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The Human Stereotypes: Human, #17
The Human Stereotypes: Human, #17
The Human Stereotypes: Human, #17
Ebook186 pages2 hours

The Human Stereotypes: Human, #17

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Stereotypes are adopted, imprinted knowledge and impressions that you have about specific types of people and about specific ways of thinking and doing things. More precisely, stereotypes are socially imprinted knowledge, helping you fulfill your needs, knowledge that you acquire and propagate directly or implicitly. When they are successful and in demand, stereotypes propagate themselves to all individuals of any group, and then to all interacting groups, offering to people the possibility of sharing all the necessary subconscious successful information needed throughout fulfillment, and offering the subconscious information needed in coping with society and with the environment, fulfilling needs, and overcoming problems.

Stereotypes offer you a way to do things, mostly subconsciously, anything that anyone does, anything necessary for you, anything successful. Even more, all stereotypes offer you accurate ways of fulfilling needs, only that these specific ways may or may not be efficient, harmless, legal, or moral. Yet they work for others and for you, and therefore you manage in this manner to fulfill your lower level needs, through stereotypes, and not through your own reasoning.

Yet you are always in control of your decisions, rationally or stereotypically, and therefore you may choose to have an accurate, accepted moral behavior, or a stereotypical one instead, based on everything good and bad that you learn knowingly or unknowingly from your colleagues and friends.

Throughout this book, you understand how stereotypes integrate within your cognitive system, how you acquire stereotypes and how you imprint them in those around, how society uses stereotypes to manage your thinking and behavior, and how you may identify, discard, modify, or adjust your stereotypes, increasing your accuracy and success throughout life.

Release dateDec 17, 2017
The Human Stereotypes: Human, #17

Valentin Matcas

Valentin Leonard Matcas, M.Ed., is a Researcher, an Author, a Physicist, a Mathematician, and an Educator, currently studying, researching, and writing fiction and nonfiction. A graduate of universities from the United States and Canada, Valentin Leonard Matcas taught Physics, Mathematics, and English in Europe and in North America, while doing research in Physics and Mathematics.   Valentin Leonard Matcas created the following analytical models in Psychology, Biology, Physics, and Sociology: cognitive and social model for the human needs, models of modes of life, cognitive model for the human intelligence, model for this Reality, for other realities, and for the One, model for life in all forms and from all realities, study of the Human Civilization, study of the human status and rights, depiction of the hierarchy of intelligences, model for the human health and lifestyle, models for the human behavior, development, and developmental patterns, model for the human condition, models for the conscious, subconscious, highconscious, and classconscious intelligences, true model for the Human Society, model and depiction of the Human Conspiracy, models for the Higher Laws and for the Natural Laws of the Universe, study and depiction of human abilities, model of the Field and of our environment, model for Existence, study and depiction of timelines and lifelines of causality, and a lot more. All these form a comprehensive, greater model for you, for this world, and for your place and meaning in this world. As an enthusiast of Science Fiction, Valentin Leonard Matcas writes about terrestrial and alien civilizations, about life in the Universe and about the way it develops across galaxies. Valentin Leonard Matcas wrote ‘The Culling,’ ‘The Storyteller,’ and ‘Starship Colonial.’  When he is not writing, Valentin Leonard Matcas enjoys studying, hiking, swimming, kayaking, skiing, snowboarding, riding his bikes, listening to good books and podcasts, listening to good classical music, playing good strategy video games, and so on. Follow his research and discover all his books!

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    Book preview

    The Human Stereotypes - Valentin Matcas

    1 Your Stereotypical Experience in a Stereotypical World

    Stereotypes are adopted, imprinted knowledge and impressions that you have about specific types of people and about specific ways of thinking and doing things. More precisely, stereotypes are socially imprinted knowledge, helping you fulfill your needs, knowledge that you acquire and propagate directly or implicitly. When they are successful and in demand, stereotypes propagate themselves to all individuals of any group, and then to all interacting groups, offering to people the possibility of sharing all the necessary subconscious successful information needed throughout fulfillment, and offering the subconscious information needed in coping with society and with the environment, fulfilling needs, and overcoming problems.

    Stereotypes offer you a way to do things, mostly subconsciously, anything that anyone does, anything necessary for you, anything successful. Even more, all stereotypes offer you accurate ways of fulfilling needs, only that these specific ways may or may not be efficient, harmless, legal, or moral. Yet they work for others and for you, and therefore you manage in this manner to fulfill your lower level needs, through stereotypes, and not through your own reasoning.

    Yet you are always in control of your decisions, rationally or stereotypically, and therefore you may choose to have an accurate, accepted moral behavior, or a stereotypical one instead, based on everything good and bad that you learn knowingly or unknowingly from your colleagues and friends.

    Throughout this book, you understand how stereotypes integrate within your cognitive system, how you acquire stereotypes and how you imprint them in those around, how society uses stereotypes to manage your thinking and behavior, and how you may identify, discard, modify, or adjust your stereotypes, increasing your accuracy and success throughout life.

    Stereotypes are everywhere, making you believe everything. According to your favorite dictionary or encyclopedia, stereotypes are over-generalized beliefs about a specific category of people. Stereotypes are generalized because one assumes that the stereotype is true for each individual person in the category. While such generalizations may be useful when making quick decisions, they may be erroneous when applied to specific individuals. Stereotypes encourage prejudice and may arise for a number of reasons.

    Therefore, it is enough to refer to people in general according to their skin color, gender, ethnicity, nationality, genealogy, minority, age, or religion, and you are stereotypical in this world. This is the case with the official definition of a stereotype, while from the start, it is a stereotype even to assume that this specific definition of a stereotype is accurate. Furthermore, it is another stereotype to assume that everything that is official, accurate, or factual is accurate in this world, since it is not always the case. You have to be very careful with the knowledge that you assimilate and use in this world, otherwise, you become erroneous, stereotypical, and many times, you become harmful in this world. Because as stated previously, stereotypical behavior can certainly harm this world.

    Can words actually harm this world? Not, but thinking does, since it leads to decisions, which further lead to behavior and social interaction, therefore leading to social harm and social loss, and you see it in the news. You have to be very careful with your knowledge and not only with your words, because, over ninety-nine percent of your current knowledge about yourself, about your thinking, about the human mind, and about this world in general is erroneous. And this is the case because most of the knowledge that people assimilate is erroneous, stereotypical, and consensual in general.

    What exactly is consensual knowledge, and how can you ever use stereotypes unknowingly? But more importantly, how can you ever have more than ninety-nine percent of your knowledge about this world erroneous? Could it not be the other way around, you having one percent of your knowledge inaccurate, probably because you use only one percent of your brain throughout life just because humanity can never understand the human mind to be able to use it at its full potential, as science already states? No. Yet it is another stereotype to assume so, but let us see why, before this world is harmed even more.

    The above definition of a stereotype taken from the most famous online encyclopedia is only partially true, it is truncated deliberately, and it is important to know why and how it happened. Because stereotypes do not apply only to people and groups of people but to knowledge, impressions, and concepts just as well, while they apply only to what you accept from other people directly, knowingly and unknowingly, because everybody does so.

    Is this true? Can the official definition of a stereotype be erroneous this entire time? And can we ever find a better definition? Let us search for more definitions of a stereotype. In the same encyclopedia, even on the same page, we find another definition:

    A stereotype is a preconceived notion, especially about a group of people. Many stereotypes are racist, sexist, or homophobic.

    We notice the words ‘especially’ and ‘many’ referring to more than people, to everything else, to all knowledge. But we find yet another definition of a stereotype, on the same page, in the same encyclopedia:

    A stereotype is a conventional or formulaic conception or image.

    We are certainly getting closer to the truth, that stereotypes refer not only to people and groups of people, but to all knowledge, mostly to knowledge accepted and used unknowingly, just by following the crowd, since this is how stereotypes work. While as you notice, it is significant to find out why would anyone alter knowledge itself from its very roots, and most importantly, why this happens exactly with stereotypes, the term and concept depicting people assimilating and using knowledge knowingly and mostly unknowingly while following the crowd.

    And who exactly can tell us the truth? Authorities always define and tell everything, otherwise you have chaos in this world, or this is what the same authorities claim, in an extraordinary conflict of interest, probably harming this world. While these same authorities consider themselves the shepherds of the crowd, they implement the idea or stereotype that all crowds need authorities, they make the laws and knowledge necessary for the crowd, and as we see now, they make it so precise, that they are capable to control not only the crowd, but the crowd’s thinking, judgment, decisions, and behavior, making people govern themselves exactly as authorities want them in the first place. Because while the crowd has its official authorities instated by politics and justice, the invisible authorities above these manage to govern the crowd not only through the visible laws of politics and justice, but through these invisible stereotypes that we study throughout this book.

    All authorities are democratic, or this is what they claim, which means that authorities follow the majority, or the crowd, in their needs, likes, and choices. But when you have groups of people, even majority groups of people deciding definitions, concepts, and knowledge in general, you end up with consensual knowledge, and not with accurate knowledge.

    There is a significant difference between consensual knowledge and accurate knowledge, because while all consensual knowledge is agreed or decided upon by a group of people, accurate knowledge relates directly to the natural laws of this world, maintaining accuracy with this world itself. Force will always equal mass times acceleration accurately, regardless of what people decide in this world one day, since it relates to this world directly. Two plus two will always equal four accurately, because you can always count four elements and not otherwise, regardless of what the people may decide one day even in their majority.

    And as you notice, it is significant to consider the difference between the consensual and the accurate, mostly in this study about stereotypes, since stereotypes are based exactly on fiat or consensual knowledge, consciously and unconsciously, and not necessarily on accurate knowledge. Because there are very influential people who will do everything to fulfill their agenda, they can alter knowledge and events altogether, and even more, they can alter your own knowledge, thinking, and mind in general, even with you never realizing it. And this happens, regardless if you are from the Masses or higher above. This is exactly what stereotypes do with or without your knowledge, and this harms this world, with you making everything possible, knowingly or unknowingly.

    Which exactly are the best definitions to use in general? What is the best dictionary to follow? Where is the actual, accurate knowledge? And more importantly, are you ever allowed to use accurate knowledge beside the consensual, predefined knowledge assigned to you according to your degree, income, education, ideology, jurisdiction, hierarchy, and social status? And isn’t it discriminatory to divide and constrain this world in this manner in the first place? It always depends on your authorities. Or this is the case as long as you live your life at an underdeveloped level, under servitude, since under servitude, two plus two will always equal whatever they want from you. And even more, you are doomed to accept knowledge stereotypically, knowingly or unknowingly, as long as you ignore the actual, accurate knowledge, and as long as you remain incapable to use accurate knowledge throughout an accurate reasoning. However, it is more likely that you accept everything that you are told, in order to have a better income, social influence, social status, and business opportunities, regardless of your knowledge and cognitive capabilities.

    But where exactly can you find accurate knowledge? Is it within the Masses, since the Masses are not as rigidly controlled in society? Is it in the Brotherhood, since these are always self-assured of their incredible potential and achievement? Or is it in the hidden Elite and in its advanced technology? Yes, since accurate knowledge can bring you very advanced technology in a very short time. Yet there is significantly more related to accurate knowledge than forbidden technology, since you cannot even have an intelligent human environment, lifestyle, and civilization without accurate knowledge. And this actually harms this world, since this world cannot even exist in its natural state through consensual and altered knowledge, since the consensual is never the accurate, the living, the real, and the natural.

    Where can you find the exact, accurate definitions of all words, of all concepts, of all knowledge? Beware, since you might not even be allowed to seek accurate knowledge in the first place, since your jurisdiction, ideology, government, and Brotherhood might forbid you to step outside their rigorous sets of beliefs and laws, with all stereotypes included, since stereotypes are specific forms of beliefs.

    While so many people die while seeking accurate knowledge and while sharing it with others, but shouldn’t people be the ones deciding what words to use and under what circumstances, consensually? Certainly, as they please, and they do so in a consensual, decided, agreed manner, but not always in an accurate manner, for various reasons, through ignorance or through various agendas that come from society and from further above. People have decided in a similar consensual manner the word ‘stereotype’ to mean stereotypical, fiat, consensual, agreed, or decided knowledge thousands of years ago, even before the current age, before the current authorities. While the current authorities have changed the concept ‘stereotype’ to refer to people alone, but not to all knowledge, for various reasons. However, people can never choose, decide, or change concepts, since concepts are rigidly part of this world, since they are already rigidly defined by the natural objects, subjects, and laws of this world. ‘Cats’ are always cats, and so are ‘rain’ and ‘abundance,’ they are always what they mean. These objects and subjects are always present in this world, they are rigidly part of this world, along with their concepts, while people may decide only what words to associate to them, since they cannot change objects and subjects. And more importantly, they cannot change the concepts associated with them either, since these are unique, for as long as they remain accurate. Or if people change concepts, they do so erroneously, just because accurate truth is unique, making accurate concepts unique.

    This is how the accurate concept ‘stereotype’ remains unchanged in this world, and it means adopted, imprinted, agreed, consensual knowledge about anyone and anything. Because any group of people may change the word attached to the concept ‘stereotype’ into anything, but this will always mean commonly adopted imprinted knowledge, since this is the concept that some people coined the first time, thousands of years ago. And we honor it today because it had been already coined in the past, and so we use it throughout this study. Because there are many concepts undiscovered today, and we have to coin the words and definitions ourselves.

    There are cases when the authorities of knowledge past and present alter definitions and entire concepts for various reasons, yet it is still possible to spot them, as we do now with the concept, term, and word ‘stereotype,’ by studying its etymology. While there are cases when authorities of knowledge hide entire concepts along with all knowledge associated with them for various reasons, mostly to maintain themselves in power, since they always did and still do so. And there are cases when authorities hide systematically concepts associated with objects, subjects, and events in this world, and then they hide them even more by not even associating words to them. Because once you find these tricks and diversions, you find the reasons behind this entire misleading and generated ignorance and control. And it is important to know everything, if you happen to live your life at a developed level.

    Your authorities do not allow you to reason independently, since all ideologies, hierarchies, and jurisdictions strive to maintain their integrity by banning independent reasoning and therefore by infringing cognitive freedom. While as you study history, no authority is capable to remain in power for more than a term or regime, and they crumble down helplessly, regardless of what they once claimed and intended. And the new authorities rise to alter the human knowledge even more, and everyone follows.

    And therefore, now it is only a matter of how determined you are to remain accurate and therefore meaningful in life and in this world, because if you prefer status and privileges against truth and meaning, then you may simply read all mainstream books, you may assimilate everything that authorities demand through orders, beliefs, stereotypes, propaganda, and indoctrination. And do not worry, your authorities will never drag you down whenever they fall, but you still have some time left to turn around and harm them along with everyone else, in order to save yourself.

    Yet if you are more developed, you always prefer accuracy and meaning in life and in this world. While the available accurate knowledge is never enough to sustain a full development, since this is censored and you cannot find it. Since if you are not careful, you end up with a mind full of stereotypes, inaccurate beliefs, and entire irrelevant or harmful ideologies, and these

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