Gept reading試題
Gept reading試題
Gept reading試題
15 #$%&'()*+,A-B-C-D %./012
It's eight o'clock now. Sue ______ in her bedroo.
A. stud!
B. studies
C. studied
D. is stud!ing
1. "uth needed
# new notebook$ so she looked %or # store th#t sold _______.
A. &roducts
B. bookc#se
C. de&#rtents
D. st#tioner!
'. A%ter we #te the %ried chicken$ our %ingers were oil!$ so we #sked the w#itress %or ore
A. n#&kins
B. &#ck#ges
C. orders
D. enus
3. S#r# w#s _______ bec#use her gr#ndother h#d &ut ore one! in her brother(s red
A. sne#k!
B. huble
C. greed!
D. *e#lous
4. +hitne! told the doctor th#t she h#d _______ #ll night$ #nd he g#)e her #nother kind o%
A. cured
B. crowed
C. coughed
D. cl#&&ed
5. ,#ck worked #t the rest#ur#nt l#st !e#r$ but he doesn(t work there _______.
A. #g#in
B. #n!ore
C. #n!where
D. #n!w#!
-. .he student r#ced out o% the cl#ssroo #nd bu&ed _______ # te#cher who w#s c#rr!ing
# cu& o% co%%ee.
A. into
B. #t
C. to
D. on
/. 0o$ ,ohnn!(s other doesn(t h#)e enough ch#irs %or her dinner guests. She w#nts to
borrow one o% _______.
A. the
B. !our
C. ours
D. hers
1. 2leent#r! school students don(t h#)e #s _______ hoework #s *unior high students do.
A. ore
B. uch
C. ost
D. #n!
3. Both o% those horses li)e on ,#ck(s %#r$ but _______ on the le%t isn(t his.
A. both
B. #nother
C. the one
D. the other
10. 4le#se se&#r#te !our g#rb#ge #nd _______ it in the #&&ro&ri#te cont#iners.
A. to &ut
B. &utting
C. &uts
D. &ut
11. +riting letters _______ not #s di%%icult #s !ou think.
A. is
B. #re
C. which is
D. which #re
1'. .he bus w#s %ull$ but ,ud! s#w #n e&t! se#t ne5t to #n old wo#n. 6_______ I sit
here78 she #sked her.
A. Should
B. +ould
C. 0#!
D. +ill
13. .he
bo!s #re in school e)er! d#! until %our o(clock in the #%ternoon. A%ter th#t the! _______ #n
hour &l#!ing b#seb#ll.
A. s&ent
B. s&end
C. would s&end
D. h#)e s&ent
14. +e r#n into the building bec#use the r#in _______ %#lling h#rder #nd h#rder.
A. w#s
B. h#s been
C. were
D. will be
15. 0r. 9i te#ches #the#tics #t # &ublic high school in :#ohsiung. ;e _______ there since
A. is
B. w#s
C. will be
D. h#s been
10 FGB%CD#%CDH$ 5 %&'()*+,
A-B-C-D %./0123456789:;<,
<uestions 1-='0
;elen h#d # terrible night l#st night. +hile she w#s doing her hoework$ the electricit!
went out. 2)en though she h#d # %l#shlight$ she still >1-? see )er! well. In #ddition$ she
h#d to co%ort her little sister$ >1/? #%r#id o% the d#rk.
A%ter ;elen %in#ll! %ell #slee&$ #n #bul#nce c#e down the street #nd >11? her u&.
.hen$ # thunderstor st#rted$ so she h#d to get u& #nd close her window. At 4@00$ # b#b!
st#rted >13? loudl! #nd ke&t her #w#ke >'0? #n hour. .hen #t -@00$ her #l#r clock
r#ngA it w#s tie to get u& #nd go to school.
1-. A. c#n
B. c#n(t
C. could
D. couldn(t
1/. A. bec#use she
B. who w#s
C. )er!
D. #nd
11. A. got
B. #de
C. woke
D. r#ised
13. A. cr!ing
B. cried
C. cries
D. cr!
'0. A. in
B. %or
C. until
D. during
<uestions '1='5
,#ne li)ed ne#r the se#$ #nd she o%ten went down to the be#ch to sit on the s#nd. Being b!
the se# w#s like being in # di%%erent >'1? . In %ront o% her w#s the dee& blue w#terA it
slowl! o)ed >''? her #nd then o)ed #w#! #g#in. Soeties it suddenl! c#e )er!
close #nd then her %eet were co)ered b! the s#lt! w#ter. >'3? her$ so%t white clouds
continu#ll! %lo#ted #cross the &rett! blue sk!. Bois! white >'4? were %l!ing o)er her he#d
#s well. >'5? the! di)ed down suddenl! to c#tch # %ish$ #nd then the! Cuickl! %lew b#ck
u& into the #ir. ,#ne o%ten s#t b! the se# %or hours to en*o! this s&eci#l &l#ce.
'1. A. w#!
B. &#rt
C. world
D. l#ke
''. A. %or
B. with
C. %ro
D. tow#rd
'3. A. Abo)e
B. Ahe#d
C. Besides
D. Be5t
'4. A. s#nds
B. birds
C. clouds
D. shi&s
'5. A. Soeties
B. Although
C. +hen
D. I%
10 1D3
ABCD !"#$%&'()
<uestion '-
'-. +h#t does this sign e#n7
A. St#! on the line.
B. Dri)e inside the line.
C. :ee& the line str#ight.
D. St#nd in b#ck o% the line.
<uestions '/='3
'/. +h#t is the #in re#son wh! Bill! wrote this letter7
A. .o th#nk his gr#nd&#rents %or the gi%ts the! sent
B. .o tell his gr#nd&#rents #bout the we#ther there
C. .o tell his gr#nd&#rents wh#t C#th! does with the doll
D. .o th#nk his gr#nd&#rents %or )isiting the #t Christ#s
'1. +h#t does Bill! NOT s#! #bout his swe#ter7
A. ;e likes the color.
B. ;e we#rs it to school.
C. C#th! likes it too.
D. It kee&s hi w#r.
'3. +h#t h#s the we#ther &rob#bl! been like7
A. +#r
B. Cold
C. "#in!
D. Eogg!
Dear Grandma and Grandpa,
Thank you so much for the sweater you sent me for Christmas! It fits perfectly, and
purple is my favorite color! Its very warm, too just perfect for the weather weve
een havin! here recently" #ll of my classmates want one like it!
Cathy really likes the doll you !ave her" $he plays with it every day, and she tries to
take it everywhere!
I hope you are oth doin! well"
$ee you this summer!
%arch &', &(((
<uestions 30=33
30. +h#t is the &ur&ose o% this #d7
A. .o sell #n e5ercise #chine
B. .o sell # &#ck#ge tour
C. .o sell big=n#e clothes
D. .o sell sungl#sses
31. +h#t does 6;F.8 e#n here7
A. +#r
B. Angr!
C. 4o&ul#r
D. 25&ensi)e
3'. +h#t is the l#st word$ 6o)#l87
A. A sh#&e
B. A color
C. A siGe
D. A nuber
High-fashion sunglasses in super colors, like rich red,
beautiful blue, and great green! Perfect for tennis, running,
or just spending time in the sun. All in this seasons HOT
shapes, suare and o!al.
<uestions 33=35
.he 0#rtin %#il! took # two=week )#c#tion l#st suer. .he d#! be%ore the tri&$ #ll o%
the %#il! ebers hel&ed with the &re&#r#tions. 0r. 0#rtin #sked the neighbors$ the
Siths$ to check the #ilbo5 e)er! d#! #nd t#ke out #n! letters or #d)ertiseents. A%ter
lunch$ 0rs. 0#rtin took #ll the e5tr# %ood out o% the re%riger#torA she g#)e soe to the Siths$
#nd she threw #w#! the rest. 4#ul 0#rtin &ut se)er#l c#ns o% dog %ood in # b#g$ #nd he took
his big dog "o5! o)er to his %riend(s house. 0#r! #nd Susie 0#rtin cle#ned the whole house.
.he! swe&t #nd w#shed the %loors in #ll o% the roos$ dusted the %urniture$ #nd cle#ned the
.h#t e)ening$ the 0#rtin %#il! #te dinner #t # rest#ur#nt. +hen the! #rri)ed hoe$ 0r.
0#rtin told the %#il! to t#ke o%% their clothes #nd &ut on .=shirts #nd shorts. .hen his
!oungest d#ughter Cind! beg#n to w#sh #nd dr! e)er!one(s clothes.
6Bow$8 s#id 0r. 0#rtin$ 6we c#n begin to &#ck our suitc#ses %or the tri&.8
33. +h#t is # good title %or this stor!7
A. E#il! ;olid#! Eun
B. 4re&#ring to 9e#)e ;oe
C. A .ri& to the Store
D. A 4#rt! %or the Beighbors
34. ;ow #n! &eo&le #re there in the 0#rtin E#il!7
A. 2ight
B. Se)en
C. Ei)e
D. Si5
35. +h! did the %#il! ch#nge their clothes7
A. .o cle#n the house
B. .o w#sh the clothes
C. .o &re&#re %or )isitors
D. .o go to # rest#ur#nt