English Year 4

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A. Simple Present Tense - Fill in the blanks with the correct form of
the verbs in brackets. (
1. She ______________ (study) at Sekolah Kebangsaan Sri Melati.
2. My brother ______________ (go) for tuition classes on Saturdays.
3. The men _____________ (og) around the neighbourhood e!ery e!ening.
". #e _____________ (come) home early e!ery $riday afternoons.
%. The boys ______________ (bring) their rackets during the &ractice.
". #h-$%estions - &ircle the correct answers. (
1. ______________animal has stri&es on its body'
(. )here *. )hen +. )hich ,. #o-
2. ______________ hel&ed you to carry these books'
(. )hose *. )ho +. )hen ,. )hy
3. ______________ did you &ut the butter.y you caught'
(. )hen *. )here +. )ho ,. )hich
". ______________do / look in this dress'
(. #o- *. )hich +. )hen ,. )hat
%. ______________ didn0t you ans-er -hen / &honed you'
(. )hen *. )hich +. )hy ,. #o-
&. Rearran'e these wor(s to form correct sentences.
()* marks!
+. ,ake sentences with the wor(s 'iven. ()* marks!
1. 1ani 2 my 2 cousin.
!egetable ( carrot is a
ne- Th
is that she dres
!ery e3&ensi!e
my !isite
aunt -eek / las
in She &ark the e!eryday cycles
likes father My sing to his sho-er
2. (hmad 2 !ery 2 tired 2 slee&y.
3. #e 2 to school 2 bus 2 e!eryday.
". Tasha 2 Mei Mei 2 &icture cards.
%. That 2 &encil case.
4. My mother 2 to 5 clinic 2 yesterday.
6. 7ut 2 !egetables 2 eggs 2 the bread.
8. / 2 eat 2 rice 2 orange uice.
9. #e 2 li!es 2 !illage -hich2 far a-ay 2 to-n.
1:. 7ulau ;angka-i 2 beautiful 2 island.
E. Replace the %n(erline( wor(s with ./e01 .She01 .2t01 .#e0 or .The30.
()* marks!
1. ,ina and ;ina are at the beach.
2. Mary goes to church on Sundays.
3. My mother and / lo!e to eat mangosteens.
". ,a!id is going cam&ing tomorro-.
%. The cat has black and -hite &atches on its fur.
Nama:______________________________________________ Kelas: _______
!es"#$% 1&4
Choose the 'es" ($)* to fill in the blanks.
Pilih perkataan yang terbaik untuk isikan tempat kosong.
1. Encik Jamry is a _______________. He works in the post office.
A teacher B postal clerk
C delivery man D office irl
!. "hich of these fr#its are imported$
A %anosteens and bananas B D#rians and papayas
c &ears and pl#ms D Jackfr#its and #avas
'. (iti %#rhali)a is a ___________ siner who ave a s#ccessf#l performance in the
*oyal Albert Hall of +ondon.
A famo#s B d#ll
C entle D cheerf#l
,. %iss -aylie serves passeners in an aircraft. (he is an air __________.
A pilot B .o#rnalist
C stewardess D waitress
!es"#$% +&7
Choose the 'es" ,-)ase to complete the pararaph.
Pilih rangkaikata yang terbaik bagi melengkapkan perenggan di bawah.

!es"#$% 1.&21
Choose the 'es" a%s(e) to complete the sentences.
Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat-ayat berikut.
1/. __________ old are yo#$
A "hich B How
C "hat D "here
0esterday1 my father took me to the (mart *eaders2 E3hibition at Hotel Cinta (ayan.
4here were many booths sellin different kinds of books1 maa)ines and stationery. %y
father bo#ht me 567 _________ 1 a maa)ine and 5/7 ___________
. Before we left the hotel1 my father bo#ht
587 ___________ for me to eat.
6. A some newspaper
B two dictionaries
C some storybooks
/. A a bar of chocolate
B a bo3 of watercolo#rs
C a packet of sweets
8. A a b#rer
B a piece of cake
C a bottle of milk
18. (iew %ei always sleeps __________.
A early B hard
C happy D caref#l
19. %y a#nt is _______ architect.
A : B an
C the D a
1;. 4he teachers are havin meetin. _______ are disc#ssin some important matters.
A He B 4hey
C (he D <t
!=. +inda is my sister. _______ is a very lovely person.
A (he B 4hey
C He C <t
!1. _________ name is >atimah. < am a irl.
A %ine B His
C Her C %y
!es"#$% 22&2/
Choose the sentence with the 0$))e0" ,!%0"!a"#$%1
Pilih ayat yang mempunyai tanda baca yang betul.
!!. A %y father has one to sinapore.
B %y >ather has one to (inapore.
C my father has one to (inapore.
D %y father has one to (inapore.
!'. A hi1 < am +ily. -ice to meet yo#.
B Hi1 < am +ily. -ice to meet yo#.
C Hi1 < am lily. -ice to meet yo#.
D Hi1 < am +ily. nice to meet yo#.
!es"#$% 24&2+
Choose the 0$))e0" s,ell#%2 for the iven options.
Pilih perkataan yang mempunyai ejaan yang betul.
!,. 4hey are my _______________.
A friends B firends
C freinds D frenids
!6. < .#st bo#ht an ______________.
A #nbrella B #mbrela
C #mbrella D #mbrellaa
!es"#$% 2.&/0
+ook at the pict#re and then read the passae caref#lly. Based on the pict#re and the
passae1 choose the 'es" answer to fill in the blanks.
Lihat gambar dan baca petikan dengan teliti. Berdasarkan gambar dan petikan yang diberi,
pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk isikan tempat kosong.
!/. A football match B concert C play
!8. A went B o C one
!9. A we B < C they
!;. A at B in C between
'=. A they B their C he
!es"#$% /1&/+
*ead the passae below caref#lly and answer the ?#estions that follow.
Baca petikan di bawah dengan teliti dan jawab soalan-soalan berikut.
+ast (at#rday1 *oslina and her parents went to the B#kit Jalil (tadi#m to
watch a 5!/7 _________.4hey 5!87 _________ there by train. "hen they reached
the stadi#m1 5!97 _________ saw h#ndreds of fans atherin aro#nd the stae to
watch their favo#rite siner2s performance.
4he concert started 5!;7 ________ eiht o2clock. Everyone in the stadi#m
clapped and danced with the m#sic. 4he a#dience clapped 5'=7 ___________
hands and cheered when the concert ended. 4hey were very happy.
Our teeth are the hardest part of our body. Teeth have roots to hold them
to the bones of our upper and lower jaws. We use our teeth to bite and chew food
before we can swallow it. Human beings have two sets of teeth to last for our
whole life. When we are young, we have 20 baby teeth. s we grow older, we
have !2 permanent teeth.
lthough teeth are very strong, they can be damaged by germs or bro"en in
an accident. #erms produced a "ind of chemical that eats away a tooth and slowly
leaves a hole or cavity. Therefore we need to protect our teeth by cleaning them
carefully and regularly. We must try to stay away from sweet and sugary food. We
need to have our teeth chec"ed by the dentist every $ months.
'1. "hat is the hardest part of o#r body$
A Jaw
B 4eeth
C Bone
D Hair
'!. H#man beins have _______________ sets of teeth.
A one
B two
C three
D fo#r
''. "e have altoether ___________ baby teeth.
A twelve
B thirty:two
C twenty
D twenty:two
',. A hole in a tooth is called __________.
A hollow
B erms
C cavity
D .aws
'6. "e m#st try to avoid ______________ food to protect o#r teeth.
A so#r and salty
B salty
C sweet and s#ary
D fatty
!es"#$% /.&40
*ead the advertisement below caref#lly and then answer the ?#estions that follow.
Baca iklan di bawah dengan teliti dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikut.
Written by Henry Baker
Published by Good Meory !dn Bhd
)(<S T= ,>?>;=7 ( S#(17 M>M=1<@
#a!e you forgotten -here you &ut your keys'
#a!e you forgotten the title of a song'
Aust like your bodyB your memory needs to e3ercise@
This book can hel& you strengthen your memory -hile ha!ing fun@
Through &laying games you can learn to remember namesB &ass-ords or
&hone numbers.
More than 600 pages
More than 800 coloured pictures
More than 300 games
Priced at RM 128.00
/nterestedB &lease contact Smart *ook +om&any C
Do. 123B Aalan *iaksanaB
"%6:: 7etaling Aaya
'/. "hat is the title of this book$
A %emory Book B Henry Baker
C (harp %emory D (mart Book Company
'8. 4his book was written by ___________.
A (mart Book Company B @ood %emory (dn Bhd
C Henry Baker D %emory Book
'9. 4his book consists of paes __________.
A more than 9== paes B more than '== paes
C more than /== paes D more than 1/== paes
';. <f %imi wants to b#y two books1 how m#ch does she need to pay$
A *% !69.== B *% 1!9.==
C *% !6/.== D *% !!9.==
,=. "ho needs to b#y this book$
A %r "on who has a very ood memory.
B %r *ai who always forets his handba and his handphone n#mber.
C %r Danny who always remembers all his ten children2s birthdays.
!es"#$% 1&4
Choose the 'es" ($)* to fill in the blanks.
Pilih perkataan yang terbaik untuk sikan tempat kosong.
1. %other p#ts on her _______________ before she starts cookin in the kitchen.
A scarf B apron
C towel D blo#se
!. Every day1 < comb my _____________ before < o to school.
A hair B nose
c ears D teeth
'. -ina br#shes her ______________ before she oes to bed.
A mo#th B teeth
C eyes D head
,. < like fr#it. %y favo#rite fr#it is ______________.
A banana B lon bean
C cabbae D tomato
!es"#$% 1.&21
Choose the 'es" a%s(e) to complete the sentences.
Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat-ayat berikut.
1/. < bo#ht _________ #mbrella last week.
A : B an
C the D a
18. 4hat is the biest ship in ______ world.
A : B an
C the D a
19. %y a#nt is _______ doctor.
A : B an
C the D a
1;. <ntan __________ walkin home alone.
A are B were
C was D is
!=. %amat is my brother. _______ is very kind person.
A (he B 4hey
C He C <t
!1. _________ is yo#r hometown1 (amad$
A "here B "hy
C "hen C "ho
!es"#$% 22&2/
Choose the sentence with the 0$))e0" ,!%0"!a"#$%1
Pilih ayat yang mempunyai tanda baca yang betul.
!!. A <2m oin to the library1 siti.
B <2m oin to the library (iti
C <2m oin to the library1 (iti.
D <2m oin to the +ibrary (iti.
!'. A what is yo#r name$
B "hat is yo#r name$
C "hat is yo#r nameA
D "hat is yo#r name.
!es"#$% 24&2+
Choose the 0$))e0" s,ell#%2 for the iven options.
Pilih perkataan yang mempunyai ejaan yang betul.
!,. < like to eat _______________.
A ramb#tan B ramt#ban
C rambat#n D ramb#ten
!6. %y ____________ is a very handsome man.
A brother B borther
C bother D brethor
!es"#$% 2.&/0
+ook at the pict#re and then read the passae caref#lly. Based on the pict#re and the
passae1 choose the 'es" answer to fill in the blanks.
Lihat gambar dan baca petikan dengan teliti. Berdasarkan gambar dan petikan yang diberi,
pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk isikan tempat kosong.
!/. A He B (he C Her D "e
!8. A son B da#hter C mother D father
!9. A above B below C beside D behind
!;. A a B an C the D :
'=. A talkin B talks C talk D talked
!es"#$% /1&/+
*ead the letter below caref#lly and answer the ?#estions that follow.
Baca surat di bawah dengan teliti dan jawab soalan-soalan berikut.
&#an >aridah is at the b#s:stop. 5!/7 _________ is waitin for the b#s to take her
home. Her 5!87 _________ is with her. A ta3i is waitin 5!97 _________ the b#s
stop. 4here is also 5!;7 ________ blind man waitin for the b#s. A few school
boys are 5'=7 ___________ to each other.
%&' Taman Or"id, (asa 2
)$000 *etaling +aya
& -ay 200.
/ear 0ani,
How are you1 23m in the best of health. The 4*,5 e6amination ended
yesterday. How did you find it1 Was the ,cience paper difficult1 2 was very
nervous for the first paper but after that it was all right.
ll of us are very e6cited because the ,tandard $ teachers have planned
many activities for us. We will be having football and netball competitions.
nother outdoor competition will be hoc"ey.
There will also be chess and cong"a" competitions. ,hida, Tina and 2
will be signing up for the ,crabble competition. We cannot believe it but we
are actually ta"ing part in a talent contest too7 We are busy practicing for
t the end of the #ame 8arnival, there will be an awards presentation.
2nstead of the usual trophy pri9es, the pri9e committee will be handing out
boo"s and board games this year. Well. 2 studied hard for the e6amination and
now 23m going to be enjoying myself.
Ta"e care and hope to hear from you soon.
:our friend,
'1. %ala wrote the letter to
A ask -ani abo#t the B&(* e3amination.
B tell -ani that she st#died very hard.
C inform -ani abo#t the activities after the e3amination.
'!. Chess and conkak are #s#ally played ____________________.
A indoors
B o#tdoors
C in the field
''. How many competitions will %ala be takin part in$
A !
B '
C 6
',. 4he winners wo#ld most probably receive a __________.
A trophy
B book
C cash pri)e
'6. "hy do yo# think the teachers plan the @ames Carnival$
A 4he p#pils are very nervo#s.
B 4he teachers have worked hard.
C 4he p#pils will be actively involved in healthy activities.
Nama:______________________________________________ Kelas: _______
*ead the men# below caref#lly and #se the information to answer this ?#estion.
Baca menu yang diberi di bawah dan gunakan maklumat tersebut untuk menjawab
soalan ini.
A"& &4R5ER
Dasi lemak E coFee G 1M 4.::
$ish and chi&s E drinks G 1M
$ried chicken E sou& G 1M 4.9:
Steak E mushroom sou& G 1M
Dasi lemak E coFee G 1M ".::
$ish and chi&s E drinks G 1M
$ried chicken E sou& G 1M ".%:
Steak E mushroom sou& G 1M
6A62 "47A
EAT258 STA77
Dasi lemak E coFee G 1M ".%:
$ish and chi&s E drinks G 1M
$ried chicken E sou& G 1M 4.::
Steak E mushroom sou& G 1M
A7 Complete the table below based on the information iven.
Lengkapkan jadual di bawah berdasarkan maklumat yang diberi tersebut.
T4,e $5 5$$*
6)#0e $5 5$$*
ABC C$)%e) 6a7 Hassa%8s
9am#l4 S"all
Ka7# B$la
Ea"#%2 S"all
-asi lemak C coffee
5'7 _________ *% ,.== 597 _________
517 ________________________
*% 8.6= 567 _________ *% /.6=
>ried chicken C so#p
5,7 _________ 5/7 _________ 5;7 _________
5!7 ________________________
*% 16.== 587 _________ 51=7 ________
51= marks7
!es"#$% 2B
<f yo#r family decided to eat o#t which stall wo#ld yo# prefer to o$ @ive reasons for yo#r
Sekiranya keluarga anda ingin keluar makan, gerai makan yang manakah akan anda
cadangkan? Berikan sebab-sebab anda membuat pilihan tersebut.
< prefer to o to ____________________________________________beca#se

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