see every remedy in materia medica has extremes of state. This idea was first explained by my teacher
dr sudha iyer in college days. Since then it stuck me that a remedy’s journey is like a pendulum –
hovering between two diametrically extreme poles .and if we understand this it may open a lot of our
prejudices as regards to any remedy -
now we study the common remedies in both these rubrics – nux –v , croc-s, anac,acon, carb-v,staph,
carc, nit-ac, nat-m, ign,ars , phos .
so every remedy has its own reasons for being in both states.
nux- v-in boedlers psychic causes – we have - Nux vomica is highly achievement-oriented and develops a
conscientious attitude about trifles, while tending to remorse and self-blame. Guilt feelings may grow in
reaction to the tendency to fault-finding, criticism, and impatient anger toward others. Nux vomica is
irritable, exacting, and fault-finding, attempting to guide people to perfection of performance. These
patients withhold their devotion when events do not measure up to their expectations.Also we have in
hering guiding symptoms - Anger with habitual malicious, spiteful disposition.
Oversensitiveness to external impressions; noise; smells; light and music, or the most trifling ailments
are unbearable and affect him much.
Oversensitiveness, every harmless word offends, every little noise frightens, anxious and beside
themselves, cannot bear the least, even suitable, medicine.
But it has a softer side too – nux may be affectionate , we see it in the rubric - mind; ABRUPT;
affectionate, yet (5) : aur-m., lyc., nat-m., nux-v., PULS. The source is gallavardin for nux in that rubric –
So we read nux from gallavardin- Affectionate and sensitive to others' opinion, always with an optimistic
view. They are condescending and sympathetic.
croc sativa – stapf mentions in his additions to mm pura- - The manners of a person who is related to her
and whom she loves, excite her anger; she is on the point of braking out when she feels calm again; at
the next moment this calmness seems to her weakness, she is vexed at her weakness, and her anger
becomes greater than ever; this vacillation of temper, which is by no means common to her, lasts
several hours; 2 d., towards evening. A slight cause excites his anger, which he is sorry for the next
moment; it returns again soon, because his calmness prevents him from giving vent to his passion;
generally he exchanged a hard word which he was about to utter, with a milder; this then appears too
mild to him, and he selects again a harsher word, which he again exchanges for a milder, and so on in
talking, thinking and acting; after several days: evening.
croc is also in rubric - mind; ANGER; alternating with; repentance, quick (14) : aloe, alum-s., anan., bung-
f., caras., Croc., dys-co., lac-h., lyss., mez., olnd., Scorp., Sulph., vinc.
Blackwood writes about croc - Physiological Action. This agent in small doses so exhilarates the spirits
that the subjects that the subject ascends to the heights of happiness, while presently they are in the
deepest rage. It should be studied in cases of HYSTERIA, when the above symptoms are present,
together with CHANGEABLENESS of the MENTAL SYMPTOMS. at one time excessively happy and
affectionate, followed by rage; or from the greatest hilarity to the deepest despondency.
staph – in staph we see lot of pent up anger and that is evident in various spheres of the body – voice
lost during anger, trmebling during anger,etc.
In links 2000 analysis under a case we have a mention – nat-mur has an aversion to consolation and he
doesn't have the characteristic explosion of rage. Natrum is rather melancholic, while Staphysagria is
affectionate, lovely, and sympathetic but sometimes there occurs an explosion of anger.
ign –in allens handbook we have Anger at slight blame or contradiction, and this makes him angry with
himself; Anger at slight contradiction. Ill humor; from headache; towards evening, and discontented,
obstinate; and absorbed in himself.
And we have sankaran mentioning in soul of remedies– about ignatia - The signs of such emotional
investment are two-fold:
1. She tries not to hurt anybody; she even suppresses her own feelings, and bears her suffering
silently. She is sympathetic, affectionate, caring (Ailments from cares), conscientious and duty conscious
(Delusions, she has neglected her duty); she is also yielding and cheerful, with undemonstrative grief.
2. The second aspect is attention seeking behaviour, which is hysterical - convulsions, pain, globus,
spasms, choking, sighing, childish behaviour, selfishness, etc. She may also weep, sob or shriek for help.
This kind of sadness and weeping are precious to her, because it means the attention of others is drawn
to her. Therefore, she resists consolation or any attempt to bring down the sadness. She enjoys the
sadness (Phatak's Rep.).
Similarly we have to study other remedies from as many books in our literature to understand this
polarity of remedies !!.