Modul G-Cakna 1 Paper 1
Modul G-Cakna 1 Paper 1
Modul G-Cakna 1 Paper 1
Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 12 halaman bercetak dan 1 halaman tidak bercetak
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12 / 1 Questions 1-10 are based on the information given. 1 Read the notice below and answer the question that follows.
The person most likely to use the utensils above is a ! " # $ carpenter butcher chef fishmonger
%tudy the poster below and answer the question that follows
This poster warns us not to ! " # use the brush for painting touch the paint because it is still wet walk under the wet paint touch the wet brush
Read the short te't below and answer the question that follows s my friend was passing the elephants+ he suddenly stopped+ confused by the fact that these gigantic creatures were being held by only a small rope tied to their front leg
The word gigantic above can be replaced with ! " # ( tall broad huge tiny
%tudy the cartoon below and answer the question that follows
The boy is worried because ! " # ) he does not like to be in the slow class he has no friend in the slow class he has no smart friend in the slow class to copy from no one will lend let him copy in the slow class
%tudy the dialogue below and answer the questio that follows Azmin : My sister is such a bookworm. Her room is now filled with books Rozalin : Really ! wish ! could say the same for my sister
*rom the dialogue above+ we know that ,min-s sister likes to read books
" ! " # . Ro,alin-s sister loves books ,min-s sister filled her room with worms ,min-s sister likes the bookworms %tudy the notice below and answer the question that follows
/hich of the following statements best e'plains the sign above0 ! " # cyclists should get off their bikes here cyclists should cycle up the mountain cyclists cannot stop here cyclists cannot ride the bike anymore
%tudy the table below and answer the question that follows. Monthly budget of a family. Item of Expenditure *ood "lothing 3ouse Rent *uel and 4ighting 2iscellaneous Total Family Budget R2 .00 R2 100 R2 (00 R2 100 R2 &00 R2 1)00
The family spends least of their e'penditure on ! " # miscellaneous fuel and lighting food house rent
Read the letter below and answer the question that follows
$ear Aunty Mei% ! ha&e been li&in' with my 'randma since my (arents 'ot di&orced three years a'o. )ow my father has remarried.He wanted me to li&e with him. *ut ! don+t like his new wife. ,o me% all ste(-mothers are bad. .lease hel( me. ! don+t want to break m father!s heart but ! really hate ste(-mothers. /wee 0an% 1ota *haru.
/hat is the letter mainly about0 ! " # %wee 4an-s step-mother %wee 4an-s feelings towards step-mothers suggestion about living with her step-mother request for information on 63ow to be a 7ood %tep-mother8
The phrase to 6break my father-s heart8 means ! " # to agree with her father to disappoint her father to scold her father to hate her father
%tudy the map below and answer the question that follows
2 ! fish pond " church # sundry shop Questions 11-$0 ;ach question in the te't below refers to a numbered blank. *or each question+ chose the best answer from the options +!+" and # to fit the numbered blank. *ireflies or <kelip-kelip- as they are locally known+ are actually tiny beetles which live amongst mangrove leaves. They can be found inlarge numbers ......=11> ?ampung ?uantan in %elangor. Their bodies give off a greenish glow which at night+ @@@@@@@@@ =1$> very much like a tiny spark of fire. They nightly spectacle of thousands of twinkling light @@@@@@@@ =1&> the banks of %ungai %elangor at ?ampung ?uantan+ attracts hordes of visitors to the area. :n fact+ @@@@@@@@@@ =1(> little creatures are one of the most spectacular insect shows in the world. This has @@@@@@@@@@=1)> the livelihood of many of the local residents and increased the need to plan for the future. @@@@@@@@@@@@@=1.> fireflies are dependent on mangroves+ the authorities must see to it that the mangroves survive if they hope to @@@@@@@@ =11> attracting visitors to ?ampung ?uantan. The fireflies of ?ampung ?uantan@@@@@@@@@ =15> been dubbed as eighth wonder of the world. :t is one of two places in the world+ the @@@@@@@@ =19> is along the ma,on River in !ra,il. ?ampung ?uantan is @@@@@@@ =$0> special because it is easily accessible whereas the one along the ma,on is not.
in at from about look looks looking looked under along among beside this that these those enhance enhanced
lthough 2oreover !ecause %ince keep keeps kept keeping has have had having other another same ne't most more
QA;%T:BC% $1 - $& Read the conversation below and choose the best meaning for the phrase underlined 2otherD #aniel+ can you pleaseclear up =$1> all the dishes on the table0 #aniel D %ure thing+ mum....but can you pleasehold on=$$>one second0 :-m doing my homework now. : will take care of it as soon as : could. 2otherD Co+ there-s no more time. Eou have to do it now if you want to turn up =$&> for your football practice on time.
$1. clear up . wash !. wipe ". empty #. remove $$. hold on . wait !. patient ". stop #. halt $&. turn up . start !. leave ". depart #. arrive
QA;%T:BC% $( - $. Read the conversation below and choose the best meaning for the phrase underlined fiq D : want to be as famous as Fustin !eiber one day. !y hook or by crook =$(> :-m going to do it. 2ui, D %top building castles in the air=$)>. :t is impossible for you my friend. fiq D #on-t underestimate me. Eou-ll never know what could happen in future.: might be more famous than himG 2ui, D 2aybe....but : would advise you to come down to earth =$.> now. Eou have a long way to go to become like him.
$(. !y hook or by crook ! " # with hard work through all the ways by all means by using the hook
$). building castles in the air . !. ". #. dreaming unrealistic thing building houses in the air making visionary plan construction building
$.. come down to earth . try your luck !. be realistic ". be less ambitious #. check your dream
$ate : 14 > 22 ?uly 2@12 ,ime : 5.@@ am > 3.@@ (m AweekdaysB 4.@@ am > #.@@ (m AweekendsB <enue : 8hantiCue 8ity Hall 6r'aniser : /ri Mutiara *ook /tore
/,6R7*661/% A8A$9M!8 *661/% 8661*661/% H9A0,H *661/% 9)87806.9$!A/% MA:A;!)9/% )6<90/ A)$ MA)7 M6R9........ T2 ! 6)$" !, 3. #$ 7#..8 09-33(( ::;; (M! <2+6) O! =)$)" %$ #" >>>.$!)'%")#!#/22*$.72'.'?
C2%32+$ 42! 5! D!)+*$1 Fill be 'i&en to schools which re'ister with us by 1# ?uly 2@12
:f you go on /ednesday for the !ook *air+ you can enter at ! " # 5.00 am 9.00 am &.00 pm ).00 pm
:f a school registered after 1) Fuly $01$ ! " # it will get free coupons it will get free drinks it will not get coupons for free drinks it will not get free coupons and free drinks
The !ook *air is held at %ri 2utiara !ook %tore ! "hantique "ity 3all " 2r /ong-s place # school
The phrase while stocks last is most probably a ! " # plan to sell all the books request to students tobuy all the books and maga,ines campaign by the book store to sell all the books gimmick by the organi,er to persuade students to purchase books.
/hich of the following statements is * 4%;0 ! " # ll books and encyclopedias are offered at a )0I discount 2aga,ines are offered &0I less than the books ;very student must register with 2r /ong before they can enter the !ook *air *ree drinks will only be given to the schools which has registered
Questions && - (0 Read the passage below and choose the best answer for the questions that follow. This story is about a king who was fond of hunting and was always accompanied with a wise minister who was very close to him. This minister had a habit of saying to everyone+ J/hatever happens+ it happens for goodJ. !ut this annoyed the other ministers in the court and they all started to condemn the wise minister . K Bne day+ during one of the hunting e'cursions+ the kingLs toe finger was chopped off as he fell while chasing a wild deer. /atching the king groaning in pain+ as per his habit the minister couldnLt stop himself from saying+ J/hatever happens+ it happens for goodJ. %ince the king was the victim this time+ he was not amused. :nstead+ he got very annoyed with his minister-s words and instantly ordered his guards to put him in Mail. week after that+ the king went on another hunting trip+ this time alone. Anfortunately+ he was captured by the "annibals as he was on his way back to the castle. The king was brought to the cannibal-s place and was tied to a pole. /henhe was about to be killed+ they noticed that one of his toe fingers was missing. :n their old tradition+ they were not allowed to kill a person whose any body part was missing because it would bring them bad luck. %o+ they set him free. %afely back at his castle+ the king recalled the words of his wise minister and reali,ed how true his words were. 3e went to see the minister in Mail and humbly apologi,ed for his mistake. The king himself set the wise minister free. s he was about to walk out from the Mail+ the wise minister said to the king that it was good that he was in MailN. otherwise+ he would have to accompany the king for the hunting trip and surely he would end up being eaten by the cannibalsG
=e'tracted from inspirational stories>
/ho always went with the king in his hunting trip0 ! " # the ministers the cannibals the wise minister the guards
&(. 3ow did the king loose his toe finger0 ! " # 3e was attacked by a wild deer 3e was after a wild deer and fell /hen he was the victim in the hunting trip /hen thedeer chopped off his toe fingers
The word <instastly can best be replaced with ! " # as soon as possible very soon on the spot immediately
/hat saved the king from being killed by the cannibals0 ! " # his missing toe finger the pole the old tradition the wild boar
&1 The phrase <they were not allowed to kill a person whose any body part was missingmeans that the cannibals are ! " # &5 frustrated superstitious humble coward
The king set the wise minister free because ! " # he was clever he was innocent he didn-t make the king angry anymore he wanted to tell the minister about the cannibals
/hat made the wise minister think that he surely would be killed by the cannibals0 . !. ". #. 3e always accompanied the king 3e always made fun of the king 3e was not handicapped like the king The cannibals liked him better than the king
/hich of the following statements is True0 ! " # The wise minister laughed at the king when he lost his toe finger The king was in pain as he went after the wild deer The king regretted putting the wise minister in Mail The cannibals let the king go when they realised that the wise minister was not with him.