____________________ and he has produced many interesting watercolour drawings. A artist B singer C painter D architect
2. he tourists went to the __________________ to see the historical and artistic things. A !ank B gallery C museum D dormitory ". he ________________ consists o# a long$slee%ed dress and a long skirt. A sari B cheongsam C !a&u kurung D salwar kamee' Maria ser%es #ood and drinks to the passengers in the plane. )he is a ___________. A che# B waitress C air controller D #light attendant
Questions 5 -7 *ead the te+t and choose the best phrase #or each o# the pictures gi%en. Baca petikan dan pilih rangkai kata yang terbaik bagi setiap gambar yang diberi. )hahir is helping their parents to clean the house compund. His #ather is ,-. __________ that surrounds the house. )hahir is ,/. ____________
cutting the trees mowing the lawn watering the plants trimming the hedge chopping some #irewood collecting the dried lea%es pulling out the weeds picking up papers on the #ield at the porch near the garage in the !ackyard A B C D he men are at the #un#air. he old people are at a !irthday party. he people are ha%ing a campaign. he guests are coming #or wedding ceremony.
he !ank is !eside the cinema. he !ank is !ehind the cinema. he cinema is opposite the !ank. he cinema is on the !ank.
he photographer is taking photographs. he man is !uying some photographs. he man is looking at the photographs. he !oys are ha%ing his photograph taken.
Questions 11 - 15 Choose the best answer to #it the situation shown in the picture. Pilih jawapan yang terbaik bagi situasi dalam gambar. 11 A B C D )he is going at 0 o4clock today. He is going there !y !us. )he is taking a ta+i there. )he is going tomorrow.
5hen are you going to the !ank6 5hen do you go to work6 5here do you work6 5here is the !ank6
How many packets do you want6 he sugar is on the shel#. Can 7 help you8 madam6 )ure. 74ll get it #or you.
7 don4t know how to go there. 9ulau )ayak is a !eauti#ul island. 5e can go to 9ulau )ayak !y !oat. his weekend would !e wonder#ul.
7 tap ru!!er trees e%ery day. 7 li%e in aman )emer!ak8 :ulim. 7 go to the ru!!er estate e%ery day. 7 ha%e !een li%ing here since 122-.
Questions 16 - 20 Choose the best answer to complete the sentence. Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat berikut. 1/ 7 am ______________ at playing tennis !ut my !rother is e%en _____________ than me. A !est8 good B good8 !est C !etter8 good D good8 !etter 10 A B C D 11 A B C D 12 A B C D 23 A B C D ;9lease get me ________________ sheets o# paper and ____________ en%elopes.; much8 a #ew a #ew8 some some8 much a #ew8 a little Mrs <ac=ueline did not ________________ the meeting yesterday. attend attends attended attending he actress is crying !ecause ___________ has lost _________ diamond ring. he8 his he8 her she8 he she8 her E%eryone __________ happy to hear a!out the good news last night. is are was were
>uestions 21 Choose the word that has the opposite meaning as the underlined word. Pilih perkataan yang berlawanan maksud dengan perkataan yang bergaris. 21 A B C D he teacher ne%er accepted such childish !eha%iour #rom Hakim. #riendly talkati%e unripe mature
Questions 22 - 23 Choose the answer with the correct spelling. Pilih jawapan yang mempunyai ejaan yang betul. 22 he community launched a cleanliness _____________ a#ter the hea%y rainstorm last night. A campaign B campeign C kempen D campain 2" A B C D )hanny uses a __________and #ork to eat the steak. kni%e knie# knai#e kni#e
Questions 24 - 25 Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation. Pilih ayat yang mempunyai tanda baca yang betul. 2( A B C D 2- A B C D ;5here ha%e you !een8 Asyra#6; 9uan mardiana asked her son. ;5here ha%e you !een8 Asyra#6; 9uan Mardiana asked her son. ;5here ha%e you !een Asyra#6; 9uan Mardiana asked her son. ;5here ha%e you !een8 Asyra#?; 9uan Mardiana asked her son. My Aunt8 9uan Harison !ought some meat8 #ruits and %egeta!les. My aunt8 9uan Harison8 !ought some meat8 #ruits and %egeta!les. My aunt8 9uan Harison8 !ought some meat #ruits and %egeta!les. My aunt8 9uan Harison8 !ought some meat8 #ruits8 and %egeta!les.
Questions 26 - 30 Based on the picture8 choose the !est answer to #ill in the !lanks in the passage that #ollows. Berdasarkan gambar, pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk diisikan pada tempat kosong dalam teks yang berikut.
Adam li%es with his #amily. hey li%e in a ,2/. _______________. Adam and his !rother are playing ,20. ______________. His mother is ,21. ________________ the dried lea%es using a rake. here ,22. ________________ two !anana trees in #ront o# the house. he two ducks are near the small ,"3. _______________.
2/ A B C D 20 A B C D 21 A B C
city town %illage desert tennis s=uash cricket !adminton gathering plucking throwing
D 22 A B C D "3 A B C D
Questions 31 - 35 *ead the #ollowing notice !elow and answer the =uestions that #ollow. Baca notis di !awah dan &awa! soalan$soalan yang !erikutnya.
ESSA - !"#$#%& '()*E$#$#(% 'atego+, Aroup A Aroup B @ $ $ 9upils in Bear " C ( 9upils in Bear - C /
*+i-es 1st $ A trophy and ten story!ooks 2nd $ A dictionary and #i%e story!ooks "rd $ A pen and two story!ooks Consolation $ one pen #or each participant "ules . All stories must !e original. All entries must !e handed to Miss Chiew !y 23th March 2312. he essay should !e around 233 words #or group A and (33 group B. he result will !e announced on the 13th April 2312. Decisions o# result are #inal. (+gani-e+s @ English Danguage Clu!8 ): 9utra8 :uala Dumpur
words #or
"1 A B C D "2 A B C D
5hat will the champion get6 a pen a pen and two story!ooks. a trophy and ten story!ooks. a dictionary and #i%e story!ooks. 5hat is the deadline #or handing in the essay6 23th March 13th April 12th March -th April
he word announced means called spoken answered made known he length o# the essay #or Aroup B should !e __________ long. 133 words 233 words "33 words (33 words he organi'ers o# the competition is ____________________. Miss Chiew ): Bukit Bulan Bear - English teachers English Danguage Clu! ): 9utra8 :uala Dumpur.
Questions 36 - 40 *ead the passage !elow care#ully and answer the =uestions that #ollow. Baca petikan di bawah dengan teliti dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikut. 7t was a!out 2 o4clock in the a#ternoon. *a%i sang to himsel# as he walked home #rom school. He was in a happy mood indeed. His teacher had &ust praised him #or !eing a help#ul and caring !oy. As he was walking past a row o# houses8 *a%i saw a little !a!y crawling out o# the opened gate o# one o# the houses onto the road. He looked at the !a!y in surprised. )uddenly *a%i heard the sound o# a car coming #rom the opposite direction. He knew that i# he did not act =uickly8 the car would hit the !a!y. 5ithout wasting a second8 he dashed #orward and gra!!ed the !a!y &ust in time. *a%i sighed in relie# as the car passed. he !a!y was now sa#e in his arms !ut he started to cry. <ust then8 the !a!y4s mother walked out o# the house looking shocked. "/ 5here was *a%i going6 A o his teacher4s house B o %isit the !a!y C )chool D Home "0 *a%i looked at the !a!y in surprised !ecause he __________________. A was all alone on the road B could crawl #ast C made a sound D was happy "1 he !a!y was a!le to crawl out o# the gate !ecause _________________________. A the gate was opened B he was a #ast crawler C he heard a car coming D he could open the gate he word surprised can !est !e replaced with _____________________. A praised B dashed
C D (3
gra!!ed shocked
he !a!y4s mother was pro!a!ly shocked to _________________. A see *a%i B hear her !a!y cry C hear many cars passing !y D see a stranger carrying her !a!y