Interview With Vander Zee

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Modern Homoeopathy Monthly E- Newsletter August 2008

Interview with Dr. Harry Van Der Zee MD.

Interviewed by Dr. Pawan S. Chandak

Dr. Pawan S. Chandak: Dear Dr. Harry, Welcome to . We are !eel"ng happy to ha#e w"th you today. Nowadays many homoeopaths are us"ng $atents, com%"nat"on, %"ochem"cs, mother t"nctures at a t"me. What do you th"n& due to such th"ngs "s there any chance o! 'uppress"on ( What)s your #"ew towards concept o! suppress"on as told %y Dr. Hahnemann. Harry Van Der Zee: *han& you !or your welcome and "n#"tat"on Dr $awan. *he "dea o! suppress"on "s connected to !ear, and !ear + %el"e#e "s not a good gu"de. *h"s doesn)t mean "t "s not poss"%le to suppress symptoms. +t)s poss"%le and any person w"th a same m"nd w"ll a#o"d suppress"on "! s,he "s aware o! "t. *o wor& as a homeopath though gu"ded %y a !ear to do someth"ng wrong, suppress"on or whate#er, "s not the %est way o! %e"ng creat"#e. And creat"#"ty, %e"ng open to what a pat"ent needs, "s a prere-u"s"te !or ha#"ng good results. Homeopathy can %e used on many le#els and + apprec"ate all o! them. *he le#el used "s depend"ng on many !actors. .et me /ust d"scuss a !ew. +t depends on the s&"lls and nature o! a homeopath what would wor& %est "n pract"ce. 'ome w"ll ha#e the %est results us"ng a cl"n"cal approach, e#en "nclud"ng com%"nat"on remed"es, whereas try"ng to wor& w"th #"tal sensat"on would turn "nto a d"saster. Another !actor "s a #ery pract"cal one, t"me a#a"la%le. +! hundreds o! people are on your doorstep e#eryday you need a system that "s e!!ect"#e, cost"ng l"ttle t"me.

0lass"cal homeopathy, certa"nly as "t "s used "n Europe and the 1' "s somewhat el"t"st as to the amount o! t"me and money "n#ested per consultat"on. Also not all pat"ents are "nterested "n deep d"gg"ng "nter#"ews. 'uppress"on "n a sense summar"es the whole human cond"t"on. We are suppress"ng our true nature and deny the oneness w"th our source and due to that su!!er. $ush"ng symptoms away w"thout %ecom"ng aware o! the"r root "s m"ss"ng an opportun"ty, %ut we should not %e a!ra"d that through th"s the opportun"ty "s lost. Actually we ha#e ne#er lost contact w"th our true nature, only the awareness o! "t. Although "t seems l"&e there "s a royal way "n homeopathy that goes to the core and can %r"ng true trans!ormat"on, ma&"ng the symptoms o%solete, th"s doesn)t mean that homeopaths !ollow"ng others ways that !"t %etter to the"r nature are do"ng wor& o! less #alue. 2el"e#"ng that would %e suppress"ng our colleagues, so let)s not do that, and st"c& to our own %us"ness. How + wor& w"th pat"ents and someth"ng %etween me and the pat"ent, and "! you l"&e 3od. What goes on %etween other homeopaths and the"r pat"ents "s s"mply not my %us"ness, and assum"ng to &now what "s %est !or them "s #an"ty.

Dr. Pawan S. Chandak: 0an you please tell us a%out your l"!e !rom ch"ldhood t"ll now. Also tell us any spec"al reason %eh"nd +nterest 4 0on#ers"on "n Homoeopathy ( Harry Van Der Zee: + hope you do not m"nd that + &eep th"s short. + was largely asleep unt"l my n"neteenth when my present w"!e opened my heart and her w"se !ather my m"nd. +n that t"me + started med"tat"ng and stud"ed a w"de range o! top"cs around ph"losophy, rel"g"on, psychology etc. At some po"nt + dec"ded that the growth o! human potent"al was what + wanted to wor& w"th pro!ess"onally. + had no "dea yet how and dec"ded that study"ng med"c"ne !"rst would g"#e me the %est range o! opt"ons. A!ter !"n"sh"ng my stud"es + had "nter#"ews w"th pat"ents a"m"ng at gett"ng awareness a%out what was really the "ssue w"th them, what was the story the"r symptoms were tell"ng them. *h"s was reward"ng %ut someth"ng was m"ss"ng. + !elt + needed a tool to %e a%le to use the "ns"ghts more to the %ene!"t o! the pat"ent. +n a ser"es o! dreams + was then made aware o! homeopathy. What + &new a%out homeopathy d"d not "nterest me. E#en "! w"thout s"de-e!!ects, the concept o! as p"ll !or a compla"nt was not my &"nd o! th"ng. A!ter these #ery "nterest"ng gu"d"ng dreams + #"s"ted a homeopath"c doctor and then heard a%out class"cal homeopathy, the wor& o! 3eorge 5"thoul&as, and understood that homeopathy "n essence "s concerned w"th gu"d"ng a person "n un!old"ng h"s or her true potent"al. *hat)s when + started study"ng and pract"c"ng homeopathy.

Dr. Pawan S. Chandak: Who "s the Man 2eh"nd you "n your Homoeopath"c ."!e. + mean who "s your 3uru or *eacher or 3u"de or +nsp"rer(

Harry Van Der Zee: + th"n&, start"ng w"th 5"thoul&as, there ha#e %een many all at the r"ght t"me and place. *he gu"de that %rought me my dreams + ha#e no name !or %ut he "s the most "mportant one. Many years later + met h"m "n a dream, a w"se old man spar&l"ng w"th l"ght. We em%raced and !rom that day on my caseta&"ng "mpro#ed cons"dera%ly. When + later read 6a/an 'an&aran a%out 5"tal 'ensat"on + real"sed that + had &"nd o! naturally de#eloped a s"m"lar approach o! com"ng to the core o! the case. +n recent years my wor& "s mostly !ocussed on wor&"ng w"th collect"#e a!!l"ct"ons, l"&e ep"dem"cs and collect"#e trauma. Actually try"ng to address the -uest"on )what needs to %e cured) on a collect"#e le#el. Here homeopathy has huge potent"al %ut we ma&e l"ttle use o! "t. My "nsp"rer here has %een $eter 0happell.

Dr. Pawan S. Chandak: What "s your op"n"on a%out the present trends "n Homoeopathy as regards #ar"ous Approach, hypothes"s and %el"e!s w"th respect to - class"cal homoeopathy e-u"#alent to s"ngle dose and s"ngle remedy etc ( Harry Van Der Zee: homeopaths are as "nd"#"dual"st"c as the solut"ons they see& !or the"r pat"ents. +)m open to many approaches as long as + can somehow understand the reason"ng %eh"nd the hypothes"s and can !"nd con!"rmat"on "n the results. *he concept o! one dose o! one remedy !or one pat"ents that w"ll wor& !or a l"!e t"me "s an "deal concept. W"th some pat"ents we get close to th"s "deal, other may need a more #ar"ed approach. As soon as we start to ma&e rules o! how a homeopath should wor& we may %e sure there w"ll %e cases that w"ll !a"l unless we %rea& the rules. 'o ta&"ng what the pat"ent needs "s !or me a h"gher source than any theory. ."&e w"th cancer, pat"ents somet"mes get se#eral remed"es and many doses and w"th success. 't"c&"ng to the rule o! s"ngle remedy would mean g"#"ng up the pat"ent. We should always try to treat the largest mean"ng!ul total"ty that we can perce"#e and "! support"ng that w"th a organ or d"sease spec"!"c approach "mpro#es the results, go !or "t. Dr. Pawan S. Chandak: W"ll you please tell me "n %r"e! status o! Homoeopathy "ncludes your personal e7per"ence or pro%lems you ha#e !aced "n Homoeopath"c $ract"ce "n Netherlands. Harry Van Der Zee: *he Netherlands allow homeopaths and pat"ents a lot o! !reedom so "n pr"nc"pal th"s "s a great country to l"#e and wor& "n as a homeopath. *he greatest pro%lems, "! not all, + encounter "n mysel! and not "n the outs"de world, although + may tend to pro/ect them there. Dr. Pawan S. Chandak: What)s your #"ew towards Necess"ty !or repro#"ng o! homoeopath"c med"c"nes wh"ch were pro#ed dur"ng Hahnemann"an t"me(

+s "t really necessary and "! yes does "t can %r"ng change "n our Mater"a Med"ca w"th new d"sco#er"es ( Harry Van Der Zee: any pro#"ng w"ll !or sure g"#e more "n!ormat"on, and w"th the de#elopment o! consc"ousness and change o! culture "n the world pro#"ngs o! today w"ll g"#e other "n!ormat"on than those per!ormed "n Hahnemann)s t"me. 8or me pat"ents that ha#e responded #ery well to a spec"!"c su%stance are a r"ch well o! "n!ormat"on to learn more a%out that su%stance. Espec"ally regard"ng the general theme and the trans!ormat"on the su%stance "s connected to. W"th more and more su%stances our mater"a med"ca and repertor"es w"ll %ecome #ery mass"#e, l"&e a /ungle w"thout a map. De#elop"ng "ns"ght "nto what a su%stance "s really a%out "s essent"al. A well understood su%stance may need /ust one page and whate#er the symptoms "n a pat"ent are "! the core matches that "s the most "mportant th"ng. Ha#"ng 900 pages a%out a su%stance w"thout any "dea a%out an essence or central theme "s d"!!"cult. Here do"ng a new pro#"ng m"ght help, or "nter#"ew"ng a pat"ent that %y luc& got "t and made a drast"c change may help. Dr. Pawan S. Chandak:+s there any necess"ty !or up gradat"on o! :th ed"t"on o! ;rganon o! Med"c"ne ( Harry Van Der Zee: <es, %ut the homeopath"c commun"ty "s not ready yet to accept the conse-uences. We need to %e w"ll"ng to th"n& %eyond Hahnemann, to l"&e h"m &eep as&"ng -uest"ons and loo& !or answers. Hahnemann m"ght "! he had st"ll l"#ed pro%a%ly pu%l"shed h"s 20th ed"t"on %y now.

Dr. Pawan S. Chandak: 5"ews regard"ng +mportance o! d"agnos"s o! d"sease "n Homoeopathy. +s "t must ( Harry Van Der Zee: not always. +n those cases where the s"m"ll"mum "s enough to !ully o#ercome the d"sease the d"agnos"s "s "rrele#ant. +! the s"m"ll"mum does not cure then &now"ng the d"agnos"s may help to understand the process, to &now what the course w"ll %e, and to &now your l"m"tat"ons. Another "mportant reason "s %ecause a d"sease spec"!"c homeopath"c approach can complement the s"m"ll"mum. +! a pat"ent responds well to the s"m"ll"mum %ut "s not !ully cured, the symptoms o! the d"sease are those we need to prescr"%e on to get %etter results. *h"s "s where class"cal and cl"n"cal homeopathy complement each other, and where a =th ed"t"on o! the ;rganon should %e spec"!"c a%out. ;!ten "t "s hard to !"nd one remedy that co#ers the total"ty o! a d"sease so cl"n"cal homeopaths ma&e com%"nat"ons. $eter 0happell !ound a way to ma&e a s"m"ll"mum !or a d"sease w"thout us"ng su%stance. *h"s "s a #ery prom"s"ng de#elopment ma&"ng "t poss"%le to complement the s"m"ll"mum !or the pat"ent w"th one !or the d"sease.

+)#e seen wonder!ul results "n cases where the pat"ent s"m"ll"mum alone was not enough. Dr. Pawan S. Chandak: D"str"%ut"on o! $re#ent"#e med"c"ne "n #ar"ous 3enus Ep"dem"cus l"&e 0h"&ungunya, 5"ral !e#er, 0on/unct"#"t"s. Are you agree"ng w"th 3enus Ep"dem"cus concept o! Dr. Hahnemann "! not then why( As Dr. $ra!ul 5"/ay&ar d"sagree 3enus Ep"dem"cus concept ( Harry Van Der Zee: Also here + !eel a new ed"t"on o! the ;rganon could go "nto more deeply. W"th ep"dem"cs and other collect"#e d"seases we should understand that now "t "s not an "nd"#"dual that "s "ll, %ut a collect"#e. *he genus ep"dem"cus approach "s e7actly the same as "nd"#"dual prescr"pt"on, %ut now the total"ty "t "s prescr"%ed !or "s not one human %e"ng %ut one human collect"#e. 8or d"seases l"&e these we should loo& !or remed"es that can %e g"#en to cure and pre#ent, "deally one remedy !or one d"sease. +! w"th ep"dem"cs l"&e A+D' or malar"a we would treat enough "nd"#"duals we may e7pect that the role and purpose o! the d"sease w"ll %ecome !ul!"lled w"thout ha#"ng to cause more su!!er"ng. Here we are treat"ng the collect"#e, so we need to get an understand"ng o! the role and purpose o! collect"#e d"seases, o! what needs to %e cured "n the collect"#e. Homeopathy has hardly %egun to understand the poss"%"l"t"es here, let %e to "mplement them. My wor& r"ght now "s %as"cally on th"s, w"th A+D' "n A!r"ca as the ma"n !ocus. Dr. Pawan S. Chandak: What)s your op"n"on a%out the M"asmat"c class"!"cat"on made %y some homoeopath l"&e 0ancer M"asm, Malar"a M"asm, A+D' M"asm ( +s "t necessary to ma&e separate class"!"cat"on rather than Hahnemann"an class"!"cat"on $sora, 'ycos"s, 'yph"l"s. Harry Van Der Zee: Aga"n a su%/ect where a ne7t ;rganon could shed more l"ght on. 8"rst o! all the understand"ng o! m"asms "s #ery l"m"ted. +n homeopathy we actually only loo& at one aspect o! them, pathology. +n my understand"ng m"asms are l"&e collect"#e archetypes that are "nstrumental "n %r"ng"ng a%out change and e#olut"on "n the collect"#e. *he !ormat"#e !"eld o! the change that "s needed can %r"ng a%out a collect"#e d"sease as e7press"on o! th"s and as "nstrument to %r"ng a%out th"s change "n "nd"#"duals and the collect"#e. *he results o! th"s d"sease and how th"s cont"nues to "n!luence the l"#es o! pat"ents and the"r o!!spr"ng "s what we call m"asms. A deeper understand"ng o! them would "nclude the"r role and purpose, and ma&es clear that m"asms are not someth"ng to !"ght %ut deser#e our apprec"at"on and ass"stance "n %r"ng"ng a%out the change they ser#e w"th less su!!er"ng. All the d"sease you ment"on a%o#e, %ut also trauma on an "nd"#"dual or a collect"#e le#el are related to m"asms. Actually trauma seems the !"rst e7press"on !ollowed %y ep"dem"c d"seases, l"&e cholera !ollows the out%rea& o! war, or recurrent tons"ll"t"s an une7pressed gr"e!.

Dr. Pawan S. Chandak: What ad#"se you w"ll g"#e !or younger homoeopath"c generat"on. As there "n d"!!erent 'chool w"th d"!!erent op"n"on all o#er the world l"&e 'an&aran, $red"ct"#e Homoeopathy, 5"thoul&as, 'ehgal group etc. Harry Van Der Zee: +)d say !ollow your heart and !"nd your own path. Although all these schools and approaches may %e con!us"ng "t "s also a wealth to %e a%le to choose !rom so many. Any o! these approaches and teachers are wonder!ul. <ou as a student need to !"nd the one that "s wonder!ul to you today. Dr. Pawan S. Chandak: *ell us more a%out 6esearch wor& done %y you or any pro/ect or study "n wh"ch you are wor&"ng( *ell us more a%out your wor& w"th $eter 0hapell on $09 Harry Van Der Zee: ;ur research concerns the e!!"cacy o! $09 !or H+5,A+D' "n A!r"ca and +nd"a. A!r"ca %ecause there "s where 2> m"ll"on "n!ected people are wa"t"ng !or help, +nd"a %ecause w"th an "nc"dence near"ng 9? and a wealth o! homeopath"c doctors "s the %est place to do a proper study. 8rom cl"n"cal e7per"ence we &now $09 wor&s #ery well. +t "s the %est homeopathy has to o!!er !or A+D', and %ecause "t "s a s"mple genus ep"dem"cus approach, also the most pract"cal one. Espec"ally "n A!r"ca, where there are only a hand!ul o! homeopaths, an approach %ased on one remedy !or a d"agnos"s demands l"ttle s&"lls and t"me "s "deal. Dr. Pawan S. Chandak: 5"ews regard"ng com%"nat"ons "n Homoeopathy( Are you "n !a#or or not ( +! "n !a#or then how 4 why( Any 6esearch %ased /ust"ce you can g"#e !or "t ( +s "t go"ng to harm the Hahnemann"an concept o! '"ngle med"c"ne or ;rganon o! Med"c"ne ( Harry Van Der Zee: As + sa"d a%o#e a com%"nat"on o! a pat"ent spec"!"c and d"sease spec"!"c approach "s an "mpro#ement "n homeopath"c methodology. +t "s "ntell"gent, pract"cal and e!!ect"#e, and a%solutely "n l"ne w"th Hahnemann)s th"n&"ng. When the s"m"ll"mum has done what "t could a new prescr"pt"on should %e made %ased on the rema"n"ng symptoms. $ro#"ded that the s"m"ll"mum !or the pat"ents was "ndeed well chose what w"ll rema"n are symptoms typ"cal !or the d"sease, and !or these a second s"m"ll"mum should %e prescr"%ed. Dr. Pawan S. Chandak: *ell us more a%out your wor& on A+D'

Harry Van Der Zee: *h"s "s st"ll grassroots wor& %ut someth"ng +)m happy to spend my t"me and energy !or. A+D' "s a%out trans!orm"ng the -ual"ty o! "nt"mate relat"onsh"ps. A+D' "s a%out trans!orm"ng egocentr"c and sel!"sh !orms o! relat"onsh"ps to those %ased on genu"ne lo#e, care and respect. + w"ll tell more a%out th"s dur"ng my sem"nar "n Mum%a" 'eptem%er 2=. 'een "n th"s l"ght A+D' "s a g"!t to human"ty, %ut one rece"#ed w"th much su!!er"ng. *here "s not one s"ngle soul "n A!r"ca that "s not su!!er"ng !rom the A+D' m"asm, e"ther %ecause o! %e"ng "n!ected, or %y los"ng dear ones. W"th $09 we hope to %e a%le to help the A!r"can people and A+D'-pat"ents "n other countr"es to ma&e the soc"al change "t "s related to w"th less su!!er"ng. *hat a dear w"sh Dr. Pawan S. Chandak: What)s your op"n"on on the concept o! )1npre/ud"ced ;%ser#er) How you apply "n your pract"ce or How you g"#e d"rect"on to your students ( Harry Van Der Zee: +)#e stopped pr"#ate pract"ce and teach"ng to !ocus on A+D' so r"ght now +)m not the r"ght person to as& th"s -uest"on to. What + can say "s that cur"os"ty "s a good start. 2e"ng really cur"ous to get to &now a person, the symptoms, the story %eh"nd them, the real state %eh"nd them. 8orget what you %el"e#e you &now "s another one. .et go o! the "dea that you are respons"%le o! !"nd"ng a remedy another. Dr. Pawan S. Chandak: Now many new med"c"nes are emerg"ng that ha#e not %een pro#ed yet. What "s your ta&e on th"s "ssue(. *here "s lots o! de%ate on th"s "ssue. Harry Van Der Zee: +! + understand the hypothes"s, the theory, + ha#e no pro%lem. None o! $eter 0happell)s remed"es had "n"t"ally %een pro#en. ;ne A+D'-pat"ent %y narrat"ng the ama@"ng e!!ect o! $09 on h"m re#ealed to me the whole story. More + d"d not need to &now. $ro#"ngs are wonder!ul and homeopaths should do them a lot, %ut there are more ways o! gett"ng to &now a su%stance and to "gnore them "s not "n the "nterest o! our pat"ents. He who cures "s r"ght, so let the results spea& !or themsel#es. Dr. Pawan S. Chandak: Any %oo&s or pu%l"cat"ons %y you ( Harry Van Der Zee: M"asms "n .a%our Homeopathy !or 2"rth *rauma AmmaAA!r"ca Manual

Dr. Pawan S. Chandak: *han& you so much !or shar"ng your l"!e and thoughts w"th us today. +t has %een a pleasure to hold th"s d"scuss"on and + hope the "nteract"on w"ll cont"nue "n !uture too to support our common goal o! promot"ng homeopathy. *han& you Harry Van Der Zee: than& you $awan, you and your readers are most welcome.

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